February, 2018
The TAPPA Tribune is the monthly magazine of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association
Contents President’s Message
So You Want to Fly a Drone
This Month’s Program
Print of the Month - Portrait
Print of the Month - Electronic Imaging
Print of the Month - Unclassified
Upcoming Events
Print of the Month Rules
RSVP 16 Member’s Event
ADVERTISE 17 Photos from the January meeting
Annual Dues are now Due
TAPPA Membership Application
TAPPA Financials
Board of Directors
On the cover: Photo by Randy Van Duinen Visit TAPPA on FaceBook
TAPPA Tribune
Photo: Michael Landes
President’s Message
Become % the 5 ! By Randy Van Duinen M.Photog. M.Artist. Cr. CPP FDPE FDAE FSA
I’ve just come back from imaging USA and feel invigorated with what I’ve learned and experienced at the conference. It was great seeing friends I haven’t seen in a while and this year was extra special as my brother, who is a photographer in Michigan, joined me for the first time. I made sure that I went to classes that dealt with business, social media and took a lot away from those classes, but here’s the thing, if you don’t act on what you learn right after you come back from a conference you never will. Statistically only 5% of the conference attendees will actually put to use what they learned while the rest will get mired in every day work that has to be done and overwhelms us all. If you don’t make a plan of action to put in place any of the great ideas you learn or came away with you basically just went and saw friends, new equipment and went to a few parties. Before you get too far away from Nashville take a moment and go through your notes, refresh your memory and make a plan. If you only put into action five of the most important things you learned you will become that 5% and will be ahead of everyone else. I’d rather be in the 5% then in the 95% that does nothing.
We have a great speaker in February with Jason Schappert and learning what you have to do to fly a drone legally. And legally is the big word here, if you use a drone for commercial purposes you need to have your 107 license from the FAA, if you don’t you make yourself liable to large fines. Jason’s going to go over all this information and at the end of this program have time to answer any of your questions you may have on this process.
Best, Randy
TAPPA Tribune
This Month’s Program
So You Want to Fly a Drone Jason Schappert
Jason Schappert is a pilot and entrepreneur. Schappert is a CFII and ATP rated pilot, founder of MzeroA.com, and author of eight aviation flight training books and is the founder of RemotePIlot101.com who is the largest provider of Part 107 test preparation. Jason is author of 8 best selling aviation flight training books. Jason was named AOPA’s Top Collegiate Flight Instructor in 2008 and Outstanding Flight Instructor of the year in 2014, 2015, 2016, & 2017. He is also the producer of an innovative online piloting school, known as MzeroA.com’s Online Ground School. As a flight instructor with over 8,000 hours of dual given (instruction given time). Schappert began flying at age 12, and did his first solo flight at 16. He subsequently became a flight instructor, and earned all the ratings up to ATP, including private pilot certificate, instrument rating, and Commercial Pilot Certificate. Schappert currently flies a Cessna 172.
TAPPA Tribune
In 2009 he created a program called Future Pilots Flight Academy for aviation-minded youth in conjunction with the Discovery Science Center. Schappert Produced the Flying Again Movie featuring rusty pilots who have not flown anywhere from 2 to 30 years. This effort was then featured on the TV series The Aviators. MzeroA.com was named in the Inc. 500’s 2017 top growing private companies as #230.
More Upcoming Events are on Page 15
Visit us on the web at TAPPA.org
Meeting Details Tuesday, February 13, 2018 Social and Networking 6:00-6:15 Print of the Month entries must be in by:
Meeting and Awards Â
Program 7:00-9:00
$20 RSVP at: http://tappa.org/r-s-v-p-meeting/ Holiday Inn 700 N Westshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33609
TAPPA Tribune
Print of the Month - Portrait First place: Michael DeMartino
Print of the Month - Portrait Second place: Michael Landes
Print of the Month - Portrait Third place: Michael Landes
Print of the Month - Electronic Imaging First place: Randy Van Duinen
Print of the Month - Electronic Imaging Second place: Kathy DeYoung
Print of the Month - Electronic Imaging Third place: Michael DeMartino
Print of the Month - Unclassified First place: Randy Van Duinen
Print of the Month - Unclassified Second place: Michael Landes
Print of the Month - Unclassified Third place: Michael DeMartino
Upcoming Events
Print of the Month Rules - Prints are to be mounted.
Tuesday, February 13
Jason Schappert
So You Want to Fly a Drone
Friday, February 16
Studio Tour with Michael DeMartino See page 7 for more information
Sunday, March 4
FPP Spring Seminar visit fpponline.org for more information
Tuesday, May 8
Scott Kelby
Portrait Retouching
June 9-12
FPP Florida Photography Workshops visit fpponline.org for more information
September 8-10
FPP Focus Convention
- Size: 8x10. - Electronic Imaging size can be two 8x10 taped together on the back and spread open for viewing. - Three entries per member each month. - There must be at least three entries in a category for that category to be included in the monthly competition. - All entries MUST have your name and the category you wish to enter on the back of the print. - Prints must be turned in before 6:25 pm. Prints received after 6:25 will not be accepted!
Winners: - Please send your winning files to POM@TAPPA.org for the newsletter as soon as possible. Deadline for publication is one week after the meeting.
visit fpponline.org for more information
- Name your files by your last name-place-category. For example: Smith-1st-Portrait.jpg
More information on all of these events and more can be found in this newsletter and at TAPPA.org
- Resolution 1500 pixels on the longest side or greater is acceptable. JPEG format is preferable. TAPPA Tribune
Member’s Event
TAPPA Tribune
The TAPPA Tribune is published monthly for the membership of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association. Its purpose is to share knowledge and insight with the photographic industry. The deadline for submission of articles and ad changes is the 15th of the month. Permission is hereby granted to reprint the contents of this newsletter, provided the authors and The TAPPA Tribune are recognized as the source. The ideas and views expressed do not necessarily reflect the policies of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association; they are solely those of the author.
Editor: Chuck Vosburgh 300 62nd Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com 727.743.1740
ADVERTISE In the TAPPA Tribune For information and rates, contact Chuck Vosburgh at Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com
or call 727.743.1740
To advertise in the TAPPA Tribune, please contact the editor for rates and distribution information.
Meetings: TAPPA monthly meetings take place the second Tuesday of the month at:
NEW LOCATION Holiday Inn 700 N Westshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33609 Networking Meeting
6:00 pm 6:30 pm
Register online at TAPPA.org
TAPPA Tribune
Photos from the January meeting
TAPPA Tribune
Annual Dues are now Due Must be paid by February 28th.
Being a part of TAPPA has many benefits both professionally and personally. Your annual dues helps TAPPA provide nationallevel educational programs every month, a great place to meet and many other educational and social opportunities throughout the year.
Membership Classification PROFESSIONAL MEMBER: (Voting) An individual that is a Florida resident. An individual who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public. An individual who is employed by a legally established photographic business. May vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo, and enter print competition. A valid Sales Tax Number and Occupational License are required. Annual dues are $75 plus a new member registration fee of $10. ASSOCIATE MEMBER: For additional members from the same firm or studio already represented by a PROFESSIONAL MEMBER. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. The PROFESSIONAL MEMBER’S Sales Tax Number and Occupational License are required. Annual dues are $65 plus a new member registration fee of $10.
MEMBER: For enthusiasts, hobbyists, non-professionals, and newcomers to the profession, who are not associated with any PROFESSIONAL or LIFE MEMBER and may just be getting started in the profession. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. No Sales Tax or Occupational License are required. Annual dues are $65 plus a new member registration fee of $10. STUDENT: An individual that is currently enrolled in photography related courses in the State of Florida and can provide authentic student identification. May not vote, hold office, or use the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. Annual dues are $35 plus a new member registration fee of $10. SPOUSE: An individual not engaged in photography whose spouse is a TAPPA member. May not vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo or enter print competitions. Annual dues are $25 plus a new member registration fee of $10. Questions? You can always email our Membership Director.
A membership application is on the next page or go to TAPPA.org
TAPPA Tribune
Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association, Inc. TAPPA Membership Application Membership Application
Your Name ____________________________________________
Code of Ethics
Business Name _________________________________________
1. I will endeavor to enhance and ennoble the status of the photographic profession by maintaining a dignity of manner in my behavior, in the presentation of my photography and photographic services, in the appearance of my studio or place of business and in all other forms of public contact.
Business Address _______________________________________ City _______________________ State _____ Zip _____________ Business Phone ________________________________________ Fax ____________________ Home Ph ______________________ Email Address __________________________________________ Web Address ___________________________________________ Photographic Degrees ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Are you a member of the FPP? _____ PPA? ____ #_____________
Membership Classification (check one) ______ PROFESSIONAL MEMBER: (Voting) An individual that is a Florida resident. An individual who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public. An individual who is employed by a legally established photographic business. May vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo, and enter print competition. A valid Sales Tax Number and Occupational License are required. Annual dues are $75 plus a new
member registration fee of $10.
______ASSOCIATE MEMBER: For additional members from the same firm or studio already represented by a PROFESSIONAL MEMBER. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. The PROFESSIONAL MEMBER'S Sales Tax Number and Occupational License are required. Annual dues are $65 plus a new member registration fee
2. I will observe the highest standard of honesty in all my transactions, avoiding the use of false titles, confusing or inaccurate technical terms or descriptions and misleading terms or claims. 3. I will at all times endeavor to produce only those types of photographs and photographic services that will enhance the prestige of the profession, to apply my best efforts on behalf of the public, and to play my part in raising the general standard of photographic craftsmanship. 4. I will show a friendly spirit of cooperation with my fellow professional photographers and assist them whenever possible should they be in trouble or difficulty. 5. I will assist and give of my knowledge to the members of my profession, and will encourage them individually and collectively, so that the quality of photography may constantly be raised to higher standards. 6. In all matters relating to the interpretation of this code I will recognize the authority of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association, Inc., and agree to hold harmless the Board of Directors in any decision made on behalf of the corporation. I have read the above Code of Ethics and agree to abide by it, evidenced by my signature in ink this ___________ day of _______________ 20_____. Any member of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association, Inc. may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled by the Board of Directors for a violation of the Code of Ethics, or the Bylaws.
of $10.
______ MEMBER: For enthusiasts, hobbyists, non-professionals, and newcomers to the profession, who are not associated with any PROFESSIONAL or LIFE MEMBER and may just be getting started in the profession. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. No Sales Tax or Occupational License are required.
This application must be completed in full with proper fees, photocopies of Sales Tax Registration Certificate and Occupational License prior to being considered for membership.
Annual dues are $65 plus a new member registration fee of $10.
______ STUDENT : An individual that is currently enrolled in photography related courses in the State of Florida and can provide authentic student identification. May not vote, hold office, or use the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. Annual dues are $35 plus a new member
registration fee of $10.
______ SPOUSE: An individual not engaged in photography whose spouse is a TAPPA member. May not vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo or enter print competitions. Annual dues are $25 plus a new member registration fee of $10.
Please make checks payable to TAPPA and mail to: Brad Hall, TAPPA Treasurer PO Box 130622 Tampa, FL 33681
TAPPA Financials Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association
Profit and Loss Standard
December 2017 Dec '17 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Meeting fees
Membership Dues
Total Income
Gross Profit
Expense -10.95
Awards of Distinction Monthly Meeting Awards and ribbons
Total Monthly Meeting
Total Expense
Net Ordinary Income
-154.76 -154.76
Net Income
TAPPA Tribune
Benjamin Todd 813.431.2873 bwtodd75@gmail.com Chuck Vosburgh 727.743.1740 Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com Lee Burgess 727.724.1022 lee2810@verizon.net Rob Moorman 727.527.1237 cameradude1@earthlink.net Randy Van Duinen 727.577.5172 randy@rvdphotography.com Karen Barnett 727.267.8296 oakcrestproductions@tampabay.rr.com Susan Black 813.230.6472 suzi@suzibee.com Carol Walker 727.5775626 carol@thomasbruce.com Robert Sargent 813.930.7390 robert@sargentphotography.com Michael Landes 863.512.2637 landesmr@yahoo.com Ginny Otto 715.252.3195 ottophotography@icloud.com Booray Perry 813.728.7110 booray@boorayperry.com CJ Moment 813.244.6716 cj@annointedproductions.com
Social Media
• •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • ••
Wedding & Socail Function
Image Competition
High School Seniors
Graphics & Design
Sports & Events
TAPPA Advisors
Board of Directors
2018 Officers President
Randy Van Duinen
727 577-5172
Vice President
Brad Hall
727 386-9610
Karen Barnett
727 267-8296
Jessica Hall
727 280-7462
Past President
Glenn Nielson
813 540-4200
Lee Burgess
727 724-1022
CJ Moment
Benjamin Todd
813 431-2873
Committees FPP Delegate
Lee Burgess
727 724-1022
CJ Moment
Brad Hall
727 386-9610
Michael Landes
863 512-2637
Door Prize
Glenn Nielsen
813 540-4200
Kathryn DeYoung
Audio Visual Newsletter Editor Chuck Vosburgh
727 743-1740
Social Media Photographer Web Master
Kevin Newsome
813 968-2810
Pat Vosburgh Chuck Vosburgh
813 220-4898 727 743-1740
Pat@VosburghandVosburgh.com Chuck@VosburghandVosburgh.com TAPPA Tribune 23