tame TIMES
alberton & Germiston
2012/2013 winner of the Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media
A FRESH APPROACH TO LOCAL NEWS Volume 06, 13 January 2015, Week 03
20 Volstruise jonger as vier maande, aldus Dr Karen Rademeyer, twee swane en twee eende is Saterdagmiddag deur die Albertonse DBV tak gekonfiskeer. Die flink optrede van vier lede van die Brackendowns Reaksieeenheid W/O Chretien, Konstabel Simpson, Sersant Thomas en Konstabel Magill, was oppad terug van die begrafnis van een van hulle kollegas op die Wesrand, toe hulle die bakkie en sleepwa vol volstruisies op die N12 opgemerk het. Die eende en swane was twee-twee in ‘n eierboks verpak, agterop die bakkie, met geen vars lug, kos of water nie. Die jong volstruisies het in die bloedige hitte agterop die sleepwa rondgeval en verskeie snye en nek en vlerk-wonde opgedoen. Daar was geen kos of water gehad op die sleepwa nie. Alhoewel daar kos agterop die bakkie was, was daar geen water of houers waarin water gegee kon word nie. Die volstruise het gulsig uit die polisie se waterbottels gedrink. Die
Delivered every Tuesday
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
sleepwa is met ‘n growwe net toegespan en die verskrikte voels se nekke het verstrengel geraak in die touwerk. Van die jonger volstuisies is vertrap deur die groteres. (sien die fotogallery www.tametimes.co.za). Die rit van Carolina het volgens Jose 10:00 die oggend begin – 5 en ‘n half uur later is hulle deur die reaksie-eenheid afgetrek. Die vinnige en professionele optrede van die personeel van die Albertonse DBV, Thomas Klaas en die Bestuurder …….. het daartoe gelei dat al die voëls veilig afgelaai is en van water en kos voorsien is. Dr Karen Rademeyer het gesê die voëls gaan eers kans gegee word om te kalmeer alvorens sy hulle individueel gaan ondersoek. Volgengs die Angloeese burger, Jose, was hy van Carolina oppad met die volstruisies, swane en eende na OR Tambo van waar die voëls na Angola toe uitgevoer sou word. Al die permitte in besit van ene Jose was egter foutief vir verskeie redes:
- Die datering op die vorm was vir onderskeidelik 21 en 24 Desember 2014 terwyl sulke permitte nie ouer as 72 uur mag wees nie. - Dit dui aan dat die oorsprong van die voëls Bruma, Edenvale is terwyl hy van Carolina 20 Volstruise, twee swane en twee eende is Saterdagmiddag deur die DBV se Alberton-tak gekonfiskeer. afgekom het. - Dit dui aan dat die permit vir lugvervoer van die voëls is. - Daar is slegs een veaartsverslag vir al 24 voëls terwyl elke voel ‘n permit benodig. Die sleepwa was nie gelisensieerd nie en het ook nie ‘n wettige nommerplaat opgehad nie. tame TIMES het die EMPD gebel maar hulle het versuim om iemand uit te stuur. Die voëls sal slegs aan die eienaar terugbesorg word indien hy die nodige dokumente vir die vervoer van die voëls bring en Dr Rademeyer die voëls geskik vir vervoer verklaar.
The time has arrived for the community to raise their concerns regarding the rezoning of Erf 279, Alberante from an educational to a residential zone. A letter from Mr Rean Booysen, stated the following: ‘’We refer to the above matter and attach hereto the proposal tabled during the above meeting held on Thursday November 2014. We confirm that we proposed to reduce the density on the one stand (approximately half the total stand) to 50 units per hectare and the height to two levels. We are further proposing that the other half of the site remain educational for a period of 2years in order to evaluate the need for educational facilities in the area and to
consider viable proposals. A request was tabled regarding the green areas on our proposal. This covers 45% of the proposed layout plan. You will revert back to us by 31 January 2015. Should objections be withdrawn or an alternative agreed upon, this proposal lapses and the matter will have to proceed to a tribunal.’’ Last year, Mr Booysen said the 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom units will sell at a price between R800 000 and R900 000, which will not classify them as low-cost housing. Any input from the community can be done in writing and sent to Gene Fivaz at gene@ fivazogle.com.
Total Site Area 1900m2 Footprint of Units (Coverage) 4693m2 Area of Paving (Including Carports) 5700m2 Total Area Covered by Buildings and Paving 10393m2 = 55% Area of Grass Landscaping
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13 January 2015
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musings {AnotefromtheEditor}
Satire in die Suburbs
Tomorrow marks a new beginning for Grade 1 learners. The first day of school is here. For the next 12 years, they will be working towards the same goal. My wish for all our readers this year is that you will find time for yourself, try new things, spend time with your family, and the create the ability to put the negative experiences of 2014 behind you. Remember to follow us on all your social networks and tag yourself in our photos. For daily updates on what’s happening around you, check out our website at www. tametimes.co.za.
@Stefan609 Liam Willemse is ready to start school tomorrow. Good luck, Liam!
Back to the future! As jy so op jou bank gelê het die vakansie en na ou flieks gekyk het, sou jy sien in “Back to the future 2” reis Marty McFly van 1985 na 2015. En dis toe wat jy besef: dis 2015! Die toekoms is hier! Maar net toe jy in jou blink oorpakkie in jou supersoniese vaartuig gou Spar toe wou vlieg, om van daardie miniatuur pizzatjies te gaan koop wat woeps-waps in groot pizzas verander, besef jy: jy besit nie silwer klere nie en al hoekom jou kar nie wiele het nie is omdat die bande laasnag afgesteel is. En, o ja, daardie pizzas is ook nog nie op die mark nie. Om een of ander rede, in flieks wat oor die toekoms handel, vlieg almal altyd rond in ruimtetuigies, dra silwer of goue klere wat te styf sit, en het robotte vir vriende. Dalk het ek net te veel Buck Rogers-reekse gekyk. Die toekoms lyk toe eintlik glad nie so anders soos al die TV-reekse en flieks voorspel het nie: ons ry nog in gewone motors rond en pizza kom nog steeds in ‘n boks so groot, dit sal nooit vanself in ‘n standaard, groen, Alberton-asblik pas nie. Maar, dan weer, as jy mooi daaroor gaan nadink het die lewe eintlik, in sekere opsigte, drasties verander sedert 1985. Behalwe die politieke veranderinge in die land, is daar eintlik te veel goed om op te noem. Soos: die melkman lewer nie meer melk by jou voordeur af nie, jy moet dit self aflewer; jy kyk nie meer flieks op ‘n TV-stel so groot en swaar soos ‘n sumo-stoeier, of gaan huur videobande met flieks op by die videowinkel wat jy op jou videomasjien speel nie; niemand skryf meer vir mekaar briewe en pos dit in ‘n posbus by die poskantoor nie; ons het selfone, skootrekenaars, i-pads, die internet, dstv, pvr... So, al vlieg ons nog nie rond op skateboards, of gaan ons voordeure elektronies oop soos in Back to the Future nie, ten minste gaan daar baie meer aan by die druk van ‘n knoppie in 2015 as in 1985. Dis nou te sê as die krag nie af is, of jy in die swembad gespring het met jou selfoon in jou sak nie.
January is a busy time all over the world. South Africa, however, is experiencing January as extra busy this year. The Matric results were released on 5 January and made public on the 6th, causing emotions to run high. For all of the Matrics of 2014, this day marked the end of an era so to speak, but also new beginnings for each and every one.
Ismail Ahmed was one of Alberton High School’s top performers. With the support of his family he achieved 6 distinctions.
Once again it is the rainy season and it is time for big game viewing on our highways and byways. For those who could not afford a trip to the Kruger National Park during December, this is great news. Your holiday destination choices might have been limited to Romania (remain here) or the Garden Route (from your front yard to your back yard; but now all you need to enjoy the urban wildlife of Jozi is access to our roads via either public or private transport, and big five game viewing is yours for the taking. First on the list is the elephant pothole. This is any lesion in the road surface too large for the average sedan to fit between its wheels. It forms either from one of those cracks in the tarmac that mysteriously mutates into a monster after a few November rainstorms or is created when heavy traffic encourages a
The Big 5 on our roads
few adjacent potholes to coalesce into one huge crater in the road. The second largest pothole is the lion. As the king of the beasts, this one naturally attracts the most attention. It is deep enough to damage tyres and wheels, but its diameter will always fit comfortably between the wheels of ordinary sedans driven by alert motorists. When in traffic, you will always spot it if you keep your eyes on the brakelights and steering patterns of the drivers in front of you. It was in honour of this category of pothole that the bumper sticker “I’m not drunk – just avoiding potholes,” was printed. The third category of road lesion that potholewatchers will want to look out for is the rhino. This is the easiest to spot. It is always signposted with poles, red-and-white striped tape or other creative methods, such as brightly coloured pizza boxes on sticks or home-
Opinion Piece by Palesa Yates
made signage. This is what makes it a rhino pothole – because no traffic can pass over it to enlarge it, its future is endangered. Hyena potholes are generally small, but interesting. Named after the scavengers of the bushveld because they are patched with odd bits of tarmac, filled with sand or gravel but never properly fixed with proper materials - they lurk in odd corners of the roads and display furtive behaviour. The fifth kind of pothole is the most dangerous because it is invisible. During heavy rains, any of the above four categories can mutate into this cruel and cold-blooded reptile. So, be wary when driving on unknown roads in the rain - the crocodile pothole lurks under rain puddles, dragging tyres under the water and gnawing on the rims. This season, stay alert, stay alive and stay out of potholes!
Distribution: Alberton & Germiston South: 37 000 JHB South: 26 500 Bedfordview & Edenvale: 14 500 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335
Editor: Monica Supra, monica.supra@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za
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Distribution queries: Happy Khumalo 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 11 November 2014 Deadline: 06 November 2014 at 17:00 www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook
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14 January May 2013 13 2015
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Alberton Council is load adding
Football club vandalized:
Wanted for R750 000 damage identity theft
3 January 2015 - Dear Editor Alberton Council should switch off our street lights during the day so that Eskom can keep the rest of our lights on. Cities like Benoni and Brakpan have light sensors that switch theirs off at dawn and switch them back on at dusk, whereas Alberton is load adding in a way that could lead to load shedding. Why should Alberton residents diligently remove cellphone-chargers from plugs, switch off their TVs at the wall, run shallow baths, let their pools go green, have expensive braais instead of cooking their dinners in the kitchen, stop using tumbledryers, leave their hair unstyled and pay their rates in the dark when the Council is failing so miserably in its patriotic duty? Councillors, please look into this matter ASAP! Regards, Green Alberton Resident
Cable theft at Alberton Football Club left the club with damage of more than R750 000. The club closed on 19 December last year for the holidays, during which time they received a call from CPS Security, informing them that one of the electricity boxes was damaged. On 5 January, it was established that all the boxes were broken into and stripped of cables. ‘’This causes a ripple effect,’’ Ron Gellatly said. The junior registration is supposed to take place in the second week of February, and the players practise at night. This affects 35 Junior teams, six Senior teams, two Veteran teams, two Ladies teams as well as seven teams in the Castle League. According to Mike Hart, the situation could take up to 12 weeks to resolve. With the insurance that will take around six weeks to sort out, plus another six weeks to fix the problem, players will not be able to practise until March. ‘’Some of the facilities are outsourced, which we can’t do now, leading to loss of the income we sourced from there,’’ Ron explained. He further said that the money that’s going into the repairs, should be used for service delivery.
Drug-dealer caught Brackendowns reaction team Warrant Officer Cretien and Sergeant Thomas were patrolling in sector 1, Brackendowns area when they noticed a suspicious-looking car. They stopped and searched the car and found the suspect in possession of drugs wrapped in black plastic bags. The suspect was arrested for dealing in drugs and appeared at the Palm Ridge Court on 6 January.
Safe holidays
in brackendowns
Successful Brackendowns arrests
WELL DONE: Detective Captain Jele, Sgt Lindi Moloi and Detective Constable Tsoeli with the recovered vehicle
The woman pictured above is using a stolen ID book to open accounts and buy goods all over South Africa. She allegedly replaced the picture of the complainant with her own. If you have any information, please contact investigating officer Detective Mohamed on 073 465 1429. Brackendowns SAPS had a very successful December, showing that their hard work and dedication is truly paying off. After a robbery at a construction site in Southdowns, one suspect was caught on site, while three more ran away. The arrested suspect showed Brackendowns SAPS where the other suspects could be found and two more arrests were made. One suspect is still at large. The suspects were convicted and received sentences of life imprisonment plus 25 years.
DAMAGES OF R750 000-PLUS: The boxes were stripped of all their cables.
Then, on 1 January 2015, a BMWdriver pulled in at a petrol station at around 06:30. The attendant notified the driver that the card machine was out of order and they could only accept cash. The driver allegedly then pulled a gun and pointed it at the attendant, who filled up the tank and sped off in the BMW without paying. Brackendowns SAPS tracked down the previous owner of the car, who had sold it a few months prior to the incident. The dealership helped them track down the current owner.
A white BMW was stolen during a robbery on 26 September 2014 and tracked to Orange Farm the day after. When police approached the vehicle, the occupants fled the scene after a shoot-out occurred, leaving a 16-year-old boy behind, who told police that the vehicle belonged to his uncle. Due to strong evidence against him, a man was arrested and convicted to 20 years imprisonment on 3 December 2014. At the time, he was out on parole for previous convictions, which included robbery, housebreakings and rape.
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13 January 2015
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Figures SA National Finals The much anticipated Figures SA National Finals took place over the weekend of 12 December at the Roodepoort Theatre. There were contestants from all over South Africa ranging in age from 2 to 23 years. The categories, which included an Open Teacher’s division, were each sub-divided into three sections – ramp model, fashion model and commercial model. The cherry on the top was our very own Miss South Africa being crowned Miss World during the announcing of the Figures winners The competition was mind blowing, very exciting and the cherry on the top was our very own Miss South Africa being crowned Miss World during the announcing of the Figures winners. Figures Alberton did themselves proud, claiming 21 top-scorers, two winners, two second places and three third places during this prestigious modelling event. Well done to all the finalists who participated in the finals and thank you, Figures SA, for giving our stars a chance to shine. Who knows if – maybe one day – one of our stars will be Miss World too! The category girls 10-12: 3rd place Commercial Model – Carmen Nepgen, Figures Alberton owner Melanie Van Den Heever, Winner Fashion Model – Lethabo Sekhosana and 3rd place Ramp Model – Leandri Van Vuuren.
A NEW DOORWAY By Lizeth Kotze
The name January is derived from the Latin name “Januaris” which refers to the Roman god of gates and doorways. As we enter the gates of 2015 we tend to look back at the past and, more importantly, forward to the coming year. It is a time to reflect on changes we want or need to make. New Year’s resolutions will be declared with optimism and the intention is to make each year better than the last. Yet, many people are unable to achieve their goals, with some even throwing in the towel after a week or two. The University of Scranton conducted a study on New Year’s Resolutions and came up with the following results: So why should you set goals for 2015 if none of your good intentions paid off in the past? Experts believe that people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who do not explicitly make resolutions. Thus, you have nothing to lose and plenty to gain.
Tips for setting realistic New Year’s Resolutions: - Be honest and realistic about what you can achieve - Pledge to change in a specific way - Keep track of your progress - Focus on the positive - Avoid temptation - Break up large goals into smaller ones - Find alternatives to a behaviour you want to change - Aim for things that are truly important to you - Make happiness a priority - Challenge yourself to do thing that scare you - Forgive yourself for past mistakes - Do more things that make you feel great - Remember how awesome you are
News Year’s Resolution Statistics Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
of people who usually make New Year’s Resolutions of people who infrequently make New Year’s Resolutions of people who absolutely never make New Year’s Resolutions of people who are successful in achieving their resolutions who have infrequent success who fail to keep their resolutions every year
45% 17% 38% 8% 49% 24%
Type of Resolutions
Self-improvement or education related resolutions 47% Weight related resolutions 38% Money related resolutions 34% Relationship related resolutions 31%
Age Success Rates
Percentage of people in their twenties who keep their resolutions each year Percentage of people over 50 who keep their resolution each year
39% 14%
Time Resolutions Kept
Resolution maintained through first week 75% Past two weeks 71% Past one month 64% Past six months 46%
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14January May 2013 13 2015
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tame TIMES
13 January 2015
Verwoerdpark resident writes: I have observed a number of damaged and The theft and vandalism of signs and manhole removed signs in Verwoerdpark and recently covers is an ongoing problem. Where possible a sign was left propped up against my gate! the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality I had to ask someone to remove it - if I push replaces them with a material that has a low it, it will damage the paving. I have notified metal content. EMM regarding this too. This proves that For traffic signs, this not always possible. the problem is not caused by EMM Roads Signs must also comply with the SA Road Department not replacing signs, but vandals Traffic Sign Manual. The Verwoerd Park area will be inspected stealing and damaging them. Official comment from Themba Gadebe, for missing or damaged signs, which will be replaced. spokesperson for EMM: SIGN OF VANDALISM: This road sign was left propped up against a gate in Verwoerdpark.
Not pedestrian-friendly
Velvet was killed by a red Ford Ranger on 27 December. On 27 December at 10:45, I was walking my chocolate Labrador, Velvet, on Penzance Road in New Redruth, says the writer: She was on a lead and we were both walking on the pavement. Suddenly an African male driver in a bright red new model Ford Ranger with bullbars and a GP number plate came speeding down the road. He proceeded to jump the pavement on the corner of Launceston and Penzance Roads and hit my dog’s head at an enormous speed. She died on impact and despite several pleas from myself for the driver to stop, he continued to speed down the road without any concern. A young man who lives on Telewarren Street was kind enough to assist me and walked me home to fetch my husband and my vehicle to take Velvet to the vet. Unfortunately, due to the trauma of the incident, neither I nor the witness were able to take down a number plate. Michelle at Paws in Motion Vet confirmed that Velvet had died on impact and so we left the vet, leaving our best friend and companion behind at the tender age of two years. I would like to ask the public please to be on the lookout for this vehicle. If anyone has any information, it would be greatly appreciated. I am also hoping to make everyone else in the area who walks their dogs more vigilant and aware of the need to avoid this vehicle. I would like to thank the gentleman on his bicycle and Paws in Motion vet for their amazing help. We would also like to thank the members of the Alberton community who have responded to this incident with such compassion on social media. Please contact me with any information on LisaDR86@gmail.com or 011 481 5103.
Clr Michael Kriek writes: The Environmental Department decided to prune the trees in the middle of November, but left all the branches behind on the pavements. All they did was to cut the thick branches up into short pieces and remove those immediately. The rest of the branches were left behind in the pathway of the pavements. Pedestrians have to walk in the streets because of this. On enquiry I was told that they do not have any transport to remove the branches. Nobody can maintain the pavements now. So the question is: how do you decide to trim trees if you do not have the equipment SINCE NOVEMBER: Pruned branches have to complete the job? been left lying on pavements.
Victim empowerment volunteers wanted The Germiston police are in the process of improving their Victim Empowerment Centre. There is currently a need to increase the number of volunteers who are available to ensure that an effective service is rendered to the community. Victim empowerment involves the following four basic elements, namely: emotional support, practical support, providing and receiving information and referral to professional support services. Training of volunteers has kindly been agreed to by Epworth and is expected to take place on Saturday mornings for about eight weeks. Certificates will be issued to volunteers on their successful completion of the course. Volunteers should be older than 21 years. They receive no payment or stipends and should also take note that their volunteering will not lead to their being employed either by the police or by Epworth. Vetting will be done before the training. Persons who are interested in becoming victim empowerment volunteers or who are already trained should please contact Epworth on 011 827 5732.
So kom die feesgety tot ‘n einde hierdie week, en so te sê almal is terug by die werk. Ek bid jou n baie voorspoedige jaar toe. Aimee Mullens het n beweging begin waarin vreemdes en bekendes hulle hoop en drome openbaar in die gedeelde publieke spasies waarin hulle leef. Jy kan gaan kyk daarna by www.beforeidie.cc Geinspireeerd deur haar stories wil ek in hierdie eerste uitgawe vir jou vra om te dink oor die volgende sin, en dalk dit te waag om jou eie hoop vir 2015 neer te pen. Plak dit iewers op en leef dit dan deur die loop van die jaar raak. Ek hoop dat in 2015 ... Ek hoop regtig dat elkeen in 2015 iets nuuts sal beleef, dat ons sal lag tot ons maagspiere kramp, dat ons sal ontdek wat dit beteken om mens te wees. Die Here gaan deur jou en my werk, laat ons met vreugde daarna uitsien!!
Gelukkige 2015 almal! Hier is ons weer aan die begin van ‘n hele nuwe jaar wat soos ‘n oop boek voor ons lê. Om die okkasie te merk het ek en Gysie vanjaar afgeskop met ‘n lekker braai by vriende. Net voor 12 was almal gereed met vonkelwyn, reg om die nuwe jaar te vier. Om 12 uur begin dit reën en ek dink by myself dat dit ‘n goeie teken is, ons was 2014 af en begin skoon. Baie tevrede met my diep gedagtes besluit ek oudergewoonte dat híérdie jaar, MY jaar gaan wees. Die aand verloop goed, daar is heerlike musiek wat speel, die reën het 2014 afgewas, ons is almal gelukkig. Op ‘n stadium begin ‘n liedjie speel wat almal baie opgewonde het en Gysie spring op. Julle, die stoel pootjie vir Gysie, sy een skoen trek 2m na links en hy begin hardloop om sy balans te herwin. ‘n Goeie 5m later gee hy ‘n sprongetjie om ‘n trap te mis en wragtag kom hy regop anderkant uit! Ek dink toe dat dit ook ‘n goeie teken is. Tot Gysie sy broek gryp en agter die huis gaan staan. Tydens die hele proses het sy broeksknoop verloor en die ritsluiter het sommer besluit om te groet. Hoewel ek baie (BAIE) gelag het, het ek gehoop dat dít nie ‘n voorspelling is van hoe 2015 gaan wees nie… TIP: Die jaar is ‘n boek wat wag om geskryf te word, maak dit ‘n topverkoper!
CPF Meeting The first Brackendowns CPF meeting will be held on 26 January at the EWC Campus. 18:00 for 18:30.
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Prettige Sonskyn afsluiting Die VLU Sonskyn-tak se lede moes elkeen ‘n hoed dra vir die afsluiting verlede jaar. Die wat vergeet het, het sommer ‘n hoed gemaak uit papier, tot almal se vermaak. Die volgende vergadering vind plaas op 19 Januarie. Vir meer inligting, kontak Dini Jansen op 082 552 4683. Eskom’s Khulu Phasiwe recently stated
- Expanding the geyser control systems
that from the second week of January until
to more residential areas across the
March, the electricity system will be under
city, thus further enabling the remote
severe pressure as big industries open for
management of the energy consumption
the New Year.
of customer geysers.
City Power believes it is therefore important
- The installation of solar water heaters,
that residents of Johannesburg, and
which will contribute to the reduction of
business and domestic customers of City
the cost of heating water by electric kettles,
Power, take the statement as a challenge to
stoves and conventional geysers - which
mitigate the possibility of load shedding. City
are high electricity consuming appliances
Power and the City of Johannesburg remain
in the home.
committed to finding permanent solutions
- Installation of light bulbs (both in buildings
and ways to mitigate the possibility of load
and on street lights) which are
shedding in the city. Among the measures
energy efficient.
they are looking into are the following: - The installations of smart technologies
- City Power will continue to work closely with Eskom in their joint attempt to find a
such as smart meters, which will enable
permanent solution to load shedding and
them to manage electricity loads and
other forms of power interruptions such as
electricity consumption across the city
cable theft and vandalism of the
of Johannesburg.
electricity network.
City Power will be establishing a partnership with large power users and key customers to assist them to manage their electricity usage with the aim of ensuring that they use only the amount of electricity needed to run their business operations. Business customers can assist by being part of this initiative when approached by City Power. Business customers are encouraged to switch on only those machines that are necessary to run their production and switch off all those that are not critical for their production. Business customers that can afford to do so are encouraged to install energy-efficient machinery, equipment and lighting in their buildings. Where possible businesses can install large windows and doors that allow more natural light into their buildings so that that they depend on natural lighting rather than switching on lights in their offices and factories during the day. Business is further urged to switch off computers, lights, printers and other electric equipment after working hours and to open windows for fresh air instead of using air conditioners on the factory floor and in the office.
Switch off pool pumps. Any appliance that is not in use at any specific time must be switched off. Open windows and doors for fresh air and to cool yourself and reduce the use of air conditioners and fans. In most cases the Johannesburg weather is fantastic for the outdoors. Where possible, families should take full advantage of the Johannesburg sun by cooking or having a braai outside the house. This will save a significant amount of electricity which would have been consumed by an electric stove. It will also save money.
Voor: Nollie Joubert, Jeanette Vorster, Winnie Kapasousoglou, Rosa Von Rieschbieuder, Anna Oosthuizen, Hanna Matthews, Berta Engelbrecht. Middel: Hantie Dreyer, Dalien Groenewald, Zinobia De Ronde, Gertie Vermeulen, Babs De Wet, Beaulah Griesel. Agter: Alice Goosen, Dini Jansen, Nicci Du Preez, Christa Döman.
14 May Page 082013
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13 January 2015
NEWS IN A flash
CharlieHebdoattack Twelve people were killed after two gunmen stormed the offices of satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, France on Wednesday. Among those killed was the magazine’s editor, Stephane Charbonnier. A police officer was gunned down in the street as the men fled the scene. By Thursday an 18-year-old had handed himself over to police and the two suspected gunmen had identified in the media as brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi. On Friday the brothers were gunned downed as they fled a warehouse north of Paris, firing at police. Shortly afterwards in eastern Paris, police stormed a supermarket where hostages were held by a gunman with reported links to the brothers. The gunman and four hostages died. (NoW.com)
AirAsia plane crash: pings detected in search for black box
Indonesian search-and-rescue teams have possibly detected signals from the black box of AirAsia flight QZ8501, raising hopes that investigators will soon obtain key clues on why the plane went down. The pings were detected on Friday morning, 12 days after the plane went missing over the Java Sea while carrying 162 people from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore. Searchers have pulled 46 bodies of the plane’s passenger and crew from the water, as well as a scattering of debris. No survivors have been found. (theguardian.com)
A glimpse into 2015 from
Back to the Future Part II Back to the Future Part II might have been entertaining, but it definitely got many of its predictions for 2015 wrong! Among its grandiose predictions of 2015 were hover boards, flying cars, futuristic clothing styles and hightech fax machines!
An 85-year-old woman from Texas was arrested for allegedly kidnapping her neighbour’s cats and making them into fur coats. (firsttoknow.com)
Police clamp down on Alcohol on beaches
News reports allege as many as 10 000 bottles of alcohol were confiscated from visitors to Cape Town beaches by local authorities over the holiday period. The reports say that Capetonians and tourists flocked to the Cape Town beaches this holiday season, many of them hoping to knock back a few cold ones in the sun. However, the long arm of the law put an end to their drinking plans with the confiscation of thousands of bottles of alcohol. (iol.co.za)
Thousands of properties
a Stinker of a situation
An estimated 7 000 properties around England and Wales will be sacrificed to rising seas over the next century, BBC news reports say. These staggering figures were released by the Environment Agency. (BBC.com/news)
A heavily pregnant woman was barred from using the toilets in a fast food restaurant. She was told she could not use the washrooms until her boyfriend paid for their food. (www.nuttynewstoday. com)
to be covered by the sea
A woman from Iowa faces thirty days in jail after sending a box of cow poop to her neighbours because they kept complaining about her barking dog. (firsttoknow.com)
No relief until you pay up
The Birds star Rod Taylor dead at 84 It’s not every actor who has the longevity to work with the likes of both Alfred Hitchcock andQuentin Tarantino. But Rod Taylor had it. The Australian actor, whose leading-man looks and solid presence kept him working in Hollywood for six decades, died on Wednesday at the age of 84. The news was announced by his daughter Felicia Taylor, a former CNN correspondent. Though he racked up dozens of film and TV credits over the years, Taylor was perhaps best known for starring opposite Tippi Hedren in The Birds, playing an eligible bachelor who catches the eye of a socialite and then ends up having to protect her and his family from a squadron of murderous birds in the Hitchcock classic. (eonline.com)
A 23-year-old man from Oldsmar, Florida decapitated his mother on New Year’s Eve all because of a chore he did not want to complete. (www.wfla.com)
Rats are hard to poison,
because they are fussy eaters as a result of being unable to vomit. One of the main functions of vomiting is to purge the body of toxic substances. Because rats cannot vomit, they have other strategies to defend themselves against toxins - like super-sensitive food-avoidance learning. When rats discover a new food, they taste a little, and if it makes them sick they scrupulously avoid it, using their acute senses of taste and smell. [http://www.ratbehavior.org/vomit.htm]
A family was driven from their suburban St. Louis home by thousands of venomous spiders that fell from the ceiling and oozed from the walls. (www.nuttynewstoday.com)
Miss SA is headed to Businesses brace for power cuts
Miss Universe
Reigning Miss South Africa Ziphozakhe Zokufa left South Africa this week for Miami where she is representing SA at the 63rd Miss Universe Pageant on January 25. Zokufa, a 23-yearold model and TV production student from Port Elizabeth, was crowned the new Miss South Africa in December after Rolene Strauss won the Miss World title in London. Zokufa was her first princess. (Entertainment.iafrica.com)
Business is bracing itself for more disruptions in the coming week as the end of the festive season is set to put a further strain on Eskom, which warned on Wednesday that the risk of power cuts was rising as the reopening of mines, factories and schools loomed. South Africans have enjoyed an uninterrupted supply of electricity for close to a month, thanks to the year-end holiday lull. It gave Eskom a chance to do much needed maintenance work and the opportunity to replenish its depleted diesel fuel supplies and water reserves for the pumpedstorage schemes which use water to generate electricity. (iol.co.za)
Murder-suicide at cop station Last week a 47-year-old man shot his 45-year-old wife dead at the Parkview Police Station before killing himself. They were allegedly filling in domestic violence forms when he excused himself to fetch his reading spectacles from his car. He came back with his revolver instead and shot his wife. While police were trying to remove the gun from his grasp, he shot himself fatally in the upper body. (sourced from News24)
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14January May 2013 13 2015
Page 09
Algehele Voortreflike Prestasie Posisie 3 – 10: Agter: Jeanelize van den Heever, Elizma Schöltz, Anay Coetzee, Anuske Prinsloo, Dhané Keevy. Voor: Derik van Zyl, Danielle Nigrini, Micke Coetzee, Johan Venter.
3 Congratulations to the 2014 Matriculants and their teachers for the outstanding Matric results. In addition to achieving a 100% pass rate – which has become the norm for St Catherine’s – 75% of the learners attained a Degree pass and the rest a Diploma pass, qualifying each learner to apply for study at a tertiary institution. Between the 36 Matriculants, a total of 32 distinctions were achieved: Special congratulations go to the isiZulu teacher – 9 of her 11 students achieved distinctions.
A total of 32 distinctions were achieved
Accounting Afrikaans Business Studies CAT English Geography isiZulu Life Orientation Maths Literacy Mathematics Physical Science
1 2 1 3 2 1 9 5 4 3 1
Algehele Akademiese Wenner: Algehele Akademiese Elizma Schöltz. Naaswenner: Dewald Louw. Hy was ook die naaswenner vir Algehele Voortreflike Prestasie.
Algehele Voortreflike Prestasie Wenner: Divan Botes.
Look out for more matric results in next week’s edition of tame TIMES. Send you stories to monica.supra@tametimes.co.za
Algehele Kultuurwenners: Chanté du Preez (Graad 4 – 6), Dané Pelser (Junior).
Sportdogter van die jaar: Chané Wilson.
Sportseun van die jaar: Dian Mulder
Algehele Kultuurwenner: Micke Coetzee (Senior).
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13 January 2015
Top 5
Hoërskool Dinamika is baie trots op hulle matrieks van 2014 se uitslae. Die harde werk deur die jaar was definitief die moeite werd. Hier is Dinamika se top presteerders. Gerrie Crafford - 8 onderskeidings
Bridget Wilson - 7 onderskeidings
Clarissa Bellingan - 6 onderskeidings
Arnu v Wyk - 4 onderskeidings
Marelise v Jaarsveld - 4 onderskeidings
Nelson De Bastos 8 A’s, 92% Ave IEB Outstanding Achiever
Shaun Ponte 8 A’s, 87,9% Ave
Sebastian Julicher 8 A’s, 87,7% Ave
Graham Tangawamira 8 A’s, 86,7% Ave
Ryan Stevens 8 A’s, 86,4% Ave
Michael Swart 8 A’s, 84,1% Ave
Mitchel Losper 7A’s, 85,3% Ave
Michele Di Lembo 7A’s, 84,4% Ave
Sebastian Raven 7A’s, 84,3% Ave
Keegan Israel 7A’s, 82,9% Ave
Daniel De Oliveira 5A’s, 84,3% Ave
Kegan McCullough 5A’s, 83,9% Ave
Stirling Scholes 5A’s, 83,3% Ave
Daniel Edwards 5A’s, 81,7% Ave
Devan Falconer 5A’s, 81,6% Ave
Massimo Lovino 5A’s, 81,3% Ave
Glen Alexander 5A’s, 80,3% Ave
Hamish Craze 5A’s, 79,9% Ave
Jason Schutz 5A’s, 79,7% Ave
Five A’s
Daniel De Barros 5A’s, 84,3% Ave
At St Benedict’s, we don’t just wait for things to happen; we work towards making them happen. Every St Benedict’s boy is encouraged to go confidently in the direction of his dreams in order to live the life he’s always imagined. As a fresh page is opened and a new chapter begins, one thing for certain is that the best of every St Benedict’s boy is yet to come.
Harcus Road, Bedfordview, Gauteng. 011 455 1906/8
www.twitter.com/@HeadatSBC www.stbenedicts.co.za
13 May January 2015 14 2013
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Page 11
H A E L A VA N D E R WA L 6 O n d e r s ke i d i n T gs
LANCHE W I L M U R T E R Bi d i n g s
E O ke i d L AC HO n d e r s
s 7 Onder
Angelique Adams
Zandri Grundling
Riaan Fourie
Kimessha Paupamah
Tiaan Landman
Tiffany Kruger
Danya Kloppers
Alecia Sowden
Catia Patricio
Minette Marais
Adaeze Obisi
Shakirah Matthews
No success is possible without the loyalty of our parents! Baie dankie aan ons ouers en matrikulante vir al die ure van harde werk, toewyding en aansporing.
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13 January 2015
’s ph
m a r i st
st j o se
Page 12 2013 14 May
l eg
13 January 2015
Page 13
CongrAtulAtions to the Class of 2014
24 distinctions in total, 97% pass rate, 90% Bachelor pass and 7% Diploma pass. siobhan van rooyen
luyanda Mtsweni
Dominique McBride
2 A’s & 1 B
2 A’s & 4 B’s
2 A’s
tshepiso Mashinini
Matthew Bracken
Qianqian Cheng
2 A’s & 4 B’s
4 A’s & 3 B’s
2 A’s & 1 B
Page 14
tame TIMES
13 January 2015
Leeuwenhof Akademie
7 Onderskeidings Brendon Pretorius
Afrikaans Huistaal; English Home Language; LO; Lewenswetenskappe; Wiskunde; Fisiese Wetenskappe; Rekeningkunde
5 Onderskeidings Aascan Sonnekus
6 Onderskeidings Owen Bondi
100% SLAAG
4 Onderskeidings Tiaan Grobbelaar
4 Onderskeidings Anje-lené Verster
Afrikaans EAT; Besigheidstudies; LO; Wiskunde; Fisiese Wetenskappe; Ingenieursgrafieka en Ontwerp
Afrikaans Huistaal; English FAL; LO; Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie
3 Onderskeidings Sumarie Breytenbach
Afrikaans Huistaal; English FAL; Wiskundige Geletterdheid
3 Onderskeidings Daniëlle Carstens
Afrikaans EAT; Besigheidstudies; Wiskundige Geletterdheid
3 Onderskeidings Carli Kriek
Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie; LO; Wiskundige Geletterdheid
Afrikaans Huistaal; Besigheidstudies; English FAL; LO; Lewenswetenskappe;
4 Onderskeidings Chanté Viljoen
Visuele Kuns; English FAL; LO; Ingenieursgrafieka en Ontwerp
Afrikaans Huistaal; English FAL; LO; Ingenieursgrafieka en Ontwerp
3 Onderskeidings Jessica Joubert
Afrikaans EAT; LO; English Home Language;
3 Onderskeidings Tamika Kruger
Afrikaans EAT; Besigheidstudies; LO
3 Onderskeidings Shanwyn Kaiser Afrikaans EAT; LO; Wiskunde
3 Onderskeidings Macaela Morrison Afrikaans Huistaal; English FAL; LO
3 Onderskeidings TJ Kilian
Ingenieursgrafieka en Ontwerp; English FAL; LO
3 Onderskeidings Deléne Nieuwoudt English FAL; LO; Wiskunde
3 Onderskeidings Natasha Kirwan
Afrikaans EAT; LO; Wiskundige Geletterdheid
3 Onderskeidings Madel Strydom
Afrikaans Huistaal; Besigheidstudies; LO
100 % Universiteitsvrystelling 89%
Onderskeidings (1.5 per kandidaat)
Opedag/ Beurseksamen/ Hoofleiersfunksie:
13 Maart 2015
Kontak marketing@leeuwenhof.co.za vir meer besonderhede of skakel 011 622 1806 (Druk 1)
13 January 2015
Page 15
Holy Rosary Stars of 2014: Congratulations and keep shining!
Simone Soares 8 Distinctions (Incl. AP Maths)
Megan Patterson 6 Distinctions
Michela Agostinetto 7 Distinctions
Jodie Watson 5 Distinctions
Christey Harris 7 Distinctions
Samantha Yen 6 Distinctions
Olivia Moz 5 Distinctions
Kayleigh Welch 5 Distinctions
IEB Top Performers Michela Agostinetto: Skye James: Ciara Giannoccaro: Megan Patterson:
IEB Commendable Achievement (Ranked within Top 5% of all IEB students in 5 subjects and over 80% for Life Orientation) Top 1% of IEB students for Mathematical Literacy Top 1% of IEB students for Mathematical Literacy Top 1% of IEB students for Consumer Studies
Olivia Visentin 6 Distinctions
Chiara du Plessis 4 Distinctions
Lauren Barger 6 Distinctions (Incl. AP English)
Taryn Khoury 4 Distinctions
Kirsty Warnes 6 Distinctions
Kirsten McCormack 6 Distinctions
Maxcine Ling 4 Distinctions
140 Distinctions 100% pass rate 97% Bachelor Degree pass
Saturday 14 February 2015 09h00 – 11h30 th
Holy Rosary School, Horwood Street, Edenvale, Johannesburg Telephone: +27 11 457 0900 | www.holyrosaryschool.co.za @HolyRosaryJHB | HolyRosaryJHB
Jessica Brothwell 4 Distinctions
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13 January 2015
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tame TIMES
13 January 2015
Lizeth Kotze
s.co.za Lizeth.kotze@tametime
but as the t has been growing ol and the excitemen ho sc big g For your . rtin py sta jum is le Your baby to feel a litt d your child may start an u yo r s never se ha clo e er sh ev or day looms at unknown. He gre the t ou ab is ty anxie ply does not little one, most of the earing student and sim -w rm ifo un , ed dg fle fullybeen to school as a ct. pe ex to at know wh
Tips for first-timers at school:
Society places emphasis on Matric results as a gauge of intellectual competence and discipline, and while many believe that the pressures of Matric end with the final exam, the announcement of Matric results is a powerful and potentially dangerous stressor for many schoolleavers. Matric learners really feel the pressure of social competitiveness, the worry of disappointing family and bursars or a sense of doom should they fail. This is partly because of the emotional development stage at which these youngsters find themselves – adolescents often believe they are immortal and nothing bad can happen to them. Nevertheless, when the Basic Education Department recently announced the Matric results, not all candidates were celebrating. For parents, having a child with poor Matric results is disappointing and may even be shameful, as they may perceive their child’s failure as a reflection on themselves and their parenting skills, which can exacerbate an already volatile situation. However, it is important for parents to remain calm and supportive, as they try to figure out the next move for their child, who is probably experiencing a combination of mixed emotions: disappointment, hopelessness, anger, and so on. The parent’s primary role is to provide support during this difficult time, prioritizing their child’s mental, emotional and physical health. Emotional support is critical, as the onset of depression can be a real possibility. And try to keep this in mind: it is unlikely that your child took their exams with the intention of failing. On its website, the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) highlights some of the signs and symptoms of suicide in teens. It states that, though not all depressed people are suicidal, most suicidal people are depressed. Depression manifests in a number of ways that may include a loss of interest in things your child used to enjoy doing, a sense of worthlessness, a change in sleeping and eating patterns, and thoughts and talk about death and suicide, among many others. If symptoms such as these occur on most
days for an ongoing period of two weeks or more, parents should seek professional help. Keeping a tab on what your child is talking about on social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, can offer you insight into their mindset. Many teenagers choose these platforms to express how they feel rather than talking to their parents. In the process, they may come across Facebook updates from peers who have passed Matric successfully, which could intensify their distress. If you believe your child is depressed, try talking to them. Laying blame is not productive, and may even cause further feelings of hopelessness. Coming up with solutions and instilling feelings of hope are important at this time.
Some options for those who have failed Matric are: • Repeat Grade 12 • Re-write the subjects that were failed • Sign up for a course that does not require Matric as a prerequisite Naturally, you need to talk to your child to assess what they would like to do regarding their future. The answers to the following questions can help to determine which options are best: • Do they want to go to university? • Would they be better off at a technikon? • Are they ready to enter the working world? In addition, finding out what might have caused their bad grades may give an indication of your child’s capabilities. Factors such as bullying, poor teaching or simply hanging out with the wrong crowd might have caused the failure - or it could be that your child does not have the aptitude for the mainstream education system and may do better at vocational training. Communicate to your child that failing Matric is not the end of the world. While it is a setback and rather disappointing, a bright future can still be achieved by maintaining a positive outlook and making the right decisions.
Normalize those feelings of nervousness. Tell your kids that it everyone feels a little nervous and worried when starting a new phase of life and that these feelings are very normal. Talk freely and regularly about starting school and start to prepare the child as early as possible. Make it a dinner-time subject and encourage kids to talk about what they are feeling. If there is something particular that they are nervous about, try to encourage them to talk about it. Do a dry run. If they are overly concerned about the whole process, plan a “practice” school day when they get up in the morning, put on their uniform, pack their bags and walk or drive to school. Eat a packed lunch at home. Some kids worry about accessing their lunches, or may not be used to bringing lunch from home. Help them write a list of what they might like in their lunch box, and have a couple of “packed lunch” days beforehand. Draw up a schoolday schedule. Children love routines and when they start school their usual routine will change. Work with them to write up a daily routine and discuss with them how the day will work. Organize a play date. If you know of other children who will be starting with your child, arrange for them to play together a few times. On the first day they will appreciate seeing a familiar face in the schoolyard.
After such a lovely summer break, it is understandable if your school veteran is reluctant to go back to school and all the structure and rules that go with it. Many kids suffer from the post-holiday blues and do not want their idyllic summer to end. This is a normal reaction. If their anxiety or reluctance seems extreme, however; or if they are really feeling down, there may be something particular bothering them. Try to get them to verbalize what is wrong, although they may not really know what it is. It could be as simple as being worried about which class they will be in, or they may be nervous about coping in a higher grade. Maybe they have an unresolved issue from the previous year.
It is not at all unusual for parents to suffer from anxiety about their child or children going off to school, with parents of firsttimers having to deal with their little baby’s new status as a “big school” child. Parents should attend all the transition days with their child and take advantage of being able to talk to the school staff and other parents. If possible, parents should chat to other parents whose kids are already at school. It can help ease the anxiety to get some inside knowledge beforehand, for example, to find out where to drop off and pick up your child. Before your family knows it, the school year will be back in full swing with the Easter holidays beckoning.
It may be difficult to work out what the problem is and how to deal with it. As far as they are concerned, they do not like school and the solution to the problem is not to go there. Obviously, parents have to make it clear that attending school is a given, but they can help children come up with solutions and strategies to make their time there more enjoyable. Serious issues like bullying or learning difficulties, however, will need to be taken up with the school.
14January May 2013 13 2015
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13 January 2015
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Best Original Outfit Cassandra-Lee Geel of Alberton High
Best Original Photo Savannah Rogers and Dean Horn of Besa Leadership Academy
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We want to see all those first day pics. Upload your photos on www.tametimes. co.za in our Citizen Journalist tool, in the “upload your photo” section. All pictures can be first day of ANY grade or créche. Best picture will win a Stationary hamper! Competition will run for January only.
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Page 22 2013 14 May
13 January 2015
Emirates becomes Lions new title sponsor
Emirates Airline and the Lions Super Rugby Team recently announced a fiveyear sponsorship agreement. The agreement will see Emirates become the title sponsor of the Lions Super Rugby team and have naming rights to the Lions home ground Ellis Park in Johannesburg. The announcement was made at a media conference in December by Orhan Abbas, Emirates Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations for Latin America, Southern and Central Africa, and Rudolf Straeuli, the CEO of the Golden Lions Rugby Union. Starting from 1 January 2015, the Lions have become known as the Emirates Lions, and the “Fly Emirates” logo will adorn the match and training jerseys of the team for the next five years. Ellis Park will be named Emirates Airline Park. The agreement also includes instadia hospitality, as well as a number of other marketing rights and activities. “Emirates is a strong champion of rugby worldwide and South Africa is one of the top rugby-playing nations with very passionate supporters. We are therefore delighted to have the opportunity to sponsor one of the country’s most popular and established teams. It’s the first major sponsorship by Emirates of a South African team, and this will certainly raise the visibility of the Emirates brand not just here, but also in our key markets of New Zealand and Australia where the Super Rugby competition is played, and a number of other markets in which the games are televised,” said Mr Abbas. “Our new association with the Lions enables us to be part of Ellis Park, which is an historical
and famous venue in the country, most notably for hosting the Rugby World Cup final in 1995 which South Africa won. This was the same year in which Emirates first started operations to the country, and today we enable trade and provide connections for South Africans from Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg to Dubai and beyond to our network of more than 140 destinations around the world,” he added. “At the Golden Lions Rugby Union we pride ourselves on growth and performance,” said Straeuli. “We are thus thrilled to partner with Emirates – a world leader in its field who is constantly looking to expand and develop. We are tremendously grateful to Emirates for their support and belief. It is wonderful to have financial stability, as a result of the support from this international, iconic brand, over the next five years.” “We are looking forward to working closely together in not only developing rugby at grassroots level in both South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, but also expanding the game of rugby across the globe. As 2015 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Springboks’ 1995 Rugby World Cup win at Ellis Park, it is exciting for us to have secured Emirates as a stadium sponsor from next year. We know that we will share many more happy memories, alongside Emirates, at this hallowed ground,” he added. The Emirates Lions kick off their 2015 Super Rugby campaign on Friday 13 February 2015, when they take on the Hurricanes of New Zealand at Emirates Airline Park.
Golden Lions Rugby Union CEO Rudolf Straeuli (right) presents Emirates Senior Vice President Orhan Abbas (left) with the new Emirates Lions jersey. Photo from www.tender.co.za.
Sullivan seizes prestigious golf trophy
Alberton Angling Club – December results
MONSTER CATCH: Mark Slabbert caught a 10,57kg Barbel.
Alberton Angling Club’s last competition of the year ended as usual with a tornado on the Friday, thunderstorm on the Saturday and sunstroke on the Sunday. These extreme weather conditions, however, did not affect some members, who managed to land some “duk” fish. Congratulations to the following winners: Seniors: Neels Van Zyl (26 fish, 23.380 kg, 523.800 points): Hein Kerstholt (21 fish, 21.390 kg, 423.900 points); George Jacobs (16 fish, 11.950 kg, 279.500 points). Veterans: Douglas Hilder (13 fish, 9.730 kg, 227.300 points), Charl de Wet (11 fish, 8.910 kg, 199.100 points); Mark Slabbert (4 fish, 11.985 kg, 189.850 points) Ladies: Melanie Viviers (8 fish, 7.455 kg, 154.550 points); Magda Van Zyl (7 fish, 6.355 kg, 133.550 points); Tosca Kerstholt (visitor) (4 fish, 3.100 kg, 71.000 points). Juniors: Nathan Oosthuizen (4 fish, 2.265 kg, 62.650 points); Andrew Kerstholt (2 fish, 1.575 kg, 35.750 points); William Viviers (1 fish, 2.405 kg, 34.050 points) Mini Juniors: Melande Viviers (1 fish, 0.340 kg, 13.400 points); Kailey Oosthuizen (2 n/w, 0.225 kg, 2.250 points); Kenny Prins (1 n/w, 0.125 kg, 1.250 points). Overall Winner: Neels Van Zyl (523.800 points) Heaviest Fish: Mark Slabbert (Barbel 10.570 kg) Members’ Pool Draw: Neels Van Zyl Heaviest Carp (4.275 kg) Official’s Prize: Wynand Basson (visitor) (Heaviest Grass Carp 6.115 kg) Alberton Angling Club Contact Details: Phone: 081 831 8025 Web: www.albertonangling.co.za Email: albertonanglingclub@yahoo.co.za Facebook: Alberton Angling Club
CHAMPIONS: The prestigious event saw big golfing names streaming in to Bedfordview. Ernie Els was among these golfing giants. Briton Andy Sullivan won the SA Open Championship which was hosted the City of Ekurhuleni at the Glendower Golf Club, Bedfordview from 8 to 11 January. South African Charl Shwartzel was up as a favourite to win but Sullivan managed to secure a first place with some superb last-minute shots, stealing Schwartzel’s limelight. Schwartzel produced
surroundings. It is said to be a test for the world’s best golfers. Tournament results were as follows:
a score of 74 in the final round, to Sullivan’s 67. Glendower Golf Club is a highly ranked parkland golf course which provides challenging golfing among gorgeous 1
Andrew Sullivan
Total: 277
Charl Schwartzel
Total: 277
Lee Slattery
Total: 278
Pablo Martin Benavides
Total: 279
Thomas Aiken
Total: 281