Sustainability summary report 2010/11

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Sustainability Report SUMMARY 2010/11 Visit our full report online

The way we quarry raw materials

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We quarry a range of minerals, including sand, hard rock and gravel, from a number of geological sources. We take a whole-life approach to sustainability but the issues of particular relevance to mineral extraction are governance, health and safety, reducing CO2, biodiversity, community engagement, archaeology, environmental protection and restoration.

“ Our Sustainability Framework has continued to help us meet our commitments on safety, reducing CO2, waste and energy use, supplying responsibly sourced products, protecting biodiversity, managing natural resources efficiently and rolling out our plans around community engagement and employee diversity.” Terry Last, CEO of Tarmac Visit our full report online


to Tarmac’s Sustainability Report Summary 2010/11.

The way we process raw materials into products


The minerals we quarry are used to make products such as aggregates, recycled aggregates, ready-mixed concrete, asphalt, cement and lime, which have a variety of uses. We take action across our whole business to improve sustainability performance but the issues of particular relevance to manufacturing are safe working, reducing CO2, environmental protection, safety, recycling and reuse, transport, reducing energy and using waste-derived fuels. Visit our full report online sustainability

The way our products are used

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Our high-quality products are used in a range of sectors and help to increase durability, maximise whole-life sustainability performance and minimise energy impacts from the built environment. In developing our products we focus on issues such as durability, whole-life performance, end uses, responsible sourcing and quality management.

Sustainability remains central to our strategy, and is a fundamental part of the way we do business. Since our last report, our Sustainability Framework has continued to help us meet our commitments on safety, reducing CO2, waste and energy use, supplying responsibly sourced products, protecting biodiversity, managing natural resources efficiently and rolling out our plans around community engagement and employee diversity. We’re a safer business than ever, reducing Lost Time Injuries by 21% compared to 2009. I am proud to say that our energy management strategy is delivering significant benefits, with Tarmac’s specific CO2 emissions cut by 11% and specific energy consumption cut by 15% since 2004. We have also cut the amount of waste sent to licensed disposal by 92% since 2004 – in fact, Tarmac is now a net user of waste. From a financial perspective, these remain challenging times, but we have continued to adapt to market conditions, build on our strengths and evolve Tarmac’s structure. This included continuing the sale of our remaining international interests – with the exception of the Middle East – and simplifying our UK quarrying business. There have been some tough decisions, and in early 2011, our sister company, Tarmac Building Products Limited, announced the closure of their UK precast concrete and precast flooring operations. The economic situation and budget cuts have impacted on our business, with our operating profit falling as a result of the wider downturn. Despite this, we have retained our industryleading position – a positive confirmation that we’re continuing to deliver on customer requirements by focusing on sustainability, quality, expertise and reliability.

There are certainly exciting times ahead for Tarmac. In February this year Anglo American (our parent company) and Lafarge announced their intention to form a 50:50 joint venture (JV) to combine Tarmac and Lafarge’s UK cement, aggregates, ready-mixed concrete, asphalt and contracting businesses. The proposed JV is subject to regulatory approval and, at date of publication, the UK’s Office of Fair Trading (OFT) announced that it has referred the proposed JV to the Competition Commission for review. Until completion of the transaction, both Tarmac and Lafarge will continue to operate as independent businesses in the UK. With the ongoing support of our employees, customers and suppliers, I’m confident that we will continue to grow and evolve to meet the challenges ahead. Terry Last Chief Executive Officer, Tarmac

Data in this report covers Tarmac 2010 business performance in the UK, unless stated otherwise. *The proposed JV does not include Tarmac Middle East, any of the remaining Tarmac International businesses or Tarmac Building Products Limited. Neither does it include Lafarge’s UK Plasterboard operations.

Our Sustainability Framework Tarmac’s Sustainability Framework identifies our priorities and guides our approach across four areas that are vital to our business, our customers and our stakeholders: Sustainable Products; Climate Change; Natural Resources & the Environment; and People & Communities. Our Framework also informs the structure of this summary report, which outlines our actions and our performance during 2010. This report is aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, at a GRI-checked application level of A.


Sustainable product performance Supplying sustainable services and products Maximising the whole-life sustainability performance of our products Understanding our customers’ needs Ensuring our products support customers’ sustainability goals and legislative requirements


energy management Improving energy efficiency Promoting energy-efficient practices greenhouSe gaS management Reducing the use of fossil fuels Reducing CO2 emissions Complying with greenhouse gas legislation Adapting to climate change

product quality management Achieving exceptional standards of quality Operating best-practice quality management systems Responsible sourcing Certifying our products to responsible sourcing schemes Ensuring our products are made with the utmost ethical, safety, environmental and social considerations Working with supply chain partners to ensure a safe, ethical and sustainable supply chain

“ This is the third year that we’ve produced a Sustainability Report based around Tarmac’s Framework and targets. In this time, sustainability has become more deeply embedded in our business, our strategy and our culture. I’m pleased with our achievements so far, but there is more to do and I look forward to steering Tarmac through the challenges that lie ahead.” Dr Martyn Kenny, Director of Sustainability, Tarmac



Protecting the environment Managing environmental impacts Protecting and enhancing biodiversity in and around our sites Cataloguing and preserving archaeological assets Restoring quarries

Health and safety Embedding a zero harm culture Targeting continuous improvement Creating an ever-safer, healthier working environment

efficient uSe of natural reSourceS Managing our mineral resources in a responsible way Minimising waste and cutting the amount sent to licensed disposal Promoting recycling Using wastes or secondary materials in our products, or as fuels for our operations Reducing potable water consumption and managing abstracted water efficiently

Stakeholder engagement Maintaining proactive and honest relationships with our different stakeholder groups Our employees Attracting and retaining a diverse, talented workforce Providing a fair and open working environment Enabling employees to realise their full potential through progression, training and development Local communities Being a good neighbour Operating transparently Supporting local initiatives Our business Developing our business responsibly Creating financial value Demonstrating effective governance

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Sustainable products


Tarmac’s aggregates, ready-mixed concrete, asphalt, lime and cement are used all around us; in the houses we live in, the schools and hospitals we rely on, the roads and infrastructure we use to get around and in many industrial and environmental applications. We take a whole-life approach to ensure that we make our products in a responsible and ethical way, understanding our customers’ needs and legislative demands, to deliver high-quality sustainable products and services.


of Tarmac products are independently certified as responsibly sourced

of Tarmac’s UK business has achieved the Carbon Trust Standard

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WHOLE-LIFE PERFORMANCE Tarmac’s products and services support the move towards a more sustainable society. We work to reduce embodied CO2 footprints through efficient processes and recycling, but also optimise the whole-life sustainability performance of our products when in use. We draw on intrinsic properties such as recyclability, durability and thermal mass to improve the sustainability of infrastructure and the built environment. RESPONSIBLE SOURCING Tarmac’s entire UK product range is independently certified as ‘Very Good’ against the BES 6001 Framework Standard for the Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products. This gives our customers the assurance that all Tarmac products are produced responsibly and ethically. It also means that they can gain extra points under the BRE Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment Scheme (CEEQUAL) and the Code for Sustainable Homes. Our UK operations are also certified to the Achilles BuildingConfidence scheme. UNDERSTANDING ISSUES – DELIVERING SOLUTIONS Our customers – and their clients – have to address increasingly complex sustainability challenges. Our heritage, products, technical expertise and understanding of legislation mean that customers trust Tarmac to deliver innovative products and services to meet these challenges. Find out more about our products at QUALITY ASSURED We operate robust quality management systems, certified to ISO 9001, across our business. These provide stringent guidelines, with an auditable process and robust data that helps give assurance to our customers. Our quality products

are backed up by expert technical knowledge and understanding of the issues and legislation that our customers face. MEASURING CARBON FOOTPRINT Tarmac can provide customers with the carbon footprint information for any of its products. We are launching the industry’s first comprehensive product carbon footprint tool in 2011. This will enable us to provide customers with complete cradle-to-gate, or cradle-to-site carbon footprint information. RECYCLING Tarmac is one of the UK’s leading recycling businesses. In 2010, we processed more than two million tonnes of waste into 1.5 million tonnes of usable, quality controlled, secondary aggregates. Our standard approach is to use recycled materials in our products, where applicable. In particular, we believe using Reclaimed Asphalt Planings (RAP) should be normal practice, as it has the biggest impact on reducing the embodied CO2 of asphalt products, and helps to conserve mineral resources. We are investing further in technology to enable us to process RAP into new asphalt at even more sites and 70% of our ready-mixed concrete mixes contain secondary cementitious materials, helping to cut embodied CO2. ADAPTING INFRASTRUCTURE Tarmac’s technical expertise and product range are helping customers to address sustainability challenges in the projects they work on – such as adapting infrastructure and the built environment to increased temperatures and more extreme rainfall. TarmacDry, our porous asphalt system, can be used as part of sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) to help manage water, reduce flood risk, and enable water to be recycled and reused.

PERFORMANCE • Entire UK business certified to Achilles BuildingConfidence • Standard asphalt contains Reclaimed Asphalt Planings (RAP), wherever possible • 70% of ready-mixed concrete mixes contain secondary cementitious materials • 100% of products independently certified as responsibly sourced to BES 6001 • Entire UK organisation achieved the Carbon Trust Standard for CO2 management and reduction performance over the last two years

TARGETS • All products certified to a responsible sourcing scheme • Development of the industry’s first comprehensive Product Carbon Footprinting tool in 2011, providing customers with complete cradle-to-gate or cradle-tosite footprint information


Climate change Our proactive approach to addressing climate change focuses on the areas over which we have most control, and that deliver the greatest whole-life sustainability benefits to Tarmac, our customers and the UK. We minimise impacts from our business by continually cutting CO2 and improving the energy efficiency of our processes. Our product range is developed to optimise in-use sustainability performance, helping to minimise the climate change impacts of the built environment and support our customers in achieving their own sustainability goals.

reduction in specific CO2 emissions since 2004


reduction in specific energy consumption since 2004

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ENERGY-EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY We’re continuing to make strategic investments in plant and technology to help us deliver against our energy-efficiency improvement targets and reduce the impacts from our operations and processes. Our new, £13.4 million, energyefficient Maerz lime kiln came into operation at Tunstead in 2010 and has, so far, helped Tarmac to achieve a 58% reduction in energy use, compared to the older kilns it replaced. GREENHOUSE GAS MANAGEMENT The majority of Tarmac’s CO2 emissions are associated with cement and lime manufacturing, where we have a comprehensive waste-derived fuels programme which is delivering significant reductions. As well as cutting carbon, this programme allows us to make beneficial use of wastes such as tyre chips, meat-and-bone meal (MBM), processed commercial waste (Calfuel®) and wood chips. In 2010, almost a third of the heat needed for our cement manufacturing was provided by waste-derived fuels, cutting the amount of fossil fuels we used by almost 30,000 tonnes. Using waste-derived fuels with a carbon neutral biomass content has helped us to cut CO2 emissions per tonne of cement (PCe*) by 41% over the last 10 years. CARBON TRUST STANDARD Tarmac’s UK business gained the prestigious Carbon Trust Standard in recognition of our measurement, management and reduction of CO2 emissions. Our new energy roadmaps and assessment tool, both developed with the Carbon Trust, have also been rolled out across all UK sites, enabling us to prioritise operational efficiencies and improvements. So far, they have helped us to identify more than 500 energy and CO2 reduction ideas.

RECYCLING Recycling is an important way of cutting the embodied CO2 in our products, and Tarmac is an industry leader in recycling. By investing in technology, we have increased our use of Reclaimed Asphalt Planings (RAP), enabling us to recycle up to 50% of this material in making new asphalt. This can reduce embodied CO2 by as much as 25%. INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP Tarmac focuses on optimising the whole-life sustainability performance of our products when in use, and cutting embodied CO2 through recycling. We also actively explore other ways of cutting CO2 and are leading an industrial energy-efficiency project with the Carbon Trust, looking at how to bring lower temperature asphalt to the market and encourage wider specification.

PERFORMANCE • 41% reduction in CO2 per tonne of cement (PCe*) over the last 10 years • 11% reduction in specific CO2 emissions since 2004 • 15% reduction in specific energy consumption since 2004 • Awarded Carbon Trust Standard across all UK operations for CO2 measurement, management and reduction performance over the last two years • Achieved a train fill of 98% for rail from Tarmac Buxton Lime and Cement rail loading facility (exceeding 94% target)

LOW CARBON TRANSPORT *Portland cement equivalent In 2010, we increased the amount of product we transport by rail by 150,000 tonnes TARGETS compared to 2009. Tarmac is also the first company in its sector to trial hydrogen-powered • Reduce specific energy consumption by 25% vehicles, and we are also committed to using by 2014** electric vehicles, where appropriate. CARBON COMPLIANCE In 2011, Tarmac has continued to meet all of its obligations and targets under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and Climate Change Agreements. We have also registered our business for the new Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme.

• Reduce CO2e emissions by 15% by 2014 (CO2 equivalent per unit of production)**

• 94% train fill for rail from Tarmac Buxton Lime and Cement rail loading facility **Against our 2004 baseline

Natural resources & the environment


Tarmac is a leading quarrying and construction materials business, and our products are widely used and in demand for a range of essential applications. The natural resources we manage are finite, so we must meet these demands sustainably and safely, managing mineral resources responsibly and reducing waste, while protecting the environment, biodiversity and heritage to safeguard them for future generations.


reduction in waste sent to licensed disposal since 2004

cut in potable water used in concrete and mortar, per unit of production since 2004

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OPERATING RESPONSIBLY We operate our business with the utmost regard for people, local communities and natural resources, as well as for biodiversity and the environments in and around our operations. Our environmental management systems, community engagement plans and Biodiversity Action Plans help minimise any negative impacts and enhance the many positive benefits that our products bring. We work and consult with communities, local government and independent organisations on our plans and activities. MANAGING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT In 2010, 423 of 428 relevant locations had certified ISO 14001 environmental management systems; that’s 99% of our UK operations. Our systems include comprehensive environmental monitoring, internal and third-party audits, robust targets and regular reviews to deliver continuous performance improvements. EFFICIENT RESOURCE USE We use the resources under our control in a sustainable and efficient way. Managing water, in particular, is an integral element of our sustainability strategy. We are committed to efficient management of abstracted water in our quarries, and to cutting mains (potable) water consumption. So far we have reduced the amount of potable water used per unit of concrete and mortar by 28% since 2004.

MINIMISING WASTE Tarmac is a net user of waste – we consume more waste than we produce ourselves. In 2010, we recycled 87% of the waste we generated and cut the amount of waste we sent to licensed disposal by 92% against our 2004 baseline. We recover unavoidable wastes from our operations and, in addition, used over two million tonnes of waste from others as recycled materials in our products and as waste-derived fuels. RESTORATION Restoration is a key part of our plans at every quarry. Most of our sites are restored to their original use before we started quarrying. Cumulatively (end 2008 to 2010), we restored 3,258 hectares of land in the UK, including 946 hectares for agriculture, 1,075 for conservation or amenities, and 139 hectares as woodland. More than 777 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in the UK are former quarries. PROTECTING HERITAGE We carry out archaeological evaluations before we start quarrying any site. In 2010, we spent £388,000 on investigating 69 hectares of land and helped to discover the oldest known engineered and manufactured road in Britain, at our Bayston Hill quarry.

PERFORMANCE • Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) in place at 100% of active quarries • Restored 3,258 hectares of land cumulatively (end 2008 to 2010) • Planted 40,167 trees, 3,910 metres of hedgerow and built 372 metres of dry stone wall in 2010 • Used around 36,000 tonnes of waste as fuels • 99% of active operational UK sites have ISO 14001 certified environmental management systems

TARGETS • Maintain ISO 14001 certifications and implement at any new operational locations • Maintain BAPs and implement at any new mineral operations • Reduce waste sent to licensed landfill by 75% by 2012 (from 2004)

BIODIVERSITY Tarmac has continued to drive forward with our • Reduce litres of mains water unit of concrete and Biodiversity Action Plans as a way of protecting mortar production by 45% and enhancing species and habitats. Our sites (from 2004) make good homes for many UK priority species. • Measure potable and In 2010 we gained the prestigious Biodiversity abstracted water Benchmark award from The Wildlife Trusts at consumption at all nine sites in North Yorkshire. operational locations

People & communities Tarmac is a major business, employing 5,868 people at 516 operational facilities across the UK. Our long-term success is intrinsically linked to us being an ethical and safe employer that protects and develops its workforce, and is a good neighbour to the communities around our sites. We work to maintain honest and positive relationships, and ensure that operations are run in a responsible and professional manner.


cut in Lost Time Injuries

100% of significant sites have community engagement plans

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PROTECTING HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELLBEING Tarmac’s Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Framework and Golden Rules provide clear standards and expectations across all levels of our business. We embed a culture of zero harm and aim to eradicate all occupational ill health for employees and contractors. We safeguard the communities living around our sites and work with the Mineral Products Association to help spread the safety message via their Stay Safe campaign. Our approach is delivering continuous improvement in our health and safety performance – including a 21% reduction in Lost Time Injuries in 2010 compared to 2009.

Our customers Building strong, long-term relationships with customers has been at the heart of Tarmac’s business strategy for more than a century. It’s why people trust us. We aim to deliver the highest quality products and an exceptional level of service that meets customers’ individual needs while providing clear value for money.

OUR EMPLOYEES We employ 5,868 people in the UK and employees are at the heart of our business. Our commercial success and sustainability performance are reliant upon their expertise, commitment and skills. It is our responsibility to provide a safe, positive work environment that respects diversity and human rights, and enables people to develop their full potential. In 2010 we launched a comprehensive employee survey, My Say, and have implemented a number of new development tools including a performance management framework and an employee award scheme.

SUPPORTING LOCAL INITIATIVES We support many charities and local initiatives that make a positive difference in the communities in which we work. We also provide financial and material support to many community groups and schemes across the UK.

Diversity Diversity and inclusion are important to Tarmac, and we are developing a new diversity and inclusion policy framework to be rolled out across our business in 2011 and beyond.

PERFORMANCE • Developed a new diversity and inclusion policy framework • 78% response rate in our annual My Say employee survey • Community Engagement

BEING A GOOD NEIGHBOUR Programmes in place at all Tarmac works hard to be a good neighbour to significant sites the people living around our sites, minimising • 28% reduction in the number impacts and promoting the many positive of new reported cases benefits our business can bring. We aim to of occupational disease establish open communications and keep our compared to 2009 neighbours informed of our plans through liaison TARGETS groups, newsletters, open days and websites.

INDUSTRY INITIATIVES We are an active member of a variety of trade associations and industry initiatives, helping to drive progress in sustainable practices and develop industry standards across the sectors in which we work. Our suppliers We develop strong, fair and mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers. This achieves better commercial performance and ensures more effective management of safety, quality, ethical and environmental issues throughout our supply chain. It also helps us demonstrate to customers that our products are responsibly sourced.

• Progressively reduce the number and severity of incidents to reach our target of zero harm by reducing Total Recordable Case Frequency Rate by 20% per year • Eliminate any new cases, or progression of existing cases, of noise-induced hearing loss, hand–arm vibration syndrome, dermatitis and occupational lung disease • Ensure that hazards are recognised and associated risks are adequately controlled by appropriate means • All employees to have annual performance appraisals • Implement a new diversity and inclusion policy • Maintain community engagement plans at all operational locations

Performance summary Baseline































Business performance Operating profit, £ million

Climate change Total energy consumption UK only, thousand GJ1 CO2 emissions, UK only, tonnes


Lime business, CO2 emissions3 CO2 (tonnes) Production as a % of baseline (as CaO) Cement business, CO2 emissions


CO2 (tonnes) Production as a % of baseline (as PCe)

Natural resources & the environment Lime business emissions, tonnes5 Particulates





Oxides of nitrogen (as NO2)





Sulphur dioxide (SO2)





Production as a % of baseline (as CaO)





Cement business emissions, tonnes6 Particulates Oxides of nitrogen (as NO2)









Sulphur dioxide (SO2)





Production as a % of baseline (as PCe)





Licensed disposal










Total produced


355, 578












Waste produced, tonnes7

Abstracted water, UK only (m ) 3

Total potable water (m3)


People & communities Lost Time Injuries (LTI) Lost Time Injury Severity Rate (LTISR)




Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)9




Total Recordable Case Frequency Rate (TRCFR)10




Fatal Injury Frequency Rate

















Occupational ill health, number of cases11 NIHL (UK Health and Safety Executive) Silicosis (COAD) HAVS Dermatitis

Data covers Tarmac business performance in the UK, unless stated otherwise. 1 Total energy includes electricity, fossil fuels and waste-derived fuels, including biomass fuels. 2 Includes indirect CO2 emissions from electricity, direct CO2 emissions from combustion of fossil fuels and waste-derived fuels, excluding biomass. Includes direct process CO2 emissions. Data is for November – December 2010. Data is calculated using Guidelines to Defra’s Greenhouse Gas Conversion Factors for Company Reporting 2009 and for cement and lime, the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Guidelines. 3 Baseline is the average for 1998/1999/2000. Includes direct combustion and process emissions according to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Guidelines. 4 Carbon dioxide emissions per tonne of PCe reduced by 41% compared to the 1998–2000 baseline. Baseline is the average for 1998/1999/2000. Includes direct combustion and process emissions according to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Guidelines. 5 Baseline is the average for 1998/1999/2000. Data includes direct emissions from all lime manufacturing processes including quicklime, hydrated lime, lime grinding and packing operations. 6 Baseline is the average for 1998/1999/2000. Data includes direct emissions from all cement and clinker manufacturing processes.

10 Tarmac has reported TRCFR since 2005, a key performance indicator which helps us to focus on improvements above and beyond LTIs. The TRCFR takes account of all Medical Treatment Cases, which is the most significant Non-Lost Time Injury, as well as LTIs, Restricted Work Cases, Road Traffic Incidents and fatalities. 11 NIHL = Noise-induced hearing loss. COAD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. HAVS = Hand-arm vibration syndrome. The reduction in the number of HAVS cases is due to employees who had the disease leaving the organisation, or a reassessment using detailed quantitative testing procedures which have confirmed a lower number of cases than previously reported.

TARMAC Millfields Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton WV4 6JP

8 LTISR = Days lost due to Lost Time Injuries x 200,000 / man hours worked.

9 LTIFR = Lost Time Injuries x 200,000 / man hours worked.

Produced by Flag

7 Data does not include Tarmac’s aggregate recycling operations.

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