Tame times alberton 7 april 2015

Page 1



Delivered every Tuesday

Volume 06, 07 April 2015, Week 15


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tame TIMES supports SAAM and the “red your lips” Campaign Last week, the community was up in arms about the old Alberton Town Hall on the corner of Van Riebeeck Avenue and Gerrit Maritz Street, when it came to the attention of the Alberton Heritage Society that renovations were taking place without the necessary permit. The permit must be issued by the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority – Gauteng (PHRA-G). A notice was served on 27 March

to cease all building/alteration/demolition activities immediately. Beverley-Ann Small, Chair of the Alberton Heritage Society, stated that operations have been stopped, which was in a way a victory for the Alberton Heritage Society. ‘’This was a huge injustice to the Alberton people with the Ekurhuleni Metro thinking they can destroy our heritage by scarring a building in the way they had anticipated,’’


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she added. In terms of Section 34 of the Act in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act No, 1999, a building of older than 60 years may not be altered without the necessary application, documents and permission. See page 3 for more information about the building, as well as the response from kwpCREATE.



Jou gemeenskap

07 April 2015

tame TIMES.co.za


in die suburbs

Op ys, ja, op ys Deur Stefan van Niekerk

As die swaeltjies in ‘n lang ry gepak op die telefoondraad sit is dit nie omdat hulle warm kry nie. Dit beteken winter is op pad. Hierdie voëltjies vlieg jaarliks duisende kilometer van kontinent na kontinent agter die somer aan, amper soos afgetrede Albertonners met karavane wat in die winter in Scottburgh se karavaanpark gaan uitspan. Jy weet die winter is op pad as die einste voëltjies, of naby-familie, jou nie meer soggens halfvyf wakker tjirp nie. En die son kom ‘n uur later op as in Desember, en gaan ook vroeër onder. Daar is ‘n byt in die lug waar daar vroeër nie ‘n byt was nie en skielik reën dit ook minder. Seisoensverandering is seker ‘n goeie ding, maar dis nie noodwendig altyd lekker nie. So, ons moet begin om onsself voor te berei. In die winter eet ons outomaties meer omdat ons koud kry, so, die eerste voorbereidingswerk is: verloor gewig - gaan stap ‘n paar keer om die blok na werk terwyl dit smiddae nog lig genoeg is. As swaeltjies 8000 km kan vlieg na die woude in Duitsland kan jy dit maak om om die blok te stap. Identifiseer ook iemand wat vir jou en jou familie truie kan brei vir die koue dae en nagte. Gewoonlik is ouerige dames die beste kandidate, mens kan hulle in die kerk of in supermarkte identifiseer, hulle lýk net soos breiers. Laat hulle vir jou truie brei, ter voorbereiding. Begin ook nou al sopresepte bymekaar maak. Daar is niks so lekker soos sop in die winter nie (sê diegene wat nog nooit ‘n Whopperburger van Burger King oor hulle lippe gehad het nie). Onthou net, as ‘n mens alkohol by sop voeg kan dit nie meer as ‘n sop geklassifiseer word nie, dit staan dan bekend as ‘n gedokterde bredie. Bly by natuurlike bestanddele vir die beste resultate. Soos wortels, uie en raap. Raapsop is altyd ‘n treffer. So - die winter is oppad, mens kan dit aan die swaeltjies sien. Maar as ‘n mens daarop voorbereid is, kan hulle maar met liefde vertrek, ons sal hulle nessies vir hulle op ys hou tot hulle terugkom.

I can’t believe that it is April already. A quarter of the year has officially passed and it feels like yesterday when we celebrated the beginning of 2015. So much has happened in these three months, which can make a person feel overwhelmed at times - such as last week’s short week with a tight deadline. But it gave us the opportunity to place some informative

and really important editorial. The month of April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The ladies decided to join the ‘’Red My Lips Campaign’’ for the month, and we would like to invite everyone to take part. I like to think of different aspects in life as balls you get to handle. Some are rubber balls, and if you drop one of these, there is a chance for it to bounce back and you can catch it again. Some aspects, such as your health, are like glass balls. Once you drop it, it will never be the same again. Stress can ruin your health. Have a look at our health and wellness feature on page 12 and take the stress test. The schools will start again soon and page 11 gives you some important information on products, nutrition and anxiety when it comes to children who suffer from ADHD. Remember to nominate your local community hero before the end of April. See page 5 for details, as well as our hero of the week, Sgt Mgdezi from the Alberton SAPS. We hope our readers had a blessed Easter weekend and wish them a wonderful week ahead!

Happy reunion 90 years young

Gladys McTagget celebrated her 90th birthday recently. A son who had been missing for more than 18 years was reunited with his family after Alberton SAPS employee Mrs Cordier saw a photo that was posted on Facebook by his mother. The young man, who used to stay on the streets of Alberton, claiming that he did not have a family after being informed that they had all passed away, was also shocked to find out that they were still alive and had never stopped looking for him. The confusion was caused by domestic issues, resulting in no case being opened as no crime was committed. The Station Commander Colonel Kubone was there to hand over the young man to his mother.

Gladys McTagget, or Granny Mac as her church family at the Alberton Christian Fellowship calls her, celebrated her 90th birthday at the church on 24 March. Members of the congregation honoured her with heartfelt messages and thanked the Lord for the wonderful 90 years He has spared her on earth. The members of the congregation said that Granny Mac has made an enormous impact on their lives and that it was a wonderful privilege to be able to celebrate the special day with her.

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Editor: Monica Supra, monica.supra@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za

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07 April 2015

tame TIMES.co.za

OF THE OLD ALBERTON TOWN HALL While the Town Council had intended to utilize the nearby Market Square to build a bigger Town Hall, a public outcry against the use of a public open space necessitated enlarging the existing hall. In April 1937 architect Gerhard Moerdyk of Pretoria was appointed to investigate the possibilities. Rather than to demolish the building, he decided to enclose the

The hall was completed and inaugurated on April 29th 1938. The first Council meeting took place in the Council Chamber on April 28th. Throughout the years, the hall served as administration offices, bioscope (from 1919), Barclays banking room (from 1920), dance hall, venue for the Dramatic Society, YMCA and boxing hall amongst others. The first social function took place on August 14th 1920, being a fancy dress dance. In 1923 the hall was let out during the day to the nearby Alberton Government School as an extra classroom. An avenue of dwarf privet trees was planted around the border of the stands.


Response from

The history The Alberton Town Hall, situated on the corner of Van Riebeeck Avenue and Gerrit Maritz Street, started life in 1919 as a simple rectangular hall, designed by Architect P. Rodgers-Cook from Benoni. The hall was opened in April 1920, but it was decided not to include a foundation stone, since the intention was to enlarge the hall as soon as more money became available.


original hall and unusually high foundation with offices, Council Chamber, Reception Room and Rates & Taxes Hall. Moerdyk recommended using Nebel from Pretoria as builder. The hall was completed and inaugurated on April 29th 1938. The first Council meeting took place in the Council Chamber on April 28th. The Rates & Taxes Hall moved from the Town Hall to the new Civic Centre in New Redruth in September 1983.


kpwCREATE have been appointed to prepare documentation for the temporary conversion of the Old Alberton Town Hall as a holding building as offices for office staff from the EGSC Germiston Head Office building while it is being renovated. The various proposals were submitted and approved through the normal EMM processes. In order to facilitate the temporary use of the building for offices, some upgrades and renovations were proposed. Note that all the internal changes to the layout for the office space are temporary. A removable, reusable partitioning and raised floor system will be inserted to accommodate the temporary services for the offices. All of these will be removed and used elsewhere once the EGSC Germiston Head Office building is compete and the proposed users of the offices can move back to Germiston. The Old Alberton Town Hall will then revert to being used as a town hall. The permanent upgrades and renovations to be implemented are concentrated on the

existing ablution facilities and some external work in front of the building to manage the existing storm water problem. This is necessary for the building to comply to current Health and Safety regulations as well as SANS building regulations. The internal upgrades are only fittings and finishes in the portions of the building that were additions post-1938. Previous additions on the East side of the hall were made by others. Further renovations include painting, fixing of floor finishes, fixing of the existing roof, and security upgrades. Externally no visible or permanent changes are being made to the building and all internal alterations are temporary and dry construction. EMM see this opportunity to use the Hall as temporary office accommodation as a method to do some sorely needed renovation to a building that would otherwise not have been allocated a budget for renovation. The upgrades will ensure the longevity of the Old Alberton Town Hall and will improve the usability of the Hall in the future.



07 April 2015

tame TIMES.co.za

Emmanuel word 11 Die oggend het afgeskop met ‘n opgewonde atmosfeer toe die Emmanuel groep hul 11de verjaardag gevier het. Tydens haar verwelkoming, het Marelie Rabie (leidster) kortliks die geskiedenis v a n Emmanuel vertel. Die gaskunstenaar, Julius van der Walt het begin met ‘n geestelike lied, met die oog op Paasfees Lydingstyd. Die gaste het spontaan meegedoen. OK Grocer Jacqueline Mall skenk al die afgelope 11 jaar die verjaardagkoek, hartlike dank. Die volgende vergadering vind plaas op 9 April en Joshua na die Reën is

die gaskunstenaar. Alle afgetredes welkom. Vir meer inligting, kontak Marelie Rabie gedurende werksure op (011) 864 1285.

Voor: Hannetjie Roux (nuwe lid), Martie van Vuuren, Fienie Bezuidenhout. Agter: Annetjie Smith, Marelie Rabie (Leidster), Julius van der Walt (gaskunstenaar), Gerrie Clark, Joey Basson (nuwe lid) en Riana Schoombie (nuwe lid).



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Met die winter wat nou regtig vinnig nader kom is dit lekker om hierdie week lig te laat skyn op ons “Blessing Blanket Projek” wat elke winter baie huise aan die werk kry. Sommer so kuier-kuier word sakke vol komberse gemaak waarmee die ysige winter se tande sag gemaak word.

GOEIE VRYDAG - dS WILLEM STRAUSS 3 april NAGMAAL DIENS : 8AM Die Blessing Blanket projek

betrek almal. Oud en jonk, man en vrou, almal neem deel. En die beste is dat jy nie eens nodig het om meer kan 6 Jesus is nie hier nie, God het Hom weer laat lewe.naadwerk Onthou julle wat Jesuste vir julle vertel het toe julle nog in Galilea was? 7 Hy het gesê God sal Hom, die Seun van die mens, vir sondige mense doen as met ‘n sker sny en gee om dood te maak, hulle sal Hom kruisig, maar Hy sal op die derde dag weer lewe.” [lukas 24: 6-7] ‘n paar knope maak nie.


Die resultaat is ‘n “fleece” kombers, bestaande uit twee kleurvolle lae met pragtige fraiings reg rondom, wat die uitsluitlike doel het om

DAY CARE PROJECT CMR Alberton is launching a new Day Care Project. The project will pilot with two informal daycare centres in Alberton with the eye on future projects opening soon in Eden Park and Thokoza. The project leader Bee Lourens has done extensive research on the subject, as well as attending workshops at the Department of Education on this matter. The objective of CMR Alberton getting involved in this project is to help women who look after children out of kindness while their mothers are at work, as there is no one else

to take care of them. These wonderful ladies, however, need equipment to stimulate the children’s development. For CMR Alberton to be able to help these informal daycare centres, they need a few donations. If there is anyone out there that has a jungle gym, small plastic tables and chairs, any toys, bikes or ride-ons lying around, they should please contact Ankia or Bee at CMR Alberton at 011 907 2922.

Hierdie vrydag ruik die kerk anders ... die stilte voel geweeg en uitgeblaasde kerse verlig die tyding: “dit is volbring” Maar ek voel skuldig, al beteken dit ek is vry Dit is Getsemane waar ek kom bid In die hoop dat ek hom hier tussen die klippe sal vind Dit is Golgota waar ek woordloos staan en kyk hoe hy lyk Selfs die leë kruise getuig: “dit is volbring”

En in my hart breek dit, genade vir my ... My kelkie wyn My stukkie brood My plek aan die Heer se tafel, My aandeel in Sy dood My skuld, My seer, My probeer en probeer Word als oorskadu deur vanoggend se stilte: “dit is volbring” hierdie wete oorweldig my, maar vandag is ek vry.

Lydenstyd in die NG Kerk Alberton-Suid

iemand wat anders sou koud gaan maak. slaap (of sit en werk) te seën. Natuurlik is die projek ook Lydenstyd het begin met Aswoensdag 18 Februarie toe ons die groter as op ons gemeente - en aand ‘n diens gehou het wat afgesluit is met ‘n geleentheid toe ‘n Hierdie winter sal dit weer jy is welkom om deel te neem. kruis met as op elkeen se voorkop of hand geverf is. Die gebruik by gebeur. By NGkerke Alberton-Suid Kontak ons of help baie is om op Palmsondag kruisies wat ons van sommer plamblare gevleg saam kerk leer toe te bring. Die kruisiesas word dan gebêre en om soveel moontlik van sal ons weer byis mekaar die volgende jaar vir Aswoensdag verbrand sodat met die as weer hoe om Blessing Blankets te hierdie komberse te maak en op gelowiges geverf kan word. maak. Onskruisies sal weer deur die uit te deel. 29 Maart is dit Palmsondag. By die erediens 09h00 fokus ons op die Here se laaste leiding waar daehoor van Jesus se lyding wat begin het met sy intog in Jerudie nood salem groottoe is en dan ons mense palmtakke op die strate vir Hom oopgegooi het uitroepe van “Loof Hom wat in die Naam van die Here kom” . bes doenmetom daar Die week tussen ‘n tasbare verskil te Palmsondag en Paassondag staan bekend as



“Groot Lydensweek” en is die hart van die kerklike jaar wat die dieptepunt van die lyding van Christus herdenk, maar wat ook die wonderlike misterie van die evangelie vier.Van Maandag die 30ste tot Donderdag 2 April hou ons elke aand om 7uur ‘n halfuurlange byeenkoms. Op Goeie Vrydag, 3 April is daar ‘n erediens met nagmaal om 08h00 en op Sondag 5 April vier ons die opstanding van ons Here Jesus feestelik! Ons nooi graag almal in ons gemeenskap om hierdie paar dae saam met ons te kom vier. Ons wil graag hê dat die Here Jesus se teenwoordigheid ‘n werlikheid word in ons gemeenskap se harte. Mag almal wat in hierdie tyd Pase vier, waar hulle ookal is baie seën ervaar!


tame TIMES.co.za

07 April 2015

Using sport to fight crime

Sgt Mgedezi of Alberton SAPS is hard at work looking for crime-fighters around the Alberton area. Whether you are young or old, and whatever you do, Sgt Mgedezi is looking for you to help fight crime. You can join existing structures or bring forward an idea for fighting crime.

Sgt Mgedezi is seen here with the crime-fighters of Alberton North Squatter Camp who are using sport to fight crime. These crime-fighters play sport and discuss domestic problems to stop woman and child abuse and other related crime concerns.


Community hero of the week

discussing issues and crime concerns after getting some exercise and fresh air. She is also happy to help anyone who would like to become involved in fighting crime within the community, such as the Verwoerdpark domestic workers, who formed a crime watch.

VERWOERDPARK domestic crime watch

The Verwoerdpark domestic workers are willing to fight crime outside of their area. On 29 March they distributed pamphlets containing safety tips. Captain Matlou and Sgt Mgedezi were with them all the way as they went The Verwoerdpark domestic workers are now also from house to house helping to fight crime in other areas. to distribute more than She will be happy to assist. 2000 pamphlets. Domestic workers from Fighting crime is everybody’s business. other areas are requested also to join Even if you are not a domestic worker, them and form their own groups. there are other forums you can join. Act They can speak to their sector manager, now and help make Alberton a safer or phone Sgt Mgedezi on 011 861 6850. community.

Sgt Mgdezi Sgt Mgdezi is a treasure of the Alberton community, and we would like to thank her for her hard work and dedication to our safety. For the month of April, we are giving our readers the chance to let us know about the unsung heroes within the community. We want you to nominate someone you know or know of in

the Alberton or Germiston area, as the tame Community Hero. They will stand a chance to win R1000. If you know of someone truly making a difference in the community, send us their name, contact details and reason for entry by 30 April. Send your nominations to Monica.Supra@tametimes.co.za.


Our community hero of the week is without a doubt Sgt Mgdezi from Alberton SAPS. Sgt Mgedezi goes out of her way to involve the community in her efforts to make Alberton a more secure place for everyone. Sgt Mgdezi uses sport to keep people busy,


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Letters, opinions & news

tame TIMES.co.za



Join us for a Whao Oemf! Workshop session at Alberton Business Forum. Koos van der Merwe, our facilitator, will help you add serious OEMF! to your domain. Whether you are a business-owner, team member or anyone else, Koos will give you serious perspective on who you are and where you are going. Koos van der Merwe has more than 46 years of training experience that includes being a qualified teacher, industrial trainer, labour relations specialist and management developer. Presenter: Koos van der Merwe Date: 16 April 2015 Time: 15:30 for 16:00 Venue: Domino Dante 34 Piet Retief Street Alberton

Fees: RSVP:

R50 per member R100 for non-members Ronél Mellet admin@albertonbusiness.co.za

ANDRIËTTE NORMAN – 22 MEI Andriëtte Norman tree op 2 Mei by die NG Kerk Kliprivier op saam met Laerskool Randhart se Kiewietkoor. Die kerk is geleë in Croft Road, Kliprivier en die optrede begin om 19:00. Koste beloop R100 pp en R60 per kind onder die ouderdom van 16. Vir meer inligting, kontak Surette Potgieter op surettepotgieter@ gmail.com of 082 375 7321.

MANNE EN VROUE VAN DIE WOORD “Vroue van die Woord” kom bymekaar elke Donderdag oggend 09:00 tot 10:00 om saam te bid vir huwelike, ons manne, kinders en ons land, Suid-Afrika. Dit vind plaas by die groepleier, Magda Deysel, se woning (22 Orgideestraat, Brakenhurst). Vir enige navrae, kontak Magda Deysel by 084 406 9986. Jou plekkie aan die gebedstafel is oop. ‘’Manne van die Woord” bid saam elke Woensdag oggend van 06:00 tot 07:00 te Alberton Steel And Pipe se admin gebou (66 Sesdelaan, Alberton Noord). Vir meer besonderhede kan Pastoor Mark gekontak word by 071 207 3249. Sien jou graag daar.


Stepparent support group. 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. 09:00 – 11:00.

We extend a warm invitation to you to visit us at the

Dunamis Christian School Open Day JUNIOR PHASE (GRADE 1-3) 2 Grace Avenue, Lambton Date: 16 May 2015 Time: 09h00 - 13h00 SENIOR PHASE (GRADE 4-7) 55 Piercy Avenue, Parkhill Gardens Date: 16 May 2015 Time: 09h00 - 13h00 Applications will be open for Grade 1-7. Visit us to collect your application documents and to experience the intimate, caring environment of our school. For any questions, queries or registrations please contact us on 011 824 0145

St Andrews Presbyterian Church. 4 FH Odendaal Street, Germiston Contact Alice Swanepoel 082 541 1667.

Kamp. Dit is nou een ding wat ek nie geniet nie. Daar is vir my niks lekker aan kamp nie en ek maak geen geheim daarvan nie. So toe Gysie nou die dag voorstel dat ons gaan kamp, het ek amper op my rug geval. Ek maak dan geen geheim van die feit dat my stort-plakkies my seermaak tussen die

07 April 2015 tone, ek bang is vir slange en spinnekoppe nie en dat ek nie regtig mal is oor die idee van my enigste beskerming teen die gevare van die natuur, ‘n ritslsuiter is nie. Nietemin het ek maar myself emosioneel en fisies begin voorberei vir die groot tog na die wildernis. Tussen die navorsing van wat ek nodig het, het ek besluit om deur te druk, net vir Gysie om vir my die datum op die kalender uit te wys – 1 April… TIP: Maak grappies met mekaar, dit hou die lewe interessant.


‘How long before the labourers return, do you think?’ I said to Robert. ‘God only knows,’ he said, ‘they have their own customs here.’ That afternoon he accompanied me to the church to meet with Father Elam Ejua, a local priest. We talked for a while, mostly about his past and how he came to know God. But when I mentioned the railway, he immediately questioned my faith. I told him I had turned away from God when Annabel passed away. To my relief he didn’t pry further. But he did return to the matter at hand. As I gathered my thoughts, he said, ‘there will be no work until the mourning period of Mister Johnston is over. I cannot tell my people otherwise.’ It is only three days. I can wait three days. 21 February. – I watched from the railway as the indigenous people of Jinja marched into what I would call the wild but which was their natural surroundings. They chanted in rhythmic tones as they formed concentric circles around the pyre where Henry’s body was buried. Father Elam’s voice rose above the rest, announcing he was ready to give his sermon. Robert didn’t translate all of it, only the gist. On the walk back to the campsite Father Elam joined Robert and I. He wondered what I thought of the ceremony. ‘It was different,’ I said, to which he replied, ‘yes, many things in Africa are very different but also the same.’ I didn’t quite know what he was alluding to but, having not gotten much sleep last night with all the mosquitoes buzzing around, I thought it best that I not get into it. At this point I’d take his word for it. 27 February. – Days have been long since work has resumed on the railway, the air thick with dust. We’ve had to blow up various outcroppings of rocks that couldn’t be dug out. Over the resurrected earth, labourers busied themselves with picks and sledgehammers as they shaped and levelled the ground for the roadbed. Various heavyset men delivered rails being dragged across the dirt in a wooden cart to be set aside and supported by timber bedding. And as the hard sun traversed the African skies from the flat lands to the highest peak, the thunderous and foreign rhythm of steel on steel echoed into the wilderness. In the face of all this and as different as Father Elam made things out to be, working on the railway seemed rather familiar. I’m tired now. I shall write again when I get a chance. 2 March. – Some of the workers have fallen ill. They seem to be experiencing similar symptoms to what Henry did. I visited the hospital tent where Doctor Wilkinson kept them under observation. It was a large tent with many sick but everything seemed pleasantly under control; aides made their rounds, dipping rags into buckets of lukewarm water (the only kind of water temperature there is here), squeezing them

of their wetness and then laying them, damp, across patient’s foreheads. I suppose they hoped it would bring down their fever. While on his smoke break, I asked the Doctor if it was mostly malaria but instead of giving me a straight answer he said, ‘don’t worry son, their suffering is only transitory. Once they accept God into their hearts, He will grant them a full reprieve.’ On that note he stubbed out his half-smoked cigarette and went back inside the tent. I can’t say I’ve met a more unpleasant man. 5 March. – Things seem to have taken a turn for the worse. The ground under which we were supposed to lay the rails has become unsteady and the labourers refuse to continue if they must cross into what they term, ‘nchi ambayo haina mali yetu.’ Robert explained that they believe it is land that does not belong to them. I cried out that it is nothing but a piece of high and dry land! Who could it possibly belong to? Just then, Father Elam and his friend happened to pass by. ‘It belongs to Africa,’ he said, ‘takatifu ardhi, it is sacred land.’ He explained that where he is from, in Tsavo, it is believed that the land is protected by two maneless lions. ‘Yes,’ his friend said in support, ‘God calls them the Ghost and the Darkness.’ Father Elam continued by saying that if the land was dishonoured in anyway; the lions would prey on those responsible. Robert joked, ‘luckily we’re not in Tsavo.’ But Father Elam remained hard-hearted. He said, ‘in Jinja, it is much worse. It is believed that if you dishonour the land, you will be bitten by the tsetse fly and you will fall ill like your friend Mister Henry Johnston fell ill, and never recover.’ It was at that point that I had had enough and made for the campsite. 6 March. – For some strange reason, I stayed up half the night thinking about what Father Elam said. I just couldn’t seem to reconcile his idea of God and country. Then something occurred to me and I fell into a deep peaceful sleep and haven’t thought about it since. Father Elam doesn’t have the faintest idea of what he is talking about. The Ghost and the Darkness are nothing but a native superstition like avoiding stepping on cracks. Jinja is known to be a high malaria zone. There is no other possible explanation at all. 8 March. – As of yesterday we crossed into the sacred land of Jinja. Despite Father Elam’s resolve, a few have turned a deaf ear to his warning. Of the one-and-a-half thousand indigenous labourers, only one hundred and eighty, or thereabouts, have decided to remain on site. If the others refuse to return it could severely hinder construction. Tomorrow I will appeal to Father Elam and his followers. To be continued next week ...

07 April 2015

tame TIMES.co.za

Property & Development

3 February 2015


Greenovate Awards:



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Jessica from Glenvista asks Julian Cornofsky of Allegiance Properties:

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The Greenovate Awards – an exciting initiative launched by Growthpoint Properties and the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) – is set to inspire and encourage students of the built environment to discover, explore and invent ways to live more sustainably. It’s a competition where everyone wins. Werner van Antwerpen, Head of Utilities and Sustainability at South Africa’s largest JSElisted REIT, Growthpoint Properties, explains The challenge is for students to come up with ideas that would result in a research project that promotes a more sustainable built environment the Greenovate Awards will introduce university students to the thinking behind green building and encourage them to take it forward, into a better, greener future. He says: “The built environment has a major impact on the environment and sustainability. With the Greenovate Awards, we want to recognise excellence and innovation in students’ own understanding of green principles for the built environment, across all aspects and disciplines. These aspiring young professionals have the potential to transform the way we live, with gentler impacts on the world around us. The Greenovate Awards will link environmental challenges to innovative thinking.” According to the GBCSA’s Chief Executive Officer Brian Wilkinson, besides igniting a new wave of green thinking, the aim of the programme is also to educate as many property, construction and quantity

surveying en e rp Wern third year w t e r va n A n and honours level students as possible in green building principles. This includes awareness of South Africa’s own Green Star SA rating system. Wilkinson notes: “We want to encourage students to learn about green building and sustainability early on in their careers. Investing in the youth is investing in our future. These are tomorrow’s leaders who will take the green building movement forward and ensure it continues to innovate and inspire. Essentially, we want them to enter the market as advocates for green building with a passion to create better, more sustainable, cities, towns and neighbourhoods. We’re excited at the incredible potential of this programme.” The awards programme will be set up and piloted at the University of Cape Town, University of the Witwatersrand and University of Pretoria, and the competition will test the interest of both students and faculty. Yet, just like their vision for environmentally innovative thinking, the founders see the awards programme becoming much, much bigger. If the pilot is successful, it will be rolled out to all universities in the country with the appropriate built environment faculties. For its inaugural programme, organisers are not only looking for smart green thinking, but big thinking too. The challenge is for students to come up with ideas that would result in a research project that promotes a more sustainable built environment. These can be applied to any aspect of a building – design, development, planning, construction, materials – anything that makes the way we live greener and our environmental footprint lighter. Round one of the competition will take place internally and each university’s panel will select the top two projects submitted by student

groups. “Collaboration between different departments will be allowed. We really hope to see students placed in an environment that requires the use of an integrated approach to problem solving with a shared vision across all disciplines in the built environment,” says van Antwerpen. Workshops with industry professionals will run up until September and the top six projects will be selected by midNovember. The top six groups will then have the opportunity to present their projects to a panel of industry experts selected by the GBCSA and Growthpoint. A gala dinner and prize-giving will be held on 26 November to announce the overall winners. The winning group will receive the prize of a big stack of greenbacks for their big green idea – R30,000 in cash. They’ll also get to present their research to leading built environment professionals at the annual GBCSA Green Building Convention. But the benefits of participation go far beyond the winning prize. The programme will also provide students with an opportunity to work with leading industry thinkers and possibly expose them to exciting employment opportunities. It will give leading companies direct access to real talent. Students will also be exposed to The Green Star SA Accredited Professional Programme (GSSA AP), which will be made available to entrants at a discounted student rate. “This includes a supported online course and a face-to-face workshop. On completion of the GSSA AP Programme, students will then have the choice to go ahead and complete the online exam and become a GSSA AP and though it is not compulsory, it is definitely recommended,” Wilkinson says. Importantly, everyone is a winner when innovation for a greener, healthier, more sustainable environment is nurtured, and this is exactly what the Greenovate Awards are setting out to do.

If I am renting a house and I have been for many years, why would I need to buy a house? I understand the ‘investment’ side of buying a property, but I am not unhappy with renting. My husband is very interested in buying property, but I am not convinced.


Julian Cornofsky responds:

Hi Jessica, thank you for your question. The biggest thing you will ever purchase will be a home and, from an investment point of view, property will always go up in value. So, any money put into your investment reduces your capital outlay while the property increases in value. On the flip side, when renting, the old saying still stands: “Why pay someone else’s bond when you can pay your own?” After years of renting, the only money you get back when you move will be the deposit you put in at the very beginning. After owning a property, however, you will get back the money you spent and, 90% of the time, make a great profit as well. If you deal with Allegiance Properties, you will be successfully guided through a very exciting experience, with our assurance of longIf you have anyfor questions you would term profitability you and your husband. like Allegiance Properties to answer regarding buying, selling or even Julian Cornofsky renting homes, please email info@alAllegiance Properties legianceproperties.org. Our team will gladly respond.

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07 April 2015

tame TIMES.co.za



Brackendowns CPF and SAPS will be hosting an open family fun day in Mayberrypark.

This vehicle was recovered by members of Alberton SAPS before it was reported as stolen. No one was arrested.

Date: 25 April 2015. Time: 09:00. Venue: O.K. Centre Mayberrypark. BOOK YOUR STALL FOR R100. There will be plenty to eat, so come and enjoy the day with us and get your lunch and supper for the day so your mom / wife can have the day off to enjoy herself also. For the kids there will be jumping castles and many more to enjoy. For more info you can contact Leon or Antoinette at 072 087 8198 / 072 088 0563.

Dedicated members of Alberton SAPS give their all in fighting crime and in the process they stay alert and recover stolen or hijacked vehicles. Station Commander Colonel Kubone thanked the members for their good work.

No resolution in sight for service complaint

This water leak at the corner of Wyvern Way and Basilisk St Klippoortjie Park, was reported to Cllr Michael Kriek on 17 February 2015 by the community. It was reported to the Water Department several times without any success. On 24 March when it was reported again, a Ref no 1396813 was sent as confirmation

that the leak would be attended to. “The Water Department also phoned me saying they can’t find the address,” said Cllr Michael Kriek, so he confirmed it with them. Up till now, however, the problem has not been attended to and water is still running down the street, wasting taxpayers’ money.





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07 April 2015

tame TIMES.co.za

tame TIMES supports SAAM and the “red your lips” Campaign





The EPIC Foundation’s Comfort Pack project is aimed at various groups in crisis, including survivors of rape and abuse. This includes men, women and children. The objective of the project is to provide rape and abuse survivors with essential items to assist them during the initial reporting process at the police station. Once a statement is taken and the medical examination is completed, the victim will be given the opportunity to clean up. Everything needed for this process will be in the bag provided. Any clothing containing DNA will be kept by the police, so clean underwear is an essential item in the bags. Where possible, additional clothing will also be provided to the crisis centres. In most instances, when victims arrive at shelters, they do not have any personal belongings with them. The bags are provided to Victim Empowerment Centres (VECs) linked to police stations, hospitals, Rape Crisis Centres and various shelters in the province. These bags are not left at police stations. Handbags are used for women, kitbags or backpacks for men and for children two bags are prepared: a drawstring one with items for when the case is reported and backpacks for the court day. This week, we will concentrate on Children’s Packs. Listed below are the items needed for the packs:


Finding out that a potential paedophile has his or her eye on your son or daughter is frightening, but discovering that your child has been molested is absolutely devastating. The situation must be dealt with as rapidly as possible, but also with the correct sensitivity – for the sake of the rest of the family. Watch out for the signs listed below. Sexual abuse of children occurs in all cultures, socio-economic and racial groups.

WHAT IS CONSIDERED CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE? Child sexual abuse includes both touching and nontouching activities. Touching activities speak for themselves. Non-touching activities include inappropriate watching of a child undress or use the bathroom, or encouraging a child to hear sexual acts, to name a few.

WARNING SIGNS OF CHILD ABUSE Children often show us rather that tell us that something is upsetting them. There may be many reasons for change in their behaviour, but if you notice a combination of worrying signs it may be time to investigate the situation further. •Acting out in an inappropriate sexual way with toys or objects •Nightmares, sleeping problems •Becoming withdrawn or very clingy •Becoming unusually secretive •Unexplained personality changes, mood swings and insecurities •Regressing to younger behaviours, e.g. bedwetting •Unaccountable fear of particular places or people •Outbursts of anger •Changes in eating habits •New adult words for body parts •Talk of a new, older friend and unexplained money or gifts •Self-harming

•Physical signs, such as unexplained soreness around genitals •Not wanting to be alone with a particular person [parentsprotect.co.uk]

AGE-APPROPRIATE SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR We all know that children pass through different stages of development as they grow, and that their awareness and curiosity about sexual matters changes as they pass from infancy into childhood and then through puberty to adolescence. It can be difficult to tell the difference between inappropriate and age-appropriate sexual behaviour. Disabled children may develop at different rates, depending on the nature of their disability, and they can be more vulnerable to abuse.

ADULTS WHO WERE ABUSED AS CHILDREN The effects of sexual abuse can sometimes last into adulthood. If someone has been abused as a child, it is more likely that they will suffer abuse again. This is known as “revictimisation.” Some of these long-term effects include: • Emotional difficulties such as anger or low self-esteem • Mental health problems such as depression or eating disorders • Problems with drugs or alcohol • Disturbing thoughts and emotions • Poor physical health such as obesity • Struggling with parenting and relationships • Learning difficulties [nspcc.org.uk] Find help at Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children 011 484 4539

POWA (People Opposed to Woman Abuse) 083 765 1235 www.powa.co.za

Pack 1 (when case is reported) •A4-sized fabric drawstring bag •Surgical gloves •Panties/underpants (ages 2-12) •Small pack of tissues •Small pack of wet wipes •Soap (preferably bars) •Facecloth •Toothpaste •Toothbrush •Hairbrush •Hairclips and hairbands •Lip balm •Sanitary towels (individually sealed as 3 are placed in each bag) •Small brown paper bag •Notebook and pen •Colouring pencils or crayons •Colouring book •Plasters •Cold drink or small bottled water •Snacks (chips, sweets, biscuits) •Teddy or soft toy. •Additional items: tracksuits (all sizes) and small hand towels.

Pack 2 (for the court day) •Children’s backpack •Sweets, biscuits, dried fruit •Cold drink or small bottled water •Plasters •Notebook and pen •Colouring pencils or crayons •Colouring book •Activity toy to keep the child busy (lego, small puzzles etc) •Teddy or soft toy •Tissues and wet wipes Pack 3 (shelter welcome pack) •Toothbrush •Toothpaste •Baby lotion •Baby powder •Soap •Facecloth •Soft toy •Colouring book •Crayons •For babies, some items are exchanged with nappies. For more information on the EPIC Foundation, or to donate items, contact Alta McMaster on 082 940 6230 or info@ epicfoundation.org.za. tame TIMES will also be accepting donations for the EPIC Foundation. You can drop them off at the office at 91 Michelle Avenue, Randhart. We will ensure that the items are delivered to the EPIC Foundation.



07 April 2015

tame TIMES.co.za

WineStyle People’s Choice Awards

The WineStyle People’s Choice Awards are here with a first-of-its-kind wine competition where wines are judged not only by professionals, but by people in the hospitality industry and regular wine drinkers alike. Shouldn’t you trust your taste to an avid consumer, rather than only to a professional who judges it on criteria you don’t even understand? We think so - because friends don’t let friends drink bad wine. WineStyle People’s Choice has announced its medal winners for the 2014 awards. Join us to taste the cream of the crop: Double Gold, Gold and Silver medal winners. The event will take place in the Crystal Room at the Killarney Country Club in Houghton (60 Fifth Street, Lower Houghton) on Wednesday 15 April from 17:00 to 21:00. Tickets are R80 at the door, or available on Webtickets.

By Candace King

Mrs UN SA joining the 12 week Transformation Challenge Mrs UN SA, Desiree Oliphant has made the brave decision to come on board with the tame TIMES 12 week Transformation Challenge. Oliphant has agreed to be an ambassador for the challenge and says that she wants to encourage people, especially women, to take part and challenge themselves. She said she wants to be a role model and encourage people to lead a healthy and happy life. Oliphant said that she wanted to be an example to the people taking part in the challenge, and added that it will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Upon completion of the challenge participants will surely be transformed. During and after the challenge people will definitely see results; all they need to do is commit, she said. Oliphant says that she is ready to make a change and take the challenge head on. We want to dare you to do the same. Join Desiree Oliphant in the 12 week Transformation Challenge, challenge yourself and transform your body. Make sure you get your entries in by 13 April as the kick-off date for the challenge is 14 April. Mrs UN SA is ready for the challenge. The question is: are you?

For more information about the 12 week Transformation Challenge visit the tame TIMES website at www.tametimes.co.za or call Martin Dewee on 084 865 0000

KICK-OFF PHASE 3: 14 April 2015

Closing date for entries phase 3: 13 April 2015

To bant or not to bant, that is the question so many South Africans are pondering. With the inception of the Tim Noakes diet – an eating lifestyle that banting has become synonymous with – many have adopted a high-fat, low- carbohydrate diet which has become quite a phenomenon in the country. But banting is nothing new. Sports scientist Professor Noakes’s eating plan was originally prescribed in 1861 by surgeon William Harvey to undertaker William Banting, with great success. Appropriately dubbed the Harvey/Banting diet, banting grew in popularity and became the standard treatment for weight loss in all the major European and North American medical schools until it died down after 1959, when a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet became the latest food fad. Then in 1974 Dr Robert Atkins revived banting and the diet became a local hit in 2010 thanks to Noakes. Banting is all about a high-fat, medium-protein and low-carb way of eating. Fat has long been an eating enemy; however, good natural fats are highly welcomed in the banting diet. The diet also highlights how you should only eat when you are hungry and that snacking is a habit that should be stopped.

The tame TIMES banting challenge:

Several staff members at tame TIMES took up the challenge to live by the banting diet and around 100kg has been lost among eight staff members. tame TIMES encourages its readers to take up the challenge too – send us your banting diet stories and testimonies to candace.king@ tametimes.co.za Furthermore, grains and sugar are a no-go – interestingly, fruit is frowned upon in the diet, due to its high sugar content. So what does Noakes himself eat? Noakes told Heath24 that for breakfast he has eggs, bacon, sausages or cheese, yoghurt and the previous night’s fat/protein meal. For lunch he will eat cheese, nuts, biltong and for dinner one of the delicious meals from his Real Meal Revolution book, with lots of vegetables/salads. Noakes noted that once sugar and carbs are banished from your diet, your brain will automatically regulate the amount of calories you require and your body will eventually reach its ideal weight. Eradicating carbs can result in what is called “low carb flu” – which could include lethargy, brain fog, nausea, upset stomach and headaches. This is where the Noakes diet has come under fire. Noakes has been deemed number one public health enemy by some, and has been called both deluded and dangerous. Critics have raised concerns about his diet, pointing out that it may cause nutritional deficiencies and increase the risk for heart disease, diabetes mellitus, kidney problems, constipation, certain cancers and excessive iron stores in some individuals in the long term. Despite the flack, Noakes has stuck to his guns. From 19 to 22 February, the first international low-carb, highfat banting summit was held in Cape Town in an effort to share views and research on food as medicine, and medicine as food. Attended by 400 doctors and dieticians from around the globe, the summit was hosted by Noakes and organised by Karen Thomson, granddaughter of the late pioneering heart surgeon, Prof Chris Barnard. In conclusion, it was agreed that saturated fat in the diet is beneficial and that low-carb is the way to go. The summit ended with speakers calling for a bottom-up dietary revolution – a return to eating ‘real,’ unprocessed, unadulterated, ‘clean’ food.

07 April 2015

Back to School

tame TIMES.co.za





Dr. Kenny Handelman, a child psychologist and expert on ADHD, recommends that the parents of ADHD children follow these steps in order to face the challenges ahead:


As the school holidays draw to a close, we all dread getting back into that routine of getting up early, taking the kids to school and filling our days with school activities. This is even more so for both the parents of children with ADHD, and the ADHD child himself. Preparing the child with ADHD to get back into routine is vital for a smooth transition out of the holiday mood.

1- Implement ‘school bedtime and awakening time’ a few days before school actually begins. This will help children adjust to the normal ‘back to school’ routine with less fuss. 2 - Make a daily schedule for your child’s day. Include things like recess, lunchtime and any after-school activities. Let the child take it to school, so that he knows what to expect. 3 - Buy some new stationery: for example, some fun pens or a new pencil-case. This will encourage them to cheer up and look forward to the new term. 4 - Plan a special activity to take place in the weeks after school resumes. This way you give ADHD children something to look forward to. 5 - Be sure to schedule ‘fun time’ with your child on a daily basis. Twenty minutes playing ball or going for a walk together will not only give them time to relax but will also strengthen your bond.

AT WHAT COST? Exposing the impact of poverty on school life

OPINION PIECE BY LIZETH KOTZE for their unfortunate circumstances. Lately, some schools have even begun to require each child to have their own personal iPad. This puts the less fortunate child under even greater financial stress. In order to try to level the playing field, experts recommend that all teachers should receive training to improve their understanding of


Poverty affects every area of a child’s life and it is no different at school. What they wear or eat, the quality of their stationery and their inability to afford school camps makes less well-off children stand out. Having less than others or what some might call inferior stationery or uniform items, leaves them feeling excluded and stigmatised. In extreme cases they are bullied because of this. Obviously this has a negative impact on their self-esteem and in the long run it could cause them to miss out on the opportunity to obtain a decent education. Consuming a diet with little nutritional value, affects children’s concentration, which also has a negative impact on their educational performance. Educational costs make up a large part of a family’s budget, with school uniforms often a huge expense. In some cases the uniforms are sold by a single supplier, who pushes the prices sky high since he has no competitors. In general schools are known for picking on children for wearing inappropriate uniform items, but is this really fair? Computers and an internet connection are increasingly necessary these days for schoolchildren in order to complete certain assignments. In cases where children do not have access to these types of facilities, they simply fall behind and are thus penalised

poverty. They also recommend that school uniforms should be replaced with a simple coloured uniform which should be widely available. Sew-on logos could be issued to distinguish between the different schools. School uniforms have their benefits, and stationery is essential, but these items should be made more affordable and more readily available. What is your opinion? Let us know at Lizeth.kotze@tametime.co.za


lunchbox ideas Select foods from all the food groups every day. Here are some suggestions:

Breads and starches

Fats and oils

• Wholewheat muffins or muffins made

• Use mashed avocado

with fresh fruit like banana or dried fruit, such as raisins/sultanas/ dates

(instead of margarine)

• Granola cereal or unbuttered popcorn

Drinks and liquid foods

• Rice cakes (buy various flavours)

• Milk (plain or flavoured)

Protein foods • Lean cold cuts (ham, beef, chicken)

• Drinking yoghurt • Soups (keep hot in flask during winter)

• Grilled chicken pieces (wings or drumsticks) • Boiled eggs

Milk and dairy foods • Yoghurt • Cottage cheese • Cheese spread

Fruit and vegetables • Dried fruit and fruit rolls, dates • Vegetable muffins (grated carrots and baby marrows can be added to a basic muffin mix) • Pumpkin fritters

(Source: Health24.com)


Health & Wellness

07 April 2015

tame TIMES.co.za


Lizeth Kotze lizeth.kotze@tametimes.co.za

Whether it is caused by the short-term frustration of a traffic jam or the trauma of a major negative life event like divorce or job loss, psychological stress can affect our bodies and thus our health. Stress thresholds, however, vary from one individual to another – for example, a job that is very uncomfortable for one person could be exciting for someone else. Although experts believe a small amount of stress is beneficial, 70% of General Practitioner visits may be linked to stress. [mentalhealth.com]

Signs and symptoms of stress overload (www.helpguide.com) Cognitive & Emotional Symptoms • Memory problems • Inability to concentrate • Poor judgement • Seeing only the negative • Anxious or racing thoughts • Constant worrying • Moodiness • Irritability or short temper

• Agitation, inability to relax • Feeling overwhelmed • Sense of loneliness and isolation • Depression or general unhappiness Physical & Behavioural Symptoms • Aches and pains • Diarrhoea or constipation • Nausea, dizziness • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat


• Loss of sex drive • Frequent colds • Eating more/ less • Sleeping too much or too little • Isolating yourself from others • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities • Using alcohol, cigarettes or drugs to relax • Nervous habits (e.g. nail-biting, pacing)


1. Been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly? 2. Felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life? 3. Felt nervous and “stressed”? 4. Felt unsure about your ability to handle your personal problems? 5. Felt that things weren’t going your way? 6. Found that you could not cope with all the things that you had to do? 7. Been unable to control irritations in your life? 8. Felt that you weren’t on top of things? 9. Been angered because of things that were outside of your control? 10. Felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them?


Score Your stress level 0 to 10 Below average. Congratulations, you seem to be handling life’s stressors well at the moment. 11 to 14 Average. Your life is far from stress-free so now is the time to learn how to reduce your stress to healthier levels. 15 to 18 Medium-High. You may not realize how much stress is already affecting your mood, productivity, and relationships. 19 + High. You’re experiencing high levels of stress. The higher your score, the more damage stress is doing to your mind, body and behaviour. This questionnaire is not intended to replace a professional diagnosis. (www.helpguide.org) Adapted from: Perceived Stress Scale - Sheldon Cohen


- A CAUSE FOR CONCERN “People who commit suicide are cowards.” These are the words of those who are misinformed. In general the public has different views on this controversial topic. The fact of the matter, however, is that debating about it will not stop suicide victims from calling the final shots. We should rather become educated on the topic, in order to try to help those who feel they have no other option available to them. Understanding suicide Suicide is not a state of mind that develops overnight. It is a lingering thought that grows and as soon as the victim hits rock bottom, they see no other choice but to end it all. Most, although not all, suicidal individuals give warning signs. The best way to prevent suicide is to recognise these and to learn how to react to them. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) has issued facts

Talking about suicide

about teen suicide in South Africa: • People aged 15-29 are the highest risk for suicide worldwide, including South Africa. • 9.5% of all teen deaths in South Africa are due to suicide. • A third of all hospital admissions for suicide attempts involve teens, but less than 1% of mental hospital beds in South Africa are for teens. • According to research, more female than male teens commit suicide. • Research in South Africa has found that more than half of teens commit suicide by hanging. • SADAG research has indicated that 24% of teens have thought about committing suicide, and The National Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that 21.4% of teens have made one or more suicide attempts. For more information contact SADAG at www.sadag.org



Any talk about suicide, dying or self-harm

Seeking out lethal means

Seeking access to any object that could be used in a suicide attempt

Preoccupation with death

Unusual focus on dying, death or violence

No hope for the future

Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and being trapped

Self-loathing, self-hatred

Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, shame and self-hatred

Getting affairs in order

Making out a will

Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye to people as if they will not be seen again

Withdrawing from others

Increasing social isolation

Self-destructive behaviour

Taking unnecessary risks as if they have a ‘death wish’

Sudden sense of calm

A sudden sense of calm after being extremely depressed

REGULAR HEALTH SCREENINGS FOR ALL We all dread those doctor’s visits for general screenings, but in order to stay healthy we need to stay on top of them. Here are some suggested timelines for various checkups: TAKE NOTE: This timeline is just a suggestion. If you feel any need for concern, visit your doctor as soon as possible.




Every 1-2 years

Clinical breast exam

Once every 3 years for women in their 20s and 30s Every year for women older than 40

Pelvic exam

Once a year

Pap test

Once a year

[Information sourced from www.healthywomen.org and www.disabledworld.com]




Dental check up

Every 6 months

Eye exam

Once every 2 years

Blood pressure

Once a year

Complete physical exam

Once a year


Every 3 years

Hearing test

Once every 3 years





Prostate check

Starting at 50, yearly

Colon and rectum exam


Touch of Healing Touch of Healing is a wound-care clinic that opened last year in Alberton. They had their official opening on 26 March. Sr. Michelle Second, owner of the clinic, liaises closely with the specialists at both Clinton and Union Hospitals for easy referral. Situated at 58 Clinton Road, Touch of Healing specialises in diabetic feet and ulcers, but they do any and all kinds of wound-care. They also work for medical aid rates.

Sonja van der Merwe (Receptionist), Sr. Michelle Second (Owner) and Barney Scholtz (Wound-Care Specialist).

07 April 2015


tame TIMES.co.za

your world THIS WEEK

It’s the daily show with... Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah the new host of

“The Daily Show’’ “

w eek

As expected, the newly appointed host faced mounting criticism, including accusations of him being racist, sexist and anti-Semitic.

31-year-old South African comedian, Trevor Noah, was named by Comedy Central on Monday last week as the successor to Jon Stewart. As expected, the newly appointed host faced mounting criticism, including accusations of him being racist, sexist and anti-Semitic. He defended himself on Tuesday in a Tweet saying that he should not be judged over past jokes that he called duds. Stewart announced he would leave the program, which relentlessly pokes fun at politicians, current events and mainstream cable news, in mid-February. (www.timeslive.co.za)

Pi c o f the

Cara Delevingne joined Pharrell Williams for a rendition of CC the World from their Chanel film

Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig film secret Lifetime movie ‘A Deadly Adoption.

How the world was SAPA sends final article fooled on 01 April

(Photo by Michael Mentz) South Africa’s oldest independent media house closed their doors on 31 March after 77 years. The South African Press Association (Sapa) sent out its last article at midnight in a bittersweet moment after supplying constant news coverage for years. The announcement was made in February, leaving many shocked and Even scientists were getting in on the fun. CERN researchers have used the saddened. It is an end of an era. Large Hadron Collider to smash together two of the world’s favorite things, (www.ewn.co.za) Star Wars and April Fools’ pranks, in a press release confirming the discovery of The Force. CERN theorist Ben Kenobi has claimed that The Force is what binds the galaxy together, but dark matter researcher Dave Vader (make it stop) dismissed the revelation with the quip “Asteroids do not concern me.” (www.cnn.com) Gunmen from the militant Islamist group al-Shabab have killed at least 15 people and taken students hostage at a university in northeastern Kenya. Reports say 65 others were wounded when gunmen stormed the campus Misao Okawa, the world’s oldest person in Garissa. Troops are engaging the gunmen. according to Guinness World Records, has More than 500 students were still unaccounted for, a minister said. died at the age of 117. Okawa passed away The number of hostages is unclear. Wednesday morning in Osaka, Japan, Tadahi Al-Shabab, whwwich is linked to al-Qaeda, said it was holding Christians Uchimura, a local official from the city told hostage and freeing Muslims. CNN. She left behind three children, four Hostages from the two groups had been separated, and 15 of the Muslims grandchildren and six great grandchildren. had already been released, a spokesman for al-Shabab told the BBC. Okawa was born on 05 March, 1898. (www.bbc.com) (www.cnn.com)

Kenya Garissa students taken hostage by al-Shabab

World’s oldest person dies

In what is apparently not an April Fool’s Day joke, it was just announced Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig signed on to star in the Lifetime film A Deadly Adoption. Not only is the ink dried for the actors on the TV movie, they already shot the film in secret and it’s due to air in early summer. The Hollywood Reporter broke the news. The “dramatic thriller,” as it is described, follows a successful couple who care for a pregnant woman (Jessica Lowndes) in their house before they adopt her unborn child. It’s not long after this, however, when things go awry. The tone of A Deadly Adoption is supposedly campy and fun, something of a wink to the type of films the channel is known to make as they approach their 25th anniversary this summer. The two-hour TV movie is also executive produced by Ferrell, alongside Adam McKay and their Gary Sanchez Productions, with a teleplay by Andrew Steele, the co-creator of IFC’s The Spoils of Babylon, which Wiig and Ferrell also starred in. It is directed by Rachel Lee Goldenberg, who helmed a variety of shorts on Ferrell and McKay’s Funny or Die. A Deadly Adoption also comes from Mar Vista Entertainment and National Picture Show. In addition to writing, Steele also executive produced, as did Sharon Bordas, Fernando Szew and Jessica Elbaum. Coming from this past weekend’s Get Hard, Ferrell has a number of projects in the pipeline or in the works. He stars in James Franco’s Zeroville, and also soon reprises his role of Mugatu in Zoolander 2, set to be released next year. He also reunited with his The Other Guys star Mark Wahlberg in Daddy’s Home, which is currently in production. He also appeared as Ron Burgandy at the Roast of Justin Bieber. In addition to this, some other projects Ferrell’s name is attached to include an untitled Shakespearean comedy, Russ & Roger Go Beyond and The House, just to name a few. Wiig, meanwhile, soon stars in Welcome to Me, The Diary of a Teenage Girl, Nasty Baby, The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards, Masterminds and The Martian. She also appears in the Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp mini-series and lends her voice to the R-rated animated film Sausage Party. She’ll also soon join her Bridesmaids director Paul Feig in his all-female re-imagining of Ghostbusters. (www.thecelebritycafe.com)

07 April 2015


tame TIMES.co.za

your world THIS WEEK

It’s the daily show with... Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah the new host of

“The Daily Show’’ “

w eek

As expected, the newly appointed host faced mounting criticism, including accusations of him being racist, sexist and anti-Semitic.

31-year-old South African comedian, Trevor Noah, was named by Comedy Central on Monday last week as the successor to Jon Stewart. As expected, the newly appointed host faced mounting criticism, including accusations of him being racist, sexist and anti-Semitic. He defended himself on Tuesday in a Tweet saying that he should not be judged over past jokes that he called duds. Stewart announced he would leave the program, which relentlessly pokes fun at politicians, current events and mainstream cable news, in mid-February. (www.timeslive.co.za)

Pi c o f the

Cara Delevingne joined Pharrell Williams for a rendition of CC the World from their Chanel film

Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig film secret Lifetime movie ‘A Deadly Adoption.

How the world was SAPA sends final article fooled on 01 April

(PIC: Sapa. Photo by Michael Mentz) South Africa’s oldest independent media house closed their doors on 31 March after 77 years. The South African Press Association (Sapa) sent out its last article at midnight in a bittersweet moment after supplying constant news coverage for years. The announcement was made in February, leaving many shocked and Even scientists were getting in on the fun. CERN researchers have used the saddened. It is an end of an era. Large Hadron Collider to smash together two of the world’s favorite things, (www.ewn.co.za) Star Wars and April Fools’ pranks, in a press release confirming the discovery of The Force. CERN theorist Ben Kenobi has claimed that The Force is what binds the galaxy together, but dark matter researcher Dave Vader (make it stop) dismissed the revelation with the quip “Asteroids do not concern me.” (www.cnn.com) Gunmen from the militant Islamist group al-Shabab have killed at least 15 people and taken students hostage at a university in northeastern Kenya. Reports say 65 others were wounded when gunmen stormed the campus Misao Okawa, the world’s oldest person in Garissa. Troops are engaging the gunmen. according to Guinness World Records, has More than 500 students were still unaccounted for, a minister said. died at the age of 117. Okawa passed away The number of hostages is unclear. Wednesday morning in Osaka, Japan, Tadahi Al-Shabab, whwwich is linked to al-Qaeda, said it was holding Christians Uchimura, a local official from the city told hostage and freeing Muslims. CNN. She left behind three children, four Hostages from the two groups had been separated, and 15 of the Muslims grandchildren and six great grandchildren. had already been released, a spokesman for al-Shabab told the BBC. Okawa was born on 05 March, 1898. (www.bbc.com) (www.cnn.com)

Kenya Garissa students taken hostage by al-Shabab

World’s oldest person dies

In what is apparently not an April Fool’s Day joke, it was just announced Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig signed on to star in the Lifetime film A Deadly Adoption. Not only is the ink dried for the actors on the TV movie, they already shot the film in secret and it’s due to air in early summer. The Hollywood Reporter broke the news. The “dramatic thriller,” as it is described, follows a successful couple who care for a pregnant woman (Jessica Lowndes) in their house before they adopt her unborn child. It’s not long after this, however, when things go awry. The tone of A Deadly Adoption is supposedly campy and fun, something of a wink to the type of films the channel is known to make as they approach their 25th anniversary this summer. The two-hour TV movie is also executive produced by Ferrell, alongside Adam McKay and their Gary Sanchez Productions, with a teleplay by Andrew Steele, the co-creator of IFC’s The Spoils of Babylon, which Wiig and Ferrell also starred in. It is directed by Rachel Lee Goldenberg, who helmed a variety of shorts on Ferrell and McKay’s Funny or Die. A Deadly Adoption also comes from Mar Vista Entertainment and National Picture Show. In addition to writing, Steele also executive produced, as did Sharon Bordas, Fernando Szew and Jessica Elbaum. Coming from this past weekend’s Get Hard, Ferrell has a number of projects in the pipeline or in the works. He stars in James Franco’s Zeroville, and also soon reprises his role of Mugatu in Zoolander 2, set to be released next year. He also reunited with his The Other Guys star Mark Wahlberg in Daddy’s Home, which is currently in production. He also appeared as Ron Burgandy at the Roast of Justin Bieber. In addition to this, some other projects Ferrell’s name is attached to include an untitled Shakespearean comedy, Russ & Roger Go Beyond and The House, just to name a few. Wiig, meanwhile, soon stars in Welcome to Me, The Diary of a Teenage Girl, Nasty Baby, The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards, Masterminds and The Martian. She also appears in the Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp mini-series and lends her voice to the R-rated animated film Sausage Party. She’ll also soon join her Bridesmaids director Paul Feig in his all-female re-imagining of Ghostbusters. (www.thecelebritycafe.com)

07 April 2015



tame TIMES.co.za



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SELECTION SAGA UTTER NONSENSE The selection debacle that has been hounding the South African cricket team ever since their return to the country after the Cricket World Cup, took a twist on Tuesday afternoon. Reports alleged that CEO, Haroon Lorgat, had sent Proteas coach Russel Domingo an SMS hours before the team took on New Zealand in the semi-final, making demands on selection of the team that would play later that day. Numerous reports claimed that Lorgat had sent the message at around 01:00, allegedly telling Domingo to choose between certain players. According to EWN, Cricket South Africa took an unusual step, replying to the accusations via statement: “This is utter nonsense reporting with false allegations being made. There was no SMS, WhatsApp or BBM sent by me to the coach, and why would I want to do that when I know the team was confirmed and already announced to the players and team management at their

usual 6pm team meeting that evening? “Our media policy is not to respond to speculative or false media reports where unnamed sources are quoted, but in this case, due to the damage being caused to the reputation of the Proteas, CSA and individual players soon after a painful exit from the World Cup, I feel it necessary to speak out and make it clear that this report is false.” He added that he wanted to place on record that at no time did he ever speak to any journalist from Beeld, Die Burger or Netwerk 24, despite being quoted in the article. “It is very sad to read such poor and false reports which I believe is no more than an attempt to discredit the Proteas and CSA.” “I would like to take this opportunity to thank all South African fans for their fantastic support of our much loved Proteas team and assure fans that we will do our best to build winning teams,” concluded Lorgat.

This is utter nonsense reporting with false allegations being made. There was no SMS, WhatsApp or BBM sent by me to the coach ...

BOKSERS VAN CLUB RESULTS: FORMAAT Alberton Cricket Premier league: Alberton vs Jeppe at Jeppe Alberton made 217/8 and Jeppe 177/9 Alberton Won Best batsman - Juanre Potgieter - 45 runs. Best Bowler - Tyron White - 3 wickets 12 overs.

Die Health and Fitness Club het twee boksers gehad wat deelgeneem het by ‘n toernooi in Boksburg verlede naweek. Robert Butts en Sarel Venter het albei hul gevegte gewen.

President league: Alberton vs Kagiso at Kagiso Sports Complex Alberton made 262/10 and Kagiso 74/10 first innings and 55/5 second innings. Alberton won first and second Innings (outright). Best batsman - Justin Meintjies - 85 runs. Best Bowler - Stefan Langeveldt - 6 wickets 13 overs. Sunday 2 league: Alberton vs Lenasia at Alberton (Lindeque Oval) Alberton made 224/9 and Lenasia 233/6 Alberton Lost. Best batsman - Jaryd Trenoweth 68 runs. Best Bowler - Kevin Ncube - 5 wickets 20 overs.

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