Stress Free Management - 2992 65th Way N. St. Petersburg, FL 33710
How do I go see it? To see this home, just give us a call and one of our agents will assist you, the cell # is 813-445-9225. We are available extended hours and 7 days a week! If you get the voicemail, please leave a message and we WILL call you back. You can also email us at Don’t forget to read our requirements below.
Where can I get an application? You can go to our website www.stressfreepropertymanagement.comwww.stressfreepropertym . Click on Rental Applications tab, fill out information thoroughly, then click Submit Application at the bottom. You will then be taken to pay the application fees through PayPal. Application fees are $25 per adult.
What are your requirements? ◆ You have to have good rental history ◆ No evictions or money owed to an apartment community for any reason ◆
Income requirements range from 2-3 times the monthly rent depending on the home you are applying for and your other monthly obligations
◆ You have to have at least 6 months job history at the same job ◆ Credit and Criminal Background checks are required ◆ (Requirements vary depending on the home and the owner)
How long does it take to find out if I’m approved? It typically takes 24 to 48 hours but you must see the home FIRST! Please read more details at our FAQ: