Tempo Fall 2014

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the tampa preparatory school magazine fall 2014

non-profit org. us postage

PAID tampa fl permit no. 3641

tempo forty years of amazing

morgan puls ’14, digital photograph

tampa preparatory school 727 West Cass Street, Tampa, Florida 33606 Tel 813.251.8481 Fax 813.254.2106 www.tampaprep.org copyright 2014 Š tampa preparatory school

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine: Fall 2014. Cover artwork. Finished Size is 11.0 inches tall by 17.0 inches wide, folds down to 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. Prints 4/4 and bleeds all four sides. Cover IV and Cover I.



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the lightning-crozier fund save the date: saturday, october 25 2014 tampa prep golf outing

Supporting Academy Prep students enrolled at Tampa Prep through the Lightning-

Supporting a legacy of diversity shotgun start 1:00 pm

Crozier Fund is a wonderful way to enable these incredible young men and women become all that they are meant to be. – Gail and Paul Whiting


lterria pyles and jomarie adorno graduated with honors in the Class of 2014, two of five graduates who attended Academy Prep Center before coming to Tampa Prep, all of whom will attend college in the fall.

Active in community service projects and the visual arts, and interested in human behavior, Alterria will study Psychology at the University of Miami and plans to go on to graduate school for a doctorate. Jomarie participated in greater Tampa community service projects through the visual arts and in academic Spanish language competitions. As a member of the Chamber Chorus that received a Superior in the State of Florida Academic Chorus Competition, she sang at Disneyworld and traveled to New York City for a chorus trip. Jomarie will attend the University of Central Florida to pursue her interest in children’s medical issues.



r Foursome $750 r Single player $187.50 r Alum player $125

r r r r r r r r

for sponsorship details and registration information, visit tampaprep.org/go-register! proceeds benefit students receiving financial assistance through the alumni financial assistance fund

Tournament Sponsor $5,000 Red Sponsor $2,500 Gold Sponsor $1,250 Hat Sponsor $1,250 SOLD Awards dinner sponsor $3,000 Golf Ball Sponsor SOLD Contest Sponsor $500 (4) Tee/Green Sponsor $300 (1 of 36)

The Lightning-Crozier Fund is the Tampa Prep resource that funds qualified ancillary costs for our Academy Prep students. This year the Lightning-Crozier Fund provided iPads, textbooks, summer classes, digital books, travel and overnight stays for extracurricular activities, experiential education expenses, Advanced Placement Exam fees, athletic fees, and graduation fees.

the lightning-crozier fund Making the difference for Academy Prep Students at Tampa Prep

be a difference-maker. donate today. www.tampaprep.org/donate.

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine: Fall 2014. Cover artwork. Finished Size is 11.0 inches tall by 17.0 inches wide, folds down to 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. Prints 4/4 and bleeds all four sides. Cover II and Cover III.



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this aerial photograph from 2002 captures campus history. small, single-story buildings next to a grassy area on the university campus housed the fledgling tampa prep; parallel to cass street, the second school building stands just above the university baseball field. tampa prep’s permanent 11.5-acre campus stands out front and center on the hillsborough river and across from downtown tampa.

fall 2014 tempo

40th anniversary calendar of events

the tampa preparatory school magazine volume 31 issue 2

2014 aug 18 aug 25 oct 25

all-school lunch and birthday party opening convocation of school tampa prep golf outing at saddlebrook resort

2015 jan 17 mar 7 mar 28 may 31

tampa prep night with the lightning, tampa bay times forum auction gala at the vault the 40th anniversary celebration commencement

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. Prints four-color-process and bleeds all four sides.



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Tempo fall 2014 3

head’s message Forty Years of Amazing


on the terrapin trail Going Beyond: 2014 Grady Grant Awarded to Foreign Language Teachers; They Like to be in the Woods: Taylor Stukes and Charley Wright, Mountain Trip Guides; Alum’s Vacation Guide Written for Families; Changemakers: Zach Burmeister ’14: Innovator


athletics New coaching alliance announced; photo highlights


from the board of trustees New Initiatives Implemented, Gail Bernucca, President


from the tampa prep parents alliance Volunteers Fuel Community Spirit, Sung Hochhausler, President


in memoriam Alfred S. Austin 1929–2014


commencement 2014 Moments to Remember; Class of 2014 Matriculation; Congratulations from the College Counseling Office; Class of 2014 Achievements Honored; Commencement Addresses; Seniors in Action; In Words and Pictures: What I’ll Remember

Thanks tampa preparatory school board of trustees Gail D. Bernucca, President Laurel H. Fredlake, Vice President Jeffrey C. Mitchell, Treasurer E.D. “Ed” Armstrong Bruce D. Burdge Christine M. Burdick Ex-officio, Tampa Downtown Partnership President Charles H. Carver Virginia Cates Matthew R. Danahy, ’79 Eric R. Ebbert John P. F. Fahey ’90 Ex-officio, Alumni Association President Ira Federer Robert Fields Sung Lee Hochhausler Ex-officio, TPPA President Stacy Leeds Donna J. Petersen Kevin M. Plummer Ex-officio, Head of School Todd W. Schlemmer Arne Skjaerpe Cathy R. Smith Trustee Emerita Jon Solomon Steve Torres M. Penny Vinik Robert A. Walter Trustee Emeritus Jamal M. Wilson, ’93 Christine Newkirk Zettel, ’85 Edward L. Zollinger

trustees emeritae/i 37

alumni news The Scoop; In Memoriam

David M. Delo (deceased) William A. Krusen, Sr. (deceased) Cathy R. Smith Robert A. Walter

photography credits: Clark Mishler, Robin Kennedy, Katie Hehn, Studio Artistry, Bob Thompson, Aerial Innovations.


tempo, the Tampa Prep magazine, is printed by Gunn Printing.

design, layout and production

Copyright 2014 Tampa Preparatory School

Clay Dingman, Barking Cat Productions Communications Design

Robin Kennedy

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folde Prints four-color-process and bleed



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message from the head of school

tempo fall 2014

Forty Years of Amazing Welcome to the fall issue of the Tempo. This issue celebrates our pending 40th Year Celebration, campus renovations, athletics update, alumni achievements and news, our “Changemakers” and the 38th Annual Commencement and the Class of 2014. By the time school opens in August, we will have completed a significant internal renovation of the School. More than 13,000 square feet dedicated to the Middle School experience will be transformed into a premier educational facility for active learning. As our community well knows, the Middle School has long had a tradition of teaching excellence and an academic program that blends the academic preparation for high school with experiential learning, exceptional athletic and artistic training and a broad exposure to rich academic content. With an emphasis on preserving the core of the Prep experience—academic excellence, relationships, and cherished school traditions—we have now honed the Middle School space to support a deep immersion into active learning where there is a new synergy for content, collaboration, technology, pedagogy and learning spaces that will transform the learning experience. All of the Middle School classrooms will feature two learning focal points through coordinated high definition projectors, improving the opportunity for every student to experience class as if they were in the front row. We are also employing a sound technology developed by Redcat to enhance the auditory experience—in lay terms that means all of the teaching fac-

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

ulty in the Middle School will wear microphones during the day and their voices will be projected evenly and clearly throughout the classroom space. Additionally, we have developed new common areas for the Middle School students on the first and second floors. New furnishings from Steelcase and Hon in these spaces and classrooms pay particular attention to human ergonomics and comfort while offering mobility that will allow the tables and desks to be easily reconfigured to support the Harkness pedagogy (face-to-face seminar discussions) in the English and History classes—collaboration across all disciplines. Lighting fixtures will be replaced and new led lights installed. Not only will this improve energy efficiency and lower

All of this

would not be possible

without a dedicated

and caring faculty

that has prioritized 21st Century learning skills across

every discipline.

our carbon footprint but will also make the classrooms quieter so that students can better focus on content, class discussion and questions and their instructors. Years of classroom research to improve the student experience created a sense of urgency that informed our renovation planning and we could not be more pleased with this advance at Prep.

All of this would not be possible without a dedicated and caring faculty that has prioritized 21st Century learning skills across every discipline. The faculty has also shown a keen willingness to adopt technology as a tool to enhance learning, while sustaining the importance of relationships and the traditional skills continued on page 6



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clockwise from above: Changes to the Meg Heisel Memorial Garden make it a shady, quiet place to have lunch or study; Mr. Plummer’s Global Selfie beamed to the nasa Space Station on Earth Day; ergonomic, mobile classroom furniture with desktops that swing out and conform.

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folde Prints four-color-process and bleed



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clockwise from above: Students research colleges in the Marshall Family Conference Room located in the College Admissions Suite; a bright red panel and eye-catching fixture announce the entrance to Middle School; summer robotics classes in the Schlemmer Engineering and Robotics Center.

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.



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6 message from the head of school tempo fall 2014

top row: (l–r) Susanna F. Grady, 1988— 98; Joseph Wandke, 1979–83; George Wolfenden, 1974—79. bottom row: (l–r) D. Gordon MacLeod, 1998–2007; L. Laird Davis, 1983–88; Dr. David M. Delo, 1979.

continued from page 3

of writing, calculation, reading and discussion. In short the class enhancements refocus our efforts to prepare each student for his or her future! To date, including the Class of 2014, we have over 2,900 alumni. Forty years of students who have lived the Tampa Preparatory School experience. Each time I meet a returning alumni group, I am impressed with their joy when they remember their Tampa Prep experiences. These memories are terribly important and provide the inspiration for our efforts today. I only wish I had more opportunities to see our alumni return!

I would be remiss if I did not include my sincere appreciation for every student and family that has and is attending Tampa Preparatory School. This is a special place, a school that has always sought to provide an incredible experience. With a welcome mixture of tradition, creativity and innovation, the School has enjoyed 40 years of making exceptional memories that last a lifetime. Just 33 paces from my office is the Board Room. Since this is our anniversary year, I wanted to close my message by thanking the six Heads of School who came before me with their years of service in parentheses, and who have been so instrumental in the establishment, growth and success of our school. Mr. George Wolfenden (1974–79), Dr. David M. Delo (1979), Mr. Joe Wandke (1979–83), Mr. L. Laird Davis (1983–88), Mrs. Susanna F. Grady (1988–98), and Mr. D. Gordon Macleod (1998–2007). These six Heads of School worked with the hundreds of fac-

ulty members, staff members, administrators, 12 Board Chairs, more than 200 Board members and over 2,000 students to create an incredible school. There is not a day I am at Prep that I am not grateful to have come to such a wonderful school with an incredible history and a bright future. Thank you Tampa Preparatory School and happy 40th Anniversary! T

Kevin M. Plummer Head of School

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folde Prints four-color-process and bleed



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on the terrapin trail

tempo fall 2014

Students in Laura Bridges-Pereira’s French class play a vocabulary game.

Going Beyond: 2014 Grady Grant awarded to foreign language teachers Foreign language teachers Laura BridgesPereira and Sherri Queen were named Grady Grant recipients following the selection of their grant proposals describing innovative projects in their respective language disciplines, Spanish and French. Both teachers were motivated to apply for a Grady Grant by their desires to prepare students to increase their understanding of cultures other than their own in realworld situations, facilitated by increased proficiency of their language skills.

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

The creation of an online Library of Spanish Oral Histories of Tampa was Mrs. Pereira’s initiative, and Ms. Queen proposed a new French 3 language course using integrated performance assessments. Ms. Queen’s new course design utilizes integrated performance assets (ipas): interpersonal (speaking or listening), interpretive (reading or listening) and presentational (writing or speaking). She explained, “I’ve heard about Integrated

Performance Assesssment and backward course design frequently at language conferences. The concept really intrigued me because my goal as a world language teacher is to prepare students to be able to use their world language skills outside the classroom, not just to pass a test in the subject. ipa tasks allow students to demonstrate their language knowledge in real-world situations in meaningful ways.”



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at left: Grady Grant recipients Sherri Queen and Laura Bridges-Pereira. above: Ms. Queen and happy students holding National French Exam commendations.

Many of Ms. Queen’s students contributed suggestions and ideas to the course design, including topics “that will lead them through unit themes.” Thematic units allow a teacher to create vocabulary and grammar tied to realworld interests. Functions and unit objectives are established by a series of “I can…” statements rather than by following a textbook outline, a “backward” methodology. During the summer Ms. Queen designed six thematic units for French 3 that included, grammar and vocabulary selections and related appropriate authentic content, and created the assessments. Eventually, using the new course design, she hopes to have a flipped classroom arrangement with technology that would facilitate collaborative learning as well as speaking skills. Mrs. Pereira’s idea for her project followed research about oral histories that she did after listening to a National Public Radio program. She believes, “The project will help preserve stories that may be forgotten or only documented in English, while there is value in providing an opportunity for these stories to be told as they should be, in their mother tongue. It’s a unique way to enhance the

Spanish learning experience of Tampa Prep students, develop connections locally and spread the Tampa Prep philosophy through modeling in the community.” She also believes the project will benefit the History Department and the Global Studies program, and provide relationship opportunities for her students with Spanish speakers in the community. Mrs. Pereira plans to use the oral histories in her beginning Spanish classes. Upper School Spanish teachers will also have access to the online oral history library. Throughout the summer and continuing into the fall, Mrs. Pereira used her iPad, computer and microphone to record stories told by members of the Spanishspeaking community. Interviews follow a standard set of questions and specific questions based on the person’s role in the community, their profession and country of origin. The interviews will be transcribed and available in audio and video format and videos will be available with captions and subtitles. All recordings and materials will be housed on a webpage for Tampa Prep. Both teachers believe that their grant projects will help them understand their subjects better and differently. Ms. Queen said, “ipa tasks and a backward design

allow me as a teacher to identify what is really necessary and meaningful for my students to accomplish real-world language tasks. I want them to enjoy what they are learning in French, take ownership of their learning process and demonstrate their knowledge in authentic ways.” Mrs. Pereira sees it as a way for her to improve and maintain her own Spanish language skills and “a great opportunity to spend hundreds of hours immersed in authentic Spanish conversation right here in Tampa.” At a pre-summer faculty luncheon, Ms. Queen expressed gratitude for being a Grady Grant recipient. “I am so excited to start this adventure!” she said. Mrs. Pereira agreed and said, “I am grateful that the School encourages and supports this type of project.” The Susanna F. Grady Curriculum Development Fund was established in honor of former Head of School Susanna F. Grady to provide support and encouragement for faculty members of the School to develop innovative curricular projects during the summer months. Up to two grants may be awarded annually by vote of the Curriculum Committee. T

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folde Prints four-color-process and bleed



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Class of ’02 celebrating their mountain trip hike, Taylor Stukes, back right.

They Like to be in the Woods Taylor Stukes and Charley Wright: Junior Class Mountain Trip Guides Now I know the secret of making the best persons: it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth. – Walt Whitman Charley Wright and Taylor Stukes have collectively accrued 27 years as junior class mountain trip guides and chaperones. Known for its physical and mental challenges, the annual trip to Pisgah National Forest, part of the Blue Ridge Mountain range in North Carolina, has attracted these two parents of alumni for years.

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

Enjoyment of the outdoors is the reason they share for their involvement. But this simple statement down plays the complexity of guiding teenagers on a challenging, bare-bones hiking and camping trip in the wilderness. “I like sharing camping skills with the kids,” Charley said. “Teaching them how to put up tarps that keep them dry, learn-

ing to tie the right knots, building a nice campfire, coaxing a good fire out of damp wood—kids learn how to thrive outside of their comfort zone.” Taylor agreed, “I’ve been a backpacker all my life and enjoy the challenges presented by being in the woods, but for most of the kids, it’s a completely new experience. The Pisgah trip takes away



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at top: Charley Wright on Halloween Slab. above: Taylor Stukes, front; guides Mary Beth Hill and Susannah Wilson Smith ’87, back right

their city crutches and allows them to realize their essential elements. They learn they can be self-reliant. They can overcome. They learn a lot about themselves. Although they may be interested in some of the botany or biology information that is available, what they get is a soul-searching experience.” Both men have seen changes in the program since they began volunteering. When the trips began, campers read and discussed selected literature around the campfire in the evenings after a long day of hiking, but that part of the program doesn’t exist any longer. Charley still likes to read by the campfire himself but counseled, “If the chemistry works with the kids they will gain a deep personal understanding as a result of the whole Pisgah experience; it is not instilled by reading about the wilderness around the campfire. If they don’t get that understanding, well, they will just talk about their girlfriends.” A runner from the base camp checks in with each group daily to see if they need equipment or anything else and goes back to get what is needed. “Support is more refined now,” Charley said. Taylor agreed, “It’s a somewhat more polished undertaking, including first class gear and guides with wilderness first aid certification.” What did the Pisgah trip do for their alumni children? “It impacted both of my sons differently,” Taylor said. “Neither one shares my love of the outdoors, but the experience made them both realize that Tampa Prep cared for who they are as individuals. It is a real preparation for life.” Charley said, “About the outdoors - my son, Ben, doesn’t like anything wilder than a soccer field and my daughter, Sarah, can take it or leave it. But my son Andrew and I returned to Pisgah for a camping trip together a few years ago.” The Pisgah trip generates unforgettable memories. Charley recalls, “I remember a trip where our group was at Halloween Slab. We put up our tents and set up. After nightfall we slept on the

rock. It rained all night. It was cold and everyone was wet, a really miserable night. Yet, when the sun started coming up in the morning, the kids were sitting on the rock looking out at the beautiful vista and singing! Just singing! Their night had been bad, but now it was over and they wouldn’t let it ruin the day.” Taylor’s memories include being on top of Pilot Mountain, the highest point in the Pisgah range, huddled together during a lightning storm. “The best times were when I could see the kids were realizing that, wow, this is way more fun than I thought it would be! Like the time when the hiking had been particularly long and hard and we got to a place where they could sit in a mountain creek and splash and play and look at what was around them.” A few years ago Taylor was asked to write about the mountain trip for a School accreditation evaluation. He believes the trip speaks directly to the School’s Mission. It is truly Going Beyond, he wrote, and a preparation for life. What would they tell someone who was considering volunteering to be a Pisgah guide? “If you like the woods, being outdoors, being active, spending the day outside you have to give it a shot,” Charley said. “I also like being off the grid for four days.” “Do it,” Taylor advises. “It will be an experience you won’t forget. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you have nothing more to learn.” Taylor Stukes is the father of J.T. ’01 and Mick ’02. Charley Wright is the father of Ben ’00, Sarah ’02 and Andrew ’06. T

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folde Prints four-color-process and bleed



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One of the beautiful little-known areas for swimming in the Miami area is Virginia Key Beach and picnic area. Photo by Zicki Allgrove.

Alum’s Vacation Guide Written for Families Miami for Families, by Laura Albritton ’88 Nearly 20 years after her writing career began, author Laura Albritton tried writing something different. Inspired by love for her adopted city, she wrote a travel guidebook about Miami. In the years before and after she attended the University of Miami where she received an mfa in Creative Writing, she and her family moved around the U.S. and lived in Canada and Europe, too. During that time she wrote fiction and reviewed books and art. Last year, Laura and her family returned to Miami where she “finally felt at home.” “It just felt so good to be back here,” she said in a phone interview. “Miami has such energy but it also has such beau-

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

ty, and such beautiful places and spaces to explore. Even though I live here, some days when I drive over the William Powell bridge and see the skyline and vistas of Key Biscayne and Port Miami, I almost feel like I’m on vacation.” Exploring their city and its environs is something that Laura’s family—her daughter, Iris, 10, and her husband, engineer and avid photographer Zicki Allgrove—really enjoy. Their explorations inspired her to talk with a friend, a guidebook writer, about crafting a book proposal. Her idea for the guidebook incorporated what she knew about traveling and sightseeing with her daughter and what she was learning about Miami.

The manuscript for the family-focused Miami guidebook took longer to write than she expected. In the process, she found she really liked what she was doing. “So much less angst is involved with non-fiction writing as compared to fiction writing,” she said. “I had stopped writing fiction for some time, but during the process of writing Miami for Families, I was reminded of the lyric from a song in Sound of Music, ‘When the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.’” Laura may have stopped writing fiction but she hasn’t stopped telling stories. Florida legends and stories from Florida history are interwoven throughout the



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the author

240 pages of Miami for Families. Laura believes “…history is important to include because it makes it more interesting for people to know why this building, neighborhood, space or person is significant. I enjoy doing the research and the retelling.”

Laura values her experience as a Tampa Prep student. For her, Tampa Prep fostered a sense that creativity was something admirable, something to tap into, everyday. “Teachers didn’t just tolerate an off-beat answer, or approach to an assignment, they encouraged it,” she said. “You got the message, ‘go ahead, be original.’ For a quirky, vintage clothes-wearing teenager like me, this was an incredible gift. From art class with Holly Choate, to French with Dr. Kriebel, to English with Joe Fenlon, Latin with the amazing Ms. Roper, and literature with the wonderful Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Markowitz, I felt really nurtured.” She recalls, “Music, dance, and theater were all sources of great joy. Whether it was singing “Maria” in West Side Story or tap dancing in Anything Goes, I was given such opportunities,” she related. My elementary school (which I loved),

St. John’s, was quite strict, and at Tampa Prep I felt like the school was saying, ‘OK, we trust you, go ahead, try things.’ So I did. Mrs. Grady and Mr. Davis both cultivated a wonderful atmosphere for learning. Looking back, I feel really lucky to have attended Tampa Prep.” By the time she graduated, she felt well prepared for the challenging courses at Columbia University. Laura continues to write articles for the Miami Herald and Sculpture. She recently created guest blog posts for travel websites such as YourLifeIsATrip.com and AuthenticFlorida.com. T Published in April, Miami for Families is available in Miami bookstores, Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com, and independent bookstores in other Florida cities. Miami for Families is included in the Peifer Library’s Tampa Prep Authors and Artists Collection.

Miami for Families: An ideal vacation guidebook for families university press of florida review by robin kennedy

“Splurge” are included, too—all with the needs of families in mind. Chapters are segmented by geography— Key Biscayne, South Beach, Coral Gables and

Looking for a vacation spot that kids and their

Little Havana, for example—, even a chapter on

parents will enjoy? Pick up Laura Albritton’s

trendy “Wynwood and the Design District” is

Miami for Families and plan a trip to the famed

included. To enrich the visitor’s experience and

Florida city. It’s the ideal vacation guidebook

provide valuable backdrop, intriguing brief his-

for families with children. Clearly written and

tories and entertaining Florida legends are

well organized, comprehensive but not over-

interwoven with basic information. For visitors

whelming, this guidebook is full of practical

who have a short time to explore beyond the

information, including pictures that give you a

city, the final chapter, “Further Afield,” about

peek at all the places you will visit.

the Everglades and the Florida Keys, has sug-

Suggestions about what to pack, safety and

gestions about getting the most from a day-

transportation information, maps and weather

trip. In this chapter “Survival Tips” includes

information are what you need to know.

information and resources for campers.

“Inside Scoop” points the visitor to places that

Miami for Families will fit easily into your

even some Miami residents haven’t discovered

tote bag or backpack. Don’t leave home for

yet, and “Deal” shares money-saving tips.

your Gold Coast vacation without it.

Where to find “Necessities” in every location, how to spend a “Rainy Day” in a usually sundrenched locale and where it’s fun to

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folde Prints four-color-process and bleed



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A happy Zach Burmeister and his parents attended the Reception in the Student Center following Graduation.

Zach Burmeister ’14: Innovator

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

Zach Burmeister arrived at Tampa Prep as a ninth grader with a novel idea, to start a Tampa Prep chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (fbla). In its first year, the Tampa Prep fledgling chapter of fbla attended the District 8 conference, taking away several awards and electing Zach as District President.

The chapter’s 15-person members excelled in a number of competitions with the nearly one thousand student attendees, taking three first places and winning Chapter of the Year. In his first year at Prep, Zach achieved a welldeserved reputation for taking an idea and bringing it to fruition.



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Smart Test Pro will be available in the Apple App store in the fall.

Always interested in technology, Zach got an idea for an educational app initiative. During the beginning of his senior year he learned Objective-C, the primary language used to develop applications for IOS. In line with the School’s one-to-one iPad initiative, his goal was to create an app that would allow students to take tests on their iPads. With this in mind, he went to work. What he created was actually two apps, one for the student (a test that looks like a scantron sheet) and the other for the teacher who controls the test. When a student finishes a test, he sends it to the teacher by clicking Save. The results return to the teacher and are automatically graded. An additional advantage of the student app is that it prevents cheating. Any actions, such as leaving the app, multitasking or taking screen shots would electronically notify the teacher. He

spoke with a few Tampa Prep teachers about his idea and they immediately saw the value of his concept. Zach held app trials in late spring with a view toward fixing any bugs by May. Teachers and students volunteered using actual tests. As a result of the trials, a series of adjustments were made to increase the “strength” of the app, for example, finding the answer to the question “How many students can I connect with a teacher?” Each trial took him closer to his goal and brought with it new functionality that made the app easier and more appealing to use from both a teacher and student perspective. “Zach is completely self-taught and has a good instinct for identifying needs in educational technology,” commented Suzy Lassacher, Student Technology Support Coordinator. “His work ethic is amazing given the fact that he did all the work on this project while participating on the swim team, doing college applications, carrying a full academic load and all the other things he did his senior year.” In July Zach’s app was approved by Apple and Zach’s company, zmb Applications, llc, was formed. Following a month of testing by Tampa Prep students in September, the app will be available for sale to the public. By then, Zach will be a freshman at the University of Denver where he will study Computer Science. T

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tampa preparatory athletics tempo fall 2014

Senior Night for the Softball Team (l–r): Aloki Patel, Kam Beach, Ariel Liebensperger ’14, Kim Fulton, Rachel Cosmas, Rachel Gordon ’14, Christina Gigliotti, Caitlin Zettel, Melissa Illig, Emily McDonald, Jessie Hickey ’14. Front row: Miriam McCargar, Julianne Ramirez

by mike flynn, athletic director

partnership with positive coaching alliance aims to teach athletes how to score in the sports arena and beyond As part of a targeted effort to provide the most positive experience for its studentathletes, Tampa Prep Athletics has established a multi-year partnership with Positive Coaching Alliance (pca). pca, a Stanford University-based non-profit organization, works with coaches, organizational leaders, and parents across the nation to more effectively teach young

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

athletes not only how to win, but also about teamwork, discipline, respect, and goal-setting through their sports experiences. pca workshops and courses strive to establish these prevailing models in youth and high school sports: r The Double-Goal Coach®, whose first goal is winning, and whose second, more-important goal is teaching life lessons through sports r The Second-Goal Parent®, who concentrates on life lessons, while letting coaches and athletes focus on competing

r The Triple-Impact Competitor®,

who strives to impact sport on three levels by improving oneself, teammates and the game as a whole. pca Tampa Bay was launched January 22, 2014. The pca Tampa Bay Board includes Tampa Prep community leaders. pca workshops for students, parents and coaches begin on campus August 2014. T



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clockwise from image at left: Oscar Skjaerpe, Boys Multisport Athlete of the Year, Cross-country, Swimming, Soccer, Track and Field, presented by Mr. Plummer during Senior Celebration; Kam Beach received Girls Multisport Athlete of the Year for Volleyball and Softball, presented by Mr. Carlson at a Spirit Assembly; senior athletes sign with their colleges in a special Assembly, joined by their coaches and families. (l–r): Abby Bravo, Florida Southern College; Nick DeTringo, St. Petersburg College; Josh Kravitz, U.S. Coast Guard Academy; Sam Martin, Tulane University; Rasmus Skjaerpe, University of Arizona; Michael Spezza, Florida Atlantic University; Carylyn Waite, Assumption College; Ryan Corning steps up to the plate in an early evening game; with her parents attending, Paige Leavy received the Girls Athlete of the Year Award for Tennis from Mr. Plummer; Mr. Plummer presented the Boys Athlete of the Year Award to Rasmus Skjaerpe for excellence in Swimming.

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from the board of trustees 17 fall 2014 tempo

New Initiatives Implemented: A Springboard to the Future message from the president of the board of trustees On behalf of the Board of Trustees, it is my pleasure to offer a special welcome to our new families—you are now part of Terrapin Nation!—and to reconnect with our continuing families as well as our outstanding faculty and staff. As we begin our 40th year and look back at our humble beginnings, we can boast with a great deal of pride in what has been accomplished. From the old fairgrounds buildings and a school enrollment of 38 to a state-of-the art facility with a maximum enrollment of 640 students, Tampa Prep continues to raise the bar for excellence in education. Our current Strategic Plan, created in 2010, is coming to a successful conclusion with the remodeling of the Middle School. The meteoric adoption of our

stem and Global Studies curriculum; the accelerated build-out of the Student Center and the third floor wing, including our new College Counseling Suite; and our focused marketing efforts to communicate the unique Tampa Prep experience have all helped to catapult us to a position of leadership, not only in Tampa Bay but on a national level as well. The Board of Trustees continues its efforts to support Mr. Plummer, our faculty and staff. We have begun the process of crafting a new Strategic Plan with our eye not only on the upcoming five years but the next 25 as well. Great things are happening at Prep! T – Gail Bernucca

photograph by rob harris

Volunteers Fuel Prep Community Spirit message from the president of the tampa prep parents alliance As Prep’s new Parent Alliance President, I am excitedly looking forward to partnering with tppa board members, grade level team parents, and all parent volunteers to make 2014–15 an amazing and productive year. I am confident that we will have a wonderful journey together. So many parents stepped up and said “Yes!” when I asked them to serve our School this year. Tampa Prep is a great school. Together we can make Prep an even greater place to impact our students’ future. Together we can continue to build a vibrant community. To achieve this effectively and successfully we ask all parents to volunteer in any capacity so that this year we will not only add to our volunteer number but will multiply them. This can only happen if you will volunteer at any level of participation, during school

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

hours and outside of school hours, on campus or in any location. Share your unique talents, strengths and skills with us. When we connect our individual strength together, we will be unstoppable and make our Prep community greater than ever. Step into Prep’s community of volunteers work side-by-side for our common cause, accomplishing a greater mission and exemplifying service to our kids. tppa’s motto this year is all for Prep, Prep for all. Go online to www.tampaprep.org and click on Parents. Then go to Parents Alliance and show your support by signing up to volunteer, or contact me by email at sleehochhausler@hotmail.com. Each grade level needs volunteers for 5–7 events and activities and other overall school events. T – Sung Hochhausler



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Mr. Austin and former Interim Head of School, Dr. David Delo, lead Trustees and faculty in the 1986 graduation recession at Falk Theater; Mr. and Mrs. Austin host an Auction Patrons Party in their home.

In Memoriam: Alfred S. Austin 1929–2014 “Al Austin was really the Founding Father of Tampa Prep,” former Board of Trustees Treasurer Solon O’Neal recalls. “In the early years of the School, we had difficult decisions to make. Al’s hands-on involvement and his leadership in the first ten years allowed the School to move ahead.” In 1974 Mr. Austin and thenUniversity of Tampa President Bob Owens “were looking to start a highquality, independent, non-denominational prep school,” said Tampa Prep Head of School Kevin Plummer. The plan was for the School to be located on the University of Tampa campus and share some of the UT facilities. The first classrooms and offices were located in the former Fairgrounds buildings. Former Head of School Susanna Grady remembers, “Al built a Board of

citizens committed to the School and interested in having their children attend. His construction company did all of the initial renovation work and the second phase of improvements, underwriting almost all of the debt himself. Although there were other signers on the notes, he really secured it all.” Mr. Austin and his wife, Beverly, together did all they could to make the School successful. Mrs. Grady recalls, “Bev and Al hosted all of the early faculty gatherings at their home and helped store ‘white elephants’ for the School’s garage sale, the first fundraiser.” Mrs. Austin was the first president of the Parents Club. Their daughter, Ann, graduated in 1978. Through the years, the Austins attended and hosted Tampa Prep social events

and Mr. Austin was a speaker for a number of special events. “Al truly gave a real gift to the greater Tampa community through the creation of Tampa Prep,” Mrs. Grady said, “and he was able, at least in the early years, to bind this gift to the University that he loved.” In Mr. Austin’s honor, since 1983 the Alfred S. Austin Award has been presented annually by the Head of School to a student who not only excels academically but who is also “a respected member of the School community, involved in multiple school activities, and whose presence at Tampa Prep has enriched the lives of each of us.” (See Awards, p. 24). T

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Moments to Remember

clockwise from above: Nadia Kirsch ’14, Alexandra Kirsch ’10, and Michelle Aufiero-Afione ’14; The Hollar family, Simone, Erin 14, Spenser ’12, Lee; Andre Ruas ’14 and his sisters, Lisa Ruas ’03 (left) and Emily Ruas ’06 (right); The Martin family, (l–r) Allan, Marie, Sam ’14, and Sam’s brother and sister, Ben and Katie

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.



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commencement 2014 tempo fall 2014

Class of 2014 Matriculation Alexa Rose Abitabilo*

University of Central Florida Jomarie Liz Adorno Lopez*

University of Central Florida Michelle Fabienne Aufiero-Affione

International Student Zachary Nathaniel Axel†*

Emory University Izabelle Mei Baskette*

Florida State University Taryn Mandee Bedard†*

Bates College Abigail Mackenzie Bravo*

Florida Southern College Zachary Mark Burmeister

University of Denver Aubrey Leigh Burns†*

The George Washington University Gregory Steven Campo†*

Rice University Molly Allison Cardillo

The University of Alabama Colton Joseph Carnevale

Florida State University Rachel Lauren Carr†*

University of Florida Thomas Woolsey Chadwick

Michigan State University Lyla Shafiq Chaudhry*

Agnes Scott College Barbara Ruth Cohn*

University of Florida Ryan Elliott Corning*

Elon University Chloe Nogueira Costa†

Royal Holloway, University of London † Cum Laude Society * National Honor Society

Isabella Elle Cura

Alexandra Margaret Daley

Florida Southern College Michael Madison DaSilva, Jr.

University of Toronto, St. George John Nicholas DeTringo, IV*

St. Petersburg College John Carlos Dew, II*

Drexel University Courtney Mackenzie Diamond†*

University of Central Florida Bresasha Castellanos Duquaine*

College of Charleston Rachel Esther Fishman*

The George Washington University Austin Samuel Freedman*

Florida State University Alexander Paul Freeman

Florida International University Greta Frontani*

International Student Matthew Kevin Fulton†*

University of Florida Rachel Marie Gordon†*

University of Florida Elizabeth Hull Haydon

Ringling College of Art and Design Christopher Thomas Hendrix

The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina Jessie Marie Hickey

Samford University Erin Delane Hollar

University of Central Florida John Charles Holmes, III*

University of Florida Katherine Anne Hood†*

University of Southern California

University of Central Florida

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Matthew Raymond Weitzel Husfield

University of Central Florida

max lerner, taz strauch, austin freedman, yoni wasser, kevin takemoto

Symone Sierra Hutchinson-Burris*

Samford University John Thompson Hutton

Samuel David Martin†*

Boston University

Tulane University

Andrew Karl Illig

Hobart and William Smith Colleges Nickeel N. Kanji

University of Central Florida Allegra Sahana Kartha*

Kristen Grace McFarren*

Berklee College of Music

University of Florida

Alexia Caterina Michaelos Matthew Thomas Miller

Florida Gulf Coast University Emily Erin Murphy*

Scripps College

Villanova University

Sophia Marie Klabik*

Zane Alexander Murphy†*

Joshua Andrew Kravitz*

United States Coast Guard Academy Olivia Rose Kresic

Florida State University Seung-Yeon Lee

University of South Florida, Tampa Benjamin Marc Leeds*

Florida State University Ariel Taylor Leibensperger*

Samford University Maxwell Harrison Lerner†*

Southern Methodist University Grant Alan Lienhart

Sewanee: The University of the South Pedro Lopes Lima+*

Carnegie Mellon University Andrew Michael Losee

Florida Gulf Coast University Zachary Andrew Lynn

University of Central Florida

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

University of Miami

Barnard College

Sophia Catherine Kemm*

Boston University

Alterria Nzingha-Monique Pyles* Ariana Jacqueline Raitano†*

Stetson University

Nadia Helena Kirsch*

Florida State University

Laura Marie McLean†*

American University Florida State University

Morgan Brittany Puls

California Institute of Technology Jeanine Wachtel Needles*

University of Florida Kelsie Marie Nehrboss

Florida State University Thu Anh Nguyen

Undecided Wyatt Quang Nguyen

University of Central Florida Mitchell William Overfield*

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Daniel Joseph Palmer*

Florida State University Corbin Soubinh Panturad

Levi Sherard Randolph†*

University of Florida Jade Ivy Ransohoff†*

Wesleyan University Watson Matthew Ransom*

University of Mississippi Dylan Thomas Roberts

Colorado State University Lola Marie Rosas

Eckerd College Nicole Merav Ross*

American University Andre Davidson Ruas*

Johns Hopkins University Mannat Kaur Sandhu†*

University of South Florida, Tampa Esther Aline Schneider*

Indiana University at Bloomington James Patrick Sheil, IV

Missouri University of Science and Technology Mara Siegman*

Butler University

Brandeis University

Olivia Grace Petracelli*

Oscar Grimsmo Skjaerpe*

Florida State University Siah Aayanna Prince

Howard University

University of Florida Rasmus Grimsmo Skjaerpe

The University of Arizona



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22 commencement tempo fall 2014

congratulations to the class of 2014 from the college counseling office The Class of 2014 is the first class to enjoy the new College Counseling

The Class of 2014 is ready to make the transition to their college world,

suite on the third floor. Since our new space includes a large conference

and as they do, they will bring a myriad of talents and gifts with them to

room, this became the general gathering spot for seniors during their

their respective college communities, for this class exemplifies our mis-

study halls. Seeing the seniors more often was a bright spot in our day!

sion. They are individualists, intellectuals, mathematicians, engineers, builders, singers, musicians, robot designers, readers, scientists, food

They are also the first seniors to use iPads in the application process. Not

experts, costume designers, dancers, politicians, globally aware, entre-

only was it easy to meet with seniors when they needed assistance, the

preneurs, cookie company moguls, actors, community builders, volun-

iPads allowed us to work in concert on our separate devices when review-

teers, athletes, writers, networkers, animal lovers, travelers and

ing essays, accessing information or trouble-shooting applications. The

concerned citizens of the world. In short, they are creative thinkers who

new meeting spaces, as well as the new technology, allowed all of us to

aspire to excellence and who go beyond in a multitude of ways, leaving

have more meaningful interactions when navigating the world of college

their mark on the world.


Jean Wall

Tara Nelan

Jody Rodriguez

Director of College Counseling

Assistant Director of College Counseling


Michael Anthony Spezza

Florida Atlantic University Downs Calvin Spitler, IV

University of Oregon Matthew Christopher Steinborn*

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Trent Allen Strauch, Jr.*

Florida State University Kevin Tyler Takemoto*

University of Miami Priya Taneja†*

University of Florida Trevor Adonis Juan Torres

Florida Gulf Coast University Jonathan Thomas Tortorici

Florida State University Alana Chanelle Tucker†*

Dartmouth College Visakan Viththahan Vairavamoorthy*

University of California at Los Angeles Christian Scott Valesares* † Cum Laude Society

Peter Samuel Valesares*

University of Denver Thomas Pieter van Egmond

University in the Netherlands Alexander Joseph Viamari

Florida State University Daniel Ashley Vincent*

Florida State University Carylyn Wuman Waite*

Assumption College Jason Dante Warner

Tallahassee Community College Yonatan Yehuda Wasser*

University of Florida Joshua Thomas Watts

Elon University Bishop Anne Weaver*

Oglethorpe University Taylor Kay Whitworth†*

Duke University Timothy Edward Zollinger*

University of Central Florida

Elon University

* National Honor Society

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Class of 2014 Achievements Honored Senior Celebration is an annual Tampa Prep tradition, a time for graduates and their families to celebrate four years together, recognizing their accomplishments and sharing nostalgic moments of music, song and a class video of remembrances. Selected students received awards in each academic discipline and the School’s perpetual awards were presented in addition to the Twelfth-Grade Faculty Award, the Senior Class Awards and awards from the Alumni Association. Awards and recipients are listed below.

academic awards r fine arts Pedro Lima (bottom right) r fine arts honors Isa Cura, Matt HusField, Josh Kravitz, Alterria Pyles, Lola Rosas r english Greg Campo r english honors Sheva Cohn, Rachel Gordon, Katie Hood, Priya Taneja, Taylor Whitworth r foreign and classical language Rachel Gordon (top right) r foreign and classical language honors Izabelle Baskette, Aubrey Burns, Erin Hollar, Jade Ransohoff, Taylor Whitworth

r r

history and social sciences Aubrey Burns (middle right) history and social sciences honors Sheva Cohn, Michael Da Silva, Rachel Gordon, Katie Hood, Jade Ransohoff

r r r r

mathematics Pedro Lima mathematics honors Greg Campo, Rachel Gordon, Sam Martin, Laura McLean, Zane Murphy science Greg Campo science honors Pedro Lima, Laura McLean, Zane Murphy, Mitchell Overfield, Visakan Vairavamoorthy

senior athletics awards r athlete of the year, single sport Rasmus Skjaerpe, Swimming r multi-sport athlete of the year Oscar Skjaerpe, Cross-Country, Swimming, Soccer, Track and Field

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

continued on following page



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24 commencement tempo fall 2014

tampa preparatory school perpetual awards r valedictorian Greg Campo r senior class award Katie Hood r twelfth-grade faculty award Oscar Skjaerpe r alfred s. austin award Visakan Vairavamoorthy (middle right) r cathy smith humanitarian award Katie Hood (top right) r paul l. whiting, sr., award Pedro Lima r william a. krusen, sr., award Isa Cura (bottom right) national awards r national merit finalists Greg Campo, Zane Murphy, James Sheil r national merit commended scholars Rachel Gordon, Katie Hood, Sam Martin, Jade Ransohoff, Taylor Whitworth

alumni association awards r spirit award Austin Freedman, Katie Hood r faculty appreciation award Martha DeAmbrose, John DeTringo r distinguished alumni awards Susannah Wilson Smith ’87 awards criteria r valedictorian Recipient has highest academic average in the class. r senior class awards Recipient is representative of the spirit of that particular class, and is chosen by the senior class.


twelfth-grade faculty award Given to that student who most exemplifies the moral and intellectual ideals of the School.


alfred s. austin award Established to honor the former President of the Board and a founding Trustee, this award is given to a student who excels academically, is a respected member of the community, is involved in multiple activities at school, and whose presence has enriched the lives of us all.


william a krusen, sr., award Established in memory of Trustee Emeritus Bill Krusen’s adventurous spirit, gentle wit, love of family, dedication to his community, and passion for Tampa Prep that fueled his thirty-year commitment to the School’s continued excellence and to its Rowing program; presented annually to a student who personifies these qualities.


cathy smith humanitarian award Presented to a student who has exhibited altruism and compassion through service in the community and/or the Tampa Bay community at large, through work with organizations and events that benefit others, and whose actions reflect a larger sense of caring, as does former President of the Board, Cathy Smith, in whose honor this Award is presented.


paul l. whiting, sr., award Established to honor the former President of the Board and presented for outstanding leadership and service to the School.

Plaques with the names of awards recipients are found in the glass-front cases in the Mitchell Lobby and in the Large Conference Room.

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2014 Commencement Addresses greg campo, valedictorian Parents, faculty, guests, and the class of 2014, it is an honor and my pleasure to be speaking before you on this special day. Now I’m not a great public speaker, so I’m gonna make this as brief as possible. Thank you. (walks away from the podium…then returns) Just kidding, it’s a little bit longer than that, but not too much. When I became a Tampa Prep Terrapin five years ago, I was unbelievably nervous as I made my first trip through the school’s halls. No matter if you came to Prep seven years ago as a lowly 6th grader or just this year as an omnipotent senior, I bet all of you were at least a little bit nervous too. Who knows, maybe you were even as nervous as, say, someone who’s terrified of public speaking and has to give an address in front of hundreds of people. The beautiful thing about the class of 2014 and Prep as a whole, however, is that no matter how nervous you felt at the beginning of your journey, after only a few days you were already part of a loving, nurturing community. This sense of belonging, being a member of a group willing to support you and help you up when you stumble is what makes Tampa Prep such a great place to me—and I’m sure what makes it special to many of you as well. So, since I’m apparently qualified to stand up here and distribute sage life advice, I urge you all never to forget the people who have encouraged you and helped you make it this far. It doesn’t matter if they’re parents, siblings, friends, teachers, pets, friendly wild animals, or anyone else, because in the end it’s the people closest to you that matter most. Don’t miss these last few chances to let your family know how grateful you are for their help or to tell your best friend how much you care about them. Mom, Dad,

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

Laura, Hannah, Zachy B., you guys are the best. We’ve all achieved so much already, and years from now when we meet up for a Tampa Prep High School reunion, we’ll all be multibillionaires, but if we forget the people who mean the most to us along the way, all the money in the world won’t be able to make us happy. People naturally grow and change as they go through life and meet new people, so I’m not saying that you have to thank your freshman World History class for every good thing that happens to you for the rest of your life, but it’s important to acknowledge the loving, caring people that have helped make you who you are today and will more than likely continue to shape you throughout the rest of your life. In short, don’t forget your friends, don’t forget Tampa Prep, don’t forget your family, and, most importantly, if you become super wealthy and famous… (whispers) don’t forget me. T visakan v. vairavamoorthy, 2014 class address I have a confession to make. When I was living in England, I believed that all highs schools in America were just like the one in High School Musical! Divided lunches where the athletes were at the head of the food chain, and the geeks were their prey! Classes where the teachers would sleep half the time. School lunches that consisted of 2% cooked food and 98% white goo, oil and human hair. And that the Prom, was apparently the most important event in a students’ lives since their conceptions. So when my dad told me we were moving to America, I had this image of what Tampa Prep would be like. Trust me—I was prepared for the worst. So—what a huge relief it was for me, that when I came to Tampa Prep I real-

Greg Campo, Valedictorian of the Class of 2014 distributes sage advice.



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2014 Commencement Addresses

Chosen by his classmates to give the Class Address, Visakan Vairavamoorthy, and his parents, Kalanithy and Varanie Vairavamoorthy

ized it was nothing like High School Musical. Except, maybe the lunches. And…. I did see a couple of teachers snoozing off occasionally! So, thank you Tampa Prep for not being like High School Musical. I’ll never forget my first day at Tampa Prep. I had just gotten off a 9-hour flight from London and rushed to Tampa Prep for the first day of orientation. I really hated the first day. I had no friends and it was strange being in a new country. I always remember one particular incident on that first day. As we were waiting for our parents to come pick us up, Andrew approached me and offered his hand in friendship. Coming from England, a country of emotionally reserved people, I didn’t really know how to respond to this gesture. I thought he was messing with me in some

way so I looked at his hand, looked at him and just walked away. Little did I realize at the time, that Americans have a kindness and friendliness that is rare anywhere else in the world. And over the past four years, I have received more and more of this kindness and friendship…And this is what has really characterized my experiences here at Tampa Prep. My second day at Tampa Prep was the retreat camp. On the journey to the camp, I sat next to my first ever friend at the school…Levi. I always remember my conversation with Levi on the bus. And him not understanding a word I was saying because of my accent. Every few sentences he said, “Say that again. Say that again.” I remember thinking to myself: Is this is what the next four years of my life are going to be like? And I was right. I became known as the “Indian kid with the British accent.” My conversations were usually limited to words from the Harry Potter movies, the favourites being “Harry Potter, the boy who lived” and “You’re a wizard, Harry.” My accented ‘A’s’ made fruits a

favourite among the students with words like ‘tomato’ and ‘banana.’ I also got into countless arguments with teachers. I mean really? Who says aluminum?? We all know it should be aluminium. So my accent was a source of entertainment, but the most important change for me was the style of learning here at Tampa Prep. In England I was mostly taught to memorize. Read information and regurgitate it for a test. At Tampa Prep, I was taught to learn, understand, and think for myself. I was encouraged to express my views while listening to and interpreting other people’s ideas. My mind was allowed to wander, explore, invent and imagine. I was encouraged to explore my artistic side, through acting and singing. And I had great support from my fellow students who inspired me and always stood behind me. The teachers here at Tampa Prep really believed in us, and they genuinely cared for our well-being. On behalf of the Class of 2014, thank you to our Tampa Prep teachers for all you have given us. We look up to you…. always! Now, let’s rewind to a couple of months ago. During senior year, something took place in my life that changed me completely. I had a near-death experience which I am sure you are all familiar with. I was recording with André for an AP Government project and I was dressed up as a terrorist. I was running through the garage, escaping the imaginary police officers behind me. Suddenly ….bang! I smashed my head on the garage door and crashed to the ground. During my five seconds of unconscious slumber, words rang in my head from one of the greatest artists and philosophers of our century, drake. “Now she want a photo, you already know, though, You only live once: that’s the motto, yolo”. Although the word yolo is

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2014 Commencement Addresses thrown around a lot by our generation, it really is an obvious truth that I have to remind myself of each day. You really do only live once. Don’t waste it. Many of you, most of you, like me, have no idea what you want to do with your lives. You still feel like you don’t know who you are or what you want to be. And like me – you were just as clueless as when you first came to high school. I could tell you that you are all going to go on to do great things, prosper, change the world and have a wonderful future. But of course I can’t—I’m not in charge of your future—you are! And I am as anxious as all of you! What we receive today is a piece of paper that confirms that we graduated high school (something I hope you already knew). What you need to remember is that the only reason you are graduating today is because of the choices you’ve made, the endless hours of dedication and hard work you have put into your education for the past years. It is all been down to you. Class of 2014, believe in yourself and all that you are. Most importantly have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. I remember at Convocation, when Mr. Plummer says, “Look to your right, look to your left, these are the kids that you are spending the next year or more with. You’ll share your ups and downs with them. It is certain that they will change you in one way or another.” Now, Class of 2014. Look to your right, look to your left. These are the kids that you have spent your high school life with. These are the kids that have changed you mainly for the better. These are the kids that have helped you on your journey through high school. For me personally, I can truly say that during this journey I have grown as an individual. I have had the honour and priv-

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

ilege to meet and get to know every single one of you. I have seen you all grow in the same way as I have, and I am proud to call everyone sitting here today—every member of the Class of 2014—my family. I would like to dedicate my close to the Headmaster, the administration and facilities staff of Tampa Prep, who have helped make this my beautiful home for the past four years. To the amazing teachers who have taught me how to think and who have made my education so fun and rewarding, a feat I never thought was possible. To all the parents and relatives of my Class of 2014 who have shaped us into intelligent, athletic, artistic, wonderful, beautiful men and women. And of course to my Class of 2014, for making me and all of us the people we are today. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You! T

History teacher, Doug Smith, was selected by the Class of 2014 to give the Faculty Commencement Address.

doug smith, faculty address Although we are encouraged not to play favorites, and although I may get in trouble for saying this, I feel compelled to speak the truth to all of you today. For me, this is by far the wisest and brightest senior class I have had the pleasure of working with in my eight years at Tampa Prep. What, you ask, makes this class so much brighter than the others? It’s not Greg Campo’s raw brilliance, a brilliance that allowed him to read over 100 pages the night before his notoriously difficult multi-chapter AP U.S. History exams and ace them like no other. It’s not Rachel Gordon’s attention to detail, a focus that arguably puts her on par with some of the most highly compulsive attorneys, doctors, and cpas. That’s a heck of a group to be recognized with, Rachel, but I do mean this as a compliment. Truly. It’s not Andre Ruas, Pedro Lima, and Mitchell Overfield’s technological expertise, something that allowed those three



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2014 Commencement Addresses

Mr. Smith and Taylor Whitworth. Taylor’s family waved paddle pictures of her from the stands when she received her diploma.

and others to make a robot from scratch, enter that robot into multiple competitions, and then actually receive awards for the robot’s design. It is not, moreover, Dartmouth-bound Alana Tucker’s wickedly sharp mind and her ability to dissect complicated Supreme Court opinions that has made this graduating class so special. All of those things undoubtedly help to make this class a strong one, but I feel, of course, that the true measure of a graduating class’s wisdom is its selection of a commencement speaker. (laughter) In this regard, I think that it is only appropriate that we take a moment to recognize and to applaud the brilliance of the Class of 2014…. (laughter, applause) Visakan was a wonderful choice -- well done Class of 2014. (more laughter, more applause) I am truly honored to have been selected to speak today. I am particularly honored when I think about the many great choices (namely, my colleagues) that you all had to choose from—so thank you – this is a real honor. Not only am I honored to speak with you today, I actually wanted to speak with the Class of 2014 at Commencement. Frankly, I would be crazy to pass up this opportunity…. After all, this is the first time in several months that I can say, with some degree of certainty, that none of you are trying to beat your high scores in Angry Birds or Candy Crush while I am talking. I guess at the very least, your selection means that a good number of you don’t despise me. For the record, I don’t despise you either. And I think at the end of the day, your selection probably also means that some of you respect me, perhaps because I pushed you academically and/or athletically. I hope that is the case, because that, in my opinion, is really my job; and we—the faculty—have done

our jobs if we pushed you out of your academic comfort zones. That is when real growth and maturation occurs. How you react to those challenges is evidence of your character. what i have learned about the class of 2014

One of the exceptional things about Tampa Prep is that many of the classes are taught in collaborative environments—environments in which faculty and students learn together, debate together, and discuss ideas collectively. Within this type of environment, I feel that—for better or worse—I have really gotten to know the Class of 2014, and one of the things I have learned about this class is that most of our graduating seniors already possess the qualities of successful, healthy, and happy adults. hard work

In my mind, for example, hard work is the cornerstone of any type of success. If you want to do well in school, you, of course, need to work at it. If you want to become the best at something– a sport, a musical instrument, or computer programming—you need to work at it. Since I met him four years ago as a freshman soccer player, Oscar Skjaerpe has been the personification of hard work. I didn’t, however, really get to know him until mid-season of his freshman year. The reason for this, of course, was that he was finishing the seasons for the two other sports with which he was involved— cross-country and swimming. After his cross-country practices were over, Oscar would, out of nowhere, just appear on the soccer field, winning tackles, kicking his teammates, and running hard – even though he had probably just run 3–6 miles during his cross-country practice. In the classroom, Oscar’s work ethic was

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2014 Commencement Addresses equally as strong. I know that he (and many of his classmates) were regularly up until the early hours of the morning trying to juggle the rigors of tough academic courses along with demanding extracurricular schedules. With hard work, Class of 2014, you did it. create

Hard work will only take you so far, though, right? According to Forbes Magazine, successful people are creators. Successful people, according to Forbes, create the things that others will pay money to consume. Instead of listening to podcasts, a successful person creates them. (No, Mr. Riley had nothing to do with the writing of this speech). Although still in its beta testing stage, for his 3# Project, Zach Burmeister created an app for the iPad that could provide a secure testing environment for teachers and educational institutions across the country and around the world. Zach (and so many of his classmates) don’t stand idle – they create, and their creations have undoubtedly enriched our institution. Well done, Class of 2014. mental toughness

Even with hard work and creativity, nothing is guaranteed. Because it is a dog-eatdog world, on top of everything else, you also need to be mentally tough. But what is mental toughness? I’m not sure how exactly to define it, but I’m pretty sure that Ariana Raitano is an example of it. If you have ever met Ariana, you know that she exudes an unwavering inner confidence. She is unquestionably conscientious, but she doesn’t need and she cetainly doesn’t seek approval from anyone. I can’t help but to believe that this type of confidence must come, at least in part, from how we prepare ourselves for the tasks and challenges we face in our lives

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

each day. I can assure you, for example, that you will not be confident in a class discussion if you come to a class unprepared. Preparation will give you confidence and confidence will give you the inner strength you will need in the future. Class of 2014, you should already have a real sense of preparedness and you should feel quite confident about where you currently stand. You have built a solid academic foundation at Tampa Prep. the power of friendship

There is one other thing I’ve noticed about the Class of 2014—you know how to be good friends to one another, and this is arguably one of most important qualities you will need to take with you to college. Unless you are planning on living at Walden Pond by yourself, it’s best to know how to co-exist with others. This doesn’t mean that you have to compromise your principles and beliefs, but it does means that you need to be considerate of others; and, if you want them to pay attention to you, you need to respect them and listen carefully to what they have to say. I’ve been at a couple of weddings in which the guests have had full-blown conversations during the speeches of the best man, the maid-of-honor, and/or father of the bride. Yes, the speeches were far too long, but, if nothing else, don’t we (at least when it’s appropriate) owe each other our undivided attention? I have learned a lot from my parents in this regard. When they spend time with my kids (their grandchildren), they are truly present, patient, and attentive during every painstaking task that they are asked to do, like play Monopoly with a six-yearold or watch a five-year-old build with a Lego set. If you take anything away from this address, remember that the most valuable gift you can give to someone else

is your time and your undivided attention. The American novelist Jonathan Safran Foer said as much when he wrote, “There is no better use of a life than to be attentive to the needs of others.” With the advent of newer and faster technology, this task only gets more difficult, Class of 2014. But when I hear you with one another, when I see you in the halls and around campus, I am reassured that your priorities are in order. Your friendships are undoubtedly of paramount importance to you. For example: r Yoni Wasser and Austin Freedman,





your friendship was made evident by how you entered my classroom each day smiling, laughing, and sometimes even before the bell. Taylor Whitworth, Taryn Bedard, Jeanine Needles, Bree Duquaine and others—you, undoubtely have a strong bond, because if you didn’t, there is no way you would have dressed up as 1980s workout enthusiasts for Halloween. That seems like a feat for only the most committed of friends. Alex Daley and Emily Murphy, I know that the two of you share a special bond. After all, I know it was the two of you who joined together to graffiti my classroom door with post it notes. I know it was you, Alex. Katie Hood, you are a wonderful friend to all the members of your clique, a clique that seems to include—well— the entire Class of 2014. Sam Martin, Nick Detringo, Tim Zollinger, Matt Fulton, your friendship for one another seems to have become stronger because of your mutual love of baseball. This seems to be very similar to the guys on the soccer team – Michael, Oscar, Dylan, and Thomas. Your bond, too, was made stonger by sport.



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2014 Commencement Addresses r Max Lerner, Taz Strauch, and some oth-

ers took a cruise to Mexico together over Spring Break. Another group of Spring Breakers was even more fortunate. Not only did they get to bond with each other on a boat in the Caribbean, they also had the good fortune of randomly choosing the same cruise as our Dean of Students, Mrs. Jisha. r And what of Matt Steinborn, Andrew Losee, Dylan Roberts, and the large group of senior boys who sat on the benches outside of the gym every day after school for the past four years. I can only imagine what those benches would say if they could talk.

John Fahey, Class of 1990, Alumni Association President, addressed the Class, lauding faculty and administrators for vision, commitment and excellence.

In summary, work hard, create, be prepared, be truly present and attentive with your friends and family, and be reasonable. In short, being reasonable means that you shouldn’t do anything that will make your heart drop every time you hear a police siren. Finally, take advantage of your opportunities. According to a 2010 study from Harvard, less than 7% of the world’s population has a college degree. By earning a college degree, therefore, you will be putting yourself in a stronger position than 93% of the world’s population. What are you going to do with that kind of opportunity? I won’t sugarcoat this—the people in this room and I are counting on you to fulfill your potential and run with the opportunity you have in front of you. Get your degree. That will give you the power to make a difference; and remember, you can have a positive impact on humanity in any profession. I’m not saying you have to give your life to non-profit work or “save” the world. There is nothing wrong with making a lot of money, but never go into a field for that reason alone, and never go into a field for anyone other than yourself. If you do, I promise you,

you will regret it. Remember, I’m telling you all of this as a licensed attorney who teaches high school history and government. I wish you well Class of 2014, and in closing, I will tell you what I tell all of my classes as they are about to face a big challenge or take a big test: “Good luck, and whatever you do, don’t blow it!” T john fahey ’90 alumni association welcome It is my privilege and honor to speak to you on this Commencement day. I nearly had the chance to address the Tampa Prep community at my graduation in 1990 as I was the 37th alternate for Valedictorian. Obviously this has been a long time coming. (laughter) On behalf of the Alumni Association I would like to pass along words of congratulations and appreciation. The class of 2014 has represented our school brilliantly in all endeavors they have undertaken while at Prep. Their achievements in academics, athletics, the arts, and community service are truly profound. It makes it so easy to sing the praises of Prep to the Tampa Bay community at large with ambassadors like the 109 of you who join the ranks of alumni today. We would like to thank the Faculty and Staff for inspiring, nurturing, and challenging this tremendous class. We are so fortunate to have such an outstanding and dedicated faculty that has so greatly aided us all in developing not just a foundation of knowledge, but so acutely developed our critical thought and communicative skills, those skills that are so difficult to measure or quantify but are so apparent as we continue our life journeys. We truly appreciate all of your efforts whether you just finished your first year at Prep, or are fellow alums like Don Morrison, Kim Jago, Holly Smiekel, Ryan

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2014 Commencement Addresses Buchanan, Suzy Lassacher, or a Mathematics teacher like Butch Jalbert, who has helped shepherd all 39 classes who have matriculated through Prep since our founding. Thank you all. I would also like to recognize our senior leadership including our two division heads. Carl Carlson and his clan have been a great addition to our Tampa Prep family. A wise man who used to occupy Carl’s desk and—at nap time—sofa, often would say that it takes two years to really understand and embrace all of the dynamics of Tampa Prep. Carl, you have crushed that curve. We are truly happy you and your family have made Prep your home. I go way back with our Middle Division head. To me Joe Fenlon has represented all that is Tampa Prep since my family and I met him a year before I even applied to Prep. Joe’s contributions to our athletics program are widely known, but his accomplishments as an educator, mentor, leader, and friend are the stuff of legend. His passion for our school and dedication to every member of our community is awe-inspiring. It would be hard to imagine what Tampa Prep would be like if Joe, Cindy, Mychael, and Connor hadn’t graced our halls. Of course I would be remiss if I didn’t thank our fearless leader and Head of School. When I talk to fellow alums that haven’t had the opportunity to meet Kevin yet, they often ask, “What is he like?” My simple response is that he is one of us. Kevin Plummer gets Prep. He understands everything that Prep is and also has the vision of everything Prep can be. But vision means nothing without execution, and Kevin has proven time and time again that he and his team will meet and exceed the loftiest of goals. Kevin, you are not just one of us, you are the best of us.

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

Lastly, I want to share some of my perspectives with the Class of 2014. I believe all humans are born with an innate aptitude for exceptionalism. Unfortunately the vast majority never find themselves in an environment that germinates that seed of excellence. At some point, probably in the near future, you will realize what I have come to know. Tampa Prep is one of the greatest incubators of excellence you will ever find. Prep is a magnificent trigger of exceptionalism that we as alumni are truly fortunate to have experienced. Leverage your experiences and the opportunities and advantages that you have earned with your diploma. Stay connected with our School, your classmates, and your new fraternity of fellow Terrapin alums. There are no strangers among us, only friends who have shared a common yet amazingly unique experience. The shirts you received at convocation last fall brilliantly declared “We Are Tampa Prep.” That theme is only true because You are Tampa Prep. Thank you and congratulations. T

Mr. Plummer, Mr. Carlson and Mr. Fenlon lead the faculty procession into the Gym for the 38th Commencement ceremony, at the end of a great school year.



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Seniors in Action

clockwise from above: Lyla Chaudhry interned at the Walden Lake Early Learning Center in Plant City; intern Matt Fulton at Atlantic Merchant Capital Investors llc; Senior Breakfast, (l–r): Dan Vincent, Matt Steinborn, Dylan Roberts, Zane Murphy, Esther Schneider, Ben Leeds, Christian Valesares; Sam Martin, Katie Hood, and Visakan Vairavamoorthy show off the Senior Class Gift, a water station installed on the second floor; Nerds! (l–r): Austin Freedman, Andrew Ruas, Greg Campo, Zach Burmeister, Ryan Corning, Chloe Costa, Pedro Lima, Kevin Takemoto, Izabelle Baskette

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clockwise from above: Participating in nasa’s Global Selfies promotion on Earth Day, students shared their selfies with nasa; Wearing their college tshirts, Jessie Hickey, Symone Hutchinson-Burris, Ariel Leibensperger, dispel some misconceptions about the name of their college, Samford; seniors sing the Alma Mater during the Spirit Assembly.

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In Words and Pictures: What I’ll Remember During Senior Day, seniors were asked this question: “What will you remember most about your Tampa Prep years?” Here are some of their answers. r Grant Lienhart: “Mr. Bradshaw, who is

r r

r r r r r

absolutely unable to answer a True or False question with True or False!” Nicki Kanji, Sophia Klabik: “Friends!” Symone Hutchinson-Burris: “The people who supported me. My teachers.” John Holmes: “The people I’ve known here for the past seven years.” Andy Illig: “Mr. Quah. He’s such a different teacher.” Sheva Cohn: “AP World History. It’s so challenging!” Taylor Whitworth: “Being with friends in the butterfly garden.” Ariana Raitano: “The whole community, so easy-going. It’s so easy to make friends.”

r Pedro Lima: “Mitchell Overfield. 700



r r

r r

hours of Robotics a year did it. We weren’t friends at all until junior year.” Rachel Gordon: “Even though seniors usually get to school late, I always got here early just to hang out with my friends.” Wyatt Nguyen: “Bonding with friends on trips. It’s all about the people. And the faculty are awesome!” Lola Rosa: “Teachers. They’re so brilliant!” Matt Husfield: “Events. Black Box Unplugged. Playing the saxophone. Theater.” Carilyn Waite: “Swim team!” Elizabeth Haydon: “Friends, staff and faculty.”

r John Hutton: “Mrs. Cummins.” r Nick DeTringo, Tim Zollinger and


r r r


members of the Baseball Team: “Baseball memories. The team. Winning Regionals last year.” Trevor Torres: “The colors of the campus and the warm feeling. It’s like home.” Alex Freeman: “Unwinding with friends.” Priya Taneja: “The nice faculty. They are so friendly.” Ariel Leibensperger: “Being crazy with my friends in seventh period study hall—our ‘quiet time in the library.’” Ben Leeds: “Friends. And Tampa Prep. It’s home to me. “

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facing page: Mitchell Overfield, Taryn Bedard, Pedro Lima, Sheva Cohn, Taylor Whitworth, Chris Hendrix, Bre Duquaine, Jeanine Needles, Rachel Gordon, Ariana Raitano. this page, clockwise from above: Senior Day, Andrew Losee, Ben Leeds; Josh Kravitz in the recording studio he built in the Music Room storage area, his favorite place to be on campus; John Tortorici, Sam Martin, Ryan Corning, Tim Zollinger, Zach Lynn; Grant Lienhart and his family

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Moments to Remember

clockwise from above: Christian and Peter Valesares, ’14, their mother, Janet, and grandmother; Head of School Kevin Plummer and graduate Jason Warner ’14; the Raitano family, Emily ’11, Ariana ’14, Tony, Olivia ’12, Sheila

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left: Janel Newkirk Hutchinson ’89 attended the National Honor Society induction on campus of her daughter, Lexi. right: Former Tampa Prep student, Octavia Manzio of Rome, returned for a visit to campus in May.

class of 1977 octavia manzio dropped by to visit

the School recently while visiting Tampa with her son. Octavia was an international student from Italy who attended Tampa Prep for a year while she lived with Tampa relatives. She enjoyed seeing all the changes in the Tampa Prep landscape. “It’s changed a lot!” she said enthusiastically. Afterwards she took a stroll down memory lane and visited the original Tampa Prep building on the University of Tampa campus, too. Octavia and her family reside in Rome. class of 1981 andrew veghte is a Business

Analyst with aplifi. Andrew graduated from Cornell University in 1985

and received an mba from Florida International University. He lives in Aventura, Florida. class of 1984 ben veghte is Research Director for Social Security Works in Washington, D.C., who pointed out recently that “the average senior’s Social Security benefits are equivalent to a minimum wage income, about $15,000/year.” Ben was quoted in the online “Alliance for Retired Americans.” Ben holds a Ph.D. from University of Chicago in European History, a master’s degree from the Kennedy School of Government Harvard in Public Policy, and a bachelor’s degree from Columbia University. Ben attended the All-Alumni party in December.

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

class of 1985 lauren keith emails: “I am a DreamBuilder Coach, helping people define or refine their life’s dream in line with their core values and work with them through a 12-week coaching process to accelerate their progress from where they are now toward that dream. It is very rewarding work.” Lauren lives in San Diego, California. bud meadows is Executive Vice President of Ability Network, a leading healthcare technology company in the U.S. “Updates in the myability platform has transformed into a productivity engine,” Bud announced recently. “Latest advances feature a user-friendly interface with a single sign-on login and ID delivering significant time-savingsfor financial,

patient access, scheduling and administrative healthcare staff.” class of 1988 aimee wiles-banion just entered

her “eighth year of owning High Tide Gallery in historic downtown St. Augustine.” Alumni who have visited her local art gallery include keith curington and mary hall ’86. Aimee and husband Brad Banion just entered the infant adoption process in St. Augustine and appreciate leads from anywhere in the State of Florida. They can be reached at AimeeKBanion@gmail.com jonathan sper is the Director of Membership Marketing & Business for National Waste and Recycling Association. The nwra recently announced a new program encourag-




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Library on campus to see her daughter, Lexi, inducted. class of 1991 darci oak gibson and her family

’80s decade reunion planned Amy Peavyhouse Quezon ’85 and John Terry ’84 are planning the

reside in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Darci has a master’s degree in Managerial Leadership from National Louis University and is a Senior Director for Wildtree. Darci received her bachelor’s degree from DePauw University. t.j. weekes and his wife, Chris, and daughter, Tegan, recently relocated from Tampa to Olympia, Washington.

’80s Decade Reunion. Join Tampa Prep in the ’80s and the Tampa Prep Class of ’89 groups on Facebook for the latest information.

class of 1992

The party weekend will coincide with the 40th Anniversary Golf

caroline kass schwartz is with

Outing at Saddlebrook, October 25. A champagne brunch hosted

Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Tampa. She is the Portfolio Management Officer in Commercial Real Estate Banking. Caroline received a B.A. from Emory University and an mba from Georgia State University. nick pappas accepts Bitcoin! See links to his stories in Tampa Bay Times and Tampa Bay Business Journal: www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/blog /morning-edition/2014/03/techynerd-restaurateur-nick-pappasblazes.html. Nick is the owner of Flamestone American Grill in Clearwater.

by the Alumni Office will be held on campus, Sunday, October 26, 12–2:30 pm (free, rsvp required). Reunion information will be emailed and mailed via the U.S. Postal Service. Be sure you are on the list! Update your contact information the easy way: www.tampaprep.org/update.

class of 1994 reunion The Class of 1994 20-year reunion is set for Friday, November 28. An early evening event, 5–7 p.m, on campus will be hosted by the Alumni Office, followed by dinner at a nearby location in the downtown area. Sign on to the Tampa Prep Class of ’94 Facebook group page for details. Contact party planners Kelli Harris KLH610@gmail.com, Allisun Clarke Sfeir Asfeir2@gmail.com, or Breeze McCracken Benton breezemac27@mhsi.com. To update your contact information go to www.tampaprep.org/update. E-mails

class of 1993

and a mailed invitation will be sent.

allison smith bussone started a Facebook blog, Do It Yourself. Her recipes and shared tips for accessorizing your house and yourself are fabulous! Check it out. anabelle burges filbert completed the 2014 Boston Marathon with an amazing time of 3:14:22! Anabelle emails: “I ran my first marathon to raise money for the

ing members to do business with other members. class of 1989 liz jackson dowling is an inde-

pendent Marketing professional working in the greater New York City

area. Liz holds an mba in Marketing and International Business from Fordham University. janel newkirk hutchinson

attended the National Honor Society induction ceremony in the Peifer

Jessica Rekos Memorial Fund. My husband, Bryson Filbert, grew up in Newtown, Connecticut, next door to Krista Rekos. Krista and Rich lost their six-year-old daughter, Jessica, on December 14, 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School. We were very close to the family and the loss is still incomprehensible. Krista and Rich plan on using the funds to increase safety measures in all Newtown schools in the name of their daughter. It was a very emotional race for me and I am proud to have run in Jessica’s honor. Please tell Coach Jago I said hello. I still remember her when I run.” holly smiekel made a big change this year when, after 14 years of teaching Spanish to Tampa Prep students, coaching tennis, and doing community service with her students that gave them direct access to Spanish speakers—she moved to Denver, Colorado, where she will continue teaching Spanish at Kent Denver School. She will be greatly missed but she promises to return for reunions in the future. class of 1996 zach kouwe and drake lucas were married October 13, 2013, at Yosemite National Park. In spite of the Government shutdown, the ceremony took place inside the Park with their families present. Zach and Drake live in New York City where Zach is a Vice-president at Dukas Public Relations and Drake is a grant writer for Human Rights Watch. mike magidson was recently appointed to the Board of Directors of Turning Points, an organization for Manatee County homeless and those at risk for homelessness. Mike is a principal with the law firm of


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clockwise from image at left: Anabelle Berges Filbert ’93 completed the 2014 Boston Marathon!; Talia Shwer ’02 on her wedding day; Holly Smiekel ’93 at her last Tampa Prep faculty end-of-year lunch; Zach Kouwe ’96 and Drake Lucas were married in Yosemite National Park; Ona Madonia Pappas ’04 and her daughter, Diana, and husband, Aris; Natalie Smith ’03 returned to campus before leaving for grad school.




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alums tour campus and hear about renovations Alumni guests attended an outreach breakfast Wednesday morning. Invited by alum hosts John Fahey ’90, Shamus Warren ’92, Melissa Smith Carlson ’89, Janel Newkirk Hutchinson ’89 and Matt Danahy ’79, Guests were welcomed by Alumni Association President John Fahey and Alumni Director Robin Kennedy and listened to an informative presentation by Joe Fenlon about the Middle School renovations for Active Learning Environments. The group took a tour of recent changes on campus and talked with faculty who stopped by, including Kim Jago ’81, Donald Morrison ’86, Butch Jalbert and Dennis Facciolo. Alum guests included Allison Beard Luzier ’91, Billy Gillen ’92, Andy McDonald ’97, Brucie de Alejo Pitino ’99, Stephen ’89 and Shannon Dann, Lew Sollner ’92, Dinny Fahey ’92 Lechman and Shawn Hine ’90.

Blalock Walters P.A. in Bradenton, Florida. alexander nixon is an Art History and History adjunct lecturer at Berkeley City College in New York City and Photo Editor for bfa located in Union Square. Aelxander is crowdfunding for support for his children’s book, The Rise of Apassionéa. laura bosek rowland is a Brand Strategist at Tumbir and lives in the greater Atlanta area. She received a baba from the University of Florida in 2000.

class of 1997 sabrina carpenter caras and

Jason Caras announce the birth of a son, Paxton Nicholas, born May 20. susan henley fredricks

emails: “She has arrived!!!Maya Rose Fredricks 8lbs 6oz born at 10:35 pm, May 8, 2014. She is beautiful. And Joanne Alonso Byars Henley won the baby date pool! She was the closest with her guess of May 8th at 5:40 pm. Thank you all so much for playing with me and keeping my spirits up while waiting for our girl.” Susan’s baby date game kept everyone guess-

above: Nisha Mandalaya Bhayani and her husband Parin Bhayani on their wedding day.

ing up until the last minute. The prize was special art work by Susan’s oldest, three-year old Charlie. mayra yanes seyfarth is the the Chief Dietitian of nutrition services and the General manager of the service response center at Emerson Hospital through Sodexo. Her boys

are five and two. Mayra is a graduate of Johnson & Wales and has an M. P.H. from Simmons College. Maren Stuart is the Human Resources Manager for Ashmore Equities Investment Management in the DC Metro area. Maren received a


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clockwise from image above: Stephanie Crowley ’06 and Michael Spooner were married in October in Florida; Aaron Saltzman ’07, manager of Young & Sick, artwork by the band; Rachael Simon ’03 (left below), performer with La Reve in Las Vegas, and in costume as The Lizard (left above) for a show.




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class of 2004 reunion A 10-year class reunion on campus is planned for Friday, November 28, from 5-7 p.m. hosted by the Alumni Office, followed by a party at a downtown location. Watch for more information on Facebook. Emails and an invitation will be sent. Be sure to update your contact information www.tampaprep.org/update. Contact Megan Depatie megan.depatie@gmail.com for more information.

Hierss in Atlanta. She received her J.D. from Vanderbilt Law School. above: Brittany Pierpont ’05 celebrated with family on the occasion of her

class of 2002

graduation from the University of Maryland Dental School.

morgan mander is an Army

B.A. in Communication from the University of Maryland, College Park. class of 1999 In May, jordan behlman graduated magna cum laude from the University of Miami College of Law. Jordan was Law Review Editor and a member of the International Moot Court during his law student years. Following graduation he studied for and took the Bar Exam. Jordan works with Liebler Gonzalez law firm. Jordan received his bachelor’s degree from Vassar College. tara sullivan is the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Area Director for Central and Northern Florida. She writes: “In my new role I work with four local boards in Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, and Sarasota to fundraise as well as to implement programs to support local communities touched by suicide.” Tara organized the Out of the Darkness Walk at the University of Tampa in April.

class of 2001 blake adams is with CareFusion doing business as an operating room Medical Device Sales Consultant in Texas. Blake and his wife, Lynn, have a son, Leighton. gillian brautigam is a Certified Nurse Midwife at West Suburban Women’s Health in the Chicago area. elliott charles is the Associate Director of Athletics for Compliance at the University of South Florida. sara hammett glaser is a senior associate attorney at Shumaker, Loop and Kendrick. She has been practicing law since 2007. Sarah received her J.D. from Stetson University College of Law and received a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University in Industrial Management and Industrial Engineering. class of 2000 ashley alfonso was named a

Georgia Super Lawyer Rising Star in 2013 and 2014. Ashley is with the law firm of Swift Currie, McGhee and

Veterinary Corps Officer in charge of DoD Veterinary Services for Spain and Portugal. She emails, “Specifically, I take care of amazing Military Working Dogs, ensure a safe food supply through inspections of installation and commercial food establishments and operate a vet clinic for service members’ pets. It’s a rewarding job with many wonderful opportunities! I’m very fortunate to be fulfilling my lifelong dream of being a veterinarian while serving our country in an amazing location!” mary ottinger is back in the Bay Area for a Vascular Surgery Residency specialty at Tampa General Hospital. Mary received an M.D. from Brown University. talia shwer completed her Podiatry residency last year and this year “completed a fellowship specializing in Wound Care. I will be practicing throughout New York City at multiple locations.” Talia and Jason Snyder were married April 6, 2014, at the Don CeSar in St Pete Beach. Her husband also completed his residency in Podiatry and will be working in the City as well.

class of 2003 nisha mandilaya bhayani is a dentist with a general practice in Indianapolis, Indiana. Nisha received a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida, and her ddm from Nova Southeast School of Dentistry. Nisha and her husband Parin Bhayani were married in 2010. lauren adriaansen is an Associate with JP Morgan Chase as Project Coordinator. She received a B.A. in History from Haverford College. rachael simon emailed a picture of herself costumed as The Lizard for her show at “La Reve” in Las Vegas. Rachael has been a star swimmer with “La Reve” since her graduation from the College of the Incarnate Word. natalie smith begins work this fall on an mba at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, after working in the real estate industry in New York City for several years. Natalie received her bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt.

class of 2004 matt gagnier is in Alaska working for Princess Cruises and at Denali Wilderness Lodge managing a restaurant for the season. “Come September when the season is over,” he emails, “I’ll probably head to


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clockwise from image above: Director of College Counseling Jean Wall visited Alina Williams ’13 at Skidmore; Jean and Jim Wall at the Union College graduation of their son Wes, ’10; Grace Fredlake ’09 and her mom, Laurel, at the Tampa Prep Auction in March; Rachel Krausman ’09 and her sister, Shanna ’13, at Shanna’s graduation last year; Jake Ransohoff ’07 returned for Commencement to see his sister Jade ’14 graduate, (l–r), Dr. Lori Ransohoff, Jade and Jake.

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.




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above: John Parks ’10 (right) in uniform for his Naval Academy graduation; Jay Bowie set basketball records at Marist College as a senior.

either a ski resort in Colorado or to Hawaii for their busy season.” rebecca marcadis is an Audiology Extern with the Washington D.C. Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Rebecca received a Doctor of Audiology degree from the University of Florida. michael marcus is a Security Sales Representative for Vivant. He graduated from Tulane University in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Economics. ona madonia pappas and her husband Aris announce the birth of a daughter, Diana Marie Pappas, born May 29. Ona emails, “She is absolutely our pride and joy!! We couldn’t be more in love with her!” Ona and her family live in the suburbs of Maryland. brittany sellers is a doctoral candidate in the Applied Experimental and Human Factors Psychology program at the University of Central Florida. Her research interests include exploring the decisionmaking process behind

pro-environmental behaviors, including the influence of documentary film on environmental attitudes and environmental efficacy, and applying the principles of human factors toward the development of environmental design solutions. Brittany is the Sustainability Research and Programs Coordinator for the Department of Sustainability and Energy Management (sem), where she is also completing her dissertation research on the effectiveness of these outreach efforts. class of 2005 cory albury is working in the wine industry in California. Cory oversees operations for Chenoweth Vineyards, a vineyard management company. Cory emails: “We have also started a small wine label (2010 = first vintage) and are producing about 200 cases. I do all the winemaking.” brad buchman is a Trade Expansion Manager for Professional Orthopedic Products and National Sales Representative for Worldwide

Ortho llc. He resides in Montreal, Quebec. Brad graduated from Florida Atlantic University. chris de armond works with the State Department team that distributes Secretary of State John Kerry’s statements to the media along with internal interviews and other events. Chris lives in Alexandria, Virginia. brittany pierpont received a D.D.S. from the University of Maryland in May 2014. She is doing an Advanced General Dentistry Residency at East Carolina University. Brittany received her bachelor’s degree from Boston University.

class of 2007 chelsea nauta and chris colwill announced their engagement in June 2014. class of 2007 aaron saltzman is a manager of Young & Sick, an art and music project. Young & Sick toured in Europe and played at sxsw in the spring. They have an album out on Harvest Records. Their album includes their art as well as their music. Their art was featured in the Katz Deli new art space, “The Space,” in New York City and in numerous locations around the country, notably the largest mural on the West Coast located in downtown Los Angeles.

class of 2006 stephanie crowley and michael spooner were married October 20,

2013, in an outdoor ceremony at the Hernando Beach Club in Hernando, Florida. Stephanie and Michael met in Prague where both were teaching English to Czech students. Six weeks later Stephanie left Prague for the States and a job in Philadelphia. Three months after they met hey were “engaged (via Skype!).” It took a year to work through the visa process that would make it possible for Michael, a U.K. citizen, to live in the U.S., but love conquered all! wedding party included Stephanie’s cousin, a college friend, marisa ulm weber, and rett crowley ’04. Stephanie and Michael live in Philadelphia where she is a Legal Account Executive with aderant. Stephanie graduated magna cum laude from Florida State University.

class of 2008 ryan griffin will graduate from Florida State University Law School in 2015. Ryan received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tampa. His major was Government and World Affairs and he played soccer on the UT men’s team. In 2011 he was named to the Academic AllAmerican® ncaa Division II Men’s Soccer Team. katie papa graduated from Boston University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She majored in History. Following graduation, she worked for two years as the Manager of the Language Center at B.U. Recently she moved to San Francisco. gabriela piloseno is a Research Associate at Florida TaxWatch: Center for Smart Justice in Tallahassee. Elle finishes her M.S. in Criminology at Florida State this year. jake ransohoff returned to campus for the graduation of his sister, Jade, in the Class of 2014. Jake is


Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folde Prints four-color-process and bleed



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theater alumni reunion in december

in memoriam

Alumni who participated in theater performances as actors, direc-

The Tampa Prep community mourns the loss of the following indi-

tors, stage managers, dancers, musicians, and in tech theater are

viduals who passed on during the year.

invited to come back, Saturday, December 20, 2014, for an evening reunion in the Smith Black Box Theater. Look for more information on the Tampa Prep Theater Alumni group page on Facebook, or contact Mallory Scarritt ’06, mallory.scarritt@gmail.com.

r r r

Joel Wasser, father of Yoni ’14, Shira ’11, and Ayala Wasser ’09 Arthur Bastille, father of Brendan ’86 and Amy Bastille Driscoll ’85 Alfred S. Austin, Founding Trustee and President of the Board of Trustees 1974–83, father of Ann Austin Tatomir ’78

working on a doctorate in Byzantine History at Harvard. matt stumpf is a Consulting Analyst at Fidelity Investments in Boston. Matt received a B.A. from Dartmouth University. class of 2009 grace fredlake graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Marketing Degree and concentration in International Business. She emailed, “For four remarkable years I swam for the Fighting Irish. I retired March 2, 2013, with All Big East Honors and a smile after almost two decades of chlorine, sweat and goggle marks. Fast forward to the real-world, I am now in Consumer Food Sales for General Mills Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota…” where she works on the Category Management team for one of General Mills’ pioneer retailers, Target Inc. “Everyday is a new challenge with a customer striving to innovate and win in a ruthless retail industry. I survived one of the coldest winters in 35 years; I even participated in crazy Minnesotan outdoor activities and trained for my first half marathon in negative degree weather. After 17 years in the pool, I am now competing on land and training to run my second half marathon while raising money and awareness for the Organization of Autism Research (oar).”

corbin hayes begins work with Fusion TV in Miami in September following a stint with Pixar/Disney in California. Fusion TV merges Univision and Disney to produce documentaries and programming with a pop culture focus for Hispanic millenials. Corbin will be in the Music Division doing electronic music and composition and scoring documentaries. Corbin graduated from Eckerd College in 2013 with a Business Management major and a focus on Music. He is particularly interested in electronic music and the “manipulation of music because the media changes so fast and provides great opportunity for creativity.” rachel krausman works for the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C., as a Program Associate for Community Preparedness and Resilience and the Global Preparedness Center, and is responsible for developing, managing, and implementing domestically and internationally the “Pillowcase Project” (funded by a Disney grant procured by Rachel)—an emergency awareness and preparedness program for elementary school students. ben spiegel graduated from Stetson University In Deland, May 2013. “After graduation I started my own business,” he emailed. “I have a Direct To Garment Print shop in the Tarpon Springs/ Holiday area. I print

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.

garments for local small businesses, non-profits, and large corporations. Along with printing wholesale and retail items for my clients, I am also working on my own retail fishing brand.” Ben lives in Palm Harbour. wes wall graduated in June 2014 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Union College. Wes is working for Atlas Copco, a division of Siemens Engineering. He will travel globally to work with compressors that mine natural gas. class of 2010 jay bowie graduated from Marist College in June, 2014, with a bachelor’s degree in Business Finance. Jay enjoyed the best season of his collegiate basketball career his senior year. He averaged career highs in scoring (12.1 points per game) and rebounding (5.2 per game) while leading the team with 66 three-pointers, a threepoint percentage of .434 and a freethrow percentage of .812. Jay was a two-time selection to the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference AllAcademic Team, Jay finished his career as one of just two players in program history to shoot over 40% from three-point range (minimum 50 made) and over 80 percent from the free-throw line. sabrina chaudhry received a B.A. in Psychology from the

University of South Florida in December 2013. After graduation she worked for her father’s clinics and in early summer took a long post-college trip to Europe, visiting Dublin, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, Geneva, Sardinia, and Florence. colton curry will graduate from Tulane University in 2015 where he is majoring in Public Relations. jordan hatton graduated from Appalachian State University in May with a bachelor’s degree in Media Communication. Congratulations, Jordan! kelly palmer graduated from Florida State University in May, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree. Her majors were Biology and Psychology. Kelly will attend the University of Florida College of Medicine in August. john parks graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a major in Economics and a Bachelor of Science degree. John emailed, “My graduation on Friday May 23 not only signifies the completion of my education but also my commissioning as an Officer in the United States Navy. I will be going to more schooling this summer for higher security clearances and more specific job training.” John is stationed in Norfolk, Virginia, on the Oscar Austin, a destroyer. John will lead a division aboard ship.




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at left: Sky Drazek ’12 interned with photographer Bob Thompson during the summer, taking pictures of Tampa Prep’s summer campers. above: Jordan Hatton ’10 and her family, Paige, Donna, and younger sister Julianne on the occasion of Jordan’s graduation from Appalachian State University.

merrick williams graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in May 2014. Merrick continues working in theater. He spent the summer on an experimental theater show in New York City for two weeks and as an assistant stage manager at the Merry-Go-Round Playhouse in upstate New York.

class of 2011 jackie bielevicz was the curator for “From Plate to Palette,” an art exhibition that explores the deeply rooted connections between Southern culture and food, part of The Johnson Collection, Spartanburg, South Carolina. A Converse College junior, Jackie was selected for one of two highly competitive, comprehensive internships offered by the Johnson Collection. The internship culminates in an exhibition and catalog; selections from the exhibition are on dis-

play on the Converse College and Wofford College campuses as well as the Johnson Collection Gallery in Spartanburg. When “From Plate to Palette” opened April 17, 2014, Jackie presented the exhibition and gave the opening night Gallery Talk. The Johnson Collection includes more than 1,000 objects with provenances that span centuries and actively seeks to advance interest in the pivotal role that art of the South plays in the larger context of American Art and to contribute to the canon of art historical literature. class of 2012 sky drazek returned to campus for the Headmasters’ Challenge in January. Sky interned with photographer Bob Thompson on campus during the summer. Sky is a junior on the crew team at Hobart William Smith in Geneva, New York.

sammy hamed is Senior Justice at University of South Florida Student Government. Sammy is a junior. devontae morgan is playing basketball for the James Madision University team in Virginia this fall. alina williams visited with Jean Wall, Director of College Counseling, when Mrs. Wall attended Skidmore College for a college admissions meeting. Alina is a junior at Skidmore.

class of 2013 durin o’linger, a sophomore at Davidson College and pitcher for the baseball team, earned his first career win last year, yielding just one walk in 2.1 innings while striking out three after entering in the third inning. Davidson won over Duke 3-2. sterling randolph was named to The National Society of Collegiate Scholars at Florida State University.

Membership provides students with a variety of opportunities and resources, including access to scholarships, leadership development programs, internships and service activities. T E-mail your news and pictures to Robin Kennedy, rkennedy@tampaprep.org. Deadline for spring Tempo Scoop is Februrary 1, 2015. Update your address, cell phone, email and other contact information by going to www.tampaprep.org/update.


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tampa preparatory school for students in grades 6–12

a place to… think Where a rigorous grounding in skills and knowledge is just the beginning — where teachers and students share inquiry, re?ection and analysis on the path to personal understanding.

create Where people celebrate the imagination in geometric proofs and formal essays, on canvas, computer and stage, in poetry readings and morning assemblies.

be yourself Where people respect di=erences and can >nd their place in a diverse community.

aspire to excellence Where students develop winning attitudes in academics, athletics and arts.

go beyond Where Florida Keys, North Carolina mountains, museums, concert halls and community service become classrooms that foster deeper understandings of one’s self, others and the world.

more than just a college preparatory school… a preparation for life with a higher purpose than self

Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. r-process and bleeds all four sides.



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take your picture with the alumni terrapin and e-mail it to rkennedy@tampaprep.org.

oh! the places you’ll go! where in the world are you?

Draft 6 (07AUG14)

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine. Text artwork. Folded size is 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. Prints four-color-process and bleeds all four sides.



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the lightning-crozier fund save the date: saturday, october 25 2014 tampa prep golf outing

Supporting Academy Prep students enrolled at Tampa Prep through the Lightning-

Supporting a legacy of diversity shotgun start 1:00 pm

Crozier Fund is a wonderful way to enable these incredible young men and women become all that they are meant to be. – Gail and Paul Whiting


lterria pyles and jomarie adorno graduated with honors in the Class of 2014, two of five graduates who attended Academy Prep Center before coming to Tampa Prep, all of whom will attend college in the fall.

Active in community service projects and the visual arts, and interested in human behavior, Alterria will study Psychology at the University of Miami and plans to go on to graduate school for a doctorate. Jomarie participated in greater Tampa community service projects through the visual arts and in academic Spanish language competitions. As a member of the Chamber Chorus that received a Superior in the State of Florida Academic Chorus Competition, she sang at Disneyworld and traveled to New York City for a chorus trip. Jomarie will attend the University of Central Florida to pursue her interest in children’s medical issues.



r Foursome $750 r Single player $187.50 r Alum player $125

r r r r r r r r

for sponsorship details and registration information, visit tampaprep.org/go-register! proceeds benefit students receiving financial assistance through the alumni financial assistance fund

Tournament Sponsor $5,000 Red Sponsor $2,500 Gold Sponsor $1,250 Hat Sponsor $1,250 SOLD Awards dinner sponsor $3,000 Golf Ball Sponsor SOLD Contest Sponsor $500 (4) Tee/Green Sponsor $300 (1 of 36)

The Lightning-Crozier Fund is the Tampa Prep resource that funds qualified ancillary costs for our Academy Prep students. This year the Lightning-Crozier Fund provided iPads, textbooks, summer classes, digital books, travel and overnight stays for extracurricular activities, experiential education expenses, Advanced Placement Exam fees, athletic fees, and graduation fees.

the lightning-crozier fund Making the difference for Academy Prep Students at Tampa Prep

be a difference-maker. donate today. www.tampaprep.org/donate.

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine: Fall 2014. Cover artwork. Finished Size is 11.0 inches tall by 17.0 inches wide, folds down to 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. Prints 4/4 and bleeds all four sides. Cover II and Cover III.



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the tampa preparatory school magazine fall 2014

non-profit org. us postage

PAID tampa fl permit no. 3641

tempo forty years of amazing

morgan puls ’14, digital photograph

tampa preparatory school 727 West Cass Street, Tampa, Florida 33606 Tel 813.251.8481 Fax 813.254.2106 www.tampaprep.org copyright 2014 Š tampa preparatory school

Tampa Preparatory School Tempo Magazine: Fall 2014. Cover artwork. Finished Size is 11.0 inches tall by 17.0 inches wide, folds down to 11.0 inches tall by 8.5 inches wide. Prints 4/4 and bleeds all four sides. Cover IV and Cover I.

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