Behavior setting project

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ARC 482 Term Project Analysis Using Behavior Setting Approach

Done By: Tareq Al-amoudi

Instructor: Dr. Jamal Al-Qawasmi

Date: 1/14/2017

Index Introduction ............................................ Page 1 Selected Space ........................................ Page 2 Space Facilities ........................................ Page 3 Interior Shots ........................................... Page 4 Absorpation Time Schedule ..................... Page 5 8hours Absorbation Coumpined Sheet...... Page 6 Conclusion ................................................ Page 7 Proposal .................................................... Page 8 Appendix ............................,,..................... Page 9

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire emotion, and knowledge. ”

Introduction This project aim to analyse bahavior setting at spsefic space to enhance the space quality for users

A "behavior setting" is a standing pattern of behavior that occurs over and over again in a given place at a given time.

by this scientifict method, we will define every activities and how users behave accourding to spsefic spatial design, and that will elaborate some problems that may have a spatial solution.

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire emotion, and knowledge. ”


Selected Space Selected Space: KFUPM- Building 14- Atrium

This space been choosen for some reasons: 1- Hold seven different activites 2- A busy common space between classes 3- Students from other buildings visit it too 4- Special way of furniture arrangement

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire emotion, and knowledge. ”


Facilities This Space Contain The following:


4 5

1- Coffee vending machine 2- Food vending machine 7 3






3- Setting Areas 4- Book Shelf for reading 5- Paths which lead to classes


6- Prayer Area


7- Cafeteria


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.”

Interior Shots Path B

Path A

Path C Path D


Absorption Time Schedule Choosing time was related to some facts. Firstly, by choosing different time in different days will show how users behave when the space have different using loa. Secondly some days has the same time to show how people act in different days.



Tuesday 27/12

9 am – 10 am

10 am – 11 am

11 am – 12 pm

12 pm – 1 pm

2 pm – 3 pm

3 pm – 4 pm

Wednesday 28/12 Thursday 29/12 Sunday 1/1

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire emotion, and knowledge. ”


8hours Absorbation coumpined sheet

Sitting Chatting Studying Eating Walking buy food Reading

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire emotion, and knowledge. ”


Conclusion From anaylisis data we got the following: A- Path between setting area and cafetiria (Path D) so narrow and people use it alot for chatting, eating, walking, and buying food for these reasons: Space Around Vending Machine

Path D

1- Connect path A with path C 2- Near to pray area so people always chat after praying 3- front of cafetiria so people stand there to eat or to buy food

Path A

B- Space around vending machine has low capaciyty comparing with other spaces Path C

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire emotion, and knowledge. ”


Proposal As a response for the behavioral data collected the following propsal been given as a solution to enhance the space quality of building 14 atruim : Some spatial changing can be done. Firstly, the place of cafeteria can be moved near to vending machine space which is un-use and that will reduce the usgae density. Secondly, when we move the cafeteria we will get a free space near to pray area and current setting area which can house a low usage acitvites like shelfs for reading and people can chat there after praying by lefting the space free of furniture accept the book shelfs, so they can use the current setting area to read. In conclustion. That solution will rise the beniďŹ t of the current setting area and will reduce the usage density for the path between cafeteria and setting area.




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