TAPPA Tribune - February 2022

Page 3

President’s Message

Well, here we are at the beginning of a

different take on the importance of each

new year, with a great place to meet and

of the 12 elements and how they work

an ever increasing membership. At least

together to help define a merit image.

that’s the current trend and one that I hope continues.

Looking forward to a busy and prosperous 2022 with entertaining and educational

Next month is our annual image

speakers, fellowship with photographic

competition an event I strongly suggest

artists and friends and hopefully an end of

everyone enter , maybe even, especially

the pandemic.

if you have never entered competition before. Competition has made me a better photographer and taught me more than

I’ll be watching for YOUR images at the Salon

I ever could have imagined when I first


started so long ago. Elsewhere in this

Win Wolloff

issue you will find a great article on the

TAPPA President

12 elements that go together to make up a merit worth image. It is reprinted by permission of the author Lisa Dillon M.Photog, Crafts. ASP fellow and gets right to the heart of the things that help one image stand out from the rest. I urge you to give it a read even if you have been a successful competitor in the past, as it offers real insight into the process and a

TAPPA Tribune


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