Mission Magazine 2021

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Meet the Staf f

Texas A&M - San Antonio


Amanda Faz

Editor and Project Manager, Staff

From the staff Julianne Garcia

Marketing & Photography, Senior

Emily Gober Writer, Junior

While contributing to the Mission Magazine 2021 edition, ref lecting on 2020 was necessar y. Like many others, I thought about how the year was full of challenges and confusion, and while it may be easy to dwell on that when remembering the past, I believe that it’s crucial to think about how strong we are as a community and family. Everyone on our campus, from the students to faculty and staff, have shown immense strength in adjusting to change and continuing to grow and become better. During the creation of this magazine, our team has completed this project without meeting in person once, and while it is not ideal, we are proud to have made it work. This edition of the Mission Magazine will highlight the triumphs over the last year and how Texas A&M University-San Antonio never lost sight of its purpose to support, uplift and connect students.

Elissa Gallegos Writer, Freshman

Lanie Perez Writer, Junior

I would like to thank all the contributors of Mission Magazine for their great ideas and help throughout this project and Amanda Faz and Julianne Garcia for their guidance and suppor t. We all balanced school, work, and countless other commitments and still managed to come together and contribute our ideas and form relationships with one another, and I appreciate that very much. I would also like to thank all the departments, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and student athletes that are featured in this edition for sharing their stories with us, you all have made this magazine possible! -Elissa Gallegos

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Contents 26. 34. 38. 48. 59.

Jaguars in a Pandemic


Elissa’s Alumni Business Spotlights

Lanie’s Major Picks​

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

General’s Challenge & the First 50 Days Calendar


Meet your

Texas A&M - San Antonio



Vice President

• Volunteer opportunities • Serve on a committee • Sit in on a meeting Meetings take place bi-weekly and are open to the student body.

“ .”

You can find more information about times and meeting minutes on the JagSync SGA page.

One University Way Central Academic Building, Suite 103 San Antonio,  TX 78224 Email: sga@jaguar.tamu.edu

Phone Number:  (210) 784-1333 IG & Twitter: @tamusaSGA


Jacob Goldstein It is tr uly an honor to be t he lead r epr e s ent at ive of Te x a s A & M- S a n Antonio’s Student Body. As President of the Student Government Association, I look forward to ensuring that every student is offered their own tailored pat h to suc c e s s. S G A i s a l l ab out suppor ting the student ex per ience, therefore I am so excited to meet and work with students and faculty to offer both a listening ear and a helping hand. Go Jaguars!

Stephanie Gooding My main goal this semester for the Student Government Association is to make an impact on student retention a nd engagement by increa sing our presence on campus and engaging with the students and other organizations. This “come-back” semester will be an opportunity to start anew and return a sense of “normalcy” to our student body. I look forward to serving the students in whatever way I can as Vice President of SGA.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

A letter from your Hello Jaguars!


As the Student Government Association (SGA) President, I would like to welcome and congratulate all new and incoming students to Texas A&M University-San Antonio. This is a truly momentous opportunity to experience, learn and grow as an individual and a community. Welcoming back our returning students, your demonstrations of strength and resiliency have demonstrated the best that our university has to offer. As proud student representatives, we in SGA will work to ensure that this next semester is filled with success, growth, and opportunities for all. SGA is proud to be the elected officials of our student body. As your advocates, we are your voice and support for all concerns and ideas at the university. In addition to advocacy, our focus is on building not only a connected st udent body, but a lso a welcoming campus community that recognizes the many diverse backgrounds, ideas and cultures that make up our beautiful campus. This year in particular, we will work hard to offer all students a voice and opportunity for representation within SGA. As we look to grow, we are continuing our search for new members that can provide unique experiences and perspectives to impact change in our community in a positive and meaningful way. We also encourage every student to check out JagSync, a valuable tool to connect with many organizations or groups on campus that may attract your interest! Now more than ever, our hope is to help you feel heard and understood. This great opportunity enables us to once again come together as not only a university, but a community. We will work to create space for meaningful dialogue and build lasting relationships. I am excited to represent you this year, and we in SGA are honored to serve you each and every day. Questions, ideas, complaints, affirmations, and all other comments are welcome in this space, and I cannot wait to watch our Jaguars continue to grow together! Welcome Home Jaguars! Jacob Goldstein, President

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio

A welcome from

President Matson Welcome Jaguars!

I am excited to see so many new and returning faces to campus. It has been a long year of mostly virtual interactions, and w it hout our usua l t housands of students on campus. After all, it is you, our students, who bring life and energy to this beautiful campus. I speak for the entire A&M-San Antonio community when I express our excitement to have you back in the classrooms and involved on campus and I encourage each of you, as you work towards fulfilling your academic goals, to take advantage of the rich resources and experiences available to you at A&M-SA. There is a purpose and meaning for all the programs and experiences offered, to shape you personally and professionally, and prepare you to go on to impact people, organizations, and communities worldwide. As you begin your academic journey this semester, remember that we are here to help you succeed. I am honored that you chose Texas A&M UniversitySan Antonio. Please connect with me on Instagram @ JagPrezMatson or Twitter @PrezMatson. This is going to be an incredible year and I look forward to meeting you face-to-face at our next athletic event, President’s Picnic, or one of the many other campus events this semester. Go, Jaguars!

Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, President


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

A welcome from

Dr. Mari Bienvenidos/Welcome to the Jaguar Fam!

I would like to be one of the first to welcome you to Texas A&M University-San Antonio. We are excited to see new faces on our beautiful campus. Whether you are a returning student, first-time college student or have transferred to our university, there is a place for you in our familia. Our goal for your college experience is to be active within the campus environment through involvement in clubs and organizations, leadership development, service-learning, and civic involvement. Ultimately, we want your journey to be about the discovery of your professional and personal passions and a pathway to completing your academic goals. As Vice President of Student Success and Engagement, I am committed to assisting you in having a successful college experience both in and outside of the classroom. My team strives to prov ide an inclusive, safe, and f lourishing environment. I look forward to seeing you on campus! With Jaguar Pride! Mari Fuentes-Martin Ed.D. Vice President of Student Success and Engagement

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021



Texas A&M - San Antonio


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Gender Neutral Restrooms CAB 125 HALL 107, 211, 311 STEC 150, 152

Lactation Rooms CAB 129 HALL 112 MDLA 137 STEC 156

Baby Changing Stations CAB 114, 115, 123, 124, 125 CASA 112, 113, 210, 211 HALL 107, 211, 311 MDLA 115, 116, 131, 132 STEC 112, 114, 150, 152, 155, 159, 212, 214, 255, 259, 312, 314, 355, 359

CAB 1ST FLOOR • • • • • •

CAB(Campus Activities Board) Mailroom Recsports 24/7 Computer lab Cafeteria Bookstore

2ND FLOOR • DSS(Disability Support Services) • Testing Center • Writing Center • ITS (Information Technology Services) • Library • Study Rooms(2nd 3rd 4th floors) 4TH FLOOR • Vista Room • President’s Office MODS • A - Southwest Prep Academy (Dual Credit students) • B - Classrooms • C - SCC (Student Counseling Center) Advising ALC (Academic Learning Center)

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

SCI TECH 1ST FLOOR • Jag Java • Mays Center • Study Rooms(2nd and 3rd floor) MADLA 1ST FLOOR • • • • • •

Welcome Center UPD Admissions Financial Aid Business Services Gym

PATRIOTS’ CASA 1ST FLOOR • New Student Programs 2ND FLOOR • FYE (First Year Experience) • Military Affairs CLASSROOM HALL ALL FLOORS • Study Rooms


Texas A&M - San Antonio




The annual event supports fundraising ef for ts for Texas A& M-San A ntonio student organizations. Student organizations and communit y members host boot hs or volunteer for Campus Activities Board.

Students, faculty, staff, alumni, family, and friends are invited twice a year to par ticipate in the event. Volunteers serve the San Antonio community by volunteering in groups at organizations such as the San Antonio Food Bank and Animal Care Services.

FESTIVAL  DE CASCARONES  E x p e r i e n c e l i v e mu s i c , f o o d a n d drink from local and student vendors, and break cascarones with thousands of guests!

JAGUARS REMEMBERED  E s t a b l i s h e d i n 2 0 17 – J a g u a r ’s Remembered is a memorial event hosted by Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s

PRESIDENT’S PICNIC  The P re sident's P icn ic , st a r te d Fa ll 2014 , is an event for students, faculty and staff to celebrate the beginning of the semester. New and returning Jaguars join the University President on the West Lawn for lunch and other activities.


Dean of students, Student Government Association, and Alumni Association. The intent is to gather the University community together to remember and honor the lives of Jaguars who have passed away that year. In April 2021, we honored 11 students and 1 alumnus who have passed away since January 2020.

PATRIOT’S CORDING CEREMONY  T h e P a t r i o t ’s C o r d i n g C e r e m o n y prev iously occur red onstage at graduation, but it has since become a st a nd a lone c eremony due to t he t remendous grow t h of our vetera n population.

LIGHTS OF ESPERANZA   There are ice themed activ ities l i ke ic e - sk at i ng a nd snow sl id i ng available to enjoy. Even our University mascot dresses up and at tends the e vent a s G ener a l C l au s. L ig ht s of E spera nza br ings st udents, t heir families, and our San Antonio neighbors together to enjoy bot h holiday and community spirit every winter.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio



is a Military Embracing campus and on Fridays


REMEMBER Everyone Deployed

A U G R.E.D.



12:00pm - 1:00pm

S E P 9/11



Check JagSync for

Patriot’s Casa Lobby

event location & times


S E P R.E.D.



Check JagSync for event location & times





12:00pm - 1:00pm Patriot’s Casa Lobby

O C T R.E.D.



12:00pm - 1:00pm Patriot’s Casa Lobby



Texas A&M - San Antonio

LANDMARKS STEM BEAM: On September 21, 2017, the University hosted a topping off ceremony for the Science & Technology Building, where students, faculty, staff, and friends of A&M-San Antonio were invited to sign the beam. The STEM Beam would later be placed in a stairwell inside of the Science & Technology Building, left exposed for future students to witness, forming a lasting history.

and enriching the quality of life in its community. The tree was gifted from the George W. Bush Family Tree Farm in conjunction with the Tree-centennial program, managed by the City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department. The tree is one of 300 Tricentennial Trees gifted to college campuses during San Antonio’s Commemorative Week on the day of History and Education.  PRESIDENT’S ROSE GARDEN: The President’s Rose Garden is a tranquil space unveiled in 2011 as a gift to the University, filled with blooming flowers, greenery and running water. SURV I VOR T R EE : Planted on September 11, 2016, the Survivor Tree was the last living thing taken from the rubble at Ground Zero. It stands behind Patriots’ Casa as a symbol of hope and resurrection. Americans have the ability to endure and have an unshakable belief in a brighter future. This Survivor Tree is dedicated to all who were lost on 9-11 and their surviving families and was provided by the George & Fay Young Foundation.  SEN ATOR FR A NK L . M A DL A S TAT UE: The likeness of Senator Frank L. Madla (Januar y 23, 1937 – November 24, 2006) is located in front of the Senator Frank L. Madla

ALUMNI BRICKS: The Alumni Bricks, sometimes referred to as Alumni Pavers, were gifted to the first 5000 graduates, as well as founding faculty and staff. Alumni are still able to purchase a brick with a short inscription as space allows.  H I S T O R I C A L M A R K E R : S PA N I S H & M E X I C A N L A N D GR ANT S:  The Historical Marker Dedication Ceremony occurred on September 22, 2016, honoring the land our University sits on as significant in Texas’s histor y. The plaque reads:  MIRACLE MILE: The Miracle Mile is the mile stretch between the Torre de Esperanza and campus.  TRICENTENNIAL TREE:  The towering Texas Red Oak on the West lawn commemorates Texas A&M University-San A ntonio’s legacy of fostering the grow th of its students


Building and was dedicated on December 11, 2014. The plaque on the statue reads, “It is my dream to bring a Texas A&M University System Campus to the South Side of San Antonio to provide all children an opportunity to receive a quality education.” - Senator Madla  Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

SONYA’S TREE OF LIFE: Sonya Renee Guerra was a dedicated employee at A&M-San Antonio, serving for eleven years before she passed away af ter losing her battle with cancer on June 23, 2013. Guerra was hired early on in the University’s history and one of the first to earn a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Texas A&M Kingsville System Center-San Antonio. She raised hundreds of dollars each year for cancer research, founded A&M-San Antonio’s Susan G. Komen R ace for the Cure team, and mentored newly diagnosed c a nc er pat ient s. W it h r em a rk able grit, Guerra put her community first, something all Jaguars strive for. On November 1, 2013, on official Texas State Arbor Day, the University held a planting ceremony, where Sonya’s Tree of Life was placed caringly between the Senator Frank L. Madla Building and the Central Academic Building. Sonya’s Tree of Life is one of many: other trees wrapped in pink ribbon were gifted to relatives and friends in honor of Guerra.

TIMMER FOYER: The Timmer Foyer, located on the first f loor of the Senator Frank L. Madla Building, was dedicated on April 22, 2012 in memory of Elizabeth T i m mer, a n i n aug u r a l P r e sident ’s Circle Member.

TIME CAPSULE: The Time Capsule is located north of the President’s Seal and is slated to be opened in August 2036. It was dedicated by the History Club at Texas A& M Universit y- San Antonio in conjunction with the Student Programming Board as par t of t he Grand Opening of the Main Campus Building on November 11, 2011. PRE SIDENT’S SE AL : Jaguar Legend states that if a student steps upon the seal they w ill not graduate on time. There is one exception to this rule: the day of the Ring Ceremony, the curse is temporarily lifted by the spirit of the Jaguar to allow students to have their class ring placed on their finger by a family member or friend on the seal. The seal is roped off on all other days of the year to protect students from such a fate.

TORRE DE ESPERANZA: The Torre de Esperanza (Tower of Hope) stands tall at the beginning of Universit y Way, welcoming the University community and guests. The structure was built to s y mb ol i z e hop e at Te x a s A & M University-San Antonio.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021



Texas A&M - San Antonio



is located in the Science and Technology Bu i ld i n g a nd of f e r s a v a r ie t y of Starbucks coffee and drinks.

View Menu, Nutrition Information, & Hours at

How to check your dining dollar balance: After each new meal plan purchase, your receipt will show the amount of your purchase as well as the remaining balance on your account.


Go to the GET Funds link, get.cbord.com/tamusa. During business hours you can ask one of our cashiers or managers in the Food Court to print out a receipt showing your remaining balance. No purchase is necessary. For questions or comments, please contact Auxiliary Services at 210-784-2121 or as@tamusa.edu. Mission Magazine - Fall 2021



Texas A&M - San Antonio




Houston Street SALADS & SUBS



Texas A&M - San Antonio

The Jaguar R ing ceremony is one of our most cherished traditions on campus. We partner with Herff Jones to provide a unique and celebratory experience for our Jaguars as they place the ring on their finger for the very first time. It's a moment, carefully captured by a professional photographer, that you will never forget! The university seal, located in the CAB courtyard, is roped off and open to students only for this tradition. On Ring Day, Ring Leaders, will escort you and your guests throughout the event for a personalized experience. Once on the seal, you get to select which family member, friend, or colleague places the ring on your finger - and the rest is smiles and JOY!

Ring Days On the eve of each Ring Ceremony, the class rings are stowed in the Dome of the Central Academic Building, where they are kept overnight and guarded. Legend says that at nightfall before the ceremony, the Dome holds the Spirit of the Jaguar, which illuminated the Dome and permeated each class ring and lasts an eternity.

The day is full of photo ops, concessions, eventspecif ic swag, and much more! If you qualif y, ORDER YOUR JAGUAR RING TODAY!

Requirements for the Ring • • • •

Have 60 or more credit hours Ring MUST be purchased through Herff Jones You MUST participate in the same semester you purchased your ring in. Ex. You purchase this Fall – you participate in the FALL ceremony

Have Questions? Email: ring.ceremony@tamusa.edu


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

JagSy nc is your gateway to get t ing involved through organizations, programs, events, volunteering, and leadership opportunities. Visit jagsync. tamusa.edu and login with your JagWire username and password!

On jagsync.tamusa.edu you will be able to... • Browse organizations based on your interests • Create new organizations • Discover and RSVP to events • Find leadership opportunities • Track your involvement • Information on Recreation and Club Sport activities • Learn about community service opportunities • Vote in campus elections

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio

COUNSELING STUDENT ORGANIZATION  Inform, educate, and practice counseling in the classroom and community HER CAMPUS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-SAN ANTONIO  Online magazine for college women, socials, networking PRE-DENTAL CLUB  Prepare students for DAT, application process and more TEXAS SOCIETY OF CPAS-SAN ANTONIO  Professional development for accounting and finance jaguars ANIMAL HEARTS  Help animals locally/globally.

Join a


BILINGUAL EDUCATION STUDENT ORGANIZATION (BESO)  Assistance for students interested in Bicultural and Bilingual Studies BIOLOGY CLUB  Educational opportunities, career development, and more! BLACK STUDENT UNION  Embrace and gain k nowledge of t he A f r ican American Culture CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION  Help Students grow in the catholic faith THE COALITION Peer support and education for the LGBTQ+ community DELTA CHI FRATERNITY  C ol le g i ate s o c i a l f r ater n it y, e duc at ion a nd community driven FIRST GENERATION JAGUARS!  Networking for First gen students HISTORY CLUB  Learn about professions, visit historical sites, and socialize


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

JAGUAR ISOTOPES CHEMISTRY CLUB  Learn and network in chemistry and other sciences KAPPA DELTA PI - ALPHA DELTA OMEGA CHAPTER Support and networking for educators

nt Org

KINESIOLOGY CLUB  Health and wellness through education MEXICAN AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION  Encourage culture pride, political awareness, and community activism NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY STUDENT ASSOCIATION  Share cybersecurity knowledge in a community OMEGA DELTA PHI FRATERNITY, INC., BETA THETA CHAPTER  A community driven multicultural service and social fraternity PLANT CLUB  Hands on education about plants with teambuilding activities PRE-HEALTH SOCIETY  Healthcare networking and volunteering PSYCHOLOGY CLUB  Networking in the psychology field SIGMA DELTA LAMBDA SORORITY, INC. EPSILON CHAPTER Service and social sorority with academic and community networking WOMEN IN CYBERSECURITY STUDENT CHAPTER  Building gender equality in the cyber field YL COLLEGE  Explore one’s faith and social gatherings

Get involved! To learn more & join an organization or club visit jagsync.tamusa.edu

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio



Welcome Jagfam! Stay involved & get active with the Department of Recreational Sports! O u r m i s s ion i s to pr ov ide a n i nc lu s i ve environment for the campus community that encourages the lifelong pursuit of healthy living and learning. Our facilities and programs offer an outlet to enhance the educational core of the university, while striving for improved intellectual and emotional wellness.


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio




T he Ja g u a r F it ne s s of fer s a w ide variety of equipment that includes free weights, benches, rack s, mats, and other f itness equipment for general use. Our knowledgeable fitness staff are available to assist with equipment use, set up, and spotting assistance. All fitness levels are welcome! Grab a friend and hit the gym!

Fitness classes will be held in Madla 134. Classes will run from August 30 to December 1. Our classes range from mind-body, choreographed, strength, and endurance formats.

Esports is here on campus! A&M-San Antonio is the first institution in the system to offer varsity esports, fielding teams in Over watch, Valorant, Call of Duty, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and more. Scholarship opportunities available. Check out our social media for up d ate s on t r yout s a nd ot her volunteer positions.

The F it ne ss St ud io is t he pr ima r y location for all of our Jaguar Fitness Classes and other Wellness Events. The Game Room is a perfect place to relax and hang out with friends! Stop by between classes and de-stress with table tennis, air hockey, billiards, and much more! We also have console and PC gaming platforms! Your choice of Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, PlayStation 5, and Alienware PC’s! O u r O utdo or S pac e s i nc lude: T he Pavilion, Rec Field, and Sand Volleyball Cour ts. These are open for student use (when not being used by Academic classes or Rec Sports programming). Check out a basketball, volleyball, or other sports ball from the Game Room to play in our outdoor spaces!

INTRAMURAL SPORTS We will be offering major and minor sport leagues throughout the semester. St udent s must reg ister t h roug h IMleagues.com and can sign in with their JagWire information. This fall, we will be offering Flag Football, Table Tennis, Archery Tag, Super Smash Bros, Soccer, Volleyball, and more!

FITNESS & WELLNESS T he Ja g u a r F it ne s s a nd Wel l ne s s Program is committed to providing a variety of inclusive services to help the A&M-San Antonio community achieve their goals. Below are the services we will offer this Fall.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

JAGUAR NUTRITION PROGRAM Ja g Fa m, a r e you lo ok i ng to m a ke changes in your eating habits? Our Jaguar Nutrition Program is a perfect way to star t! Nutr ition Coaching is available and FR EE to all students. Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, increased exercise performance, or creating a healthy relationship with food, our Nutrition Coach will be here for you!

PERSONAL TRAINING Personal Training is a new program available to the Campus Community this year. For more information and how to sign-up, please reach out to: Amber Graham | agraham@tamusa.edu for more information!

CLUB SPORTS Any group of students with a collective interest in a sport or activity that allows you to compete individually or as a team is eligible to start a new Sport Club. Just complete the Intent to Organize on Jagsync. Please email recsports@ tamusa.edu for more information or questions.


Men’s Club Basketball Women’s Club Basketball Men’s Club Soccer Women’s Club Soccer Jaguarettes Dance Team Table Tennis

Below are the varsity teams for Fall 2021: • Overwatch • Valorant • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate • Call of Duty: BOCW • Rocket League • Hearthstone • Rainbow 6 CONTACT US

MAIN OFFICE Modular 108 210-784-1361 recsports@tamusa.edu Mon.–Fri. Hours: 8am – 5pm

THE FITNESS CENTER & STUDIO Madla Building, Room 128 210-784-1360 Mon. – Fri. Hours: 7am – 8pm Saturday Hours: 12pm – 8pm Sunday Hours: Closed

THE GAME ROOM CAB, Suite 105C 210-784-1389 Mon. – Fri. Hours: 8am – 7pm Saturday Hours: 12pm – 6pm Sunday Hours: Closed For more info visit: www.tamusa. edu/recreational-sports/ Follow us: @tamusarecsports and @tamusaesports


Texas A&M - San Antonio

Advice from We asked you for college advice on Instagram! @studentlifetamusa

Let your employer know when you need time off for school & do not take more hours than you can handle!

YOU Don’t eat too much! - d_eane


a re B oy s , A’s or a r y t e mp r or e ve a re f cha  a l mo t e m -g un

Struggles are not setbacks, but a sign of growth.   -stormfire787

“ GO TO CLASS! -biancaaa_

Stop worrying about what you cannot control - uh.lay

Go to the tutoring center. - amxber._

Talk to people. -renate_fort


Discover and take advantage of all the resources that are on campus. They are there to help you succeed! -elena.kiki06

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio



MEDIA Follow along with

We do giveaways throughout the year

us throughout the

and post fun videos and great photos of


all things Student Life at A&M-SA. In Fall 2020 we welcome the first Street Team to Student Life social media. Made up of student volunteers, the Street Team gave students the chance to learn new skills like photography, videography, social media planning, popular programs like Hootsuite, Canva, and some Adobe Creative Cloud programs.

#jaguarstudentlife @studentlifetamusa @studentlifetamusa @jaglifetamusa @jaglifetamusa Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

I loved t hat Street Te a m a l l o w e d m e to come out of my shell and become more social. - Catherine Padilla, Junior

S t r e e t Te a m g a v e me t he c h a nc e t o think creatively a nd t o ge t out of m y c om f o r t z o ne . - Deane Gumila, Freshman 23

So, you’re a

Texas A&M - San Antonio

TRANSFER? Transfer Student Engagement We are dedicated to providing all transfer students the resources and experiences to help aid their transition onto campus, and off to graduation!

Transfer Student Mentorship Program

• • •

Have questions on how to get involved? Need help with study habits and/or course content? Feel like you need a peer to help motivate you? you’ve found the right

Tau Sigma National Honor Society A nat iona l honor societ y desig ned exclusively for transfer students.

Transfer Week is celebrated in the Spring and the Fall semesters!

Earn scholarships, attend leadership c onferenc e s, u niver sit y le ader sh ip opportunities and more!

Attend several signature events that t he Universit y hosts for t ra nsfer students: Painting with a Transfer, Tr unk or Treat, Transfer Student Panel, Transfer Student Mixers, and Movie nights.


Monthly Silver Bullet 24

National Transfer Week: October 18 – 22, 2021

(Silver Liners) The Silver L iners are a peer-to peer mentorship program designed s p e c i f ic a l l y to pr o v ide ac adem ic , emotional, and social support as well as professional development to transfer students from day 1 through graduation.


T he Tau S ig m a Nat ion a l Honor Society E-Board helps to curate the content for our monthly newsletter!

Featuring: Department of the Month, Faculty/Staff member of the month, Transfer Student Highlight, Transfer S t ude nt- ow ne d s m a l l bu s i ne s s e s , Mentorship Tips for success, and more!

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio



Major: Communications Classification: Junior Type: Transfer / San Antonio College

Major: English Classification: Junior Type: Transfer/ Northwest Vista College

What are your career goals? This is a tough one, but I would love to work for Disney. Their franchise is so big, and it would be such an amazing opportunity!

How did you hear about A&M-SA? My sister had graduated from here and she said it was great

Why did you choose A&M-SA? My sister is an alumna, so I went to events and such with her prior to transferring. A&M-SA felt like home. It was an easy choice! What advice would you give to transfer students on the transfer process? The transfer process is different for everyone. However, I would recommend asking questions! Get to know staff, students, professors and embrace the campus as best you can. This will help you get to know the environment you will be joining!! What is something you wish you would have known before transferring to a 4-year University? One thing I wish I would have known is that it is okay to take breaks. College is hard. There are days when I want to give up, but I remind myself that I am so close to the finish line. I surround myself with ambitious and like-minded students and it really helps.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

What are your career goals? High school drama teacher, I plan to get a Master’s in Education and maybe even a Bachelors in Drama Will you be staying at A&M-SA post undergrad? I would love to, because I have had a wonderful experience so far. However, I am not sure due to the lack of creative arts classes/options. It will all depend on the next few years personally and for the university. Do you regret not starting at a 4-year? Not at all. I would recommend to ever yone to start at a community college; especially if you do not know exactly what you want to do! What is something you wish you would have known about the transfer process? Not so much the transfer process, but I do wish my academic adv isor would have clar if ied what classes I needed in what order. What is one thing you would tell a transfer? There are resources and no shame in asking for help. The Mentorship Program has been huge for me. It has made me feel so welcomed and accepted here at A&M-SA!


PANDEM Texas A&M - San Antonio

Jaguars in a

The Office of Alumni Affairs works to continue the education and support of students who have graduated from A&M-SA. The goal of this office is to continue connecting and fostering relationships between alumni and encourage growth in their careers, businesses, and lives. Now, w ith over 13,000 alumni The Of f ice of Alumni Affairs is crucial in the Texas A&M-San Antonio community. Here are some ways the office has supported our graduated Jaguars.

What are some innovative ways the department has enjoy some phenomenal food and drink pairings. In addition overcome the challenges of COVID? to social events, our office also offers continuing education benefits like financial literacy sessions and recruiting alumni Like many others, our office began by canceling events left to be on a panel for current students regarding their major. and right, but we then moved into virtual events. In the Fall of 2020, we had hybrid component events. This approach has How do you plan to help students or graduate students been a good thing for our alumni because while most alumni this academic year? are still within Bexar County, that won’t always be the case. In the future, alumni will move farther out, so having the We are continuing with some of the fun activities that we had ability to still invite every alumnus to attend their 10-year last year and we’re taking it up a notch! For example, we asked class reunion even if they are 1000 miles away is great. the alumni if they wanted to do any kind of virtual engagement for their fellow Jaguars. We received two responses from Will any of the changes you have made to adapt virtually, alumni that wanted to teach crocheting, and today we have still be used when campus operations return to normal? around 50 alumni signed up for the classes! We have just started class reunions for graduates in 2019, both five year and ten year- to honor the university’s tenth anniversary. In the future, I’d like to be able to offer both virtual and in-person reunions, so those that want to come to campus would be able to easily. But we want to make sure that there’s an online component for the folks that can’t for whatever reason attend the in-person reunion.

Anything to add? We are about to launch a brand-new initiative: an alumni business directory, I will solicit from alumni who own or co-own businesses and will put together an online directory, where alumni and current students can utilize this to patronize from these alumni-owned businesses.

Can you share any highlights or successes of 2020 from this department? We organize lots of alumni mixers, like happy hours which various departments have hosted with their graduates over the summer, we also partnered with a local bar-restaurant to


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

MIC Texas A&M - San Antonio

The Academic Advising Program at A& M-SA work s to help st udents understand, register, and meet degree/ university requirements by offering a safe space for students to ask questions regarding their academic and career goals. Here are how they have helped their students during 2020

What are some innovative ways the department has overcome the challenges of COVID?

Can you share any highlights or successes of 2020 from this department?

We’ve made it easier for students to meet with us without needing to drive to campus or walk over to our building. For quick questions, chat with an advisor through our website. During registration periods, we’ve opened a virtual lobby where you can drop in for assistance with registration. Oneon-one appointments are conducted virtually, over the phone, or by video conference. If you are on campus and have a quick question, you’re always welcome to come to visit us in the Student Success Center, Modular C.

We expanded our services to provide dedicated academic advising to student-athletes. On an individual level, two academic advisors were acknowledged for their contributions to campus through employee awards. As part of our efforts to continue improving services to students, academic advisors completed over 18 hours of professional development.

Will any of the changes you have made to adapt virtually still be used when campus operations return to normal? Students have given us great feedback about our chat and virtual lobby services, so we intend to continue offering those as much as we are able. While we’ve always offered phone appointments, in addition to in-person appointments, we plan to permanently expand our options to include video conference.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

How do you aim to help students this academic year? Academic advisors continue to support students to achieve their academic goals. We’re here for you when you’re not sure where to start or who to ask. You can schedule a one-on-one appointment through the Civitas Inspire link in JagWire or by giving us a call at (210) 784-1307. You can find the latest update on our services at tamusa.edu/advising.


Texas A&M - San Antonio

Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement provides enhanced learning opportunities that are used to make students career-ready and community-minded. In addition to this, Mays Center also engages students in community-based volunteer opportunities. Here are some of the great ways the Mays Center has helped students in 2020.

• Fall voter registration followed physical distancing guidelines • We e k l y p r o g r a m s s u c h a s Tr i v i a Tu e s d a y a n d Financial Literacy presentations also continued in a new virtual setting. Will any of the changes you have made to adapt virtually still be used when campus operations return to normal? Some aspects of virtual or hybrid programming will remain a part of the new normal of Mays Center operations, including virtual career advising and access to virtual externship days. Take-and-make service projects will remain part of the service offerings for students such as braid for barks kits. Can you share any highlights or successes of 2020 from Mays Center? The General’s Store campus food pantry remained open by moving services to curbside pick-up, serving almost twice as many customers as before due to the new limitations on students’ budgets. Mays Center staff also led the effort to host the first A&M system-wide career fair (online), which has resulted in continued collaborative events for students. How do you aim to help students this academic year? The Mays Center is committed to finding innovative ways to connect students to opportunities and resources to help them become career-ready and community-minded, through both traditional face-to-face as well as virtual programs.

What are some innovative ways the department has overcome the challenges of COVID?   From the onset of COVID, the Mays Center immediately jumped into motion to transition services to a virtual setting.

Anything to add? Follow @tamusamays on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date on opportunities to prepare for your career, apply your learning in real-world settings, and make a difference in your communities.

• HIRED! professional development sessions were moved to the interactive Thinkific platform. • Career Fairs and career advising moved to virtual • May s C enter a ssisted i n t ra nsit ion i ng ac adem ic internships and experiential learning projects to fit a virtual environment • General’s Store developed a curbside model


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

The Student Counseling Center

What are some innovative ways the department has overcome the challenges of COVID? T h e S t u d e nt C o u n s e l i n g C e nt e r (S C C ) s uc c e s s f u l l y t ra nsit ioned a l l clinic a l ser v ices to telecounseling in accordance with ethical and legal standards. To help meet the digital demand amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we launched an Instagram page and YouTube channel to provide coping skills and resources to the student body. We converted our group therapy ser vices to a YouTube video series called, “Nourish to Flourish”, which received over 400 views. Also, the SCC created a “COVID-19 Self-Care” packet to distribute to students and constituencies across campus. Will any of the changes you have made to adapt virtually still be used when campus operations return to normal? Our social media presence will continue to remain strong even after things return to “normal”. Additionally, the transition to telecounseling services has been well received by students due to increased flexibility and access to services. Telecounseling services might continue to be an option for students moving forward. Can you share any highlights or successes of 2020 from this department? The Student Counseling Center served 428 clients and reached 3,229 individuals through educational outreach, including Suicide Prevention Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and collaborations with the LGBTQ+ Coalition and the Black Student Union. We also started a “Cultivating Calm” Therapy Group where students learned coping skills and anxiety management techniques. Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

pr ov ide s br ie f i nd i v idu a l a nd g r oup t her apy, c r i s i s intervention, consultation, case management, and prevention services. Licensed mental health professionals help students to identify treatment goals and effective coping strategies. All services are free, inclusive, confidential (as the law allows), and separate from a student’s academic record, here is how SCC helped students in 2020.

How do you aim to help students this academic year? Services at the Student Counseling Center can help facilitate students’ academic and life goals as well as enhance their personal growth and well-being. Last year, 72% of students surveyed reported their ability to attend class, complete coursework, or succeed academically has improved as a result of our counseling services.


If you would like to include anything else, please feel free to do so.

The Student Counseling Center provides brief individual and group therapy, crisis intervention, consultation, case management, and prevention ser v ices. Here are all the ways to contact The Student Counseling Center: Modular C, Room 166 | (210)784-1331 | stucounseling@tamusa.edu | www.tamusa.edu/studentcounseling


Elissa Gallegos Elissa Gallegos is a freshman and a student worker in the office of First Year Experience here on campus.


Texas A&M - San Antonio

The Office of First-Year Experience helps students transition into the university and provides support and mentors to help nav igate their first year at Texas A&M Universit y-San A ntonio. The Of f ice of First-Year Experience coordinates FirstYear Seminar, The Common Experience, Faculty Advising Program, and Learning C om mu n i t i e s , a l l t he pr o g r a m s a r e designed to help students feel at home at our university.


by Malcolm Gladwell

Learning with Strangers: Leaning into the Unknown and Creating Dialogue The Common Exper ience program cultivates intellectual conversations and facilitates interactions among students, faculty, and staff through campus-wide events focused on a connecting theme and text.

What are some innovative ways the department has overcome the challenges of COVID? Our of f ice ha s ut i li zed Microsof t Tea ms to ma inta in ef fec t ive communication with our Peer Leaders, while also leveraging social media to engage with students virtually. This fall with on-campus events we leveraged social media to both promote and provide the opportunity for our events to be hybrid to expand our student reach. One of these virtual shifts has been offering virtual study halls for our students participating in Learning Communities. The Office of FirstYear Experience continues to host virtual team meetings every week to continue to build the community amongst our office team. Will any of the changes you have made to adapt virtually still be used when campus operations return to normal? We will continue providing virtual opportunities for students to engage with our office and events throughout the year. First-Year Seminar will continue to offer some sections synchronously, online. Can you share any highlights or successes of 2020 from this department? We were able to continue establishing connections w ith students through our events, first-year seminar course, and peer leader/faculty mentorship programs. Our Peer Leaders continued to make connections with students in a virtual and in-person learning environment. We also established the Texas A&M University-San Antonio Pathways program, which provides resources and support to students who are not reading and/or writing TSI met. How do you aim to help students this academic year? • Peer and faculty mentorship • F urther developing a student’s connection to our campus and the Jaguar family, whether in-person or virtual • A ssisting students in their transition during their first year at A&M-SA to ensure they are set up for long-term success If you would like to include anything else, please feel free to do so. The Office of First-Year Experience is excited to announce that the 20212022 Common Read is Talking to Strangers and our Common Experience Theme is: Learning with Strangers: Leaning into the Unknown and Creating Dialogue. Talking to Strangers is written by Malcolm Gladwell and discusses the different aspects of strangers and how we can learn how to communicate better with those around us.





12:00pm –2:00pm Madla West Lawn

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Jaguar Crossword Texas A&M - San Antonio

Do you know your campus?



1. Building where the University Bookstore is located 3. Who is the best person to talk to about courses to take? Academic: 4. General’s __________ Club 5. A place located in the Central Academic building for events and clubs 7. __________ PAWS 11. __________ Life 12. __________ with a Twist 13. A&M-SA website 14. What do you need to be able to park? 17. Home of A&M-SA


2. A&M-SA Mascot 6. A place to get caffeine 8. College of __________ 9. Located in Suite 202 of the Central Academic Building

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

10. College of __________and Human Development 12. Academic home for the brave 15. Fearless leader of A&M-SA-President: 16. College of Arts and __________ 18. Office of __________ and Graduate Studies 19. Who you are once you graduate 20. A center students can go to get help with their writing


Texas A&M - San Antonio

Developing graduates who are skilled in taking initiative, building and cultivating effective teams, managing group dynamics, making ethical decisions, leading change in complex environments and dealing with organizational challenges.


This program has been a great experience here at A & M- Sa n A nton io. During my time in the progra m it helped me craft out specific goals for myself and my career that w ill help me now that I am graduating this December.



Launching fall 2021, the goal of AIMM is to increase retention, graduation, engagement, and overall success of ethnic minority males by providing life skills, training, and development for an improved educational experience and quality of life.

The yearly conference offered in the fall semester is an opportunity for students to deep dive into specialized topics that are designed for them to improve their leadership skills and reach their goals. It offers:

During the program, participants are expected to increase their knowledge and skills in the following areas:

• Dynamic Keynote Speakers • Targeted Student Workshops • Leadership Development Seminars

• Time Management • Academic and Leadership Development • Personal and Professional Branding • Mental and Physical Health • Financial Literacy • Civic Responsibility

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Student highlighted experience: “This conference, like last year's, left lasting impacts on me as a student, mentor, and leader. I hope that future conferences will be extended to invite alumni, as I will be graduating in May 2021.”

and develop their potential. Learn how individuals, teams, and organizations can use a strengths-based approach to perform at their best by scheduling a session w ith one of our Strengths coaches today.



The cer tif icate is being relaunched in fall 2021 as a self-paced v ir tual program. Students enrolled in the Emerging Leaders Certificate will participate in 11 leadership development workshops, civ ic engagement opportunities, three coaching sessions w it h a C l i f ton S t r e ng t h s c e r t i f ie d coach, a nd complete a c apstone ex per ience. Engaged by t houg ht leaders and challenged by industr y innovators, students enrolled in the certificate program will be prepared to fill the rising demand for qualified professionals who can address issues in a global society creatively.

Real Talk: Where our stories are shared and our perspectives are challenged

PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP CLASS L au nched i n 2016, t he P re sident ’s L e ader sh ip Cla s s (PL C) i s a fou r year comprehensive, undergraduate, le ader sh ip de ve lopment pr o g r a m . PLC develops extraordinar y leaders who apply their unique approach to le ader sh ip t h roug hout t hei r l ive s, in their academic fields, professions, and communities. Each year, 25 of Texas A& M – San A nt o n i o’s i n c o m i n g s t u d e nt s a r e selec ted, t hroug h a compet it ive application process, as PLC Scholars. O u r PL C s c hol a r s r e c eive a fou r year scholarship worth $8,000. The scholarship is awarded each semester in the amount of $1,000.

R e a l Ta l k o f f e r s a n i n t e r g r o u p dialogue space for students to engage in courageous conversations around diversity, which includes topics of social justice, equity, and inclusion. Students a r e i nv ite d to ac t i ve l y e nga ge b y bringing their thoughts, opinions, and experiences into the space. Real Talk provides an opportunity for students to share their stories, for perspectives to be challenged, for empathy to be developed, and for growth as an A&MSan Antonio community. Students who participate will drive the conversations t hat o c c u r i n t he spac e. D r. Reba Sims, A ssistant Director for Family Engagement, will serve as the facilitator for the Real Talk series. FUTURE PROGRAMS Terwilliger Speaker Series - Launching 2021-2022 academic year.

Being a student in PLC has helped me become a better person and leader. I have learned a lot about spreading awareness about issues that deserve more at tent ion, a nd I have successfully guided other students like myself in many aspects of life and education.

Event Calendar SEP



10/2/2021 | 9:00am-4:00pm A&M-SA




12:00pm – 1:30pm



SciTech 166A


12:00pm – 1:30pm



20 SEP


SciTech 166A

12:00pm – 1:30pm SciTech 166A

REAL TALK 12:00pm – 1:30pm SciTech 166A

CLIFTON STRENGTHS Clif tonSt reng t hs a sse ssment helps people discover their innate talents Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Follow us on Instagram! @tamusacisnerosleadership


ATHLETICS Texas A&M - San Antonio

Spring 2021 was our Softball girls’ inaugural season. The team won many awards t his season and made Jag uar history the first time they took the field for a double header scrimmage against Lamar State-Port Arthur in Seguin on January 29, 2021.

2021 Softball Awards

NFCA Academic All American

A l l R R AC C h a m p i o n s o f Character Team

Melissa Gonzalez

Kameryn Casares Vanessa Garces 2nd Team All Conference Madeline Arellano Caitlyn Rangel Natalia Guajardo Ebbie Rodriguez Korrie Cantu Melissa Gonzalez Megan Lightcap Sydney Garza


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Esports Join the team here:

The games t hat we will be recruiting for fall 2021 include Call of Duty, Hearthstone, O v e r w a t c h , F I FA , Madden, R ainbow 6 , R o c ke t L e a g ue , SSBU, and Valorant.


The Houston Classic

It was also our best finish from two of our top players. Two of our players finished in the Top 15: Donald Harper finished T11 with scores of 73-83-82 and Javier Jazo finished T13 with scores of 81-80-78

The Urban Soccer Leadership Academy hosts free camp days during the spring for kids ages 3-12. The camp allows players from all over San Antonio to come and experience soccer free of cost. The players can then be invited to the academy. To be in the USLA players have to do well in school and maintain high gpa’s. The mission of USLA is to not only provide quality soccer training for all youth players but to also help their players succeed off the field so that they can be ready to go to college or go into professional training/careers.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio



Dance Team

The A&M-SA Jaguarettes Dance Team is defined as the embodiment of school spirit, leadership, commitment, and dedication to our school mission as spirit ambassadors of the college while featuring talented dancers. The team consists of a competitive and game-day squad, mascot, team managers, and our team photographer. The squad will have the honor of representing the college at its first collegiate dance competitions in the spring of 2022 featuring one of many styles of dance which include Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop, and Contemporary. Lastly, you can find the team making appearances or performing at sports events, University functions, community outreach events, and even at the Spurs game. So, are you interested in becoming a Jaguarette, check us out on Instagram @tamusadance or Jagsync. 36

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Meet the





Softball Coach

Golf Coach

Women’s Soccer Coach

Esports Coach

​N icole Dufour is a graduate of Southside High School in San Antonio, Texas, where she ear ned a let ter man i n vol le yba l l, ba sketba l l, softball, and track. Following g raduat ion, she at tended the Universit y of Texas in Austin, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Finance and History. Dufour ha s 11 ye a r s of c oach i ng ex per ience a nd broug ht her passion for softball and coaching to help inspire and build up the softball program at Texas A& M Universit ySan Antonio.

​C h r i s t i C a n o w a s b o r n and raised in San Antonio, Texas, which is where she competed in junior golfing, c o l l e g i a t e go l f i n g a s a n NCA A Div ision 1 studentat h lete, a nd profe ssiona l golfing. Christi is honored to be the first Men’s Golf Coach at Texas A& M Universit ySan A ntonio and w ill use her love for this community and golf to inspire the next generation of golfers.

​ Leslie Pierce is an Austin, Texa s nat ive, a nd ea r ned h e r b a c h e l o r ’s d e g r e e in Kinesiology from H a r d i n g Un i v e r s i t y a n d h e r m a s t e r ’s d e g r e e i n athletic administrator from Oklahoma University. Pierce ha s 12 ye a r s of c oach i ng experience and is excited to be a part of the Texas A&M Un i v e r s i t y - S a n A n t o n i o c om mu n it y a nd excited to se e t he g row t h i n t he women’s soccer program and all other athletic programs.

​ Tr av i s Ya ng h a s over a decade of experience w ith esports as both a coach and a s a c omp e t it i ve pl ay e r. Yang is a graduate of t he Un i v e r s i t y o f M i s s o u r i , where he earned a degree in pa rk s, recreat ion, a nd tourism. A s the inaugural E s p or t s c oac h , Tr av i s i s excited to establish collegiate e s p o r t s a t Te x a s A & M University-San Antonio, he hopes to create a w inning prog r a m t hat fo c u se s on each student holistically to ensure student success in all of their pursuits.

KYLE BEARD Men’s Soccer Coach Kyle Beard earned a bachelor’s degree from Lubbock Christian University in 2000. He continued his education studying conf lict resolution at the University of Alabama, Strategic Management from the Berlin International Institute of Business Management and is currently pursuing a graduate certificate in Leadership from Auburn University. He holds coaching licenses and diplomas from the United States Soccer Federation, United Soccer Coaches, Rwanda Football Association, International Coaches Association, and the Football Association of England.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Alumni Business Spotlight

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Sara Briseno

Master of Business Administration

Alumni 2010

Going to school full time while working full time did not leave a lot of time to socialize...

Sara Briseno owns two companies, one is REMAX Unlimited, which was started by her mother in 1997. It is the largest real estate office south of HWY 90. REMAX is a full service real estate office that specializes in first time homeowners. Her new venture that opened in November 2020 is called Tandem, a coffee bar that offers the San Antonio community a place to study, connect, and enjoy quality coffee! Sara says A&M-SA’s MBA program has helped her sharpen her skills and lean on her other non-traditional and full time working peers to learn more about different industries and how to be successful.

Antonio Villareal MBA International Business

Almuni 2014

“ 38

W hen I wa s a st udent, I wa s able to st a r t Fe st iva l De Cascarones by simply working with my professors.

Antonio works as a Global Sourcing Manager overseeing HEB’s Mexico Devision, but also owns Tony C Enterprises Inc., where he is in the entertainment business as a DJ and even planner. Antonio Credits his Capstone business course in helping mold his company and acknowledges that all his professors were his mentors, even if they did not know it at the time. Antonio still stays in contact with his fellow current Jaguars and has been involved with many events around campus!

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Junior Computer Information Systems

My time at A&M-SA has deeply rooted my skills and confidence in business and networking.

@ooyoopan I’m Aldo Cortes, I work as a Lead Network Technician for Netsync and Co-Owner/founder of OoyooPan. Our business is OoyooPan, a small home-based bakery founded by my girlfriend, Nari, and myself. Our business brings a fusion of both our Korean and Mexican heritage into our business. Ooyoo means milk in Korean and Pan means bread in Spanish; together they mean Milk Bread.

Jaguar Business Spotlight

Aldo Cortes

My girlfriend, Nari Hodges, and I decided to start our business in early 2019. Our name almost came natural to us. It took us a whole year to get our macarons right, we baked day and night and blew through our savings to get the product that we have now. Between both working as a student-worker and being VP and President of the soccer club, I learned to be straightforward with my tasks as well as prioritizing and managing a time frame. I am very thankful for my boss and supervisor, Johnny Guevara and George Jauregui, for the trust and confidence they gave me.


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Elissa Gallegos 39

Texas A&M - San Antonio

ITS The Information Technology Services Help Desk (210) 784-4357 helpdesk@tamusa.edu Main Campus, Central Academic Building Room 233


he Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk of fers a var iet y of useful support ser v ices for students that allow them to make the most of their technology while at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. These services include user ser v ices, ac ademic technology, application services, and infrastructure services. Texas A& M Universit y-San A ntonio provides wireless network access on campus so students can connect their personal laptops, tablets smartphones and all w ireless dev ices by logging onto the TAMU-SA-Student’s network. In addition, I TS of fers genera l use


printers, and mobile printing, including $25.00 dollars added to a student’s Jaguar ID each semester. There are also six different computer labs available for students use w ithin their hours of operation in the Central Academic Building, Patriot’s Casa, and the Science and Technology Building, students can login to the computers using the same credentials used to log into JagWire. Each of these computers in the labs c ome w it h a v a r ie t y of s of t w a r e , including Adobe Software’s, Java, Office 2010, Photostory and more. To help students while remote work is in place the ITS Help Desk helps with

SERVICES: loaner devices, Blackboard help, password resets, account information, general troubleshooting assistance, and basic event support

improving bandwidth connection for WebEx or Zoom meetings and shares important information about WebEx regarding the free version. In addition to this ITS can lend students a mi-fi portable hotspot in case students do not have internet connection which connects to the cellular data network and gives students Wi-Fi connectivity free of charge. In the event students do not have a computer I TS ha s a limited number that can be lend out free of charge. In addition, the ITS Help Desk can assist w ith resetting a student’s password that is used to log into Jag w ire, by either directly helping or having students sign up for Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

“ the Password Reset Tool, instructions c a n be found on t he “How Do I…” page of the ITS Help Desk page on the TAMUSA website. The ITS Help Desks goal is to provide an innovat ive, customer-focused foundation for information technology solutions that enable the Texas A&M University-San Antonio community to purse excellence in research, education, a nd publ ic s e r v ic e . T he y s e e k t o establish trust and provide customers with high quality care. Students have leaned on the resources and solutions from the ITS Help Desk to further their

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

academic careers. Here are some of the great ways the Information Technology Ser v ices group has positively affected students.

After the winter storm, I did not have wi-fi for two weeks and the ITS Help Desk provided me with a hotspot so that I could c ont i nue to c omple te my work and study for my midterms

I h ad i nter ne t i s s ue s at my home a nd a f ter contact ing I TS t hey made sure to call me at least once a day to see if it got fixed till I was able to go on campus to check the problem

When Blackboard was having technically dif f icult ies across t he entire campus ITS was a big help in reassuring and assisting students throughout the issue


Texas A&M - San Antonio

Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement


he Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community E ngagement foc u se s on de velopi ng c a reer-re ady a nd communit y-minded graduates that are ready for their chosen career or graduate school. The Mays Center gives students the opportunity and resources to gain experience in areas like internships, practice interviews, career fairs, civic engagement, and volunteer opportunities. However, the services that the Mays Center offers does not end there, as the goal of this center is to provide students with anything they might need to be successful, ranging from free career clothing to an on-campus food pantry. Here are all of the services that the Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement offers Texas A&M University-San Antonio students.

Event Calendar A U G TRIVIA



12:30pm – 1:15pm



Check JagSync for event


9:00am – 12:00pm


Behind Patriots’ Casa




11:00am – 2:00pm Check JagSync for event




4:00pm – 7:00pm


Vista Room





11:00am – 2:00pm CAB lobby and Rotunda




2:00pm – 3:00pm SciTech 165A&B





1:30am – 3:30pm Vista Room




11:30am – 1:00pm Check JagSync for event location


1:00pm – 2:30pm Check JagSync for event location


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Whether students are looking for on-campus jobs, off-campus, jobs, internships, career fairs, or federal work-study positions Handshake is the app where everything is located. The Mays Center offers a guide to logging into, updating your profile, and searching for jobs on Handshake to ensure students have the best experience when looking for employment opportunities. When looking for a new job, students will find it very helpful to utilize the Career Exploration services provided such as resume reviews from career experts and mock interviews that can help all students, whether it is a student’s first time applying for a job or if a student wants to refresh their skills. Another tool that can help students create their best resume is the A&M-SA Experience Transcript, which is a record of ones’ collegiate experience. Included on the transcript are activities that meet the criterion of awards, events, internships, leadership, service, and more. After students request the transcript the Mays Center will create and email a PDF back to the student in 1 business day. Finally, if students need professional clothing for the interview the Mays Center Career Clothes Closet can help with that! The closet provides proper business attire for students, which allows students to be successful no matter what their financial circumstances are, located in the Science & Technology Building the Career Clothes Closet is open from 8:00 am-5:00 pm.

volunteers can log their hours to track the impact they are making in the community! E n rol led st udent s c a n look for wa rd to new le a r n i ng experiences through Financial Literacy Sessions, Model UN, Experiential and Service-Learning Courses, and Voter Engagement. The Mays Center of fers f inancial literacy events, money coaching appointments that help students strategize a plan so they can reach their financial goals, and the opportunity to become a Financial Literacy Fellow. Another exciting opportunity is for students to join Texas A&M University-San Antonio ‘s Model United Nations team. It allows students to analyze real-world scenarios while acting as delegates and view the world through being a global citizen. Additionally, A&M-SA offers a variety of courses that include an experiential learning component, such as projects and partnerships with local businesses and non-profits. Finally, A&M-SA is committed to encouraging voter-friendly practices on campus and ensuring that our community has access to voting resources. Students interested in the voting process and becoming a Volunteer Deputy Registrar to help others register to vote can reach out to Mays Center for more information.

A&M-SA’s on-campus food pantry, General’s Store, is another service offered by the Mays Center. If a student ever needs supplemental food assistance the General’s Store is always able to help. It is located on the first floor of Patriot’s Casa, and the check-in process is very simple and is a judgment-free zone that helps any student that reaches out and is also a volunteer opportunity for those that would like to help! Volunteerism is a large part of the Mays Center and lots of opportunities are provided to students. By using GivePulse which students can log into through Jagwire, after volunteering on or off-campus,

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio

s t u d e nt



The Testing Center offers a wide range of testing services for the university and community. • • • •

Proctored Exams Credit by Exams Certification Exams Admissions Exams

Who are they?

SASC houses Academic Coaches, the Academic Learning Center, the Testing Center, the Texas Success Initiative (TSI), and much more!

L o c at ion: C ent r a l A c adem ic Bld g. (CAB) Suite 209 Phone: 210-784-1366 Email: Testing.Center@tamusa.edu

These topic s a re a lso presented in workshop settings through G.R.O.W.L. Workshops are available throughout the semester.

with students (via email) to provide support in regards to helping them with questions on actions/requirements to be completed in the PAS program


Be sure to check campus bulletin boards and the SASC social media platforms for session information and dates.

The peer mentoring program focuses on career exploration and ultimately career selection that best fits them.

We offer tutoring for: Math, Science, Behavioral Statistics, Computer Science, and Business.


*Tutor ing is appointment-based, so you’ll need to schedule an appointment to meet with a tutor.

We currently offer SI for: Biology 1306 & 1307, and Chemistry 1311 & 2323. SI leaders attend class with you and then host study sessions geared to your class SI sessions.

Each student will have a peer mentor that helps maintain the students’ focus on their academic goals

*Appointments are typically between 30 minutes to an hour- long. Follow us on Instagram! @tamusa_alc @alc_silab @tamusa_firstgen

ACADEMIC COACHING SERVICES • Time Management • Note-Taking • Study Skills • Test-Taking Strategies • Reading Comprehension Motivation


Contact Us! student.success@tamusa.edu 210-784-1307

Connect with us! 210-784-1332 tutoring@tamusa.edu

Instagram @sasc_tamusa Facebook @ tamusasasc



Peer coaches are student employees who work with the Academic Coaches sharing their experiences and assisting FTIC students to locate resources that they may need in order to be successful.

We address all alerts from professors for poor grades, missing assignments, poor attendance, poor test scores, and even commendations that are sent to our office.

PAS Peer Coaches work cooperatively with the PAS coaches by making contact Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Office of International Affairs How has the Office of International Affairs impacted your success?

INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS The Office of International Affairs (OIA) is a welcoming presence for international students, faculty and staff. The OIA’s mission is to is to enrich and foster the educational and work experience of Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s international community. The OIA offers services to both international students and foreign faculty such as:

“As International student here at Texas A&M University-San Antonio for almost 3 years, I can say that the international office really plays a significant role in my journey to earn my bachelor’s degree in computer science and to become a successful software engineer. In this journey, I had seen lots of ups and downs, stress, anxiety, most of time worried about any change in rule for international student and not only that, the culture difference, homesickness is difficult to overcome, but when I visited the Office of International Affairs for the first time, I felt very welcoming as the staff were friendly, helpful, and well experienced. I still remember my initials days, where I was struggling in navigating/understanding instruction, as well as difficulty in communication but with great assistance of my international advisor I was able to solve those hurdles effortlessly. Without OIA, I think those three years would be very difficult and I might give up long ago. OIA also host event/workshops, which really help me in clearing all my doubts and was more focus on my goals. OIA treats international student with more care and always helped me so that I can be successful in my Academics and career goals.” - Mohammed Ali Kunda, Junior, Computer Science major

• • • • • • • •

Immigration advising Manage International student health insurance Manage the Good Neighbor Scholarship Provide workshops to international students Cultural events/programming Advise on different visa categories, e.g, F-1, J-1, H-1B, TN and filing for permanent residency Facilitate with employment-based permanent residency sponsorship Act as a liaison for institutional departments and government agencies

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio

Title XI Te x a s A & M - S a n A nt o n i o i s c om m i t t e d t o prov id i ng a welc om i ng, i nclu sive, a nd sa fe campus for all students, faculty, and staff. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex at all schools that receive federal funds. If you experience, obser ve, or a re infor med about a n incident of sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking based on sex, contact one of our Title IX Coordinators. JONI BAKER Title IX Coordinator, 210-7842061, jbaker@ tamusa.edu, MOD109A MARTHA O. GONZALEZ Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 210-7842059, Martha. Gonzalez@ tamusa.edu, MOD107

Step in. Speak Up. Support. Step in. Step in by knowing safe behaviors and understanding what to do if someone needs help.

DEAN O STUDE Welcome to Texas A&M-San Antonio! The mission of the Dean of Students office is to support the academic success and personal and professional development of all of our students. Our ser vices include the Student Counseling Center, Disability Support Services, and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Through our programs, services, and initiatives, we help students realize their greatest potential. Joni Baker, Ph.D., Interim Dean of Students, 210-784-2061, jbaker@tamusa.edu, MOD109A

Hazing is: any intentional, knowing, or reckless acts, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in an organization. Fact: Hazing can occur in ANY group and has occurred in athletic teams, religious groups, militar y units, musical organizations, and others.

Save the Date! National Hazing Prevention Week: September 20-24, 2021 Sign A&M-SA’s Hazing Prevention Pledge, get a free donut, enter to win a t-shirt, and much more! These PAWS don’t haze!

Sp e a k u p . I f you se e some t h i ng, advo c ate for yourself and others by say ing something and reporting. Support. Understand your resources on-campus, your rights, and the various laws that assist you.


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

OF ENTS Student Rights & Responsibilities EVENTS TO LOOK OUT FOR Integrity week: October 18-22 L ear n what integr it y means to our campus and check out some fun events all week long! With events like: Cite it R ight! - a citation workshop to help you f ig u re out ML A , A PA , a nd A SA hoste d by t he u n iver sit y library and the office of student rights and responsibility Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 2:00 pm, RSVP on JagSync.tamusa.edu

Alcohol and Drug Prevention Committee & Alcohol EDU Don’t get a HOLD on your account! All incoming undergraduate students under the age of 21—including first-year and transfer students—must complete AlcoholEdu or a registration hold will be placed on your student account. Part 1 DUE: October 1st 30 Days Complete the Required Wait Time Part 2 DUE: November 30th An email will be sent to your Jaguar email address af ter census date to register.

CONTACT US OR FILE A REPORT StudentRR@tamusa.edu (210) 784-1353

For accommodations or questions for the course contact (210) 784- 1354.

BEES KNEES MOCKTAIL RECIPE Ingredients (Makes 1 serving) • • • • •

1 oz. Rosemary honey simple syrup ½ lemon Ice Sparkling water Directions

Step 1: To a small drinking glass, add ice until ¾ of the way full. Add the rosemary honey simple syrup and squeeze the juice from ½ a lemon.

Fall 2021 First Fridays Instagram: @tamusa.studentrr Important Websites: http://bit.ly/ TAMUSAStudentHandbook http://bit.ly/FileAReport

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Monthly late-night activities from 7-9 p.m. Free and open to ALL students! September 3rd October 1st November 5th

Step 2: Top with sparkling water until glass is full and then stir to combine. Step 3: If desired, garnish with a rosemary sprig or lemon slice. See more mocktails on Instagram @ Tamusa1stfriday



Lanie Perez Communications The bachelor’s degree in Communication is designed to offer you a f lexible plan of study to develop critical thinking abilities in the fast-changing world of communication, become capable and ethical communicators in various contexts, and utilize your knowledge and skills to promote media literacy and implement professional and responsible journalistic storytelling strategies.

Texas A&M - San Antonio

is one of t he w r iters for t his year's Mission Magazine. She thought of three majors to spotlight and highlighted a few required courses within those majors. For a full list of majors and degrees A&M-SA offers, head to tamusa.edu.

Required Courses COMM 4302 TV News This course provides technical preparation for intermediate and advanced television and online production work. Students will be coached through the process of producing a weekly television news program and its contents. COMM 3310 Social Media for Journalists

Complimentary Minors: • Business • English • Spanish Future Careers: • • • • •

International Journalist Social Media Manager Public Relations Manager Event Planner College Alumni and Development Officer

The purpose of this course is to provide journalism students with a hands-on opportunity to learn about the social media tools (1) that are being used now by many professional journalists and (2) that will be required to work in the field of professional journalism in the future. Students will be required to create and maintain classroom accounts on various social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, and Wordpress. COMM 2300 Multimedia Literacy Students in this course obtain practical skills and acquire a working knowledge of the textual, aural, and visual content-producing methods and formats in use by mass media. Using a relevant software foundation that includes smartphone appl ic at ion s , A ud ac it y, A d o b e Pho t o s hop, InDesign, and Illustrator, students create content as well as analyze and critique professional media, based on an understanding of the function, roles and legal/ethical responsibilities of mass media in society.


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

MGMT 5353 Business Study Abroad Study abroad experience in a host country/world region. Activities consist of pre-travel background studies, such as reading and discussion of host country/region; pre-travel orientation and approval of research project; host country observation of business firms; discussions with host countr y business executives, professors, and government officials; and concludes with post-travel reports (e.g., project and/or journal of experiences). MGMT 5344 Organizational Leadership

Complimentary Minors: • Political Science • Legal Studies • Management

Future Careers: • Policy Analyst • Bilingual Sales Representative • General Counsel • Translator • Global Relations Officer

This foundat iona l course w ill help st udents develop an understanding of leadership theory while acquiring the necessary skills and insights to become effective leaders. The course blends theory and application and integrates contemporary ideas and practices with established scholarly research. Students will examine the roles of self-leadership and the binding relationships between leader and followers. The course considers how power, courage, vision, and morality influence leadership. MGMT 5342 Negotiation/Conflict Resolution The pur pose of this course is to understand the theory and processes of dispute resolution. Negotiation is the art and science of securing agreements between two or more parties who are interdependent and who are seeking to maximize their own outcomes. The central issues of this course deal with understanding the behavior of indiv iduals, groups, and organizations in the context of competitive and cooperative situations. This course allows students to gain and develop negotiation skills through experiential learning and prov ides ex tensive feedback to improve participants' ability to discover optimal solutions to problems.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


The College of Business at Texas A&M Universit y-San A ntonio prepares st udents for a successf ul career in business or can enhance your job placement potential with a bachelor’s or master’s degree. The low student-to-teacher ratio and experienced faculty provide for a more personal learning environment that is designed to help students succeed. Financial assistance and scholarship opportunities are available to students as well as seamless transfer plans prepared by the dedicated advisors.

Required Courses


International Business


find your MAJOR

Texas A&M - San Antonio

HISTORY Our program's mission is to provide students w ith a broad k nowledge of the past and an appreciation of the complexities of the contemporary world. The study of History equips students with the necessar y skills for success in a w ide range of careers in education, public history, social service, law, government, and business. Students receive training in the collection, analysis, and evaluation of information, critical thinking, and oral and written communication.

Required Courses HIST 2358 Asian History An introduction to political, social, cultural, and economic Asian history from antiquity to the present. Emphasis on the study not only of important Asian leaders, cultures, and societies but also of the various religions and philosophies which originated in Asia. HIST 4364 Women & Gender-Latin America Intensive seminar on the history of women in Latin America from pre-Columbian times to the present, exploring their role in various societies and challenges to notions of ideal womanhood during the conquest, settlement, independence, and nation-state formation.

Complimentary Minors: • • •

Mexican American/LatinX/ Borderland Studies Women and Gender Studies Spanish

Future Careers: • • • • •

History Teacher Management Consultant Lawyer Reporter Park Ranger

HIST 4366 Childhood in America A survey of the history of children, childhood, and youth in the US and global context. Examines the historical experiences of children and youth, as well as changing ideas about childhood and adolescence, across historical periods.


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio

2021-2022 CAB Coordinators

Activities Board

Texas A& M Universit y- San A ntonio Campus Activities Board’s (CAB) purpose shall be to create programs that appeal to the student body by providing an array of diverse activities throughout the year in which all students are encouraged to attend. Our mission is to provide high-quality educational, social, and entertaining programs that enhance student involvement at Texas A&M University-San A ntonio and contribute to the overall development of the students.

Seth Maldonado

Joe Kamuntu

Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems

Favorite Event on Campus: General’s Arcadia

Favorite Event on Campus: General’s Arcadia

Renate Fort

D’Markus Floyd



Favorite Event on Campus: Horror Week

Favorite Event on Campus: General’s Arcadia

Valeria Rodriguez

Xavier Watson



Favorite Event on Campus: General’s Drive-In

Favorite Event on Campus: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Our events include Fa ll Fest, Mov ie Nights, Karaoke Tuesday, Music Scene,  Stress Busters, and much more!  For a full description of all of our events, please visit our events page.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio

How do they

HELP? Student Resources

Librar y : Prov ides study rooms and other resources Dean of Students: A ssists w it h resolv ing complex persona l a nd academic matters OIA : A ssists w it h inter nationa l admissions and immigration support to international students Disability Support Services: Fac i l it at i ng e qu a l ac c e s s t h r ou g h reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities


Student Counseling Center: Free and confidential mental health services to currently enrolled students Financial Aid: Assists eligible students in obtaining funding for their education Business S er vices : One -stop shop for reg ister ing for classes, ma k ing pay ment s, r e que s t i ng t r a n scr ipt s, and more

A&M-SA PD: Safet y escor ts and emergency services Rights and Responsibilities: Oversees t he st udent conduct and gr ievance process, upholds the Student Code of Conduct, and advocates for student who may have questions regarding community standards

Registrar : The “behind the scenes” facilitator for faculty, students, and staff Writing Center: Provides support and tutoring to students from all disciplines at any stage of their writing development

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Services Available to All Jaguars

Disability Support Services

(no registering with our office necessary):

Download the following link for both of the following assistive software programs (www.tamusa.edu/ disability-support-services/students/assistive-technology). READ AND WRITE: A software toolbar that helps students create and access content with the literacy support features needed to engage with a personalized learning experience. Contains text to speech and speech to text capabilities, in addition to much more (highlighting, dictionary lookup, vocabulary list, etc.). EQUATIO®: Made to help mathematics and STEM teachers and students at all levels, EquatIO® lets everyone create mathematical equations, formulas, Desmos graphs, and more on their computer. Type, handwrite, or dictate any expression, with no tricky coding or math languages to master. Staple Events/Workshops: • SUNDAES ON MONDAY W/DSS (Typically done at the start of each fall/spring semester): Visit the DSS Office to create your own ice cream sundae, participate in assistive technology demos, and learn about the services DSS provides to students with disabilities. • NATIONAL SERVICE DOG MONTH (September): Stop by DSS tabling event to learn about service animals through fun trivia. Giveaway prizes are limited to first come first serve. • EPILEPSY AWARENESS MONTH (November): Join in learning about epilepsy, seizure recognition, and first aid presented by the Epilepsy Foundation Central and South Texas. • DISABILIT Y E TIQUE T TE TR AINING: Our of f ice can provide disability etiquette training by request to various offices, classes or special orgs.

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

“ “

The DSS office at A&M-SA is phenomenal. This office and their staff go above and beyond to make sure their students are well taken care of. The DSS Office is always there to support their students in many different ways as well as provide their students with many resources in order for them to be successful on and off campus. - Maxyne Ramos The Texas A&M University-San Antonio student disability services team has been a pleasure to work with. When I started as an undergrad at Texas A&M University-San Antonio I knew I was going to need services. Upon starting my journey at Texas A&M-San Antonio, the student disability services office has provided me with multiple tools and services that I utilize on a regular basis. One of the biggest tools that they provide me is a reader scribe. Without this tool I would struggle to get what I need done. This tool allows me to have tests and quizzes read to me, and notes taken for me during class. Now that I’m a graduate student, I still utilize all of the services that I have had for the past 5 years. Because of the Disability Services office I feel as though I am a better and stronger student. I’m truly grateful to have the opportunity to work with the amazing st a f f w it hin t he d isabi lit y ser v ic e s of f ic e. - Danielle Bitner




2:00pm – 4:00pm DSS CAB 210


Texas A&M - San Antonio

for the


FAMILY ASSOCIATION: T he Fa m i l y A s s o c i at ion i s a l i n k between students and families. We seek to bridge gaps in the student experience as it relates to a sense of belonging, loneliness, and perseverance with the intention of helping students achieve their goals and graduate. We e mp o w e r f a m i l y m e m b e r s t o c on ne c t w it h Ja g u a r s t udent s on and off-campus, promote a sense of home i n t he A & M- SA c om mu n it y, and prov ide oppor tunities for local cultural learning.

This is def initely an organization you want to be a pa r t of if you want to make a positive impact on students and the community.

FAMILY CONNECT: The Family Connect portal is a one-stop shop for all family resources, student support services, family events, and a communication tool to provide families w ith the information and resources ne e de d to supp or t t hei r Ja g u a r throughout their academic career at Texas A&M University-San Antonio.


Perks: • Only what you need, when you need it • Insight into one of your biggest investments • Web, mobile, newslet ters and text messages • Prescriptive alerts • Share the love Sign up for Family Connect at https:// www.tamusa.campusesp.com and select t he Family A ssociat ion communit y during the sign-up process.

FAMILY FIRST SEMINAR Family First Seminar is an opportunity for any family member or guest of a first year student to learn more about A&MSA’s resources, services and traditions. The seminar is free and focuses on helping families support their student’s grow th and become active members of the University. The 8-week course covers a multitude of topics such as paying for college, health and wellness topics, career readiness and more.

EVENTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY In-Person Events: • Trunk or Treat • Breakfast Club during Week of Welcome • Student Angel/Adopt a Student Project • Jaguar meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks • Future Jaguar Fest and Virtual Jaguar Days • Jaguar Puppy Pride Prance and Piñata Smash Virtual events • • • • •

Information and Q&A sessions Kahoots!/Trivia Family Association meetings Birthday raffle drawings Ugly Sweater Contest

For additional information please call (210) 784-1452 or email family@ tamusa.edu.     Like us on Facebook!  www.facebook.com/AMSAJagFamily

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

JagFam STUDENT-PARENT ORG is a place where parents or caregivers who attend college can go to connect with others who understand what a daily life is like attending college. We are able to relate to each other and the struggles we may face.

An organization that supports my daughter’s and other student’s well-being and education.

PARENTING while getting a degree can be hard.

Join our JagFam Support Student Organization. • Build friendships around campus • Lend a helping hand • Join a community Together, Jaguar parents can become a community, lend a helping hand and support one another in times of need.

Event Calendar A U G WOW

27 6:30pm

Patriots’ Casa Ceremony Room



Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


6:30pm – 10:30pm DoSeum


29 https://jagsync.tamusa.edu/organization/jaguarparents family@tamusa.edu 210-784-1434



Check JagSync for event location & times


LIBRARY Did you know there are dedicated subject librarians for each college who are available to assist students one-on-one with their research needs? Be sure to visit the library’s website to find out who your subject librarian is! The next time you’re on campus, stop by the library to take advantage of: • • • •

computers printers study spaces and more!

Your A&M-SA student ID is your library card, so be sure to have it with you if you’d like to check out something like:

Meet librar y staf f, lear n about our services and enjoy some free tasty treats during Lemonade and Little Debbie with the Library, a Welcome Week Fall 2021 event. Date, time and location details can be found in JagSync. Email library@tamusa.edu with questions. L o c ate d i n t he C e nt r a l A c adem ic Building, Suite 202 Website: tamusa.edu/library

• • • • • • •

books DVDs calculators laptops headphones video cameras and more!

You can access all of our eBooks and online resources 24 hours a day.

Chat with us on our website wherever you see the Ask Us Now! Call us at (210) 784-1500 Text us at (210) 802-2ASK or (210) 802-2275 Email us at library@tamusa.edu Follow @tamusalibrary on Instagram and find us on Facebook!

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Event Calendar SEP


01 14




15 15





2:00pm – 3:00pm Check JagSync for event location

BOOKSTORE Find the books you need w ith your Student ID or shop by your courses. Buy, Rent, or Sell Your Textbooks! Shop for A&M-SA clothing, mugs, and more for the whole family!

Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-5pm Friday 10-2pm Saturday/Sunday Closed Central Academic Building, Room 135 (210) 784-1070 Email: texasamsa@bkstr.com



Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

what do you know about

A&M-SA PD? University faculty, staff, and students. The app connects you directly to the University Police Department (A&M-SA PD) when there is an emergency on campus, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once you activate the app on your phone and request help, your lo c at ion w i l l b e show n on a m ap for police officers to locate you and provide assistance. Meet Oakley Meet the Victim Assistance Dog in the Office of Victim Services (OVS) and our campus sweetheart, Oakley. The OVS provides a safe, private place for individuals who have questions or concerns about sexual assault, intimate partner v iolence, stalking, domestic violence, and any other crime to talk to a professional Victim Advocate, who are available to provide emotional support and help victims meet their immediate needs. That’s where Oakley comes in to offer support. Of f ice Of Victim Ser v ices, Modular 112A, (210) 784-1906 Get the SafeZone APP SafeZone is a free mobile app for all

Located in Senator Frank L. Madla Building, Suite 120

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

You can even request a safety escort to walk you across campus! App registration requires the use of your University email. Download the SafeZone app today from the App Store or Google Play Store. Sign up for Jag E-Alerts - Emergency Notifications Dur ing a n emergenc y sit uat ion, information w ill be released to the Universit y communit y t hrough t he JagE A lert System. This is a system that quickly notifies registered users of c a mpus emergencies t hroug h t e x t m e s s a g e s , e m a i l s a n d /o r voicemail alerts. Your campus email is automatically signed up for Jag-E A lert. You may add your cell phone to receive text by

following the directions on A&M-SA PD’s website at https://w w w.tamusa. e d u /u p d a t Ja g-A l e r t E m e r ge n c y Information link.

Event Calendar A U G OPERATION ID



11:30am – 1:00pm Madla Lobby




11:30am – 1:00pm CAB Lobby




11:30am – 1:00pm STEM




12:00pm – 1:00pm Check JagSync for event location

A&M-SA PD Main Number


(210) 784-1900

(210) 784-1911


Texas A&M - San Antonio







Check out the Hispanic Heritage Month Kickoff Pachanga! Wednesday, September 15 2021 at 11:30 – 1:00 p.m. Come out to the CAB Courtyard as we kick off Hispanic Heritage Month 2021. We will have free food, drinks, music, and more.


ht t p s://ja g s y nc .t a mu sa.e du/ event/7130571


Visit the Heritage Month’s website for a full list of events: https://www.tamusa.edu/heritage-months/


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio


WELCOME WEEK INFORMATION BOOTH 8/19/2021 | 8am – 5:00pm Auditorium & Fountain Student Involvement


GENERAL’S FUN BUS TRIP: AMF BOWLING 8/20/2021 | 7:00pm – 9:00pm AMF Ponderosa Bowling Alley Campus Life


GET THE FYE SCOOP 8/24/2021 | 12:00pm – 2:00pm West Lawn First-Year Experience

8/19/2021 | 8:30am – 9:30am



Fountain & Esperanza Hall


8/24/2021 | 12:30pm – 1:15pm

New Student Programs

Check JagSync for event time and

Check JagSync for event location


Mays Center


Campus Activities Board


8/19/2021 | 11:30am – 2:00pm CAB Courtyard Campus Life


8/24/2021 | 11:30 – 1:30pm

8/23/2021 | 12:00pm – 1:00 pm


Soccer Field (Home)


CAB Courtyard

8/20/2021 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Student Rights and Responsibilities


Patriot’s Casa Lobby Military Affairs


8/24/2021 | 2:00pm – 2:30pm

8/23/2021 | 7:30pm – 11:00pm

Check JagSync for event location

CAB Courtyard

MAYs Center

Campus Life

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Texas A&M - San Antonio

MEN SOCCER GAME 8/24/2021 | 3:00pm Soccer Field (Home) Athletics

Weeklong SEPTEMBER 20-24

GENERAL’S BIRTHDAY PARTY 8/25/2021 | 11:30am – 1:30pm CAB Courtyard/East Lawn Campus Life



Hazing Prevention Committee

8/25/2021 | 11:30am – 1:30pm


CAB Courtyard/East Lawn

9/20/2021 - 9/24/2021

Mays Center

MAYs Center

Weekly TRIVIA TUESDAY WITH THE MAYS CENTER Every Tuesday | 12:00pm-1:15pm

TRANSFERPALOOZA 8/26/2021 | 11:30am-2:00pm CAB Courtyard Transfer Student Engagement

COME MEET OAKLEY, VICTIM ASSISTANCE DOG 8/26/2021 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm


Check JagSync for location Mays Center



10/4/2021 - 10/8/2021

Every Tuesday | 2:00pm-2:30pm

MAYs Center

Check JagSync for location Mays Center

CAB Lobby


Office of Victim Services

10/10/2021 - 10/16/2021


Student Involvement

Every Wednesday | 12:00pm-1:00pm

FINANCIAL LITERACY BINGO 8/26/2021 | 1:45pm – 2:30pm


Check JagSync for event location

10/18/2021 - 10/22/2021

Mays Center

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Check JagSync for location Mays Center

FINANCIAL LITERACY BINGO Every Thursday | 1:45pm-2:30pm

8/27/2021 | 11:30 – 2:00pm


Patriots’ Casa

10/18/2021 - 10/22/2021

First-Year Experience

Transfer Student Engagement



Every Thursday | 3:00pm-4:00pm

10/22/2021 - 10/29/2021


9/27/2021 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Campus Activities Board

Student Counseling Center


Virtual University Library


Mays Center



9/27/2021 | Check JagSync for time


CAB 105c

Every 1 st Wednesday | 11:00am-1:00pm

TAMUSA Esports



Check JagSync for location

Campus Activities



Check JagSync for time and location

Every 1 st Friday

Family Student Engagement

Check JagSync for time & location AOD Prevention Committee


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

Hispanic Heritage Month



9/1/2021 | 11:00am-2:00pm

10/20/2021 | 12:00pm-1:00pm

West Lawn

CAB Courtyard

Student Involvement

Campus Activities Board



9/3/2021 | 12:00pm-1:00pm


Campus Activities Board

University Library University Library

KICKOFF PACHANGA 9/15/2021 | 11:30am-1:00pm CAB Courtyard Student Involvement

Patriot’s Casa

GENERAL’S FUN BUS: HIKING TRIP 9/4/2021 | Check JagSync for time Enchanted Rock Campus Activities Board



9/8/2021 | 12:00pm-1:00pm

9/21/2021 | 12:00pm

CAB Courtyard


Campus Activities Board

Student Involvement


New Student Programs


9/14/2021 | 10:00am-3:00pm


9/30/2021 | Check JagSync for time

CAB Lobby & Rotunda

9/7/2021 | 6:30pm-8:30pm


Campus Activities Board

Check JagSync for location

Student Involvement



Transfer Student Engagement


9/15/2021 | 3:00pm-5:00pm

9/7/2021 | Check JagSync for time

East Lawn

Check JagSync for location

Student Involvement

Transfer Student Engagement

Check JagSync for location



History Department

9/17/2021 | 11:30am-1:00pm

9/17/2021 | 6:30pm-10:30pm

Student Involvement, CAB, & SGA

Check JagSync for location


Student Government

Family Student Engagement


9/22/2021 | 6:30pm-8:00pm

9/20/2021 | 11:00am-1:00pm

Check JagSync for location

East Lawn

Transfer Student Engagement

Student Government





9/28/2021 | Check JagSync for time

8/30/2021 | 11:30am-1:30pm

10/7/2021 | 12:00pm-1:00pm

Check JagSync for location

Vista Room

CAB Courtyard

Transfer Student Engagement

Student Involvement

Campus Activities Board




8/31/2021 | 4:00pm-6:00pm

10/11/2021 | Check JagSync for time

Check JagSync for location and time

CAB Courtyard

CAB Courtyard

Transfer Student Engagement

Student Involvement

Student Involvement

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021



Texas A&M - San Antonio

Mays Center

University Library

MAKE A DIFFERENCE MONDAY 9/13/2021 | 11:00am-2:00pm



9/16/2021 | 11:00am-2:00pm


CAB Courtyard

University Library

MAKE A DIFFERENCE MONDAY 9/20/2021 | 10:00am-4:00pm


Mays Center Community Room


Check JagSync for location

University Library

DIY SMART GOAL BANK 9/21/2021 | 2:00pm-3:00pm

Check JagSync for location

University Police



10/4/2021 | 11:00am-2:00pm

8/31/2021 | 11:30am-1:00pm

CAB Courtyard

Madla Lobby



10/5/2021 | 4:00pm-7:00pm

9/1/2021 | 11:30am-1:00pm

Check JagSync for location

CAB Lobby


OPERATION ID & SAFEZONE TABLE 9/2/2021 | 11:30am-1:00pm

10/27/2021 | 1:30pm-3:30pm


Check JagSync for location

A DIFFERENT DIRECTION 9/29/2021 | 1:00pm-2:30pm

Check JagSync for location



10/28/2021 | 11:30am-1:00pm

9/16/2021 | 12:00pm-1:00pm

Check JagSync for location

Check JagSync for location

CITE IT RIGHT 10/21/2021 | 2:00pm-3:00pm Check JagSync for location

AOD & Hazing Prevention LIVE COCKTAILS MAKING CLASS 9/2/2021 | 5:00pm-6:00pm Ceremony Room AOD Prevention Committee

JAGUAR FREUD 9/10/2021 | Check JagSync for time Check JagSync for location Student Rights & Responsibilities

DIALOGUE THROUGH FILM: HAZE 9/23/2021 | 5:30pm-7:00pm Auditorium Hazing Prevention Committee


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio

First Year Experience TEA FOR TWO 9/2/2021 | 6:00pm-8:00pm Ceremony Room


Office of Military Affairs

Cisneros Institute


SciTech 166A

8/20/2021 | 12:00pm-1:00pm Patriot’s Casa Lobby



9/3/2021 | 12:00pm-5:00pm

9/11/2021 | Check JagSync for time

Student Lounge

Patriot’s Casa



9/10/2021 | 12:00pm-5:00pm

9/11/2021 | Check JagSync for time

Student Lounge

Patriot’s Casa Lobby



9/17/2021 | 12:00pm-5:00pm

9/24, 10/22/2021 | 12:00pm-1:00pm

Student Lounge

Patriot’s Casa Lobby

SSBU TOURNAMENT INTERNATIONAL 9/24/2021 | 12:00pm-5:00pm Student Lounge

FRIGHT NIGHT 10/1/2021 | 9:00pm Discord/CAB 105c

REAL TALK 9/22/2021 | 12:00pm-1:30pm SciTech 166A

CISNEROS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 9/22/2021 Check JagSync for time and location

REAL TALK 10/6/2021 | 12:00pm-1:30pm SciTech 166A

REAL TALK 10/20/2021 | 12:00pm-1:30pm

Disability Support Services



10/29/2021 | 12pm

9/27/2021 | 2:00pm-4:00pm



Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

REAL TALK 9/8/2021 | 12:00pm-1:30pm

SciTech 166A


Texas A&M - San Antonio

CONTACT Getting Started

Student Support

Financial Aid/Welcome Center Phone: (210) 784-1300 Financial Aid Fax: (210) 784-1490 Welcome Center Fax: (210) 784-1499 Financial Aid: financialaid@tamusa.edu Scholarships: scholarships@tamusa.edu Welcome Center: Beajaguar@tamusa.edu

Academic Advising (210) 784-1307 Advising.Center@tamusa.edu

Information Technology Services (210) 784-4357 (HELP) HelpDesk@tamusa.edu

Disability Support Services Phone: (210) 784-1335 Fax: (210) 784-1340 dss@tamusa.edu

Student Business Services Phone: (210) 784-2035 Fax: (210) 784-2029 sbs@tamusa.edu Transfer Students Patriots’ Casa 104C 210-784-1452 transfer@tamusa.edu

Activities | Clubs and Organizations Visit JagSync.tamusa.edu to search clubs and organizations and to join! Office of Student Involvement Central Academic Building (CAB) Suite 103 (210) 784-1329 studentlife@tamusa.edu


Dean of Students Dos@tamusa.edu Joni Baker, Ph.D., Inter im Dean of Students 210-784-2061 jbaker@tamusa.edu

International Affairs Office: (210) 784-1309 Fax: (210) 784-1496 Internationalaffairs@tamusa.edu Military Affairs Patriots' Casa, Suite 202 Front Desk: (210) 784-1397 military@tamusa.edu VACertification@tamusa.edu

Student Rights and Responsibilities (210) 784-1353 StudentRR@tamusa.edu University Police Madla 120 Main Number: (210) 784-1900 Emergency: (210) 784-1911 The General’s Store (210) 784-1356 mays@tamusa.edu

Leadership and Career The May s C enter for E x p er ient ia l Learning and Civic Engagement (210) 784-1356 mays@tamusa.edu Henry G. Cisneros Institute (210) 784-1452 Patty.Mendoza@tamusa.edu Student Government Association (210) 784-1333 sga@jaguar.tamu.edu

Student Counseling Center Modular C (210) 784-1331 StuCounseling@tamusa.edu Student Success Center Modular C (210) 784-1307 Student.Success@tamusa.edu

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021




Texas A&M - San Antonio

Mission Magazine - Fall 2021

Texas A&M - San Antonio


Mission Magazine - Fall 2021


Welcome to Texas A&M University-San Antonio. You are embarking on a journey that will help you achieve your biggest dreams and aspirations. Here you will prepare for rewarding careers, responsible global citizenship, and lifelong learning. Go Jaguars! www.tamusa.edu

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