Owensboro Parent - January / February 2016

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January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. January // February 2016



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. January // February 2016



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


jan // feb 2016

from the editor Welcome to 2016! What a year it has been for Owensboro -- winning accolades for our outstanding park, growth and expansion across our city beyond measure, and a community that continues to thrive and support one another through triumph and despair. Owensboro Parent is proud to be even a small part of this community and we can’t wait to deliver another year of stories and tips. I want to offer a few thanks during this New Year’s issue to a few groups of people that make this magazine possible. First, to our amazing staff. The tireless efforts of the Owensboro Parent and Owensboro Living teams are something that I hope you can see on each page of our publications. They do what it takes, going the extra mile each day, to make sure each article, photo and layout looks perfect. The week of our print deadline is probably most crazy, making last minute edits (coming from me), adding a story in the 11th hour (my decision), and tweaking each fine detail (because I’m picky). But our staff does it graciously because they know the end result is important and we continue to put out a quality publication. Second, to our writers. We have delivered hundreds of stories to you-some sad, some happy, some offering advice, some offering caution. But all are written by an elite group of writers who take pride in each piece and make it their goal to give life and do justice to each story. And best of all, they are all moms and dads just like you! Lastly, to our advertisers. These local businesses have entrusted us to present their product or message to you. They believe in the idea of supporting a local, small business like ours and for that we are forever grateful, especially to those advertisers that took a leap of faith with us four years ago when we launched Owensboro Parent. We encourage each of our readers to support these businesses and organizations that advertise in our magazine. Not only are they the reason Owensboro Parent is published each month, but they are also integral parts of your community. And don’t think I forgot about you, our readers. Thank you for picking up our magazine each month, whether you find it around town or it comes home with your child from school. We appreciate your contributions, feedback and those that have shared their story with us. Our readers make each written and edited word, each late night, worth it. We hope that 2016 brings you joy and prosperity! Owensboro Parent looks forward to bringing you another year of your favorite magazine!

Ashley Sorce, Editor ashley@owensboroparent.com

Publisher/Creative Director Jason Tanner jason@tannerwest.com Editor Ashley Sorce ashley@owensboroparent.com Advertising Sales Brock Quinton brock@tannerwest.com Robert Williams robert@owensboroparent.com Graphic Designers Taylor West taylor@tannerwest.com Andrea Roberson andrea@tannerwest.com Photographer David Grinnell david@tannerwest.com Contributors Christina Dalton Elaine Martin Danny May Elizabeth Muster Dr. Shanna McGinnis Jill Pendergraft Melody Ann Wallace Lora Wimsatt Contact Information Owensboro Parent Magazine PO Box 9503 Owensboro, KY 42302 (888) 304-5414 www.owensboroparent.com facebook.com/owensboroparent twitter.com/owensboroparent issuu.com/owensboroparent Subscribe Delivery of Owensboro Parent is available by visiting owensboroparent.com/subscribe Advertise Owensboro Parent is a FREE magazine because of community support. Thank you to the great group of businesses & organizations who advertise with us. If you want to contribute to the success of our magazine, we would love to hear from you and will work to develop an advertising partnership that will not only benefit you, but also the parents of Owensboro. Cover Kid Asher Donaldson, son of Jennifer & Kyle Donaldson Effective brand interactions.


Photo by Captured Moments

A Jason Tanner Design Group Publication.


. January // February 2016


january // february 2016 [10] FAMILY LIFE

until then [8] parental control [10] becoming a mother [13] one mom’s tip of setting family goals [16] CO MMUNIT Y

newborn photos from facebook [22] the easiest resolution you can make [26] 100% preventable [30] to the rescue: local heroes in action [32]


[36] home remedies

[ 3 9 ] T H E 20 1 6 B A BY G U I D E T H E E SSE N T I A L G U I D E TO A L L T H I N G S B A BY

[66] kids eat free list [68] january/february calendar


[39] [30]




January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life

{ by: lora wimsatt }

until then S

ometimes it’s easy to believe the world is a beautiful place, full of love and miracles and adventure. And it is. Sometimes I tell myself that life is an amazing gift, a sacred mystery. And it is. I believe in the brotherhood of man, that every soul is precious to God, that we are called to love and forgive and cherish and care for one another. But we don’t. I keep that last part to myself as I talk with my little grandbabies, my heart overflowing as I see the wonder in their eyes and hear the innocence in their voices as they take their first steps into this world, and I pray they will always be as safe and secure and protected as they are right now. My grandbabies are too young to understand the scary scenes on the television. They are too little to comprehend the grim headlines in the newspaper. I am careful in what I say when they are near me; careful of my words, careful of the tone of my voice. I don’t


. January // February 2016

want them to sense my anxiety, to feel me tremble, to see my fears or hear my doubts. I would like to think that by the time my little ones are old enough to understand, all these dark and dangerous things will be over, gone, history. I know that is not going to happen. All I can do is wrap my arms around them now, while they are young and gentle and tender. I can guide their steps toward fields of flowers, direct their eyes toward blue skies, tune their ears to the singing birds. Soon enough – too soon – shadows will creep into their sugarplum dreams and they will begin to realize that “once upon a time” was long ago and not every story ends with “happily ever after.” But until then – and, even more importantly – ever afterward, I will teach them that the world is a beautiful place, life is an amazing gift, and they are loved, truly loved.


Lora Wimsatt is a mother, grandmother and writer. She enjoys the everyday blessings and adventures of life, especially her family. www.OwensboroParent.com


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life

{ Q&A with christina dalton,

M S S W, C S W


control Q: My 6-year-old son is in kindergarten and we have had a rough go of it. He gets in trouble all the time. I’ve done time outs. I have spanked him. I just don’t know how to address it and I’m going a little crazy. Help me?!!


A: Well that sounds just awful. I’m

our kids with positive attention!

sure that you are doing your very best

Start small and I bet the victories

but it’s still frustrating. Different

will pile up for you!

things work for different kids. I don’t think there is a magic formula

Q: I have a 4-year-old daughter and

out there. In my experience of

every time we walk into a store she

working with children and teaching

wants me to buy her a toy of some

parenting classes, I have figured

sort. She doesn’t necessarily throw

out that sometimes it takes a lot of

a fit but it’s tiresome always saying

work just to find out what your child

no and she doesn’t understand that

loves. I know it may sound awful but

we can’t afford it. I am looking for a

you’ve got to dig deep and figure

better way to approach this situation.

out what he loves the most and that

Any ideas?

will be your most powerful tool. And sometimes you have to think outside

A: It’s never too early to talk money

the box. It might not be a favorite

with children in my opinion. It’s

toy, a TV show or outside play time.

never too early to prepare children

It could be spending time with

for the real world either. You aren’t

a favorite person, a favorite

going to have a deep, philosophical

restaurant or an upcoming

conversation with her but she can

movie. You could do a

begin to understand the value of a

reward chart with stickers

dollar. And she can earn some of her

and start small. If you

own money too by contributing to

have one good day,

helping around the house. Children

then we go get ice

feel empowered when you give them

cream and make

real life information. They love to



pay for their own things with their

bigger as you go.

own money. It’s great for their

If you go three

self-esteem and confidence. In my

days, then we go

parenting classes, we always say it is

to the big park

way better for a child to understand


the value of money when they are

when he does have

little versus when they are 16 and get

a good day, act like

their first paycheck and they want

a fool. I want you to

to know who took all their money!


shout it from the rooftop


and love all over that baby!


. January // February 2016

Kids want attention and

Q: I have a 13-year-old daughter

they will take it in any

and my question is about weight

form, negative or positive.

and health. Sometimes I feel that

But what a better world

I set a bad example for her. I work

it is when we can shower

late and I don’t eat till late. She


wants to eat again when I eat and she

Our children will grow up and do the

too early to show them a BMI chart

thinks she can eat the same way I do.

things that we do because we are their

and see where they are on it and how

The last thing I want is for her to be

biggest role models. In this particular

important it is for their health that

overweight. What can I do to improve

situation, I would suggest you talk to

they try to stay in that range. Keeping

this situation?

your child about portion control and

a healthy weight is so hard and if it

how much she might need to fuel her

were easy we would never see any

A: This is a difficult question because

body. It could be that she just wants

issues with it. So my advice is to model

if you are working nights and you don’t

to spend time with you while you are

good behavior. Try to get yourself and

get home till later in the evening, I’m

eating and she feels she needs to eat

your kids active and try to eat things

sure you are hungry. But I see your

in order to do that. You could offer

that are good for you. Just the fact that

predicament with not wanting your

her a couple of healthy snack options,

you are concerned shows that you care

child to follow in the same pattern.

like grapes, vegetables, a sugar-free

and you will do right by your child.

You can’t help it but you don’t want

popsicle or fruit. Tell her that these

her eating two dinners. At this age

are the choices she can have if she

and at any age children will mimic

wants to eat something after dinner. I

what they see us do. It is sometimes a

think it’s good for kids her age to just

huge weight that we carry as parents.

keep a check on their weight. It is not



Christina Dalton, MSSW, CSW is the Family Resource Center Coordinator for Daviess County Public Schools.

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. January // February 2016


family life

becoming a

mother { by: elizabeth muster }


how life changed when I became a mother! From

vast new surroundings, so she cried. I was awed by how

the moment that second line finally appeared on

beautiful and perfect she was, so I cried too. I refused to

a pregnancy test after tossing so many one-liners in the

sleep because I wanted to take in every sound, movement,

trash month after month, my world was different.

and smell. At 4 a.m., her daddy and I finally let the staff

For thirty-eight weeks there were morning sickness,

take Maddie to the nursery. Sleep has been a battle ever

backaches, and swollen feet – aggravating, but not


surprising. I had longingly listened to my coworkers’

stories, perused friends’ blogs and Facebook posts, and

My husband has been a great help with bottle feedings

watched sitcoms recounting pregnancy, labor and delivery,

and household chores, and Maddie Grace is an easy-going

midnight feedings, and diaper blow-outs. But parenthood

baby. A few nights lately she has slept seven hours straight!

is something that no matter how many editions of What to

Needless to say, tonight was not one of those nights, so I

Expect When You’re Expecting you read or how many shelter

am up writing this article at 3:30 a.m. Occasionally, I peer

cats you adopt, you can’t fully understand until the baby

into the bassinet next to my bed so I can check to see if


my swaddled bundle has her eyes shut. She does, but I

It might be cliché, but a good-night’s sleep was the

may need to activate the heartbeat rhythm on the sound

first thing to go. Madeline Grace was born at 5:52 p.m.

machine to lull my brain back to slumber.

on September 21. Besides recovery, grandparents visiting,

and countless nurses checking both of our vitals, there

a registry last spring, I thought those must-have lists on

was this new human being. She was overwhelmed by her

Pinterest had surely been planted by Babies R’ Us CEOs.


Nearly three months later, sleep deprivation is lessening.

Another surprise is how much a baby needs. As I created

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life

Okay, so maybe a wipe warmer isn’t a necessity, but

my coworkers and told her I would create lessons from

anything that makes baby happy makes momma happy.

home and email them to school. Since I wasn’t teaching,

Except during assembly. The changing table nearly

I was bored. I hadn’t yet comprehended that whole

became a backyard bonfire as two college-educated

“sleep while the baby sleeps” mantra. A mother of three

adults struggled for five hours to set it up. I wrestle with

herself, she laughed at my Type-A-ness and refused my

the Diaper Genie every time I refill it, but it does grant

offer. I’m sure glad she did. Instead, I snuggled with

my wish of keeping the house from smelling like poopy

my little girl, read books to her, and entertained her with


toys. I taught myself how to be a mom.

Every time Maddie and I go out we are accompanied

As I prepare to go back to work in January, I pray that

by an entourage of equipment. Carrying her in the car

I can balance all these roles while maintaining my sanity.

seat is like an Iron Man competition, and the stroller

My coworkers can offer advice between my stories of

takes up most of the back end of my SUV. Overnight

Maddie Grace’s latest accomplishments. Hopefully my

trip? Add the Pack-n-Play and our suitcases – plus

students will recognize me with bags under my eyes and

Grammy – and the Ford Edge becomes a clown car.

dried milk in my hair. And if I wear my shirt inside-

Most of all, I am amazed by my own transformation.

out, may they be as kind as the cashier at Sam’s Club

I am still me: wife, daughter, sister, writer, and teacher.

in pointing out my faux pas. I know it will be tough,

But now I am also Maddie Grace’s mother. It’s my

but I’ll figure it out, as so many good teacher-mommies

greatest accomplishment -- just look at my Facebook

(including my own) have done before.


Two weeks into my maternity leave, I texted one of


. January // February 2016


Elizabeth Muster has been a teacher for 13 years, a wife for 10 years, and a mother for 3 months. Every day is a learning experience.



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


family life

one mom’s tip of setting family goals …and what she never saw coming! { by: elaine martin }


ho would have ever thought a spontaneous summer

a lemonade stand, learn sidewalk chalk hopscotch, and fill

idea in 2004 would turn into a new favorite January

a mason jar with fireflies. Those days where the whining

tradition? Let me rewind several years….our oldest

was a little too much to bear, we’d go to the list and find a

daughter got off the school bus for the last time that school

goal we had not yet completed, work together to have fun

year. I embraced my smiling Kindergarten graduate, looked

and learn something new, then cross it off. We were having

at our cramped yet cozy home, caught a glimpse of my other

fun learning to set priorities while making some awesome

girls dancing with their feather boas, and thought, “What

summer memories.

are we going to do all summer????”

Ever the list-maker that I am, I rummaged through some

we’d do after we hung up the backpacks and shoved algebra

craft supplies and pulled out faded pink construction paper.

homework into the trash toter. Each of us would write our

With markers, stickers, and glitter, we created the Martin

name and then list all of the dreams we wanted to fulfill for

Summer Goals poster. Together, we brainstormed all sort of

that summer.

amusing ideas to pass the warm weeks.

Elvis movies (“Kissin’ Cousins” was the best), get a killer

The goals I can remember that first year were: set up


. January // February 2016

For the next 12 years, the goals list was the very first task

Some of my favorites over the years have been: watch


tan (we only freckle), and teach the dog a new trick (she can now play dead). One year, Greg used a marker that sort of blurred his words together. His goal of “teach kids to iron” morphed into “take kids to Iran.” As our family has gotten older, our ideas have grown bigger. It was last year when I realized one summer wasn’t enough time to accomplish many of the visions our family members had dreamed. So, January 2015 was the first time I pulled out a blank poster board and titled it “2015 Martin Family Goals.” I wondered what would happen if we had an entire year to tackle a project or brush up on a forgotten skill? The result was something I NEVER saw coming.

We each wrote our dreams in different colored Sharpies,

and we taped it on the door leading into our garage, right off the entrance to our home. We had left a little bit of space on the poster for any late revelations to be written. After the first few days of its posting, I saw some new colors and names. My daughters’ friends had written THEIR own goals!! I confess that my first thought was of frustration. “How could these kids think it was ok for them to put their quirky dreams on OUR poster?” After all, this was a MARTIN tradition! Why would Trey write “leave the country” next to my own wish to “light a fart?” Sarah

goals for 2015?” Kids would kick off their shoes and quickly

snuck in her goal to “pass her AP exams” near Greg’s goal to

grab a marker, as they rolled their eyes up in thought to search

“complete an Ironman.”

their minds. I started seeing our door, with different colored

Slowly, as January rolled into February and more and

paper crookedly taped to it, as something so much more than

more friends made their way into our home, my girls excitedly

a way to my van.

offered squares of paper to each and every one. Their eyes lit

up when they said, “Omigosh – add to our list! What are your

who are part of my own girls’ lives. Greg and I have always


I saw past the scraps of paper and into the hearts of kids

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


strived to be the “Kool Aid House,” where our meager home would attract kids and our girls would rather bring their friends to it then flee to someone else’s home. Could simply providing tape, paper, and a marker be a magnet for these kids we’d prayed for?

After being part of this phenomenon, I have to say yes

– those three simple tools were a springboard for us to let kids realize that we truly want to know about their lives. I learned that Kirby wants to grow a man bun, Emma longs to control her sass, Alex needs to learn to do laundry, Mary Kate hopes to not get ‘roofied,’ Michael dreams of meeting Bono, and Big Mase desires to start a dance squad. When these fun kids come over, they’ll sit next to us on the couch and simply chill. There has been more than one occasion when the intended Martin daughter a friend is coming over to hang with is not home, so the friend will shrug his or her shoulders, head to our pantry for a Pop Tart, then strut straight to a chair and just start chatting away. It does not matter what sort of deadline I may be facing, because letting that sweet soul know I want to hear whatever words he or she wants to say is more important than anything else. As we are preparing for an adventurous 2016 and scribbling our visions, like my desire to meet Richard Simmons (don’t laugh), you can be sure that we will leave plenty of room on both the door and our living room for anyone who walks in the entryway.


Martin views each day as an adventure in her roles as wife, mom, owner of Pigtails and Cowlicks, and writing coach at Meadow Lands Elementary School.


. January // February 2016



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


{ paid advertorial }



What is CrossFit? What is intensity? What the heck is a thruster? CrossFit is the fastest growing fitness franchise in the United States. Its’ exercise prescription calls for “constantly varied, functional movement, performed at (relatively) high intensity,” so athletes can become more well rounded and train different energy systems in order to achieve wellness. CrossFit combines olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, plyometrics, kettlebells, running, rowing, and biking to ensure their athletes are well rounded, and prepared for whatever task the day may have in store. Ensuring that workouts are constantly varied and contain functional movements that are performed at relatively high intensity ensures that at some point, every athlete will have an opportunity to work on weaknesses, work through a healthy range of motion, and keep workouts challenging and enjoyable. Many fitness facilities boast about on low pricing, the ability to come when you please, and state of the art equipment. Owensboro CrossFit, Owensboro’s first and only CrossFit Affiliate, prides itself on community and world class coaching. When you walk through the doors, you aren’t greeted by someone at the front desk; you’re greeted by everybody. There are seemingly no strangers in the gym, and you would be hard pressed to find a single athlete that hasn’t received a fist bump by every coach and athlete in the gym within five minutes of arriving. Having a top notch Coach there to ensure your safety, development, and strength in movement and technique is another reason people continue to fill the gym. The coaches at Owensboro CrossFit are at the top of the food

chain when it comes to their craft, and ensure every athlete finds a bright spot during their training session. Every class is led by a coach, and is structured in a manner that allows every athlete to focus on a strength, skill work, and conditioning.

Intimidation tends to play a huge role in gym selection,

and Owensboro CrossFit recognizes that. They offer a free “Community CrossFit” class every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. Additionally, athletes are placed in “On-Ramp,” or beginners classes, upon sign-up. They are given six classes over a twoweek period in which all fundamental movements are taught, practiced, and supervised. On-Ramp at Owensboro CrossFit begins on the first and third Monday of each month. After graduation from On-Ramp, athletes are welcome to join the rest of their community, by choosing from one of many class times. Every class lasts approximately 1 hour, and is lead by a Coach at all times, so your safety and progress is always under a trained and watchful eye.

In addition to CrossFit classes, Owensboro CrossFit will

be kicking off a new CrossFit Lite class in February, which stays true to the CrossFit methodology, but will cater to those who want a more cardio based and lightweight approach. These classes will focus on tabata workouts, interval training, and circuits. Athletes will be welcome to stay in CrossFit Lite, or utilize it as a segue into the regular CrossFit programming. Other programs starting in early 2016 include Gymnastics, Yoga, and Barbell clubs, as well as CrossFit Kids.


For more information contact Jay Lineback at (812) 205-9881 or owensborocrossfit@gmail.com 20 OWENSBORO PARENT

. January // February 2016



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


newborn photos

from facebook


. January // February 2016



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


newborn photos

from facebook


. January // February 2016



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT




the easiest resolution

Yyou can make { by: jill pendergraft }


. January // February 2016



There I was staring at the ceiling while seeing

front of the store while he shopped. After saying “Hi!”

stars from the blinding bright lights, or was I

to some good friends of ours as we entered, I sat at a

just that near to unconsciousness? Beep, beep,

table with a white chocolate mocha in one hand and

beep. Deafening machines attached to my body

my daughter napping in her car seat on the floor next

seemed to be counting down the seconds to

to me. I attempted to breathe in the calm despite the

my own calamity. The blur of numerous faces

overwhelming pain I was experiencing.

streaked past my vision as the buzz of their voices

shared in the apprehension of the thoughts and

I began to hemorrhage as intensely as an arterial bleed.

cries inside my mind. How did I get to this place?

I immediately called my husband, and then called my

How will I get out?

dad who was on duty as the Battalion Chief of the city


In an instant as I sat at the table drinking my mocha,

fire department. My dad assured me that he would be he cries of a newborn baby are sweet and refreshing

on his way to the store and to call 911. Dad described the

sounds after nine long months of pregnancy

scene in Target that day as having looked as if someone

and hours of laboring. Our hearts were full, and we

had been massacred where I was sitting. He assisted

immediately believed that nothing would steal that

the EMTs as they got me to the ambulance and off to the

newfound joy we experienced at the birth of our first-

emergency room. My husband found our friends that

born. She was perfect. That December 6 our lives were

were still in Target so that they could take our baby girl

forever changed at the arrival of our greatest blessing.

while he joined me at the hospital.

As a new mom, I tried with all my might to appear

As my bleeding relentlessly continued, I started

as though I had it all together, no questions asked. It

to hear the murmur of doctors and nurses scatter

didn’t matter how much pain I was in after the birth of

throughout that ER trauma room. Nurses squeezed bags

my daughter, how little I trusted my instincts to care for

of blood into my IV, the doctor examined my bleeding,

this baby, or how much I over-exerted my body in the

and my trembling body was being probed and prodded.

days after coming home. Through excruciating pain

But all I could envision was that sweet, napping face

in the following weeks, I pressed on through Christmas

of my baby girl as she sat in her car seat on the floor at

gatherings, church functions, and family visits with

Target. Would that be the last time I saw her? Is my

my brave face so that no one would suspect I couldn’t

husband going to have to raise her without a mommy?

handle my new responsibilities as a mom.

How did I get here?

On a cold and dreary New Year’s Day, my husband

The ER doctor came into view and explained to me

suggested we go to Target for a few necessities. I agreed,

that my OB/GYN was currently in the hospital and was

but asked if I could grab some coffee and sit in the

meeting us in the surgery room. Stopping this vigorous


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


blood pressure chart Systolic mm Hg

bleeding was the only item on the

the hospital with no known indicator


What is your adult Blood Pressure? Draw a line from your Systolic number to your Diastolic number.

agenda. I came through surgery with

as to why. Or how a husband was


“Sweat is the best cardiovascular agent known to man.” - Stanford Cardiologist

the bleeding under control, but by that

thrown into the role of super dad,

Stressed, red, bloated, sedentary, increased risk of cardio-vascular disease, heart attack, kidney disease, stroke, death.

time, I had already lost over half of

nurse, counselor, and protector at a

the blood in my body. As I awakened

heightened state almost instantly. It

from the anesthesia, my body was

omits the part where a new mom was


adjusting to the amount of blood I had

not allowed to see her three-week-


lost. My blood pressure dropped to

old newborn baby during her stay


50/30, and I became unresponsive (see

in ICU.


blood pressure chart). With medicine

to mention that two years later, that


and six bags of blood during my stay

same mom still experiences physical

in ICU, I was eventually able to raise

and emotional struggles as a result of

my blood pressure to 90/60. About a

this trauma.

week after I entered the emergency

But this suffering has also been

room that New Year’s Day, the doctor

one of my greatest blessings in life. I

permitted me to return home. It took

believe that there are no such things

several months to rebuild my physical

as coincidences in life because God

strength, but healing my mental scars


requires that peace that passes all

the plans He has ordained for our


lives. Each part of my story exposes

This story neglects some of the

times, people, and places that were

details like how I ran a fever while in

worked together much better than



STAGE 4 210

200 190

Diastolic mm Hg SEVERE






Req uire s Tre atm ent

160 150

Mornin g BP, or



140 130

y, fatty food or before salt Evening BP, al

im ted Opt Sugges


90 85

80 75 70


110 100

fatty fo od

Borderline HIGH NORMAL


after sa lty,



e xercis ous E trenu al fter S BP a norm = ren hild s, C lete Ath d tire ak, we


ing int , fa zy diz


55 50 45 35 30 mm 20 mm 10 mm





90 80



Rev. 20

Copyright 2003-2014 Vaughn Aubuchon


. January // February 2016

The story definitely forgot





any coincidence could ever be explained. I also now have the opportunity to share this story that strengthened my faith and my family through trials.

My utmost admiration is also given to the men and women

who gave blood before January 1, 2014, because up to six different people were a part of saving my life through their donation. What made it even more special was the fact that my dad holds the record for blood donation in all of western Kentucky, over 65 gallons donated. As my one-year anniversary of this event crept up on me, my husband and I decided to hold a blood drive in honor of those who chose to give to save my life that New Year’s Day. Several family members, friends, and even strangers came to support this cause and contribute to someone else’s story. So this year marked my daughter’s second birthday as well as two years since my New Year’s Day need to replenish two-thirds of my blood lost. We celebrated again with the Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center with our annual blood drive to get the opportunity to share this story as well as ask others to give the gift of life to someone else. As we celebrated Christmas this year and the season of giving, what better act of generosity than to anonymously choose to save another person’s life? In 2016, this would be the easiest resolution you make.


Jill is the Family Resource Director at Newton Parrish Elementary School. She has been married to Brannon for 5 years, and they have an almost 2-year-old daughter, Caroline. She writes a blog for crosseyedliving.com and is very involved in the ministries of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



100% Preventable

{ by: danny may }

Shaken baby syndrome is a traumatic brain injury caused by violently shaking a baby. Injury is caused by the brain bruising and swelling (intercranial hemorrhage), causing pressure on the brain which can lead to visibility issues, blindness, cerebral palsy and in 20% of cases, even death. 30 OWENSBORO PARENT

. January // February 2016

Fair warning: In an issue devoted to cute babies, this will be a difficult story to read. Trust me, it was extremely difficult to write. It would be much easier to pretend these kinds of stories don’t ever happen and never have to talk about Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). But the effects of SBS are very real, a fact that Owensboro mommy, Melissa Logsdon, knows all too well. When Melissa brought her story to our attention, Owensboro Parent knew immediately that we wanted to help her share her message. “The hospital is really good about preparing parents to care for babies. The video new parents watch before they leave the hospital explains the consequences of shaking babies. But we need to spread the message more,” Logsdon told Owensboro Parent. “It’s up to parents to take it further and educate relatives, siblings and anyone else who might be watching your baby.” Let’s start with the good news: Melissa’s then 7-month-old son, Jansen Miller, survived his ordeal, which puts him in the 80% category of shaken babies who survive. [Editor’s note: Jansen was not shaken by a parent.] The other good news is that Jansen is responding well to therapy. “He’s done amazing!” Logsdon said. “He tolerates the therapy pretty well. He’s very determined and a hard worker. He’s doing better than we ever imagined.” Jansen is now a year and a half old, and has severe, life-long disabilities. To manage them, he does 15 hours of therapy per week - 10 hours at the Wendell Foster Center and five hours privately. Before he was shaken, Jansen was developing like any healthy 7-month-old. Sitting up on his own, eating solid food, using some sign language and speaking a few words. But on Dec. 30, 2014, all that changed. It only takes a few seconds of violently shaking a baby to cause irreversible brain damage. Jansen’s shake-induced injuries that day reverted him to the level of a 3-month-old’s abilities. An emergency surgery was done to remove and stop the blood causing pressure on Jansen’s brain. The family was told to prepare for the worst. After awaking from a coma, Jansen began therapy, even while he was still on a ventilator. After months of hospitalization, Jansen was released to go home on April 16. He now suffers from cortical vision impairment (his eyes are able to see, but his brain does not interpret the image); tongue base retraction (his tongue pushes food out when he tries to eat); spasticity (his muscles stay contracted); flaccidity (on some days, Jansen’s body is limp) and intellectual disabilities. The question that almost immediately pops into your mind is “How could anyone shake a baby?” The answer in one word: frustration. According to the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome, the number one reason a child is shaken is because a parent or caregiver becomes so frustrated with a baby’s crying that they lose control and just shake them. www.OwensboroParent.com

Prevention “Shaking a baby can be very harmful,” says Dr. Sarah Osborne, APRN, a nurse practitioner with Owensboro Health Pediatrics. “Each case is different, but they are all 100% preventable.” Dr. Osborne offers these suggestions for preventing SBS: 1) Set the baby down and walk away. The best way to prevent shaking a baby is to place the crying baby safely in a crib and walk away for a few minutes to gain composure. Call a friend, relative, neighbor or helpline for support, and then check on the child every five to ten minutes. Sometimes babies will actually fall asleep in between peeks. 2) Let someone else try. Hand the crying baby off to someone else until you can gain composure. For a hired caregiver, if you’re at the point of desperate frustration, call the parents to come get the baby. 3) Cut yourself a break. Recognize that it can be frustrating. When a baby is inconsolable, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent or caregiver. It doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. It’s OK to be frustrated. There’s nothing wrong with you. 4) Ask for help. Call a hotline if you have tried everything you know to calm the baby and nothing is working. Owensboro Health’s 24-hour health information hotline is 855-417-8555. Many pediatricians also have “ask a nurse” hotlines. One last bit of good news for Baby Jansen is that mommy and daddy have him signed up for an intensive therapy camp in Winter Park, Florida in February. Jansen will have intense, three-hour therapy sessions five days a week for three weeks. The camp addresses deficiencies in overall strength, coordination, endurance and independence with mobility. “They have ways to isolate and strengthen specific muscle groups. We hope it pushes him to the next level in development,” Melissa explained. Melissa heard about Winter Park through another mother in an online support group. “The traumatic brain injury Facebook group I’m in has been very helpful. It’s good to have that support when I’m having a hard day. We’re always sharing ideas and resources with each other. It’s nice to talk with people who are also dealing with this.” For more information about SBS and how to protect your child, visit Purplecrying.info.


Danny May is a staff writer at Tanner+West and a regular contributor to Owensboro Parent Magazine. He and his wife Kelly are raising two very active boys, 5 and 7. www.OwensboroParent.com

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



to the rescue

{ by: melody ann wallace }

local heroes in action

They are the first ones we call when we are injured, in pain, or in need of rescue. We look on in awe and hopeful anticipation as they care for our loved ones, mend our broken bones, diminish the flames devouring our homes and businesses, or pry someone free from a vehicle. We expect them to do so in record amounts of time, while demonstrating super human patience and strength. There are so many times that we rely on our community heroes to save us, yet so often they do not receive the recognition that they deserve.

Station One Firefighters When speaking to Joey Wright, Owensboro firefighter and union president of the Local 870, or speaking to others about him, it comes as no

what firefighters really do. He says, “There are a lot of things people don’t know about the fire department.” Our firefighters make approximately 8,000 runs a year, respond to all accidents, teach classes throughout the week, conduct inspections

surprise that he was named 2015 firefighter of the

on buildings, businesses, and schools, and test

year. However, you won’t hear him bragging about

fire hydrants for the city. Because the firehouse is

himself, Joey is more concerned about bragging

their home away from home for twenty-four hours,

on his brothers in uniform and making sure that

there are also chores that need to be completed

the community has a clear understanding of

such as cleaning floors, bathrooms, cleaning and


. January // February 2016


maintaining trucks, and mowing the grounds. Several guys are going back to school to further their education, and many hold second jobs on their off days. A lot of them also come in on their days off to help provide EMS coverage for city events at the Convention Center, BBQ Festival, and Air Show.

Although it’s easy to notice the large red ladder truck in public, what a lot of

people don’t see are the hearts of these men behind the scenes. For the last seven years, a friend of the fire department named Kenny has been coming by Station 1 to visit the guys, hang out, and play basketball. Kenny has become “one of the guys,” and has inspired several of them to volunteer with Special Olympics each year at Apollo High School. Joey, along with Eric Cart, Andy Johnson, and David Spalding, can be found, usually off duty, volunteering to help with the softball toss, bowling, and other activities. Beyond Special Olympics, the guys help out with The Goodfellows Club, Habitat for Humanity, Toys for Tots, and are looking forward to starting Coats for Kids in the coming year. Because Station 1 is located so close to downtown, they receive a lot of visitor foot traffic. Joey says that “a lot of kids and visitors come by in the evening around suppertime,” but the guys never hesitate to stop and take the time to greet people, pass out hats, and show them around the station. It’s just become a part of who they are and what they do, and “everybody loves having the kids come around.” Joey sums up the feeling for the guys at Station 1 by saying, “I enjoy wearing my uniform and going to work. Even on my days off I’m at the fire station.” On and off duty, these guys are definitely heroes.



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


Ambulance Service EMT/ Paramedic – Billy Bratcher Billy Bratcher has been an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) for the last nineteen years, a paramedic for the last fourteen, and the Assistant Director of the ambulance service for the last five. If you were to meet Billy, you would meet a kind, jovial man that simply appears to love what he does. What you would not see is the five year old little boy who witnessed his father killing his mother and two year old little sister some thirty-six years ago. You would not see the little

can affect the whole world.” After researching the numbers, Billy found that since he became an EMT in 1996, he has come into contact with approximately 11,000 patients. He wonders, out of those 11, 000 grown-ups and children, how many he has impacted in such a way that they may have decided to take a similar path in life. His mission now is to train other providers, especially those who are tired and may feel “burned-out” at times, to realize that they have the power to impact thousands of others in a very positive way. From a very young age, Billy Bratcher has been a hero that we can all be proud of.

boy who rode along as his father ran from the law for two days

Sheriff’s Department Corporal Duane Harper

and then took his own life with a shotgun as Billy sat on the car seat beside him watching. Billy believes that, even then, at five years old, as he took his father’s Air Force jacket and placed it

on top of his head to stop the bleeding, he was put on this earth

great pride in his dedication to wearing the uniform. Corporal

for a purpose. Billy has never considered expressing feelings

Harper valiantly served the Owensboro Police Department

of pity for himself and his situation, instead he feels that, due

for twenty years where he worked on accident reconstruction,

to his experiences, when he sees trauma he is able to “handle

evidence collection, and patrol, and was named Officer of

it better than most people.” Bratcher also believes that he is

the Year on two occasions. Harper retired from the police

where he is today because of the circumstances he overcame,

department in 2011 as a patrolman and, after waiting the

and the incredible grandparents who raised him.

customary ninety day period, proudly joined the Daviess

Recently he has been inspired by the theory of “The

County Sheriff ’s Department. Working in the areas in which

Butterfly Effect,” that suggests that the actions of “one person CORPORAL DUANE HARPER SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT

Corporal Duane Harper is the epitome of a man who takes

he was familiar, he has now been with the sheriff ’s department for the last four years working accident reconstruction, crime scene investigation, and collecting physical evidence. Although Harper has become well-acquainted with working crime scenes that involve assault and even murder, he admits that “there is nothing worse than working an accident,” and says that “notification is probably one of the worst things to do.”

Over the last almost twenty-five years, Harper has found

that his purpose has shifted from “filling the jail up” to truly investing in and helping people. Now, Corporal Harper says, “I want to help people work through and overcome their problems. A lot of these people are down on their luck and they don’t know what else to do, so they call 911. That’s what we’re here for.” When asked how he continues to maintain such a positive attitude with all of the negativity he sees, he says that his training in crisis intervention has taught him how to listen to and treat people. Corporal Harper says, “I treat everyone the same. I believe that you should treat everyone the way you would want people to treat your mother.” Regardless of what uniform he is wearing, Harper says, “I love my job. I just want to be out there and assist my community in any way that I can.” 34 OWENSBORO PARENT

. January // February 2016


Owensboro Police Department D.A.R.E. Officer Jeremy Henry


When driving through town or attending a community event, it’s hard to miss Officer Jeremy Henry and his 2005 custom-painted Ford Mustang. This drug-seized vehicle that was once used for negativity is now a positive teaching tool and conversation starter with the youth in and around Owensboro. From the looks of this embellished vehicle, one might assume that the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program is geared toward teenagers and older youth, but that is far from the truth. The program focuses on public relations and public education for all citizens from preschool age to senior citizens. Officer Henry is responsible for teaching little ones the importance of “stranger danger” and calling 911, as well as teaching workplace safety, teaching the disabled how to be safe, independent citizens in public, and presenting to Scout groups and church youth groups. However, Officer Henry’s main educational focus is on fifth through sixth grade students. He currently teaches eight different classes in ten different classrooms each week between the Owensboro Middle School South campus and Owensboro Catholic 4/6 Center. He believes that it is his duty to give children “the tools to put in their toolbox,” so that they know how to handle situations such as bullying and exposure to drugs when their parents are not present to offer advice. It is his mission to teach our children as they get older to be responsible citizens in our community. Officer Henry is also responsible for making sure that he and the D.A.R.E. car are present at community events on the evenings and weekends. While he enjoys greeting young people when he is on duty, he really enjoys seeing them out and about in the community. “I want them to see that I am a real guy, that I’m a dad with two kids, and that I coach youth football. What I do in the community overlaps into the community…and helps me make connections with kids.” While another officer completes the necessary training, Officer Henry is currently the primary D.A.R.E. officer for Owensboro and is a hero to citizens of all ages.


Melody Ann Wallace is a teacher at DCMS who finds new blessings each day in her roles as teacher, wife, mom, and stepmom.


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT




here is still no cure for the common cold. However, parents often seek symptomatic relief of their kids’

symptoms. In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration recommended against using over-the-counter cold and cough medications for children under 4 years old. This left parents of the young children feeling somewhat helpless. Fortunately, there are other options. Honey has been used for years as a remedy for cough and now, the treatment has scientific research to justify its use. At least one study demonstrated that 2 teaspoons (10 mL) of honey prior to bedtime improves cough. It is important to note that children under 12 months old should never ingest honey because of the risk of infant botulism. Also, be aware that children with a history of wheezing or asthma, or children with fever or persistent cough may be dealing with a more significant illness. Have your doctor evaluate your child if this is the case.

Saline drops along with bulb suctioning is a common

remedy for infants with stuffy noses. The drops help loosen mucus so it can be cleared more easily with the bulb. Commercial preparations are available at pharmacies and grocery stores. However, you can make your own at home. Simply combine 1 cup of warm water with 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Use a dropper to place 1-2 drops


in each nostril. After a few minutes, use a bulb syringe to clear out the mucus. This is especially helpful prior to feedings and prior to bedtime. Discard the solution and make a fresh batch each day to avoid contamination.

remedies { by: shanna mcginnis,



There are other foods and drinks that may be beneficial during a cold. Chicken noodle soup has some potential anti-inflammatory effects in addition to tasting yummy. Spicy foods, such as horseradish, can provide some temporary relief of sinus congestion. Garlic is

With the continued rise of social media, sharing of home remedies seems to be at an all time high. Of course, home remedies are not a new thing. Although there were trained medical professionals during ancient times, the practice of “modern medicine” that utilizes scientific methods and research was established during the 19th century. Until then, most treatments were essentially home remedies. The goal of this article is to provide some recommendations for remedies that are potentially helpful, not likely harmful, and a few with scientific evidence demonstrating their benefit. 36 OWENSBORO PARENT

. January // February 2016

thought to have some anti-microbial effects and lemon may thin mucus secretions. Green tea may also have some anti-viral properties, but remember that it contains caffeine, so don’t over do it. Fluids, in general, may decrease congestion by keeping mucus thin.

Ginger ale is frequently used to relieve nausea. That

is because it contains real ginger. Ginger is a flowering plant, but the root is used as a cooking spice and has been used as a medicine for centuries in China and India. Some research has shown ginger to be effective in alleviating www.OwensboroParent.com

nausea. Peppermint is another remedy for nausea, though

to soften the skin, and filed gently with an emery board or

no firm research supports this. However, there is no harm

pumice stone. The duct tape is replaced the following day

in giving your kids peppermint candy for an upset tummy as

and the cycle is repeated. The main side effect during the

long as they are at least 4-5 years old.

Nosebleeds are a common problem during cold weather

months when dry, heated indoor air dries out the inside of the nose. They are also common in children due to digital trauma,

study was mild skin irritation. This process should not be used on plantar warts on the soles of the feet or any sensitive area, such as the face or genitalia.

also known as nose picking. To keep the nasal cavity moist, a

saline solution can be used during cold weather months. Also,

and sore muscles. If you do not have a heating pad, you can

keep nails trimmed and discourage nose picking. Frequent

make your own by placing dry rice or beans into a sock or

or recurrent nosebleeds should be evaluated by your doctor.

pillow case. Microwave it until warm, but not hot, and place

Warts are skin lesions that occur due to a viral infection.

They are not typically painful, but are cosmetically unappealing. One of the most common mechanisms to remove warts in a medical office is cryotherapy, or freezing

Heat therapy is often recommended for sprains, strains,

it on the ailing body part.

Be sure to call your doctor with any questions or concerns

regarding your child’s illness. They can help you clarify

the area with a liquid nitrogen solution. Most warts require

when a home remedy is not appropriate or sufficient and a

multiple treatments over several weeks to resolve. Limited

visit to the office is necessary.


research suggests that duct tape is as effective or more so than cryotherapy. A piece of duct tape is placed over the wart for

Dr. Shanna McGinnis is a pediatrician at the One Health Pediatrics. She

6 days. Then, the tape is removed, the area is soaked in water

is also the mother of 3 children.


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



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January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


×baby guide²


packing a hospital bag

checklist Forget all those other (excessive) checklists — this is the only one you’ll need, we promise. Have your bags (one for you, one for baby) packed and in your car by 35 weeks. A tip for the thrifty: Ask your hospital what they provide for babies and mothers, and take those items off your list.

MUST-HAVES: [ ] Insurance info, hospital forms and birth plan (if you have one) [ ] 2-3 pairs of warm, nonskid socks that can get ruined (for walking the halls before and after labor) [ ] A warm robe or sweater you don’t mind sacrificing to the cause [ ] 2 maternity bras — no underwire — and

[ ] Sugar-free hard candy or lozenges to keep your mouth moist during labor (candy with sugar will make you thirsty) [ ] Pen and paper [ ] Lots of change for the vending machines and non-perishable snacks (you’ll probably be hungry after labor, and the hospital cafeteria could be closed) [ ] Cell phone and charger, phone numbers of

nursing pads (whether or not you plan to

people to call after birth, prepaid calling card

nurse, you’ll appreciate the support and leak-

(if your hospital doesn’t allow cell phones)

protection) [ ] Lip balm (hospitals are very dry) [ ] Toiletries and personal items — hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face

[ ] Camera, film or extra memory card, battery or charger [ ] A gym bag packed with a change of clothes and basic hygiene products for your partner

wash, makeup (as if), shampoo, conditioner, lotion, contact lens case and solution


(remember, travel-sized products are your

[ ] Extra pillow (with a case that can get ruined,

friends) [ ] Eyeglasses [ ] Headband or ponytail holder (avoid clips — they’ll probably poke you)


. January // February 2016

in a pattern distinguishable from hospital white) [ ] Comfortable going-home clothes in sixmonth maternity size and flat shoes (or, just


³baby guide�


wear the clothes you came in… sorry, but

[ ] Slippers that can get dirty

they’ll probably still fit)

[ ] Very light reading (think mags and

[ ] Bath towel (the hospital will likely supply a small, very thin one) [ ] Hairdryer [ ] Your favorite brand of soap, shampoo

newspapers, not War and Peace) [ ] Your MP3 player (loaded with your favorite tunes, of course) [ ] Massage oil and tools like rolling pins or

and heavy flow sanitary pads (the hospital

tennis balls, and lucky or inspirational objects

supplies these things, but bring your own if

(honestly, we doubt you’ll use ‘em…but feel

you’re picky)

free to prove us wrong!)

[ ] A few pairs of maternity underwear that can get ruined (the hospital will have disposable


pairs, which some women find handy and

[ ] Approved car seat

others find gross)

[ ] A coming-home outfit

[ ] A ruin-able nightgown (you can use those lovely hospital gowns, but your own might help you feel more human) [ ] Breast pump, if you plan to use one


[ ] Warm blankets (for the ride home) [ ] Outdoor gear like a snowsuit and hat, as seasonally appropriate (remember, babies are extra sensitive to cold)

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


×baby guide²


car seat

tips E

ngineers are working hard to ensure that cars and car seats are designed to keep kids as safe as possible. But it’s up to every parent to take full advantage of these innovations by making sure car seats and booster seats are used and installed correctly. Here’s what you need to know to ensure that your most precious cargo is safe in cars.

Hard Facts Road injuries are the leading cause of preventable deaths and injuries to children in the United States. Correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71 percent.

Choose the Right Direction: Rear- or Forward-Facing For the best protection, keep your baby in a rear-facing car seat for as long as possible – until about 2 years old. You can find the exact height and weight limit on the side or back of your car seat. Kids who ride in rear-facing seats have the best protection for the head, neck and spine. It is especially important for rearfacing children to ride in a back seat away from the airbag. When your children outgrow a rear-facing seat around age 2, move them to a forward-facing car seat. Keep the seat in the back and make sure to attach the top tether after you tighten and lock the seat belt or lower attachments (latch). Many car seat labels will tell you exactly how much your child can weigh and still use the lower attachments) and top tether. Unhook the lower attachments and use the seat belt once your child reaches the lower attachment weight limit. Check both your child restraint and vehicle manuals to see if there is a weight limit for the top tether. If they both agree to a higher weight, it 42 OWENSBORO PARENT

. January // February 2016

is fine to follow their directions. Some forward-facing car seats have harnesses for larger children. Check labels to find the exact measurements for your seat. Discontinue use of the lower attachments or top tether when your child reaches the limits set by your car seat and car manufacturers. You must read both manuals to know about those limits. Not to worry: Once your child meets the lower attachment weight limits, you will switch to a seat belt. Seat belts are made to protect very heavy adults as well as children in car seats and booster seats.

Check the Label Look at the label on your car seat to make sure it’s appropriate for your child’s age, weight and height and development. Your car seat has an expiration date – usually around six years. Find the label and double check to make sure it’s still safe. Discard a seat that is expired in a dark trash bag so that it cannot be pulled from the trash and reused.

Know Your Car Seat’s History Buy a used car seat only if you know its full crash history. That means you must buy it from someone you know, not from a thrift store or over the internet. Once a car seat has been in a crash or is expired or broken, it needs to be replaced.

Make Sure Your Car Seat is Installed Correctly Inch Test. Once your car seat is installed, give it a good tug at the base where the seat belt goes through it. Can you move it more than an inch side to side or front to back? A properly installed seat will not move more than an inch. Pinch Test. Make sure the harness is tightly buckled and www.OwensboroParent.com

³baby guide�

PREGNANT coming from the correct slots (check your car seat manual). With the chest clip placed at armpit level, pinch the strap at your child’s shoulder. If you are unable to pinch any excess webbing, you’re good to go. For both rear- and forward-facing child safety seats, use either the car’s seat belt or the lower attachments and for forward-facing seats, use the top tether to lock the car seat in place. Don’t use both the lower attachments and seat belt at the same time. They are equally safe- so pick the one that gives you the best fit. If you are having even the slightest trouble, questions or concerns, you can contact Owensboro Health’s Janie Walther, at 270-688-4878 for help with installation.

Is it Time for a Booster Seat? Take the next step to a booster seat when you answer “yes” to any of these questions: • Does your child exceed the car seat’s height or weight limits? • Are your child’s shoulders above the car seat’s top harness slots? • Are the tops of your child’s ears above the top of the car seat?


If the car seat with a harness still fits and your child is within the weight and height limits, continue to use it until it is outgrown. It provides more protection than a booster seat or seat belt for a small child.

Be Wary of Toys

TIP: Take a photo of your car seat label and save it to your phone so you can have it handy.

Toys can injure your child in a crash,

so be extra careful to choose ones that are soft and will not hurt your child. A small, loose toy can be dangerous and injure your baby in a crash. Secure loose objects and toys to protect everyone in the car.

Buckle Up

We know that when adults wear seat belts, kids wear seat

belts. So set a good example and buckle up for every ride. Be sure everyone in the vehicle buckles up, too.

Buckling up the right way on every ride is the single most

important thing a family can do to stay safe in the car.


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


×baby guide²

{ paid advertorial }


a baby room with a view


wensboro Health Regional Hospital’s Level

here, we want them to feel connected. NicView

III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

is a tool for us to help do that,” Denton said.

has a new feature to help parents and families

“We understand that they can’t always be here.

stay connected with their newborns.

Whenever they're away, NicView allows them to

NicView, a secure remote viewing system,

see their baby, with live video streaming.”

will allow parents and family to view live video of their baby. The connection is secure, using the same level of encryption used in online banking, and parents or family members may share online access to the video feed. NicView is funded through the generous support of the Owensboro Health Foundation.

Denton said the hope is that NicView helps

parents feel closer to their baby receiving advanced care in the NICU.

“We want this to help ease their minds. They

will be able to see their baby is being cared for and know their baby is in good hands,” Denton

Ashley Denton, manager of the NICU and

said. “NicView is the most well-known, the most

nursery at Owensboro Health Regional Hospital,

experienced company, it is secure and easy to use

said NicView is all about making connections.

from any Internet-capable device. It's an awesome

service. It's the next best thing to physically being

“We're always trying to find ways to engage

parents and families. Even when they can't be


. January // February 2016






³baby guide�

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


×baby guide²

NEWBORN Will I have enough milk for my baby? Yes! The more you breastfeed, the more milk you will make. As your baby grows, your supply of breastmilk will adjust to meet your baby’s needs. The size of your breasts does not matter; your breasts can make milk.

How can I tell if my baby is getting enough breast milk? By the time your baby is 5 days old, you should be nursing about every 1½ to 3 hours. This ends up being about 8-12 times over 24 hours. Baby should wet about 6 or more regular diapers and have 2-5 dirty diapers every day. Your baby should be quiet and happy after feeding, and be back to birth weight by 2 weeks after birth.

What does breastmilk look like? Your first milk, Colostrum, looks thick and yellowish. In the first week after birth, your milk starts to look whiter. At the beginning of feeding, breastmilk can look thin and watery. Later in the feeding, breastmilk looks thicker and creamy.

common questions abouT


What does it mean when my baby suddenly wants to breastfeed more often? Babies go through growth spurts and may breastfeed more often for a day or two. Growth spurts typically happen at about 10 days, 2-3 weeks, 6-8 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. During a growth spurt, baby may want to nurse both breasts at each feeding. If baby still seems hungry after the second side, offer the first breast again. Even if your breast doesn’t seem full, there is milk there! Providing a bottle of formula isn’t beneficial since your breast will not get the message to make more milk.

Why should I start breastfeeding when I know I probably won’t continue? Even breastfeeding your baby for just a few days is good for both of you. Colostrum, your first milk, is a rich fluid full of antibodies and protein that help protect your baby’s tender insides.

What about nursing in public? No one has to know you are nursing. A blanket thrown 46 OWENSBORO PARENT

. January // February 2016


³baby guide�

NEWBORN over your shoulder or a loose blouse that pulls up from the

down on smoking during your pregnancy, maybe this is a

waist will cover you. With a little practice (try practicing in

good time to quit! You may find breastfeeding and cuddling

front of a mirror at home), you can learn how to breastfeed

with your baby more relaxing than having a cigarette!

so that no one notices. Kentucky has passed laws protecting women who wish to breastfeed in public. The law allows a woman to breastfeed in any location she is allowed to be.

How can my baby’s father share in the feedings? He can bring the baby to you for nursing, share those loving moments with both of you, and then return the baby to the crib. Dad needs to know that he is important in caring for the new baby in lots of ways — he can cuddle, bathe, rock, walk, diaper, play with and burp the baby.

Can I still breastfeed if I smoke?

May I have a few alcoholic drinks at a party or special occasion? Alcohol can pass into your breastmilk, and so into your baby. Breastfeed before you drink and wait at least 2 hours after drinking ot breastfeed the baby. Have expressed breast milk to feed baby while you are at the party and overnight. Drink responsibly — remember that you have a baby depending on you!

Can I drink things that have caffeine, like soda, tea, and coffee?

Yes. Nicotine can decrease your milk supply, especially if

Caffeine can pass into your breastmilk. Small amounts of

you are taking estrogen birth control pills. Most important

caffeine usually do not affect the baby. If your baby gets

is that no one smokes around the baby. Cigarette smoke can

fussy or jittery and does not sleep well, try cutting back on

lead to breathing problems for your baby. Even the smoke

caffeine. Chocolate and some medications have caffeine,

on your clothes will affect your baby. If you were able to cut



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


×baby guide²


Will breastfeeding affect my figure?

When can I give my baby a bottle?

Breastfeeding helps your body get back in shape. It

It is best to wait until your baby has learned how to

shrinks your uterus and flattens your tummy. It burns

breastfeed and your body is making plenty of milk, usually

extra calories so you can lose weight after your pregnancy.

3-4 weeks after birth. Sometimes babies have a hard time going back to the breast if the bottle is given too soon.

Will I have to watch what I eat?

Consider pumping your milk for baby’s bottles so you can

Everybody needs to eat a variety of vegetables, fruits,

keep your milk supply high. The older baby might even

grains, proteins, and dairy foods. Flavors and other

go straight to a cup. Since baby expects to breastfeed with

ingredients in foods often pass into breastmilk. Lots of

mom, let someone else teach baby how to take a bottle or

babies like these different tastes. Some babies can get

cup, like Dad, Grandma or your sitter.

unusually fussy after their moms have eaten certain foods. If you notice a pattern of baby being fussy about 6 hours after you’ve eaten a certain food, you might want to cut back on that food.

Do I have to drink milk to make milk? No. Making breastmilk does take calcium, so it is a good idea to get plenty in the foods you eat and drink. You can get calcium in yogurt, cheese, green leafy vegetables, tofu and enriched soymilk. Vitamin pills usually have calcium, too.

Can the baby take a pacifier? Just like a bottle, babies suck differently on a pacifier than on the breast. In the early weeks, breastfeed when baby is fussy or wants to suck- maybe baby is hungry or needs to be comforted. After breastfeeding is going well, around 3-4weeks after birth, it is okay to offer a pacifier.

How long should each feeding be? Each nursing session typically lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. Watch your baby: you will see little sucks at the beginning, followed by bigger sucks and gulps. Babies

Do I have to drink a lot of water when I breastfeed? Not necessarily. You might feel thirstier while you are

usually let go of the breast when they are done. Let baby finish on the first breast before offering the second.

breastfeeding. Besides plain water, consider herbal tea

What do I do when my breasts are very firm and swollen?

and water with some juice. Drinks that have caffeine, like

When your milk first comes in, your body makes more

coffee, black tea, and sodas, can sometimes make you even

milk than baby needs. Use warm washcloths or a shower


to soften your breasts, and gently massage them. Express out a little milk if it is hard for baby to latch on. Nurse

What about my job or school?

baby every 2 hours around the clock for the next day or

You can breastfeed when you go back to work or school.

two after delivery. Use a cold compress (washcloth or

Express your milk while you are away and breastfeed

icepack) on the breasts after each feeding. This will help

when you are with your baby. The milk you express one

your body quickly figure out how much milk to make and

day can be fed to baby the next day.

help you feel more comfortable.


. January // February 2016



³baby guide�

What is “nipple confusion”?

good for babies to eat during the night – their tiny bodies

Babies learn quickly that a certain feeling in their

need the energy. If your baby sleeps near by, like in a crib

mouths means food is coming. Breasts and bottle nipples

in your room, you will not have to travel so far for the

or pacifiers feel very different in a baby’s mouth -- bottle nipples and a pacifier feels harder and more solid. When a baby gets used to the hard, solid feeling of a bottle nipple or pacifier, they sometimes have trouble recognizing the softer feeling of a breast. In the first few weeks, avoid the

feeding and can get back to sleep faster. Do not give your baby cereal in a bottle – it is hard to digest, can promote food allergies, and often makes baby overeat. To catch up on sleep, nap when your baby naps.

problem by not using bottles or pacifiers. After the baby is 3-4 weeks old and breastfeeding is going well, then give them a try.

When will my baby sleep through the night?

What if I leak breast milk? Most new mothers leak. You will leak less over time. When you start to leak, press your hand firmly on your nipple area. Wear nursing pads without plastic backing

Whether your baby is breastfed or formula fed, chances

inside your bra to absorb leaked milk. Wear clothing in

are you will be up during the night to feed. Actually, it is

layers or with bold patterns so that leaks do not show.



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. January // February 2016


³baby guide�

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keeping your baby

happy & healthy

{ by: dr. amit dulabh } one health pediatrics


hen I finished my pediatric residency, the last stage of training and education before a pediatrician is ready to work independently,

a resource or when “because the pediatrician said so,”

I thought I had learned everything I needed to know to be

(AAP), www.healthychildren.org. There is a wealth of

a parent…

great, reliable information that you can use as a resource

to help you care for your baby.

But then my wife and I had our first child in September

doesn’t work in a discussion with my wife, I always turn to a website trusted by the American Academy of Pediatrics

and I can safely say that, despite over a decade of training,

I still had a few things to learn that could only be taught

during my prenatal visits with families that can help ease

through experience itself.

your mind, or give you some direction on what your baby

needs to stay happy and healthy.

It is common for new parents to have endless questions.

Here are some of the common topics that I cover

How do you feed a baby? And for that matter, what and

feeding time

when do you feed a baby? What is with the burping? And the hiccups? What about bathing and skin care? And what

about sleeping? Am I supposed to do that anymore? When

the primary source of food for babies whenever possible.

do I see a pediatrician about an illness?

Breastfeeding is the best choice as an exclusive source

As much as I (and every other new parent out there)

of food for your baby for the first four to six months of

wishes his or her newborn came with an instruction manual,

life. After that, iron-fortified cereals and foods can be

tailored to meet his or her specific needs, with detailed

introduced in continuation with breastfeeding until at

step-by-step directions about every possible scenario, they

least one year of age.

don’t. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t wonderful

resources to help guide us along this journey.

Because of the benefits:

• Breast milk is the easiest for your baby to digest and

As a pediatrician, I have years of education, training,

mentors and experiences, but as a father I have amassed

The AAP is a strong advocate for breastfeeding as

Why do we advocate so strongly for breastfeeding?

has all the nutrients your baby needs.

only a mere three months. As my wife likes to state,

• Breastfeeding helps share many critical components

“just because you’re a pediatrician doesn’t mean you

which decrease your baby’s risks for certain illnesses

know everything about being a parent.” So when I need

such as ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia and other


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


×baby guide²

bacterial infections. • Breastfeeding is good for moms too, contributing to hormonal and physical changes in the mother’s body. These have been shown to decrease risks for ovarian and breast cancer and osteoporosis. It also helps burn extra calories and helps mothers return to their previous weight. Babies should be fed whenever they show signs of hunger, approximately every two to three hours or about eight to 12 times a day. A good rule of thumb is one ounce of breast milk for each hour it has been between feedings (two ounces if it’s been two hours, three ounces if it’s been three, etc.). If you have trouble breastfeeding, don’t feel discouraged. It’s very normal for it to take practice and sometimes a little help. Don’t be afraid to consult a lactation specialist or talk to your pediatrician. If you do choose formula to feed your baby, be sure to select a formula that is iron-fortified. If you have questions about which formulas may be best for your baby, talk to your pediatrician as they can help explain the different types and which may be best. As you start to introduce solid foods to your baby at four to six months, an important thing to remember is to introduce new foods one at a time, waiting a few days before trying a new one. This is done so that, if there were to be any discomfort or an allergic reaction, you would be able to identify which food was the culprit.

burps, bellies and everything else As babies eat, they are prone to swallow some air, both when breastfeeding or bottle feeding. When this happens, babies can spit up, becoming fussy and uncomfortable. Here are some tips to help with feeding: • Burp frequently, especially before your baby seems fussy or cranky during feeding. During bottle feeding, try burping the baby every five minutes or so (or halfway through a bottle). If breastfeeding, burp between switching breasts. • Hiccups happen to most babies. If this seems to be a regular occurrence, try to change the baby’s position, burp them, or try to soothe and calm them. If you notice the hiccups are a very regular occurrence, it

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might help to feed your baby when they’re relaxed and before they get too hungry. • Spitting up is also extremely common for babies during or after feeding. It is messy, but babies typically don’t even notice it and it’s almost never a cause of concern for choking, discomfort or safety of the child. If your baby has excessive spitting up or if his or her spit up is bright green or has blood in it, talk to your pediatrician. After babies eat, the food has to go somewhere, and bowel movements are common concern of parents. Babies will have many more wet diapers than dirty diapers. It is important to change your baby’s diaper as soon as you can in order to prevent diaper rash or a yeast infection. Here are some other useful tips while changing a diaper: • Use baby wipes, pat dry, and avoid rubbing too much (which can be irritating). • If your baby has a diaper rash, treat it with a thick layer of a diaper rash cream containing zinc oxide or petroleum jelly and leave it on at each diaper change rather than trying to remove it. Fresh air will help with healing. • If there is any bleeding, appearance of sores, or the rash doesn’t improve, talk to your pediatrician.

doctor, doctor! How do you know when to call the pediatrician? Call if your baby has: • A fever of 100.4 or greater (taken rectally) for any baby younger than two months old. • Fast, labored, or increased work of breathing. • Constant crying, irritability, or a baby that is inconsolable or has changes in normal behavior. • If your baby becomes lethargic and is skipping feedings. If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to call your doctor’s office. We are there to help and be a resource. Even more importantly, have a plan for what to do if your child is sick, including a handy list of numbers to call. Having a plan can make responding to a child’s illness that much easier. OP

Dr. Amit Dulabh is a pediatrician with One Health Pediatrics. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dulabh or one of his fellow providers, call 844-44-MY-ONE (844-446-9663). OP


. January // February 2016


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³baby guide�

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


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month-by-month guide to

baby’s milestones Your baby’s first year is filled with change. In only 12 months, your helpless infant will transform into an independent toddler ready to explore his/her world! Be ready with the list of “Baby’s Firsts” below. Remember that these are approximate ages and every baby is unique in their development.

Social Smile - 8 weeks

Uses Pincer Grasp - 6-8 months

Baby’s first smile should melt your heart at around 8 weeks and make all those sleepless nights worthwhile.

While it may not be perfectly formed at this stage, baby should be able to pick up a small Cheerio or puff using his thumb and forefinger. This is a big step in the road to independent feeding.

Rolling Over - 2-3 months Your little one should master rolling from his belly to back sometime during the second month. Be sure to give baby plenty of supervised tummy time to work towards this milestone.

Reaching & Grasping - 3-4 months Now is the time for toys with interesting sounds or textures as baby should be showing a purposeful reach and grasp. Remember – if it fits thought the opening of a toilet paper roll, it’s too small for baby and is a choking hazard.

Sits Independently - 8 months By 8 months, baby should be sitting independently with good balance. This opens up a while new world of play! Roll a ball back and forth, play patty-cake, or fill and dump a container with toys.

Crawls - 8-10 months Be sure you have baby-proofed because baby is likely on the go between 8-10 months. Now is when the real fun begins!

Laughs - 4 months At around 4 months, you should hear the amazing sound of baby’s first laugh. Funny Faces, tickling, peek-a-boo, and blowing raspberries are usually a big hit at this stage.

Waves “bye-bye” - 9 months

Babbles - 6 months

Walks - 12-18 months

Baby should be starting to experiment with sounds by the 6 month mark. Cooking, babbling, and even squealing are all ways your baby will begin to communicate. Be responsive to these first communication attempts and have a conversation back and forth!

There is no need to panic if baby hasn’t taken their first steps by the one year mark. As long as she is crawling, pulling to stand, and beginning to cruise along furniture, walking is likely to come in good time. The average falls anywhere between 12 to 18 months.


. January // February 2016

Baby should be starting to imitate simple gestures by around 9 months and waving “bye-bye” is a typical first.


NEWBORN If you fear your child is not meeting these general milestones, Owensboro Parent recommends you contact First Steps. First Steps is a statewide early intervention system that provides services to children with developmental disabilities from birth to age 3 and their families. First Steps is Kentucky’s response to the federal Infant-Toddler Program. First Steps offers comprehensive services through a variety of community agencies and service disciplines and is administered by the Department for Public Health in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Typically, children who participate in early intervention experience significant improvement in development and learning. Children with developmental delays or conditions likely to cause delays benefit greatly from First Step services during critical developmental years. Services and support also benefit families by reducing stress. Early intervention services can decrease the need for costly


³baby guide�

special education programs later in life by providing appropriate services that address problems early in the child’s development. First Steps serves children from birth to age 3 and their families. Child eligibility for the program is determined two ways: By developmental delay - A child may be eligible for services if an evaluation shows that a child is not developing typically in at least one of the following skill areas: communication, cognition, physical, social and emotional or self-help. Automatic entry - A child may be eligible if he or she receives a diagnosis of physical or mental condition with high probability of resulting developmental delay, such as Down Syndrome. You can reach the Green River District First Steps, serving Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, McLean, Ohio, Union and Webster counties at 270-852-2905 or visit their office at 1501 Breckenridge Street. OP

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


×baby guide²



cargo I

nfants thrive through touch; “wearing” your baby is

Holding our babies close in a sling allows us to become

another way to meet this need. The benefits of babywearing

finely attuned to their movements, gestures, and facial

don’t end there … babywearing offers many other advantages.

expressions. Every time a baby is able to let us know that

According to BabyWearingInternational.org, some of those

she is hungry, bored, or wet without having to cry, her trust

benefits include:

in us is increased, her learning is enhanced, and our own

• Happy Babies. It’s true … carried babies cry less! In a

confidence is reinforced. This cycle of positive interaction

study published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers

deepens the mutual attachment between parent and

found that babywearing for three hours a day reduced

child, and is especially beneficial for mothers who are at

infant crying by 43 percent overall and 54 percent during

risk for or suffering from postpartum depression.

evening hours.

• Loving Caregivers. Baby carriers are a great bonding tool

• Healthy Babies. Premature babies and babies with special

for fathers, grandparents, adoptive parents, babysitters,

needs often enter the world with fragile nervous systems.

and other caregivers. Imagine a new father going for a

When a baby rides in a sling attached to his mother, he

walk with his baby in a sling. The baby isbecoming used

is in tune with the rhythm of her breathing, the sound of

to his voice, heartbeat, movements, and facial expressions,

her heartbeat, and the movements his mother makes—

and the two are forging a strong attachment of their own.

walking, bending, and reaching. This stimulation helps

Baby carriers are beneficial for every adult in a baby’s life.

him to regulate his own physical responses. Research has

Cuddling up close in the sling is a wonderful way to get

even shown that premature babies who are touched and

to know the baby in your life, and for the baby to get to

held gain weight faster and are healthier than babies who

know you!

are not.

• Comfort and Convenience. With the help of a good carrier,

• Confident Parents. A large part of feeling confident as a

you can take care of older children or do chores without

parent is the ability to read our babies’ cues successfully.

frequent interruptions from an anxious or distressed


. January // February 2016


³baby guide�

NEWBORN infant—which helps to reduce sibling rivalry. Baby carriers

meet the specific needs of the individual wearer. Learning to

are also wonderful to use with older babies and toddlers;

wrap may seem intimidating at first but can be mastered with

you can save those arms and go where strollers can’t.

practice. The beautiful fabrics used in many wraps make them

Climbing stairs, hiking, and navigating crowded airports

an aesthetically pleasing style of baby carrier. Their lack of

all can be done with ease when you use a well-designed

hardware makes them ideal for snuggling newborns but wraps

baby carrier!

are wonderful for babies and toddlers of any age.

Some Considerations

2. Ring Sling

• How long do you plan to babywear?

A ring sling is a modern adaptation of traditional one shoulder

• Will you use it primarily during the first few months or do

carries found in Mexico, Indonesia, and other

you prefer a carrier that will last through the first year or

cultures. A pair of metal or nylon rings are

even longer?

securely attached to the end of a roughly two-

• Who will use the carrier?

meter-long piece of fabric. The tail end of the

• Will it be exclusively used by one caregiver or do you want

sling is threaded through the rings to adjust to

something that can be easily exchanged between caregivers

the wearers body. The weight of the child in the

with minimal adjustment? Some carriers are size specific

carrier secures the rings against slipping. Ring

and cannot be shared between caregivers of different sizes

slings are available in a variety of fabrics from basic cotton to

whereas others can fit a wide range of individuals.

luxurious silk. The long tail of the sling can be used for many

• Do you want to purchase only one carrier for your entire babywearing time? • Are you open to more than one carrier for different situations, ages, and stages? Are you willing to sacrifice

things including a sun shade, nursing cover, light blanket, or hand hold for older children when your hands are full. Ring slings are excellent for newborns and for toddlers who want quick up and down carries.

ease of use? • What is your budget?

3. Pouch Sling

• Most good quality, ergonomic carriers cost between

A pouch sling is a simple tube of fabric worn over

$30 and $175 so there are options at every price point.

one shoulder like a sash and used much like a ring

Used carriers can be a budget-friendly option too. BWI

sling but without the ability to adjust the size of

recommends purchasing a carrier from a manufacturer

the sling each time it is used. Pouch slings are

that complies with all United States safety standards and

sleek, easy to use, inexpensive, and convenient

labeling requirements for your own safety and protection.

to stash in a diaper bag or glove compartment. However, because pouches are sized they are hard

Most baby carriers fall into one of five types

to share between caregivers and must be correctly fitted for

1. Wraps

safety and comfort.

Wraps are the most traditional and simple of all carriers. They come in a variety of lengths and fabrics such as knit jersey

4. Mei Tai

(ideal for newborns), gauze (good for warm weather), cotton,

The Chinese mei tai (pronounced “may tie” not “my tie”) is the

linen, wool, and other fabrics. Wraps can be

most popular of a group of modernized traditional Asian-style

used to carry an infant, toddler, or child in a

baby carriers. It has a panel of fabric with two shorter straps

variety of positions including front, hip, and (if

that go around the waist and two longer straps to wrap over the

made of woven fabric rather than knit jersey)

shoulder. Modern mei tai straps are often padded or made very

back carries. Wraps are infinitely adjustable to

wide (known as “wrap straps”) to provide extra comfort for the


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


Ă—baby guide²


wearer and they are often made of attractive

used for front, back, and sometimes hip carries. The straps

fabrics. Because they lack buckles and are

typically are adjustable for a custom fit and often these

tied to create a custom fit each time, mei tais

carriers have additional features such as sleep hoods, front

are easily shared between multiple caregivers.

pockets, adjustable seats, etc. SSCs have a low learning curve

They are easy to learn how to wear and can be used for front, back, and hip carries. Mei Tais are ideal for older babies and toddlers but can also be safely used with newborns. 5. Buckle Carriers

because they go on and off like a backpack but offer the same skin-to-skin benefits of wraps, slings, and mei tais. Some soft structured carriers may require the use of a special infant insert below a certain weight and size but most quality, ergonomic carriers

Soft structured carriers (SSCs) offer a mix of comfort,

can be used well into toddlerhood. There is a soft

convenience and accessibility that is appealing to many

structured carrier for every taste, budget, and body

caregivers. Most feature a thickly padded waistband and

type making them the most popular style of baby

shoulder straps for a comfortable, ergonomic fit and can be

carrier on the market today.


. January // February 2016



³baby guide�


why local moms chose

cloth diapers


ou’ll change thousands of diapers by the time your child is 2 to 3 years old and ready for the potty. Fortunately, diaper quality is better than ever, which makes the task easier. Although cloth diapers are making a comeback, disposable diapers continue to be a popular choice because they’re so convenient. Two local moms, Amanda Lamar and Amanda FuquaBickett chose to use cloth diapers with their newborn sons. Here is what they had to say about the benefits:

Amanda Lamar I cloth diapered for a few different reasons: cost, chemicals, and environmental were the biggest. Cost: For our new baby, I bought a stock of diapers and inserts that are one size, meaning they fit newborns up to 35 pounds: essentially until potty training. I paid $60. While I could buy a lot more, I don’t really need to. So essentially, I can cloth diaper a child for easily less than $100, start to finish. Disposable diapers would easily cost $1,500, and that’s a conservative estimate. Chemicals: While it’s nearly impossible to rid your entire house of chemicals, I try to use natural products when I can. Cleaners, personal care, pets, etc. So even though baby companies list on their boxes verbage that hints at natural ingredients, most often they aren’t at all. Cloth diapers are as natural as you can get - the only thing touching my baby’s butt is 100% cotton, organics are available as well. There’s minimal rash, if any, because there’s no chemical reaction. Happy baby, happy mama! Environmental: I try to be a good citizen - I recycle, I donate, I garden, I repurpose... so the idea of throwing away thousands of diapers that can’t compost hurts my soul a little.... Most people don’t know, but when disposable diapers were invented, the waste was not meant to be wrapped up and thrown away with the diaper - it was meant to be dumped in the toilet, just like you would rinse a cloth diaper. So aside www.OwensboroParent.com

from the diaper, all that solid waste in a landfill....yuck! And for breastfeeding moms, another miracle of breastmilk is the fact that it’s water-soluble - hence why it’s much easier for a newborn to digest. So if your baby is exclusively breastfed, there’s no need to rinse the diapers by hand - just set the washing machine on a rinse cycle before the normal cycle and the breastmilk waste literally dissolves. Pretty amazing! Not to mention, they’re super cute! I’ve used Happy Flute brand pocket diapers in the past. Pocket diapers literally have a pocket in the back that you stuff the absorbent layer into. Going forward, I’m using prefolds and flats (flour sack towels from Walmart are cheap and work great) with Thirsties diaper covers, and I’m making a few of my own covers as well. The prefold or flat is absorbent, and the cover is waterproof to stop leaks.

Amanda Fuqua-Bickett I started researching cloth diapers with our second baby. We used disposable diapers with our oldest and we spent so much money! I decided to see how much money we could save by switching. Our son is six months old and we have purchased about 30 dollars worth of disposable diapers. Most of the time we use the cloth unless he goes to the babysitter. I researched the different kinds of cloth and decided to go with the G diapers flip system because the care is super simple and you can customize the absorption depending on what type of inserts/how many. I found a lot of ten diaper covers and a dozen inserts on eBay for around ninety dollars used, which saved us about two hundred dollars versus brand new. What I love too is that no matter what the financial situation, there’s probably a cloth diaper for your budget. OP

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. January // February 2016


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³baby guide� kate’s top 5

tips to having your child professionally photographed { by: kate higdon } master photographer and owner of captured moments photography


he first year is HUGE! Those little faces, fingers and toes, all change so much during that first year. Make sure you have several photo sessions to capture those changes -- not only your baby’s physical changes, but also capturing the development of their little personalities. 1. I recommend having your baby photographed at newborn, 4 months, 8 months and 1 year. These ages give your photographer the opportunity to capture your child’s developmental stages. The newborn session is all about TINY! Four months is all about tummy time, eight months is big laughs and sitting up, while the one year is standing and maybe even walking toward the camera. 2. Meet with your photographer ahead of time to plan your session. Planning your session ahead of time helps remove much of the stress that moms feel when having their children photographed. Items you and your photographer might discuss are: • What is the purpose of the session? Birthday, special occasion, wall décor, gifts -- all will help your photographer understand how to photograph your child. • What are the colors in the room where the images will be displayed? When purchasing wall portraits, it’s important to consider them décor. Planning ahead will help the images to match your home. • Clothing options are always stressful. It’s a good idea to bring some samples to show your photographer. I also recommend very few clothing changes during a child’s photo session as kids do not typically respond well to having their clothes changed repeatedly. I really like to focus on their personality and expression more than clothing and backgrounds. 3. Don’t over prepare your child for their photo session. I tell my clients to barely discuss the session with their child. I want my little clients to come in feeling zero pressure to perform. I just want them to come to the studio and have fun. If children are over prepared, I often see forced


expressions and notice them hold back just being themselves. 4. Choosing the right photographer for you is very important. There are many factors to consider. Questions that you might consider while making your decision: • Do you like their style? • Do they specialize and interact with children well? • Do they offer the products you want and need? • Do they have experience? • Is it a full service studio, meaning will they help you through the entire process from planning your session to hanging your images if needed? 5. My last tip is one that many clients ignore because they think they are too busy, it’s too stressful, or they don’t like the way they look. I highly recommend that you be photographed with your child. One of my favorite things about photography is that it is one of the few tangible items that will truly be enjoyed for generations. We as parents think these pretty pictures are for us, but truth is, the next generation will enjoy them more and longer than we ever will. Always take pictures of yourself thinking, “Do I wish I had pictures of my mom or dad like this?” For me, my favorite baby picture was professionally taken when I was one and my mom is holding me. We are both smiling and look so happy. I treasure that picture; it’s priceless to me and I want my children to have something similar. However you choose to have your child photographed, the MOST important thing is that you just do it and not just with your phone. This generation of children is the most photographed generation in history, but is likely to actually HAVE less pictures of them than the generations before. Try your best to print your pictures at least every other month. I promise, there is NOTHING you will love more in your old age than to look through those images and remember those sweet expressions, little fingers, curvy cheeks, and everything else that can be captured in a moment. OP

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


×baby guide²



battles: how to win them! K

ids this age are learning that they have some power

minutes and him that she would sit quietly at the foot of

in the world, and they’ll seize any opportunity to

his bed until the timer went off, and then he had to rest

use it. So don’t be surprised if your mini Trump says

by himself -- stalling problem solved!

just about anything to stall his bedtime -- even if he’s about to fall asleep mid-sentence.

It’s Easy to Escape a Big-Kid Bed

Rest easier by... making small tweaks to your child’s

With no crib bars to stop them, toddlers often like to

bedtime routine. You should still stick to the basics -- a

savor their newfound freedom by taking 3 a.m. jaunts to

bath, a story, some cuddling, then lights-out -- but let

your bed.

him make small decisions along the way. Your toddler

may be less likely to balk at bedtime if he gets to call a

back to her room every time she busts into yours. If

few of the shots. (Red or yellow pj’s? Three good-night

you let her crash with you, you’re setting the stage for

kisses or four?)

a never-ending bedtime battle. Consider hanging bells

If he cries when you leave his room, explain that

on your doorknob so you can hear your toddler coming;

it’s time to sleep and say that you’ll be back to check

that way, you can walk her back to her room before she

on him when he’s calm. Return, as promised, but don’t

climbs into your bed and makes herself comfy.

stick around. Or try one mom’s clever sleep strategy:

After she tucked in her toddler, she set a timer for five

baby gate on your child’s door. Explain that it’s there


. January // February 2016

Rest easier by... carrying your midnight wanderer

Another way to avoid sleepless nights is to install a


³baby guide�

TODDLER to keep her safe, since she could get hurt walking around

associates it with good times, or “camp out” with him

the house by herself in the dark. Leave her bedroom door

there for a night. You could also appoint one of your

open so she doesn’t feel alone.

child’s stuffed animals the “watch pet.”

He’s Afraid of Monsters

She Doesn’t Nap Anymore

You know how badly you sleep when you’ve got a lot

Toddlers often refuse to snooze during the day -- blame

of worries on your mind. The same goes for your toddler,

their newfound sense of independence and changing

though he’s panicking about monsters, not the mortgage.

sleep needs -- but kids aren’t truly ready to give up naps

This is the stage when your child’s imagination really

for good until around age 5. If you let your child skip

takes off. Even if he wasn’t afraid of the dark before, he

hers, she may be too overtired to sleep well at night.

may start ‘seeing’ ghosts and other eerie creatures.

Rest easier by... respecting your child’s fears. Let him

they might not need to catch their afternoon zzz’s on

know you understand how scared he feels, but beware

the same old schedule. Instead, look for clues that your

of making his anxiety worse. Using “monster spray,” for

toddler is getting tired. Put her down when she gets

example, actually suggests that creepy creatures could

clingy, spacey, hyper, or starts rubbing her eyes. Making

be hanging out in his room. Instead, reassure him that

your toddler’s siesta seem like bedtime can help her drift

you’re always nearby and that monsters don’t exist.

off: Keep her room dark, read a story, or sing a lullaby.

But if she absolutely refuses to sleep, encourage her to

Look for ways to convince your toddler that his room

is a safe place. Play in his bedroom more often so he


Rest easier by... ignoring the clock. As kids get older,

play quietly in her room and call it “rest time.”


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. January // February 2016


³baby guide�

{ paid advertorial }

protect your child this winter


Are you a new parent? Do you worry often about how to keep your new bundle of joy healthy, happy, and safe? Well, you’re not alone! As both a new mom, and physician assistant, I want to share some tips to help you protect your little one during the frigid winter months!


he holidays and cold months tend to be times

(RSV), which can cause coughing and wheezing in

where we are cooped up inside visiting family

infants, as well as a runny nose or decreased appetite.

and friends. It’s important to keep a few things in

Washing your hands frequently, as well as cleaning

mind when you are out and about showing off you’re

and disinfecting the surfaces of your home can also

new little cutie.

help prevent RSV and the spread of other unwanted

germs. Avoiding contact with others that are sick is

When visiting family and friends, be mindful of

what they are feeding your child. We all get excited when the pediatrician gives the go ahead to introduce solids and new foods. However, it is important to introduce only one new food every 3-5 days. This will help your child’s medical provider more easily diagnose an allergy in the event of a reaction.

If your child is over the age of 6 months, make sure

to contact your child’s medical provider to schedule a FLU shot. This will help protect them from this season’s strain of the flu. Common symptoms of the

another smart way to keep your baby healthy. Cold and dry weather can be harsh on a baby’s sensitive skin. Bathing with mild, perfume and fragrant free soaps, such as Dove, can keep your baby’s skin from getting too irritated and dry. When moisturizing, use fragrance free lotions and sensitive skin products. Lotions are best for mildly dry skin while creams and ointments, such as Aquaphor or Eucerin, are better for more severe dry skin. Using

While these

detergents free of fragrance, dyes, and softeners, such

symptoms do not seem very severe, it is important to

as Dreft, are best to prevent irritation and unwanted

remember infants are one of the age groups at highest

reactions from the harsh chemicals.

risk for not only contracting the Flu, but also fighting

it because their immune system is still developing.

coming winter months. Remember, as a new (or even

experienced) parent, it is okay to not have all the

flu include cough, fatigue, or fever.

Take extra precautions to protect your family from

viral infections such as Respiratory Syncytial Virus

These are just a few tips to help guide you in the



At Allergy & Asthma Specialists, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have about allergies or asthma. Call today for an appointment 270-684-6144. www.OwensboroParent.com

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



the kids eat free list


younger; kids get a special treat of icing

Catfish Willy’s - $1.99 kids meal with the

their own cookie

purchase of adult meal Grandy’s - 99¢ kids meals with the purchase of regular adult meal Shoney’s – 2 free kids meals per adult entrée purchase from 3 – 9 p.m. for kids 10

Denny’s – 2 free kids meals per adult meal purchase Fazoli’s - 99¢ kids meals with the purchase of adult meal

years and younger Pizza By the Guy – 1 free buffet for kids TGI Fridays – free kids meal with the

10 and under with adult purchase with a

purchase of adult entrée for kids 12 years

drink from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

and younger

Tuesday Beef ‘O’ Brady’s – free kids meal with the purchase of adult entrée from 4 – 8 p.m. for

Pizza Hut – 1 free child buffet with the purchase of adult buffet from 5 – 8 p.m. at the South Frederica location.

kids 12 years and younger Salsarita’s – free kids meal with the


. January // February 2016

Bob Evans – free kids meals with the

purchase of $5 or more adult entrée; dine

purchase of adult meal for kids 12 and

in only



Texas Roadhouse – 2 free kids meals per

Ole South Barbecue – 1 free kids meal per

adult entrée from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

adult meal purchase for kids 12 and younger Red Lobster – free kids meal with coupon available on website or Facebook page


Sunday Briarpatch – 1 free kids meal per adult entrée for kids 10 and younger Maloney’s – free kids meals from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Bee Bop’s – free kids meal with the purchase of adult meal after 5 p.m. for kids 12 and younger

Salsarita’s – free kids meal with the purchase of $5 or more adult entrée; dine in only

Captain D’s – 2 free kids meals with adult meal purchase; dine in only Ryan’s - 99¢ kids buffet for children 11 years and younger


Texas Roadhouse – 2 free kids meals per adult entrée from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Pizza By the Guy – 1 free buffet for kids 10 and under with adult purchase with a drink from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Maloney’s – free kids meals from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. *The Kids Eat Free list is subject to change. Please contact restaurants to ensure their participation.


January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


january // february 2016 Informing parents about fun, local events is a priority for Owensboro Parent. Our magazine compiles events from across the city and county. So when your family is looking for something to do, check out the Owensboro Parent calendar, where you will find information on local events, including event descriptions, locations, dates, times and price. Want to include your event? Contact the editor at ashley@owensboroparent.com.



ARCTIC ADVENTURE KIDS FUN FESTIVAL PRESENTED BY ONE HEALTH PEDIATRICS is an indoor, polar playground full of activities for kids of all ages! Fun for kids. Free for adults. No parkas needed. This is the last weekend of Christmas break and the perfect time to get out of the house and into the Convention Center for cabin fever relief. AN ACTIVE ADVENTURE – Get ready to snowboard, slide, jump, sled, climb, explore, navigate, and bobsled in our interactive (icefree) obstacles and attractions. UNIQUE ATTRACTIONS – Never-before-seen extreme attractions to thrill toddlers and teenagers alike. AFFORDABLE – $15 tickets for ages 3-17. Adults and children 2 and under are free! Use discount code “Parent” to save $3! SHORTER LINES – Staggered sessions and limited entry to reduce crowding and attraction wait times. INDOOR – Come in and chill out! Avoid the frigid temperatures with an indoor polar playground, fun for kids of all ages. GIVE THE GIFT OF FUN – Tickets to the Arctic Adventure make excellent and affordable Christmas presents and stocking stuffers! BUY TICKETS – Tickets are limited. Visit owensborotickets.com (on sale Nov. 2) Times: Saturday, January 2, 2016 Noon – 2pm (Early Entry – 11:30am) 3pm – 5pm (Early Entry – 2:30pm) 6pm – 8pm (Early Entry – 5:30pm) imited time, use the coupon on the ad in the November issue of Owensboro Parent magazine to save $3 on each entry fee. Adults 68 OWENSBORO PARENT

. January // February 2016

and those under 3 years of age are free. That’s right, adult Sunday, January 3, 2016 1pm – 3pm (Early Entry – 12:30pm) 4pm – 6pm (Early Entry – 3:30pm) 7pm – 9pm (Early Entry – 6:30pm) Pricing: Adults and Children (2 Years and Under) – FREE Children (Ages 3-17) – $15 For a limited time, use the coupon on the ad in the November issue of Owensboro Parent magazine to save $3 on each entry fee. Adults and those under 2 years of age are free with paid child admission. That’s right, adult entry is FREE! Early Admission Entry, which gets you into your session 30 minutes early, is also available for an extra $10. (*Adults must accompany at least ONE child with a ticket – even if they are 2 and under.) PRESERVATION STATION Preservation Station Market Days are held the first full weekend of every month. Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday Noon to 5 p.m. with over 80 vendors of antique, vintage, handcrafted, and boutique items, live music, and food. Preservation Station Market and Event Center, 9661 Hwy 56. Also open daily Tues-Sat 10 a.m. -5 p.m. and Sunday Noon -5 p.m. Call 270-993-7532, go to www.visitpreservationstation.com, or find us on Facebook. FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the library every Saturday morning from 10:00—12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org FIRST SATURDAY AT THE GARDEN First Saturday’s every month: 10am to noon at The Garden, kids ages 6-10, Free for members, $1 for non-members. Fun and educational activities. The theme for January is “Trouble with Turtles.” Western Kentucky Botanical Garden, 270-852-8925.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 3 PRESERVATION STATION See event description on Saturday, February 6.

MONDAY, JANUARY 4 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 KENTUCKY MAVERICKS SEASON OPENER VS. ROCHESTER RAZORSHARKS Kentucky Mavericks Regular Season Home Games played at Owensboro Sportscenter. To purchase your Season Tickets or Game Day Tickets log on to www.mavup.com or stop by the office at 817 West First Street (Right Next Door to Holiday Inn Downtown)! FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the library every Saturday morning from 10:00—12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

MONDAY, JANUARY 11 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, www.OwensboroParent.com

calendar 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

BEYOND THE LINE COLORING KICK-OFF Join us for a night of relaxing fun! The library is provided coloring pages for both adults and children, along with soup and bread from Panera Bread, and live music from the Celtic band Wild Mountain Thyme. This is a free event. Patrons are required to bring their own coloring utensils; 6 – 8 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary. org.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 CHAMBER CELEBRATION The Chamber Celebration, presented by Owensboro Health will be held on Friday, January 15 at the RiverPark Center in downtown Owensboro. Tickets are $50 each. The reception and dinner begins at 6 PM. The program, including the Business of the Year Awards program begins at 7:30 PM. The dance, closing reception and celebration will follow at 8:30 p.m. The Chamber’s largest annual event, the 2016 Chamber Celebration gathers members of the Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce for an evening of networking, celebration, and vision for the future. The event continues to grow as members see the value and excitement in


kicking off the year with the GO Chamber. Sponsors enjoy excellent visibility to the largest and most distinguished audience of the year. This event will serve as the member’s annual dinner.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the library every Saturday morning from 10:00— 12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

MONDAY, JANUARY 18 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

KENTUCKY MAVERICKS VS. DANVILLE RIVERHAWKS Kentucky Mavericks Regular Season Home Games played at Owensboro Sportscenter. To purchase your Season Tickets or Game Day Tickets log on to www. mavup.com or stop by the office at 817 West First Street (Right Next Door to Holiday Inn Downtown)!

TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.


younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 –

10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org. KENTUCKY MAVERICKS VS. INDIANAPOLIS DIESELS Kentucky Mavericks Regular Season Home Games played at Owensboro Sportscenter. To purchase your Season Tickets or Game Day Tickets log on to www. mavup.com or stop by the office at 817 West First Street (Right Next Door to Holiday Inn Downtown)!

SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the library every Saturday morning from 10:00— 12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

MONDAY, JANUARY 25 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and

younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


calendar FRIDAY, JANUARY 29


5TH ANNUAL ISI FIGURE SKATING COMPETITION The staff of the Edge Ice Center, the members of the Owensboro Figure Skating Club, and the City of Owensboro’s Parks and Recreation Department invite you to the 5th Annual Living on the Edge ISI Invitational Recreational Team Competition January 29 - 31. All competition information, forms and updates are online: www.owensboroparks.org/ISIcompetition. The event schedules will be posted on the competition website at least one week prior to the competitions. All lesson participants are invited to participate in the annual I.S.I. competition. For more information, contact 270-687-8705.

FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the library every Saturday morning from 10:00—12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

benefit the Jason Koger Foundation. Youth Day Sunday – 100 Buck Gardner duck calls given to the first 100 children under 12. Show Times: Friday, February 5 (4pm – 8pm) Saturday, February 6 (10 a.m. – 8 p.m.) Sunday, February 7 (12 p.m. - 4 p.m.) A full list of all activities at the Kentucky Sportsman’s Show may be found at www. kysportsmanshow.com. WILD GAME DINNER Saturday, February 6 at 8pm. Take a bite out of the wild side! Make your reservations now for the Wild Game Dinner! Tickets are $45 per person. Reservations Only. A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the Jason Koger Foundation. Reservations must be made by Monday, January 25. Get your tickets here.


PRESERVATION STATION Preservation Station Market Days are held the first full weekend of every month. Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday Noon to 5 p.m. with over 80 vendors FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 of antique, vintage, handcrafted, and boutique 2016 KENTUCKY SPORTSMAN’S SHOW The p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Kentucky Sportsman’s Show at the Owensboro items, live music, and food. Preservation Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org Station Market and Event Center, 9661 Hwy Convention Center, the largest outdoor 56. Also open daily Tues-Sat 10 a.m. -5 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 enthusiast event in the region, will attract and Sunday Noon -5 p.m. Call 270-993-7532, YOUR PERFECT WEDDING SHOW Attention attendees with a wide range of interests, go to www.visitpreservationstation.com, or Brides-To-Be! This is your opportunity to get coming from a tri-state area. find us on Facebook. everything you need to make Your Perfect Three days of Exhibits, Seminars, Day! See what’s hot for weddings in 2016 – Entertainment and Contests. FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the library bridal fashions, cakes & caterers, hairstylists, Hunting, Fishing and Archery every Saturday morning from 10:00—12:00 limos & transportation, florists, photographers, Boating for self guided fun and educational activities and so much more! Tickets: $3 per person. Food and Cooking with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Brides must register when entering. Tickets Scuba Diving and Motorcycles and Off Road Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica available at the door. This event is open to the Racing St.; dcplibrary.org public; Owensboro Convention Center, 270- Frank “the aspirin buster” Addington and Pro 687-8800. Angler Mark Menendez. FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 40ft. Berkley Bass Tank, Bird Down Retrievers p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 KENTUCKY MAVERICKS VS. RACINE STORM and many more! Kentucky Mavericks Regular Season Home Friday night will feature a FIREARM FRENZY. A Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org Games played at Owensboro Sportscenter. To gun will be given away every 30 minutes. 2016 KENTUCKY SPORTSMAN’S SHOW See purchase your Season Tickets or Game Day Saturday – 3 staging areas with demos, Tickets log on to www.mavup.com or stop by seminars and entertainment all day. Saturday event description on Friday, February 5. the office at 817 West First Street (Right Next evening will feature a Wings Eating Contest Door to Holiday Inn Downtown)! and a Wild Game Dinner. Dinner proceeds to FIRST SATURDAY AT THE GARDEN First


. January // February 2016


Saturday’s every month: 10am to noon at The Garden, kids ages 5-11, Free for members, $1 for non-members. Fun and educational activities. The theme for February is the Annual “Bee Mine” Western Kentucky Botanical Garden, 270-852-8925.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 PRESERVATION STATION See event description on Saturday, February 6. 2016 KENTUCKY SPORTSMAN’S SHOW See event description on Friday, February 5.

MONDAY FEBRUARY 8 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 ANNIE – BROADWAY MUSICAL Leapin’ Lizards! The world’s best-loved musical returns in time-honored form. Directed by original lyrisist and director Martin Charnin and choreographed by Liza Gennaro, this production of ANNIE will be a brand new incarnation of the iconic original. Featuring book and score by Tony Award®-winners Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin, ANNIE includes such unforgettable songs as “It’s the Hard Knock Life,” “Easy Street,” “I Don’t Need Anything But You,” plus the eternal anthem of optimism, “Tomorrow”; 7 p.m. at RiverPark Center, 270-687-2770.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the library every Saturday morning from 10:00—12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org


Valentine’s Day KENTUCKY MAVERICKS VS. GRAND RAPIDS CYCLONES Kentucky Mavericks Regular Season Home Games played at Owensboro Sportscenter. To purchase your Season Tickets or Game Day Tickets log on to www.mavup.com or stop by the office at 817 West First Street (Right Next Door to Holiday Inn Downtown)! “CUPID’S KITCHEN” Enjoy a St. Valentine’s Brunch and at Western Kentucky Botanical Garden; 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.; By Reservation, please call 270-852-8925. Also enjoy Orchid Show Debut & Sale from 12 – 3 p.m. www.OwensboroParent.com

January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT


calendar MONDAY FEBRUARY 15 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and

younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 OWENSBORO BOAT & RECREATION SHOW The 2016 Owensboro Boat & Recreation Show will feature surrounding area recreational marine dealers exhibiting their products and services to the boating enthusiast. Whether your lifestyle already allows you to enjoy recreational boating or you are just interested in checking out the boating lifestyle ~ come out and enjoy this annual event, view the displays, speak to dealers, get current pricing, general boating information or search for the best deal on a new boat package. The best part is that it’s all inside under one roof at the Owensboro Convention Center! FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and

younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 OWENSBORO BOAT & RECREATION SHOW See event description on Thursday, February 18.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 MISSOULA PRESENTS: RED RIDING HOOD Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house she goes! Red Riding Hood, not so little anymore, and her pre-teen pals try to stay on the straight and narrow in the latest adventure from the Missoula Children’s Theatre, RED RIDING HOOD. The Big Bad Wolf, who is not so bad after all, and a friendly neighborhood Forest Ranger urge our heroes to stay true to the path, for in the Shadows lurk diversions and a sinister surprise or two. A pack of woefully nasty young wolves and a handsome Woodsman, too good to be true, are a must for our story. And we can’t have a wolf tale without Three Little Pigs and even a Boy Who Cries…you guessed it. With help from her family and a loyal young Locksmith (he carries the key), Red finds her Grandma and a whole lot more.


. January // February 2016

Now if only she could retrieve her picnic basket from those rascally Raccoons. Life is no picnic when you stray from the trail! 2 p.m. at RiverPark Center, 270-687-2770. FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the

library every Saturday morning from 10:00— 12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

Beyond will delight and intrigue audiences with its imagery and its modern and creative take on a well-loved story. Come see characters in nostalgic costumes take flight, dance around vintage cars, backdrops change and move with ease and grace before your eyes, and 8 professional dancers and choreographers amaze you with their creativity. Grease is a classic story that take the ‘young at heart’ back in time, and the young today on a magical journey as they follow Danny, Sandy, the Pink Ladies, the T-Birds and the many others in a rousing 50’s romp. Join Owensboro Dance Theatre for

OWENSBORO BOAT & RECREATION SHOW See event description on Thursday, February 18.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 KENTUCKY MAVERICKS VS. LAKE MICHIGAN ADMIRALS Kentucky Mavericks Regular Season Home Games played at Owensboro Sportscenter. To purchase your Season Tickets or Game Day Tickets log on to www. mavup.com or stop by the office at 817 West First Street (Right Next Door to Holiday Inn Downtown)! OWENSBORO BOAT & RECREATION SHOW See event description on Thursday, February 18.

a Sock Hop the same day from 4:30-6 p.m. (Not included in concert package); 7 p.m. at RiverPark Center, 270-687-2770. FREE SATURDAY MORNING LIVE! Visit the

library every Saturday morning from 10:00— 12:00 for self guided fun and educational activities with a focus on literacy and school readiness; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE Each Saturday 2 – 4 p.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org

ORCHID SHOW & SALE AT WESTERN KENTUCKY BOTANICAL GARDEN 12 - 3 p.m.; for more information, please call 270-8528925.

MONDAY FEBRUARY 22 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 U-BOUNCE TODDLER TUESDAY; All must wear socks; Children 5 and under get in for $5 all night; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

KENTUCKY MAVERICKS VS. INDIANAPOLIS DIESELS Kentucky Mavericks Regular Season Home Games played at Owensboro Sportscenter. To purchase your Season Tickets or Game Day Tickets log on to www. mavup.com or stop by the office at 817 West First Street (Right Next Door to Holiday Inn Downtown)!

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 BUDDY: THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY BUDDY: The Buddy Holly Story chronicles the true story of Buddy Holly’s rise to fame and features over 20 of his greatest hits like That’ll Be


the Day, Peggy Sue, Everyday, plus Ritchie

U-BOUNCE OPEN BOUNCE NIGHT; All must wear socks; $7 per child, children under 2 are free, unless they are the only child, adults always free; 5 – 8 p.m.; (270) 685-1255 or ubouncepartyhouse.com.

Valens’ La Bamba. Seen by over 22 million people around the world, Buddy will have you on your feet and the Boston Globe reports it will, “Send you out of the theater on an unstoppable high.” Call RiverPark Center,


270-687-2770 for ticket information or online

FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and

at www.riverparkcenter.org.

younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 – 10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library, 2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29 FREE STORYTIME Wee Read for ages 2 and


younger and Circle Time for ages 3-5; 10 –


2020 Frederica St.; dcplibrary.org.

10:30 a.m.; Daviess County Public Library,



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. January // February 2016



January // February 2016 . OWENSBORO PARENT



. January // February 2016


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