TAPPA Tribune - February 2021

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February 2021

The TAPPA Tribune is the monthly magazine of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association

Contents President’s Message


Study The Artist, Think Like An Artist, Be an Artist


This Month’s Program


TAPPA Student of the Year Ariday Castellanos


Print of the Month is now online


Print of the Month Online Rules




Theme images from the students of the Pinellas Technical College’s Commercial Photography Technology program 21 Upcoming Events


Be a Part of Something Great


ADVERTISE 45 Board of Directors


On the cover: Photo by Ariday Castellanos Visit TAPPA on FaceBook TAPPA.org info@TAPPA.org


TAPPA Tribune

Photo: Ariday Castellanos

President’s Message

Our years started off with a great speaker, Ben Willmore. The meeting was originally scheduled to be our first live meeting since COVID, but with rising statistics, we made the decision to do the meeting online instead. We plan to have the February meeting online as well and will do the March Image Salon competition online. Hopefully April will be the return to live meetings and we’ll be monitoring the situation and keeping you informed. The health and safety of our members is our primary concern.

It’s renewal time It’s time to renew your TAPPA membership and if you were a member last year and renew by February 9th, your 2021 membership is half price!

I also want you to consider this; I and many others credit TAPPA for a large part of our success, The friendships, encouragement, help and motivation from experienced people who are successfully doing what I want to do can’t be measured and can’t be accessed anywhere else.

What I want to do for you I want to help you. If you’re a member, call, text or email me with your challenges you’re facing right now and I will personally help you or refer you to another member who will. 30+ years of full time self employment as a creative professional is at your service. I answer my phone, call me. With gratitude,

Membership is valuable, especially now

Chuck Vosburgh, TAPPA President 727-743-1740 Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com

Meetings are just one of the many benefits of membership. Here are some other member benefits you need for your photography business:

PS: Join us this month for a great presentation by Bill Cadzow!

Mentorships Networking Business Referrals Ability to enter Image Salon Competition Ability to enter print of the month competition Ability to earn overall Photographer of the Year and in categories Access to member-only education events

TAPPA Tribune


This Month’s Program

Study The Artist, Think Like An Artist, Be an Artist Bill Cadzow

Meeting Details Tuesday, February 9, 2021 Social, Networking & Announcements


Presentation and Q&A


FREE and open to the public Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81784781087?pwd=UHpDcXJGcVNXdm4rNTByOGxkMGVDUT09 Meeting ID: 817 8478 1087 Passcode: 505284 TAPPA Meets on the 2nd Tuesday 6pm:

During COVID Safer at Home order, all TAPPA meetings, socials and webinars will be online, free and open to the public. info@tappa.org Tel: 727-577-5172


TAPPA Tribune

This class will discuss Bill’s four major concepts to grasp when photographing people. From portraiture to weddings, the concepts and techniques that master artists, dating back centuries, have taken into consideration prior to picking up the pencil, brush or lens. You will dive deep into one of these concepts and come out with new tools and knowledge that you can’t put into action in your very next session. Don’t just take pictures, create masterpieces.

Photo: Bill Cadzow

Photo: Bill Cadzow

Photo: Bill Cadzow

Photo: Bill Cadzow

TAPPA Student of the Year Ariday Castellanos My name is Ariday Castellanos. I am Cuban and I also lived in Spain for three years with my family. I came to the United States alone in 2016, eager to make my dreams come true because this is the land of opportunity. I remember my first job was cleaning hotels. While cleaning bathrooms and rooms, I started listening to personal development talks, it was something new to me. I met Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Oprah, and other amazing speakers who revolutionized my thinking. Photography came to into my life coincidentally. A friend who had parties and events needed a photographer to promote them. I had a camera, but I hardly knew how to use it. He asked me to help him and said he would pay me. I accepted, without having any idea of photography, light, cameras, composition, just using my camera in automatic mode. I really enjoyed what I was doing because it allowed me to interact with and meet a lot of people. So, I decided that I wanted to learn to be a professional photographer. In school. I won a scholarship which allowed me to study Commercial Photography program at Pinellas Technical College. Thanks to clients, I was able to build my portfolio, participate in competitions, create and build my photography business and work on my passion while studying. In 2020. I became Student of the Year and won first place in the Portrait category in the TAPPA


TAPPA Tribune

association. I want to thank this incredible country for every opportunity and everyone who has supported me during my training. My dear teacher, Rose Romero, Dr. Campbell, Project Prosper, Marcela and my teacher, Mr. Landes, for all their knowledge, support and patience with my terrible English. It doesn’t matter your origin, your color, or your language; the important thing is to know where you want to go and who you want to become. In life, you have two options: either you go for everything or you go for nothing, and I chose the former.

Photo:TAPPA AridayTribune Castellanos 13


TAPPA Tribune

Photo:TAPPA AridayTribune Castellanos 15


TAPPA Tribune

Photo: Ariday Castellanos

Photo:TAPPA AridayTribune Castellanos 17


TAPPA Tribune

Photo:TAPPA AridayTribune Castellanos 19

Print of the Month is now online

While our meetings are being held online, we’ll be doing Print of the Month online as well. Here’s how to enter:

Print of the Month Online Rules - Size: Image must be at least 2000 pixels on the longest edge - Three entries per member each month. - There must be at least three entries in a category for that category to be included in the monthly competition. - All entries MUST have be named you images like this: Your Name-Category-Name of Image - Email your images to: Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com before noon the day before the meeting. Images received late will not be accepted.


TAPPA Tribune

Juxtaposition Theme images from the students of the Pinellas Technical College’s Commercial Photography Technology program The Pinellas Technical College’s Commercial Photography Technology program is headed by TAPPA member and Salon Chairman, Michael Landes

TAPPA Tribune




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Instructor Award


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Instructor Award

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Instructor Award


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TAPPA Tribune



TAPPA Tribune

TAPPA Tribune



TAPPA Tribune

TAPPA Tribune



TAPPA Tribune

TAPPA Tribune



TAPPA Tribune

TAPPA Tribune



TAPPA Tribune

TAPPA Tribune


Upcoming Events

Visit us on the web at TAPPA.org

February 9, 6pm

Bill Cadzow Online

March 9, 6pm

Image Salon Competition Online

April 13, 6pm

Valerie Hoffman

Green Screen Photography Bryan Glazer Family JCC, 522 N Howard Ave, Tampa

Masks and social distancing are required at all TAPPA events. COVID guidelines will be followed. More information on all of these events and more can be found at TAPPA.org

Or on YouTube

Subscribe to the TAPPA YouTube Channel and get all the latest TAPPA tutorials, webinars and recordings of some of our featured presenters from our meetings. Click here to check it out


TAPPA Tribune

TAPPA Tribune


Be a Part of Something Great Being a part of TAPPA has many benefits both professionally and personally. Your annual dues helps TAPPA provide nationallevel educational programs every month, a great place to meet and many other educational and social opportunities throughout the year.

Membership Classification PROFESSIONAL MEMBER: (Voting) An individual that is a Florida resident. An individual who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public. An individual who is employed by a legally established photographic business. May vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo, and enter print competition. A valid Sales Tax Number and Occupational License are required. ASSOCIATE MEMBER: For additional members from the same firm or studio already represented by a PROFESSIONAL MEMBER. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. The PROFESSIONAL MEMBER’S Sales Tax Number and Occupational License are required.


TAPPA Tribune

MEMBER: For enthusiasts, hobbyists, non-professionals, and newcomers to the profession, who are not associated with any PROFESSIONAL or LIFE MEMBER and may just be getting started in the profession. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. No Sales Tax or Occupational License are required. STUDENT: An individual that is currently enrolled in photography related courses in the State of Florida and can provide authentic student identification. May not vote, hold office, or use the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. SPOUSE: An individual not engaged in photography whose spouse is a TAPPA member. May not vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo or enter print competitions. Questions? You can always email our Membership Director.

A membership application is on the next page or go to TAPPA.org

Tampa Area Professional Photographer’s Association

Membership Application

Your Name ____________________________________________

Code of Ethics

Business Name _________________________________________

1. I will endeavor to enhance and ennoble the status of the photographic profession by maintaining a dignity of manner in my behavior, in the presentation of my photography and photographic services, in the appearance of my studio or place of business and in all other forms of public contact.

Business Address _______________________________________ City _______________________ State _____ Zip _____________ Business Phone ________________________________________ Cell ____________________ Home Ph ______________________ Email Address __________________________________________ Web Address ___________________________________________ Photographic Degrees ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________ FPP Member? Yes / No If yes, membership number: __________ PPA Member? Yes / No If yes, membership number: __________

TAPPA Membership Classification (check one) ______ PROFESSIONAL: (Voting) An individual (Florida resident) who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public, OR, an individual who is employed by a legally established photographic business. May vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo, and enter print competition.

Annual dues are $119

______ASSOCIATE: For additional members from the same firm or studio already represented by an ACTIVE TAPPA Professional member. They may not vote, hold office but may use the TAPPA logo and enter print competitions.

2. I will observe the highest standard of honesty in all my transactions, avoiding the use of false titles, confusing or inaccurate technical terms or descriptions and misleading terms or claims. 3. I will at all times endeavor to produce only those types of photographs and photographic services that will enhance the prestige of the profession, to apply my best efforts on behalf of the public, and to play my part in raising the general standard of photographic craftsmanship. 4. I will show a friendly spirit of cooperation with my fellow professional photographers and assist them whenever possible should they be in trouble or difficulty. 5. I will assist and give of my knowledge to the members of my profession, and will encourage them individually and collectively, so that the quality of photography may constantly be raised to higher standards. 6. In all matters relating to the interpretation of this code I will recognize the authority of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association, Inc., and agree to hold harmless the Board of Directors in any decision made on behalf of the organization. I have read the above Code of Ethics and agree to abide by it, evidenced by my signature in ink this ___________ day of _______________ 20_____. Any member of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association, may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled by the Board of Directors for a violation of the Code of Ethics, or the Bylaws.

Annual dues are $109

______ STUDENT: An individual that is currently enrolled in photography related courses in the State of Florida and can provide authentic student identification. May not vote, hold office but may use the TAPPA logo and enter print competitions


______ SPOUSE: An individual not engaged in photography whose spouse is

Please make checks payable to TAPPA Or pay online at www.tappa.org

Annual dues are $59

a TAPPA member. May not vote, hold office or enter print competitions.

Annual dues are $35

This application must be completed in full with proper fees, prior to being considered for membership.

Chuck Vosburgh 727.743.1740 Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com Lee Burgess 727.724.1022 lee2810@verizon.net Rob Moorman 727.527.1237 cameradude1@earthlink.net Randy Van Duinen 727.577.5172 randy@rvdphotography.com Karen Barnett 727.267.8296 oakcrestproductions@tampabay.rr.com Susan Black 813.230.6472 suzi@suzibee.com Carol Walker 727.5775626 carol@thomasbruce.com Robert Sargent 813.930.7390 robert@sargentphotography.com Michael Landes 863.512.2637 landesmr@yahoo.com Ginny Otto 715.252.3195 ottophotography@icloud.com Booray Perry 813.728.7110 booray@boorayperry.com CJ Moment 813.244.6716 cj@annointedproductions.com

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Social Media



Wedding & Socail Function

Image Competition

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High School Seniors

Graphics & Design

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Sports & Events



TAPPA Advisors

The TAPPA Tribune is published monthly for the membership of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association. Its purpose is to share knowledge and insight with the photographic industry. The deadline for submission of articles and ad changes is the 15th of the month. Permission is hereby granted to reprint the contents of this newsletter, provided the authors and The TAPPA Tribune are recognized as the source. The ideas and views expressed do not necessarily reflect the policies of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association; they are solely those of the authors and editor.

Editor: Chuck Vosburgh 300 62nd Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com 727.743.1740

Advertising: To advertise in the TAPPA Tribune, please contact the editor for rates and distribution information.

Meetings: TAPPA monthly meetings take place the second Tuesday of the month at:

LOCATION Bryan Glazer Family JCC 522 N Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606 Networking Meeting

ADVERTISE In the TAPPA Tribune For information and rates, contact Chuck Vosburgh at Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com or call 727.743.1740

Visit us on the web at TAPPA.org

6:00 pm 6:30 pm

Register online at TAPPA.org

TAPPA Tribune


Board of Directors

2021 OďŹƒcers President

Chuck Vosburgh

727 743-1740


Vice President

Win Wolloff

727 514-6805



Karen Barnett

727 780-3328



Robert Sargent

813 930-7390



Bruce Hardin

813 503-7579


Bill Cadzow

Committees Delegate

Julie Johnson


Kevin Newsome

813 968-2810



Win Wolloff

727 514-6805



Michael Landes

863 512-2637



Carol Hackman

727 867-9254


Audio Visual

Robert Sargent

813 930-7390


Newsletter Editor

Chuck Vosburgh

727 743-1740



Scott Morrison



Web Master

Randy Van Duinen




Rob Moorman

727 423-3146



Rob Moorman

727 423-3146


Door Prize

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