Thoro Ethical Strategy

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T HORO Ke le k a M o b e ly M ic h a e l M a g l i o c h e t t i Ta r y n Fo r d





A BETTER PLACE IF. . . m o r e q u e s t i o n s we r e a s ke d

Transparency. A word often missing from the vocabulary of today’s leading fashion houses, leaving a vacancy within the fashion industry. Honesty. An opportunity for emerging labels to change the expectations of customers and industry leaders. Traceability, sustainability, and credibility will be part of every discussion at Thoro. Questions will be encouraged, celebrating the traveler inside all of us.

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About the Company Values Thoro Customer Competitors Perceptual Map SWOT Conglomerates The 4 P’s Product Pages Vegetable Tanning Explored Traceable Tag Explored Trace Mobile App References Appendix

“We need the tonic of wildness... At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”

Walden: Or, Life in the Woods

About the Brand

As intellectuals we cannot grow if our routines remain static. Traveling allows us to break away from the familiar and enter the unknown. While the unknown can be uncomfortable, and at times unnerving, it is in these moments that we can realize our true potential. If we’re constantly in our comfort zone, we cannot progress. For decades, fashion houses have remained in their comfort zones by keeping consumers in the dark. When it comes to transparency, brands opt for making a profit over honesty and integrity. They are able to do this simply because consumers, as a whole, do not ask questions. However, there has been a shift in consumer attitude towards being more consciously inquisitive. This presents the opportunity for individuals to be more thorough. What does it mean to be thorough? This question directed our research within the market, leading us to inquire about where our products come from, how they’re being made, and how quality is being ensured. This level of analysis needed to be extensive in order to deliver our desired level of luxury to our educated consumer. While our name is inspired by in depth inquisition, it also has a literary background that focuses on authentic living. Henry David Thoreau, the famous American

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author, once said “rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” It is this mindset that fuels our brand’s desire to shed light on the importance of integrity. Thoro is an American-made menswear brand based in one of the most historic cities in The United States, Washington D.C. Founded on culture, travel, and authenticity, Thoro strives to engage the socially conscious individual through ethically conscious practices. With a strong desire to provide premium leather goods in the luxury market, we have created a collection of products with sustainability in mind. The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of the Thoro brand by assessing three contemporary issues in fashion: traceability, sustainability, and leather tanning. Focusing on the brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, a full brand profile will be outlined.

As a building block for our business and strategy we put together a list of beliefs that fully embody who Thoro is as a brand. Our core values are the result of our shared appreciation for the various ecosystems of the world. The list serves as the common red thread through all of our business practices.

Always be transparent Products Should be Traceable Respect the Environment Honesty is the Best Policy Appreciation of Quality Live Authentically

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he customer shopping at Thoro is a highly educated male between the ages of 30 to 40. Valuing culture, these gentlemen reside in metropolitan areas that embrace history and exploration. Thoro’s brick & mortar is located within the heart of Alexandria, Virgina due to the consumer potential. Alexandria, Virgina is home to roughly 150,000 people (United States Census Bureau, 2013). Within the population, residents surrounding Thoro’s brick & mortar equate to 12,450 (Claritas, 2015b). The 22301 zip-code district is home to many affluent individuals. Those who call this area home include the American Dreams, Bohemian Mix, Money & Brains, Movers & Shakers, and Young Digerati (Claritas, 2015b). In regards to Thoro, the customer falls into the Young Digerati PRIZM category. According to Claritas (2015b), the Young Digerati are,



tech-savvy and live in fashionable neighborhoods on the urban fringe. Affluent, highly educated, and ethnically mixed, Young Digerati communities are typically filled with trendy apartments and condos, fitness clubs and clothing boutiques, casual restaurants and all types of bars--from juice to coffee to microbrew.

The median income in Alexandria, Virginia for the Young Digerati individuals is roughly $95,000 USD (Claritas, 2015a). Their disposable income is higher than the national average, which allows them to shop at high-end retailers such as Bloomingdales, Barneys New York, and Saks Fifth Avenue (Claritas, 2015a). Thoro’s customer typically holds a managerial position which followed their graduate+ degrees.

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“ T h i s wo rl d i s b u t a c a nva s t o ou r i m a g i n at i o n � He n r y D avi d T h o r e au

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The competitors were concluded through research based on channels of distribution, price-point, product categories, aesthetics, and company values. Each of these brands have various added values that would attract the customer who shops at Thoro. Through identifying and analyzing the competition, Thoro can better position itself in the marketplace.



Long Journey

John Varvatos

Price Range: $750-5695 Men’s & Women’s E-Commerce, Brick & Mortar, and Wholesale

Price Range: $500-1500 Men’s & Women’s E-Commerce, Brick & Mortar, and In-Store Stores

Price Range: $1090-1500 Menswear Wholesale

Price Range: $1867-6597 Menswear E-Commerce, Brick & Mortar, and Wholesale

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Quality is Based on... Based on careful research the above competitors are analyzed based on a set of quality standards defined by the Thoro team. Quality for the perceptual map was determined based on three factors. The first being the type of leather used to create the product assortments. The second being how accessible information is in regards to practices and craftsmanship. The third and final factor Thoro considered was where these individuals were sold. By being sold at high-end retailers, these brands met the standards of where Thoro wants to be positioned.

All of Thoro’s competitors fall into the indirect competitor category. This is due to the fact that none of them offer a vegetable-tanned leather option. However, the products they offer act as substitutes for our leather jackets. Based on price-points, John Varvatos is most closely in line with our pricing strategy. Belstaff offers the consumer a similar aesthetic to what Thoro provides. Since we offer 100% vegetable tanned leather, our quality is going exceed that of our competition.

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STRENGTHS Traceable tags ensure transparency Chromium-free Minimal scrap waste * Quality over quantity Patina characteristic of natural leather * Ethical production in factories * WEAKNESSES Inconsistent qualities of vegetable tanning Higher price points Tanning process uses hazardous chemicals Limited availability of products Time, effort, & expenses of 100% traceability * Greenwashing * OPPORTUNITIES Technological advances * Rise in appreciation for slow fashion Scalability of brand/product offering Engaging with the educated consumer * Participation in conglomerates * THREATS


Limited ethical suppliers Large amount of indirect competitors Perception of vegan leather movement PETA and other animal rights organizations Public scrutiny and skepticism

Minimal Scrap Waste

Patina Characteristic

Ethical Production

In order to have minimal environmental impact, Thoro has researched alternatives for scraps from our leather jackets. The first alternative is to create small leather accessories from the scraps. The scraps that don’t meet our quality standards will be turned into fertilizer.

“No leather looks like any other, its peculiar characteristics offer a wide range of possible interpretations... Designers can find a material able to add value to a project of fashion, consumers can find a product overcoming fashion and trends and gaining value with the passing of time” (, 2015b).

With being sustainable and transparent at the root of Thoro’s business model, ethical production is essential for any business to take place. Our factories, located in Tuscany, Italy, are a part of the Genuine Italian Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium which ensures that our ethic needs are met (, 2015a).

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Educated Consumer

While traceability is essential to our business model, the process itself can be quite costly. As a new brand, our funds are limited in providing added values. To ensure that the information provided to the consumer is properly researched, a great deal of time, effort, and financial resources are required.

By targeting an individual who values culture and the environment, Thoro has the responsibility to produce content that is both inspiring and informative. These individuals present an opportunity because they are the trend setters and innovators. Once they approve of our brand, others will too.

Gre enwashing


Many brands appear to be aiding sustainable change, however, many times this is not the case. Ways that brand deceive their customers include dirty business practices, targeted advertising, secretly lobbying against positive environmental laws, and the false portrayal of environmental achievements that are already required by law (Stopgreenwash. org, 2015).

While we’d like to say that we have all the answers, we do not. By putting our heads together with like-minded individuals within the industry, more ground can be covered in reference to innovative solutions for sustainability and transparency.

Technological Advances The opportunity to grow from solely leather outerwear to a full ready-to-wear line that incorporates a multitude of materials. Worn Again is a UK based company that specializes in textile-to-textile recycling technology (Vodegel, 2015). Through the utilization of the company’s technology, Thoro would be able to offer more to its consumers, while still staying as sustainable as possible.

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CONGLOMERATES Thoro values opportunities in all areas of its business. Based on this belief, Thoro has curated a list of industry events and businesses that could help the brand innovate and progress the industry in which Thoro operates in. The items described below are either conferences that Thoro wishes to attend or companies in which our brand wishes to collaborate with in the future. Understanding that we are not the sole source of knowledge is essential to our growth as a brand. Valuing knowledge and insight, we believe that these conferences, organizations, and companies will provide our company great potential for success; both internally and for the industry as a whole. Each of the items listed below offer advice and knowledge on being successful while still keeping true to the ideals of sustainability.


APLF is an organization that unites businesses by bringing individuals face to face (APLF, 2015). Understanding that the world of fashion and lifestyle is always changing is a key example for this organization (APLF, 2015). This key factor offers Thoro endless opportunities for growth. Through various conferences, APLF hosts events that help individuals, “find fresh partners, discover new customers or suppliers, and keep ahead of industry developments” (APLF, 2015). Beginning in 1984, the first APLF trade conference specialized in leather (APLF, 2015), making it the idea organization for Thoro attend and possibly work with in the future. The conference is held in Hong Kong on an annual basis. This alone helps enhance Thoro’s global knowledge in both travel and fashion. The APLF’s about page discusses the events contents by stating, “Visit our Hong Kong exhibitions and you will find guides to help you forecast materials, designs and colours for up-coming seasonal ranges, complete with seminars and forums, special awards for outstanding innovation and, something we have long been keen to promote more activelySustainable Development” (2015).

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The event takes place in Hong Kong, a cultural hub for innovation, on an annual basis. It is created by APLF (Prime Source Forum Hong Kong, 2015). This conference is included in this section in the hopes that Thoro will be either requested or able to attend in the future. By connecting with leading associates in the industry, Thoro will be able to thrive in the US market by bringing global innovation to their forefront.

By collaborating with Ted, Thoro will be able to not only promote the company’s mission but also inform the public of the benefits of sustainability and vegetable tanned leather. The brand will be able to reach new individuals and potential customers who are interested in brands who thrive on heritage and ethics.

Prime Source is a company that connects over 400 business executives from around the world (Prime Source Forum Hong Kong, 2015). This conference is a great opportunity for individuals to connect and discuss various topics in different industries. Countless brands, across many different sectors of the fashion industry, come to this event in the hopes to engage and learn.


AAPN stands for American Apparel Producers’ Network (AAPNetwork, 2015). This organization acts as a platform for over 1,700 companies to view information in the form of case studies, articles, papers, and more (AAPNetwork, 2015). The company webpage describes the organization as, “hundreds of supply chain business models means AAPN is organized the way China is – industrially and vertically” (2015). The brand prides themselves on being at the forefront of both sustainability and social responsibility, things that Thoro highly values (AAPNetwork, 2015). AAPN partners with 19 different companies and organizations (AAPNetwork, 2015). By being apart of this association, Thoro will be able to learn about different areas of the industry as well as different methods to improve the environment. By connecting with individuals from the same country, we will be able to share our global and cultural knowledge and lend a hand to a more sustainable future.

As a common theme throughout Thoro, ideas and spreading knowledge is key. What better company to help assist in this endeavor then Ted. Ted is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading ideas through the form of short discussions or talks (Ted, 2015). The company began this journey back in 1984 and has since extended to all kinds of heights (Ted, 2015).


Worn Again is a brand that thrives on creating a better future when it comes to fashion and its waste. It is a company that began making shoes out of recycled materials in 2005 and has since expanded its search for better waste solutions (Worn Again, 2015a). The company is now transforming corporate textiles into desirable end products (Worn Again, 2015a). The desire to to create a 100% closed loop system is what drives this brand through all of its endeavours. Worn Again has recently collaborated with H&M and Kering, Puma specifically, in order to spread close the loop business practices within the fashion industry (Worn Again, 2015b). This collaboration aims to create entirely circular supply chains through new and innovative technologies (Worn Again, 2015b). Although Thoro does not currently work with other textiles besides leather, a 100% close the loop system something that our brand strives for. By connecting with this company, and possibly collaborating with in the future, the leather industry will be able to move towards a more vegetable tanned system.

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No t t i l l we a r e c o mp le t e ly l o s t o r t u r ne d a rou nd . . d o we b e g i n t o fi nd ou r s e lve s . � He n r y D avi d T h o r e au

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of $50 to $150 USD. This price range will vary on the amount of material and labor utilized to complete the final product. PLACE The Thoro brick & mortar functions as a lifestyle hub where the customer can try on leather jackets, find the appropriate fit & style, and place an order. Serving as a guide-shop/showroom, the brick & mortar will house every style number and single sizes, keeping inventory low and options vast. Due to the high-profile nature of the city, Alexandria, Virginia offers boundless potential in reference to heritage, culture, and profit.

PRODUCT The desire for adventure is at the root of the Thoro brand. Pioneers understand the need to unplug and escape society, venturing into the unknown in order to solve unanswered questions. With unfamiliarity lurking around every corner, the Thoro customer needs a second skin to protect from the uncertain. For this reason, the minds behind Thoro have created the ultimate leather jacket. These products will range in natural colors, allowing the wearer to be one with their surroundings. Accompanying this authentic traveler, small leather goods will be offered. By utilizing the valuable, salvaged scraps leftover from pattern cutting, Thoro will be able to reduce the amount of waste produced. The scraps that don’t meet the quality standards for accessories will be recycled as fertilizer for the communities in which we operate in. PRICE Due to the age-old craft of vegetable tanning, special skills and keen attention to details are required in our leather goods. These unique production qualities, place our products in the luxury sector of the fashion industry. Our leather jackets, priced competitively, range from $950 to $2,000 USD. Variations in price will depend on style, color, decoration, etc. The small goods, made from leftover scraps of leather, will be priced at an obtainable range

Shipping worldwide, Thoro’s e-commerce site aims to encourage and reach travelers across every continent. The e-commerce site not only allows the customer to shop, but also serves as a platform that provides the tracing information. Along with shopping and tracing capabilities, the e-commerce site will include travel blog posts and company information. Wholesaling is another avenue Thoro will be working in. Primarily focused on selling through Barneys New York, our Young Digerati segment will be communicated with through multiple channels. PROMOTION It’s essential for Thoro to align themselves with the luxury market as well as their luxury conscious consumer. To ensure the success of this outreach, both local and global channels will be utilized. Advertising on a local scale will include newspaper advertising in The Washington Times. With 20% of individuals between the age of 25 to 34 reading any form of daily newspaper, this platform allows Thoro to not only reach the target market, but also peripheral markets. In order to expand our reach globally, Thoro will utilize Instagram’s capability to connect with individuals whom are otherwise unaccessible. Another global platform used in promotion will be Podcast. These will allow the traveler on-thego to access our brand story through mobile or web-use. Another promotion avenue will be a launch event. Our launch event is inspired by TEDtalk panel discussions to not only promote our brand but also educate the consumer. It will be held at the Capella in Washington D.C.

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Product #1

$ 1, 50 0

The Walden Motorcycle Jacket $1,500

Henry David Thoreau once said, “I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.� The Walden Motorcycle Jacket, made from our exceptional vegetable tanned leather, allows the wearer to conquer any endeavor life throws his way. Lined in a soft, recycled cotton, the individual sporting this piece will be able to move with ease through all adventures, big or small.

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Product #2

$ 2, 0 0 0

The Concord Travel Jacket $2,000

Henry David Thoreau once said, “ I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.” The Concord Travel Jacket, made from our exceptional vegetable tanned leather, provides an edgier look compared than others in our collection. This jacket acts as the wearer’s second skin, allowing them to live sturdily and Spartan-like, just as Thoreau intended.

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Product #3

$ 950

The Canvas Everyday Jacket $950

Henry David Thoreau once said, “Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.� The Canvas Everyday Jacket, made from our exceptional vegetable tanned leather, is the ultimate jacket for style, comfort, and simplicity. With its clean lines and smooth texture, this jacket will become the the staple piece all your mates wish they had.

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Product #4

$ 1, 70 0

The Emerson Rocker Jacket $1,700

Henry David Thoreau once said, “Not till we are lost, in other words not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations.� The Emerson Rocker Jacket, made from our exceptional vegetable tanned leather, offers a great range of motion thanks to the materials used to create this one of a kind piece. Feel free to get lost and find yourself with the help of The Emerson jacket.

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Small Leather Goods

$ 2, 10 0

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Displayed: (From left to right) QR code tag holder, which will bring customers to the mobile app. Center, although sizing not depicted, dust bag for leather jacket. Right, tag with bar-code, story, and price.

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eather production is a global billion dollar industry. It supports the economy of many developing countries but is plagued with growing concerns of its impact on the environment and health. Changes in consumer preferences for a more natural and ethically conscious product has prompted researcher to find new methods and techniques to make leather tanning cleaner and more sustainable (Lofrano, Meric, Balci, & Orhon, 2013). There has been an emergences of new technologies that make it possible to reuse chemicals found in wastewater. Thoro works with its tanneries to implement these innovations in creating vegetable tanned leather. While we only work

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with our tannery in Italy we are completely aware of the out-dated and dangerous practices being conducted in tanneries of developing countries. We don’t have all the answers, but we have some, which is why Thoro attends conferences such as the APLF Materials, Manufacturing and Technology Fair, the Prime Source Forum, and AAPN Conferences. At these events we can share our practices and work with other companies to move the leather industry towards a more sustainable future. Here we list some of the methods we wish to implement in our tanneries.







Tanning leather with vegetable tannins instead of chromium eliminates many problems associated with the leather tanning industry. There are other chemicals involved in the pre-tanning & post-tanning processes. The chemicals used for preserving leather are hazardous to the environment and human health. Researchers found that the essential oil of thyme can act as a harmless and more effective substitute for these chemicals. The oil’s anti-bacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and antiradical properties make it a viable alternative. In general, essential oils have a low-molecular weight which allows it to easily penetrate the pore in leather. Although this method is less economical, it produces a higher quality leather due to its antimicrobial properties (Sirvaityté, Siugzdaité, Valeika, & Dambrauskiene, 2012).

In order to close to loop and reduce waste, we explored two options. First after pattern cutting, the remaining quality leather piece can be made into small leather goods. Secondly the the remaining scraps can be recycled into in fertilizer or used a protein source for animal feed. Because our products are not chrometanned the finally product does contain in harmful toxins. Chrome-tanned leather can cause allergies (Lofrano, Meric, Balci, & Orhon, 2013).

This first innovation we explored in relation to recycle wastewater involves the cork production industry. Cork processing wastewater naturally contains high amounts of vegetable tannins. It also contains chemicals that are harmful to the environment, therefore, researchers found that through nanofiltration (removing unwanted elements), it could be used in the tanning process of leather (Geraldes, Minhalma, De Pinho, Anil, Ozgunay, Bitlisli, & Sari, 2008). Chemical use unhairing and deliming can be recovered and use again through the the processes of nanofiltration, coagulation and reverseosmosis.

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Tuscany, Italy, The Italian Leather Consortium

This consortium was founded on the bases of wanted to protect the reputation and quality of the vegetable tanned leather produced in the Tuscany, Italy. The non-profit organization appeals to our values not only because they use the tradition vegetable tanning method, but also because the are focused on innovation toward sustainable practices. The consortium involves 22 tanneries in total, allowing us room to expand as we grow.



Puccini Attilio Srl Via Gaetano Salvemini, 16, San Miniato PI - Italy This tannery is apart of the Italian Leather Consortium, which automatically makes it an ideal partner. They fall in line with our with our love for the artisan experience. The 70 year old tannery is focus just as much on protecting the environment as they are tanning top quality leather. They open to customization, which give us the opportunity to implement our ideals Conceria Il Gabbiano Via E. Fermi, 6, Santa Croce sull’Arno PI - Italy This tannery joined the Italian Leather Consortium because they believed in preserving the craft of vegetable leather tanning while elevating the process with technological innovation. The companies openly invites questions on their leather tanning process, which aligns well with our focus on transparency. They implement eco-friendly methods into their production, only using biodegradable material to treat their leather.

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Horween Leather Company 2015 North Elston Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60614 This tannery is one of few leather tanneries in the US that complete the entire leather process. Their full involvement allows them to monitor every step. They embody our mission to use the old traditional process of tanning and perfect it with new technologies and methods. They don’t cut corners. They share our values of quality and innovation.

Images Courtesy of Pelle al Vegetale

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Feed Images Courtesy of Instagram & Pinterest

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brands that inspired thoro:

PATAGONIA A company focused on minimizing their environmental impact, Patagonia has become a leading example for clothing brands. Innovation through sustainable practices, ethical labor, and complete transparency are the driving forces behind the products and image the brand is putting out. Bradley (2015) states, “The Footprint Council is the company’s vehicle for staying on top of the rigorous sustainability goals it has set for itself” (para. 16). The Footprint Council is responsible for all of the sustainable efforts Patagonia is using in their practices. In particular, the team has put together a comprehensive map for website views to look at it. Within this map, which is titled “Footprint Chronicles”, Patagonia shows their customers where each of their factories, mills, and farms are located. Upon clicking a location, the brand outlines the address, name, number of works/gender mix, language(s) spoken, and what item is produced there (“Footprint”, n.d.). This tool is available to anyone with Internet access. Patagonia is also certified as a B Corporation (“Patagonia”, 2014). Becoming certified, as a B Corp, is a very challenging process that involves looking at all areas of how a company conducts business. Through the B Corporation website, Patagonia is mentioned as having 100% of their significant supplies made transparent through their website. Patagonia’s efforts have been modified and molded to be an excellent starting point for Thoro’s ethical practices. Introducing some of their themes used in the Footprint Chronicles, the Traceable Tag Thoro has developed takes it a step further. By only including all the previously mentioned qualities Patagonia displays, Thoro felt that it would be a disservice to replicate this model as there is more information that can be shared. From farm to consumer is Thoro’s platform for the traceable tag.

images obtained from

brands that inspired thoro:

THISFISH Supply chain transparency within the food and beverage field has been one of the slower trends to catch on. However, thanks to a company called ThisFish, buying seafood at a local market has become a completely different experience. Stated on their website, “ThisFish brings you closer to your seafood by tracing its journey back to its origins: who caught it, when, where and how” (“What”, 2013). The brand has developed a revolutionary tag that provides its customers with a code that traces the product to its origin. The tag itself includes a code, which customers then input into the company’s provided website. Once inputted, the site displays a complete biography on the fish. Information on the seafood includes the type of fish and its tasting notes, the individual who harvested it, the method used to catch it (Warnica, 2015). As mentioned, the individual who harvested the fish is also mentioned. With this customers can read about the fisherman. The site itself, essentially, celebrates and spotlights the skill and the craftsman. Information on the vessel, how many years the fisherman has been active, pictures and videos, and a journal are all included within ThisFish (Le Blanc, 2015). Like ThisFish, Thoro values the craft and craftsman. By modifying and tailoring the program used for this seafood company, Thoro can better inform and educate the consumer on information that is relevant to all industries that utilize human labor and skill. Thoro incorporated different aspects of ThisFish within the traceable tag.

images obtained from

more brands that inspired thoro...


Frietag is a company that upcycles old truck tarps, turning them into durable accessories. We were inspired by this revolution company’s closed loop system. Similarly, Thoro uses the leather scraps to create small accessories. In scraps that don’t meet our standards are recycled into fertilizer or animal feed.


Everlane is an apparel brand that is focused on pushing the boundaries of traditional retailing. They align with our focus on transparency and traceability. We are inspired by the way they carefully curated their factories and reveal the story and pricing behind each step. Like Thoro they encourage customers to ask questions.

Courtesy of Frietag

Courtesy of Everlane

Name: Kamren McKendry Age: 32 Location: Alexandria, Virginia Occupation: CEO of Tech Start-Up Status: In a Relationship Income: $150,000 USD Degree: Carnegie Mellon University

I wanted to end up in a place that fostered an environment that encouraged learning beyond the classroom. Besides that, I have family in the area that I get to see whenever I have free time.

We got a chance to sit down with Kamren, one of our regulars here at Thoro. We’ve curated a list of questions to show what it’s really like to live authentically. T: Hey Kamren, hope all is well. Thanks so much for sitting down with us today. K: No, thank you. I was so excited when you asked to pick my brain. I’m a huge fan of all of your products. T: We’re happy to hear. You’re the exact individual we want shopping at our store. Let’s get started. What is it that you like about the brand? K: Obviously, I like what you guys sell. I feel like I’m getting something I can’t get anywhere else. You’re core values happen to be in line with what I look for. Also, you guys are right down the street from my apartment. T: Oh, so D.C. is home for you? K: Yeah, specifically Alexandria, Virginia. T: You’re always on the go, what made you choose Alexandria to call home? K: Well, I grew up on the east coast, so my roots are here. Minoring in history at Carnegie, I knew

T: So, you minored in history, what was your major at Carnegie Mellon? K: I got my masters in engineering, which I know makes history look so random. I guess you could say my interests are allover the place. T: Other than history and engineering, what else interests you? K: I like taking my bike out, there are some great roads in the backwoods of Virginia. I’m always on a mission to find a place to hike -- I usually take my greyhound, Steela, with me. It feels nice to hit the road sometimes, you know, I always feel like I’m in the air. Although, I do really enjoy traveling even if its for business. There something about it that pulls me away from over thinking things.

Kamren at his family estate in upstate Massachusetts.

T: Didn’t you say you were jet lagged? K: Yesterday, I flew back from Shenzhen, China. I was there for a tech conference. T: What were you doing at a technology conference in Shenzhen? K: Well, about 10 years ago I started a business that was making heart-rate monitors for patients in the ICU. It’s something therapeutic; when you feel your heart rate, you can control it. But then, I sold the company so that I had more time to get out in the world and explore. Before, I never had the leisure to just get up and go. But, occasionally, I still attend tech conferences to keep up to date with what’s happening in the industry. T: So, now that you’re able to travel more, where are some of your top places to visit? K: Well, for Asia I really like to visit South Korea. Some of the most beautiful beaches are there. Sokcho beach is great for swimming, white sand and a super fresh fish market. As for the States, I’m really fascinated with the big apple. It’s one of those places where you can get so lost, and still find whatever you were looking for and more. Paris is another destination I always find myself wanting to go back at least once a year. There’s just something about Paris I can’t put into words. If you haven’t been, you must go! T: Definitely, it’s on our list! Being a fashion brand, we’re curious about what kind of shopping you do in these cities. K: Shopping, for me, is always about the experience. When I visit Korea, the last place I want to be is in mall. I’m much more into the ‘offthe-beaten-path’ kind of places. Rich, authentic history is much more appealing than buying a logo. T: So, Thoro is right up your alley then? K: You have no idea.

Advertisement that would be included in a newspaper

Code of Ethics in the Workplace

1) Thoro’s brand image is very authentic. Where do these genuine ideas come from? a. Open communication throughout all channels in Thoro’s workplace environment. b. Understanding the global environment is essential to our brand’s heritage. 2) How do you ensure that everyone is treated fairly? a. Thoro believes in equality within the workplace. Discrimination in regards to hiring, salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, veteran status, marital status, or social or ethnic origin will not be tolerated. b. Physical, mental, and sexual harassment or intimidation will not be tolerated. All employees should feel open to communicate any and all concerns they may have. 3) How does Thoro limit its carbon footprint? a. Limiting the environmental impact the fashion industry has on the world is at the root of all Thoro’s practices. All factories and suppliers must comply with our brand’s Sourcing Guidelines. Regular audits are required to ensure the level of sustainability is being thoroughly implemented. 4) It is clear that quality is at the root of all your products. How can we be sure that Thoro’s products are always meeting expectations? a. Exceptional quality is the byproduct of good communication and interconnectivity within the internal and external parameters of our business. In order to ensure our benchmarks are being accurately met, all the factories that Thoro works with must have a standardized quality check system. 5) What is Thoro doing to reach its dedicated consumer base? a. Earning our customers trust and respect is the driving force behind all business practices. We work to maintain our customer relationships by staying transparent through all channels of output, including both production and marketing. 6) Many companies who claim to be transparent throughout all their channels have been known to greenwash the public. What are you doing to make sure you do not fall into the same trap? a. Thoro will conduct and publicly publish audits performed on a quarterly basis. This will ensure that our practices and requirements are being followed within the factories products are being crafted in.

Code of Ethics in the Factories

1) Thoro’s brand image is very authentic. Where do these genuine ideas come from? a) Open communication throughout all channels in Thoro’s workplace environment. b) Understanding the global environment is essential to our brand’s heritage. 2) How do you ensure that everyone is treated fairly? a) Thoro believes in equality within the workplace. Discrimination in regards to hiring, salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, veteran status, marital status, or social or ethnic origin will not be tolerated. b) Physical, mental, and sexual harassment or intimidation will not be tolerated. All employees should feel open to communicate any and all concerns they may have. 3) How does Thoro limit its carbon footprint? a) Limiting the environmental impact the fashion industry has on the world is at the root of all Thoro’s practices. All factories and suppliers must comply with our brand’s Sourcing Guidelines. Regular audits are required to ensure the level of sustainability is being thoroughly implemented. 4) It is clear that quality is at the root of all your products. How can we be sure that Thoro’s products are always meeting expectations? a) Exceptional quality is the byproduct of good communication and interconnectivity within the internal and external parameters of our business. In order to ensure our benchmarks are being accurately met, all the factories that Thoro works with must have a standardized quality check system. 5) What is Thoro doing to reach its dedicated consumer base? a) Earning our customers trust and respect is the driving force behind all business practices. We work to maintain our customer relationships by staying transparent through all channels of output, including both production and marketing. 6) Many companies who claim to be transparent throughout all their channels have been known to greenwash the public. What are you doing to make sure you do not fall into the same trap? a) Thoro will conduct and publicly publish audits performed on a quarterly basis. This will ensure that our practices and requirements are being followed within the factories products are being crafted in.

Instagram, a social network platform that connects brands & customers, will be Thoro’s main form of communication with prospective and current customers.

Image Courtesy of Pinterest

Who: Leading industry professionals

What: Tedx and gathering When: Immediately

following the release of the Fall collection each year

Where: Capella Hotel in Geogetown

Why: Engage like minded professionals about the advances and benefits of sustainable fashion

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