Annual Report 2015
Annual Report Safdarjung Hospital and Vardhman Mahavir Medical College
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Safdarjung Hospital and Vardhman Mahavir Medical College
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India
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Na twaham kamaye rajyam na swargam na-apunarbhavam. Kaamaye dukha-taptanam praninamarti naashanam. I do not desire to be a ruler of a kingdom, neither do I long for heaven, nor do I ask for deliverance. I simply yearn to alleviate the pain, suffering and misery of my fellow beings. Bhagavad 9:21:12
Annual Report 2015 Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
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A Safdarjung Hospital, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India Publication, 2016 This document has been typeset in US English Editor-in-Chief: Dr Yatish Agarwal Copy Editors: Dr Bindusar Kalita, Ashwani Mokadam Reviewers: Dr Renuka Sharma, Dr BB Thukral, Dr Shibdas Chakrabarti, Dr Mukul Sinha Production: The Art Studio, Eshu Graphic & Printer; Email: eshugraphic0107@gmail.com Art Work Cover: Hemant Bhatnagar Art Editors: Virender Chauhan, Tapas Sarkar Credits and courtesies: Nature photographs: Dr Dinesh Singal, Dr Rajesh Kalra, Dr Sanjay Jain, Apoorv Agarwal Historical pictures, collages and other images: US Army Signal Corps, National Archives and Records Administration, United States: Anjana Sharma, Archivist, Embassy of United States of America in India; Sgt. Stephen Palinkas, CBI Round Up, 1942; Dr VH Talib; Mahender Singh, Ashoo Sharma, Safdarjung Hospital; Photo Division, The President House; Photo Division, Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India; Hemant Bhatnagar; Abhimanyu Sinha, Hindustan Times; Tapas Sarkar; Virender Chauhan Š No part of this document may be reproduced without the permission of the Art Studio and Editor-in-Chief. Errors or omissions, if any, are purely unintentional, and may kindly be brought to the notice of the Editor-in-Chief for necessary correction. Please write to: dryatishagarwal@gmail.com
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Contents Part One
The Institution Temple of Faith and Hope
Anil K Rai
The Retrospective
From Barracks to Medical City
Yatish Agarwal
Of Glory and Pride
Footprints in the Sands of Time
Anil K Rai
Scroll of Honor
A Salute to the Timeless Contribution
Yatish Agarwal
The Rising Star
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College
NN Mathur
A time to bid Adieu!
Anil K Rai
Welcome aboard!
Anil K Rai
The Management Team
Part Two
The Departments Basic Sciences Anatomy 40 | Physiology 44 | Biochemistry 47 | Pathology 50 Microbiology 54 | Pharmacology 58 | Community Medicine 61 Forensic Medicine 65
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Medicine and Allied Fields
Medicine 68 | Cardiology 73 | Dermatology 75 | Endocrinology 79 Hematology 81 | Medical Oncology 83 | Nephrology 85 Neurology 87 | Pediatrics 89 | Psychiatry 93 Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine 95 | Radiotherapy 98 Apex Regional Sexually Transmitted Infections Research Centre 100
Surgical Sciences
Surgery 106 |Burns, Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery 110 Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery 115 | Cancer Surgery 116 Dental Surgery 117 | Neurosurgery 119 | Obstetrics and Gynecology 121 Ophthalmology 127 | Central Institute of Orthopedics 130 Otorhinolaryngology 136 | Pediatric Surgery 140 Sports Injury Centre 143 |Urology and Renal Transplant 145
Samaritan Sciences
Accident and Emergency Services 152 Anesthesiology and Intensive Care 154 Blood Bank 159 | Radiodiagnosis 160 | Nuclear Medicine 165 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 167 Part Three
Congratulations and Jubilations The Academic Cell Report
The Graduating Scholars’ Roll
The 2008 MBBS Batch 172 | The 2009 MBBS Batch 173 The 2010 MBBS Batch 174 | The 2013 Postgraduates 175 The 2014 Postgraduates 176 | The 2015 Postgraduates 177
Doing us Proud
Part Four
College of Nursing
Part Five
Financials for the FY 2015-16
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Temple of Faith and Hope Prof AK Rai
he mellow music of temple bells, maulavi saab’s ‘azaan’ calling the faithful for worship, and the sweet melody of gurbani! As I pen this preface, few sounds could be more solemnly sweet than this. Several thoughts cross my mind, but this surely must be providence that these notes of faith happen to be my companions at this hour. A physician must carry the same devotion, commitment, piety, humility and sobriety while attending to his job. Only if he does so, would he deserve the eulogy the old school reserved for him. 6
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
The Prayer A hospital is just like a temple. A shrine of faith and hope, where people of all ages, of all creeds, of all beliefs, come to find succor. This is particularly true for a medical institution which carries a people-centric philosophy and is of the magnitude of Safdarjung Hospital. A common man’s hospital, where no patient has to think if they can afford the treatment, where most services are delivered free of cost or at extremely low cost to the patient, where
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no patient is turned back for the lack of beds, and where no difference exists whether a patient has less means or more, the hospital has had a steadily increasing footfall from the day it began to function (Table 1). The hospital today attends to over 8,000 outpatients a day, offers round-the-clock accident and emergency services, and nurses more than 2,000 patients in its overworked wards. If numbers can be a pointer, the hospital has since 1960 chronicled a near nine-fold increase in the number of annual outpatient footfall and a similar growth in its annual inpatient admission numbers. In the year that just went by, the hospital attended to nearly 3 million outpatients, admitted more than 1,50,000 patients and carried out over 26,000 deliveries. These numbers narrate a story, and are surely a most satisfying exposition of people’s faith and hope in the healthcare we provide. Notwithstanding this endeavor, we still have miles and miles to go. To be more patient-friendly, the outdated physical structure of the hospital needs a major rebuilding and reorganization, but equally, the physicians, nurses and paramedics must solemnly affirm to be true to their commitment, caring of their patients, and strong not to yield to the evils of complacency, mediocrity and greed.
The religion is universal, and the prayer is best enunciated in the Upanishads, which extol: Sarve bhavantu sukhinah Sarve santu nirāmayāh Sarve bhadrāni paśyantu Mā kashchit duhkha bhāgbhavet translated thus:
May all be happy, May all be free from disease, May all experience what is good, May no one suffer.
The Virtues The pleasures, regrets, reveries, changing skies of the social order notwithstanding, we must recognize that the divinity of the profession lies in freeing people of their pain, suffering and sorrow and in seeing them smile again. This embodies the essence of the profession we have chosen, and what we must practice. Let us be
Number of Beds
Annual Outpatient Attendance
Annual Number of Inpatient Admissions
Annual Number of Deliveries
Annual Number of Emergencies
Table 1
Patient Care Statistics Safdarjung Hospital 1950–2015
Source: Agarwal VC, Devi Satya V. Medical Records Department. *Data for the years is not available.
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compassionate and caring to those who make us feel good; it is they who make our souls blossom. Some years ago, the celebrated Anglo-American poet, WH Auden, had this to say about those who practice medicine: "A doctor, like anyone else who has to deal with human beings, each of them unique, cannot be a scientist; he is either, like the surgeon, a craftsman, or, like the physician and the psychologist, an artist. . . . This means that in order to be a good doctor a man must also have a good character, that is to say, whatever weaknesses and foibles he may have, he must love his fellow human beings in the concrete and desire their good before his own." If you can come true to these thoughts, you would amass the riches no one can match.
The Quest The wise have said, things that have come into being change continually. So must medicine. The real community of man . . . is the community of those who seek the truth. So must you. To these elementaries, append the thoughts of Benjamin Franklin, who wrote: "Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned. Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich. Be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy. Be in general virtuous, and you
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
will be happy. At least you will, by such conduct, stand the best chance for such consequences."
The Eleventh Commandment Science knows only one commandment—contribute to science. Think, examine, explore, dwell, and experiment, and who knows, you may make yourself and the institution proud by walking where none others have walked. To give birth to an idea, to discover a great thought, is an intellectual nugget no gold can buy! Let your brain-plough be at work. Modern history records that we have contributed very little in the recent years to the ocean of knowledge in the medical sciences. It is time to return to the old ways. This is the land of Dhanvantri, Devodas (of Benaras), Sushruta, Charaka, Jeevaka, Vagbhata, and others who embodied the same seminal tradition, whose observations and thought have stood the test of time in many spheres of knowledge in medical sciences. The temple bells must ring within, the azaan must be the call from within, and the goodness of gurbani must flood and fill us from within, if we have to find the bliss we seek. Though their notes may change with the years and moods of life, the essence shall not.
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Retrospective From Barracks to Medical City Prof Yatish Agarwal
et’s begin with the beginning of a beginning, the twilight of the dawn, the year 1942. Dark clouds, billowing with smoke of World War II, were hanging heavy over the Eastern hemisphere. The China-Burma-India Theater was a burning cauldron. The axis combat forces were in full battle cry. Men and material were going up in flames, hearts were being torn asunder, and, for the affected, life could not be the same again. Yet, out of this melting pot of unholy fire, human flesh and man’s devious designs, sprung many tales man is proud to narrate. The birth of Safdarjung Hospital is a story such as this. With the casualties mounting and the end of war nowhere in sight, the injured soldiers of the allied forces needed emergency treatment. The US Army Medical Corps and the Air Force Medical Divisions were working 24 × 7. The Army had built many field hospitals, station hospitals and general hospitals for the sick and injured. Of them, one was the 100th Station Hospital in Delhi.
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1 World War II, 1942. The China-Burma-India Theater was in the midst of a hard fought war. 2 Col Robert P Williams, General Stilwell's staff surgeon, and 3 Col John M Tamraz relocated to Delhi in 1942. 4 Under their guidance, the 100th Station Hospital was erected for the US Army soldiers. The Indian stone masons worked laboriously day in and day out to erect the hospital building. 5 Pvt Arnold L Olson takes a stock of the drugs in the hospital pharmacy. 6 The entrance to the 100th Station Hospital. Staffed by expert doctors and nurses and equipped with the best gadgets of the time, the hospital handled US patients from the entire war theater. 7 A peep into the surgical ward! 2nd Lt. Ruth M Howe changes the dressing on a serviceman injured in an air crash. 8 1st Sgt Marvin T Hunn lies prone on the X-ray table, while Corp Emanuel B Rivera peers down at him from behind the lead glass window before pressing the exposure button. Capt Writer has asked for that awful barium meal study!
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1 The injured soldiers were airlifted to the 100th Station Hospital, Delhi. The city's aerodrome, named Willingdon Airfield, was situated less than a mile from the 100th Station Hospital. 2 An injured soldier being brought for treatment. 3 Checking the ticker! Capt Ivan W Scott auscultates the heart of Capt Frank H Waskow. Capt Robert S Crew is by his side. A ward in the barracks. 5 Surgeons hard at work in the operating room. 6 The nurses travelled by bus back and forth between town and the hospital. Janet E Conklin is in the vehicle while Elizabeth Shaunty, Monica L Gabel and Jane D Marsden line up to get in. 7 A public appeal issued by the US Army Nurses Corps urging young women to enroll and serve the injured and sick US soldiers. 8 The Coffee Hour. Miss Betty Luce, of the American Red Cross, served a steaming cup of coffee at 10 am daily to the patients in the hospital.
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The American Hospital Created in May 1942, the plan and construction of this 150 bedded hospital was supervised by many senior officers, including Col Robert P Williams, MC, who was General Stilwell's staff surgeon and had accompanied the General during his retreat on foot from Burma to India. With him was Col John M Tamraz, MC, who became the head of Services of Supply in Delhi in April 1942. The key task Col Tamraz was entrusted with was to establish the station and general hospitals. During the first half of 1942, the British gave hospitalization to 3,000 American troops in India.1, 2 Strategically built close to the city’s lone airstrip, the Willingdon Airfield (now known as Safdarjung Airport), a new hospital rose. Housed in army barracks, it was given the name of 100th Station Hospital.1–3 People of the city called it the American Hospital. The hospital salvaged many brave lives. Several American doctors worked in the
hospital.3 Of them, Dr T Proper, who passed away in 1962, and had been a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, commanded the hospital in 1944.4 The War ended, and soon, India became independent, a master of her own destiny. In 1954, the Government of India decided to dedicate the wartime American hospital to her people.
The Birth With its portals thrown open to the public, the hospital received a new name. It came to be called Safdarjung, after the Mogul general Abul Mansur Mirza Muhammad Muqim Ali Khan, who ascended the throne of Oudh on 19 March 1739, and was bestowed the title of Safdarjung by the Mogul Emperor Muhammad Shah.5 A fine connoisseur of art, culture and education, Abul Mansur Mirza established many institutions of charity, seats of
1 Obituary of Dr T Proper, in Evening News, New York edition, July 9, 1962. Dr Proper was a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and commanded the hospital in 1944. 2 Freedom at the stroke of midnight. The Prime Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru, makes a stirring speech to the nation. 3 The Times of India celebrates the Birth of India’s Freedom: 15th August, 1947. 4 A ward in those years. 5 Mogul general Abul Mansur Mirza Safdarjung, the second Nawab of Oudh, after whom the hospital is named. 6 Since the 1950s, the hospital has been a major academic hub. The first batches of medical students of All India Institute of Medical Sciences took their clinical training in Safdarjung Hospital (representative picture).
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1 In the mid1950s, Safdarjung hospital was equipped with two specialized skull X-ray tables. History records, that of them, the hospital gifted one to the neurosurgery unit of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. 2 The Presidential Tour, March 21, 1972. President Shri VV Giri warmly meets the patients, staff members and doctors. 3 The President dedicated the new Emergency Block building of Safdarjung hospital to the nation. 4 The Emergency Block became a home to the University College of Medical Sciences. The college ran its pre-clinical branches in this block until 1989. The clinical training of the students was held in the wards of Safdarjung Hospital. 5 Prime Minister Pt Nehru shaking hands with the first medical superintendent Dr Col R Duraiswamy Ayyar. 6 Prime Minister Smt Indira Gandhi came to the hospital a number of times. During the 1950s, 60s and 70s, the President, Prime Minister, and Union Ministers commonly visited the Safdarjung Hospital for treatment.
learning and beautiful gardens and monuments. Allied to Abul’s halo of charity, creativity and fame, the newfound Safdarjung hospital began operations with a nucleus of 204 beds. Over time, it grew brick by brick, inch-by-inch, year by year. While still in its formative years, it became a Mecca for the sick. People came from far for treatment and healing. Legends grew, benefactors grew. Even the President, Prime Minister, and Union Ministers came to consult with the doctors in the hospital for their treatment. Soon, the hospital also became a clinical learning ground for young physicians.
of Medical Sciences medical students owe their allegiance to Safdarjung— it was in the wards of this hospital that they picked up the first lessons in clinical skills. In 1972, the newly built emergency block of the hospital became a home to the students of University College of Medical Sciences. The college functioned in these premises until 1989, and the students took their clinical training in the hospital. The college shifted between 1986 and 1989 to its new quarters in East Delhi. Many alumni of the college found global acclaim, and hold chairs of eminence in medical institutions all across the world.
An Academic Hub
A Pilgrim’s Progress
Since the 1950s, the hospital turned into a major academic hub. The clinical wards became the training ground for undergraduate, postgraduate and post doctoral medical students. The first batches of All India Institute
Safdarjung is today one of the world’s largest public hospitals. Spread over a large land area of 160,300 square meters (47 acres), its mission is to deliver free or affordable healthcare to every child, woman and man; and Annual Report 2015
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Dr Balu Sankaran, orthopedic surgeon par excellence. He founded the first rural rehabilitation training centre in Olatpur, Odisha in 1974-75. His surgical techniques were a part of the operative text in the celebrated work Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics.
as hosh. She w Dr Shanti G India. Pediatrician in e in ic ed neonatal m the mother of
Dr PS Saharia developed a new incison technique for nasal septorhinoplasty in the early 1980s cutting down the failure rate.
Great Milestones 14
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Plastic surgeon Dr SP Bajaj introduced microvascular surgery in Delhi in 1982. He has several firsts to his credit, including the world’s first inferiorly based faciocutaneous flap in 1982, a wrist replant in 1983, and Delhi’s first keratinocyte culture lab in 2000. Prof Ramji Das’ sterling work as neuroanatomist stood credited in the Gray's Anatomy.
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provide world class medical education to young doctors who shall be the torchbearers of healthcare in this millennium. The institution has a huge footfall. On most days of the year, the doctors of the hospital attend to more than 6,000 out patients, the wards are home to around 2,000 patients, and its 32 operation theatres and two labor rooms hum 24 × 7 with surgical procedures to tender people the best possible healthcare. Citizens from different parts of the country, and many neighboring countries, visit the hospital for treatment. Despite the ills of a haphazard growth, outdated structures, narrow entrances, chockablock corridors, and overburdened wards and operation theatres; the unfriendly disconnect between facilities which force patients to trudge long distances within the hospital to access services; the insufficient public utilities: few public washrooms, few or no planned resting space for family members, no food courts, or utility centers, the institution continues to serve citizens with a missionary ardor. Blessed as it is, with the goodwill and faith of generation upon generations of people; a medical school —the Vardhman Mahavir Medical College; and serving as an invaluable clinical resource for postgraduate and postdoctoral medical students. The people’s faith and belief in the institution is strongly reflected in the numbers it draws each day to its outpatients’ facilities, and the emergency and inpatient care services.
The Great Milestones Down the ages, many staff members of the hospital made legendary contributions to academics and patient care through their path-breaking work. The first name that springs to mind is of Prof Ramji Das. He headed the anatomy department in 1976, and gave us the first lessons in human anatomy. His seminal work in neuroanatomy stood credited in the bible of the days, Gray’s Anatomy. A figure of simplicity and unabashed humility, he would often slip a doctor’s apron directly over his undershirt. Physiologist, Prof Ramesh Bijlani, was no less mercurial. A pensive saintly man, he would often pedal down to the hospital. His books and his seminal research on the positive role of yoga in prevention and management of coronary artery disease are a legend. The Safdarjung of the 1960s-70s was home to one of India's best known pediatrician, Dr Shanti Ghosh. She mothered neonatal medicine in the country, and was instrumental in setting up the first such unit in the hospital. The hospital was best known for a great pedigree of surgeons. Dr Col R Duraiswamy Ayyar, the first Medical Superintendent, was Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's favorite. The President, Prime Minister and many eminent political and social persona all were his patients. The tradition was kept alive by the orthopedic surgeon Dr Puliyur Duraiswami Krishnaswamy, who was honored with the Padma Bhushan in 1966. Dr Balu Sankaran raised the bar still higher. A par excellence orthopedic surgeon, he returned to India
Aug 20, 1992. The Hon’ble Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Shri ML Fotedar, dedicated the outpatient department complex of Safdarjung Hospital to the people of India.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical Colle
Safdarjung Hospital
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despite lucrative job offers in Canada and United States, where he had trained under the great masters. Sankaran’s clinical acumen and operative skills were a legend. His surgical techniques were a part of Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics. At the instance of the Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi, Sankaran founded the Artificial Limb Manufacturing Corporation of India. His pious mission was to expedite the rehabilitation of Bangladesh war victims through indigenous production of high quality orthotic and prosthetic devices. Two years later, he also undertook the initiative of setting up the first rural rehabilitation training centre, the Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research in Olatpur, a village in Cuttack district of Odisha. The first rural rehabilitation centre in the country was set up by a rehabilitation doctor of Safdarjung, Dr BP Yadav, who founded a centre in Kadipur village of Gurgaon district in Haryana in 1974. Less than a decade later, orthopedic surgeon Prof Gopal Krishna Vishwakarma developed the technique of amniotic arthroplasty in tubercular hip using the more than abundant amnion from the hospital's overcrowded labor rooms. The year was 1982. This was also the year when the plastic surgeon Prof SP Bajaj returned to India following some wonderful years of learning in the United Kingdom. Inspired and devoted to his homeland and countrymen, he became a legend in no time for his single-handed marathon microvascular surgeries. He performed the world’s first
inferiorly based faciocutaneous flap on his first year of return, Delhi’s first wrist replant the subsequent year, and the first free flap nose reconstruction using a dorsalis pedis flap the following year. With the first light of the new millennium, he established the first keratinocyte culture lab in the burns department, still the only one of its kind in Delhi. The lab was set up in collaboration with Dr Majumdar of the Indian Council of Medical Research. The early 1980s were also witness to the birth of a new septorhinoplasty technique for the cartilaginous nasal septal defects. Otorhinolaryngologist PS Saharia modified the globally practiced Beekhul’s procedure by employing an ingenious extramucosal incision and adding a spurectomy with remarkable benefit to the patients. Until now, Prof Saharia has performed over 3,000 such procedures, and his technique has found many followers among the ear, nose and throat surgeons. The first sleep lab and pulmonary critical care unit in a North India public hospital was established in the mid 1980s in Safdarjung. A reflection of the avant-garde approach of Prof Jagdish C Suri, the state-of-art pulmonary lab and academic milieu in the unit has turned this into a hub of excellence. Suri is an alumnus of the institution, and has trudged this ground since the early 1970s. The success stories are one too many, each a tribute to the devotion of those who have served this institution and the people well, and who would die to give it all despite an age-old failing infrastructure.
Dec 17, 2001. The Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, laid the foundation stone of Vardhman Mahavir Medical College in the hospital. Hon’ble Union Home Minister Shri LK Advani and Hon’ble Health Minister Dr CP Thakur were present on the occasion.
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The Dream With India’s economic growth engine chugging at a steady pace, the country is firmly set to grow into a developed economy. As this Cinderella story unveils, it is time the country’s people-centric resources take a rebirth. The 60year old campus of Safdarjung hospital must make way for a new world-class healthcare facility which can heal and nurse the sick in a caring, well-provided and friendly ambience. A wise man once professed: think, believe, dream, and, finally, dare. The dream has spread wings, and a new sun has risen. An ultramodern aesthetic medical city, which would fulfil the needs of the patients, caregivers, physicians, nurses and healthcare personnel is in the making. Promising a caring, compassionate healing, and high quality healthcare for the patients and their families
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
and, at the same time, providing the physicians, medical students and researchers with a work environment that shall inspire new thought, brilliance, and excellence in patient care. Set to develop into a world class medical facility, the old structures are being pulled down bit by bit, and are being replaced with new buildings and towers with ergonomic and aesthetic ultramodern structures, spacious centrally airconditioned interiors, and state-of-the-art healthcare facilities. The Sports Injury Center, created in 2010, has become an oasis of unequaled facilities. The new emergency block and super specialty block, which shall be opening their portals to the people of this land soon, mark the beginning of a renaissance. Dreams come true, only if people dare, and kindle their dream with inspiration, courage, determination, and self-
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belief. The melody has found a soul:
MC, Editor, History of the Medical Department in World War II, 13 Feb. 1950, and enclosure.
Dare to dream Dare to fly Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky Dare to reach Dare to rise Find the strength to set my spirit free Dare to dream, Oh
2. Stone, James H. Organization and Administration of the Medical Department in the China-Burma-India Theaters, 1942-1946. Official US record. Cited at http://history.amedd.army.mil/booksdocs/wwii/org admin/org_admin_wwii_chpt12.htm&num 3. CBI Roundup. New Base Hospital is erected. 1(3): 2; Oct 1, 1942. 4. Dr T Proper. Obituary; Evening News, New York, 9 July 1962. 5. Siddiqui, HA. History of Oudh: A Princely State of India. http://www.indiancoins. 8m.com/awadh/AwadhHist.html
And the heart will shine like the sun A million voices together as one I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe.6 References 1. Letter, Col. John M. Tamraz, MC, to Col. Joseph H. McNinch,
6. Begaud Paul, Corish Vanessa and Tester Wayne. Lyrics: Dare To Dream. Sung by Olivia Newton-John and John Farnham at the Sydney Olympics, 2000. An alumnus of the institution, Prof Yatish Agarwal has been associated with the Safdarjung Hospital as a student and teacher since 1976.
Nov 20, 2007. Hon’ble Vice President of India, Mohd. Hamid Ansari, unveiling the plaque to dedicate the new building of Vardhman Mahavir Medical College to the nation.
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Dr Col R Duraiswamy Ayyar
Col Mahankali Seetharam Rao
Dr Puliyur Duraiswami Krishnaswamy
Surgery Padma Bhushan 1962
Medicine Padma Bhushan 1962
Orthopedic Surgery Padma Bhushan 1966
Of the many chapters in the narrative of Safdarjung Hospital, the most celebrated is the patient care the doctors are acclaimed for, and the academic grounding the institution gave many. Befittingly, the nation, in her gratitude, conferred many major national awards on the members of this kutumb, the family members of Safdarjung Hospital. We take pleasure in revisiting those singular moments of glory and pride . . .
Dr Balu Sankaran Orthopedic Surgery Padma Shri 1972
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr Jogindra Lal Gupta Plastic Surgery Padma Shri 1974
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Prof AK Rai
Dr Jagdish Prasad Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Padma Shri 1991
Dr Yatish Agarwal Atmaram Award 1999 Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India
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Dr GK Vishwakarama Orthopedic Surgery Padma Shri 1985 Other national awards BC Roy Award
Dr Shridhar Sharma BC Roy Award 1981
Dr Yatish Agarwal Shiksha Award 2002 Prime Minister’s House Other national awards Vigyan Bhushan 2014 Indira Gandhi Award 2006 Rajiv Gandhi Award 2005 Indian Council of Medical Research Award 2004 National Science Award 2000 Dr Meghnad Saha Award 1991
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Dr Balu Sankaran Orthopedic Surgery Padma Vibhushan 2007
Dr Manju Bala Indian Council of Medical Research Award 2008
Dr Satya Paul Agarwal Served as Neurosurgeon Safdarjung Hospital Padma Bhushan 2010 Other national awards BC Roy Award 2002
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Scroll of Honor A salute to the timeless contribution Dr Yatish Agarwal
Nearly two hundred years ago, an American statesman who became the sixth President of the United States, John Quincy Adams, had said — “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” Proud to retell, several of the Medical Superintendents of this institution embodied the same thought. They were men who led by example, who believed in setting the highest and noblest standards in practice of medicine, who were innovative, who didn't find fault but rather worked hard to find remedies, who inspired fellow staff members to give their best, and tried to impart the ethical and moral values of truth, goodness, and compassion, and build traits of creativity, intuition, and wisdom. We take this opportunity to salute them for their timeless contribution…
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr Col R Duraiswamy Ayyar Surgeon Period in Office 6 Dec 1954 – 18 Feb 1968 Padma Bhushan 1962
Dr PP Goel Surgeon Periods in Office 19 Feb 1968 – 3 Mar 1971 25 Jul 1972 – 4 Jan 1973 2 May 1975 – 29 Nov 1975 Director General Health Services
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Dr Brig S Gopal Krishnan Period in Office 5 Jan 1973 – 1 May 1975
Dr BL Bhattacharya Anesthesiologist Period in Office 4 Mar 1971 – 19 May 1971
Dr LR Pathak Surgeon Period in Office 30 Nov 1975 – 6 Jan 1976
Dr NL Parmanick Surgeon Period in Office 7 Jan 1976 – 31 Jan 1980
Dr Balu Sankaran Orthopedic Surgeon Period in Office 20 May 1971 – 24 Jul 1972 Director, World Health Organization, Geneva 1981-87 Director General Health Services Padma Shri 1972 Padma Vibhushan 2007
Dr Satya Nand Surgeon Period in Office 1 Feb 1980 – 31 Mar 1982
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Dr Shridhar Sharma Psychiatrist Period in Office 29 Oct 1986 – 21 Jul 1988 BC Roy Award 1981
Dr JL Gupta Plastic Surgeon Period in Office 1 Apr 1982 – 31 Mar 1983 Padma Shri 1974
Dr JL Shrivastava Plastic Surgeon Period in Office 22 Jul 1988 – 22 Jan 1990
Dr GK Vishawakarma Orthopedic Surgeon Period in Office 1 Apr 1983 – 13 Jun 1986 Director General Health Services Padma Shri 1985
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Dr PC Rai Surgeon Period in Office 1 Jun 1990 – 11 Feb 1994
Dr PC Sagar Otolaryngologist Period in Office 1 Nov 1994 – 10 Nov 1994
Dr RS Saxena Anesthesiologist Period in Office 23 Jan 1990 – 31 May 1990
Dr B Chakarvarty Physician Periods in Office 11 Feb 1994 – 30 Oct 1994 11 Nov 1994 – 31 Jan 1996
Dr G Ram Das Physiatrist Period in Office 1 Feb 1996 – 10 Oct 1996
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Dr Jagdish Prasad
Dr RK Srivastava Physiatrist Period in Office 10 Oct 1996 – 19 Jun 1998 Director General Health Services Chairman, Medical Council of India TP Jhunjhunwala National Excellence Award 1990
Cardiothoracic Surgeon Periods in Office 5 Aug 2000 – 25 Sept 2003 5 Jun 2007 – 28 Sept 2009 Founding Principal Vardhman Mahavir Medical College Director General Health Services Padma Shri 1991
Dr KT Bhowmik
Dr RN Salhan Pediatrician Periods in Office 19 Jun 1998 – 5 Aug 2000 25 Sep 2003 – 4 Jun 2007
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Radiation Oncologist Period in Office 29 Sep 2009 – 26 Jan 2010
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Dr NK Mohanty
Dr Rajpal
Urologist Period in Office 27 Jan 2010 – 30 Dec 2011
Radiologist Period in Office 20 May 2014 – 17 Aug 2015
Dr BD Athani Physiatrist Period in Office 31 Dec 2011 – 19 May 2014
Dr Anil K Rai Otolaryngologist In Office since 18 Aug 2015
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The Rising Star
ardhman Mahavir Medical College (VMMC) is a young medical college affiliated to an equally young university– the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIP University). Its foundation stone was laid in the year 2001 and the first batch of undergraduates arrived here in 2002. VMMC is perceived as the fastest growing medical college and is already considered to be one of the best medical training institutes in India. According to the India Today annual survey of 2013, 2014 and 2015 it is adjudged as the best emerging medical college in the country. Prior to VMMC, the University College of Medical Sciences existed in these premises from 1972-1989 before shifting to a new location. However, the postgraduate courses started at Safdarjung Hospital in the year 1959 and the first course to start was MD in medicine and MS in surgery with 8 and 6 seats respectively. Thereafter MD/MS in other specialties and also the diplomas were added. A postdoctoral course of MCh in Plastic Surgery was started in 1966 with 1 seat. These PG courses were run under Delhi University till the admission year 2007, and thereafter they have been affiliated to GGSIP University. Till date VMMC has produced 927 MBBS, 41 diploma, 427 MD/MS and 43 MCh/DM graduates. So far the total number of postgraduates passing out from these premises, first under Delhi University and thereafter under GGSIP University is 2,860. In addition to this 224 DNB students were enrolled here.
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Prof NN Mathur
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The two upcoming facilities—the strategically located emergency block and the super specialty block are going to help in introducing several new PG and super specialty courses. The increase in seats in the existing courses has helped to enhance the teaching and research opportunities in this institute manifold. The institute has a dedicated faculty and attracts some of the best undergraduate and postgraduate students from all over the country and the capital. These students are admitted through competitive entrance examinations. In the year 2015, both the faculty and the students contributed immensely to the progress of this institute, and brought laurels and appreciation to the college. The departments in the college and hospital organized 101 conferences, workshops and CMEs. This included international training like international master class on neurogenic bladder, incontinence and urodynamics; national and state conferences like the annual conference of Delhi Orthopedic Association, the Indian Organ Donation Awareness Program, Delhi state chapter conference of Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, training programs for nurses, surgeons, technicians and paramedics under the National Prevention Program of Burns in India, a certificate course for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, a workshop on challenges in difficult
vaginal birth, workshops on comprehensive life saving skills to improve patient care of critically ill patients in emergency, a cadaveric workshop on basic shoulder arthroscopy, and an arthroscopy conference; WHO training sessions for trainers on integrated community case management of childhood illness; and student led undergraduate conference, the VAMSCON 2015. The research articles published in various journals by the faculty and residents were 362. A total of 141 thesis research protocols were submitted. The total ongoing projects during the year were 321. A total of 57 projects were completed, of which 13 were funded by WHO and ICMR etc. Currently, 67 projects including 16 extramural and 51 institutional projects are underway. The achievements of faculty during the period were commendable. Dr Karoon Agarwal received the National Teacher Award, Dr RP Narayan received the Phoolan Devi Gupta Lifetime Achievement Award, and Dr Yatish Agarwal received the Vigyan Bhushan, a lifetime award for his contribution to science literature. Thirteen faculty members were awarded various professional fellowships including WHO and Commonwealth fellowship. Eleven were awarded prizes by professional societies. Twelve orations and 99 guest lectures were delivered by the faculty, and 17 chapters and books were authored by them. The faculty was also involved in reviewing
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about 53 journals. Many of them were invited to be members of the expert panel in UPSC, WHO bodies, AIIMS, CSIR, UGC, ICMR, DST, State PSCs, and several medical colleges across the country, and were examiners for PG and UG examinations in different universities as well as the National Board of Examinations. The faculty also supervised 138 thesis and 33 other projects which were accepted this year. Many of them were invited as faculty in numerous workshops and conferences across the country. Some faculty members received travel grants to present their research papers in international conferences. We at VMMC believe that just dreaming about success is not enough; you have to work for it.The MBBS students performed extremely well in the university examinations and got selected in PG courses in GGSIP and other universities including AIIMS. Some of our students opted and succeeded in getting into residency programmes in USA and other foreign universities. The pass percentage in 1st, 2nd, 3rd part I and part 2 professional annual university examinations was 80.4%, 84.7 %, 83.7% and 71.2% respectively. The performance of the postgraduate students in the university examination was also good with a pass percentage of 90% in the annual university examination. Many of our post graduates joined the senior residency program in our
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
institution as well as in some other reputed institutes in the country.
Vision 2016-2017 Shaping young minds is one of the most challenging as well as interesting tasks in the present times. In addition the teaching and research requirements in a medical college are quite different and complex when compared to those in other colleges. This complexity is because of the requirement of imparting clinical training in a hospital setting. The hospitals in the country are already very crowded and with the increasing number of students being admitted to PG and UG courses, the teaching methods have to evolve which use the latest technology to impart clinical skills to these large numbers of students without diluting its quality. Inspite of having a robust infrastructure and enviable wealth of clinical material at VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital we need to upgrade the teaching facilities to train large number of medical students. Therefore, our first task will be to convert all the existing lecture theatres into E class rooms, in a phased manner. It is also an MCI requirement now. This will involve installation of recording facility and provision of online
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transmission of lecture via broadband to and from the collaborative institutes. This will bring experts in the field from across the world into our classrooms and also contribute to their teaching program. These classrooms will also have the interactive board for projecting, writing, editing, recording and saving lecture notes in a digital format. Such lecture halls will also be able to project, whenever needed, the surgical and clinical output from the operation theatres and seminar rooms in the hospital to a large number of students for the purpose of teaching after following the requisite norms. The other tasks will be: To gear up for teaching and research requirements in the two upcoming state of the art projects of the institute—the emergency block and the superspecialty block To expedite the start of construction of extension of college building and auditorium To work on providing a 24 hours cafeteria for students, residents, and faculty To resolve the problem of maintenance of the college building To work on introduction of mentor (faculty) and peer mentor (senior student) arrangement for all new MBBS admissions To work on introduction of log books for undergraduates To strengthen the cultural and sports activity of students and upgrade the sports facility available in the students and residents hostel To bring VMMC under UGC recognised institutes so that the faculty can also avail UGC Travel Grants/and Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships To work for getting intramural project grants on lines of what is available in other institutes of repute To work on the possibility of increasing the number of conferences and workshops allowed for faculty to attend on lines of other institutes of repute To work on the possibility of signing MOUs with some
reputed medical institutes and the universities abroad for exchange programs and for the training of our students To explore the possibility of signing MOUs with other reputed institutes (medical/ engineering/ science) in Delhi to enhance in house research and have teaching and research collaborations with them To strengthen the medical education unit and get the entire faculty formally trained in teaching methodology in a phased manner To examine the prospect of starting new MD courses like emergency medicine and family medicine To work towards introduction of postdoctoral programs To convert DNB courses in some super specialty into DM/ MCh and work towards starting new DM/MCh courses in endocrinology, neonatology, critical care medicine, surgical oncology, nephrology, gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery after recruiting required faculty for this purpose All these targets are difficult but achievable. I am greatly inspired by Albert Einstein when he says, “out of clutter find simplicity, from discord find harmony, in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.’ Equally motivating are the words of the great scientist, teacher, philosopher and former President H.E. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam who said, ‘Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you to realise your hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that you too are difficult.’ My advice to the young doctors graduating today is to be humble and strive for the three p’s in life — patience, persistence and perfection. We at VMMC strive to cultivate in teachers and students a lifelong passion for learning along with compassion so that they are able to contribute to society both as the high quality professionals as well as the people with kind hearts and souls. * Unabridged, unedited version of the Principal’s report for the year 2015.
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A Time to Bid Adieu! There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle ... or the mirror that reflects it.1 In your years at this institution, you have been both. Delivered as you did, people of their pain, suffering and illness. For now, let this superannuation be like the experience of a child who's happily out of his school for the summer — the good bit is this delightful summer shall not end! No more the agony of crisscrossing through the morning traffic snarls, the stress of the clock striking nine, or the rigor of crowded galleries, wards and outpatient clinics, with dozens of patients and their caregivers clamoring for your time. The morning cups of tea shall finally be what they are meant to be — relaxed and calming. You are now free with a heart full of fertile seeds, waiting to sprout! You are free to fly, free to pursue your passions, free to chase your dreams — dwelling on themes you take pleasure in. You could assert yourself and firmly say “no” to what you don’t like, and just walk away. As we bid you farewell, and wish you a wonderful new innings, we salute you from the bottom of our hearts for devoting your best and the most productive years to this medical institution, a people’s hospital, where people trudge in faith and hope. May their good wishes adorn your days! As we bid adieu, let me say dil se: Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean we shall miss you Until we meet again! Happy times ahead! Sincerely,
(Prof Anil K Rai) 1
Edith Wharton. Vesalius in Zante. North American Review, Nov 1902, p. 631.
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Dr Monorama Deb
Dr JS Bhatia
Dr Jayashree Bhattacharjee
Dr BD Sharma
Director Professor Microbiology
Additional Medical Superintendent
Principal, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College
Consultant Department of Medicine
Dr VPS Punia
Dr Mukesh Paruthi
Dr Veena Gupta
Head of Department Medicine
Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) in Orthopedics
Head of Department Radiotherapy
Dr DS Rawat
Dr JN Mohapatra
Dr Banashree Das
Officer in Charge Blood Bank
Consultant Department of Pediatrics
Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr Gursharan Kaur
Dr S Raghavan
Dr VP Venkatachalam
Dr Joginder Kumar
Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) in Physiology
Head of Department Neurology
Head of Department Otorhinolaryngology
Senior Administrative Grade in Dermatology
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Welcome Aboard! The will to triumph, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that unlock the door to personal excellence. —Confucius
Welcome to the Safdarjung family! This institution has a long and glorious narrative. Opening its portals to the people of India in 1954, endowed with people's faith and goodwill for longer than sixty years, it stands tall among the medical institutions. Many of our alumni and colleagues are held in high esteem for their clinical and academic contribution and hold key academic chairs across the world. We are pleased you have joined us. You and I must count our blessings that we have this pious job of caring for people who have little means and deliver them of misery and suffering. Our mandate calls that we must stay abreast of the new paradigms of knowledge. Knowledge, which is evolving and changing. More significantly, however, let's light a flame of care, concern, and compassion within us for those who rest their hope and faith in us. View your work in this light, and I’m sure, whatever be the odds, you shall find it rewarding, challenging, and meaningful. May you deliver your best each day! I look forward to see you grow and develop into an outstanding individual. Sincerely,
Prof Anil K Rai
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Dr Balvinder Singh
Dr Hitesh Lal
Dr Lalit
Dr T Boruah
Dr Neha K Madan
Assistant Professor Orthopedics
Senior Specialist & Associate Professor, CIO
Assistant Professor Orthopedics
Associate Professor Orthopedics
Assistant Professor Pathology
Dr Divya Pandey
Dr Monika Gupta
Dr Kavita Agarwal
Dr Archana Kumari
Dr Suruchi Gupta
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology
Medical Officer Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr Manish Kumar
Dr Rupali Malik
Dr Pushpa Kumari
Dr Indra Kishore
Dr Shashank Trivedi
Specialist Grade 1 Medicine
Assistant Professor Medicine
Assistant Professor Medicine
Specialist Grade III Medicine
Specialist Grade III Medicine
Dr Garima Singh
Dr Vikas Yadav
Dr Deepti Sharma
Dr Akhilesh Mishra
Dr Rashmoni Jana
Assistant Professor Radiotherapy
Assistant Professor Radiotherapy
Assistant Professor Radiotherapy
Assistant Professor Radiotherapy
Assistant Professor Anatomy
Dr Shilpa Suneja
Dr Megha Arora
Dr Sumit Rai
Dr Manisha Jain
Dr Shalini Smanla
Assistant Professor Biochemistry
Assistant Professor Biochemistry
Assistant Professor Microbiology
Assistant Professor Microbiology
Assistant Professor Community Medicine
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The Management Team The senior management team of the hospital carries with it a huge administrative, clinical and academic experience. The team, deeply committed to serving the best interests of the patients and, in equal measure, that of providing the faculty and staff members of the institution a constructive and academically favorable milieu, is constituted by the following members:
Prof AK Rai Medical Superintendent
Prof Rakesh Verma Additional Medical Superintendent and Cardiologist
Prof KT Bhowmik Additional Medical Superintendent and Radiation Oncologist
Dr Anita Jain Additional Medical Superintendent
Dr RK Anand Additional Medical Superintendent and Dermatologist
Dr Shailendra Khare Additional Medical Superintendent and Orthopedic Surgeon
Mr CS Misra Deputy Director Administration
Mr Ashok Kumar Senior Accounts Officer
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Part II
The Departments Section 1
Basic Sciences
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Department of Anatomy 1.0 Prelude With a mission to establish fundamentals of human anatomy among the medical undergraduates and postgraduates, the primary thrust of the Department of Anatomy is on academics. Equipped with a well run dissection theatre, histology lab, immunohistochemistry lab and a specimen museum, the department has been dynamic in organizing cadaveric workshops with several clinical departments, assaying into the realm of cell biology, developmental biology, radiologic anatomy, and a host of other areas. The faculty and staff works to assist the clinical colleagues with anatomical teaching and research needs, foster collaborative learning among students, and evolve continually the efficiency of its teaching methods. The department also runs a regular postgraduate and doctoral program.
2.0 Faculty Dr Gayatri Rath Director Professor Dr RK Suri Director Professor Dr Vandana Mehta Professor and Head
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr Hitendra Kumar Loh Professor Dr Jyoti Arora Professor Dr Jasbir Kaur Assistant Professor Dr Bindusar Kalita Assistant Professor Dr Prabhat Goel Assistant Professor Dr Rashmoni Jana Assistant Professor Dr Mahendra Kathole Assistant Professor Dr Renu Baliyan Jeph Assistant Professor Dr Puja Chauhan Assistant Professor Dr Smita Tapas Assistant Professor Senior residents 7
3.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The department runs a well coordinated teaching program for undergraduate nursing and medical students and those pursuing diploma in medical laboratory technology, bachelors in prosthetics and orthotics, and the pre-hospital trauma technician program. Lectures, demonstration classes, dissection hall sessions, and histology classes are the mainstay of teaching.
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4.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Postgraduates are trained in gross anatomy, radiologic anatomy, histology, cell biology and embalming techniques. Through a practical teaching program, where they take undergraduate classes, they acquire the skills vital for teaching and academics.
5.0 Research
Sinha C, Loh HK, Agarwal Y. Study of the Morphometry and the Pelvicalyceal Anatomy of Human Cadaveric Kidneys. Kumar V, Mehta V. Morphological and Osteometric Assessment of Human Scapula. Aggarwal R, Rath G. Hypoxic and Toll-Like-Recptor Signaling in Pathophysisology of Preeclampsia. Symbiosis International University, Pune.
Completed projects Rath G. Significance of Notch Signaling Pathway in Pathogenesis of Ovarian Cancer. Indian Council of Medical Research. Rath G. Molecular Mechanism Behind Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia. Indian Council of Medical Research. Jawanjal P, Rath G. Significance of Canonical WNT/βCatenin Pathway in the Pathogenesis of Cervical Cancer. Raizaday S, Loh HK, Mathur NN. An Anatomical Study of Lateral Nasal Wall and the Osteomeatal Complex on Cadavers. Poonia D, Suri RK, Thukral BB. Evaluation of Cadaveric and MRI Anatomy of Rotator Cuff Muscles. Farhat R, Mehta V, Mittal MK. Evaluation of Cadaveric and MRI Anatomy of Masticatory Muscles.
Ongoing projects Meena MK, Loh HK, Kishore U. Morphologic and Morphometric Study of Renal Arteries and Renal Veins. Passi C, Arora J, Choudhary D. Cadaveric Arthroscopic and Histological Study of Human Menisci. Laishram S. Mehta V, Thukral BB. Morphometric Assessment of Human Sacrum: An Anatomico-Radiological Study.
6.0 Publications Rath G, Jawanjal P, Salhan S, Nalliah M, Dhawan I. Clinical Significance of Inactivated Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3β in HPV-Associated Cervical Cancer: Relationship with WNT/βCatenin Pathway Activation. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2015; 73(5):460-78. Jawanjal P, Salhan S, Dhawan I, Rath G. Comparative Analysis of p53 and p21 Proteins in Normal Cervix and HPV Associated Precancerous and Cancerous Lesions of Cervix. J Anat Soc India. 2015;64(1):3-11. Kaur J, Srivasatava D. Morphometric Analysis of Fibular Graft Dimensions for Placement of Dental Implants. J Anat Soc India. 2015;64(1):67-72. Tapas S, Iyer P, Rajgopal L. Unilateral Persistent Enlarged Median Artery: A Case Report. International Medical Journal. 2015;22(1):50-2. Tapas S, Hansdak R, Mehta V, Suri R, Rath G. Premasseteric Branch of Facial Artery Supplying Temporalis: A Rare Variation. Int Med J. 2015;22(2):95-7.
Left to right First row Dr Puja Chauhan, Dr Hitendra Loh, Dr RK Suri, Dr Gayatri Rath, Dr Vandana Mehta, Dr Jyoti Arora, Dr Jasbir Kaur. Second row Dr Prabhat Goel, Dr Smita Tapas, Dr Renu Baliyan Jeph, Dr Bindusar Kalita, Dr Rashmoni Jana, Dr Mahendra Kathole.
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Rustagi S, Sharma M, Singh N, Suri R, Rath G, Mehta V. Peripheral Communications of the Intercostobrachial Nerve in Relation to theAlar ThoracicArtery.Adv Biomed Res. 2015;4(1):51. Gandhi S, Sharma M, Pakhiddey R, Thakur A, Mehta V, Suri RK, et al. Unduly Extensive Uncinate Process of Pancreas in Conjunction with Pancreatico-Duodenal Fold. Anat Cell Biol. 2015;48(1):81. Goel S, Arora J, Mehta V, Sharma M, Suri RK, Rath G. Unusual Disposition of Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery: Anatomical Description and Clinical Implications. World J Clin Cases. 2015;3(1):85-8. Gupta S, Chauhan P. Absent Caudate Lobe of Liver – A Case Report: Anatomical and Clinical Relevance. Liv Int. 2015; 35:2338. Kathole M, Joshi R, Jadhav S, Herekar N. Morphometic Study of Cervical Intervertebral Disc. Int J Anat Phy and Bioc. 2015;2(5):22-6. Goel S, Rustagi SM, Saha S, Mehta V, Suri RK, Rath G. Aberrant Pancreatic Ductal Organisation: A Case Report. Surg Radiol Anat. 2015;37(5):543-6. Goel S, Arora J, Mehta V, Sharma M, Suri RK, Rath G, Das S. Adductor Accessorius – An Unusual Supernumerary Adductor Muscle of Thigh. Clin Ter. 2015;166(3):114-7. Kumar A, Goel S, Arora J, Mehta V, Pakhiddey R, Suri RK, et al. Rare Atypical Vascular Pattern of Subscapular Artery: Anatomico-Clinical Insight. Clin Ter. 2015;166(3):118-20. Hansdak R, Arora J, Sharma M, Mehta V, Suri R K, Das S. Unusual Branching Pattern of Brachial Artery – Embryological Basis and Clinico Anatomical Insight. Clin Ter. 2015;166(2):65-7. Hansdak R, Pakhiddey R, Thakur A, Mehta V, Rath G. Anatomical Description and Clinical Relevance of a Rare Variation in the Mesenteric Arterial Archade Pattern. J Clin Diag Res. 2015;9(8):AD01.
Jawanjal P, Rath G. Dharam Narayan Memorial Gold Medal for Best Oral Presentation: Comparative Analysis of p53 and p21 Proteins in HPV Associated Precancerous and Cancerous Lesions of Cervix. National Conference of the Anatomical Society of India, Lucknow. Nov 20-23, 2015. Jana R. Dr MM Cooper Memorial Award for Teachers for the Best Paper Presentation: Aberrant Gonadal Artery – its Clinical and Embryological Basis. 37th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists of Tamil Nadu, Chengalpattu Government Medical College, Oct 10, 2015. Mehta V. Member Editorial Board, American Journal of Clinical Case Reports.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Mehta V. Member Editorial Board, British Journal of Health and Medical Sciences. Mehta V. Member Editorial Board, American Journal of Digestive Diseases. Mehta V. Member Editorial Board, Clinical Anesthesia and Management. Kalita B. Member Editorial Board, Astrocyte, the National Board of Examinations multispecialty journal. Suri RK. Chair, Scientific Session. International Workshop on Stereology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Sept 8, 2015. Loh HK. Chair, Scientific Session. National Continued Medical Education on Anatomy in New Imaging Era. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Mar 17, 2015.
Delhi Arthroscopy Cadaver Workshop 2015. Sports Injury Center, New Delhi, Mar 21, 2015. Symposium on Life Skills Development Program for first year MBBS students. Apr 25, 2015. Drake R, Vogl AW. Interactive Session with First Year Students. Mar 18, 2015. Sharma M. Guest lecture. Non Invasive Methods of Preimplantation and Prenatal Diagnosis. Apr 2015. Cadaveric Workshop on Basic Shoulder Arthroscopy. Delhi Orthopedic Association Conference DOACON 2015, New Delhi, Oct 31, 2015.
Rath G. Immunomodulatory Role of Toll-Like Receptor Signaling in Preeclampsia. 63rd National Conference of the Anatomical Society of India, NATCON. Lucknow, Nov 2015. Mehta V. Effects of Air Pollution on Health of Humans. Green Growth Cooperation Seminar. Korean Embassy. New Delhi, Dec 15, 2015. Loh HK. Knee Arthroscopy – Imaging Anatomy. National CME on Anatomy in New Imaging Era. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Mar 17, 2015. Kalita B. Intra-articular Structures of the Knee Joint. Delhi Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop 2015. Sports Injury Center, New Delhi, Mar 21, 2015.
Jana R, Kathole M, Tapas S, Chauhan P, Raizaday S, Farhat R, Poonia D. Preservation Techniques of Human Body. Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Feb 13-15, 2015.
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Singh N, Passi C, Laishram S. Basic Techniques in Immunohistochemistry. Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College, Mar 13-14, 2015. Loh H, Arora J, Kaur J, Kalita B, Goel P, Jana R, Kathole M, Jeph RB, Chauhan P, Tapas S. Symposium on Preoptic Area in Sleep and Sleep Apnoea – New Insights.Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. May 5, 2015. Arora J, Kalita B, Jana R. International Workshop on Stereology, Stereology Workshop. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. Sept 8-9, 2015. Passi C. Pivotal Role of Microteaching in Honing Teaching Skills. 63rd National Conference of Anatomical Society of India.
King George Medical University, Lucknow, Nov 20-23, 2015. Jana R, Poonia D, Farhat R, Raizaday S, Passi C. Ultrasonography: A Futuristic Vision in Teaching and Learning Anatomy. 63rd National Conference of Anatomical Society of India. King George Medical University, Lucknow, Nov 20-23, 2015.
Kathole M, Singh N, Kaur J, Raijaday S, Kumar A, Mehta V, et al. Bilateral Anomalous Attachment of Omohyoid Muscle with Absence of Intermediate Tendon. Passi C, Laishram S, Arora J, Mehta V, Suri RK. AnatomicoRadiological Appraisal of Human Bifid Ribs.
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Department of Physiology 1.0 Prelude Equipped with a state-of-the-art clinical physiology lab, simulators which help budding physicians develop skills of cardiac and chest examination, a computerized pulmonary function test lab, an exercise physiology lab, a fully equipped autonomic function test lab, hematology lab, and audiometry lab, the department is an academic center of excellence. The departmental library has a large collection of books, dissertations and journals and a wonderful museum showcasing the history of physiology. The faculty and staff has a mission to assist clinical colleagues with their understanding of human physiology both in health and disease, collaborate with them on research, foster learning among students, and improve continually the efficiency of teaching methods. The department has a regular postgraduate program.
Dr B Srinivas Professor Dr Manasi Bhattacharjee Associate Professor Dr Abhishek Sinha Assistant Professor Dr Payal Bhalla Assistant Professor Dr Shikha Gautam Assistant Professor Dr Navpreet Mann Dhillon Assistant Professor Senior residents 6
3.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The department runs a teaching program for medical and nursing students, students pursuing bachelors program in prosthetics and orthotics, and those doing diplomas in medical laboratory technology and pre-hospital trauma. Regular lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and quiz are held with 200 hours allocated to lectures and 100 hours to tutorials and practicals over the academic year. Midterm and end-semester exams are held both in theory and practical.
2.0 Faculty Dr Raj Kapoor Director Professor and Head Dr Himani Ahluwalia Professor Dr Renuka Sharma Professor Dr Supriya Gupta Professor Dr Meenakshi Chaswal Professor
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4.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program The postgraduate teaching program is extensive and rigorous and comprised of lectures, seminars, journal club, practical presentations and microteaching sessions. The postgraduates are assessed regularly both for theory and practical skills. During
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the year, 31 postgraduate seminars, 23 lectures, 18 journal club presentations, 27 practical presentations and 3 microteaching sessions were held.
5.0 Research Completed projects Sharma R, Dhaliwal C. To Study the Effect of Exercise on Cardiovascular Parameters in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Indian Council of Medical Research. Bhattacharjee M, Rampal P. Comparison of Cardiovascular Parameters Pre and Post Exercise in Obese Subjects and Offsprings of Diabetic Parents. Indian Council of Medical Research.
Ongoing projects Bashir M, Ahluwalia H. Study of Cardiovascular Autonomic Functions and Anxiety Levels in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Mishra A, Sharma R. Correlation of Post-Exercise CardioVascular Parameters with Insulin Resistance and hs-CRP in Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Mishra S, Gupta S. A Comparative Study of Autonomic Functions Subjective Well-Being in First-Ever Stroke vs Recurrent Stoke Patients. Prabhjot, Chaswal M. Evaluation of Cardiac Autonomic Functions and CRP in Patients of Myocardial Infarction with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Yadav I, Bhattacharjee M. Evaluation of Cardiovascular Response to Exercise and Adipocytokine Level in Hypothyroid Patients.
6.0 Publications Journals Kapoor R, Roy VK, Manna S, Bhattacharjee M. Level of Mercury Manometer with Respect to Heart: Does it Affect Blood Pressure Measurement? Ind J Physiol Pharmacol. 2015;59(2):238-41. Srivastava P, Gupta S, Rastogi R, Gupta M. Assessment of HRV as a Measure of Cardiac Autonomic Status in Psychiatric Patients Exposed to Chemical Irritants. J Clin Diag Res. 2015; 9(6):VC01-VC04. Chaswal M, Das S, Prasad I, Kalyal A, Fahim M. Chemical Sympathectomy Restores Baroreceptor Heart Rate Reflex and Heart Rate Variability in Rats with Chronic Nitric Oxide Deficiency. Physiol Res. 2015;64(4):459-66. Rajajeyakumar M, Bhattacharjee M, Sharma VK, Alagarsamy J. Integrative Approach to Multidisciplinary Training in Physiology and Biomedical Engineering. J Bioengineer and Biomedical Sci. 2015;5:1. Singh R, Sharma R, Rajani H. Impact of Stress on Menstrual Cycle: A Comparison between Medical and Non Medical Students. Saudi J Health Sci. 2015;4(2):115-19. Chawla O, Bhattacharjee M, Kansal NK. The Outlook of First Professional Medical Students: Do We Need to Guide Them? A Study from India. SE Asian J Med Education. 2015;9(1):46-49.
Abstracts Bashir M, Ahluwalia H, Kapoor R, Biswas K, Kampani GM, Roy S. Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) in Asymptomatic Type-1 Diabetic Adolescents. Auto Neur Sci: Basic and Clinical. 2015;192:130.
Left to right First row Dr Himani Ahluwalia, Dr Raj Kapoor, Dr Supriya Gupta. Second Row Dr Renuka Sharma, Dr B Srinivas, Dr Manasi Bhattacharjee, Dr Payal Bhalla, Dr Meenakshi Chaswal.
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11.0 Faculty Participation in Academic Programs
Kapoor R. Text Book of Medical Physiology. 1/e. Top Publishing Company, Medical Group, New Delhi, 2015. Kapoor R. Physiology Practical Manual for MBBS Students. 3/e. CBS Publishers and Distributor, New Delhi, 2015.
Kapoor R, Ahluwalia H, Chaswal M, Dhillon N. Symposium on Environmental Physiology. Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, Apr 2015. Kapoor R, Chaswal M. National Conference of Physiology and Pharmacology, APPICON 2015. AIIMS, Jodhpur, Dec 2015. Sharma R, Gupta S, Bhalla P. VII National Conference on Health Professionals Education. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Nov 18-21, 2015. Sharma R. Workshop on e-Learning. National Center for Health Profession Education, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Nov 18-21, 2015. Gupta S. Workshop on Competency Based Health Professions Education. National Center for Health Profession Education, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Nov 18, 2015. Gupta S, Sharma R. Workshop on Stress Management. National Center for Health Profession Education, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Nov 18, 2015. Bhalla P. Workshop. Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills and Developing a Skill Center. National Center for Health Profession Education, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Nov 18, 2015.
7.0 Awards Bashir M. ISAN Travel Grant. Poster. ISAN 2015, Stresa, Italy.
8.0 Faculty Achievements on Academic Forums Kapoor R. President. Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India, Delhi Chapter. Gupta S, Bhattacharjee M. Experts, Indian Council of Medical Research Committee for Evaluation of Student Talent Search.
9.0 Guest Lectures and Academic Chair Kapoor R. Lecture on Pulmonary Rehabilitation. National Conference of Physiology and Pharmacology, APPICON, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand 2015. Allahabad, Sept 2015. Kapoor R. Chair. Scientific Session. Association of Physiologists National Conference, ASSOPICON, Bareilly, Oct 2015. Kapoor R. Jury, Inter-college Physiology Quiz. Department of Physiology, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Nov 4, 2015.
12.0 Symposium and Training Programs 10.0 Poster Presentations Kumar P, Gupta S, Kapoor R, Raghavan R, Thukral BB. Sudden Cardiac Death After a Stroke: Does Side Really Matter? CardioRhythm, Hong Kong, Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2015. Bashir M, Ahluwalia H, Kapoor R, Biswas K, Kampani G, Roy S. Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy in Asymptomatic Type1 Diabetic Adolescents. International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience 2015 and Federation of European Autonomic Societies, American Autonomic Society, Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research. Stresa, Italy, Sept 2015.
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Ahluwalia H. Organising Secretary. Symposium. Preoptic Area in Sleep and Sleep Apnoea – New lnsights. May 5, 2015. Two-week teaching program in physiology for students enrolled for Fellowship of National Board in Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine, Sports Injury Center.
13.0 Plan of Action Develop a neuroelectrophysiology lab with facilities for nerve conduction studies, electromyography and evoked potentials. Develop a hi-tech pulmonary function lab.
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Department of Biochemistry 1.0 Prelude Equipped with a state-of-the-art molecular biology lab, the Department of Biochemistry is especially strong in research with investigators of excellent standing in a wide range of disciplines including structural biology, molecular enzymology, cell signalling and control of gene expression, and metabolic and cardiovascular biology. The department has a well-equipped teaching lab and an extensive and growing undergraduate teaching program, which plays pivotal role in teaching the foundations of biochemistry, and molecular and cell biology. This is combined with a robust inter-disciplinary research program with the clinical departments of the institution which allows a deep enquiry and exploration into the functioning of biological systems as integrated systems and the effect of different disease states on them.
Dr Megha Arora Assistant Professor Dr Surabhi Yadav Assistant Professor Dr Vandana Saini Assistant Professor Dr Shilpa Suneja Assistant Professor Senior residents 7
3.0 Patient Services The department runs a clinical biochemistry laboratory in strict compliance with the international quality standards. The lab conducts more than 4,500 biochemical tests on a daily basis. The tests are performed on state-of-art, highly advanced fully automated clinical chemistry analyzers. The lab runs both internal and external quality assurance programs to provide highly accurate and reliable reports.
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program 2.0 Faculty Dr BC Kabi Director Professor and Head Dr Charanjeet Kaur Professor Dr Anita Rani Professor Dr Amita Yadav Associate Professor
The department has a robust teaching program for the undergraduate nursing and medical students in strict compliance with the Medical Council of India guidelines. A teaching and training program is also run for the students of biotechnology and those pursuing the medical lab technician program.
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5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program The department runs a well structured postgraduate teaching program with the philosophy of producing clinical biochemists, researchers and teachers who would be the leaders in the field in the years to come. The program comprises of lectures by the faculty, seminars, practical presentations and microteaching sessions. Regular assessments are carried out both in theory and practical skills.
6.0 Research Ongoing projects Tangri D, Bhattacharjee J, Bansal S. Endothelial Nitric Oxide Gene Polymorphism and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Anu RI, Kaur C, Prasad J. Lipoprotein-a Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Coronary Artery Diseases – An Analytical Study. Pramila, Rani A, Kampani G. A Study of Transcobalamine II Gene Polymorphism and Serum B12 Levels in Stroke Patients. Sahoo S, Kabi BC, Chopra R. A Study of Polymorphism of HLA – Class II Gene and GDFS Gene with Serum Vitamin D Levels in Patients with Osteoarthritis.
7.0 Publications Agarwal N, Gangopadhyaya S, Koch N, Gupta A, Batra A, Kabi BC. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance: A North Indian Study. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015;6:1321-4. Sablok A, Batra A, Thariani K, Batra A, Bharti R, et al.
Supplementation of Vitamin D in Pregnancy and its Correlation with Feto-maternal Outcome. Clin Endocrinol. 2015;83:536-41. Bhavsar P, Kaur C, Prasad J, Kabi BC. Alkaline Phosphatase as a Possible Marker for Coronary Artery Disease. Int J Recent Sci Res. 2015;6:7:185-7. Menon B, Dar Y, Garg T, Bhatia H, Kaur C. Placebo Controlled Trial of Vitamin D Supplementation in Allergic Rhinitis. Eur Respir J. 2015;46:271-3. Kaur C, Menon B, Dar Y, Vardhan H. Evaluation of ProteaseAntiprotease Imbalance in Moderate COPD without Anti-Trypsin Deficiency. Eur Respir J. 2015;9:359-62. Saini V, Arora M, Yadav A, Jain A. Role of Leptin and Adiponectin in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – A Study in North India Tertiary Care Hospital. Internet Journal of Medical Update. 2015;10:1-3. Garg S, Suneja S, Madhu SV. Lipoprotein Associated Phospholipase A2 Activity and Glycemic Status in Early Stages of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Int J Med Res. 2015;140:107-14. Saxena R, Suneja S. Systemic Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Apolipoprotein b/a ratio in Active Psoriasis: Bridging an Apparent Paradox. Int J Res Dermatol. 2015;3:1-2. Saxena R, Suneja S, Sharma D. Cumulative Effect of Systemic Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in 40 Known Cases of Active Rheumatoid Arthritis. Int J Res Orthop. 2015;7:11-2. Anita R, Patel S, Karthik T, Vindu A, Kabi BC. Vitamin D and Parathyroid Hormone in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Ind J Med Biochem. 2015;19(1):28-32.
Left to right First Row Dr Anita Rani, Dr BC Kabi, Dr Charanjeet Kaur. Second Row Dr Megha Arora, Dr Surabhi Yadav, Dr Vandana Saini, Dr Shilpa Suneja.
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Trehan AS, Gupta K, Kulshreshtra AR, Arora M, Seth S, Trehan SA. Comparative Analysis of Serum Prolactin in PostMenopausal Female with Breast Cancer before and after Treatment – A Pilot Study in Southern District of Haryana. Sch Acad J Biosci. 2015;3(8):692-7.
8.0 Faculty Lectures on Academic Forums Kabi BC, Talwar GP. Oration. Vitamin D: Rationalization versus Sensationalization. 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, ACBICON, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Nov 25-28, 2015. Anu RI, Bhavsar P, Kaur C, Kabi BC, Prasad J. Lipoproteina Gene Polymorphism and its Importance in Coronary Artery Disease. ISARCON 2015, Hamdard Institute of Medical Science and Research. Oct 29-31, 2015. Suneja S. Efficacy of Vitamin E on Nitric Oxide and Oxidative Stress Markers in North Indian Elderly Population. 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, ACBICON. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Nov 25-28, 2015. Saini V. Correlation of Thyroid Dysfunction in Primary Infertility and Menorrhagia. 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, ACBICON, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Nov 25-28, 2015.
9.0 Poster Presentations Rani A. Study of the Correlation of HSCRP and Carotid Intima Medical Thickness with Severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, ACBICON, Chandigarh. Nov 25-28, 2015. Arora M. Vitamin D Deficiency in North Indian Females with Hypothyroidism. Annual National Conference of Association of Medical Biochemists, 2015. PGIMS, Rohtak. Nov 20-22, 2015. Yadav S. Serum Ferritin and Endothelin-1 in Patients of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. PGIMS, Rohtak. Nov 20-22, 2015.
10.0 Procurement of New Equipment Fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer: ADVIA 2400 Barcode reader with accessories Mini horizontal gel electrophoresis Urine analyzer Electrolyte analyzer Semi-auto chemistry analyzer Revolutionary high speed centrifuge machines Quartz double distillation unit
11.0 Plan of Action To conduct biochemical genetic studies. To identify and conduct disease specific HLA typing. To develop central bar-coding system for efficient and quick delivery of lab reports.
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1.0 Prelude The Department of Pathology runs a number of pathology and clinical laboratory services in the institution and has a rigorous teaching, training and research program for paramedic, nursing and medical students. The department has several international research collaborations which dwell on areas of large significance for the health of the community.
Dr Neha Madan Assistant Professor Dr Meetu Agarwal Specialist Dr Surbhi Goyal Assistant Professor Dr Rekha Tirkey Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Pragyan Parimita Parhy Senior Medical Officer Dr Sachin Bajaj Medical Officer Senior residents 17
2.0 Faculty
3.0 Patient Care
Dr AK Mandal Director Professor and Head Dr Indrani Dhawan Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Rashmi Arora Consultant and Professor Dr Wajid Ali Shah Consultant and Assistant Professor Dr Sunil Ranga Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Leelavathi Dawson Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Mukul Singh Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Poonam Khambra Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Charanjeet Ahluwalia Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Amit Kumar Yadav Associate Professor Dr Sachin Kolte Associate Professor Dr Sufian Zaheer Associate Professor
The Department of Pathology runs a number of clinical pathology and laboratory services in the institution, which offer a wide range of diagnostic tests. The units are actively involved in the diagnosis, patient care and research.
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Statistical data The number of cases handled by the pathology labs during the year were as follows: Laboratory medicine 93,403 Histopathology 14,729 Cytopathology 14,459 Hematopathology 75,218 Central collection lab 121,640
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Emergency lab Pathology lab, Burns and Plastic Surgery
3,88,525 43,247
Spectrum of services Laboratory medicine. Wide range of immunopathology tests, immunoglobulin tests, oncology tests, hormonal assay and clinical biochemistry tests. Histopathology. Routine and special tissue staining; frozen section biopsies; wide range of immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence tests. Cytopathology. Fine needle aspiration cytology, intraoperative cytology, liquid based cytology, Immunocytochemistry, Rapid onsite evaluation for endoscopic bronchial ultra sound guided aspiration cytology. Hematopathology. Complete blood counts, coagulation studies, immunophenotyping of leukemias, absolute eosinophil count,G6PD test, LE cell phenomenon and others. Emergency Lab. Hematologic tests, clinical biochemistry studies, and cytology studies.
pathology, clinical and immunopathology and blood banking through posting in different laboratories. The department also organizes clinicopathological conferences with a number of clinical departments. Eminent experts from diverse fields of organ pathology are invited for talks on cutting edge technologies and recent advances.
6.0 Research International Collaborative Projects Entamoeba histolytica – Bacterium Interaction and the Role of this Interaction in Intestinal Pathogenesis – AMOEBAC. In Collaboration: International Consortium – France, Israel and Germany; School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and European Union. Fast Detection of Intestinal Parasites Using Multiplex Real Time PCR. In collaboration with School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
7.0 Publications 4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program
Lectures, practical and tutorials are the mainstay of teaching program for undergraduate nursing and medical students and those pursuing medical laboratory technician diploma program and bachelors in prosthetics and orthotics. Live projection of histopathology sections is also carried out before the students.
Bhardwaj S, Capoor M, Kolte S, Purohit G, Dawson L, Gupta K, Ramesh V, Mandal AK. Pheohyphomycosis due to Exophiala jeanselmei: An Emerging Pathogen in India – Case Report and Review. Mycopathologia. Oct 17, 2015. Epub . Arora D, Kaushik A, Rawat DS, Mandal AK. ABO Blood Group in and Around Delhi – A Study from Tertiary Care Hospital. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;2. Garg K, Dawson L. Single Organ Variant of Polyarteritis Nodosa in Epididymis. Journal of Cancer Research and Theraupeutics 2015;11(3):662.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular seminars, clinical conferences, journal club and microteaching sessions are held for the postgraduates. Extensive training is imparted on cytopathology, histopathology, hemato-
Left to right First row Dr Leelavathi Dawson, Dr Mukul Singh, Dr Rashmi Arora, Dr AK Mandal, Dr Poonam Khambra, Dr Sunil Ranga. Second row Dr Sufian Zaheer, Dr Sachin Bajaj, Dr Neha K Madan, Dr Rekha Tirkey, Dr Pragyan Parimita Parhy, Dr Amit K Yadav, Dr Sachin Kolte.
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Kaushik A, Arora D, Kolte S, Gupta K, Mandal AK. Radiocytological Diagnosis of Nodulocaseous Tubercular Lymphadenitis: A Clinical Dilemma. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;2(1):C35-7. Sharma S, Ahluwalia C, Singhal S, Mandal AK. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Presenting as Proptosis in a Child: A Diagnostic Dilemma. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015;1(2):81-84. Sharma S, Ahluwalia C, Mandal AK. Rare Incidental Case of Lipoleiomyoma Cervix. Asian Pac J Health Sci 2015;2(1):186-190. Sharma S, Ahluwalia C, Zaheer S, Mandal AK. An Aggressive Rare Entity – Pure (de novo) Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Ovary: Review of Literature and a Case Report. Clin Cancer Investig J. 2015;4:682-86. Sharma S, Yadav AK, Mandal AK, Zaheer S, Yadav DK, Samie A. Enteric Duplication Cysts in Children: A Clinicopathological Dilemma. J Clin and Diag Res. 2015;9(8): ECO8-EC11. Purohit G, Mohapatra S, Sharma S, Deb M. Solitary Cysticercosis Affecting Deltoid Muscle: A Rare Entity. Ann Trop Med Public Health. 2015;8(5):210-11. Sharma S, Mandal D, Yadav AK, Mandal AK. Primary Thyroid Lymphoma: A Comprehensive Summary of Two Cases. Int J. Sci Rep. 2015;1(3):177-180. Singh M, Bais B, Sharma S. Prevalence of Dyslipidemia in Adults: An Epidemiological Study in Kavaratti Island, Lakshadweep. Annals of Biological Sciences. 2015;2(4):A71-75. Sharma P, Zaheer S, Ahluwalia C, Mandal AK. Intraparotid Epidermal Inclusion Cyst – A Case Report of Rare Entity. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 2015;5(10):385-87. Yadav AK, Jha V. Metagenomic Analysis of Molecular Profile of Breast Cancer Using Genie a Literature Based Gene Prioritizing Tool: A Novel Approach. Adv Tech Biol Med. 2015;3:147. Ranga S, Ahluwalia C, Harini D, Choudhry IP, Aggarwal KC. Detection of Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Children with Epilepsy on Valproate Monotherapy in Age Group of 3-12 Years. International Medical Journal. 2015;2(12):840-84. Ahluwalia C, Ranga S, Aggarwal S, Kansra U. Study of Cytomorphological Features of Hashimotos Thyroiditis and their Correlation with Serological Findings. International Medical Journal. 2015;2(12). Kaushik A, Sirswal S, Gupta K, Kolte S, Arora D. Primary Ewing’s Sarcoma of the Scalp – Diagnosis on Cytology. Annals of Applied Biosciences. 2015; 2: 90-92. Srivastav P, Gupta K, Arora R. Cytology: A Diagnostic Modality in Cryptococcal Lymphadenitis. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2015;2:168-170.
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Bhardwaj S, Yadav AK, Zaheer S, Dawson L, Goyal S. Clincopathologic Spectrum of Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Series of 12 Cases. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):1-2. Bhuyan G, Yadav AK. Eyelid Tumors: A Potpourri of 3 cases. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):10-12. Sharma P, Zaheer S, Yadav AK. Congenital Infantile Fibrosarcoma : A Clinical Mimicker and Histopathological Surprise. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):3-5. Mandal D. Papillary Variant Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Larynx: A Rare Entity. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):26-27. Singla S, Tyagi N, Zaheer S, Goyal S. Secretory Carcinoma Breast: Presentation of a Rare Case. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):28-30. Jha V, Gupta K, Kolte S. Cytomorphological Analysis of Skin Adenexal Tumors. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):6-9. Singla G, Khambra P, Singla S. Interplay between Hemostatic Pathways and Cancer Biology in Head and Neck Cancers. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):17-25. Aggarwal T, Ahluwalia C, Sharma S, Yadav AK , Zaheer S. Yolk Sac Tumor with Component of Mature Cystic Teratoma at Sacrococcygeal Region in Children Less than 2 Years – A Case Series. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):36-39. Singla G, Yadav AK, Ramesh V, Khungar N, Garg T. Vesicobullous Lesion and their Relation to Intensity of Immunoglobulins and Complement Expression. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):31-35. Sharma S. Kolte S. Gouty Tophi Diagnosis Clinched on Cytology with Review of Literature. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;1(2):13-16.
Books Mandal AK. Textbook of Pathology for Nursing Students. Avichal Publishing Company.
Quarterly meet, Delhi Chapter of Indian Association of Surgeons, New Delhi. Annual Conference of the Indian Academy of Cytology, Delhi Chapter. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Quarterly meet of Delhi Chapter IAPM, Army Hospital Research and Referral, New Delhi.
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Histopathology CME, GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi. Quarterly meet, Delhi Chapter IAPM, Army Research and Referral Hospital, New Delhi. Quarterly meet, Indian Academy of Cytology Delhi Chapter. University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists. APCON 2015. Kochi, Kerala. CYTOCON 2015, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists Delhi Chapter Annual Conference. DAPCON 2015, New Delhi.
of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Sharma S. Best Poster Presentation. Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists Annual Conference. Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi. Sharma S. Best Poster Presentation. Update in Pathology and Transfusion Medicine 2015. Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati Government Medical College, Mewat, Haryana. WHO Fellowship: Kumar A, Brar RN, Kharab RN, Bahadur B, Kumar N, Singh C, Jagdish, Singh M, Shahin, Sadhna, Bhawna, Roshini R, Kujur E, Mishra S, Kumar Y.
9.0 Ke Mandal AK. Chaired a session at the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists Delhi Chapter Annual Conference. DAPCON 2015, New Delhi. Arora R. Jury, Poster Session. Indian Academy of Cytology Delhi Chapter Annual Conference, New Delhi. Yadav AK. Jury, Poster Session. Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists Annual Conference. APCON 2015, Kochi, Kerala. Zaheer S. Jury, Poster Session. Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists Annual Conference. APCON 2015, Kochi, Kerala.
10.0 Conferences organi IAPM Delhi Chapter Quarterly Meet, Aug 2014. Undergraduate Symposium: Tuberculosis. In collaboration with Department of Respiratory Medicine. Nov 10, 2015. National Conference for Undergraduate Students, VAMSCON 2015, Feb 2015.
Mandal AK. Editor-in-Chief. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Mandal AK. Editor. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. Kolte S. Ahluwalia C, Singh M, Yadav AK, Zaheer S, Sharma S. Editors, Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.
Flow cytometer Liquid based cytology Nephelometer Automated Urine Analyzer Automated ESR Analyzer Platelet Aggregometer Automatic Slide Stainer Automatic Vacuum Tissue Processor PCR and Molecular pathology tools
11.0 Fellowships Singla S. Best Poster Presentation. Negative Images Giving the Diagnostic Clue – A Case Report. Indian Academy of Cytology, Delhi Chapter, Annual Conference, All India Institute
Develop a state-of-the-art molecular pathology laboratory to augment facilities in the domains of onco-pathology, hematology and pediatric pathology.
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Department of Microbiology 1.0 Prelude The Department of Microbiology offers an excellent opportunity to conduct research in microbiology, immunology, genetics and molecular biology and consists of a vibrant community of faculty, researchers and students. Committed to minimizing the nosocomial infection rates, the department lays down the safety standards and enunciates the hospital’s antibiotic use policy.
of water samples, and screening of health workers.
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The department teaches undergraduate nursing and medical students and those pursuing diploma in medical laboratory technology, and pre-hospital trauma techie programs.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program 2.0 Faculty Dr Monorama Deb Director Professor Dr Rajni Gaind Consultant, Professor and Head Dr Jagdev Kaur Consultant and Professor Dr Balwinder Singh Arora Professor Dr Deepthi Nair Consultant and Professor Dr Dimple Kasana Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Malini R Capoor Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Sumit Rai Assistant Professor Dr Shilpee Kumar Assistant Professor Dr Monika Matlani Specialist Grade-I and Assistant Professor Senior residents 5
3.0 Patient Services Carrying out a host of patient care services and committed to minimizing the infection rates, the department conducts annual point prevalence surveys, laboratory based surveillance of pathogens and their antibiotic resistance patterns, guides clinicians about empirical antibiotic therapy, conducts targeted surveillance for device related infections, and carries out testing
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Regular seminars, clinical conferences and journal club were organized for the postgraduate and doctoral scholars.
6.0 Research Completed projects Deb M, Gaind R. Neonatal Sepsis Registry – A Multicentric Project. Indian Council of Medical Research. Purohit G, Deb M. Study of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus in Patients admitted to a Tertiary Care Delhi Hospital.
Ongoing projects Gaind R. Improvement of Accuracy of Differential Diagnosis of Viral Infections. Collaborative Project of S & T Japan and DST. Gaind R. National Program on Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance during 12th Five Year Plan. MoHFW. Gaind R, Rai S. Understanding Disease Biology and Diagnosis of Bacterial Sepsis among Hospitalized Neonates – A Muticentre Study. Department of Biotechnology. Capoor MR. Study of Epidemiology, Pathogenomics and System Biology of Aspergillus flavus in India: A Consortium Project.
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Mazumdar S, Gaind R. Comparison of Conventional Culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction in Screening of Group B Streptococcus Colonization in Pregnant Women during Delivery. Kiran D, Arora BS. A Correlational Study of IgM Seroprevalence, Epidemiological Pattern and Clinical Profiles of Suspected Dengue Patients. Khan Z, Bala M. Reliability of Self-Collected over Physician Collected Vaginal Swabs in Diagnosing Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge. Pandey K, Murlidhar S. Characteristics of Candida Isolates from Genital Tracts of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Women. Ranjan S, Arora BS. Bacteriological Study of Surgical Site Infections in Abdominal Surgery Cases. Singhal A, Nair D. Comparative Evaluation of Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests with Culture Technique for Identification of Mycobacterium complex in Clinically Diagnosed Cases of Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
7.0 Publications Journals Jain S, Sharma B, Gaind R, Capoor MR, Deb M. Late-Onset Prosthetic Valve Fungal Endocarditis Due to Candida albicans: A Case Report and Review of Literature from India. J Immunol Tech Infect Dis. 2015;4:1-3. Purohit G, Mohapatra S, Sharma S, Deb M. Solitary Cysticercosis affecting Deltoid Muscle: A Rare Entity. Ann Trop Med and Pub Health. 2015;8(5):210-11. Rynga D, Shariff M, Deb M. Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Clinical Isolates of Acinetobactor baumannii
isolated from Delhi. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2015;14:40-48. Mohankumar A, Kaur J, Deb M, Prateek S. A Study of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Pregnancy. Int J Recent Trends in S and T. 2015;16(2):385-89. Mohankumar A, Kaur J, Deb M. Urinary Tract Infections in Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Care Hospital. Int J Recent Trends in S and T. 2015;17(1):41-43. Parry CM, Thieu NT, Dolecek C, Karkey A, Gaind R, Deb M, et al. Clinically and Microbiologically Derived Azithromycin Susceptibility Breakpoints for Salmonella enterica Serovars Typhi and Paratyphi A. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015;59(5):2756-64. Sinha A, Gupta SS, Chellani H, Gaind R, et al. Role of Probiotics VSL#3 in Prevention of Suspected Sepsis in Low Birth Weight Infants in India: A Randomized Controlled Trial. BMJ Open. 2015;5:e006564. Saxena AK, Jain S, Ramesh V, Singh A, Capoor MR. Chromoblastomycosis: Demonstration of Abundant Microorganisms on Microscopy of a Scaly Crust Following Intralesional Corticosteroids. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2014;29(1):189-90. Chakrabarti A, Sood P, Rudramurthy SM, Chen S, Kaur H, Capoor MR, et al. Incidence, Characteristics and Outcome of ICU – Acquired Candidemia in India. Intensive Care Med. 2015;41(2):285-95. Capoor MR, Sen B, Varshney P, Verghese M, Shivaprakash MR, Chakrabarti A. Coccidiomycosis Masquerading as Skeletal Tuberculosis. Tropical Doctor. 2014;44(1):25-8.
Left to right First row Dr Balvinder Singh Arora, Dr Jagdev Kaur, Dr Rajni Gaind, Dr Deepthi Nair, Dr Dimple Kasana, Dr Malini R Capoor. Second Row Dr Monika Matlani, Dr Sumit Rai, Dr Manisha Jain.
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Agarwal P, Capoor MR, Singh M, Gupta A, Chhakchhuak A, Debata P. An Unusual Presentation of Disseminated Histoplasmosis. Mycopathologia. 2015;180(5-6):359-64. Chopra S, Capoor MR, Mallik R, Gupta S, Ray A, Khanna G, et al. Pulmonary Cryptococcosis in HIV Sero-Negative Patients. Mycoses. 2015;58:288-93. Roy S, Datta S, Das P, Gaind R, Pal T, Tapader R, et al. Insight into Neonatal Septicaemic Escherichia coli from India with Respect to Phylogroups, Serotypes, Virulence, Extended Spectrum-β-lactamases and Association of ST131 Clonal Group. Epidemiol Infect. 2015;10:1-11. Nagarjuna D, Mittal G, Dhanda RS, Verma PK, Gaind R, Yadav M. Faecal Escherichia coli Isolates show Potential to Cause Endogenous Infection in Patients Admitted to the ICU in a Tertiary Care Hospital. New Microbes New Infect. 2015;7:57-66. Nagarjuna D, Dhanda S, Gaind R, Yadav M. tcpC as a Prospective New Virulence Marker in Blood Escherichia coli Isolates from Sepsis Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. New Microbes New Infect. 2015;7:28-30. Mittal G, Gaind R, Verma PK, Deb M. Bacterial Colonization in Tracheal Tubes of Intensive Care Unit Patient: Study from Tertiary Care Center. Int J Development Res. 2015;5(10):5749-54. Gupta A, Capoor MR, Gupta S, Sachdeva HC. Concomitant Infections of Influenza A HINI and Disseminated Cryptococcosis in a HIV Seropositive Patient. J Lab Lab Phys. 2015. Sharma B, Kasana D, Jain S. To Establish a Link between Health Care Associated Infection, Pathogenic Bacteria from Health Care Workers and Biomedical Waste Management Practices in a Leading Tertiary Care Center from India. Int J Development Res. 2015;5(12):6287-9. Sharma B, Kasana D, Jain S. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Health Care Workers towards Biomedical Waste Management: Needs Improvement. Int J Development Res. 2015;5(12):6130-34. Sharma B, Mohapatra S, Kumar AM, Deb M. Diagnostic Dilemma in Hookworm Infection: An Unusual Case Report. Ind J Med Microbiol. 2015;33:178-179. Mohanty S, Sharma R, Deb M. Usefulness of a Centrifuged Buffy Coat Smear Examination for Diagnosis of Malaria. Ind J Med Microbiol. 2015;33:63-67. Kasana D, Purohit G, Nair D. Bacteriological Profile and Antibiogram in Various Body Fluids in a Tertiary Care Center Hospital in North India: A 6 Year Observational Study. Int J Recent Trends in S and T. 2015;16(2):432-5. Sharma D, Capoor M, Ramesh V, Gupta S, Shivaprakash MR, Chakrabarti A. Rare Case of Onychomycosis caused by Emericella quadrilineata. Ind J Med Microbiol. 2015;33(2):314-6.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Kumar A, Debata PK, Ranjan A, Gaind R. The Role and Reliability of Rapid Bedside Diagnostic Test in Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Bacterial Meningitis. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2015;82(4):311-14. Ray A, Suri JC, Sen MK, Chakrabarti S, Gupta A, Capoor MR. Cavitating Lung Disease due to Concomitant Drug Resistant Tuberculosis and Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in a Post-Partum Patient. Ind J Tuberculosis. 2015;62:50-53. Rai S, Niranjan DK, Kaur T, Singh NP, Hada V, Kaur IR. Detection of the Classical G2576U Mutation in Linezolid Resistant Staphylococcus aureus along with Isolation of Linezolid Resistant Enterococcus faecium from a Patient on Short Term Linezolid Therapy. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2015;33:21-24. Dhawan I, Gupta O, Kaushik A, Ranga S, Kasana D, Gupta PK. Cytomorphological spectrum and Ziehl-Nelson Staining in Suspected Tuberculous Lymphadenitis: A study of 100 cases. Annals of Pathology and Lab medicine. 2015;2(1).
Books Matlani M. Last Minute Revision Microbiology. CBS Publishers. Oct 2015. Jain S, Gaind R. Monitoring of High-Risk Areas: Burn Unit. In: Hospital Infection Prevention: Principles and Practices. Springer, 2014.
r Purohit G, Gaind R, Deb M. Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Enterococci Isolates in Pediatric Ward from a Tertiary Care Center. CIDSCON, Aug 21-23, 2015. Kumar S, Kiran D, Gaind R, Deb M, Verma PK. Profile of Device Related Infections in an Adult ICU of Tertiary Care Hospital. 39th National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Pondicherry, Nov 27-30, 2015. Ryna D, Gupta R, Gaind R, Deb M. Molecular and Phenotypic Characteristics of Salmonella Paratyphi A Infections in India. 39th National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Pondicherry, Nov 27-30, 2015. Sen P, Kasana D. Bacterial Profile of Pleural Effusion in a Tertiary Care Hospital. 39th National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Pondicherry, Nov 27-30, 2015. Sharma B, Matlani M, Deb M, Gaind R. Malaria and Typhoid Co-Infection among Febrile Patients in a Tertiary Care Center. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi, Aug 8, 2015. Sharma B, Capoor MR, Khunger N. Poster: Microsporum canis Infection in Three Familial Cases with Tinea Capitis. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi, Apr 25, 2015.
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Biswal I, Majumdar S, Rai S, Deb M. Linezolid Resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from a case of Steven Johnson Syndrome. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi. Apr 25, 2015. Majumdar S, Rynga D, Deb M, Gaind R. Bacteriological Pattern and their Sensitivity Pattern in Surgical Wounds in Orthopedics. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi. Apr 25, 2015. Gaind R. Risk Factors for Fecal Carriage of CPE Among ICU Patients. International Conference on Antimicrobial Research, ICAR 2014, Spain. Sept 29-Oct 4, 2014. Gaind R. Invitro susceptibility of Propinobacterium acne isolates from India. International Conference on Antimicrobial Research, ICAR 2014, Spain. Sept 29-Oct 4, 2014. Capoor MR. Cryptococcosis in and around Delhi: Clinical, Antifungal and Molecular Pattern. 7th Congress on Trends in Medical Mycology, Lisbon, Portugal. Oct 2-10, 2015. Capoor MR. Epidemiology and Antifungal Susceptibility Profile of Tinea Corporis and Cruris Cases from India. 7th Congress on Trends in Medical Mycology, Lisbon, Oct 2-10, 2015.
Capoor MR. National Executive. Society for Indian Human and Animal Mycologists. Capoor MR. Core Committee Member of MOEF and CC for Drafting of Biomedical Waste Rules, 2015. Capoor MR. Resource Person. Molecular Diagnostics Workshop, National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Pudducherry, Nov 25, 2015. Capoor MR. Monitoring of Hand Hygiene Compliance Rate. Kumar S. NABH assessor for accreditation of hospital and healthcare providers; and NABL assessor for accreditation of Medical laboratories. Kumar S. Member, Public Health Team in Jammu and Kashmir flood hit area. Nair D. Member, Disaster Management Team, Jammu and Kashmir floods. Sept-Oct 2014.
est Lect
on Academic Platform
Purohit G. 2nd Prize. 5th Annual Conference of Clinical Infectious Diseases Society 2015. Aug 21-23, 2015. Rynga D, Gupta R, Gaind R, Deb M. Best Free Poster Award. Salmonella Enteric Serovar Paratyphi A Infections in India: Reappraisal of Therapeutic Policy. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi. Apr 25, 2015.
Gaind R. Speaker. Infection Control Certificate Course. St Stephens Hospital, Delhi, May 18, 2015. Gaind R. Faculty. 15th Congress of International Federation of Infection Control and XIII National Conference of Hospital Infection Society, Mar 21-24, 2015. Gaind R. CME Lecture. Detection and Reporting of Antibiotic Resistance. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi and CLSI, Feb 20-21, 2015. Gaind R. SAARC Technical Committee, Apr 4, 2015. Nair D. Speaker. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi Chapter, 2015. Kasana D. Faculty, Biomedical Waste Management Course, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi. Gaind R. International Conference on Typhoid and Invasive NTS Disease, Bali, Indonesia, Apr 30-May 4, 2015.
Gaind R. Member. Central HINI Review Team, Bangalore. Feb 27, 2015. Gaind R. Expert. Hospital Inspection, Ahmedabad for Ebola Preparedness. Gaind R. Course Coordinator WHO Fellowship. Aug 2015 Gaind R. Editor, J Infection in Developing Countries. Arora BS. Central Team Member. Inspection of Hospitals for Adequacy of Ebola Preparedness in Madhya Pradesh. Nair D. Faculty and Chair. International Conference of the Hospital Infection Society of India, HISICON 2015. Capoor MR. Trainer: Biomedical Waste Management, Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Development of a H1N1 referral molecular testing laboratory. Setting up of the facilities of MGIT culture and sensitivity, line probe assay, and GeneXpert tests for tuberculosis. Introducing Rapid identification by Post-culture MALDITOF and sequencing. Introduction of serological tests for dimorphic fungi, and Leptospira. Bring out a new and revised edition of the hospital’s Antibiotic Policy and Hospital Infection Control Manual. Revise sterilization practices in the hospital. Set up targeted surveillance of hospital acquired infections in the high risk areas of the hospital.
Delhi Chapter meeting, Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists. Apr 25, 2015.
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Department of Pharmacology 1.0 Prelude Conducting research in areas of pharmacovigilance, psychopharmacology, rational use of medicine, hospital antibiotic policy and antibiotic use pattern with special focus on population kinetics, the Department of Pharmacology has well-equipped laboratories, a well-stocked museum and an animal house in strict compliance with the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals. The postgraduate research laboratory is equipped with the high performance liquid chromatography and spectrophotometer, and the department acts as a pharmacovigilance center for monitoring adverse drug reactions of newly marketed drugs to ensure the safety of the citizens.
Dr Preeta Kaur Chugh Assistant Professor Dr Kamlesh Garg Assistant Professor Dr Amit Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor Dr Ashish Kumar Mehta Research Associate Senior residents 7
2.0 Faculty Dr CD Tripathi Director Professor and Head Dr Veena Verma Professor Dr Sparsh Gupta Assistant Professor Dr Ashish Kakkar Assistant Professor
Left to right First row Dr Kamlesh Garg, Dr CD Tripathi, Dr Veena Verma. Second Row Dr Ashish Kakkar, Dr Amit Sharma, Dr Sparsh Gupta.
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3.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The undergraduate medical students teaching program focuses on the rational use of drugs, pharmacovigilance, clinical pharmacology, and fundamental and clinical research. Regular classes are also being held for the nursing students and those pursuing the pre-hospital trauma technician program.
Swapnil, Tripathi CD, Kuna R. A Pharmacokinetic Study to Validate the Tissue Concentration of Ceftriaxone Chemoprophylaxis during Spine Surgery. Priyanka, Verma V, Tripathi CD. Potential Antinociceptive Effect of Buspirone and Sumatriptan in Animal Models of Induced Pain.
4.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program
6.0 Publications
The postgraduate teaching program lays emphasis on training around the four main pillars of pharmacology: experimental, chemical, clinical and ethno pharmacology. Regular seminars, practical sessions and journal club form the cornerstone of a robust program.
Bhajoni PS, Meshram GG, Lahkar M, Ghadlinge MS, Rehan HS, Tripathi CD. Evaluation of the Role of Nitric Oxide and Antioxidation in the Antiulcer Activity of Ocimum sanctum Leaves: An Experimental Study. Orient Pharm Exp Med. 2015; 15(4):313-17. Meshram GG, Kumar A, Rizvi W, Tripathi CD, Khan RA. Central Analgesic Activity of the Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of the Leaves of Albizia lebbeck: Role of the GABAergic and Serotonergic Pathways. Z Naturforsch. 2015; 70(1-2):25-30. Tripathi CD. Chugh PK. Belimumab: Present and Future. J Autoimmun Disod. 2015;1:1-4. Mehta AK, Tripathi CD. Commiphora mukul Attenuates Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Induced by Chronic Constriction Injury of Sciatic Nerve in Rats. Nutr Neurosci. 2015;18(3):97102. Halder S, Kar R, Mehta AK, Bhattacharya SK, Mediratta PK, Banerjee BD. Quercetin Modulates the Effects of Chromium Exposure on Learning, Memory and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in F1 Generation Mice. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2015. [Epub ahead of print]. Halder S, Kar R, Galav V, Mehta AK, Bhattacharya SK, Mediratta PK, Banerjee BD. Cadmium Exposure During Lactation Causes Learning and Memory – Impairment in F1 Generation Mice: Amelioration by Quercetin. Drug Chem Toxicol. 2015;7:1-7.
5.0 Research Completed projects Sonone P, Verma V, Tripathi CD. An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Role of NMDA Receptors in Animal Model of Depression. Sheikh S, Tripathi CD, Agarwal K, Gaind R. A Study to Characterize the Pharmacokinetics of Meropenem in Burn Patients. Suhag N, Tripathi CD, Kataria SP. Efficacy of Aprepitant as Add-on Therapy with Ondensetron and Dexamethasone in Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting.
Ongoing projects Tripathi CD, Chugh PK. To Study the Drug Use Pattern among Elderly in CGHS Dispensaries of Delhi. Indian Council of Medical Research. Tripathi CD, Chugh PK, Rani SG. To Assess the Knowledge and Awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance Among Medical Students and Residents. Indian Council of Medical Research. Meena A, Tripathi CD, Chillani H. Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Term, Preterm and Growth Restricted Neonates. Srivastav P, Verma V, Tripathi CD. An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Interaction of Fluoxetine and Desipramine with Ibuprofen and Celecoxib. Yadav G, Tripathi CD, Punia VPS, Kabi BC. A Parallel Group Open Label Study to Determine the Effect of Hydroxychloroquine on Insulin Sensitivity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Ravinder., Tripathi CD, Bagga D. A Pharmacokinetic Study to Validate the Concentration of Prophylactic Ceftriaxone in Tissue and Serum in Paediatric Surgery. Neeraj, Garg K, Arya SV. A Pharmacokinetic Study to Validate the Concentration of Prophylactic Ceftriaxone in Tissue and Serum in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Surgery.
7.0 Awards and Achievements Tripathi CD. Chairman, National Anti-Doping Agency for IEC Campaign, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India. Tripathi CD. Advisor, Anti-Doping. National Sports, Trivandrum, Jan 1-15, 2015. Garg K. First prize, Oral Presentation. Impact of Real Time Intervention for Cost Minimisation Analysis of Antihypertensive Therapy among Medical Undergraduates in a Tertiary Care Hospital. 4th International Conference ISPHORIndia Chapter. Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, New Delhi, Oct 31-Nov 1, 2015.
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Sheikh S. First Prize, Oral Presentation. A Study to Characterize the Pharmacokinetics of Meropenem in Burn Patients. 4th International-7th National Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics Conference, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Dec 4-6, 2015.
8.0 Guest Lectures Tripathi CD. Latest Trends in Anti-Doping Sciences. India Habitat Center, New Delhi, Oct 15, 2015. Tripathi CD. Guest Lecture. 4th International-7th National Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics Conference, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Dec 4-6, 2015. Tripathi CD. Guest Lecture. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Antimicrobial Stewardness. Department of Microbiology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. Jun 2015.
9.0 Participation in Conferences Garg K. 4th International Conference, ISPHOR-India chapter. Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, New Delhi. Oct 31-Nov 1, 2015. Sonone P. Oral Presentation. An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Role of XIMDA Receptor Antagonists in Animal
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Models. 4th International-7th National Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics Conference. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Dec 4-6, 2015. Suhag N. Poster. Efficacy of Aprepitant as Add on Therapy with Ondensetron and Dexamethasone in Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting. 4th International-7th National Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics Conference. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Dec 4-6, 2015. Yadav G. Poster. Role of 5-HT 2A-2C Receptors in Modulating the Seizure Activity in MES and PTZ Animal Model of Epilepsy. 4th International-7th National Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics Conference. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Dec 4-6, 2015. Tripathi CD, Gupta S, Kakkar A, Sharma AK. 4th International-7th National Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics Conference. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Dec 4-6, 2015.
10.0 Plan of Action To develop a therapeutic drug monitoring program for patient safety through estimation of drug level.
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Department of Community Medicine 1.0 Prelude
3.0 Community Care
Equipped with the state-of-art facilities for the training of undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, the Department of Community Medicine has been keenly involved in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health programs and activities in the community. The department powers three health centres in rural Delhi and has been handling a number of research projects funded by national bodies and agencies in the realm of public health. The department offers hands-on training to postgraduate researchers and cherishes a mission of developing health policy makers for the morrow.
The Department of Community Medicine runs the following health centres: Primary Health Center, Fatehpur Beri. Rural Health Training Center, Najafgarh. Urban Health Training Center, Aliganj. These centres are run by the senior residents, postgraduates, and interns, with the support of public health nurses, medical social workers, health inspector, and health educator. They run a general OPD service, maternal and child health clinic, malaria clinic, dental clinic, DOTS center, and organize medical camps, field visits, and weekly health talks for the community.
2.0 Faculty Dr Jugal Kishore Professor and Head Dr Saudan Singh Director Professor Dr Anita Khokhar Professor Dr Richa Talwar Professor Dr Poornima Tiwari Professor Dr Neelam Roy Professor Dr Anita Verma Professor Dr Geeta Pardeshi Professor Dr VP Gautam Associate Professor Dr Geeta Yadav Associate Professor Dr Shalini Smanla Assistant Professor Senior residents 8
Left to right First row Dr Richa Talwar, Dr Saudan Singh, Dr Jugal Kishore, Dr Anita Khokhar. Second Row Dr Geeta Yadav, Dr Neelam Roy, Dr VP Gautam.Third Row Dr Anita Verma, Dr Poornima Tiwari. Fourth Row Dr Geeta Pardeshi, Dr Shalini Smanla.
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4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The department has a robust teaching program for the nursing and undergraduate medical students. Classes are also held for students pursuing Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology, Pre Hospital Trauma Technician program and Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health.
5.0 Po
aduate Teaching Program
The nucleus of the postgraduate teaching program is based on case presentations, seminars and journal club moderated by the faculty members. Posted to Rural Health Training Center, Najafgarh; Public Health Center, Fatehpur Beri; and UHTC, Aliganj, the postgraduates carry out active research on a number of community health areas.
6.0 Researc Completed projects Kamble B, Singh S. A Cohort Study of Tuberculosis Status among Cured or Treatment Completed Pediatric Tuberculosis Patients. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program, Delhi. Singh SK, Verma A. Prevalence of Hypertension and Associated Risk Factors among School Going Adolescents in Najafgarh, Delhi. Sethi S, Singh S, Raut DK, Mandal AK. A Cross Sectional Study of Hypothyroidism and Vitamin D Deficiency among Pregnant Women in Rural Areas of Najafgarh, Delhi. Shekhar H, Khokhar A, Motwani G. Profile of Ear Morbidity among Primary School Going Children of Aliganj Area, Delhi. Chandrawanshi L, Talwar R. A Cross Sectional Study to Assess the Coverage and Community Perception regarding Health Insurance among the Residents of Villages under Rural Health Training Center, Najafgarh, Delhi. Saha SK. Epidemiological Study of Depression among Females residing in Urbanized Village of Delhi.
Ongoing projects Das A, Talwar R. Study of Newborn Care Practices in Recently Delivered Mothers of Najafgarh, Delhi. Dileepan S, Khokhar A, Ranga S. Epidemiological Study of Iron Deficiency Anemia and Status of Sputum Conversion in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients attending DOTS Center, Najafgarh Delhi. Singh A, Roy N. Assessment of Growth and Development in Children under 2 years of age in an
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Urbanized Village of Delhi. Kumar S, Verma A, Kumar K. To Study Prevalence and Risk Factors of Depression in Women Residing in an Urbanized Village of Delhi. Yadav S, Kishore J. Effect of IEC Activity on Health Literacy of Life Style Diseases among Adolescents. Kumar M, Talwar R. A Study of Aggression and its Factors among School Going Adolescents of Delhi. Sharma P, Verma A, Ranga S. An Epidemiological Study of Hypothyroidism in Postmenopausal Women Residing in an Urbanized Village of Delhi. Parija PP, Tiwari P. A Study of Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness among Pregnant Women of Rural South Delhi. Arun P, Singh S. A Cross Sectional Study of Parasitic Contamination in Commonly Consumed Raw Vegetables in South Delhi. Gangwar K, Kishore J. Effect of Information Education and Communication on the Perceptions and Preparedness for Earthquakes in Geriatric Population in a Rural Area in Delhi. Hemarajani P, Roy N. A Study of Diabetes Mellitus and Treatment Outcome Amongst Patients of Tuberculosis attending DOTS Centres under a Chest Clinic in South East Delhi. Salodia UP, Roy N. A Study of Depression among Adolescents attending Government Schools in a Rural Area of Delhi. Rathore KS, Khokhar A. A Study of Vitamin D Status among Tuberculosis Patients attending DOTS Center, Rural Health Training Center, Najafgarh.
7.0 Publications Meena JK, Verma A, Kishore J, Ingle GK. Sexual and Reproductive Health: Knowledge, Attitude and Perceptions among Young Unmarried Male Residents of Delhi. Int J of Reproductive Medicine. 2015; doi org/10.1155/2015/431460 Kohli C, Kishore J, Sharma S, Nayak H. Knowledge and Practice of Accredited Social Health Activists for Maternal Healthcare Delivery in Delhi. J Family Med Prim Care. 2015;4:359-63. Kohli C, Kishore J, Sharma S, Nayak H. Are Accredited Social Health Activist Workers Aware of their Roles and Responsibilities? Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(3):616-621. Shekhar C, Gupta LN, Premsagar IC, Sinha M, Kishore J. An Epidemiological Study of Traumatic Brain Injury Cases in a Trauma Center of New Delhi. J Emerg Trauma
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Shock. 2015;8:131-9. Kishore J, Kohli C, Gupta N, Kumar N, Sharma P. Awareness, Practices and Treatment Seeking Behavior of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Delhi. Ann Med Health Sci Res.2015;5:266-73. Gupta N, Kishore J, Jani KK, Kumar N. Mass Screening of Susceptible Population with rK39 and Treatment with Effective Drug of Asymptomatic Positives should also be included as Strategies in Kala-zar Elimination. BMJ. 2015;351. Bhardwaj M, Kishore J, et al. Attitude of Medical Students Towards Occupational Safety and Health: A Multi-National Study. Int J Occup Environ Med. 2015;6(1):7-19. Boro P, Soyam VC, Anand T, Kishore J. Physical Environment and Hygiene Status at Food Service Establishments in a Tertiary Care Medical College Campus in Delhi: A Cross-Sectional Study. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015;6(4):74-79. Khokhar A. Is it Time to Explore Ultrasonography as a Viable Option for Breast Screening of Young Indian Women? World J Epidemiol Cancer Prevention. 2014;3:41-45. Daral S, Singh SK, Khokhar A. Ebola Virus: Awareness about the Disease and Personal Protective Measures among Junior Doctors of a Tertiary Hospital in Delhi, India. International Journal of Medicine and Public Health. 2015;5(3):217-221. Mangal A, Kumar V, Panesar S, Talwar R, Raut D, Singh S. Updated BG Prasad Socio Economic Classification, 2014, A commentary. Indian Journal of Public Health. 2015;59(1):42-44. Tiwari P. Can Workplace Physical Activity of Blue Collar Job be a Blessing in Disguise? Prensa Med Argent. 2015;101:6. Dabar D, Verma A, Mangal A, Singh S, Yadav V. Feeding Practice of Children Under 24 months of Age. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci. 2014;2(6E):3161-3164.
Studentship Program. Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, Mar 25, 2015. Kishore J. Expert, Messages for Health Tobacco Cessation Project, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, Aug 2015. Kishore J. Member, Institutional Review Board, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, 2015.
Khokhar A. Worth its Salt: All you need to know about salt (Know your salt, save yourself). [Kindle Edition] Sep 15, 2015.
Kishore J. Lecture: Population Theory and Trends for Nursing Students. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing, Oct 15, 2015. Kishore J. Lecture. H1N1 Prevention and Control for Staff of School Health Program of South Delhi. Malviya Nagar Hospital, New Delhi, Dec 12, 2015.
Kishore J. Editor in Chief, International Journal of Preventive, Curative and Community Medicine. Kishore J. Reviewer, Journal of Communicable Disease. Indian Society of Malaria and Communicable Diseases. Kishore J. Reviewer, Public Health. Kishore J. Reviewer, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Kishore J. Reviewer, Indian Journal of Community Medicine. Kishore J. Reviewer, Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues. Gautam VP. Reviewer, Proposals submitted under Short Term
Awards Kishore J. PhD in Psychiatry, 92nd Convocation, University of Delhi, May 30, 2015. Kishore J. Elected Member, International Medical Science Academy, 2015. Kishore J. Elected Member, National Academy of Medical Science, 2015.
9.0 Departmental Conferences and Workshops Symposium. Food Safety. World Health Day. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. Apr 6, 2015. Poster-cum-Slogan competition. Deceased Organ Donation, special focus on Brain Stem Death and Organ Donation Pledge. Collaboration: NOTTO. Jun 17, 2015 Program on World Hepatitis Day. Collaboration with MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child to promote Prevention and Early Management of Viral Hepatitis. Jul 28, 2015. United Nations International Youth Day, Aug 12, 2015. Two day Workshop: Leadership in Health Sector. Aug 25-26, 2015. Seminar: Radiation and Cancer:Public Health Concerns. Aug 19, 2015.
11.0 Participation in Conferences and Tra Kishore J. Organizing Secretary, Workshop on Leadership in Health Sector, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. Jan 22, 2015. Gautam VP. Workshop. Prevention and Control of Vector Borne Diseases. India Habitat Center, Delhi, Mar 18, 2015. Gautam VP. Symposium. Food Safety. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, Apr 6, 2015.
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Verma A, Roy N. 18th MCI Basic Course. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, May 5-7, 2015. Kishore J. Session. Scrub Typhus Epidemiology. Training Workshop on Scrub Typhus Diagnosis and Management. National Center for Disease Control, India and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, May 27, 2015. Kishore J. Session: Risk Factors and Preventive Strategies for Control of Cardiovascular Diseases in India. National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Jun 8, 2015. Kishore J. Organizing Secretary, CME. Radiation and Cancer: Public Health Concerns. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Army College of Medical Science, New Delhi, Aug 19-20, 2015. Gautam VP. Radiation and Cancer: Public Health Concerns. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, Aug 19, 2015. Kishore J. Attitude and Communication Module. MCI Regional Center, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Sept 8, 2015. Roy N. MCI Basic Course Workshop: Medical Education Technologies. Regional Center, Maulana Azad Medical College, Sept 9-11, 2015. Kishore J. Co-Chairman. Scientific Committee of National Conference on De-polluting Indian Cities. International Development Center, India International Center, Sept 18-19, 2015. Kishore J. Session. Group Dynamics and Ice Breaking including Fish Bowl Discussion and Discussion on Teaching Attitudinal Domain. 2nd Medical Council of India Basic Course Workshop. Medical Education Department, Maulana Azad Medical College, Sept 22-24, 2015. Roy N. Leadership in Health Sector. Sept 25-26, 2015. Kishore J. Session. Epidemiology of Dengue. Seminar, GB Pant Hospital, Indian Medical Association, Oct 3, 2015. Kishore J. Organizing Secretary. Workshop on Leadership in Health Sector for Nursing Professionals. Department of Community Medicine, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, New Delhi, Oct 5-6, 2015. Kishore J. Session. Group Dynamics and Ice Breaking
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
including Fish Bowl Discussion. 3rd Medical Council of India Basic Course Workshop. Medical Education Department, Maulana Azad Medical College., Oct 13-15, 2015. Gautam VP. Training Course: Mainstreaming Gender in Health, Gender based Violence and Human Rights for the Health Professional. National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, Oct 26-30, 2015. Kishore J. Session. Pandemic Disease Preparedness. Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi, Oct 27, 2015. Kishore J. Session. Leadership in Nursing. Workshop on Leadership in Health Sector for Nursing Professional. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing, New Delhi, Oct 28, 2015. Kishore J. Member, Organizing Committee. VII National Conference on Health Professions Education. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Nov 19-21, 2015. Kishore J. Co-Convener. CME Program. Adolescent Health. Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Department of Community Medicine, Mysore, Nov 23, 2015. Kishore J. Resource Person. Data Collection Technique and Tools, Standardization and Validation of Tools. Workshop on Reserch Methodology. Department of Community Medicine, BPS Govt Medical College for Women, Khanpur Kalan, Haryana, Nov 29-30, 2015 Kishore J. Session. Stress Management for Nursing Students. College of Nursing, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research and Dr RML Hospital and Indian Association for Adolescent Health, Dec 10, 2015. Kishore J. 1st Bioethics Workshop. Central India Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, HAIFA, New Delhi, Dec 11, 2015.
12.0 Plan of Action Establish an screening clinic in the outpatients department of Safdarjung Hospital. Establish a geriatric ward at the Rural Training Health Center, Najafgarh. Establish a telemedicine and webcasting unit for undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.
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Department of Forensic Medicine 1.0 Prelude
3.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program
Committed to assisting the long arm of law in the society, the Department of Forensic Medicine defines the osseous age and dwells on cases that generally proceed to legal enquiry, be it homicides, accidental accidents, suspicious deaths, deaths of young persons, and unidentifiable cases and examination of skeletal remains. The faculty also evaluates medically the cases of sexual offences. The faculty helps several state agencies including the CBI Academy, Ghaziabad; LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences; National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development; Delhi Judicial Academy; and BSF camp Chavala by being the faculty for their training programs.
The department has a well-structured teaching program for the undergraduate medical students. The program included 40 lecture hours, and 60 practical and tutorial hours during the academic year. Midterm and end semester examinations were held both for theory and practical assessment of the students.
4.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program The postgraduate teaching program is extensive and rigorous with regular lectures, seminars, journal club and practical presentations.
2.0 Faculty Dr Anil Kumar Mittal Director Professor and Head Dr AF Khakha Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Sarvesh Tandon Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr MK Wahi Professor Dr Gaurav Vinod Jain Professor Dr Upender Kishore Professor Dr GA Sunil Kumar Sharma Professor Dr Manish Kumath Professor Dr Mohit Gupta Assistant Professor Dr Sanjay Kumar Assistant Professor Senior residents 5
Left to right First row Dr AF Khakha, Dr Anil Kumar Mittal, Dr Sarvesh Tandon. Second Row Dr MK Wahi, Dr Manish Kumath, Dr Upender Kishore, Dr Mohit Gupta.
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5.0 Research Kanwar H, Kumar A. Pattern of Injuries in ThoracoAbdominal Trauma Cases and their Injury Severity Score – A Post Mortem Study. Amit, Tandon S. A Comprehensive Study of Facial Injuries sustained as a result of Accidents and Intentional Violence – A Post Mortem Study.
6.0 Publications Yadav A, Raheel MS, Kumar L, Sharma SK, Kanwar H. Cut Throat Wounds: Suicidal And Homicidal – Case Reports. Medicine Science and Law. 2016;56(1): 53-57. Gupta M, Kumath M, Panwar M, Yadav A, Kharb V. Role of Written Informed Consent from the Patient Admitted in Hospital vis-à-vis Recent Interpretation by the Indian Legal System. JIMA. 2015;113(11):153-6. Sharma SK, Jain A, Yadav A, Kabi D, Kumar A. Correlation between Skeletal Age and Dental Age in living individuals. JIAFM.2015;37(3):283-6.
Faculty members were appointed members on several committees of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India; and Government of National Capital Territory.
9.0 Medicolegal Work Post-mortems Examination of the rape accused Bone age estimation Second opinion Attending the court summons Medicolegal opinion in casualty
2,315 61 378 106 425
10.0 Departmental Workshops Basic Course/ACL Course. Delhi Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop. Sports Injury Center, Safdarjung Hospital in association with Department of Anatomy. Mar 21-22, 2015. Cadaveric Workshop. In collaboration with Central Institute of Orthopedics.
7.0 Awards
11.0 Participation in Conferences
Kumath Manish. Awarded IMA South Delhi President’s Appreciation Award, XXXV Annual Convention, Indian Medical Association, South Delhi Branch.
Kumar A, Kishore U, Kumath M, Gupta M, Kumar S. XXXVI Annual National Conference of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, Forensic Medicon 2015, Chennai. Wahi MK, Sharma SK. 6th International Conference on Legal Medicine, Medical Negligence and Litigation in Medical Practice, IAMLE 2015, Khajuraho.
8.0 Achievements Faculty members were appointed on the expert panel of National Human Rights Commission and Central Bureau of Investigation to assist the agencies regarding medicolegal issues and policy matters.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
12.0 Plan of Action The department needs to build on its faculty and technical staff strength. The mortuary block needs a major expansion and establishment of a forensic operation theatre equipped with state-of-theart equipment and forensic histopathology lab. Give a filip to the cadaveric organ transplantation program.
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Part II Section 2
Medicine & Allied Fields
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Department of Medicine 1.0 Prelude Offering comprehensive services in internal medicine, the department caters to a large number of patients in the outpatient clinics, special clinics, emergency services, and wards. The annual attendance for the year 2015 in the outpatient clinics was 3,23,865; while 27,642 inpatients were admitted to its three wards. The department runs a special antiretroviral therapy clinic for the HIV patients, a geriatric clinic for the elderly and a gastroenterology clinic to cater to the needs of diverse population of patients. During epidemic outbreaks, it also provides round the clock medical care to the people.
2.0 Faculty Dr Dilip Kumar Additional DGHS, Consultant and Head Dr NS Negi Consultant and Professor Dr Neelima Jain Consultant and Professor Dr Prabal Rajvanshi Consultant and Professor Dr BK Tripathi Consultant and Professor Dr Charanjit Singh Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Arun Gogna Consultant and Professor Dr B Lall Consultant and Assistant Professor Dr Rajesh Manocha Consultant and Professor Dr S Mohanty Consultant and Professor Dr YC Porwal Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Abha Dua Consultant and Professor Dr M Narang Consultant and Professor
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr MB Thakur Senior Physician and Associate Professor Dr Manish Kumar Associate Professor Dr Geeta Kampani Senior Physician and Associate Professor Dr M Lal Senior Physician and Assistant Professor Dr RP Saini Senior Physician and Assistant Professor Dr Sameer Gulati Assistant Professor Dr Vinod Kumar Assistant Professor Dr Rupali Malik Assistant Professor Dr PushpaKumari Assistant Professor Dr ShashankTrivedi Physician Dr Sanjeev Bhalla Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr Vinod Gupta Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr SP Singh Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr AK Gandhi Chief Medical Officer Dr Anish Singhal Chief Medical Officer Dr Binod Kumar Chief Medical Officer Dr RK Gulia Senior Medical Officer Dr VK Gupta Senior Medical Officer Dr Bhoomika Gupta Senior Medical Officer Dr Sonal Goel Medical Officer Senior residents 33
3.0 Patient Care The department runs a very busy outpatients clinic, where patients with diverse disease conditions seek succor. Last year, more than 3,20,000 patients were attended to in the outpatient department.
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Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Clinic The ART Clinic run with the help of National AIDS Control Organization registers newly detected HIV positive people in pre-ART care, caries out CD4 count for new and old registered patients, strives for early infant diagnosis and treatment for babies of HIV positive mothers, carries out counseling of new and follow up patients, offers nutrition, health hygiene, and safe sex counseling, offers antiretroviral therapy to eligible patients, post exposure prophylaxis for health care workers, ARV drugs to adults and children, manages HIV-tuberculosis co-infection and opportunistic infections, and detects and refers patients with treatment failure, besides keeping a due record. During the year 2015, 650 patients were registered for the pre-ART care; and 585 for ART care.
and carries out annual health check-up of the IAS officers. The doctors also gave health cover during the Indo-African summit. The three medicine wards with a total of 138 beds admitted 17,624 patients during the year. The bed occupancy was close to 200 percent.
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular lectures and clinical postings were held in the wards and outpatient clinics for the MBBS students.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular seminars, clinical conferences and journal club were organized for the postgraduates with their active participation.
Managing the epidemic outbreaks
6.0 Research
During the dengue epidemic in the capital, a total of 2,981 dengue patients were managed in the hospital during 2015. Likewise, to ward off the complications and mortality in H1N1 influenza, a special ward was created with a total number of 43 beds.
Completed projects
Offering a range of services A geriatric clinic and a gastroenterology clinic with modern endoscopy facilities offer specialized services to the citizens. The department caters to the health care needs of the VVIPs,
Singh BG, Narang M. Study of Clinical Profile, Prognostic Factors and Outcomes in Tetanus Patients. Kumar R, Punia VPS, Kabi BC. Role of Vitamin D in Metabolic Syndrome. Singhal K, Rajvanshi P, Kabi BC. Study of Clinical and Biochemical Predictive Risk Factors of Vitamin D Deficiency in Predialysis Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.
Left to right First row Dr Sanjeev Bhalla, Dr Charanjit Singh, Dr BK Tripathi, Dr Dilip Kumar, Dr Arun Gogna, Dr Vinod Gupta, Dr SP Singh. Second row Dr Rupali Malik, Dr Moninder Narang, Dr Neelima Jain, Dr MB Thakur, Dr Geeta Kampani, Dr S Mohanty, Dr Bhoomika Gupta, Dr Sameer Gulati. Third row Dr AK Gandhi, Dr Vinod Kumar, Dr M Lal, Dr Rakesh Kumar, Dr RP Saini, Dr Binod Kumar, Dr YC Porwal, Dr B Lal. Fourth row Dr Vishnu Gupta, Dr Indra Kishore Singh, Dr Shashank Trivedi.
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Arora A, Prasad S, Kabi BC, Ranga S. Study of BMD and Bone Mineral Metabolism and Correlation with Severity of Disease in Cirrhosis of Liver. Varshney M, Manocha R, Issar HS. Study of Cardiac Dysfunction in Adult Patients with Cirrhosis of Liver and its Correlation with Severity of Disease. Babu MAJ, Sharma BD, Kaur J. Study of Role of Serum and CSF CRP Levels in Diagnosis of Acute Pyogenic Meningitis. Ilavarasi V, Jain N, Sen MK, Kansra C, Kaur J. Study of Pulmonary Function Tests and its Correlation with Systemic Inflammation. Pathak N, Singh C, Issar HS, Kabi BC. The Correlation of Various Cardiovascular Risk Factors with Vitamin D Levels in Patients undergoing Coronary Angiography. Srinias S, Gupta DK, Capoor M, Agarwal Y. Utility of Panfungal PCR in Diagnosis of Invasive Fungal Infections in Febrile Neutropenia. Shridhar A, Gogna A, Bansal S, Ranga S. Study of Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function in Cases of NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Echocardiography. Meher J, Dua A, Kabi BC. Vitamin D Levels in Patients of Stroke. Singh KK, Negi NS, Rani A, Sen MK. Study of Vitamin D Levels in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. George J, Kataria SP, Issar HS. Study of Serum Uric Acid in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients. Singh H, Kampani G, Sharma M. Study of Platelet Indices in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Correlation with HbA1c and Microvascular Complications. Jha LN, Tripathi BK, Dev M, Sen MK, Bansal S. Correlation of High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Spirometry in Determining the Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Babu VBH, Mohanty S, Mohanty S. Comparative Study of Prognostic Scoring Systems in Predicting Severity in Community Acquired Pneumonia and its Correlation with Bacteriology in Hospitalized Patients. Shelly, Gupta B, Sen MK. Effect of Metabolic Syndrome on Bronchial Asthma. Agarwal S, Thakur MB. The Association between Serum Sodium Levels and Severity of Cirrhosis of Liver and its Complications. Karthik T, Amitabh V, Rani A. Correlation of Plasma Vitamin C Levels with Serum High Senstivity C-Reactive Protein and Serum Albumin Levels in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Kishanlal DS, Kansra US, Mittal MK, Nair D. Correlation of Clinical Bio-Chemical, Microbiological and Radiological Parameters in Patient of TB Meningitis in Non-HIV Group.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Ongoing projects Chatterjee M, Punia VPS, Narang M. Coagulation Profile in Metabolic Syndrome. Kumar N, Punia VPS, Narang M. Study of Serum Uric Acid in Metabolic Syndrome. Chawla R, Punia VPS, Narang M. Study of Adiponectin and Leptin Serum Levels in Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease without Metabolic Syndrome. Shivani S, Narang M. Study of Interrelationship among High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, HbA1c and Gamma Glutamyltransferase in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Gangadhar, Rajvanshi P. Relationship Between Testosterone and Cognitive Impairment in Pre-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Arora S, Rajvanshi P. Correlation of Serum Phosphate Level with Carotid Intimal Medial Thickness in Pre-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease. Singh J, Manocha R. Study of Cutaneous Manifestations in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients and its Correlation with the Severity of the Disease. Gaurav DK, Dua A. Study of Microalbuminuria in Acute Ischemic Stroke and its Correlation with Severity. Kumar M, Dua A. Evaluation of Diastolic Dysfunction and Left Ventricular Mass in Asymptomatic Normotensive Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Kumar K, Gogna A. Study of Glucose Disposition Index in the Subjects of Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Yadav R, Gupta DK. Study of Clinical Profile and Bacterial Spectrum and Sensitivity Pattern of Pathogens in Febrile Neutropenia Patients with Haematological Malignancies. George R, Tripathi BK. Estimation of Mean Platelet Volume and its Correlation with Severity of Ischemic Stroke. Swathi T, Thakur MB. Study of TNFX and IL6 in Cirrhosis and its Correlation with Renal Impairment and Hepatic Impairment and Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis. Kumar M, Kataria SP. Study of Patients with Chemotherapy Induced Febrile Neutropenia in Solid Tumors in Safdarjang Hospital. Majeed APK, Negi NS. Study of Platelet Indices and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in HbsAg Positive Patients. Kumar S, Jain N. Musculoskeletal Disorders in Patients of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and their Correlation with Duration of Diabetes and Glycemic Control. Porwal T, Mohanty S. Predictors of Outcome in Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage with Special Reference to Hyponatremia. Bansal A, Singh C. Electroencephalographic Abnormalities in Patients with Impaired Consciousness.
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Chouske A, Kampani G. Study of Correlation of Resistivity Index with Renal Functions and Severity of Liver Disease in Patients of Liver Cirrhosis. Kumar Y, Amitabh V, Kampani G. Usefulness of Cystatin C in Estimating GFR in Renal Dysfunction. Goyal H, Mohanty S, Sharma M, Rani A. Study of Anemia in Non-Dialysis Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease with Special Reference to Serum Hepcidin. Jain R, Thakur MB. Study of Causative Factors and Comparison of Prognostic Scores in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure. Gupta S, Punia VPS, Singh M. Study of Correlation of Serum Cortisol Levels in Metabolic Syndrome. Verma S, Singh C, Deb M, Mohanty S. Study of Intestinal Parastic Infections among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Kumar A, Gupta DK, Suri JC, Capoor MR. Evaluation of Galactomannan Assay in Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis in High Risk Patients with Hematological Disorders. Sehrawat S, Jain N, Arora BS, Mohanty S. Study of Highly Sensitive C-Reactive Protein Levels in Patients of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Correlation with Microvascular Complications. Kumar M, Sharma BD, Kabi BC. Study of Correlation of Serum 25 Hydroxyl Vitamin D with Fasting Serum C Peptide and Glycemic Status in Vitamin D-deficient Patients. Anand N, Punia VPS, Dhawan I. Study of Renal Function in Metabolic Syndrome and its Correlation with Various Parameters. Prasad H, Dua A, Bansal S. Study of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Left Ventricular Mass in Resident Doctors. Dange S, Narang M, Singh M. Study of Serum Vitamin B12, Folic Acid and Homocysteine Levels in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome. Roy A, Amitabh V, Singh M, Issar HS. Study of Association of Cardiac Troponin T in Chronic Kidney Disease with Special Reference to Left Ventricular Structure and Function. Sethia R, Tripathi BK, Thukral BB, Singh M. Evaluation of Serum Vitamin D Level and Bone Mineral Density in Patients of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Kumar S, Negi NS, Capoor MR. Clinical and Mycological Profile of Cryptococcal Meningitis Patients. Priyaranjan M, Kataria SP, Mandal AK, Thukral BB. Assessment of Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs) in Peripheral Blood in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer and Correlate the Burden of CTCs Pre- and Post-Chemotherapy with Outcome. Lanjiwar M, Negi NS, Arora BS, Khunger JM. Evaluation of Coagulation Profile in HIV Infected Patients. Meena BP, Gogna A, Ranga S. Study of Glucose Disposition Index in Subjects with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Ngullie BR, Manocha R, Ranga S. Study of Vitamin D Levels in Treatment-Naïve HIV Seropositive Patients and its Correlation with CD4 Count. Kumar C, Kampani G, Rani A, Malik AV. Study of Correlation of Carotid Intima Medical Thickness and hs-CRP with the Severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Naik SK, Rajvanshi P. Study of Emerging Nontraditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Predialysis Chronic Kidney Disease With and Without Diabetes Mellitus.
7.0 P
Ghosh S, Kumar P, Kumari P, Rehani V, Sahoo R, et al. Lung Bullae, Cavitation and Right Ventricular Thrombus Formation with Saprophytic Aspergillus Colonisation: A Rare Presentation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Embolism. Clin Case Rep. 2014;4:442. Rethi R, Tripathi BK, Singh M. Correlation of NAFLD with BMD and Vitamin D Deficiency. JAPI. 2015. Gogna A, Pathak S, Dhamija K, Jharyan P, Arora BS. Changing Clinical Profile of Dengue Fever in Delhi. JIACM. 2015;16(1):20-26 Gogna A, George J. Oral and Gential Ulcers with Erythema Nodosum. JIACM. 2015;16(1-3). Malik R, Gogna A, George J. Atypical Manifestations of Takayasu’s Disease Masquerading as Tuberculosis in an Adolescent Male. South Africa J Infect Dis. 2015;1(1):1-3. Geroge J, Malik R. Gogna A. Hypersensitivity Reaction and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Pyrethroid Poisoning and Role of Steroid Therapy. Asia Pac. J Med Toxicol. 2015;4:91-93. Garg V, Kumar M, Mahapatra HS, Chitkara A, Gadpayle AK, Sekhar V. Novel Urinary Biomarkers in Pre-Diabetic Nephropathy. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2015;19(5):895-900. Porwal YC, Kanwaria D, George J, Kumar P, Kaul B. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome in a Young Patient: An Unusual Presentation of Multiple System Atrophy Type P. Ind J Med Spec. 2015;6(4):177-180. Bhardwaj H, Porwal YC, Gupta B. Cerebellar Tuberculoma Presenting as Acute Reversible Hemiplegia: A Rare Presentation. JIACM. 2015;16(3-4):265-7. Thakur M, Jain R, Bharti R, Kashika. Jaundice in Pregnancy – A Challenge for the Clinicians. AOGO. 2015;15(5):27-29. Singh H, Kampani G. Study of Platelet Indices in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Correlation with HbA1c and Microvascular Complications. JAPI. 2015; 63. Thakur M, Verma S. Lupus Pregnancy. JIACM. 2015;16(34):218-22. Bhatia K, Mohanty S, Tripathy BK, Gupta B, Mittal MK.
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Predictors of Early Neurological Deterioration in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke with Special Reference to Blood Urea Nitrogen/Creatinine Ratio and Urine Specific Gravity. Ind J Med Res. 2015;141(3):299-307.
8.0 Departmental Conferences and Guest Lectures Tripathi BK. SGLT2 Inhibitor, A New Paradigm in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. New Delhi, Apr 3, 2015. Continuing Medical Education: Hypertension 2015. New Delhi, Jul 11, 2015. Continuing Medical Education: Cirrhosis and its Renal Complications. New Delhi, Jan 1, 2015. Continuing Medical Education: Premix Insulin in Outpatient Management of Diabetes Mellitus. Jul 21, 2015.
9.0 Participation in Conferences and Academic Events Mohanty S. 70th Association of Physicians of India Conference 2015, Gurgaon, Feb 19-22, 2015. Gogna A. 70th Association of Physicians of India Conference 2015, Gurgaon, Feb 19-22, 2015. Gogna A. Symposium on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Rheumatology. Spinal Injury Center, New Delhi, Feb 28, 2015. Gogna A. 29th Annual Conference of Craniological Society of India, New Delhi, Mar 21-22, 2015. Gogna A. Low Dose versus High Dose Rituximab in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. IRACON 2015, Sept 6-9, 2015. Gogna A. Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India, New Delhi, Nov 14-15, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
10.0 Procurement of New Equipment Multi parameter ICU monitor (invasive) ICU beds and ICU trolleys Vital signs monitor plus central station Advance ventilator Fibreoptic bronchoscope Echo with color Doppler Portable ventilators Defibrillator Adult upper GI endoscope Syringe infusion pumps Blood gas electrolyte analyser Portable ventilator Pulse oximeter Bedside ultrasonography unit DVT pump HD upper and lower GI videoendoscope Adult colonoscope
11.0 Plan of Action Human resource Major expansion is necessary in the staff strength of physicians, residents, nursing staff; paramedics and supportive staff.
Infrastructure Creation of a new medicine block with six wards of 60 beds each; an 18-bedded High Dependency Unit; and a geriatric ward. Creation of more office space for faculty and a seminar room for carrying out academic activities.
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Department of Cardiolog 1.0 Prelude
Cardiac Lab
Committed to providing quality cardiac care, ranging from standard procedures such as outpatient consultation, echocardiography, angiography, electrophysiology testing, percutaneous coronary revascularization, to advanced care in heart failure, cardiac rehabilitation, preventive cardiology, and radio-frequency ablation, the Department of Cardiology offers a number of facilities and services and runs a robust academic program with training of postdoctoral residents in cardiology.
Echocardiograms during the year Holter monitoring Treadmill tests Cardiac cath lab procedures
13,737 725 1,368 2,730
2.0 Faculty Dr Rakesh Verma Additional Medical Superintendent and Professor Dr Sandeep Bansal Senior Cardiologist, Professor and Head Dr HS Isser Associate Professor Dr Praloy Chakraborty Associate Professor Dr AH Ansari Assistant Professor Dr Preeti Gupta Assistant Professor Dr Sanjay Sood Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Senior residents 14
3.0 Patient Care Outpatients New patients attended during the year
Left to right First row Dr Sandeep Bansal, Dr Rakesh Verma, Dr HS Isser. Second row Dr Preeti Gupta, Dr Praloy Chakraborty, Dr AH Ansari, Dr Sanjay Sood.
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7.0 Awards
Inpatients Number of patients admitted during the year
4.0 Teaching Program Seminars, clinical case presentations, journal club, bedside discussions, and cath presentations are held on a regular basis with the active participation of the faculty and postdoctoral residents pursuing DM cardiology program.
Mahapatra, SR. Awarded first prize in Clinical Presentation, Cardiovascular Research Convergence and Heart Failure Certification Program, JNU, Oct 3, 2015. Pathak S. Awarded first prize in Clinical Poster Presentation, Cardiovascular Research Convergence and Heart Failure Certification Program, JNU, Oct 3, 2015.
8.0 Participation in Conferences 5.0 Research Completed projects Risk Factors and Angiographic Profile of Young Patients Presenting with ST Segment Elevation. Incidence and Predictors of Radial Artery Spasm in Transradial Coronary Angiography. Comparative Study of the Effects of Metoprolol Succinate, Carvidilol and Bisoprolol on Glycemic Control in Patients with Heart Failure: A Pilot Study.
Ongoing projects Correlation of Hepatic Fat Content and Angiographic Coronary Artery Stenosis. Assessment of Right Ventricular Function in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Study of Profile and LA/LAA Function in Atrial Fibrillation. Comparison of Clinical, Angiographic Profile and Outcome of Coronary Artery Disease in Obese versus Non-obese Patients. Clinical, Socioeconomic and Angiographic Profile of Coronary Artery Disease in Women.
6.0 Publications Chakraborty P. Approach to a Patient with Dyspnoea: Part 2. Chapter 18, API Textbook of Medicine, 10/e, 2015, 115-19.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
National Interventional Council Meet, 2015. World Congress of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology, 2015. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 2015. India Live 2015, Interventional Cardiology Conference of the Asia Pacific Region, Chennai, Feb 25-28, 2015. Delhi Cardiological Society of India Conference, 2015. Indian Heart Rhythm Conference, 2015. Cardiovascular Research Convergence and Heart Failure Certification Program, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Oct 3, 2015.
9.0 Procurement of New Equipment Electrophysiology and RF Ablation System Fraction Flow Reserve ETO System Autopulse Resuscitation System
10.0 Plan of Action The department is on the verge of a major expansion both in terms of human resource and infrastructure. The new superspecialty block shall allow an increase in beds to 110 with four cardiac cath labs.
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Department of Dermatology 1.0 Prelude The Department of Dermatology is one of the core departments of the hospital. Coping with a high footfall in its outpatient clinics, the department strives to keep up the high standards in clinical management of diverse skin conditions. The department also runs a 30-bedded facility for the patients coping with life-threatening conditions, including severe drug reactions, erythroderma and immunobullous disorders.
Follow up patients during the year Annual patient attendance Leprosy clinic
48,050 1,50,453 3,081
Minor procedures General procedures 12,425 Biopsies 2,584 Peeling 1,704 PUVA therapy 4,286 Minor OT procedures 6,286 Laser surgeries 902
2.0 Faculty
Number of patients admitted during the year
Dr V Ramesh Consultant, Professor and Head Dr AK Saxena Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Tarlok Chand Consultant and Assistant Professor Dr Niti Khunger Consultant and Professor Dr Poonam Puri Consultant and Professor Dr Sunil Dayal Consultant Dr Sunil Kumar Consultant and Assistant Professor Dr Sanchita Karmakar Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Sushruta Kathuria Specialist Dr Premlata Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Shikha Bansal Assistant Professor Dr Prashant Verma Assistant Professor
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular lectures and clinical postings are held for the undergraduates during the 6th and 9th semester. The clinical postings help the students develop clinical skills in diagnosis and management of skin conditions.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Weekly seminars, journal club, case discussions, ward rounds, and dermatopathology discussions are the key components of a robust postgraduate teaching program.
6.0 Research
Senior residents 4
Completed projects
3.0 Patients Care Outpatients New patients during the year
Ramesh V. Studies on Drug Susceptibility of Leishmania Organisms Isolated from Patients of Post-Kala-Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis.
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Ramesh V. Isolation of Dermatophytes from Superficial Fungal Skin Infections with Particular Attention to Drug Resistance.
Switched Nd: YAG Laser alone versus Combination Treatment with Q Switched Nd: YAG Laser and Fractional CO2 Laser.
Ongoing projects
7.0 Publications
Ramesh V. Development of a Protocol for the Study of Drug Resistance in Leprosy. Indian Council of Medical Research. Ramesh V. Continuing Study of Drug Resistance in Skin Tuberculosis (isolation of MDR tubercle bacilli). Ramesh V. Surveillance Activity of Antibiotic Susceptibility in Gonococci and HIV-Related Skin Infections. Ramesh V. Development of a Protocol to Study Psychosexual Disorders. Ramesh V. Fractional CO2 Laser for Acne Scars. Ramesh V. Study on Complications of Skin Biopsy. Khunger N. Fractional CO2 Laser for Acne Scars. Khunger N. Study on Periocular Chemical Peels. Khunger N. Study on Chemical Peels for Acne.
University projects Panda B, Khunger N. Study of Onychoscopic Features of Onychomycosis. Chaudhary VK, Puri P. Correlation of Clinical and Histopathological Features of Chronic Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. Kour N, Arora TC. Study of Metabolic Syndrome in Vitiligo. Mann KK, Khunger N. Clinical, Dermoscopic and Histopathological Comparison of Nevus of OTA Treated with Q
Khunger N. Bridging the Generation Gap-Dilemmas of a Cosmetic Surgeon. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2015;8(1):1-2. Khunger N, Molpariya A, Khunger A. Complications of Tattoos and Tattoo Removal: Stop and Think Before You Ink. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2015;8(1):30-6 Khunger N. Changing Skin Color. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2015;8(2):77-8. Khunger N. Ethics in Aesthetic Surgery: Rituals and Realities. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2015;8(3):123-4. Yadav P, Verma P, Singal A. Leprosy Presenting as a NonHealing Ulcer and Associated Unusual Myth. Lepr Rev. 2015;86(3):288-91. Verma P, Namdeo C. Treatment of Pediculosis Capitis. Indian J Dermatol. 2015;60(3):238-47. Verma P. Topical Nitroglycerine in Perniosis/Chilblains. Skinmed. 2015;13(3):176-7. Verma P, Karmakar S, Pandhi D, Singal A, Yadav P, Khare S. Chromoblastomycosis caused by Cladophialophora bantiana in a Renal Transplant Recipient from Delhi. Skinmed. 2015;13(3):251-254.
Left to right First Row Dr Sunil Dayal, Dr AK Saxena, Dr V Ramesh, Dr Tarlok Chand, Dr Niti Khunger. Second Row Dr Sanchita Karmakar, Dr Poonam Puri, Dr Shikha Bansal, Dr Sunil Kumar. Third Row Dr Prashant Verma, Dr Premlata.
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Verma P. Approach to Hypohidrosis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(5):1025. Verma P, Mahajan G. Idiopathic ‘Half and half’ Nails. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(7):1452. Sehgal VN, Verma P, Chatterjee K. Type 1 Neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen Disease). Cutis. 2015;96(3):e23-6. Pandhi D, Verma P, Singal A, Sharma R. Author’s Response– The Efficacy of Azithromycin in Pityriasis Rosea: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2015;81(1):57. Chhabra N, Bhattacharya SN, Singal A, Ahmed RS, Verma P. Profile of Oxidative Stress in Response to Treatment for Type 1 Leprosy Reaction. Lepr Rev. 2015;86(1):80-88.
April-Dec 2014 Saini C, Ramesh V, Nath I. Increase in TGF-β Secreting CD4+CD25+ FOXP3+ T Regulatory Cells in Anergic Lepromatous Leprosy Patients. PLOS Neg Trop Dis. 2014;8(1):e2639. Ramesh V, Al Aboud K. Cutaneous Signs of Piety. Cutis. 2014:94:e13-e18. Ramesh V, Kumar A, Sharma V, Salotra S. Combination Therapy with Amphotericin-B and Miltefosine for Post-kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis. Acta Derm Venereol. 2014;94:242-243. Mallya V, Singh A, Siraj F, Ramesh V. Myxoinflammatory Fibroblastic Sarcoma: An Uncommon Tumor at an Unusual Site. Ind J Dermatol. 2014;59(3):297-298. Jha A, Ramesh V, Singh A. Disseminated Cutaneous Glomuvenous Malformation. Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2014;80(6): 556-557.
Dermatology, Venerology and Leprology, 2015. Khunger N. Editor in Chief. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. Khunger N. Dr Kandhari Award for Best Dermatologist, 2015. Indian Association of Dermatology, Venerology and Leprology, Delhi State Branch. Khunger N. Executive Committee Member. Indian Association of Dermatology, Venerology and Leprology, Delhi. Khunger N. Executive Committee Member. Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India. Puri P. Member, Writing Committee for Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis Guidelines. Cochrane Review Group. Bansal S. Member, Editorial Board. Nail Society of India. Ramesh V. Member, Task Force for Countering Ill Effects of High Arsenic Content in Ground Water, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Ramesh V. Member, National Drug Advisory Board, Drugs Controller General of India, New Delhi. Ramesh V. Surveillance National AIDS Control Organisation and Delhi State AIDS Control Society pertaining to Sexually Transmitted Infections. Ramesh V. Member, Expert Group, Indian Council of Medical Research. Evaluation of Drug Resistance in Leprosy. Ramesh V. Leader, Core Group: Cutaneous Tuberculosis in the Cochrane Infectious Diseases for Framing Guidelines; Expert Group Meeting, All India Institutes of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Mar 16-20, 2015.
9.0 Community Service
Ramesh V, Ramam M. Cutaneous Tuberculosis. In: Inamdar AC, Palit A, Raghunatha S, eds. Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology. Jaypee, New Delhi. 2014;2/e:157-167. Ramesh V, Ramam M, Raghunatha S, Narasimha RP. Leprosy in Children. In: Inamdar AC, Palit A, Raghunatha S, eds. Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology. Jaypee, New Delhi. 2014;2/e:157-167. Ramesh V. Diseases Due to Protozoa and Helminths. In: Inamdar AC, Palit A Raghunatha S, eds. Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology. Jaypee, New Delhi. 2/e:157-167.
Mobile STD Clinic at Najafgarh and Palam. Public awareness campaigns on Vitiligo and Leprosy.
8.0 Awards, Fellowships and Achievements Ramesh V. Editor, Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venerology and Leprology. Ramesh V. Head, Core Group. Treatment Protocol for Skin Tuberculosis, Cochrane Review Group. Ramesh V. Member, National Kala Azar Eradication Program. Ramesh V. Award. Best Case Report. Indian Journal of
10.0 Guest Lectures and Academic Chair Ramesh V. Speaker, Clinicopathologic Conference, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Feb 24, 2015. Ramesh V. Chair, Annual Clinical Meeting, Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, Delhi State, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, Mar 2, 2015. Ramesh V. Chair, Talk on Hair Transplantation. Dermatosurgery Workshop, All India Institutes of Medical Sciences, Apr 6, 2015. Ramesh V. Panellist, Rising Wave of Antifungal Resistance. Mid-summer Cuticon, Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, Delhi, May 18, 2015. Ramesh V. Skin Signs of Prayer. Army Base Hospital, Delhi Cantonment, May 23, 2015. Khunger N. Dermoscopy for Melasma and Ochronosis. Dermoscopy Conclave, Jun 21, 2015.
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Khunger N. Chemical Peels-Value in Aesthetic Practice. AESTHETICS, Aug 28-30, 2015. Bansal S. Scientific Co-ordinator, 3rd International Summit on Nail Diseases and 4th Onychocon. Khunger N. Melasma: How to Manage Treatment Failure, ISDS, Seoul, Korea, Oct 1-4, 2015. Khunger N. Combination Treatment for Acne Scars, ISDS, Seoul, Korea, Oct 1-4, 2015. Khunger N. Basics of Chemical Peels, ISDS, Seoul, Korea. Oct 1-4, 2015. Khunger N. Periocular Peels. ISDS, Seoul, Korea, Oct 1-4, 2015. Khunger N. Algorithmic Approach for Acne Scars. IMCAS, Goa, Nov 21, 2015. Khunger N. Melasma – Why and How to Manage Treatment Failure? IMCAS, Goa, Nov 22, 2015. Khunger N. Complications of Dermatosurgery, CUTICON, Dec 5, 2015. Khunger N. Advanced Chemical Peels, CUTICON, Dec 6, 2015. Puri P. Non-Ulcerative STI, Training Program for Medical Officers and Technicians, Delhi State AIDS Control Society.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
11.0 Conferences and Training Programs Puri P. 43rd National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologist and Leprologists, Mangalore, Feb 12-15, 2015. Khunger N. Dermoscopy Conclave, Jun 21, 2015. Khunger N. Aesthetics, Aug 28-30, 2015. Khunger N. International Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Seoul, Korea, Oct 1-4, 2015. Khunger N. IMCAS, Goa, Nov 20-22, 2015.
12.0 Procurement of New Equipment CO2 laser Intense pulsed light laser Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser
13.0 Plan of Action Establish a Pediatric Dermatology Clinic. Establish an Anti-Ageing Clinic. Establish a Center of Excellence for Laser Surgery. Establish an advanced unit of photography in the department with the objective of developing a clinical library.
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1.0 Prelude
Laboratory services
Offering a host of services in endocrine disorders, the department runs a special diabetic clinic, a pediatric and adolescent follow up clinic, and caters to referred patients from a number of other institutions and organizations.
More than 25,000 laboratory tests were carried out in the Endocrinology lab during the year.
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular lectures were held for the undergraduate medical students.
2.0 Faculty Dr Krishna Biswas Associate Professor and Head Dr Navajyoti Barman Senior Medical Officer Dr Subhajit Dhar Senior Medical Officer Dr Kamran Faisal Medical Officer Senior residents 5
3.0 Patient Care Outpatient services Endocrine clinic: new patients during the year Child and adolescent clinic: cases per OPD day Diabetic clinic: cases per OPD day Wednesdays follow up clinic: cases per OPD day Fridays follow up clinic: cases per OPD day
3,395 50 150 140 120
Left to right Dr Subhajit Dhar, Dr Krishna Biswas, Dr Navajyoti Barman.
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5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular seminars, clinical case discussions and journal clubs were organized for the residents and medical officers. Interactive sessions were held with the radiologists for discussion of the CT and MRI findings in academically challenging cases. EndoPathology meetings were held with the pathology department for discussion on patients who had undergone surgeries.
6.0 Research Projects Biswas K. Registry of People with Young Age Onset Diabetes in India. In collaboration with All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Indian Council of Medical Research. Bashir M, Biswas K. Study of Cardiovascular Autonomic Functions and Anxiety Levels in Adolescents with Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus. Pandey K. Comparison of Candida Isolates from Genital Tracts of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Women.
2 Diabetes Mellitus; not Controlled by Metformin Alone. Research J of Pharma and Tech. 2015;8(1):44-50. Biswas K. Fetomaternal Outcome Using New Screening Criteria of Serum TSH for Diagnosing Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015; 9(4):1-3. Biswas K. Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) in Asymptomatic Type 1 Diabetic Adolescents. Autonomic Neurosciences: Basic and Clinical. 2015;192:130-131. Biswas K. Managing Diabetes during Navaratris with Special Focus on Durgapujas. J of Social Health Diab. 2015;3:84-88.
8.0 Plan of Action Human resource Augmentation in the number of faculty and resident doctors to cope with the growing patient load.
7.0 Publications
Initiate a postdoctoral DM/DNB (Endocrinology) program in the department.
Biswas K. A Comparative Evaluation of Safety, Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Three ADD Treatment Regimens in Type
The new superspecialty block shall fulfill the infrastructure needs of the endocrinology department.
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Department of Hematology 1.0 Prelude
2.0 Faculty
The first of the specialized dedicated hematology units in North India, which got established in the early 1960s, the department offers superspecialized care to the patients, with a multidisciplinary care provided by a dedicated team of clinicians and hematopathologists. The unit strives to provide a detailed laboratory characterization of hematological malignancies, chronic hematological disorders, coagulation disorders, and holds regular board meetings, especially for patients with borderline diseases and atypical presentations, paving the way for better patient care and academic growth of the faculty. The objective is to advance a greater understanding about the molecular basis of diverse hematological disorders, develop new diagnostic and treatment methods, and promote high quality clinical research which can be employed as evidence-based medicine in the treatment of acute leukemias, chronic myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, malignant Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome, aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, and a host of other conditions. The department runs a robust academic program for the postgraduate and undergraduate medical students, and laboratory medicine students offering them both the clinical and laboratory experience.
Dr DK Gupta Consultant, Associate Professor and Head Dr Sumita Saluja Consultant and Professor Dr JM Khunger Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Monica Sharma Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Sumita Chaudhary Senior Physician Senior residents 4
3.0 Patient Care The department offers outpatient services three times a week. The day care facility is used for instituting chemotherapy protocols and supportive care. The inpatient facility has 10 beds, which are used primarily for patients with acute leukemias.
Left to right Dr Sumita Chaudhary, Dr Monica Sharma, Dr DK Gupta, Dr JM Khunger.
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Outpatient services New patients attended during the year Follow up patients attended during the year
7,187 24,887
Inpatient services Total admissions during the year
Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis in High Risk Patients with Hematological Disorders.
Ongoing projects 419
Hematological Investigations Complete Blood Counts, Reticulocyte and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 2,00,666 Differential Leukocyte Count 20,151 Bone Marrow and Biopsy 4,140 Special Stains (Cytochemistry) 652 Iron Profile (Serum Iron, TIBC, and % saturation of Transferrin) 2,667 Serum Ferritin 1,164 Serum Vitamin B12 793 Serum Folic Acid 668 G6PD 247 Serum Protein Electrophoresis 192 Serum Immunofixation 28 HPLC for Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies 653 Tests for Platelets Functions 91 Coagulation Profiles (PT, aPTT, TT) 8,580 Factor VIII level, Factor IX level, Factor XIII 42 von Willebrand Factor 30 CSF Cytomorphology 402
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular lectures and practical classes were organized for the undergraduate medical students.
Yadav R, Gupta DK. Study of the Clinical Profile and Bacterial Spectrum and Sensitivity Patterns of Pathogens in Febrile Neutropenic Patients in Hematological Malignancies. Meena H, Gupta DK. Study of Eosinophilia in Hematological Malignancy.
7.0 Publications Journals Sharma M, Pandey S, Ranjan R, Seth T, Saxena R. Prevalence of Alpha Thalassemia in Microcytic Anemia: a Tertiary Care Experience from North India. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2015;7(1):e2015004. Khunger JM, Chopra A, Arora S. Reconfirming HPLC-Detected Abnormal Haemoglobins by a Second Independent Technique: A Judicious Approach. Indian J of Hematol Blood Transfus. 2014; http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12288-014-0493-y
8.0 Fellowships Khunger JM. Awarded Fellowship of the Indian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion.
9.0 Procurement of New Equipment Flowcytometer Pentahead microscope
10.0 Plan of Action 5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program
Human resource
Regular seminars, clinical conferences and journal club were held for the postgraduates with their active participation.
Plan has been submitted for an increase in the work strength of residents, nurses and paramedics.
6.0 Research Completed projects Abhijeeet, Gupta DK. Evaluation of Galactomannan Assay in
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The department requires at least 30 beds in the ward. A plan needs to be drawn for a full strength ward with isolations rooms and intensive care facilities.
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Department of Medical Oncology Founded in July 2008 to offer specialized medical oncology services, the department runs with a small nucleus of a 3 member faculty, 4 senior residents and 4 junior residents. The outpatient clinic is held three times a week, and a 10-bedded ward serves the inpatients. The department has a total weekly OPD attendance of approximately 250 patients and takes in about 140 new cancer patients each month. The services offered include bone marrow aspirations, bone biopsies, pleural taps, ascitic taps, trucut biopsies, day care procedures and day care chemotherapy.
Dr SP Kataria Dr Mukesh Nagar Dr Monalisa Behra
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Ongoing projects
Left to Right Dr Mukesh Nagar, Dr SP Kataria, Dr Monalisa Behra.
3.0 Patient Care Outpatients New patients attended during the year Follow up patients attended during the year
2,104 12,197
Inpatient services Total admissions during the year Bed Occupancy Rate
3,281 289%
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular didactic lectures and clinical training were held for undergraduate medical students.
Kataria SP. A Prospective, Randomized, Multiple Dose, Multicenter, Comparative, Parallel Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, Immunogenicity and Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Infusion of Bevacizumab and Reference Medicinal Product administered in Combination with Standard Chemotherapy in Patients of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Kataria SP. A Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Study to Compare the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Bevacizumab with Bevacizumab in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Kataria SP. Assessment of Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs) in Peripheral Blood in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer and Correlate the Burden of CTCs Before and During Chemotherapy with Outcome.
7.0 Publications Jaipuria J, Kumar A, Satyanarayan A, Kataria SP. Large Retroperitoneal Low Grade Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma – A Case Report. BMJ Case Reports. 2014;doi:10.1136/bcr-2014203745. Varshney AN, Patidar R, Malhotra M, Behra M, Nagar M, Kataria SP. Extranodal NK/ T-Cell Lymphoma of Nasal type with predominant T-cell Markers: A Rare Subtype of Rare Disease Entity. Int J Med Public Health. 2015;5(4):128-130.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program
Seminars, case presentations and journal club were organized by the senior residents and faculty on a regular basis.
Kumari B, Shamsunder S, Kataria SP, Zutshi V. Clinical Trials in India. Chapter 64. Manual for Clinical Trials Nursing. 3/e. Oncology Nursing Society, Pittsburg, PA 15275-1214. USA.
6.0 Research Completed projects
8.0 Achievements
Ranjan MP, Kataria SP. Assessment of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) in Peripheral Blood in patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer and Correlation of the Burden of CTCs Before and During Chemotherapy with Outcome. George JA, Kataria SP. Study of Serum Uric Acid in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients and Correlation of Serum Uric Acid levels with Standard Risk Factors and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease. Kataria SP. A Multicenter Open Label, Balanced, Randomized Two-Treatment, Two-Period, Two-Sequence, Single-Dose, Crossover Bioequivalence Study of Pacliall with Abraxane in Breast Cancer Patients.
Kataria SP. Member, Independent Expert Committee for the Clinical Trial Mortality Review, DCGI, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Kataria SP. Member, Technical Standing Committee, Rastriya Arogya Nidhi, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
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9.0 Plan of Action Expansion of medical oncology services in the hospital with a bigger staff strength. Setting up of a 10-bedded bone marrow transplant unit. Setting up of a cancer research laboratory.
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Department of Nephrology 1.0 Prelude
3.0 Patient Care
The Department of Nephrology provides comprehensive and integrated care to renal patients, be it those with early or end stage renal disease. Offering a complete set of diagnostic and treatment facilities to patients with glomerular diseases, hypertension, diabetic nephropathy, urinary tract infection, renal stone disease, acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease, the department runs a regular outpatients clinic, and extends the services of renal biopsies, hemodialysis, and plasmapheresis. Inspiring patients to take the road of self-sufficiency, the department carries out placement of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheters and encourages their use. At the same time, partnering with the Department of Urology, it helps the patients with end stage renal disease to graduate to a lifesaving renal transplant program. The department runs a regular academic and research program with a participatory approach from the postgraduates, senior residents and faculty.
2.0 Faculty Dr Vindu Amitabh Consultant, Professor and Head Dr Yasir S Rizvi Assistant Professor Dr Sanjiv Mahajan Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Senior residents 4
New patients attended during the year Follow up patients attended during the year
3,298 10,385
Life-saving procedures Hemodialysis Plasmapheresis Renal transplants
4,030 50 22
Inpatients Total admissions during the year
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular classes were held for the undergraduate students to impart them the basic understanding of nephrology, including dialysis and renal transplantation.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular classes, case presentations, seminars, journal club, and discussions were held on dialysis, catheter insertion, and other renal procedures for postgraduates and senior residents.
6.0 Publications in textbook Mahajan S, Rizvi YS. Structure and Function of the Kidney. In: API Textbook of Medicine,10/e, 2015.
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7.0 Guest Lectures and Academic Chair Rizvi YS. World Kidney Day. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research and Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi, Mar 2015. Rizvi YS. Peritoneal Dialysis as Palliative Care. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Apr 26, 2015. Rizvi YS. Infectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis – Early Diagnosis and Management. Annual Conference of the Peritoneal Dialysis Society of India 2015. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Sept 13, 2015. Rizvi YS. Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis versus Hemodialysis. Symposium on Nephrology and Kidney Transplant, IMA South Delhi Branch, Sept 20, 2015. Rizvi YS. Plasmapheresis in Systemic Lupus
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Erythematosus. All India Institute of Medical Sciences Nephrology Conclave, Oct 16-18, 2015. Rizvi YS. Renal Control Mechanism of Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium Homeostasis. Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism Conference 2015. Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Dec 5-6, 2015. Rizvi YS. Chaired a Session. Association of Vascular Access and Interventional Renal Physicians – Annual Conference, Delhi, Jun 2015 .
8.0 Plan of Action The department needs a major expansion in its infrastructure and human resource, with increase in floor space, and in the number of faculty and supportive team.
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Department of Neurology 1.0 Prelude
3.0 Patient Care
Dedicated to excellence in patient care, education and research, the Department of Neurology offers comprehensive consultation, evaluation and treatment services for adults and children with neurological disorders, both through its outpatients clinic and inpatient facilities. The neurology clinical labs offer the facility of a number of tests including electroencephalogram, electromyography, nerve conduction velocity, evoked potential studies, and brainstem evoked response audiometry. The department handles a number of conditions including epilepsy, stroke, movement disorders, memory disorders, dementia, multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular diseases, neurooncology, sleep disorders, and pediatric patients. Disorders appropriate for referral include all those of the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and diseases of muscle.
Outpatients New patients attended during the year Follow up patients attended during the year Neurology laboratory tests
13,558 34,243 3,950
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The faculty took lectures for the undergraduate physiotherapy, nursing and medical students giving them a basic grounding in neurology.
2.0 Faculty Dr Bhavna Kaul Assistant Professor and Head Dr Samudrala Raghvan SAG Officer and Head (until Aug 31, 2015) Dr Gian Prakash Chief Medical Officer Dr Yogesh Gautam Medical Officer Senior residents 8
Left to right Dr Gian Prakash, Dr Bhavna Kaul, Dr Yogesh Gautam.
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5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Seminars, journal club and case discussions are held on a regular basis and are moderated by the faculty.
6.0 Research projects Kaul B. Co-investigator. Parkinson’s Disease Registry for the State of Delhi. An Indian Council of Medical Research project. Kaul B. Co-investigator. Biomarkers to Enhance the Accuracy and Precision of Prediction of Short-Term and Long-Term Outcome after Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Prospective Cohort Study.
An Unusual Presentation of Multisystem Atrophy Type P. Indian Journal of Medical Specialties. 2015;6(4):177-180. Chopra S, Capoor M, Mallik R, Gupta S, Ray A, Khanna, G, Suri JC, Bhattacharya D and Raghavan S. Pulmonary Cryptococcosis in HIV-seronegative patients: Case Series from India. Mycoses. 2015;58(5):288-293.
April–December 2014 Kumar PH, Gupta S, Kapoor R, Raghavan S, Thukral BB. Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction as assessed by Heart Rate Variability after Cortical Ischemic Stroke: Does Side Really Matter? Ind J Physiology and Pharmacology. 2014;58(5):144.
7.0 Publications Agarwal P, Kaul B, Shukla G, Srivastava A, Singh MB, Goyal V, et al. Lateralizing Value of Unilateral Relative Ictal Immobility in patients with Refractory Focal Seizures – Looking Beyond Unilateral Automatisms. Seizure. 2015;33:66-71. Kumar A, Kumar P, Misra S, Sagar R, Kathuria P, Vibha D, Vivekanandhan S, Garg A, Kaul B, Raghvan S, et al. Biomarkers to Enhance Accuracy and Precision of Prediction of Short-Term and Long-Term Outcome after Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage: a Study Protocol for a Prospective Cohort Study. BMC Neurol. 2015;12(15):136. Porwal YC, Kanwaria D, George J, Kumar P, Kaul B. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome in a Young Patient:
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8.0 Guest Lectures Kaul B. An Approach to a Case of Movement Disorders. Medicine Update 2015, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi. Kaul B. VP shunts in Tubercular Meningitis – Late Shunt Surgery. Neucon 2015, Aug 8, 2015. Kaul B. Brachial Plexus Anatomy and Electrophysiology. 2nd Annual Conference of Clinical Neurophysiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nov 29, 2015
9.0 Plan of Action Commencement of postdoctoral DM/DNB neurology program.
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Department of Pediatrics 1.0 Prelude Steeped in a long and proud tradition, the pediatrics department is one of the busiest unit of the hospital, extending 24 × 7 services with its 250 bassinets, 50 nursery beds, and 135 beds spread over three obstetric wards, two neonatal nurseries and three children wards. Giving wings to a number of subspecialty services and community programs, the department has been country’s leading think-tank since the days of Prof Shanti Ghosh in strategizing paediatric care in the areas of childhood nutrition and neonatal health care. During the year, the pediatric team cared for nearly 15,000 children in the wards, attended daily on average 400 children in the outpatient clinics and 20-25 children in the specialty clinics.
2.0 Faculty Dr KC Aggarwal Consultant, Professor and Head Dr HK Chellani Consultant and Professor Dr Ajay Kumar Professor Dr Rani Gera Consultant and Professor Dr Shobha Sharma Professor Dr Pradeep Kumar Debata Senior Paediatrician and Associate Professor Dr Ratan Gupta Assistant Professor Dr Sugandha Arya Assistant Professor and Paediatrician Dr Rachna Sehgal Assistant Professor Dr KR Meena Assistant Professor and Paediatrician Dr Manoj Kumar Singh Assistant Professor and Paediatrician Dr Satish Kumar Meena Assistant Professor Dr Meenakshi Salhan Assistant Professor and Specialist Dr Bhavna Kashyap Assistant Professor and Specialist Dr Shyam Sundar Meena Assistant Professor and Specialist Dr Smita Ramachandran Assistant Professor Dr Nidhi Bedi Assistant Professor Dr Manas Pratim Roy Public Health Specialist Dr Archana Aggarwal Chief Medical Officer Dr MK Mangla Senior Medical Officer Dr Shobhana Gupta Senior Medical Officer Dr Pratima Anand Medical Officer Dr Meetu Salhan Medical Officer Dr Neelam Nath Medical Officer Dr Archana Kashyap Medical Officer Senior residents 28
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Left to right First row Dr Srilatha Bajaj, Dr Rani Gera, Dr KC Aggarwal, Dr Harish Chellani, Dr Ratan Gupta, Dr Sugandha Arya. Second row Dr Nidhi Chopra, Dr Shobha Sharma, Dr Smita Ramachandra, Dr Rachna Sehgal, Dr Archana Aggarwal, Dr Meenakshi Salhan, Dr Bhawana Kashyap, Dr Shobhna Gupta. Third row Dr Nidhi Bedi, Dr Meetu Salhan. Fourth Row Dr Satish Meena, Dr KR Meena, Dr Manoj Singh, Dr SS Mina, Dr Manas Pratim Roy.
3.0 Patient Care
6.0 Research
Census of patients attended to during 2015
Ongoing projects
Total admissions during the year 14,867 Outpatients clinic: 400 children attended on average daily. Special clinics: 20-25 children attended on average daily.
Neonatal Sepsis Registry and Studying Molecular Epidemiology of Bacterial Isolates – A Multicentre Study. Indian Council of Medical Research funded. Establishment of Birth Defect Registry in Selected Hospitals of Delhi. World Health Organization funded. Novel Feasibility Study of Newborn Screening for Treatable Disorders and Epidemiologic Data Generation for Inborn Metabolic Disorders in Delhi State. In collaboration with University of Delhi South Campus, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi and LabIndia Healthcare. Multicentre Cross Sectional Study of Cord Blood Immune Markers in Term Appropriate for Gestational Age and Small for Gestational Age Neonates. In collaboration with Translational Health Science and Technology Institute. Inter-institutional Program For Maternal, Neonatal and Infant Sciences – A Translational Approach to Studying Preterm Births. In collaboration with MoST, India. Cross-sectional Study of Neonatal Immune Profiles: Infections and Toxicants. In collaboration with Translational Health Science and Technology Institute. Understanding Disease Biology and Diagnosis of Bacterial Sepsis in Hospitalized Neonates: A Multi Center Study. In collaboration with All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Biotechnology and Translational Health Science and Technology Institute.
Special Clinics Daily Clinics
Immunization Clinic Oral Rehydration Therapy Corner Biweekly Clinics
Nephrology Clinic: Room 236 (Tuesdays and Fridays afternoon) Cardiology Clinic: Room 229 (Tuesdays and Fridays afternoon) Weekly Clinics
Adolescent Clinic: Room 229 (Mondays afternoon) Chest Clinic: Room 236 (Mondays afternoon) High Risk Clinic: Room No. 227-238, 239 (Tuesdays afternoon) Neurology Clinic: Room No 238 (Thursdays afternoon) Retinopathy of Prematurity Clinic: Fridays 12 noon
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular lectures and clinical postings were held in the wards and outpatients clinic for teaching of medical students.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular seminars, clinical discussions, case presentations, and journal club were organized with the active participation of postgraduate students, senior residents and faculty.
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University projects
7.0 Publications
Differences in Umbilical Cord Blood Leukocyte Phenotype: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS one. 2015;10(4):e0123589. Aggarwal KC, Gupta R, Sharma S, Sehgal R, Roy MP. Mortality in Newborns Referred to Tertiary Hospital: An Introspection. J Family Med and Primary Care. 2015;4(3):435-8. Kamal M, Aggarwal KC, Kumar A, Jindal M, Batra A. Effect of Timing of Cord Clamping on Iron Stores of Infants Born to Anemic Mothers. Indian J Child Health. 2015;2(3):99-103. Sinha A, Gupta S S, Chellani H, Maliye C, Kumari V, Arya S, et al. Role of probiotics VSL#3 in Prevention of Suspected Sepsis in Low Birthweight Infants in India: A Randomised Controlled Trial. BMJ Open. 2015;5(7):e006564. Dewez JE, Chellani HK, Halim A, van den Broek N. Simplified Antibiotic Regimens for Neonatal Sepsis. Lancet. 2015;386(10001);1337-8. Bhat M, Sehgal R, Gupta R, Mohapatra JN, Sharma S, Aggarwal KC. Two brothers with Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsies. Ind J Pediatr. 2015;82(4):383-4. Gulati S, Jain P, Kannan L, Sehgal R, Chakrabarty B. The Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Response in Children West Syndrome in a Developing Country: A Retrospective Case Record Analysis. J Child Neurol. 2015;30(11):1440-7. Gera A, Ramachandran S, Singh AP, Gera R. Comparison of Health Care Seeking Behaviour between Rural versus Urban Women in Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Child Health. 2015;2(3):122-5. Ramachandran S, Kamal M, Gera R. Renal artery stenosis with Tuberculosis: A Unique Presentation. J Pediatr Infect Dis. 2015;10(2):57-8. Ramachandran S, Gera R. H3N2 Emergence in India. Int J Pediatr Child Health. 2015;3(1):19-20. Meena SS, Meena D. Myiasis in Children: Fly Larval Infestation. Pediatric on Call. 2015;12(4). Mali LP, Meena SS, Beniwal M. Classical Bartter Syndrome – A Case Report. Ind J Med Specialties. 2015;6(3):116-8. Chellani HK, Dabas A, Arya S. Gastro-esophageal reflux: Spitting and Possetting in a Neonate. Ind J Pediatr. 2015;82(1):39-43. Kumar A, Lodha R, Kumar P, Kabra SK. Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis in Children: Clinical Profile, Etiology and Outcome. Ind Pediatr. 2015;52:35-7. Roy MP. Disclosure of HIV Status to Children. Ind Pediatr. 2015;52(10):904-5.
Rathore DK, Nair D, Raza S, Saini S, Singh R, Kumar A, Tripathi R, Ramji S, Batra A, Aggarwal KC, Chellani HK, Arya S, et al. Underweight Full-Term Indian Neonates Show
Chellani H. Assessment of the Newborn. In: Gupta P (Ed). Post-graduate Textbook of Pediatrics. 1/e. Jaypee Brothers: New Delhi, 2015.
Mishra V, Mahopatra JN. Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Mothers about infant Feeding and Immunization. Sourabh, Gupta R. Predictors of Candidemia in Paediatric Patients (0-12 years) admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital. Neeraj, Aggarwal KC. Incidence of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Sick Children. Anupama, Chellani HK. Predictors of Multidrug Resistance in Organisms causing Neonatal Sepsis in Tertiary Care Hospital. Ansari ME, Kumar A. Study of Outcome Predictors of Severe and Very Severe Pneumonia of Children between 2-59 months of Age Admitted in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Kumar S, Chellani HK. Trends in the Intrauterine Growth Parameters of Intramural Live Born Babies in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Arin, Aggarwal KC. Neuroimaging Abnormalities on Cranial CECT after a First Unprovoked Generalised Tonic Clonic Seizures in Children. Sridhar, Gera R. Role of Magnetic Resonance Angiography to Demonstrate CNS Vasculitis or Vasculopathy in Children aged 1 month to 12 years with CNS Tuberculosis. Maria, Aggarwal KC. Study of the Coagulation Profile and its Correlation with Bleeding in Children with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Vipul, Kumar A. Clinico-epidemiological Profile and Risk Factors Associated with Failure of Conservative Therapy in Empyema Patients. Priyanka, Meena KR. Neutrophil CD64 as a Marker of Early Onset Sepsis in VLBW Neonates. Kishan, Chellani HK. Clinico-epidemiological Profile in GI Malformations in Tertiary Care Center. Aslam, Chellani HK. Acute Kidney Injury in SBA Neonates. Rhea, Aggarwal KC. Aetiological Profile and Immediate Outcome Predictors of Pediatric Convulsive Status Epilepticus. Arnab, Singh MK. Study of Spectrum of Neuromuscular Disorders and their Correlation with Skeletal Muscle Ultrasound Findings in Children. Vivek, Chellani HK. Predictors of Outcome of Surfactant Use in Preterms with RDS. Dinesh, Chellani HK. Study of Neonatal Intensive Care Services as Perceived by the Parents.
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8.0 Awards, Fellowships and Achievements
9.0 Community Services
Institute of Medical Sciences, May 2015. Kaur S. Workshop on Basic Biostatistics, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow in collaboration with National Institutes of Health, May 2015. Kumar A. National Training of Trainers Workshop on Management of Childhood Tuberculosis, Apr 2015. Sehgal R, Salhan M. PET1 Course, British Pediatric Neurology Association, Apr 2015. Salhan Meenakshi. Clinical Scenarios in Pediatric Liver Diseases. ILBS, New Delhi, Apr 5-6, 2015. Roy MP. Health Programs in India – Progress and Prospects. NCDC, New Delhi, Jan 21-23, 2015. Aggarwal KC, Chellani HK, Gupta S. Indian Academy of Paediatrics Conference, New Delhi, Jan 2015.
Conducted parents awareness meeting on Rett Syndrome on Oct 25, 2015.
12.0 Organization of Workshops and Training Programs
Aggarwal KC. Post Doctoral Fellowship in Dialysis Medicine Aggarwal KC. WHO Fellowship. Early parent to child intervention (Kangaroo Mother Care), Sweden, Mar 2015. Gupta R. Conducted training of Medical Officers on Acute Encephalitis Syndrome, Muzaffarpur, May 2015. Singh MK. Central Medical Team Member, Clinical Management of Japanese Encephalitis/Acute Encephalitis Syndrome, Assam, Jul 2015. Chopra N, Roy MP, Vijaydeep, Maruthi. Certificate of Appreciation for role in Management of Dengue Epidemic, 2015.
10.0 Guest Lectures Gupta S. Newborn Birth Defect Registry: Experiences and Challenges. International Conference on Birth Defects and Disabilities, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, Sept 21, 2015. Singh M. Efficacy of Modified Atkins Diet versus Ketogenic Diet in Children with Refractory Epilepsy aged 1 year to 18 years: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 31st International Epilepsy Congress, Istanbul, Sept 5-9, 2015. Aggarwal KC. Follow up of Pre-Term Newborns. NEOCON 2015, Bhubneswar. Sehgal R. Clinical Evaluation in Pediatric Neurology, Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital, New Delhi, Aug 2015.
11.0 Participation in Conferences Aggarwal KC, Chellani HK, Gupta S. International Conference on Birth Defects and Disabilities, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, Sept 21, 2015. Singh M. 31st International Epilepsy Congress, Istanbul, Sept 5-9, 2015. Sehgal R. Workshop on e-learning. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Nov 2015. Kumar A, Roy MP. State Workshop for Introduction of Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, Aug 2015. Chellani HK, Sehgal R. Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies, Aug 2015. Salhan M. Hands on Basic Endoscopy Workshop, Apollo Center for Advanced Pediatrics, Aug 2015. Salhan M. Training of Trainers for Monsoon Maladies, Indian Association of Pediatrics, Jul 2015. Gupta S. Workshop on Neonatal Ventilation, All India 92
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Aggarwal KC, Chellani HK, Arya S, Gupta S, Meena SS. Workshop on Facility Based Newborn Care for Doctors, JulAug 2015; and Midwives, Sept 2015. Aggarwal KC, Chellani HK, Gupta R, Sehgal R. Training of Trainers on Integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Illness. In collaboration with World Health Organization. Aug 31-Sept 5, 2015. Aggarwal KC, Chellani HK, Gupta R, Sehgal R. Training Course on Integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Illness. In collaboration with WHO and SAS. Sept 7-12, 2015. Aggarwal KC, Chellani HK, Gera R, Chopra N. Training Course on Facility Based Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness for delegates from Saharsa, Bihar, Sept 28-Oct 10, 2015.
13.0 Procurement of New Equipment LED phototherapy machine Bubble CPAP Infusion pumps Portable suction machine
14.0 Plan of Action Manpower The strength of the faculty and residents needs to be augmented. The department needs to engage child psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and laboratory and respiratory technicians.
Infrastructure Pediatric ICU, High dependency Unit and Emergency and Triage Unit are under construction. Plans are afoot for setting up of Thalassemia Day Care Unit, Diarrhea Treatment Unit and Child Development Center.
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Department of Psychiatry 1.0 Prelude
Child Guidance Clinic (including Autism)
Offering a comprehensive evaluation and treatment for patients and families whose lives have been touched by a wide array of mental health conditions, treating individuals in diverse life stages, including children and adolescents, adults and geriatric patients, the department catered during the year to more than 40,000 patients. The department also ran specialized clinics. These included a weekly clinic for children and adolescents, for autism, a twice weekly psycho-sexual clinic, and attended to a large number of referrals for patients admitted in wards of other departments. The department runs a regular academic program with undergraduate teaching for both MBBS and psychology students through lectures and clinical postings.
New cases during the year Follow up cases during the year
405 446
Psychosexual Clinic New cases during the year Follow up cases during the year
1,038 1,880
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The faculty imparted teaching and training to undergraduate students through a regular clinical teaching program, which included clinical posting in the 4th semester with 23 classes, and clinical posting with 17 classes during the 5th semester. A total of 20 didactic lectures were also held for the MBBS students. Students pursuing psychology were also given short term training.
2.0 Faculty Dr Rajesh Rastogi Consultant and Head Dr Kuldip Kumar Consultant and Professor Dr Pankaj Verma Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Abhilasha Yadav Associate Professor Senior residents 4
3.0 Patient Care General Psychiatry New patients during the year Follow up patients during the year
9,538 28,203
Left to right Dr Kuldip Kumar, Dr Rajesh Rastogi, Dr Pankaj Verma, Dr Abhilasha Yadav.
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5. 0 Research Projects
Rastogi R. Appointed President, Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone, 2015-2016. Kumar K. Expert, Online Review of Short term Studentship 2015 Proposals, Indian Council of Medical Research, Delhi.
Rastogi R. Disaster, Response, Resilience and Recovery. 40th Annual Conference, Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone, Srinagar. Rastogi R. Presidential address: Adolescent Depression. Annual Conference, Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone, Srinagar. Rastogi R. Conference of World Biological Psychiatry Association, New Delhi. Kumar K. Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research. Kumar K. Revisiting Women’s Health. Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. Kumar K. Conference of World Biological Psychiatry Association, New Delhi. Kumar K. CME, World Schizophrenia Day, New Delhi, May 23, 2015. Kumar K. Workshop, Behavioral and Neurosciences Academy of India. Kumar K. Long Acting Novel Antipsychotics, New Delhi, Jul 26, 2015. Kumar K. Mid-term CME, Delhi Psychiatric Society, New Delhi, Aug 30, 2015. Verma P. Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research. Verma P. Conference of World Biological Psychiatry Association, New Delhi. Yadav A. Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research. Yadav A. Revisiting Women’s Health. Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi.
8.0 Departmental Workshops and Guest lectures
10.0 Community Service
Psychiatric Aspects of TBI. Perils of Academic Publishing. Creativity: Concept and Implications in Psychiatry. DSM-5: Focus on Child Psychiatry. Intelligence Suicide Jiloha RC. Substance use in Schizophrenia. Neurogenesis: Role in Psychiatric Disorders. Psychiatry: Evolution and Where it is headed? Mental Health Care Bill: Current Status.
Creating Public Awareness on Mental Health through:
Pitala S, Kumar K. Study of Clinical Profile and Role of Environmental and Genetic Factors in Childhood Psoriasis. Kumar S, Kumar K. An Epidemiological Study of Depression among Women in an Urbanized Village of Delhi. Thakur PC, Kumar K. A Study on Behavioral Profile in Children with Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome. Verma P. Psychiatric Morbidity in Infertility Patients in a Tertiary Care Setup.
6.0 Publications Kumar K. Effectiveness of Psycho-educational Intervention in Improving Outcome of Unipolar Depression: Results from a Clinical Trial. East Asian Arch Psychiatry. 2015;25(1):29-34. Kumar K. Study of Behavior and Temperament of the Eldest Son or Eldest Daughter of the Parent suffering from BPAD. Intl J Sci Research. 2014;3(9):vd01-vd06. Kumar K. Clinical and Socio-demographic Determinants of Psychological Health and Burden in Family Caregivers of Patients with Unipolar Depression. Asian J Psychiatr. 2014;9:51-6. Verma P. A 16-year-old Boy with Combined Volatile and Alcohol Dependence. J Clin and Diag Res. 2015;9(8):vd01-vd03. Verma P. Psychiatric Morbidity in Infertility Patients in a Tertiary Care Setup.J Clin and Diag Res.2015;9(9):vc01-vc06.
7.0 Achievements
9.0 Participation in Conferences and Training Programs Rastogi R. Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research. Rastogi R. Revisiting Women’s Health. Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Poster exhibitions Pamphlets Videos Skits Painting competition Radio and television talks Patient caregiver programs Training of Trainers on the subject of Adolescent Health under the aegis of Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram, Government of India; and World Health Organization.
11.0 Plan of Action Creation of inpatient psychiatry care facility in the hospital. Commencement of postgraduate teaching program.
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& 1.0 Prelude Established in 1990, the department offers a dedicated 12-bedded inpatient service, a state-of-the-art 8-bed critical care unit, a sleep lab, a pulmonary function lab, an endoscopy lab, and outpatient clinic. The 5 member faculty and the 12 senior residents extend patient care services to around 3,000 outpatients each month. The department runs a robust academic program and is a training ground for postgraduates and postdoctoral residents in pulmonary medicine.
employs ultrasound and other advanced techniques for measuring up vital pulmonary, vascular and cardiac parameters. The department is equipped with an excellent sleep lab and has the facility for round the clock arterial blood gas estimation, besides a battery of tests and procedures including polysomnography, pulmonary function testing, bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound, pleural aspiration, intercostal tube drainage, pleurodesis, and ultrasound guided and CT guided invasive procedures.
2.0 Faculty Dr JC Suri Consultant, Professor and Head Dr MK Sen Consultant and Professor Dr Shibdas Chakrabarti Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Dipak Bhattacharya Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr NK Gupta Senior Administrative Grade Officer Senior residents 12
3.0 Patient Care The well-equipped 12-bedded inpatient facility offers comprehensive care for patients with severe pulmonary diseases, sleep related disorders and critical illnesses. The 8-bedded state-of-the-art critical care unit has facilities for mechanical ventilation, non-invasive ventilation and intensive care for the critically ill. The unit carries out right heart catheterization studies and left heart function studies, and
Left to right First row Dr MK Sen, Dr JC Suri, Dr Shibdas Chakrabarti. Second row Dr Dipak Bhattacharya, Dr NK Gupta. Annual Report 2015
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The undergraduate medical students are imparted didactic lectures, and put through rotational clinical training.
Regular seminars, clinical conferences and journal club are organized for the postgraduates and postdoctoral students with active participation of the faculty.
Completed projects Gilan H. Role of Polysomnography in Optimizing NonInvasive Ventilation in Patients with Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Sharma R. Assessment of Upper Current Profile in Children with Sleep Disorder Breathing.
Ongoing projects Gupta M. Role of Portable Sleep Monitoring in Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Raj B. Utility of Bedside Ultrasonography and Echocardiography in Patients presenting with Acute Respiratory Failure. Sharma S. Determinants of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Acceptance and Adherence in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Elias M. Effect of Adenotonsillectomy on Neurocognitive and Behavioural Functions in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing. Gupta A. Role of Radial EBUS in Evaluation of Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions. Singh A. Correlation of Lung Ultrasound Score with Gas Exchange and Lung Mechanics Parameters during Positive End Expiratory Pressure Titration in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome requiring Invasive Mechanical Ventilation. Ramniwas. Study of the Clinic Pathological Profile and Outcome in Lung Cancer Patients. Aggarwal S. Diagnostic Utility of EBUS Features in Benign and Malignant Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy. Ish P. Study of the Profile of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders in Patients with Overlap Syndrome and its Therapeutic Implications. Sharma L. Role of USG of Diaphragm for Bilevel Positive Airway Titration in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of COPD. Mittal A. Role of Rehabilitation in the Therapy of Patients with OSA. Singh P. Study of the Etiological Profile of Exudative Pleural Effusions presenting to a Tertiary Care Hospital.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Journals Chopra S, Capoor M, Mallik R, Gupta S, Ray A, Khanna G, Suri JC, Bhattacharya D, Raghavan S. Pulmonary Cryptococcosis in HIV Sero-Negative Patients: Case Series from India. Mycoses. 2015;58(5):288-293. Ray A, Suri JC, Sen MK, Chakrabarti S, Gupta A, Capoor M. Cavitating Lung Disease due to Concomitant Drug Resistant Tuberculosis and Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in a PostPartum Patient. Ind J Tuberculosis. 2015;62:50-53. Suri JC, Sen MK, Venkatachalam VP, Bhool S, Sharma R, Elias M, Adhikari T. Outcome of Adenotonsillectomy for Children with Sleep Apnea. Sleep Medicine. 2015;16(10):11811186. Suri JC, Sen MK, Sharma R, Chakrabarti S, Elias M, Adhikari T. Metabolic Changes in Normal and Underweight Children with Obstructive Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Sleep Medicine. 2015;16(11):1366-1371.
Books Suri JC, Bhattacharya D. Pleural Effusion and Pneumothorax. In: Yatin Mehta, Jeetendra Sharma, Mukesh Kumar Gupta (eds) Textbook of Critical Care Including Trauma and Emergency Care, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, 379-400, 2016.
Home to Journal Indian Journal of Sleep Medicine.
8.0 Achievements Formulation of National Guidelines/Protocol on Management of H1N1 Seasonal Influenza, Pneumonia. Development of Guidelines for Vaccination of Health Care Workers. Central Team for Different States for Review of Ventilatory Management Protocol in Swine flu. Development of Control Programs for Dengue, Swine flu and other Related Diseases. Faculty Members constituted the Central Team to Investigate Measures for Control of Pandemic H5N1 Influenza in Chandigarh. Faculty Members constituted the Central Team to Manage H1N1 ICU at SMS Medical College, Jaipur during H1N1 Outbreak. Faculty Members constituted the Central Team for Assessment and Advice on Outbreak of Encephalitis in the North East Region. Faculty Members constituted the Central Team to Assess the Outbreak of H1N1 in Maharashtra and Kerala.
9.0 Community Services Faculty members regularly appear on the national television
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imparting education to the people about influenza, asthma, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.
10.0 Conferences and Training Programs held Training of WHO fellows, medical officers, specialists and postgraduates from other organizations. Formulation of Curriculum and Content for Training Workshops on Severe Respiratory Disease associated with MERS for APHOs, PHOs, RRTs and Nodal Officers. Training of Medical Officers for the Amarnath Yatra, Srinagar.
Training Course cum Workshop on ICU Management of H1N1 Influenza Patients under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Clinical Meetings of the National College of Chest Physician, Delhi Chapter.
11.0 Plan of Action The department shall shortly be shifting to the new superspecialty block within the hospital campus. This shall allow enhancement in the number of total beds to 40 including 20 critical care beds.
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Department of Radiotherapy 1.0 Prelude With a long and true history of being a pioneering radiotherapy department in North India, and its students holding key clinical positions across the country, the department has been a nucleus of progress since the 1960s. Striving to provide radiation and chemotherapy treatments to patients with diverse malignancies, the department is currently in the process of redevelopment.
2.0 Faculty Dr KT Bhowmik Additional Medical Superintendent and Professor Dr Ajay Gupta Consultant, Associate Professor and Head Dr Jaspreet Kaur Assistant Professor Dr Vikas Yadav Assistant Professor Dr Akhilesh Mishra Assistant Professor Dr Vikas Madholia Assistant Professor Dr Deepti Sharma Assistant Professor Dr Garima Singh Assistant Professor Dr Rajiv Sharma Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr Kapil Suri Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr Jyoti Lochab Radiological Safety Officer Senior residents 6
3.0 Patient Care
Mondays through Fridays between 9 am and 1 pm. The following special clinics are also run: ENT Tumour Clinic: Tuesdays 2 pm Cancer Surgery Tumour Clinic: Tuesdays 12 pm Pain and Palliative Care Clinic: Thursdays 9 am Tumour Board: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 2.30 pm Patient Radiotherapy Planning: Saturdays 9 am Radiotherapy Reaction Clinic: Daily 9 am to 5 pm Day Care Chemotherapy Clinic: Daily 9 am
Inpatient services Ward 2: Female Ward Ward 15: Male Ward
Facilities Telecobalt machine (Theratron Elite 80) High dose rate-remote controlled brachytherapy unit Linear Accelerators. The department has initiated the process of procurement for two linear accelerators: one of low energy, and the second a high energy unit.
4.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program The department runs a robust postgraduate teaching program with weekly seminars, journal club, clinical case presentations and lectures by the faculty.
Outpatient services The department runs regular outpatient services, wherein new cases are taken up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9am and 1pm, and follow up cases are supported daily
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5.0 Research Completed projects Hyper Fractionated versus Conventional Fractionated
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Radiotherapy with Concomitant Chemotherapy in Local Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. Study of Role of Early Radiotherapy and Efficacy of Paclitaxel based Concurrent Chemotherapy in Node Positive Postoperative Carcinoma Breast Patients.
First Prize in Onco – Quiz North Zone AROICON 2015, New Delhi, 2015. Singh G. Observership, Community Cancer South, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Indiana, USA, 2015.
Ongoing projects
8.0 Participation in Conferences and Workshops
Spectrum of Fungal Infections in Patients of Head and Neck Malignancies on Chemo-Radiotherapy. Correlation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, Ki 67 and P53 Status with Response to Concurrent Chemo Radiotherapy in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancers. Comparison of two Palliative Radiotherapy schedules in Head and Neck Cancer.
Research Journals
Evidence based MAX Debates in Oncology, New Delhi, Aug 30, 2015. Association of Radiation Oncologists of India North Zone Conference, New Delhi, Sept 19-20, 2015. Indian College of Radiation Oncologists Teaching Course, 2015. Association of Radiation Oncologists of India Conference, Lucknow, Nov 26-29, 2015. European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Teaching Course, New Delhi, Dec 6-9, 2015.
Intracranial Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma – A Case Report. Indian J Neurosurg. 2015;4:31-34.
9.0 Plan of Action
6.0 Publications
7.0 Awards, Fellowships and Achievements Sharma K. Second Prize Best Paper North Zone AROICON 2015, New Delhi, 2015.
The department has an elaborate plan of modernisation. Besides setting up the linear accelerators, the department shall be procuring a CT simulator, a 3-D treatment planning system and an HDR brachytherapy unit.
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& P lude The Center deals with around 18,000 patients annually in its male and female Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) clinics and manages these patients through the etiological approach. The center serves two primary functions:
Apex Reference Laboratory for STIs Carries out diagnostic work for STIs and HIV AIDS, the NACO designated reference lab collects specimens, makes wet mount preparations, conducts smear examination, bacterial culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and carries out serological and immunological tests for gonorrhoea, syphilis, chancroid, donovanosis, herpes genitalis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, hepatitis B, HCV, and chlamydial infections. Semen analysis is done in the case of infertile couples, medicolegal cases and vasectomised men.
State Reference Laboratory and Integrated Counseling and Testing Center for HIV AIDS Pre-test counseling for HIV AIDS followed by HIV testing and post-test counseling is done for all walk-in cases, and referrals from other OPDs and wards of the hospital at the center. CD4/CD3 counts and ratios is performed for HIV positive cases. The State Reference Laboratory is NABL accreditated for HIV testing and CD4 counts.
Syphillis: Dark Field Microscopy, VDRL, RPR, TPHA FTA-Abs and ELISA. Gonorrhoea: Gram’s staining of direct smear, and culture and antimicrobial susceptibility test. Chancroid: Gram’s staining, and culture. Trichomoniasis: Direct wet mount and culture. Vulvo Vaginal Candidiasis: Gram stain, culture, speciation and antifungal susceptibility testing. Bacterial vaginosis: Gram’s staining.
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Genital Herpes (MNGC): Giemsa stain, ELISA for IgM antibody detection. Donovanosis: Giemsa stain. Chlamydia: ELISA for antigen detection, Direct fluorescent antibody test, ELISA for antibody detection rapid test. HIV/AIDS: Serology for antibody detection. Pre- and Posttest counseling for HIV/AIDS. Hepatitis B: HBsAg test. Anti HCV serology. CD4 test for all HIV positive patients. Semen analysis in couples with infertility. Semen analysis in medicolegal cases and vasectomised men.
Mobile Unit Mobile unit of this center pays regular visits to the Primary Health Centres in Fatehpur Beri, Palam and Najafgarh on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. During these visits, samples are taken from patients to detect sexually transmitted infections. The citizens are also exposed to education about STIs.
3.0 Faculty Dr V Ramesh Consultant, Professor and Head Dr Manju Bala Consultant and Professor Dr Sumathi Muralidhar Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Aradhana Bhargava Specialist
4.0 Patient Care During the year, the center carried out a total of 34,867 STIrelated tests.
8.0 Research Completed projects Bala M. Establishment of Networking for Neisseria gonorrhoeae Surveillance in India at Department of Microbiology, AIIMS, New Delhi. Indian Council of Medical Research. Bala M. Co-Principal Investigator. Development of DNA Biosensor for Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Clinical Samples. Department of Microbiology, AIIMS, New Delhi. Department of Bio-Technology Project. Bala M. Evaluating Essential Sexually Transmitted Infection Service Package for Sex Workers in India. Family Health International and National AIDS Research Institute, Pune. Multicentric STI-OR Research Project. Bala M. Co-Investigator. Development of Point-of-Care Test using LAMP Technology for Diagnosis of Gonorrhoea. Department of Microbiology, AIIMS, New Delhi. DBT project. Bala M. Virological Characterization of Indian Sub-type C of HIV-1. In collaboration, Research Institute of Microbial Diseases, Osaka, Japan. Bala M. Aetio-Epidemiological Study of Ulcerative STIs in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Delhi. Regional STD Center, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. National AIDS Control Organization. Bala M. Assesment of Role of Host Genetics in HIV-1 Infection at Department of Biochemistry, AIIMS, New Delhi. Indian Council of Medical Research. Bala M. Comparative Study on HIV/AIDS with Anti
5.0 Community Services This center is carrying out community level STI surveillance. Mobile unit of this center makes regular visits to PHCs in Fatehpur Beri, Palam and Najafgarh on all working Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. During these visits, samples are collected from patients for the detection of STIs. The people of the area are also imparted basic health education regularly.
6.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular theory and practical classes, demonstration classes, and tutorials are held for the undergraduate nursing, paramedic and medical students.
7.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Seminars, journal club, case presentations and continuing medical education programs are held for the postgraduates with active participation of the senior residents and the faculty.
Left to right First row Dr Sumathi Muralidhar, Dr V Ramesh, Dr Manju Bala. Second row Dr Aradhana Bhargava.
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Bala M, Ramesh V. In-vitro Study of Synergistic, Additive, Indifferent or Antagonistic Effects of Various Antimicrobial Combinations in Multidrug and Extensively Drug Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae Strains. ICMR Research Project. Bala M. CoInvestigator. Relation between Genetic Markers of Drug Resistance and Susceptibility Profile of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Strains. ICMR Research Project, National AIDS Research Institute, Pune. Khan Z, Bala M. Reliability of Self-Collected over Physician Collected Vaginal Swabs in Diagnosing Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge. Singh S, Bala M. Evaluation of Sensitivity and Specificity of Syphilis Serological Test (TPHA) from Dried Blood Spots in Comparison with Sera Samples. Singh V, Bala M. In Vitro Study of Synergistic, Additive, Indifferent or Antagonistic Effects of Various Antimicrobial Combinations in Multi-Drug and Extensively-Drug Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae Strains. SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan.
in India and Comparison of Antimicrobial Resistance Profile Between 2002-2006 and 2007-2012. Sex Transm Dis. 2015; 42:218-22. Chaudhary O, Kumar S, Bala M, Singh J, Hazarika A, Luthra K. Association of DC-SIGNR Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells with DC-SIGNR Genotypes in HIV-1 Infection. Viral Immunol. 2015;28(8):472-5. Kumar DA, Muralidhar S, Banerjee U, Basir SF, Khan LA. Antifungal Resistance Patterns, Virulence Attributes and Spectrum of Oral Candida Species in Patients with Periodontal Disease. British Microbiology Research Journal. 2015;5(1):68-75. Muralidhar S. Molecular Methods in the Diagnosis of Sexually Laboratory Transmitted Infections- Review Article. Indian J STD and AIDS. 2015;36(1):9-17. Kulkarni SV, Bala M, Risbud A. Performance of Tests for Identification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Indian J Med Res. 2015; 141(6):833-835. Kakran M, Bala M, Singh V. An Analysis of Underlying Factors for Seasonal Variation in Gonorrhoea in India: A Six Year Statistical Assessment. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2015; 33:215-20. Kulkarni SV, Bala M, Bhattacharya J, Risbud A. Detection of Mutations in mtrR Gene in Quinolone Resistant Strains of N. gonorrhoeae Isolated From India. Indian J Med Microbio. 2015;33:277-81. Kumar DA, Muralidhar S, Banerjee U, Basir SF, Mathur P, Khan LA. Diversity and Fungal Resistance Patterns of Prevalent Opportunistic Pathogenic Yeasts Colonizing the Oral Cavities of Asymptomatic Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Individuals, and their Relation to CD4+ Counts. Indian Journal of STD and AIDS. 2015;36(1):1-5. Manju B. Report on Global Sexually Transmitted Infection Surveillance. Depart-ment of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization, Geneva. 2014:1-54.http://www.who. int/reproductive health/publications/rtis/9789 241563475/en.
9.0 Publications
10.0 Achievements
Bala M, Singh V, Bhargava A, Ramesh V. Trends of Resistance To Antimicrobials Recommended Currently and in the Past For Management of Gonorrhea in the Apex STD Center
Bala M. Working Meeting on the Use of Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) in the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis. Ministry of Health and
Retroviral Drugs and Add On Homeopathic Drugs Carried. Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi. Bala M. Prevalence of RTI and STI in Rural and Urban Community in Delhi. Indian Council of Medical Research. Bala M. Community Based Studies on Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Urban and Rural Areas in India. National Aids Control Organzation/World Health Organization. Muralidhar S. Etio-Epidemiological Study of Genital Ulcer Diseases in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Delhi. National AIDS Control Organization. Agarwal U, Muralidhar S. Short Term Student (STS) Project. Indian Council of Medical Research.
Ongoing projects
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Family Welfare, Jul 31, 2015. Bala M. Asia-Pacific Training on Improving the Quality of HIV and Syphilis Point of Care Testing, Cambodia, Jul 28-30, 2015. Bala M. WHO Adviser. Consultation on Point-Of-Care Tests for Sexually transmitted Infections. Department of Reproductive Health and Research, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 16-17, 2015. Bala M. Co-ordinator. WHO-Gonococcal Antimicrobial Susceptibility Program for South East Asia Region Countries. Bala M. Member, Executive Committee, Indian Association for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. Bala M. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Indian Association for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. Muralidhar S. Qualified Technical and Lead Assessor, NABL in Microbiology and Serology. Muralidhar S. Technical Expert. Technical Expert Core Committee for Accreditation, NABL. Muralidhar S. Member, Executive Committee, Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi Chapter. Muralidhar S. Member, Technical Resource Group, National AIDS Control Organization for Integrated Counselling and Testing Centres, and Consultative Meeting Group for HIV, Nov 2015. Muralidhar S. Member of the National AIDS Control Organization Writing Group for Formulation and Revision of ICTC Operational Guidelines for HIV, Dec 2015. Bhargava A. Internal Auditor, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories. Bala M, Muralidhar S. Editors, National AIDS Control Organisation Standard Operating Procedure on Laboratory Manual of Operative Procedures for Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted and Reproductive Tract Infections. Manju B, Muralidhar S. Experts, National AIDS Control Organisation Operational Guidelines for the Regional STI Training, Research and Reference Laboratories.
11.0 Participation in Quality Assurance Programs Carried out National level External Quality Assurance Scheme of VDRL Test in Jan 2015 for 35 Medical College Laboratories and sent the feedback to all the laboratories. Submitted a report on analysis of VDRL EQAS to NACO. Participated in Syphilis Serology Proficiency Testing conducted by Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta in Apr 2015, Jul 2015 and Oct 2015. Results were sent to CDC and feedback was received. Participated in International EQAS of Gonococcal Anti-
microbial Susecptibility Testing conducted by Neisseria Reference Laboratory, Sydney, Australia. Under this EQAS, received QA 2015 strains from Australia, revived the strains, carried out Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of these strains and sent the results to Australia. Carried out National EQAS of Gonococcal Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing for 14 labs in India. Under this EQAS, sent the above strains to these 14 focal point laboratories in India. Carried out Retesting/EQAS of VDRL and TPHA test for sera samples received from other centers in India and sent the feedback for VDRL. Carried out confirmation of results of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing for Neisseria gonorrheae isolates received from the other centers in India and sent the feed back to them. Participated in EQAS for HIV testing conducted by NCDC. Participated in quarterly EQAS for CD4/CD8 testing conducted by National AIDS Research Institute, Pune. Conducted quarterly EQAS for HIV testing for 46 centers (ICTCs/PPTCTs/Blood Banks) as State Reference Laboratory (designated by NACO/DSACS). Signed a MoU with Mycology Division of Department of Microbiology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh for participation in Inter Laboratory Comparison (ILC) activity for Vulvo-vaginal Candidiasis, biannually. The first ILC activity was carried out in Apr 2015 and the second in Oct 2015. Signed a MOU with Department of Clinical Microbiology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) for participation in Inter Laboratory Comparison (ILC) activity for Vulvo-vaginal Candidiasis and Bacterial Vaginosis, biannually. The first ILC activity was carried out in Oct 2015.
12.0 Awards Muralidhar S. Molecular Methods in the Diagnosis of STIs. CW Chacko Memorial Oration. Stanley Medical College, Chennai, Jun 20, 2014. Muralidhar S. PS Ranganathan Memorial Award – Bronze medal for Best Oral Presentation at ASTICON 2014. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Nov 2014. Bhargava A. PS Ranganathan Memorial Silver Medal, Indian Association for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. Joshi N. Second Prize. Dr CN Sowmini Poster Competition Second Prize, Indian Association for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS.
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13.0 Training Programs held
14.0 Participation in Conferences
Training for Microbiologists and Laboratory Technicians from Regional STI Centres and linked State Reference Center on Etiological Diagnosis of STIs, Apex Regional STD Center, Safdarjung Hospital. Jan 19-23, 2015. Training Workshop on Laboratory Diagnosis of STIs/RTIs/HIV/ AIDS for Laboratory Technicians. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, Delhi Chapter, Sept 18, 2015. Training for Microbiologists and Laboratory Technicians from Regional STI Centres and linked State Reference Center on Etiological Diagnosis of STIs sponsored Delhi State AIDS Control Society. Apex Regional STD Center, Safdarjung Hospital, Nov 2-6, 2015.
Rana RS, Bhargava A, Bala M. Profile of Various STI/ RTI Syndromes from a tertiary care center during 2013-2014. 39th National Conference of Indian Association for the Study of STDs and AIDS, Coimbatore, Sept 11-13, 2015. Muralidhar S. 7th National Conference and CME for Health Professional Education, Nov 18-21, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
15.0 Procurement of New Equipment Real time PCR Lyophilizer
16.0 Plan of Action Expansion in the floor area to conform with the NABL criteria.
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Department of Surgery 1.0 Prelude Striving to deliver high quality clinical care to the patients, conducting practical and useful research, imparting the best training and skills to young surgeons, and guiding the next generation of leaders in surgery, the department carried out more than 80,000 surgeries, and attended to more than 125,000 outpatients during the year. Employing both conventional and advanced laparoscopic surgical procedures, the surgeons performed a variety of surgeries, and also treated a variety of complicated cases referred from other parts of the country, keeping up with the footprints of its founding fathers.
Dr Jainendra Arora Associate Professor Dr Rajkumar Chejara Senior Surgeon and Assistant Professor Dr Ashok Kumar Sharma Surgical Specialist Dr Abhinav Kumar Assistant Professor Dr Nishith Mandal Assistant Professor Dr V Ramesh Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr VC Aggarwal Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr Prashantu V Tenjalra Chief Medical Officer Dr Akhlak Hussain Medical Officer Dr Sunil Kumar Singh Medical Officer Senior residents 30
3.0 Patient Care 2.0 Faculty Dr Sunil Kumar Consultant, Professor and Head Dr Ajit Sinha Consultant and Professor Dr SV Arya Consultant and Professor Dr AS Chawla Consultant and Professor Dr Chintamani Consultant and Professor Dr RS Mohil Consultant and Professor Dr Vimal Bhandari Consultant and Professor Dr RK Soni Consultant and Professor Dr Ashwani Gupta Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Shivani Paruthi Consultant
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
New patients attended during the year Follow up patients attended during the year Total admissions during the year
73,284 52,143 8,722
Census of Surgeries during the year Major open and laparoscopic surgeries Minor surgeries
25,060 55,068
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Lectures, clinical postings and case presentations are held regularly both in the outpatient clinics and surgical wards. Students discuss the cases with the senior residents and faculty.
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5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular seminars, clinical discussions, case presentations, and journal club are organized with active participation of the postgraduates, senior residents and faculty.
6.0 Research Completed projects Goyal A, Kumar S. Comparison of Efficacy, Safety and Outcome of Early versus Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Acute Cholecystitits. Sikka A, Kumar S. Early Prediction of Hypocalcemia following Total Thyroidectomy by Serial Parathyroid Hormone and Ionized Calcium Assay. Kishore B, Sinha A. To Correlate the Level of Glycosylated Haemoglobin with Wound Healing, Vasculopathy and Neuropathy in Diabetic Foot Patients. Maningandam K, Arya SV. Clinical Study comparing Trans Inguinal Pre Peritoneal (TIPP) versus Lichenstein’s Mesh Hernioplasty with Special Reference to Inguinodynia. Sagar A, Arya SV. Comparative study – Early versus Delayed Oral Feeding in Patients of Ileostomy Closure. Kumar R, Chawla AS. Risk Factors for Early Post-operative Small Bowel Obstruction and Role of CECT Abdomen in Early Surgical Intervention. Kumar N, Chintamani. Role of Specimen Imaging, Frozen Section in Assessing Margins and Claudins as Predictors of Response to New-Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer. Bhattacharya S, Mohil RS. Role of Molecular Breast Imaging using Scintimammography in Breast Cancer Patients receiving
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. Srinivas, Mohil RS. Comparative study of Single Port Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Conventional Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Kumar G, Bhandari V. Evaluation of Modified Technique of Total Extraperitoneal versus Conventional Approach for Prevention of Ostoperative Seroma in Laparoscopic Direct Inguinal Hernia Repair. Singh R, Paruthi S. To Study the High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein Levels in Difficult Cholecystectomy and its Correlation with Ultrasonographic Findings.
Ongoing projects Rastogi A, Kumar S. Prospective Study to Compare the Efficacy of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and Conventional Technique in the Management of Open Abdomen. Kumar S. Role of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Initial Wound Healing following Surgical Debridement in Diabetic Foot Infections. Arakeri P, Gupta A. Comparative Evaluation of Closure versus Non-Closure of Fascial Defects in Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair. Verma V, Arya SV. Clinico-radiological Study of Soft Tissue Infections using Irinec Score and Computed Tomography. Saini N, Arya SV. Clinical Study to Evaluate the Role of Prophylactic Antibiotic in Low Risk Patients of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Garg R, Chawla AS. Study of Reinfusion Enteroclysis in Patients with High Output Enteral Fistula or Ostomy Awaiting Definitive Surgery.
Left to right First Row Dr Vimal Bhandari, Dr RS Mohil, Dr SV Arya, Dr Ashwani Gupta, Dr Sunil Kumar, Dr Ajit Sinha, Dr AS Chawla, Dr Chintamani. Second Row Dr PV Tenjalra, Dr Sunil Kumar Singh, Dr Rajkumar Chejara, Dr Shivani Paruthi, Dr Vasanthi Ramesh, Dr RK Soni, Dr Ashok Sharma, Dr VC Aggarwal, Dr Jainendra Kumar Arora.
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Sricharan R, Chawla AS. Role of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Initial Wound Healing following Surgical Debridement in Diabetic Foot Infections. Kumar D, Chintamani. Sentinal Lymph Rode Biopsy using Dual Method for Axillary Mapping in Patients receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Kumar A, Mohil RS. Randomized Controlled Study Comparing 3% versus 1.5% Polydocanol in Treatment of Varicose Veins due to Saphenofemoral Junction Incompetence. Chopra A, Bhandari V. Prospective Randomized Study to Analyze the Efficacy of Preoperative MR Cholangiopancreaticography in Management of Gallstone Disease. Lalchandama R, Paruthi S. Subdermal Plexus as a Reliable Landmark for Optimum Flap Thickness during Modified Radical Mastectomy for Breast Cancer.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Namdeo R, Soni RS. Prospective Study of Factors Responsible for Conversion during Laparoscopic Appendicectomy.
7.0 Publications Kumar S. Complex Urethral Stricture Management in 28 Consecutive Cases–A Prospective Study. Indian Journal of Urology. 2015. Kumar S. A Case report of Unusual Presentation of Urachal Carcinoma. Journal of Urology. 2015. Arya SV. A Rare Presentation of Gastric Outlet Obstruction. Annuals of Medicine and Surgery. 2015;4:67-71. Kumar N, Agarwal Y, Chawla AS, Jain R, Thukral BB. MRI of Perianal Fistulae: A Pictorial Kaleidoscope. Clinical Radiology. 2015;10:70-82. Jain SG, Thukral BB, Chawla AS, Jain S, Agarwal Y.
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Multihued Complications in Acute Pancreatitis: A Kaleidoscopic Retrospective. Astrocyte. 2014;1(1):50-55. Vimal B, Gunasekaran G, Naik D, Paruthy SB. Comparative Study Between Figure of Eight Suturing Technique and Omentopexy in Closure of Peptic Ulcer Perforation: A Prospective Study on 60 patients with APACHE II score ≤ 10. International Surgery Journal. 2015;2(1): 31-37. Bhandari V, Jaipuria J, Chawla AS, Singh M. Intra-Abdominal Pressure: Time Ripe to Revise Management Guidelines of Acute Pancreatitis? World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology. 2015;ESPS-Ms NO:21183. Bhandari V, Gunasekaran G, Naik D, Gupta A, Rao ASN. Rare Presentation of Superficial Leimyosarcoma of Scalp. National Journal of Medicine. 2015;4(1):109-110. Sharma A. Rare Presentation of Gastric Outlet Obstruction – The Bouvret’s Syndrome. Ann Med and Surg. 2015;4:67-71. Chintamani. An Unusual Reason for Gastric Variceal Hemorrhage: Wandering Spleen. Ind J Surg. 2015;77(2):750-1. Rajkumar JS, Chopra P, Chintamani. Basic Physics Revisited for a Surgeon. Indian J Surg. 2015;77(3):169-75. Chintamani. Ten Commandments of Safe and Optimum Neck Dissections for Cancer. Indian J Surg. 2015;77(2):85-91. Tandon M, Panwar P, Garg P, Chintamani, Siraj F. Neurofibromatosis with Male Breast Cancer – Risk Factor or CoIncidence? Breast Dis. 2015; 35(1):29-32.
April-December 2014 Kumar N, Agarwal Y, Chawla AS, Thukral BB. Significance of MR imaging in Setting the Ball Path of Surgical Management in Perianal Fistulae. Apollo Medicine. 2014;11(3):09. Jain S, Gupta S, Chawla AS, Agarwal Y, Thukral BB. Comparative Study of Balthazar Computed Tomography Severity Index and Modified Computed Tomography Severity Index in Predicting the Outcome of Acute Pancreatitis. Apollo Medicine. 2014;11(2):06. Chawla AS, Chandra R, Agarwal Y. Tissue and Organ Transplantation: Myths, Miracles, and Triumphs. Astrocyte. 2014;1(2):144-150.
9.0 Guest Lectures Sinha A. Comparative Study on Use of Light versus Heavy Mesh in Uro cases 50 each in TAP and Hernia Repair. Kochi Minimally Invasive Conference. Sinha A. Beating the Learning Curve in Laparoscopic Hernia Repair. Lecture, Delhi State Chapter of Surgeons.
10.0 Workshops, Conference and Training Programs Arya SV. Recent Advances and Controversies in Colorectal Surgeries. Gastrointestinal Surgicon, 2015. Arya SV. Clinical Meetings, Delhi Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India, 2015. Arya SV. National Wound Care Management Consensus Meet, ASI, New Delhi, 2015. Sharma A. National Wound Care Management Consensus Meet, ASI, New Delhi, 2015. Sharma A. Endosurg 2015, AIIMS, New Delhi, 2015. Sharma A. AMASICON 2015, Hyderabad, 2015. Sharma A. ASICON 2015, Gurgaon, 2015. Bhandari V. Faculty. Annual Conference North Zone. Bhandari V. Surgical Week. 2015. Bhandari V. Association of Surgeons of India Conference 2015. Bhandari V. Surgicon, Delhi State Chapter, 2015. National Wound Care Management Consensus Meet, Association of Surgeons of India, New Delhi, 2015.
11.0 Procurement of New Equipment Conmed Cautery Machines with accessories and trolley 3 Six Vital Sign Monitors with Central Station 2 Clip Applicator for Endoscopic Surgeries Surgical Instruments for Open Surgery Instrument trolleys 8 Four Critical Care Monitors with Defibrillator: One each for Wards 24, 25, 26 and 1 Suction machines 6
12.0 Plan of Action 8.0 Awards Bhandari V. Presidential Ceremonial Award 2015. Indian Medical Association, North Zone.
Plans are afoot to develop modern contemporary facilities for conducting bariatric surgery, endocrine surgery and vascular surgery in the department.
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Department of Burns, Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery 1.0 Prelude
3.0 Patient Care
Beginning with a small nucleus in 1963, the department has grown into one of the world’s largest burn care unit with an annual attendance of 33,665 outpatients, close to 4,600 burn surgeries and more than 1,500 admissions. Equipped with stateof-art equipment, the department runs a regular outpatient clinic in plastic, burns and maxillofacial surgery, round-the-clock casualty service, intensive care services, in-house laboratory, operation theatres, indoor facility for plastic surgery and burns patients; and a physiotherapy unit. The department has a very keen and robust academic program both for the postgraduate surgery students and the post-doctoral students pursuing MCh in the field. Eminent persona in the realm of burns and plastic surgery from all over the world are invited to visit the department to share their experiences and wisdom.
Census of patients attended to during the year
2.0 Faculty Dr Karoon Agrawal Director Professor and Head Dr RP Narayan Consultant and Professor Dr Vishwa Prakash Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Shalabh Kumar Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Sharadendu Sharma Consultant and Associate Professor Dr RK Srivastava Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Sujata Sarabhai Senior Plastic Surgeon and Associate Professor Dr Savita Arora Senior Plastic Surgeon and Associate Professor Dr Deepak Nanda Senior Plastic Surgeon and Associate Professor Dr Harish Sharma Senior Plastic Surgeon and Associate Professor Dr Upendra Sharma Associate Professor Dr Durga Karki Associate Professor Dr Sunil Sharma Associate Professor Dr Raman Tandon Associate Professor Dr Rakesh Kain Associate Professor Dr Raj Manas Assistant Professor Dr Sandeep Dawre Assistant Professor Dr Piyush K Thayal Assistant Professor Dr GMK Bhardwaj Maxillofacial Surgeon Senior Residents (Burns and Plastic Surgery) 18 Senior Residents (Maxillofacial Surgery) 4
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Burns outpatients Burns casualty patients Burns surgeries Burns admissions Minor procedures and dressings Plastic outpatients Plastic surgery casualty patients Plastic surgery operations
33,665 5,083 4,596 1,508 16,479 28,485 6,280 2,924
Spectrum of Surgeries Congenital Anomalies
Correction of Cleft lip and palate, Constriction ring syndrome, Ear deformities, Craniofacial anomalies, Hand deformities. Aesthetic Surgeries
Rhinoplasty, Body contouring, Liposuction, Fat grafting, Breast augmentation and reduction, Gynecomastia correction. Reconstructive Surgeries
Brachial plexus injuries, Ear reconstruction, Postburn reconstruction including postburn contracture release, Tissue expander insertion, Split skin grafting, Flap coverage for trauma and post-oncological excision defects, TMJ ankylosis correction, Tendon injuries, Nerve injuries, Fingertip injuries, Pressure sores, Vascular malformations. Microvascular Surgeries
Free flaps for coverage, Nerve repairs, Revascularization, Replantation Surgeries. Maxillofacial Injuries and Reconstructions Special Cases
Gender reassignment surgery, Facial bipartition surgery. Laser surgeries
Nd-YAG Laser:Useful for the treatment of hypertrophic scars and vascular and pigmented lesions; and removal of tattoo. Diode Laser: Useful for hair removal. CO2 Laser: Useful in the removal of acne scars and keloids; and resurfacing of skin.
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4.0 Undergraduate Teaching P gram Regular classes were held with a focus on the basics of burn care and plastic surgery for the undergraduate students.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular classes, case presentations, seminars, journal club, and discussions on operative techniques were held for the postdoctoral students with the objective of developing a good understanding of the basics and recent advances in the field.
6.0 Research Completed projects Patel PK, Sharma H. Effect of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Concentrate on Skin Graft Donor Site Wound Healing and Pain Alleviation. Sharma A, Agrawal K. Comparative study of Nasoendoscopic findings of Velopharyngeal Sphincter in Normal Population and Operated Cleft Palate Patients. Punj S, Narayan RP. Evaluation of Risk Factors for Mortality in Burns. Dhopte A, Tiwari VK, Chelani H, Gaind R. Epidemiological Profile of Pediatric Burns in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Sahu S, Kumar S. To Evaluate the Impact of Negative Pressure Dressing on Outcome of Split Skin Grafting in Cases of Post Burn Raw Area. Ramamurthy V, Sharma S. Study of Dorsal Metacarpal Flap for Webspace Reconstruction following Syndactyly release. Mehta N, Srivastava RK. Study of Variations in Nasal Dimensions of Indian Population. Koppolu K, Sarabahi S, Gulliani BP. Facial burns: Epidemiology and Pattern of Involvement of Eyelids and Eye. Chandi S, Arora S. To Study Early Enteral Nutrition with Glutamine Supplementation on the Outcome of Severe Burns. Kumar V, Nanda D. Influence of Lip Closure on the Alveolar Cleft Width in patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate.
Ongoing projects Agrawal S, Arora S. A Hospital Based Study of Patterns of Burn Injuries in Patients ≼ 60 years. Sharma S, Sharma HK. Serum Albumin level as a Prognostic Factor in Burn Patients. Bahal A, Sarabahi S. Analysis of Intra-abdominal Pressure in Acute Burn Patients. Babu VS, Sharma S. Study of Biochemical Markers in High Voltage Electric Burns. Gupta D, Sharma U. Comparative Evaluation of Outcome of Scar Revision with the use of Polyglactin 910 versus Polydiaxone Sutures.
Mandal A, Narayan RP. Estimation of Arterial Blood Lactate in Acute Burn Resuscitation. Govind, Srivastava RK, Ranga S. Correlation between Level of Platelets Aggregation and Severity of Burns in Acute Thermal Burn Patients. Bamal R, Kumar S. Evaluation of Serum Proteins as Predictive Bio-markers for take of Autologous Split Thickness Skin Graft in patients of Post Burn Raw Area. Bagalkotkar M, Nanda D. Creation of Severity Score in Inhalational Burns Patients for Predicting Pneumonia. Tiwari A, Prakash V. Study of a Technique of Raising Random Pattern Flap in Supragaleal Plane to Resurface the Scalp Defects. Niharika, Nanda D. Study of Post-Burn Microstomia and the Effect of Surgical Correction. Gupta V, Arora S. To Study the Efficacy and Safety of NDYAG Laser in the Management of Hypertrophic Burn Scar. Tejaswini, Srivastava RK. To Evaluate the Variation of PH on the Wound Surface as an Indicator of Burn Wound Healing. Ravi, Vishwaprakash. Study of Occult Boutanniere Deformity after Release of Post Burn Flexion Contracture of Fingers. Sethiya A, Sharma U. To Study Modified Tsuge Suture for Flexor Tendon Repair and Early Active Mobilization following Repair. Srivastava V, Sharma S. Comparison of Efficacy of Intralesional Triamcinolone Acetonide at 2-, 4- and 6-weeks Interval in Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids. Rajkumar, Sharma HK. A Study of Distal Perforator Based Propeller Flap for Foot and Lower Leg Reconstruction – A Modified Flap Dissection Technique. Bhalla J, Kumar S. Evaluation of Q-Switch ND-YAG Laser in Tattoo Removal. Kaur M, Sarabahi S. Comparative Study of Ringer Lactate and Dextrose Normal Saline as Maintenance Fluid for Resuscitation in Acute Thermal Burns. Kumar R, Karki D. Study of Clinical Outcome of Single Fasicular, Double Fascicular Nerve and Intercostal Nerve Transfer for Restoration of Elbow Flexion after Upper Brachial Plexus Injury.
7.0 Publications Journals Agrawal K, Kumar S, Dhaka T, Sharma S. Post Electrical Injury Anterior Chest Wall Defect Reconstruction in an Infant. Indian J Burns. 2015;23:84-7. Agrawal K. Reviewers: The Undisputed Pillar of Journal Publishing. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofac Anomal. 2015;2:1-3.
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Left to right First Row Dr Upendra Sharma, Dr Sujata Sarabahi, Dr Shalabh Kumar, Dr Shardendu Sharma, Dr Karoon Agrawal, Dr Anil Kumar Rai (Medical Superintendent), Dr RP Narayan, Dr RK Srivastava, Dr Harish Kumar Sharma, Dr Durga Karki, Dr Savita Arora. Second Row Dr Chandani S, Dr Akangsha Sharma, Dr Maninder Kaur, Dr Rakesh Kain, Dr Raj Manas, Dr Sandip Daware, Dr Piyush Thayal, Dr Shamendra Anand Sahu, Dr Amol Dhopte, Dr Shwetha Agarwal, Dr Amrita Mandal, Dr Sunil Sharma. Third Row Dr Tejaswini, Dr Ravi, Dr Jyoti Bhalla, Dr Neharika, Dr Alok Tiwari, Dr Pankaj K Patel, Dr Rahul Bamal, Dr Vaddi Suman Babu, Dr Akshat Wahal. Fourth Row Dr Sarsij Sharma, Dr Arpit, Dr Govind, Dr Venkat Ramaswami, Dr Nikhil Mehta, Dr Rakesh Kumar, Dr Vikas Gupta, Dr Hitesh Baweja.
Agrawal K. Editor’s Expectations from an Author. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofac Anomal. 2015;2:87-8. Kain R, Arya S. Craniofacial Anomalies with Toothy Nose. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofac Anomal. 2015;2:70-3. Karki D, Mehta N, Narayan RP. Post-burn Axillary Contracture: A Therapeutic Challenge! Indian J Plast Surg. 2015;47:375-80. Mishra SK, Agrawal K, Kumar S, Sharma U. Indelible Voters’ Ink Causing Partial Thickness Burn Over the Fingers. Indian J Plast Surg. 2015;47:472-3. Shankar C, Agrawal K. A Retained Iatrogenic Foreign Body in Nasal Cavity presenting with a Hard Palatal Fistula. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofac Anomal. 2015;2:136-8.
8.0 Papers Presented Manas RK. Different flaps for Hypopharyngeal Esophageal Defects. Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. RIMS, Ranchi, 2015. Agrawal K. Are we giving the Right Fluid to Acute Burn Patients? 23rd Annual Conference of National Academy of Burns, NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Agrawal K. Burn Management for Nurses. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Agrawal K. Prevention of Burns. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Narayan RP. Keratinocyte Skin Culture. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Narayan RP. Vitamin C Levels in Acute Burns. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Srivastava RK. Psychosocial Support to Burn Victim and Family. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Srivastava RK. Burn of Specific Areas. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Srivastava RK. Skin Substitutes – Role in Wound Healing. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Srivastava RK. Electrical Burn – Simple Solution. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Sarabahi S. Inhalation Injury. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Karki D. Distal Radial Artery Perforator Flap for Wrist and Hand Coverage. NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015. Agrawal K. Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis: New Concept. Facecon: Conference on Facial Aesthetic Surgery. India Habitat Center, New Delhi, 2015. Karki D. Distal Radial Artery Perforator Flap for Wrist and Hand Coverage. Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Micro Surgery, Mumbai, 2015. Agrawal K. Pressure Ulcer. Training Program for Nurses, New Delhi, 2015. Agrawal K. Hypospadias Reconstruction. Plastic Surgery CME, Raipur, 2015. Agrawal K. TMJ Ankylosis: Present Approach. Plastic Surgery CME, Raipur, 2015. Agrawal K. Soft Tissue Reconstruction of Back in Meningocele. Pediatric Surgery Conference, KGMU, Lucknow, 2015. Agrawal K. Evaluation of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency. Association of Plastic Surgeons of India Accreditation Course, Amritsar, 2015.
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Agrawal K. Lesser Palatine Artey in Palatoplasty. Association of Plastic Surgeons of India Accreditation Course, Amritsar, 2015. Agrawal K. Demonstration of Radial Artey Forearm Flap. Cadeveric course. AIIMS, New Delhi, 2015. Sarabahi S. Silver Dressing Revisited in Wound Care. 8th Conference on Wound Care, Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi, 2015. Agrawal K. Indian Education System; Evolution of an Indian Plastic Surgery. International Conference of Plastic Surgery, Matsuyama, Japan, 2015. Agrawal K. Burn Dressings. Burn CME, Raipur, 2015. Agrawal K. Prevention of Contracture. Burn CME, Raipur, 2015. Agrawal K. Skin Transplantation Program in India: Current Status and Future Directions. Organ Donation Program, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi, 2015. Agrawal K. Recent Advances in Burn Care. Burncare CME, Guwahati, 2015. Agrawal K. Complications in Burns. Burncare CME, Guwahati, 2015. Agrawal K. Long-term Results of New Protocol in Management of Cleft Lip and Palate. 50th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Mumbai. 2015. Agrawal K. Advocacy of Training in Plastic Surgery. 50th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Mumbai, 2015. Agrawal K. New Burn Dressings. 50th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Mumbai, 2015. Sarabahi S. Topical Dressings in Wound Healing. 50th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Mumbai, 2015. Karki D. My experience with 25 cases of Microtia Repair. 50th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Mumbai, 2015. Srivastava RK, Nikhil Mehta. Variations in Nasal Dimensions of Indian Population. 50th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Mumbai, 2015. Srivastava RK. Road Safety – Role of Emergency Care. Stakeholder Workshop, Patiala, 2015.
9.0 Departmental Achievements Setting up of Laser facility with three Laser machines: Diode Laser, CO2 Laser and Nd-YAG Laser with Q-switch. Setting up of Operating Microscope facility. Establishment of a Microsurgery Lab for training of MCh students: Residents were trained on animal parts (chicken wings)
and human amputated part. The department catered to the largest number of burn patients in the country.
10.0 Awards and Achievements Agrawal K. Elected President, Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, 2015.
Agrawal K. National Teacher Award, 2015. Agrawal K. Chairman, Ethics Committee, National Institute of Pathology, New Delhi under the aegis of Indian Council of Medical Research. Narayan RP. Phoolan Devi Gupta Life Time Achievement Award, 2015. Agrawal K. Founding Chief Editor, Journal of Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Abnormalities. Agrawal K. Member, Editorial Board, Astrocyte, National Board of Examination Journal. Agrawal K. Interdisciplinary Advisory Board Member, Journal of Cutaneous Aesthetic Surgery. Agrawal K. Reviewer, Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, Indian Journal of Burns. Sarabahi S. Secretary, National Academy of Burns, India. Sharma S. Treasurer, National Academy of Burns, India. Karki D. Executive Member, National Academy of Burns India. Srivastava RK. Member, Medical Camp, Central Hill Council, Leh, 2014. Srivastava RK. Joint Secretary, National Academy of Burns, India. Srivastava RK. Vice President, Society for Wound Care and Research.
11.0 Visits of Eminent Faculty to the Department Kobayashi K. Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan. Mirosurgical Skill. Dec 25, 2014 – Jan 5, 2015.
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Murakami R. Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan. Microsurgery: Tips and Tricks. Dec 25, 2014 – Jan 5, 2015. Bhandari PS. Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Maulana Azad Medical College and LNJP Hospital, New Delhi. Examination of Injured Hand and Rhinoplasty. Feb 5, 2015. Goel A. Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Maulana Azad Medical College and LNJP Hospital, New Delhi. Burn Sequelae. Feb 19, 2015. Tiwari VK. Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi. Tissue Expanders. Feb 26, 2015. Srivastava P. Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Maulana Azad Medical College and LNJP hospital, New Delhi. Fluid Therapy. March 7, 2015. Singh K. Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. ND-YAG, CO2 and Diode Lasers. Oct 3, 2015. Burd A. Department of Regenerative Medicine and Translational Science, School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata. Professional and Scientific Integrity. Oct 4, 2015. Thatte M. Consultant, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai. Congenital Hand: Diagnosis and Surgical Procedures. Oct 6, 2015. Venkataramani H. Consultant, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore. Microsurgical Skills in Flap Elevation. Oct 10, 2015. Devi S. Consultant, Guwahati Medical College, Guwahati. Community Based Post Burn Rehabilitation Program. Oct 14, 2015. Devi S. Consultant, Guwahati Medical College, Guwahati. Electric Burns – A Burden on the Victim and the Society. Oct 14, 2015. Devi S. Consultant, Guwahati Medical College, Guwahati. Establishing Burn Unit in Government Hospital under National Pilot Project – A Report. Oct 14, 2015. Kotwal P. Professor of Orthopedics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Diagnosis and Management of Hand Trauma. Nov 9, 2015.
12.0 Participation in Conferences and Workshops Manas R. APSI Jharkhand and Bihar, Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Ranchi, 2015. Dawre S. Basic Course on Microsurgery Technique, ETHICON, New Delhi, 2015. Tandon R, Tayal P, Rajmanas. Conference on Facial Aesthetic Surgery, India Habitat Center, New Delhi, 2015. Kain R, Karki D, Rajmanas. 8th Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Micro Surgery, Mumbai, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Kain R. BRASCON, Conference on Breast Surgery, Jaipur. Tandon R, Sarabhai S. 8th Conference on Wound Care, Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi, 2015. Karki D. Meeting of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Delhi Chapter, New Delhi, 2015. Agrawal K, Rajmanas, Srivastava RK, Sharma S, Kumar S, Narayan RP, Karki D, Tandon R. 50th Annual Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Mumbai, 2015. Karki D, Srivastava RK, Sarabahi S, Narayan RP, Sharma S. 23rd Annual Conference of National Academy of Burns, NABICON, Ludhiana, 2015.
13.0 Training Programs held Regular training programs were held for the nurses every three months. National Prevention Program of Burns in India. Surgeons belonging to different areas of the country were trained in burns management. Technician Training Program. Regular programs are taken for the paramedics on the basics and advances of burns and trauma care.
14.0 Community Services Community Burn Awareness Program About 25,000 pamphlets and 5000 calendars stating the common causes of burns, prevention and primary treatment were circulated to the people.
15.0 Plan of Action Establishment of Specialty Clinics Craniomaxillofacial clinic Nerve injury and brachial-plexus injury clinic Cleft lip, palate and craniofacial anomaly clinic Post burn reconstruction clinic Microvascular clinic Establishment of orthodontics and speech therapy for cleft lip and palate patients. Establishment of National Institute of Burns
Infrastructure Expansion in the number of operation theatres and beds in the trauma care and superspeciality blocks.
Human Resource Recruit additional nursing personnel, technicians and dressers.
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Department of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery The Department of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery carried out more than 500 cardiac surgeries during the year. Committed to providing excellent clinical care to the patients, the department carries out a host of cardiac surgery procedures including coronary artery
bypass grafting, valvuloplasties and valvotomies, and heart valve replacements.
Dr Ja dish Prasad Dr Ma
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Department of Cancer Surgery The department provides patient care services in prevention, early diagnosis, staging, treatment and palliation of diverse kinds of malignancies. While carrying out a variety of major cancer surgeries and adjuvant chemotherapy in solid tumors, the central theme focuses on organ preservation without compromising extirpation of disease. The department is profoundly committed to an academic program which dwells on imparting clinical skills to the undergraduate and postgraduate students and resident doctors.
Skin Tumors Thorax Bone Tumors Miscellaneous
51 02 05 12
gr Introductory lectures were taken for the MBBS students, and seminars and journal club were held on a regular basis to keep abreast of the recent advances in the field.
5.0 Publications 2.0 Faculty
Kaur M, Dalal V, Bhatnagar A, Bansal A. Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma Mimicking Inguinal Hernia in a Young Female. International Journal of Biomedical Research. 2015;6(05):353-355. Bansal A, Siraj F, Grover SB, Bhatnagar A, Saxena S. Mesenteric Lymphangioma: A Rare Intraabdominal Finding in a Pregnant Woman. Oncology, Gastroenerology and Hepatology Reports. 2015;4(1):e-published.
Dr Amar Bhatnagar Consultant, Associate Professor and Head Dr Rakesh Kumar Assistant Professor Dr Naresh Sood Chief Medical Officer Senior residents 4
3.0 Patient Care Outpatient Services New cases Follow up cases
1,310 3,410
Surgeries conducted during the year Head and Neck Breast Cancer Soft Tissue Tumors GIT and Hepatobiliary Genitourinary
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128 46 55 52 31
6.0 Participation in Workshops Kumar, R. Attended PSOGI Workshop on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies, Bangalore, Apr 16-18, 2015.
7.0 Plan of Action Considering the growing burden of cancers in the country, the department requires a major expansion both in terms of human resource and infrastructure.
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Department of Dental Surgery 1.0 Prelude
3.0 Patient Care
Equipped with a state-of-the-art cone beam computed tomography, the Department of Dental Surgery offers a host of surgical treatments with a focus on root canal treatment, periodontal surgeries and root curettage, besides handling tooth extractions, filling of cavities in caries tooth, aesthetic restorations and dentures, bridges and implants. The department has a robust academic program for its resident surgeons, and has plans to set up a multispecialty dental center and dental college.
The department offers prophylactic and therapeutic dental care through its outpatient care.
Annual Outpatient Attendance New patients Follow up patients
31,504 24,822
Procedures Performed Tooth extractions 9,508 Dental scaling: 3,279 Tooth restorative procedures 3,416 Root canal treatments 1,120
2.0 Faculty Dr D Kabi Head of Dental Surgery Dr Anurag Jain Staff Surgeon Dr Rajiv Kumar Gupta Assistant Professor Dr Swati Sikka Assistant Professor Senior residents 5
4.0 Teaching Program Regular seminars, case presentations and journal club were organized with the active participation of the senior residents and faculty members. Plans are afoot to commence with a postgraduate program in the department.
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5.0 Research Projects Correlation between Skeletal and Dental Age and its Significance in Age Determination. Efficiency of Topical Tacrolimus in Treatment of Oral Lichen Planus.
6.0 Publications Sharma GASK, Jain A, Yadav A, Kabi D, Kumar A. Correlation between Skeletal Age and Dental Age in Living Individuals. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2015;37(3):283-5. Jain A, Kabi D. Efficacy of Topical Tacrolimus in the Treatment of Oral Lichen Planus. J Dent Specialities. 2015; 3(1):60-63.
7.0 Guest lectures held in the department Kamyszek G. Comprehensive Records of the Stomatognathic System in General Practice. Dec 2, 2015. Kamyszek G. Latest Advancements in TMJ Analysis. Dec 2, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Kamyszek G. Biometric Diagnostics in Restorative Dentistry. Dec 2, 2015. Kamyszek G. Managing Implant loading. Dec 2, 2015. Kamyszek G. The Top Four Mistakes Dentists Make when Adding High Tech Diagnostics into their Practice and How to Avoid Them! Dec 2, 2015. Kamyszek G. Mastication Analysis. Dec 2, 2015. Kamyszek G. Instant Personality Typing for Better Staff, Patient, and Interpersonal Communication. Dec 2, 2015.
8.0 Participation in Workshops and Conferences Jain A. Academy of Oral Implantology International Conference, New Delhi, Sept 2015. Kabi D. National Conference of Indian Society of Prosthodontics, Hyderabad, Dec 4-6, 2015.
9.0 Plan of Action Expansion of the department into a multispecialty postgraduate dental center.
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Department of Neurosurgery 1.0 Prelude
3.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program
Established in 1966, the Department of Neurosurgery performed more than a 1,000 neurosurgical procedures during the year. The operating rooms well-equipped with the modern neuronavigation and stereotaxy gear, neuroendoscope, molecular diathermy, and advanced operating microscopes work 24 Ă— 7. The surgical team electively operated on a number of complex neurosurgical conditions including cerebral aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, cerebellopontine angle tumors, meningiomas, skull base tumors, and spinal pathologies. The team conducted many life-saving surgeries on head injury victims. The department has plans to establish the facilities of digital subtraction angiography, gamma knife, and brain suite, and enhance the status of the department to a premier neurosurgical center in the country.
The faculty takes lectures for the undergraduate medical students taking them through the basics of neurosurgery to instill a fundamental understanding of the subject.
4.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program The department runs a postdoctoral neurosurgery program. Seminars, journal club and case discussions are held on a regular basis and are moderated by the faculty.
2.0 Faculty Dr KC Sharma Professor and Head Dr KB Shankar Associate Professor Dr Ravi Shankar Assistant Professor Dr Vivek Yadav Assistant Professor Senior residents 12
Left to right Dr KB Shankar, Dr KC Sharma.
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5.0 Research Completed projects Evaluation of Role of Coagulation Factor 13 in patients of Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Evaluation of Incidence and Outcome of Acute Subdural Hematoma when Associated with and without Underlying Brain Injuries.
Ongoing projects Role of Serial CT Evaluation in Adult Head Injury patients. Preventable Causes of Head Injury: The Indian Scenario. Study to Assess Cognitive Dysfunction in Adult Mild Head Injury patients. Assessment of Cranial Nerve Deficits in Adult Head Injury patients.
6.0 Guest Lectures and Academic chair Sharma KC. Lecture: Chiari Malformation with Syringomyelia. Neurosurgery Spine Conference, Goa, 2015. Sharma KC. Chair. Mid DNA and UPNA, Mussorie, 2015. Sharma KC. Presentation: Assay of Coagulation Factor 13 in Patients of Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Annual Neuro Trauma Conference, 2015. Sharma KC. Chair, Session: Methods of Craniotomy Developed at Safdarjung Hospital. Delhi Neurosurgical Association Annual Conference, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Shankar KB. Lecture: Modern Neuroimaging and ICU Care and Outcome in Head Injury.
7.0 Participation in Conferences and Workshops Shankar R. Micro neurosurgery Workshop. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 2015. Yadav V. Epilepsy Conference, Jaipur, 2015. Yadav V. Neurosurgery Spine Conference, Goa, 2015. Yadav V. Endoscopic Skull Based Surgeries. Cadaveric Research Workshop, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 2015. Yadav V. Neuro Trauma Conference, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 2015. Basade S, Uppal P, Vergese V, Bansal A, Sucheta P. Neurotrauma Conference, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 2015.
8.0 Plan of Action Manpower Increase in the number of faculty and senior residents which will help improve patient care services.
Infrastructure The department shall take new wings and emerge as a world class facility with the latest gadgetry and the setting up of a new trauma block and superspecialty hospital.
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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1.0 Prelude Offering comprehensive healthcare facilities in the field of obstetrics and gynecology and committed to promoting woman’s reproductive health, safe motherhood and population stabilization, the department is one of the busiest wings of the hospital. With close to 300 beds having more than 100 per cent occupancy rate, two labour rooms, six obstetric wards, two gynecology wards, and emergency and elective operation theatres, the department carried out more than 27,000 deliveries, nearly 5,900 cesarean sections and over 5,600 gynecological surgeries during the year. The key focus is on reproductive endocrinology and infertility, high risk obstetrical care, uro-gynecological disorders and gynaecological malignancies. A pioneer in the realm of colposcopy since the 1970s, the department envisions initiation of a state of the art artificial reproductive technologies facility, and a critical care unit for obstetrical patients in the immediate future. The department runs a robust academic and training program for residents, training them in clinical skills and research.
2.0 Faculty Dr Pratima Mittal Consultant and Professor Dr HP Anand Consultant and Associate Professor
Dr Manjula Sharma Consultant and Professor Dr Rupali Dewan Consultant and Professor Dr Sunita Malik Consultant and Professor Dr Achla Batra Consultant and Professor Dr Vijay Zutshi Consultant and Professor Dr Renu Arora Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Anil Kumar Jain Consultant Dr Sonam R Topden Consultant Dr Jyotsna Suri Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Harsha S Gaikwad Professor Dr Saritha Shamsunder Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Kumari Usha Rani Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Garima Kapoor Assistant Professor Dr Rekha Bharti Assistant Professor Dr Reeta Assistant Professor Dr Archana Mishra Assistant Professor Dr Monika Gupta Assistant Professor Dr Nalini Tolia Assistant Professor Dr Archana Kumari Assistant Professor Dr Divya Pandey Assistant Professor Dr Sumitra Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Kavita Agarwal Assistant Professor Dr Sarita Singh Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Bindu Bajaj Senior Specialist
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Left to right First row Dr Achla Batra, Dr Vijay Zutshi, Dr Manjula Sharma, Dr Pratima Mittal, Dr HP Anand, Dr Rupali Dewan, Dr Sunita Malik. Second row Dr Jyotsna Suri, Dr Harsha S Gaikwad, Dr Anjum Ara, Dr Sujata Das, Dr Sonam R Topden, Dr Anil Kumar Jain, Dr SunitaYadav, Dr Kavita Agarwal, Dr Archana Mishra. Third row Dr Sumitra Bachani, Dr Archana Kumari, Dr Sarita Singh, Dr Divya Pandey, Dr Anjali Dabral, Dr Beena Neelratna, Dr Usha Rani, Dr Anita Kumar.
Census of outpatients during the year
Dr Sunita Yadav Senior Specialist Dr Anita Kumar Specialist Grade Dr Beena Neelratna Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr Anjali Dabral Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr Sujata Das Senior Medical Officer Dr Anjum Ara Medical Officer Dr Kashika Medical Officer Dr Suruchi Gupta Medical Officer
Total annual attendance Average daily attendance Gynecological patients Obstetrical care Family welfare Gynecological emergencies Medicolegal cases
Senior residents 38
Inpatient Services
3.0 Patient Care Outpatient Services The department runs daily gynaecological, antenatal, family welfare and post-natal clinics in the outpatient department. Weekly special clinics are run at 2pm as follows: Reproductive Endocrinology Clinic: Mondays Uro-Gynecology Clinic: Mondays Oncology Clinic: Mondays Infertility Clinic: Tuesdays Menopause Clinic: Tuesdays Adolescent Friendly Reproductive and Sexual Health Services: Wednesdays Fetal Medicine: Wednesdays Colposcopy Clinic:Wednesdays 122
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
1,69,882 650 45,259 44,356 14,646 39,940 881
Total admissions during the year
Gynecology Obstetrics
6,088 33,541
Obstetric Care
Number of deliveries Cesarean sections
27,127 5,886
Bed Occupancy Rates
Gynecology Obstetrics
Spectrum of Major Gynaecological Surgeries performed Laproscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy Laproscopic myomectomy Laproscopic salphingo-oophrectomy Total abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy Radical hysterectomy
89% 106%
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Exploratory laparotomy Urogynecological surgery Pelvic reconstructive surgery Minor gynaecological procedures Dilation and Curettage Dilation and Evacuation Cervical and Vulval biopsies Polypectomies Loop Electrosurgical Excision procedures Hysteroscopic procedures
Refractory Febrile Illness. Mittal P, Dewan R. PPIUCD Long Inserter Study – A Pilot Project in Collaboration with Population Stabilization of India.
Ongoing projects WHO-funded Projects
Census of Gynecological Surgeries Major gynecological surgeries Minor gynaecological surgeries
1,358 4,699
Census of Family Welfare Procedures Tubectomies Vasectomies Medicolegal Termination of Pregnancies Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device insertion
1,275 49 680 5,005
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular lectures and clinical teaching both in the outpatient clinic and wards were held for the medical students.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular seminars, clinical conferences and journal club were held with active participation of the postgraduate students.
Malik S. Ferrous Sucrose in Pregnant Anaemic Women. Mittal P, Gaikwad H. Neonatal Perinatal Database (NNPD). Mittal P, Gaikwad H. Stillbirth and Neonatal Birth Defect Registry. Mittal P, Batra A. Neonatal Immune Profiles: Infections and Toxicants. Mittal P. Development and Clinical Evaluation of PCR-based Method for Detection of Trichomonas vaginalis and Further Standardization of Triplex PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Trichomonas vaginalis, Chalmydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Departmental projects
Zutshi V. PAP vs VIA for Screening in Pregnant Women. Zutshi V. Effect of Tramadol vs Paracetamol on Post Operative Analgesia. Mishra A. Over the Counter Sale of Drugs of Medical Abortion – A Survey of Pharmacists of Delhi. Zutshi V. Comparative Study of Intravenous Paracetamol versus Intravenous Tramadol for Post operative Pain Relief after Caesarean Section. Zutshi V. Endometrial Sampling: Endosampler versus Karman’s Cannula – Which is Better?
6.0 Research
University Research
Completed projects
Supriya D, Dewan R. Comparative Study of Acceptability, Efficacy and Safety of Manual Vaccum Aspiration vs Medical Abortion for Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Goel A, Batra A. Role of p16 Immunocytochemistry as an Adjunct to High Risk Human Papilloma Virus Testing in Triage of Minor Cytological Abnormalities. Tiwari S, Dewan R. A Study of Seroprevalance of TORCH Infections in Pregnant Women and its Association with Adverse Reproductive Outcomes in North India. Khanam Z, Mittal P. Role of Uterine Artery Doppler, Serum PAPP-A and β HCG at 11-14 weeks in Prediction of Gestational Hypertension and Pre-Eclampsia. Saumya, Mittal P. Correlation of Vitamin and Parathyroid Hormone with Clinical and Biochemical Parameters in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Kumari N, Das B. Comparative Evaluation of Chromohysteroscopic Finding and Endometrial Growth Patterns by Transvaginal Sonography in Patients of Infertility. Rajput M, Das M. Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of
Mittal P. Evaluation of Progesterone Vaginal Ring as a New Contraceptive Option in India. Mittal P. Study on Teenage Pregnancy and its Outcome. Mittal P. Comparative Study of the Simplified Partograph, GOI adaptation 2010 and ICMR Partograph. Mittal P. Assessing Maternal Morbidity in Pregnant Women. In Collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Mittal P, Bansiwala B. Development of Educational Tool for Premarital and Preconception Counselling. Zutshi V. Efficacy of Intravenous Infusion of Paracetamol for Intrapartum Analgesia in Labor. Zutshi V. Management of Prelabor Rupture of Membranes at Term – Expectant Management vs Induction of Labour. Zutshi V. To Study Perinatal Outcome in Isolated Oligohydramnios in Term Low risk Patients. Zutshi V. Prevalence of Gestational Thrombocytopenia and its Effect on Maternal and Fetal Outcome. Role of Ultrasonography and MRI in Post-Caesarean
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Two Regimens of Dexamethasone as an Adjunct to Clomiphene Citrate for Ovulation Induction in Clomiphene-Resistant PCOS Patients with Infertility. Kumari R, Sharma M. Evaluation of Vitamin D3 Levels in Women with Uterine Fibroids. Shubham, Gaikwad HS. Association of Maternal Body Mass Index and Height with Development and Severity of Hypertensive Disorders During Pregnancy. Gangania A, Sharma M. Spectrum of Birth Defects in a Tertiary Care Hospital and its Association with Maternal Risk Factors. Vandana, Arora R. Risk Factors for Post Caesarean Surgical Site Infection. Bano G, Singhal S. Sleep Disordered Breathing Induced Endothelial Dysfunction in Preeclampsia and its Impact on Maternal and Foetal Outcome. Kumari K, Anand HP. Role of Transvaginal Sonography, Uterine Doppler and Hysteroscope in Evaluation of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Women. Hooda R, Malik S. Evaluation of Genital
Shivhare S, Dewan R. Evaluation of Human Epididymis Protein 4 and Carcinoma Antigen 125 as Diagnostic and Prognostic Tumor Marker in Endometrial Carcinoma. Banerjee B, Anand HP. Evaluation of Comparative Elective Induction of Labour at 39 Weeks and Expectant Management till 41 weeks. Sinha M, Anand HP. Role of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Prevention of Postoperative Infectious Morbidity in Elective Caesarean Sections. Preethi B, Batra A. Pelvic Floor Muscle Training With and Without Biofeedback in Treatment of Overactive Bladder.
Tuberculosis in Women Presenting with Ectopic Pregnancy. Chawla R, Malik S. Evaluation of Microalbuminuria Detected at Mid Term as a Marker for Adverse Pregnancy Outcome.
Malik A, Arora R. Comparison of Biopsy from Cervix Using Punch Biopsy Forceps versus Loop Electrode. Pallavi, Gaikwad HS. Correlation of Lactate Dehydrogenase Levels in Patients with Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and Feto-Maternal Outcome.
Ongoing projects
Megha, Mittal P. Role of Ultrasonography and MRI in Post Caesarean Refractory Febrile Illness. Sharma T, Mittal P. Assessment of Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength by Pressure Perineometry in Women with Urinary Incontinence. Gautam A, Malik S. Comparison between Modified Reid Score and Swede Score in Colposcopic Grading of Pre-Invasive Lesions of Cervix. Purwar R, Malik S. Evaluation of Labor Outcome with Active Phase of Labor at 4cm versus 6cm. Kanwar R, Sharma M. Effect of Maternal Cardiac Disease on Obstetric Outcome. Ritika, Sharma M. Vitamin D Levels in Preeclamptic and Normotensive Pregnancy. Uniyal P, Dewan R. Role of Serum Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and Tranvsvaginal Ultrasonography in Detecting Outcome of Medical Abortion.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
7.0 Publications Journals Agarwal K, Malik S, Batra A, Dewan R, Aggarwal A. Evaluation of Awareness of Abortion Pills and Complications of its Misuse. Int J Pharm Res. 2015;5(3):148-51. Mittal P, Priya S, Agarwal K, Dewan R, Singhal S. Comparison of Oral and Vaginal Misoprostol in Induction of Labour at Term Pregnancy in Nulliparous Women. Int J Pharm Res. 2015;5(3):132-37. Patel P, Sarda N, Arora R, Gaikwad HS. Comparative Evaluation of NESTROFT and RDW as Screening Tests for Beta Thalassemia Trait in Pregnancy. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4(2):424-8. Bajaj B, Bajaj SK, Gaekwad HS, Misra R. A ‘Never Before’ Presentation of a Common Mullerian Abnormality. Int J Reprod
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Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4(1):277-9. Marwah S, Bansal N, Gaikwad HS, Sharma M. Giant Chorioangioma of Placenta: An Infrequent Placental Cause for Adverse Feto-Maternal Outcome. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4(3):893-97. Bajaj B, Bajaj SK, Misra R, Gupta R. Ruptured Ovarian Artery Aneurysm in Puerperium: A Rare Occurrence. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4(1):272-4. Gupta K, Bajaj B, Das B. Successful Outcome of Pregnancy in Uncorrected Tetralogy of Fallot. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2014;3(3):799-8. Gupta K, Das B. Comparative Evaluation of Sequential Regimes of Gonadotropins with Clomiphene Citrate and Letrozole for Ovulation Induction. Int J Pharma Research
Beta Thalassemia Trait in Pregnancy. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4:424-8. Marwah S, Topden SR, Mohindra R, Sharma M. Anemia in Pregnancy – A Topical Appraisal. Wor J Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sci. 2015;4(10):1944-58. Batra A, Aggarwal K. Changing Concepts in the Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. Indian Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015;5(3):34. Agarwal K, Bharti R, Batra A, Batra A. Addition of Simple Laboratory Test to Reduce Overtreatment of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease by Syndromic Approach. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2015;26(7):670-2. Chhari A, Zutshi V, Sharma R, Batra S. Comparison of Post Placental IUD with interval IUD. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4(4):1090-93.
and Health Sciences. 2015;3(2):58591. Thariani K, Bharti R, Verma S, Batra A, Malik A, Batra A. Role of 2D Translabial USG as a Diagnostic Tool for Preoperative Evaluation of Women with Posterior Compartment Prolapse. Int J Contem Surg. 2015;3(1):88-93. Joshi D, Dewan R, Bharti R, Thariani K, Sablok A, Sharma M, et al. Feto-maternal Outcome using New Screening Criteria of Serum TSH for Diagnosing Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015;9(4):QC01–QC03. Thariani K, Bharti R, Verma S, Batra A, Malik A, Batra A. Leiomyosarcoma of the Broad Ligament. International Journal of Contemporary Surgery. 2015;3(1):61-4. Nagma S, Kapoor G, Bharti R, Batra A, Batra A, Aggarwal A, Sablok A. To Evaluate the Effect of Perceived Stress on Menstrual Function. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015;9(3):QC01-QC03. Gutgutia I, Rani KU, Prateek S, Arora R, Shubham. Comparative Evaluation of Postpartum versus Post MTP Insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4:23-9. Patel P, Sarda N, Arora R, Gaikwad HS. Comparative Evaluation of NESTROFT and RDW as Screening Tests for
Obstetrics. Springer.
Books Batra A, Bharti R. Practical Obstetrics Workbook. CBS Publishers, 2015. Mittal P, Suri J. Basic Haemodynamic Monitoring in Critically Ill Obstetric Patient. In: Gandhi A, Malhotra N, Malhotra J, editors. Principles of Critical Care in
8.0 Awards, Fellowships and Achievements Mittal P. President, Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2015-16. Batra A. Hon. Secretary, Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2015-16. Malik S. Vice President. Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2015-16. Jain AK. Treasurer. Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2015-16. Suri J. Editor. Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2015-16. Batra A. Fellowship of Indian College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. Gupta M. Fellowship of Indian College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. Prasad S. Gold Medal for Best Research Paper, Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology Conference. Gupta M, Mittal S. Gold Medal for Best paper, Population Stabilization in Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology Conference.
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9.0 Community Service Dewan R. Coordinator. Monthly Women’s Comprehensive Health Camp, Aliganj. Outreach Program for Comprehensive Women’s Health. Rajouri Garden, Aug 2015. Cervical Cancer Screening Camp in association with Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Delhi, Faridabad, Aug 2015. Cervical Cancer Screening Camp in association with Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Delhi, Gurgaon, Sept 2015.
Lesney P. Guest lecture. New Perspectives in Obstetrics. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, Sept 18, 2015. Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Delhi Annual Conference. India Habitat Center, New Delhi, Oct 31 – Nov 1, 2015. Kaul A. USG in Third Trimester, Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Delhi, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, Sept 26, 2015. Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy. One Day FOGSI Certificate Course, New Delhi, Sept 27, 2015.
Faculty Run Public Awareness Programs World AIDS Day Family Planning Fortnight Cancer Awareness Week Public Awareness Programs through All India Radio and Doordarshan
10.0 Organisation of Training Programs Jain A. Skill lab Training for Postgraduates, June 2015. Jain A. Skill lab Training for ninth semester MBBS students, July 2015. Jain A. Skill lab Training for Junior Residents, Aug 2015. Dewan R. Laparoscopic Sterilization Training, Jul-Aug 2015. Dewan R. Comprehensive Abortion Care, May 2015. Jain A. Adolescent Training for Interns. Shamsunder S. Colposcopy Training Certificate Course in Colposcopy, Dec 2015. Dewan R. Training of residents on the use of postpartum IUCD.
11.0 Organisation of Workshops and CMEs Mittal P. Post Conference Urogynae Workshop, Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Delhi, Nov 2, 2015. Challenges in Difficult Vaginal Birth. CME – Workshop. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, May 14, 2015. Urogynecology Subcommittee, Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Delhi, Workshop on Conservative Management of SUI – Pessary, Biofeedback PFMT, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, Sept 4, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
12.0 Procurement of New Equipment Centralised Cardiotocography monitors for Labor Rooms Ventilators for Critical Care Unit Ultrasound machine Operating Hysteroscope Laparoscope for Family Planning with Ring Applicator Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure Machine Monitors for Operation Theater
13.0 Plan of Action Infrastructure Development Upgradation and renovation of gynecology casualty, emergency operation theatres, and develop a triage unit Commencement of IVF facility. Development of critical care unit for obstetrical patients. Setting up of endoscopy skill lab.
Human Resource Manpower for IVF lab. OT Technicians for Critical Care Unit for obstetrical patients. Data Entry Operator for Labor room, outpatient department and gyecology casualty. More nursing orderlies for the outpatient offices.
Staff Training Training in Critical Care in Obstetrics for faculty, residents, and staff. EMOC training for faculty, residents, and staff. Postpartum IUCD and Family Planning Training for residents.
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Department of Ophthalmology 1.0 Prelude Equipped with hi-tech sophisticated investigative and operative ophthalmology gear, the department nurses the noble mission of preserving 6/6 vision in all citizens who visit its portals. Offering robust clinical facilities in varied ophthalmic domains, handling conditions of the retina, cataract, glaucoma, pediatric ophthalmology and squint, uveitis, oculoplasty, and lids, the ophthalmic surgeons of the department attend to more than 300 patients on a normal working day. The department runs an intense academic program both for the undergraduates and postgraduates, who wish to master the science and art of ophthalmology.
Dr Pooja Gupta Senior Medical Officer Dr Khushi Ram Medical Officer Dr Pankaj Ranjan Medical Officer Dr Bindi Garg Medical Officer Dr Richa Mishra Medical Officer Senior residents 7
3.0 Patient Care Outpatient Attendance Annual attendance of new patients Annual attendance of follow up patients Sum total of patients
52,740 18,827 71,567
Specialty Clinics
2.0 Faculty Dr VS Gupta Consultant, Professor and Head Dr L Sarkar Consultant and Professor Dr BP Guliani Consultant and Professor Dr Rita Aggarwal Consultant and Assistant Professor Dr Duvesh Consultant and Assistant Professor Dr Anuj Mehta Consultant and Professor Dr Sangeeta Abrol Consultant and Professor Dr R Padma Senior Specialist Dr V Rajshekher Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr HS Sethi Professor Dr Rajneesh Sahai Chief Medical Officer (NFSG)
Retina clinic patient attendance Glaucoma clinic patient attendance Cornea clinic patient attendance Oculoplasty clinic patient attendance Squint clinic patient attendance
561 407 368 195 32
Surgeries during the year Major surgeries
Spectrum of Major Surgeries Cataract surgeries Trabeculectomy and trabeculotomy Glaucoma valves Ptosis surgery Orbital surgery Evisceration/Enucleation/Exentration Triple procedure Penetrating keratoplasty DCR Squint surgeries
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Minor Surgeries Lid reconstructions in entropion and ectropion Pterygium correction Chalazion removal Cyst removal Foreign body removal Intra vitreous injections Patch grafts Laser surgeries Cryosurgery
Eye Bank Corneas collected 53 Corneas utilized 21
Mukesh, Sarkar L. Evaluation of the Effect of Intravitreal Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor on Corneal Endothelial Cell Count, CCT and IOP. Manpreet, Guliani BP. Comparison of the Effect of Three Topical NSAID in preventing Pseudo Phakic Cystoid Macular Edema following Uneventful Phacoemulsification. Anita, Mehta A. Evaluation of Role of Meibomian Gland Probing in Obstructive Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program
Ongoing projects
The undergraduate teaching program is based on didactic class room lectures and clinical teaching in the outpatient clinics and ophthalmology ward clubbed with regular tutorials.
Bhalla A, Guliani BP. Association of Severity of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction with Dyslipidemia. Saluja KK, Gupta VS. Comparison of Coaxial Phacoemulsification using 2.2mm and 2.8mm clear corneal incision. Anshuman K, Abrol S. Comparative Study of Effect of Torsional Phaco and Longitudinal Phaco on Corneal Endothelial Cell Count. Shaveta, Sarkar L. Comparison of Topical Cyclosporin versus Combination of Topical Loteprednol, Etabonate and Cyclosporin in the Treatment of Moderate Dry Eye Disease. Deshwal M, Sethi HS. Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Combined Topical Prednisolone and Bromfenac with Topical Prednisolone alone on Macular Thickness following Nd YAG Laser Capsulotomy. Verma S, Mehta A. To compare the Outcome of Sutured and Sutureless Conjuctival Autograft in Pterygium. Das S, Sethi HS. Study of the Effect of Benzalkonium Chloride (BAK) Preserved Topical Medications on Central Macular Thickness after Uneventful Phacoemulsification. Agarwal I, Guliani BP. Effect of Uncomplicated Cataract Surgery on Central Macular Thickness in Diabetic and non
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Biweekly seminars, journal club and case presentations are the mainstay of the teaching program. The postgraduates are an integral part of the clinical work and community health programs. They screen patients, counsel them regarding eye donation and create public awareness about the national health programs.
6.0 Research Completed projects Bajaj A, Guliani BP. To Evaluate the Effect of Intra Vitreal AntiVEGF on Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer and Optic Nerve Head as determined by Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. Ravi, Gupta VS. Post Operative Astigmatism Outcomes based on Haptic Axis of Foldable IOL in Phacoemulsification. Anil, Gupta VS. Comparative study of 0.03% Tacrolimus Ointment and 2% Cyclosporine Eye Drops in the treatment of Vernal Keratocojunctivities.
Left to right First row Dr Sangeeta Abrol, Dr L Sarkar, Dr VS Gupta, Dr BP Guliani, Dr Rajneesh Sahai, Dr Anuj Mehta. Second row Dr Pooja Gupta, Dr Bindi Garg, Dr HS Sethi, Dr V Rajshekhar, Dr Pankaj Ranjan.
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Diabetic Subjects assessed by Optical Coherence Tomography. Vikrant, Guliani BP. Study of Effects of Myopia on Macular Thickness using Spectral Domain Optical Coherernce Tomography. Prerna, Abrol S. Study of the Effect of Topical Ketorolac 0.5% and Flurbiprofen 0.03% on Maintenance of Mydriasis during Uneventful Phacoemulsification Surgery. Yamini, Sarkar L. Study of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography in Myopes and Emmetropes in Age 20-40 years.
7.0 Publications Journals Mehta A, Abrol S, Garg P. Mehta’s Modification of Crawford’s Technique for Frontalis Sling Surgery with Silicone Rod. Delhi J Ophthalmol. 2015;26:115-7. Mehta A, Abrol S, Singh P, Gupta A, Gupta V. Spontaneous Extrusion of Intra-Orbital Foreign Body. Delhi J Ophthalmol. 2015;26:111-4. Yadav A, Mehta A, Vohra A, Gupta VS. Recurrence of Primary Synovial Sarcoma of the Lacrimal Gland. Delhi J Ophthalmol. 2015;25(3):176-8. Singh P, Sarkar L, Sethi HS, Gupta VS. A Randomized Controlled Prospective Study to Assess the Role of Subconjunctival Bevacizumab in Primary Pterygium Surgery in India. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2015;63(10):779-84.
April-December 2014 Gupta VS, Naik MP, Kumar A, Mehta A, Sethi HS. Prospective Randomised Comparative Study of the Effects of 0.06% Trypan Blue Dye as against 0.03% Trypan Blue Dye after Cortical Cleaving Hydro-Dissection in an effort to Impede the Formation of Posterior Capsular Opacification. J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci. 2014;3(61):13528-40.
Books Sethi HS. Color Vision and Color Blindness. In Diagnostic Procedures in Ophthalmology, Nema HV, Nema N, eds. 3/e, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2014. Singh D, Sethi HS, Sharma P. Concomitant Strabismus: Diagnostic Methods. In Diagnostic Procedures in Ophthalmology, Nema HV, Nema N, eds. 3/e, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2014.
8.0 Awards and Achievements Saluja K. Best Case Presentation: Sturge Weber Syndrome, ERUDIO, Chandigarh, 2015. Gupta VS, Sarkar L, Guliani BP, Mehta A, Abrol S. Advisory Board Members, Delhi Ophthalmological Society. Gupta VS, Sarkar L, Guliani BP, Mehta A, Abrol S. Editorial Board Members, Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology.
9.0 Academic Presentations and Achievements Naik M, Sethi HS, Gupta VS. Needle Assisted Intrascleral Fixation of Three Piece Posterior Chamber Intraocular lens for Aphakic Correction. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Guliani BP. Chair, Vitreo-Retina Society of India, Kerala, 2015.
10.0 Conferences held Monthly Clinical Meetings of the Delhi Ophthalmological Society, 2015.
11.0 Community Service The department runs a robust community outreach program, wherein special events are organized to create public awareness. These include the World Glaucoma Week (the week of 12th March), World Sight Day (2nd Thursday of October) and Eye Donation Fortnight (Aug 25 – Sept 8). Various approaches including rangoli, painting and essay competitions, and slogans on posters and banners are used for sensitization of the community.
12.0 Procurement of New Equipment IOL Master New generation gold standard non-contact biometry gadget used for the finding out the axial length, corneal curvature and anterior chamber depth, and is critical for determining the dimensions of IOLwhich would fit well during cataract surgery.
Optical Coherence Tomography Non-invasive, high resolution, imaging test which uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of the retina. It is of clinical use in the diseases of the retina and optic nerve and in monitoring the progression of glaucoma.
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Central Institute of Orthopedics 1.0 Prelude Set up in 1962, the Central Institute of Orthopedics (CIO) is country’s premier institute. Offering comprehensive facilities— be it in diagnosis, surgery or rehabilitative services—the center has won global recognition for its clinical teaching, training and research. Treating patients from different parts of India, it also draws patients from the neighboring South Asian countries. The CIO has six specialized units: a spinal care unit, two units dedicated to arthroplasty and lower limb trauma, arthroscopy and sports injury with upper limb trauma; arthroscopy and sports injury with lower limb trauma; and pediatric orthopedics. It is well served by its separate divisions in pathology, radiodiagnosis, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Accepted as a center of excellence for international fellowships and observership, orthopedic surgeons trained at this center occupy key global positions in the field.
2.0 Faculty Dr Ramesh Kumar Director Professor and Head Dr VK Sharma Director Professor Dr LG Krishna Director Professor Dr RK Chopra Director Professor Dr Naval Bhatia Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr BP Sharma Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Vikas Gupta Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Hitesh Lal Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr RK Beniwal Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr Davinder Singh Professor Dr Narendra Kumar Professor Dr Geetika Khanna Professor Dr Rajni Professor Dr Ashish Jaiman Associate Professor Dr Jatin Talwar Associate Professor Dr Tankeshwar Boruah Associate Professor Dr Deepak Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor Dr Lalit Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor Dr Balvinder Singh Assistant Professor Dr Shailendra Khare Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr SK Panday Senior Administrative Grade Officer Senior residents 26
3.0 Patient Care Census in Outpatient Clinics Attendance of new patients during the year 53,027 Attendance of old patients during the year 85,659 Attendance of senior citizens during the year 18,133 Attendance of CGHS beneficiaries during the year 1,333 Sum total of patients during the year 1,58,152 Number of plasters applied during the year 24,200 Number of musculoskeletal shots given 600 Number of intra-articular injections given 850 Number of close reductions and plaster applications 14,578 Number of patients receiving physiotherapy 22,553 Number of patients receiving occupational therapy 9,763
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Emergency Surgeries Major surgeries during the year Minor surgeries during the year
3,060 23,544
Major Planned Surgeries Surgeries for major trauma 612 Spinal surgeries 408 Arthroscopies 300 Arthroplasties 240 Pediatric surgeries 144
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The CIO runs a regular lecture and clinical posting program for the MBBS students, conducting regular classes in 4th-8th semester. Lectures are also taken for the nursing staff and students pursuing Pre hospital Trauma Technician program, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation program.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program A robust teaching program is run for the postgraduates with weekly seminars, journal club and case presentations. Care is taken to impart clinical training and extensive hands-on in the operation theatres and wards.
Therapy in Recalcitrant Cases of Plantar Fascitis. Sain A, Sharma BP. The Clinocoradiological Evaluation and Functional Outcome between PF-LCP and PFN in Unstable Proximal Femoral Fracture. Tamang S, Chaudhary D. Evaluation of Arthroscopic acute AC Joint Reconstruction by Tight Rope System. Singh H, Krishna LG. Functional and Radiological Evaluation of Minimally Invasion Surgery in Intertrochanteric Fracture of Femur. Rajesh, Singh D. Evaluation of Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Bankart Repair in Anterior Dislocation of Shoulder. Guria A, Kumar N. Radiological and Clinical Outcome of Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis for Comminuted Fracture of Distal Tibia. Keshav K, Gupta V. Role of Modified Ponseti Method in Atypical Clubfoot. Rao A, Kumar R. To Determine Incidence of Post Operative Surgical Site Infection and Analysis of its Risk Factors. Datt R, Kumar R. To study Clinico Radiological Parameters and Risk Factors in Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis.
Ongoing projects
6.0 Research Completed projects Pheroz M, Chopra RK. Outcome of One Stage Short Segment Posterior Pedicle Screw Fixation and Anterior Decompression with Titanium Nest Cage Placement in Lumbar Spine Injuries. Gangwar A, Chopra RK. Correlation between Interoperation Intraoperation Torque of Pedicle Screw and BMD in Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Injuries. Sitender, Sharma VK. Comparative study between Greater Trochanter Entry Portal and Piriformis Entry Portal for the Fracture Shaft of Femur for the Functional Outcome. Goel N, Sharma VK. Comparative study between Intralesional Platelet Rich Plasma Injection versus Extracorporeal Shock Wave
Gupta A, Kumar R. Platelet Count as an Additional Procedure in Diagnosis of TB Spine. Balamurugan, Kumar R. Intradiscal Platelet Rich Plasma versus Conservative Management in Degenerative Disc Disease. Tungoe NB, Chopra RK. Role of Ultrasound and Electro Diagnostic Studies in the Diagnosis of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Kumar A, Chopra RK. Relationship between Fracture Risk and Bone Mineral Density in women 40 years and Above due to Trivial Trauma. Kumar V, Sharma VK. Comparison between Effects of Steroid versus PRP Injection in Patient of Dequervain’s Tenosynovitis. Suresh J, Sharma VK. Functional Evaluation of Wrist Joint
Left to right First row Dr Rajni, Dr RK Chopra, Dr LG Krishna, Dr Ramesh Kumar, Dr VK Sharma, Dr Naval Bhatia, Dr Vikas Gupta, Dr Narendra Kumar, Dr Hitesh Lal. Second Row Dr Balvinder Singh, Dr Jatin Talwar, Dr SK Pandey, Dr Ashish Jaiman, Dr Lalit Kumar, Dr Tankeshwar Boruah, Dr Davinder Singh.
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after Internal Fixation of Distal End of Radius With or Without Fixation of Ulnar Styloid. Aanand M, Sharma BP. Comparative Study between Aperture Fixation and Cortical Fixation of Quadruple Hamstring Graft in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Sahu BK, Kumar N. Evaluation of Functional and Radiological Outcome of Tibial Plateau Fractures Managed with Locking Plates. Agarwalla A, Krishna LG. Evaluation of Functional Outcome in Radial Head Arthroplasty. Arora N, Krishna LG. Evaluation of Efficiency of PRP in Achilles Tendinopathy. Singh V, Singh D. Clinical Evaluation of ACL reconstruction by Double Bundle Technique in ACL Deficient Knee. Jain AK, Gupta V. Tibialis Anterior Tendor Transfer in Case of Relapsed Clubfoot. Taneja A, Kumar R. Deep Vein Thrombosis in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Karim SA, Kumar R. To Study the Role of Repositioning Laminoplasty in Dorsolumbar Spine Injuries. Gill R, Chopra RK. Outcome of Interlocking Nail followed by Plating (Fibular) in Fracture Distal 1/3 Tibia Fibula. Singh G, Chopra RK. Correlation of Serum Vitamin D Level with Disease Activity of Ankylosing Spondylitis. Adambhai VN, Singh D. Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair – A Clinical Study. Meena AK, Kumar R. Study of Gene Xpert and Histopathalogy Examination and Culture Sensitivity in Osteoarticular Tuberculosis. Meena A, Sharma BP. Evaluation of Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Repair of Meniseal Tear in Adults. Suman, Kumar N: Function Outcome of Extra Articular Fracture Distal Femur treated by LCP using MIPO. Grover R, Krishna LG. Evaluation of results in Locking Plate in Medial Malleolar Fractures. Arumugam AK, Krishna LG. Evaluation of Results for Locking Plates in Metacarpal Fracture. Pandey V, Krishna LG. Role of Serum Procalcitonin Levels in Early Diagnosis of Acute Osteomyelitis and Septic Arthritis. Manoj, Gupta V. To Study Radiological Resolution in Nutritional Rickets with stoss Therapy.
Vargaonkar G, Singh VK, Arora S, Kashyap A, Gupta V, Khanna G, Kumar R. Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath Around the Foot and Ankle. A Report of 3 Cases and a Literature Review. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2015;105(3):249-54.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Singh VK, Kashyap A, Varganokar GS, Kumar R. An Isolated Dorso-Medial Dislocation of Navicular Bone: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma. 2015;6(1):36-38. Vargaonkar GS, Singh VK, Kashyap A, Kumar R. Double Level Chance-Type Fractures of Spine in Ankylosing Spondylitis. Chin J Traumatol. 2014;17(6):361-3. Gupta V. Zan Colb: Lasso Procedure for Correction of Paralytic Claw Hand. JOS. 2015;23(1):15-8. Lal H, Sabharwal VK, Tanwar Y. Total Knee Replacement in Triple Deformity with Posterior Subluxation of the Knee Joint. Journal of Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma. 2015;6(2):113-119. Vargaonkar G, Singh V, Arora S, Kashyap A, Gupta V, Khanna G. et al. Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath Around the Foot and Ankle. A Report of Three Cases and a Literature Review. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2015;105(3):249-54 Chopra S, Capoor MR, Mallik R, Gupt S, Ray A, Khanna G, Suri JC, Bhattacharya D, Raghavan S. Pulmonary Cryptococcosis in HIV Sero-Negative Patients: Case Series from India. Mycoses. 2015;58(5):288-93. Srivastava P, Prasad R, Khanna G. Primary Leiomyosarcoma of Kidney: Case Report. Muller J Med Sci Res. 2015;6:157-9. Bhandari U, Kumar V, Kumar P, Tripathi CD, Khanna G. Protective effect of Pioglitazone on Cardiomyoyte Apoptosis in Low-Dose Streptozotocin and High Fat Diet Induced Type–2 Diabetes in Rats. Indian J Med Res. 2015;142(5):598-605. Kaushik A, Khanna G, Rajni, Yadav YK. Subtyping and Grading of Synovial Sarcomas: A Cyto-Histopathologic Correlation Study. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;02(2):A81-85. Kaushik A, Malik A, Rajni, Batra S, Sharma VK, Khanna G. Soft Tissue Chondromas: Case series of 6 Cases with Review. Annals of Pathology and Lab Medicine. 2015;02(3):C204-7. Srivastava P, Prasad R, Khanna G, Rajni. Primary Leiomyosarcoma of Kidney: A Rare Case Report. Muller J Med Sci Res. 2015;6:157-9. Kharkwal N, Agarwal Y, Prasad R, Thukral B, Rajni. Parosteal Lipoma of the Foot: Radiological and Correlations, Pathological Fractures. Astrocyte. 2015;2(1):42-5. Jaiman A. Osteosclerotic and Osteolytic Manifestations of Hyperparathyroidism in a Case of Tc99m SestaMIBI Positive Parathyroid Adenoma. Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2015;30(3):263-265. PubMed PMID:26170573. Jaiman A. Comparison of Kirschner Wires and Cannulated Screw Internal Fixation for Displaced Lateral Humeral Condyle Fracture in Skeletally Immature Patients. Journal of Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma. 2015;6(1):62. Jaiman A. Inter-Trochantric Femoral Stress Fracture in a
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Military Recruit. Journal of Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma, 2015;6(1):75. Sathyamurthy P. Post Traumatic Tuberculous Osteomyelities of Foot. Chin J Traumatol. 2015;18(3):184-6. Gupta V, Kamra G, Singh D, Pandey K, Arora S. Wedgeless ‘V’ shaped Distal Femoral Osteotomy with Internal Fixation. Acta Orthop Belg. 2014;80(2):234-40. Agrawal HK, Singh B, Garg M, Khatkar V, Batra S, Sharma VK. Cosmetic Arm Lengthening with Monorail Fixator. Chin J Traumatol. 2015;18(3):170-4. Vargaonkar G, Satyamurthi P, Singh VK, Mallojwar S. Post Traumatic Tuberculous Osteomyelitis of the Foot – A case report. Chin J Traumatol. 2015;18(3):184-6. Singh VK, Kashyap A, Varganokar GS, Kumar R. An isolated Dorso-Medical Dislocation of Navicular Bone: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma. 2015;6(1):36-38.
April-December 2014 Kumar S, Rathi A, Sehrawat S, Gupta V, Talwar J, Arora S. Ipsilateral Open Anterior Hip Dislocation and Open Posterior Elbow Dislocation in Adult: Chin J Traumatol. 2014;1:17(1): 60-2. Talwar J. Changes in Hip in Nutritional Rickets: An Insight into the Development of Pediatric Hip Region Through a Pathological Process. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2014; 22(3):368-73. Singh VK, Vargaonkar GS. An Iatrogenic Proximal Radioulnar Sysnostosis: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Chin J Traumatol. 2014;17(6):370-2. Vargaonkar GS, Singh VK Kashyap A, Kumar R. Double Level Chance Type Fractures of Spine in Ankylosing Spondylities. Chin J Traumatol. 2014;17(6):361-3. Singh VK, Vargaonkar GS. Winging of Scapula Due to Serratus Anterior Tear. Chin J Traumatol. 2014;17(5):305-6.
8.0 Awards, Fellowships and Achievements Kumar R. Expert, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna. Kumar R. Jury, Program on Tackling Youth Substance Abuse. Jaiman A. Iosuk Junior Indo British Travel Fellowship, 2015. Talwar J. Associate Editor. Journal of Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma. Talwar J. Clinical Observership with Professor Ross Crawford. Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Singh VK. Fellowship, Spine Surgery, Harbour view Medical Center, Seattle, Washington, USA. July 6–24, 2015. Goel N. Basic Trauma Certification Course, 2015. Goel N. Advanced Trauma Certification Course, 2015.
9.0 C Kumar R. Faculty and Panelist, Public Workshop on Rett Syndrome, Pediatrics Department, Safdarjung Hospital and NGO. Jaiman A. Expert, FM Rainbow, Health Talks.
10. Delhi Orthopedic Association Conference, DOACON, 2015. Spine Deformity Correction Workshop. ORTHO SUV Workshop. Workshop on Joshi’s External Stabilization System Fixator.
Kumar R. Training in Leadership, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, 2015. Beniwal RK. Ranawat Orthopedic Conference, 2015, Mumbai, Jan 16-18, 2015. Bhatia N. Advanced Arthroplasty Conference, Jan 2015. Kumar R. International Skeletal Society Outreach Program. Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, Feb 8, 2015. Khanna G. Chair. Unusual Orthopedic Case Discussions. International Skeletal Society Outreach Program, Apollo Hospital, Delhi, Feb 8, 2015. Rajni. International Skeletal Society Outreach Program. Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, Feb 8, 2015. Khanna G. Invited lecture: Contribution of the Pathologist in Diagnosis of Fungal Infections. Postgraduate Education Course in Diagnosis and Management of Fungal Infections, European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, New Delhi, Mar 20, 2015. Kumar R. Ganga SRS Spine Operative Course. Coimbatore, May 7-10, 2015. Kumar R. Faculty and Panelist. Cervical Spine Cadaveric Course. AIIMS, New Delhi, May 2015. Boruah T. Faculty. Basic Principle of Fracture Management for OR Personnel. July 24-25, 2015. Boruah T. Lecture. Principle of Fracture Fixation. AOORP course, New Delhi, July 2015. Boruah T. Lecture. Intraarticular fracture fixation. AOORP course, New Delhi, July 2015. Boruah T. Table Instructor. AOORP course. Delhi, July 2015. Jaiman A. Faculty Lecture. Plates: Form and Function. AOORP course, New Delhi, 2015. Jaiman A. Faculty Lecture. Proximal Femoral Fractures. AOORP course, New Delhi, 2015. Jaiman A. Table Instructor. AOORP Course, Delhi, 2015. Kumar R. Faculty and Chair. Wrist Cadaveric Course. AIIMS-ISSH, New Delhi, July 25-26, 2015.
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Kumar R. Chairperson and Panel Discussion. ASSICON 2015, Sep 26-27, 2015. Bhatia N. Faculty. DOACON, 2015. Bhatia N. Cadaveric Workshop on Basic Shoulder Arthroscopy, 2015. Bhatia N. Awarded Indian Council of Medical Research Project: Morphometric Measurement of Distal Femur While Performing Total Knee Replacement in Indian Patient. Sharma BP. Coordinator, Faculty Member and Instructor. Basic Shoulder Arthroscopy Workshop. DOACON, 2015. Sharma BP. ORTHO SUV Workshop organized in Central Institute of Orthopedics. Sharma BP. Member, Organizing Committee, Scientific Committee and Coordinator. DOACON, 2015. Sharma BP. Supervised PG Teaching Programs of Delhi Orthopedic Association. Gupta V. Organizing Member and Faculty, POSICON 2015. Gupta V. Organizing Secretary and Faculty. Basic ILIZAROV Course, Aug 2015. Beniwal RK. Current Concept Arthroplasty, 2015, AIIMS, Aug 17-25, 2015. Beniwal RK. 16th APAS Asia–Pacific Arthroplasty Society Annual Scientific Meet, Delhi, Sept 11-13, 2015 Gupta V. Faculty. Clubfoot Courses, Oct 2015. Beniwal RK. AIIMS Oxford Partial Knee Replacement Course. Oct 19, 2015. Kumar R. Faculty. Acetabular Cadaveric Course. DOACON, Nov 1, 2015. Khanna G. Chair. Giant Cell Tumor: The Ubiquitous Tumor. DOACON, Nov 1, 2015. Sharma DK. Faculty. Cadaveric Shoulder Arthroscopy Workshop. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Kumar R. Faculty, Panel Discussion. Complication of Spine Surgery. ASSICON 2015, Nov 27-29, 2015. Beniwal RK. Basic Shoulder Arthroplasty Course, Nov 21, 2015. Beniwal RK. DOACON, 2015. Oct 31– Nov 1, 2015. Talwar J. Faculty. Interesting Cases in Total Hip Joint Arthroplasty. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Talwar J. Organizer and Faculty. Pelvis and Acetabulum workshop. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Boruah T. Acetabular Fracture Fixation Workshop and Cadaver Demonstration of Common Acetabular Approaches. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Beniwal RK. Elite Arthroplasty Conference 2015, Chandigarh. Nov 14-15, 2015. Beniwal RK. AIIMS Arthroplasty Update, Nov 29, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Beniwal RK. Delhi Arthroscopy Course 2015. Beniwal RK. Delhi Orthopedic Association Mid Con 2015. Beniwal RK. Delhi Orthopedic Association Quarterly Meet 2015. Jaiman A. Lecture. Basic Hip workshop. IOACON 2015, Jaipur. Jaiman A. Lecture. Advanced Hip workshop IOACON 2015, Jaipur. Jaiman A. Organizer, Acetabular Fracture Fixation Workshop and Cadaver Demonstration of Common Acetabular Approaches, DOACON, 2015. Jaiman A. Faculty. GCT session. DOACON, 2015. Jaiman A. Lecture: Proximal Humerus Fracture Fixation Surgical Technique and Clavicle Fracture Advanced Trauma Fixation Course, Delhi Orthopedic Association, New Delhi. Talwar J. Moderated a session on hip trauma. MIDCON 2015, Delhi Orthopedic Association, 2015. Talwar J. Lecture: llio-inguinal Approach in Acetabulum surgery. MIDCON 2015. Talwar J. Chair, Session: Minimally Invasive Total Hip Joint Arthroplasty. Orthoacademicia 2015, Lonawala, Mumbai, 2015. Talwar J. Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society (APAS) 2015 Conference, 2015. Talwar J. Lecture on Proximal Femur Fractures. UCMS and GTB Hospital, 2015. Talwar J. Faculty. Lecture on Dynamic Hip Screw. Basic Trauma Course 2015. Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. Dec 6, 2015. Gupta V. Faculty. IOACON, Dec 2015. Beniwal RK. IOACON 2015, Jaipur, Dec 9-14, 2015.
Singh VK. Poster. Angiomatous Meningioma of CervicoDorsal Junction: A Case Report. Annual Conference of the Delhi Orthopedic Association, DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Singh VK. Poster. Single Stage Posterior Transpedicular versus Combined Posterior and Anterior Surgery of TB Spine Patients. ASSICON 2015. Singh VK. Poster. MDR-TB as a cause of Pseudoarthrosis and Low Backache in Lumbar TB Spine. ASSICON 2015. Singh VK. Paper. Single Stage Posterior Trans-Pedicular Decompression and Deformity Correction in TB Spine Patients. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Sharma A. Presented Paper. Role of Ponsetti Method in Clubfoot in Walking Child. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Sharma A. Paper. Clubfoot in Older Children. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015.
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Saurabh. Paper. Role of Immunomodulation in Osteoarticular Tuberculosis. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Agarwalla A. Poster. Talar Osteochondroma. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Keshav K. Paper. Role of Modified Ponseti Method in Atypical Clubfoot. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Talwar J. Poster. Comparative Study between Intralesional Platelet Rich Plasma Injections with Extracorporeal Shock Therapy for Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015. Singh VK. Poster. Management of Cervical Spine Injuries. ASSICON 2015. Pandey K. Paper. Outcome of Parallel Plating in Distal Humerus Fractures. DOACON 2015, Nov 1, 2015.
Mobile C-Arm Image Intensifier Battery Operated Saw with charging staion Surgeon LED Light Ultrasonic Cleaning System for instruments Shoulder Distraction System Varus and Valgus Correction Instrument Set Suture Passing and Retrieving Device for Rotator Cuff Repair Bio Tenodesis Screw system Mini Open Laterjet Instrument Set
Electric Suction Machine Orthopaedic Surgery Instrument Multipurpose Argon Plasma Coagulation System Autologus condition Plasma System Arthroscopic Fluid Management System Haematology Analyzer Spine General Instrument Set Thermal Shock Therapy Unit Active Passive Exercise Trainer Low Temperature Sterilization Radiofrequency Coablation System High Definition Imaging System Shortwave Diathermy Lumbar traction
Manpower Expansion in the number of faculty and paramedical staff.
Infrastructure Computerization of Central Institute of Orthopedics. Upgradation of Emergency Services. Establishment of a Specialized Spine Care Center. Establishment of National Institute of Orthopedics. Establishment of Live and Cadaveric deep freeze bone banking facility.
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Department of Otorhinolaryngology 1.0 Prelude The department conducts outpatients' clinics along with a minor operation theatre on all working days and runs a 24 Ă— 7 emergency service on all working days as well as holidays. Special nasal and laryngeal endoscopy clinics are conducted thrice a week, and cancer and vertigo clinics are held once a week. The department has a well run operation theatre, where surgeries are carried out on all working days of the week. The department has a keen teaching program for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Regular seminars, journal clubs, case presentation and grand rounds inspire learning. Regular research work is conducted in collaboration with a number of other departments to further the goal of improving patient care and furthering human knowledge. The department also participated in the health camps at Gazipur, Uttar Pradesh and Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh organized by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
2.0 Faculty Dr AK Rai Professor and Medical Superintendent Dr Gul Motwani Consultant, Professor and Head
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr NN Mathur Director Professor and Principal Dr Shantanu Mandal Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Himani Lade Consultant and Professor Dr Neena Chaudhary Consultant and Professor Dr SK Majhi Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Priti Lal Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr DK Gupta Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Naresh Bharadwaj Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Tilak Raj Singh Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Vikas Chauhan Senior Medical Officer Dr Harishankar Niranjan Senior Medical Officer Senior residents 10
3.0 Patient Care Gamut of Services Outpatient services Outpatient facility for minor surgical procedures Diagnostic nasal and laryngeal endoscopy procedures (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) Cancer Clinic for Cancer patients (Tuesday) Vertigo Clinic Pediatric and adult bronchoscopy Audiometry Tympanometry OtoAcoustic Emission Brain stem Evoked Response Audiometry Emergency services
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Census of Patients during the year Outpatients 1,16,750 Inpatients 2,523 Audiometry 1,253 Endoscopies 5,415 Oto-Acoustic Emission 215 Tympanometry 850 Brain stem evoked response audiometry 250 Minor surgical procedures 22,552
Surgeries performed during the year Mastoidectomy with Tympanoplasty 180 Myringoplasty 402 Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (bilateral) 124 Septoplasty 137 Adenotonsillectomy 60 Laryngectomy and Oromandibular Surgeries 117 Thyroidectomy 63 Exploratory Tympanotomy 24 Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy 34 Microlaryngeal Surgery 21
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular theory classes and clinical postings helped students gain exposure to clinical issues, endoscopy, surgical procedures, audiometry and temporal bone lab. The hands-on-teaching in clinics and discussions on various X-rays and ENT instruments allowed students to build on their clinical skills.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Case presentations, seminars, and journal clubs formed the mainstay of postgraduate teaching program.
6.0 Research Completed projects Shareef M, Motwani G. A Study on Outcome of Ossiculoplasty with Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis in Single Stage Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy for Cholesteatoma. Lade H, Gupta S. Evaluation of Anatomical and Audiological Outcome of Cartilage Palisade Tymponoplasty.
Samy K, Venkatachalam VP. Evaluation of Outcome of Adenotonsillectomy in Pediatric Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Rojita M, Venkatachalam VP. Evaluation of Diagnostic Criteria and Post-Operative Outcome of patients with Allergic Fungal Sinusitis. Gupta A, Mandal S. A Comparative Study of Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry in Diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients. Makkar S, Chaudhary N. Study of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Tumour Thickness in Head and Neck Cancer and their Relationship with Clinical and Histopathological Parameters. Sekhon S, Gupta K, Motwani G. A Comparative Study of the Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology with Conventional Reporting on Fine Needle Aspiration. Himanshu, Khokhar A, Motwani G. Study of Ear Morbidity Profile among Primary School Children of Urban Health Training Center Area, Aliganj, Delhi. Raizaday S, Mathur NN, Loh HK. An Anatomical Study of Lateral Nasal Wall and Osteomeatal Complex on Cadavers. Singla S, Mathur NN, Rawat DS. Immunohistochemical Study of P53, c-erbB2, EGFR in Oral Leukoplakias and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Sharma K, Mathur NN, Gupta A. Comparison of the Results of Local Tumor Control with Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy vs Conventional Fractionated Radiotherapy, with Concomitant 3 weekly Cisplatin in locally advanced Head and Neck Cancer. Mathur NN, Sachdeva. Open vs Percutaneous Tracheostomy in ICU Patients.
Ongoing projects Sudhagar E, Motwani G. Clinical Study on Anatomical, Audiological Outcome of Scutumplasty for Limited Attic Disease. Piyush K, Motwani G. Study of Intra Operative Incidence of
Left to right First row Dr Neena Chaudhary, Dr Priti Lal, Dr AK Rai, Dr Gul Motwani, Dr NN Mathur, Dr Shantanu Mandal, Dr Himani Lade. Second Row Dr Naresh Bhardwaj, Dr Tilak Raj Singh, Dr Harishankar Niranjan, Dr Vikas Chauhan, Dr Deepak Kumar Gupta, Dr Sudhir Kumar Majhi. Annual Report 2015
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Fallopian Canal Dehiscence in Surgery for Cholesteatoma. Manaswita R, Lade H. Evaluation of Efficacy of Middle Turbinate Resection vs Preservation in case of Nasal Polyposis. Jaitly S, Mathur NN. A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Role of Flexible Fibre Optic Laryngoscocpy in Children with Stridor or Tracheostomy. Gupta S, Chaudhary N. Study of Role of HPV Infections in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas and its Correlation with Clinical, Histopathological and Molecular Parameters. Mithun A, Mandal S. Analysis of Quality of Life Pre and Post FESS Surgery. Sandeep T, Rai AK. Study to Compare the Role of Laryngoscopy with High Resolution Ultrasonography in Various Laryngeal Lesions. Namrata Y, Lal P. Evaluation of the Role of Prognostic Factors in Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Bhardwaj R, Motwani G. Effect of Pterygopalatine Canal Injection of Adrenaline with Local Anaesthetic (Xylocaine) on Bleeding during FESS. Goyal P, Mathur NN. Clinico-radiological Study to Evaluate the Role of MRI in Diagnosing Cholesteatoma in Cases of Squamous type of Chronic Otitis Media. Gupta A, Mathur NN. A Comparative study of Conventional Palliative Conventional Teleradiotherapy versus Novel Short Course Hypofractionated Schedule in Advanced and Incurable Head and Neck Cancers.
Verma D, Lade H, Motwani G, Deka A, Malik N. Spontaneous Atraumatic Posterior Mediastinal Haemorrhage – A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol. 2015;2(7):1048. Verma D, Mathur NN. Crushed Septal Cartilage Graft in Rhinoplasty and Nasal Septal Surgery: Clinical Outcomes and Complications. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol 2015;2(5):1038. Pradhan P, Bharadwaj A, Venkatachalam VP. Primary Laryngeal Amyloidosis and its Response to Surgical Treatment. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol. 2015;2 (9):1062. Pradhan P, Bharadwaj A, Vashishth A. Abducent Nerve Palsy in Petrositis: A Review of three Different Cases and Management Protocol. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol. 2015;2(8):1056. Bharadwaj A, Mathur NN. Evaluation of the Effect of the Facial Nerve Monitoring in Mastoid Surgery. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol. 2015;2(4):1032. Rai A, Lal P, Motwani G, Thukral B, Goel S. Significance of Facial Canal Labyrinthine Segment Diameter in the Pathophysiology of Bell’s Palsy. Astrocyte. 2015;2:60-3.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Mathur NN, Sohliya LM. Pre-Decannulation Peristomal Findings in Tracheostomized Cases and their Effect on the Success of Decannulation. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015;67(1):91-7. Pradeep P, Abhimanyu A, Priti L. Circumferential Elevation of Tympanomeatal Flap: A Novel Technique for Subtotal and Anterior Closure. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol. 2015;2(7):1052.
April-December 2014 Vashishth A, Mathur NN, Verma D. Cartilage Palisades in Type 3 Tympanoplasty: Functional and Hearing Results. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014;66(3):309-13. Vashishth A, Mathur NN, Choudhary SR, Bhardwaj A. Clinical Advantages of Cartilage Palisades Over Temporalis Fascia in Type I Tympanoplasty. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2014;41(5):422-7. Vashishth A, Mathur NN, Choudhary SR, Khanna G. Giant Vascular Hamartoma of the Tongue. Malays J Med Sci. 2014; 21(2):74-7. Mathur NN, Vashishth A. Extensive Nasopharyngeal Angiofibromas: The Maxillary Swing Approach. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;271(11):3035-40.
Verma R. Pattern of Incidence of Occult Metastasis in N0 Tongue Carcinoma. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, New Delhi. Feb 27- Mar 1, 2015. Gupta S. Maxillary Swing: An Efficacious Approach to Advance Stage Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. All India Rhinology Society, Bareli. Nov 27-29, 2015. Shareef M. Study on Outcome of Ossiculoplasty with Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis in Single Stage Canal Wall down Mastoidectomy for Cholesteatoma. Association of Otolarngolosits India State Conference. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. Feb 21-22, 2015. Gupta S. Evaluation of Anatomical and Audio Logical Outcome of Cartilage Palisade Tymponoplasty. Association of Otolaryngologists India State Conference. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. Feb 21-22, 2015. Samy K. Evaluation of Outcome of Adenotonsillectomy in Pediatric Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Association of Otolaryngologists India State Conference. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. Feb 21-22, 2015. Rojita M . Evaluation of Diagnostic Criteria and PostOperative Outcome of Patients with Allergic Fungal Sinusitis. Association of Otolaryngologists India State Conference. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. Feb 21-22, 2015. Gupta A. A Comparative Study of Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry in Diabetic and Non Diabetic Patients.
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Association of Otolaryngologists India State Conference, New Delhi, Feb 21-22, 2015. Makkar S. Study of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Tumour Thickness in Head and Neck Cancer and their Relationship with Clinical and Histopathological Parameters. Association of Otolaryngologist India State Conference. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Feb 21-22, 2015.
Makkar S, Kumar A, Choudhary N. Study of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Tumour Thickness in Head and Neck Cancer and their Relationship with Clinical and Histopathological Parameters. Federation of Head and Neck Organisation, Nagpur. Nov 27-29, 2015. Verma R, Singh A, Choudhary N. Outcome and Prognosis of Near Total Laryngectomy. Federation of Head and Neck Organisation, Nagpur. Nov 27-29, 2015. Verma R, Gupta S, Choudhary N. Pattern of Incidence of Occult-metastasis in N0 Tongue Carcinoma. Federation of Head and Neck Organisation, Nagpur. Nov 27-29, 2015.
0 0 Fello Motwani G. Editor, Otorhinolaryngology Section, Astrocyte. Mathur NN. Referee: Int J Ped ORL, Head and Neck, Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, Indian Pediatrics, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Journal of Laryngology and Voice, ENT India, J Cranio Max Dis. Mathur NN. Coordinator, Medical Education Unit, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College Mathur NN. Chief Coordinator, Protocol Scrutinizing Committee, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College. Mathur NN. Member, AOI Academic Committee. Mathur NN. Member, Elsevier Clinical Advisory Board. Mathur NN. Member, Research Advisory Committee, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Oct 9-10, 2015. Lal P. Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship in Implantation Otology, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK.
11.0 Motwani G, Lade H. CIGICON 2015, Jaipur, Sept 2015. Motwani G. Transnasal Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Workshop, Nanavati Superspecialty Hospital, Mumbai, Feb 2015. Motwani G, Singh TR. Comprehensive Life Saving Skill Program Workshop in airway breathing and circulation,
Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, Dec 2015. Mathur NN. Faculty, Consensus Committee Conference on AOM and AR for the Pediatric Age Group. Chennai, Aug 2015. Mathur NN. Maxillary swing in JNA, Crossfire in Open Vs Endoscopic approach for JNA, 67th AOICON 2015, Raipur. Mathur NN. NBE Tele-Lectures and NBE Radio-counselling for DNB Students. Mathur NN. Faculty, Protocol Writing Workshops, Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjang Hospital. Mathur NN. Panelist, ESS Beyond sinuses. 38th AOI Delhi Conference, Feb 2015. Mathur NN. Panelist, Cholesteatoma Management, Otology Update, AIIMS, New Delhi, Sept 2015. Mathur NN. MCI Basic Course Workshop in MET (18th) MAMC, New Delhi, May 5-7, 2015. Mathur NN. Member Subcommittee, Consensus Meet on AOM ARS in Children , Management Guidelines CROS-Meet, Chennai, Aug 2, 2015. Mathur NN. Protocol writing: Title and Objectives. Medical Education Unit, Safdarjung Hospital and Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, Oct 2015.
Community program, Life Line Express Camp, Lalitpur UP Health Camp, Ghazipur, Nov 30- Dec 8, 2015.
Pulse oximeter Table top steriliser Mastoid micromotor drill Radiofrequency unit Navigation system for sinus surgery UV cabinets Noiseless suction machine Coblation with accessories Navigation simulator for nasal and ear surgery Video laryngoscope ENT diagnostic set ENT treatment unit Fibreoptic otoscope Nasal endoscopes LED headlights Ultrasonic cleaning system Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopes
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1.0 Prelude Providing tertiary care with a soft touch and deep compassion to children presenting with a wide array of surgical conditions, this superspeciality department offers yeoman service to the community. The surgeons carry out more than a hundred different surgical procedures to cope with the surgical needs of the children visiting the department. Adept at laparoscopic surgery, the faculty caters to all kinds of neonatal and pediatric surgical emergencies including those for congenital malformations. With its nursery, wards and critical care room humming 24 Ă— 7, and equipped with advanced life-saving gear, the department has been a major force since the 1960s in this challenging discipline.
2.0 Faculty Dr Deepak Bagga Consultant and Head Dr Samir Kant Acharya Pediatric Surgeon Dr Nidhi Sugandhi Assistant Professor Dr Rajat Piplani Assistant Professor Senior residents 8
3.0 Patient Care Outpatient Services The department runs its outpatient service on the mornings of all working days. Expert consultation with senior faculty,
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
however, can be undertaken on the mornings of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The total annual outpatient attendance during the year was 19,400.
Inpatient Services The department has a 31 bedded ward and 8 nursery beds for neonates. Services exist for specialized nursery care, emergency and critical care, postoperative and general ward. The total annual admissions during the year were 3,039.
Surgeries Major surgeries Minor surgeries Emergency surgeries
Spectrum of Surgeries performed during the year General Surgeries
Lymphangioma excision Hemangioma excision Surgeries of the Head and Neck
Unilateral cleft lip Parotidectomy for parotid tumor Excision of ranula Torticollis release Excision of cystic hygroma Pre-auricular sinus excision Surgeries of Central Nervous System
Encephalocele excision
976 2,600 720
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Myelomeningocele excision Dorsoenteric fistula excision Thoracic Surgeries
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia Morgagni hernia Hiatus hernia Anti gastro esophageal reflux surgery Pneumonectomy Lung resection: lobectomy, segmentectomy Gastrointestinal Surgeries
Intestinal resection anastomosis Duplication cyst excision Mesenteric cyst, omental cyst and tumour excision Colostomy closure Duhamel’s pull through Myectomy PSARP Limited PSARP PSARVUP for cloaca Urogenital mobilization for low cloaca and urogenital sinus Anal dilatation Abdominoperineal pull through Redo PSARP Rectal mucosal trimming Retroperitoneal teratoma excision Surgeries of Hepatobiliary System, Pancreas, Spleen
Kasai’s porto enterostomy Pancreaticoduodenectomy Choledochal cyst excision Lap cholecystostomy Liver hydatid Cystogastrostomy
Buccal mucosa graft Tip Snodgrass urethroplasty MAGPI Urethral stricture repair Transpubic repair of urethra Colon conduit diversion Miscellaneous Operative Procedures
Inguinal hernia repair Umbilical hernia repair Epigastric hernia repair Excision of cyst and sinus Orchiopexy Circumcision Excision of mucus retention cyst Excision of lipoma scalp Excision of popliteal cyst Excision of branchial sinus Excision of thyroglossal cyst and sinus Release of tongue tie
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Didactic lectures and clinical teaching formed the cornerstone of the undergraduate teaching program.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program The department runs a regular postgraduate program in pediatric surgery. Regular case presentations, seminars and journal club constitute a part of the training, which focuses on developing robust surgical skills amongst the postgraduates.
Genitourinary Surgeries
Nephrectomy for tumor, MCDK, NFK Pyeloplasty Ureterostomy Reimplantation of ureter Vesicostomy Cystolithotomy, pyelolithotomy Exstrophy primary turn in Exstrophy bladder neck repair Epispadias repair Exstrophy single stage total reconstruction Colocystoplasty Cystoscopy and valve fulguration Appendicovesicostomy Chordee correction and free prepucial graft
Left to right First Row Dr Sameer Kant Acharya, Dr Deepak Bagga, Dr Nidhi Sugandhi. Second Row Dr Narender Tekchandani, Dr Divya Gupta, Dr Rajat Piplani.
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6.0 Research Prasad A. Evaluation of Two-Staged Fowler-Stephens Laparoscopic Orchidopexy for Intraabdominal Testes. Ahmed DL. Evaluation of Laparoscopic Herniotomy in Female Patients with Special Reference to Congenital Adrenal Hyerplasia. Kour H. Evaluation of Single Stage Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty in Female Low Anorectal Malformations.
7.0 Publications Journals Gupta D, Yadav DK, Panda SS, Panda M, Bagga D, Acharya SK, et al. Transanal Impalement of Double J Steel Bar with Colonic and Jejunal Injury – A Case Report . J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2015;6 (1):217-19.
Abstracts Split Notochord Syndrome with Dorsal Neuroenteric Fistula – A Rare Congenital Anomaly. Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons 2015. Total gut Atresia: Need to revisit the Non-recanalization theory! Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons 2015. Neonatal Renal vein thrombosis: A Management Challenge. Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons 2015. Congenital Lobar Emphysema Misdiagnosed as Pneumothorax– Lessons Learnt. Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons 2015.
8.0 Awards, Fellowships and Achievements Bagga D. Chair: Session. 3rd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Delhi State. Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, New Delhi, Aug 28, 2015. Bagga D. Chair: Advances in Pediatric Urology. IX Biennial Meeting of Asian Society for Pediatric Urology and Indian Society of Pediatric Urology. AIIMS, New Delhi, Dec 23-24, 2015. Sugandhi N. Member, Executive Committee. Delhi Chapter of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 2015.
9.0 Papers Presented Acharya SK. Early Outcome and Late Complications in Cases of Sacrococcygeal Teratoma. 47th Annual Conference of International Society of Pediatric Oncology. Cape Town, South Africa. Oct 8-12, 2015.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Sugandhi N. Split Notochord Syndrome with Dorsal Neuroenteric Fistula – A Rare Congenital Anomaly. Golden Jubilee Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Mumbai, India. Oct 1-4, 2015. Sugandhi N. Total Gut Atresia: Need to Revisit the NonRecanalization Theory. Golden Jubilee Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Mumbai, India. Oct 1-4, 2015. Sugandhi N. Neonatal Renal Vein Thrombosis: A Management Challenge. Golden Jubilee Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Mumbai, India. Oct 1-4, 2015. Sugandhi N. Congenital Lobar Emphysema Misdiagnosed as Pneumothorax-Lessons Learnt. Golden Jubilee Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Mumbai, India. Oct 1-4, 2015. Dar LA. Gastric Outlet Obstruction Beyond Neonatal Period and Infancy – The Jodhpur Disease. 3rd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Delhi State. Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, New Delhi, Aug 28, 2015.
10.0 Conferences, Workshops and Training Programs Bagga D. Pediatric Endoscopic Surgeons of India. Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons PESI- IAPSCON Workshop. Jaipur, Feb 27-Mar 1, 2015. Acharya SK. Golden Jubilee Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Mumbai, Oct 1-4, 2015. Sugandhi N. Workshop on Cadaveric Liver Dissection, Liver Transplantation and Vascular Anastomosis. Mumbai, Oct 30, 2015.
11.0 Procurement of New Equipment Pediatric cystoscope Pediatric bronchoscope set
12.0 Plan of Action Establish special clinics for specific congenital and pathologic entities such as solid tumours, anorectal malformations, and antenatally diagnosed congenital malformations. Establish a Neonatal Surgical Intensive Care Unit for neonates with congenital malformations. Establish an interactive academic forum for discussion with colleagues from radiology, pathology and pediatrics.
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Sports Injury Center 1.0 Prelude
3.0 Patient Care
A premier sports injury hub in the country, the center stands committed to the mission of offering integrated diagnostic, surgical, and rehabilitative care services in the realm of sports injuries and related joint disorders. The center has 2 distinct units: one focuses on early sports injuries with arthroscopy as its mainstay while other caters to the late sequel of sports injuries, taking care of arthritis and performing joint replacement surgeries. The center has a dedicated state-of-the-art physiotherapy and rehabilitative services where both inpatients and outpatients receive specialized treatments through hydrotherapy, biochemical and isokinetic manoeuvres.
Census of Patients during the year Outpatients Inpatients Surgeries undertaken Minor surgical procedures Physiotherapy services Psychology clinic
83,022 2,819 2,378 5,483 59,547 1,300
2.0 Faculty Dr Deepak Chaudhary Director Dr Himanshu Kataria Professor Dr Deepak Joshi Senior Specialist Dr Vineet Jain Associate Professor Dr Pallav Mishra Assistant Professor Dr Ankit Goyal Assistant Professor Dr Nitin Mehta Assistant Professor Dr Ajay Assistant Professor Dr Himanshu Gupta Assistant Professor Dr Vivek Shankar Assistant Professor Senior residents 17
Left to right First row Dr Deepak Joshi, Dr Deepak Chaudhary, Dr Himanshu Kataria, Dr Vineet Jain. Second Row Dr Ankit Goyal, Dr Himanshu Gupta, Dr Vivek Shankar. Third Row Dr Nitin Mehta, Dr Pallav Mishra, Dr Ajay.
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4.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program The center runs a two years post-doctoral Fellowship of National Board Program in Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine.
Jain V. Awarded Indian Orthopaedic Association Australian Orthopaedic Association Exchange Fellowship, 2015.
8.0 Workshops held 5.0 Research Projects Chaudhary D, Joshi D. Single Row versus Double Row Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair. Chaudhary D, Joshi D. Prospective, Open-Label, Multicentric study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Autologous Adult live Cultured Chondrocytes in subjects with Articular Cartilage defects of the Articulating Joints. Comparison of Clinical and Functional Outcome of Platelet Rich Plasma vs Cortisone Injection in the Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy. Predictive Factors for Associated Meniscal Tears and Chondral Lesions in patient of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear.
6.0 Publications Joshi D, Jain V, Goyal A, Bahl V, Modi P, Chaudhary D. Clinical outcome of Double Bundle ACL reconstruction using Crosspin and Aperture Fixation. Indian J Ortho. 2014;48(1):42-48. Chaudhary D, Goyal A Joshi D Jain V, Mohindra M, Mehta N. Clinical and Radiological Outcome After Mini Open Latarjet Technique with Fixation of Coracoid with Arthrex Wedge MiniPlate. J Clin Ortho and Trauma, 2015.
7.0 Awards Jain V. Awarded International Smith and Nephew Fellowship 2015, European Society of Sports Medicine Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Double Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Bankart Repair Live Surgery, Sports Injury Center, Delhi Arthroscopy Conference, New Delhi, Jun 27-28, 2015. Surgeries teamed from Sports Injury Center, Annual Conference of the Indian Arthroscopy Society, Pattaya, Thailand, Oct 2-4, 2015. Cadaveric workshops at every 6 months under the aegis of Indian Arthroscopy Society.
9.0 Guest Lectures and Live Surgery Workshops Faculty, Double bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Live Surgery, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, Mar 6-8, 2015. Chaudhary D. Faculty Lecture, 2nd International Meeting of Arthroscopy Academy, Mumbai, Jul 31, 2015. Joshi D. Faculty, Live Surgery Workshop, Sriram Medical Center, Chennai, Aug 7, 2015. Joshi D. Faculty, Live Surgery, Orissa Knee Course, Bhubaneswar, Sept 5, 2015. Chaudhary D, Joshi D. Faculty, Live Surgery, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Sept 19-20, 2015. Jain V. Faculty Lecture, Arthroscopy Workshop, Indian Association of Orthopedics Conference, Jaipur, Dec 9-10, 2015. Goyal A. Faculty Lecture, Arthroscopy Workshop, Indian Association of Orthopedics Conference, Jaipur, Dec 9-10, 2015.
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Department of Urology and Renal Transplant 1.0 Prelude Making a beginning with a small nucleus of facilities in 1992, the Department of Urology and Renal Transplant has matured into a world-class facility equipped with the state-of-art diagnostic and therapeutic technology. Conducting an array of endourological surgeries, including transurethral resections, percutaneous nephrolithotomies, retrograde intra renal surgeries, ureteroscopies, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, uro-oncological and complex reconstruction procedures, laparoscopic surgeries for the kidneys, bladder and prostate and laser surgeries in a variety of benign and malignant urological conditions, the department has gained wide international recognition. Serving patients from as far as the north-eastern and far eastern states and South Asian countries of Nepal, Bhutan, and Afghanistan, the department has become a referral hub for people with complicated urological pathologies. The department runs a robust academic program. It has been a training ground for postgraduates pursuing the Diplomat of National Board urology program, and has also been approved for the 2-year clinical American Urological Association’s (AUA) endo-urology fellowship.
Dr RP Arora Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Niraj Kumar Pool Officer Senior residents 7
3.0 Patient Care Outpatient Services The annual attendance of patients during the year was as follows: New patients 16,006 Follow up patients 25,819 Annual number of patients 41,825
2.0 Faculty Dr Anup Kumar Head of Department Dr Pawan Vasudeva Associate Professor
Left to right Dr Pawan Vasudeva, Dr Anup Kumar, Dr RP Arora.
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Special Clinics Prostate Cancer Clinic Andrology Clinic Bladder Cancer Clinic Stone Clinic Neuro-Urology Urology Women's Clinic Vesico-Vaginal Fistula Clinic
210 patients 258 patients 276 patients 276 patients 152 patients 92 patients 87 patients
Surgeries The department carries out a variety of simple and complex urological procedures. These include: Major Surgical Procedures Renal Transplant Advanced laparoscopic procedures Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit Radical Cystectomy with Neobladder Radical Prostatectomy Radical Nephrectomy Simple Nephrectomy Ureterolithotomy Pyeloplasty Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair Ureteric Reimplantation Partial Nephrectomy Marsupilisation of Renal Cyst Hydatid Cyst Excision Varicocelectomy
Intravesical BOTOX Intrasphinctric Deflux Injection EndoPyelotomy
Female Urological Procedures CESA/VASA TOT/TVT Pubovaginal Slings Cystocele with UVF Repair Rectocele Repair VVF repair ( Transabdominal/Transvaginal) OTIS Urethrostomy
Minor Surgical Procedures Cysto Panendoscopy Cystoscopic DJ Stenting Cystoscopic DJ Stent Removal Endodilation Meatoplasty/Meatotomy Urethral dilation Circumcision Bilateral Orchidectomy Cystoscopic Biopsy Lymphnode Biopsy Ultrasound guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy (PCN) Ultrasound guided Suprapubic cystostomy (SPC) Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) Biopsy
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Regular lectures and clinical teaching was held in the outpatients and the ward for undergraduate students.
Open Surgical Procedures
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program
Radical Cystectomy with ileal conduit Radical Cystectomy with Neobladder Radical Prostatectomy Radical Nephrectomy Radical Nephroureterectomy Simple Nephrectomy Open Ureterolithotomy Open Nephrolithotomy Open Pyeloplasty Augmentation Gastrocystoplasty Augmentation Ileocystoplasty Ureteric Reimplantation End to End Urethroplasty Buccal mucosal graft Urethroplasty End to End Urethroplasty with Inferior Pubectomy End to End Transpubic Anastomotic Urethroplasty Hypospadias Repair Total Penectomy Partial Penectomy Perineal Urethrostomy
The department runs a three year Diplomat of National Board Urology Program. Regular case discussions, seminars, and journal club are held with active participation of the postgraduates, senior residents and the faculty.
Endoscopic Procedures Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) Minimally invasive PCNL (MiniPerc) Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) PVP with Green Light Laser Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy (URSL) Optical Internal Urethrotomy (OIU) Bladder Neck Incision (BNI) Posterior Urethral Valve (PUV) Fulguration Ureterocele Endoincision Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumors (TURBT) 146
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
6.0 Research Ongoing projects Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Patients with Stroke – A Prospective Study. A Prospective Randomized Comparison between MiniPerc and ESWL for Treatment of Renal Calculi of Size 1-2cm in Pediatric Patients – A Single Center Experience. Effect of Different Sized Transurethral Catheterization in Pressure Flow Urodynamic Study in Male Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Study on Characterization of TMPRSS2: ERG and PCA3 as Prostate Cancer Biomarkers in Indian Patients.
7.0 Publications Journals Kumar A, Samavedi S, Bates AS, Coelho R, Rocco B, Palmer K, et al. Continence Outcomes of Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in Patients with Adverse Urinary Continence Risk Factors. BJU Int. 2015;116(5):764-70 doi:10.1111/bju.13106. PMID: 25726729.
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Kumar A, Kumar N, Vasudeva P, Kumar R, Jha SK, Singh H. A Single Center Experience Comparing Miniperc and Shockwave Lithotripsy for Treatment of Radiopaque 1-2 cm Lower Caliceal Renal Calculi in Children: A Prospective Randomized Study. J Endourol. 2015;29(7):805-9. Patel VR, Samavedi S, Bates AS, Kumar A, Coelho R, Rocco B, et al. Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane Allograft Nerve Wrap Around the Prostatic Neurovascular Bundle Accelerates Early Return to Continence and Potency Following Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy: Propensity Score-matched Analysis. Eur Urol. 2015;67(6):977-8. Kumar A, Smith R, Patel VR. Current Status of Robotic Simulators in Acquisition of Robotic Surgical Skills. Curr Opin Urol. 2015;25(2):168-74. Kumar A, Kumar N, Vasudeva P, Kumar Jha S, Kumar R, Singh H. A Prospective, Randomized Comparison of Shock Wave Lithotripsy, Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery and Miniperc for Treatment of 1 To 2 cm Radiolucent Lower Calyceal Renal Calculi: A Single Center Experience. J Urol. 2015;193(1):160-4. Kumar A, Nanda B, Kumar N, Kumar R, Vasudeva P, Mohanty NK. A Prospective Randomized Comparison between Shockwave Lithotripsy and Semirigidureteroscopy For Upper Ureteral Stones <2cm: A Single Center Experience. J Endourol. 2015;29(1):47-51. Vasudeva P, Kumar N , Kumar A, Singh H, Kumar G. Safety of 12 Core Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy in Patients on Aspirin. Int Braz J Urol. 2015;41:1096-1100. Kumar A, Vasudeva P, Singh H, Kumar G, Kumar R, Jha SK. An Unusual Variant of a Syndrome Associated with Hypospadias. Journal of Case Reports. http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/ 01.2015.0052
Books Kumar A, Srinivas S, Patel VR. Neurovascular Bundle Preservation: Retrograde Technique. In: Textbook of Recent Advances in Robotics in Urology. MD Anderson Hospital.
7.0 Awards, Fellowships and Achievements Kumar A. AUA Clinical Uro-oncology Fellowship in Advanced Robotics. Department of Urology, University of Central Florida, College of Medicine and Global Robotics Institute, Florida Hospital-Celebration Health, Celebration, USA. Kumar A. Faculty. SES AUA Residents Training Course: Robotics in Urology. Orlando, Florida, USA. Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015. Kumar A. Faculty. Society of Robotics Surgery, 2015. Orlando, Florida, USA. Feb 19-22, 2015. Kumar A. Program Director, 2-Year Fellowship in Endourology, Laparoscopy, and Robotics. American Urological Association Endourology Society, USA.
Kumar A. Excellence in Urology, the Year Award. 2015 Leaders Awards (Healthcare). Kumar A. Healthcare Innovator of the Year. 2015 Leaders Awards (Enterprise Edition). Kumar A. Council Member, North Zone Chapter â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Urology Society of India. 2015. Kumar A. Reviewer. Journal of Endourology. Kumar A. Reviewer. European Urology. Kumar A. Reviewer. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. Kumar A. Reviewer. The British Journal of Urology. Kumar A. Reviewer. Journal of Urology. Kumar A. Reviewer. International Journal of Urology, Journal of Robotic Surgery, Urology Internationalis, Canadian Journal of Urology, International Urology and Nephrology. Kumar A. Reviewer. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Kumar A. Reviewer. Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research. Kumar A. Reviewer. Indian Journal of Urology. Kumar A. Reviewer. Case Reports in Medicine. Vasudeva P. AUA Chakrobortty Fellowship to Visit the Pediatric Neuro Urology Unit at Cincinnati Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital and Medical Center, Cincinnati, USA. American Urology Association, 2015. Vasudeva P. International Foundation Scholarship for Young Asian Urologists to visit Department of Urology at Kyushu University Hospital, Japan. Japanese Urological Association, 2015. Vasudeva P. Committee Member. Neuro Urology Promotion Committee of the International Continence Society, 2015-2018. Vasudeva P. Founding Member, India. International Neuro Urology Society (INUS), Berne, Switzerland. Vasudeva P. Chief Scientific Advisor, Indian Continence Society.
9.0 Community Service Creation of public health awareness on urology and renal transplant related issues through regular programs on Delhi Doordarshan, DD News channel and All India Radio. Raising public health awareness through regular lectures on urology and renal transplant related issues through community forums.
10.0 Academic Lectures International Masterclass on Neurogenic Bladder, Incontinence and Urodynamics. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjang Hospital, May 2-3, 2015. Indian Organ Donation Awareness Program. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjang Hospital, Dec 12, 2015.
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Kumar A, Samavedi S, Bates A, et al. Using Indocyanine Green and Near Infrared Fluorescence technology to Identify the “Landmark Artery” during Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy. AUA, New Orleans, USA. May 15-19, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Bates A, et al. Impact of Dehydrated Human Amniotic Membrane Allograft on Continence and Potency following Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy. AUA, New Orleans, USA. May 15-19, 2015. Samavedi S, Kumar A, Coelho R, et al. Safety of Selective Nerve Sparing in High Risk Prostate Cancer during Robotic Radical Prostatectomy. Annual Conference of Society of Robotic Surgery, Orlando, Florida, USA. Feb 19-22, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Coelho R, et al. Intermediate 2 year Pentafecta Outcomes after Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in “All Comers.” Annual Conference of Society of Robotics Surgery, Orlando, Florida, USA. Feb 19-22, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Coelho R, et al. Intermediate 2 year Trifecta Outcomes after Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in “All Comers.” Annual Conference of Society of Robotic Surgery, Orlando, Florida, USA. Feb 19-22, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Coelho R, et al. Continence Outcomes of Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in Suboptimal Patients. Annual Conference of Society of Robotic Surgery, Orlando, Florida, USA. Feb 19-22, 2015. Mouraviev B, Bates A, Kumar A, Samavedi S, Chew C, Marquinez J, et al. Salvage Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy. WCE, London. Oct 1-4, 2015. Mouraviev VB, Schommer E, Thiel DD, Samavedi S, Kumar A, Leveillee RJ, et al. Robotic Training with Porcine Models is less stressful than Virtual Reality Robotic Simulators for Urology Resident Trainees. Annual Conference of WCE, London, UK. Oct 1-4, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Mouraviev V, Marquinez J, Coelho R, Rocco B, Patel V. Innovative Application of Instant Toggling of Endoscope in Challenging Cases during Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy Using Xi daVinci Robotic Surgical System. Annual Conference of WCE, London. Oct 1-4, 2015. Mouraviev VB, Syed J, Bates AS, Kumar A, Samavedi S, Marquinez J, et al. Use of Biomaterials during Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy. Annual Conference of WCE, London, UK. Oct 1-4, 2015. Mouraviev B, Parra E, Samavedi S, Kumar A, Marquinez J, Chew C, et al. Dual Virtual and Image-Guided, Targeted Robotic Salvage Lymph Node Dissection. Annual Conference of WCE, London, UK. Oct 1-4, 2015. Kumar A, Gupta S, Nanda B, Kumar N, Singh H. A Prospective
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Evaluation of a New Modified Utero-Sacropexy/Vagino-Sacropexy Procedure in Treatment of Female Patients with Urge/Mixed Urinary Incontinence. Annual Conference of International Continence Society, Montreal, Canada. Oct 6-9, 2015.
Kumar A. Debate: Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer: Robotic Radical Prostatectomy is Better than Open Surgery for the Indian Patients. Annual conference of NZUSICON, Srinagar. Sept 16-18, 2015. Kumar A. Role of Botulinum Toxin in Management of Urinary Incontinence in Women. Annual Conference of Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Delhi (AOGD). Indian Habitat Center, Delhi. Oct 31- Nov 1, 2015. Kumar A. Surgical complications of Renal Transplant. Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India (ASICON 2015), Gurgaon. Dec 20, 2015.
Kumar A, Samavedi S, Bates A, et al. Impact of Nerve Sparing on Postoperative Continence following Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: A Propensity Score Matched Study. Annual Conference of Society of Robotic Surgery, Orlando, Florida, USA. Feb 19-22, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Palmer K, et al. Age Stratified Comparative Analysis of Perioperative, Functional and Oncological Outcomes in Patients after Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy – A Propensity Score Matched Study. Annual Conference of Society of Robotic Surgery, Orlando, Florida, USA. Feb 19-22, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Coelho R, et al. Impact of Nerve Sparing on Postoperative Continence following Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: A Propensity Score Matched Study. European Urology Association, Madrid, Spain. Mar 20-24, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Coelho R, et al. Intermediate 2 year Pentafecta Outcomes after Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in “All Comers.” European Urology Association, Madrid, Spain. Mar 20-24, 2015. Kumar A, Samavedi S, Coelho R, et al. Predictive Factors and Oncological Outcome of Persistently Elevated ProstateSpecific Antigen in Patients after Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy– A Single Center, Single Surgeon Experience. European Urology Association, Madrid, Spain. Mar 20-24, 2015. Bates A, Samavedi S, Kumar A, et al. Perioperative, Oncological and Functional Outcomes of Salvage Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy – A Propensity Score Matched
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Analysis. European Urology Association, Madrid, Spain. Mar 20-24, 2015.
14.0 Conferenc
d Trainin
Kumar A. SES AUA Residents Training Course: Robotics in Urology. Orlando, Florida, USA. Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 Kumar A. Annual Conference of Society of Robotic Surgery, Orlando, Florida, USA. Feb 19-22, 2015. Kumar A. American Urological Association Conference 2015, New Orleans, USA. May 15-19, 2015. Kumar A. European Urology Association Conference 2015, Madrid, Spain. Mar 24, 2015. Kumar A. World Congress of Endourology, London, UK. Oct 1-4, 2015. Kumar A. Annual Conference of the International Continence Society, Montreal, Canada. Oct 6-8, 2015. KumarA. Uro-Oncology Robotic Conference, Paris, Oct 8-9, 2015. Kumar A. Annual Conference of NZUSICON 2015, Srinagar, India. Sept 16-18, 2015. Kumar A. Annual Conference, AOGD, Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi, Nov 1-2, 2015. Kumar A. Organizing Secretary, Indian Organ Donation
Awareness Program 2015, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, Dec 12, 2015. Kumar A. Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India, ASICON 2015, Gurgaon, Dec 20, 2015. Vasudeva P. Organizing Secretary. International Masterclass on Neurogenic Bladder, Incontinence and Urodynamics. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. May 2-3, 2015. Vasudeva P. 48th Annual Conference of the Urological Society of India, Ranchi, Feb 4-8, 2015.
Operation Theatre Integration and Data Management System Uretero-Renoscope 4.5/6.5Fr Ultra Mini Nephroscope Set
Establishing a cadaveric renal transplant program. Commencement of robotic surgery program for various advanced uro-oncological procedures. Upgrade to a center of excellence with a complete range of urology services.
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Part II Section 4
Samaritan Sciences
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Accident & Emergency Services
1.0 Prelude
3.0 Facilities
The Department of Accident and Emergency Service caters to patients who have suffered serious trauma, sudden severe illness or a medical emergency. Manned by paramedics, nursing staff, interns, residents, and doctors specializing in different streams, including the disciplines of medicine, surgery, orthopedics, and pediatrics, the team is supported by 24 Ă&#x2014; 7 back up teams in intensive care wards, surgical emergency ward (Ward B), medical emergency ward (Ward A), pediatric emergency ward, emergency orthopedics unit, neurosurgical emergency (Ward A), cardiology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, pediatric surgery, radiology, and a host of other departments. A chief medical officer and a nodal officer man the control room at all hours, and a police post is functional round the clock.
The department offers a wide range of services and is equipped with life-saving machinery, including ECG machines, wall mounted sphygmomanometers, glucometer, pulse oximeter, nebulizers, oxygen masks, vital sign monitors, ventilators, tracheostomy sets, purcutaneous cricothyrotomy sets, laryngoscopes, resuscitation trays with ambu bag and endotracheal tubes, defibrillators, surgical dressing and cut down trays, surgical consumables, splints and cervical collars, and a minor operation room. Several life-saving procedures, including emergency tracheostomy, cricothyrotomy, intercostal drainage, vessel ligation, suturing of wounds, splinting, nasal packing, ventilatory support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation are carried out in the department. Special isolation rooms and wards exist to cope with the epidemic outbreaks such as swine flu and dengue, and the department stays on vigil to cope with a disaster crisis. The department also offers medicolegal services for the polytrauma and head injury patients, victims of physical and sexual assault and gender-based violence, poisoning cases, patients brought in unconscious state, and those brought for medical examination by law enforcing authorities. Any individual brought dead to the facility is also taken as a
2.0 Staff Strength The operations are run with the following task force: Dr KT Bhowmik Additional Medical Superintendent Dr Naresh Bharadwaj Chief Medical Officer in charge Dr Gaurav Arora Chief Medical Officer Batch in-charge Medical Officers 5 Senior residents in Medicine 5; Senior residents in Surgery 5 Senior residents in Orthopedics 5; Senior residents in Pediatrics 5 Junior residents 20; Nursing staff; and Paramedical staff.
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medico-legal case. The standard protocol is followed for carrying out the medico-legal examination, and the standard court guidelines are followed for the treatment of victims of road traffic accidents and violence. The department is stocked with a large number of emergency drugs and consumables, and has provisions and vaccines to handle animal bites and needle stick injuries. The department has a disaster management plan with standard operating guidelines, a 19-bed ward in readiness, and participates in mock drills and exercises conducted by the National Disaster Management Authority, Delhi Disaster Management Authority, Delhi Police, Delhi Fire Services, Airport Crisis Management Cell and other civic agencies.
6.0 Referral Each patient is first examined and treated in the department. If they require specialized treatment or admission, they are referred to specific treatment areas: Medical emergencies Ward A Head injuries Ward A Neurosurgery Wing Surgical emergencies Ward B Burns and maxillofacial trauma Burns and Plastic Surgery Casualty Orthopedic emergencies Orthopedic Emergency Operation Theatre Pediatric emergencies Ward 18, 20, and 21 Pediatric surgical emergencies Ward 19 Ophthalmological emergencies Ward 17 Ear Nose Throat emergencies Ward 17
4.0 Patient Care Accident and emergency cases attended during the year New patients of dog bite attended to during the year
Tetanus patients Ward 14
313,024 53,662
5.0 Training and Continuing Education Students pursuing pre-hospital trauma technician program, undergraduate medical students, interns, and residents are imparted requisite clinical training for handling different kinds of accidents and emergencies. The department is also the training ground for medical officers posted from other organizations.
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Department of Anes esiology & Intensiv are 1.0 Prelude Offering comprehensive perioperative care to over 60,000 patients, critical care to 900 patients and succor to 1,500 patients with chronic pain annually, the Department of Anesthesiology helps run 32 operation theatres, 2 eight bedded intensive care units, 1 pre-anesthesia clinic, 1 pain clinic and 1 palliative care clinic, besides providing anesthesia services to emergency operating rooms and diverse kinds of emergencies. The department has a robust academic program with a mission to train expert clinicians, future leaders in the field of anesthesia, and first rate clinician-scientists. Equipped with a simulation lab, which has a high fidelity computerized human patient simulator and a low fidelity mannequin, the faculty also trains the postgraduates with real life case simulations to diverse clinical scenarios with an emphasis on the development of requisite skills.
2.0 Faculty Dr Mridula Pawar Consultant, Professor and Head Dr KK Girdhar Consultant Dr AR Gogia Consultant and Professor Dr Rama Wason Consultant and Professor Dr Nikki Sabharwal Consultant and Professor
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr PK Verma Consultant and Professor Dr Pawan Nayyar Consultant and Professor Dr G Usha Consultant and Professor Dr HC Sachdeva Consultant and Professor Dr Suniti Kale Consultant and Professor Dr Pramod Gupta Consultant and Professor Dr Anita Seth Consultant Dr PS Bhatia Consultant and Assistant Professor Dr Smita Prakash Consultant and Professor Dr JK Bajaj Consultant and Professor Dr Vandana Talwar Consultant and Professor Dr Poonam Gupta Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Ameeta Sahni Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Amita Gupta Consultant and Professor Dr Charu Bamba Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Meenakshi Senior Specialist and Associate Professor Dr Sushil Guria Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Dharam S Meena Professor Dr Nidhi Aggarwal Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Madhu Dayal Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Saveena G Raheja Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Virender Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Sita Laxmi Chief Medical Officer (NFSG)
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Dr Gaurav Arora Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Shweta Gupta Senior Medical Officer Dr Sandeep Sharma Senior Medical Officer Dr Surinder Senior Medical Officer Dr Kapil Gupta Associate Professor Dr Parul Mullick Associate Professor Dr Ranju Gandhi Associate Professor Dr Suman Saini Associate Professor Dr Deepti Saigal Assistant Professor Dr Shipra Aggarwal Assistant Professor Dr Neha Baduni Assistant Professor Dr Arushi Gupta Assistant Professor Dr Mamta Panwar Assistant Professor
4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program The faculty imparted teaching and training to undergraduate students through lectures and clinical teaching sessions staged in the operation theatres, intensive care unit and on patient simulator unit. Workshops were conducted on lifesaving skills and mannequins were used as a part of practical training to teach CVP line insertions and cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular seminars, case discussions and journal club were held for the postgraduates. Clinical skill training was imparted through practical application in the operation theatre rooms, pre-anesthetic clinic and the intensive care unit.
Senior residents 64
6.0 Research Projects 3.0 Patient Care
Completed projects
The anesthesia team facilitated the following perioperative and critical care during the year: Elective surgeries 25,000 Emergency surgeries 36,000 Chronic pain relief and acupuncture clinic 1,500 Palliative cancer pain relief clinic 250 Intensive care unit admissions 900 Emergency calls 1,000 Pre anesthetic clinic 40,000
Moumita, Pawar M. Peri-Operative Critical Incidents. Rajni, Bajaj JK. Comparative Trial of Epidural Block versus Paravertebral Block for Post Operative Analgesia in Hip Surgeries. Swarnendu, Meenakshi. Comparison of Pretreatment with Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam on Etomidate Induced Myoclonus and Haemodynamic Response at Intubation. Murthy A, Sabharwal N. Comparative Evaluation of Analgesic Efficacy of Paracetamol, Diclofenac and their
Left to right First row Dr Rama Wason, Dr Nikki Sabharwal, Dr KK Girdhar, Dr Mridula Pawar, Dr AR Gogia, Dr N Sitalaxmi, Dr G Usha. Second row Dr Arushi Gupta, Dr Neha Baduni, Dr Vandana Talwar, Dr Suniti Kale, Dr Madhu Dayal, Dr Pawan Nayyar, Dr DS Meena, Dr Smita Prakash, Dr Charu Bamba, Dr Poonam Gupta, Dr Mamta Panwar. Third row Dr Parul Mullick, Dr Ameeta Sahni, Dr Ranju Gandhi, Dr Meenakshi, Dr Shipra Aggarwal, Dr Anita Seth. Fourth Row Dr JK Bajaj, Dr PK Verma, Dr Sandeep.
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Combination in Lower Segment Ceaserian Section. Manasa, Sachdeva HC. Comparison of Percutaneous Tracheostomy with Open Surgical in Critically Ill Patients. Davinderjit, Wason R. Comparative Evaluation of ED50 of Propofol in Adult Patients with Saline-Propofol, Dexmedetomidine-Propofol for Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion. Joshi S, Prakash S. Comparative Study to Assess whether Cricoid Pressure Hampers Placement and Ventilation of the Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway in Anesthetized, Paralyzed Patient. Vijay, Nayyar P. Comparative Evaluation of Re-mediation with Ketamine or Ondansetron on the Adverse Effects Associated with Rocuronium Bromide Injection During Induction of Anesthesia. Wankhede A, Usha G. Study on the Hemodynamic and Respiratory Parameters in Pediatric Laproscopy Surgery with Comparison of Laryngeal Mask Airway and Endotracheal Tube. Mukesh, Sahni A. A Comparative Evaluation of the Analgesic Efficacy of Ultra Sound Guided Transverse Abdominis Plane Block, Caudal Epidural and Wound Infiltration in Children undergoing Infra Umbilical Abdominal Surgeries. Dwivedi D, Gogia AR. Comparative Evaluation of Post Operative Analgesia in Knee Arthroscopy with USG Guided Femoral Nerve Block, Adductor Canal Block and Multi Modal Analgesia. Goel S, Verma PK. Study of the Pattern of Nosocomial Infection in ICU.
Ongoing projects Kirti, Usha G. Comparative Study of Video Assisted Fibreoptic Bronchoscope Guided Oral versus Nasal Intubation in Pediatric Patients. Chaudhary S, Gupta P. Confirmation of Endotracheal Tube Placement by Chest Auscultation versus Ultrasound View in Adult Patients. Gautam D, Gogia AR. Study of Postoperative Pain Relief following Greater Auricular Nerve Block in Tympanomastoid Surgery. Singh M, Bamba C. Comparison of Caudal Epidural Block using Ultrasound Guidance versus the Conventional Technique for Anesthesia in Adult Patients undergoing Perianal Surgery. Mishra A, Talwar V. Comparison of the Performance Characteristics of I-gel, Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme and Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway in Children undergoing Elective Surgery. Aishwarya, Meena DS. Comparative Evaluation of Analgesic Efficacy of Adductor Canal Block versus Intravenous Diclofenac in Patients undergoing Knee Arthroscopic Surgery. Malik S, Kale S. Monitoring Changes in Oropharyngeal Seal Pressure of Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway and its Correlation
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
with Cuff Pressure, Peak Airway Pressure and Intra Abdominal Pressure in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Sharma A, Verma PK. Comparison between Efficiency of Ultrasound Guided Transverse Abdominis Plane Block versus Blind Technique in Lower Segment Caesarian Section . Kumar L, Wasan R. Surface Landmark versus Ultrasound Guided Technique for Spinal Anesthesia in Orthopaedic Patients. Vishnudharen, Sabharwal N. Correlation of Internal Jugular Vein Diameters with the Central Venous Pressure of Critically Ill Patients. Srikant, Gupta K. Comparison of Ultrasound Guided Paravertebral Block and Serratus Plane Block in Patients Undergoing Mastectomy. Sivaram V, Gupta P. Comparison of Acromio Axillary Suprasternal Notch Index with Modified Mallampati Test in predicting Difficult Endotracheal Intubation in Patients Posted for Elective Surgery. Gaba A, Wason R. Comparison of two Doses of Lidocaine Infusion for Postoperative Analgesia in Patients undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Kumari A, Kumar M. Comparison of Effect of Different Doses of Intravenous Dexamethasone on Analgesia by Interscalene Block in Patients Undergoing Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgeries. Manish, Bajaj JK. Study Comparing Phenylephrine Bolus and Infusion for Maintaining Arterial Blood Pressure during Caesarean Delivery under Spinal Anesthesia. Kumari M, Gupta A. Propofol versus Sevoflurane for Fibreoptic Nasal Intubation in Children under Spontaneous Breathing Anesthesia. Kumari M, Sabharwal N. Comparative Evaluation of C-KAC Video Laryngoscope with Macintosh Blade Direct Laryngoscope for Intubation in Adults Undergoing General Anesthesia. Pooja, Gogia AR. Comparative Evaluation of Analgesic Efficacy of Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block and Intravenous Fentanyl for Positioning of Patients with Hip Fracture for Central Neuraxial Blockade. Tiwari R, Usha G. Comparison of Two Different Methods of Axillary Brachial Plexus Block Single and Double Perivascular Injection versus Conventional Analgesia for Post Operative Pain Control in Forearm and Hand Surgery in Children of Five to Twelve Years. Gupta R, Sahni A. Comparison of Video Laryngoscopy with Direct Laryngoscopy for Intubation in Patients with Neck Contracture. Rahman S, Agarwal N. Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy
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between Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme and I-Gel in Simulated Difficult Airway in Patients undergoing Elective Surgery Under General Anesthesia. Kumar S, Gupta P. Evaluation of Manual In-Line Stabilization Jaw Thrust in Comparison to Conventional Manoeuvre for Tracheal Intubation during Direct Laryngoscopy. Kumari S, Prakash S. Vocal Cord Carina Distance and Tracheal Length in Indian Adults. Priya S, Bamba C. Comparison of Analgesic Efficacy of Addition of Clonidine versus Morphine with Bupivacaine in Paravertebral Block in Modified Radical Mastectomy. Vigneshwaran S, Kale S. Intra Operative Superior Hypogastric Plexus Block for Post Operative Pain following Gynaecological Laparotomy.
Kumar A, Mullick P, Prakash S, Bhardwaj A. Consent and Indian Medical Practitioner. Ind J Anaes. 2015;59(11):695-700. Prakash S, Mullick P, Pawar M. A Simple Distraction Technique in Pediatric Venous Cannulation. Out of the Blue e-letter. Br J Anaesth. 2015. bja. oxfordjournals. org/forum/topic /brjana-el%3b12493 Mullick P, Kumar A, Prakash S. Alcohol increases Bonding between the Tracheal Tube and the Tracheal Tube Connector. AA Case Rep. 2015;4(9):114-6. Prakash S, Mullick P, Pawar M. Pulmonary Auscultation: A Need to Revisit This Skill. Out of the blue e-letters. Br J Anaes. 2015. Prakash S, Mullick P. Airway Management in Patients with Burn Contractures of the Neck Burns. 2015;41(8):1627-35. Gupta N, Mullick P, Deuri A. Subdural Block – A Complication of Epidural Anesthesia. Anaes Pain & Intensive Care. 2015;19(2):211-2. Gupta K, Sondergaard S, Parkin G, Leaning M, Aneman A. Applying Mean Systemic Filling Pressure to Assess the Response to Fluid Boluses in Cardiac Post-Surgical Patients. Intensive Care Med. 2015;41(2):265-72. Gupta K, Gupta M, Mehrotra M, Prasad J. Anesthesia for Repair of Anomalous Origin of Left Coronary Artery from Pulmonary Artery. Ind J Anaesth. 2015;59(2):136-7. Gogia AR, Kumar NC. Stellate Ganglion Block can Relieve Symptoms and Pain and Prevent Facial Nerve Damage. Saudi J Anaesth. 2015;9(2):204-6. Singh P, Bajaj JK, Gogia AR. Comparison of Ropivacaine and Lignocaine for Intravenous Regional Anesthesia in Upper Limb Surgeries. Astrocyte. 2015;2(1):16-20. Baruah U, Sahni A, Sachdeva HC. Successful Management
of Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning using Intravenous Lipid Emulsion: Report of Two Cases. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2015;19:735-8. Baruah U, Sachdeva HC, Sahni A. Scrub Typhus Presenting as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome – A Case Report. Trop Doct [Internet]. 2015;doi:10.1177/0049475515619512.
Pawar M. Task Force Chairperson, Development of Curriculum Handbook of Operation Theatre Technology, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Bhatia PS. Task Force Member, Development of Curriculum for Prehospital Trauma Technician. Usha G, Bhatia PS. Post Graduate Diploma in Health Care and Hospital Management Course, Indira Gandhi National Open University. Meenakshi. Training Course on Leadership Development in Health Sector. National Institute of Health and Family Welfare. Pawar M, Sabharwal N, Talwar V, Kumar M, Aggarwal N, Meena DS, Mullick P, Saini S, Aggarwal S. Instructor course on BLS and ACLS, Safdarjung Hospital, 2015.
Gupta K. Faculty. Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation. Course cum Workshop on ICU Management of H1N1 Influenza for State Level Master Trainers, Safdarjung Hospital, 2015. Pawar M. National Expert, Training of Trainers Course in State Emergency Life Saving Skills, AIIMS Bhubaneswar and National Health Mission, Odisha, 2015. Pawar M. Advance Trauma Life Support Provider Course, Dr RML Hospital, 2015. Pawar M. Advance Trauma Life Support Provider Course, Jai Prakash Narayan Apex Trauma Center, AIIMS, 2015. Pawar M. Advance Trauma Life Support Instructor Course. Pawar M. National Difficult Airway Association Annual Conference, Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar, 2015. Gupta K. Ultrasound in Critically Ill Patient – BLUE and FALLS Protocol. 16th North Zone Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesia, Bangalore, 2015. Pawar M, Gogia AR, Talwar V. Examination Oriented Review Course for Post Graduates in Anesthesia, GTB Hospital, New Delhi, 2015. Gupta A. Faculty. Workshop on Flexible Fiberoptic Guided Intubation. 16th North Zone Indian Society of Anesthesia Conference, Rajender Prasad GMC, Kangra, Tanda and at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, 2015.
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Gupta K. Ultrasound Assessment in Respiratory Distress. 21st Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, Bangalore, 2015. Sabharwal N, Bamba C, Prakash S. Advance Trauma Life Support courses, 2015.
10.0 Workshops and Training Programs held Four Workshops on Basic Life Saving Skills for 2nd Semester MBBS students, Department of Physiology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, Apr 2015. Trained 150 MBBS students. Four workshops on Comprehensive Life Saving Skills for Faculty and Staff of Radiology Department, 2015. Trained 30 Personnel of Radiology Department. Two Workshops on Basic and Advance Life support for Residents of Community Medicine, 2015. Trained 40 Doctors. Resuscitation Workshop in Mid-Term Conference of Indian College of Anaesthesiologists, 2015. Trained 50 personnel. Nine Workshops on Comprehensive Life Saving Skills to Improve Patient Care of Critically Ill Patients in Emergency, 2015. Trained 192 personnel, including 88 doctors, 68 nurses, 23 paramedics and 13 students. Pawar M. Training of Interns on Emergency Life Saving Skills. Conducted every Monday.
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Workshop on the Emergency Life Saving Skills for Doctors from CGHS, posted for the Indo African Summit, 2015. Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Basic Life Support of American Heart Association Accredited Provider Course for the Residents and Faculty of Safdarjung Hospital, 2015. ACLS and BLS, American Heart Association accredited Instructor Course, 2015. Workshop on Trauma Resuscitation as part of 11th Annual Indo-US World Congress of Emergency Medicine, 2015. Pediatric CME and Workshop, 2015 attended by 60 candidates from all over Delhi. Postgraduate Assembly North Zone, 2015. Attended by 80 Postgraduates and 60 Faculty Members from Delhi.
11.0 Plan of Action Human Resource Increase in the number of senior residents and faculty to cope up with the growing work load. Revision in the recruitment rules of operation theatre paramedics. Increase in work strength of operation theatre paramedics.
Academics Creation of a teaching program for operation theatre paramedics.
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Blood Bank 1.0 Faculty
4.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program
Dr Indrani Dhawan Consultant Dr Sunil Ranga Consultant Dr Rekha Tirkey Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Dr Sachin Bajaj Medical Officer
Rotational posting and training of MD Pathology students. Monthly seminars.
Senior residents 4
Regular organization of voluntary blood donation camps.
5.0 Achievements
2.0 Patient Care Number of donated blood units Special Immunological tests including Coombâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s test Antenatal blood grouping and antibodies tests Separation of blood components Platelet apheresis Number of blood units/components sent to wards Number of blood units sent to other hospitals
6.0 Equipment procured 30,656 1,480 14,003 30,605 205 45,687 82
Automated ELISA Processor .
7.0 Plan of Action Computerization of records. Identification of donors by bar coding. Introduction of a pneumatic system to receive the blood samples and for the dispatch of blood units.
3.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Teaching and training of 10+2 students pursuing vocational Medical Lab Technician (MLT) program. Regular teaching and training of nursing students.
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Department of Radiodiagnosis 1.0 Prelude Devoted to the noble mission of providing high quality diagnostic imaging services to its patients, the department has a full complement of modern imaging systems including digital radiography, mammography, ultrasonography, DEXA, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Equally staunch in its academic mission of education and research, the department is celebrated for its excellent learning environment, and a residency program that dates back to the 1960s. Currently, the department takes in 7 postgraduate residents each year, and inspires them to hone their skills in diverse areas of radiology.
2.0 Faculty Dr BB Thukral Consultant, Professor and Head Dr Shabnam B Grover Consultant and Professor Dr Archna Aggarwal Consultant Dr Ritu N Misra Consultant and Associate Professor Dr MK Mittal Consultant and Professor Dr NK Bhambri Consultant Dr Yatish Agarwal Consultant and Professor Dr Ranjan Chandra Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Amita Malik Consultant and Associate Professor Dr Mukul Sinha Senior Specialist Dr Rohini Gupta Professor Dr Rupie Jamwal Senior Specialist
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Dr SK Bajaj Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr Kanika Jindal Medical Officer Senior residents 18
3.0 Patient Care Facilities X-ray units Portable X-ray units Orthopantography unit Mammography unit Computed radiography systems Automatic film processor units DEXA scanner Ultrasound units CT scanners MRI scanner
10 17 1 1 6 3 1 7 2 1
Radiological examinations carried out during the year Radiographs Contrast radiographic studies Mammograms Orthopantograms Bone mineral density evaluation Ultrasound and color Doppler CT studies MRI studies
2,44,238 3,187 713 14,539 2,024 73,380 32,289 6,845
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4.0 Undergraduate Teaching Program Lectures and clinical postings were held in conventional and cross sectional imaging and the students were sensitized to the imaging technologies and their clinical applications.
5.0 Postgraduate Teaching Program Regular seminars, clinical conferences and journal club were organized with active participation of the postgraduates, senior residents and faculty.
6.0 Research Completed projects Bhayana A, Grover SB. Role of Ultrasound Elastography in Differential Diagnosis of Breast Masses. Sethy A, Agarwal Y. Role of MRCP in Evaluation of Dilated Common Bile Duct in Symptomatic Gallstone Disease Patients. Kundu I, Mittal MK. Comparative Study of CT Urography and Hybrid CT Urography in Patients with Haematuria. Smita M, Mittal MK. Role of MRI in Anorectal Malformations. Yadav P, Malik A. Comparison of USG Doppler and MRI in Rheumatoid Arthritis of Hand and Wrist. Surabhi, Thukral BB. Role of Doppler Sonography in Evaluation of Renal Artery Stenosis in Hypertensive Patients undergoing Coronary Angiography for Coronary Disease. Meena V, Agarwal Y. Comparison of Radiography, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Detection of Sacroiliitis in Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Khatri G, Misra RN. Role of Sonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Patients at High Risk of Morbidly Adherent Placenta. Madge T, Chandra R. Comparison of Morphometric Changes in Lumbar Vertebral Body and Intervertebral Disc associated with Decrease in Bone Mineral Density.
Ongoing projects Jain C, Thukral BB. Role of Ultrasonography in Evaluation of Carotid and Femoral Intima-Media Thickness in Predialysis Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Amar M, Gupta R. MR Spectroscopy in Focal Bone Lesions in Peripheral Skeleton. Jain P, Grover SB. Choline Detection by MR Spectroscopy in Breast Cancer and its Correlation with Biomarkers and Histological Grade. Yadav R, Malik A. Comparison of Sonography and Ultrasound Elastography in Cervical Lymphadenopathy. Suman S, Grover SB. Ultrasound and MR Evaluation of Axillary Lymph Node Status in Breast Cancer Patients with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Kumar A, Gupta R. Role of Transcranial Doppler in Intracranial Vasculopathy in Children with Tubercular Meningitis. Reghunath A, Mittal MK. Role of US Elastography and Doppler Studies in BIRADS 3 and 4 Indeterminate Breast Masses. Rajani H, Grover SB. MRI Evaluation of Sonographically Indeterminate Adnexal Masses.
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Biswas J, Agarwal Y. Sonography Assessment of Fetal Nasal Bone Length at 11-28 Gestational Weeks and its Correlation with Fetal Outcome. Kruthik RC, Chandra R. Evaluation of Relationship between Various Grades of Fatty Liver and Shear Wave Elastography Values. Shoban H, Mittal MK. Role of Sonoelastography and Contrast Enhanced CT in Evaluation of Lymph Node Metastasis in Head and Neck Cancer. Venkar RK, Malik A. Renal Doppler and Shear Wave Elastography in Diabetic Nephropathy. Bhargava A, Misra RN. Role of Sonoelastography in Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules. Perika S, Jamwal R. Comparative Study of MR Hippocampal Volume in Dementia and Healthy Controls. Kumar MKR, Jamwal R. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Characteristics of Brain Lesions in Patients of Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases. Gaikwad V, Misra RN. Role of Sonoelastography in Salivary Gland Lesions.
7.0 Publications Journals Sureka B, Thukral BB, Mittal MK, Mittal A, Sinha M. Imaging Spectrum of Neurofibromatosis. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci. 2015;20:137-42. Gupta M, Mittal MK, Agarwal K, et al. Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome – A Rare Cause of Recurrent Pain in a Young Child. Cureus. 2015;7(9):e313. Gupta M, Mittal MK, Agarwal AK, Thukral BB. Primary Tubercular Osteomyelitis of Manubrio Sternal Joint – A Case Report. Mycobact Dis. 2015;5:188. Gupta M, Mittal MK, Agarwal AK, Thukral BB. Coracoclavicular Joint. Orthop Muscular Syst. 2015;4:196.
Sureka B, Mittal MK, Mittal A, Sinha M, Agarwal K, Bhambri NK, Thukral BB. Morphometric Analysis of Diameter and Relationship of Vertebral Artery with respect to Transverse Foramen in Indian Population. IJRI. 2015;25:167-72. Sureka B, Mittal A, Mittal MK, Thukral BB. Looking at four corners. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2015;8(2):126-7. Gupta N, Sureka B, Kumar MM, Malik A, Thukral BB, Mohanty NK. Comparison of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced and Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Image in Staging and Grading of Carcinoma Bladder with Histopathological Correlation. Urol Ann. 2015;7(2):199-204. Kumar N, Agarwal Y, Chawla AS, Jain R, Thukral BB. MRI of Perianal Fistulae – A Pictorial Kaleidoscope. Clinical Radiology. 2015;70(12).doi:10.1016/j.crad.2015.09.001. Agrawal K, Agarwal Y, Chopra RK, Batra A, Chandra R, Thukral BB. Evaluation of MR Spectroscopy and Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Postmenopausal Bone Strength. 2015; Cureus7(9):e327.doi:10.7759/cureus.327. Agarwal Y, Batra B. Heal Thyself, O Dear Physician! Astrocyte. 2015;2(2):57-59. Kharkwal N, Agarwal Y, Rajni, Thukral BB. Parosteal Lipoma of the Foot: Radiological and Correlative Pathologic Features. Astrocyte. 2015;2(1):42-45. Batra B, Agarwal A, Gupta A, Agarwal Y. Evaluation and Certification of Foreign Medical Graduates: Roots, Global Practice and Methodology. Astrocyte. 2015;2(1):21-24. Kumar A, Agarwal Y, Chopra RK, Batra A, Chandra R, Thukral BB. Can Bone Marrow Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values Identify Bone Strength: Experience with 107 PostMenopausal Women. Astrocyte. 2015;2(2):64-68. Kumar M, Agarwal Y, Thukral BB. Imaging Features in Neonatal Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease. Astrocyte. 2015;2(1):36-38.
Left to right First row Dr Rohini Gupta Ghasi, Dr Rupie Jamwal, Dr Archna Aggarwal, Dr BB Thukral, Dr Shabnam B Grover, Dr Ritu N Misra, Dr Amita Malik. Second row Dr Mukul Sinha, Dr NK Bhambri, Dr SK Bajaj, Dr Yatish Agarwal, Dr Ranjan Chandra, Dr MK Mittal, Dr Kanika Jindal.
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Agarwal Y, Batra B. Blending the Metrics and Art of Clinical Medicine. Astrocyte. 2015;1(4):261-63. Nandi J, Kothari SY, Sharma R, Borah D, Thukral BB, Gupta R. Clinical and Imaging Evaluation of Efficacy of ViscoSupplementation in Degenerative Osteoarthritis Knee – A Prospective Interventional Study. Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2015;26(1):6-10. Singh P, Gupta R, Das B, Bajaj SK, Misra RN. Midtrimester Spontaneous Torsion of Unruptured Gravid Rudimentary Horn: Presurgical Diagnosis on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. J Obs Gynaecol Res. 2015;41(9):1478-82. Ray D, Gupta R, Thukral BB. Disseminated Gastrointestinal Polyposis on Multidetector CT Enteroclysis. Hepatol Gastroint Dis. 2015;1:1.doi.org/10.4172/jhgd.1000i103. Bajaj B, Bajaj SK, Misra R, Gupta R. Ruptured Ovarian Artery Aneurysm in Puerperium:A Rare Occurrence. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4(1):2320-1770. Bajaj SK, Misra R, Khatri GD, Gupta R. Gravid Uterus in Post Caesarean Incisional Hernia:A Rare Occurrence. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4(1):286-288. Bajaj B, Bajaj SK, Gaekwad HS, Misra R. A ‘Never Before’ presentation of a Common Mullerian Abnormality. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015;4(1):277-279.
April-December, 2014 Bajaj SK, Misra R, Gupta R, Nisha B, Thukral BB. Complete Hydatidiform Mole with Coexisting Twin Fetus: Usefulness of MRI in Management Planning. J Obs Gyne Ind. 2014;64(1) Sup.9-13. Sureka B, Agarwal Y. Giant Mediastinal Thymolipoma Mimicking A Teratoma. Apollo Medicine. 2014;11(1):49-51. Agarwal Y, Batra B. Birth of a Star. Astrocyte. 2014;1(1):1-2. Jain SG, Thukral BB, Chawla AS, Jain S, Agarwal Y. Multihued Complications in Acute Pancreatitis:A Kaleidoscopic Retrospective. Astrocyte. 2014;1(1):50-55. Agarwal Y. Ancient Roots, Gestational Phase and Modern Epoch of Neurosurgery. Astrocyte. 2014;1(1):56-61. Sureka B, Mittal MK, Sinha M, Thukral BB. Looking Beyond Vesical Calculi. Indian J Nephrol. 2014;24(1):63-4. Jain S, Gupta S, Chawla AS, Agarwal Y, Thukral BB. Comparative Study of Balthazar Computed Tomography Severity Index and Modified CTSI in Predicting the Outcome of Acute Pancreatitis. Apollo Medicine. 2014;11(2):74–83. Agarwal Y, Batra B. Of Medical Literature, Heartstrings, and a Physician’s Prayer. Astrocyte. 2014;1(2):73-74. Chawla AS, Chandra R, Agarwal Y. Tissue and Organ Transplantation:Myths, Miracles, and Triumphs. Astrocyte. 2014;1(2):144-149. Agarwal Y, Batra B. Of Divinity, Retro Dynamics and Basic
Edicts in Physician-Patient Relationship. Astrocyte. 2014; 1(3):175-177. Kumar N, Agarwal Y, Chawla AS, Thukral BB. Significance of MR Imaging in Setting the Ball Path of Surgical Management in Perianal Fistulae. Apollo Medicine. 2014;11(3):179-183.
Books Agarwal Y, Gulati P, Sureka B, Kumar N. Radiologic Imaging in Spinal Trauma. In: Chhabra HS, ed. International Spinal Cord Society Textbook of Comprehensive Management of Spinal Cord Injuries, 1/e. Toronto: Wolters Kluwer. 2015;342-375.
8.0 Awards and Achievements Thukral BB. Awarded Dr ML Agarwal Memorial Oration, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association. Mittal MK. Awarded Dr NG Gadekar Memorial Oration, Indian College of Radiology and Imaging. Agarwal Y. Awarded Vigyan Bhushan: Lifetime National Award for Science Literature. Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, Sept 14, 2015. Agarwal Y. Editor-in-Chief, Astrocyte. Thukral BB. Section Editor, Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging. Thukral BB. Advisor, Pandit BD Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak. Thukral BB. Advisor, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences. Agarwal Y. Advisor, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. Agarwal Y. Advisor, Ministry of Culture, Government of India. Agarwal Y. Expert Member, World Encyclopedia. Central Hindi Institute, Ministry of Human Resource Development. Agarwal, Y. Board Member, Lippincott Academy of Clinical Excellence.
9.0 Community Services Members of the faculty are keenly into patient education through popular print and audiovisual media.
10.0 Faculty Lectures on Academic Forums Thukral BB. Evaluation of the Right Iliac Fossa Pain in Young Female. 68th Annual Conference, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Kochi, Jan 29-Feb 1, 2015.
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Gupta R. Critical Care X-rays: A Survival Guide. 68th Annual Conference, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Kochi, Jan 29-Feb 1, 2015. Mittal MK. How to Prepare for MD/DNB Examinations. 68th Annual Conference, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Kochi, Jan 29-Feb 1, 2015. Gupta R. Imaging in Urinary Tract Tuberculosis. Delhi Imaging Update 2015, New Delhi, Feb 28-Mar 1, 2015. Malik A. Imaging of Neck Spaces. Delhi Imaging Update 2015, New Delhi, Feb 28-Mar 1, 2015. Agarwal Y. Career Pathways Beyond Clinical Practice: Career Opportunities for Foreign Medical Graduates. National Board of Examination, New Delhi, Mar 12, 2015. Agarwal Y. Radiation Dose Reduction in Computed Tomography. In Continuing Medical Education Program: Current Practices in Interventional Radiology and Radiation Protection. National Board of Examination, New Delhi, Mar 22-23, 2015. Mittal MK. Screening of Lung Cancer by Low dose Computed Tomography. Annual Congress of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association Haryana, Pandit BD Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Apr 12, 2015. Gupta R. Film Reading and Spotters Session, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association Resident Education Program, New Delhi, Apr 2015. Agarwal Y. Position Statement on Protocol for Radiological Evaluation in Spinal Cord Injuries. Key Expert Committee Member. Spinal Cord Society Working Group Consensus Statement. International Spine and Spinal Injuries Conference, New Delhi, Sept 25-27, 2015. Agarwal Y. Ethics in Medicine. Valedictory Address, Symposium on Ethics and Professionalism in Medicine, National Board of Examination, New Delhi, Oct 8, 2015. Malik A. Imaging of Craniovertebral Junction, Dr RK Goulatia CME, New Delhi, Nov 2014. Gupta R. Spotters Session in DCA Body and Breast Imaging, New Delhi, Dec 2015. Agarwal Y. Medical Education in the Country: Possibilities of the Curriculum in the Vernacular. Keynote Address, 4th Foundation Day, Atal Behari Vajpayee University, Governor’s House, Bhopal, Dec 19, 2015.
11.0 International Exhibits Sureka B, Bansal K, Mittal MK, Mittal A, Arora A. Gelatinous Abdomen – Varied Imaging Spectrum
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
of Pseudomyxoma Peritonei. Poster, European Congress of Radiology, 2015. Sureka B, Mittal MK, Mittal A, Thukral BB. Thymic Masses Unfolded – Pictorial Essay. European Congress of Radiology, 2015.
12.0 Faculty Participation in Conferences 68th Annual Conference, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Kochi, Jan 29-Feb 1, 2015. Delhi Imaging Update 2015, New Delhi, Feb 28-Mar 1, 2015. Career Opportunities for Foreign Medical Graduates in India. National Board of Examination, New Delhi, Mar 12, 2015. Continuing Medical Education Program: Current Practices in Interventional Radiology and Radiation Protection, National Board of Examination, New Delhi, Mar 22-23, 2015. Annual Congress of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association Haryana, Pandit BD Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Apr 12, 2015. KSR-IRIA Friendship Symposium 2015, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, New Delhi, Jul 25, 2015. Resonance 2015, Continuing Medical Education Program on Head and Neck Imaging, New Delhi, Sept 12-13, 2015. Indian Radiological and Imaging Association Resident Education Program, New Delhi, Apr 2015. International Spine and Spinal Injuries Conference. New Delhi, Sept 25-27, 2015. Symposium on Ethics and Professionalism in Medicine, National Board of Examination, New Delhi, Oct 8, 2015. Second Annual National Conference, Society for Emergency Radiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2015. DCA Body and Breast Imaging, Delhi, Dec 2015.
13.0 Plan of Action Manpower Augment the work strength of faculty and residents. Augment the work strength of radiology technicians.
Infrastructure Develop a central institute of radiology and cross sectional imaging with a large number of ultrasound units, CT scanners and MRI scanners capable of fulfilling the clinical needs of the patients.
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Department of Nuclear Medicine 1.0 Prelude Equipped with the state-of-the-art modern diagnostic dual head single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) gamma camera and a computerized thyroid uptake system, the department of nuclear medicine carries out a host of diagnostic tests including myocardial perfusion scans, parathyroid scans, dynamic DTPA/EC renal scans, DMSA renal scans, whole body MDP bone scans, thyroid scans, gastrointestinal bleed scans, hepatobiliary scintigraphy, direct radionuclide cystogram, scintimammography, gastroesophageal reflux scan, lymphoscintigraphy, Tc99m-ECD brain SPECT, testicular scans, cisternography, and 131-iodine thyroid uptake tests.
DMSA renal scans Whole body MDP bone scans Thyroid scans Gastrointestinal bleed scans Hepatobiliary scintigraphy Meckelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s scans Direct radionuclide cystogram Scintimammography Gastroesophageal reflux scans Lymphoscintigraphy Tc99m-ECD brain SPECT Testicular scans
167 191 112 6 36 4 11 14 68 7 1 4
2.0 Faculty Dr Ravinder Singh Sethi Senior Specialist and Assistant Professor Dr Padma A Namgyal Chief Medical Officer Dr Aditi Khurana Medical Officer Senior residents 3
3.0 Patient Care During the year, the following examinations were carried out: Myocardial perfusion scans 165 Parathyroid scans 13 Dynamic DTPA/EC renal scans 489
Left to right Dr Padma A Namgyal, Dr RS Sethi, Dr Aditi Khurana Sehgal.
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131-Iodine thyroid uptake Low dose 131-radioiodine therapy Cisternography
36 21 1
4.0 ea h ng Introductory lectures were taken for the MBBS students, seminars and journal club were held on a regular basis to keep abreast of the recent advances in the field.
5.0 Assessment of Lymph Node Metastasis Before and After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Using Lymphoscintigraphy, Ultrasonography and Epithelial Cell Markers in Breast Cancer.
6.0 Das KJ, Sehgal AK, Jaiman A, Sethi RS. Osteosclerotic and Osteolytic Manifestations of Hyperparathyroidism in a Case of Tc99m Sesta MIBI Positive Parathyroid Adenoma. I Jour Nucl Med. 2015;30(3):263-265.
Khurana A. Acrometastasis in Carcinoma Breast â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Case Report. 11th Asia Oceania Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Jeju, Korea, Nov 4, 2015.
The department has the plan to acquire a PET/CT scanner and a Dual Head Gamma Camera.
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Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1.0 Prelude Set up in the year 1971, the department stands out as a pioneering rehabilitation center in the country. Offering comprehensive rehabilitation services in a host of musculoskeletal conditions, non-communicable diseases and congenital disorders, the department runs a regular outpatient clinic, physiotherapy and occupational therapy services, remedial gymnasium, obesity control clinic and vocational guidance services. The department has a well-equipped prosthetic and orthotic workshop, social work unit, and also provides rural rehabilitation services through its outreach program. A robust teaching and training program for physiatrists, and prosthetics and orthoptics is run for serving the needs of the community.
2.0 Faculty
Spinal Cord Injury Clinic Prosthetic and Orthotic Appliance Clinic Cerebral Palsy and Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinic Stroke and Neuro-Rehabilitation Clinic Early Intervention Clinic Diabetic Foot Clinic Polio Clinic Minor procedures
1,738 2,390 310 54 67 62 58 1,375
Disability Certification The department issues disability certificate to the eligible candidates.
Inpatient Services Referrals are being received from different departments of the hospital for patients of stroke, paraplegia, neurological disorders, amputations, postoperative patients, Hansenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disease, and other conditions. The department also has a provision for inpatient care.
Dr BD Athani Special Director General Health and Professor Dr Nonica Laisram Consultant and Head Dr Ranjan K Wadhwa Senior Administrative Grade Officer Dr Diganta Borah Associate Professor Dr Ajay Gupta Associate Professor Dr Shweta Jain Assistant Professor Dr Suman Badhal Assistant Professor Senior residents 4
3.0 Patient Care Outpatient Services New patients Follow-up patients
66,412 47,412
Left to right First row Dr Shweta Jain, Dr Nonica Laisram, Dr Suman Badhal. Second row Dr Diganta Borah, Dr RK Wadhwa, Dr Ajay Gupta. Annual Report 2015
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4.0 Undergradua e Teaching Program
7.0 Publications
Regular lectures and training is held for medical students and those doing Bachelors in Prosthetics and Orthotics.
Laisram N, Goyal V. Grading of Adductor Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy – A New Approach. IJPMR. 2015;26(1):2-5. Nandi J, Kothari SY, Sharma R, Borah D, Thukral BB, Gupta R. Clinical and Imaging Evaluation of Efficacy of Visco-Supplementation in Degenerative Osteoarthritis Knee – A Prospective Interventional Study. IJPMR. 2015;26(1):6-10. Wadhwa RK, Kothari SY, Swamy MKS. Deformities and Bony Changes in Leprosy. IJPMR. 2015;25(1):13-17. Yadav R, Kothari SY, Borah D. Comparison of Local Injection of PRP and Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis of Humerus. JCRD. 2015;9(7):5-7.
5.0 Postgraduat Teaching Program The department is imparting training to postgraduates in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Regular lectures, case presentations, seminars, journal club and case discussions are held to bolster their knowledge and skills.
6.0 Research Completed projects Gomez T, Wadhwa RK, Gupta A. Comparison and Evaluation of Oral Medications, Lignocaine Injection, Botulinum Toxin Injection at Trigger Points in Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Kumar S, Athani BD. Comparison of Pulmonary Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Normal Children. Vipin P, Borah D, Kaur C. Cross Sectional Study to Correlate Dyslipidemia with Primary Knee Osteoarthritis. Abhimanyu V, Laisram N. Study of Efficacy and Functional Outcome of Botulinum Toxin Type-A in Lower Limb Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy.
8.0 Achievements Vasudeva A. IPARM Gold Medal, Indraprastha Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Conference, Delhi, 2015. Laisram N. Member, National Selection Committee:National Awards for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, 2015.
Rural Rehabilitation Center, Kadipur, covering 14 panchayat areas is a fertile ground for field training of Bachelors in Social Work and Bachelors in Prosthetics and Orthotics students.
Ongoing projects Jain S, Borah D, Meena DS. Assessment of Efficacy of Suprascapular Nerve Block vs Intraarticular Steroid Injection in the Treatment of Periarthritis Shoulder. Kiran B, Wadhwa RK, Badhal S. Change in Analgesics Usage Pattern in Knee Osteoarthritis following Viscosupplementation. Gorle S, Athani BD. Study of BMD in Stroke Survivors. Kanaujia V, Gupta A, Singh D. Effectiveness of Lateral Wedge Insole along with Viscosupplementation in Medial Compartment in Knee. Singh D, Laisram N, Malik A. Study of Motor Function and Neuroimaging in Cerebral Palsy. Kumar R, Laisram N. Study of Vitamin D Level in Patient with Musculoskeletal Pain in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nirmalya, Borah D, Mittal MK. Treatment of Periarthritis Shoulder with Ultrasound Guided Steroid Injecton versus Palpatory Techniques. Karunakar K, Athani BD, Jain S, Gupta V. Evaluation of CTEV Post Correction by Ponsetti Method. Kumar D, Wadhwa RK, Badhal S. Comparative Study of Treatment Outcome of Plantar Fasciitis with Local Steroid Injection by Ultrasound versus Palpation Technique.
Hosted the Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Delhi Chapter State Conference, Mar 2015.
Congenital Talipes Equino Varus Refreshment Course, 2015. Continuing Medical Education: Neurogenic Bladder, Feb 2015. Continuing Medical Education: Rheumatology, Mar 2015. Continuing Medical Education: Osteoarthritis, Jul 2015. Continuing Medical Education: RETT Syndrome, Aug 2015. Indian Society of Spinal Injury Conference, Sept 2015. Midterm Continuing Medical Education:Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sept 2015. Continuing Medical Education: Joshi’s External Stablizer System in Congenital Talipes Equino Varus, Oct 2015. IPARM Clinical Meet, Nov 2015. Basic Life Support Course, Dec 2015. Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Conference, Thiruvananthapuram. American Medical Education and Research Institute International Interventional Pain Conference.
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Part III
Congratulations and Jubilations!
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The Academic Cell Report 1.0 Prelude Committed to upholding the academic fiber of various undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral university programs run in the institution, the Academic Cell has the pious duty of shepherding both the faculty and students. With the head of each department for its member, and subserved by a number of subcommittees, the council meets on a regular basis to enhance the academic environment. The unit works to maintain a rapport with the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and the Medical Council of India, and assist the faculty and students to fulfill their academic goals.
2.0 Faculty Dr Jayashree Bhattacharjee Principal Feb 2012â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Dec 2015 Dr NN Mathur Principal since Jan 1, 2016 Dr Raj Kapoor Registrar Dr Manish Kumath Deputy Registrar Dr Vinod Gupta Officer-in-Charge
Subcommittees The academic cell has various committees. They function in their core areas. The mission is to achieve academic excellence, promote clinical skill development, and inspire ethical and novel research. Undergraduate committee
Dr Geetika Khanna Dr Malini Capoor Dr Manasi Bhattacharjee Dr Manish Kumath Dr NN Mathur Dr Renuka Sharma Dr Upender Kishore Postgraduate committee
Dr BC Kabi Dr BS Arora Dr Deepthi Nair 170
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr Hitender Loh Dr Monorama Deb Dr JC Suri Dr MK Wahi Dr NN Mathur Dr Sandeep Bansal Dr Saudan Singh Dr SV Arya Dr Supriya Gupta Medical Education Cell
Dr AK Mandal Dr Ashish Kakkar Dr BS Arora Dr CD Tripathi Dr Chintaman Dr Deepthi Nair Dr Harish Chellani Dr J Bhattacharjee Dr Jugal Kishore Dr Karoon Agarwal Dr MK Sen Dr Neelam Roy Dr NN Mathur Dr Nikki Sabharwal Dr SB Grover Dr Sugandha Arya Dr Supriya Gupta Research Cell
Dr AK Mandal Dr Anoop Kumar Dr CD Tripathi Dr Charanjit Singh Dr Chintamani Dr Deepti Nair Dr Gayatri Rath Dr Harish Chellani Dr Meenakshi Chaswal Dr Sandeep Bansal Dr Saudan Singh Other committees
The academic cell also has a student counseling and welfare committee, a curriculum committee, examination cell, an internship committee and DNB committee, which meet regularly.
3.0 Academic Programs Undergraduate Programs Paramedic diploma programs The institution runs diploma programs for medical lab technicians and pre-hospital trauma technicians and offers several apprenticeship training programs. Bachelors in Prosthetics and Orthotics The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation runs a 4-yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; degree program in affiliation with the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
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BSc Nursing The 4 year bachelors’ program is approved by the Indian Nursing Council, draws 50 candidates each year, and is affiliated to the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. MBBS The 5½-year MBBS program, being run since 2002, draws 150 students each year from India and other countries, and is affiliated to the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Programs Postgraduate and postdoctoral programs affiliated to the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, are run in a number of medical disciplines with 181 postgraduate seats and 22 seats in superspecialty fields; and 40 broad specialty diplomate,12 superspecialty and 2 sports medicine fellowship seats of the National Board of Examinations each year.
4.0 Student Enrolments, Protocols and Dissertations Undergraduate degree (MBBS) students Postgraduate degree (MD/MS) students Super specialty (DM/MCh) students Protocols for thesis Postgraduate degree (MD/MS) dissertations Superspecialty (DM/MCh) dissertations
150 124 16 123 120 16
6.0 Completion and Pass Rates Pass rates in the undergraduate program 1st MBBS 2nd MBBS 3rd MBBS (Part-I) 3rd MBBS (Part-II) Completions in the postgraduate programs Pass rate in the postgraduate programs Completions in the postdoctoral programs Pass rate in the postdoctoral programs
80.4% 84.7% 83.7% 71.2% 115 90% 12 91%
Tertiary Care Settings of Northern India. 28th East Asian Medical Students' Conference, EAMSC 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia, Jan 2015. Bhattacharya Ipshita, Kankane Anmol. Poster Presentation. Awareness on Transmission of STIs namely Hepatitis and HIV in patients with Hemophilia. 28th East Asian Medical Students' Conference, EAMSC 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia, Jan 2015. Goel Rohan, Aggarwal Sunaina, Gupta Srijan, Tyagi Shardul, Mehra Kriti , Chandra Srishti. Profile Analysis and Analysis of Anemia in Geriatric Age Group. Geriatric Medicine Conference. National University of Singapore, July 2015. Student body performed street plays, and distributed pamphlets and posters for cancer awareness among the people. National Cancer Awareness Week, 2015. Poster Competition. Generating Awareness on Organ Donation. National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization.
8.0 Student ICMR Research Projects* Dhaliwal Chanpreet, Sharma R. Study of Cardiovascular Parameters in Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Bhardwaj Akshit, Mandal AK. Estimation of Growth Factors in Platelet rich Plasma. Bhattacharya Ipshita, Dawson L. Prognostic Significance of p53, BCL-2 and Ki-67 in Leukoplakias and Squamous Cell Carcinomas of Oral Cavity. Attri Manish, Malik S, Rani A. Screening and Prevalence of Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Pregnant Women in a Tertiary Care Hospital in New Delhi. Mehta Parnika, Arora R. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Breast Lesions. Chandra Srishti, Capoor MR. Clinicomycological Profile and Levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in Invasive Fungal Infections in ICU and Hematology Malignancy Patients.
6.0 Student Awards and Achievements*
9.0 Organization of Student Conferences and Festivals
ICMR studentship certificates. Four undergraduate students successfully completed their summer projects. Meena Shri Ram. 1st Prize, Essay Competition. Making India the Golden Bird Again! National Medicos Organization Fest, Jan 2015. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College team. 2nd Prize. Inter College Physiology Quiz, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Oct 2015.
VAMSCON. Students led international conference. MEDSICON. Students led conference with guest lectures, skill development workshops and practical demonstrations. Nirvana. Students led cultural festival for medical students. Vardhman Premier League. Students led sports festival.
10.0 Plan of Action 7.0 Student Participation in Academic Programs* Kankane Anmol, Bhattacharya Ipshita, Kaul Devaunshi, Arora Suryansh. Participated in the 28th East Asian Medical Students' Conference, EAMSC 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia, Jan 2015. Arora Suryansh, Kaul Devaunshi. Presentation: Epidemiologic Survey of Vaginitis among Patients attending OPDs of Four
To erect a modern, state-of-the-art lecture theatre complex and multipurpose hall. To erect a guest house for the visiting faculty. To set up a cafeteria for students. *Academic research, acheivements, awards of the postgraduates stand included under their respective departments.
Annual Report 2015
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Congratulations and Jubilations . . . The 2008 MBBS Batch Dr Aakansh Jain
Dr Harsumeet Singh Sidhu
Dr Nikhil Arora
Dr Sandeep Dhama
Dr Abhinav Bhalla
Dr Hemraj Meena
Dr Nitesh Ghai
Dr Saurav Verma
Dr Agrata Sharma
Dr Hina Jajoria
Dr Omesh Kumar Meena
Dr Shashank Gupta
Dr Akhil Taneja
Dr Jaskaran Batra
Dr Prashant Srivastava
Dr Shivani Bhandari
Dr Amit Kumar Dinkar
Dr Kanishk Bansiwal
Dr Preeti Shweta Jaitly
Dr Shoaib Khan
Dr Anshuman Sikka
Dr Krishna Adit Agarwal
Dr Priyanka Kashyap
Dr Shruti Malik
Dr Arjun Saradna
Dr Kumar Himanshu
Dr Raghav Garg
Dr Somya Ish
Dr Awantika Tiwari
Dr Kumar Vaibhav
Dr Rahul Grover
Dr Soumya Sachdeva
Dr Bejoy. P. George
Dr Manmohan Bansal
Dr Rajneesh Kumar
Dr Sukhaveer Meena
Dr Brijendra Prasad
Dr Mayank Chawla
Dr Ramakant Yadav
Dr Swati Bhardwaj
Dr Daljeet Singh
Dr Meetu Singh
Dr Renu Yadav
Dr Tushar Gupta
Dr Dhananjay Gupta
Dr Mohd Adil Mustajab
Dr Sabin Dhakal
Dr Vikas Jindal
Dr Gaurav Chawla
Dr Mukul Mittal
Dr Sahil Sareen
Dr Vivek Kumar Katiyar
Dr Geetu Arora
Dr Namrata Dwivedi
Dr Saloni Singla
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
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The Graduating Scholarsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Roll The 2009 MBBS Batch Dr Aarushi Gupta
Dr Deepak Kumar
Dr Mohit Gupta
Dr Sheena Sobti
Dr Abhishek Kumar
Dr Dhruv Sharma
Dr Mukesh Kumar
Dr Shipra Singhal
Dr Abhishek Mittal
Dr Gagandeep Kaur
Dr Naval Kishor
Dr Shreya Banerjee
Dr Akash Tomer
Dr Gaurav Bhaskar
Dr Neha Bidhuri
Dr Sivanand Sandilya Patel
Dr Aman Chopra
Dr Harshit Khosla
Dr Nirmesh Kumar Saini
Dr Srishti Yadav
Dr Anand Prakash
Dr Heena Rajani
Dr Pradeep Poswal
Dr Sumit Kumar
Dr Anandbir Singh Bath
Dr Indu Yadav
Dr Prateek Lohchab
Dr Sumit Kumar Prasad
Dr Anish Kapil
Dr Ishan Sehgal
Dr Priti
Dr Suruchi Mishra
Dr Ankit Dhaka
Dr Jaivir Singh
Dr Priyanka Sharma
Dr Swasti Jain
Dr Ankita Choudhary
Dr Jigyasa Sahu
Dr Rajneesh Choudhary
Dr Swati Tyagi
Dr Anubhuti Mohan
Dr Jyotsana
Dr Ratish Kumar Mishra
Dr Sweta Singh
Dr Anurag Mishra
Dr Kanu Priya Bhatia
Dr Ravindra Kumar
Dr Utkarash Mishra
Dr Apoorva Gomber
Dr Khushpreet Kaur Mann
Dr Rhea Shriyan
Dr Varsha Agarwal
Dr Arti Bhagat
Dr Lalita
Dr Rohan Sardana
Dr Vijender Anand
Dr Ashu Kumar Meena
Dr Maan Singh
Dr Sachin Kumar
Dr Vikrant Dutt
Dr Ayasha
Dr Manisha V Ramani
Dr Saloni Singla
Dr Vivek
Dr Bipin Kumar Saroha
Dr Md Asad Akram
Dr Sandeep Kumar
Annual Report 2015
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Congratulations and Jubilations . . . The 2010 MBBS Batch Dr Aakansha Chhabra
Dr Avani Goyal
Dr Mohammad Adnan Khan
Dr Shailja Agrawal
Dr Aarti Rathore
Dr Bhavya Kaushik
Dr Nausheen Siddiqui
Dr Shalini Sharma
Dr Aastha Gandhi
Dr Bhawna Chaudhary
Dr Nisha Rathi
Dr Shikha Dhaundiyal
Dr Aditya Ranot
Dr Bhumi Agarwal
Dr Nitin Kumar
Dr Shishir Kumar Pansari
Dr Ajay Kumar Singh
Dr Debapriyo Saha
Dr Pooja
Dr Shreya Gupta
Dr Akanksha Dwivedi
Dr Deeksha Bhalla
Dr Pooja Sharma
Dr Siddharth Gupta
Dr Akash Jain
Dr Deepak Kumar Suman
Dr Pratibha Choudhary
Dr Snigdha Saxena
Dr Amrinder Singh
Dr Deepti Pachauri
Dr Praveen Kumar Kaushal
Dr Soni Rathore
Dr Amrit Raj Sharma
Dr Devesh Kumar
Dr Preeti
Dr Suad Akhtar
Dr Anand Singh Brar
Dr Esha
Dr Prekshi
Dr Sukanya Roy
Dr Ananta Kanwar
Dr Gaurav Arya
Dr Raghav Tandon
Dr Sukriti Gupta
Dr Anil Kumar
Dr Gyanendra Puri
Dr Rahul Arya
Dr Sukriti Rastogi
Dr Ankita Arora
Dr Ishwar Chand Mehar
Dr Rahul Rohitaj
Dr Sumit Kumar Suman
Dr Anugeet Sethi
Dr Juhi Baktavar
Dr Rahul Tiotia
Dr Sunil Mangla
Dr Anupama Rani
Dr Kandraegula S Saahithi
Dr Rajkumar Meena
Dr Sushil Kumar
Dr Anwara Mammel
Dr Kaveri Pandit
Dr Rishi Kathuria
Dr Suvrata Garg
Dr Aparna Katyal
Dr Keshav Sachdeva
Dr Ritika Aggarwal
Dr Tarun Kumar
Dr Appan Kumar
Dr Kirti Khandelwal
Dr Rohit Sherawat
Dr Vijay Kumar Sharma
Dr Arun Poudel Chhetri
Dr Manisha Chauhan
Dr Sachin Goel
Dr Vikas Kumar
Dr Arush Pasricha
Dr Manisha Meena
Dr Sakshi Shami
Dr Zubenthung L Kithan
Dr Asmita Saran
Dr Manit Korpal
Dr Saraswati
Dr Atul Krishna
Dr Megha Panwar
Dr Shabnam
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
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The Graduating Scholarsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Roll Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Programs, 2013 Dr Deepa Haldar Dr Pankaj R Kambale
Dr Shekhar Singh Jadaun Dr Sudhakar P Dr Vinit Kumar Dr Yogesh K Chahar
MD Pathology
MD Dermatology
Dr Ankit Kaushik Dr Garima Dr Ketan Garg Dr Manisha Jain Dr Nimisha Sharma Dr Nupur Sharma Dr Pooja Srivastava Dr Ritika Singh
Dr Jyoti Gupta Dr Keerti Verma Dr Neeraj Kumar Dr Rajnesh K Chakrawarty Dr Shubhangi N Paunikar
Basic Sciences MD Biochemistry
MD Pediatrics
Dr Indu Biswal Dr Kavita Gupta Dr Neetu Shree
Dr Akhilesh Kumar Dr Abhishek Pal Dr Rakesh Yadav Dr Richa Malik Dr Rohan Haldar Dr Rohit Kapoor
MD Pharmacology
MD Radiotherapy
Dr Abhilash B Dr Manu Kumar Dr Suraj B Dr Yadav Amol M
Dr Mohit Kaidan Dr Saurabh Bansal Dr Sunny Jain
MD Community Medicine
MS General Surgery
Dr Diksha Sabharwal
Dr Abhinav Jain Dr Anupam Das Dr Mahendra Singh Dr Nikhil Kr. Soni Dr Nishant Kurian Dr Piyush Sharma Dr Rahul Bamal Dr Saleem Jawed Dr Siddharth Yadav Dr Sreenivas S Dr Surya Prakash Gora Dr Vijender Verma
MD Microbiology
Medicine & Allied Fields MD General Medicine Dr Abhijeet Kumar Dr Arun Iyer Dr Ashok Kumar Dr Rahul K Bandsode Dr Dilip Kumar Dubey Dr Geet Bajpai Dr Gideon L Rynjjah Dr Indrajit Kumar Dr Kamakshi Dhamija Dr Priya Priyadarshini Nayak Dr Raghavendra N Dr Ritin Mohindra Dr Rohit Kumar Dr Sitla Prasad Pathak
Surgical Sciences
MS Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr Aanchal Sablok Dr Akanksha Mangla Dr Ankita Mehta Dr Anu Sindhu
Dr Chanda Dr Deeksha Joshi Dr Deepika Dr Divya Sehra Dr Isha Gutgutia Dr Juhi Kumari Dr Neha Pruthi Dr Nidhi Gupta Dr Pallavi Dr Priyanka Bhadana Dr Priyanka Hans Dr Ruchika Dr Sanskriti Priya Dr Sakshi Goel Dr Saumya Srivastava Dr Sunaina Wadhwa Dr Swati Chaudhry
MS Ophthalmology Dr Bipul Bhushan Dr Kajave Aditya S Rao Dr Kirti Kaim Dr Patil Ashwini Sudhakar Dr Rahul Anil Nehate Dr Shalini Butola
MS Otorhinolaryngology Dr Abhay K Singh Dr Gopal K Jha Dr Lashngainlang M Sohliya Dr Mansi Mehra Dr Ritu Gupta Dr Santosha R Choudhary
MS Orthopedics Dr Abhimanyu Kumar Dr Akshat Sharma Dr Anil V Dr Deepak K Talwar Dr Himanshu Bhargava Dr Rajat Ranjan Dr Praveen Kumar Dr Prabhu Dayal Verma Dr Sunil K Dhaka
Dr Sunny Chopra Dr T B Dhanasekaraprabu Dr Vipin Gupta
Samaritan Sciences MD Anesthesia Dr Abhyuday Kumar Dr Avinash Tulsiani Dr Deepali Garg Dr Deepam Jyoti Mallick Dr Devi Prasad Dash Dr Mayank Mehrotra Dr Mitali Chakravarty Dr Ram Singh Dr Vibhuti Sharma
MD Radiodiagnosis Dr Nani Gopal Tripura Dr Nitika Gupta Dr Pragya Singh Dr Shalabh Jain Dr Swarna Dr Ankit Bhargava
MD Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Dr Govind Singh Dr Jaydeep Nandi Dr Raj Kumar Yadav Dr Unmesh Ashok Sabnis
Postdoctoral Programs MCh Plastic Surgery Dr Anshumali Misra Dr Gaurav Nayar Dr Geetika Paliwal Dr Neha Chauhan Dr Nishant Chhajer Dr Rani Umul Khair Mulla Dr Ritesh Kumar Dr Shobha Jain Dr Thakur Thussu
MCh CTVS Dr Brajmohan Singh
Annual Report 2015
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Congratulations and Jubilations . . . Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Programs, 2014 Basic Sciences MD Biochemistry Dr Nitin Agrawal Dr Prabhash Bhavsar
MD Pathology Dr Akansha Dr Arti Khatri Dr Najma Khan Dr Neelam Sahani Dr Sumanashree M Dr Vidya Jha
MD Microbiology Dr Gajanand Mittal Dr Mohan Kumar
MD Pharmacology Dr Amit Relhan
MD Community Medicine Dr Akansha Singh Dr Mrinmoy Adhikari Dr Shailaja Daral Dr Timiresh Kumar Das Dr Vinoth Gnana C D
Medicine & Allied Fields MD General Medicine Dr Aditya Singh Dr Akash C Lohakare Dr Anshul Goel Dr Chandra Kumar Singh Dr Deepak Gupta Dr Harsh Bhardwaj Dr J Satyasarathi Dr Jagadeesh HV Dr Karan Puri Dr Kunal Bhatia Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma Dr Nimish Gupta Dr Rajveev Krishna 176
Dr Sanjay Kumar Aggrawal Dr Sakshi Bijiyan Dr Sidhant Bansal Dr Vivek Kumar Dashore
MD Dermatology Dr Anupama Dr Vikash Sharma
MD Pediatrics Dr Amit Kumar Dr Afreen Khan Dr Murtaza Kamal Dr Somalika Pal Dr Shaswat Dash Dr Virendra Yadav
MD Radiotherapy Dr Neetu Dharra Dr Rupa Das Dr Shagun
Surgical Sciences MS General Surgery Dr Ashish Dr Abhinav Sharma Dr Dheer Singh Kalwaniya Dr Jai Bagwan Dr Jitender Chouhan Dr Mukesh Kumar Dr Pranav Rai Dr Rahul J Dr Pavan Murdeshwar Dr Rashpal Singh Dr Ravi Saroha Dr Saurav Kumar
MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr Amresh Kumar Andilya Dr Bengia Chirchi Dr Kanika Gulati Dr Lavi Sindhu Dr Mansi
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Dr Meera Jindal Dr Nitika Sharma Dr Preeti Bala Patel Dr Priyanka Gupta Dr Rashmi Kumari Dr Ritika Gupta Dr Ruchi Jain Dr Seema Yadav Dr Shilpa Singal Dr Shipra Gupta Dr Shweta Singh Dr Swati Gupta Dr Supriti Kumari
Samaritan Sciences
MS Ophthalmology
MD Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Dr Abhijeet Yadav Dr Priyanka Singh Dr Prerna Garg Dr Sandeep Kumar
MS Otorhinolaryngology Dr Abhishek Bhardwaj Dr Deepak Verma Dr Para Dr Rajeev Kumar Verma Dr Sachin Goel
MS Orthopedics Dr Amit Kumar Dr Daipayan Chatterjee Dr Harekrushna Sahu Dr Hemendra K Aggrawal Dr Ketan Pandey Dr Mallojwar Sunil Ramlu Dr Mohit Garg Dr Narender Singh Rao Dr Sandeep Dathik Dr Saubhik Das Dr Saurabh Dr Surendra Kumar Dr Vasu
MD Anesthesia Dr Aneesa Goravan Kolla Dr Priyankar Sarkar Dr Pushpendra Singh Dr Sarika Kumari Dr Shipra Bansal
MD Radiodiagnosis Dr Anju Ranga Dr Amit Kumar Dr Geetika Rastogi Dr Varun Narayan
Dr Chetan C Dr Neha Singh Dr Preeti Soni
Postdoctoral Programs MCh Plastic Surgery Dr Bhanu Pratap Dr Chinmaya C Samal Dr Diksha Kaushal Dr Kiranmoy Sarangi Dr Kripa Shanker Mishra Dr Prerna Nembang Dr Sanjay Kumar Dr Sanjay Kumar Mishra Dr Sanjay Kumar Dr Shilpi Bhadani
MCh Cardiothoracic Surgery Dr Aruind Kumar Pandey Dr Firdoos Ahmad Mir
DM Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Dr Animesh Ray Dr Arjun Khanna
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The Graduating Scholarsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Roll Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Programs, 2015 Basic Sciences MS Anatomy
Dr Sujay Srinivas Dr Varun Babu Hariendra Babu
Dr Ajay Kumar
MD Dermatology
MD Physiology
Dr Priyanka Singh Dr Sourabh Jain Dr Yashi Rawat
Dr Pranith Kumar H
MD Pathology Dr Monika Dr Nisha Rana Dr Satya Dutt Dr Simran Sekhon Dr Sonal Agarwal
MD Microbiology Dr Vyoma Singh
MD Pharmacology
MD Pediatrics Dr Harini D Dr Krishna Kumar Das Dr Sneha Kaushik Dr Sudeep Kumar K Dr Tsheten Doga Sherpa MD Radiotherapy Dr Mate Pooja Uttam Dr Neha Kakkar
Dr Biswadeep Banerjee
MD Community Medicine Dr Varunkumar T
Medicine & Allied Fields MD General Medicine Dr Aanchal Arora Dr Abhishek Shridhar Dr Devendra Kishanlal Sharma Dr Gurbir Singh Bhandari Dr Harpreet Singh Dr Ilavarasi V Dr Jhasaketan Meher Dr Jisa George Dr Karthik T Dr Kuldeep Singhal Dr Kumud Kumar Singh Dr Lokesh Nath Jha Dr Maria Alex Babu J Dr Megha Varshney Dr Nabadwip Pathak Dr Rahul Kumar Dr Shelly Dr Somya Agarwal
Surgical Sciences MS General Surgery Dr Arun Anand Dr Basudev Kumar Dr Bhabani Sankar Sahu Dr Debasis Naik Dr Deepak Kumar Diwakar Dr Gopalakrishnan G Dr Kaushal Goyal Dr Nikhil Bansal Dr Rahul Verma Dr Soumya Guha Dr Sunil Kumar Meena
MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr Ankita Luthra Dr Antima Rathore Dr Archita Shaleen Dr Divya Dr Manisha Meena Dr Neha Bansal Dr Pooja Gupta Dr Poonam Choudhary Dr Priti Ashok Ghope
Dr Priyanka Dua Dr Priyanka Mathe Dr Rupali Bhatia Dr Sabina Sanan Dr Shruti Gupta Dr Shweta Mittal Dr Shweta Singh Dhruv Dr Sueba Salmani
MS Ophthalmology Dr Ankita Gupta Dr Kanika Gupta Dr Mayuresh Pramod Naik Dr Neha Mehrotra Dr Pavan V Joshi
MS Otorhinolaryngology Dr Vinoth M Dr Mudit Mishra Dr Muneer K
MS Orthopedics Dr Ashis Dagar Dr Balu Ravi Dr Kavish Singh Dr Lokesh Garg Dr MahashankarYadav Dr P Narendran Dr Pankaj Kumar Dr Rahul Kumar Dr Ramandeep Singh Saini Dr Sathyamurthy P Dr Shambhu Prasad Dr Vinay N
Dr Pratibha Mudgal Dr Pratik Bhagat Dr Raj Kumar Singh Dr Shilpee Kumari Dr Swati Choraria
MD Radiodiagnosis Dr Akanksha Chawla Dr Akshay S Nadkarni Dr Ankit Sharma Dr Kanhaiya P Agrawal Dr Mudit Sharma Dr Neha Antil
MD Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Dr RamanYadav Dr Sucheta Saha
Postdoctoral Programs DM Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Dr Harish Kumar Dr Rahul Kumar
MCh Plastic Surgery Dr Abhishek Gaur Dr Devi Prasad S. Dr Nikhil Sadashiv Shetty
Samaritan Sciences
Dr Sachin Raj Pal
MD Anesthesia
Dr Sameer Prabhakar
Dr Abhishek N Dr Anchita Tripathi Dr Ghanshyam Kumar Sahu Dr Jyoti Kanwat Dr Mahak Kalra Dr Naveen KV
Dr Shashank Chouhan Dr Sudhir Dr Vinayak Siddhartha
Annual Report 2015
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Doing us Proud! Rohan Khandelwal Batch 2003 Majored through Fellowship in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, University of Maryland, United States.
Rishi Gautam Batch 2003 Clinical Instructor, New York University School of Medicine, and Clinical Fellow, New York University, United States.
Parijat Mathur Batch 2004 In Residency program, Department of Internal Medicine, Henry Ford Jackson Health System, Michigan, United States. Kashish Kumar Batch 2004 In MCh Pediatric Surgery residency program, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
Vivek Kesar Batch 2004 Clinical Fellow in Gastroenterology, The State University of New York at Stony Brook, United States.
Tarun Jain Batch 2005 In Residency Program, Department of Internal Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, United States.
Akanksha Chawla Batch 2007 Clinical Fellow in Radiology, Royal Brompton and Harefield, NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom.
Krishna Adit Agarwal Batch 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow in Transplant Immunology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States.
Avantika Singh Batch 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow in Neonatal Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States.
Bhavya Bahl Batch 2009 Majored through Elective Postings in Cardiology Research and Endocrinology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore; and Observership, University of Alabama, Hunstsville, United States.
Arushi Devgan Batch 2010 Research Assistant, Neonatal Neurobiology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Alabama, Birmingham, United States. 178
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Part IV
College of Nursing
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College of Nursing 1.0 Prelude The College of Nursing runs a 4-year residential BSc nursing training program in affiliation with the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. The program is recognized by the Indian Nursing Council and has an annual intake of 50 students. The mission is to produce professional graduate nurses, capable of meeting global standards of healthcare.
2.0 Faculty Mrs Shashi K Chugh Principal Mrs Bhavesh Kumari Vice Principal Mrs Radha Rani Tiwari Lecturer Mrs Sunita Singhal Lecturer Mrs Vijender Kaur Lecturer Mr Anil Raj MK Tutor Ms Madhu Bains Sister Tutor Mrs Anita Sister Tutor Mrs Laxmi Devi Sister Tutor Mrs Sandhya Saji Varghese Sister Tutor Mrs Parveen William Sister Tutor Mrs Asha Machal Sister Tutor Mrs Radha Tiwari Sister Tutor Mrs Kirti Joshi Sister Tutor Miss Hemlata Sister Tutor Mrs Prerna Sister Tutor Mr Sanjeev Sharma Tutor
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital
Mrs V Indumathy Sister Tutor Ms Shanu Staff Nurse Ms Reshma Public Health Nurse
3.0 Teaching Program The faculty of College of Nursing, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital take regular lectures. Practical training in nursing is held in different departments of the hospital. Several centers offer field experience in areas of community health. Each student has to complete a number of theory and clinical assignments, qualify 19 theory and 12 practical exams and conduct a group research project during six months integrated clinical internship.
4.0 Clinical Training The students actively take part in patient care during their clinical postings in different departments of the hospital. Students obtain clinical experience in psychiatry at the Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Institute of Human Behavior and Allied Sciences. They also participate in community health programs through postings in maternal and child health and family welfare centers run at Sarojini Nagar, Defence Colony and Rural Health Training Centre, Najafgarh and by participating in the pulse polio program, eye donation awareness camps, health camps, mental health awareness program and other similar events.
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5.0 Research Projects Chugh SK. Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practices about Health Problems Related to Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls with a View to Create Awareness Through the Structured Teaching Program at Greenfield School in New Delhi. Kumari B. Study to Assess the Impact of Internet Usage on Adolescent Health Interns of their Knowledge and Attitude and to Create Awareness among Adolescents through the Structured Teaching Program in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Andrews Ganj, Delhi. Tiwari RR. Study to Assess the Knowledge and Create Awareness Regarding Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Among General Public Attending Suraksha Clinic of Outpatient Department, Safdarjung Hospital. Singhal S. Study to Assess the Knowledge of Patient and their Relatives Regarding Diabetes Mellitus and Create Awareness through Pamphlets in Medicine Ward of Safdarjung Hospital. Kaur V. Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude of Primipara Mothers regarding the Growth and Development of 0-5 year old Children and Create Awareness through Planned Teaching Program in the Rural Community, Najafgarh. Raj AMK. A Study to Asses and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program in terms of Knowledge and Attitude regarding Standard Safety Precautions for the Prevention of Infections in Hospitals among BSc Nursing students of College of Nursing , Safdarjung Hospital. Anita. Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude of Parents of under five children regarding the Prevention of Worm Infestation and to Create Awareness among Parents through Pamphlet Distribution in Rural Community. Rural Health Training Centre, Najafgarh, New Delhi.
Prerna. Study to Identify the Effect of Family Environment on the Academic Performance of BSc Nursing Students of College of Nursing, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi Tiwari R. Study to Assess the Effects of Knowledge, Practice and Reasons for Adoption and Nonadoption of Contraceptive Methods used in Family Planning among Females of Reproductive Age Group with a View to Create Awareness by Means of Pamphlet in Urban Community, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi. Shanu. Study to Assess the Knowledge of Home Accidents and Create Awareness among Parents and Caretakers about Preventive Measures of Home Accidents of Pre-School Children attending Pediatric Out-Patient Department at the Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
6.0 Academic Achievements Bains M. Completed MSc Pediatric Nursing. Nightingale Institute of Nursing, CCS University, Meerut, 2015.
7.0 In-Service Education Program Anita, Sharma S. Oncology, Rufaida College of Nursing, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, Feb 4, 2015. Joshi K, Shanu. Dissemination of TB Prevention and Control, Indian Medical Association, Mar 18, 2015. Machal A, Anita, Joshi K. World Health Day, Talkatora Stadium, Apr 7, 2015.
8.0 Plan of Action Commence MSc Nursing Program in various specialities. Strive to emerge as a centre of excellence in nursing education and research.
Left to right First row Mrs Sunita Singhal, Mrs Radha Rani Tiwari, Mrs Shashi K Chugh, Mrs Bhavesh Kumari, Mrs Vijender Kaur. Second row Mrs Kirti Joshi, Mrs Anita, Mr Anil Raj MK, Mr Sanjeev Sharma, Ms Shanu, Mrs V Indumathy, Mrs Parveen William. Third row Ms Reshma, Mrs Radha Tiwari, Mrs Saroj Bala, Mrs Prerna, Miss Hemlata.
Annual Report 2015
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Part V
Financials for the FY 2015-16
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Component with Head
Budgetary Estimates Rs. in crores
Plan Capital 4210 Capital 4210 Capital 4216 Revenue 2210 Revenue 2210 Revenue 5009 Non Plan Revenue 2210 Grand Total Safdarjung Hospital Vardhman Mahavir Medical College Sports Injury Center
Revised Estimates Rs. in crores
34.00 100.00 3.00 220.00 11.50 15.00
84.00 200.00 3.00 224.00 11.50 15.00
300.00 683.50
290.00 827.50
Annual Report 2015
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The morning has broken, It’s a new dawn, It’s a new day, It’s a new dream, Let’s see it unfold . . .
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report Safdarjung Hospital and Vardhman Mahavir Medical College
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Safdarjung Hospital and Vardhman Mahavir Medical College
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India
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