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from Back to School 2021
Technology Department
The Technology Department at Taos Municipal Schools is committed to creating a collaborative, anytime/ anywhere learning environment for all students. Allowing students and teachers to implement transformative uses of technology, enhancing student engagement with content and developing self-directed and lifelong learners. Our Digital Learning plan (DLP) sets the vision around technology use within our district, it focuses on four primary areas. Internet and Wireless Network partnered with Taos Net, Kit Carson, AT&T and T-Mobile Technology equipment 1:1 device for all students partnered with Apple and Dell Network infrastructure and device management partnered with SHARP USA Technology PD training for all staff, students and guardians partnered with Community Tech Solutions
School Messenger
School Messenger is the way that we communicate urgent messages and special events directly with you (K-12). School Messenger sends alerts to your home phone, cell phone, or via text message and you may choose the delivery option that works best for your family. Please contact the main office at your child’s school to make sure that we have your current cell phone number, email, and emergency contact information for your child.
Website: TaosSchools.org
Our mobile-friendly website has useful information for prospective new and returning students and families, taosschools.org showcases the good work of students and staff and highlights stories and news from each school. Our website offers many resources: our district calendar, school board policies, and board meeting information, school breakfast and lunch menus, community links and resources, useful documents and forms, along with general contact information, and links to the systems we use to communicate. Each school has a page which is regularly updated with links to lunch menus, general forms, supply lists, contact lists, and an events calendar that you can sync to your own calendar.
Office 365
Students in grades K-12th, will use Microsoft Office365 to enable teachers and students to work together collaboratively and securely in the cloud. This supports students with greater information and file access while strengthening 21st Century Learning opportunities.
As parents of students in 6th-12th, you can use PowerSchool to monitor grades and absences. First time users can log on at http://ps.taosschools.org/public/ and then download the App, PowerSchool Mobile, from your preferred App Store. If you set up the Mobile App to allow notifications, PowerSchool will notify you when your student misses a class. If you have questions about grades in PowerSchool, don’t wait, contact your student’s teachers directly.
Students in grades K–12th can access Canvas, the TMS learning management system for blended learning activities developed by their teachers. Canvas extends the boundaries of the classroom allowing students to take their class discussion, resources, and assignments with them wherever they go. Parents can access Canvas too; information will be provided in August to create parent accounts.
Social Media
We use social media venues: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to communicate up-to- date information, announce events, and share in celebrations. Like and follow your child’s school’s Facebook page from the Facebook link on their school page of taosschools.org. By using the official names of the Taos Schools Facebook Pages below, you will be able to connect to your student’s school’s page.
Taos Schools Official Facebook Pages
Taos Municipal Schools Arroyos del Norte Elementary Enos Garcia Elementary Ranchos Elementary Taos Middle School Taos High School Taos Tiger Athletics The Technology Department at Taos Municipal Schools is committed to creating a collaborative, anytime/anywhere learning environment for all students. Allowing students and teachers to implement transformative uses of technology, enhancing student engagement with content and developing self-directed and lifelong learners. Our Digital Learning plan (DLP) sets the vision around technology use within our district, it focuses on four primary areas.
What tools are available to your family for 2021-2022?
Student Office365 Account Parent and Student Canvas/ PowerSchool Account School Messenger School Website Let’s Talk Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
NEW! Let’s Talk!
Let’s Talk! from K12 Insight, is a customer service and community engagement solution that makes it easy for community members to connect with school and district leaders at their convenience.
What to expect:
Every student will attend a technology orientation with a guardian before receiving a device. Grades: K-2 iPads Grades: 3-5 Chromebooks Grades: 6-12 MacBook Airs Every student will need a laptop backpack/case. Every student will have a tech fee.
Coming Soon:
Network upgrade and infrastructure will be in place to support our 1:1 model. Higher speed internet at each of our school sites. TMSD device buyback program. Device ready for college program, details coming at a later date. Tiger Tech internship class at THS.
Maria Jeantete
Technology Coordinator
Greetings Peñasco Schools Community, Welcome to the 21-22 school year! It is with great pleasure that I return to my home district and connect with former colleagues, students and families. Staff and I have been working diligently to prepare this school year with a few new rigorous and exciting programs and a few new course offerings which will expand students’ learning opportunity while we support writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading across all content areas. Programs will include intervention and enrichment opportunities, Career & Technical Education courses (7-12) and College & Career Readiness courses to all K-12th grade students. We also plan to expand our afterschool co-curricular and extra-curricular clubs to further engage and expose students. We will focus to improve our district’s Leadership, Culture, Systems and Instructional Programs. We will be assessing and making gradual adjustments where needed to improve the effectiveness of our schools which will improve your child’s success. We will be inviting parents and students to participate in these conversations and encourage you to participate. Returning to full on-campus learning August 11th, we will still have an emergency COVID safety plan in place and wait for NMPED guidance with new toolkit/info for return. Additional information regarding a student remote option will be shared as we learn more from NMPED and our board of education plan. Thank you to everyone who has participated in school and district preparation. My very best to all as we commence the new year. Respectfully,
Melissa Sandoval, Superintendent
Dear Peñasco Parents and Community, As principal of Peñasco Elementary, it is an honor and pleasure to welcome everyone back for an amazing school year. We will continue to move forward after facing a a very challenging year. We are super excited to have students back in our classrooms and hallways, filling them with energy and enthusiasm for learning. It is our school vision to build a strong community, where goals, opportunities, and ambition meet! Even though I have only had limited interactions with teachers and parent thus far, I can already tell how dedicated our teachers are. They have been attending trainings, preparing their classrooms, and planning with our children and vision in mind. Furthermore, it is evident that Peñasco Elementary is a family, and that is heartwarming. My name is Michelle Gonzales, and I am honored and humbled to serve as the elementary principal for Peñasco. I have been in education for the past 17 years, as a teacher, instructional coach, and as an administrator. I wholeheartedly believe that every student deserves a quality education, and this happens when we work together as one team. We will celebrate student successes, small and large and remind them that they are valued and that each of them has a special place at our school. I will be here to support families and staff so that we are successful, in turn putting our children in best possible position to be successful. I look forward to meeting all of you and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or ideas you would like to share. Respectfully,
Michelle Gonzales, Elementary Principal
On behalf of the staff of Peñasco Middle and High School staff, I want to welcome back students, parents, and community members to an exciting school year.
We have dubbed this school year as the “Re-building Year.” That means that staff, students, and parents can expect changes to course offerings, clubs, communication, and instruction. District administrators are collaborating to create a rich academic, social, athletic and inclusive environment that is supported by effective and transparent communication. It is our hope that we can return to school with a renewed invigoration that will carry us through the challenges that lay ahead. Please make sure to register your student online or registration forms are available in the middle/high school office. A list of school supplies can be found on the school website’s teacher page. Finally, updates to COVID-safe practices/requirements will be released and shared when the New Mexico Public Education Department provides guidance. School begins, Wednesday, August 11, 2021 and we look forward to seeing each of you. Respectfully,
Nicaea Chávez, Middle and High School Principal | Peñasco ISD