Type Hype - 3rd March 2011

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MARCH, 2011

Today’s Schedule


India represents the largest de-

08:30 - 09:15

Registration & Tea

09:15 - 09:40

Welcome Session/Opening

seamless picture of unity in di-

09:40 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker, Prof. G. V. Sreekumar

presents itself in such a dizzying,

10:15 - 10:45


gions, races and tongues. It is this

10:45 - 12:55

Session 1 {Moderator: Shri Sudarshan Dheer}

mocracy in the world with a versity. In this nation humanity

Mr. Rafael Vivanco Mr. T. Fikret Uçar Ms. Carole Charette Mr. Satya Rajpurohit (Young Vision Speaker)

creative burst of cultures and relivariety, which provides a breathtaking ensemble for experiences that is uniquely Indian. The diversity omnipresent in the cultures


of this Nation can also be seen in the myriad scripts and languages

1:00 - 02:10


02:10 - 04:10

Session 2 {Moderator: Prof. Mahendra C Patel}

Indian typography has a rich

munication in India, standardiza-

designs and Typography experi-

Ms. Sumantri Samarawickrama Mr. Mohammad Reza Abdolali Mr. Fang Chen Mr. Neelakash Kshetrimayum

history and a very prospective

tion issues of various Indian lan-

ments using multilingual scripts

future. The need to showcase,

guage scripts in digital media and

in nature are the primary subjects

preserve, explore and share these

workshops on calligraphy.

of presentation for this year’s

04:10 - 04:40


become increasingly important.

Every year, Typography Day is

tions by National, International

04:40 - 07:15

Session 3 {Prof. Ravi Poovaiah}

This field is booming with en-

expanding. This year, it is being

and Student speakers enriches

ergy and is at its explorative stage

organized at the National Insti-

this celebration of Typography. It

where the involvement of more

tute of Design, Ahmedabad in

further opens up myriad avenues

people will lead to better designs

collaboration with the Industrial

of knowledge exchange between

and research in this area. Also,

Design Centre (IDC) at the Indi-

students and the eminent speak-

because of the diversity in the

an Institute of Technology Bom-

ers from international countries

scripts and languages in India,

bay (IIT Bombay) with support

like England, Italy, Hong Kong,

people associated with typogra-

from India Design Association

Iran, U.S.A, Canada, Turkey and

phy and calligraphy face a large

(InDeAs). The event will include

Sri Lanka. For the first time 11

number of issues and challenges

a seminar devoted to addressing

different Workshops by eminent

and unique experiences while

issues faced by type designers,

typographers are being offered on

exploring this field that needs to

type users and type educators.

the third day which will help stu-

be shared and discussed. Typog-

The program will feature pres-

dents re-discover their love and

raphy Day thus gives us a broad

entations on the first two days

find newer meanings in expres-

platform to enrich this field with

followed by a day of workshops

sive typography.

more learning and explorations

dedicated to typography and cal-

through workshops, discussions,


that India offers.

conference. Abstract Presenta-

rich scripts and languages have

Mr. Farzan Kermaninejad Ms. Pradnya Naik Ms. Noopur Datye Mr. Anand Kamdar (Student Speaker) Ms. Harshita Pande (Student Speaker) Mr. Ted Harrison (Industry Presentation)

Being celebrated as part of National Institute of Design’s Gold-

abstracts and presentations.

Team Typo welcomes the speakers, delegates, and all other guests of Typography Day 2011 to the city of Ahmedabad and to NID’s main campus here at Paldi. We look forward to three exciting days of talks, workshops, and opportunities to meet ‘friends of type’ from across the world.

In Today’s Edition Timeless Typographers ADRIAN FRUTIGER

en Jubilee celebrations, Typogra-

ence is ‘Typography and Expres-

phy Day 2011 hopes to add value

and was hosted by the Industrial

sion’. An exciting range of work-

to India’s rich field of Typogra-

Design Centre at IIT Bombay as

shops and presentations has been

phy and Calligraphy and unravel

part of their golden jubilee cel-

lined up for Typography Day

new domains of explorations and

ebrations. It included workshops

2011. Research activities in Ex-

learning in this field.

and presentations on challenges

pressive Typography, Typography

faced during multilingual com-

as expression of local contextual

Fun Stuff



Spotted !


What is

The theme of this year’s conferTypography Day started in 2008



? Type Hype is the daily journal for Typography Day 2011, International Seminar and Workshops on ‘Typography and Expression’. See you every morning till the 5


of March.

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