Tame times boksburg 19 august 2014

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tame TIMES




Volume 02, 19 August 2014, Week 34

Delivered every Tuesday

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335


P2 The MEC for Economic Development Lebogang Maile (third from left) and his panel of Gauteng government officials at the Reiger Park community meeting. Photo by Ndu Ngwenya. On Monday 11 August the MEC for Economic Development and a panel of government officials visited the Reiger Park community to discuss economic development. This meeting forms part of the Gauteng Economy Revitalisation Road Shows programme, through which government aims to visit 50 townships in the province to discuss how it can assist potential community businesses. This is the first time that government has held such a meeting in Reiger Park and the residents hope that it will bear fruit.


he term “township economy” encompasses all township activities run by community-based enterprises aimed at meeting the needs of township residents. These enterprises involve street vending, taverns, minibuses, spaza shops, stokvels, hair salons and child minding or cooking. The government launched this programme as part of their “radical change of the provincial economy” agenda. At this meeting community members were encouraged to fill out forms detailing their existing or potential business enterprises

and where they need assistance. “This revitalisation of township economies is not some government pet project, it is something that must be taken seriously by all of us. We must make sure that we succeed. We can’t succeed alone; we need all the communities in the province to be behind us. A lot of young people are desperate and have lost hope. We need to do something drastic,” MEC Lebogang Maile said.

"This revitalisation of township economy is not some government pet project ..." The MEC for Economic Development further called on the community to take the initiative and to help drive the township economy, as government resources in this department are limited. According to MEC Maile, each department has competing priorities that need attention. He explained that out of the

R86 billion Gauteng budget, approximately R31 billion goes to education and another R31 billion to health; the rest must be shared by housing, economic development, sports, arts and culture, and so on. The aim of this roadshow is therefore to find alternative ways of creating resources from within township communities. A few suggestions highlighted at the meeting include: residents producing items that they sell as opposed to merely selling what others create, mobilising township buying power and co-operating with neighbouring businesses. According to Reiger Park Councillor, Charles Crawford, the residents are grateful to have been incorporated into the programme, but they are looking for action and not promises: “There are many entrepreneurs here, but they do not know where to go. Hopefully through this initiative the youth can show their plans and get the needed assistance to get started. Their [the government’s] intentions are good and the Premier said that he will return in a few days. For now we are waiting to see if their proposals materialise,” Crawford said.







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19 August 2014

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Three days of intensive search by Ekurhuleni Metro Police Public Order Policing Unit members for the man who goes by the name of “Chicken,” who is wanted in connection with the death of 3-year-old Cuburne van Wyk from Ramaphosa in Reiger Park, paid off last week. The alleged murder suspect was apprehended on Thursday 14 August around 16:00 in Lambton, Germiston. he 25-year-old suspect was was discovered at a mine dump just confronted by Metro Police on outside Reiger Park. This tragic incident Piercy Avenue, and when the officers follows on the heels of 4-year-old asked who he was, he gave them a a Taegrin Morris’s brutal death last month. false name. However, after the Metro The Reiger Park community is Police produced a photograph of him, devastated and has decided that he admitted that he was Chicken from enough is enough. Ramaphosa. He has been handed over to Germiston SAPS police station The Ekurhuleni Mayoral Committee members, awaiting a court appearance. attended the memorial services of both little boys in Reiger Park to pay Little Cuburne went missing from their respects and to acknowledge that his uncle’s house in Ramaphosa interventions are needed to address on Wednesday 8 August 2014; that crimes committed against minors in the ARRESTED: Police arrest murder suspect, Chicken. weekend the toddler’s partly burnt body area.


Reiger Park police are stepping up their crime prevention measures


onstable Mokwana from Reiger Park SAPS has warned the Reiger Park community to be extremely vigilant about protecting their children. He gave the following safety tips and asked that parents strictly adhere to them:

• • •

Avoid travelling at night - especially on foot. Place contact details or an address in your child’s school bag so that police can contact the right people when they find a missing child. Arrange for a guardian to be at your home to receive your child after school. Do not leave children at home alone.

Calculate approximately how long it takes your child to travel to and from school each day and, if you notice that your child is not home by the usual time, contact everyone who could know his or her whereabouts. Also contact your local police station to make them aware of the situation - this enables

them to keep a lookout and to prepare for a search if the child does not return.

Constable Mokwana said that Reiger Park SAPS is planning weekly community meetings in all areas of Reiger Park to educate the community about safety and to inform them how they can assist the police to catch perpetrators. “The community must take safety precautions. We will hold regular public meetings, where we (police) will go directly to the community. We will divide each area into blocks and take it piece by piece. We aim to have approximately two meetings per week. The community must work together with police. You never know what these criminals are capable of,” warned Mokwana.

Africa’s last polar bear euthanized The Chief Veterinarian of Joburg Zoo, Dr Brett Gardener, had to make a very tough decision on 13 August. Africa’s last polar bear Wang had to be put down due to liver failure and chronic arthritis. The much loved bear, born on 21 December 1985, arrived at the Joburg Zoo in December 1986 as part of a conservation exchange programme with a zoo in Japan. In recent months, Wang was pining for his beloved partner of 27 years, GeeBee, who died on 12 January 2014 due to natural causes. So his distraught keeper Ms Agnes Maluleke ensured during the last few weeks that his days were filled with enrichment programmes and special treats, including his own Valentine’s Day celebration this year. In November 2010, Wang was diagnosed with liver ailments and various other medical conditions, but responded well to treatment. The Joburg Zoo did, however, indicate at that stage that they were concerned about his health. They resolved in 2010 not to replace their ageing polar bears, and this decision is still effective today. In tribute to Wang, the Joburg Zoo will dedicate the Zoo Trot on 14 September to the rich legacy of the last polar bear in Johannesburg and on the African continent. Tributes can be posted on our Twitter and Facebook pages on @ JoburgParksZoo or @JoburgParks respectively.

The National Credit Regulator (NCR) welcomes the measures announced by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) with regards to African Bank Limited which will bring more stability to the South African credit market.


he NCR has for some time engaged African Bank due to concerns about their lending practices and their impact on consumers. NCR investigated the bank last year for reckless lending and entered into a settlement agreement in terms of which the bank paid up R20 million. The NCR expressed concern in 2011 about the sustained growth in unsecured lending in an environment in which many consumers had impaired credit records. Since the latter part of 2012, however, unsecured lending has been declining. African Bank’s recent growth in impairments and bad debts became much worse than expected. Consumer over-indebtedness is not only caused by reckless lending and borrowing, but also by micro- and macro-economic factors that have a direct impact on the debt repayment capacity of consumers, some of which occur after the granting of credit. The NCR has been working with the SARB, and continues to work closely with them to ensure sound and fair lending practices across the full spectrum of banks providing credit. The NCR will engage the Curator of African Bank in an effort to ensure that the bank continues to serve its clients in a manner which is fair and equitable in terms of the National Credit Act. As announced by the SARB, African Bank remains open for business. Consumers should act responsibly and continue paying off their loans.

We cannot find peace if we are afraid of the windstorms of life. ELIZABETH KUBLER-ROSS REST IN PEACE: Wang in healthier days.

Sometimes I am astounded by how cheaply criminals regard human life. When I receive our crime news each week, I always wonder how it could ever become easy or normal to take a human life. I suppose once you have crossed that threshold, it becomes easier to pull the trigger. Working closely with police and reading crime reports each week, however, has made me more aware of how brave one has to be to work in security in our country. Even though I love my country and I am a proud South African, I am willing to acknowledge that we are actually imprisoned. Whether it be to prevent an opportunistic crime, or whether to protect oneself against a serial killer, we constantly have to watch our backs. I spoke to a police officer last week who told me that he had just returned from a business robbery scene where the security guard was shot in the head and died on the scene. Was that necessary? Why did he not just run away? I take my hat off to all police, security, CSP and CPF who put their lives on the line for our safety. Sometimes I think being alive in SA is an achievement. Are harsher punisments necessary for our criminals? I wonder if there really is a solution. Amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za

Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Amy-Mae Campbell: amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za

Sub editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Gillian Ryan gillian.ryan@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za

Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Happy 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 26 August 2014 Deadline: Friday 22 August at 14:00

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19 August 2014

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Die meeste van ons ken Angelique Gerber as die karakter Clara, die Romaanse vlugteling, in die populêre Afrikaanse sepie, 7de Laan. Van daar af het Angelique Kupido gespeel op die realiteitsreeks Boer Soek ‘n Vrou op KykNet. Vandag ontwerp sy klere en inspireer ander jong dames om ook hul drome ne te steef. Op Woensdag 13 Augustus het Angelique by die Oos-Rand Sakevroue in die Birchwood hotel gekuier en die dames meer vertel oor haar lewe as ‘n beroemde.


gter die glans en roem van Angelique Gerber se lewe is daar ‘n lang voetpad wat sy moes loop om te kom tot waar sy vandag is. Daar is ook baie interessante fasette van Angelique waarvan baie van haar aanhangers nie weet nie, soos dat sy ‘n professionele ballerina is en selfs ‘n kursus in stage fighting voltooi het. Aanvanklik het Angelique Sielkunde studeer aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, waar sy ook haar honneurs voltooi het. Sy het hierna besluit om in Londen te gaan werk om geld te spaar. Angelique het nog altyd ‘n passie vir toneelspel gehad en sy wou bittergraag in New York ‘n filmkursus voltooi; haar doel was om genoeg geld op te spaar om haar droom te bewaarheid. Ongelukkig het haar plan nie uitgewerk soos wat sy wou gehad het nie. Sy het Suid-Afrika toe teruggekeer en besluit om ‘n nuwe blaai oor te slaan en Drama aan UP studeer. In haar tweedejaar het sy oudisie vir die karakter Clara in Sewende Laan en die rol geland. “Die Here is my besigheidsvennoot. Ek

glo ook in drie kwaliteite vir sukses: dissipline, outhouvermoë en lojaliteit. My boodskap aan julle vandag is byt vas, die regte deure sal vir jou oopmaak op die regte tyd,” het Angelique gesê. Om daad by die word te voeg, het Angelique self nooit moed verloor nie; sy gaan in September hierdie jaar haar droom bewaarheid om in New York te studeer. Angelique hoop dat sy deur haar sukses ander kan inspireer en help om ook hulle drome te bereik.



Angelique Gerber


Angelique Gerber saam met ‘n paar lede van die Oos-Rand Sakevroue


UNTIL 30 AUGUST 2014 AT PARTICIPATING SUN INTERNATIONAL CASINOS Rules with complete offer available at the MVG Desk and suninternational.com

Issued by Zweli Dlamini - Mayoral Spokesman “August occupies a special significance in the consciousness of our nation. It is that time of the year where we give more prominence than any other months to the resilience, courageousness and steadfastness of women - the torchbearers of our dreams and aspirations.


t is a momentous opportunity for introspection and reflection on the struggles, pain and sacrifices of the mothers of our nation. More importantly, it is also an occasion to acknowledge the tenacity and celebrate the noble causes of women in politics, society and the economy. Women are agents of social cohesion and harmony. They are also pioneers within our communities of the virtues of discipline, respect, honesty and integrity. Women have traversed a long, tortuous and very painful journey in their unwavering struggle to restore their rightful place in our so-

ciety. That journey is far from over, even though major advances have been made since 1994 to prioritize the interests of women and the girl child in this democratic dispensation. This being Women’s Month, it is profoundly significant that we pay tribute to the extraordinary role women have played in ushering us into a democratic dispensation. As a city we have lined up various initiatives to celebrate women. These include workshops, exhibitions and campaigns. Wathint’ Abafazi! Wathint’ Imbokodo.”

Remember, no-one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - ELEANOR ROOSEVELT


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tame TIMES

19 August 2014


k hou daarvan om te dink dat ek van nou af met my verjaarsdag net jonger word. ‘n Vrou verklap mos nooit haar ouderdom nie, maar ek glo jy is so jong as wat jy voel. Ek het verlede week my verjaarsdag gevier en dit was een van die lekkerste verjaarsdae was ek in ‘n lang tyd gehad het. Jy weet, op my ouderdom word elke geleentheid saam familie net meer kosbaar en hierdie jaar was ons kinders, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders almal bymekaar. Een groot, en spesiale, byeenkoms wat ek vir lank nie sal vergeet nie. En heimlik, want hy erken mos nooit sy gevoelens nie, het dit Gysie ook baie na aan die hart gelê. Hy het selfs die visstokke afgestof en saam met die kleinkinders ‘visgevang’ al het ons nie ‘n dam naby ons huis nie, maar die verbeelding skort mos niks nie. Ek en Gysie het ‘n nostalgiese oomblik gedeel toe ons die aand in die bed lê en besef hoe geseënd ons was om ons kinders by ons te kon hê vir die naweek want mens weet nie wat môre inhou nie.

Tip: Maak die beste van elke liewe oomblik, self die oomblikke wat jy in ‘n lyn by die bank moet wag want elke oomblik is kosbaar.

Manny de Freitas MP, Shadow Minister This astronomical number results mostly from contracts being extended without approval and of Transport, writes: procurement procedures not being followed. Just as I thought that things could not get The figures tell us a story: taxpayer’s money worse, they did. The Minister of Transport is not being respected; procedures and is intent on squeezing the taxpayer via proper approvals are simply being ignored. the e-Tolls programme, yet at the same The R1 078 476 847 could have been spent time it squanders taxpayer’s money to pay off the Sanral R1 billion e-Toll debt with no thought for the consequences. that Minister Dipuo Peters admitted it is in.


n replies to questions from the DA, the Minister’s own replies to our questions confirm that over R1 billion was spent irregularly.

South Africa v England There is no doubt that South Africa is a beautiful country. It has some of everything and is a tourist’s paradise for scenery. When I first came here I did not know what to expect, though I had read the pamphlets given to us at South Africa House in London.


hese did not do justice to the country though, being mostly concerned with housing, commerce and industry as they tried to entice people to work here. Although I knew it would not be the same as England, I was hoping my father was not correct in thinking that lions roamed the streets. He was pleasantly surprised on his first visit here to see that we lived in a civilized suburb and that any lions around Johannesburg were kept strictly behind strong fences or bars. With the lushness of Natal and the mountains of the Drakensburg, the arid Karoo and the beauty of the Cape, the bush of the north and the tang of the sea, there is something for everyone to enjoy and I was eager to explore. After years here I still have not been everywhere I would like to go, but I appreciate South Africa’s diverse regions and find pleasure in them all. The England I left behind was very different. Being a much smaller country, everywhere was easier to get to, though it still took a long time as the traffic all over the country, even in the 70s, was much like it is around Johannesburg now. I have been told since then that the roads in England are much busier these days, so much so that there is a tax one has to pay before one is allowed to drive a car in central London. One only has to travel a few miles in England to see very different scenery and that varies from mountains, rolling hills, wooded dales, lakes and moors, as well as country villages, industrial towns and large cities. The sea is never very far away, England being part of an island, and even that scenery varies from beaches where all is pebbles and

shingle, to sand that stretches for a mile when the tide is out. One of the biggest differences I remember about England is that everywhere

No, this is not a soccer match. I would just like to point out some of the pros of both. is green. There is nothing like the Karoo, and it rains all year round, so the grass grows accordingly, which means that home-owners are glad when it snows so that they do not have to mow their lawns for a while.Every county (province), and even an area within that county, has its own dialect of English which foreigners find very hard to understand. Someone from Liverpool, for instance, speaks very differently to a person from Cornwall or Newcastle, Birmingham or Yorkshire. In London, a very cosmopolitan city, it is difficult for anyone to understand Cockney unless they come from that particular area (or have watched “Fools and Horses”). In South Africa there are eleven different languages. I doubt there are many people living here who can speak them all, but most folk, I am glad to say, speak English to some degree. Even if they speak it badly, they are often easier to understand than some English people living in England.One thing I do miss is the changing of the seasons. It changes from winter to summer and back again very quickly here, with hardly any spring and autumn. Blink and you miss them. One month the lawn is

How can the Transport Department justify this when they continue to intimidate citizens into paying their multi-billion rand e-Tolls system?

brown on the Highveld, the next it is green and that is even before the rains come. No sooner has our willow tree lost all its leaves than new ones start appearing. I remember the pleasure as a child of picking primroses, violets and bluebells in the woods in springtime, and looking for the first snowdrops. A few months later I would be shuffling through the piles of fallen leaves on the way home from school and enjoying seeing the trees in all their lovely autumn colours. However, the seasons here do have their compensations. The mosquitoes mostly disappear with the rain when winter comes along and the summer is generally warm and sunny with storms to cool things down so I am not complaining. Though I do sometimes have a quick shuffle through the willow tree’s fallen leaves on the way to

Matric dance project Ward councillors in Ekurhuleni are running a Matric dance project, for which they will be collecting Matric farewell items to donate to schoolgirls who cannot afford beautiful outfits for their dance. If you have a white elephant dress hanging in your closet that you have not worn for a long time, please consider donating it and help make a young lady’s dream come true. It does not matter whether it is a cocktail or long evening dress - either will do. Shoes and jewellery are welcome too. If you are interested in donating, contact Mary Goby on 082 679 7109 or e-mail her at mary. goby@ekurhuleni.gov.za. Alternatively you can phone Hilary Coke on 083 362 9406.

Atlas Auctioneers collectables auction – 23 August Atlas Auctioneers will be hosting their next collectables auction later this month, in the beautiful old Presbyterian Church Hall in Boksburg. Items up for auction include early Cape Newspapers from the 1820s, banknotes, coins, porcelain, glass, old tins, books, stamps and many more rare and interesting items. Date: 23 August 2014 Time: 11:00 Venue: Presbyterian Church, 49 Leeuwpoort Street, Boksburg Central (below Commissioner Street) To obtain an auction list, email Clinton Goslin (auctioneer) on atlasauctioneers@lantic.net. For more details about venue or placement of auction lots, please contact Tom Dooley on 082 546 7649. Come and have a fun day with many bargains and good friends. Basic refreshments will be available, but no alcohol or smoking will be allowed in the hall.

Casual Day stickers for a good cause Casual Day stickers for 5 September can be bought for R10 each at the tame TIMES office reception desk from Tessa Arthur. Our newspaper is selling the stickers on behalf of the Hamlet School for the Mentally Disabled. You can also ask for a R20 per month debit order form for Hamlet School.

the washing line when no one is looking! By Boksburg local Joy Kearsley

IMPI Challenge obstacle trail run The IMPI Challenge, which started in 2009, is the original obstacle trail challenge in South Africa. This social, fun event includes 6km and 12 km routes and will take place on Saturday 27 September at Van Gaalens in Hartebeespoort. To negotiate a 10% discount for yourself or your running club, send an email to info@ impichallenge.co.za For more information, visit the website at www.impichallenge.co.za

Continue reading on our website at www. tametimes.co.za.

Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where you want to be. It takes 20 years of hard work to become an overnight success- DIANE RANK

If you can not feed a million people, then feed just one. - MOTHER TERESA

tame TIMES

19 August 2014

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Don’t you just hate it when you manage to squeeze into those sexy skinny jeans... and the top button refuses to fasten? There is always that one part of your body, whether it be the belly, arms, or thighs that spoils the outfit you want to flaunt. If you have been avoiding shorty shorts or tight jeans because of cellulite or a tummy tyre, maybe you can consider laser lipo?


efore you say “no,” bear in mind that laser lipo is a cosmetic treatment, which means that you do not go under the knife. It is a body-shaping programme that targets the fat layer directly under the skin. It is not a weight-loss programme, but you will definitely have a more contoured figure afterwards. There are four types of laser lipo treatments: Cavitation: instant fat loss and cellulite reduction. This treatment is done via a laser machine that emits ultrasound waves which burst the fat cells. This treatment destroys the membrane that holds the fat, which makes it very effective. he human body reproduces fat cells during the adolescence phase; from 18 years onwards, the body does not produce new fat cells; the existing fat cells either become fatter or shrink. The more cells you destroy as an adult, the better your chances of keeping those centimetres off after each treatment. According to Tanya from Laser Lipo House in Boksburg, this treatment can remove 10 centimetres of fat in just

Aesthetic Treatments → → → → → → → → → → → → →

two weeks of regular sessions. Make sure that the lipo machine is FDA-accredited and aim for no more than 10 treatment sessions per month, which is enough to drop a dress size. For more information regarding this treatment, visit Laser Lipo House in Boksburg. Laser Lipolysis: a low level laser that melts the fat out of the fat cells by emitting heat waves. The fat cells shrink, but still have storage space that can regain fat and grow if your diet and lifestyle are not healthy. G5: this treatment is recommended for removal of cellulite. However, it is not for the faint-hearted! This treatment is executed with a roll-machine that grips/pinches the skin, rolls it tight and squeezes the fat out of the fat cells. Fat freeze: this is a fat removal treatment in which the fat cells are frozen and the client loses centimetres over a period of time. With this treatment you can lose approximately 10cm in three months.

Instant Fat reduction Cellulite reduction Laser hair Re-Growth Hair removal Skin rejuvenation Reduction of Acne Reduction Pigmentation Reduction Spider Veins Laser Facial Anti-ageing Wrinkle reduction Skin tightening Teeth Whitening Tattoo Removal


SMS “fat” to 40439 for more info and specials. R2/sms • •

What is Reflexology?

It is generally believed that it dates back 5000 years and originated in China. Reflexology has been practised in Egypt, North America, Japan, East India, Arabic and Grecian countries as well as in African communities. • Ancient healers used various methodologies to strengthen and balance energy flow in the body. • Energy flows in zones or meridians and these pathways link body parts and organs. • These meridians were only discovered in the 1900s in the West, although the Chinese had known about them for centuries. • In the early 20th century Dr William Fitzgerald – the founder of zone therapy - divided the human body into 10 longitudinal zones. • Eunice Ingham worked out that pressure to certain parts of the foot, not only lessened pain in other areas, but also helped the body to heal. Reflexology is pressure applied to the different reflexes of the feet (or hands or ears). Each part of the foot corresponds to a different part of the body. As reflexologists work feet, they can feel which parts of the feet - and therefore which corresponding parts of the body – are not happy, because they can feel crystals, nodules, crunchy bits, bubbles, holes, sunken-in bits, sluggish bits and tender areas. By Colleen Qvist- who is an empowerment coach and speaker who is able to offer her clients reflexology.

By Dr N Sikakane, Life Bedford Gardens Hospital Unplanned pregnancy is one of the challenges facing South Africa. According to WHO 50% of unintended pregnancies are among women who were not using birth control at the time they became pregnant. require ongoing effort on the part of the user Strategies for prevention of the above for long, effective use and rapid return to fertility after discontinuation. The following include the following: methods fall within the above category: 1 Educating and empowering women Intrauterine devices, Mirena® and Copper about birth control devices Implanon®,Depo Provera, Nuristerate and combined vaginal rings. 2 Helping men and women at risk of unintended pregnancies choose ap- Hormone-based birth control often comes with side effects that can range from propriate contraception slightly annoying to bad enough to make 3 Correct use and consistency of the you discontinue the method. The lack of chosen method hormones in some of the methods alone is a major benefit to many women who simply 4 Promoting the use of long-acting reprefer hormone-free birth control option. versible contraception (LARC). LARC are methods that require administration less than once per month/cycle. They do not

9 Common Birth Control Side Effects and how to deal with them:

Nausea, headaches and dizziness will resolve spontaneously in three months. If they do not, take pills with food or switch to another method. Breakthrough bleeding can be annoying because it is often unpredictable and prolonged. It is common with progestin only methods (Depo Provera, Nur-isterate, Implanon® and mini pills). They cause thinning of the lining of the uterus and it sometimes sloughs off. Ibuprofen or a little bit of oestrogen hormone can improve this condition. Reduced Libido: switch to an androgen based (testosterone-like) method. Mood swings Studies have shown that this is due to lack of pyridoxine in the body. Pyridoxine tablets may relieve these symptoms. Women with persistence of these side effects despite treatment must switch to a non-hormonal method.

Weight gain and breast tenderness: because of fluid retention, usually improves after a few months. Drosperinone-containing methods can prevent this side effect. Vaginal thrush is more common with methods containing high doses of oestrogen. Women are not aware that birth control can be used to treat, prevent a variety of problems and have health benefits. These include treatment of the following conditions: 1

Irregular, heavy and painful periods


Premenstrual syndrome




Acne, excess hair (hirsuitism) and loss of hair (alopecia)

Remember everybody is different and respond differently to each birth control formulation. Make the right choice today.

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tame TIMES

19 August 2014

Hoërskool Dr. EG Jansen het Saterdag tydens die Beeldtrofeë kwartfinaal uitmuntend vertoon.


ie minder as drie van Jansen se vier spanne het vir die halffinaal gekwalifiseer. Van al die deelnemende skole in die Valke skole-liga is Dr. EG Jansen die skool met die meeste spanne in die Beeldtrofeë halffinaal, ongeag die grootte van die liga. Dit is die tweede jaar in 'n n ry Jansen hierdie uitsonderlike prestasie behaal van drie spanne in die Beeldtrofeë halffinaal. Die Kwartfinaal tellings is as volg: 1stes: EG Jansen wen 31 teen Menlopark 24 O/16A: EG Jansen wen 12 teen Waterkloof 10 O/15A: EG Jansen wen 23 teen Eldoraigne 17

Hoërskool Oosterlig het op 13 Augustus hul golfstokke afgestof om deel te neem aan die skool se 31ste Golfdag by die ERPM golfbaan.


osterlig se Golfdag is al tradisie en elke jaar vorder onderwysers, ouers en ondersteuners uit die gemeenskap baie geld in, wat deel vorm van die skool se begrotingsplan. Deelnemers het 19 vier-bal gate gespeel, waarna meeste van die spelers elk ‘n prys huis toe geneem het. Hoërskool Oosterlig se skoolhoof, mnr. Pieda van Vreden, is baie tevrede met hoe die golfdag verloop het:

“Dit is baie aangenaam om al die ou gesigte te sien, mar ook lekker om die nuwe generasie se gesigte hier te sien. Ons is baie trots op hierdie golfdag. Die golfdag is nie moontlik sonder julle nie (deelnemers en organiseerders).” Jaco – en Jannie Smit, twee boeties, het die Oosterlig golfdag vier-bal met 48 punte gewen en die prys namens hul span ontvang.

Jansen Netbal en Hokkie het self die afgelope ruk gewys dat die Boksburg skool een van die top sportskole in die Oos Rand is met top prestasies in beide sportkodes. Met die SA Kampioenskappe wat nou al 'n jaarlikse instelling by die Jansies is, het die O/15A-span gewys dat hul met die beste van die bestes kan kompenteer. Die span wat vierde in Gauteng was; het algeheel negende in Suid-Afrika geëindig. Jansen is ook die enigste skool in die Oos Rand wat 'n verteenwoordigende span by die gesogte toernooi gehad het. Die tellings is as volg: EG Jansen gelykop teen Klerksdorp (Groep) EG Jansen wen 29 teen Hartswater 5 (Groep) EG Jansen wen 19 teen Despatch 9 (Groep) EG Jansen verloor 16 teen Paarl Meisies 17 (Groep) EG Jansen wen 20 teen Ben Vorster 15 (Plekke 9 tot 16) EG Jansen wen 19 teen HTS Middelburg 10 (Plekke 9 tot 12) EG Jansen wen 20 teen Marais Viljoen 12 (Plekke 9 en 10) Drie van Hoërskool Dr. EG Jansen se Hokkie spanne het die afgelope naweek aan die Noordvaalkompitiesie deelgeneem. Beide die O/15A en 1ste spanne het ongelukkig reeds in die groepwedstryde uitgeval, terwyl die O/16A-span puik presteer het deur algeheelderde te geëindig het. Tydens die Gauteng Perdry-kampioenskappe het vier van Jansies se leerders die Ekurhuleni Perdry-span verteenwoordig naamlik Bianca Oosthuizen; Danelle Jansen Van Vuuren; Chantezè Blignaut en Jessica Saaiman. Bianca het die uitsondelike prestasie behaal deur algeheel 1ste te eindig, terwyl Danelle algeheel vierde was.

WENNERS: Jaco en Jannie Smit saam met skoolhoof mnr. Pieda van Vreden.

SPANWERK: ‘n Vier-bal span by die gat 18

ORGANISEERDERS EN STAF: V. du Toit, R. du Toit, F. Grobler, Lisa Katzke en P. van Vreden.

Pantoffels nou mode deur die dag Op Vrydag 8 Augustus het E.G. Jansen ‘n Pantoffeldag gehou ten bate van “Smile” en om vrouedag te vier. Leerders en onderwysers het toe sommer ook japonne en naglklere daarby gedra om die uitrusting te voltooi. Al die leerlinge en onderwysers het met ywer deelgeneem.

19 August 2014

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The loud and piercing screams of a Benoni woman from her house in Northmead the Friday morning before last led to the arrest of four suspects on house-breaking charges. Elm Streets, when the suspects lost ccording to EMPD spokesman control of their vehicle and ended up in Wilfred Kgasago, “On realizing a ditch. Three of the four suspects were that four men had already broken into then chased on foot and apprehended in a house in Northmead, the woman bushes nearby, while the fourth suspect let out a loud shriek which alerted the was trapped in the immobilized Toyota Benoni CPF members who jumped into Conquest get-away vehicle. The four action and gave chase to the four male suspects, who are between the ages of suspects who were driving in a green 20 and 30, were booked in at the Benoni Toyota Conquest.” EMPD officers from Police Station for house-breaking with Bromberg Precinct and Bromberg CPF intention to steal. They appeared in the members joined in the chase, which Benoni Magistrate’s Court on Monday 11 ended at the intersection of Benoni and August.


While conducting routine patrols in Brakpan the Friday morning before last, members of the EMPD Public Order Policing discovered a man suspected of selling fake car licenses.


hey stopped a red VW Golf on Ergo Road in Brakpan and, after checking its registration details, realised that the car’s vehicle license number did not correspond with its engine and chassis numbers. This prompted the Metro Police officers to dig deeper. “On feeling the heat and fearing that his vehicle would be impounded, the driver decided to come clean and led the Metro Police to a person staying in Kwa Thema who, he claimed, sold him the fraudulent vehicle licence,”

EMPD spokesman Wilfred Kgasago said. “The suspect was tracked down and apprehended in Boksburg, and it emerged the culprit produces fraudulent licenses for both private and public vehicles,” he added. The 55-year-old suspect was booked in at Brakpan Police Station. He will be facing charges of illegally producing official documents. Police have started an in-depth investigation into the matter.

Four motorists were arrested on Monday morning for dangerously exceeding the 80km/h speed limit between Paul Kruger and Swan Roads in Springs and another seven were arrested for dangerously exceeding the 120km/h speed limit on the N12 between Putfontein and Kingsway Bridge.


ll the arrests took place between 05h30 and 08h30 in the morning. On Paul Kruger and Swan, two drivers were caught doing 131km/h and the other two clocked speeds of 119 and 117km/h. All four speedsters were locked up at Springs Police Station on charges of reckless and negligent driving. They are expected to appear in the Springs Magistrate’s Court soon. The seven drivers arrested for excessive speeding on the N12 freeway were all caught doing speeds over 160km/h. The

highest speed was clocked by a woman driver in an Audi sedan who was caught doing 186km/h, claiming that she was rushing to Etwatwa. The second highest speed registered was 174km/h, by yet another female driver in an Audi sedan. The rest clocked speeds of between 163 and 167km/h. Charges of reckless and negligent driving were registered against the seven at Benoni Police Station. They are expected to appear in the Benoni Magistrate’s Court soon.

A man in his thirties was killed on Tuesday 12 August when he was hit by a car on the N12 in Benoni, Johannesburg.


hen ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene, they found the man lying on the traffic island. He had, unfortunately, already succumbed to his

The MMC for Community Safety, Clr Mthuthuzeli Siboza, who also chairs the Community Safety Forum (CSF), led an evaluation conference on Saturday 2 August at the Germiston Council Chambers. The objective of the conference was to reflect on the past twelve months with regard to progress made by the CSF since the official launch in July 2013.


n laying a firm foundation for the CSF, extensive fatal injuries. The driver of the vehicle consultative processes were initiated in 2012, was not found, but local authorities were which included sensitizing communities at ward on the scene for further investigations. committee level and was followed by consultative workshops with all other stakeholders, culminating in an official launch conference in July 2013.




Three regional CSF structures have been established, at least five major successful awareness campaigns have so far been conducted and many new EMPD personnel have been hired, MMC for Community Safety, Clr Mthuthuzeli Siboza announced. “Although we are still faced with challenges in respect of financial constraints and the clarifying of the difference between CSFs and Community Policing Forums (CPFs) to our communities, great strides have been made since the official launch in July 2013. A Community Safety Plan (CSP) has been adopted with remedial measures in place to solicit funds and stepping up on awareness

Boksburg SAPS: 112 Commissioner Street, Boksburg 011 841 6800

Boksburg North SAPS: 37 Vierde Street, Boksburg North 011 898 3000

Boksburg Metro Police Station:

Reiger Park SAPS: Cnr Arthur Hobbs Road & Goedehoop Avenue, Reiger Park, 011 916 7000

Tienie Jansen Building, Adderly Street, Boksburg 011 899 4114

campaigns. Over and above this, future plans include establishment of ward-based CSFs as well as Voting District-based CSFs by mid-2016,” MMC Siboza explained. MMC Siboza made an impassioned plea to the delegates to ensure that all formations, youths, families and individuals actively take a bold stand against crime in their homes, streets, neighborhoods, communities and the entire region in order to create a safer Ekurhuleni for all. “The onus is on each and every one of us to play a genuine and sincere role in making our homes and streets safe,” Siboza emphasized. The CSF Committee, under the chairmanship of MMC Siboza, is charged with the responsibility of coordinating all stakeholders involved in community safety e.g. CPFs, Business Against Crime, SAPS, the Justice Department, Correctional Services, Home Affairs and non-profit organizations (NPOs) with the objective of ensuring seamless management of the CSF structures in Ekurhuleni.

SHARING KNOWLEDGE: Ekurhuleni Community Safety Forum members at the Germiston Council.

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19 August 2014

Over the past few months, the Mr South Africa competition has become synonymous with the phrase “Men of Honour.” This statement extends beyond a marketing slogan or mere lip service as the Top 50 contestants have engaged with their local communities, inspired students and truly represented the brand. Unlike many other competitions, the Mr South Africa contest gives competitors monthly challenges to test their leadership, planning and management skills, as well as innovative thinking and creative problem-solving capabilities. For example, since announcing the Top 50, the men have participated in the #BringBackOurGirls campaign, held educational talks at various schools around the country, collected blankets for the underprivileged, raised funds for worthy organisations through online advertising opportunities and driven awareness and publicity campaigns for themselves. As each task or project was completed successfully, every candidate was scored according to their output and the desired outcomes. These scores were added up and combined with the support each contestant received through their individual SMS voting lines. “Each of our Top 50 have brought something to the competition this year, but the Top 25 have taken it one step further, which has set them apart from the rest of the pack,” Rudi Baker, CEO of Mr South Africa said. Mr South Africa and the judges would like to congratulate the following contestants for making it through to the Top 25 round: • MRSA 005 • MRSA 006 • MRSA 008 • MRSA 017 • MRSA 022 • MRSA 118 • MRSA 026 • MRSA 028 • MRSA 033 • MRSA 112 • MRSA 110 • MRSA 043 • MRSA 045

Andre Faro Anthony Churchyard Armand Du Plessis Clive Maistry David Mathe Ditiro Rantloane Fabian Frank Geo Botha Jaco Gerrits Jean-Pierre Liebenberg Johann Herbst Keamohetse Rampaku Krüger Swart

• MRSA 065 • MRSA 124 • MRSA 068 • MRSA 069 • MRSA 117 • MRSA 080 • MRSA 086 • MRSA 088 • MRSA 090 • MRSA 092 • MRSA 098 • MRSA 127

Morné Marais Morné Emery Ndumiso Goodman Shandu Nelius Du Preez Pieter Du Plessis Regal Colyn Sibusiso Sibanda Soon Scheepers Thabang Kolobe Themba Nkolele Wiehan Riekert Xavier Mgidlana

Issued by The Mail Room Thirteen years from when it first began, the Afrikaanse Musiekfees is still one of the most highly-anticipated music events to take place at Carnival City’s Big Top Arena – and this year it is scheduled for Saturday 6 September, when the stellar line-up of artists on the bill is expected to draw a capacity crowd.


mong the stars performing are Bobby van Jaarsveld, Bianca le Grange, Jak de Priester, Jannie Moolman, DJ Ossewa, Lance James, Arina de Witt, Pieter Erasmus, Alwyn Oberholster, Elizma Theron, and Carly Bailey. The show will be presented by the hilarious Hannes Brümmer and Melt Sieberhagen. “What better way to ring in spring than with a spectacular musicfest featuring some of South Africa’s most-loved Afrikaans performers? “Produced by Lefra Productions, the Afrikaanse Musiekfees is certainly one of the highlights of music festivals hosted at the Big Top Arena. Afrikaans music fans can look forward to a spectacular show this year,” says Carnival City’s Entertainment Manager, Jaco Saaiman. Since its inception, the Afrikaanse Musiekfees has delighted more than 35 000 people, with about 200 of SA’s best Afrikaans performers featuring in the shows over the years. With his finger on the pulse of the contemporary Afrikaans music industry, producer Frans Swart manages to bring together established and emerging performers, and different music genres, to deliver an electrifying show which appeals to diverse music tastes.

Issued by Buz Publicity Sex and relationships are what make us human. The seventh annual Drama for Life Sex Actually Festival: Heart to Heart runs from the 19 to 30 August, exploring human connection in all its shapes and forms. The festival is a diverse experience of theatre productions, workshops, medical talks and presentations, community projects and public events. Bold and passionate, this two -week celebration will explore humanness and the shared human experience. Sex Actually is brought to you by Drama for Life, an independent academic, research and community engagement programme based at the Wits School of Arts. The festival is a unique response to major health, social and cultural issues faced by Africa, with a particular emphasis on sex, relationships and HIV/AIDS. The Sex Actually Festival creates an opportunity to confront that which is feared, to understand it, and to promote respect towards those who are affected and infected by HIV. Festival Director Tarryn Lee writes: “The Sex Actually Festival is a unique cross-community project that promotes practical information and perspective-sharing in relation to healthy sexual attitudes.” In responding to the focus behind this growing event, Lee adds: “…it is essential to promote dialogue as a means to challenge stigma and related discriminatory challenges. This public intervention crosses geographical boundaries, bringing together communities from the Southern to the Northern, from the West to the East of Johannesburg. The creative arts is an excellent

Tickets for the show are on sale through Computicket. Prices vary according to seating. For more information, visit www. lefra.com. Like Carnival City on Facebook carnivalsa and follow us on Twitter carnivalsa.

TALENTED: Bobby van Jaarsveld, one of a stellar line-up of Afrikaans music stars performing at the 13th Afrikaanse Musiekfees.

vehicle for dialogue.” The main Drama for Life Sex Actually Festival will take place at the Wits Theatre Complex located on Jorissen Street, Braamfontein, and the Sex Actually Community Projects activates external sites in and around Johannesburg. About the much-anticipated opening event, Lee writes: “The Sex Actually opening on Tuesday 19 August promises to be a dynamic evening of exploratory connections stimulated by performance art and multi-media, audienceactivated storytelling, and fresh-fusion sounds of hip-hop, isicathimiya and opera… as the audience moves between selected sites in the Wits Theatre Complex. Megan Godsell’s Ships In The Night and Nhlanhla Mahlangu’s We Chant form an integral part of this highlighted event.”Tickets can be purchased at www.webtickets.co.za or at the Wits Theatre box office an hour before each show. Online purchases are R40 and R50 at the door; students are discounted at R10 a ticket. All lunchtime festival offerings and Sex Talk Series initiatives are free, and a ticket can be collected form the DFL Information Desk – located in the Wits theatre foyer- on the day. Other specials include the DFL Double Bill at R10 and the Community Day programme on Saturday 30 August at R40.

19 August 2014

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Nthabiseng and Sydney Makume welcomed their second daughter into the world on 11 August, naming their 3,65 kg bundle of joy Sinenhlanhla, which means “we are lucky” in Zulu - because the Brakpan family won an allexpenses-paid-for birth at Netcare Mulbarton Hospital earlier this year in the Baby on Board competition at the Johannesburg MamaMagic Baby Expo. Well-known brands Stokke® and Philips AVENT offered roud father Sydney said that the prize had provided the couple a wide range of premium products such as a his family with the opportunity of having their baby in carrycot, car chair and pregnancy belt. Pampers sponsored a leading private hospital, where their every need would be a year’s supply of premium care nappies, and specialist taken of. “It gave me great peace of mind, knowing my wife South African retail baby store, Baby City, gave the lucky would be able to give birth without any added stresses or couple a gift voucher to spend at any of their stores around the country. worries,” he said. The maternity facilities at Netcare Mulbarton Hospital “These prizes are truly a welcome gift for us and will help comprise a 20-bed maternity ward, three delivery rooms take a huge burden off our shoulders. We are very grateful that include two birthing baths for parents who opt for a to Netcare Mulbarton Hospital for paying for the full birthing water birth, and a dedicated caesarean section theatre. The process as well as to the other sponsors of the wonderful NICU has a total of eight beds, four of which are isolation prizes which are definitely going to make an unbelievable beds. The prize not only covered the cost of the entire difference to our lives and the life of our precious new birthing process – paid for by Netcare – but it also included daughter,” Nthabiseng said. The cherry on top for the the storage of Sinehlanhla’s umbilical cord blood and tissue Makumes was a romantic dinner organised for them by the stem cells for up to 10 years, as well as maternal blood hospital last Tuesday evening, the night before Nthabiseng tests, paid for by Netcells Biosciences. and baby Sinenhlanhla were discharged.


BUNDLE OF JOY AND LUCK: Nellie Koen, midwife Pamela Yako and the Makumes pose with little Sinenhlanhla.

On Friday 1 August Wimpy and Reach For A Dream visited Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital and Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital as part of Reach For A Dream’s Slipper Day initiative.


impy, which sold Slipper Day stickers nationwide, delivered meals and slippers to the children in the children’s wards at both hospitals, and Reach For A Dream added to the fun and excitement of the day by organising entertainment, cake and gifts for the children. Some local celebrities also joined the cause, with DJ Fresh and Ashley Hayden visiting the children’s wards at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital and Hlubi Mboya and Bujy visiting Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital.

DJ Fresh and a staff member at the Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital

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19 August 2014

tame TIMES

Page 11

by Palesa Yates Jogging can be fun – once you have overcome the initial discomfort of getting fit. After a few weeks (when you no longer sound like a steam-train, look like a beetroot or feel the pain of a stitch in your side), you can enjoy the wind on your cheeks as you fly downhill or appreciate the sunrise in a whole new way. The health benefits, thought there are many – stress relief, weight control, better sleeping, improved digestion, cardiovascular fitness, increased muscle tone, stronger bones – will no longer be your primary motivation for putting on takkies. The birds will sing for you, the sun will rise for you and the road will call your name. Here are a few hints and tips to get you there: Put safety first It is always wise to have a medical check-up before starting an exercise programme, as jogging is dangerous for some. After personal health risks, however, motorists are the greatest danger on the road for joggers. Wear bright and/ or reflective clothing, run facing oncoming traffic, listen for vehicles, never run outside with ear-phones and always watch out for the odd drunk driver making his or her way home at 5 or 6 in the morning. Ladies, choose routes where there are people and avoid places that provide good ambush spots for potential attackers, like streets lined with trees or bushes. Greet everyone, thank motorists who give way to you and never wear large items of jewellery or display cellphones or iPods. Avoid running in the dark – missing manhole-covers can do grievous bodily harm. Buy good shoes, drink enough water and protect yourself from the sun. Your running shoes should be the most expensive pair you own.

The South African golf team for the 2015 Special Olympics has been selected following the National Special Olympics Tournament at Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Golf Club on Monday 11 August.


ultiple Special Olympics gold medallist Tom Lugg will lead the South African team at the 2015 Games in Los Angeles from 25 July to 2 August. A total of 160 athletes – all children and adults with intellectual disabilities – from 17 schools and homes took part in the national tournament, which for the eighth consecutive year was run by the PGA of South Africa as part of its vision to grow the game among all members of society. Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Golf Club co-funded the tournament with the PGA of SA. “Working with the athletes is both very humbling and rewarding. I’m always moved and inspired by the Special Olympics athletes’ positive attitude and perseverance,” said Tracey Marais, Events Manager of the PGA of SA.

The PGA coaches, under the leadership of head coach and PGA Professional Martin Briede, work with the individual athletes on their golf skills for months before the tournament. “The instruction is kept simple and basic, which is very effective. It’s wonderful to see how the athletes get so much pleasure out of hitting good shots and are not too concerned with the bad ones. It’s inspiring to see the athletes participate in this game we love,” said Briede. The Special Olympics includes all sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The Special Olympics was officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee in 1988. The 2011 Games in Greece was attended by 7 000 athletes.

The first step is the hardest Take it – soon. Enjoy yourself Running should be pleasant, not a punishment. New Year’s resolutions should last beyond 2 January, so always leave enough power in your legs for tomorrow’s workout. Make exercise a habit It has been said that a new habit takes three weeks to form. Exercise on the hottest, coldest, wettest and windiest days and this will give you the courage to hit the road every other day. Fight boredom Join a club, find a jogging buddy or just observe your surroundings. Palesa has encountered many interesting things while out jogging, including a three-legged dog, a car that had just lost a wheel, and a cyclist with two small dogs on leads. Once, she came across a driver who had just rolled his car on a pavement claiming that he had “had a little too much to drink.” Needless to say, the paramedics in attendance did not believe him. Relax Let your arms swing. Remember, however hard the road or high the hill, you will definitely feel extremely good after your run. Palesa Yates is a 51-year-old woman who jogs about 70 kilometres a week. She is not very fast, but she always makes it home without walking along the way.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate - OPRAH WINFREY

South African Special Olympics Golf Team: Tom Lugg, Joshua Trollip, Andrew White, Konrad Zastrau, Christopher Duffield, Moses Msibi, Bridget Kabini and Tshenolo Mokoto

Despite the hail and rainy weather, the Springboks managed to defeat Argentina with a 13-6 victory at Loftus Versveld in Pretoria this past weekend. This win places South Africa at the top of the Castle Lager Rugby Championship.


aptain Jean de Villiers described the weather conditions as “probably the worst I have ever played in,” which summarises how challenging their first game of the Championship was. Springbok Ruan Pienaar scored the first and only try of the match early on and Handre Pollard successfully made the conversion. However, harsh wind, rain and hail made conditions on the field too difficult for the Boks to gain a bonus point win. Argentina also battled to gain momentum and their only points were penalties. Springbok Coach Heyneke Meyer told Supersport after the game that he was very

pleased with the Boks’ performance and that Argentina was a force to be reckoned with - apart from the weather: “They are not a continuity team, they are a contesting team, so it is not always easy to get a flow to your match. We played well for 30 minutes, but we did not get the points to justify that and it affected us, as we had our mind set on attacking play,” Meyer said. In the end the Boks may not have played their best match yet, but they proved that they can push through harsh and stormy weather and beat their opponents. They will face Argentina again in their next match on Argentina’s soil.

DEFYING THE WEATHER: The Springboks in action on 16 August. Photo: Duane Vermeulen (Gallo Images)

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19 August 2014






43 HOWARD AVE TEL: 011 422 2995



T’s & C’s Apply



• Take the N1 South (Concrete) Highway towards Roodepoort • Take the Randshow Road / Emalahleni (Witbank) exit • Take the Witbank lane onto the N12 East S’manga Khumalo has achieved the second of his two ultimate career goals. The first was his historic win at last year’s Vodacom Durban July, South Africa’s richest race. The second occurred on 13 August when the 29-year-old was announced as the Champion Jockey for the 2013 / 2014 national season in South Africa. This announcement took place at the prestigious Equus Awards held at Emperor’s Palace in Johannesburg, known at the “Oscars” of the South African horse-racing industry.


humalo is the first black jockey to walk away with this title, one which was cemented by his impressive 185 wins this season, which saw him outdo his closest competitor, Richard Fourie - who had 143 wins to his name - by 42 wins. Khumalo ends this season with a remarkable 1 381 races. Known affectionately as “Bling” within racing circles, he was spotted by a talent scout, who visited his school in Kwa Mashu in Durban, at age 15. While his wiry 154cm-high frame had caused him much teasing as a teenager,

the scout recognised in him the makings of a jockey. In 2000 Khumalo joined the Durban Jockey Academy in Summerveld where he started a five-year apprenticeship - and the rest, as they say, is history. Khumalo has been racing professionally since 2006. After a short but well deserved rest, Khumalo will start the 2014/2015 national season with his heart set on more prominent race wins locally, as well as a number of international races.

• Take the JHB lane onto the M1 North • Take the Xavier Street exit and follow the Gold Reef City signs

FROM THE SOUTH • Take N12 Concrete Highway • Take the Kimberley lane • Take the Xavier Street exit • Follow the Gold Reef City signs


Organised by Brotherhood Athletic Club VENUE: START: PRE-ENTRIES: (Close on 12 October 2014) RACE DAY ENTRIES: ENTRY FEE:


The Apartheid Museum parking at Gold Reef City 07h00 / Fun Run 07h30 Online at enteronline.co.za Sportsmans Warehouse (The Glen, Eastgate, Princess Crossing) Day before the race at the Apartheid Museum parking from 10h00 – 14h00 From 05h00 at The Apartheid Museum Parking – entry closes at 06h50 R50 (10km) • R80 (21km) • R30 (4km – Theme Park Fun Run) R10 from each entry for the 21km and 10km run will go towards Bree Street Primary All Fun Run proceeds will go towards Bree Street Primary R15 (10km) • R20 (21km) 50% of Entry Fee Free 10h30 at Theme Park Town Square www.raceresults.co.za

• Only 500 entries allowed for the Fun Run • All race entrants will receive free entry into the Theme Park on the day of the race, upon verification of race registration, plus 50% discount on Theme Park entry fee for two family members • For more information visit goldreefcity.co.za / enteronline.co.za / tametimes.co.za or contact The Brotherhood Athletics Club on the following numbers Charles: 082 951 8044 • Franklin: 082 909 0192 • Gerhard: 083 292 9551 Tame Times - Lize Geldenhuis: 011 862 8500

• 26°14’.15’’ S | 28°00’.48’’ E


tame TIMES

STAR JOCKEY: S’manga Khumalo was announced as the Champion Jockey of the year at the 2014 Equus Awards.

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