4 minute read
from Back to School 2021
Welcome to the 2021–2022 school year! The Taos Municipal Schools is excited to say we worked very hard to keep everyone safe while we were in the remote model, the hybrid model, and the full entry plan. There were very few COVID-19 cases within the schools, and we are happy to report there were no COVID-19 cases due to school exposure! The team has continued to work diligently to create an updated plan to protect our students and staff while also providing the maximum educational opportunities. We are waiting until we receive the latest guidance, from New Mexico Public Education Department (NM PED) and addition guidelines from the New Mexico Department of Health (NM DOH). Below there are some preliminary guidelines based on current practice but are subject to change as the status of COVID-19 continues to evolve. Also, the updated immunization requirements from the NM DOH. There will be an update prior to school starting on August 12th.
Currently the following are some of the safety/health measures that will take place for students and staff:
Students and staff are required to regularly wash hands and time is provided during the school day to do such or use hand sanitizer when it is not practical to hand wash. All school buildings and busses will be cleaned and sanitized following the latest recommendations from NM PED and NM DOH. Hand sanitizer is provided in each classroom and in main locations throughout all schools and frequently used. All students and staff who are
eligible to be vaccinated are encour-
aged to do so. The school district will continue to sponsor vaccination events to the approved age ranges allowed by the CDC. The district is required to have
staff and students who are not vaccinated participate in ‘random COVID
testing’. The district has staff who are undergoing the training to complete rapid COVID-19 testing within the buildings to help with the ‘random COVID testing’. Parents, you will have a release in your registration packets to give the district permission to have your child participate in this at school testing. At this time, all
students and staff are required
to wear approved masks. If this changes, the district will inform parents and staff of the new guidelines. Social distancing requirements will be updated when new guidelines are provided from NM PED and NM DOH. All individuals, including students
and staff, entering any of the district buildings are still required to have their temperature checked.
Also, register using either the Eagle App (information is posted outside the door and can be done using your ‘Smart Phone’) or complete the survey provided at the entrance. This information is essential to help with weekly state reporting and any contact tracing the district needs to provide to NM DOH. Parents/guardians will be asked to check for COVID-19 symptoms at home prior to departing for school each day. Students and staff will be asked to remain home if sick. Parents/guardians will be allowed in schools by appoint only.
Plan and Prepare
Practice and reinforce good prevention habits with your family:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

If Your School/Childcare Program Is Dismssed...
Keep track of school dismissal updates. Read or watch local media sources that report school dismissals or stay in touch with your school. Taos Schools will continue to support remote learning if mandated by the state due to COVID closures. Duration of school dismissals will be made on a case-by-case basis based on the most upto-date information about COVID-19 and the specific situation in your community. Students and staff should be prepared for durations that could last several days. Administrators will work with their local health authorities to determine duration of dismissals.
Keep Your Child at Home If Sick with Any Illness
If your child is sick, keep them
at home and contact your health-
care provider. Talk with teachers about classroom assignments and activities they can do from home to keep up with their schoolwork. Be prepared if your child’s school or childcare facility is temporarily dismissed. Talk with your employer about sick leave and telework options in case you need to stay home with your child. Consider planning for alternate childcare arrangements.