The season of pools, sunscreen, and long days is fading into notebooks and backpacks and the smell of pumpkin spice and apple cider is starting to blow in. Organization meetings, classes, and sports are starting up and Week of Welcome saw the return of many faces, both old and new. As we gear up to face the fall semester head on, don’t forget to keep an eye out for all of the exciting events in the upcoming weeks The Tau Sigma team wants to welcome everyone back to campus and looks forward to all the new memories and friends waiting to be had this semester!
S I L V E R B U L L E T September 2022 01 Department of the Month 02 Faculty Highlight 03 Op-ed from the Lead Mentor 04 Student Spotlight 05 Member of the Month (Tau Sigma) 06 Transferpalooza Recap 07 Transfer Center Info 08 Special News 09 Ask a Transfer 10- 18 Campus Flyers T H E M O N T H L Y Content A & M S A ' S T R A N S F E R S T U D E N T N E W S L E T T E R S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2

least once to another school, so we understand what
How does your department help transfer students?
P A G E 0 2 Department of the Month S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 Academic AAdvising cademic Advising How many people are in your department and how many were transfer students? There are 18 academic advisors who work with undergraduate students, plus two support
Academic advisors partner with you to chart a path to graduation. We can help ensure your prior credits are transferring and applying toward your degree requirements. Advisors work with students to explore your options for majors, minors, and certificates. Of course, we also help you select the right courses to stay on track for graduation. If you’re not sure where to go, start with your advisor! staff. of the advisors at it’s
like. Academic Advising is located in Modular C – Student Services Center. We can be contacted at or at 210-784-1307. We have an Instagram page @tamusa advising as well as a YouTube channel titled Advising Center TAMUSA Whattipsdoyouhavefortransferstudents? TwoTips! Obviously,wethinkadvisingissuperimportant. Meetwithyouracademicadvisorearlyinyourfirst semesterandatleastonceayearafterthat.And,don’t forgettosendyourfinaltranscriptfromthelastsemester atyourpreviousschool! Getinvolvedinsomethingoncampus–itcanbe somethinginyourdepartment,astudentorganization,or evenjustattendingeventsoncampuswhereyoucanbring yourfamily!ItwillhelpyouknowthatyoubelongatA&MSA.Sometimesifyoucan'tquiteconnectwiththepeople, youcanconnectwiththeplace.

Associate Vice President and Dean of Students in the Division of Students Success and Engagement.
What is your title and what department do you work for?
My department is unique, I am able to be involved in many different aspects of a Jaguars journey. We are able to connect students with a wide array of collegiate experiences to help shape their growth into future leaders.
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What did your undergraduate journey look like?
What is the significance of the dept. you work in and how does it help students?
My plan had been to attend the local college and then transfer to Oklahoma State University. After my first year, I decided I had found my "home" and stayed all four years. During my time I played on the collegiate tennis team and was active in so many clubs and organizations. What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time, I love to be outdoors. finding new places to eat, and traveling.
Faculty Faculty Highlight: Highlight: Dr. Zeak DNaifeh r. Zeak Naifeh

Build a Community A tip from the lead mentor Michael Walik
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Welcome back to campus Transfers! As we move into this busy semester, I want to encourage you all to reflect on how far you have come! You are a pioneer, a staple on this campus. And I would like to add that you all are doing it extremely well. You are waking up every day, and putting in your all to be a successful Jaguar on campus! That takes grit and I hope you all know how proud I am of you. You may not feel seen or recognized but I assure you, WE SEE YOU! Keep on doing you and don’t forget that there is a large “transfer” family on the sidelines cheering you on. As the weeks progress, don’t forget to use your resources! Come say “hi” in the transfer center, check your blackboard and Jagsync for more information on events! And most importantly remember to be kind to your transfer peers, we are one united group on campus and we have to show up for each other! No matter what we are transfers!! TRANSFERS!

What are you looking forward to this semester? I look forward to trying my best to make this year great before I graduate and that is by making a lot of memories, making my mental and physical health even better, but also just making the Black Student Union more powerful and seen on campus. S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 What is your classification? Senior What is your major? Kinesiology Where did you transfer from? Northeast Lakeview College Dmarkus Floyd P A G E 0 5

When did you join Tau Sigma and how has it impacted you?
S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 P A G E 0 6 Transferred From: San Antonio College Majoring in: Kinesiology Exercise Science Classification: Senior MemberOfThe Month
"I work in the office of student involvement, so I am pretty much now at every event getting to meet new people which I am super excited about. I am in the kinesiology club, pre health society, & other various orgs that I hope to be a part of this semester."
Gabby V.
How else are you involved on campus?
"I think spring 21... but then officially got inducted fall 21. I got to meet some of my best friends through Tau Sigma and it made me feel special that the transfer community got to feel recognized for their academic success as well."

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Transferpalooza Recap

Transfer CeNTER S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 P A G E 0 7 TransferRoom &Transfer ComputerLabs are NOWOPEN!!! NOW OPEN ! Monday-Friday 8:00am-8:00pm DONT FORGET TO SIGN IN WHEN USING THE TRANSFER ROOM AND COMPUTER LABS. PLEASE SCAN THE QR CODE!

N O M I N A T E A F E L L O W T R A N S F E R F O R T R A N S F E R S T U D E N T O F T H E M O N T H F O R S E P T E M B E R NEW INFO Connect with us! t TausigmaJaguars TauSigmaJaguarsTamusa.transfers S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 P A G E 0 8

ASK A TRANSFER WHATDIDYOUDOTHISSUMMER? @Tamusa_wicys: “Study,cry,spreadthin likeacookieintheoven lol” @Juanlespinoza2: “Work �� ” @cccooley91 “Summerclasses!!!” @RubyFrequeny: "Work and School... squeezed in some travel time in Texas." @Lori Prieto: "Went Fishing and got engaged!" @Vi Gomez: "Work... Work... and hang out with friends!" @Demi:2"Summer classes,Cruise,and unfortunatelywork." @Tiffany: "Went around Texas to photograph rodeos." P A G E 0 9