tame TIMES
Volume 02, 16 September 2014, Week 38
Delivered every Tuesday
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Linda Yates
CHARRED REMAINS: Fire investigator Pinky Netsiedsadzu (right) takes photographs of the burnt-out Pick-A-Tyre as fire-fighters continue their work. In the early morning hours of Sunday 14 September, fire-fighters managed to contain a fire in Benoni CBD so hot that fire-fighters were still busy extinguishing it nine hours later.
nly blocks away from Willowmoore Park and the Benoni Magistrate’s Court, the blaze gutted Joe’s Automotive Paints and reduced Pick-A-Tyre to a heap of smouldering, blackened rubble. When tame TIMES arrived on the scene at about 10:30 on Sunday morning, smoke was still billowing from the tyre shop and some of its contents still glowed orange as the second shift of firefighters sent to tackle the blaze wielded their
fire-hoses. According to Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Management Services media liaison officer Vincent Khoza, the fire brigade was called to the fire on the corner of Lake and Tom Jones at 02:00 by the dispatch centre. They arrived to find Joe’s Automotive Paints on fire and managed to prevent the blaze from spreading to nearby dry-cleaning and upholstery shops. “There are a lot of flammable liquids around here,” he said.Unfortunately, Pick-A-Tyre, the nextdoor neighbour of Joe’s Automotive Paints, went up in flames and burned so furiously that its walls cracked and its metal roof sheeting warped, which was “an indication of the heat,” said Khoza. Fire-fighters managed
to save a car and a truck from the flames, but four vehicles were affected by the fire. No injuries were reported; however, tens of thousands of litres of water was used to extinguish the flames, Khoza told tame TIMES, adding that his organization was very grateful to ELB Equipment for offering the services of a front-end loader free of charge. ELB Equipment’s Bertus Lotter said that his company “just wanted to help the community” and had recently assisted at a fire in Boksburg as well. The cause of the fire is unknown at this stage.
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Amy-Mae Campbell amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za
Murder accused Oscar Pistorius has been found guilty of culpable homicide. He has also been found guilty of count three: contravening the Firearms Act for firing a gun in Tashas restaurant (a charge of negligence). Pistorius is out on bail awaiting his final sentence on 13 October 2014.
ccording to Oscar Trial 199 presenters, culpable homicide, or manslaughter, is the negligent killing of a person. This means that the accused had no intention to kill, but that his or her negligent actions resulted in the death of another. Even though Pistorius has been found not guilty of murder, he could still face up to 15 years in prison for culpable homicide and, possibly, five more for the firearm charge. Here is a summary of Judge Masipa’s findings: Based on Judge Masipa’s verdict, the court has found that: • •
16 September 2014
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The state had failed in their efforts to prove pre-meditated murder and the lesser charge of murder. The court does not have to believe the accused’s version.
According to Judge Masipa’s verdict, Pistorius bears no onus to prove his innocence. It is rather the state who has to persuade the court that the accused is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. • The witnesses’ testimonies were mostly unreliable in this trial. • The Whatsapp message exchanges put forward by the de- fence and the State do not prove for certain that Oscar Pis- torius and Reeva Steen kamp had a loving or a bad relation- ship. • Where there are no clear facts, the court cannot infer intention from circumstantial evidence. • Pistorius was composed during his evidence-in-chief, but lost his composure during cross-examination and appeared to be more concerned with the impact of his answers on the trial outcome, than just to answer the question truthfully. However, this does not prove guilt or intention to kill. • Pistorius could not reasonably have foreseen that the shots fired would kill the person behind the door. He is therefore acquitted of murder.
Amy-Mae Campbell
On 14 September, Carnival Mall was abuzz with eager fans waiting in line to meet rock icons The Parlotones. The local band launches their Redefined tour at Carnival City on 10 October, and decided to delight fans with an early meet-and-greet session before the show.
ead singer Kahn Morbee told East Rand Stereo during a brief interview that they will be performing a few brand-new songs for the first time at the show. “We have had great shows at Carnival City.
We haven’t played our new material there yet,” Morbee said. The band captured the adoration of local and international music-lovers with their deep lyrics, rock instrumental sound and Morbee’s rich, unique voice. Morbee underwent vocal cord surgery a while ago and had to cancel the initial Redefined launch, which was set for August. Morbee sang a brief snippet of I’ll Be There For You on air, and sounded as glorious as always – just to reassure concerned fans. If you want to rock out to the awesome melodies of The Parlotones live in concert, visit Computicket or www.thikoevents.co.za for more information.
Sergeant Zigu Ernest Dlomo and Constable Ngoake Alvia Kgomo, two former Boksburg North police officers, have both been sentenced to five years imprisonment for corruption, prostitution and public indecency.
he story caused a big scandal in the Boksburg community last year, after which the officers were suspended without remuneration or benefits. Their sentence was handed down on 29 August this year. While on nightshift on 4 April 2013 , in the early morning hours of 5 April, the Sergeant and Constable were caught red-handed accepting bribes on a security camera at the ABSA Bank Eastlands parking area in Bentel Avenue. The video footage shows a Boksburg North police van drive into the parking area, followed by a man in a BMW. The policeman approaches the vehicle, where a man and a policewoman get out of the vehicle. The policeman accompanies the driver to an ATM, where the driver appears to be drawing money. They return to their vehicles, where a definite exchange of what appears to be bank-notes takes place. Shortly afterwards, the policewoman can be seen doing the man a sexual favour - in exchange for money as well. After the news broke, the officers were immediately suspended from the SAPS without remuneration or benefits. A criminal case was opened and the SAPS took the necessary steps against the officers, according to the Disciplinary Regulation 20. According to this regulation, the officers conducted themselves in an improper, disgraceful and unacceptable manner, while on duty. They also contravened the prescribed Code of Conduct of Service and committed a criminal offence.
HUMBLE ROCKSTARS: Glenn Hodgson, Paul Hodgson, Neil Pauw and Kahn Morbee with an ecstatic fan. I met The Parlotones! Please bear with me, I have been a huge Parlotones fan ever since I heard how beautifully they transformed Lisa se Klavier into a modern, soft-rock melody. Magical. Lead singer Kahn Morbee’s voice is so different and soothing. Whenever I feel like I need to unwind, I put on one of my favourite Parlotones tunes. So, of course I had trouble containing my excitement when my biggest rock icons were standing right next to me in Ekurhuleni. I fell even deeper in love when I saw how humble they were. They were pleased to meet every fan, from old tannies to children, who handed over an item to sign and asked to have a photo taken. I made sure to squeeze in just before their agent rushed them out to their next appointment, and got my million dollar photo. I will have this one framed for sure!
Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Amy-Mae Campbell: amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za
Sub editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Gillian Ryan gillian.ryan@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za
Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Happy 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 16 September 2014 Deadline: Friday 23 September at 14:00
Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.
On 29 August 2014 they appeared for the last time in the Alexandra Magistrate’s Court and were found guilty: 41-year-old Sergeant Dlomo was convicted of corruption, and 33-year-old Constable Kgomo was found guilty on charges of corruption, prostitution and public indecency. They were each sentenced to five years imprisonment, when they will experience the other side of the cold iron bars. (If you would like to see the video footage, visit http://www.enca.com/southafrica/officers-caught-taking-bribe-havingsex). “The members did wrong and harmed the image of the South African Police Service in a very bad way. The evidence was nationally broadcast, and cannot be argued. These members did harm to those who are serving in the police and doing an honest job. We can only ask the community to take note that the police are doing their best to curb corruption in the SAPS,” said Boksburg North SAPS.
16 September 2014
The Gauteng MEC for Education Mr Panyaza Lesufi has identified school infrastructure as one of the key priorities for the Department.
he MEC strongly believes in the principle that “sanitation is dignity” and believes no learner should be taught in conditions that deprive them of this dignity. In his Budget Speech the MEC announced that the Department had identified 580 schools across the province which had challenges with sanitation. The degree of disrepair in these schools is varied. Contractors were appointed to do work in all of these schools and a budget of R115 million was set aside for the purpose. Repairs have been completed in 400 of the 580 school identified for repairs and the MEC has seriously reprimanded the managers who dropped the ball on this crucial mandate and a new team with centre project managers was appointed to
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remedy the delay. The MEC remains firm that sanitation deadlines remain non-negotiable.The Department is expecting repairs on the remaining 150 schools to be completed by the end of this month. Because of the special interest the MEC takes in Tembisa, a decision was taken to do an overhaul in 50 schools in the area with an estimated budget of R15 million. To date construction in 20 of these schools has been completed and the rest of the work should be completed in the remaining schools by the end of this week. As a permanent solution, the Department has developed guidelines for schools (all the users) to assist them in managing and maintaining toilets more effectively. The Department is also assisting schools to use their maintenance allocations (as part of their funding allocations) more efficiently and effectively to deal with preventative and day-to-day maintenance.
Met die Valke Hoërskole kwalifiserende Sewes Toernooi vir die Beeldtrofeë het Hoërskool Dr. EG Jansen gewys dat hul nie net 'n krag in die 15-man kode is nie, maar dat hul ook genoeg talent en vaardighede beskik om in die korter weergawe van die sport te presteer. Jansies is die enigste skool in die Valke-streek wat in beide die O/15 & O/17 afdelings van die Beeldtrofeë-reeks kon kwalifiseer.
n die O/17-afdeling het Jansies die toernooi baie goed begin deur sy buurskool, Hoërskool Oosterlig oortuigend met 50 teen 0 te klop. Jansies se O/15-span het in " Ouboet""se voetspore gevolg deur Oosterlig met 32 teen 10 in sy eerste wedstryd te wen. Nadat albei spanne 1ste in hul onderskeie groepe geëindig het, het die O/15-span algeheel derde in die toernooi geëindig, terwyl die O/17-span algeheel tweede geëindig het. Die O/17-span het hul oorwinning teen Heidelberg Volkskool van 36 teen 0 in die groepwedstryd ongedaan gemaak deur 19 teen 36 teen Volkies in die finaal te verloor. Dr. EG Jansen se krieket het hierdie afgelope week voortgebou op hul uitstekende prestasies die afgelope ruk. Die week se uitslae is as volg:(Sien volle verslag op www.tametimes.co.za) * 3de span teen Hans Moore (Easterns liga) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 289/1 aan met Forrest Roos (106 nie uit nie) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Hans Moore teken 144/9 aan met Wreford Beerd (2/15) wat uitstekend geboul het. EG Jansen wen met 145 lopies.
WIN 1 of 2 Whimsical Holidays Start submitting your stories on our website via the tell your story section and stand a chance to win!
“South Africa needs to quadruple the number of engineering graduates per year,” said the Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, at the official opening of the UNESCO Africa Engineering Week at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), on Monday 1 September. The opening ceremony was attended by over 200 children from schools in Soweto, who also visited the engineering professions exhibition.
inister Pandor encouraged learners to make a decision to study mathematics and science, and to work hard at them.
“We have an unfortunate legacy inherited from the former education system of our country, which discouraged black learners from taking mathematics and science for Matric. I am calling on you all to reverse this legacy by taking these subjects in order to change the situation,” said Minister Pandor. Minister Pandor lamented the fact that the media did not give science and maths the visibility they warranted. “We need to make science, maths and technology-related subjects more visible to the youth, in order to inspire more children and build the number of engineers entering the profession,” she said. In a passionate plea to the learners, Minister Pandor said: “Our desperate need is for you, as the future of this country, to take the decision from grade 10 right through to grade 12, to study maths and science at school, and to persevere with these subjects, right up to university. If you stick with this decision, in 20 years’ time our country will be transformed.”
2x Midweek holidays for 4 people at any ATKV resort.
* O/15B-span teen Hans Moore (Easterns liga) - Hans Moore kolf eerste en teken 53 almal uit aan met Nico Benade (3/13) wat uitgeblink het met die bal. EG Jansen teken 56 sonder verlies aan met Jason Deysel (28 nie uit nie) wat uitstekend gekolf het. EG Jansen wen met 10 paaltjies. * O/14A-span teen Hans Moore (Easterns liga) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 189/1 aan met Arni Enslin (108 nie uit nie) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Hans Moore teken 25 almal uit aan met Diaan Coetzee (3/2) wat uitstekend geboul het. EG Jansen wen met 164 lopies. * O/14B-span teen Hans Moore (Easterns liga) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 171/5 aan met Caleb Beukes (74) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Hans Moore teken 91/5 aan met Caleb Beukes (3/11) wat uitstekend geboul het. EG Jansen wen met 80 lopies. * 1ste span teen Transvalia (Evergreen T20-reeks) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 229/3 aan met Altus Pretorius (60) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Transvalia teken 129/6 aan met Brendon Swart (1/9) wat uitstekend geboul het. EG Jansen wen met 100 lopies. * 2de span teen Driehoek se 1ste span (Evergreen T20-reeks) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 133/6 aan met Brandon Swart (32 nie uit nie) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Driehoek teken 134/3 aan met Ruan Willemse (1/21) wat uitstekend geboul het. Driehoek wen met 7 paaltjies. * O/14A-span teen Marais Viljoen se O/15A-span (Evergreen T20-reeks) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 116 almal uit aan met Devan Aucamp (26) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Marais Viljoen teken 118/3 aan met Juandrè Barnard (2/22) wat uitstekend geboul het. Marais Viljoen wen met 7 paaltjies.
*Terms and conditions apply. Competition closes 30 June 2014
MATHS MATTERS: Minister Naledi Pandor addressing the learners
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Last week seven motorists were arrested for excessive speeding on the R21 (Albertinah Sisulu) between the Olifantsfontein and Bapsfontein off-ramps in Kempton Park.
peed law enforcement on this 120 km/h stretch of freeway took place between 6:00 and 10:00 in the morning. The two fastest drivers, who were both men claiming to be rushing to the airport, clocked speeds of 178 km/h and were caught at 7:00 and 7:30. One was driving a Mercedes Benz sedan
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while the other was in a BMW sedan. A 32-year-old man in a Lexus sedan clocked in at 176km/h and told officers he was late for a funeral. The rest of the arrested drivers were caught doing speeds of between 164 and 162km/h.
A Nissan 1400 LDV belonging to the Ekurhuleni Speed Unit, which was stolen from the Brakpan CBD at about 11:30 one morning last week, was later found undamaged with all its speed equipment intact after being abandoned in Kiwi Street in Rondebult.
The seven drivers were all released on bail of R1000 after being charged with reckless and negligent driving at Kempton Park Police Station. They are expected to appear in the Kempton Park Magistrate’s Court soon.
During the early hours of 4 September, while Constables David Makung and Patrick Maphisa were on nightshift, they arrested two men for businessbreaking.
t about 01:45, the Constables were notified by a security company about suspicious-looking persons on the premises of an electrical company in Trichardt Street, Boksburg North. They rushed there and found two men walking on the roof. After chasing them, they caught and arrested them and took them to Boksburg North SAPS, where a case was opened for business-breaking. Whether or not any items were stolen is unknown at this stage.
The following Boksburg North arrests were made during the week from 1 September to 5 September 2014: Arrests: Theft : 7 Shoplifting : 12 Use of motor vehicle without consent : 1 Possession of illegal substance : 18 Undocumented person : 4 Armed robbery : 5 National Road Traffic Act : 8 Drunk in public : 3 Malicious Injury To Property : 1 Perjury : 1 Assault : 2 Common robbery : 5 Fraud : 2 Business-breaking : 2 Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm : 1 House-breaking : 1
16 September 2014
intact. The recovered vehicle was taken to SAPS Van Ryn Deep pound in Benoni. Investigations are underway to track down the persons responsible for the theft.
n activation of the tracking system, EMPD Intervention Unit members received a lookout for the stolen vehicle and picked up the signal while driving on the N3 freeway near Vosloorus, which led them to Rondebult, where they found the vehicle abandoned at 12h15. The Intervention Unit members traced the stolen Nissan 1400 to Kiwi street in Rondebult where it was found undamaged and all the speed equipment
An attempted hijacking the Friday before last resulted in the death of one of the intruders who tried to rob a Witfield woman of her BMW vehicle. When the BMW owner drove into her driveway at about 16:00, she was confronted by a man standing next to the driver’s window, who demanded her money and her keys. Although the man’s five male accomplices were all standing in her driveway, she refused to hand over her possessions. Then she heard a loud bang as her car window shattered and her son came out of the house and pointed a BB pistol at the suspects. All the suspects fled the scene, except for one, who collapsed in the driveway just before making it through the electric gate. He was declared dead by SAPS officers and Emergency Services personnel when they arrived on the scene. Allegedly shot by one of his partners in crime, the man was
identified as a criminal previously convicted of assault, possession of a weapon without a licence, possession of unlicensed ammunition without a licence, escaping or attempting to escape, housebreaking and robbery & assault in Boksburg North, Tembisa and Norkem Park. A bullet was later found inside the BMW – allegedly from one of the intruder’s firearms. The investigation continues.
In order to ensure efficiency and effective control and planning at first line management level, EMPD management has prioritized the urgent appointment of thirteen Chief Superintendents, the majority of whom will be deployed in the operations division. The appointees were promoted from within the organization with effect from 1 September. All the new appointments, save three, will be working in the operations division. The three have been deployed in logistics, internal prosecution and data management. Ahead of their challenging responsibilities, the new Chief Superintendents will undergo intensive training at EMPD Academy to hone their managerial, technical and communication skills.
Seizures: Motor vehicle : 3 Illegal substance : 16 Electrical appliances : Firearm : 1
Front: (left to right) Gwen N. Gina, Nomawethu P. Mafa, Nina Lynch, Acting Chief of Police, Johan Friedlander, Deputy Chief of Police; Operations, Goodman Mzolo, Bheki Nhlapo. Back: (left to right) Jabu S. Dhladhla, Lucky J. Mbhele, Julius D. Mkhwanazi; Nathan Muthayan, Mokhele J.M. Matjiu, Bob T. Motshabi, Vusi Mabanga, Kgabo M. Mashalane. (Inset) Pennie Erlank
16 September 2014
tame TIMES There is a trend in the music industry with a number of popular music festivals, where you are no longer entertained by one opening act and one main act, but rather by a stupendous line-up of major international acts that makes you feel like you should have paid more for your ticket. And that’s just what we got at the I Heart Joburg Music Festival on 6th September 2014 at Ellis Park Stadium.
W PURE TALENT: Jessie J amazes the audience with her voice (Photo by Amy-Mae Campbell)
Miguel Abrahams miguel@tametimes.co.za
e all love Joburg, and nothing makes you love Joburg more than having your favourite local artists perform on the same stage as acts they probably look up to and aspire to. The Arrows, Zebra and Giraffe, Kwesta, The Graeme Watkins Project, iFani and CrashCarBurn all came with guns blazing giving the crowd just what they want, an awe inspiring home-grown explosion of talent! Sponsors Microsoft, Lumia and Steyn Entertainment really set the bar high with this one offering us heavy weight artists who have never performed in South Africa before. International acts kicked off with T-PAIN who brought along his Auto-Tune effects. B.o.B surprised the crowd by jumping off stage and into the crowd, the most crowd engagement I have seen in a while by any artist who has performed in SA. The crowd also got a pair of Timberland’s which
Amy-Mae Campbell
Doctor Maepa, a tavern and grocery shop owner from Putfontein, Benoni, has been a loyal customer of Jamaica wholesaler since he started his business in 1994 and last week, Maepa’s loyalty paid off when he won a lucky draw for a brand new Nissan NP 200 bakkie. According to William Mahlasela, Corporate Affairs Specialist for Amalgamated Beverage Industries (ABI), this handover forms part of ABI’s greater corporate social investment campaign, whereby they aim to empower community entrepreneurs and businessmen. “Social investment is different from social responsibility. With social responsibility people do charity or give food and prizes. With social investment we plough back into the community and help you sustain yourself,” Mahlasela explained. A total of five Nissan bakkies have been given to lucky ABI wholesaler supporters countrywide, and on 11 September Maepa was announced Boksburg’s lucky winner. “I come to Jamaica to collect stock. I heard something about a competition to win a bakkie and entered. The bakkie is going to help me a lot. Especially with fuel and it will help me load small stock. It will also help my family with transport. And I like Nissan very much,” said an ecstatic Maepa.
LUCKY HANDOVER: André Snyman (Sales Manager), Tony Agrela (Founder of Jamaica), Ricky Agrela (Co-owner Jamaica), William Mahlasela (Corporate Affairs Specialist), Doctor Maepa (winner), Mark Agrela (Co-owner Jamaica) and Werner Havenga (Regional Wholesales Manager).
SATISFIED: Doctor Maepa in his new bakkie
67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day, a small initiative with a big heart, has beaten corporate giants including CocaCola, Kelloggs and KFC for the coveted title of Campaign of the Year. The initiative was launched in December 2013 and since then, has attracted a global base of loyal supporters or knitwits, as they are often called. Carolyn Steyn, the Founder of 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day was at the inaugural ANN7 South African of the Year 2014 Awards, which was held at the Sandton Convention Centre, to accept the award. “67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day started out as light hearted banter between Zelda la Grange and myself with her challenging me to make 67 blankets by Nelson Mandela’s birthday. Fast forward to today and we have unexpectedly become a global movement - we have ambassadors in every corner of South Africa and all over the world and have distributed over 6000 blankets to those in need. We don’t have a bank account and instead trade in ‘goodwool’. Being considered for this award was an honour and privilege – winning it is a dream come true!” said Steyn. Steyn thanked her knit-wits and said that she had a feeling that Madiba was smiling down on us. “We have been able to keep so many people warm because of passion - passion for the cause, passion for making a difference and passion for Madiba’s legacy! I would like to take this opportunity to thank and applaud all the knit-wits for embracing this initiative with such gusto and enthusiasm.” Steyn’s next goal is to collect double the number of blankets for distribution as soon as the cold weather strikes in 2015. To keep the momentum alive, Steyn plans on having knit-a-thons, blanket handovers and even to “yarnbomb” the Nelson Mandela statue at the Union Buildings. “An aerial shot of this sea of blankets around the feet of the Madiba statue could become an iconic image,” concludes Steyn. For more information, visit www.67blankets.co.za or find 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day (South Africa) on Facebook.
Page 5 B.o.B had on. Panic! At The Disco performed their infectious hit I Write Sins Not Tragedies, while Jason Derulo had the ladies screaming and wiggling along to his greatest hits. If there was a main act of the night it would be Jessie J, not because of any special effects she brought to the stage but rather that voice. All she needed was her voice and that was more than enough, singing her most popular hits and two new tracks from her upcoming album SweetTalker. Fall Out Boy closed the show and performed the new track Centuries from their as yet untitled new album following a brief hiatus. We will wait patiently to see what acts will perform next year - or atleast we will try.
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Die Victus Christi voedingskema organiseerders hou einde September ‘n boeremark om fondse vir hul gemeenskapsprojekte in te samel. Belangstellendes kan uitsien na ‘n dag van vermaak, kuns, stalletjies en heerlike kos. Datum: 27 September 2014 Tyd: 08:00 tot 14:00 Plek: 24b Miles Sharp Straat, Rynfield, Benoni. Gereformeerde kerkgronde Kontakbesonderhede: George 081 381 0824/ info@victuschristi.org.za
Wolf Hartung writes: The Boksburg Town Council does not exist anymore, in that it now falls under the mega municipality or Metro, Ekurhuleni and I wish this change had not taken place because of matters which are now taking place and which are making me unhappy. The filth which is evident in Boksburg is hair-raising. A serious attempt needs to be made to improve the cleanliness of our town and townships. I have listed below my experience with office staff at the “Boksburg Council.” 1. I have been living in Boksburg since 1972 and I was previously able to speak with the Mayors at regular intervals. These days I have not seen the current Mayor in my area. In the beginning I asked people at the Germiston Ekurhuleni office at various intervals to meet with the mayor, but Ekurhuleni Mayors were too busy to meet with a mere mortal like myself. Our town is in a shocking mess. In the seventies and eighties I worked in the townships for a bank and I found towns and townships reasonably clean. I shall be pleased if tame TIMES could address this aspect in the newspaper. 2. My greater anger is that a few days ago I needed to speak to people at the Boksburg Council offices, but the six people with whom I tried to speak did not answer their telephones. I tried at various times during the day, without any response. I then went to the Boksburg offices and the person whom I normally see was not in his office and neither were other senior people with whom I tried to speak. In desperation I went to the ground floor where a very charming senior lady attended to my problem. The reason as to why I am taking this matter up is firstly because of all the lack of response to my phone calls, but in the main the matter needs to be seriously looked into. When I
In aid of breast cancer awareness, Fitfans, in association with The Pink Drive, are hosting a fundraising event on 4 October this year at the East Rand Italian Club. All the ladies are invited to join in a memorable evening filled with fun. The MC for the night is none other than Michaella Russel, well-known for her role as Charlie in Isidingo and various other acting and modelling roles. Together with cancer survivor, actress and Yoga master Odelle De Wet, she will make a stand to increase awareness for breast cancer. The live band for the evening that will get you dancing to the beat is East Rising. The fast rising band will tantalize your toes with a mix of music genres throughout the night. Date: 4 October Time: 20:00-23:00 (doors open at 19:30) Dress Code: Pink Cocktail (strictly no jeans) Address: Italian Club East Rand 74 Middle Road, Bartlett Tickets: R200pp www.ticketpros. co.za
The sole purpose of this meeting will be to glorify God and dedicate every single child in the 10 towns to Him. We will ask for His protection and His blessing over our children. We would like to invite every single individual, congregation, group and business in the East Rand to support this initiative – whether it be by joining us on the day of prayer to kneel before our God, or by sparing a prayer for us before the time. Groups are most welcome to attend dressed in their special attire and they can display their banners to show their support as well. If you would like to promote any upcoming spiritual events, we will gladly accommodate you. Please discuss the details with the organiser. Our program for the day will consist of seven speakers and eight bands / choirs / singers – should you feel called by our Father to offer your services, please contact Tanya (details below). Vendors who sell food, cold drinks, Christian literature and memorabilia are also welcome to address their applications to the organiser.
told her that I phoned her office a few times she was quite taken aback because she had asked somebody to look after her phone while she was at a meeting. 3. There is a need to improve public relations at the Boksburg Town Council and I noticed that the people working there did not indicate that they wanted to be of assistance but were rather offish. I am 79 years of age and I have threatened some of the lethargic Council Employees that I should cause some form of public disobedience to wake them up. Perhaps I should be allowed to give them lectures as to improve public relations. 4. I am rather upset by the lack of support given to the parents and Nigeria regarding the abduction of the girls. I seems that nobody cares, not even our Mayor who could have made an announcement in his capacity as a mayor which could indicate to the mothers of these girls that somebody in a faraway country cares. 5. Another matter which causes me great anger is that last weekend on Saturday and Sunday ( 30 and 31 August) there was no power in Parkrand and Sunward Park. I always maintain that no proper maintenance has been done and the people concerned at Eskom do not care that there are people who need electricity to earn a living.
Tanya Parsons writes: East Rand 4 Jesus is a group of people who actively proclaim the 10 cities/towns (Alberton, Germiston, Bedfordview, Edenvale, Kempton Park, Boksburg, Benoni, Brakpan, Springs and Nigel) in Ekurhuleni as God’s territory.
e are a group of Christian volunteers from different denominations and ethnic groups and all walks of life. We will be hosting a “Pray for our Children” day at the Boksburg Stadium, which is in the heart of Ekurhuleni, on Wednesday 24 September, Heritage Day. Our children are our future, and they are being murdered and violated and neglected by the same adults whom God has assigned to protect them. The purpose of the prayer meeting will be to get the whole community involved – not the government, but civilians who are committed to the safety and protection of our children. On this day, there will be no hidden agendas, no alternative motives, no politics. The prayer meeting will be absolutely free for all. Donations of non-perishable food will be welcomed.
Hierdie afgelope naweek het ek die wonderlike voorreg gehad om my universiteitsvriendin se 80ste verjaarsdag by te woon. Sy woon langs die kus, in Durban, so dit was sommer ‘n kort wegbreek so tussen die ryery en gekuier.
ysie kon die naweek ongelukkig nie saam my gaan nie, en dit was ‘n redelike vreemde gevoel want ons doen al die jare alles saam. Maar so tussen my en jou, was dit eintlik goed dat hy nie saam gegaan het nie want my kêrel uit my universiteits dae was ook by die verjaarsdag. Hy is nog altyd as Neville die rebel bekend want hy het altyd op sy motorfiets rondgery, en in daardie dae was dit vreeslik rebels om ‘n motorfiets te ry. Heimlik was dit baie lekker om hom weer te sien. Dit het my teruggevat na my stres-vrye studente dae waar ons sommer so
16 September 2014
sorgvry op sy motorfiets geklim het en ‘road trips’ gehad het. Hierdie naweek het ek weer daardie gevoel teruggekry toe hy my om die blok op sy motorfiets gevat het. Maar die hoogtepunt vir my was toe ons almal, wat saam studeer het, op die strand gaan sit en na die skemer staar, dit was ongelooflik mooi met die branders wat voor ons breek. Tip: Die rebel in jou mag maar so af en toe weer sy/haar kop uitsteek, herleef die jong dae sodat jy die rustiger dae waardeer.
Putting a meeting of this magnitude together, requires many willing hands – if you want to volunteer any services, we will gladly promote your services on the East Rand 4 Jesus FB page, give you bragging rights at the event, as well as a live “thank you” which will be broadcast on East Rand Stereo 93.9 FM on Thursday 25 September to show our gratitude. Any and all help is welcome: intercessors, volunteers, child minders, kids activities, singers, sound equipment, a stage, security, T-shirts, leaflets, and so on. We have nothing to offer in return - no financial benefit or political platform - nothing except a sincere, heartfelt, appreciation for supporting our children in this way, for actively doing something collectively about the abuse that our princes and princesses suffer on a daily basis, and not just when it is highlighted in the media. YOU are one of the warriors assigned to protect God’s children. Join us in drawing a circle of protection around the East Rand, and proclaim it God’s Territory! Will you take up the challenge, or keep waiting for “someone” to do “something” about it? Date: Wednesday 24/09/2014 (Heritage day) Time: 10h00 – 14h00 Place: Boksburg Stadium, Jubilee Street Entrance: Free (Donations of non-perishable food are always welcome) 082 547 8868 eastrand4JESUS@gmail.com sms “ER4JC” to 40439 for more info (R2/sms) Please like us on https://www.facebook.com/ eastrandforjesus
16 September 2014
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ABSA Premiership logleaders Kaizer Chiefs capped off an impressive start to the season as midfielder Mandla Masango and head coach Stuart Baxter scooped the ABSA Premiership Player and Coach of the Month honours for August. Baxter and Masango will each receive R5000, courtesy of ABSA, for their efforts during the month that has seen Kaizer Chiefs set the pace at the top of the log. Baxter has guided the club to five straight league victories, conceding just one goal in the process. Mandla Masango came into the team and flourished in an attacking midfield role with his early season form, earning him a call-up to the national
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*Terms and conditions apply. Competition closes 30 June 2014 The Johannesburg professional broke into the top 15 on the Ladies European Tour money list with a tie for third place at the Volvik RACV Ladies Masters in Australia early this season. She protected her ranking with a joint fifth finish at the Italian Ladies Open in June and successfully maintained her standing ranking with a fourth top 20 finish in the €250,000 event at Archerfield Links in East Lothian, Scotland.“This is undoubtedly my best season since I turned pro in 2007,” Bregman said. “Obviously I’ve gained a lot of experience over the last seven years and that experience is starting to pay off.
Coming off a solid showing in the Aberdeen Asset Management Ladies Scottish Open on Sunday, South African’s Stacy Bregman is looking to extend her career-best season with another strong performance in this week’s Helsingborg Open in Sweden.
I believe the biggest breakthrough has been on the mental side of the game, though. My mental attitude has made the biggest difference this year.”Bregman is reaping the benefits of working with renowned sport psychologist, Maretha Claassen. “I used to get very intense on the golf course and I just got in my own way. I found it hard to recover from bad shots and bad rounds, because I am such a perfectionist. Maretha has helped me to accept that bad shots happen. I’ve learned to let go and move on and I’m a much better golfer for it. Instead of fighting with myself, I now focus forward. I can leave it behind and it
has definitely lifted my game.”The reigning Zambia Ladies Open champion spent much quality time during the recent break at the Momentum World of Golf with her longtime coach, Neville Sundelson, to prepare for the next stretch in Europe.“I’ve been working with Neville for many years and I always touch base with him when I’m home.”“Putting has always been my Achilles Heel, so I also did a lot of work with my short game coach, Neil Cheetham. I’m hitting the ball really well and I have definitely improved my action with the short stick, so I am heading into the next couple of tournaments with a good level of confidence.”Although she is still chasing a maiden win in Europe, Bregman says it no longer consumes her life.“You know, I was my own worst enemy in the past. I used to chase victory from the first tee in the first round and I never realised just how much unnecessary pressure I put on myself. I’ve matured a lot in the last year, and I know the win will come. With the second stage of the LPGA Qualifying School just a few weeks away, consistency is at the top of my priority list. That is far more important to me right now.” Sunshine Ladies Tour campaigners Kim Williams, Nicole Garcia and Nobuhle Dlamini from Swaziland will also join the action at Vasatorp Golf Club.