Kang Yi_Portfolio / 2014-2016

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Kang Yi 2014 - - - - - - - - - 2016


2014 - - - - - - - - - 2016


Content Installation Moment of Plane


something Under






Team Project Braised Milkfish Maw Plate




Tools for Conversations


UI Design Live Tour




Solo Exhibition Meeting Stardust





Moment of Plane ] 2016

Exhibited a The Sight

When that moment transforms into a flat image, we reach harmony. There enters the light.​


Concept Development

This project started from a simple idea about communication between people. Feeling distant among each of us due to differences can create exhaustion in different forms. Such as not being in the same time or not being at same space, generally speaking, not on the same wavelength. Began with this base, I started to think what is the purpose or consequences I want to get from being on the same wavelength. With the right wavelength it will create harmony. I took hundreds of photo trying to find a way to define harmony. I also experimented with sounds and videos to see if there was any similar feeling in these materials. Looking in the wrong way initially, I analyised pictures I took and marked them with some visible features: simple lines and easy frames. Then I realised those materials I got only share one thing in common which is they all looked so simple in my eyes at that certain time. When we feel connected while talking to people, it seems like everything we hear and everything we see is harmonious. I think when people reached the same frequency ,they will feel strong connection in time and space. Then I realised harmony was not about a view or a sound. Harmony is a moment. When we feel the connection with that moment, we feel harmony.




Before Making Before Making Exhibited at The Sight



Arduino, Photoresistance, Laser Light bulbs Silver-plated wire

Selected Project for 2016 Graduation Exhibition at Shongshan Cultural and Creative Park


Moment of Plane This installation illustrates the process of the moment of harmonization. When all unpredictable factors such as time, space, and people synchronizes, that is the moment when everything seems to be so simple as if reaching harmony. My interpretation of that moment is everything will transform into multiple lines and become a flat image so it can be easily installed into our minds logically. When that moment transforms into a flat image, we reach harmony. There enters the light.

Exhibited at The Sight

"That moment when everything exist on 2D plane, there enters the light." I use the passage above to create my installation. Wires with light bulbs are connected to motors on the installation to move back and forth at random intervals. This process represents a chance in time. Photoresistances and lasers on this installation are used for Arduino to program electricity. Arduino will provide electricity to all the light bulbs when all the wires cover the lasers and no light detection of the photoresistances. This is the moment when every light bulb in this installation forms a line. Audiences will stand in front of this installation waiting for the light, which emphasizes the concept of the moment.



something Under


My blanket was a castle for my secrets.


Evocative Object In this program, we picked an object to start a concept. We told classmates story about our own object under a flashlight in a room. During the process, every one of us tried to find keywords and express them to each other. We categorized those keywords and decide what to keep in continuing concept.



something Under

Did you ever have a blanket that you desperately need to be with when you were a kid? I have one. I would cover my whole body and talk to myself under the blanket. Incredible thoughts and stories were born under my blanket. But if there was any person outside or around the blanket, those thoughts stopped. I transformed my secrets into different shapes as if they are microorganisms. My blanket is a dark cave for those living creatures to hide. This installation started to perform when anyone tries to uncover the blanket. Ultrasonic sensor activate when people come near the blanket and those little creatures will disappear.

Arduino Ultrasonic sensors Projector







2014 Exhibited at Passing Loop Sound Installation

In this course, we made an installation utilising sound. Then we wrote a poem to describe this sound installation. My sound installation was made by hollow aluminum bar with a steel ball within connected to two strings tied to the end of the bar. With engine working, the installation create a sound by tiling the metal bar and letting the steel ball roll And this first installation is for the following concept development.


Exhibited at Passing Loop



Unity, Processing

Edge is a moving picture that hang on the wall. When life goes through some hard time, I believe as a person will be some parts of our own will feel isolated and the end is inevitable. The presentation is on a computer as an interactive program. People can control the character walking back and forth on the building. Meanwhile there will be variety of special effects all depicting the concept of “edge””



2014 Redesign Project

o4 15


There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot Project of 2013 was based on the assignment, " mimicry, human body and mechanics". I chose to focus on something about relationships.When dealing with relationships of friends, in our culture we tend to compromise.But how do we compromise without feeling lesser of ourselves. So I was picturing a perfect situation about how to compromise, and still feel we did not get ripped. I stopped my concept at compromise in a biological way. I was imaging some physical reaction. This first wearable installation was composed a top half body model cover with flowers made by plastic circle. When people approached, those flowers avoided being touched.The phase of this project stopped at manual operation.

Project in 2013

Redesign in 2015

Based on a speech by Carl Sagan, this redesign project was an expression of my thought process from the former project. The feeling of thinking less of myself seemed unnecessary when I was doing this redesign project.During the first project I was in state of chaos with the process, so I re-analyzed and redesigned based on the state I was in during that time. This chaos was as similiar as the video I saw about earth, Pale Blue Dot. This feeling of floating in the space but still feel the weight of life left a romantic interpretation. I tried to rebuild the atmosphere by by using a pitch black small space so people who went in won't see the contour of the room. Without seeing any edges and lines , people won't feel the limitation of the little space. This installation made sounds produced randomly by digital data and also made geometry shape showed by projector. This digital data create a distant feeling but at the same time people who walked into this space was hug by the digital light and sounds.

Team Project

Braised Milkfish Maw Plate Kang, Yi / Yeh, Fan / Tu, Jen Chieh / Chung, Yu Ting

Delicious Workshop /


A week workshop led by Hisashi Narita, Creative Director of Shiseido


The assignment was to pick a great local food and extend that into a concept. We picked a place and a dish to describe and started building our concept sticking to the title "delicious taste". Our team involved students from different fields. We had four members in each group that had majored in different design. We began thinking why we thought braised milkfish maw is delicious. We broke down this dish : colour, texture , environment of dining place , scent, conditioning , ingredients.Then we decomposed the results from the first step and extended them: the shape of milkfish maw looks like moutonnee, there is a stacked layers showed by its texture, and process of approaching this dish with chopsticks. Not to change any conditions of the dish itself in flavour or figure, we chose to bring out the delicacy by emphasising environmental elements. We used elements we analysed in the second step. So we chose to emphasize the shape of this dish and the way we eat it.Experiences of our team shows that we didn’t want to leave any bit of fish maw.


Team Project

Finally, we decided to make a perfect plate for this perfect dish. Shape of this plate is ellipse. What’s different from normal plates is there’s a hump at the center of this plate, the curve of it fits curve of fish maw, so they are perfectly fit for each other. Trench around the hill is designed for left of the fish maw so they can be easily collected. Trench is also for putting soy sauce . Our purpose was to make this dish unique by using particular plate to provide special eating process. This plate is transparent and has certain measure of thickness. Beneath this plate were the ocean waves made of denim fabric. When finishing this dish, you will see the expression of freshness.

Team Project


Presentation before exhibition


Braised Milkfish Maw Plate

poster version No.1

Team Project

美 味 2016

International Workshop Shih Chien University 成田久の美味しいワークショップ 成田久的美味工作營

poster version No.2




A-Choi Milkfish

滿 足


Braised Milkfish Maw Plate

Exhibition at Fubon Living Art Space



Kang, Yi / Lin, Chenna / Zhong, Fang Yu

Traditions to Futures: Creativity, Design, and/in Taiwan

Organised By

Jeffrey Bardzell Shaowen Bardzell Human Computer Interaction Design, Indiana University, U.S.A.

Chih-Sheng Su Deparment of Communications Design, Shih Chien University, Taiwan


o6 Censer

This workshop aimed at future design background, so we threw out multiple ideas to see where our imagination takes us. Because of polytheism, prayers usually need to say the names of gods they have been talking to. We tried to change visual feedback to see if there could be any other possibilities.

Series of lecture about Taiwanese traditions and cultures such as Puppetry,Songjiang Battle, Statues Buddhna Fixing were given in early stage of this two weeks workshop. I borrowed a censer from my grandfather, I was raised by him and he is a very religious person who owned a temple. Due to my experience, our group agreed to start concept with my censer.

The meaning of censer is visualising the process of praying. We input action progress it in praying then get feedback like smoke. Rituals during eastern religions can be really complicated. So we tend to focus on meaning of ritual action. Compared to Japanese Tea Ceremony, Chakai, process of praying for local gods in Taiwan has also become well organised. But praying has been simplified as the time goes on. A famous temple called "Hsing Tian Kong" added a policy in 2014 that censer is no longer accessible. Religion in Taiwan is mainly mixed with Buddhism and Taoism. And this policy has worked for some believers.

In every temples, there are order for praying the gods. We wanted to make the process automatic. Taking references from the Chinese calligraphy work, the Orchid Pavilion, we used a scene in the work to build our ritual process. This work is talking about how people sit by the river and having fun with drinking the alchohol in cups passed by the river from upstream. So we came up with a concept that make the praying process automatic but can also be seen.

Team Project

We developed this concept into two kind. First one is changing the whole ritual details and only keep the visual feedback. Combing the structures and scene of Orchid Pavilion, our concept is creating a landscape architecture in the temple. As prayers start the process with putting a representation of spiritual tea on the water , altars of gods would show signs with light or water smoke when the representations passed by.


Orchid Pavilion

Praying Order

Concept One



Second expression is to made the simplified processes into a package. A box filled with tools for praying. Similar to concept of tower, this tool box is designed in order of each step.

Concept Two

/Liu, Shih Chi / / / / / /Kang Yi / / / / / / / /Ko, Tek Wa / / / / / /Hsu, Shan Jhen / / / /Bao Yue Ming / / / Tools for Conversations / / Lee,Tsai Ying / / / / / /Hwang, Elizabeth / / / /Lo, Jong Ron / / / / /Lai, Jia Pei / / / / / / /Yu, Chien Jie Creating Synergies: Design + Business led by Ling Liong Ein, Creative Director of Design Sojourn


/ / / / / /



The need / Question / Problem






To start with, we listed every step our group members may go through during designing process. Then we remove details that may narrow the possibilities in developing. Then we divided rest of the process into a simple flow chart.



Our Definition of Design: design is a process to improve or innovate the way to satisfy needs.


1. Translate Tool

We designed a tool for making company speak in a designer way, because sometimes customers do not know what they really want or need. And this simple tool is to help customers and designers to find the needs section in the flow chart we based on. This tool will not help the users to find their specific need, but will help users to start having a different way of asking themselves questions. In this tool, we made paper dolls for people to get into their role while asking themselves question.This is the estimate tool of innovation and improvement which is used in the need and satisfy phase in our design process.

The problem I

Characteristic of the character

May be you can

May be you can

May be you can

May be you can

May be you can



























2. CDA Tool



Second Tool is to make designers speak business language. Making a decision based on a data-based process is this tool mainly about. Just like aptitude test, this tool depend on the score of the test then decide whether the company should innovative or improve. The data used in this tool is from an online statistic.

innovate or imorove (depends)


improve need to be innovated



Net profit Total assets average




culture technique history

yes no

yes no

soso really bad













+ 0 + 10 x


> 40 yrs



< 40 yrs



3 find the points to evalute

compute the well-founded data

CDA Tool






3. Experiment Tool

Experiment tool is a book for users to have some clue about these tools by giving little hints in words and graphic. After little games for thinking in a different way, this book ask user to exaggerate situation to help user find something that might be the problems to solve and create needs.

Paper used for right side page is a see-through material. After writing a word down on that page, user can turn and see what they have wrote in a flip vertical. In the next page, this book treats the writing in the vertical flip as a graphic. Users need to draw their writing.


Experiment Tool

5. 4. 1. 2. 3.

3. 1. 2.

4. 5.

let’s change it !

4. 1.

2. 5.


"Please describe what will they become."


Team Project

Final presentation of three tools.

After listing some situations,and some oppisite terms of the listed situations. Users need to exaggerate the oppsite to find out what can be kept in the later development.


UI Design

Live Tour



Live Tour

o8 A Window For You Too See The World.

Live Tour is a tool for people to use on live function. This app targets on people travel around the world. It contains a globe for users to spin with. As the globe spin, it shows live webcast near the area.This app provided a world tour on the phone. People can also donate to users for their for their great live broadcasts.





UI Design


Shows after click the loc t h e g l o b e . Yo u c a n c l i c k while watching and can als message.

Live Camera

Open to start live broadcast. The location setting will start automatically as it open.

In Live Tour


Live Tour

User Page

You can check places you have been to before and also the there's your own globe to show you where you conquered.

cation on k donate so leave a

Main Page

It shows the live broadcasts around the world as you spin. And the speed of animation can be changed.

eRUSH Keep your schedule busy in a lazy day





This app can help you to find events to attend in your near area,it contains different kinds of activities.you can easily have a productive day.




UI Design


There are so many people on the social media who love to show others what they have attended. This app is based on concept of club jumping , what is different is that you can join not only party but other activities.This is an events collection app and also shows the price of event.

Past Events

Check events you attended as a collection.




Liked Events

This will also filtered events based on what you liked.


Check events in different categories.

Main Page

Show events based on location and time.


Shows addresses,price and kinds for the events.

Poster By



Solo Exhibition

Meeting Stardust Project Coordinator Mafer Velazquez


Meeting Stardust

Colour of Breath



52 Miss10

30 pieces / Acrylic, Coffee Grounds / 2014

Every person in those paintings are my friends. I started this work after the travel to Mexico. There are lots of colour palettes. I could not understand the way people use colours there, so I try to match them to learn the feeling of using those colours.This process have sent me on a journey of emotional development., As I finished more paintings, I felt more like a different person. It is the people I met on my trip and in my life that changed me.. Little by little, they become the air I need just because they exists in my life. And They are all so different that they hold their own unique surrounding of space.


54 Miss03


This is a space formed by strings. I was picturing a place of a place of thoughts like Akashic records. I think there must be a sense we can not notice that we have until we fall into different dimension. This is the space I try to build an atmosphere of universe. The strings are lines in this space which reset the boundaries of this space. Those strings seemed like floating but they are also a limitation.


Fishing Line, Plastic string, Fluorescent lamp / 2013

My Brain

Woods, Plastic grass / Project from 2013


I chose to use doors to to make this, because door is a flat square shape figure but with one side of flexibility, it becomes an entrance and an exit. When I was building this space for the first time, people walked in and out of this installation. During that time, I was new to the environment of university. People passed by like tides. The interesting thing is when people trying to be friend with me, they talked to me like searching in my brain and walked out to evaluate the process then walked back in to talk to me again.


I believe in the possibility of everything and therefore nothing exists. Contexts mean lights in my life, I think there is a mind world and every time I learn new perspective there will be a new light appear in the world that I wish possibilities can be limitless.

Kang Yi


Shih Chien University Department of Communications Design

2015 Board 2014 Direc 2013 Direc

d design / Dancing Elephant ctor / World Premiere Concert ctor / Body Rythms Show


2014 - - - - - - - - - 2016

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