Tame times boksburg 2 september 2014

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tame TIMES




Volume 02, 2 September 2014, Week 36

Delivered every Tuesday

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335



Amy-Mae Campbell




HARD WORK PAYS OFF: Lebo Mothiba and his proud coach, Thabo Tiki Lebo Mothiba is a Matric learner at Sunward Park High School who is very passionate about soccer. Until recently, he was just another Grade 12 preparing for his preliminary examinations, like his friends, but now he is going to France as a professional soccer-player. At only 17, Lebo Mothiba has been offered a contract to play for France football club Lille - the opportunity of a lifetime.

Lebo’s father taught him how to play soccer when he was four years old, and he has been determined to achieve his goal ever since. When he was 11, he played for the u/11 Sundowners and joined the Diambars SA soccer academy in 2010 when he started at Sunward Park High School.

“I’m very happy. This is like a dream come true. For me, soccer is the nicest thing in the world. I’m going to miss my family and friends, but to play overseas and make South Africa, Diambars SA [his football

Lebo’s coach at the academy, Thabo Tiki, is exceptionally proud of Lebo and describes him as a very humble and disciplined young man, who works very hard: “Lebo is a very versatile player. He can play back, striker or

academy] and my family proud, makes me very happy,” Lebo said with a huge smile.

FUTURE STAR: Lebo Mothiba goalkeeper. Being versatile is very important if you want to succeed in soccer, because if you are signed by a big team, they can switch your positions. They send scouts. Lebo was picked to go to trial this year in France, and he was good at everything. Lebo is the first player to be signed through the academy,” Tiki said. Lebo was one of approximately 30 amateur soccer players from all over the world who competed for the Lille contract, winning despite still recovering from a broken leg. Lebo’s soccer heroes are Balotelli of Liverpool, Zlatan of PSG and Messi of Argentina/Barcelona. His dream is to land a professional contract with a big European team, so that he can one day play alongside his soccer idols.

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2 September 2014

On 29 August the youth organisation Black Child It’s Possible (BCIP) and Carnival City once again joined hands to host the annual Career Expo. This exhibition serves as a platform for high school learners who come from schools in disadvantaged communities to engage with potential colleges and universities.

confidence to make the most of every opportunity: “I want to emphasize two things: firstly, taking pride in being unique, because when you do, you will start defining yourself. School-wise you may not be mathematics-inclined, you might be better at languages, but whatever it is, embrace your uniqueness. Secondly, opportunities are everywhere.

Representatives of various local schools, such as Kingsway Secondary School in Benoni, attended the event and interacted with the education exhibitors, which included Wits, Rosebank College, UJ and Damelin, to name a few. According to Billy-Guy Bhembe, founder of BCIP, it is important for black youngsters to know their potential and to develop the

You are making a mistake if you think you need to move toward it. Opportunities are right where you are. Do you have problems? That is good, because problems need solutions,” Bhembe said.In conclusion, Bhembe gave the learners the following advice: “We are all living examples of success. If someone says you can’t, say: I will be the first.”

Lizani de Waal van Boksburg het verlede jaar die Lady Gracious TEEN titel gewen. Sy het intussen al ‘n beduidende verskil in haar gemeenskap gemaak, deur middel van haar liefdadigheidswerk. Lizani is tans besig om allerhande tweedehandse items in te samel, wat sy in Boksburg-noord wil verkoop. Die fondse wat op die dag ingesamel word, sal aan die Kowa Pienaar Tehuis vir bejaardes geskenk word. Volgens Lizani kort oumense net soveel ondersteuning as kinders in ons gemeenskap. Sy wil seker maak dat hulle nie vergeet word nie. Lizani het self ‘n baie goeie verhouding met haar ouma. Lady Gracious is ‘n liefdadigheidsorganisasie wat jong dames die geleentheid gee om ‘n verskil te maak. Die deelnemers moet almal fondse insamel, wat aan behoeftiges in die gemeenskap geskenk word. Lizani het drie Lady Gracious titels verlede jaar gewen: Lady Gracious TEEN, Lady Gracious Persoonlikheid en Lady Gracious Model. Sy moes twee funksies per titel reël, wat haar baie besig gehou het. Met die fondse het Lizani gedurende die winter komberse aan die bogenoemde ouetehuis geskenk, wat die bejaardes opreg waardeer het. Volgens Lizani het Lady Gracious haar geleer dat skoonheid nie alles is nie, maar dat jy ‘n verskil moet maak en nooit moet ophou glo nie. Indien daar enigiemand is wat items wil skenk vir Lizani se verkoopsdag, kan dit by die Louw Beytenbach Live Little Teater in Boksburg-noord afgelaai word. Alternatiewelik kan belangstellendes vir Irma kontak Lizani de Waal oorhandig die winterkomberse aan die by irmadewaal@yahoo.com. bejaardes by die Kowa Pienaar Tehuis.

Lizani de Waal toe sy haar Lady Gracious TEEN titel gewen het in 2013.

This past weekend a very special friend and co-worker, Stephanie Tepper, got married. It was a beautiful wedding. I must say, what I love most about weddings, is that everyone is so happy. No-one is grumpy and everyone there admires the beauty of eternal love. Of course we were all in awe of the beautiful bride; especially the groom could not hold back his tears of joy. The expression on his face when he saw her was sheer love. I was reminded that no matter how important your career and possessions are to you, never neglect those who love you. Family and loved ones cannot be replaced. Make sure to invest time in them, because when times are tough, you will need a loving shoulder to cry on. And when you have wonderful news, who do you share it with? Even though my career is very important to me, I will do my best to make time for my loved ones. They give me renewed energy to face whatever tomorrow brings. Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Amy-Mae Campbell: amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za

Sub editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Gillian Ryan gillian.ryan@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za

Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Happy 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 9 September 2014 Deadline: Friday 12 September at 14:00

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2 September 2014

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Boyd Allen The Ekurhuleni Business Initiative (EBI) is a successful business network connecting businesses throughout Ekurhuleni for the benefit of small, medium and large companies.


he initiative hosts weekly networking events where businesses have the opportunity to present their products and services and also to connect with other businesses. On Monday 25 August the meeting was conducted at the Protea Hotel OR Tambo in Boksburg. Fatima Hussain from Syntek

Global, and Tamara Lemos-Eberson from Brand to Web presented their companies’ offerings to the members. Today the EBI is Gauteng’s largest and most successful business networking organisation. For more information on the next meeting or to become a member contact Amanda Hart on amandahart@ffg. net or visit www.ebinetwork.biz . Chris van Biljon also hosts the Ekurhuleni Captains of Industry forum (COI) once a month. Here businessmen and women get to mingle with CEOs and leaders in business.

Boyd Allen is 23-year-old EFC fighter who grew up in Springs. Allen fights out of Fight Fit Militia Gym in Sunninghill Johannesburg. Sporting an impressive 11-2-1 record, Allen recently became featherweight champion at EFC 32 in Johannesburg. What are your feelings about being named featherweight champion? Being called the EFC featherweight champ is a great feeling and marks a great achievement in my MMA career. It motivates me to train harder and to improve in all aspects, be they with respect to MMA or life in general. It has been a long campaign leading up to the event. Do you feel the chance could have come sooner? Not really to be honest, I believe that there is a time and place for everything and the time was right. How did you train for this fight? The same as always, with the help of my head coach Richard Quan and the entire Fight Fit Militia family. How do you think you will cope with the pressure of being EFC champion? The pressure never changes - every fight is the most important fight of my life. And every fight is about performance, not a title.

Will being the defending champion change the way you go about your fights? No, not at all. If anything, I’m just more motivated to improve. Can you describe your feelings about the fight against Nienaber? It was a fight I knew could be frustrating and it was, at times - although I knew the opportunity would come to take the finish and that’s what happened. What would you say were the contributing factors to your success? My team and the people I surround myself with - the past and the goals I have for the future. Do you have any advice for aspiring MMA athletes? You know the difference between working hard and pretending to work hard - what you put in and what you surround yourself with will have a direct influence on anything you aspire to achieve.

BUSINESS LEADERS: Chris van Biljon (far right) with guest speaker Coenraad Bezuidenhout (far left) and a few COI members.

Nearly every child will tell you that history as learned in school can be fairly boring. South African history in the textbooks used to go something like this: everything started with the San hunter-gatherers, a long time later Jan van Riebeeck landed at the Cape, there was a Great Trek northwards, then several battles involving Zulus. It peaked at finding gold at Pilgrim’s Rest, diamonds in Kimberley, and faded out after the Boer War. Some might find the country’s twentieth century happenings fascinating, but not many schoolchildren would. The end of apartheid was a great thing and one has to acknowledge that Nelson Mandela was a huge figurehead and that he and F. W. de Klerk brought the country into a democracy. There were two world wars that South Africa participated in and the stories about people who survived them are interesting, but I learned about them at school (from an English standpoint) and the front-line maps and treaties kept and broken only serve to confuse a child’s mind. If history is taught as just a series of dates and events, it is boring. Even apartheid, although never forgotten by the people of this country who lived through it, will become, in the far distant future, just another fact to be learned. English history now, that’s a different matter altogether. For a start, it goes back thousands of years and there is still such a great deal of it to be seen. Each era brought interesting cultures, battles, figureheads and happenings. Just about every close geographical neighbour, and others not so close, seems to have wanted to conquer Britain at some time in the past and the countryside bears testament to this with Viking, Saxon, Norman and Roman remains, plus others in museums and stately homes from more recent centuries. All the rulers, from the tribespeople to the Windsors, have left their legacies behind in the form of buildings, manuscripts and artifacts. Where my gran lived in a small Kentish village is a ninth century church

that has survived, with barely any help, for a thousand years. Inside are tombs, with the lord of the manor himself carved in stone and wearing full armour on top of his resting place, his family etched in the wall beside him. The stained glass windows are beautiful, there are stone carvings and columns and the wooden pews are polished by time and the behinds of hundreds of Christians. This is typical of many villages and towns in England, and the cathedrals are even more magnificent. Then there are the castles. Ever since I visited Ludlow Castle in Shropshire on a school outing, I have loved castles. Climbing up the narrow spiral staircases, looking out from the battlements and the slits in the walls from whence the arrows flew, walking around the great halls and going down to the dungeons would inspire anyone with imagination to wonder what life was like for the people who lived in them. Some are lived in today by descendants of those people, open to the public or owned by the National Trust, as are many of the stately homes and manor houses. One can admire the tapestries that take up whole walls and must have taken years to sew; the gold and gilt, the paintings, carpets and furnishings. In some very old places the doorways are much lower and the beds much shorter, making one realise that people were not as tall as we are today and it is so much more interesting to see this instead of merely reading about it. I have a photograph taken at the field of the eighteenth century battle of Culloden in Scotland. I am a teenager standing outside a tiny stone dwelling, and my head is nearly as high as the roof and the doorway is barely higher than my waist. This is an original building and now used as a museum. Those fierce Scotsmen must have been barely taller than their claymores.

At William Shakespeare’s home in Stratford-on-Avon I felt like Snow White in the dwarfs’ cottage, because everything is so small. There are many interesting historical places and museums to visit in South Africa, but take a few days to stroll around the British Museum in London and it is a whole new (old?) world. South Africa does have a history that goes back thousands of years - in fact it is said that humankind started in Africa – recorded in old bones and artifacts. To visit The Story of Humankind at Maropeng is an amazing experience. The gap between Mrs. Ples and Jan van Riebeck though, was mostly occupied by hunter/gatherers like the Khoisan, who did not have much to leave behind except some wonderful rock art, and the African tribes whose history was passed down by word of mouth. By Boksburg local Joy Kearsley

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26 August 2014

tame TIMES

Last Wednesday, police found stolen steel weighing hundreds of kilograms and worth tens of thousands of rands in Impala Park.

A man was robbed at an Alrode supermarket on Sunday 17 August while serving customers at about 19:00.


e was busy in his shop when two men walked in, with one asking for a Russian sausage and the other one sitting down next to the entrance. A third man came in, pointing a firearm at the shop-owner, and then forced him into the kitchen, where he searched him and took his money. Constables Sabelo Nhlozi and Mluleki Jozana were passing the shop in the sector vehicle and started chasing the suspect with the firearm. The suspect was wounded in his right thigh and was taken to Tembisa Hospital for treatment. The Constables recovered the suspect’s firearm, a 7.65 mm pistol with the serial number filed off, and handed it in at Boksburg North SAPS. A case of business robbery was opened.

At about 08:30, W/O Rudie Bezuidenhout and W/O Anton Du Plessis discovered stolen steel plates as well as nuts and bolts in Atlas Road and De Havilland Street. They confiscated the steel and handed it in at Boksburg North SAPS. There were 152 steel plates with a combined weight of 304 kg, and 100 kg of nuts and bolts. The value of the galvanised steel is estimated to be about R 70 000.

A case of business robbery was opened - and later closed - after a woman claimed that she was a victim of armed robbery to the tune of R180 000 at the Liquor Store in Main Reef Road, Lillianton early last Monday morning.


he alleged that, just after opening time, a man walked into the store and produced a firearm, and instructed her to hand over the safe’s keys, and that three other men then also entered the store. According to her statement, they took R120 000 and alcohol, and loaded it into a white Iveco panel van with an unknown registration number. Detective W/O Vusi Tlemo was on duty on the day, and was requested to visit the scene. On his arrival he spoke to the complainant and she informed him

Westwood Spar in Phillips Street, Beyers Park, was targeted on the evening of the Monday before last by eight male robbers who fled the scene in the early morning hours of the following day, after they were disturbed.




The suspects escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash and were accompanied in their getaway vehicle by one of the shop’s security guards. The Saturday before last at about 03:00 am, Boksburg North Detectives arrested the security guard in Kanana Section, Rabie Ridge; as well as two women on a charge of defeating the ends of justice - for trying to hide the suspect. The women appeared in Tembisa Court last Monday and the security guard appeared in court the following day.

Boksburg SAPS: 112 Commissioner Street, Boksburg 011 841 6800

Boksburg North SAPS: 37 Vierde Street, Boksburg North 011 898 3000

Boksburg Metro Police Station:

Reiger Park SAPS: Cnr Arthur Hobbs Road & Goedehoop Avenue, Reiger Park, 011 916 7000

Tienie Jansen Building, Adderly Street, Boksburg 011 899 4114

of what had happened. He then went to nearby shops to look at the video footage and noticed that the cameras were pointing to the liquor store, but was unable to see any record of any person or suspicious vehicle close to the shop in the timeframe mentioned. He told this to the complainant, who then admitted that she had been lying and that no robbery had taken place. She alleged, instead, that she had lost R 50 000 and was afraid that her mother would kill her. The case of business robbery was closed, and a case of perjury was opened. The suspect was arrested and appeared at the Boksburg Magistrate’s Court on 16 August.



Possession of house-breaking implements: 1 Fraud 6 Shoplifting 9 Driving under the influence 1 Trespassing 4 Possession of illegal substance 8 Theft 8 Use of motor vehicle without consent 1 Business robbery 1 Possession of stolen property 3 Armed robbery 1 Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm 1 Possession of unlicensed firearm 4 Undocumented person 2 Assault 1 N.R.T.A 1

Blood alcohol kit: 1 Knife 1 Illegal substance 10 Cellphone 8 Firearm 2 Copper cables 659 Kg Motor vehicle 2

2 September 2014

Every woman dreams of a beautiful fairytale wedding. The wedding dress is usually the first item on any bride’s checklist. However, there are many other aspects that need to be planned in advance, such as the venue, a preacher and the wedding contract. Here are a few pointers to guide you. Remember, planning a wedding is a big project that involves a lot of money; the more organised you are, the better the outcome will be. Bruidsgids 2013 gave a few of the following pointers: •

Research costs first and establish how much you are, realistically, willing to spend.

Prioritise: the venue sets the date and place, and venues are often booked in advance. It is therefore a good idea to sort this out first. The wedding dress is something that you can leave until approximately six or four months to the date, to make sure that the dress will fit you. If you order a dress that has to be shipped in from overseas, you must leave enough time for shipping. Sometimes the dress is too expensive to buy at once and you might want to pay monthly installments over a period of time.

Dividing the costs: who is willing to

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contribute to your wedding? If you can establish this early on, then you can budget and allocate tasks to the different contributors. •

When you book a photographer, it is wise to do a practice photo-session to determine whether you are satisfied with the style. Many couples use the same photographer for their engagement shoot to make sure that they are satisfied with the result. The last thing you want is to feel unhappy when you receive your final photos. At the end of the day, photos and video memories are all you have left.

Do not spend money saved for the wedding. This will set you back and you may struggle to make your budget work.

Lastly, remember to have fun. The journey to the chapel should be a rewarding and exciting experience for the bride and groom. Do not let the wedding overshadow the real meaning of the day; that you and your partner are vowing everlasting love to each other. The wedding is a mere celebration of this commitment.

CONGRATULATIONS: tame TIMES layout artist Stephanie Tepper married Pieter Els this past weekend. Everyone at tame TIMES wishes Mr and Mrs Els a beautiful life together.

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tame TIMES

GDE says: stop school disruption The Gauteng Department of Education has noted with concern the disruption of schooling in Riverlea and Daveyton as a result of ongoing protest actions in these areas.

Bella Lethake, ʼn graad 9 leerling van Hoërskool Oosterlig het die op Saterdag 16 Augustus 2014 aan die ATKVRedenaars Landswye Finaal deelgeneem. Sy behaal ʼn derde plek in Redenaars Eerste Addisionele Taal en ontvang ʼn brons medalje. Ook word sy aangewys as die beste taalgebruiker in Redenaars Eerste Addisionele Taal en ontvang ʼn goue medalje.

“It is of extreme concern to us, that when communities engage in protest actions, schools become targets, resulting in learners losing valuable time.

At this stage we would like to make an appeal to community leaders to assist the Department in stabilising schools in the above-mentioned areas and to ensure that the future of young learners is not placed in jeopardy.

Bella Lethake saam met skoolhoof, mnr. Pieda van Vreden.


Hoërskool Dr. EG Jansen se krieket het met goeie uitslae hierdie week gewys dat die afgelope paar jaar se harde werk besig is om vrugte af te werp.

* O/15A-span teen Noordheuwel (Evergreen T20-reeks) - Noordheuwel kolf eerste en teken 141/1 aan met Jason Deysel (1/7) wat uitgeblink het met die bal. EG Jansen teken 68 almal uit aan met Jason Groenewald (15) wat uitstekend gekolf het. Noordheuwel wen met 73 lopies.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and hope that the community and relevant authorities will speedily resolve the unrest to normalise the situation and bring an end to the disruption of schooling.

nslin is ook as Beste Atleet en Rugbyspeler vir Laerskool Concordia by die skool se eretoekenningsaand benoem. Concordia se Eerste-rugbyspan is ook trotse ligawenners vanaf 2010 tot nou, 2014. Laerskool Concordia prys graag hierdie uitmuntende sportprestasies.

KRIEKET: Verslag - Algemeen:

* 1ste span teen Jeppe (Evergreen T20-reeks) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 142/8 aan met CJ Van Der Walt (30) wat uitblink met die kolf. Jeppe teken 144/3 aan met Jacques Slabbert (2/26) wat uitstekend geboul het. Jeppe wen met 7 paaltjies.

The Department is currently in the process of pursuing engagements with local structures with the aim of reaching an agreement to prevent the further disruption of schooling in these areas.

Laerskool Concordia is ongelooflik trots op Franco Enslin, lid van hul Eersterugbyspan, wat vir vyf opeenvolgende jare die liga gewen het. Die eerste drie jaar hiervan was in die Superliga gewees.

26 August 2014

Die Dalview Kliniek se pediatriese-afdeling se speelkamer het ‘n kleurvolle transformasie ondergaan: John Dory’s, PNA en Hoërskool Oosterlig het kragte saamgesnoer om die speelkamer van die pediatriese-afdeling van die kliniek in ʼn droomwêreld vir siek kinders te omskep.


unssinnige leerlinge van Hoërskool Oosterlig, onder leiding van die kunsjuffrou Sheree Pornalis, het op Donderdag 14 en Vrydag 15 Augustus 2014 die speelkamer van die Pediatriese afdeling in ʼn kunswerk omskep. Hierdie bydra sal beslis siek kindertjies se lewens ophelder.

* 2de span teen Marais Viljoen (Evergreen T20-reeks) - Marais Viljoen kolf eerste en teken 160/8 aan met Ruan Willemse (3/24) wat uitgelink het met die bal. EG Jansen teken 161/4 aan met Jacques Slabbert (60) wat uitstekend gekolf het. EG Jansen wen met 8 paaltjies. * O/15A-span teen Dr. Malan (Evergreen T20reeks) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 181/2 aan met Diaan Basson (73 nie uit nie) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Dr. Malan teken 89 almal uit aan met Wayne Dalziel (4/16) wat uitstekend geboul het. EG Jansen wen met 92 lopies. * 1ste span teen Hugenote (Easterns liga) Hugenote kolf eerste en teken 67 almal uit aan met CJ Van Der Walt (4/16) wat uitgeblink het met die bal. EG Jansen teken 69/2 aan met Kyle Scheepers (42 nie uit nie) wat uitstekend gekolf het. EG Jansen wen met 8 paaltjies. * 2de span teen Hugenote (Easterns liga) - EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 414 almal uit aan met Jacques Slabbert (176) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Hugenote teken 59 almal uit aan met Luan Araujo (6/28) wat uitstekend geboul het. EG Jansen wen met 355 lopies. * O/15A-span teen Hugenote (Easterns liga) EG Jansen kolf eerste en teken 332/4 aan met Dehan Loots (90) wat uitgeblink het met die kolf. Hugenote teken 115 almal uit aan met Dehan Loots (3/22) wat uitstekend geboul het. EG Jansen wen met 217 lopies.

HOKKIE : Verslag - Algemeen: Jansies se Binnehuise hokkie het 'n baie goeie week beleef met skitterende uitslae. O/18: EG Jansen wen 4 teen Boksburg High 3 O/18: EG Jansen wen 15 teen Brandwag 0 O/16: EG Jansen wen 6 teen Benoni High 0 O/16: EG Jansen gelykop 4 elk teen Hugenote O/15: EG Jansen wen 7 teen Benoni High 0 O/14: EG Jansen wen 7 teen Benoni High 0 Twee kindertjies in die nuwe, kleurvolle kliniekkamer. O/14: EG Jansen wen 4 teen Oosterlig 3

Laerskool Concordia se Eerste-rugbyspan

Leerders van Hoërskool Oosterlig spog voor die kleurvolle muur wat hulle help verf het.

2 September 2014

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2 September 2014



43 HOWARD AVE TEL: 011 422 2995

T’s & C’s Apply

FIGHT: DJ Kriel and Clever Muding in action (Photo by André van der Merwe) On 28 August BRD Boxing Promotions held a developmental boxing tournament at Presleys in Boksburg. BRD arranges tournaments throughout the year to give their boxers the opportunity to gain experience in the sport.


ne of the BRD boxers at the tournament, DJ Kriel, trains in Boksburg and he was one of the local favourite fighters on the night. Kriel beat his opponent, Clever Muding, with points. The judges scored an average of 37-39 in Kriel’s favour. Even though Kriel won the fight, it took a lot of determination and technique to stay ahead. “I have never fought him [Muding] before; he is a tough opponent,” Kriel said after the fight. “Boxing is my passion. My whole family boxed. I am good at it and I believe I can go far. I am looking for an SA title and an international belt.” Kriel advises up-and-coming boxers to train very hard and to have heart, because he believes it takes a big heart to keep going and to have good sportsmanship.







• Take the N1 South (Concrete) Highway towards Roodepoort • Take the Randshow Road / Emalahleni (Witbank) exit • Take the Witbank lane onto the N12 East • Take the JHB lane onto the M1 North • Take the Xavier Street exit and follow the Gold Reef City signs

FROM THE SOUTH • Take N12 Concrete Highway • Take the Kimberley lane • Take the Xavier Street exit • Follow the Gold Reef City signs


Organised by Brotherhood Athletic Club VENUE: START: PRE-ENTRIES: (Close on 12 October 2014) RACE DAY ENTRIES: ENTRY FEE:


The Apartheid Museum parking at Gold Reef City 07h00 / Fun Run 07h30 Online at enteronline.co.za Sportsmans Warehouse (The Glen, Eastgate, Princess Crossing) Day before the race at the Apartheid Museum parking from 10h00 – 14h00 From 05h00 at The Apartheid Museum Parking – entry closes at 06h50 R50 (10km) • R80 (21km) • R30 (4km – Theme Park Fun Run) R10 from each entry for the 21km and 10km run will go towards Bree Street Primary All Fun Run proceeds will go towards Bree Street Primary R15 (10km) • R20 (21km) 50% of Entry Fee Free 10h30 at Theme Park Town Square www.raceresults.co.za

• Only 500 entries allowed for the Fun Run • All race entrants will receive free entry into the Theme Park on the day of the race, upon verification of race registration, plus 50% discount on Theme Park entry fee for two family members • For more information visit goldreefcity.co.za / enteronline.co.za / tametimes.co.za or contact The Brotherhood Athletics Club on the following numbers Charles: 082 951 8044 • Franklin: 082 909 0192 • Gerhard: 083 292 9551 Tame Times - Lize Geldenhuis: 011 862 8500

• 26°14’.15’’ S | 28°00’.48’’ E


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