Academic Offerings:
Health & Safety
For Fall classes, approximately 30 percent of current classroom capacity will be available for face-to-face instruction. The courses were selected based upon several factors, such as ensuring first-year students may participate in most of the face-to-face classes, the number of faculty available to teach face-to-face, block scheduling and other academic offerings more suitable for face-toface instruction. The remaining course offerings will be available via online delivery or flex models.
Face Masks:
Outdoor and Gathering Spaces Most outdoor bench areas will be limited to one person due to social distancing protocols. Seating and lounge areas in most buildings will be limited to one person, in an abundance of caution to maintain social distancing. Many lounge areas will be limited or furniture removed to discourage group gathering and limit crowding. Wi-Fi expanded coverage has been installed to help provide more opportunities to social distance, including parking lots.
Current CDC guidelines indicate face coverings greatly slow the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Appropriate face coverings include cloth covering the nose and mouth, such as a bandana, scarf, handkerchief or disposable surgical mask. indoor areas include hallways, offices, lobbies, restrooms, classrooms, teaching and research laboratories, shared spaces in residence halls, conference rooms, break rooms, game rooms and workout facilities.
Social Distancing: Everyone should follow these social distancing practices: •Stay at least 6 feet, or about two arms’ length, from others. •Do not gather in groups larger than the size allowable by the governor’s current executive order, which allows local authorities to approve the number. •Stay out of crowded places, and avoid mass gatherings.
Other CDC Recommendations Enforced by University: •The CDC recommends individuals bring their own water from home for personal use. Drinking fountains will be disabled, but the bottle-filling function within the water fountain will remain operational. •For classrooms with two doorways, one doorway will be designated as the entrance and the other as the exit. •The maximum occupancy of elevators is two individuals •Revised room occupancy signs are located outside all classrooms, labs, event spaces and computer labs, per CDC recommendations.
For m or e in f o an d up da t e s v i s i t:
w w w.t a m u s a . e d u /c o m m u n i t y- s a f e t y-t o g e t h e r/