Tammie Kang_Portfolio

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Tammie Kang


Gelooft in intuïtieve en duidelijke ontwerpinteracties. heeft 3 jaar ervaring in merkontwerp en multidisciplinair project. Met een achtergrond in communicatieontwerp en nieuwe mediakunst. is geïnteresseerd in de start-up en wijdt me aan het ontwikkelen van ondernemingsstrategieën met ontwerpoplossingen. Creëert eenvoud waar er ooit complexiteit was.




-DTT Proje -Lockio

-Flo Redes

Tammie Kang

-Live Tour -Erush

-Design + B


-Moment o


2 Graphic Design

ect Tracker 09



-Van ijssel



-Futures Without



-Braise Milkfish Maw Plate 71


-Elephant in Alley






-Moment in the Plane


-Deja Vu


-Cult Festival


ve Design

of Plane


g Under


Tammie Kang Education Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht


Shih Chien University


Chun Yuan University


Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design Bachelor of Communications Design Division of Creative Media Design Landscape Architecture

+31626309564 tammie020881@gmail.com tammiekangyi.net About

Nationality U.S.A/ Taiwan Lived in Houston, Taipei Lives in Utrecht

Competency Brand Identity UI design, Lean UX, prototyping, Layout Printing, Motion graphic Interaction Design Concept development, Creative writing. Skill

Illustrator Indesign Photoshop Premiere After Effect Sketch

Filmmaker and Video Editor Weekend Vision NL

Visual Design Intern Studio Dries Verhoeven


English Fluent Dutch A1 Advancing at NL Educatie

Jan.- May. 2018 Almere

Dries Verhoeven is an artist studio which creates many event and site-specific projects, I work with the team through concept development and in charge of the production of motion graphic within the project.

Brand Designer Elephant in Alley

Feb. 2017-Present Taipei

Elephant in Alley is a boba drinking shop, under startup company Huang Food Chain. I participated in the process of building up brand and product design of drink and market strategy. Currently, remote consulting the shop about marketing and branding. (contract)

Shih Chien University


July. 2018-Present Rotterdam

Weekend Vision is a film and photography studio. The work I lead during cases is main design role of filmmaking and video editing team includes deciding script and the colour style from beginning; also end production of editing.

Design Assistant

Currently learning HTML


Work Experience

Jan. 2017 Taipei

Motion Graphic Workshop lead by Brian Stone. Assistant of managing the schedule of a motion design production of each groups and guiding through the workshop.

Director World Premiere Concert

Jan. 2014 Taipei

O rg a n i s e d 1 0 0 p e r f o r m e r s w i t h t h e i r w e a ra b l e installations was the main event. From schedule, selection, production and promoting.

Freelance Package Deisgn Van ijssel, Yogurt Brand, NL Graphic Design Sharelike, Point collector hardware company Brand Deisgn Dancing Elephant, Wine shop

Nov. 2019 Utrecht April. 2015 Taipei March. 2015 Taipei

Award 10 best projects Songshan Cultural Park Youth award 5th Taipei Culture Foundation


Workshops/Training BAK basis voor actuele kunnst Summer School: Art and Practice in the Otherwise

July. 2018 Utrecht

International Narita Hisashi's Delicious Workshop , sponsored by SYNCO Digital Marketing and Fubon Bank

July. 2016 Taipei

International Traditions to Futures: Creativity, Design, and/in Taiwan Workshop collaborated with Indiana University

May. 2016 Taipei

International Creating Synergies: Design + Business Workshop led by Ling Liong Ein from Design Sojourn,

Jan. 2016 Taipei

Mapping Design Students’ Aesthetic and Visual Preferences by KADK Denmark

April. 2015 Taipei

Textile design course in University of Art London

Aug. 2015 London

Chulalongkorn University Exchanging Workshop

Jan. 2015 London

Creativity, Research International Workshop LuXun Academy of Fine Arts

Jan. 2014 China

Exhibition Futures Without_, Bak basis voor actuele kunst Delicious, Fubon Art Space, Fubon Bank

July. 2018 Utrecht Jan. 2017 Taipei

The Sight, Songshan Cultural Park

June. 2016 Taipei

Redesign+, Shih Chien University

June. 2015 Taipei

Sunrise, Shih Chien University Delicate Sensation, Shih Chien University Solo Exhibition-Conociendo el Polvo de las Estrellas, Museo Leon World Premiere Concert, Shih Chien University

March. 2015 Taipei Jan. 2015 Taipei July. 2014 Leon June. 2014 Taipei

Volunteer Project assistant Ellen de Bruijne, Gallery, Lighting ACU, Self-run Bar

Oct. 2019 Amsterdam May. 2019 Utrecht

1 UI/UX Design


DTT Project Tracker

Project Goal An app for the clients of DTT. The main goal of the app is to manage the expectations of the clients by providing quick and easy insights about their project and provide them with a feeling of ‘control’.

UX/UI App Design

Management of Expectation.

UX Process DTT Project Tracking App

Concept Tracking Process

Role UI Design UX Design

Process Step Project Goal Process Study Information Architecture Workflow User Interface Design

Process Study DTT project tracking app requires informations about -Project timelines, milestones, and deadlines -Progress overview -Deliverables

The roadmap presents the steps of DTT project development, from Research, Functional design, Modular price quotation and Planning. The app consists of these steps in details and provide possible deliverables in each step. Step 1: Getting aqquainted Step 2: Research Step 3: Workflow Step 4: Presentation and feedback Step 5: Estimation Step 6: Scoping the project



#eb5440 #f4f5f5 #00a5cf


Segoe UI

Open Sans

Aa Aa Aa

Based on existing product such as Amsterdam Discovery Challenge DTT Mobile Website. the structure of the app stays consistent with DTT website. For the transaction from the project tracking app to mobile site for other details besides the project.

Information Architecture

Site Map Home Overview

Project Step Overview

Process bar Planned step Project Title

Research Worflow Presentation Estimation Development

Project Details Date


deliverables Contact



Setting Updates Contact About

Direct call

PROJ ECT TR ACKER Workow I December 22 2019

Workflow General Notes Project Tracker is a mobile tracker aiming to manage the expectations of the clients by providing quick and easy insights about their project. This app provides an overview of project deliverables and timelines. Entering the project by the case number DTT provides and get access to the details of the process, the call button on the app suggests DTT is available in every step of the process. Clients can share the process ďŹ le and overview of the progress, when there are deliverables and reports there will be updates.

Reflective The testing with target users focuses mainly on a small project which emphasizes a strong focus on concept and collaboration. The information process can focus on development building which provides a stronger sense of control and to expand the chance for a bigger project.



App UI/UX design

Lock your dog door on the phone.

Lockio is an app linked to electronic dog doors. With this app, users can link several dog door and control without several remote controls. It shows the status of the lock and time of lock history.




#78b5bd #000000 #b7d7da

Noto Sans CJK JP



The function of the remote control app has two main functions which are lock and unlock the doggy door. The function shows on the first sight interface with lock illustration. The menu made with bones symbol allows playful exploration on this one simple function app. To be able to remember the door location and its name, the app also provides customize option with upload photos.



4 3 6


Site Map Start with building the functional map, I categories the hierarchy of the function and built the wireframes.









Link your doggy door The composition is based on basic F shape and details setting hidden.


Control several locks To customise the background so to distinguish different Lock

GUI Typerface

Noto Sans CJK JP Light



24pt, 28pt, 40pt

List Bar Default



Input Box Default

Name Active

Name Success


Menu Default


I choose Kawai Japanese style to lighten the heaviness about lock.

Button Selected






Flo Website Redesign

This Amazing App About Cycle

About Pregnancy

Something Weird

Get to know your body by

Key Features Period Tracking Hi to period

What’s on Flo

Website UX/UI

We are united by our love and pain.

Problem Statement Flo Website redesign is a redesign project based on therapy practice. Menstruation is a private but open topic which requires a community to support each other. The common knowledge of menstruation provides on the website allows these issues together with it be revealed and accepted. Today's website categories women's issue with a different state of the wombs and we find the hierarchy of the content can adjust to let the information can be perceived in kinder gestures.

Project Goal Create gentle user experience for Flo App Website. To introduce the app with the health knowledge, step by step present the ideal of the app, self-care. To reorganise content hierarchy and better user flow with interaction which generates tenderness for user to stay on the web page for good read.

UX Process Flo.com Content Redesign

Concept Responsive Web

Role UI Design UX Design

Process Step Problem Project Goal Survey Key Finding Information Architecture Wireframe User Interface Design

Survey Getting to know the users I conduct a survey of potential users using the period tracker app and collect through women's health community website. 27 Responses.The Survey is to gather an overview of users and lead them to think about the questions then write down notes about how do they think of the content on the website.

Survey Questions How do you identity your gender?

How you usually search on website?

[]Male []Female []______

[]By keywords []By Issues (Disease, Bacteria, Pain) []By situation (pregnancy, period, between cycle)

How old are you? []Under 18 []18-24 []25-34 []35-44 []45-54 []55-64 []65+ What is your main reason of using the Women's health website? []When having doubts about a situation []Want to live more healthy []Interested about health knowledge []Get a sense of community

What's the main purpose for you to use a period cycle documenting app? []document period []document the hormone cycle []keep a diary When you usually open your app? (multiple ) []During peiord []Near period []Certin cycle in a month (PMS) []open in regular basis Which info you check the first on an app website? []App info []App Download Page

Key Finding Period tracking as main purpose Around 59 per cent of women using app around the age of 25-34. The main reason is when having doubts about the situation. And reach the website by google period tracker, the main purpose is to track period and mostly only using the app during the period. And downloaded the app first then read the website.

Plan -Making the content interactive -Remain the aesthetic of current structure. -Add motion interaction -Structure the content into blog to keep the user reading the artilcle

Information Architecture Original Info from the Navigation Your Cycle Health Ovulation PMS and PMDD Period Vaginal discharge Emotions Symptoms and diseases Cramps Sex Sex and Relationships Sexual health Pleasure Masturbation Birth control STIs Lifestyle Diet and nutrition Sleep Fitness and exercise Hygiene and beauty Skincare Menopause Symptoms Changes Puberty Body changes Teenage life

Getting Pregnant Planning for pregnancy Preconception planning Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy Trying to conceive Fertility Ovulation tracking Sex to get pregnant Health and fitness Pregnancy tests Signs of pregnancy Trouble conceiving Fertility problems Fertility treatments Alternative therapies

Pregnancy Pregnancy health Staying healthy Emotional health Prenatal testing Fetal development Pains & discomforts Complications Illnesses and infections Miscarriage Pregnancy lifestyle Diet Sleep & dreams Sex & relationships Beauty & style Traveling Pregnancy week by week First trimester Second trimester Third trimester Nesting Preparing for baby Baby showers Giving birth Labor and delivery Choosing a name

Being a mom Recovering from birth Postpartum nutrition Postpartum problems Emotions after delivery Adjusting to motherhood Weight and body image Relationships and sex Birth control Raising a baby Growth & development Baby care & feeding Baby sleep Health & safety Baby: Early weeks

The content structure on the website is based on situation of the womb, Through connecting different article categories, I took the topic which can be put into a more subtle layer together, to reduce the strong statement the categories are making based on the womb. I decide to put those information into structure. The site map provides a bigger picture of how these different articles can be organized in different layers.

Tool Due Date Calculator IVF and FET Due Date Calculator Due Date by Ultrasound Calculator

Site Map With massive articles in the website, the website information requires guiding to the articles and blog structure when users choose article to read.

Home/Navigation About Cycle

About Pergnancy

Something Weird

During Cycle

Staying Healthy








Viginal Discharge



Key Features Recognition Science in Flo Latest Articles


Due Date Calculator IVF and FET Due Date Calculator Due Date by Ultrasound Calculator

Footer Download

What's on Flo?


About us Contact


Blog structure within

Add pop out window

The main adjustment of the website is to make the website consists in two main part which is download and blog. The articles of the web page have taken main space but without providing a atmosphere for reading. With the adjustment to change website into blog style, it provides intimacy for user to stay and have good read.

n the page

w for article details



Live Tour

App UI design

Role UI Design

Connecting with different times.

Live Tour is an app for people to live stream. This app targets people travelling around the world and provides a platform which functions like tv news channel. It contains a globe for users to spin with. As the globe spin, it shows visual live webcast near the area. This app provides world tours. It also contains a function to donate travellers who post great live streams.


Live Tour Color #ed5469

Font DIN Alternate

#fff200 #00a5cf

Calisto MT

Aa Aa

Function Map record 2

on live


press record button



Log in



enter live stream

donate like



tap little eath

live history following followers



hold circle

news feed setting

Live Tour is a school project which focuses on live streaming in the context like news. People can create news and their own channel, same time getting donate like online gamer platform, the app contains a visual globe to emphasize the idea of browsing the world. The interaction of hand gesture and motion within the app is to make it playful, instead of Newsroom aesthetic, the UI design choice is to create cartoon visual.

36 1







Browse the world


Keep your travel traces




App UI design

Role UI Design

Be a Busy Bee, Be Rushing This app is based on the concept of club jumping, what is different is that you can join not only parties but other activities. This is an event collection app and also shows the price of the event. This app can help you to find events to attend in your near area, it contains different kinds of activities.you can easily have a socially productive day.


eRUSH Color


#6482be #f2dae8 #eb67a3

Arial Regular


As urgent as people who might use the app, after introduction, this app shows browsing options on the date user use the app. The gestures of using this app are a simple scroll and tap which is the rhythm of club jumping.

Wireframes 1



Function Map 2



by name or date






swipe or tap

like 4


pull circle on left

liked past




See the updated events


Make your own schedule

1.6 Creating Synergies: Design + Business Category Design Method Design Infographic

Collaboration Ling Liong Ein, Creative Director of Design Sojourn 1.

Design flow chart based on definition


Developing process of design

In the workshop,Creating Synergies: Design + Business, I collaborate with nine other designer from different discplines, led by Ling Liong Ein, Brian, our goal is to develop communication tool for business and design. The process of design which not only present a visual presentation but also a process can adapt to a different way of problemsolving. Our team combined different principle from the design field and offered a way to enter each step in the design process.

Role Concept development Infographic Design


Design is a process to improve or innovate the way to satisfy needs.

1. The need / Question / Problem




2. Observation Experience


Core Directiom

Material Technology Appearance

Self Communication With The Third Party With Realistic Condition

Proportion Condition Material


#Translate Tool


Presentation sample


Paper doll model

3. This simple tool is to help clients and designers to find the needs section in the flow chart we based on. This tool will not help the users to find their specific need but will help users to start having a different way of asking themselves questions. In this tool, we made paper dolls for people to get into their role while asking themselves a question. This is the estimate tool of innovation and improvement which is used in the need and satisfy phase in our design process.

4. The problem I

Characteristic of the character

May be you can

May be you can

May be you can

May be you can

May be you can


























#CDA Tool 1



Second Tool is to speak business lan a decision based o process is this too Just like aptitude depend on the score decide whether the innovative or improv in this tool is from an

innovate or imorove (depends)


improve need to be innovated



Net profit Total assets average




culture technique history

yes no

yes no

soso really bad













+ 0 + 10 x


> 40 yrs



< 40 yrs






make designers nguage. Making on a data-based ol mainly about. e test, this tool e of the test then company should ve. The data used n online statistic.

5 find the points to evalute

ompute the well-founded data


#Experiment Tool Experiment tool is a book for users to have some clue about these tools by giving little hints in words and graphic. After little games for thinking in a different way, this book ask user to exaggerate situation to help user find something that might be the problems to solve and create needs. Paper used for right side page is a see-through material. After writing a word down on that page, user can turn and see what they have wrote in a flip vertical. In the next page, this book treats the writing in the vertical flip as a graphic. Users need to draw their writing.


layout of tool book


Second page


Page of problem finding




5. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

let’s change it !

3. 1. 2.

Interactive Design

1.7 Moment of Plane

Interactive Design


Role Concept Development Product Design Interactive Design

Exhibited a The Sight

When that moment transforms into a flat image, we reach harmony. There enters the light.​

Concept Development This project started with a simple idea about communication between people. Feeling distant among each of us due to differences can create exhaustion in different forms. Such as not being in the same time or not being at the same space, generally speaking, not on the same wavelength. Began with this base, I started to think about what is the purpose or consequences I want to get from being on the same wavelength. With the right wavelength, it will create harmony. I took hundreds of photo trying to find a way to define harmony. I also experimented with sounds and videos to see if there was any similar feeling in these materials. Looking in the wrong way initially, I analysed pictures I took and marked them with some visible features: simple lines and easy frames. Then I realised those materials I got only share one thing in common which is they all looked so simple in my eyes at that certain time. When we feel connected while talking to people, it seems like everything we hear and everything we see is harmonious. I think when people reached the same frequency, they will feel a strong connection in time and space. Then I realised harmony was not about a view or a sound. Harmony is a moment. When we feel the connection with that moment, we feel harmony.

Before Making Before Making Exhibited at The Sight



Selected Project for 2016 Graduation Exhibition at Shongshan Cultural and Creative Park

Arduino, Photoresistance, Laser Light bulbs Silver-plated wire

This installation illustrates the process of the moment of harmonization. When all unpredictable factors such as time, space, and people synchronizes, that is the moment when everything seems to be so simple as if reaching harmony. My interpretation of that moment is everything will transform into multiple lines and become a flat image so it can be easily installed into our minds logically. When that moment transforms into a flat image, we reach harmony. There enters the light.

Exhibited at The Sight

"That moment when everything exists on a 2D plane, there enters the light." I use the passage above to create my installation. Wires with light bulbs are connected to motors on the installation to move back and forth at random intervals. This process represents a chance in time. Photoresistances and lasers on this installation are used for Arduino to program electricity. Arduino will provide electricity to all the light bulbs when all the wires cover the lasers and no light detection of the photo resistance. This is the moment when every light bulb in this installation forms a line. Audiences will stand in front of this installation waiting for the light, which emphasizes the concept of the moment.

something Under

1.8 Interactive Design

Role Concept Development Product Design Interactive Design


Evocative Object In this program, we picked an object to start a concept. We told classmates story about our own object under a flashlight in a room. During the process, every one of us tried to find keywords and express them to each other. We categorized those keywords and decide what to keep in continuing concept.

Did you ever have a blanket that you desperately need to be with when you were a kid? I have one. I would cover my whole body and talk to myself under the blanket. Incredible thoughts and stories were born under my blanket. But if there was any person outside or around the blanket, those thoughts stopped. I transformed my secrets into different shapes as if they are microorganisms. My blanket is a dark cave for those living creatures to hide. This installation started to perform when anyone tries to uncover the blanket. Ultrasonic sensor activates when people come near the blanket and those little creatures will disappear.

Arduino Ultrasonic sensors Projector


Graphic Design

Van ijssel Van IJssel is a yoghurt product. During Chinese New Year 2020 they plan to export their brand to China. This season the new version of the gift box will be in the malls in China.

Role Package Design Graphic Design Illustration


Van ijssel 1.

Package front, Original flavor


Package back, Blueberry flavor


Package front, Peach flavor


Three flavors, expansion

Because of the market plan to make the package stand out on the shelf, the collage of the cow makes the box on the shelf can be exhibited in a playful way. There are three flavours, the design of mandarin font and the golden lining is to make the brand seemed luxury to fit the Chinese market.





Based on the texture of the gift box. the colour choice needs to be grey-ish to not hurt the eyes. The over cross side design of the cow's body is to feed the need of the gift box to exhibit in the market to be in a more creative way.



2.2 Futures Without_ Role Print Design Graphic Design Collateral


Futures Without_Exhibition 1.

Pamphlet inside and cover


Banner for Website The Exhibition of HKU MA Fine Art programme was held in BAK basis voor actuele kunst. This collective exhibition included 15 graduates' works with various research topics. Main visual poster was designed by Kaja Gliwa. I was responsible for pamphlet design and facebook visual elements managing. With the strong visual style institution BAK has, the main visual in the design, blue and specific wide font, the exhibition presented a strong characteristics of the place. Inside the pamphlet shows the info and artist bio with very minimal instruction and graph of the place.


Content Font Avenir


Color #d0e7e1 #213b8f #231815

Futures Without_



The promoting strategy of the exhibition includes social media, poster and invitation emails. I work together with Ana Linhares, one of the artist together to manage a one-month advertising.

The Exhibition


Braised Milkfish Maw Plate


Milkfish Maw is a traditional southern Taiwanese street food, this dish is cooked with soysauce and soaked for long time, because of the fat of the finish, it contains a sweet taste. Our goal of the project is to elevate the whole experience of having this dish.


Role Concept Development Brand Design Product Design

Collaboration Hisashi Narita, Creative Director of Shiseido 1.

Product image


Product model


Product Image posters


Exhibition at Fubon Art space sponsored by Fubon Bank

We collaborate with Atsa Milkfish shop at Ximen District in Taipei. By collaborating with three other designers from different design discipline, our purpose is to make this dish unique by using a particular plate to provide special eating experience. This plate is transparent and has a certain measure of thickness. Beneath this plate were the ocean waves made of denim fabric. When customers finish this dish, they will see the expression of freshness by representing waves made by fabric. From concept development, product prototype to promoting campaign, we develop a production chain to final market strategy.

2. Product Prototype


美 味



International Workshop Shih Chien University 成田久の美味しいワークショップ 成田久的美味工作營



A-Choi Milkfish

滿 足



The product concept is selected and sponsored by Fubon Bank, the exhibition of food design was held in Fubon Art Space. Poster Design by Tammie Kang and Fan Yeh.

Elephant in Alley

Role Brand Design Package Design Exterior Design


Elephant in Alley


Smoothie of the shop


Exterior design

Elephant in Alley is a healthy smoothie drinking shop in a small alley in Taipei. The location of the shop is hidden in an alley which is hard to find. I am in charge of building the brand from scratch, from naming, marketing, packaging to interior and exterior.



Color #113f8f #ec6b4a #fbe365

From the idea alley, I suggest the client name the brand based on emphasizing this secret garden to turn the bad situation of the location into another sale point. The smoothie products are made with natural ingredient, with the portion of the product, the client wants to emphasize the drink can replace a lunch. Because of Alley and Elephant pronounce the same in Mandarin, I propose to build the brand with this sentence, �Enter the alley then too full to get out.�

Logo The logo needs to see through the cup to see the texture of the drink. The collaboration with this shop includes the exterior design of the shop and branding. I’ve been constantly working as a consulting role with the shop.

The original space is constructed with windows facing the alley. To be able to cover the kitchen and budget-wise, I decide to use the wave boards and put a bright colour on it, yellow, which is not common on Taiwanese street. The bricks and plants are to balance the visual. To emphasize the idea hidden, the two square cuts are for the customer to peek the kitchen before entering the shop.


Shop entrance is this side

With the struggle of the location, I designed a sign which is indicating the shop location but without stating the name of the shop so to stick to the market strategy of “this shop is a hidden place�.

2.5 Shifting Role Concept Development Motion Graphic Design

Collaboration Studio Dries Verhoeven 1.

Screenshot of the animation


Motion graphic design in the project


Project in Impakt festival Shifting is a motion graphic video in a project, Sic transit Gloria mundi, by Dries Verhoven. This site located project is the announcement of a "monument for the end of western hegemony". The video is designed to put Europe on the side of the map and present the shifting power of geographic view through history. The moving of the shape flow like lava presented the power was not taken but a natural shifting.


Color #faee8c #99988b #010001

Futures Without_





Sic transit Gloria mundi, by Dries Verhoven. This project located at Neude Square at Utrecht. The construction site indicates there will be a status representing Fallen of Western Hegemony be built. This project contains a tourist centre at downstairs and souvenir shop upstairs. Inside the construction site, the workers repeat the movement every day with specific choreography. This is project is a theatrical setting installation and through the development I participated in the process of concept developing, managing the mandarin part in the project and motion graphic video at the tourist centre.

Moment of Plane Role Graphic Layout Motion Graohic A moving poster for the installation, Moment of Plane. These light bulbs swing in and light up while crossing each other. This installation designed by me and developed with engineer Howard Chen. Installation operated by arduino. I choose modern texture in the posters with the clean lines to fit the feeling this installation shows. This was for promoting the exhibition, The Sight, with different New Media.The moving poster present the similar movement from the installation and the atmosphere of tech quality with the design.


Installation exhibiting


Moving poster design


Color #1f63a0 #8a8b8c #cccccc

2.6 86

5. 13-15

2 0 1 6

The Sight

Kang Yi

When that moment transforms into a f l at image, we reach harmony. There enters the light.


Moment of Plane Motion to : https://www.tammiekangyi.net/mop-moving-p

Deja Vu Role Graphic Design Filmmaking Choreography Deja vu is a performance in a concert which is formed with several collective projects. The performance used mapping technique and lighting creates a highly distorted vision. This performance is about the pain which seemed naturally happen and function smoothly just as possible. There are three faces in the cells with the typography design, the poster aims at presenting it as dramatic as possible.


The performance of Deja Vu


Poster design


Color #8e398e #74c7bf #aaa223

2.7 88

2. I built this project with the production team, from concept development to visual production. This poster is the performance Deja Vu I developed for the concert. The poster presents pain as an organic way of the process, inevitable yet beautiful even neither of us wants it to happen. The colour composition is based on the video which was made for the performance.

Cult Festival Role Graphic Design Printing Produciton The cult week is a movie week within a film festival held by Shih Chien University. The theme varies once per two weeks. It is a long term event, sponsored by the New Media Department. The process includes choosing the theme of the film, selection of film, promoting the event. I was selected to be in charge of the production of Cult week and Anime week.


Movie hall




Color #e0154d #1a358e #280f13

2.8 90


T L U C 秀 基恐怖 (一) 洛 件 10 / 6 人 殺 事 能輪胎 超 ) (二 10 / 7 生切 :活人 瘋流美 ) (三 8 10 / 級 態五星 (四) 變 花都魅影 10 / 9




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