Breathe Magazine Summer 2011

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Breathe... Your Guide to Healthy Living

SUPER Healthy Recipes




Jane Linlay Thomas gets in Shape

for Summer with lisa raleigh

Diabetes 2

EXPLAINED Natural contraception -

is it possible



Health... Vitality… Nourishment… Beauty… ISSN;2223-5051

Attract it! Contents EDITORIAL Atttract it Blog Breathe Health Expo

1 2 26

Complementary HEALTH CARE TM Meditation Review of Best System My Exzema Journey Bipolar Symptoms disappear after Neurofeedback

19 30 24 25

Fitness and Getting in Shape


hat is it that energises you? What makes you happy, feel alive? Can you at this moment feel that inspiration, that energy that makes you glow with enthusiasm for life? Many current thinkers believe that operating on this higher level of energy attracts that same energy to you. Like a winning streak when the energy is high and it just keeps on bringing in more. When you loose the energy you loose the streak. Many of us harbour fears, past disappointments, doubt, insecurities like heavy burdens on our shoulders... things that have absolutely no impact or relevance to our future whatsoever unless we allow them to shadow it. The past is the past... what we can do now is enjoy the present and make the future more beautiful. Much has been written about success by successful people and how to achieve it. What makes some people a success and others not. Is it purely talent, brains or chance. Is the ability to have big ideas and believe that they will happen. Is it the ability to pick themselves up and go for even bigger success the next time. We each have our own talents our own aspirations and we have the freedom to think and dream about these as much as we would like.

Jane’s body makeover with Lisa Raleigh Your Genes need to exercise Healthy Meals – Recipes

Nutrition and Supplements Diabetes a growing concern Bread and other grain products Gadgets to make Healthy meals easy Probiotics for Life Collagen – holding you together Omegas for happiness

7 9 11 18 21 23

Family and Home Living on Purpose An effective natural contraceptive Give it bag

3 5 16



Thank you to all our contributors! All articles have been edited for Breathe...

So for 2012 perhaps we can try to push aside those unwarranted doubts and worries. Enjoy the glorious gifts we have and the promise and magic of the future. Do the things that we love and spend time with those who bring us joy.

Published by Breathe Media Tel: 031 572 3831, Fax: 031 572 3838

We can believe in achieving everything we want to and having abundance in life then watch and see what happens.

Publishing: Editorial:

By Camilla Railton

13 17 28

Sales and bookings: Gill Jones 076 318 3881 / Yvette Mommsen 0741728609 /

Sales: Layout and Design:

Camilla Railton Camilla Railton, Justine Casey, Yvette Mommsen, Cheryl Tones Gill Jones, Yvette Mommsen Tanya Campher, Bronwyn Bath

Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, no liability can be accepted by the publishers for any errors or omissions that may occur. This publication is the exclusive property of the publishers. The magazine cannot endorse its advertisers and is providing an information forum for the public.




Purpose Article written by

Barbara Halsted Internationally Accredited Wellness Coach (ICF)

We say that people are born with a life

purpose. Some people never look for their purpose and so it remains unspoken their whole lives. But it is there.

Defining your life purpose is a process that usually takes time. It is rich with personal reflection and self-discovery. Finding the one statement that rings true for you requires peeling back the layers, acknowledging the talents you have been given as well as the unique learning of your life, your experience and your wisdom. Finding and claiming a life purpose is extremely satisfying as it captures the very essence of what it means to be fully alive, living life intentionally and making choices that increase the value of life to oneself and others. It not only gives us a powerful direction for our lives, it also impacts positively on every aspect of our wellbeing namely; the physical, the emotional, the mental, as well as the spiritual. The truth is, knowing our life purpose can make us virtually unstoppable.

Our life purpose is the reason we are on this planet. It is the thing we are meant to accomplish, the gift we are meant to bring. Life purpose is not just about our work. It is the 24/7, every- day- of- our-life expression of who we are when we are reaching our full potential. When people are “on purpose” they are fulfilled. They are contributing and making a difference. When they are not on purpose, they feel discontented and unfulfilled. Even if people don’t have a life purpose statement, they still have a life purpose. Even if they can’t articulate a life purpose, they can tell the difference between when they are on purpose and when they are not on purpose. It is very challenging for them to not do this purpose. It feels terrible, dead, disconnected. Having a life purpose is also very closely linked to the idea of fulfilment which in turn is linked to one’s personal values. Imagine you could do what brings you the greatest joy: be with the people you love, use your natural talents, exploit your gifts to their fullest. That would indeed be fulfilling. It is a picture of a person living according to what he or she values most. It makes sense then, that being able to clarify one’s values is a way to create a map that will guide one through the decision paths of life, and allow for choices based on what is fulfilling. There are many ways to work out your life purpose, and there is more than one way to define what your life is about. Some call it a mission statement or a vision statement . It is a description that gets to the heart of what a person’s true life legacy will be. It is the answer to the questions: What will I leave behind? What difference will I make in the lives of those I touch? The life purpose is a path, a path they may be on their whole lives.



our BLOG Curcuminoids in Turmeric Curcuminoids belong to a group of polyphenols (antioxidants) that, quite simply, give the spice turmeric such a brilliant yellowy-orange colour. Not just a flavour in curries, turmeric has been used in India for centuries to relieve digestive disorders, liver disease, jaundice, urinary disorders, skin problems, and to aid in wound healing, arthritic and allergic inflammations. Today we now know that every successful treatment with turmeric was due to the active healing capabilities of the curcuminoids. Current research has demonstrated their powerful antiinflammatory activity when it comes to joint health, post-surgical recovery, cardiovascular health and athletic performance. Curcuminoids also benefits the gastrointestinal tract by inhibiting the growth of bacteria, fungi and intestinal parasites; especially in cases of Candida overgrowth. And of course, being an antioxidant, curcuminoids are free radical scavengers, anti-mutagenic, protective and antiageing. All the more reason to add this delicious spice to your meals! By Stephanie Wills


Going green:

Astaxanthin is a deep red-coloured phytonutrient synthesised by microalgae. Often called the ‘king of the carotenoids’, Astaxanthin is a real super nutrient, demonstrating 550 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin E!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Miracle Nutrient

Not only does it help fight free-radical damage, is anti-ageing and helps fight diseases such as cancer; astaxanthin is able to cross the blood/brain barrier, which means it also offers powerful oxidative protection for the nervous system (eyes, brain, nerve tissues, etc.) Other benefits of Astaxanthin are that it helps increase endurance, muscle recovery and workout performance for athletes; promotes cardiovascular health; is anti-inflammatory - offering relief for chronic back pain, arthritic pain and even pain from carpal tunnel syndrome; as well as boosts immune system function, normalises histamine levels and reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics. And for those wanting to fall pregnant, Astaxanthin greatly improves sperm count, quality and motility, as well as improves fertility in women. It even acts as a natural internal sunscreen that prevents DNA damage and sunburn. A real miracle nutrient! By Stephanie Wills


20 Simple ideas

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Get your bills electronically Have cold showers in summer Have a “Meat free Monday” Buy 2nd hand instead of new Become aware how much food you need so that you limit how much you have to throw away which is a waste of resources Borrow books from libraries Buy Bulk produce that uses less packaging Print on both sides of the paper Hangs clothes outside to dry Don’t drink bottled water, invest in a reusable BPA free bottle Have short showers instead of bathing (save ½ water) Recycle and reuse (especially glass) Go to a car wash instead of washing at home Recycle wrapping paper Buy local produce (less transport less resources needed) Don’t rinse plates before you put them in the dishwasher Reduce your time watching tv and get outside Unplug appliances when possible as they still use energy Turn temperature of geyser down especially in summer By going green not only do we help save the environment we also save money, improve our health and help us appre ciate what we have been blessed with. By Grant Wills


An Effective Natural Contraceptive Yes, it is possible. A natural contraceptive method which does not contain synthetic hormones nor involves invasive implants. If you are worried about the possible side effects of some contraceptives, there are now exciting products in the market place which are able to determine, with accuracy, when you are fertile and when you are not. The beauty of these products is that they not only free you of any side effects but also empower you through the understanding of how your individual cycle works. One such device is the LADY-COMP; it is natural, safe and easy to use. It works by measuring your temperature immediately after waking in the morning and in so doing can accurately forecast your ovulation. It is only possible for women to fall pregnant on approximately 6 days of their menstrual cycle, so it is not necessary to compromise your health or sex life for the full duration of your cycle. The temperature sensors are able to measure up to a 100th of a degree and this sensitivity ensures an accurate reading. Lady-Comp stores up to 180 days of information regarding your temperature and menstrual cycle. The temperature readings are colour coded and shown on a display screen every day. Green is for your infertile days; Red is for your fertile days

and Yellow is for your “learning area” when the computer is getting to know your cycle. It is therefore best to avoid unprotected sex during your fertile (red) and “learning” (yellow) days. The monitors have a reliability of 99.3% so you can relax and trust your infertile (green) days. BABY-COMP is especially useful for couples who are experiencing problems falling pregnant. If you have embarked on a natural family planning method, this product will help in your endeavours to conceive. It is a sophisticated monitor which tracks your fertility and indicates the optimal days for sexual activity. It is also able to detect if you have not ovulated, if you have any hormonal imbalances or a luteal deficiency, thus helping to explain any infertility issues. If you are successful in conceiving, Baby-Comp will confirm this on day 18, as it has an integrated pregnancy test, and is also able to accurately predict the birth date of your baby. All you need to remember is to regularly take your temperature. In this way, the Baby-Comp/ Lady-Comp/ Pearly is able to get to know and interpret your cycle even faster. The best part is the assurance that you are not placing any extra chemical burden on your body or that of your baby and you are still able to make use of it after birth as a safe and natural form of contraception. By Yvette Mommsen




a growing cause of concern


iabetes is an increasingly common ailment across South Africa with noticeably younger children succumbing to what used to be called ‘Adult onset’ (or type 2) diabetes. We have to ask why? The answer to me is purely lifestyle which implies poor dietary habits causing obesity. Remember that diabetes can be managed very well naturally by making necessary lifestyle changes and perhaps taking supplements. Ask most complementary therapists and they may agree that diabetes is an easier challenge to them than trying to solve and manage recurring sinusitis! So let’s look at the core aim which is to minimise the pressure on the pancreas to produce insulin – the blood sugar balancing hormone.

We will deal with dietary matters to take the pressure off the pancreas but it is also important to understand how stress affects insulin demands. Stress may be work related pressure, tight deadlines or long working hours. For others it may be emotional with loved ones being ill or even financial pressure. Our children too feel stress these days – school related pressures, family dynamics, insecurities etc. Whatever the cause the physiological effects of stress is handled by the adrenal glands which produce stress hormones, amongst these, adrenalin and cortisol. The function of stress hormones is to prepare the body for the fight or flight response, ensuring that we have the available energy to expend on fighting or fleeing – in other words it raises blood sugar most often without consuming anything, simply converting stored reserves from the liver if need be. Continual high levels of cortisol simultaneously causes pressure to be placed on our pancreas to then secrete insulin in order to keep our blood sugar levels on an even keel. To make it more understandable picture the adrenal gland and the pancreas as heads and tails on a coin, intrinsically linked, when one moves the other has to respond. Improving blood sugar control therefore means that we have to manage the effects of stress on our body. This can be done by focusing on B vitamin foods and supplements (particularly sources of B5, B6 and B12) along with adaptogenic herbal stress support formulas where necessary and also enjoying stress relieving activities such as exercise or even meditation, kinesiology or body talk as well as by minimising our stimulant intake. Before you get home and crack open that bottle of wine or step outside your office for a stress relieving smoke break, think again. Although emotionally these habits may be enjoyed to help you cope with your stress, your stimulant intake (alcohol, caffeine – tea, coffee and Coke - and nicotine) is responsible for creating another flight or fight stress response in the body, setting off the demand for insulin again. Removing these stimulants from your life and getting outdoors to exercise can make the difference between unmanaged versus controlled diabetes.

Now let’s delve into dietary habits. Over the years this is the one that has changed most significantly for the worse. The average diet now includes insulin-unfriendly foods which were simply not available in earlier generations. Highly refined foods, take-away meals, carbonated beverages, sugar laden foods (even if well laid out on labels, most people are not informed on how to read them) and additives such as MSG which is known to irritate insulin release, be high in calories and cause that unwanted weight gain that predisposes one to diabetes. To gain some perspective for your children, how about keeping all the sweets from the takehome party packs in a cupboard over a school term and then laying them all out on the table. Sweets used to be a weekly treat, now they are a daily expectation for many children and adults alike. Nuts are mostly strictly prohibited at schools these days as chronic allergic reactions are on the increase. I believe that we need to take a similar hard line on refined foods and sweets at the school place. Sugar may not have similar immediate implications but the long-term effects on a persons’ health can be just as dreadful. Low GI eating is not as difficult a task as it first appears. A suggestion is to make changes gradually. Firstly ensure that you are not skipping any meals and then increase the relative quantity of vegetables on your plate daily (both lunch and dinner), leaving a much smaller portion for protein and starch. Protein portions should not be more than the size of the palm of your hand. Eat the vegetables first and then enjoy the rest, if you have the room! Then start substituting the carbohydrates that you are consuming for low GI alternatives – sweet potatoes, whole-wheat pasta, rye bread and rolled oats are good examples. It may be necessary to BREATHE SUMMER 2011


eliminate the starch in the evening meal. Combining a protein with a low GI carbohydrate helps to manage blood sugar levels even more. I recommend that snacks be either raw veggies with a low GI bean paste dip or a low GI fruit with nuts (almonds preferred). Your fruit intake also needs to be managed as the fructose is quickly broken down into glucose. Avoid fruit juices completely and limit fruit servings to two or maximum three a day, ensuring that they are the lower GI option. Some diabetics seem to react very quickly to many fruits in which case it is acceptable to be so bold as to have no fruit in the diet provided the vegetable intake is raised. 8 servings of vegetables from a wide variety and 2 servings of fruit a day is a good balance to attain.

- red meat, processed foods, deep fried foods and crisps. A word of advice: watch food labels as even cereals can sometimes be labelled as low GI and diabetic friendly but then have high levels of inappropriate fats as this is a way to make the product tasty and palatable without added sugar.

Diabetes is a condition complicated by inappropriate body pH (elevated acidity). It is accepted now that most ailments are connected to degrees of acidity in the body. The good news for diabetics is that most of the top acid-forming foods are also high GI foods or stimulants and by reading the above hopefully most of you will have already agreed to remove them from your diets! They are alcohol, tea and coffee, carbonated beverages, white flour, sugar, red meat and sausage, shellfish and dairy products (particularly sweetened yoghurts). Let’s remove these and add in some top alkalizing foods to help balance the scale. These are all the green leafy vegetables and grasses (spirulina, wheat grass, alfalfa and barley grass) along with fresh lemon. I propose you start your day with a ‘green drink’ and try to drink warm lemon water during the course of the day. Then following a 75% vegetable balance should do the rest.

Remember that the unpleasant complications of diabetes (poor circulation, leg sores, neuropathy etc) are often not well controlled through allopathic medication. Despite insulin levels being managed within acceptable ranges with medication, the complications often get worse over time. In my opinion there is only one way to manage these complications better and that is through diet and supplementation and sometimes physical therapy to improve lymphatic flow and circulation. Subclinical hypothyroidism may well be one of the underlying factors behind these complications – that debate though may be best kept for another discussion, suffice to say that you should keep track of your thyroid function as a diabetic. Often it becomes hypothyroid long after becoming diabetic but may have been sub-clinically low for a while before the diabetes even began. Good reason for adopting a ‘green drink’ in the mornings containing a source of iodine and to snack on raw almonds - both thyroid supporting foods.

There are many things that you can do assist your body in eliminating the excess acidity which is imperative. Excess acidity slows down healing so those with diabetic leg ulcer complications this is particularly important. You could look at Body Cleanses or even products such as Ultra Clear Plus pH by Metagenics. Take advice from an appropriate practitioner. Most diabetics also have an imbalance of the fats in the body (higher levels of saturated and trans fats and deficiencies of essential fats). This balance actually predisposes a person to diabetes. Once again the saturated fats and trans fats are high in the ‘modern diet’



Add omega 3 essential fatty acids into your diet in the form of oily fish and seeds and preferably also in supplemental form. For those that have belief systems around fish, there are vegan forms of omega 3 supplements available. This plays a very important role in managing diabetes by looking after what I call ‘the healthy cell concept’ through maintaining the integrity of the cell membrane.

To summarise really quickly try these steps: choose low GI carbohydrates, combine with protein, be stimulant-free (or certainly low), eliminate the top acid forming foods and choose to have alkalising food dominant regular meals. Reduce ‘bad fats’ and take a good quality omega 3 supplement (get appropriate advice). Add a green drink or supplement to your day. Exercise and choose steps to manage your stress levels. Children are incredible observers and learn by example and will eat as you do. You can also incorporate exercise into fun family time and please let your children play as much as possible outside to expend their energy. by Megan Coleman

Bread and other grain products – a nutritious and life sustaining super food! Bread and other grain products have been used for centuries as a super staple food. However, unfortunately thousands of people have become totally intolerant to wheat and gluten, and therefore negative about bread and grain products. Grain with gluten in it has become a virtual swear word in health circles!


hy did our predecessors have the privilege of happily enjoying bread and grain products for thousands of years with no adverse effects? When studying and talking about bread and grain products we must step back and study its source. What is bread made from?


The whole grain is rich in vitamins, bio-available minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes, phytochemicals, antioxidants, carbohydrates and aromatic elements. Grain seed can be seen as a condensed and sleeping plant. Grain can be stored for decades under the correct natural conditions. A grain kernel consists of three main components. The germ The germ is the embryo or heart of the grain, from which a new plant sprouts. It contains all the substances or building blocks necessary to produce a complete plant, which explains its extraordinary nutritional richness. The germ contain; enzymes, amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins B1, B2 and B6, niacin and folates, vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, minerals and more nutrients. All these nutrients are essential to normal carbohydrate and fat metabolism, but because it is the component of grain that spoils first it is usually removed in the modern milling and refining process.

Bran The outer bran is a tough six layered sheath that protects the inside of the grain kernel. The bran also seals the kernel off from oxygen. It is rich in antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Most processed and refined grains products are stripped of its bran. Only a small percentage of the bran is later reintroduced into white flour and that modern man calls it brown bread. Some of the bran is used in food sources as fibre and it also gets added in fodder as a filler. Bran acts as fibre in food and it is vitally important for gut health. The endosperm The endosperm is the biggest part of the grain. It is the energy source for the shoot when it first begins to grow, until the plant can produce its own energy with its own solar panels, its leaves by using the process of photosynthesis. The endosperm is the part of the grain used to produce refined white flour and is rich in carbohydrates and the amino acid gluten. White flour is used for food products such as white bread, pasta pizza, cakes, tusks, cookies and as a bulking agent in processed foods.


The most popular grains are amaranth, barley, buckwheat, corn, kamut, millet, oats, quinoa, rice varieties, rye, spelt, sorghum, teff and wheat. The grain in itself is a balanced and extremely nutritious food for us to consume. It is modern farming, grain processing, refining and preservation methods that come into play which not only reduce the nutritional BREATHE SUMMER 2011


value but also introduce chemicals which may be toxic to the individual. These processes are completely unnatural, completely unnecessary and preventable if you owe a home stone-mill. Methods of farming to produce grain have changed drastically to cope with the ever-increasing human population. These methodologies include genetically modified (GM) seed, mono crop, no crop rotation practices, pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilisers and chemical grain storing preservatives.


Today there are a number of different ways of producing flour. In the past stone milling was the only method, and it naturally ensured that the germ, bran and endosperm remained in the flour and were eaten as a whole food. Grains and their flour were considered of fundamental importance in sustaining life. Today modern roller milling and hammer processes are used, separating and remove the germ and the bran from the white flour to enhance shelf life and for increased effectiveness in culinary use. White flour is mainly carbohydrates with a much longer shelf life. “Modern commerce has deliberately robbed some of nature’s foods of much of their body-building material while retaining the hunger satisfying energy factors. For example, in the production of refined white flour approximately 80% or four-fifths of the phosphorous and calcium content are usually removed, together with the vitamins and minerals provided in the embryo or germ. The evidence indicates that a very important factor in the lowering of the reproductive efficiency of womanhood is directly related to the removal of vitamin E in the processing of wheat. The germ of wheat is our most readily available source of that vitamin.” p 255, NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL DEGENERATION, Dr Westorn A Price. The refining processes used especially for white bread and flours not only empty the nutrients but also involves the use of chemical preservatives which the body can deem as toxic. The bread not only becomes devoid of nutrients but is difficult for the body to



digest, since there are no fibre and enzymes to support good digestion. The solution If your family is one that regularly consumes bread and other grain products it may be a good idea to invest in your own home stone mill and organic, whole and living grains. A stone mill and a good supply of living and organic grain will not only ensure that you get optimum nutrition without the loss of oxidised nutrients out of the food that you eat but also costs less in the long run. Making your own bread when you have the right equipment is highly cost effective, quick, easy, delicious and super healthy. To make your own bread you actually only need four ingredients: fresh organic grain, pure water, salt and yeast. The cost of an organic, whole-food, fresh loaf of bread (0.9 kg) comes to less than R6. It really is simple to obtain optimal health if you follow basic health principles and consume: • • • •

Whole foods, Organic foods, Fresh foods, and ± 70% raw foods.

It is surprising to note that one often finds that when previously wheat- or gluten-intolerant individuals start to enjoy freshly milled (same day), organic whole-grain wheat, and the intolerance disappears immediately and they gain the added benefits of losing weight while gaining vitality. As bread and grain products are the staple food of many societies it is most important to consider the quality and freshness of the bread and grain products you consume. By Johan Jacobs

Gadgets to make a Healthy Diet Easy S

ometimes planning, preparing and following a healthy diet is just too much effort! Well, not anymore… The great news is that a healthy diet really can be easy. All it takes is having a few key pieces of kitchen equipment, and just like that you can completely transform the way you prepare food. Imagine becoming more efficient with time, eating more fresh and living foods, exploring a whole new range of recipes, and most importantly having fun experimenting with your new gadgets?

Some great gadgets to try: 1.



Power Blender




Make your own fresh fruit and vegetable juices in minutes, which are packed full of nutrients and flavour – no need to worry about added salt, sugar, flavourants or preservatives! Juicing is one of the most effective ways to instantly enhance your health.

This is definitely one of the easiest and most versatile kitchen appliances to produce amazing healthy recipes in no time at all! You can use your blender to make fresh or frozen fruit smoothies, sorbets, nut butters, dairy-free nut-milks, soups, dips, spreads and so much more!

Over-night you can turn all your extra fruit into lovely preservative-free dried fruit snacks for you or your kids to enjoy. Even better, make your own ‘sun-dried’ tomatoes to add huge flavour to salads, pasta sauces and sun-dried tomato pesto. Experiment with raw pizza recipes, flax crackers, raw cookies and pancakes. And if that doesn’t interest you; you can even use your dehydrator to make lean free-range biltong!


Sprouts have an abundance of living enzymes, vitamins and minerals and can add huge nutritional value to salads, wraps, sandwiches, and stir fries. Growing your own is also far cheaper than buying from the grocery store.

With these gadgets, you can produce the most wonderful healthy meals in no time! Convenient, easy and time-saving you’ll wonder how you lived your life without them. By Stephanie Wills


A BRAND NEW Oscar DA1000 Juicer!

The Oscar Juicer is a slow RPM single Auger, cold extraction, masticating type juicer. It comes with a 20 year warranty on the motor* and is exceptional at: • Juicing fruit, vegetables, wheat & barley grass and other herbs • Extruding home-made Pasta • Grinding • Pureeing • Crushing


You can enter the competition INSTORE at Lifestyle Health, Balito or online at To place an order for an Oscar juicer, give us a call now on 032 946 0441 or send us an email to For more info please visit us at ‘like us’ on Facebook or follow us on Twitter Please see competition entry form for competition rules. * Domestic use only





Jane & Lisa Jane:

I am delighted to share that to date I have lost 12.2 kgs under the guidance of the amazing Lisa Raleigh and her team. I put on 24kgs during my pregnancy. EEEEEEK! During my pregnancy I ate for two as they say. Milkshakes, chips, bread and up to 2 litres of chocolate milk a day, I might add. My gynaecologist even commented that I’m not raising a calf and I had to cut my milk intake down. I didn’t though, because it was what I craved 24 hours a day. Cooper was born on August 3rd 2010 after a few months the realisation of what bad shape my post baby hatching house and mind were in, left me very low. For most of my life I can remember being overweight. I started picking up weight in standard 3, 4 and 5. I think going to a very academic school sent me in the direction of finding solace in food. I have never

been a very good classroom student and although I loved the sport the mission of getting into a public space in a cozzie was a stressful experience. An invite to a pool or beach party was my worst nightmare. Since having Cooper it dawned on me that I have to be the best ME in order to be the best Mom, Wife, Sister and Daughter I can be. I want to be able to take Coop to swimming lessons and not be consumed with my body instead of the joy the two of us can have together. Feeling flat and drained on the 12th April 2011 I emailed Lisa asking if I could meet her as I was NOW ready to make the change for good. I now wake up filled with bursting energy and motivation to keep on keeping on. Positive reaction from people helps as well as fitting into clothes that haven’t fitted me in 3 years! I even felt OK in a cozzie the other day. It is a real joy to love myself again.




Emotional eating is sorely underestimated, since it is prevalent in 90% of people these days! Sometimes the strongest longings for food occur when you’re at your weakest point emotionally, and people often turn to food for comfort, both consciously and unconsciously.

Jane Linley Thomas is a true gift to earth. Jane is one of those people who looks at life as a glass half full and very little affects her – ‘Mrs Perspective’ I’d call her. One of the only big issues Jane has to tackle is her weight, which will involve letting go of old memories, strongholds and habits. I started Jane’s program off by eliminating 8 foods out of her diet for 10 days, with the intention of improving her digestion and lowering her acidity levels. The acidity/alkalinity of a person (i.e the state of their body inside) is very important. Acidic people do not function optimally, and a less than ideal PH can have serious consequences on your health - from acidic joints to unbalanced hormones to skin irritations to poor weight loss. To increase your body’s alkalinity, eliminate wheat, dairy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, salt and red meat for 10 to 21 days. I then assigned Jane 3 personal trainers as I firmly believe that variety is the spice of life. Following the same routines will only bring you the same results, so we mixed it up to make it exciting! Her first trainer was great with functional training (the new buzz word), the second worked at strength conditioning and the the third trained Jane on the powerplate. I am passionate about the powerplate, as it offers you an unparalleled myriad of health benefits! On the fitness front, it improves your muscle strength and performance whilst increasing your flexibility and range of motion. It is also an excellent rehabilitation tool for injuries and ailments. In terms of your health, powerplate training enhances critical blood flow throughout the body, decreases your cortisol levels associated with stress, and is renowned for reducing the appearance of cellulite. Aside from all this, it is also assists in the alleviation of lower back pain, from which Jane suffers.

This was an important hurdle for Jane to overcome. She needed to regain control of these emotional responses before she could attain the results she so badly wanted. To do this, we worked through the following steps: Identify triggers: The first step for handling emotional eating is to identify your emotional eating trigger. These can be both situations and emotions. To do this, I urged Jane to keep a food/feelings journal. We all have different reasons for giving in to emotional eating so recording exactly how you are feeling, your stressors, thoughts and emotions as you eat, and then how much, how often and what you eat when you are feeling a specific way is a critical step. Learn to recognise hunger signals: It’s important to let your body do the talking, so eat when you’re hungry instead of when you’re supposed to (lunch time at 12pm, for example). True hunger actually feels like a mild gnawing sensation in the gut. I encouraged Jane to wait 10 minutes before giving into cravings or perceived hunger. If the pause was distraction enough to move onto something else, the trigger was emotional, whilst if the urge was still there, it was usually genuine hunger. Reacquainting our bodies with real hunger rather than habitual eating is an accomplishment in itself.

Emotional eating is sorely underestimated, since it is prevalent in 90% of people these days! Sometimes the strongest longings for food occur when you’re at your weakest point emotionally, and people often turn to food for comfort, both consciously and unconsciously.

Jane recently began taking meals from our FRUITION CAFÉ where food is prepared with healthy and powerful ingredients. There are no unhealthy oils and salts in our meals, and we are sparing on processed ingredients and preservatives. These meals were an effective part of Jane’s programme, as they are calorie specific, meaning she had little difficulty incorporating them into her daily expenditure – the easier the process, the better the results! Next, it was time to dig deep. We needed to focus on Jane’s emotional eating.



Don’t skip meals: This may seem like an easy way to lose weight, but in reality it causes your blood sugar to plummet, almost always resulting in overeating. Look elsewhere for comfort: Instead of turning to food, take a walk, treat yourself to a movie, listen to music, read or call a friend. Encouraging Jane to disassociate food with reward helped her to replace unhealthy habits with constructive ones.

Get rid of trigger foods: Keeping Jane’s cupboards free from high-calorie comfort foods and having easy and healthy snacks on hand helped to lower her trigger temptations. A good tip if you are feeling hungry or blue is to postpone the shopping trip for a few hours to prevent those feelings from influencing your decisions at the store. Filling up on the nutritional basics you need will go a long way in preventing unhealthy cravings.

Don’t give up: Weight has very little to do with the body and EVERYTHING to do with the mind and spirit. Teaching Jane to face and forgive herself and start fresh the next day helped her to keep positive throughout her programme. Treating yourself kindly and commending yourself on the positive changes you are making will enhance both your efforts and your results. By Jane Linley Thomas and Lisa Raleigh

In 2012 Jane and Lisa will be hosting workshops for Teens in schools across KZN to empower our youth to lead healthier, purpose filled and important lives.



Social Spotlight

Giving it back...


hat are your current concerns – paying the bills, moving up the corporate ladder or maybe losing weight? For you and for me these are important. But if you asked the majority of the Africa’s population their answer would be – water, sanitation, clothes and food; the very things that we often take for granted. Some people and companies really understand this and are making a difference to support the people that are struggling to survive. Business for them is not about making money but rather about benefiting everything and everyone around them. One of the companies, which is increasing awareness, and stirred me to share on this subject, is Give-it-bag. This bag producing company was established in Cape Town by a German couple that fell in love with South Africa. I have been inspired to see how they have taken time to do it right in all areas of responsibility. • social – they give 50% of their profits to charity. This 50% is guided into worthwhile causes that they co-ordinate to make sure every donation is accounted for. They also produce the goods using fairtrade principals. • economic – they ensure all components of the bag are produced locally in RSA

• environmental – they reuse polypropylene bulk bags that could have become land-fill. The local sourcing of goods helps reduce the carbon footprint generated by the long transport lengths of importation • personal – they have a GOOD DEED/GOOD NEED system where, using the unique number on a Give-it-bag, people are able to log into the site and talk about what they have done and at the same time ask people to fulfill their needs. Every small deed makes a difference. Visit their site, see what they do & buy a bag at www.give-it-bag. com. It is amazing to see someone take waste materials and produce fashionable and funky bags in such an unselfish manner. As a resident of South Africa it makes me wonder what more I should be doing? How can I give back and how can I do it responsibly in a way that will give maximum benefit to the people that really need it? So where can YOU help and make a difference? Just take a look around you there are opportunities everywhere in your community big and small, from third to first world countries. Find a cause that you are passionate about, find a responsible non-profit organization (NPO) that is doing it well, and contact them to find out how you can help. So I encourage YOU – get out there because you can make a difference!. by Grant Wills

Your genes need to exercise “At present human genes and human lives are incongruent, especially in affluent Western nations.“ Our genes have been created and/or evolved and adapted over thousands of years in healthy environments that include organic food, clean air and water, lots of exercise and spinal movement, as well as less emotional stress. Our genes are programmed for homeostasis (or balance) but in a toxic or deficient environment they will respond with survival adaptive changes. In a paper written in the Journal of Physiology in 2002, Booth et al., reinforced this point and added that this results in abnormal (adaptive) gene expressions, which in turn frequently manifests itself as a clinically overt disease. One study looked at a group of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer who were put through a three month lifestyle program that included changes in diet, a 30min daily walk and one hour of stress reduction activities per day. Researchers recorded health improvements and changes in genetic expressions (epigenetics). The results? The patients lost weight, reduced blood pressure and changes in genetic expression were observed in over 500 genes. Although a study like this can in no way claim that healthy lifestyles alone will make you better, it does however add to the knowledge base regarding the importance of exercise. Exercise, energy expenditure and physical fitness are more than just tools for improving sport performance, achieving weight loss or improving the way you look. Exercise and proper posture are essential

nutrients and any deficiencies will result in a lack of normal physiology which leads to adaptive physiology and illness. A number of scientists have published articles that quantify what type of exercise and how much exercise our genes require to express optimally. What follows is an outline of what type of exercise you need to do: 1. Aerobic (endurance) exercise 2. Resistance training 3. Speed and Power training 4. Spinal Hygiene (Core, Agility, Range of Motion)

Daily 2-3x/week 2-3x/week Daily

The best way forward is to speak to a trainer at the gym or a biokineticist and have them design a program which you can work your way into and then maintain.

Here are some documented benefits of incorporating exercise into our lifestyle.

1. Prevent up to 91% of cases of obesity and Type 2 diabetes 2. Prevent up to 50% of all cases of heart disease 3. Reduce the risk of a stroke by 25-30% 4. Reduce congestive heart disease deaths by 63% 5. Reduce pancreatic cancer in overweight persons by 50% 6. Decrease all causes of mortality by 67% in a general population! 7. Enhance learning by 12 times. What is amazing is that most of these benefits are based on only 30 minutes of brisk walking and research shows that the benefits of exercise are dose responsive, meaning that the more you do the better you do. And it’s free! By Dr Bernd Hillermann BREATHE SUMMER 2011


Probiotics - FOR LIFE What are probiotics?

Did you know that there are 20 times more bacteria than cells in your body? In fact, at any one time, you have more bacteria in your body than the total number of people who have ever lived on the planet. So the next time you step on the bathroom scale, you need to remember that almost 500 grams of that weight is not you at all, but the billions of bugs that live in your gut. This may sound alarming, but many of these organisms are crucial to good health. A healthy lower intestine should contain at least 85% friendly Lactobaccili bacteria to prevent the over colonization of disease causing micro-organisms like E. coli and salmonella. Our colon can maintain its health with 15% unfriendly coliform bacteria, if the body contains at least 85% probiotic friendly bacteria. Most people have this percentage reversed. In contrast to antibiotics, probiotics are live microrganisms thought to be beneficial to the host organism. According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are: “Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”. Etymologically, the term appears to be a composite of the Latin preposition pro (“for”) and the Greek adjective βιωτικός (biotic), the latter deriving from the noun βίος (bios, “life”) hence “for life.”

What upsets the intestinal flora balance?

Two of the most damaging substances to the delicate intestinal flora balance are chlorine and sodium fluoride, present in most treated city water. This together with alcoholic beverages, medical antibiotics, birth control pills and many other allopathic drugs, the use of in-

dustrial antibiotics and preservatives in food production, poor eating habits, stress and disease all contribute.

What are the effects of poor intestinal flora balance?

A poor bacteria balance allows undesirable bacteria to multiply. When the ratio of good bacteria to bad is lowered, problems begin to arise such as excessive gas, bloating, constipation, intestinal toxicity, poor absorption of nutrients and Candida infections.

What are the benefits of probiotics?

While it’s true that non-beneficial bacteria are naturally occurring in the intestinal tract, problems begin when their growth goes unchecked. Probiotics play an especially important role in keeping in check the pathogenic bacteria that cause disease. Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and other probiotics have been suggested as beneficial for a number of conditions, although evidence in some cases is preliminary or mixed: • Replacing the “friendly” intestinal bacteria destroyed by antibiotics, chlorine etc. • Helping digestion and suppressing disease-causing bacteria. • Aid for prevention of vaginal infections. • Aid for prevention of diarrhea. • Aid for chronic constipation. • Aid for symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). • Improving lactose tolerance in people who are lactose intolerant. • Enhancing the immune system. • Lowering risk of pollen allergies. • Reducing the risk of childhood eczema. • Helping to control high cholesterol. Article by R. M. Arundel



Meditation and their differences

If we think of the mind as an ocean, with our everyday busy thoughts being the ruffled waves on the surface, and our more relaxed, intuitive experiences as the deeper, quieter levels, then when you concentrate or visualize, your mind remains on the surface level. In contrast, TM can be compared to diving deep to the bottom of the ocean. Here you experience the deepest silent levels of the mind, the source of all creativity, intelligence, peace and happiness. On coming out of meditation, these qualities become infused into the surface levels. With repeated diving, more and more benefits are experienced. Much research has been done on Transcendental Meditation validifying its benefits. A study published in American Journal of Health Promotion analysed research on various forms of meditation and relaxation using a sophisticated statistical technique called “metaanalysis”.


any people feel that all forms of meditation are the same – just pick one … When one goes on a journey it’s very important to investigate all possibilities and how the goal of your destination is going to be achieved. The selection and timing of transport is varied. You can choose to walk, bike ride, travel in a car or take a jet. Similarly, when you commit to sitting quietly each day it’s very important to understand the mechanics of your meditation and the validity of the practice. In our very busy and hectic world we don’t have the time to guess and hope that the process of meditation is working. We want to be guaranteed that each time you close your eyes you are totally in control, have all the knowledge necessary to make the process completely effortless and experience profound benefits in your daily activity.

The research analysed a total of 597 studies involving an estimated 20,000 subjects. It found TM to be effective in the areas of anxiety reduction, blood pressure reduction, physiological relaxation, selfactualization, improved psychological outcomes, and decreased use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. TM is non-religious and is a practice which serves to heighten consciousness resulting in benefits which strengthen body and mind. by Beverly Voogt, TM Centre KZN

There are many forms of meditation, with many goals. Some practices involve some concentration or control of the mind and others involve contemplation – thinking about something. These practices keep the mind engaged in some way,for example, by focusing on an object or on something like your breath. Others keep us aware of thoughts, or images. These practices keep the mind active in some way on the surface thinking level. The practice of TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION allows the mind to simply, naturally and effortlessly transcend thinking and to experience a deep state of restfully alert consciousness. The holistic benefits that have been found to result from the practice of the TM technique are the automatic result of this unique experience. The TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION technique allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought – pure awareness, also known as transcendental consciousness, or the unified field. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness – your innermost Self. In this state of restful alertness, your brain functions with significantly greater coherence and your body gains deep rest. BREATHE SUMMER 2011


Body and Beauty



Collagen Holding You Together To some degree we’re all on a quest for eternal youth. No one wants wrinkles, dry and sagging skin or aching joints. The signs of aging can be slowed down, but first we need to understand why they occur. Collagen is a fibrous type of protein. In combination with elastin it connects and supports other bodily tissues, such as skin, bone, tendons, muscles, and cartilage. It also supports the internal organs and is even present in teeth. There are more than 25 types of collagens that naturally occur in the body. It makes up about 25 percent of the total amount of proteins in the body. Often, collagen is discussed in relation to the skin. It works with elastin and keratin to provide the skin with strength, flexibility, and resilience. As people age, collagen degradation occurs at an estimated rate of 1.5% per annum, eventually resulting in wrinkles. It is therefore an important supplement for those looking for ways to rejuvenate and revitalise skin cells and slow the visible effects of aging on the skin. In addition to being so important in the body, collagen also has many medical uses. It is used in some cosmetic surgery procedures and treating and managing serious burns. For this purpose, it is used in creating man-made skin substitutes. Some of collagens benefits are: • Hydration and firmness of the skin as well as improving the elasticity of the skin. • Keeping bones and connective tissue strong and flexible • Arterial strengthening • Building lean muscle • Combating the body’s natural reduction in collagen production. An essential part of your health and beauty regime. by R. Arundel



Omegas for happiness Why should Omega-3 fatty acids assist in lifting these black moods? Key omega-3 fatty acids contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), found primarily in oily cold-water fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel. DHA is a major structural component of the brain, the retina of the eye and the phosopholipid membranes around and within the nerve cells. Omega-3 fatty acids are critical for sound brain functioning and mood regulation because they help to keep the entire traffic pattern of thoughts, reactions and reflexes running smoothly and efficiently. The most impressive clinical trial conducted to date on omega-3 fatty acids was a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 70 participants, all suffering from unipolar depression. The participants had all experienced persistent depression despite taking standard antidepressants at adequate dosages. In this study, patients received ethyl-EPA and were divided into three dosage groups, taking respectively one, two or four grams daily. The patients receiving one gram per day of EPA responded best, with 53% achieving a 50-percent reduction in their depression scores. They also experienced improvement in their sleep and libido, as well as decreased depression, anxiety, lassitude and suicidal thoughts. Bipolar mood disorder In the sole study conducted to date on bipolar mood disorder, participants also responded well to Omega-3 supplementation, but received a high dose of 9.6g omega-3 fatty acids per day. Senile dementia If Omega-3 assists the brain to function smoothly in childhood and adulthood, then could it assist in the prevention of senile dementia or Alzheimer’s disease? A study conducted in Rotterdam of 5 386 citizens aged 55 years or older showed that people who ate more than 20 grams of fish per day had a reduced risk of cognitive impairment, cognitive decline, dementia and especially of Alzheimer’s disease. Most recent studies also show that there is decreased DHA in the tissues of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.


nternational research studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role both in preventing and

lifting depression. They also boost the impact of antidepressants in many patients who have not responded well to treatment. Unfortunately, male depression is frequently under-diagnosed, yet surprisingly common and severely debilitating. Unlike women, men don’t feel their depression, but act it out. Men, when depressed, tend to vent their frustration and anger and become irritable and moody. They also withdraw, give the “silent treatment” and often resort to destructive behaviours such as alcohol and drug abuse.

How much Omega-3 should one take per day? Johannesburg based psychiatrist, Dr. Leigh Janet, routinely recommends Omega-3 supplementation to his patients. “Omega-3 is actually a first level mood stabilizer,” he says. “With a mild depression or cyclothymia, it may be all you need in conjunction with a sensible lifestyle including adequate sleep and exercise.” For unipolar depression and general usage, Revite MD, André Niemann, recommends following The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) guideline of one gram (or 1000mg) per day. Vegetarians can use flaxseed oil capsules instead of salmon oil. Flaxseed contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is metabolised to become Omega-3 fatty acid in the body. Niemann cautions, however, that researchers still don’t know whether flaxseed oil is as effectively absorbed by the body as the Omega-3s (EPA and DHA) found in fatty fish oils. by Linda Trump



My Eczema Journey


y Eczema journey started about a decade ago when Maya was born. Six months into her little life, we discovered that she had eczema. We immediately went to a dermatologist and started using cortisone, which helped, for a while! I soon became aware of the short term solution that cortisone was and the long term damage that cortisone causes. I had also soon been through a number of Dermatologists by then and realized that everyone I had seen with Maya had the same old solution, which was cortisone.

I moved on to some alternative therapies when Maya was about two years old, changed a few diets and tried many lotions and potions! When you start talking Eczema, everybody has a magic cure and when it’s a loved one that is suffering, one becomes so desperate to try and fix the problem. By the time Maya was five, I was desperate and the condition was becoming increasingly worse. We had tried many things which had not worked; we would bandage Maya up in

For more information call 082 327 7359

cortisone soaked swabbing at night so that she would not scratch, give her antihistamines and hope for the best. On the particularly bad break outs, she was hospitalized and given oral steroids to calm her skin down. We were beside ourselves. That June we went on a family holiday in Spain. Maya’s skin was itchy and full of scabs from scratching. We went to visit relatives for lunch and one of our aunt’s noticed Maya’s skin and made a comment about a cream that she knew about. We had heard this from thousands of people, but like always, I was desperate to try. We eventually managed to have two pots of cream sent by post a month or two later. The cream worked like a charm! We ordered more and more, and after about eighteen months of using the cream, we now use it every once in a while! Noni Aloe Vera changed our lives! In fact I think it is a cream that everybody should have in their medicine cabinets. It’s great for cuts and scrapes, it’s excellent for mosquito bites and generally a great healing cream! So many people noticed the improvement in Maya’s skin I had people telling the story around town. Soon I had people wanting to try it, as well as people phoning and asking to buy it. I had friends of friends bring children to me who had eczema and asking me how they should treat it and I would give them samples of the cream to try. Eventually I ordered more and more, which is where we are at this very moment; ….I believe that no child deserves to be uncomfortable in their own skin, if they have suffered through childhood into adulthood, all I can say is that I am sorry that I did not find this product sooner! I feel obligated to tell anyone and everyone that suffers from eczema about Noni Aloe Vera. by Cherylynn Garcia

Bipolar Symptoms disappear after Neurofeedback treatment


y Bipolar Disorder made me feel dead but through Neurofeedback I was brought back to life! Cells in my brain have been revived, as though transformed by the renewing of my mind through stimulation of the brain...” So begins the testimonial of one man’s journey with Neurofeedback... “In 1990 I ended up in Townhill hospital following Manic episodes that left my family with no alternative but to have me admitted to a mental institution, revisited in 1991. Since then, a host of alternative choices of medication have been my only sanity for more meaningful, but never certain durations of time. Variations in doses and types and adjustments of levels of stabilizers and anti-depressants are the recorded history of the sad trail of my Bipolar Disorder. There were some basic medical and natural processes that helped keep me stay out of hospital, but never enough, as there was still something majorly wrong, that labelled the chronic condition: PERMANENT. I used to feel confused, had strange dreams and nightmares, was sleeping restlessly, easily distracted, had messy handwriting, was filled with anger and agitation that would bring on depression and anxiety. My body, mind and soul were just tired of relentless fear and failure. Understandably after trying everything that is commonly available, feeling that there was no light at the end of the tunnel, I was blaming everything and everyone but myself, for my impatient, irritability and mood swings, I felt like a spoilt brat with a rather low self-esteem. Then Neurofeedback treatment was introduced. Compared to being institutionalized, subjected to sleep therapy, and numerous periodic blood level tests, Neurofeedback has been a visit to Disneyland! The only negative symptoms were a form of fatigue after each brain exercise treatment, and the length of time between treatments was too long. I could have lived in the clinic in the beginning, because there was suddenly more meaning to life. I looked forward to follow-up treatments, because there was always something new to appreciate after each session. While wrestling with bad habits and taking responsibility for better behavioral patterns is no walk in the park, it is not as though I felt consciously responsible for making any of the changes happen. While recovering, there are understandably life adjustments that have to be embraced to be able to move on e.g. before, any form of physical exercise was just impossible. In time however, I starting with taking baby steps around the smallest block, which grew to an appreciation for and embrace of a regular routine that includes occasional running now. Without detailing the list of undesirable habits eliminated, it is suffice to say that WITHOUT all the traumas associated with each of the old sickness symptoms as mentioned earlier, normal life is an absolute pleasure. This is the simplest way for me to state the last 6 to 8 months of still improving life, without the use of any chronic medication to stabilize me, nor any need for anti- depressants. The use of medication was slowly cut back after about 60 treatments over a period of around 25 weeks. Treatment twice a week was then reduced to weekly. I am now cutting that back further to a visit every two weeks. I am coping well and am off my medication for more than 10 months already. This is close to a miracle. It is truly amazing how that technology of the Neurofeedback training has been harnessed so effectively to be used to help ascertain the imbalances brought on through one or other of life’s hard knocks, and assist in the repair of the bodies’ functionality so as to re-enable it to operate completely without medication after 21 years dependence at supposed Chronic levels. By H Dedekind






The Breathe Health Expo was launched on 16 & 17 July at Makaranga Lodge in Kloof.


he expo was a great success and a fantastic time for people who are interested in health to see products and speak to people in the industry.

The show also provided a great opportunity for the health industry to come together, network and promote the industry as a whole. Sections covered included: • Nutrition • Supplementation • Complementary Health • Exercise • Health products • Natural and Organic products • Beauty • Weight Loss



Exhibitors includeD: • Adrienne McAnenay – Image Consultancy • Aromatic Apothecary – Aromatherapy Products • Atri Wilson – EIS, health products and advice • Behavioral Intelligence Solutions – Behavioral solutions for personal and business • BMS Acupuncture • Bodytalk • Dr Hauschka – Organic beauty and skincare • Ecobabe – Natural contraceptive • Esse – Organic beauty and skincare • Exclusive Books • Fordoun Spa • GNLD • Hope Meat Supplies – Hormone free meat • Jennifer Fitzsimmons – Yoga • Jyoti Govind – Reflexology • Kinesiology • Lamp of Life – Transdermal Magnesium • Liqui Fruit • Lisa Clifford – Underwear • Lisa Raleigh – Wellness Coach • Live Smart – Live blood analysis • Natural Vibrance – Supplementation • Nia / Tre • Pam Dawson Physiotherapy • Probac – Natural home cleaning products • Solgar – Supplementation • Sure Slim – Slimming • The Firm – Slimming • TM Programme – Transcendental Meditation • Triple Orange – Natural cleaning products • Triton DTS Traction • Umngazi River Bungalows • Universal Vision • Vanilla Girl – Herbs • Victorian Garden – Organic beauty and skincare • Weigh Less – Slimming • Wellpro – allergy testing



Healthy Meals...

Quick & Easy Recipes courtesy of the Lisa Raleigh Wellness Centre

Hummus Dip (approx. 8 portions as a dip)

BEEF BURGERS (serves 4) Start off by cooking about 1/3 cup of Basmati rice until just cooked. 200g Extra Lean Mince 1 cup Basmati rice (cooked) 1 t Tomato Sauce 1 t Sweet Chilli Sauce

1 Onion, finely chopped 1/3 cup Parsley (fresh), finely chopped 1 egg Salt and pepper to taste

4 Hamburger Buns Lettuce Tomato 1. Preheat oven to 200° C and spray a baking sheet with olive oil Spray & Cook. 2. Fry the onion in a teaspoon of olive oil and set aside. 3. Mix all remaining ingredients in a bowl and allow to stand for 30 minutes. 4. Shape the mixture into patties – mixture will make 4 large patties. 5. Place onto baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes, DO NOT TURN OVER. 6. Put the grill on for 3 minutes to brown. 7. Serve on an unbuttered bun, topped with onions and served with a side salad. Allocations - 2 x Starch, 2 x Protein, 1/2 x Vegetable, 1 x Oils and Fats, 1 x Fresh Herbs, 1 x Top-up

Maria’s Detox Salad: • • • • • • • • •


1 Small grated cabbage 2 Grated carrots ½ a big shredded lettuce 2 Diced tomatoes ½ Diced cucumber 4 boiled egg 60g pine-nuts – pan-roasted 20g chopped pecan nuts Avocado (optional)


2 tins chick peas, drained and rinsed 1 lemon (juice) 1T Olive Oil Salt Pepper 1t Cumin Powder/Jeeva Powder 1t Paprika 3T Tahini 4T Salad Dressing (Italian) Mix all ingredients together in a blender Allocations per serving (38g) - 1 x F, 1/2 x B Approx. Calories per serving (38g) - 158

Chickpea, Carrot & Basmati Mix (serves 8) 1 Onion, finely chopped 1 t Cumin Seeds 1 cup Basmati Rice (200gr) 1 t Turmeric 5 Carrots, grated 2 1/2 cups Veg stock 1 can drained and rinsed Chickpeas (or beans/lentils) 240cal/3B 1. Fry onion in a little coconut oil with cumin seeds – fry till onion has softened – take care not to burn the seeds. 2. Add rice and turmeric - stir for a little while. 3. Add carrots and stir a few minutes. 4. Add stock and cook till rice is soft – about 10 minutes – add more water only if necessary. 5. Mix in the Chickpeas – let it rest awhile then serve – also good eaten cold. You can add other roasted veggies or nuts and seeds! Approximate calories per serving: 130 Allocations per serving: 1/2 x Veg, 1 x Starch, 1/3 x Beans

Food and Nutrition




of the

B.E.S.T System B i o - E n e r g e t c S t r e s s Te s t i n g


he first time I heard about B.E.S.T (Bio-Energetic Stress Testing) was from a friend who

had been for an analysis and was amazed that the consultant was even able to pick up a tooth infection! I booked a 1.5 hour session with Hayley Wylie from the Bodywise Wellness Centre. Hayley is a Nutritional Consultant who combines nutritional consulting with B.E.S.T system analysis in order to deter-

Competition Bodywise Wellness Centre in Westville is running a competition for a free B.E.S.T. assesment and nutritional consultation, including a screening for food intolerances, for one lucky Breathe magazine reader. Please email us on with your name and address with the words “Breathe Competition” in the subject line. The consultation will be with either Hayley Wylie or Megan Coleman from Bodywise.

mine which areas need to be treated. I was amazed at what the system was able to pick up about my body and health! The system was very specific and accurate and really helped me to pinpoint exactly where I needed treatment. This is how B.E.S.T works: a blunt probe is applied to the surface of the skin which then sends a small current through control points on the hands and feet. This measures the tiny electrical changes at these control points and it is these points that give the information about the health of your body. It is completely painless and noninvasive, which was a relief for me!

know I am extra careful about the amount of dairy and wheat I eat. At the end of the session I was given a computer print-out with detailed readings of the results. I was so grateful for this as I would not have remembered everything we had discussed during the consult and I now had something to refer to whenever I needed.

In my experience a symptom can so often have many possible causes, which is why I found the B.E.S.T system to actually be the “best” system for searching for underlying causes of a symptom.

Hayley talked me through each step of the process, explaining the results that came up. She asked me if I had any areas of concern, which she was then able to check on. The system gives a reading which shows which areas are either stressed (in the form of a red bar), weakened (yellow bar – this is more long-term stress or imbalance in the body) and also those areas which are balanced (green bar).

We could check on my lymphatic system, nervous system, lungs and even endocrine system. One of the lymphatic readings showed an imbalance in my sinuses which was absolutely correct as I do have very blocked sinuses due to my many allergies! The reading for allergies also showed a yellow bar, which is the weakened reading. We then did a more in-depth and specific reading for this which showed that I am allergic or in some cases intolerant to cat hair, pollen, house dust, mould, sulphur dioxide, cow’s milk, wheat and even avocados! I know this as I had been tested for allergies many years ago and all the above had shown up in the test. When I eat avocados (and I love to eat avocados!), my ears and throat start to itch. I was not aware that I had any sort of intolerance to cows milk and wheat, so now that I

The final and best part of the consult was when I was given a personalised wellness program for me in the form of dietary modification and the right supplementation to set me on the path to wellness. I was also given a Balancing Remedy in the form of little white tablets. This is the combination of all the frequencies chosen by the body during the test to balance and stimulate a healing response. I was to take these every day until complete. This little remedy is not to be underestimated, as it can be just as effective, if not more so than the supplementation that may be recommended! In my experience a symptom can so often have many possible causes, which is why I found the B.E.S.T system to actually be the “best” system for searching for underlying causes of a symptom. In my case, we found that I needed help with my blood sugar levels and allergies. However, in your case it could mean an assessment of body organ health, hormonal status and balance, infections such as parasites or viruses and even toxicity levels such as heavy-metals and pesticides which you are then able to treat effectively hopefully before there is more damage to your health. I definitely plan to go back in a few months time to monitor my progress and perhaps make any further changes to my wellness program. By Yvette Mommsen



Practitioners 24 Richmond Gardens • Tel: 262 2943 / 769 870 195



DIRECTORY Beauty The Lotus Room Alexander House Naturals Beauty Bemer Dr David Dyson Patrizia Mariani

Glenwood Hillcrest

083 799 2339 031 765 4051 031 240 9422

031 469 4192 031 573 2988

Best System Hayley Wylie Megan Colemen Irene Hemme Jyoti Govind

Westville Westville Pinetown Westville

031 266 0636 031 266 0636 082 937 3618 076 987 0195

Body Stress Release Lawrence Louis Sherrene Coston Sherrene Coston

Durban North Umlanga Ballito

071 900 2562 084 556 5942 032 946 1630

Bodytalk Taryn Edge Susan Hodgeson Sue Parnell Lawrence Palmer Eve Drury Linda Dedekind Morag Bromfield Andrew Smith Fathima Rajah Louise Wilson Chris Lowe Kate Lowrie Natalie Lombard

Sunningdale Kloof Bluff Pinetown Greytown Glenwood Westville Bellair Overport Kloof Westville Durban North Salt Rock

083 7845577 082 301 7165 083 402 1384 083 3789093 082 761 1751 072 141 8299 082 457 0546 076 030 8998 082 491 2053 082 657 6417 083 265 0756 072 450 3570 082 561 7122

Malaria Nordman

011 705 1426

Massage Jyoti Govind Kate Nisbet

Westville Westville

031 266 0636 031 266 6218

Meditation TM Centre


031 764 3029

Hypnotherapy Andrea Kellerman


074 1790920

Nia Lorraine Relleen

Kloof / Hillcrest

031 7671690

Nutrition Justine Casey Go Natural Manoli’s Munchies Balanced Nutrition

La Lucia Westville / Umhlanga Hillcrest

084 301 6775 021 852 2744 031 566 2173 083 7736666

Optomitrist Graham Lewis


031 7653620

Organic Dovehouse Organic Home Organic Organic Choice Simply Organic


033 330 3554 079 048 4232 012 662 0354 082 657 0084

Personal Trainers Lisa Raleigh

031 207 7117

Pilates Laura-May Louw Margaret Nalder

Berea Kloof

082 443 4533 083 692 4284

Psychologist Clare Chester


031 303 5578

Chiropractors Dr Bruce Douglas Dr Bernd Hillerman

Westville Kloof

031 266 6218 031 764 4813

Reflexology Annemarie Gerber Jyoti Govind

Umhlanga Westville

083 628 3938 076 987 0195

Coaching Barbara Halstead

Winston Park

082 889 5047

Shops Lifestyle Health Dovehouse Organic Add to your Health Health Nuts

Ballito Karkloof Durban North Hillcrest

032 082 031 031

031 5633246 021 852 3021 011 457 3900 011 462 1652


031 764 3029

Colon Hydrotherapy Jane Boyle Kloof

083 304 3330

Ecobabe Ecobabe

079 096 0977

Excema Noni Aloe Vera Homeopaths Dr Wayne Saul Dr Taryn Turner Dr Lauren Wayland


082 3277359

Ballito Glenwood Westville


032 946 1826 084 455 5529 031 266 6218

Supplementation Nutrilife Natural Vibrance Revite Solgar Yoga Bev Voogt

946 0441 868 4517 564 3197 765 7794

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