Haulier guide to ePOD

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Haulier Guide to ePOD


2018 saw the implementation of Electronic Proof of Deliveries across our Materials delivery processes. Electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) offers our Customers, Hauliers and colleagues the ability to track loads in real time and access delivery information quicker than ever before.

Since implementing ePOD our Materials business has consistently been sending over 95% of all loads electronically, which is a massive digital transformation. This User Guide contains everything you need to know about our electronic delivery process, both from a Haulier and a Tarmac employee perspective. If a Haulier is experiencing problems with the PODFather application or their device (only if the device is issued by Tarmac) then please ensure they contact the ePOD device helpline on

0345 0711 350 This line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on every day apart from Christmas day.

“New technology, especially if you’re not familiar with it, can be daunting. Our drivers have been fantastic – even with initial apprehension, they’ve listened and really embraced the new way of working, resulting in not a single call from drivers regarding login issues when we switched on for real, which is credit to their willingness to learn.” Kirsty Paton, Transport Account Manager, Scotland “After just a week and a half in, I was made up with ePOD. I can really see the benefits and love the idea of the haulier ticket portal so I can check all my tickets. Change can be tricky, but we’ve had lots of help to get used to it and it now feels like a doddle. It sounds like a small thing, but dealing with paper when it rains can be a real pain. Thanks to ePOD there’ll be no more drying of wet tickets on the cab dash! So far, ePOD is good – if it makes my life easier, then I’m happy.” Graham Thirlaway, a Haulier based out of Coxhoe

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Driver training New driver induction


Mobile device usage


Device and application How to download the application (external hauliers)


How to log in and out


Driver vehicle check


How to complete a driver query


How to reject an ePOD delivery


How to return an A&A delivery


How to return a RMX delivery


How to complete an Incident Report


Driver Behaviour


Troubleshooting WiFi guide




Device troubleshooting


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Driver training New driver induction

Overview Tarmac operate an Electronic Proof of Delivery (ePOD) system. The vast majority of tickets are fully electronic and therefore you will need either an Apple or an Android device with the PODFather application downloaded in order to receive and process jobs. The default Username and Password for the ePOD application is your vehicle registration without spaces, we recommend changing the password on your first log in - please ensure this is something memorable.

The ePOD application records all necessary delivery information and records this against the job and all POD information is visible to our Hauliers, Tarmac and to our Customers, making ePOD a single source of the truth for delivery data. There is a dedicated Haulier Ticketing Portal which you will be granted access to, this holds PODs for all of your delivered loads. You should receive an email containing your login details, if you need this resending then please contact your Haulier Helpdesk. On the rare occasions where a delivery is to be made with a paper ticket then it is essential that valid, readable and printed name and signature are obtained on the paper ticket.

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Safety information You should not make calls from your mobile phone or interact with your ePOD device unless your vehicle is stationary with the ignition off and you are parked in a safe place with your handbrake applied. • No mobile phone shall be used to accept calls whilst the vehicle is moving. • No telematics or ePOD equipment shall be used whilst driving. • All satellite navigation systems must be programmed prior to setting off and must NOT be reprogrammed whilst driving. • Text messages must only be read when the vehicle is stationary, parked in a safe place and handbrake applied. • Ensure that three-points of contact are maintained by facing the vehicle cab on entry and exit. If you need to alight your cab with your ePOD device then please place this in a safe place (such as a clothing pocket, accessible vehicle pocket or on the floor) so that you can retrieve the device once you are safe.

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Driver training Mobile device usage

Tarmac is committed to ensuring the safety of it’s colleagues, customers, contractors and partners. As part of our continued commitment to safety, we continually review our operations and industry activities to help us find ways to reduce the risk of incidents. The following rules apply to all employees, employed drivers and contractors working on behalf of Tarmac.

When can mobile devices be used? Mobile devices must only be used to process delivery information. Manual interactions are required and these can only take place when vehicles are stationary. Any devices issued by Tarmac as part of the ePOD project are programmed to ensure that screens automatically go blank when vehicle movement is detected. This setting cannot be manually over-ridden. When you are outside of your cab then you must only use the device when you are stationary and in a safe place. It is important that you always maintain a good awareness of your surroundings.

Take care! In order to capture a signature at the point of delivery, you will need to hand the device to the appropriate person on site who is accepting the load. We’ve all heard examples of the seriousness of slips, trips and falls in our business. They happen suddenly and are totally unexpected. The result of a slip, trip or fall can be painful and possibly end in permanent injury that could be life changing. The majority of slips, trips and falls happen during access and egress and this risk can be increased through a number of factors such as wet and slippery surfaces and uneven ground etc. Therefore, IF you need to exit your cab to obtain a signature then you must always ensure that: • You are wearing the correct PPE • Your cab is kept clean and free of hazards • Any spillages are cleared up immediately • Always use provided grab / hand rails • Any defects or risks are reported immediately • Do not jump off raised surfaces • Only carry what you can reasonably handle • Maintain awareness of your surroundings • Maintain 3 points of contact when necessary, do not have the device in your hand whilst accessing or egressing your vehicle.

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Device and application How to download the application (external hauliers)

Downloading the PODFather app in Android Open the Google Play Store on your Android device. You will need Android 4.4 or above to download the required app

Search for PODFather Press on the icon

Press install The app will start to download

Downloading the PODFather app in iOS Open the App Store on your iOS device. You will need to be running IOS 10 on an iPhone 5C or newer to download the required app

Search for PODFather Select get

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Then press install The app will start to download

Device and application How to log in and out

Turning on and logging in You must be logged in prior to arriving at a plant in order to get loaded and receive your ticket. Turn ON the tablet if OFF by pressing the power button.

Select the PODFather app from your home screen.

Login Enter driver Username, Password and Name, then tap Login.

Logging Off All jobs must be completed prior to logging out, failure to do so will result in delays to the payment process. Switching off your device DOES NOT log you out of the application, please follow the process below to correctly log out.

Press Logout.

Tap on Logout to exit the PODFather Android app.

Tap on the menu button.

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Device and application Driver vehicle check

When you log in to your device you will be prompted to complete a vehicle check. (This will occur every day when you log into PODFather on your device.) Only one option will appear depending on the truck type that has been set up for the vehicle registration used when logging into the device.

Once you have clicked on the Vehicle Check button the below information will be displayed

You will be required to click on the enter signature button. Upon doing this the screen will rotate to allow you to sign to confirm that a vehicle check has been completed, then click on save in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. (You will need to rotate the device to Landscape before signing and save by clicking in the bottom right hand corner.)

Here you will have the option to Start Vehicle Check on the device or choose that you have already completed a vehicle check today, via a defect sheet or other means of recording your daily defect vehicle inspection. If you choose the option that a vehicle inspection has already been completed the below information will be displayed.

You will then be taken back to the previous screen where the enter signature button will now be highlighted in green as below.

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Then click on Complete Job to finish your device login and display the below screen ready for your first ticket of the shift.

If you are wishing to use the device for your daily defect checks, click on Start Vehicle Check

Note: All fields must be completed, including comment if a defect has been highlighted. At the bottom of this screen hit next which takes you back to the signature prompt, enter signature and complete job.

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Device and application How to complete a driver query

If you have a query, if there is nobody available to sign for your load or if you have any safety concerns then press the ‘Driver Query’ button after arriving on site.

Proceed with the delivery Make notes in the comments section and ‘optional’ photo then press proceed, you will then be directed to the Customer signature screen.

Please call your Tarmac representative and proceed as advised, which will be either:

Cancel the delivery If you have been advised to cancel the delivery then you must add notes in the comments section and take a photo before pressing ‘Cancel Delivery’.

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You will then be directed to the returned material workflow.

Press Continue to begin the returns process.

Press Continue to begin the returns process. Continue with the workflow for returned material.

Proceed - No Customer If you have been advised to proceed without a signature then you must add confirmation of this in the comments area. You can then press ‘Proceed - No Customer’, You will then be directed to the start discharge screen.

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Device and application How to reject an ePOD delivery

Reject a load received in error If the load has been sent to you in error, for example, if the ticket is cancelled while you are still at the tarmac site, the batcher / weighbridge will cancel this in Fortek, but you will need to remove the ticket from your device. Click on ‘reject load’. You will need to enter a comment as to why the load is being rejected. Enter your first and last name, click enter signature and sign, click save in the right hand corner, then click ‘confirm rejection’

Reject a load after arriving at the customers site Click on ‘driver query’, take a photo for evidence and enter comments of why the delivery is being cancelled (photo and comments required). The driver should call the Tarmac office for further instructions.

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To take a photo click on ‘take photo’ this will open the camera. Click on the camera icon circled in yellow. To confirm the photo click on the tick circled in yellow. To retake the photo click on the retake button circled in red. To close the camera click on the X in the left hand corner of the screen.

Customer rejecting the load The tablet should be given to the customer to review the load, they can scroll down the screen where they then need to enter the customers first and last name by clicking in the relevant box and then click on customer signature, this process still requires completion as this is acceptance that the load has been received on site. The customer can then click on ‘customer query’

The customer will need to take a photo and enter comments regarding the load, they can then click on the ‘reject delivery’ In this instance the driver should call the Tarmac office for further instructions. This will begin the returned material workflow.

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Device and application How to return an A&A delivery

If there is any material to be returned click ‘yes’ enter the estimated amount being returned and click ‘next’. A second signature will be required, the customer will need to complete the name and signature sections, once completed you can click on ‘start return load’. If no one is available or refuse to sign you can click on the ‘customer not available to sign’ button.

If ‘customer not available to sign’ has been selected the above screen will be displayed (take photo is optional) click on ‘start return section’.

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Before you begin the return process you will be required to call the office regarding the location of where to take the returned material, then click ‘continue’.

You can now enter the return location from the drop down field and add comments regarding why there is material being returned.

When you are ready to leave the customers site with the return click ‘start return’.

Click ‘arrive at return location’ when you arrive at the weighbridge.

Is there a weighbridge operator available on site.

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If there is no weighbridge operative on site you will be required to take a photo of the returned material, then ‘complete job’ before going for your next load.

If someone is available on the weighbridge click ‘continue’.

Hand the device to the weighbridge operative who will be able to complete and sign for the returned material, the ‘complete job’.

When the job has been completed the device should display the above screen showing ‘no jobs allocated’ you are now ready for your next load.

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Device and application How to return a RMX delivery

If the customer is wishing to return any material, the driver must call into the shipping office for further instruction. Upon getting the instructions click ‘Yes’ and enter the estimated return quantity. The customer will then be required to summarise and sign for the returned material. You can then click ‘Complete Load’ and this will complete the ticket and carry on with instructions given by the shipping office.

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Device and application How to complete an Incident Report

To complete an Incident Report, click on the icon in the top right hand corner of your device to open up the menu.

Scroll down the menu and select ‘Incident Report’.

Select the unsafe act from the drop down menu, complete all fields on the form including ‘take photo’, then complete job.

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To take a photo click on ‘take photo’ this will open the camera. Click on the camera icon circled in yellow. To confirm the photo click on the tick circled in yellow. To retake the photo click on the retake button circled in red. To close the camera click on the X in the left hand corner of the screen. Please note that when an incident is recorded, the driver should inform their local Tarmac office or Tarmac representative.

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Haulage Driver Behaviour

To ensure accuracy of data and enable us to pay Hauliers correctly, it is essential that drivers interact with their device properly. All drivers MUST: 1. Log in to PODFather at the start of every shift and out at the end of the shift. • Their username and password by default are the vehicle registration without any spaces. • Failure to log in and out daily will result in us not being able to update their application. This increases the likelihood of problems occuring, which will result in downtime whilst the device is fixed and updated. • Failure to log out means the application will be tracking outside of working hours 2. Press the start job button when they leave the plant to start their delivery. • This will notify the customer that their load is en route, therefore pressing the button at the wrong time makes this notification inaccurate. 3. Press the arrived at site button when you arrive at the delivery location.

5. Always use their best endeavour to collect the customer’s signature. • If unable to collect a signature, the driver should call the office and follow the instructions given. It is recommended that drivers ALWAYS take a photo in circumstances where nobody is available to sign. • This evidence can be used in the event of the customer disputing delivery. 6. Press finish discharge • This is when the time on site recording finishes, used for waiting time calculations. • Note: If significant delays are encountered leaving site then a query should be raised for payment of additional waiting time 7. Press complete the job when ready to leave the site. • This triggers the POD to be sent to the customer. • This provides colleagues with useful information and the vehicle can now progress to its’ next load.

• The information can be used to confirm delivery time in the event of a dispute so it is essential that the button is pressed at the corresponding point in the delivery process. • The arrival time will also start the time on site recording, used in waiting time calculations. 4. Press start discharge. • This allows colleagues, customers and hauliers know that the delivery is proceeding.


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Troubleshooting WiFi guide

The ePOD devices supplied by Tarmac will automatically connect to the ePOD WiFi installed at Tarmac sites. On some devices, the WiFi symbol will show on the device with an ! over it as shown below:

This doesn't mean that the WiFi is not working or that there is an error. The ! is there because the device and the WiFi network are locked down to only send and receive information. Please note that the ePOD WiFi does not require a password and can be used by third party drivers using the ePOD ( PODFather) application.

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Troubleshooting FAQs

It takes ages for tickets to come through to my device!

What if there is nobody available to sign on site?

The driver can press on the menu button at the top right hand side of their application and then select "Communicate" from the pull out menu that appears. This forces any waiting information through. Sometimes, due to location and infrastructure, turning off the Wifi on the device can help speed up the digital handshake, as the device will then rely on mobile data instead of defaulting via our Wifi.

​ fter the driver has pressed arrive on site they will A have the option either to proceed (green button) or raise a query (red button). If they raise a query then they will be prompted to call into the office for instructions and they will then be able to use the "Proceed, no Customer" option on their device. They must enter comments in order to use this feature.

What do I do if my Device (Tarmac issued only) or PODFather application are not working properly? Please contact the dedicated ePOD Helpdesk on 0345 0711 350, they are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week with the only exception being Christmas Day.

I have forgotten my password so I can't log in and out daily! In the first instance the driver should contact the ePOD support desk to have his/her password reset. If you are a PODFather web portal user and have administration rights you can reset password by doing the following: I​n PODFather, click on "Account" in the top right hand side and select the "Drivers" tab. Search for the driver affected and click on the registration to enter their account. Enter the vehicle reg, without any spaces in both password fields and press save, the driver should now be able to login using the default details, it is advisable that they change the password to something memorable upon their first login.

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What if it takes me a long time to get off site after getting the customer to sign for waiting time? ​ he automatic time on site calculation runs from T the "Arrive on Site" to "Finish Discharge" button presses. If the vehicle is held excessively on site after finishing discharge then a query should be raised following the standard process in order to claim the additional time.

​​​​ I forget my device, can I borrow the spare If one from the Weighbridge? NO, the spare device is only to be issued when instructed to do so by the ePOD Support Desk in response to a enquiry whereby a remote fix cannot be achieved. It is essential that all drivers have their device with them, charged and ready for work as failure to do so may result in Tarmac refusing to load them.

What happens if a device gets broken or damaged?

I can't get the Haulier Ticketing Portal to work properly (filter etc)?

There are spare devices kept at every Batch Cabin and Weighbridge throughout the UK. If a device does not function properly, gets damaged or is broken you should call the dedicated support line on 0345 071 1350. Where possible they will attempt to fix issues quickly over the phone, where this is not possible then they will instruct you to collect a spare device and continue working. You must leave their damaged device with the Weighbridge or Batch Cabin and our suppliers will collect this and then deliver a new spare device on the next working day.

​ ry asking the user to reload the Portal in a T different web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox. Internet Explorer can sometimes be problematic.

What happens when I sell or change my vehicle? You should take the Device and it’s cradle for use in your next vehicle, unless you are leaving the scheme, in which case these must be surrendered to your Transport Account Manager. The mounting bracket itself will not be de-fitted and is universal, meaning can be used by the new owner to mount a device of their choice.

How much data does ePOD use? As a guideline, a Haulier working for us 9 hours a day, every day can expect to use between .5 and 1gb of data per month. This can be used as a reference point to calculate how much data External Hauliers may require for their fleet.

Why is it so important that we press the buttons at the correct time? Every time a status button is pressed, the system creates a time and map stamp so that we know how each delivery is progressing at any given point. Delivery status notifications are sent to the customer on the basis of the drivers current status so failing to press buttons or pressing them at the wrong time could cause confusion and will miss inform the customer.

I have forgotten my Haulier Ticketing Portal login details! ​ lease contact your Tarmac Representative P or epod.enquiries@tarmac.com to get your password reset.

I have logged in to the Hauier Ticketing Portal but I can only see details for one of my vehicles? You need one login per vendor code in order to have full fleet visability, you can then combine these logins in the "My Account" section of the Portal if required.

I have had login details emailed over but they are for an old vendor code which isn't in use anymore? ​ lease contact your Tarmac Representative or P epod.enquiries@tarmac.com to get the correct details resent.

Please can you send my Haulier Ticketing Portal details to a different email address? Onboarding information can only be sent to the email address that we hold on file for GDPR reasons.

Can you please add my accountant's email address onto my file so that they have access to our data? ​ o, these must be sent to the email address that N we hold on file for GDPR reasons and we cannot add details of a third party organisation to protect the hauliers data. We do not recommend that hauliers share their login details with third parties.

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Troubleshooting Device troubleshooting



Check the device is charged The device will not turn on Press the power button for 2 seconds and release

The device will not log in

Check you have not entered any spaces in either your username or password

Please press the power button for 10 seconds to force the device to shut down and wait 30 seconds. The device is frozen or will not respond Press the power button for 2 seconds to restart the device.

Ask the Weighbridge Operative to check they have completed the ticket “printing” process.

The ticket has not come through to the device

Confirm which vehicle registration the Weighbridge have included on the ticket.

If all the details are correct then press the icon and select “communicate” from the list that appears.

The screen will not rotate

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Please note that the PODFather app used for ePOD is designed to work in Portrait orientation and the general screens that you interact with will not automatically rotate to Landscape, unless a signature is required.


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