Owensboro Living - November/December 2021

Page 76

Lifestyle S E N I O R


Holiday Cleaning—One Bite at a Time! Written by D A N A P E V E L E R . Executive Director of Senior Living—Leisure Living Communities


ach holiday season I tell myself


Sneaky, wasn’t she? I don’t

cluttered, and most of the time, dusty.

I’m not going to overdo.


know about my brother, but I still clean

Now, if you call to tell me you’re coming

not going to clean like a mad-

like a crazy person to make everything

by, I’m gonna fly through the house

woman, not gonna pressure myself to

perfect for out-of-town and in-town

grabbing up laundry, glasses, empty

make everything perfect, and I’m just


plates, shoes … whatever is around and

going to enjoy the spirit of the season.

It starts with cleaning the house

cram it into any crevice that I think you

Each year I fail. I blame my mom. Yep,

just so I can mess it up again; dragging

may not look in! I once put dirty laundry

I do! When we were kids, Mom told us

out the dozens of boxes of decorations,

in the dryer, and dirty dishes in my oven

Santa wouldn’t come to a dirty house, so

which takes a week, sometimes two, to

just to get them out of sight.

we’d spend all day just before Christmas

empty and put in their respective places.

positive side, I NEVER preheat my oven

cleaning every nook and cranny, working

Just when I get all that finished, it’s time

now without first looking inside!

like little elves to make sure Santa didn’t

to clean again! Yuck! Look folks—I’m

trip over a toy or a load of unfolded

not a housekeeper. My house is lived-in,

and they just announced a K-Mart blue


Owensboro Living N O V E M B E R / / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1

On the

I go at cleaning like it’s closing time

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