How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series
Your Personal Impact Statement
What is your personal mission in life?
Think back on the values exercise we
What is your purpose? What is your
did together. What are your top 5 core
values? What do you notice when you think about your values? What
One of the most powerful things we
emotion comes up for you when you
can do on our personal leadership
think about each of your values?
journey is to create a personal mission or impact statement. Like our values,
Now, consider an impact statement in
our personal impact statements
a form like this. I love this version of
encapsulate the core of who we are
the personal impact statement, from
and who we want to be. Our impact
Co-Active Coaching Institute. It’s
statements are both authentic and
powerful, yet simple and creative.
aspirational. They serve as the core of who we are, what we stand for, and
I am __________________ (metaphor
help us to align our lives to the impact
or individual) who
we want to have on the world.
___________________ (impact).
Tammie Chang, MD, LLC