Owensboro Parent - September / October 2013

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September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. September//October 2013


sept // oct 2013 Publisher/Creative Director Jason Tanner jason@owensboroparent.com Editor Ashley Sorce ashley@owensboroparent.com

from the publisher The weather has taken an upward turn in temperature the last couple weeks and it seems the cooler weather of July has simply disappeared. I’m sure we’ll get our share of low temperatures this fall but right now it’s making for some warm football games. It’s funny how the seasons make their own mind as the months progress. Seems like change is the only thing you can count on.

Advertising Sales Robert Williams robert@owensboroparent.com Graphic Designer Taylor West taylor@owensboroparent.com Distribution Manager Steven Morris Contributors

I’ve always heard the saying, “They grow up so fast.” And when I look at my three little ones it doesn’t take any time at all to realize that time is moving quickly. They are getting bigger and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I’ve always told my wife that I enjoy seeing our kids growing up. But as our youngest just turned one I think I’d give anything to freeze time just to enjoy this stage of life to its fullest. But it’s moving on. Whether I’m ready or not the seasons are changing. And I’m going to make the best of it whatever the weather. This issue of Owensboro Parent is full of ways to enjoy the upcoming fall weather. We’re breaking down all the fun in and around Owensboro as we hope you get a chance to head out to one of the local family farms to enjoy the fall festivals like Reid’s Apple Festival and Trunnell’s Octoberfest.

Dr. Brian Gannon Christina Dalton Gail Kirkland Elaine Martin Danny May Jaime Rafferty Melody Wallace Lora Wimsatt Printing Greenwell Chisholm Owensboro, Kentucky Contact Information Owensboro Parent Magazine PO Box 23237 Owensboro, KY 42304 (270) 314-5240 www.owensboroparent.com facebook.com/owensboroparent twitter.com/owensboroparent issuu.com/owensboroparent

Speaking of change, you may have noticed that this issue includes two months: September & October. We will be publishing a bimonthly Owensboro Parent magazine, followed next month with a bimonthly Owensboro Living magazine. We’re excited about the launch of Owensboro Living and we hope that you enjoy it as much as you enjoy this magazine. After all, I can’t put in words how much you mean to us. We could not produce these local magazines without loyal readers and a great group of advertisers.

Cover Photo Captured Moments Photography Subscribe Delivery of Owensboro Parent is available by visiting owensboroparent.com/subscribe Advertise Owensboro Parent is a FREE magazine because of community

Thank you,

support. Thank you to the great group of businesses & organizations who advertise with us.

Jason Tanner jason@owensboroparent.com

If you want to contribute to the success of our magazine, we would love to hear from you and will work to develop an advertising partnership that will not only benefit you, but also the parents of Owensboro.


. September//October 2013


september // october FAMILY LIFE

seasons of life [06] parental control [08] beyond the checkup [10] a new happily ever after [12] what’s up g [14] stolen identities [16] DISCOVE R

the best and brightest [18]

[22] photos from Facebook [25] fall family fun! [28] our fall faves [31] farmtastic fun! [32] home is where our heart is CO MMUNIT Y

[34] footprints on my heart


[38] finances first [40] calendar

[16] [34]



[31] [28]

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life

seasons of life { by: lora wimsatt }


walk slowly, taking small steps, waddling like a penguin as my granddaughters toddle on either side of me, each clutching one of my fingers in their chubby little fists. “See the dog,” I say, as we walk by a house where a large dog barks at us from behind the back yard fence. “See the big white dog. What does the dog say?” Briley and Lyla obediently respond: “Arf! Arf!” “See the car,” I say, as we stroll past a car parked beside the curb. “The car is blue. The car goes ‘Vrroom! Vrroom!’” “Arf!” says Briley. She likes dogs better than cars. “E-I-E-I-O,” sings Lyla. I laugh. It is a beautiful day. There is a bright blue sky, white fluffy clouds and a yellow sun. The whole world looks exactly as it does in a child’s crayoned drawing. Well, almost. The grass is not green, but brown. It is autumn. I look down the street, partly to measure how far we have left to go before we reach the corner, where we will turn around and come back to the house where the rest of our family is waiting. We have gathered for a day of fellowship, food and fun. Board games will fill the afternoon but the main entertainment will be – as it has been since they arrived – the babies. My granddaughters. They aren’t babies anymore. They are walking, talking, thinking for themselves and definitely displaying their own distinct personalities. I marvel at how much they have grown over the past year and can only wonder at how much they will grow in the years ahead. We have reached the corner and I try to guide them around in a wide circle without breaking stride. My strategy has failed – both girls break into a wail and tug at my hands, pulling me around, wanting to go on, go further … I look around, desperate for a solution, not wanting to return my grandchildren to their parents in tears – and I see the answer. 6 OWENSBORO PARENT

. September//October 2013

“Briley, look! Look, Lyla! Do you see the leaves? So many leaves! What color are the leaves? They are brown and red and yellow and orange. Pretty, pretty leaves!” They allow me to steer them toward a pile of leaves someone has raked to the corner of their yard. They immediately let go of my fingers and dash toward the leaves, wading in with shrieks of laughter as the leaves swirl and crunch around them. Briley crouches down, snatches up a handful, and flings them into the air. The leaves flutter all around and for a moment the girls appear to be in the midst of a sepiatinted snowglobe. I watch, smiling, as the girls continue to play, kicking and tossing leaves everywhere. Suddenly, I realize my granddaughters are undoing someone’s hard work. Daring a glance at the house to be sure nobody is watching, I hurriedly whisper for the girls to pick out a pretty leaf, and let’s take it back to give to Mommy. They like this idea. They each grab a handful of leaves – not necessarily pretty leaves, but this is not the time for a lesson in aesthetics – and allow me to lead them back to the sidewalk and toward the direction of home. We see the blue car again, and the white dog, arf, arf, shedding a trail of dropped leaves all down the sidewalk as we retrace our steps, going back to where we first began. But now I am thinking about the seasons of life, and how things change, and how children grow, and I realize that as each day passes, we will never go back again. OP

Lora Wimsatt is a mother, grandmother and writer. She enjoys the everyday blessings and adventures of life, especially her family. www.OwensboroParent.com



September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life

{ Q&A with christina dalton,

M S S W, C S W



A: This is actually a great question and

start asking about another dog, which


much more common than you would

I know from personal experience hurts


I have been a trained grief

your soul, just know that to them

counselor for almost ten years now and

a puppy seems like the perfect fix.

I have seen this over and over. Children

No disrespect to the beloved family

Q: My family recently lost our

are very resilent and they bounce back

pet. Just remember every life event

beloved dog of twelve years.

from traumatic events much quicker

is an opportunity to teach them a life

than adults.

They bounce back so

lesson. I’m so very sorry for your loss.

quickly that it can lead us to wonder

It’s never easy to lose one of our furry

6-year-old daughter. She

if they are ok. I have actually been

family members.

and our dog were very close

through this same scenario with my

My question is regarding my

own child a few years ago. I thought

Q: My-and-a-half year old daughter is

to myself, “she didn’t love our dog!”

a runner. She wants to run when she

and “what kind of child am I raising?”

gets out of the car. She wants to run in

at first and now she seems

LOL! Grief is such an individualized

parking lots. I really don’t want to put

fine. Is that normal? I am still

event and no two persons ever grieve in

her on one of those leash things for

the same manner. The important thing

kids but it has gotten really bad lately.

and of course she grew up with him. She was very upset

having a terrible time with

to remember when it comes to children

Do you have any suggestions before I

the loss and she wants to talk

is they live in the here and now. I

have to put a harness on her?

about getting a puppy!

have no doubt that your daughter loved your family dog with all her

A: I love this question because I used

heart. As a parent, the most important

to live this question. I was at the Love

thing you can do for her is

and Logic© Institute and I actually

to make sure she is

asked one of the creators of the program

all right, explain

this very question. I can’t mess around

what happened

when it comes to the safety of my child

depending how you


and I had a hard time seeing where


this program would help with this



situation. He said that safety is always

go with their age

top concern. He did however give me

and be there

an idea and I couldn’t wait to get home

if and when

and try it. There was a little prep work



that was brief involving a pony tail.


For boys…unfortunately I don’t think



. September//October 2013


this would work. So we are in the car

when .

at Wal-Mart and I tell my daughter


that she can either hold my hand or I


can hold her pony tail. She gives me the strangest look and in her

A: It’s really hard for kids to get back into the swing of things

sassiest of voices she says, “Hold my pony!” and I agreed. Here

after having such a nice, long summer. It’s really hard for parents

we are walking into the store with me holding onto her hair and

to get back into helping with homework too. Something I have

people totally staring at us. She was so embarrassed by the time

told several parents before in my parenting classes is you have to

we made it in the store. She looked at me and said, “Next time

motivate your children to want to do well. You have to make it

I will hold your hand, OK?” By giving her the choice, I wasn’t

fun for them. This is not an easy task to make spelling a blast.

the bad guy and if she tried to dart I had the pony tail and could

What I have done before is tell the child that if they learn all their

pull her back if need be. I’m not opposed to leashes either. I

words and we feel like they really know them all that they can

know they look hilarious and a little degrading but if it saves your

give me a spelling test. What child doesn’t want to test an adult

child’s life, I’m all for it.

on anything?! Now when it’s my turn to take the test, I always do poorly and I sometimes even draw an animal or write a number

Q: Now that school is back in session how do I get my very

for my answer. Then the child gets to grade my paper. It’s always

easily distracted child to do homework? Spelling is the worst.

fun and they love to mark all my answers wrong and give me a big,

He won’t sit still and is constantly moving. I want him to

fat F! I’ll take an F any day if it makes them get an A!

make good grades but I’m near my point already. How do I make him care?



Christina Dalton, MSSW, CSW is the Family Resource Center Coordinator for Daviess County Public Schools.

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life Q: When can I switch my child to a booster seat? A: While Kentucky state law may not support car seat safety as a primary traffic offense, we try to follow federal guidelines when it comes to keeping our children safe while traveling. Many neighboring states (specifically Tennessee) have very strict laws which allow troopers to pull over parents for child safety violations even in the absence of speeding. Children should ideally be rear-facing in a “big“ car seat with five-point restraints until age 2 years, because of their weak neck muscles. This is independent of weight or height.

Children may move to a booster seat out of a “big” car seat

when they are BOTH 4 years old AND 40 pounds. They should then remain in a booster seat in the back seat until they are either 12 years old or 57 inches tall, whichever comes first. Then and only then should your child sit in the front seat (shotgun) without a booster.

And children should NEVER be in the

flatbed of a pickup truck on a public road. It is too easy for them to be ejected and seriously injured. Many states will fine these drivers large amounts; the exception is internal driving on farm roads.

I hope this clarifies some common questions parents have

about car seat safety.

Q: What are the warning signs of autism, and how will I recognize them in my child? { by : d r. b r i a n g a n n o n }

A: Autism is a very complex diagnosis, and so there is no simple

beyond the checkup

way for a parent to be sure her child has this as an explanation for his delayed development or odd behavior. The main hallmark of autistic children, however, is lack of emotional connection with their world, including the people close to them. Most children by the age of 6-9 months will make eye contact for several seconds at a time, especially at times of strong emotion, like excitement or fear (such as when in a new situation). Autistic children tend not to react in this way to new situations, because they do not

At age 22, Kendall Quisenberry has accomplished more than most of us have ever imagined. She is a senior at DePauw University, a Fulbright Scholar, and is about to embark on a teaching venture to her seventh country via an English Teaching Assistantship. 10 OWENSBORO PARENT

. September//October 2013


seem to have the instinct of “checking in” with the parent when confronted with an unfamiliar setting.

By about 15-18 months, most typically-developing children are

using either gestures or words to communicate their needs, and they want to share their curiosity with those close to them, especially their parents. For example, when a train goes by, the child will point at the train and try to get the parent to look as well. A child with autistic tendencies, by contrast, may either ignore the train, or be so interested in the train that he pays no attention at all to the other people in the room.

If your child shows signs of being disconnected to parents,

siblings, or the world in general, especially if there is also a delay in speech development, then please talk to your child’s pediatrician about your concerns.

Q: I have been told that Staph is going around at my child’s daycare. How can I protect my child? A: “Staph” is short for a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA, if it is resistant to many common antibiotics. This particular type of infection used to be only an issue in hospitalized patients, but over the past ten years, it has become a big problem in the general community. There are many theories, mostly centered on the overuse of antibiotics for simple respiratory illnesses like colds, which do not respond to antibiotics since they are caused by viruses instead of bacteria. But MRSA can be very common in athletic team locker rooms and day care centers, among other locales.

MRSA can at times be invasive, requiring surgery to drain the

infection, or even causing internal infections like pneumonias. But most people who get MRSA or MSSA (sensitive Staph) will simply have an infected bug bite or boil. The primary treatment for this is to see your doctor and have any local skin infection drained, so the doctor may collect the pus and send it off for testing to see what is causing the infection, and which medication is most likely to work in treating it. Oral and IV antibiotics do not necessarily make much difference in treating these skin infections, but if drainage alone does not work, they may be needed.

Once MRSA enters a home or group setting, it can be almost

impossible to eliminate completely. We may try nasal antibiotic creams and sterilizing with bleach, everything from bathtubs to laundry. But this is such a universal problem, families often become recolonized within a few weeks.

The take-home message: MRSA is more common than people

think, and usually goes away with supportive care only, so try not to overreact.


We as pediatricians hear all sorts of questions from parents. I welcome your input as I plan for future articles.


September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life { by: melody wallace }

a new happily ever after

40% of married couples with children in the U.S. are stepcouples


remember as a little girl I pretended that I was Barbie in the Dream Townhouse. I would plan my dream wedding with Ken, feed our children in the plastic high chair and walker, and wait for him to pull up in the magical Jeep and give me a kiss when he walked through the door. As many times as I created these stories in my imagination, I never dreamt that Ken would someday be replaced by another handsome character, and that some of those precious children in the townhouse would not be my own. With “approximately one-third of all weddings in America today forming stepfamilies,” the modern day version of marriage and family has taken on a new identity. The idea of meeting someone, falling in love, and eventually having children changes drastically when you and the person that you fall in love with each already have your own children. Even though the face of what we refer to as family has changed, our expectations for function and success still remain the same. We want our new little family unit to run in perfect unison almost immediately, when in reality, according to Patricia Papernow, “the average stepfamily needs seven years to create a family identity.” Blending families may not always be easy, but there are ways to help ease the stress and strengthen the new relationships that are forming in your household.

Support Your Spouse The most important thing that you can do for your family is to support your spouse. Your children may or may not welcome your new spouse or siblings into the home, but that should not affect the strength of your relationship as a couple. Your marriage should set the tone for the family. Ron Deal suggests that, “biological parents and stepparents must work out roles that complement one another and play to each other’s strengths…parents and stepparents must be unified in goals and work 12 OWENSBORO PARENT

. September//October 2013

together as a team.” By loving each other and standing as a united front in view of your children, they will begin to feel more secure in their roles within the family as well.

Don’t Choose Sides Just as you must support your spouse in daily decisions, you must also do so when it comes to the lives and discipline of your children, regardless of who the natural parent is. Make sure that you are never tempted to side with your stepchild over your partner. Initially this may seem to improve your relationship with the child, but in the long run it will serve to damage the authority that your partner has as a parent. It can also lead to ineffective discipline at times, as well as serving as a catalyst for destruction concerning the relationship that you have with your spouse. If you happen to disagree on certain discipline issues, do so away from the children.

Have Realistic Expectations “Stepparents need to learn to relax into their role and not expect too much of themselves…to expect too much of themselves is to set themselves up for disappointment and frustration.” Biological parents also need to be more relaxed and allow the stepparents to form a relationship with their children. It is often difficult to decide what role to take on as a new stepparent. While the stepparent should make an effort to find a common interest with their step children and carve out time to spend with them, they should also allow the children to set the pace for their relationship. When it comes to offering affection or asserting authority, follow the lead of the child, and borrow from the power and wisdom of the biological parent when necessary. www.OwensboroParent.com


Maintaining Relationships Although it sometimes may be easier said than done, do your best to maintain a civil relationship with the absent parent, or ex-spouse, in the relationship. Ensuring that you do not speak negatively about this parent when in the presence of your stepchild can only strengthen your relationship in the long run. As you navigate these new family waters, keep these things in mind: be united, be consistent, be patient, and do your best to make time for each child individually from time to time, regardless of their stature in the home. You are all a family now. Families are made up of a mixture of unique talents and personalities, they are imperfect, and they are grounded in love. Regardless of how your family came to be, there is no reason why your story can’t still read... “and they lived happily ever after.” OP

Melody Wallace is a teacher at DCMS who finds new blessings each day in her roles as teacher, wife, mom, and stepmom.

resources www.thrivingfamily.com www.familylife.com The Smart Stepfamily - By: Ron L. Deal Blended Families: Creating Harmony As You Build a New Home Life - By: Maxine Marsolini



September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life { by: elaine martin }

what’s up


randparent’s Day cracks me up. It is this sweet little holiday that does not get much notoriety, outside of wadded

up invitations to be honored at elementary school lunches. The recipients of the day deserve much recognition for their unconditional love, crystal bowls of wrapped candy, and those ever-present packs of gum.

I can honestly say that I have one of the coolest dads on the

planet. As much as I love having him as Daddy, I think my kids


get the best end of the deal because he is their GRANDfather. Yep, his coolness has multiplied with every grey hair on his head. There are a few shining moments that really make me smile when I think about his grandparenting style.

My oldest daughter was the first grandchild, so she had the

familiar first-born right to “name” the grandparents. My dad thought he was waaaaay too young to be called Grandfather, so his fantasy was to be named “Sir.” Sally was a super duper late talker, so it took many months, but she did mutter one specific name every time she saw him…G. Yep, one letter, G. It is very fitting for him when you think of the dated saying, “What’s up, G?” It is a hip name, just like him. Six grandkids have been added to the family, and G definitely grew into his name.

Two of my kids had a dream to pull an all-nighter one summer.

Hattie & Lily wondered what happens at 3 a.m. in our cozy little Owensboro. Who is up? What do they do? I kept putting them off, blowing off their question, saying the only exciting things that happen are illegal. One day, they mentioned their dream night idea to G. I wish I could describe in detail how his eyes lit up and a slow grin started to appear. He said his famous words, “I’ve got a plan…” and the wheels of action were in motion.

A few nights later, the kids went to spend the night with G

and Gigi (yep, my mom). They were told to wear comfy clothes to bed because sometime during their slumber, an adventure would


. September//October 2013


occur. Around 1:30 a.m., G shook the girls awake, being very wise

apparently, anyone who is cool needs to commemorate such an

to leave his lovely bride to sleep. The girls were a bit groggy, so

occasion with a 3D Imax midnight movie. Picture this with me…

he told them to splash water on their faces, have a spoonful of

college students are dressed as wizards, teenagers show up with

cake batter (his favorite midnight snack) and start moving. The

lightning bolts on their foreheads, and there is G in his favorite

motley crew spent the next hours chowing down at Waffle House

movie sweatpants, having the time of his life! Should he be

(where the girls told me he knew everyone there), shopping at

hanging with his senior friends, playing rummy? No way – he is

Wal-Mart, and taking silly pictures with the buffalo statue. The

smack dab in the middle of the action, savoring every moment

full details of their twilight escapade were told me to when they

with his granddaughter and munching his middle of the night

rolled out of bed around noon, as G sat behind them with a proud

popcorn snack.

smile on his face.

My last favorite memory also occurred in the wee hours. My

infinite. You’d be blessed to sit at one of our family dinners and

daughter, Sally, absolutely loved Harry Potter and was thrilled

listen to his side of these stories. He’d tell you that it doesn’t take

when the last movie was set to come out. She begged and begged

money or anything fancy to be a grandparent. His awesomeness

to see the midnight showing, but she was only 13, and like before,

comes from his heart, spending time listening to grandkids about

I had many excuses as to why that was not going to happen under

their dreams and being part of their lives. It may even involve a

my care. Smarty Pants Sally took the wish to her G, who of course

few sleepless nights…and maybe some cake batter and popcorn

was quick to sign up. The only thing he loves more than midnight

if you’re really cool.

The memories my kids have due to this amazing man are


cake batter is a trip to the movie theater, no matter the time of day or night.

Martin views each day as an adventure in her roles as wife, mom, owner of Pigtails and

Cowlicks, and writing coach at Meadow Lands Elementary School.

His grandiose plan found them both in Evansville because,


September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life {by: jaime rafferty}

stolen identities A

ccording to the Alzheimer’s Association’s 2013 Facts &

unrecognizable from the strong presence they once knew.

Figures Report (www.alz.org/facts) approximately 80,000

However there is no giving up or giving into Alzheimer’s in

Kentuckians have Alzheimer’s disease, and Alzheimer’s was

our community.

reported as the underlying cause of death for 83,494 individuals

nationwide and 1,464 in Kentucky in 2010.

Owensboro will host its 3rd Annual Walk on Saturday, October 5th at

Here are a few numbers of interest:

the Downtown Riverfront, with registration beginning at 9 a.m.

• Nearly 266,000 family members and friends are caring for

Kentuckians with Alzheimer’s.

• Nearly one in every three seniors who dies each year has

Alzheimer’s or another dementia.

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s began in 1989 and this year

Nearly 250 supporters came together and raised more than

$30,000 last year. Participants can register online at act.alz.org, by phone at 502-451-4266 or you can register the morning of the event.

Children and grandchildren who were once parented by

In addition to the walk the Owensboro Walk to End

individuals who have now developed dementia or Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s will host more than a dozen booths with information

are watching them fade into a state that often renders them

about Alzheimer’s disease and how to get involved, advocacy


. September//October 2013


opportunities, the latest in Alzheimer’s research, clinical trial enrollment, support groups, training and other services. Each walker will be given a sign with their loved one’s name on a pinwheel flower to be planted in the Promise Garden to honor those affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

For the Walk Committee Chair, Adam Tudor, Alzheimer’s hits

very close to home.

Adam is the grandson of three grandparents that suffered from

dementia and/or Alzheimer’s, two of which resided with his family. He recalls being sent it to wake his grandmother and seeing her reaction when she thought he was an intruder. He says there was a feeling of being unable to help, until now. He remarks, “Alzheimer’s take a person’s identity, the core of who they are. There are very few diseases that steal a person’s identity but Alzheimer’s does just that.”

Adam no longer feels helpless as he promotes the importance

of taking part in this event. He says, “As the disease becomes more and more prevalent if you don’t know someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia you someday will.”

And the good folks at Wellington Parc know that statement to be


Wellington specializes in caring for adults with Alzheimer’s and

related disorders and is a Platinum Sponsor for this year’s event.

Aimee Carroll, Resident Service Coordinator, says that many

staff members will also participate in this year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s. This is not a requirement of the staff, however they see daily why endeavors such as this are so important to the individuals they serve. She says that it’s important for people to look past the disease of Alzheimer’s and see the person. And that educating one’s self about the disease is the best way to begin understanding what needs are present. The biggest need Aimee sees is compassion. She says with compassion they can begin helping individuals and their families “create moments of joy.”

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is slated to do just that, create

moments of joy as they celebrate those who fight the fight, and the fight still ahead through treatments, research and support services. Funds raised by the Walk to End Alzheimer’s support research for treatment, support services and of course a cure. The Greater Kentucky and Southern Indiana Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association provides services to 125 counties in Kentucky and Southern Indiana, including support groups, caregiver training, and a 24/7 Helpline (800-272-3900).


Jaime Rafferty enjoys writing, as a hobby. She lives is Owensboro with her husband, Paul and their two children. www.OwensboroParent.com

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



brightest the best and the

{ article by: danny may


. September//October 2013


photo by: captured moments photography }



ur kindergartner came home the other day singing his classroom rules.

Apparently, his

music teacher puts a melody to everything.

Hmmm… I started wondering what other rules I could write a tune to. Come to think of it, it works pretty well for Daniel Tiger too. He’s got catchy songs for sharing things and trying new foods, both of which I’m trying like crazy to get my three year old to do right now.

Music and memory…. there must be something to this.

But what about dance and acting? (Even if it is just make believe super powers?)

Well, the good news is that experts are finding out more

and more that there is an educational advantage for young people who are involved in dance, music, and theater. But that’s nothing new at all actually.

Part of it has to do with the “Mozart effect;” the finding

that there is a proven benefit to exposing children to classical music. Not only does it have a calming effect, but it also helps their brain develop at a more rapid rate. Owensboro Symphony Orchestra Director Nick Palmer says it’s the reason Baby Einstein and programs like KinderMusic are so successful because they stimulate brain development by associating movements and music with memory.

But there are other benefits from the arts as well. “It’s

actually been proven through Kentucky state testing that experiences in arts and humanities play a huge role in development in math and science and other academic curriculum,” says Travis Estes, Marketing Director at the RiverPark Center. “We’ve heard that same thing from the local schools that participate in our arts programs here at the RPC.”

So it seems that art, dance, music, and theater somehow

make young people better learners in other areas too, which causes a win-win situation for places like the RiverPark Center. The students love the shows and arts programs the RiverPark Center provides, the educators enjoy them too, and the RiverPark Center builds their audiences as a result of those positive experiences. www.OwensboroParent.com

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



“It’s interesting. We’ve seen that in lots of cases the students who

them gain confidence and collaboration. In that sense, the arts are

are participating in our arts programs actually experience their first

very similar in what a young person might gain through experiences

stage performance before their parents do,” Estes says. “And most

on a sports team or business class project. But TWO Director Stephen

times those students will invite their parents and grandparents to

Coppick says there is one strikingly different benefit from the arts.

come back and see other shows.”

That definitely helps explain why the RiverPark Center has

the ability to look at a blank stage or a blank page and then create

made their arts programs such a priority from day one. Since their

something on it that wasn’t there before,” says Coppick. “To me,

inaugural season in 1992, the RPC has held their “Arts Teach Kids”

that is the biggest advantage for a young person being involved in

program, which Estes explained is a “curriculum based program for

the arts.”

grades K-12 that brings in touring productions throughout the school

from it will certainly serve someone really well later on in life in

year. We coordinate with educators so that classes can come, watch a

whatever career they choose. Creating something from nothing,

performance, and then discuss it in the classroom later on.” Now in

seizing an opportunity, and fostering change all sound like qualities

its twenty-first season, Arts Teach Kids has become so popular that

of a successful person.

schools from a 200 mile radius travel to see performances at RiverPark

(See side bar for other arts programs at RPC).

movie theater tickets we’d all be better off. But I digress. Right now

Aside from the educational aspect, there’s also the character

I’ve got to go work on some rhymes about taking our dishes to the

building aspect of being involved in the arts. The Theater Workshop

sink and putting the milk back in the fridge. Maybe if there’s a song

of Owensboro finds that the arts are a terrific way for kids to develop

and dance involved my little ones will one day remember to put the

skills such as teamwork, cooperation, and respecting one another.

carton back.

“The main thing that the arts teach young people is creativity;

That imaginative spirit and the confidence that comes

Maybe if we spent more money on live theater tickets instead of


Things they learn on stage like self-expression and stage presence can translate very well into many other areas in their lives, especially later on when they enter their professions. Experiences in the arts help


. September//October 2013

Danny May is a husband and father of two boys, 3 and 5, who are avid fans of the “big playground” downtown. He his also the Director of Family Life at Lourdes Catholic Church.


riverpark center arts programs “Arts in the A.M.”

owensboro sympony orchestra

Held twenty-five dates throughout the school year, Arts in the A.M. offers students a hands-on experience with performance, dance,

Families will enjoy the Owensboro

visual arts, theater, and music by professionals in the industry.

Symphony Orchestra’s opening night concert on September 21st at 7:30 in

“Students on Stage”

the RiverPark Center’s Cannon Hall.

Professionals work with students right on stage in Cannon Hall,

Nick Palmer says the concert will have

giving them hands-on experiences in acting, improv, lighting, sound,

broad appeal, featuring styles ranging

and other behind the scenes aspects of stage productions.

from classical to jazz.


September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



photos from facebook


. September//October 2013



September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


community facebook


. September//October 2013



fall family fun! They call Owensboro the “Festival City” for a reason, and we sure do live up to it in the fall! Hey, why not? Autumn is the perfect time to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather as a family. So whether it’s a trip to an orchard or farm, a day at the river, or a stroll downtown, here is a list of plenty of options for your family to enjoy this fall. { paid advertorial }

East Bridge Art and Music Festival

and give Owensboro something unique. There will not be a

Saturday, September 9

bridge walk this year because of the repainting of the bridge, Turns

but there is still plenty to do at East Bridge; live music all day

out, the library - and Blossom’s further down Frederica –

long, gourmet food from local restaurants, a sidewalk chalk

got “ribbon bombed” by the East Bridge Art Fest. That’s

display by Chicago artists, and displays from over 50 local

some guerrilla marketing at its best right there. And it also

and regional artists. East Bridge is held at Studio Slant on

happens to be exactly what the East Bridge Fest is all about;

Second Street which is… you got it… just east of the blue

something unique to catch your eye. Katherine Taylor and

bridge. Be on the look out for more ribbon (75,000 yards of

Christy Chaney, sisters, started the East Bridge Art and

ribbon to be exact) at seven more “ribbon bomb” sites. For

Music Festival in 2011 to increase awareness for the arts

more info call 684-3570 or visit www.eastbridgeart.com.

No, that’s not graffiti in the trees at the library.


September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



Trunnell’s Farm Market and Family Fun Acre

free!) There will also be sky divers landing at dusk and a special

September & October

pyrotechnic display launched off an airplane at dark. The full air

“Absolutely fresh, and absolutely fun!” That’s Trunnell’s motto. And

show will again take place on Saturday afternoon at the riverfront

they’re not kidding; Trunnell’s has a festival with a different theme

at 1 p.m., featuring fly-overs and aerial acrobatics. English Park

every weekend starting September 14th through November 2nd!

and Smother’s Park offer the best views. For more information visit

See the advertorial on page 30 for more details.


Patriot Days

Monsters on the Ohio at English Park

September 13-15 History buffs will love Patriot Days at Yellow Creek Park.


Saturday, October 12

Pioneer Village literally comes alive with living history exhibits

You might not expect a catfish tournament to be fun for the whole

like blacksmiths, basket weavers, candle makers, and trappers.

family. But for “Monsters on the Ohio” Tournament Director Aaron

Period dressed re-enactors love to tell stories about what life on the

Wheatley, family fun was one of his goals from the beginning. “We

frontier was like and answer questions about what they are doing.

definitely have something for everyone,” Wheatley says. “Awesome

Concessions will be available so families can make a day of it and

food, inflatables, live music, activities for the kids, and a weigh in that

enjoy the rest of the park.

everyone enjoys.” In fact, there is actually a special section roped off just for kids right up front so they can see the fisherman hold up

Owensboro Air Show

and weigh their “monster” catfish; some weighing 30, 40, to 50 lbs.

September 20-21

Ducks Unlimited and Monster Rod Holders are also sponsoring

This year’s Owensboro Air Show promises to be even bigger and

casting competitions and duck call demonstrations for the kids. See

better. It begins Friday night, when all the aircraft will be on display

lots of pictures and all the details at www.monstersontheohio.com.

at the airport from 4-9pm for a $2 admission. (Kids 10 and under


. September//October 2013


Reid’s Apple Festival October 19-20 Reid’s Orchard has built a long-standing tradition of hosting its Apple Festival on the third weekend of October. Part carnival (lots of rides!), part arts and crafts fair (90 booths), part caramel and apple slushy goodness (20 food booths); it’s 100% family fun. With hayrides and a petting zoo to boot, you’re in for a fun day no matter who you are. For more information call 685-2444 or visit www.reidorchard. com. See Reid’s Orchard ad on page 24 for additional events.

by the numbers Last year’s Owensboro Air Show at the grand opening of Smother’s Park drew an estimated crowd of 10,000 people! The biggest catfish caught at Monsters on the Ohio weighed 53 lbs! Reid’s expects to sell 15,000 caramel apples at the Apple Fest The Trunnell Farm is over 1,600 acres and is a working farm that produces crops such as corn, wheat, pumpkins, and more.

Midway open 1 hour after buffet closes www.OwensboroParent.com

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



our fall faves Pumpkin Pie Dip

This simple 5 minute dip is has just the right amount of sweet and spice, it’s fluffy, creamy and yes even dreamy. Basically it’s pure goodness. It tastes so much like pumpkin pie (different texture obviously, but same amazing flavor). So when you want a quick dessert with all the flavors of pumpkin pie that everyone will love, then this is definitely what you’ll want to make. You’ll quickly lose track of just how much you’ve actually eaten. Enjoy and Happy Fall!


. September//October 2013


Ingredients 8 oz cream cheese, softened 2 cups powdered sugar 1 1/4 cups canned pumpkin 1/2 cup sour cream 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp ginger 1/4 tsp cloves (optional) 1/4 - 1/2 cup caramel sauce, store bought or homemade (optional, but highly recommended) graham crackers, chocolate crackers or gingersnap cookies for serving

Fabric Leaf Garland Use to decorate the mantle, doorway, banister or dinner table.

Directions In a large mixing bowl, using an electric hand mixer on low


speed, blend together cream cheese and powdered sugar until

Felt in muted fall colors

combined then increase mixer to medium and beat for one

Leaf Stencils

minute until smooth and fluffy. Add in pumpkin, sour cream,


cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves and mix until well

Embroidery floss and yarn in golds and browns

blended and fluffy, about 1 - 2 minutes. Drizzle with optional

Large blunt needles

caramel sauce (and marble if desired), serve with crackers. Store in refrigerator in an airtight container.

Plans: Choose desired felt colors Trace leaf stencils

Notes For cleaner edges on your graham crackers, simply cut them

Cut out leaves following stencil or freehanding Decide the order of the leaves for prefered color combinations

along indentations with a sharp knife rather than breaking

Stitch together

them into individual pieces.

Create several garlands of varying lengths


September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


{ b y : d r. b r i a n g a n n o n }


. September//October 2013



farmtastic fun! { paid advertorial }

Absolutely fresh and absolutely fun! That’s the best way to describe Trunnell’s Farm Market, whose unique brand of “agri-tainment” is constantly growing and expanding.


hat kid wouldn’t love zooming down a hillside on a giant

their skills at solving the farm mystery adventure in the four-acre

slide? What family wouldn’t enjoy a tractor-drawn wagon

corn maze. For the smaller tots, Trunnell’s has created a “Mini”

ride to the pumpkin patch to choose the perfect pumpkin right off

maze where families stroll through the corn while learning the story

the vine? Who doesn’t love sinking their teeth into one of Trunnell’s

of Spookley the Square Pumpkin.

delicious apple cider donuts or apple cider slushies? You can do it all

this fall at Trunnell’s Family Fun Acre & Corn Maze on highway 431.

different fall festivals packed full of family fun every weekend from

Trunnell’s Farm Market has brought the concept of “agri-

September 14th - November 2nd. Each festival has a different theme

tainment” to a whole new level by offering creative events and

with unique events scheduled to inspire each and every family

activities each season. This fall, Trunnell’s welcomes many new

member. During the festivals, you can listen to live entertainment on

adventures to the Family Fun Acre & Corn Maze that will excite both

the farm stage, take a flashlight and explore the farm and corn maze

young and old.

in the dark, grab a basket and hunt for pumpkins during the Great

Pumpkin Hunt, excite your taste buds with great treats like roasted

At the Family Fun Acre, kids can visit the Animal Barnyard to pet

But that’s not all. This fall, Trunnell’s will be hosting eight

and feed the farm animals. Kids and adults can test their skills in the

sweet corn, and discover even more “Absolutely Farmtastic” Fun!

rope maze, straw bale maze or tile maze. Kids and their parents can

pan for gold at the Independence Mining Company’s sluice, play in

Trunnell explains, “We want to educate and entertain every guest

the corn pit, jump and climb the straw bale pyramid, bounce in the

that comes to our farm.” Kevin Trunnell says, “A smile on every child

bouncy ball pit, and much more. The young and young at heart can

and adult is our goal. We want our guests to experience the farm,

speed around the H&R Agripower Case IH Pedal Tractor Speedway

which will create memories for families that will last a lifetime.”

and the Lil’ Farmer Pedal Trike Track.

come on out to Trunnell’s Family Fun Acre & Corn Maze this fall.

The corn maze is a favorite for all ages. The 2013 maze has an

added challenge with “Farm Scene Investigation,” where guests test

Why do the Trunnell’s want to open their farm to the public? Julie

So if you’re in the mood to get outside and enjoy the fall weather,

Your family will love it!


Trunnell’s Farm Market, Family Fun-Acre & Corn Maze at 9255 US Highway 431.

Visit online: www.trunnellsfarmmarket.com or call: 270-733-2222 www.OwensboroParent.com

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


discover { paid advertorial }

home is where our heart is W

e all want our home to be a true expression of ourselves.

But too often we’re timid about decorating because we have

live with your mistakes. You can correct them. Mistakes come in all

The lesson to learn from decorating is that you don’t have to

preconceived ideas of how a house should look. Inhibited by our

shapes and sizes and surprises, but when we are honestly ourselves,

lack of “expertise,” we don’t trust our ability to group furniture or

the mistakes will be ones we will be

select colors, and we worry that some of our things don’t go together.

more willing to admit and change.

And then there are those of us, starting out or starting over, who are

Successful rooms are alive with your

eager to get going – but become so overwhelmed by the sheer range

vitality and personality and both of

of choices (what colors? which fabrics? what pieces of furniture?)

these come from use. You have to live

that we become paralyzed. “Action begets action” When you do one

in rooms to have them appear lived in.

thing, you cut through that “stuck” feeling and build a momentum.

Show me where you “live.” That will

As you set about creating the living space that will suit you now and

be the room I’ll want to come to as your

be adaptable throughout the years as your needs and priorities grow

guest. Turn rarely used rooms into

and change with the times. The place to begin is to know who you are,

functioning spaces for daily living and

and what your personal lifestyle is. Style really comes down to what

you will achieve a far more charming

makes you feel good. Be faithful to your own taste, try to keep in mind

atmosphere for others.

that less is more. You have to feel comfortable in the atmosphere you

Call me for your FREE interior design help today! I am an

create. That, after all, is the essence of beauty – to be able to relax

interior designer with Ethan Allen and would love to come visit and

spontaneously in your rooms.

offer my suggestions!


FREE Interior Design Help, Call Linda Montejano in Evansville 812.483.3185 Interior design consultant for Ethan Allen design center in Paducah 32 OWENSBORO PARENT

. September//October 2013



September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



Precious and ever-so-tiny, the distinctive footprints on a birth card left yet another larger-than-life impression.

footprints on my heart { by: gail e. kirkland }


aving had one miscarriage and two premature births, Leslie Douglas knows the intense emotional pain of infant death. She also knew she was in a desperate place, treasuring small keepsakes like Tavareous’ and Kaliyah’s birth cards. She did not know that an Owensboro group had formed to come alongside others like her who need to grieve, to share their story, to recognize the simplicity of a child’s name and to celebrate the life of that child. Although Louisville hosted a memorial walk, Leslie needed a local connection, and discovered Footprints on my Heart via the Internet. There she also found Laura Casey, founder of Footprints. After talking and sharing their stories, Laura asked


. September//October 2013

Leslie to be the featured speaker at the 2012 Footprints on my Heart gathering. She cautiously agreed. “It seems like you spend every moment of the day wondering what could have been, how they would be; you seem so sad all the time. When you go to something like this, it’s just a relief that you can actually celebrate it rather than be sad about it,” Leslie said, wiping a cascade of heart-breaking tears. She and Laura Casey forged a mutual kinship, co-organizing this year’s Footprints on my Heart event to be held at the Botanical Gardens, 6 p.m., Oct. 15, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. “We are asking everyone in all time zones,


worldwide, to join us in a candle lighting ceremony” at 7 p.m. that day, according to Robyn Bear, founder of www.october15th.com. This local 2-hour Footprint event reaches out “to support families whose lives have been affected by pregnancy loss or infant death,” according to the group’s mission statement. “We seek a day to remember openly together the lives of our children, no matter how brief they were or how long ago, in order to heal and be comforted by our common grief and love for these babies even though we continue our internal grief process daily…” Laura founded Footprints on my Heart seven years ago, after suffering two miscarriages. “I felt so alone when I had my loss, like this has never happened to anybody else. Why me? I felt so alone, but then people started coming out of the woodwork: ‘Well, you know so-and-so lost their baby…’ ” Laura said. Discovering that President Reagan had proclaimed October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month in 1988, she organized the first Footprints gathering. “I was just flying by the seat of my pants. I just invited people from my church. I didn’t know what to do.” Thirty-six individuals attended. From that initial event, Laura recalls one mother’s surprising confession to her grown daughter who had miscarried; the mom, too, had suffered a miscarriage, but had kept it to herself all through the years. The framework of this uplifting event includes flameless luminary bags, bubbles, balloons, name-reading, bell ringing, guest speakers, poetry, prayer and music. Pre-registration is requested so that the readers have each child’s name to be read

aloud, although names may also be added the night of the event. “It’s very casual; we open up the floor to others. We are real people with real hurts. We are able to share with one another in that brief time…” Laura explained. “We all cry when we’re there; there’s not a dry eye in the house.” Yet, it’s much more than that. It’s a healing, family-friendly event. Leslie’s daughter performed an original dance in memory of her siblings; Laura’s son rings a bell at the reading of each child’s name. “It’s kinda like a cross between a baby shower and a funeral,” Laura said. “We are not going there to cry for two hours…there will be laughter, too.” As attendees arrive, they will be given markers to inscribe their child’s name on luminary bags, which will line the path to the gazebo area, where chairs are provided. At the conclusion of the program, everyone stands in a big circle to pray and then to release their balloons into the night sky. Some choose to write messages on the balloons. Extra balloons are available for anyone who wants to release balloons in memory of a child—parents, grandparents, siblings or friends. “We have babies and toddlers there. No one is excluded,” Laura said. Attendance has more than tripled since Footprints began. Even though their stories are different, a common denominator prevails: the devastation of infant loss. “I was so down and down and down and down (after two miscarriages). Then my 12-year-old son came home from a concert and said, ‘Mom, our family needs to listen to this song’. It was Jeremy Camp’s ‘I Still Believe’. A month later I was pregnant

off the track 35 OWENSBORO PARENT

. September//October 2013


with my next child. I fully believe if he hadn’t come home with that song, I wouldn’t have him,” Laura said. Both Laura and Leslie affirmed their strong faith has sustained, comforted and given them hope. Grief counselors and clergy attend Footprints, if anyone needs their assistance. Some attendees prefer to talk with those who have walked the walk they are experiencing. Sometimes Laura actually receives referrals from others, from doctor’s offices. “I’m not an expert. I feel so inadequate…but I know what I’ve been through,” she said. Her approach: “If you don’t want to talk about what happened to you, let me tell you what happened to me. From there, we build friendships.” Leslie, a mom and step-mom to three, had no complications with her oldest daughter, now 10. She miscarried in 2009, and endured two ambulance rides (2010 and 2011) to Louisville Norton’s Hospital (both at about five months into her pregnancy), knowing there was no possible way for the child to survive. After the last miscarriage, she and her husband elected to have no more children. Laura didn’t even know she was pregnant. She had given birth to two other children. She was going through a divorce, when she realized something was wrong. After calling the doctor’s office, the nurse said she was probably having a miscarriage. Laura had not ever heard of a miscarriage. Later remarried, that happy moment, thrilled, pregnant…came a second miscarriage. “I have always wanted to be a Mommy,” Laura said. “I needed emotional


support, so that’s what I hope that this group does,” she added. “I have visions of what this program can be or could be,” Leslie said. One dream is to have teddy bears or baskets to give to those at the hospital that have suffered loss, including contact information about Footprints on my Heart and other help resources. Speaking from the heart, Laura and Leslie are proof positive: Losses have happened. They are acutely real. And, the statistics are astounding. One in four pregnancies results in infant loss. “We understand that no one wants a balloon or a brownie. They want their babies…but this is all I’ve got, a heart that cares,” Laura said. OP

Gail recently retired from DCHS, where she taught journalism and English. She is a mother of twins, a Meme, and sports enthusiast.

learn more Anyone who needs a listening ear or wants to help or donate to Footprints on my Heart may contact Laura by phone (270-903-3080) or on their Facebook page (Owensboro Footprints on my Heart). T-shirts imprinted with the names of children in remembrance will be available at the event. Pre-registration allows for the collection of names.

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


infant bereavement photography S

everal local photographers belong to Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (www.nilmdts.org), an association founded by a Colorado photographer and client, dedicated to “providing the gift of remembrance photography for parents suffering the loss of a baby.” The sensitivity of that one photographer created a ripple effect with his/her response to the need for infant bereavement photography—a solely not-for-profit effort to provide parents with precious, priceless photos of their babies that they otherwise would not have. Captured Moments Photography and Dream Copy Photography are two photographers who offer no-cost bereavement photo sessions with the infant and parents. “It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, but I believe God gives us talents in life and it’s our responsibility to use those talents to His Glory,” said Kate Higdon, who co-owns Captured Moments Photography. She actually got into bereavement photography because her cousin lost a baby at 5-6 months, going through full labor with the knowledge that her baby would not survive. The photos are some of the most precious evidence of that child. “It is proof that they existed,” Kate said. Initially, Kate’s husband Jason thought it would be too emotional for her to do this. “…but I am all business and focused on doing a good job for those parents,” Kate said, noticeably touched at the


remembrance of such photo sessions. Basically, participating professional photographers are on call. “I take blankets, hats, clothes, and have an assistant in the room with mom and baby…posing just as with other newborn sessions…hand wrapped around tiny fingers…mom and dad each posing with their newborn,” Kate explained. “She did an absolutely amazing job,” said Natalie Howard, regarding her son Phoenix’s remembrance photos. Natalie actually heard of the gratis photo service through the grapevine from one of Captured Moments’ employees. The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep website speaks directly to its potential photographers: “Imagine a photo session where each moment is a last moment, where there will be no second takes, where what you’re doing means everything.”

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



7 tips for parents thinking about returning to college:

{ paid advertorial }

finances first Meet Ivana Clay, WKU-Owensboro Financial Aid Counselor


vana began her college career in 1997 at The University of Nebraska, majoring in Broadcast Journalism. In 1999, she moved to Kentucky, transferring to Bellarmine

University. Several years of marriage and three kids later, she ended up at WKU to finish her degree, changing her major to Graphic Design. It took her three more years, but Ivana graduated in May 2013 with a BA in Visual Studies with an emphasis in Graphic Design.

Although her major was in graphic design, it was her job as a student worker in the

WKU Financial Aid Office that led her to her ultimate career path. Ivana began filing papers in the financial aid office, then moved from the file room to several student worker positions in the office, ultimately landing as the assistant to the Appeals Department and Study Abroad areas within financial aid. She discovered a love of working with students, which helped her land a full-time position within financial aid. Ivana says, “Just goes to show no matter what your major, sometimes you can be lead to a perfect job by experiences. I couldn’t have found a better place for me than pursuing a career in student services.”

Ivana has three children: Kyndall, 6, and twins Claire and Keaton, 5. Returning to school

was difficult for Ivana, now a single mom, leaving three children while she attended class at night. “It was hard for me as a mom not to be at home every night to catch up with my kids about their day. The main thing that got me through as a single mom was remembering that the sacrifices at the time to earn my degree would pay off two fold.”

Ivana says that she knew that completing her goal of graduating college would financially

make a better life for her kids. She was also determined to show her children how difficult it was to balance family and school, hoping her struggles would remind them to finish school while they were young just how valuable an education is.


1 Start early when planning. Last minute decisions about what school to attend and what program you’re going to pursue can cause you unnecessary headaches and cost you more money. It is better to make a solid plan and take your time than to rush into a decision that is going to impact your whole family. 2 Once you make the decision to return to school utilize their resources. Find out all deadlines for applying for scholarships and financial aid in order to get the most bang for your buck. 3 In order to be eligible for any type of Federal loans or grant money you MUST fill out a FAFSA for the school year you are planning on attending. When it comes to figuring out your financial aid options the earlier you start the better. Visit FAFSA. GOV and become familiar with the website. Beginning January 1, 2014, you may begin to fill out a FAFSA for the 14-15 school year that begins in August. 4 Don’t believe the myth that you have to complete your taxes before you can file your FAFSA. You are allowed to use estimates to complete your form and some grants are first come, first serve. This means the people who have their FAFSA on file will get in line first for this money if they qualify. Don’t drag your feet and miss out on free money! 5 The FAFSA can be intimidating, but thankfully many strides have been made in recent years to make it as painless as possible. Don’t let being afraid to complete this form be the reason that you submit it late. It is most likely going to be easier than you think! 6 Exhaust all of your scholarship sources! This includes community agencies and also the departments within your school of choice, which may offer scholarships to non-traditional adult students. Look for scholarship opportunities within your major as well. Remember to ask what might be available as one-time yearly awards, as well as multi-year funds. 7 If you have children that are not yet school age, look into childcare programs available through the school you decide to attend. If nothing is available with them let your daycare service know that you are a student; they may offer a discount or be able to get you in touch with state agencies that can help you with these expenses while you are taking classes.

Western Kentucky University in Owensboro has been educating students for over 40 years.

Learn more online: www.wku.edu/owensboro 38 OWENSBORO PARENT

. September//October 2013




September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


september 2013 Informing parents about fun, local events is a priority for Owensboro Parent. Our magazine compiles events from across the city and county. So when your family is looking for something to do, check out the Owensboro Parent calendar, where you will find information on local events, including event descriptions, locations, dates, times and price. Want to include your event? Contact the editor at ashley@owensboroparent.com.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger

and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.



. September//October 2013

and the inner core members of his unit as they try to serve in and survive World War II. Starring Mark Hamill and Robert Carradine; 6 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 9 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com. FREE WORLD WAR II MOVIE The 1999 film

BLUEGRASS JAM On the first Thursday of each month, head to the Bluegrass Museum to jam with other musicians. Jamming is for musicians of all levels and begins at 7 p.m. For more information, contact the Museum at (270) 926-7891 or visit their their website at www.bluegrassmuseum.org.

starring Robin Williams. A rather uplifting and slightly humorous film about World War II Jewish Ghetto life; 6 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.


FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger

and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.


Slant hosts the 3rd annual East Bridge Arts Festival. More than 50 artists from around the region showcase their amazing talents while dozens of teams turn the streets around the festival into a canvas of incredible chalk art. 412 E. Second Street, 270-684-3570.

STORY LAB Bear Has a Story to Tell by Philip C.


calendar Stead and Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert Story Lab Activity: Participants will make a leaf picture by pounding a leaf and breaking the chloroplast of the leaf to use the chlorophyll as a stain. Children will also look at magnificent leaf cells; 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Story Lab, Activity Lab: Nature Art 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; Programs are included in the price of $3 admission for non-members; Museum members are free; Owensboro Museum of Science and History, 122 East 2nd St; (270) 687-2732 or owensboromuseum.org.

WEEKEND FUN AT REID’S ORCHARD Come enjoy Reidland Play Area, horse and pony rides, Reid’s Apple Express and Gemstone Mining. Reid’s Orchard, 4818 Kentucky 144; (270) 685-2444 or reidorchard.com.

REID’S ORCHARD U-PICK APPLES BEGINS Reid’s Orchard, 4818 Kentucky 144; (270) 685-2444 or reidorchard.com.

DOWNTOWN OWENSBORO CRUISE-IN Head Downtown every 1st Saturday from April to October and enjoy classic cars! Free admission and fun for the whole family!

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 – Grandparent’s Day OWENSBORO SYMPHONY CHAMBER CONCERT Settle Memorial United Methodist Church will feature a chamber music quintet on Sunday, September 8, at 3:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary, 201 E. 4th Street, Owensboro. The concert will feature Konstantin Umansky and Alfred Abel, violinists; Colette Grossman Abel, violist; Polina Umansky, cellist; and pianist Diane Earle who is the Music Director of the church. All of these musicians have performed extensively around the world. Music selections include Franck, Saint-Saens, and Vieuxtemps. The recital also showcases the new grand piano purchased by members and friends of the church. This is the third concert in 2013 in the church’s Good Samaritan Concert Series, now in its second year. The concerts benefit St. Benedict’s, Boulware Mission, the Help Office, and Settle Memorial’s Good Samaritan Fund. The concert series is designed to raise awareness and resources to impact homelessness in Owensboro. The 75-minute concert is free and open to the public; a freewill offering will be taken to help the above ministries. A reception will follow the concert. For additional information, please contact Rev. Darren Brandon at 270-684-4226.


every Saturday morning from 10:00—12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org



EUROPEAN THEATER PANEL DISCUSSION Experts and veterans will discuss the European Theater; 2 – 4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org. FREE WORLD WAR II MOVIE Road to Victory, Part

Two; 6 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 STORY LAB Bear Has a Story to Tell by Philip C. Stead and Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert Story Lab Activity: Participants will make a leaf picture by pounding a leaf and breaking the chloroplast of the leaf to use the chlorophyll as a stain. Children will also look at magnificent leaf cells; 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Story Lab, Activity Lab: Nature Art 1:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.; Programs are included in the price of $3 admission for non-members; Museum members are free; Owensboro Museum of Science and History, 122 East 2nd St; (270) 687-2732 or owensboromuseum.org.

U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse. com.



younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

Return of The Big Bugs”. Have lunch at the Western KY Botanical Garden; 11:30 am-1 p.m.; (270) 8528925 or www.wkbg.org.

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT




. September//October 2013



PATRIOT DAYS Held at the Pioneer Village in



Yellow Creek Park, this event features living history exhibits, colonial games, scavenger hunt, prizes and refreshments.

a day with your grandparents at Trunnell’s Farm! Free admission for one grandparent with each paid grandchild admission. Come bring the grandchildren out for a day of “Absolutely Farmtastic fun!” 270-7332222 or www.trunnellsfarmmarket.com.

socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

BUFFALO DINNER To open the 2013 Patriot Days,

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger

and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org. FREE WORLD WAR II MOVIE A woman goes to

work to help make ends meet while her husband goes off to war. Starring Goldie Hawn; 6 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

DAVID ROGER’S BIG BUGS EXHIBITION returns to the Western KY Botanical Garden. These largerthan-life bugs, built from all-natural materials, will be wandering the Garden with many special events during the run of the exhibition. This exhibit will run through the end of October. For more information, contact the Garden; (270) 852-8925 or www.wkbg.org.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 9 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.


join the Friends of Pioneer Village for an outdoor meal at the Village including slow-smoked buffalo, parsley local potatoes, grilled corn on the cob and mixed fruit cocktail. Tickets are only $35, or a table of eight for $225. For tickets, contact the CVB Office at 270-926-1100.

8TH ANNUAL BILL MONROE-STYLE MANDOLIN CAMP Students and fans of the mandolin style of the Father of Bluegrass Music will gather here September 13-15 for the 8th Annual Bill Monroe-Style Mandolin Camp, hosted by the International Bluegrass Music Museum. Acknowledged master of Monroe-style mandolin and Grammy nominated mandolinist Mike Compton serves again as your Camp Director and will be joined by Associate Director Dr. Richard Brown, Roland White, Skip Gorman, Jesse Brock and Mark Royal. They will be joined on staff by luthiers Will Kimble and Paul Duff as camp mandolin doctors. Reservations capped at 50. For more information, contact the IBMM at 270-926-7891 or visit their website, http://bluegrassmuseum.org/mandolin-camp

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 WEEKEND FUN AT REID’S ORCHARD Come enjoy Reidland Play Area, horse and pony rides, Reid’s Apple Express and Gemstone Mining. Reid’s Orchard, 4818 Kentucky 144; (270) 685-2444 or reidorchard.com.


every Saturday morning from 10:00—12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org FREE ROAD TO VICTORY: WORLD WAR II ON

THE HOMEFRONT PANEL DISCUSSION Experts and veterans will discuss the war on the homefront; 2 p.m.-4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

LANHAM BROTHER JAMBOREE This family-fun and interactive show will feature Bluegrass, Country, Clogging and Comedy. Showtime is 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. CST. The Jamboree will be held in the Good Time Theater at Diamond Lake Resort. Tickets are general admission at the door and are $10 per person, $5 for ages 6-12 years and 5 years and under are free. Discounts offered for groups of 15 or more people. Group tickets may be purchased by calling 270.314.4331; 7301 Hobbs Road; www. lanhambrothersjamboree.com

PATRIOT DAYS See description on September 13.

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


calendar 8TH ANNUAL BILL MONROE-STYLE MANDOLIN CAMP See description on Friday, September 13.

a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.


FREE WORLD WAR II MOVIE Road to Victory, Part


Three; 6 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

Center’s FREE outdoor movie series continues with “Wreck-It Ralph”. You can bring your own chair or use one of the chairs provided. No coolers or pets, please. Concessions are available. Cartoons before each feature film. Movies begin at dusk; 270-6872787 or www.riverparkcenter.org. FREE WALK FOR LIFE The walk begins at Lourdes

Parking Lot on Placid Place off South Frederica St. Collect sponsors for this 3-mile event to help support the vital work for the Dignity of Human Life! Individuals raising more then $50.00 receive a free t-shirt. Youth are invited to create a pro-life t-shirt and wear it to the event. Awards and prizes will be given away after the walk. Sign-in, muffins and juice will begin at 9:00 am and the walk begins at 10:00 am sharp. For more information, contact Jerry Embry (812) 619-0523 chair for this event or the office at (270) 685-4922.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 STORY LAB Bear Has a Story to Tell by Philip C. Stead and Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert Story Lab Activity: Participants will make a leaf picture by pounding a leaf and breaking the chloroplast of the leaf to use the chlorophyll as a stain. Children will also look at magnificent leaf cells; 1 – 2 p.m. Story Lab, Activity Lab: Germs 2:15 – 3 p.m.; Programs are included in the price of $3 admission for non-members; Museum members are free; Owensboro Museum of Science and History, 122 East 2nd St; (270) 687-2732 or owensboromuseum.org.

8TH ANNUAL BILL MONROE-STYLE MANDOLIN CAMP See description on Friday, September 13.


younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30


. September//October 2013


younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

USS LST-325 Tour Take a tour of the USS LST-325, an amphibious vessel designed to land battle-ready tanks, troops and supplies during in World War II. Normally docked in Evansville, Indiana, the LST-325 will dock at English Park from September 19 through 22 for visits by groups and individuals. For more information, contact the CVB office at 270-926-1100. http://lstmemorial.org

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 9 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.


with LEGO! Ages 6-12; 6:30-7:30 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

Presale from 6 – 10 p.m.; Owensboro Boys and Girls Club, 3415 Buckland Square; contact Jennifer at (270) 993-7532 or Stephanie at (270) 316-2732 or visit ttwky.com.


FREE OWENSBORO AIR SHOW Enjoy static display


of aircraft and a glimpse of some amazing aerial demonstrations on Friday night at the Owensboro Regional Airport.

FREE LEGO BLOCK PARTY Build, Play, and Learn

PATRIOT DAYS See description on September 13.


wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.




Kentucky Botanical Garden starts the fall season with a special festival for the young and old alike. Come and be a part of the competition! 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; 270-852-8925 or www.wkbg.org.

Visit the library every Saturday morning from 10:00— 12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS A cult classic rock musical about a singing, man-eating plant that features a live band. For more information contact Theatre Workshop of Owensboro; 7:30 – 10 p.m.; Theatre Workshop of Owensboro, The Opryhouse, 418 Frederica St; 270-683-5333.

USS LST-325 TOUR See event description on Thursday, September 19.

PIGTAILS & COWLICKS CONSIGNMENT SALE One weekend sale from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. at the Owensboro Sportscenter at 1215 Hickman Avenue in Owensboro. For more information or to register as a consignor visit www.pigtailsandcowlicks.com

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 THE TOT, THE TEEN & THE WARDROBE CONSIGNMENT SALE Saturday is the Public Sale from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.; Owensboro Boys and Girls Club, 3415 Buckland Square; contact Jennifer at (270) 9937532 or Stephanie at (270) 316-2732 or visit ttwky.com.

WEEKEND FUN AT REID’S ORCHARD Come enjoy Reidland Play Area, horse and pony rides, Reid’s Apple Express and Gemstone Mining. Reid’s Orchard, 4818 Kentucky 144; (270) 685-2444 or reidorchard.com.



Owensboro will be buzzing again this fall with the sounds of vintage aircraft, military war birds, and jets as the 2nd annual Owensboro Air Show takes to the skies. Head downtown on Saturday to enjoy the amazing talents of some of the best pilots in the world as they push the limits and showcase the best in aviation technology and history. Also at this time, take a tour of the USS LST 325, an amphibious vessel from World War II. This ship’s home port is Evansville for most of the year, but they will be docked at English Park and open for tours. FREE CATHEDRAL FALL FESTIVAL St Stephen

Cathedral Parish invites all OWENSBORO AIR SHOW visitors to join us for our Annual Cathedral Fall Festival. St Stephen Cathedral Parish is located at 610 Locust Street, just 4 blocks south of Downtown. Food: Burgoo by the gallon or cup * Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Brats, Pork Loin Sandwiches, all cooked on open grills * Dessert Booth with Pies, Cobblers, and Ice Cream * Funnel Cakes * Walking Tacos * Nachos/Cheese * Fudge *Cold Drinks Games: Pull Tabs *Cake Wheel *Bingo * Gaming Tables Children Activities: 3 Large Inflatables * Fishing Pond * Plinko * Face Painting Silent Auction: Vacation Packages *

Gift Cards * Tickets for Sporting Events (including UK and UL) * Items donated by Local Businesses and Parishioners * Gift Baskets Grand Raffle: $2500 Cash * $200 Gift Cards * 2 Dell 15.6 Notebooks with 6 GB Memory/500 HDD * IPAD 4 32 GB Live Street Music: Music and Dancing in the Street provided by Nite Life Tour our Newly Renovated Cathedral (built in 1926) 610 Locust Street, 270-683-6525.

OWENSBORO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA – Vizzutti Featuring Allen Vizzutti on trumpet, music selections include Adams, Tchaikovsky and Ravel; 7:30 – 10 p.m.; 270-687-2787 www.TheOSO.com.

HOMETOWN HEROES WEEKEND In tribute to those who sacrifice so much, Trunnell’s is giving back to Kentucky and Indiana Firemen, Police Officers, First Responders, and Active & Retired Military (including Reserve & National Guard). Join Trunnell’s in honoring America’s bravest men and women who place service before self to keep our families safe every day. This weekend our Hometown Heroes will be admitted FREE with a valid ID, and immediate family members will be admitted at half price. The weekend will be filled with everything used to help make you safe in case of a fire or emergency. The following activities are planned for the weekend as well as many more!. Kids can climb aboard the Fire Engine, search the Patrol Vehicle, investigate the Rescue Vehicle, listen to the Sirens and have “Absolutely Farmtastic Fun” in the Family Fun Acre; 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.; 270-733-2222 or www. trunnellsfarmmarket.com.

September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


calendar ANNUAL SCARECROW FESTIVAL See event description on Friday, September 20.

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS See event description on Friday, September 20.

USS LST-325 TOUR See event description on

vampire bat and a Maylaysian Flying Fox, the world’s largest bat. Programs are included in the price of $3 admission for non-members; Museum members are free; 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.; Call our Bat Phone at (270) 687-2732 for information; Owensboro Museum of Science and History, 122 East 2nd St; (270) 687-2732 or owensboromuseum.org.

Thursday, September 19.

HOMETOWN HEROES WEEKEND See event PIGTAILS & COWLICKS CONSIGNMENT SALE One weekend sale from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Owensboro Sportscenter at 1215 Hickman Avenue in Owensboro. Many items will be 1/2 off. For more information or to register as a consignor visit www. pigtailsandcowlicks.com

description on Saturday, September 21.

ANNUAL SCARECROW FESTIVAL See event description on Friday, September 20.

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS See event description on Friday, September 20.


USS LST-325 TOUR See event description on Thursday, September 19.

from 12 – 3 p.m.; Owensboro Boys and Girls Club, 3415 Buckland Square; contact Jennifer at (270) 9937532 or Stephanie at (270) 316-2732 or visit ttwky.com.


FREE MUSIC IN THE PARK Live music with various

and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

musicians open to the public and free of charge. Guests are encouraged to bring folding chairs; Joe Ford Nature Center, 3870 US 60 West; For more information contact the nature center (270) 316-1632

FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger

FREE WORLD WAR II MOVIE; 6 p.m.; Daviess


for a presentation by Rob Mies, director of the Organization for bat Conservationism and national TV personality with this live bat friends, including a


. September//October 2013

of Hispanic Heritage Month; Ages 12 and younger; 6:30-7:30p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger

and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 WEEKEND FUN AT REID’S ORCHARD Come enjoy Reidland Play Area, horse and pony rides, Reid’s Apple Express, Gemstone Mining and even decorate a cookie by Maggie’s Cakes & More. Reid’s Orchard, 4818 Kentucky 144; (270) 685-2444 or reidorchard.com.

U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 9 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

BATS! Join the Museum of Science and History


FREE FAMILY FUN NIGHT Join us in celebration

socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WBKR ZOMBIE RUN Join WBKR for their 2nd Annual Zombie Run. Beginning in Legion Park and continuing to the Greenbelt, run or walk the 5K race and try to stay ahead of the Zombies on your tail! For more information, contact WBKR at 800-844-WBKR.



September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


calendar LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS See event description on Friday, September 20.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the library every Saturday morning

from 10:00—12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

OLE CIDER DAYS A weekend of cider and sampling including six different ciders will tickle your taste buds: Strawberry Cider, Blackberry Cider, Peach Cider, Red Cherry Cider, Blueberry Cider and Fresh Apple Cider. Fresh picked apples, apple butter, apple pie, and apple bread will be sampled too. This year’s Ole’ Cider Days Festival will feature live music, pulled pork BBQ, freshly pressed apple cider, apple cider donuts, and great gun for the whole family. Our guests will experience how pioneers made cider with antique, hand-cranked presses, enjoy scenic hayrides around the farm and to the Pumpkin Patch, children can get lost in the Interactive Corn Maze, Pumpkin Painting, Face Painting, visit the Animal Barnyard and pet them, or have “Absolutely Farmtastic Fun” in the Family Fun Acre. 270-733-2222 www.trunnellsfarmmarket.com

BARK IN THE PARK Enjoy this fun day with all designed for man’s best friend! There will be games, a photo booth, handmade pet items, and low-cost vaccines all for your dog! Don’t have a furry friend? Come out for MegAdoption, where multiple local shelters will be bringing adoptable pets; $20 registration for first dog, $10 for each additional dog. All proceed benefit The American Cancer


. September//October 2013


Society; 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Panther Creek Park, Feather

County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

Landing Shelter; owensborobarkinthepark.com.

VOICES OF ELMWOOD Join the Daviess County Public Library and the Owensboro Museum of

TASTE OF OWENSBORO Area restaurants and

Science and History as they invite you on the “Voices

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS See event description

beverage vendors will be at RiverPark Center to let

of Elmwood” tour. Starting at 6:00 PM, take a hayride

on Friday, September 20.

you sample the best of International cuisine, prepared

through the historic sections of Elmwood Cemetery

right here in Owensboro. Live entertainment; RiverPark

and learn about some of the history of Owensboro

Center, 101 Daviess Street; 6 - 9 p.m.; 270-687-2787.

and the people who shaped it. Tickets for the tour

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 STORY LAB Bear Has a Story to Tell by Philip C.

are $15. Thursdays-Saturdays. 270-687-2732

Stead and Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert Story Lab Activity:


Participants will make a leaf picture by pounding a


BLUEGRASS JAM On the first Thursday of each

leaf and breaking the chloroplast of the leaf to use

socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night;

month, head to the Bluegrass Museum to jam with

the chlorophyll as a stain. Children will also look

5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.

other musicians. Jamming is for musicians of all

at magnificent leaf cells; 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Story


levels and begins at 7 p.m. For more information,

Lab, Activity Lab: River walk, weather permitting; if

contact the Museum at (270) 926-7891 or visit their

rain activity lab with water; 2:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.;


Programs are included in the price of $3 admission


for non-members; Museum members are free;

socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless


Owensboro Museum of Science and History, 122 East

they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.;

Don’t miss this chance to support The Jerusalem

2nd St; (270) 687-2732 or owensboromuseum.org.

(270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

Ridge Bluegrass Celebration and also to hear the

their website at www.bluegrassmuseum.org.

most authentic bluegrass music played on a stage

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS See event description


where the Monroe Brothers played as boys, Uncle

on Friday, September 20.

FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger

Pen farmed and fiddled....the very spot that bluegrass

and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.;

music was born, Jerusalem Ridge, “Where the Spirit


Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.;

Touches the Soul!” For tickets and information, call

FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger


270-274-9181 http://www.jerusalemridgefestival.org

and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess


September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


calendar FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4

Corn Maze, visit the Animal Barnyard and pet the

literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public


animals, enjoy hayrides to the Pumpkin Patch,

Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free,

face painting, pumpkin sculpting contest, pumpkin

unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 –

painting, great food, caramel apples, Roasted sweet


9 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

corn and more “Absolutely Farmtastic Fun”! 270-733-

OCTOBERFEST See event description on Saturday,

2222 www.trunnellsfarmmarket.com.

October 5.

FREE FIRE SAFETY DAY Sponsored by the Airport


Sorgho Fire Department, this will be a day of fun,

See event description on Thursday, October 3.

VOICES OF ELMWOOD See event description on Thursday, October 3.


food, and learning for all ages; Panther Creek Park;

See event description on Thursday, October 3.

11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 – Fall Break FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and



younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30


Downtown every 1st Saturday from April to October

a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica

enjoy Reidland Play Area, horse and pony rides,

and enjoy classic cars! Free admission and fun for

St.; dcplibrary.org.

Reid’s Apple Express and Gemstone Mining. Reid’s

the whole family!

FALL BREAK KIDS’ KAMP Kids can spend their Fall

Orchard, 4818 Kentucky 144; (270) 685-2444 or reidorchard.com.

VOICES OF ELMWOOD See event description on

Break at the Garden for “Bugs, Birds & Bees” and

Thursday, October 3.

learn about the Big Bugs. For reservations and more information, contact the Garden; 270-852-8925 or

OCTOBERFEST This unique festival celebrates the fall season and everything farming! This is an event


for the whole family. Come climb aboard the farm

See event description on Thursday, October 3.


BUFFALO ART CAMP Kids can spend fall break at

equipment, enter the Corn Toss Contest, and enjoy listening to live music while viewing the countryside.


the Owensboro Museum of Fine Art for FREE art

The children can enjoy the Family Fun Acre,pPlay

every Saturday morning from 10:00—12:00 for self

education experience for area children, ages 6 to 15,

Farm Scene Investigation, get lost in the Interactive

guided fun and educational activities with a focus on

Contact 270-685-3181 or www.omfa.us


. September//October 2013



September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT



September//October 2013 . OWENSBORO PARENT


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