tame TIMES
two time winner of the annual Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media
From good to great Volume 05, 08 July 2014, Week 28
Delivered every Tuesday
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
The Brackendowns SAPS appreciates these projects as a joint venture between Mrs United Nations South Africa finalist Desiree Oliphant and the Brackendowns SAPS
Stephanie Conradie stephanie.conradie@tametimes.co.za Brackendowns resident Desiree Oliphant is making headlines once again, this time as a Mrs United Nations South Africa finalist. Earlier this year Desiree was a Mrs South Africa semi-finalist, which opened doors for her and gave her the opportunity to enter the Mrs United Nations South Africa pageant, and now she is one of two finalists in Gauteng. During her campaign she will be focussing on children between the ages of 0 and 18. With 20 years of working experience at the SABC in media and marketing, she saw how much the youth is being influenced by drugs and crime. She will also focus specifically on young boys to show them what role they should play in society as men. She will be working closely with the Brackendowns SAPS. “The Brackendowns SAPS appreciates these projects as a joint venture between Mrs United Nations South Africa finalist, Desiree Oliphant and the Brackendowns SAPS,” said Colonel Hutchons and Colonel Van Vuuren. Desiree is a 40-year-old mother of two and
has been married to her husband Michael for 19 years. She has a passionate and caring heart and lives very close to God. “I have a passion for travelling and if I have the opportunity to win this pageant, I would like to travel to 20 countries in 20 months and show the world what a beautiful and wonderful country South Africa is,” she told tame TIMES. According to the press release issued by the Mrs United Nations South Africa head office in Los Angeles, Desiree was selected as a worthy ambassador for married women in Gauteng. This pageant is a national competition that gives married women a platform to make a difference in their communities, charities and families. Desiree will be attending the preliminary judging in Gauteng from 29 – 30 August. Desiree would like to thank two of her platinum sposors, Ascot Diet Clinic and MissTeeq Bridal and Evening wear. To follow Desiree on her Mrs United Nations South Africa journey you can like her Facebook page ‘Desiree Oliphant’, follow her on Twitter @dezzyoliphant and Instagram ‘DESIREEOLIPHANT’.
JOINT VENTURE: Desiree Oliphant with Brackendowns SAPS Captain Antoinette Foord.
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08 July 2014
tame TIMES
Alberton: What a history:
September 1940
The Alberton Coat of Arms By Daan and Yvonne Grobler
Mr W H Coetzer’s design - the first Coat of Arms.
wagon yokes. Contained within the shield are four smoking chimneys and two cog-wheels, symbolic of Alberton’s wealth from industry. And central to that again, an ox wagon. It is interesting to note that the wagon is not outspanned and side-on to the viewer, but is vanishing rapidly into the distance, seen only from the back - symbolic of Alberton’s reputation for being in the vanguard. In the mid-sixties it was discovered that this Coat of Arms did not comply with recognised heraldic devices, and could not be registered. At that time the Government Archives did not employ a State Herald, and a Mr I MitfordBarberton was approached to recommend changes. However, the Council neither liked the suggestions nor felt the need to change, and the matter was dropped. We’ll discuss more of this in our next article. (From An Alberton Album, Alberton Town Council, 1997) For any information on the Alberton Heritage Society, please call 011 869 9417 (Beverley-Ann Small). You can also contact the writers of these fortnightly articles at 083 380 4072 or by e-mail at dgrobler@ mweb.co.za. You can find more information on our website: albertonheritage.co.za or albertonerfenis.co.za.
When Alberton achieved the status of a town in 1939, it was decided that a Coat of Arms should be devised to mark this achievement. The new Town Council, already displaying the foresight that would become characteristic, agreed to involve the community by making the design a competition. On 23 September 1940, the council met to judge the 22 designs that were submitted. At that meeting it was recommended that the design submitted by Mr W H Coetzer, at that time a rising star in the South African art world, and who excelled particularly at historical subjects and symbolism, be adopted. The pair of eland at the top naturally represents the original Elandsfontein farm, and the Bible between them symbolised a central dependence on the word of God. The shield itself is composed of items familiar A young Mr Coetzer at work (Photo from to the Voortrekkers, like powder horns and WH Coetzer-skool, Gedenkblad, 1938-1959)
Send your stories to:
A Note from the
Ons is almal met verskillende persoonlikhede geskape, en ek glo dat die Here dit met ‘n doel so gedoen het. Maar ongelukkig bots persoonlikhede en mense kom nie oor die weg nie en konflik ontstaan. Konflik is daagliks deel van ons lewens, en ek glo hierdie konflik is toetse, en hoe vinnig ons ons humeur verloor bepaal of ons die toets slaag of nie. Is dit regtig die moeite werd om jou siel te versondig deur jou humeur te verloor en dan lelike woorde kwyt te raak? Ek moedig elkeen aan om op te let en eerder geduld toe te pas as om woorde te uiter wat dalk net seer kan maak.
New Redruth heritage survey This survey forms part of a Post Graduate study through the University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Architecture,for Heritage Studies, which requires the participation of local residents. QUESTION:
Please answer the following question as truthfully and objectively as possible, and send your reply to one of the contact options below by 1 August 2014. This survey is not necessarily linked to the Local Heritage Society nor to any local authority.
As a local resident, is there any structure, place or naturalvegetation, within the New Redruth area, which should be considered significant enough for architectural, social or political importance in retaining, and in so doing be considered to be protected from demolition or further development? 083 263 3899 Please reply with either a YES or a NO. No reply at all will be placed under the (sms or voice mail), E-mail: david@docarchitects.co.za. category of INDIFFERENT. Fax: 086 636 0183 Please reply to one of the following :
SPCA reaches out in Thokoza On Sunday 8 June the staff and committee of the Alberton SPCA had an outreach programme in Thokoza. The aim of the outreach was to provide much needed Rabies vaccinations and deworming for the pets of Thokoza residents. Free dog blankets, bowls, and bedding were provided to those who brought their pets to the outreach venue. Upon arrival they faced a long queue of owners waiting patiently for their turn. The SPCA removed choker chains and provided proper leads and collars to the pet owners. Owners were encouraged to vaccinate their pets and they handed out educational material to the general public at large. “The main focus of this particular outreach was to ensure each dog received a blanket and small jerseys were put onto puppies and small breeds to assist with the winter cold,” said Catherine Rollinson,
CARE: Dogs
washed and dipped
Acting Chairperson at Alberton SPCA. “As a body, our core function is to prevent cruelty to animals and these outreaches provide a platform for much needed assistance and education,” she said. The Alberton SPCA would like to thank the members of the general public who donated towards this outreach. Alberton SPCA’s next outreach is on the 03 August 2014 at the Community Hall in Eden Park.
Distribution: Alberton: 35 000 JHB South: 24 500 Bedfordview & Germiston South: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Stephanie Conradie Stephanie.Conradie@tametimes.co.za
Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za Mike Muller: 083 463 9107 mike@tametimes.co.za Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za
Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 15 July 2014 Deadline: Thursday 17 July 2014 at 14:00
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08 July 2014
www.tame TIMES.co.za
Page 3
NUMSA strikes in Alrode
DEMANDS: Protesters in front of a steel factory in Potgieter Street, Alrode. On 1 July the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) members began a strike for a one-year bargaining agreement, a 15% wage increase across the board and the scrapping of labour brokers. More than 200 000 members are staying away from work. Steelworkers in Alrode, Alberton, are also participating in the strike and on Friday 4 July protesters gathered in Potgieter Street. “Demands need to be met. Costs are going up and in Gauteng it is even worse with the e-toll costs added to our expenses; we can’t
afford it anymore,” said Teboho Motloung, Local Secretary for NUMSA in Alberton. “We are trying to be reasonable with only a 15% increase. We will strike until an acceptable proposal is offered to us,” he said. Despite violent protests in the East Rand, NUMSA believes that since the commencement of the strike, their members have exercised high levels of discipline and maturity in line with the union’s Disciplinary Code of Conduct. The union’s Strike Committee (SC) is satisfied with the overall discipline and performance of their striking members.
Fire at Alberton Mall At midday on Thursday 3 July, a generator on the roof of the Alberton Mall caught fire after a power failure at the mall. All tenants and shoppers were evacuated from the mall and the main power supply was switched off immediately to ensure their safety. The Ekurhuleni Fire Department was on the scene shortly after the fire started and extinguished the flames. There were no injuries and the mall did not suffer any serious damage.
DAMAGE: The generator caught fire after a power failure.
Arrested for a good cause On 28 June CANSA Alberton brought a new kind of excitement to The Glen Shopping Centre when they hosted their Jail ‘n Bail fundraiser event. This event served as a pre-event fundraiser for the CANSA Relay for Life that will be taking place in October. At the Jail ‘n Bail event 11 volunteers were “arrested” and had to raise their own “bail” in order to get out. An amount of R10 651.20 was raised on the day and all proceeds will go towards the
CANSA Relay for Life. “I am a four-time cancer survivor and the relay helped me to start living again. The relay is a celebration of life,” said Penny Wittstock, Jail ‘n Bail event chair. The CANSA Relay For Life is an overnight event in aid of cancer survivors that will be taking place on 3 and 4 October 2014 at the Alberton Rugby club. Look out for more details of when the next Jail ‘n Bail event will take place.
CANSA Volunteers with two of the Jail ‘n Bail arrestees.
Swift winning at Gold Reef
HAPPY WINNER: Mr Maganathan Moodley from Mayberry Park could not help but hug the new Suzuki Swift that he won in Gold Reef City’s Tickets to Treasure promotion on 28 June. Nine other winners shared a whopping R60 000 in cash prizes on the night. The promotion runs every Wednesday and Saturday, with the final car draw being hosted at Gold Reef City on 26 July.
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tame TIMES
18 jaar vir Tiny Bubbles Tiny Bubbles Kleuterskool in Florentia, het op 1 Julie hul 18de verjaarsdag gevier met ‘n prettig sirkus tema. Carene Koekemoer, hoof van die kleuterskool het in Januarie 1996 as dagmoeder met een kind, by haar huis, begin. Op 1 Julie 1996 het Carene en haar man, Boet, Tiny Bubbles 1 uiteindelik as kleuterskool met 12 kinders begin. Tiny Bubbles 2 het op 2 Februarie 2004 met 20 kinders begin, en vandag het die twee Tiny Bubbles takke gesamentlik 112 kinders. “Ons bid dat die Here ons nog baie jare sal spaar en lei sodat ons altyd net die beste vir Tiny Bubbles sal kan gee,” het SIRKUS: Carene en Boet Koekemoer (middel agter) saam met van die personeel en kinders van Tiny Bubbles. Carene gesê.
CMR samel Winterhoop donasies in Helpende Hand Hierdie jaar was die CMR Alberton weereens ‘n aflaaipunt vir donasies vir Winterhoop. Winterhoop is ‘n landswye veldtog deur MES in samewerking met verskeie kerke, welsynsorganisasies, RSG, KykNet en verskeie koerante, om die nood in ons land gedurende winter aan te spreek. Komberse, warm klere, musse, serpe, nie bederfbare voedsel en nog meer, is gedurende hierdie tyd ingesamel. Dit word weer aan behoeftiges in die verskeie areas uitgedeel. Gedurende die koue winter maande is die behoefte groot. Mense slaap
buite in die koue sonder enige beskuttig en donasies soos hierdie help baie. Indien daar enige iemand is wat nog bydraes of donasies wil maak kan u gerus vir Ankia by die CMR Alberton skakel by 011 907 2922
08 July 2014
Focusing on the joy of giving On Friday 27 June the new Pam Golding Alberton Branch opened in Alberton. “We are not only here to sell properties; we also want to give back to the community and focus on the joy of giving to our community,” said branch manager Des Hauser. They are inviting all ladies to their forthcoming event on Women’s Day, 9 August. Pam Golding and Thaba Eco Hotel will be hosting a Hat and Handbag event at Thaba Ya Batswana where good food will be served, a famous make over expert will present make over solutions and a motivational speaker will provide a fantastic talk to the ladies. Besides the entrance fee for this event ladies will need to bring a handbag filled with ladies’ necessities as their entry ticket; the handbags will then go to various organisations that help rape victims to move past their terrible ordeal. To book your seat for the Hat and Handbag event, contact the Pam Golding offices on 011 869 0607. A fantastic prize to be won by the lady with the best hat.
PRET: Een van die inwoners. Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Albertontak het onlangs ʼn heerlike kuieroggend en “verfspeel-sessie” vir die inwoners van Kinross Herberg aangebieg. Volgens Judi Muller, Helpende Hand takvoorsitter in Alberton, is bejaardes dikwels die vergete generasie en het beperkte fondse om hulle oudag te geniet. “Die inwoners het die kuieroggend verskriklik geniet, veral omdat daar pryse te wen was vir hul kunswerke,” vertel sy. “Die saamkuier rondom tuisgebakte koek en tee, was vir beide Helpende Hand-lede en die inwoners ‘n verrykende ervaring.” Daar is ook oorgetrekte warmwatersakke en knie-komberse aan die bejaardes uitgedeel. Afgetredenes met ‘n huppel in hul stap en ander belangstellendes wie graag by hierdie tipe projekte betrokke wil raak, kan vir Denise by 083 653 1157 skakel.
HOUSE-HUNTERS: Pam Golding Alberton staff in front of their new offices in Michelle Avenue.
08 July 2014
Page 5
www.tame TIMES.co.za
Brackenhurst, Mulbarton and Newmarket PRICES VALID 08 JULY - 13 JULY 2014
Bulk Lamb Braai Chops Per kg
Bulk Ouma Boerewors Per kg
*Selected products on this page have been styled for photography
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Sandwich Ham 500g
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Page 6
Sewerage in
tame TIMES
tame TIMES
our backyards A Meyersdal resident writes:
I am writing this letter regarding Ekurhuleni Municipality’s extreme incompetence and disregard for residents’ health and safety. I live in (what appears from the outside to be the upmarket) Villa Daniella complex in DJ Theron Crescent, Meyersdal. For many weeks now, raw sewerage has been spewing out of a municipal pipeline into the communal green area where many children play. The spillage is so bad that it has created a rancid smelling wetland area that surrounds the homes of residents. This is a major health hazard, and essentially means that we are all being exposed to squalid living conditions, despite the fact that we are required to pay well over R2000 per month in municipal rates and body corporate levies. Some toilets in the complex are also unable to flush as a result of this leak, which has also spilled over into the visitors parking spots on a number of occasions. The Villa Daniella body corporate, managed by Coleman Properties, has made numerous
calls to EMM - the vast majority of which have been ignored. In the instances where they have sent a contractor out, the feedback has simply been that the problem originates elsewhere, and that the issue has been addressed sufficiently. In our personal capacity, many residents have made numerous requests to EMM to address the issue via its website. Although we have all been given reference numbers, nobody has received any feedback on the progress of any work being carried out. In addition to the highly unsanitary conditions, this leak is a major waste of water, which is already in scarce supply. I know for a fact that there is another major sewerage leak in the veld on Michelle Avenue (opposite Virgin Active), right outside a residential home. I am sure that the two leaks must be linked to one another. It seems that this municipality of ours is either incompetent to the point that it has no idea how to fix the problem, or it simply could not care less about the wellbeing of its residents.
Clr. Michael Basch from Ward 94 responds: As the Councillor for ward 94 I have been warning the Metro of the impending crisis regarding the sewer network for three years now. The rate at which we have been developing, especially in Meyersdal, has far exceeded the development of our existing infrastructure and as such it was inevitable that the whole system would come crashing down, or flowing up as in this case. In regards to the community getting responses from the officials, I have long believed that our engineers are aware of the problems but will not speak out for fear of losing their jobs. It is no secret that the lack of infrastructure, maintenance and proper planning is
endemic across the whole of South Africa and as such they will fire any official caught highlighting it. Our communities should not have to run the risk of illness nor live with the rancid stench of sewers, especially in one of the highest ratesbase areas in the metro. I will personally address this with the Metro in order to have this resolved.
Die woorde van Jesus in Matteus 11:25-30 oor die sagtheid van Sy las en Sy juk staan steeds vandag uit as ‘n skrille kontras teen die uitdagings van ons tyd. Dit is asof Jesus met mense praat wat weet hoe swaar dit is om kop bo water te hou. Die aanvraag op ons beskikbare tyd, druk om meer te betaal vir basiese dienste en
goedere, loonverhogings, werksverlies, skuld… al hierdie en nog meer is tekens van ‘n samelewing wat onder geweldige druk staan, en as Jesus ons uitnooi “Kom na my toe”, dan verstaan Hy dit baie goed. Jesus se uitnodiging staan steeds. Hy nooi ons om sak en al by Hom aan te kom, en die rus van Sy genade oor ons te laat spoel. Nie goedkoop leë beloftes nie, maar opregte diepe liefde wat verstaan en omgee.
Mr Stephen Nowatha, CRM Manager for Alberton Municipality advised that they have not received complaints in this regard. tame TIMES provided him with the reference numbers from the residents and have not received a response from the municipality.
08 July 2014
Sjoe mensies, is ek en Gysie nou vir jou vrot van die griep! Dit begin eers by ‘n loopneus en ‘n krapperige keel, wat vinnig vererger. Ons slaapkamer lê byna toe onder al Gysie se sakdoeke. Nie een van ons het eers die energie om die ander te dokter nie. En dit is gewoonlik die lekker deel van siekwees: jou geliefde bederf en vertroetel jou tot in die sewende hemel. Nee kyk, nie hierdie keer nie, want ons is albei ewe pap! Ons het al die boererate en medisyne onder die son probeer, maar op die ou einde moet mens maar wag dat die aaklige virus sy gang gaan. Ek dog nog al die jare dat ek en Gysie slim is wanneer ons ekstra vitamine-c bruispilletjies drink- net om tot ons verbasing met ons doktersafspraak uit die perd se bek te hoor dat ‘n mens se liggaam net die nodige hoeveelheid absorbeer en die res uitskei. Antibiotika is ook ‘n storie op sy eie. Ek het op ‘n stadium antibiotika vir elke kwaal gedrink. As ek net teveel gesnuif het, dan het ek solank ‘n kursus begin. Die enigste probleem is dat al my natuurlike bakterieë nou vernietig is. Ek krap my stukkend en krul om van die maagkrampe. Daarom kon ek nie hierdie keer weer antibiotika drink nie; nou moet ek maar geduldig met ‘n bloedrooi, skurwe neus langs Gysie in die bed lê en wag. Boonop dit is hy nog so ‘n klakous ook! “Nee Trixie ek kan nie meer nie. Ek is op my laaste. Ek kan nie slaap met die slym in my bors nie. Maak vir my asseblief gemmertee,” en so hou dit aan. Dit sal my ‘n les leer, want ek wil mos nie my drukkies en soene terughou wanneer Gysie siek is nie. Nou is ons maar ewe sleg. Tip: Probeer om nie by jou geliefde aan te steek nie, want dit is tog so lekker as een darem die ander kan versorg. Weerhou maar daardie soen of druk totdat jou ander helfte gesond is. Anders as jy weer kyk, is die hele familie siek.
Florentia Motors Caltex upgrade Florentia Motors Caltex would like to inform their loyal customers that they will be closed for a major upgrade from 15 July for 2 to 3 months. Due to the nature of the work being done, and for safety reasons, the garage site will be closed to the public. The owners of the filling station apologise for the inconvenience and would like to thank their customers for their loyal support over the years. When they re-open, there will be a Fresh Stop shop on the forecourt. Fresh Stop was voted international convenience retailer of the year for 2013. St Catherine’s Family Fun Day – 12 July Join St Catherine’s for a day filled with fun, and plenty of entertainment for the whole family. DATE: 12 July 2014 TIME: 09:00 – 15:00 VENUE: 31 Piercy Avenue, Parkhill Gardens, Germiston Should you wish to book a stall please contact Mrs Calore; call (011) 827 4102 or email marketing@stcatherines.org.za Alberton Girl Guides Girl Guides Age: 10 to 14 years Time: Saturday 15:30 - 17:30 Brownies and Teddies Age: Brownies: 7-10years. Teddies 4-7 years Time: Saturday 14:00 till 15:30 Contact person: Renee 082 463 8620 PPK Kleinbegin – Vroue van Formaat – 23 August Kom geniet ‘n heerlike dames oggend in die teenwoordigheid van ons Hemelse Vader Tema: Spieëltjie Spieëltjie - Wat sien jy as jy in die Spieël kyk? Datum: 23 Augustus Tyd: 9:00 vir 9:30 Kostes: R50 p/p vinger ete ingesluit Plek: NG Oos (H/v Berghweg en Jan Coetzeestraat, Florentia) Bespreekings: Ina de Beer 083 306 3072 Besprekings vir uitstallers: R50 per tafel Lorraine Roets – 083 609 5747
The Glen Chilli & Wine festival- 1-3 August The Glen will be hosting their second annual Chilli and Wine Festival on their rooftop parking. VariousWe chilli and food ELECTRIC FENCE|~ * R59 per Metre|* Fully installed|* service :| exhibitors The next Annual General Meeting of Alberton will tantalise your taste buds, while a large * Cctv|* Alarms| * Gate Motors|* Intercomsarray |* Electric Fence|* Free of wine estates will exhibit their finest SPCA will be held at 14:00 on 26 July at Intercom system with all installations|~ Contact Fencing Boys| 081 the Alberton SPCA. Lincoln Road, General produce. 709 7259| or| 011-042-6666~ SD006383 Four international hotel schools as well as Alberts Park. four local high schools will be competing Any person wishing to stand for office for your vote for the best American chilli must submit a short CV to chairperson@ inspired menu. spcaalberton.org.za at least 7 (seven) There will be live entertainment including: days before the meeting. The Graeme Watkins Project, The Muses and the Duane Rockwell Band. There will also be a children’s playpark, including a mini soccer pitch. Times: Friday 16:00 – 21:00, Saturday 11:00 – 18:00 and Sunday 11:00 – 17:00. * Fully installed Entry: free
Alberton SPCA Annual General Meeting – 26 July
ELECTRIC FENCE * R49 per Metre * We service * Cctv * Alarms * Gate Motors * Intercoms * Electric Fence
* Free Intercom system with all installations
CONTACT FENCING BOYS 081 709 7259 / 011-042-6666
For more information please visit The Glen’s Face Book page or www. theglenshopping.co.za
send your notices to
08 July 2014
AUGUSTINEGold launched at Elevate Venue
Red Helen takes on Wacken Open Air Laurelle Williams
@laurellewilliam twitter.com
Yianni Crease, Marea Lewis and Justine August and the guests who were dressed in the collection. On 26 June, Augustine and Gold Street Society combined their two worlds to launch the first High End Street Fashion range in South Africa at Elevate Venue, Marshalltown, Johannesburg. Faultless avant garde tailoring and chic street styling were brought together at Elevate, high above Johannesburg city. The launch was sponsored by: Elevate Rooftop Venue, Evige, Grey Goose and Vicky Crease Catering. Guests included TV Presenter Shashi
Naidoo, Actresses Jay Anstey, Zuraida Jardine, Musicians Daniel Baron, Tamara Dey and DaLes. Jena Dover, Tshepang Ramoba, DJ Doowap, DaLes, Siya Beyile, DJ Vato Kayde, along with the design team Yianni Crease, Marea Lewis and Justine August were all dressed in the incredible collection. The AUGUSTINEGold collection is available on pre-order from AUGUSTINE or from Gold Street Online.
Local rock band performs for The Folk Club
Red Helen was announced the winner of the South African leg of Wacken Metal Battle on 28 June at Rumours Lounge. This has afforded the band the once-in-alifetime opportunity to play at the Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany- the biggest heavy metal open air festival in the world. The band will represent South Africa and compete against other international metal bands in the international metal battle, performing alongside top metal bands such as August Burns Red, Devin Townsend Project, Motörhead and Slayer, to name but a few. The festival celebrates its 25th anniversary and takes place from 31 July to 2 August. Red Helen consists of Brandon Pratt (lead vocals), Greg Van Kerkhof (vocals and bass), Liam O’brien (guitar), Erick Gerber (vocals and guitar) and Matt Sletcher (drummer). All band members stay in Alberton except for Sletcher who stays in Randburg. “This is mind-blowing even if we don’t win in Germany just performing at this festival is a
GOING BIG: Alberton based rock band, Defy Theory, at The Library-Brazen Head in Sandton. Alberton-based rock band, Defy Theory, performed at The Library-Brazen Head in Sandton on 1 July. The band was one of five artists who were invited to perform in front of the Johannesburg Folk Club, a club which encourages original song writing. Defy Theory writes their own music and performed their own original songs on the evening. The Johannesburg Folk Club is a brand new song writer’s community showcasing original music written and shared by local musicians in and around Johannesburg. Defy Theory started as a group of students at the Campus of Performing Arts who did studying, sight reading, mastering instruments and vocals and performing at Liedjieboer for two years. Xani Hammond is the female influence and lead vocalist in the band, Franna Nel is the guitarist, Renier Lillie the drummer, Gary Cairncross is a vocalist and on keyboard, Daniel Bronkhorst a vocalist and guitarist and Ruandre Swart is the bassist. The band ended up writing their own unique
songs and was motivated to record. They wanted to perform live music and release their own unique music creations for radio that would capture the attention of a unique audience. When Defy Theory decided it was time to start recording their first singles, they collaborated with music producer Ren Bester and Rockin’ Wolf Records. They found that their songs shared some emotional states and narrative threads love, trust, commitment, and communication between friends and lovers, both real and imagined. The punk sound of the instruments mixed with a female voice and pop feel makes the music great for radio but also energetic and vibrant at live performances. The number of instruments and vocalists in the band makes the songs sound full and well rounded in the recording and production. The band is writing new music, launching a fan networking campaign, spreading the word, touring and heading back to Ren Bester to record a new album.
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victory in itself,” Pratt and Van Kerkhof told tame TIMES. “It is something we dreamed of while growing up,” Pratt added. Having performed all over South Africa in many different settings and towns, Red Helen has been received extremely well by crowds of eager fans. Besides their critically acclaimed live performances, they have attained great achievements along the way. In 2014, front man, Brandon Pratt was named Best Vocalist, at the first annual South African Metal Music Awards. The metal band will be the opening act for Unearth and Protest The Hero at the Krankd Up Music Festival at Sundowners in September. Red Helen is currently in studio, recording their highly anticipated debut album, “Trading Past for Pathways” with well known, South African producer, Clinton Watts of Watts Productions. The album will be released to the public towards the end of 2014 or the beginning of 2015, supported by a nation -wide tour. For more information please visit www. redhelen.bandcamp.com.
08 July 2014
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08 July 2014
Ories rugby liga wenners Vier van Laerskool Orion se rugbyspanne het onlangs baie goed gevaar in die Oos-Rand liga en Goue Leeus toernooi.
Die 0/9A span het as liga wenners en Goue Leeus naaswenners ingekom. Saam met hulle is afrigter Mnr. M. Eksteen.
Baie geluk aan die 0/11A span en afrigters Mnr. P. Janse van Rensburg en Mnr. M van Rooyen, wat Goue Leeus toernooi wenners is.
Alberton High determined to win final clashes, qualifying for the semi-finals which were held at Hoërskool President on Saturday 21 June. The U/15A team beat Bracken High 49-17 and the first team beat a highly motivated Allan Glen team 30-10 to advance on to the finals of the Golden Lions League which will be held at the University of Johannesburg Rugby Stadium on Saturday
IN THE FINALS: The Alberton High First rugby team.
Randhart 0/9A Goue Leeus wenners Na afloop van die Sentraal Oos-Rand liga was Laerskool Randhart se 0/9B, 0/11A, 0/11B en tweede rugbyspan gekroon as liga wenners, terwyl die 0/9A tweede geëindig het. Die 0/9A span is na die uitspeelwedstryde as Goue Leeus wenners gekroon en die 0/11A-span eindig as naaswenners. Baie geluk aan die spanne en hul afrigters.
Mnr. P. Van Zyl en Mnr. B. Oosthuizen en die 0/10A span is ook as Die Ories eerste span het ook hard gewerk en uiteindelik ook as liga wenners en Goue Leeus naaswenners aangewys. Goue Leeus wenners uitgedraf.
Despite only three out of the four teams from Alberton High winning their respective Golden Lions leagues, all four teams qualified for the Golden Lions quarter finals, which were hosted by Alberton High School on Saturday 14 June. All four teams won their respective quarter
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26 July. It was once again an excellent rugby season for Alberton High School, and the school would like to congratulate all coaches and players. tame TIMES wishes both the U15’s and 1st teams the very best of luck as they prepare to take on Queens High School and Hoerskool Roodepoort in the finals of the Golden Lions League.
GOUE LEEUS: Die 0/9A-span en hulle afrigter mnr F. Venter wat as Goue Leeus wenners gekroon is.
Vanessa to play for East Gauteng
ALSO IN THE FINALS: Alberton High U/15A team. HOCKEY STAR: Vanessa Ngwenya will be playing for the U/18A Eastern Gauteng hockey team. Vanessa Ngwenya from Alberton High School was selected to represent the Eastern Gauteng U/18A hockey team at the Inter Provincial Tournament to be held at Kearsney College during the June/July school holidays. Well done Vanessa.
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High speed chase through Alberton
CAUGHT: The arrested suspects with Nardus Hollander, CPS Operations Manager. Earlier in June CPS received a lookout for a Black Mercedes C180 Kompressor with regards to an attempted house robbery in Grewar Road, Florentia, Alberton. On 3 July the vehicle was spotted by two CPS Tactical Units in Randhart and a high speed chase occurred resulting in the vehicle being pulled over successfully in
Alrode. Three suspects were arrested and various house-breaking implements were found inside the car. It was found that the vehicle was reported stolen in March 2014 in Klerksdorp. The suspects were taken to Brackendowns SAPS for further investigation.
New Station Commander Alberton SAPS Alberton SAPS welcomes their new Station Commander, Colonel Kubone. Her aim at Alberton SAPS is to meet the community and to discuss burning issues. General meetings will be called around Alberton area soon. “We welcome her with open hands as we hope the community will do so as well,” said Sgt Nkuna, Alberton SAPS Communications Officer.
08 July 2014
Drug awareness sports day
DO SPORT NOT DRUGS: Members of Alberton soccer team pose with their silver medals and some members of the Alberton SAPS. On 21 June the Alberton SAPS, together with The Department of Community Safety, hosted a drug awareness campaign and sports day in Phumula. Sgt Mgedezi, Social Crime Prevention Officer, started the day by addressing the youth on
avoiding drugs and crime; Mr Thomas Shoko of the Department of Community Safety then warned them about the consequences of doing drugs and crime. The community spent the rest of the day playing sports matches after which the winners were awarded medals.
AVBOB – Leading the way for funeral insurers
WELCOME: Alberton SAPS New Station Commander Colonel Kubone.
Have you seen Dominique Cage? Dominique Cage was last seen at 01:00 on 28 June; she was wearing a black jacket and jeans. Age: 13 Gender: Female Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond Height: Average If you have any information please contact Alberton SAPS Sgt Buthelezi on 078 623 2995 or 011 861 6800
NCR dealing with lenders Last month the National Credit Regulator (NCR) conducted an onsite operation in Gauteng in a bid to combat the abuse of consumers by lenders and to ensure compliance with the National Credit Act (NCA). The investigation focused on credit providers operating in the Pretoria, Boksburg, Benoni and Kempton Park areas. A total of 21 credit providers were investigated and two people were arrested, with the result that two criminal cases were opened. The suspects were found to be in possession of 390 bank cards, said Nomsa Motshegare, CEO at the NCR. The focus of this kind of operation is primarily to identify credit providers who are unlawfully garnishing their clients, and
retaining pension cards, bank cards, identity documents and personal identity numbers as surety. “Retaining these cards is a contravention of the National Credit Act and it is a criminal offence”, said Motshegare. She stated that this is part of the NCR’s ongoing strategy to root out predatory lending practices and to ensure that all credit providers, no matter where they conduct business, comply with the provisions of the NCA. “The exploitation of vulnerable and unsuspecting consumers by credit providers will not be tolerated.” This operation was not the last one and many will continue to be conducted in different parts of the country, concluded Motshegare.
Established in 1918, AVBOB Mutual Assurance Society is Africa’s largest mutual assurance society providing a one-stop Funeral Insurance and Burial Service to the South African public. The Society has now taken their benefits a step further. AVBOB is offering their clients who have a policy which has been in force for two years and longer a free basic funeral for every life insured as well as free transportation of the deceased within the borders of South Africa (provided that AVBOB Funeral Service conducts the funeral). According to AVBOB CEO, Mr Frik Rademan, “AVBOB is committed to putting the interests of our policyholders first by offering unique free funeral benefits, quality products and exceptional services that cater for the diverse needs of South Africans. We pride ourselves on setting the standards in the funeral insurance industry.” AVBOB offers a wide range of funeral insurance products as well as a top performing savings plan to suit every life stage. Funeral cover when you need it The Cashback Funeral cover lets policyholders save for the expenses of a funeral and, after every five consecutive years without claiming, the policyholder will receive the equivalent of the fifth year’s premiums back in cash. Cashback Funeral cover offers a variety of benefits which include a breadwinner’s benefit, accidental death benefit, children’s benefit, extended family benefit and parent benefit.
Saving for a rainy day Rising costs of living expenses can put a damper on investment plans. Unlike other institutions that require a large lump sum or a substantial monthly investment, the AVBOB savings plan requires a small investment of only R100 per month. What many people do not know is that the AVBOB savings plan has consistently offered better returns on investment than the guaranteed interest rates of commercial banks. Reputable and reliable funeral services AVBOB not only renders funeral services to policyholders, but also to private individuals. They render funerals on a contract basis to members of unions, church organisations, government, other insurance companies and employer groups and these contracts can be tailor-made through their Group Schemes. According to Lourentia Bosman, Funeral Service Representative from the AVBOB agency in Alberton, they are proud to be of service to the various client groups in the community. “We operate 24 hours a day and offer a professional service to all our customers. We will always go the extra mile to ensure that in your time of need we’re here for you.” For more information on AVBOB visit their website www.avbob.co.za or contact them on 086 11 28262 for funeral insurance or 086 1 3863725 for funeral service assistance.
08 May July 2013 2014 14
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Gardening & Rubble removal
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08 July 2014
7015 EMPLOYMENT WANTEd Christian Citizen 63yr old female, seeks work, Admin, Reception, Secretarial, Caregiver, Au Pair, etc 079 072 5424
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08 July 2014
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Impey committed to clear suspicion Laurelle Williams @laurellewilliam twitter.com
COMMITTED TO PROVE INNOCENCE: Daryl Impey is confident he will clear his name. *Photos sourced from www.darylimpey.com.
Soccer World Cup semi-finals Amy-Mae Campbell @Amzymaeq twitter.com
In the Soccer World Cup quarter-final games played last weekend, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands and Argentina emerged victorious. Brazil, however, will unfortunately compete in the semi-finals without their star player, Neymar da Silva Santos Junior, who was badly injured during
his team’s quarter-final match against Colombia when Colombian player Juan Zuniga made a dangerous tackle from behind and kneed Neymar in the back. The impact damaged Neymar’s third vertebra. As a result, he is out of the World Cup and Brazil will have to play Germany without him.
Quarter-final results: Friday 4 July- France v Germany: Germany wins 1-0 Brazil v Columbia: Brazil wins 2-1 Saturday 5 July- Argentina v Belgium: Argentina wins 1-0 Netherlands v Costa Rica: Netherlands wins 4-3 (with penalties).
Semi-final match times: Tuesday 8 July- Wednesday 9 July-
Brazil v Germany (22:00) Netherlands v Argentina (22:00)
Thrillling Centre Court action
VICTORY: Novak Djokovic with the Wimbledon cup. (Photo: Getty) The Wimbledon finals had South African tennis enthusiasts glued to their screens this weekend. The main event on Saturday was the Ladies’ Singles finals between Petra Kvitova (ranked 6th) and 20-year-old player Eugenie Bouchard (ranked 13th). Kvitova’s performance on Centre Court showed brilliance and determination, earning her a second Wimbledon championship 6-3, 6-0 against Bouchard in only 55 minutes, the shortest title match since 1983. The Ladies’ and Men’s Doubles finals also took place on Saturday. Italian Ladies Doubles duo
Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci completed their career grand slam after beating Timea Babos and Kristina Mladenovic 6-1 6-3. The Men’s Doubles finals took an unexpected turn when the unseeded pair Vasek Pospisil and Jack Sock claimed a grand slam title on their first attempt, after beating champions Bob and Mike Bryan 7-6, 6-7, 6-4, 3-6, 7-5. On Sunday Novak Djokovic faced Roger Federer in five full sets, beating Federer 6-7, 6-4, 7-6, 5-7, 6-4. This was Djokovic’s second Wimbledon title after winning the championship in 2011, and it was his seventh major career victory.
Cyclist Daryl Impey released a personal statement last week Tuesday after his exclusion from the ORICA Green Edge Tour de France team as a result of receiving a positive test result for Probenecid. Impey stated, “Further to the announcement of the Tour de France team and in the interests of full disclosure, I confirm that on 23 June 2014, I was notified by William Newman, the President of Cycling South Africa, about an adverse analytical finding for Probenecid following an in-competition test at the national time trial championships on 6 February 2014.” “I had no knowledge of Probenecid nor have I ever taken the substance knowingly in any manner. I am committed to drug-free sport and fully intend to take all steps necessary to clear myself of any suspicion.” “The notification came as a complete shock to me just days before the start of the Tour de France, particularly since anti-doping tests conducted on me on 8 and 9 February 2014 yielded no adverse results.” “I immediately flew back to South Africa and
was present at the analysis of my B sample on 27 June 2014, the results of which confirmed the initial analysis.” “I am extremely distressed by the finding, as I have always raced clean throughout my career. Every result that I have achieved to date has been as a result of hard work and dedication on my part.” “I notified my team immediately after being informed by Cycling South Africa of the adverse finding. I would like to thank them, my family and friends for their support during this difficult time. I remain confident that I will be vindicated and proved innocent of any wrongdoing.” The Australian team has shown support to Impey stating, “The team would like to underline that it respects Daryl Impey’s right to prove his full innocence and will not comment any further until the process has run its due course and final conclusions have been made. As per the team’s code of conduct, Daryl Impey will not feature on the team’s roster until the case has been closed and he is fully eligible to ride.” It has been reported that Probenecid is classified as a diuretic and masking agent and is used to mask the use of doping substances, anabolic drugs in particular.
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tame TIMES
Best Super season yet Even though the Lions are sitting 13th on the Vodacom Super Rugby log and have one final match of the season against the Cheetahs left, they have had their best season yet, winning a total of six matches. Last Friday the Lions roared their way to victory, beating the Rebels 34- 17 on home ground. The tone was set two minutes into the game when winger Anthony Volmink scored a try, showing the Lions were hungry for victory. Then flanker Warwick Tecklenburg scored another try, proving the Lions’ persistent attack was working and winning the Man of the Match award for his efforts. Towards the end of the game, Captain Warren Whiteley had the final say, scoring a third try for the Lions. Flyhalf Marnitz Boshoff added to their winning performance by displaying great FIERCE: Flyhalf Marnitz Boshoff added to the 34-17 victory kicking skills. against the Rebels. *Photo by Samuel Shivamba. The last time the Lions had such a productive their team’s performance. season was in the 2007 Super 14, when they won five “I am just glad they won the game,” a Lions supporter games out of thirteen and finished 12th on the log. Lions told tame TIMES. For a young group, the Lions have coach Johan Ackerman, however, was not completely played well, especially considering the level at which satisfied, saying, “To achieve this is good, but in the they have been competing. Ackerman himself said that context of the competition it is probably not good enough. at the start of the season nobody thought they would win You don’t want to lie 13th on the log; you want to be up a match, but the team has proved their critics wrong. there and be involved in the playoffs so there is still a lot Let us hope the Lions can beat the Cheetahs and of room for improvement.” make it seven wins for the season. Lions supporters, on the other hand, are ecstatic about
Champs bokser wen in Springs Op Saterdag 28 Junie het boksers van die Champs Boks Klub in Alberton by die Bert Collins klub in Springs deelgeneem. Bradley Kiewiets is as wenner in sy gewigsafdeling aangekondig. Die boksklub oefen by die Health & Fitness gebou op die hoek van Penzance en Clinton Strate. Vir meer inligting kontak Voorsitter Pieter Strydom by 078 105 5475, pstrydom@ fnb.co.za of kontak ondervoorsitter Gert de Klerk, 082 261 1346. WEN:Bradley Kiewiets saam met afrigters Pieter Strydom (regs) en Lebo Mngomezulu (links).
Just Cycles has moved Just Cycles has moved from New Redruth to their new premises in the Meyersdal Mall, where they opened for business on 7 June. The cycling store has been providing sales, service and repairs to competitive cyclists, as well as social riders, in and around the greater Alberton and Southern Suburbs region since 2006, and is well known in the area. Owners Justin Godfrey and Brian Osborne felt that it was time for a change, and the move has definitely been a very positive one for the store.
08 July 2014