Epod haulier portal user guide

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Currently many hauliers employ dedicated resources to deal with tickets and all of the associated administrative tasks. Tarmac have introduced a ticket portal that delivers information for all of your loads to one place, regardless of the size of your operation. Additionally, ticket discrepancies will be minimised through the availability of immediate and accurate information. When dealing with paper tickets, drivers currently have to return to site at the end of the day in order to return the signed copy of their tickets. Once tickets are being returned electronically then drivers will no longer need to make this additional journey.

HOW DO I ACCESS SUPPORT? The Haulier Ticketing Portal is an online resource and can be accessed from any Desktop or Laptop, alternatively you can use a Tablet or Mobile Phone. If you have any issues with the ticket portal then you may call our dedicated line for support. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 364 days a year, the exception being Christmas Day. 0345 071 1350

I HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT THE TICKET PORTAL This document provides further information about Tarmac’s Haulier Ticketing Portal and how this benefits Hauliers and Owner Drivers. For more information, please contact the team mailbox: epod.enquiries@tarmac.com


The Haulier Ticketing Portal can be accessed at the following address:, after your first ePOD ticket has been completed: https://tarmac.thepodfather.eu/login When you visit the above address, the first thing you will see is the Log On screen:

Your username will be your Haulier Code and you will be provided with a password, which you may change when you first login. Enter you Log In details and hit the “Log In” button:

Once you have pressed the “Log In” button you will be taken into your dedicated Haulier Ticketing Portal.


When you see a green “Success” banner, then you have been logged in. The first screen you will see once you have logged in is the “Jobs” tab. Please note that once you have navigated away from this tab within the portal then you can click on the Jobs tab at the top of the screen. In this view you will see jobs that are currently in progress as well as jobs that are due to be started. You can get more information on these jobs by using the “Action” buttons on the right hand side of the screen. Pressing this icon will display live tracking information for the job which is in progress: Pressing this icon will display the details for the job in question:


If you click on the POD’s tab at the top of the screen you will be able to see all of your completed loads.

Again, you can get more information on each job by using the “Action” buttons on the right hand side of the screen.

Pressing the pin icon will display location information and the page icon will display the POD for the job in question.

From your “Completed Jobs” screen you can easily search for specific job details by using the “Filter” button.

From your “Completed Jobs” screen you can easily search for specific job details by using the “Filter” button.

You can search through all of your completed jobs at the click of a button and may refine your search by: • Ticket Number • Customer • Site Delivered to • Driver or Vehicle Registration • See all tickets by date range

VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT DETAILS & CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD If you click on the on the My Account link at the top of the screen you will be able to see all of your details and can edit them if necessary:

At the top of the screen you will see your user details. Please make sure that your e-mail address is present and correct. If you need to edit your details or change your password then just press the “Edit User Details” button. Once you have pressed the button then you will see the following screen: Enter your new password in to the top field and then confirm your new password in the second field. To confirm your password change request, you will need to enter your e-mail address in the third field.

Once you are satisfied that you have completed all of the necessary information then press the green “Save Changes” button.

If you do not need to change your password you can also amend your Supplier details on the “My Account” page. Scroll down past the User Details tab and you will see the Supplier Details tab:

In order to update your information or make changes then press on the blue “Edit Supplier Details” button. You will then be able to type into any of the fields and press the green “Save Changes” button to confirm and save.

HAULIER TICKETING PORTAL FAQS What should I do if something goes wrong? If the portal is not behaving as expected then please contact the ePOD Support Team.

What if I need a paper ticket? Unfortunately paper tickets will no longer be generated as part of Tarmac’s delivery process. The Haulier Ticketing Portal will hold information about the loads you have in progress as well as those which have been completed.

What if DVSA requests ticket information from my driver? All of the ticket information is held within the Haulier Ticketing Portal, which can be accessed from their device. Information on the current job will be available on their device.

What if I forget my login details? In the event that you forget your login details, then please click on the “forgotten password” link below the password entry field. If further support is required then please contact the ePOD Support Team.

Will only ePOD jobs appear in the Haulier Ticket Portal? On the rare occasions that jobs are sent using paper tickets, then these jobs will also appear in the Haulier Ticketing Portal. There will be a note alongside these tickets to highlight that they are non-ePOD jobs. Therefore all of the work that you carry out for Tarmac should appear in your Portal.

I am looking for a specific job address, can I use the Portal to see where the last driver actually tipped? Yes, just access the Completed Jobs area of your Portal via the POD’s tab and click on the pin icon to see detailed information regarding where a previous job was actually tipped.

Any further questions should be directed to the ePOD Support Desk on: 0345 071 1350 or via e-mail: Tarmac_support@peak-ryzex.com


0345 071 1350





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