2018-19 New Parent Guide

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new parent p 2018-19 Tampa Prep

d guide


Parents are an integral part of the Tampa Prep community. Through the Tampa Prep Parents Alliance (TPPA), parents partner with the school to volunteer and provide support for activities, events and programs. The partnership between Prep and our families is vital for student success.

We encourage you to engage in some of the committees and special interest groups on the following pages, and please feel free to reach out to your grade-level or division representatives if you have any questions or need guidance this firsr year! Find photos and contact info for all your TPPA grade-level representatives and event coordinators in your Parent Portal on tampaprep.org

TPPA Executive Committee

PRESIDENT Megan Feindt tmrac5@gmail.com / 540-226-8630

TREASURER Ginny Charest gcharest1@verizon.net / 813-240-2316

RECORDING SECRETARY Tiffany DeMarcay tpdemarcay@gmail.com / 813-731-5151

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Amanda Clark Amandaclark@usf.edu / 954-684-0451

UPPER SCHOOL COORDINATOR Mary Warram MWarram@verizon.net / 813-789-4901

MIDDLE SCHOOL COORDINATOR Ticiana “Tiki” Burdge tikikb@gmail.com / 813-382-1076

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PARENT INVOLVEMENT To stay current on all TPPA events (and there are MANY throghout the year!) please read the TPPA section of the weekly Thursday newsletter and visit the Parent Portal.


Tampa Prep Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month during the school year at 2:00 p.m. in the large conference room at school. We like to read a wide variety of books and are open to new and exciting suggestions. Our discussions are always animated, particularly when we disagree about the merits of a book! And, as always, people are welcome to come even if they haven’t read the book. CHAIR: Bonnie Elozory, Bonnie2186@gmail.com, 813-892-0730

International Parents

Join this informal group of International parents who meet monthly at a Prep family home for coffee. Get acquainted, share cultures and learn more about what goes on at Tampa Prep. CHAIR: Pascal Durand, Pdurand@smithandassociates.com 973-727-9784

Terrapin Dads

It’s great to be a Tampa Prep Terrapin Dad! Why let Terrapin Moms have all the fun? Here’s your opportunity to meet other TP dads for socializing (not fundraising!) in casual, informal, no-strings-attached gatherings. We meet once per semester for social events, and we also organize tailgates from time to time to coincide with sporting events at Prep. CHAIR: Ron Oldano, ronald.r.oldano@ampf.com, 813-390-8799

Outings Group

Explore the cultural riches and natural beauty of the Tampa Bay area while making new friends. Outing destinations will vary and may include visiting a local museum, biking, kayaking, or exploring the Tampa River Walk. Suggestions for activities are always welcome. Outings often end by going out to lunch (optional, of course, if you only have limited time). LOOKING FOR A CHAIR! Inerested? Contact Megan Feindt.

Grade-level Events Courtesy of TPPA Grade-Level Socials

Parent social gatherings for each grade level are planned periodically throughout the year. Attendees gather for coffee or lunch at a convenient location near school or at school. Parent socials are announced via the Tampa Prep Parent Portal as well as in the grade-level weekly newsletter.

US/MS Student Lunch

Students in each grade enjoy a special lunch and/or treat once per semester during the regular lunch hour, courtesy of TPPA. ALL parents from that grade are invited to participate in organizing, setup, serving and cleanup for these events. page 3



Hospitality Chairs

Dionna Doss DDoss@dionnadoss.com, 813-610-1457 Lisa Peaslee elisapeaslee@gmail.com, 813-727-9877

Faculty Appreciation

Susan Forsyth susanforsyth123@gmail.com, 810-869-1709 Susan Dentinger Spgd66@hotmail.com, 813-305-9035

Parent Education Committee (PEC)

Rachel MacCormack rachelmaccormack@me.com, 813-340-3832 Tien Tien Shein - tienshein@gmail.com

Headmasters’ Challenge (‘19)

Wendy Porter wendymozingo@gmail.com, 813-784-2119

Fall Family Festival (Nov. 2)

Kelley Varner kelley@annamaria.com, 813-390-1355 Sherrie Cebert sherriecebert4@gmail.com, 352-207-2367

Community Service

Lisa Paquin lisapaquin@sbcglobal.net, 314-541-4111 Dana MacDonald danamacdon@yahoo.com, 813-335-1099

End-of-Year BBQ

Eleanore Doyle eleanore.doyle@gmail.com, 813-943-9181 Linda Renfroe - Rrenfroe@tampabay.rr.com


Lisa Reins 813-351-0771, Reinsl@verizon.net Cindi Herrera 813-992-5108, jacindafl@gmail.com Dee Dee Bland 813-732-2889, Deedee.bland@gmail.com page 4

7th Grade

Joan Labarta 813-390-8113, JoanLabarta@gmail.com Wendy Porter 813-784-2119, Wendymozingo@gmail.com Melissa Reninger 404-317-2510, Melrenny@tampabay.rr.com

8th Grade

Faith Alexander 813-508-0544, NovaLaw97@yahoo.com Laurie Winters 813-210-0248, McCally@aol.com Teri Bennati 813-857-3739, TripletAdventure@gmail.com

9th Grade

Pattie Schreiber 813-928-2187, PattieSchreiber@yahoo.com Juli Capella 813-505-6766, JCapella5916@hotmail.com Krista Maddock 813-947-0273, krista.maddock@hotmail.com

10th Grade

Kim Foley 813-493-6207, Kimfoley100@gmail.com Andrea Steiner 516-650-7522, Andreaajs@hotmail.com Rosa Koerner 813-469-8360, srk@tampabay.rr.com

11th Grade

Lisha Harris 813-810-1644, LishaHarris@yahoo.com Carol Hendrix 813-293-5562, Chen1002@tampabay.rr.com Estela Miller 813-731-1017, estelainsd@mac.com

12th Grade

Ruth Weisenborn 321-578-0862, Rmweisenborn@mac.com Danette Capitano 813-601-1913, Reef.princess@hotmail.com Garda Collison 910-728-8772, gardajohn@aol.com


Each student is assigned to an advisor–a teacher or administrator who provides a reliable, communicative link between the student and his/her family and the student’s teachers. In addition, the advisor functions as the student’s advocate, monitoring and promoting the student’s academic and personal growth. Students change advisors each year as they move up through the School. An open, communicative relationship between parents and advisors is important. Early in the school year, parents meet the advisors on Parents’ Night. Later in the fall semester all parents have the opportunity to schedule an individual 30-­minute conference with their student and the student’s advisor.

A.L.E. (Active Learning Environment)

The concept behind an Active Learning Environment (ALE) is to provide students with a technologically advanced atmosphere conducive to collaboration, student engagement and creativity. Custom components including light, sound, comfort and technology are incorporated to ensure optimal learning within each classroom. The physical changes combine with the innovative teaching methods to enhance the student acquisition of vital 21st century skills such as teamwork, curiosity, problem solving and resiliance.

Apple Distinguished School

Tampa Prep is internationally recognized by Apple Inc. as one of the most innovative schools in the world as an Apple Distinguished School. In 2014, Tampa Prep became the first Apple Distinguished School in the Tampa Bay area, and is now the only school in the area to receive the designation two consecutive times. This designation is reserved for schools that meet criteria for innovation, leadership and educational excellence, and demonstrate a clear vision of exemplary learning environments.

ASPIRE Summer Reading

In addition to two-four grade-level summer reading books, students choose an ASPIRE book as their third choice. ASPIRE stands for “A Summer Program in Reading Enrichment” and was developed to inspire students to read for pleasure. Faculty, administrators, and staff members may choose a book to sponsor-some fiction, some non-fiction. Students sign up to read the book of their choice over the summer, then meet for a discussion in the fall. The groups may include students from all grades in the division. Discussion groups are limited to 17 students, so signing up early (lists are released in late May) offers a better chance for students to get their top choice.

First Week

Tampa Prep prides itself on the sense of unity within each class and throughout the School. This focus is strengthened through several programs including day or overnight retreats at the start of each school year during the first days of school before academic classes start. Students in all grades participate in games, activities and challenges appropriate to their age, always with the goal of getting to know each other, transitioning to the beginning of school, and to welcome new students.


The Harkness table, Harkness method, or Harkness discussion involves a teaching and learning method where students are seated in a large, oval configuration to discuss ideas in an encouraging, open-minded environment with only occasional or minimal teacher intervention. Most classrooms are set up to support the Harkness method, and most teachers employ it.

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Golf Outing (Oct. 20)

Our annual Golf Outing takes place on October 20 at Saddlebrook Resort. Opportunities to sponsor range from $300 (tee sponsor) to our top event sponsor level of $10,000. Each sponsorship level has different perks! Individuals can play for $250 while foursomes are also available at $1,000, which includes lunch, beer and wine, golfer swag bags, and more! So bring the buddies from the office or partner up with some fellow Prep parents, and join us for a weekend of fun! Non-golfers can enjoy games, music and kids’ activities by the pool. For more information on the event as well as sponsorship and participant packages visit tampaprep.org/golf or contact Jake De Weerd at jdeweerd@ tampaprep.org or 813-251-8481 x4021

Tampa Prep Gala (March 2)

Our annual Tampa Prep Gala will take place on March 2nd at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay. Individual tickets are $150, with opportunities to sponsor this event ranging from $500 for Ticket Sponsors to $25,000 for Legacy Sponsors, with additional perks at each level! This long-standing tradition at Tampa Prep includes cocktails, dinner, a live auction, performances and presentations by students and administration alike, and new this year, an after party!

Annual Fund

The School is supported financially through both tuition and voluntary giving. Each year our $16,000,000+ operating budget is supported by $750,000+ from the Annual Fund. The Annual Fund comprises the vast majority of voluntary giving and is relied upon when crafting the operating budget each year. It is an unrestricted fund which allows the School to use the money in whatever area of the budget it is most needed. Giving to the Annual Fund is a great way to have an immediate and positive impact on Prep. Plus, giving to the Annual Fund is the only way the school can double your money (through company matches) or gain thousands of dollars in valuable program grants that benefit all of our students! Gifts made to the Annual Fund are tax deductible to the extent of the law. Learn more about the Annual Fund: http://www.prepdevelopment.org/annual-fund Give directly to the Annual Fund online: https://www.tampaprep.org/support/donate Don’t forget--you can opt to make monthly payments to the Annual Fund to maximize your gift and minimize financial stress. A monthly gift of $100 = a $1,200 annual gift! Contact Director of the Annual Fund Jake De Weerd to set up a monthly plan or learn more ways to give: Jake De Weerd at jdeweerd@tampaprep.org or 813-251-8481 x4021 page 6

SUPPORT TAMPA PREP how else can i support the school? Terrapin Society

The leadership and support provided by parents and other partners who give towards the Annual Fund, through the various ways previously listed, is critical to the continued suc cess of Tampa Prep. The Terrapin Society exists as a way to recognize the vital role those key individuals play at our school. Members of this society are families or foundations who have given $1,000 or greater towards the Annual Fund, over the fiscal year. This amount can be achieved via any of the events listed above, direct donation to the fund, or other Development engagements such as commemorative pavers. Members of this society are invited to social events with senior level administration, who announce updates and initiatives to those in attendance. We hope you will consider joining the largest giving society at Tampa Prep!

Loyalty Rewards

Shop at AmazonSmile and Amazon donates .5% of purchases made through Tampa Prep’s unique AmazonSmile link to the school. There’s nothing more to it than that! Once on the Amazon page, you browse, shop and purchase as you have always done. Use this link to connect directly to smile.amazon.com in support of our school and start shopping! Find the direct link to the page via the “Learn More Ways to Give” link below.

Commemorative Pavers

Leave your mark at Tampa Prep by purchasing a personalized commemorative paver or naming a space in the school. Pay tribute to or honor your family, an alum, faculty member, student, athlete or anyone whom you wish to give a permanent place in Tampa Prep history. From famous quotes to kind words and dedications, commemorative pavers and naming placards will forever establish your legacy at Tampa Prep. To order a paver, complete the online form at tampaprep.org/ support/pavers or submit a completed paver form to the Development Office. For information on how to name or dedicate a space in the school, contact Jake De Weerd at jdeweerd@tampaprep.org or 813-251-8481 x4021. LEARN MORE WAYS TO GIVE: https://www.tampaprep.org/support/ways-to-give

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Special Events These are just a few of the special events that make up our culture.

all-school events fall First week Activities

See description on page 5.

New Parent Shindig

(August) This social event for parents with students new to the school includes food and drinks with other parents and several key members of the School community.

Opening Convocation

On the first day of classes students and faculty gather together for Opening Convocation. The community hears from several speakers including Head of School Kevin Plummer and the student body president.

Parents’ Night

(September) At Parents’ Night, parents follow their child’s schedule to meet their advisor and each teacher. Meet Tampa Prep Parents Alliance members, hear about ways to get involved and learn about clubs and activities available to your students.

Spirit Week/ Homecoming Fall Family Festival

(November) TPPA plans the Fall Family Festival, an afternoon event packed page 8

with fun activities for the whole family! Great food, music, pumpkin decorating, roaming zombies, an inflatable obstacle course, pictures with Earnest (our school mascot) and more!

Trustee Day

Members of Tampa Prep’s Board of Trustees spend a half day on campus to experience a typical school day for students.

Theater Performance Thanksgiving Convocation

Thanksgiving Convocation celebrates the arts in preparation for the holiday season. The concert features performances by our Terrapin musicians and chorus, as well as spoken word tributes from students and faculty.


Stress Less Week

During exam time, faculty members plan daily activities to help with stress related to exam prep and studying.

Headmasters’ Challenge

(January) Tampa Prep hosted the inaugural Headmasters’ Challenge on January 10, 2004. This

is an annual tradition honors our rivalry with Berkeley Preparatory School. Winter sports teams from middle division, junior varsity and varsity all complete for the highly coveted Headmasters’ Cup.

Grandparents’ Day

(February) Grandparents’ Day is a school favorite! Grandparents are treated to special performances and join their grandchildren in classes to experience Tampa Prep firsthand.

Terrapin Day

While Tampa Prep students “go beyond” on a regular basis, the annual Terrapin Service Day exemplifies the school’s mission of “a higher purpose than self.” Students look beyond our campus to volunteer throughout the community. Each grade level takes on a different cause and donates their day to the organization or task.

Theater Performance Declamations

Declamations are a unique Tampa Prep tradition that help students build confidence through public speaking. All students, grades 6-12, are

Special Events

required to prepare and deliver an oral presentation. Students advance through rounds performing for their class, their grade, and finalists perform for the division in a school-wide assembly. Parents are welcome to attend this assembly.


International Food Truck Day

The World and Classical Language Department invites food trucks with Spanish, French, Mediterranean and Asian cuisine to campus. Each truck distributes half size portions to encourage everyone to try different options.

Awards Day

Students in grades 6-11 receive book and departmental awards honoring their academic and athletic achievements, as well as their character.

Senior/Yearbook Day Everyone dresses in college spirit attire (seniors dressed in gear from their future college/university). There are many fun activities throughout the day all geared toward celebrating the Senior class. This is not an event for parents to attend. There are plenty of those later

in the month. This is a final hurrah JUST for seniors. * Kevin Plummer leads seniors through the halls of Tampa Prep for their final walk through the building, complete with a lot of cheering from underclassmen. * Everyone gathers in the gym to celebrate every member of the Senior class and share their future plans. * All students watch the Yearbook presentation and yearbooks are distributed. * Finally, students gather in the TP parking lot for an evening filled with incredible student performances at the annual Rock the Lot!


Graduation is held at the Straz Center for the Arts.

ms events

Middle School Showcase

Students showcase what they have learned in Band, Art, Chorus, Theater and Technology classes during four events in the Smith Black Box Theater.

Middle School Games Multi-dimensional, cross-curricular project that encourages 21st-

century learning skills and cultivates leadership. This is a 2-day competition amongst grade level teams. This event is not possible without our parent volunteers.

Holly Dazzle Dance

Winter dance for students in grades 7 and 8.

MS Theater Production English Presentations

During Semester 1, students in grades 6-8 spend each week reading a novel of their choice in class. At the end of the semester, students select one these novels for their English project. During Semester 2 they create 3D models, use different genres of writing, and a book trailer to encourage others to read their chosen novel. Parents are invited to school to view the final project.

us events

Blackbox Unplugged

(Winter) Students take the stage in the Smith Black Box Theater to share their musical talents.

End-of-Year Showcase

Fine and performing arts Spring showcase. page 9

Special Projects/Trips by Grade MIDDLE SCHOOL 6th grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

6th Grade Class Trip

Epcot Project

8th grade Class Trip

Students spend 3 days touring local Florida sites.


Students become travel agents, spending 12 class periods completing a Biome building and digital book. At the presentation, they educate visitors on their Biome. The digital book includes locations of the Biome, climate, animal life, plant life, things to do and threats.

In Geography class, students select a country they feel is missing from the Epcot World Showcase. Students then take their classmates through a “guided tour” of their chosen country and explain why it should be added.

7th Grade Class Trip

Students spend a week in the FL Keys, exploring wildlife and experiencing nature through a variety of hands-on activities.

Outsiders Day

Students read the classic novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton in English class. As part of the unit, the class is separated into the two groups representing the rival gangs in the novel. The groups have to compete in various competitions, like a bucket toss and cup stacking.

Edible Cell Models

Students create cells made completely of edible materials representing the various organelles or cell structures found in plant and animal cells.

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Students spend four days exploring the roots of the American Revolution by walking Boston’s historic Freedom Trail.

Mousetrap Car Race

In Science class, students design and create mousetrap cars using a bag of supplies provided to them. With no instructions, students must put on their thinking caps apply their knowledge of physics, velocity, friction, energy, levers and mass to build a successful car.

Memorial Day

After studying U.S. History, students research and design educational and symbolic memorials honoring a historical figure or a U.S. event. Parents are invited to view the final project at school.

8th Grade Cruise

At the end of the school year, students celebrate their transition from Middle to Upper School on the StarShip cruise.

Special Projects/Trips by Grade UPPER SCHOOL 9th Grade

12th Grade

9th Grade Class Trip

Six-Word Mantra

During First Week, freshmen spend two nights at Pathfinders participating in group bonding activities.

History Project

During this year-long history project, students identify a social or environmental issue and propose an action plan.

Freshmen Give Back

Before winter break, freshman volunteer at Metropolitan Ministries Holiday Tent event.

10th Grade Terrapin Day

Each Terrarin Day our 10th grade either travels to RCMA--a school for the children of migrant workers-or the students come to our campus for a field day.

College counseling kick-off

Sophomores are introduced to the systems they will use in the application process. They also tour University of Tampa’s campus.

11th Grade 11th Grade Class Trip

The week-long Junior Class trip to Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina helps develop skills not necessarily formed or tested in the classroom and creates lifelong bonds.

Each Senior writes a sixword mantra on the wall of the Student Center, providing the community with wise words which are displayed throughout the school year.

Paint the Rock

Seniors leave their mark on Prep each fall by signing their names on the rock in the parking lot. This is followed by an ice cream party.

Senior Sunrise

To kick off the school year, the Senior class comes together to watch the sun rise over the Hillsborough river, followed by a pancake breakfast.

3# Project

For the 3# project (3 lbs is the weight of the human brain) Seniors in Honors English resolve to learn something they have always wanted to try. This can be anything from playing an instrument, to cooking a vegan meal, to building a car engine. Throughout the process, they maintain a digital portfolio of blog entries, research and multimedia samples of their works in progress. Their portfolios are part of their final presentation in a gallerystyle exhibition and presented to guests.

Cookie Company Project

(Winter) In Honors Econ, seniors form companies to sell cookies and other treats to the Tampa Prep community. Via this project students apply and execute what they are learning in class. Each company has to present a marketing/social media plan and a business plan to a group of TP experts in hopes of receiving a business loan.

Senior Beach Day

In the spring, Seniors head to the beach for a day of fun in the sun.

Senior Moms’ Lunch TPPA Junior moms host a celebratory lunch for Senior moms.

Senior Internships

Completion of a 70-hour Senior Internship is a graduation requirement (less 10 hours for each AP class taken). Seniors are counseled through the process of updating their resume, networking for a job search, preparing for and having an interview, and working. They blog about their experience.

Senior Celebration

This event honors the senior class with dinner, awards and student entertainment. page 11

School Communication MY BACKPACK


Here parents access student schedules, grades, report cards, absentee information, Student/Parent directory and update their family profile/contact information. This is also where parents complete re-enrollment documents and pay bills online. NOTE: When updating your family profile, don’t forget to also update grandparent contact info to ensure they get invited to Grandparents’ Day! Need assistance with MyBackPack? Contact mbpinfo@tampaprep.org or 813-251-8481 ext. 4055.

Every Thursday the Marketing/Communications Office publishes an e-newsletter delivered to you via email. This email is full of information about school events, programs, as well as student, team, faculty and alumni successes. The newsletter is divided by grade and topic for your convenience.



NOTE: We will not be printing a paper directory starting this year. The information provided via your Family Profile in MyBackPack will be used for the School’s digital Family Directory, which is shared early in the school year. This digital version will be updated throughout the year as families update information in their profile. Each new version will be a pdf that can be saved on all electronic devices (including your phone), or printed if preferred.


Students and faculty communicate through PowerSchool. This is the place to go for all classroom information (homework, grades, test dates, tutorials, etc.). https://tampaprep.learning. powerschool.com/ page 12


HEAD’S MESSAGE Kevin Plummer often sends emails to the community regarding current events or traditions. CONNECTIONS These single-topic emails give parents important information about grade and schedule availability, class trips, and testing (ERB, ACT, SAT).


School calendars located on the website (tampaprep. org/calendar) are updated frequently. NOTE: All dates and events are subject to change. The website has the most current listings.


The main way for parents to see photos and videos of happenings and acomplishments at school is via our social media platforms,--which we hope all families will follow and LIKE--or through our school news on the website. tampaprep.org/discover/media

Our main social media accounts are run by the following staff.

FACEBOOK • Main > Olivia Segalman • Alumni Assoc. > Patrick Kelly TWITTER • @tampaprep > Segalman • @TPrep_Athletics > Chris Lavoie INSTAGRAM • @tampa_prep > Heather Lambie YOUTUBE > Segalman

TPTV LIVE Many events during the year are live streamed so family and friends can enjoy them without coming to campus. Visit https:// www.tampaprep.org/discover/media/live for events.


tampaprep.org Our website is a marketing tool for prospective families in the decision-making process to learn about our programs, culture, and constituents. Current families use it only to log into the Parent Portal. Questions about web content? Contact Heather Lambie at hlambie@tampaprep.org


Bi-monthly. Members of the Tampa Prep community (teachers, staff, parents, or students) write about important educational issues or campus events. Please read and share these blogs via social media--or write one! Contact Heather Lambie if interested.


tampaprep.smugmug.com Here, parents can view and download (for FREE!) all photos taken on campus throughout the year. Want to take photos for us? Contact Heather Lambie.


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