2 minute read

Why UNM-Taos



Many people choose UNM-Taos as a path to broader horizons and a better income, a career change or simply the personal pride that comes from committing to a challenging task and following it through to a


The spectacular, four-season vistas of Taos Valley and the Sangre de Cristo mountains are an inspiration to students, faculty and staff . Why leave town when there is so much to experience here? Most of our classes will be off ered remotely for the time being, but we look forward to being back on campus with you soon. You will understand how tens of millions of well-placed dollars can transform the student experience.

Aff ordability

At $78 per credit hour, we are one of the most aff ordable higher education choices in the state. That’s less than half the cost of most four-year public universities, and when it comes to the private and for-profi t universities, well, they aren’t even in our league. Combine this with a robust scholarship program, fi nancial aid and the opportunity to live at home (we’re the only higher education choice within a 50-mile radius) and you’ll soon see why UNM-Taos is a wise economic choice. successful conclusion. Parents, grandparents and siblings come to UNMTaos to serve as positive role models, knowing that fi rst generation college students make it easier for the next generation to follow.

Some new arrivals to Taos see the UNM-Taos community of learning as a way to get to know the region and its people better, while others want to get that fi rst degree under their belt in order to move on to a four-year university.

That personal touch

We pride ourselves in off ering small classes, because in education a close, one-on-one relationship between student and faculty simply works the best. We have academic advisors, specialized programs, free tutoring, assistance with technology, and library services — all with robust remote platforms — to support you through the learning process.

Quality faculty makes all the diff erence

UNM-Taos is a fully accredited higher education institution as determined by the Higher Learning Commission. Our Master’s and Ph.D. level instructors are trained on online teaching and student engagements, and our faculty-to-student ratio is among the best.

The Community’s College

Our mission is to provide quality, aff ordable education opportunities that transform the lives of our students, enrich the cultural life of our diverse communities, and strengthen the regional economy. We are an open enrollment institution that holds access and diversity in the highest esteem. Get your Associate Degree or Certifi cate here. The path to academic or career success is only limited by your personal needs and determination.

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