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Taos Tiger Athletics
The information in this publication is accurate as of the date of publishing and is provided in good faith by Taos Municipal Schools; Information is subject to change without advance notice.
Calling all Taos Tiger Fans!
This year, Taos Municipal Schools Athletics finds itself in unusual times and in unusual circumstances due to COVID-19. The NMAA and Taos Municipal School District continues to closely monitor COVID-19 and is taking proactive measures to mitigate the impact of the virus. When it comes to decision-making, our commitment is to protect the health and safety of our athletes. Depending on the phase that NMAA places athletics in, will determine how the District will conduct our “Return to Play” activities. Currently, as per the governor’s directive, high contact sports such as soc
cer and football will not be played in the fall, but that does not mean that these two sports will not be played during the 2020-2021 school year. The mission of Taos Tiger Athletics is to continue to provide athletes with experiences that offer all students with additional opportunities to develop their physical and mental capacities beyond those provided by our fine academic programs. Furthermore, through sports and other extracurricular activities, students may learn the value of hard work, discipline, team building, sportsmanship, leadership, and other positive attributes that strengthen one’s character. The Athletic Department will strive to provide students with the best possible opportunity for a rewarding and positive experience. As “Return to Play” activities resume and if events are open to the public, Taos Municipal Schools Athletics will continue to provide exciting ways for fans to participate and cheer on our Taos Tigers. Plans will be implemented to maintain social distancing at our venues, provide cashless preferred options for purchasing tickets, and online streaming. To participate in Taos Municipal Schools (TMS) athletic programs, both the student- athlete and parents/guardians must complete the TMS Athletic Participation Forms, and the student-athlete must have insurance. This year, physical examinations will work slightly different in that an athlete’s prior physical examination will be carried over unless the athlete has never participated in sports before or has had an injury. All paperwork needed can be picked from the athletic director’s office located on the second floor of Taos High School or can be found at www.taosschools.org on the Athletics Page. These forms must be filled out completely and returned to the athletic office or coach before the studentathlete is allowed the privilege to participate in any of our programs. For more information please call 751-8030.
$300.00 – Family All Sports Pass (Includes 2 Adults, 2 Students) $150.00 – 1 Adult Sports Pass $ 75.00 – 1 Student, Military, or Senior (65+) All Sports Pass All Sports Passes are good for all athletic events at both the high school and middle school except any district tournament or state tournament events.

Adults - $5.00 Students, Military, or Senior (65+) - $3.00 MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETIC EVENTS
Adults - $3.00 Students, Military, or Senior (65+) - $2.00 Businesses or Community Members, if you would like to sponsor Taos Tiger Athletics, please take note that we only use Excite Fundraising for our schedule posters and events tickets, and we use All-American Publishing and Primetime Advertising for our game spirit items. Should you be contacted by any other company, please check with the athletic office before advertising with the company. I wish the best of luck to all the teams and look forward to exceptional competition and sportsmanship. So, come out and support all our teams and cheer them on to victory!
Good Luck and GO TIGERS!!!!
Mae A. LaBella, Ed.D.
Taos High School Athletic/Activities Director
maelab@taosschools.org 575-751-8030 Office | 575-770-1212 Cell 575-751-8052 Fax
The Taos Municipal Schools affirms the right of every student to participate in interscholastic athletic programs without regard to gender, race, religion, or creed. We support the regulations and spirit of Title IX legislation and do not limit one sex in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity.