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New Mexico Pre-K Programs
We are able to continue to offer the New Mexico Pre-K programs at Enos Garcia and Ranchos Elementary. This is a program designed for fouryear-old students as a full day program Monday thru Thursday. Enos Garcia Elementary will again have three Pre-K classrooms as well as Ranchos Elementary will have two classrooms. Both will have highly qualified pre-school teachers and support staff. With this expansion, we have the continued ability to provide placements for many four-year-old’s in their neighborhood elementary school for the 2020/21 school year. Please remember to contact either Enos Garcia Elementary or Ranchos Elementary and have your child added to the waiting list as soon as possible. Students must be four years old by September 1, 2020 to be eligible for this program.
We are excited that Taos Municipal Schools received a grant from the New Mexico Department of Education to receive new furniture for the Pre-K classrooms along with researched based activities and curriculums to enhance our Pre-K students learning.
In addition, the Pre-K program has received iPads for student use as a learning tool in the event there is the need for distance learning. Taos Municipal Schools continues to partner with YDI Head Start located in the district, to offer programs for three and four-yearold children at both Enos Garcia and Arroyos del Norte Elementary. If you would like to enroll in these programs you can contact Youth Development Inc. at (575) 758-3425. New Mexico Pre-K is a program funded by the New Mexico legislature to provide early intervention services to children who are four years old by September 1 st of the upcoming school year. Program funds allow the district to provide research based best practices in early childhood education to students prior to their entrance into kindergarten. Educational research shows when students are able to attend a preschool program have more success in their school careers and students benefit from additional interventions when needs are identified and supported at an earlier age.

For more information about these programs or to enroll your four-year-old child, contact: Ranchos Elementary School: Cathy Vigil 737-6150 Enos Garcia Elementary School: Nanette Barela 737-6070 TMS Administration: Lynn Brashar 737-6115 NM Pre-K Program Coordinator
The information in this publication is accurate as of the date of publishing and is provided in good faith by Taos Municipal Schools; Information is subject to change without advance notice.