SoMa, San Francisco | August 7th, 2015
Under 30 Changemakers began with mostly college-skippers and dropouts, unschoolers and educational misfits. I myself chose to skip college to pursue alternative higher-education because what I needed to learn could never be found in a classroom. Under 30 began as a community for people who took their own lifelong learning seriously, but also applied it to reallife social issues in their own projects and social enterprises.
Since Under 30’s inception, more than 75% of all our partnerships have been in alternative higher-education schools from around the world. We recognize that our Changemakers need us to connect them to other communities who can guide and teach them skills they need to meet their goals. We receive requests for skill support on a weekly basis and we alone cannot fulfill these needs. Our Changemakers are hungry to learn and invest in themselves for a better future.
Changemaker University is the first gathering of alternative higher education programs and fellowships from around the world to provide needed skills to the next generation of social innovators. For some Changemakers, they have never experienced what a college day is like. Changemaker University will offer an experience to learn what it takes to be a successful social innovator, while offering an alternative to higher institutions that Changemakers can choose to join.
Classes will be offered in the following categories: Communication
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Social Impact