2022 - BIA of Greater Louisville Tour of Remodeled Homes

Page 32

Seven On-Trend Kitchen Upgrades D

esigners from coast to coast are

colors and patterns to texture that brings

are committing to more useful features.

cooking up fresh ideas for kitchen

new dimension, kitchen tile can make

There are even some kitchens that boast

upgrades. This year’s hottest trends bring

a big statement. In fact, bold tile is not

two refrigerators, which may be a nod to

numerous fresh aesthetic approaches

just limited to the backsplash. Patterned

the way grocery shopping habits shifted

while functionality also plays a leading

tile is an on-trend option for adding

during the pandemic, with fewer, but

role in top design ideas.

character to your flooring and dressing

larger, trips to the store.

If you are planning a kitchen upgrade,

up commonly under-designed spaces

take inspiration from these on-trend

like the window jamb with a practical

elements spotted by the design experts at

material, like tile, that is easy to clean

Wellborn Cabinet:

and maintain.

Unique Tile

Multiple Appliances

Walk-Through Pantries Whether you are capitalizing on the mystique of a “hidden” room or attracted to the idea of a more seamless aesthetic, a walk-through pantry can be a stunning

In recent years, backsplash tile has

Function is front and center in

and functional solution. With a walk-

taken a more prominent role in kitchen

residential kitchen design this year, and

through pantry, you can add extra space

design and has continued to grow in

homeowners’ growing demands to go

to an existing pantry to create a better

popularity to the point where tile is now a

big on appliances is proof. From double

flow to your floor plan. Available in a

full-stop focal point. From eye-catching

ovens to extra dishwashers, homeowners

variety of widths and heights, Wellborn



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