Tame times boksburg 12 august 2014

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tame TIMES




Volume 02, 12 August 2014, Week 33

Delivered every Tuesday

Sarah-Kate: fairest of them all

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335



NEWS DETERMINED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Sarah-Kate Scott starts her reign as Mrs South Africa 2014/2015. On Friday 8 August Sarah-Kate Scott, Darren Scott's wife, was crowned Mrs South Africa 2014/2015. The grand finale was held at Emperors Palace, where celebrities, beauty queens and fashion designers all gathered to admire the beautiful contestants and to choose a new ambassador for the Mrs SA brand.


he Mrs South Africa pageant is more than just a beauty pageant - it is an opportunity for the women leaders of South Africa to make a difference in their communities. “We are real women. We are wives, in some cases mothers also, and successful career women. We are ‘bona fide’ and authentic women doing it all (cooking, doing the school run, going to meetings) while still looking well-groomed. We are far from perfect, but we strive to be the best version of ourselves,” said Mrs SA CEO, Joani Johnson. The new Mrs SA Sarah-Kate Scott not only bedazzled the judges with her poise, beaming smile and flawless beauty on stage; she also proved that she is a real woman, with a big heart and the determination to be a true inspiration to the women of South Africa. This year the Mrs SA finalists raised R400 000 for CANSA;

and, having gone through cancer battles in her own family, Scott is very passionate about making a difference in this area. She also intends to create a “Mom Movement” campaign to give mothers an opportunity to empower each other through networking, and will continue and expand her Cupcakes for Children with Cancer campaign in conjunction with CANSA. “Beyond the glitz and glamour of the tiara is hard work. I wish to be a vessel to help others and to lend my name and skills to any causes that approach me. It has been such a journey of self-discovery. I am a lady of many words, but there are no words tonight,” said Scott about her Mrs SA journey and goals so far.

Amy-Mae Campbell



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Twelve thousand stand with Israel On Sunday 3 August, twelve thousand South Africans gathered at a Solidarity Peace Rally for Israel at Huddle Park. Among their number were Jewish residents of Johannesburg, Christians from various denominations and a few hundred members of the Shembe Church.


he massive crowd was addressed by Jewish and Christian leaders, who defended Israel’s right to exist and defend her people. The emphasis of the gathering was on peace, and prayers were made for peace and the Israeli soldiers. Chief Rabbi of South Africa Warren Goldstein said his prayer was for a long-term peace that came with security for all the people of the region. He said that Israel had responded with “unprecedented restraint” to a “terrorist state led by Hamas, which is at war with the only democratic state in the Middle East.” Leader of Defend Embrace Invest Support Israel (DEISI) Olga Meshoe took a selfie with

her back to the crowd and encouraged Jewish people present to remember the “thousands of non-Jews in solidarity with Jews in South Africa.” She urged rally-goers to buy Israeli produce to support the country and reminded

“Anyone who touches

Israel touches the apple of God’s eye.” everyone not to “become bitter.” President of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies Zev Krengel said that there had

been efforts to intimidate the organizers out of holding the rally and to prevent some from attending it, but thanked President Zuma for continuing to “engage” with Israel. Israeli ambassador Arthur Lenk said Israel was home to Jews, Christians and Muslims. The country, he said, wanted to rebuild Gaza after the war and demilitarize her for the sake of her people. A letter from well-known evangelist Angus Buchan was read, saying that the “Bible tells us very clearly that we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Anyone,” he wrote, “who touches Israel touches the apple of God’s eye.” Gauteng Shembe leader Inkosi Phakama Shembe told the crowd: “I love you, South African Jews.” Pro-Israel Pastor Abel Zumani compared

the state of Israel to an olive-tree, saying that both were disease-resistant, droughtresistant and fire-resistant. ACDP President Rev Kenneth Meshoe said he was relieved that none of the speakers had released hatred. Both Christians and Jews, he said, believe in peace and the Bible taught believers to love their enemies. He said the ACDP had for years supported the right of Israel to exist within safe and secure borders. The international community, he said, should help Israel to destroy the tunnels being dug under her borders in order to smuggle weapons into the country. After the rally, the SAPS reported on Twitter that they had arrested a “Palestinian national” for possession of an unlicensed rifle. He was also carrying a revolver, shotgun and three knives.

Shembe Church leader – Inkosi Phakama Shembe (leopard outfit), ACDP President – Rev Meshoe (Israel T-shirt) and Israeli ambassador – Arthur Lenk (blue cap) Photo supplied.

The Women in Leadership Conference was held at Emperors Palace on 6 and 7 August this year. The event attracted a variety of business representatives who shared their success stories.


omen in Leadership is an inspirational conference featuring South Africa’s most esteemed women from different industries and societal leadership structures. The aim of the conference is to create a networking opportunity that women leaders in various organisations can use to learn from each other. A popular topic of discussion at this year’s conference was about incorporating networking skills, branding and digital media innovation into business profiles to ensure success. Women were also presented with the opportunity of debating the definition of success and the role men and women play in a prosperous business. Business pioneers, such as Helen Nicholson, Donna Rachelson, Dion Chang and Alf McKnight shared their success stories and gave genuine advice from their personal experiences. Here are a few business tips and insights gathered at the conference: •

The concept of “female millennials,” which refers to youth entering the business sector for the first time after completing their education, is important.

Studies show that 85% of women plan to remain in the workplace even after having had children.

Small and big agencies can compete, as business success is no longer determined by the size of the business, but by its ability to adapt and keep up with the latest trends: big versus small and fast versus slow.

Consumers are equally powerful in demanding quality or products via social media platforms.

“Specialised skills” are vital. Be clear about what you can offer in the market and make sure that you have mastered that skill.

Develop a personal brand that people will remember you by and keep it consistent. Stand out from the crowd and remember that you yourself, and your online presence, are also ambassadors of your product or business.

GUEST SPEAKERS AND ORGANISERS: Dion Chang, Natasha Gerber, Alf McKnight and Dr Henry Grimbeek •

When networking, make sure to follow up on referrals. Always keep in mind that networking is about a mutually beneficial business relationship; what is in it for the both of you?

Remember that connections can open doors for you - therefore make the most of every networking opportunity. Listen to what the person tells you and try to remember their name. You want to leave on a high note. It is a small world and you never know when you may need the other person’s help or bump into them again.

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed by responsibilities, deadlines, outstanding bills and life’s general trauma, that it becomes difficult to remain positive and passionate. When friends tell me to be positive and passionate, I tend to become agitated, because those words have become somewhat of a cliché in our day and age. When I am suffering, the last words I want to hear are: “just remain positive.” That said, it is equally important never to underestimate the power of the mind and will. You cannot always control your circumstances, but you can control your attitude. Even when it seems an impossible task, try to see the silver lining. Do not undermine the impact and reality of your suffering, but beware of becoming a complete victim of your circumstances. Every experience shapes character and God is interested in character. How can your experience make you a stronger or better person? Find a shoulder to lean on and keep faith. amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za

Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Amy-Mae Campbell: amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za

Sub editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Gillian Ryan gillian.ryan@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za

Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Happy 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 19 August 2014 Deadline: Friday 15 August at 14:00

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12 August 2014

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MANIA Jennifer Williamson

Shannon Roscher

After four months of hard work dedicated towards improving the environment, Miss Earth South Africa has chosen their 16 finalists. Two of these finalists are from Boksburg Shannon Roscher and Jennifer Williamson.


iss Earth South Africa is a leadership programme that aims to empower young South African women with the knowledge and platform to create a sustainable difference in combatting the destruction of our natural heritage. The programme helps to create an awareness of sustainable development, the environment, wildlife and the conservation of

South Africa’s natural legacy, and ultimately, the preservation of Earth. Roscher and Williamson have been hard at work completing community and environmental projects and they will soon find out whether their passion and dedication were enough to land them the Miss Earth South Africa title.

Issued by Buz Publicity Knitting is now seen as a trendy and popular pastime, thanks to Carolyn Steyn and her passionate team of knit-wits. Steyn founded 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day in December 2013, as a Mandela Day project to keep children in the less fortunate communities warm during winter. The initiative gathered thousands of supporters from around the world and over 4000 blankets were collected for charity organisations in South Africa. 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day was recently nominated for ANN7’s Campaign of the Year Award, which will surely give them the recognition they deserve. With your votes, the knit-wits may very well win this prestigious accolade. According to Steyn: “We are so humbled and honoured to be considered for this award. We’re still in our infancy and don’t even have a bank account – to be nominated alongside corporate giants like KFC and CocaCola is indeed a privilege. 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day started out as a simple challenge and has become a global movement. We were able to keep so many people warm this winter because of passion - passion for the cause, passion for making a difference and passion for Madiba’s legacy. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and applaud all the knit-wits for embracing this initiative with such gusto and enthusiasm.” Steyn’s next goal is to collect double the number of blankets for distribution in the winter of 2015. To keep the momentum going, Steyn plans on holding knit-

a-thons, blanket handovers and even a “yarnbomb” at the Nelson Mandela statue at the Union Buildings.“Never in my wildest dreams did I think that we would be able to collect thousands of blankets to hand out to those in need on Mandela Day. In fact, I was aiming for a mere 67 blankets The power of intention is an incredible thing, as is making a difference – it is contagious. This award nomination really means a lot to me and the knit-wits because it acknowledges our efforts and shines a light on our hard work. If this is what we were able to achieve in just seven months, the possibilities for next year are truly endless,” concludes Steyn. To vote for 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day, SMS CAMP 1 to 43043 or e-mail CAMP 1 to satyvoting@ann7.com. You can vote as many times as you like. Support the campaign by joining the group on Facebook: 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day and follow on twitter: @67blankets




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12 August 2014


aat hierdie ou tante vir julle ‘n wolhaarstorie vertel: toe ek nog ‘n jong meisie was, het daar elke aand ‘n vreemde skaduwee voor my deur rondgetrippel (daar waar die lig onder die gleuf tussen die deur en die vloer skyn). Ek onthou nog hoe die hare op my arms penregop gestaan het. Na ontbyt een oggend tref ek Ou Mieta, ons bediende, buite in die perdestal aan. Mieta het ook op die plaas grootgeword en haar hele gesin was almal baie bygelowig. Jare gelede, het Mieta vertel, het daar ‘n eensame boer saam met sy dogter in ons huis gewoon. Sy vrou het malaria gekry en gesterf. Die boer was toe oorbeskermend oor sy dogter. Hy het elke aand met ‘n lamplig voor sy dogter se deur wag gestaan om seker te maak dat sy veilig is. Sy dogter het vasgevang gevoel. Haar pa het streng reëls neergelê en dié dat hy voor haar kamerdeur gewaak het, het beteken dat sy nie kon ontsnap as sy wou nie. Sy het een aand besluit om by haar venster uit te glip om saam met ‘n kêrel te kuier. Sy het bloot verdwyn en niemand het haar ooit weer gesien nie. Mieta beweer dat die ou boer se spook steeds voor sy dogter se kamer boer in die hoop dat sy een aand sal terugkeer. “Ai Mieta, jy kan darem maar nonsens praat,” was my reaksie. In realteit was die skaduwee ons worshondjie, Lappies, wat elke aand aan my deur kom krap het. Tip: Moet nie spoke opjaag nie. Maak altyd seker van jou saak voor jy suspisieus oor dinge raak. Dikwels is daar baie eenvoudige verduidelikings vir snaakse omstandighede.

Change of date for road race Please note that the date of the Boksburg Athletic Club 2014 Sportsmans Warehouse 15/5km road race, which is organised by the Boksburg Athletic Club, has been changed from Sunday 5 October 2014 to Sunday 16 November 2014. Please diarise the date, as we will need all of our members to work on that day.

Atlas Auctioneers collectables auction – 23 August Africa (today known as Namibia).

René de Villiers writes: By any measure the political situation in South Africa this year is unsettling. But it pales against the political turmoil in the country one hundred years ago in 1914. Following the assassination of the Crown Prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz-Ferdinand in June of that year in Sarajevo, the First World War (at the time referred to as The Great War) broke out on 28 July 1914.


ecause of its connection with Belgium, Great Britain was drawn into the war within a week, on 3 August; and by early September of that year the world was introduced to the horrors of trench warfare. In South Africa, the Union government formed in 1910 under the premiership of Genl. Louis Botha and with Genl. Jan Smuts as Minister of Defence, sided with Great Britain, and Parliament in Cape Town resolved to invade German West

The Anglo Boer War had ended a scant 12 years before on 31 May 1902, and some of the “Bittereinder” generals on the Boer side saw the Great War as an opportunity to reclaim their independence from Britain. Talk of an armed rebellion was in the air, although the protagonists referred to themselves as merely protesters. The immensely influential Genl. Koos de la Rey, fondly referred to as “Die Leeu van die Wes-Transvaal” and the hero of many battles in the Anglo-Boer War, had not openly declared his intentions. In the meantime the four-member Foster Gang of bank robbers – predating the notorious American Bonnie and Clyde pair by some thirty years - was active on the Reef, and various road blocks had been set up in and around Johannesburg in an attempt to catch the gang. One such road block was positioned in Langlaagte where Deville Road (recently renamed Albertina Sisulu) meets Du Toit Street. On the evening of 15 September 1914, Genls. De la Rey and Christiaan Beyers were on their way from Pretoria by car, ostensibly to Potchefstroom. Beyers had, just that morning, resigned from his post as CommandantGeneral of the Citizen Force, and the two

Apart from the two facts that they sold alcohol and provided a place for men to hang out in when they did not want to go home to their wives, pubs and bars in South Africa were not much like those in Britain. In 1976, many English public houses tended to have small rooms filled with brass knick-knacks and prints of hunting scenes or the town’s league five cricket team.


he locals had their own tankards hanging above the bar and the bar itself was a piece of wood that was probably part of the oak tree Robin Hood practised shooting arrows into, and the beer cellars were used by the Cavaliers to hide from Cromwell’s Roundheads. Some landlords sold mead as well as a beer only made within a ten-mile radius. In other words, they had atmosphere and history, things sadly lacking in South African pubs which may have had wooden bars, tables and chairs, but the wood came from SAPPI last year and the beer was all made by South African Breweries or imported in a bottle. All pubs in England had quaint names like The Headless Woman or The Bull and Cow – and By Boksburg local Joy Kearsley

Beer and where to drink it there was usually some old codger sitting in a corner who could tell you the story behind the name. Here the hotel or bar was more likely to be named after the area in which it stood. Most of the pubs where I came from sold food in the form of “pub lunches,” usually while you sat at the bar. Scampi (small fried prawns) and chips were sold at the fancier places. Pork pies, ploughman’s lunches (cheese and pickles), and steak-and-kidney pie were the order of the day elsewhere - and every landlord’s wife seemed to be a good cook. There were also packets of crisps (potato chips) so salty you were bound to buy more drinks after eating them. Many a time when I was a small child my parents would go for a Sunday drive with friends and stop at a country pub. Then they would have a few drinks inside while we kids had crisps and a bottle of pop (fizzy cool drink) outside. In the United Kingdom, women were welcomed in pubs - and not just in the ladies’ bar - as

generals, on encountering the road blocks, apparently formed the impression that Jan Smuts was attempting to detain and question Genl. Beyers. They ordered their driver to ignore the roadblocks and, at the Langlaagte roadblock, one of the constables on duty fired a shot, reportedly aiming at the right hand back wheel of the car. The bullet ricocheted into the back of the car, and a fragment of it lodged in Genl. De La Rey’s heart, killing him instantly. The armed rebellion eventually petered out, but to this day there is speculation about the influence Genl. De la Rey would have had, had he joined the movement. Conspiracy theories also persist to this day as to who was responsible for his death. The unanimous opinion, then and now, is that there is no doubt that this tragic incident had a profound influence on the events of the day. As such, it is fitting that the centenary of the event be commemorated, and arrangements have been made to have a wreath-laying ceremony on Sunday 14 September 2014 at 14:00 at the site in question. Should you wish to learn more about this ceremony, you are invited to contact René de Villiers on 083 317 4339.

they were when I first came to South Africa. (Aspects of apartheid applied to females as well as to people of colour then too.) When I was studying to be a teacher in Derby, in rural Derbyshire, I spent many an hour at the local hostelry with my friends, playing darts and drinking cider. At lunch-time us four girls would play “301” and “Killer” as a darts team against the hardened locals – and we won more often than not. There was no stigma attached to females who frequented a public house. However, South Africa was a different story. Women could only drink in the lounge bar, and only if accompanied by a man. The public bar was far too plebeian a place, and having stood at the door reminding my husband he had a wife and children, I can understand why. No female with any degree of decorum or sense of smell would want to drink there. The only things missing were the straw on the floor and spittoons. Lion Lager was the beer to drink in 1976. My first taste of it happened about an hour after landing at Jan Smuts when friends my husband had made on his work visit to Joburg took us to the Southern Sun Airport Hotel where he and I were to stay for a couple of nights while we settled in. (It later became the Holiday Inn Garden Court). Continue reading on our website at www. tametimes.co.za.

Atlas Auctioneers will be hosting their next collectables auction later this month, in the beautiful old Presbyterian Church Hall in Boksburg. Items up for auction include early Cape Newspapers from the 1820s, banknotes, coins, porcelain, glass, old tins, books, stamps and many more rare and interesting items. Date: 23 August 2014 Time: 11:00 Venue: Presbyterian Church, 49 Leeuwpoort Street, Boksburg Central (below Commissioner Street) To obtain an auction list, email Clinton Goslin (auctioneer) on atlasauctioneers@lantic.net. For more details about venue or placement of auction lots, please contact Tom Dooley on 082 546 7649. Come and have a fun day with many bargains and good friends. Basic refreshments will be available, but no alcohol or smoking will be allowed in the hall.

Casual Day stickers for a good cause Casual Day stickers for 5 September can be bought for R10 each at the tame TIMES office reception desk from Tessa Arthur. Our newspaper is selling the stickers on behalf of the Hamlet School for the Mentally Disabled. You can also ask for a R20 per month debit order form for Hamlet School.

IMPI Challenge obstacle trail run The IMPI Challenge, which started in 2009, is the original obstacle trail challenge in South Africa. This social, fun event includes 6km and 12 km routes and will take place on Saturday 27 September at Van Gaalens in Hartebeespoort. To negotiate a 10% discount for yourself or your running club, send an email to info@ impichallenge.co.za For more information, visit the website at www.impichallenge.co.za

12 August 2014

Supplied by ER24 Parts of South Africa were literally shaken into a state of panic when an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 on the Richter Scale struck Orkney in the North West Province last Tuesday.

What should you do during an earthquake? •

Stay calm.

Try to stay where you are. Use a large and sturdy object such as a big desk to crawl under. If you are in a building, try to stand with your back against a wall near the centre of the building. You should try to stay away from windows and outside doors.


ithin a few minutes, social media sites were abuzz with users describing their experiences, some of them six hundred kilometres apart from each other. South Africa is not accustomed to earthquakes. Although we do experience tremors from time to time, none of them usually cause any real damage or make the national news. At 12:20 last Tuesday, South Africans experienced what is believed to have been the second largest earthquake in 45 years. The Ceres earthquake in 1969 is reported to have been the most destructive earthquake in South African history. It occurred on 29 September 1969 in the Ceres/Tulbagh area and registered 6.3 on the Richter Scale. It is reported that last week’s earthquake was felt as far as Botswana and Durban and lasted for approximately 90 seconds. Emergency Services always faces a challenge with such an incident. When panic sets in, emergency contact centres should be prepared to handle more than

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Stay calm. Here’s how... •

the normal volume of emergency calls. On top of this, emergency services have to combine resources to ensure that they are ready for a possible influx of emergency calls. Questions that must be asked include: “What infrastructure has been damaged?” “Will emergency resources be able to reach affected people?”

Should you be outside at the time of an earthquake, look around you. Ensure you are far enough away from power cables or anything overhead that might fall on you. Do not stand near or against a building, as debris could fall on top of you. Use the stairs to evacuate the premises (but only when it is safe to do so).

can provide first aid, proceed to do so. •

Call ER24 on 084 124 for medical assistance if someone has sustained an injury.

If the building you are in has sustained structural damage, even if you are unsure, evacuate it calmly and quickly (if possible).

Try to listen to your local radio station for emergency or news updates.

Do not enter any damaged buildings or areas.

There may be debris lying around. Be very careful around broken glass and other items that could cause you harm. Do not take off your shoes.

Stay away from beaches until the area has been announced to be safe.

If the area you are in has an evacuation or emergency plan, try to follow it.

What should you do after an earthquake? •

Establish if you have sustained any injuries. Check around you and try to see if anyone else sustained any injuries. If you

Expect aftershocks.

Op Dinsdag 5 Augustus het Suid-Afrikaners groot geskrik toe ‘n onverwagse aardbewing gemeenskappe geruk het en so vêr as Durban, Lesotho en Zimbabwe geskud het. Die episentrum van die bewing het 5.5 op die Richterskaal geregistreer en het in die myndorp Orkney, Noordwes, ontstaan.

n Man in Klerksdorp het gesterf nadat die aardbewing ‘n muur losgeruk het, wat hom doodgeval het. In totaal is 38 beserings aangemeld en verskeie gemeenskappe in die omliggende areas het skade gely, soos mure en geboue wat gekraak of omgeval het. Benoni en Boksburg se inwoners is ook deur die aardtrilling aangeraak: ‘n Inwoner van Rynfield, Benoni, het op die dag getwiet dat hulle kompeks “erg geskud” het en sy het aan tame TIMES gesê dat hul muur se krake erger as normaal gelyk het daarna. Mense in Parkrand en Boksburg-noord, onder andere, het op Facebook aangedui dat hulle ook die trilling gevoel het. Volgens Beeld het ‘n kenner aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg, dr. Herman van Niekerk van die department geologie, gesê dat die aardbewing nie toegeskryf kan word aan mynboubedrywighede nie. Van Niekerk het aan Beeld gesê dat die Afrika-kontinent besig is om stadig maar seker in twee te skeur.Van Niekerk beweer dat die trilling moontlik veroorsaak is deur bewegings van die aardkors in Ethiopië, wat geweldige druk op die aardkors plaas en dié stres moet iewers uitgelaat word. Een van hierdie uitlaatpunte was moontlik die Orkneyomgewing. Die Noordwes premier, Supra Mahumapelo, het die Noordwes gemeenskap verseker dat die regering sal ingryp om die verwoesting wat die aardbewing gesaai het, reg te maak.

‘n Huis se muur het inmekaar getuimel van die skudding en ‘n man het gesterf. (Foto: ER24EMS/Twitter)

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12 August 2014

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Miss South African 2014, Rolene Strauss, continued a 20-year tradition by showing her support for Casual Day coming up on 5 September 2014. Rolene recently visited a school for children with disabilities that is participating in Casual Day and found a special place for her Casual Day sticker.


y lending her voice to those of the millions of South Africans who participate in Casual Day, she is making a big impact on the lives of persons with disabilities all over the country. She said, “Bring out the bling for Casual Day – and wear your sticker.” “By adding her support to the Casual Day campaign, Rolene will be assisting in the generating of funds towards the financial targets of the various organisations. Although many schools with disabilities receive some financial assistance from government, the extra funds they raise through Casual Day really make a huge difference in the services they can render. Rolene is a caring person – she is, after all, training to be a physician - and her involvement will inspire others to participate in Casual Day,” said project leader Celeste Vinassa. Casual Day is South Africa’s most successful fundraising project for persons with disabilities – and the amount raised for last year has climbed to R24.8 million. Sponsored by The Edcon Group, Casual Day is the flagship project of the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa (NCPPDSA), which this year celebrates 75 years of

service to the community of persons with disabilities. Some of the beneficiaries of Casual Day are: National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in SA, South African National Council for the Blind, South African Federation for Mental Health, Deaf Federation of South Africa, Autism South Africa, Alzheimer’s South Africa and the South African Disability Alliance.

By Palesa Yates


ncouraging a love of reading in the next generation could change South Africa forever. Arguably, the greatest problem facing the nation is unemployment, and one of the most effective ways to reduce joblessness is to improve the education of the work-force, and one of the best methods to upgrade academic performance is to foster a culture of reading. According to the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, reading to children improves their thinking and reading ability. The Institute’s research has shown that parents who read to their children six or seven days a week give them an intellectual headstart of almost a year over children who do not enjoy this privilege, and even improve the performance of school beginners in numeracy. [http://www.theage. com.au/national/proof-of-benefits-of-readingto-children-20130302-2fd7s.html] Inspiring children to read is not difficult. Here are a few hints and tips: •

BUY YOUR STICKER: Miss SA Rolene Strauss poses with Zy-Ann Swanepoel, a learner at Alma School in Pretoria.

Inspire a love of books from babyhood by buying cloth and cardboard books for babies, and reading to toddlers and children. Put children to bed with a book. Let them turn the light off when they are tired of reading. Set a bed-time, not a sleep-time.

These are some of the exciting topics that will be covered in this feature in upcoming editions : • • • • • • • •

Makeup Reviews Skincare Reviews Best Makeup Tools Makeup You Want to Try Celebrity “Get the look” Product Comparisons Health Products Face of The Week

• • • • • • • •

Eye of the Week Product Rants Beauty events and workshops Makeovers Makeup Tutorials Contests and Giveaways Beauty Looks by Occasion Beauty Interviews

Focus our readers on your products and services

Take your children to your local library regularly.

Encourage Grade Ones and Twos to read everything they see.

Put notes in your children’s school lunch-boxes or leave them lying around the house.

Organize games that involve searching for written clues. For example, give children a slip of paper with the words “Look in the bread bin” written on it, hide another piece of paper saying “Check inside my left slipper” in the bread bin, put a further instruction in your left slipper and so on, until the children eventually find a reward.

Write stories about your children in daily instalments – children are unable to resist this one.

Read books yourself.

Make a scrapbook about subjects that interest your children. Add captions they can read.

Let your children watch television programmes with sub-titles.

Most importantly, parents should not fuss too much about the literary merit of what their children are reading. What matters is encouraging children to read something.

Advertise in our fabulous Beauty Feature ! LOOKING BEAUTIFUL IS AN ART and someone out there might just need


12 August 2014

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By ER24 Taking part in the Fire Challenge dare game that has gone viral on social media is not fun, but extremely stupid and very painful, say ER24 paramedics. Participants in this dangerous game, they say, voluntarily set themselves alight by applying flammable liquids such as rubbing alcohol on to their bodies and filming the outcome.


R24 has issued the following statement on the so-called game: “As far as we can determine, one of the first Fire-Challenge videos was uploaded in April 2012 on to YouTube in which the user set his chest hair alight. Since its upload the video has had more than one hundred thousand views. It appears that in April 2013 a Vine user introduced the hash tag ‘fire-challenge’ and it accompanied videos of users setting themselves alight. The challenge is to set yourself alight and extinguish the flames as fast as you can; however it rarely has a desirable outcome.

We have watched almost a hundred videos on the Internet on this so-called FireChallenge and none of them was without injury, pain or even death. In Buffalo, New York a fifteen-year-old boy died after participating in the FireChallenge game. It was reported in an online newspaper on 4 July this year that he doused himself with alcohol and was then set ablaze by his friends. Apparently he was not near any water source and could not stop the fire quickly enough and sustained serious burn wounds as a result. Even getting into water quickly cannot

always prevent serious burn wounds, and inhalation burns can lead to suffocation. People often post challenges on various social media sites, which other users take up, some of them unfortunately ending up dead. Challenges like the neknomination which involved downing alcohol beverages and so forth, also had their fair share of victims. These challenges do not only affect children, but adults as well. However, children are more susceptible to these challenges, as they are keen to outdo their friends. The choking game is still popular with many teens. Many died because of this so-called game, which caused teens to strangle each other to the point where they passed out or felt high. Some even went as far as tying a belt or a rope around their necks and hanging themselves from a door handle or bedpost.”

DO NOT DO THIS: It could kill you.


man believed to be in his twenties was killed on 3 August when his Citi Golf collided into a tree on Lurie Road in Benoni. Paramedics from ER24 who arrived on the scene found the man still in the driver’s seat of the vehicle. Unfortunately, he sustained multiple fatal injuries and there was nothing the paramedics could do for him. Paramedics later declared him dead on the scene. The exact cause of the accident is not yet known and investigation of the incident was handed over to the local authorities. At this stage it is not clear if another vehicle was involved.

Speedster late for fishing TIP-OFFS HELP: After community members provided them with information, officers of the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Equestrian Unit arrested two CAT dealers and a buyer in Benoni. moment when the money and the he three suspects were in the drugs exchanged hands and pounced, process of completing their apprehending all three suspects.” illegal drug transaction when the Metro Police sprang into action at They confiscated CAT with a street about 08h30 on Friday 1 August. value of R600 as well as six hundred “After receiving the tip-off as well as the rands in cash. The two foreign national full description of the vehicle involved, dealers, aged 26 and 33, were charged the Equestrian Unit members waited with possession of, and dealing in, illicit patiently on Klein Street until the dealer’s substances while the buyer was charged vehicle showed up and the buyer with possession of illicit substances approached them,” EMPD spokesman at the Benoni police station. All three Wilfred Kgasago said. “Members of suspects appeared in the Benoni the Equestrian Unit waited for the right Magistrate’s Court on Monday 4 August.





Boksburg SAPS: 112 Commissioner Street, Boksburg 011 841 6800

Boksburg North SAPS: 37 Vierde Street, Boksburg North 011 898 3000

Boksburg Metro Police Station:

Reiger Park SAPS: Cnr Arthur Hobbs Road & Goedehoop Avenue, Reiger Park, 011 916 7000

Tienie Jansen Building, Adderly Street, Boksburg 011 899 4114

A driver claiming to be late for fishing was trapped by EMPD officers doing 143km/h in an 80km/h zone on Saturday 2 August. He was only one of 15 speedsters caught flouting the 80km/h speed limit on the R23 between Athlone and Rangeview roads in Brakpan. The operation was conducted by EMPD Speed Unit members from 5am to 8am.


ccording to EMPD spokesman Wilfred Kgasago, “A 51-year-old man in a Renault sedan, claiming that he was late for a fishing sojourn was caught at around 05h15 doing 143km/h. The second highest speed registered in this operation was 137km/h by a male driver in a Ford sedan who cited the reason that he was late for work.” The third highest speed of 135km/h was registered by “a male driver in an Audi sedan who advanced the reason that he was rushing to a funeral,” Kgasago added. The other twelve speedsters arrested were clocked doing speeds of between 126 and 117km/h. Dockets of reckless and negligent driving were registered against all the fifteen drivers at the Brakpan police station. All of them managed to post bail of between R500 and R1 000 for their release from police cells. They will appear in the Brakpan Magistrate’s Court soon. Meanwhile, in the past week, 152 drivers were fined for not having their driver’s licenses with them in the vehicle while 22 were booked for not having valid professional driving permits. One person was arrested for driving recklessly and one for driving under the influence of alcohol. 11 fines were issued for robot violations, 1 for a barrier line violation, and 13 for using cellphones without hands-free kits while driving on public roads.

105 fines were issued for parking and stopping offences, 6 for failing to stop and yielding, with 14 motorists booked for not wearing their safety belts. 37 drivers were booked for failure to renew their vehicle licenses, 7 for not displaying number plates, and 42 for defects on their vehicles. 13 complaints were attended to and two funeral escorts were done.

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Proudly South African MAQ Washing Powder is pleased to announce the new, exciting, national MAQapella song contest. Bliss Brands, manufacturers of MAQ washing powder, is searching for a new, original song that resonates with the MAQ brand. Presented by celebrity Vusi Langa, the contest is an opportunity for acapella / Isicathamiya groups to show their talent and be rewarded for their original MAQ song. Jacqueline Jacobs, Marketing Director of Bliss Brands said, “We’re looking for a new, original song for MAQ washing powder and what better way of doing this than through a national song contest that showcases the best that our amateur South African isicathamiya groups have to offer? This musical style has in recent years become extremely popular and has gained an enormous following. This is one of the reasons that the MAQapella contest is calling for isicathamiya entries.” The competition invites all amateur singers, that is, all those singers who have not yet signed with a record label, who are South African citizens and are over 18 years old, to perform their original MAQ song for a panel of judges. The panel is made up of the dazzling Nozzy from The Sophia Sistas, rising house music star MaBlerh and musical genius Shwi from maskandi duo Shwi no Mtekhala. The judges are looking for an acapella/ isicathamiya-style song that is original, catchy, fun, representative of South Africa and conveys that special MAQ feeling.The winning song will be the new MAQ song. The winning group will receive numerous prizes that will help their singing careers, including R50 000 in cash, a music video, an in-studio recording valued at R100 000 and a year’s worth of MAQ products. How to Enter: The competition opens on 2 August and entries close on 28 August. Acapella/ isicathamiya groups can enter via the

12 August 2014

following portals: Through the FaceBook page: www.FaceBook.comMAQWashingPowder At the MAQ washing powder roadshows happening at the following venues between 9:00 and 15:00: Dobsonville Mall (Soweto) 23 & 24 August By dropping off a CD with your unique song on it at the MAQ offices: 66 Springbok Road, Longdale, Industria. By submitting a recording of your song on the MAQapella contest phone line. SMS MAQapella to 41934. Each SMS costs R1. By listening to the following radio stations JoziFM, UkhoziFm, Alex FM, Thetha FM and North West FM – for an opportunity to enter on radio Semi Finals and Finals: From all the auditions, one hundred acapella groups will be selected to take part in the semifinals of the MAQapella contest. The semifinals will take place at the Soweto Theatre on 31 August and Sunday 7 September. The judges will select the twenty best groups to go through to the finals which will take place on 14 September. The song lyrics must include the following words: MAQ MAQ MAQ Get more with MAQ Feels like a friend MAQ will brighten up your day MAQ makes washing easy When I wash the stains come out MAQnificent Washing powder for the people It’s a brighter day Fresh and clean Powerful fragrance A full list of Terms and Conditions is available on www.MAQ.mobi. For more information, please go to www.FaceBook.com/MAQWashingPowder

Due to vocal cord damage suffered by The Parlotones’ lead singer Kahn Morbee, the Redefined concert with The Parlotones and electro duo, Locnville, scheduled for 16 August at Carnival City has unfortunately had to be postponed to 10 October 2014. Morbee’s surgery on 4 August has forced the band to cancel all forthcoming performances, including the remainder of their national Unplugged Winter Tour, while he recovers. The band would like to apologise to all their fans for the cancellations and hopes to be back on stage in the foreseeable future. All purchased or booked tickets are fully refundable. Those who have booked tickets for the Redefined concert at Carnival City can contact Computicket at www.computicket.com or call 0861 915 8000 for a refund. Alternatively, they can keep their tickets for the October concert. In a smashing evening of stand-ups, sketches, parodies and general comedic brilliance, six of South Africa’s top comedians walked away with the industry’s top accolade – a prized Waldo statuette. The 4th Annual South African Savanna Comic’s Choice Awards® (CCA) was a hit. On 2 August at The Teatro at Montecasino, audiences were treated to an impressive variety show featuring zombies, ridiculously funny musical ensembles and satirical routines. Scooping up this year’s Waldo’s were: The Savanna Newcomer Award: Loyiso Madinga The Breakthrough Act Award: Kagiso KG Mokgadi The Times Comic’s Pen Award: Chester Missing The Savanna Audience Choice Award: Elton Mduduzi Ntuli The Lifetime Achiever Award: Mark Banks The Comic’s Choice Comic of the Year Award: Loyiso Gola Show highlights included the event’s first-ever fully vernacular set, which went down a storm, as well as the world premiere of ZANEWS’s latest music video, “Wrecking Ball,” starring Thuli Madonsela’s puppet. A surprise return of Corné and Twakkie further fuelled rumours of a much-anticipated

comeback for the duo. Of course, as is always the case with comedy, controversial content was thrown in for good measure, this time in the format of Riaad Moosa appearing as Shrien Dewani in a rap collaboration with Nik Rabinowitz. Breaking into song with Duran Duran’s “Notorious” (as “Pistorious”), it was surely one moment the audience will not forget any time soon. The best events need the best partners to support them and the comedy industry thanks Savanna, Mzansi Magic, The Times and Kaya FM 95.9 for helping to make comedic history.

Did we mention zombies?

12 August 2014

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Opinion piece by Linda Yates

Unlikely threats of horrible ways to die seem to cause more fear than the more likely, everyday fears that we face every day. For some of us, the current media hysteria about Ebola has fanned latent hypochondriac tendencies into a raging obsessive-compulsive disorder.


lthough we climb into cars or taxis and head off for work or the shops without a second thought about our country’s annual road death toll of 18 000, we often panic about our ridiculously tiny chances of contracting a viral haemorrhagic fever. This is because the Ebola death toll in West Africa currently stands over 900 and the US Centre for Disease Control has encouraged American citizens not to travel unnecessarily to Guinea,Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Ebola has no cure or vaccine and kills up to 90% of its victims. That said, the average South African has such a small chance of becoming infected with Ebola that the risk is almost zero. It is a viral haemorrhagic fever most commonly found in remote villages situated near tropical rainforests. It is not a food-borne or airborne disease – in order to contract Ebola, you need direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person.

The incubation period varies from two to 21 days, but patients are not contagious until they start showing symptoms. Any infected people who enter the country via O R Tambo or Lanseria Airports with high fevers will be detected by thermal scanners; and, according to Health Miniser Motsoaledi, “Our surveillance activities are extremely effective.” Perhaps one way in which Ebola could spread in South Africa, however, is if infected travellers from West Africa enter the country undetected while in the incubation period of the disease – before showing symptoms - and then later fall ill. So, should you develop the following symptoms, go and see a doctor as soon as possible: “fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, weakness, diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach pain, lack of appetite, and abnormal bleeding.”

How many of the politicians who profess their undying love and allegiance to our constitution can quote the fourth founding provision found in the first chapter of our country’s supreme law? Do those who recommend a constituency-based system for our national parliament know that the principle of “a multi-party system of democratic government” comes straight after “universal adult suffrage, a national common voters roll” and “regular elections?” How many remember that the basic principles underlying our constitution were chosen during a multi-party negotiation process? In such a country as ours, a two-party outh Africa is a diverse country. system in which one party is very vocal We have nine provinces and about representing black have-nots eleven official languages. Having a and another party, which represents multi-party democracy makes sense, white haves, attack each other’s because we need to build a unified policies and performance frequently future to repair our divided past. and aggressively does not make Political analysts have a theory to for progress. A system with many describe this. They divide societies parties is much better for South Africa, into two categories: those with cross- because it encourages a multiplicity cutting cleavages and those with of voices and the strengthening of coinciding cleavages. cross-cutting cleavages; for example, the bond between black and white Christians or the common values held by middle-class South Africans of all ethnicities.With the rise of the Economic Freedom Fighters, black votes are now significantly divided and the ruling party is being scrutinized from both the right and the left. Our new democracy and our developing economy need many ideas, many voices and many solutions. South Africa, unfortunately, is a One of the dangers of a two-party country with coinciding cleavages. It system for South Africa is that we have is still the case that being born black an increasing number of voters who is more likely to make you poor and are disillusioned with the ruling party, uneducated, while being born white is but have also not found a suitable more likely to guarantee you a future political alternative. These citizens that is financially comfortable. This may either sink into apathy or resort creates polarisation which, in the to service delivery protests to express worst-case scenario, leads to civil war. their political opinions.


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12 August 2014


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12 August 2014

Mpho Madi and Armando Hietbrink are two very dedicated and passionate wrestlers from Benoni, who made their friends and family very proud at this year’s Commonwealth Games in Scotland. Madi and Hietbrink both took bronze medals for wrestling at the Commonwealth Games

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this year. Hietbrink has also qualified for the Senior World Championships in September. Madi and Hietbrink both represent the Boksburg Wrestling Club and would like to thank their coaches, Esta van Zyl and Nico Coetzee, for their support and hard work, which made their exceptional achievements possible.

MAKING HISTORY: Kyle McClatchie Photo by: Dale Boyce

DREAM TEAM: Armando Hietbrink, Esta van Zyl, Mpho Madi and Nico Coetzee

LOCAL CHAMPIONS: Mpho Madi and Armando Hietbrink show off their medals back at the Wrestling Club.


he second round of the 2014 Sasol Women’s League has seen JVW FC signing on a new player. Playing for FC Rossiyanka for the past 4 years, appearing in UEFA competitions as well as being one of the three highest capped players in the Senior Banyana Banyana National Team, Nompumelelo Nyandeni is sure to bring with her many positive attributes which will assist the team in competing for a place among the top contenders. Nyandeni, who was the top goal-scorer at her previous club in Russia, has many achievements to her name, including 2009

SAFA player of the year, nominee for CAF player of the year 2011 and appearing at the London Olympics with Banyana

SA juniors Kyle McClatchie and Kaleigh Telfer will make local golfing history as South Africa’s first golfing Olympians at the Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in China next month. The South African Golf Association (SAGA) and Womens Golf South Africa (WGSA) has announced that McClatchie from Ekurhuleni and Telfer from Gauteng will be joining Team SA and will be among the 54 athletes who will represent South Africa in Nanjing from 16 to 28 August.

Team event from 24 to 26 August at the same venue. McClatchie led South Africa to victory in the Team Competition at the second African Youth Games in Botswana in May, and the 17-yearold Serengeti golfer also claimed gold in the Individual Boys Competition at Gaborone Golf Club. Telfer recently returned from the United Kingdom where she competed against a world-class field at the R&A Junior Open Championship.

Golf was not among the sporting codes featured at the first Summer Youth Olympics in Singapore in 2010; but following the sport’s reinstatement at the 2016 Olympics, the International Olympic Committee has included golf in the programme this year.

“I am incredibly honoured to have been selected for Team SA,” McClatchie said. “Going to the Africa Youth Games was very exciting, but this is undoubtedly the biggest achievement of my career.” Telfer is also relishing the chance to prove herself in Nanjing.

McClatchie and Telfer will tee it up in the 54-Hole Boys and Girls Stroke Play events from 19-21 August at the Nanjing Zhongshan International Golf Club, whereafter they will combine for South Africa in the Mixed Gender

“It is always incredibly special to represent South Africa, but to wear the green and gold at the Youth Olympics is the highest honour of all,” Telfer said. “I am extremely excited about this opportunity.”

Banyana. Nompumelelo Nyandeni will now be enjoying her football career as she plays in her home country in the Women’s SASOL League, as well as continuing to prepare for the African Women’s Championship which will be held in October. JVW founder and Banyana Banyana skipper Janine Van Wyk is overwhelmed by the new signing and is confident in her team’s future. “The signing of Mpumi has got the whole team

excited as she can offer more experience to the team and our players can definitely learn a lot from her. She has been training with the team and has settled in well,” said Van Wyk. ‘’I am happy to join JVW as well as getting the opportunity to play alongside Janine, the spirit in the team is high and the players encourage each other to perform at their best. We are looking forward to what the second round holds for us,’’ said Mpumi Nyandeni.

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12 August 2014



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T’s & C’s Apply

Laurelle Williams laurelle@tametimes.co.za

WELTERWEIGHT CHAMPION: Adam Speechly and his team/ took Henry Fadipe to the floor most of the fight. SPRINGS VS BOKSBURG: Boyd Allen beat Barend Nienaber and became the Featherweight champion. Pictures supplied by Ruby Wolf

DIRECTIONS TO After five rounds in the Hexagon, Adam ‘The Prodigy’ Speechly was announced the


Extreme Fighting Championship (EFC) Welterweight Champion by unanimous decision, reclaiming the title and upsetting Henry “Herculeez” Fadipe.


he main bout had spectators glued to though it was a bloody one. These two their seats, with Speechly, the first ever athletes fought to the end, giving their all right Welterweight champion, pinning the 22-year- until the last moment. Both of their tried and • oldTake the N1 South (Concrete) Highway Roodepoort tested skills were seen, but in the end the win Nigerian born athlete to the ground for towards most of the fight while displaying his grappling was handed to De Lange by a split decision. • skills. TakeEven the Randshow Road though Fadipe was/ Emalahleni the bookies’ (Witbank) exit favourite, the crowd at Carnival City welcomed South boy Wade Groth, who seems to • Take the Witbank lane onto the N12 Eastsport a new hairstyle each time he fights, Speechly’s win with great excitement. • Take the JHB lane onto the M1 North beat Durbanite Peter Nyide via unanimous The evening, with 13 fights on the card, decision. Both fighters received performance for their with intense competition with thebonuses • was Takefilled the Xavier Street exit and follow Gold Reef Cityfight. signs some of the best fights ever. Springs local Boyd Allen won the vacant Featherweight Great camaraderie was seen between Liam title against Boksburg resident Barend “BB Cleland and JP Kruger when both of them Gun” Nienaber. Both fighters got great vocal starting laughing together after a missed, yet potent, shot during the fight - as well as after support from their fans in the crowd. the fight. By the end of the fight Cleland had • Take N12 Concrete Highway The Gordon Roodman vs. Shaun De Lange a massive purple welt on his leg and Kruger was the best one - even won via split decision. • fight, Takehowever, the Kimberley lane



Oumpie Sebeko defeated Boney Bukaka via unanimous decision.

Wade Groth defeated Peter Nyide via unanimous decision.

Pupanga Tresor could not compete against Sydney Mokgolo due to a lung infection.

Shaun de Lange defeated Gordon Roodman via split decision.

Elvis Moyo defeated Tiny Strauss via TKO 2:44 into round 3.

JP Kruger defeated Liam Cleland via split decision.

Boyd Allen defeated Barend Nienaber via submission (RNC) 4:34 into round 2.

Adam Speechly defeated Henry Fadipe via unanimous decision.


Giovanni Pretorius defeated Chimmy van

Michael Vermeulen defeated Ivan Strydom via TKO 0:27 into round 1.

Sizwe Mnikathi defeated Tshilomba Mulumba via unanimous decision.

Tumisang Madiba defeated Mbulelo Swekile via TKO 3:58 into round 1.

Knife Didier defeated Sors Grobbelaar via TKO 3:10 into round 1.


HALF MARATHON 10KM RACE AND 4 KM FUN RUN Organised by Brotherhood Athletic Club VENUE: START: PRE-ENTRIES: (Close on 12 October 2014) RACE DAY ENTRIES: ENTRY FEE:


The Apartheid Museum parking at Gold Reef City 07h00 / Fun Run 07h30 Online at enteronline.co.za Sportsmans Warehouse (The Glen, Eastgate, Princess Crossing) Day before the race at the Apartheid Museum parking from 10h00 – 14h00 From 05h00 at The Apartheid Museum Parking – entry closes at 06h50 R50 (10km) • R80 (21km) • R30 (4km – Theme Park Fun Run) R10 from each entry for the 21km and 10km run will go towards Bree Street Primary All Fun Run proceeds will go towards Bree Street Primary R15 (10km) • R20 (21km) 50% of Entry Fee Free 10h30 at Theme Park Town Square www.raceresults.co.za

• All race entrants will receive free entry into the Theme Park on the day of the race, upon verification of race registration, plus 50% discount on Theme Park entry fee for two family members

Winkel viaSunanimous decision. • 26°14’.15’’ | 28°00’.48’’ E


• Only 500 entries allowed for the Fun Run

• Take the Xavier Street exit • Follow the Gold Reef City signs


• For more information visit goldreefcity.co.za / enteronline.co.za / tametimes.co.za or contact The Brotherhood Athletics Club on the following numbers Charles: 082 951 8044 • Franklin: 082 909 0192 • Gerhard: 083 292 9551 Tame Times - Lize Geldenhuis: 011 862 8500


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