Building smart, sustainable water systems
Blue, green and grey infrastructure solutions

Integrated water management designed to create sustainable environments

Blue, green and grey infrastructure solutions
Integrated water management designed to create sustainable environments
The lack of capacity in the UK’s wastewater network presents a significant challenge to meeting housebuilding aspirations. Increasing volumes of rainwater are leading to large amounts of surface water runoff in living communities, built from traditional non-porous materials. This creates a problem for the outdated sewer infrastructure.
Issues related to climate change, like flooding and water shortages put pressure on water networks. Safeguarding ecosystems, ensuring water quality and sustainable water supplies for growing populations becomes a key challenge.
Our sustainable solutions help prevent flooding and improve water quality to protect people and their living spaces from damage caused by pollution.
We provide systems that manage urban water from rainfall collection on roofs to surface water collection systems, natural landscaping, soils and rootzones, to below ground engineered control and treatment systems.
We put our expertise into providing hydraulic design support, helping build integrated systems. Working together, our green, blue and low carbon, grey infrastructure components help manage water quantity and improve quality to return clean surface water back into the environment, recharging the natural water cycle. A complete and sustainable solution.
Integrated, end-to-end blue, green and grey SuDs for storage, management of water flow, treatment and discharge.
Management and capture of stormwater pollutants to comply with regulation and to reduce environmental damage.
Flow control and water management to deliver effective water management and reduced flood risk.
Attenuation, flow control, screening and treatment technologies used to manage excess flow and designed to prevent environmentally damaging overflow pollution.
Process, monitoring, reuse and recycling systems designed to meet environmental obligations and operational efficiency.
Our solutions
Sustainable Roof Spaces
Porous Surfaces
Landscaping Solutions
Attenuation and Flow Control Systems
Flood Warning
Stormwater Treatment Systems
Data Monitoring and Analysis
A key water management challenge in stormwater run-off lies in balancing the demands of densely developed urban areas with the need for effective water absorption and drainage. Traditional impervious paving surfaces limit the land’s natural ability to absorb rainwater, leading to an increased risk of flooding and contamination of local waterways. Additionally, as cities expand, the existing drainage systems increasingly become overwhelmed during heavy rainfall, which can result in infrastructure strain and water quality degradation.
Vegetation and natural landscapes, such as rain gardens and green roofs used to absorb, filter, and slow rainwater runoff, promoting biodiversity, groundwater recharge and reducing flooding.
The use of natural and artificial water bodies to store and manage stormwater, improve biodiversity, and to enhance urban resilience.
Engineered proprietary systems for the control, attenuation and treatment of stormwater. These systems enhance and protect other natural components of a Sustainable Drainage System.
We have the expertise, knowledge, and technology to engineer solutions to individual challenges.
Using a mixture of natural and proprietary systems, green, blue and grey, can provide a better overall solution with enhanced performance and easier, predictable maintenance.