Tame times boksburg 25 november 2014

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tame TIMES




Volume 02, 25 11 November 2014, Week 46 48

Delivered every Delivered every Tuesday Tel: Tuesday 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335

Community champions

SONGBIRDS: Artist Nozzy and her back-up vocalists perform at the Tavern Intervention Programme’s Daveyton graduation ceremony in Benoni. For the full story, go to page 6.

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tame TIMES

25 November 2014

Letters are the opinion of readers and not necessarily that of tame TIMES or its staff. Send your letters to Natasha.kotze@tametimes.co.za. You may write letters using a pseudonym, but all letters must include the full name, address and contact number of the writer. Preference will be given to letters shorter than 250 words. The editor reserves the right to edit or omit letters.

Dear Editor


SUBURBS Volg Stefan op Twitter! @Stefan609


Eendag, lank lank gelede - het jy, en almal wat jy geken het, ’n Blackberryselfoon gehad. ’n Curve, aanvanklik, of dan ’n Bold en selfs ’n Torch as jy jou Blackberries ernstig opgeneem het. Daar was BIS (Blackberry Internet Service), wat jou R60 per maand gekos het en wat jou onbeperkte toegang tot die internet gegee het en die heerlike geselsfunksie: BBM. Maar, soos in die Bybel se Tuin van Eden, waar dit alles by ’n appel begin skeefloop het, het Blackberry kort voor lank sy Moses teëgekom deur almal wat skielik ’n Samsung of ’n Apple wou hê. Blackberry het so uit die bus uit geval, dat - as daar een uit ’n bus sou val niemand hom eers sou optel nie. Amper soos ’n ou tweesent-stuk. Want, sonder BIS, wat grootliks verwyder is, was Blackberry niks. Maar tog was hulle slim en het iets gehou wat almal met Appels en Pere en Kanonne en Gewere se selfone, toe begin mis. Kom ons doen ’n toets: probeer jy ’n sin sonder foute op ’n raakskerm sleutelbord (selfoon of tablet) tik sonder om te kyk, en kyk wat het jy gemaak. Selfs al kyk jy heeltyd, sukkel mens om akkuraat te tik sonder ’n fisiese sleutelbord, soos die wat “laptops” en (toevallig) sekere modelle van die Blackberry steeds het. Deesdae neem almal net aan dat jy of ’n Samsung of ’n Apple selfoon het, maar daar is ’n verrassing: Blackberry bring steeds fantastiese fone uit soos die Q10 (met ’n sleutelbord) en volgende maand land die nuwe Blackberry Classic op ons voorstoep - dis een wat lyk soos die nuwe generasie Q10’s maar hy het die bekende BlackBerry-knoppie asook die gewilde “back” knoppie, en, die meesterlike sleutel tot sukses en gerief waarna almal soek: die fisiese sleutelbord! So, vir almal wat lief is vir appels in hulle slaai, bly maar by julle Appels. Maar vir almal wat kommunikasie verkies, moenie die swartbessieslaai vergeet nie. Blackberry is nog springlewendig en gereed om uit sy vel uit te spring met opwindende nuwe modelle.

Is it legal to build on wetlands? Last week I noticed that a large area of trees and vegetation had been cleared on Atlas Road near the Paul Smit intersection, in preparation for the building of another new complex. My concern is that the area contains a large lake and is therefore a wetland. It is also just a few hundred metres down the road from another complex that was constructed a few years ago around another lake. Surely it is illegal to build on wetlands? On the R21 in Boksburg, just outside Libradene, is a half-built filling station. Why? Construction was halted because the site is in a wetland area. Wetlands exist to filter and absorb rainwater, thus improving the quality of the water we drink and preventing flooding. So, developers that build on wetlands do so at the community’s expense. Yours sincerely, GREEN FREAK The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality failed to comment on this letter by the time of going to print. Ed.

Ekurhuleni resident writes: I am a resident of Ekurhuleni and have always paid my bills in full every month; however, I find that the municipality’s billing system does not reflect reality. I continuously receive final notices for payment of my account which they charge R72,34 for. I receive the billing/statement on or about the 9th to 15th of the month that have a date of payment on or around the 25th of that month. This is all well and good; however, I only get income on the last day of the month, when I then proceed to pay my account. It is not possible to pay any sooner so I have gone in to the customer centre and asked if they could change the payment date and was told that it is not possible and that I should call in to let them know every month. Unfortunately, I cannot get through to anyone on the number 011 999 0010, which just rings, so I find myself at an impasse. I would like them to make some changes regarding the payment date and issuing of final notices. Why do we not have the option to set our payment date up until the 3rd of the following month? Then if we fail to pay by all means they can issue a final notice and cut the power. The current process is highly inflexible, inconvenient and costly for those of us already burdened by a high cost of living. Furthermore, we then have to take off time from our jobs/livelihoods to deal with this issue, as we cannot get through to anyone. Official comment from Ekurhuleni: The number (011) 999 0010 is receiving a high call volume, hence residents are also encouraged to log onto www.e-siyakhokha.gov. za where they can view their statements and pay online. Due dates cannot be changed as they are paired with a reading schedule and billing of the account. So different areas have different due dates. In terms of final notices, the system generates a final notice 3 to 4 days after there is no payment on the account.

-Stefan van Niekerk

Send your letters to natasha.kotze@tametimes.co.za

Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Natasha: natasha.kotze@tametimes.co.za

Sub-Editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey: stephen@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za

Waste not, want not Put your best foot forward by donating your old school shoes and clothes to the tame TIMES Boksburg Benoni Feet-a-thon. We want to assist families in need that could do with a helping hand in the form of school shoes and clothes. There are just too many children who do not want to go to school simply because they do not have school shoes or uniforms. Tame TIMES and the Greater Boksburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry would like to help them. If your child has outgrown his or her school shoes or school clothes, please donate them to this worthy cause and help to make school life a little easier for children in need. Your thoughtfulness could help give a child a future he or she might not otherwise have had. Shoes can be dropped off at the Greater Boksburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 236 Rondebult Road, Libradene/Farrar Park, Boksburg. For their office hours, contact the Chamber on 011 892 0222. The shoes will be distributed to Boksburg schools next year. If your school has identified any children in need of new school clothes or shoes, send us a wish list at natasha.kotze@ tametimes.co.za.

CONDOLENCES ON THE PASSING OF STEPHAN KOTZE Management and staff of tame TIMES send our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Stephan Kotze, husband of Boksburg Editor Natasha Kotze, on his tragic and very sudden death on Sunday 23 November. May God be with Natasha and little Emma.

Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Happy 011 862 8500 Next issue: 2 December 2014 Deadline: Friday 28 November at 14:00

Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.

25 November 2014

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GDE WINS: Boy Ngobeni is the best Head of Department in the country. The Head of the Gauteng Department of Education Mr Boy Ngobeni has been recognized as the best Head of Department (HOD) in the country. Mr Ngobeni received this award at the National Batho Pele Excellence Awards on 15 November. The National Batho Pele Excellence Awards are held annually by the Department of Public Service and Administration to acknowledge and reward excellence in the public service.


Best HOD in the country

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Mr Ngobeni was awarded the best Head of Department title for demonstrating exceptional leadership skills/expertise with a proven track record of leadership and successfully achieving the overall strategic goals of the Department. In 2007, Mr Ngobeni was also acknowledged for his contribution to e-government when he won the Premier’s Award for Service Excellence for the innovation of a tool that allows citizens to apply for jobs via cellphone technology He joined the Gauteng Department of Education as Acting Deputy Director-General (DDG) for Corporate Services, while simultaneously heading the Gauteng City Region Academy, an agency responsible for skills development within the Gauteng Provincial Government. He was appointed as the Head of the Department in 2010. Since his appointment the Department has seen successive improvements in Matric results and improvements in literacy and numeracy, as per the indication of the ANA tests.


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Truckjacking foiled

25 November 2014


Were you there?

Police need info

Boksburg North police are looking for anyone who witnessed an accident on the N12 East on 5 October. The accident took place at around 2:30 between the Rondebult Road flyover and the Altas Road flyover, Bartlett, when a car overturned. One of

the passengers was killed. Anyone who witnessed the accident is asked to contact the investigating officer, Detective Warrant Officer Manie du Preez, on 011 306 0000 using the reference: Boksburg North Cas 79/10/2014.

Five killed in taxi violence The articulated truck saved from hijackers and (INSET) the perpetrators’ stolen VW Polo. Members of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) foiled a truck hijacking on 13 November. EMPD freeway unit members patrolling on the N12 eastbound noticed a stationary truck near the Daveyton turnoff at around 21:30 on 13 November and decided to investigate. Parked in front of the truck was a VW Polo sedan with five occupants, but as the officers approached the

two vehicles, the VW Polo took off in the direction of Etwatwa and a high speed chase ensued. After realizing that the officers were gaining on them, the occupants of the Polo opened fire on the pursuing Metro Cops and, then, during the ensuing gun-battle, they suddenly abandoned their vehicle and disappeared into the night. “In the VW Polo, the officers found the driver of the truck and by God’s grace, the driver was unhurt. It later

emerged that the grey VW Polo was a stolen vehicle,” says Chief Superintendent Wilfred Kgasago, EMPD spokesman. The targeted truck, which was carrying a cargo of car batteries, was recovered intact. The VW Polo was booked in at SAPS Van Ryn’s Deep pound and a case of attempted hijacking was registered at Etwatwa Police Station. No arrests, however, have been made as yet.

What to do in an armed robbery With the festive season approaching, armed robberies are on the increase. The Intelligence Bureau SA based in Benoni has some safety tips on what to do should you be a victim. When an armed robbery takes place at a location (store, warehouse, factory, shopping centre or restaurant), the likelihood of the incident turning violent, resulting in injuries to personnel and customers, can be effectively reduced by the behaviour of the staff and customers. Here are some tips on how to keep the situation non-violent: 1. Do not resist: Do exactly as you are told. The robbers are in control of the situation because they are armed, and it serves no purpose to resist their instructions – you will only be putting lives at risk. 2. Relax: Regulate your breathing, taking long, slow deliberate breaths. This slows your heart rate and helps you relax. 3. Speak slowly: Do not shout or raise your voice to the robbers. They are probably more nervous than you and it will not take much for them to lose self-control.

4. Do not make sudden movements: When you want to do something – even if it is an instruction from the robber – tell them what you are doing (“I am going to take the keys out of my pocket now”) and do it slowly. 5. Do not set off the siren: Activate the alarm only if you can do so without the robbers seeing you. Many armed robberies have turned violent (with hostages taken) because the siren puts the robbers into a panic. Setting off an alarm can trigger a violent response. 6. Do not look the robber directly in the face: The robber may believe that you are trying to memorize his features for later identification and it could lead to his shooting you in order to prevent this. 7. Give the robbers time to leave: Do not shout or do anything else until the robbers have left the premises. Do not try to be a hero. Do not attempt to prevent the robbers’ getaway. Many crime scenes have turned violent as the robbers are leaving, resulting in deaths and injuries to staff and customers.

Four people, including the queue marshal, taxi owner and a passenger, were killed in alleged taxi violence at Windmill Park taxi rank in Dawn Park early on Thursday morning. The fifth victim was a passenger who was bumped by a car during the shooting and died later in hospital. No arrests have been made so far. It is also alleged that an unknown number of suspects escaped in a blue Volvo getaway car. Government says MEC Ismail Vadi condemns the brutal killings of taxi operators and commuters at the Windmill Park Taxi Rank. He wishes to express the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport’s sincerest condolences to the families and loved ones of the deceased. The conflict between the Vosloorus Boksburg District Taxi Association and the Reiger Park Taxi Association has been ongoing for the past two years. Based on the routes issued by the Department of Roads and Transport and confirmed

by a court order issued on the 29 November 2012, the Reiger Park Taxi Association has got the exclusive right to operate from the Windmill Park Taxi Rank to Boksburg city centre. It is clear that rogue members of Vosloorus Boksburg District Taxi Association are acting in violation of the court order by forcefully preventing members of the Reiger Park Taxi Association from operating on the said route. Vadi says that the Department intends to institute the extra ordinary measures in terms of Section 91 of the National Land Transport Act. The Department will be engaging the various role players as required by the law to shut down the operations of the parties to end the conflict in the various areas. MEC Vadi requests SAPS to move swiftly to arrest and to prosecute the perpetrators of these dastardly and criminal acts. He commits to work together with the law-abiding leadership of the taxi associations in the province to bring an end to the growing incidence of taxi violence in Gauteng.

Police roadblock initiative 8. Observation techniques: Clear information on the robbers assists the police investigation. However, this should not be done at the risk of your life or that of persons around you. Don’t make it obvious that you are observing them. Focus on one person at a time and gain an overall impression first (height, build, firearm or other weapon, clothing, special features like a limp or tattoo). Then look at details such as dacial features. Remember any names used by the robbers when they were talking to each other. Remember what they touch, where they walk, any cigarette butts discarded, body fluids deposited, et cetera. The same rules apply to observing their vehicle. Look at the make and model, colour, noticeable features and registration number.

The Vispol officers of all five stations in the Brakpan Cluster, which includes Boksburg North, held a roadblock on the corners of Main Reef Road and Field Street, Lillianton, Boksburg North. The SAPS and Metro Police took hands in this operation to combat crime and keep the roads safe for travelling this festive season. This is a joint initiative that will be held in each of the five stations in the Cluster of Brakpan. The operational commander was Lieutenant Colonel Dirk Badenhorst, the Brakpan Cluster Vispol coordinator, from the office of Cluster Commander Brigadier Johan van der Westhuizen.

The police searched 181 people and 91 vehicles; they also tested 98 vehicles and issued 38 fines to the value of R70 600. Boksburg North SAPS communications officer, Lt Juanita Coetzer says, “This should indicate to the community and criminals what to expect during the festive season. Zero tolerance will be maintained.”

25 November 2014

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25 November 2014

SAB workshops community champions

(Continued from page 1) Last Wednesday around 150 men from Daveyton and the surrounding areas graduated from the Tavern Intervention Programme (TIP) at the Benoni Country Club. The men participated in a four-day workshop facilitated by SAB partner Men for Development South Africa (Medsa), during which they engaged on various social issues including responsible alcohol consumption, HIV and Aids, gender-based violence, child abuse and rights, and parental responsibility. SAB also collaborated with the Daveyton SAPS, the South African Association for Youth Clubs (SAAYC) and NGO Sechaba Community Care (Fathers and Sons). Through a series of workshops in taverns across the country, TIP aims to drive attitudinal and behavioural change in men identified as perpetrators of social ills, including crime. TIP seeks to provide men with appropriate skills and knowledge to make them effective at combating crimes closely linked to alcohol abuse, and is one of the few programmes of

its kind in existence in SA. According to SAB Corporate Affairs Manager Millicent Maroga, “SAB understands the responsibility that comes from being a good leading corporate citizen, and is constantly striving to be a force for good within the society. It is for this reason that we have long taken a leadership role in promoting the health and well-being of the communities in which we operate.” “Our greatest wish this week was that we were able to make a significantly positive contribution to the community of Daveyton and its surrounds by equipping these brave men with the tools they need to change their lives, those of their families and their communities,” she continued. SAB partners with a number of communitybased organizations and leaders to ensure the success of TIP and to help identify those men who require intervention, as well as those who wish to be affirmed and become agents of change within their communities. The content of each workshop is based on issues and trends prevalent in SA and across

the globe. It seeks to promote responsible alcohol consumption; support SAB’s alcohol strategy; reduce the impact of HIV and Aids; promote human rights, and in particular children’s rights; minimize gender-based violence and contribute to a reduction in crime. Among other things, the men are educated on the importance of eating and drinking water when consuming alcohol, HIV and Aids transmission and how to accommodate people infected and affected by the disease, the importance of circumcision in the promotion of men’s health, understanding and promoting the rights of women and children, conflict resolution, family values and healthy living. On the final day of the programme, participants are rewarded during a graduation ceremony with a certificate of participation. They are encouraged to sign a pledge of commitment to be ambassadors of change and champions within their communities. A Men’s Support Group is formed by the men and meets once a month. Here they consolidate what they have learned during the intervention sessions and are able to discuss and share problems or be referred to an expert organization such as SANCA for further intervention. Behavioural changes are tracked through this support group.

SONGBIRDS: The back-up vocalists for artist Nozzy.

HAVING A BLAST: The participants in the Tavern Intervention Programme in Daveyton sang and danced before their graduation ceremony. PLEDGING: Promise Sekera reads the pledge the men signed at the Daveyton Tavern Intervention Programme graduation at the Benoni Country Club.

SONGBIRD: Artist Nozzy performs at the Tavern Intervention Programme’s Daveyton graduation ceremony in Benoni.

PLEDGE: Denis Mazibuko from Daveyton signs a pledge of commitment to be an ambassador of change and a champion of his community.

GETTING DOWN: Master of Ceremonies Thabang Mashia and Ekurhuleni CSF member Robert Makhubela do an impromptu dance during the Daveyton Tavern Intervention Programme at the Benoni Country Club.

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25 November 2014

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Women in business end the year

The East Rand Business Women (ERBW) held their Gala Brunch at the Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre last Saturday to celebrate the year’s successes and victories, as well as to announce the new chairlady. MAESTRO: Rocco de Villiers plays Love Founding member Susan Noppe’s term as Changes Everything for the ladies of chairlady has come to an end and Marinda the East Rand Business Women at their Lombard will be taking over the seat for 2015. Gala Brunch. Glynis Holdsworth, the vice-chair, thanked Noppe for her efforts in making the organization successful and welcomed Lombard to her new position. The women were entertained by Rocco de Villiers, the renowned pianist with a penchant for comedy. In between mesmerizing the women with music, he told stories of his life that had the ladies in stitches. The ERBW is a networking forum for business women that meets monthly. The next meeting is on 2 February. The ERBW has existed for the past 14 years and has 76 members, but are always looking for new women in business to join them. For more information on the ERBW, contact Glynis Holdsworth on 082 901 2813 or at glynis@incash.co.za.

Towards a better community

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JOSHUA HOUSE: Michelle Ferreira, Jodi Pretorius, Lorraine Sutherland and Melinda Karam

BETHESDA HOUSE: Heila Van Staaden, Lorraine Sutherland and Samantha Moagi LOL: The ladies who attended the East Rand Business Women’s Gala Brunch last Saturday could not stop laughing at the antics and jokes of pianist Rocco de Villiers, who provided the entertainment on the day.

Benoni based Bethesda House for Abused Women and Children and Mondeor based Joshua House and Epic Foundation were the beneficiaries of the three recent fundraising breakfasts of The Elegant Women’s Club (EWC). The Elegant Women’s Club was established for women from all walks of life who want to be encouraged in the pursuit of learning, sharing and becoming empowered. EWC hosts ladies theme breakfasts in aid of a different charity at each event. At the first breakfast, which was in aid of Bethesda House, renowned designer GertJohan Coetzee spoke and well-known songstress Louise Carver sang. The second breakfast was in aid of Joshua House and the most recent was in aid of Epic Foundation, when EWC sponsored four transformational and business-related courses worth R12 000 from their sister company, Social Edge Biz and Social Edge Modern Day Finishing School to aid men, women and children with basic transformation and educational skills. Bethesda House reaped the fruits of the first breakfast on 15 November when an early Christmas brunch was held for the home at Silver Saddle Estate. Each woman received a goodie bag filled with luxuries and treats and the platters were sponsored by Pick ‘n

Pay Panorama, which is owned by Bruno Barradaf. A cleaning hamper consisting of brooms, mops and toilet paper was given to the home. The 10 children were spoilt with party packs donated by Rosita, the owner of David Shannon Hairdressing. Presents for the children were sponsored by Wim Theron and Neal Quirk and EWC sponsored the children’s entertainment and jumping castle. Joshua House also had their vehicles jam-packed with donations: bedding from Natasha Piper and Nicole Sutherland, a computer and printer from Ina Hannan and cleaning materials, brooms, mops and toilet paper; as well as two baby hampers filled with nappies, wet wipes, packs of Purity, baby creams, powder, baby oil, baby teas, porridge and Nan formula - all sponsored by EWC. Lorraine Sutherland, founder of EWC, calls on all women to become part of the Elegant Women’s Club and transformational academy. “We need all the support we can get as sisters in our hood. Membership is free - it’s inspiring and empowering. Sutherland is supported by her team members Jodi Pretorius, Melanie Olhaus, Tiffiny Sutherland and Zamma Makhathini. For more information please visit www. elegantwomensclub.co.za.

Groet die jaar

LEKKER KUIER: Die Damesklub Bedfordview het Woensdag die jaar gegroet met hulle kerspartytjie en eindjaarfunksie by Summer Place in Boksburg. Die dames, wat Salomien Visser en Linda de Lange, asook die manlike lede ingesluit het, het nie net heerlik saamgekuier en gesmul aan boerekos nie, hulle het ook die sang van Jasmyn en Hercules geniet. Die klub het lede van Bedfordview, Boksburg, Benoni, Edenvale en Kempton Park in.

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25 November 2014

Repo rate unchanged at 5,75%


The Gauteng Department of Health

urges residents who will be travelling to areas such as Kruger National Park, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya and Somalia this festive season, to take anti-malarial medication. The Department says it is important for residents to be cautious prior to their visit to malaria endemic areas and urges those who will be travelling to these areas to avoid mosquito bites while there. The Department’s spokesperson, Prince Hamnca, says in 2014 there have been 26

those who died did not take precautionary measures and presented late at health facilities …

deaths out of 1 820 malaria cases reported in the province. He adds that investigations into the deaths illustrate that those who died were people who did not take precautionary measures against the disease and presented late at health facilities. “There is a need to continue spreading awareness messages about the deaths in our communities. People need to know that malaria is a disease that is transmitted by the bites of certain types of mosquitoes,” says Hamnca. He says malaria symptoms include fever, headache, flu-like symptoms, body aches

medical attention where signs and symptoms

and pains, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

of malaria are suspected, especially if the

People at risk include children under five,

person has travelled to malaria endemic

the elderly and pregnant women.


“Mosquito bites can be avoided by staying

If you have been to a malarial area – even

indoors at night, wearing long-sleeved shirts

if you have taken prophylaxis – you must

and trousers or using mosquito repellents

see a doctor immediately if you develop any

that can be applied to exposed skin areas

of the following: general aches and pains,

- burn mosquito repellent candles and coils,

fever, chills, headache, sweats, fatigue,

spray insecticides, and use nets around the

nausea and vomiting. Remember to tell

bed,” he says.

your doctor that you have been exposed to

The Department also urges people to seek

malaria when you see him or her.

On Thursday, Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago said the repo rate will remain unchanged at 5,75%. “Given the lower trajectory of headline inflation and the continued weak state of the economy, the MPC has unanimously decided to keep the repurchase rate unchanged at 5,75% per annum at this stage,” said Kganyago, who took over the reins from Gill Marcus on 9 November. Since a 25 basis point rate hike at the Monetary Policy Committee meeting in July, the repo rate has remained unchanged. Kganyago said domestic growth outlook remains challenging following two quarters dominated by the fall-out from extended strikes. Some recovery is expected, but demand remains subdued. An improved performance in the mining and manufacturing sectors is expected in the coming quarters, but the outlook is inhibited by domestic structural constraints, as well as by a weak global economy and the continued decline of non-oil commodity prices. He added that growth is expected to remain weak in 2015. In September and October the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is used to measure inflation, came in at 5,9%. The bank’s forecast headline inflation improved since the last meeting of the MPC in September due to declining international oil prices. The central bank is expected to average 5,9% in the final quarter of 2014 and average 6,1% for the year, compared with 6,2% previously. This downward trend is expected to continue into next year with inflation forecast to reach 5,1% in the second quarter and average 5,3% for the year. The forecast for core inflation, by contrast, is more or less unchanged at an average 5,6%

and 5,7% in 2014 and 2015 respectively, reaching a peak of 5,9% in the first quarter of 2015 (previously 5,8%). The central bank noted that food price inflation remains a major driver of inflation, but is expected to moderate in the coming months. When coming to the rand, the currency is expected to remain susceptible to sudden shifts in sentiment regarding changes in monetary policy stances in the advanced economies, and the continued uncertainty regarding the extent to which US normalisation is already priced into the exchange rate. “The rand is likely to remain more sensitive to changes in financial conditions in the US than in Japan and the Eurozone.” The Bank’s forecast for GDP growth in 2014 has declined marginally from 1,5% to 1,4%, and forecasts for 2015 and 2016 have been revised down from 2,8% and 3,1% to 2,5% and 2,9% respectively. The new Governor said the domestic growth outlook remains challenging. At the same time, despite its recent relative stability, the exchange rate remains an upside risk to the inflation outlook, vulnerable to changing perceptions of the timing of global monetary policy adjustments, and the slow pace of contraction in the current account deficit. Another upside risk to inflation comes from a possible increase in wage settlement rates in excess of inflation. “The timing of future interest rate increases will be dependent on a range of factors, including the evolution of inflation expectations, the speed of normalisation of monetary policy in the US and the state of the domestic economy,” he said.

Alberton Day

Alberton residents looking for entertainment close to home can rejoice – Alberton Day and Music Festival is almost here. Over a timespan of three days – 5 to 7 December - Alberton will be entertained by some of the best in the local music industry at Alberton Rugby Club. Aimed at involving the entire community, the festival will include foodstalls, fleamarket and crafter stands, motor shows, beer gardens, food stalls and a theme park for the children to be entertained. Alberton Day and Music Festival will kick off on the Friday with a rock show and DJs. Saturday will be filled with activities for everyone, with top South African musicians taking the stage. On Sunday, everyone is invited to a relaxing ox braai. Artists included in the line-up are The Parlotones, Prime Circle, Gerhard Steyn, Karlien van Jaarsveld, Theuns Jordaan, Liani May, Die Campbell’s, LCNVL and Kurt Darren. While parents enjoy the music

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25 November 2014

ENTER and stand a chance to win 20 lucky readers each stand a chance to win a set of double tickets to any ONE of the three days. SMS TAME space ALBERTON DAY space NAME + SURNAME space SUBURB to 35075. and other entertainment, the children can take part in fun activities such as kiddie’s rides and carnival games. Anyone can apply for a stall or stand to promote their business or sell products and services. Businesses, churches, schools and individuals are all welcome to become part of Alberton Day and Music Festival. Organizers Mark Assante and Stefan Fourie will support the local SPCA and other charities with donations. Exhibitors: Exhibitors can book their spaces now. 3m x 3m stands are available at R1000 and includes parking, power supply and two tickets valued at R350 each. Larger exhibitors can book a 10m x 3m stand at R3000 for three days, which also includes parking, power supply and two tickets valued at R350 each. For more information: Contact Stefan Fourie on 083 238 3711 or stefan@albertonday.co.za; Mark Assante on 071 875 9263 or mark@albertonday.co.za; or email

albertonday@mweb.co.za. For marketing opportunities, including stage advertising, stalls and product stalls, contact Peter McGonigle on 082 533 0284 or peter@albertonday. co.za. You can also visit the website on www.albertonday.co.za. Ticket sales: Day tickets will be available at R150 for adults and R75 for children. Weekend passes can be bought for all three days at R350 for adults and R200 for children. VIP packages are also available for R500 per day or R1000 for the entire weekend. This ensures seating under the lapa, snacks, free parking, as well as access to the backstage area and the opportunity to meet the artists. VIP tickets do not include drinks – a cash bar will be available. Discount: Tickets are available at a 20% discount when purchased through tame TIMES. Simply go to www.tametimes. co.za and click on the link for www. webtickets.co.za.

BULLETIN BOARD Back to the Future is a music experience at the Odeon Show Bar at Emperors Palace. Go on a journey back to the future of popular music on 27 November. Enjoy your favourite songs from the ‘80s, which have now been re-arranged into the soul-shaking style of ‘50s and ‘60s rock and roll. The show starts at 20:00 on both days. Tickets will be available at the door.

Carols by Candlelight hosted by the Rotary Club of Benoni Van Ryn and Ekurhuleni Lifesaving will take place at 18:00 on 28 November at 278 Barbet Road, Rynfield Agricultural Holdings. St Dunstan’s College Preparatory Senior Choir and Marimba Band will lead the Carols. The entrance fee is a ball for a needy child. Take along your own picnic basket or support the beverage tent, food stalls and tea garden.

Boere Meisie Mark se Naweek Kersmark vind 29 en 30 November plaas te Four One & Only Venue and Guest House, Plot 41, Birch- en Hazelstrate, Benoni. Dit begin Saterdag om 9:00 to 16:00 en Sondag van 9:00 tot 14:00. Daar sal handgemaakte goedere wees, net reg vir Kersfees, en daar sal ‘n teetuin wees vir die wat lus is vir ‘n blaaskans na al die inkopies. Vir meer inligting, stuur ‘n e-pos na boeremeisiemark@ gmail.com.

The Crafters Fair Emperors Palace takes place from 12 to 21 December. You will find scrapbooking, jewellery, toys, decor items, gifts and many more. It runs concurrently with the Garden of Lights and is open daily from 9:00 till 21:00. Entry is R10 per person, and children under 12 get in for free. For more information, visit the Crafters Fair website at www.craftersfair.co.za.

Crafters Fair at Northfield Church at corner Aerodrome Drive and Webb Street, Northmead, Benoni, from 25 to 29 November. This upscale event will feature more than 120 exhibitors and goods for every budget, with the focus on quality and originality. It will be open from 9:00 till 19:00 on the Tuesday and Thursday, from 9:00 till 20:00 on the Friday, and from 8:00 till 20:00 on the Saturday. For more information, visit the Crafters Fair website at www.craftersfair.co.za.

Christmas Market at the Bunny Park, Pretoria Road, Rynfield, Benoni, on 29 November and 13 December. Christmas Market at the Bokkie Park, Southvale Road, Parkdene, Boksburg, on 6 December. There will be treasure hunts, live entertainment, food stalls, pony and camel rides, as well as farmyard activities for kids. These markets will offer you Christmas shopping at its best with unique, hand-made gifts from over 80 craft stalls. For more information, email info@craftsinthepark.co.za or visit www.craftsinthepark.co.za.

Christmas Craft Market at St Dominic’s School for Girls on November 29 from 15:00 to 21:00 at the school. They are requesting donations of a small gift for girls and boys aged between one and 10 years that will be donated to charity. For more information, contact Audrey Matthysen on 082 784 6075 or Bridget Smuts on 082 553 1213.

Songs of Praise is a culture enriched, Christmas-themed concert and will be conducted by the famous conductor Richard Cock at the Reformed Church Benoni, 24B Miles Sharp Street, Rynfield, on 30 November. Traditional Christmas carols will be performed in both Afrikaans and English, providing a fun-filled programme suitable for everyone. The show starts at 15:00. Tickets cost R60 per adult and R40 per child. For more information, phone Ina Bolt on 011 849 2054 or email her on inabolt@gkbenoni.co.za.

The Soil Reflection in Jozi The Soil Reflections Tour returns to Gold Reef City’s Lyric Theatre on 27 and 28 November, with a new album. Returning from a successful month-long tour of the United States and the United Kingdom, which started on 8 October and finished on 7 November, The Soil is back to treat their loyal fans to their latest album, Nostalgic Moments, at the Lyric Theatre. Defined as kasi soul, The Soil’s music features an eclectic mix of musical genres such as jazz, hip hop, Afro-pop and Afro-soul. The a cappella group’s new album, Nostalgic Moments, draws its influence and strength from the sounds and music of the Sophiatown era, which was a centre of urban African music and culture. In just under three years, since the release of their debut album, The Soil has already won the hearts and minds of the musical world. The group has received recognition, awards and critical acclaim from fans stretching right across Europe, North America, South Africa, and as far afield as Asia. Tickets cost between R150 and R335 per person and can be booked through Computicket at The Lyric Box Office.

The Peru and Bala

Farewell Fans of the legendary Peru and Bala Show will be able to say their final farewells to the comedians at two shows taking place in November at Gold Reef City’s Lyric Theatre. After 17 years of performances as the Uncles Peru and Bala, Vikash Mathura and Ray Maharaj surprised the entertainment industry with the announcement of their retirement from Lotus FM by December. Vikash Mathura has dominated radio broadcasting and the entertainment industry with a career that spans 22 years. The retirement will also bring to an end


a 17-year radio career for Ray Maharaj, who has also become a broadcasting favourite. Their Week End Lift Off radio show, broadcast on Lotus FM every Saturday morning, has enjoyed the station’s highest listenership since 1998, with an audience from more than 40 countries across five continents. This truly is the end of an era. Performances will start at 16:30 and 20:00 on 29 November. Tickets range from R160 to R345. Book your tickets through Computicket or The Lyric Box Office on 011 248 5000.

Bee Gees tribute show

Paul Buckby, Mark Richardson and Luciano Zuppa will tip their hats to one of the greatest pop rock bands of all time, The Bee Gees, during a tribute show at Emperors Palace. They will perform all your favourite Bee Gees

songs at the Odeon Showbar from 3 to 13 December. Entry is R80 per person and tickets can be bought at the door. The show will start at 20:00 from Wednesday to Saturday.

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Page 11

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25 November 2014

In aid of Nkosi’s Haven, COLUMBINE SQUARE

Stand a chance to win 1 of 10 R1000 Shopping vouchers!

All you need to do is SMS us the amount of money you have pledged towards Nkosi’s Haven! SMS: TAME space NKOSI(AMOUNT) space NAME + SURNAME space SUBURB to 35075

E.G.: TAME NKOSIR500 JOHN DOE GLENVISTA to 35075 SMS’s charged at R3


All you need to do is answer this question! When is the Shades of India Festival taking place?

SMS: TAME space NUNOS space NAME+SURNAME space SUBURB to 35075 E.G.: TAME space NUNOS space JANE DOE space ALBERTON

SMS: TAME space “ANSWER” space NAME+SURNAME space ID NUMBER to 35075

SMS’s charged at R3


SMS’s charged at R3

Win with Alberante Meat Market! Win a meat hamper to the value of R350

SMS’s charged at R3


Win 1of 3 double tickets to the

WIN A R250


His Tomb and His treasures exhibition at Silverstar Casino valid from 2 to 15 December. www.tut-exhibition.co.za

SMS: TAME TUTAN NAME + SURNAME space SUBURB to 35075 space

Spend R80 or more and you could





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Louw Geldenhuys

25 November 2014



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Page 12 2013 14 May

takes on the Lions

LOVING IT: Chris Morris with the mini-cricket kids. Laerskool Louw Geldenhuys’s minicricket team received the chance of a lifetime when they got to play against their cricketing heroes, the Bizhub Highveld Lions, in the opening game of the KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour competition on 14 November. The competition will culminate in a curtainraiser against the Proteas before the start of the T20 series against the West Indies in January.

“The kids are loving it,” said Louw Geldenhuys’s coach, JP Piquito. “It’s all they talk about! The chance to play against the people they idolize and then realizing that they are only human too inspires the kids to work their hardest to achieve their dreams of becoming world class cricketers in their own right.” Louw Geldenhuys played their hearts out against the Lions, managing 60 runs in their allotted overs. Each of the young players contributed runs to their total, with

David Pienaar standing out with the bat earning him the man of the match award. In response the Lions came out swinging but were quickly closed down by some brilliant fielding by the Louw Geldenhuys team. Kids were diving left and right to ensure that not a single ball sneaked past them. Some of the Lions players were even caught offside by the mini-cricketers’ clever bowling. Only on the last ball were the Lions able to secure a one-run victory

New SA tyre flip

record Tyre Champion Chris Batts broke the SA tyre flipping record at the K90 Mall recently when he flipped a tyre 1 210 times in 2 hours and 57 minutes. The previous record was held by a man in Durban who was able to do 1 209 flips with an 85kg tyre in three hours. After three hours, however, Chris had flipped the tyre 10 more times to put the SA record at 1 220 flips. He did this for Sport Against Crime to make the community aware that they can practise sport instead of doing crime.

over Louw Geldenhuys. The mini-cricketers had the opportunity to sharpen their batting skills when Lions and former Protea batsman Neil McKenzie joined their team as assistant coach. He contributed his extensive experience and skills to help the players from Louw Geldenhuis in their campaign to play against the Proteas in January 2015. “It is very important that we get kids active and give them the opportunities thy need to be great,” said McKenzie.

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