Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M4 JOURNAL - FRAME vs FIELD Yuyao Wang
(827418) Emmanuel Alexander Cohen 26
Question 1: What are Durer’s rules for perspectival projection? (Maximum 100 words) According to Durer, a visual pyramid is formed when the eye(apex) emitted rays reaching every point in the space. And the perspectival projection is the planar cross-section taken through the pyramid, which is also called ‘window’. 1. All the lines and planes that is perpendicular to the ‘window’ meet at the central vanishing point. 2. The extension line of all parallels would meet on the same point. 3. Equal dimensions diminish progressively as they recede in space in proportion.
Question 2: Describe homogenous space? (Maximum 100 words)
Homogenous space is the way object been placed in the space, a fully rational one without any abstraction nor distortion for a subject to know. The Homogenous space is not reality; it is functional and not substantial. There are two assumptions to see one, 1. We see with a single and immobile point. 2.The planar cross-section of the visual pyramid is the reproduction of optical image. We cannot percept a homogenous space because of the spatial limits, where position of objects are seen as points. And the relationship between objects is seen as relationship between points.
INVISIBLE CITY: The Sky 2 - Beersheba The story was about a city where people were very fond of gold and jewelry. They believed that pursuing after the eternity of those rare stone could lead them to a perfect celestial city which was built of gold and rare materials. While they go crazy storing gold, sliver and jewelry, they despise discarded things, including daily garbage even their own body waste, because those castoffs represent another evil and lousy underground city in their imagination. Having that in faith, the inhabitants in Beersheba had restisted their existence as human, and deliberately ignored the regulation of nature. So my first idea was to make a scene of a toliet, and to tell a storyline about one person getting up in the morning; after using the toliet, he has to confess his sin of producing body waste. Since we have to use camera length 30, that was too much for a picture to tell. In my work, I focused on the relationship between the reality and the imaginary celestial city.
This view is about the empty auad.
Cities & the sky 2: BeersheBa
Key View point Crowd Pray Stare Glance Light & Dark Interiorspace 0
Big step
The King firstly strolled in his private chamber, checking on his storage of treasure, then he stepped out indoor space and to a outdoor street, where he was the perspective 2.
quad perspective 1 + 2 This view provides a board space to place objects. And the corner of the quads is more suitable to be made into King’s chamber.
I want to show a depth in the scene of a street, so the view is looking throught a row of quads.
perspective scene 1 + 2
This scene is King’s private chamber, where he has stored so many treasure and jewelry. Gold texture was applied to the walls of quads, but not obvious as we see.
In this scene I would like to show that elite stratum in this city has went crazy about those rare stones. The storyline is the King took a walk in his bedroom, checking his possessions of treasures. Then he walkeded out to the street.
In the back, someone is praying to a picture of the celestial city. In the isometric drawing, when the King passes this picture, he also stopped and prayed. Worshipping the celestial city has become a belief to all the inhabitants. In the front, two man is trading on a treasre box, which is the only thing they think to be valuable.
This scene happens when the king has walked throught the street and look back.
The beggar already has many coins, enough to maintain his life. but he is still asking for more.
Not only the elite stratum, but also the lowest stratum in the city was possessed by the morbid eager to gold, sliver and rare stones.
WEEK 10 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: IWhat is the difference between autographic and allographic practice? (Maximum 100 words)
In an allographic practice, the connection and composition of its inner structure is the art itself, which exists in every copy of the work. But in an autographic practice, the art exists as the work exists. Once it was destroyed, then nothing could deliver the same massage and create the same feelings as the original one. Symbols and notations that were accepted by majority were usually used to present allographic work, so the autographic works are usually tangible, while the allographic works are intangible.
Question 2: Why do architects need new representational techniques? (Maximum 100 words) Representing architectural ideas require a mixture of both allographic and autographic techniques. The architectural plan is allographic, while the materialized building is physically existed and tangible. We couldn’t find a technique that suits perfectly for architectural design. At the same time, the city environment and the notation systems are evolving, which demands a better technique. Nowadays, the technique is required to be both accurate in figures and be able to carry abstract ideas.
Final drawings Cities & the sky 2: BeersheBa The scale of notations in the isometric drawing needs to be check again,
Key View point Crowd Pray Stare Glance Light & Dark Interiorspace 0
Big step
In the perspective 2, a shadow of the quad projecting on the background could bring the view more realistic. Also more details could be added in this scene.
Perspective 1: King’s private apartment
Perspective 2: What does the beggar want?