Breathe Magazine Winter 2011

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Your Guide to Healthy Living Foolproof

POWER Protein Shakes

TIPS for growing your own veggies.

for training


hypnotherapy give you the


FOOD intolerances

COLON Hydrotherapy


Health... Vitality… Nourishment… Beauty…

Making the future


Contents EDITORIAL Making the future brighter Blog

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Complementary HEALTH CARE Mindfulness and Wellbeing Food intolerances Colon Hydrotherapy Bodytalk A paradigm shift towards health Can Bemer help improve your health?

3 4 8 12 13 15

Fitness and Getting in Shape Understanding Protein Interview with Andrew Birkett on Hypnotherapy The Benefits of Pilates Proteins, Shakes and supplementation for the Healthy Athlete


veryone is passionate about different things…the environment, people, animals. There are so many wonderful organizations and companies who are really giving back to the community, giving hope, inspiring and creating a better world for everyone. There are so many opportunities starting in our own homes to help others and create a brighter future for our children. It starts with projecting our positive thoughts and actions into those causes that are close to our hearts. Many great leaders have taught that starting with ourselves is key, first we raise our consciousness and awareness about ourselves as individuals, our role in society and the web of life will follow. There is a snowball effect. For example, statistics reveal that educating one women and providing her with the opportunity to learn and then support her family, she can then make more informed decisions about how many children she is able to support and raise them in a more comfortable and enriching environment. This then impacts on the future generations.

7 10,11 14 23

Nutrition and Supplements Shark Cartilage and your bones Chia, How you use it? Green Juice and Alkalinity Urinary Tract Infections Siberian Pine Nut Oil and Gastric Disorders Magnesium Goji Berries Endangered Honey

5 6 9 16 28 20 24 25

Family and Home Foolproof tips on growing your own veges Making organic living easy

26,27 18





Thank you to all our contributors!

In the South African context it would seem that the future of our county could truly lie in our hands… each one of us can in our own small way help to uplift and empower other people around us. For some it will be to sponsor a person in a programme, for others it will be to sponsor someone’s studies, it could be employing a person who has great potential. For someone else it will be the knowledge, the ideas and the inspiration that they can impart… we can and do all make a difference. It feels good to be part of a solution. By Camilla Railton

All articles have been edited for Breathe... Published by Breathe Magazine cc Tel: 031 572 3831, Fax: 031 572 3838, Publishing Camilla Railton Editorial Camilla Railton, Yvette Mommsen, Claire Turner Sales Camilla Railton, Yvette Mommsen Layout and Design Tanya Campher Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, no liability can be accepted by the publishers for any errors or omissions that may occur. This publication is the exclusive property of the publishers. The magazine cannot endorse its advertisers and is providing an information forum for the public.



our BLOG What does BPA mean? Plastic

By Grant Wills, BSc Chemistry and Biology, Plastic is everywhere and virtually impossible to live the modern life without. In contrast - what is all this negative press about plastics and which should I avoid? The bad press started around the leaching of BPA, a major constituent of Polycarbonate (PC) products. Research found links between BPA and a host of serious health problems including developmental and neurological problems (ADHD), diabetes,

heart disease and many others. Characterized by the no. 7 and “PC” on the bottom of plastic containers, PC is a hard, clear plastic used in products like babies and sports bottles, reading glasses, water cooler bottles and others. If your product has a 7 or you are concerned it may leach BPA, get in contact with your supplier to find out what plastic they have used, as 7 also includes other plastics like the bioplastic, PLA, made from corn. Recycle and use as little plastic as possible to reduce the negative impact on the environment and in turn on our lives. Where you can, choose reusable materials like glass or wood.

Tea Trea oil – one of nature’s wonder oils! It is an essential oil from the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia, plant. The leaves were used as a substitute for tea, which is how tea tree oil got its name. It is the oil from the leaves which are used medicinally. Tea Tree Oil has wonderful antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties. It has an exceptional ability to penetrate deep below the surface of the skin and help cure many ailments. It is commonly used in cosmetics such as creams, soaps, shampoos and even toothpaste as well as a pure essential oil. It is also used medicinally for cuts and sores, cold sores, acne, athletes foot, eczema, psoriasis, yeast infections and of course as a natural antiseptic.



OMEGA-3 FATTYACIDS Why do we need them? They help with a host of things such as inflammation, managing cholesterol and even help reduce your risk of heart disease as well as it plays a major role in early brain, nervous system and visual development. The best source of Omega-3 is in fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines and trout. Other good sources are flaxseeds and walnuts or you can try a good supplement.




f trends continue, mental health issues, particularly anxiety and depression, are predicted to be the single major burden of disease within the next two decades.

Usually we try and block out, suppress or distract ourselves from our unpleasant thoughts, or numb ourselves to them. Mindfulness teaches us a way of accepting them as they arise and learning to be at peace with them. Mindfulness is increasingly being promoted as a tool for maintaining health, improving performance and treating serious illness including depression. Our modern pharmacological treatments for depression are all aimed at increasing the level of a neurotransmitter called serotonin in the brain. They are not aimed at changing thought or behaviour patterns, and they have more limited success in treating depression and preventing relapse than people think. Mindfulness, used as an adjunct to individual psychotherapy, results in more rapid alleviation of symptoms, increased achievement of therapeutic goals, and a decrease in the number of therapy sessions compared with undergoing therapy alone.

and acceptance helps people to be able to see thoughts as mental events rather than facts, to stand back from our thoughts and view them more objectively. Happiness is natural and restores itself given the right conditions, thus, meditation does not produce an artificial state of mind, it allows a natural state to reassert itself. It is likely that in the future we will see mindfulness as an increasingly recognised and practiced life-skill as well as a treatment for a wide range of conditions. It may be the most natural, simple and gentle way we know of to attain the peace, freedom, health and happiness which we all seek. By Barbara Halsted, Life and Business Coach. (Adapted from: Mindfulness, Wellbeing and Performance by Dr. Craig Hassed MBBS, FRACGP)

Unknowingly, we spend so much time meditating on resentment, anger, fear, depressive thoughts, and regrets. The physical body, and that includes the brain, will reflect whatever is going on in the mind. The body has the capacity to increase performance when it needs to, in order to avert danger. We call this the “fight or flight� response. This response is a natural, necessary, healthy and appropriate physiological response to an exceptional and threatening situation, for example if we were about to be attacked by a lion. However, when activated inappropriately and frequently it not only causes shortterm anxiety related problems but also becomes a significant risk factor for a range of chronic illnesses including detrimental effects on the brain. Mindfulness protects the brain from these damaging effects by allowing us to be less automatically and habitually reactive to unhelpful thoughts, emotions and impulses. If we practice dwelling (meditating) on a particular thought, emotion or desire, or if we reinforce a pattern of behaviour by repeating it, the mind reinforces those neural circuits, like forming deeper and deeper ruts. Interestingly, it has been demonstrated through brain-scanning techniques that cortical thickness (the grey matter) in the brain regions associated with attention, interoception (being aware of oneself ) and sensory processing are thicker in meditators than non-meditators. It seems that mindfulness looks to offset age-related cortical thinning and that the regular practice of meditation may have neuroprotective effects and reduce the cognitive decline associated with normal ageing. That means that we may be able to change the brain anatomically and preserve many functions which are otherwise lost as part of the ageing process. The present moment is the only moment in which we ever really live and it is the only moment we can respond to. Mindfulness teaches us that the past and future are only ever ideas or imaginings held in the mind now. A moment-by-moment attitude of non-judgement BREATHE WINTER 2011


FOOD Intolerance and some cheeses can be tolerated. Soya can also be used as a milk substitute. Article written by

Justine Casey

Food and Nutrition Consultant (NDip Food and Nutrition)


So you have just eaten at one of the city’s finest and gone out of your comfort zone to try something new and exciting. A few hours after, you start to feel nausea, abdominal cramping and your stomach swells up to the size of a soccer ball. Before you throw yourself into a tissue box and cry for fear that you will never be able to fit back into those jeans you bought yesterday, STOP! Chances are your body is telling you that it is battling to digest what you have just eaten. These symptoms don’t necessarily mean that you are allergic to the food consumed, you may have just developed an intolerance for a particular ingredient. This means that you may have had an adverse reaction to food that does not involve the immune system, and is therefore not a true allergy. There are many foods that can cause intolerance reactions in individuals, however, the usual suspects seem to continue to ‘pop up’. • • • •

Lactose Intolerance Gluten Intolerance Sulphite Sensitivity Yeast Sensitivity

If you have ever felt that feeling of distension, abdominal discomfort and diarrhoea after drinking milk, it is possible that you lack the enzyme lactase and are therefore unable to complete the digestion of the lactose sugar. This means that the lactose remains in your intestines attracting water, with the fermentation of the lactose by intestinal bacteria causing the above symptoms. Remember though, that just because you suffer from lactose intolerance does not mean that you have to avoid all dairy products, often fermented milk products such as yoghurt, buttermilk, Amazi



Ever heard of the words Coeliac (Celiac) disorder and wondered what life threatening disease they are talking about? Relax, all this refers to is Gluten Intolerance. The protein in wheat, rye, barley and oats is known as gluten, and when your body is unable to digest this protein, you get all the usual intolerance symptoms. Gluten free products need to be consumed wherever possible. So once again, you find yourself at one of your favourite ‘haunts’ sipping leisurely on the house wine catching up with old friends. All is well, until you wake up the next morning and have a train steaming through your head, and your tongue is battling to find the last ounce of saliva in your mouth. You could swear that you only had one glass, but with this ‘all mighty headache’, you have to recheck the bill and, yip, one it was! Sulphites are used as preservatives because of their antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-browning properties. They are added to a variety of foods to prevent spoilage and are often found naturally in fermented drinks such as wine and beer. Lucky for you, this doesn’t mean that you can no longer enjoy that glass of white. Wine makers have developed an Organic Wine range which does not contain sulphites, just for you to enjoy! Yeasts are everywhere, naturally found in the air we breathe and in many of the foods we eat. Yeast sensitivity (often known as Candida) causes skin disorders, intestinal problems, lethargy and headaches. If suffering from this disorder it would be beneficial to follow a yeast free diet wherever possible and use anti fungal medication if needed. The best way to assess if you have a food intolerance, is by listening to your body, a basic process of elimination will help you to determine what your body is intolerant to. If you have had an adverse affect to a particular food item, don’t eat it for a week or two, if on the second try you have the same reaction, chances are your body is telling you that it is battling to cope with it, and cannot digest it properly.

SHARK CARTILAGE and your bones...


he rich minerals in a sharks skeleton have been found to be highly effective in treatment of connective tissue diseases and sports injuries to the muscles, joints and bones. It is especially effective in speeding up healing of fractures and soft tissue injuries. A sharks skeleton is made up of cartilage, which is a dense form of connective tissue.

Shark cartilage is a dietary supplement made from the dried and powdered cartilage of a shark and is reported to be full of health benefits as it is composed of mostly pure collagen protein, amino acids, glycosaminoglycan(which are polysaccharides) and rich in minerals. These components are essential for normal function of cells, muscles, bones & joints. Sharks cartilage has been used in the treatment of diseases like osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and eczema. It is known to reduce severe pain or joint dysfunction as it reduces inflammation in the joints. The abnormal growth of tiny capillaries destroy cartilage in the joints and also contribute to the skin thickening and shedding in psoriasis. Sharks cartilage stalls the growth of these blood vessels thus decreasing the growth of abnormal capillaries. Lastly, it is used to help boost immunity as it is very rich in proteins, minerals and calcium. Sharks cartilage is continually under research for its healing and medicinal properties. It is believed to have been in use since the Roman times and continues to grow in popularity as people have reported relief of symptoms relating to a variety of diseases.



CHIA How do you use it?


he traditional dinner table is not complete without the perfect pairing of salt and pepper. However, as we have come to appreciate and explore a variety of exotic flavours, spices and accompaniments, it’s time for the modern dinner table to welcome an additional partner to our familiar duo: SOMAMA Chia seeds. Salt is of course one of the oldest, most versatile flavour enhancers, while pepper adds a bit of spice... So what does SOMAMA Chia ‘bring to the table’!? With its superfood status and amazing nutritional profile this allergenfree, neutrally-flavoured seed can be used on any food you could imagine from breakfast to dinner time - no matter whether the meal is cooked or raw, hot or cold, sweet or savoury - it can even be used in and on desserts from cakes to ice-cream. Salt adds flavour, pepper adds spice, chia boosts nutrition! With just a shake of SOMAMA Chia a meal can go from simply tasting good to suddenly becoming exceptionally beneficial to your health! Aside from being vegan, vegetarian, diabetic, diet and detox-friendly, chia is also gluten-free, allergen-free and safe for everyone to eat, even during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Chia is a raw food, full of anti-oxidants, omega-3, protein, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that requires no preparation whatsoever. Unlike other seeds such as flax (linseed) it doesn’t need to be ground, soaked

or sprouted as there are no negative health effects. This means you can eat as much chia as you like. In fact the more the better! The high fiber content of chia (a whopping 35%) lowers the GI rating of every meal it is added to, as well as helping you feel fuller for longer, reducing appetite and thus assisting with weight-loss. Chia’s fiber content also provides a variety of health benefits such as alleviating constipation, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer, lowering cholesterol and thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

How do I use Chia (chee-ah)?

• Use in smoothies, soups, sauces, gravies, custard and pesto as a thickener • Use as a seed to give an extra crunch to salads, vegetables and side-dishes. • Add to your morning muesli, porridge, cereal and over your eggs, toast • In baking you can replace some or most of the fat (butter, oil etc) with SOMAMA Chia gel (1 tbsp Chia to 125ml water)

SOMAMA Super Chia muffins

(gluten free, sugar free, no added oil)

INGREDIENTS: 2 cups of gluten free flour (e.g. quinoa/corn/ brown rice), ½ tsp salt, 2 tsp bicarb, 1 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp cinnamon, 3/4 cup xylitol, 2 cups grated carrot, 1 shredded apple (incl. skin), ½ cup each SOMAMA goji berries, pecan nut, coconut, 4 free range eggs, ½ cup SOMAMA Chia gel, 2 tsp vanilla extract. • add 1 tbsp SOMAMA Chia seeds into 1/2 cup • fill with water • rest for 10mins (source of oil, 60% omega 3) Beat eggs and xylitol till pale and creamy. Mix in SOMAMA CHIA gel . Add dry ingredients (flour, cinnamon, bicarb, baking powder) and mix in. Fold in carrot, apple, goji berries, pecan nuts and coconut (don’t overmix). Place in muffin tins and bake at 180C for 20-25mins. Makes 14 large muffins. • Make a SOMAMA Chia Fresca for a refreshing juice by adding 1 Tbsp SOMAMA Chia, 2 tsp of fresh lime/lemon juice and 1/2 tsp of raw honey/agave to a glass of water with some ice blocks and enjoy! Chia Fresca was traditionally used by ancient civilisations as ‘running food’ to provide energy and sustenance and then recovery after a long distance run. The possibilities really are endless. Keep your SOMAMA Chia on the dinner table and shake it over everything to boost the nutrient content of every meal everyday!


By Steph Martin, Lifestyle Health, Ballito BREATHE WINTER 2011


Protein Article written by

What is protein?

Second to water, protein is the most plentiful substance found in our bodies, and found in our muscles, connective tissue, skin, eyes, fingernails, hormones, enzymes and blood. Proteins also form a major component of our vital organs and are essential for maintaining balance and health.

How much do we need?

Our bodies do not have a large capacity for storing protein, which means if we do not get enough from our diets, our muscle mass will begin to break down within days. The healthy but relatively inactive person will not require as much as the person who exercises. The more regular and the higher the intensity of exercise, the greater the amount of protein is needed. In general, the amount of protein your body needs depends on your age, size and activity level, but the average person requires 20% of their daily intake to be made up of protein.

Lisa Raleigh,

TV personality, Author, Lifestyle and Wellness expert.

Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids. There are 22 different amino acids that are needed for protein synthesis. Most proteins are large molecules that consist of hundreds of amino acids, arranged in various sequences and are then wrapped into a three dimensional structure. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of the human body and they are vital to the building and repairing of our muscle. One of the most important proteins is laminin which holds every cell in the body together.

Can we eat too much?

Yes! The higher your levels of protein, the higher your secretion of nitrogenous waste. This means that your body is more toxic and acidic. Since calcium is needed to neutralize acidity in the body, you will be robbed of precious calcium deposits, which can result in osteoporosis. Other symptoms can include arthritis, gout and constipation

– some excellent reasons to avoid the infamous low carbohydrate/ high protein diet the people are always tempted to try!

Which ones do we need?

The twenty two amino acids our bodies need are classified into two groups: Essential and non-essential. Our body has the ability to synthesized (create) 14 of these (non- essential) amino acids the remaining 8 (essential) amino acids need to be acquired from our diet, namely: threonine, leucine, lysine, methionine, valine, isoleucine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine – quite a mouthful, I know!

Good protein choices

Don’t be fooled – it’s not just meat that provides the valuable protein sources we need. In fact, as a vegetarian I have sought out all possible alternatives to meat, and the results are plentiful. If you like your meat though, lean and organic white meats such as chicken and turkey breasts are your best options, together with ostrich as a lean red meat option and lastly tuna and, salmon. Fish have the added benefit as they are packed with Omega 3. Other options include: Legumes – peas, beans and lentils, chickpeas Whole grains – rye, rice, barley and oats Eggs-Free range, grain fed Milk – organic, low fat and skim varieties Fat-free cottage cheese Almonds, peanuts and cashew nuts Peanut butter Yoghurt Overall, 50% of your daily intake should be healthy carbohydrates, 30% should be your essential fats and 20% should be your protein. BREATHE WINTER 2011


Colon Hydrotherapy:

Necessary or Nonsense? N

ot your typical dinner conversation to say the least. Often too embarrassed to even mention the subject many people choose to soldier on with all manner of malady and misery. As delicate as this subject may be for some, it should be something we all concern ourselves with, as our gastrointestinal health is a fundamental aspect of maintaining good health and warding off premature ageing and disease. According to Brenda Watson, N.D., author of “Essential Cleansing for Perfect Health”, digestive diseases affect 60-70 million people and account for 50 million visits to physicians’ offices per year.


an Organic Blessed Herbs Colon Cleansing Kit!

• Use this do-it-yourself colon cleansing kit to remove impacted debris and toxins from the colon in just 8 days. • Detox in the comfort of your own home. Simply e-mail your name, contact number, e-mail address and answer to the question to info@kusabana. for a chance to win this amazing prize!

How many doesit take to detox the colon with a Blessed Herbs Colon Cleansing Kit?

When taking these facts into consideration treatments such as colon hydrotherapy become very relevant. In my experience very few people manage to eliminate the desired 2-3 bowel movements indicative of a healthy colon. Some only managing to produce a bowel movement every 7-10 days! This is where colon hydrotherapy can become a helpful and often necessary tool for management of a sluggish or toxic bowel. Colon hydrotherapy is the safe and gentle introduction of warm, filtered water into the large intestine via a small speculum, which is inserted into the anus. The treatment can last up to 45mins and involves a series of fills and empties of water into the colon. It is an effective treatment, which can be used for the management of conditions such as chronic constipation and IBS. It also offers a powerful and deep cleanse of the large intestine, which has far reaching benefits.

Some of the benefits include:

• Clearing the colon of hardened waste material and harmful toxins • Stimulation of the body’s immune system • Improved nutrient absorption • Prevention of toxic absorption • Provision of a favorable environment for friendly bacteria and micro-flora, which in turn aids digestion • Strengthening muscular contraction of the colon (peristalsis) • Promotion of normal and regular bowel movement • Improved mental clarity • Clearer skin complexion • Increased energy levels • Relief from bloating and distention • Reduced frequency of toxic headaches • Aids and facilitates cleansing of the blood, liver and kidneys. Not to be confused with a colonoscopy, which is a medical examination by a gastroenterologist, colon hydrotherapy involves the hydration of the large intestine and can be safely and hygienically administered by a qualified colon hydrotherapist using modern colon hydrotherapy equipment. Colon hydrotherapy seems to be a treatment clouded with misconception and cynicism; some saying it is an unnatural or unnecessary procedure. When you consider that a healthy “naturally” working bowel can eliminate up to 3 times a day, it becomes evident that our lifestyles, diets, emotional state and lack of exercise are not allowing for this. In many cases the way we live our lives nowadays is hindering our bowels from working and causing them to hold onto stagnant poisonous wastes in a most unnatural and harmful way. Many people becoming reliant on over the counter laxatives and often develop conditions such as hemorrhoids, which are very common and often indicate a colon under pressure. Colon hydrotherapy can encourage the bowel to work better on its own, and should always be followed with a probiotic supplement can allow for the recultivation of good bacteria in the gut once much of the bad bacteria has been removed. Once people get over their initial apprehension to the treatment, they often find it a comfortable and often pleasant experience, which leaves them feeling cleaner, lighter and more joyful. By Jeanne Brooks – Internationally certified colon hydrotherapist and holistic beauty and massage therapist



Green Juice and Alkalinity

Eating a diet that is high in alkalising foods is the cornerstone to longevity and health. Disease flourishes in an acidic body. The best sources of alkalising foods are leafy greens. Consuming green juice, green smoothies and or wheatgrass juice daily is a powerful way of alkalising and balancing our body’s pH. Definition of Alkalinity – the body as a battery To best understand the importance of alkalinity in the human body it helps to look at the body as a battery with a negative pole and a positive pole. The positive pole of the battery is provided by oxygen which we inhale with every breath. The negative pole of the battery is provided by electrons which are present in our food. For our bodies to operate at their best level we need strong positive and negative poles on the “battery” to ensure a strong flow of electrons or life force energy through our systems, this is known as the bioelectric flow. Negatively charged mineral salts in the fluids of the body are the physical conductors of this energy, these are contained within enzymes which are essential for all metabolic processes including digestion. So how does this affect the alkalinity of the body? Anything that is alkaline or alkalising is negatively charged, i.e. it carries spare electrons that will be added to the bioelectric flow, anything that is acidic or acidifying has a positive charge and will attract electrons away from the bioelectric flow, slowing it down, an example of this are free radicals which are positively charged particles that steal electrons, weakening the flow and rendering the body in an acidic state.

The Green Alkaliser

Makes 500 ml Dilute with the same quantity of water to make 1 litre • 1 apple • ½ grapefruit or orange • ½ cucumber • ½ lemon • 5 celery stalks • 4 spinach leaves • 1 sprig parsley • 1 segment of fennel • 1 kale leaf • 2 pak choi leaves • 3 tatsoi leaves

Juice all the ingredients and dilute with water. If you are drinking a litre or more of this juice per day it’s likely that it can take the place of a meal. At the very least it will discourage mid morning and mid afternoon snacking.

To keep our bodies alkalised we need to take in as much electron rich food as possible. Foods that are abundant in electrons are raw fruits, vegetables and in particular green leafy vegetables as they have an incredibly high mineral and enzyme content. These enzymes, minerals and their accompanying electrons are destroyed when food is cooked or processed. An amazing way to give yourself an enzyme, mineral and electron loaded boost is with green vegetable juices. Due to the concentrated and easily digestible nature of freshly juiced green vegetable juices, it is the quickest, most effective way to alkalinise yourself. Acid-forming foods include: Trans fats, wheat, sugar, dairy, soya proteins, all animal products including meat, fish, chicken, dairy and eggs, fizzy drinks, alchohol and coffee, Alkaline-forming foods: The most alkaline foods are the green foods that grow above the ground and towards the sun Green leaves, green leafy vegetables, most fruits, flowers and other vegetables (excluding root veg, which are slightly acidic) Nuts and seeds are slightly acidic to neutral, depending on which you choose. Try drinking a half a litre of green juice, diluted with half a litre of water to give you a litre of green juice per day to begin the process of re-alkalising your body. The following recipe taken from Rawlicious, recipes for radiant health will help you to get started. BREATHE WINTER 2011


“Mentally, it has helped me with my strength, focus and attitude.� Andrew Birkett, winner of the 2011 Dusi, speaks to us on how he used hypnotherapy as a part of his training programme and the effect it had on his performance.



3. Would you recommend it to anyone and to whom? Anyone can go, athlete or average Joe who doesnt do any sport. Hypnotherapy can help you for any mental assistance. Anybody looking for that edge or simply some help should see a Hypnotherapist. There are many misconceptions about Hypnoterapy and this is fuelled by shows but it should really be seen like going to your GP.

4. How did you choose your therapist? 1. What made you decide to try Hypnotherapy as part of your training? Simple, before 2010 Dusi, I was off the pace for the whole build up to the race. In all the pre races we were consistently second and just couldnt manage to match the pace of Stott/Mbanjwa. How could i get faster when I am simply training as hard as possiple? Hypnotherapy was a possible way of helping achieve a goal of winning Dusi which seemed a distant one but I guess things changed! There are many things one can look at to get faster and faster, there are always new things being used more and more but its just a question of whether people want to grab those opportunities and not be resistant to new things (not that hypnotherapy is new but it is relatively small in SA).

Another athlete from a completely different sport mentioined who they saw. Andrea Kellerman has helped me now for the last two years in my build up to Dusi. I didnt want to go to a random therapist who has no experience in sport or treating athletes. Andrea has a knowlege and understanding of sport and she has seen many different sports people.

5. How long did you attend for and is it something you do to prepare for a specific event or is it ongoing? I build up to Dusi every year for about three focused months. This is when I see Andrea but I think I could attend more often in those three months!

2. How do you think it helped you?

6. Are you taught any techniques?

I know it has helped me with my weaknesses in the past. Mentally, it has helped me with my strength, focus and attitude. Sport is getting more and more competitive and so many internatioinal athletes use Hypnotherapy which has not only helped my racing but also my training. A big issue for me has been resting, I want to train every second of the day, seven days a week without rest and that approach doesnt help any athlete build his strength. I relaxed far more and began enjoying rest days which helped me recover and build strength. I have also relaxed far more whilst I race, I still am a perfectionist but I am there to have fun and go 100%.

Not really, I think we keep it fairly simple.

7. Is there anything else you would like to add? Many people are unwilling to try hypnotherapy and people should be more open to new opportunities and Hypnotherapy really is an opportunity. Maybe that is a good thing because it gives those of us willing, a possible advantage! BREATHE WINTER 2011


A paradigm shift

towards health


ealth means different things to different people. There is not one treatment, intervention, supplement or medication which will give you health. Health has different parts, very simply put, to be healthy you need to eat well, move well and think well. The paradigm shift we are talking about is not about natural or medical supplements or treatments which are needed once your health has deteriorated into illness or disease. Our focus is to talk about the “basic ingredients” which will shift your health. These basics ingredients are like nutrients, required by all people in order to provide the right environment and support for your body to thrive. These ideas do not exclude treatment of an illness or disease, but will promote a better recovery and a healthier you. If your house is burning you want the fire department to attend to your house, not a builder. If you want to improve the “health” of your house you speak to engineers and builders who will design and build/repair your house as strong as possible.

Allopathic medicine, surgery, natural interventions and healthy lifestyle choices etc (diet and exercise) are all important in the shift towards health. Which one is more important? None, it depends on what state of health you are in. A person with a serious medical emergency won’t survive on a natural intervention or lifestyle choice. Someone recovering from an operation may not survive on surgery alone. Will a healthy diet and lifestyle cure chronic diseases? Probably not, for the rare exception yes. Will healthy lifestyle choices reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and obesity? Research says yes. Humans, like any other species on earth, get chronic illness because they get chronically exposed to a pathological environment that causes the genetic expression of stressed or adaptive physiology. What sickness really represents is a state of adaptive physiology or cellular function. We are not programmed to be genetically sick. Creation or evolution reasoning supports this. The big question is why would our cell function ever move away from a state of balance and toward a state of adaptive or stressed cell function? It is not random chance. Life is, by definition order rather than randomness, it is organization rather than entropy. Our cells are programmed to strive to survive and thrive this is what keeps us alive. Why would we ever be in a state of sickness instead of a state of health? The answer is stressors and deficiencies. A stressor is anything which acts on our cells and produces an adaptive physiological state. This comes in the form of chemical, physical or mental stressors. A deficiency is a lack of nutrients or stimulus which promotes normal physiological gene or cell expression. Examples of this would be lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle or poor nutrition. In the next article in this series we will look at the stress response and how a sedentary lifestyle contributes to spinal and muscular deconditioning and its impact on health. By Dr Bernd Hillermann Dr Chestnut “The wellness and prevention paradigm”.



The Benefits of

Pilates for Your Body






Here are EIGHT good reasons why you should consider doing Pilates exercises for strengthening of your posture and core:

It might seem like a paradox, but the more you exercise, the more energy you have and the more you feel like doing exercise. Pilates gets the breath and circulation moving, stimulates the spine and muscles, and floods the body with the “feel good feeling” which the body gets from exercise.







ilates exercises focus on posture, strength, and flexibility. All three of these components are important

for any person to achieve and maintain a healthy and balanced body.

Unlike some forms of exercise, Pilates does not over-develop some parts of the body and neglect others. While Pilates training focuses on core strength, it trains the body as an integrated whole. Pilates workouts promote strength and balanced muscle development as well as flexibility and increased range of motion for the joints.

Whether you are a senior just starting to exercise, an elite athlete or somewhere in between, the foundations of Pilates movement apply to you. Building from core strength to focusing on proper alignment, make Pilates accessible to all. With thousands of possible exercises and modifications, Pilates workouts can be tailored to individual needs.







Long, lean muscles are the name of the game here. In Pilates, we are not looking to build muscles for show. We are building toned muscles that work perfectly within the context of the body as a whole, and the functional fitness needs of a person as they move through life.

In Pilates, we work toward a safe increase in length and stretch of the muscles and range of motion within the joints.

The core muscles of the body are the deep muscles of the back, abdomen, and pelvic floor. These are the muscles we rely on to support a strong, supple back, good posture, and efficient movement patterns. When the core is strong, the frame of the body is supported. This means the neck and shoulders can relax, and the rest of the muscles and joints are free to do their job.



Good posture is a reflection good alignment supported by a strong core. It is a position from which one can move freely. Pilates trains the body to express itself with strength and harmony. You can see this in the beautiful posture of those who practice Pilates.

If you practice Pilates regularly, it will change your body. Known for creating long, strong muscles and a leaner look; Pilates improves muscle tone, balances musculature, supports beautiful posture, and teaches you to move with ease and grace. All of these things will make you look and feel very fit. I would recommend Pilates to anybody who is looking for a fun, non high-impact way to exercise. Pilates also helps to tone and lose centimetres. All ages of people can do Pilates, including children, post and pre-pregnancy mothers, athletes, dancers etc. Pilates is also highly recommended for anyone with back problems and sports injuries. Joseph Pilates: “If your spine is inflexible and stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are still young”. By Laura-May Louw, BASI Pilates Instructor.


Can help improve your health?


emer has testimonials from a number of clients ranging from diabetes sufferers whose limbs have been saved to people suffering from back and heart problems.

The basis of the way it works is that because you are made up of thousands of electrically charged cells which need oxygen and nutrients to survive. Our current stressful lifestyles affect our cell’s ability to function properly. The cellular or chemical energy (ATP) generated inside your cells is a fascinating process, however factors such as high stress (which cause high acidity), poor diet, which provides less nutrients and lack of exercise, which reduces oxygen intake, creates an undesirable environment for proper cell function as it leads to less energy production in our cells. The end result is eventually a decrease in vitality and degenerative and chronic diseases in both humans and animals. What BEMER does is simply activate our poorly functioning cells thereby improving energy levels which activates the body’s own healing capability. In a sense it helps the body to “fight its own battles”!

BEMER gives our body’s cells the oxygen it needs by significantly improving blood circulation. It improves cell metabolism and improves the bloods ability to transport this available oxygen and strengthens the body’s immune system (by releasing T-cells). It does not replace existing medical treatment or examination by a qualified practitioner, nor is it able to “heal” the body but rather it enables the body to look after itself through the process of activating the body’s own cellular energy. If your cells are healthy you are healthy and painful symptoms are often removed. BEMER is used by various medical practitioners including physiotherapists, sports coaches, trainers and GP’s. It is used to treat a wide range of conditions from sports injuries to post-operative recovery, pain management clinics, health spas and even improving bone density. BEMER is painless, non-invasive gentle and natural. It treats the cause and not just the symptoms. It is amazing how a product such as this which is completely natural, safe and has no side-effects can achieve so much in such a simple way! By Yvette Mommsen

Patrizia Mariani 031 5732988 / 082 4445506 Dr David Dyson 031 4694192 / 083 7788676 BREATHE WINTER 2011


URINARY TRACT infections


elieve it or not but UTI’s are the most common form of infections in the world, affecting mostly women. A UTI is an infection anywhere along the urinary tract including the kidneys, ureters, bladder and prostate in men.

UTI’s are caused by a number of factors, but the majority are caused by the E.Coli bacteria. This bacteria is normally found in the gastrointestinal tract and on the skin around the rectal area. Other causes range from something as simple as not emptying the bladder properly (urine cannot remain sterile when it remains in the bladder for a long time) through to candida, parasites (worms) and even viruses such as Herpes simplex. Most recurring UTI’s recur within 3 – 6 weeks of taking an antibiotic for a previous UTI which then creates a cycle of infections and damage to the bladder lining and urethra. Infections of the bladder or urethra occur when the large intestine bacteria take over. This is most common amongst women due to a shorter urethra. Condoms or bruising from intercourse can also cause a UTI as well as Diabetes Mellitus where glucose spills over into the urine which bacteria feed off. Symptoms vary but a UTI normally involves a frequent and urgent desire to urinate, accompanied by burning and pain. Urine often has a strong, unpleasant odour and may appear cloudy or tinged with blood. If you have contracted an Upper UTI or kidney infection (mostly from a complication of a lower UTI) then symptoms could be a fever, nausea, vomiting and sweating. Urinary tract infections are becoming more difficult to treat through antibiotics. It is recommended that the correct supplementation be tried before the use of antibiotics because only a few antibiotics actually reach the right levels in the urinary tract. This is partly due to the fact that most of the newer drugs unfortunately do not focus directly on the urinary tract but rather throughout the body. Another reason is that bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics! The bacteria often attach to the linings of the urinary tract and resist antibiotics in this way. This is where treatment through supplementing with Cranberry and D-Mannose is most effective as they actually prevent the E.Coli bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder or urinary tract, inhibiting bacterial growth. The aim is to pass the bacteria from the body through the urine so that no infection will be able to sustain itself. D-Mannose is an exciting nutrient and is actually a sugar that passes through the body. E.coli attach to D-mannose more readily than the bladder wall and are therefore removed from the wall and passed out along with the urine. It is not metabolised by the body and has no side effects. Cranberry is also rich in Vitamin C which produces an antibacterial effect. Urinary specific probiotics are needed to restore friendly bacteria and fight infection.



This is especially necessary if you are taking antibiotics. Bearberry acts as a natural diuretic to flush out bacterial infection and therefore also helps to eradicate E.Coli bacteria. Lastly, Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal, which promotes healing and removes pathogens.” The advantage of taking a programme of supplements such as these is that, not only do they have no side effects, but they dramatically reduce the risk of recurrent UTI’s. You can therefore heal your body and move forward to build a stronger you with a stronger immune system.




n today’s fast paced way of living the last thing we want is to add yet more stress. You want to do something good for yourself and live a healthier life and if the environment benefits at the same time it would be ideal.

Having made the decision to live a healthy lifestyle, you go to a health food shop. Hmmm... from left and right you are bombarded by unknown products in beautiful packaging, with unpronounceable names. What is worse, all of them seem imperative to good health. It all seems too complicated, too expensive, and too much. There are a few simple basic guides when choosing what is truly good for you. 1. UNPROCESSED: Living organically and naturally is simple. Fruit and vegetables in their natural state are recognisable without a degree in science. Organic produce (labelled as such) will tell you that the food is grown without health damaging poisons so chances are you benefit 100% from their nutrients. Highly processed and heated food, pre prepared meals off the shelf, canned food, things in crinkly



paper etc. are not as good for you. The closer a food is to its raw state the better. Eat salads and steamed veggies, make smoothies and eat plain, simple fruit. 2. FRESH: The freshest, cheapest and best organic guarantee is from your own garden. Then there is produce from your local farmer’s market or green grocer. Ask them if there are any organic vegetables available. In South Africa today there are many options in this regard. Then there are supermarkets which stock organically certified produce. 3. MODERATION: Be moderate about your choices. The minute we make anything a dogma it becomes a burden. We all know what is right and wrong and most of us know that a banana is better for us than a banana float with double crème. Day to day, our choices should be consciously made and move us towards healthful, vitalitygiving foods….but a good party, once in a while, with all the trimmings is not only fun but very good for the spirit. Finally, we should try to remember that we are, in the words of a friend “human BEINGS and not human Doings!” Take time out to still your thoughts; enjoy your friends and family; take up a hobby or rekindle your passion for something once enjoyed but long forgotten AND most of all, remember TO EAT YOUR GREENS! By Eva Mullar, Earthmother Organic

Magnesium The Lamp of Life


agnesium is absolutely essential for good health, yet due to the decreasing mineral content in our foods, most of us are severely deficient in this beautiful mineral. In addition, stress, caffeine, sugar, oral contraceptives, intense exercise, surgery and compromised gastrointestinal health all contribute further to magnesium depletion. This lifesaving mineral is nothing short of a miracle when it comes to treating acute and chronic diseases and rejuvenating the aging body. Inside our bodies, magnesium is found mostly in our bones, but also in our muscles and in other cell types and body fluids. Like all minerals, magnesium cannot be made in our body and so needs to be plentiful – especially in our diet, in order to stay healthy. Some of the deficiency symptoms include muscle weakness or spasm, heart arrhythmia or increased heart rate, weak bones, unstable blood sugar and high blood pressure. There are so many more, which just shows how important this mineral is in every day life! So, what exactly does this mineral do for us? Probably the most common function of magnesium is that it has the ability to relax our muscles. (think of “Milk of Magnesia” which is used



as a laxative by relaxing the muscles around the intestine). Magnesium and Calcium always work together by sending messages to each other. Magnesium serves as a chemical gate blocker preventing calcium from activating the nerve cell thus keeping the nerve relaxed. The opposite effect would cause the muscles to over-contract, especially if there is not enough magnesium in the body. Over 300 different enzymes in the body depend on magnesium to function. Magnesium even helps genes to function properly as well as our heart, digestive system, nerves and muscles, kidneys, liver, hormone-secreting glands and our brain! Another very interesting and important function of magnesium is for bone health and formation. It is often not emphasised how important the role of magnesium is for bone health! Unabsorbed calcium can lodge in the soft tissues of the body and cause a variety of problems such as kidney stones, cataracts, wrinkled skin, bone spurs, hardening of the arteries and arthritis. Magnesium ensures that calcium is stored in the bones and not the soft tissues. Furthermore, a study done by Dr Barnett on 5000 people showed that severe osteoporosis sufferers had 50% less magnesium in their bones (there was little difference in the calcium content) In fact Dr Kathryn Ryder found that “For every 100 mg per day increase in Mg,

there was an approximate 2% increase in whole-body bone mineral density.”

Journal of the American Geriatric Society (November, Vol 53, No 11, pp 1875-1880).

Are there any other functions for magnesium in the body? Absolutely! The list goes on. The antioxidant, glutathione, which protects our cells from toxins and heavy metals, requires magnesium for synthesis.

[14] Iseri, Lloyd T., et al. Magnesium therapy of cardiac arrhythmias in critical-care medicine. Magne-

Manz, M., et al. Behandlung von herzrhythmusstorungen mit magnesium. Deutsche Medi Wochenschrifte, Vol. 115, No. 10, March 9, 1990, pp. 386-90 sium, Vol. 8, 1989, pp. 299-306 inted in the Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine, and the Bulletin of the French Association for the Study of Cancer in July, 1931. (Magnesium and the inflammatory response: Potential physiopathological implications. Andrzej Mazura, Jeanette A.M. Maierb, Edmond Rocka, Elyett Gueuxa, Wojciech Nowackic and Yves Rayssiguiera.

Magnesium is also needed by the enzymes that counteract inflammation in the body. This is important, as these enzymes decrease as we age, which is why healing takes longer and may cause inflammatory conditions to become chronic. The digestive system, endocrine system, cardio vascular system, muscles, kidneys, liver and brain all rely on magnesium to carry out their metabolic function – thus without magnesium nothing would function correctly.

University of Milan, Department of Preclinical Sciences, Milan, Italy, Magnesium and inflammation: lessons from animal models Clin Calcium. 2005 Feb;15(2):245-8. Review. Japanese.PMID: 15692164 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE) (Virginia Minnich, M. B. Smith, M. J. Brauner, and Philip W. Majerus. Glutathione biosynthesis in human erythrocytes. Department of Internal Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, J Clin Invest. 1971 March; 50(3): 507–513)

Studies have shown an association between magnesium and ADHD, depression, anxiety and many other neurological disorders. Researchers have concluded that magnesium is useful in preventing death from a heart attack as well as protecting against future heart attacks. Magnesium truly is a cellular tonic and there are literally hundreds of reasons for supplementing this amazing mineral. We need only look at the vast range of symptoms of a magnesium deficiency to understand why it is known as ‘The most beautiful metal’ that restores life and energy to the mind, body and skin! By Shiloh Vermaak



KZN’s exhibition of Healthy Living Breathe expo is a relaxing day out to embrace all that is healthy and walk away feeling refreshed and inspired. Meet with the experts… Nutrition Supplementation Complementary health Exercise

Discover the products… Health products Natural and organic products Eco friendly products Beauty

Pure inspiration! 16 & 17 July Makaranga, Kloof 10am – 4pm daily Contact Camilla on 0783398300




shakes and supplementation for the Healthy Athlete Article written by

Russell White Coach


here is a lot of discussion and debate in recent times around the topic ‘healthy diet’. Lat-

est research shows that maintaining a healthy diet aids in lowering many chronic health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. In my years of experience and practice as a coach in the sporting industry I have found that a balanced diet is key to an athlete’s performance. Athletes are always looking for a ‘quick fix’ in the form of a pill or shake to boost their performance; when in actual fact all they need is a balanced diet. The hype and buzz around ‘protein shakes’ all emerged due to this need for a ‘quick fix’. However, research has shown that ingesting large amounts of protein causes acidity in the blood, where the body in turn absorbs calcium from the bones in an attempt to neutralize the acidity. Calcium deficiencies can set in and result in symptoms such as muscle cramps, muscle aches, muscle pain, muscle twitching, muscle spasms, insomnia, and general fatigue. These are common symptoms among most athletes. Severe calcium loss can further lead to diseases such as osteoporosis. The contents of protein shakes is another factor hidden from the athlete. Unfortunately consumer reports and tests have found fillers, chemicals and additives such as cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury in some protein shakes.

What the everyday athlete needs to be made aware of is that although their bodies are in need of extra protein compared to the sedentary individual, the answer lies in following a healthy diet where protein is added through natural means of eggs, chicken, fish, beans, lentils, Quinoa, rather than a chemically produced protein shake. Again stick to organic and free range wherever you can, i.e. eggs, chicken, fish, beans, lentils, Quinoa etc. After When an athlete is unable to consume enough protein, and a protein shake becomes the only source, then the athlete needs to make sure it is a pure form of protein, free of chemicals, and made from vegetables, with balanced amino acids.




GOJI berries – 5 years on and still going strong

2006 was the first year that South African customers were exposed to goji berries – the highly nutritious “SUPERFOOD”. What makes these super berries so amazing that they have remained popular for so long, even through a global recession in South Africa and worldwide?

all is the low GI glycoprotein complex known as LBP (lycium barbarum polysaccharides). Research has shown that vitamins in their natural form and consumed in wholefoods, are more bio-available and more easily absorbed. This is why we recommend people eat healthy foods especially superfoods, such as goji berries, to boost nutrients that are lacking.

Real people real miracles Over the years we have been exposed to many amazing stories of people and the healings that they attribute to goji berries. • A lady whose immune system was too low to be able to take ARVs

Natural Multi-vitamin Goji berries are basically a natural multi-vitamin with added extras – one of the highest known sources of antioxidants, a range of B vitamins, more Vitamin C than oranges, Vitamin E, more beta-carotene than carrots, a complete protein source (all essential amino acids), essential fatty acids, more iron than red meat and most intriguing of

took goji berries. This boosted her immune system, allowing her to take the ARVs and in turn prolonging her life. • Several people associating their eczema vanishing with their increased intake of goji berries. • Numerous individuals have lowered their blood pressure with goji berries • Many people have attributed goji berries with an increase in energy throughout the day and for their gym training. • There are some people who even correlate the disappearance of their arthritis with an increased consumption of goji berries.

How to use Goji berries are traditionally used in the East for teas, juices and some alcoholic beverages (not recommended), whereas in South Africa, they are often used in smoothies, mueslis, chutneys, muffins, snack, coated in dark coated chocolate or adventurous cooking recipes. Whichever way you prefer to consume goji berries, make sure that you source the best quality, organic goji berries. Discerning users of goji berries consider the larger berries to be of higher quality. Organic certification ensures that the goji berry is pesticide, GMO free and only full of wholesome goodness! By Steph Martin, Lifestyle Health Ballito.



‘Endangered’ honey Honey is truly one of nature’s superfoods; an incredibly nutritious gift that provides numerous immune-boosting, wound-healing and health-promoting benefits. It is a precious resource that, once abundantly available, is now diminishing in supply.


olony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is the devastating but mysterious phenomenon of rapidly disappearing honeybees. Almost overnight a teeming colony of bees will unexplainably abandon their CCD-infected hive, leaving only a few dead or dying occupants behind. Beekeepers are left confused and honey-less while farmers begin to worry about the pollination of their crops. The future implications of CCD could not only see honey disappearing off our shelves altogether, it has the even more threatening potential to drastically affect our food supply and endanger our natural environment. While many changes need to be made in terms of taking care of our natural environment, supporting small-scale beekeeping companies is possibly one way to help reverse the decline in bee populations. Such apiaries practice sustainable and eco-friendly methods of constructing and setting up their beehives in order to create the

most natural environment possible for the bees. The hives are carefully monitored and maintained and, once positioned in an apiary production site, are not moved again. This protects the bees from being placed under any undue stress which in turn prevents the hive from being opened up to any infection or disease such as CCD. Therefore purchasing honey from sustainable apiaries will help alleviate the problem of CCD. In terms of your health, research reveals that the true benefits of honey are experienced when it is consumed in its purest form, Raw, this means unheated, unpasteurized and unprocessed. Raw honey is a powerful way to enhance the immune system and also to help reduce allergy symptoms for those seasonal sufferers. Local honey contains a small amount of pollen from flowering plants in the region which boosts immunity against local allergens. By Stephanie Martin


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Foolproof tips on growing your own veggies.

Tanya Visser, gardening expert and editor of The Gardener magazine speaks to us on how to grow your own vegetables successfully.

Interview with Tanya Visser:

1. In your experience what is the simplest way to produce your own vegetables successfully. Always start off small – it’s like eating an elephant, you do it bit by bit! The most common mistake is making the veggie garden too big – as a first timer this can set you up for disaster. So start off small, about 10 square metres is more than enough, although for virgin veggie growers I suggest beginning with containers or raised gardens. Where you position the garden is critical: it’s much like buying a home or business – the three golden rules to success are location, location, location! Veggie gardens need to be in the full sun – this is critical. If you want to begin with some sort of containerised garden then take a look at some of the innovative solutions that can make growing vegetables really simple – take a look at and www.birdiesgardenproducts.

2. What is the step-by-step method for someone starting their vegetable garden for the first time? 1. Choose a sunny spot. 2. It must be easy to access so ideally it should be close to your kitchen. Let’s face it, who is going to walk to the end of the garden in the dark to pick a sprig of thyme? 3. Start off small, choosing only a few veggies and herbs. I suggest planting young seedlings bought from your local garden centre. Also, plant the things you love to eat; it’s no good planting peppers if you don’t use them! 4. When planting in containers or any raised gardens, use a mixture of potting soil and compost in equal quantities. 5. Keep the seedlings well watered; this is critical. Generally, a good watering every second day is necessary. (During the winter months in KZN the weather can be quite mild, so you’ll probably get by if you miss a day or two here and there.)



6. Pick the veggies when they reach their prime and use them!

3. What is involved with maintaining the garden, any do’s and don’ts? It’s really simple: keep them well watered and remove any weeds that pop up. (Weeds compete for light, nutrients and space, and thus compromise the growth of your veggies.) The best form of maintenance is preventive: take a walk around your garden every morning while you are enjoying your cup of coffee and check for potential problems such as caterpillars, aphids or fungus. Aphids can washed off with a strong jet of water, or an insecticide such as Eco Insect Control (Reg. no: L 7232) or Margaret Roberts Biological caterpillar insecticide (Reg. no L 7112). The active ingredient in the latter is biological and an indication of its safety is the fact that you can harvest vegetables directly after applying it. Planting marigolds in between your new veggies is a good way of warding off pests.

4. When is it best to plant? Any recommendations for June, July and August? The winter months in KZN are kind to veggies and herbs. Herbs look better in the cooler temperatures and they sometimes even taste better. Lettuce does extremely well, and you could also try planting brinjals (also called eggplants and aubergines), tomatoes (start off with the bite-sized varieties), beans, broccoli and cabbage.

5. Any tips on fertilisers, seeds etc? How to choose them, where to get them etc. I strongly recommend the organic products, with this in mind for fertilizing I would go with one of the following options: Rapid raiser – an organic fertiliser in pellet form, or Nitrosol – a liquid fertiliser that one simply dilutes with water and applies. Also, get a worm farm – this is as important to your veggie garden as bread is to making a good Durban bunny! With a worm farm you can recycle the organic waste from your kitchen and in return you get valuable liquid fertiliser and compost (for free from those worms!). Check out for worm farm options. When you grow from seed then only use those from reputable seed merchants, such as MayFord, BallStraathof and Stark Ayres. A big mistake is to ‘go moggy’ in front of the seed stand and end up buying far too many varieties. This means most of those little seeds never make it to the veggie garden and go to waste. Also, only sow small amounts of seed at a time – otherwise what are you going to do with 397 cabbage plants?

1. Plant nasturtiums. Aphids are attracted to nasturtiums, which means they stay away from your veggies. 2. Mulching is critical. Mulching basically involves applying a layer of organic material around your plants (covering the soil). This organic material can be compost, leaves or lawn clippings. Mulching reduces watering as it traps in the moisture; it also stops weed seeds from germinating and keeps the soil temperature constant. 3. Rotate your crops. If you have planted a ‘top’ veggie, such as lettuce, in a space then the next crop should be a root veggie, such as beetroot or carrots. 4. Companion planting is a good practice – an example of this would be to plant beans next to sweetcorn. Broccoli goes well with celery, dill, rosemary and sage. 8. What are your thoughts on turning the soil? Turning the soil is an ‘old school’ form of gardening. It is generally believed that it is far more beneficial to adopt the ‘no dig’ method, and only turn the soil when preparing beds for the first time. Once this has been done, all one does is plant new seedlings through the layers of mulch. (If you are planting seeds and not seedlings then you do have to plant in finely worked soil.) Basically, the reason to avoid turning the soil is that the top layer of soil contains millions of good micro-organisms that are essential if your soil is to be healthy.

9. Are there any natural pest repellents that are good to plant alongside your vegetables? (I heard wild garlic is good?) Yes, many gardeners swear by the repellent properties of some plants and the beneficial effects of companion planting. Wormwood is a good insect repellent and so is khakibos, which helps to ward off the baddies if you plant it around your seedlings. Marigolds do the same. Also, try planting some of these combinations: • Swiss chard with beetroot, onions and cabbage • Tomatoes with mint, cucumbers, basil, beans, carrots and peppers

6. Any products that you consider are good options to make the whole process more easier, more successful? (like the Home Organic systems?) Yes, the Home Organic option is awesome. It is easy to assemble, compact, available in various sizes from a simple 4-box system to a large 16-box system. It even has an irrigation system linked to it so all you have to do is turn on the tap (and if necessary you can get a Gardena timer to do that for you). Most importantly, you can get the monkey proof option which is covered with netting that stops the inquisitive little guys from getting in and destroying all your hard work.

7. Do you recommend permaculture (am I correct in thinking that this is when you mix all the vegetables up)? Yes, that is a part of it, and it is a particularly rewarding system of growing vegetables. Here are a few tips. BREATHE WINTER 2011


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31 21





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