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IONAWR | JANUARY 2016 GWENER 15 FRIDAY 3.20 The Danish Girl (15) 4.10 Warriors (12A) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 5.50 Mr. Calzaghe (15) 6.10 A Syrian Love Story (12A) 7.55 Malian Music in Exile (15) 8.00 Sicario (15)

This year’s Film Festival fills our three screens for 14 days with the very best of recent releases. We also reflect current filmmaking to take a look at the state of the world today. From Aghanistan, through Mali, Syria and Kenya to Iran and Pakistan, the sense of a globe in crisis is as never before. We hope you’ll find films to entertain and challenge you during our annual feast of cinema. Bydd Gŵyl Ffilm eleni yn llenwi ein sgriniau am 14 diwrnod gyda’r goreuon ymhlith y ffilmiau diweddaraf. Byddwn hefyd yn adlewyrchu dull gwneud ffilmiau cyfredol trwy edrych ar gyflwr y byd sydd ohoni. O Affganistan, i Fali, Syria a Kenya, Iran a Phacistan, mae’r ymdeimlad o fyd mewn argyfwng yn wahanol i unrhyw beth sydd wedi dod o’r blaen. Gobeithiwn y byddwch yn dod o hyd i ffilmiau i’ch difyrru a’ch herio yn ystod ein gwledd sinema flynyddol. Tickets / Tocynnau*: Adult £6.80 Child (14 & under) £5.20 * Unless otherwise stated Box office | Swyddfa Docynnau: 01239 621200 Book online / Archebu Ar Lein: www.mwldan.co.uk

@TheatrMwldan www.facebook.com/mwldan

DYDD SADWRN 16 SATURDAY 12.00 The Peanuts Movie (U) 12.15 The Good Dinosaur (PG) 12.30 Star Wars VII (12A) 2.00 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 2.15 Doctor Zhivago (12A) 3.20 The Danish Girl (15) 5.50 Mr. Calzaghe (15) 6.00 MET OPERA: Pearl Fishers £16 (£15) 7.55 Malian Music in Exile (15) DYDD SUL 17 SUNDAY 12.00 The Peanuts Movie (U) 12.15 The Good Dinosaur (PG) 12.30 Star Wars VII (12A) 2.00 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 2.15 Doctor Zhivago (12A) 3.20 The Danish Girl (15) 5.50 Malian Music in Exile (15) 6.00 The Wonders (15) 8.00 Mr. Calzaghe (15) 8.30 Sicario (15) DYDD LLUN 18 MONDAY 3.50 The Danish Girl (15) 4.45 Taxi Tehran (12A) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 6.20 Malian Music in Exile (15) 6.45 A Syrian Love Story (12A) 8.30 Mr. Calzaghe (15) 8.35 Sicario (15) DYDD MAWRTH 19 TUESDAY 3.00 7.55 Warriors (12A) 3.25 A Syrian Love Story (12A) 3.30 The Danish Girl (15) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 6.00 Tell Spring Not To Come This Year (15) 8.00 Taxi Tehran (12A)

DYDD MERCHER 20 WEDNESDAY 3.30 The Danish Girl (15) 4.05 8.30 A Syrian Love Story (12A) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 5.55 Sicario (15) 6.00 Tell Spring Not To Come This Year (15) 8.00 Taxi Tehran (12A) DYDD IAU 21 THURSDAY 3.30 The Danish Girl (15) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 6.00 Taxi Tehran (12A) 8.00 Tell Spring Not To Come This Year (15) DYDD GWENER 22 FRIDAY 3.30 8.35 Joy (12A) 4.15 Tell Spring Not To Come This Year (15) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 6.00 The Dressmaker (12A) 6.25 He Named Me Malala (PG) 8.30 Black Mass (15) DYDD SADWRN 23 SATURDAY 12.00 The Peanuts Movie (U) 12.15 The Good Dinosaur (PG) 12.30 Star Wars VII (12A) 2.00 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 2.40 Doctor Zhivago (12A) 3.20 The Danish Girl (15) 6.00 The Dressmaker (12A) 6.25 He Named Me Malala (PG) 8.30 Black Mass (15) 8.35 Joy (12A) DYDD SUL 24 SUNDAY 12.00 The Peanuts Movie (U) 12.15 The Good Dinosaur (PG) 12.30 Star Wars VII (12A) 2.00 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 2.40 Doctor Zhivago (12A) 3.20 The Danish Girl (15) 6.00 The Dressmaker (12A) 6.20 Marshland (15) 8.30 Black Mass (15) 8.35 Joy (12A)

DYDD LLUN 25 MONDAY 3.40 Malian Music in Exile (15) 3.50 The Dressmaker (12A) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 6.00 Warriors (12A) 6.25 He Named Me Malala (PG) 8.00 The Dressmaker (12A) 8.35 Joy (12A) DYDD MAWRTH 26 TUESDAY 3.50 Warriors (12A) 4.45 He Named Me Malala (PG) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 6.00 Joy (12A) 7.15 Royal Ballet: Rhapsody / Two Pigeons £16 (£15) 8.15 The Revenant (15) 8.30 The Dressmaker (12A) DYDD MERCHER 27 WEDNESDAY 3.20 Black Mass (15) 3.30 The Dressmaker (12A) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 5.50 Warriors (12A) 6.00 Joy (12A) 8.00 He Named Me Malala (PG) 8.30 The Dressmaker (12A) DYDD IAU 28 THURSDAY 3.50 He Named Me Malala (PG) 4.15 Mr. Calzaghe (15) 5.00 8.15 The Revenant (15) 6.00 Joy (12A) 6.45 NT Live: Les Liaisons Dangereuses £12.50 (£11.50) 8.30 The Dressmaker (12A)

Ionawr | January 15 @ 4.10, 19 @ 3.00, 25 @ 6.00, 26 @ 3.50, 27 @ 5.50

WARRIORS (12A) Barney Douglas, UK, 2015, 87’ Warriors is a documentary following a group of young Maasai who, in a remote region of Kenya, have remarkably formed a cricket team. They relate the sport to their traditional hunting techniques – the ball is the spear, the bat is the shield – and their flowing red robes in full flight are an awesome sight. The film follows the team as they pursue their dream of reaching England, the home of cricket and test themselves in the amateur Last Man Stands World Championship. But there is a darker heart to the story. The Maasai are male dominated, women have few rights – even to their own bodies – and girls as young as six have suffered Female Genital Mutilation and early marriages. Traditional practices such as these have also contributed to the spread of HIV/Aids, and now many believe the future of the Maasai is under serious threat. The Warriors cricket team are using their newfound unity on the field as an inspiration to those off it, attempting to educate and give young people a sense of belonging, support and, hope.

However, they face resistance from the elders of their community – well-respected and wise men who hold all Maasai traditional practices dear and carry great influence. They fear losing any of their traditions will herald the end of the Maasai. Can cricket really bring change to the region? Mae’r ffilm ddogfen ysbrydoledig hon yn dilyn grŵp o Maasai ifanc sydd wedi ffurfio tîm criced, ac sy’n breuddwydio am gyrraedd Lloegr, ond mae ‘na ochr dywyll i’r stori. Yn eu cymdeithas, caiff ei dominyddu gan ddynion, nid oes gan ferched lawer o hawliau; mae merched mor ifanc â chwech wedi dioddef anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod a phriodasau cynnar. Mae’r criw yn defnyddio’u hundod newydd ar y cae i ysbrydoli eraill, gan geisio addysgu a rhoi ymdeimlad o berthyn, cefnogaeth a gobaith.


“Birdman director Alejandro González Iñárritu’s new movie pitches Leonardo DiCaprio against nature, bears and Tom Hardy in a tale of revenge, retribution and primal violence… gut-churningly brutal, beautiful storytelling”. Peter Bradshaw – The Guardian

NATIONAL RELEASE DATE DYDDIAD RHYDDHAU’N GENEDLAETHOL Ionawr | January 15 @ 5.00 & 8.15, 16, 17 @ 2.00, 5.00 & 8.15, 18 – 22 @ 5.00 & 8.15, 23, 24 @ 2.00, 5.00 & 8.15, 25 – 28 @ 5.00 & 8.15


Alejandro González Iñárritu, USA, 2015, 151’

The Revenant is tipped for massive success during the coming Awards season. On an expedition of the uncharted American wilderness, legendary explorer Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) is brutally attacked by a bear and left for dead by members of his own hunting team. In a quest to survive, Glass endures unimaginable grief as well as the betrayal of his confidant John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy). Guided by sheer will and the love of his family, he must navigate a vicious winter in a relentless pursuit to live and find redemption.

Ar alldaith i anialwch dieithr America, caiff y fforiwr enwog Hugh Glass ei ymosod arno’n ffyrnig gan arth a’i adael i farw gan aelodau ei dîm ei hun. Mewn cwest i oroesi, mae Glass yn dioddef galar ofnadwy yn ogystal a brad gan ei gyfaill mynwesol John Fitzgerald. Wedi ei arwain gan benderfyniad ystyfnig a chariad at ei deulu, rhaid iddo lywio gaeaf garw mewn ymgais ddiddiwedd i fyw ac i ddod o hyd i adferiad.

“Most would assume Mr Calzaghe is a highlight reel, the boxer’s greatest and most important fights broken down into miniscule detail. While they certainly play a part, it’s the insight offered from Joe and his family that truly makes this film.” Natasha Furlong – The Upcoming

Ionawr | January 15, 16 @ 5.50, 17 @ 8.00, 18 @ 8.30, 28 @ 4.15

MR. CALZAGHE (15) Vaughan Sivell, UK, 2015, 91’ A beautifully directed documentary feature by Pembrokeshire-born filmmaker Vaughan Sivell, this film charts the extraordinary life and career of Welsh-Italian Boxer, Joe Calzaghe. From impoverished beginnings in industrial Wales and a childhood of gruelling training and horrendous bullying, Joe and his father Enzo took on the vicious world of boxing, beating the best fighters that America could throw at them and getting out with their lives, relationship and fortune intact. A real life Rocky tale of incredible sporting challenges and triumphs and an emotional study of a remarkable father and son team.

Mae’r ffilm hon yn siartio bywyd a gyrfa ryfeddol y Bocsiwr Cymreig-Eidaleg, Joe Calzaghe. O ddechreuadau llwm yng Nghymru ddiwydiannol a phlentyndod o hyfforddiant llym a bwlio ofnadwy, aeth Joe a’i dad Enzo ymlaen i guro bocswyr gorau America. Stori am heriau a buddugoliaethau proffesiynol rhyfeddol ac astudiaeth emosiynol ar dîm tad a mab nodedig.

“This unmissable documentary uncovers the heart-breaking story of a couple whose relationship disintegrates as they flee the horrors of Syria… a searing insight into a marriage under fire”. Peter Bradshaw – The Guardian Film of the Week

Ionawr | January 15 @ 6.10, 18 @ 6.45, 19 @ 3.25, 20 @ 4.05 & 8.30

A SYRIAN LOVE STORY (12A) Sean McAllister, UK, France, Lebanon, Syria, 2015, 76’ Sean McAllister’s documentary about a family of Syrian refugees in Europe would be compelling at any time. Now it is unmissable. McAllister filmed over 5 years to chart this incredible odyssey to political freedom for wife and husband Raghda and Amer. It is a journey of hope, dreams and despair, the revolution, their homeland and each other. When McAllister first met the family in 2009, Raghda was in prison leaving Amer to look after their 4 boys alone; but as the ‘Arab Spring’ swept the region, the family’s fate shifted irrevocably as an emerging cosmopolitan tourist destination fell into the hands of Islamic State.

Yn adnabyddus am ei bortreadau unigryw a phersonol, ffilmiodd y cyfarwyddwr Sean McAllister dros 5 mlynedd, i siartio’r hynt ryfeddol hwn i ryddid gwleidyddol i Raghda ac Amer. Mae’n siwrnai o obaith, breuddwydion ac anobaith, y chwyldro, eu mamwlad a’i gilydd. Pan gyfarfu McAllister â’r teulu’n gyntaf, roedd Raghda yn y carchar gydag Amer yn gofalu am eu pedwar bachgen ar ei phen ei hun; ond wrth i’r ‘Gwanwyn Arabaidd’ symud ar draws yr ardal, newidiodd tynged y teulu am byth. IS-DEITLAU | SUBTITLES

“Schwartz expertly captures the sights, sounds and general bustle of Mali, imbuing her film with warmth and variety” Radio Times

Ionawr | January 15, 16 @ 7.55, 17 @ 5.50, 18 @ 6.20, 25 @ 3.40

THEY WILL HAVE TO KILL US FIRST: MALIAN MUSIC IN EXILE (15) Johanna Schwartz, USA, 2015, 100’ Mali is one of the most musically rich and diverse countries in Africa and music is one of the most important forms of communication in the country. But in 2012, Islamic extremist groups banned all music after they rose up to capture an area of Mali the size of the UK and France combined. This remarkable documentary follows musicians in Mali in the wake of the jihadist takeover and tells how, rather than lay down their instruments, Mali’s musicians fought back.

Mae Mali yn un o’r gwledydd mwyaf cyfoethog ac amrywiol cerddorol yn Affrica o ran cerddoriaeth, a cherddoriaeth yw un o’r ffurfiau mwyaf pwysig o gyfathrebu yn y wlad. Ond yn 2012, cafodd cerddoriaeth ei gwahardd gan grwpiau Islamaidd eithafol ar ôl iddynt gipio ardal enfawr o’r wlad. Mae’r ffilm ddogfen ryfeddol hon yn dilyn cerddorion Mali yn sgil y meddiant jihadaidd ac yn adrodd sut, yn hytrach na gosod eu hofferynnau i’r neilltu, gwnaeth cerddorion Mali ymladd yn ôl. IS-DEITLAU | SUBTITLES

Emily Blunt’s star quality lifts Mexican drugs thriller, [she] makes this well-staged story of FBI operations in the murky world of the USMexico borderlands a cut above the ordinary” Mark Kermode – The Guardian Film of the week

Ionawr | January 15 @ 8.00, 17 @ 8.30, 18 @ 8.35, 20 @ 5.55


Denis Villeneuve, USA, 2015, 121’ Sicario is a brilliant action thriller with the perfect mix of cerebral and visceral thrills. In Mexico, Sicario means hitman; and in the lawless border area stretching between the U.S. and Mexico, an idealistic FBI agent (Emily Blunt) is enlisted by an elite government task force official (Josh Brolin) to aid in the escalating war against drugs. Led by an enigmatic consultant with a questionable past (Benicio Del Toro), the team sets out on a clandestine journey forcing Kate to question everything that she believes in order to survive.

Ym Mecsico, mae Sicario yn golygu asasin; ac yn yr ardal ffiniol afreolus sy’n ymestyn rhwng yr Unol Daleithiau a Mecsico, caiff asiant FBI delfrydyddol ei ymrestru gan swyddog elit tasglu’r Llywodraeth i helpu yn y rhyfel cynyddol yn erbyn cyffuriau. Wedi ei arwain gan ymgynghorydd enigmatig a chanddo orffennol amheus, mae’r tîm yn cychwyn ar siwrnai gyfrinachol sy’n gorfodi Kate i gwestiynu pob dim mae’n credu ynddo er mwyn goroesi.

“Vehement storytelling still conjures great romance…With real contemporary relevance, this 50th anniversary rerelease reminds us it’s impossible not be swept along by David Lean’s epic film.” Peter Bradshaw – The Guardian

Ionawr | January 16, 17 @ 2.15, 23, 24 @ 2.40

DOCTOR ZHIVAGO (12A) David Lean, USA, Italy, UK, 1965, 188’ This brand new digital restoration of David Lean’s classic epic Doctor Zhivago marks the film’s 50th anniversary. Brilliantly photographed, sweepingly romantic and based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Boris Pasternak, the film is an exploration of the Russian Revolution as seen from the point of view of the intellectual, introspective title character (played by Omar Sharif). The film, told in flashback, captures the lushness of Moscow before the war and the violent social upheaval that followed. Also starring Julie Christie, Tom Courtenay, Rod Steiger and Alec Guinness, this is a rare chance to see this classic on the big screen!

Adferiad digidol o Doctor Zhivago David Lean i farcio pen-blwydd y ffilm yn 50 mlwydd oed. Mae’r ffilm yn archwiliad o’r Chwyldro Rwsiaidd o safbwynt y cymeriad deitl deallus, mewnsyllgar. Mae’r rhamant epig hon, wedi ei hadrodd mewn ôl-fflachiau, yn cipio hyfrydwch Moscow cyn y rhyfel a’r terfysg cymdeithasol treisiol a ddaeth yn ei sgil. Yn serennu Omar Sharif, Julie Christie, Tom Courtenay, Reod Steiger ac Alec Guinness.


The Wonders (15) Alice Rohrwacher, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, 2014, 109’ A family of beekeepers in the Tuscan countryside find their household disrupted by the simultaneous arrival of a silently troubled teenage boy and a reality TV show intent on showcasing the family. The Wonders is a complex and nuanced illustration of a family trying to live by their own standards; its magic settles on you as softly and as steadily as dust in a wistful but no-tears swan song recounting the disappearance of traditional rural life-style in Italy.

Mae teulu o wenynwyr yng nghefn wlad Twsgani yn cael tro ar fyd gyda chyrhaeddiad cydamserol crwt ifanc a ganddo broblemau, a sioe deledu realiti sy’n benderfynol o amlygu’r teulu. Mae The Wonders yn ddarluniad cymhleth a llawn naws am deulu sy’n ceisio byw yn ôl eu safonau eu hunain; mae ei hud yn setlo arnoch mor ysgafn ac mor raddol â llwch mewn stori hiraethus heb ddagrau sy’n dwyn i gof ddiflaniad ffordd o fyw gwledig traddodiadol yn yr Eidal. IS-DEITLAU | SUBTITLES

“Magical realism, marvellous casting…Excellent performances, natural light and lovely locations make up for the flimsiest of plots in Alice Rohrwacher’s rural rites-of-passage drama”. Mark Kermode, The Observer

Ionawr | January 18 @ 4.45, 19, 20 @ 8.00, 21 @ 6.00

TAXI TEHRAN (12A) Jafar Panahi, Iran, 2015, 82’

“Jafar Panahi’s joy ride… Again thumbing his nose at the regime that has banned him, the courageous Iranian director makes his latest film in a taxi rigged with three hidden cameras”. Jonathan Romney - The Guardian

Internationally acclaimed and sometimes banned director Jafar Panahi (This is Not a Film) goes undercover driving a yellow cab through the vibrant streets of Tehran, picking up many different passengers in a single day. Each man, woman and child candidly express their own views of the world, while being interviewed by the curious and gracious driver/director. His camera, placed on the dashboard of his mobile film studio, captures a spirited slice of Iranian society while brilliantly redefining the borders of comedy, drama and cinema.

Mae’r cyfarwyddwyr rhyngwladol clodfawr Jafar Panahi yn dieithrio ei hun fel gyrrwr tacsi melyn yn Nheran, gan gasglu nifer o wahanol deithwyr mewn dydd. Mae pob dyn, menyw a phlentyn yn mynegi ei farn ar y byd mewn modd agored, tra’n cael ei gyfweld gan yrrwr/cyfarwyddwr chwilfrydig a hynaws. Mae ei gamera, wedi ei ddiogelu ar forden blaen ei stiwdio ffilm symudol, yn cipio darn o gymdeithas Iran tra’n ailddiffinio’n gelfydd ffiniau comedi, drama a sinema. IS-DEITLAU | SUBTITLES

Ionawr | January 19, 20 @ 6.00, 21 @ 8.00, 22 @ 4.15

TELL SPRING NOT TO COME THIS YEAR (15) Saeed Taji Farouky, Michael McEvoy, UK, Afghanistan, 2015, 85’ This fascinating documentary was filmed entirely embedded in one unit of the Afghan National Army (ANA). It’s an intimate and humanist film, told from a largely unheard and misrepresented perspective that gives viewers a unique insight into the legacy of NATO’s war and the future of the country. Without a foreign soldier in sight and no narrative but their own, this is the war in Afghanistan, through the eyes of the Afghans who live it.

“This powerful, beautifully shot documentary tracks the intense, grim lives of the Afghan national army as they fight the Taliban alone after the US departed”. Peter Bradshaw - The Guardian

Cafodd y ffilm ddogfen hon ei ffilmio’n gyfan gwbl o fewn un uned o Fyddin Genedlaethol Affganistan, mae’n ffilm bersonol a dynol, wedi ei hadrodd o bersbectif sydd heb ei glywed rhyw lawer ac sydd wedi ei gam-gynrychioli, sy’n rhoi mewnwelediad unigryw i wylwyr i etifeddiaeth rhyfel NATO a dyfodol y wlad. Heb filwr tramor mewn golwg a dim naratif ar wahân i’w un nhw eu hunain, dyma’r rhyfel yn Affganistan trwy lygaid yr Affganiaid sy’n byw trwyddo. IS-DEITLAU | SUBTITLES

“Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper’s third collaboration with David O Russell turns domestic drama into a funny, moving Golden Age pleasure” Robbie Collin – The Telegraph

Ionawr | January 22 @ 3.30 & 8.35, 23 – 25 @ 8.35, 26 – 28 @ 6.00

JOY (12A) David O. Russell, USA, 2015, 124’ Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro star in the wild story of a family across four generations centred on the girl who becomes the woman who founds a business dynasty and becomes a matriarch in her own right. Betrayal, treachery, loss of innocence and the scars of love pave the road in this intense emotional and human comedy about becoming a true boss of family and enterprise facing a world of unforgiving commerce.

Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper a Robert De Niro sy’n serennu yn y stori wyllt hon am deulu ar draws pedair cenhedlaeth sy’n troi o gwmpas merch sy’n datblygu i fod y fenyw sy’n sefydlu busnes a dod ym mhatriarch ei hun. Mae brad, colled diniweidrwydd a chlwyfau cariad yn paratoi’r ffordd yn y gomedi emosiynol a dynol ddwys hon am ddod yn fos go iawn ar deulu a menter yn wynebu byd o fasnach ddidrugaredd.

“Sometimes I felt like I was a composer watching two extraordinary virtuosos [Kate Winslet and Judy Davis] doing their stuff, I could just stand back and be in awe” Jocelyn Moorhouse - Director

Ionawr | January 22 – 24 @ 6.00, 25 @ 3.50 & 8.00, 26 @ 8.30, 27 @ 3.30 & 8.30, 28 @ 8.30

THE DRESSMAKER (12A) Jocelyn Moorhouse, Australia, 2015, 118’

A bittersweet comedy, set in the 1950s, about a glamorous young woman who returns to her small home town in rural Australia in order to right some wrongs from the past. Tilly (Kate Winslet) reconciles with her ailing mother Molly (Judy Davis) and with her sewing machine and haute couture style. Transforming the women of the town and getting sweet revenge on those who did her wrong, falling unexpectedly in love, leads to her greatest loss and her most destructive deed.

Wedi ei gosod yn y 1950au, mae The Dressmaker yn gomedi chwerwfelys am fenyw ifanc ffasiynol sy’n dychwelyd i’w chartref yng nghefn gwlad Awstralia er mwyn gwneud yn iawn am gamau ei gorffennol. Mae Tilly yn cymodi â’i mam a gyda’i pheiriant gwnïo a’i steil haute couture. Gan drawsffurfio menywod y dref, mae hefyd yn syrthio mewn cariad heb ddisgwyl, sy’n arwain at ei cholled fwyaf a’i gweithred fwyaf dinistriol.

Ionawr | January 22, 23, 25 @ 6.25, 26 @ 4.45, 27 @ 8.00, 28 @ 3.50

HE NAMED ME MALALA (PG) Davis Guggenheim, USA, 2015, 87’ He Named Me Malala is a portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, who was targeted by the Taliban and severely wounded by a gunshot when returning home on her school bus in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. The then 15-year-old (she turned 18 this past July) was singled out, along with her father, for advocating for girls’ education, and the attack on her sparked an outcry from supporters around the world. She miraculously survived and is now a leading campaigner for girls’ education globally as co-founder of the Malala Fund. Documentary filmmaker Davis Guggenheim shows us how Malala, her father Zia and her family are committed to fighting for education for all girls worldwide. The film gives us a glimpse into this extraordinary young girl’s life – from her close relationship with her father who inspired her love for education, to her impassioned speeches at the UN, to her everyday life with her parents and brothers. The film is produced by Walter Parkes, Laurie MacDonald and Davis Guggenheim. The filmmaking team includes editors Greg Finton, Brian Johnson and Brad Fuller; director of photography Erich Roland; music by Thomas Newman; and supervising sound editor Skip Lievsay.

Portread personol o Malala Yousafzai, Enillydd Gwobr Heddwch Nobel, a chafodd ei thargedu gan y Taliban a’i hanafu’n ddifrifol gan ergyd gwn wrth iddi ddychwelyd adref ar y bws ym Mhacistan. Yn 15 mlwydd oed ar y pryd, fe’i cafodd ei dethol, ynghyd â’i thad, am hyrwyddo addysg i ferched, a gwnaeth yr ymosodiad arni danio brotest gan gefnogwyr ar draws y byd. Yn wyrthiol, goroesodd, a nawr mae’n ymgyrchwr blaenllaw am addysg merched yn fydol fel cyd-sylfaenydd Cronfa Malala.

“Johnny Depp gives an utterly chilling performance as the notorious James “Whitey” Bulger” The Independent

Ionawr | January 22 – 24 @ 8.30, 27 @ 3.20

BLACK MASS (15) Scott Cooper, USA, 2015, 123’

In 1970s South Boston, FBI Agent John Connolly (Joel Edgerton) persuades Irish mobster James “Whitey” Bulger (Johnny Depp) to collaborate with the FBI and eliminate a common enemy: the Italian mob. The drama tells the true story of this unholy alliance, which spiralled out of control, allowing Whitey to evade law enforcement, consolidate power and become one of the most ruthless and powerful gangsters in Boston history. Benedict Cumberbatch and Dakota Johnson also star.

Yn Ne Boston yn y 1970au, mae’r Asiant FBI John Connolly yn perswadio’r gangster Gwyddelig James “Whitey” Bulger i gydweithredu â’r FBI i waredu ar elyn cyffredin: y mob Eidalaidd. Mae’r ddrama yn adrodd stori wir yr uniad anghyffredin hwn, a droellodd allan o reolaeth, gan ganiatáu Whitey i osgoi’r gyfraith, atgyfnerthu p�er a dod yn un o’r gangsteriaid mwyaf grymus yn hanes Boston. Gyda Benedict Cumberbatch a Dakota Johnson.


MARSHLAND (15) Alberto Rodríguez, Spain, 2014, 104’ In the Spanish deep South of 1980, a series of brutal murders of adolescent girls in a remote and forgotten town bring together two disparate characters - both detectives in the homicide division - to investigate. With deep divisions in their ideology, detectives Juan and Pedro must put aside their differences if they are to successfully hunt down a killer who for years has terrorised a community in the shadow of a general disregard for women rooted in a misogynistic past.

Yn Ne Sbaen ym 1980, mae cyfres o lofruddiaethau ofnadwy o ferched ifainc mewn tref anghysbell ac anghofiedig yn dod â dau gymeriad annhebyg - y ddau yn dditectif yn yr adran dynladdiad - at ei gilydd i ymchwilio. Gyda rhaniadau dwfn yn eu hideoleg, rhaid i’r ditectifs Juan a Pedro rhoi eu gwahaniaethau i’r neilltu i olrhain llofrudd sydd wedi brawychu cymuned mewn cysgod diystyrwch cyffredinol am fenywod sydd yn deillio o orffennol gwreig-gasaol. IS-DEITLAU | SUBTITLES

“This gripping Spanish cop drama will delight fans of classic film noir and modern American TV, especially ‘True Detective’” TimeOut

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