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Season 3 IASAS sports Season 3 IASAS sports
By Ariel Lee (‘23), Victoria Hsu (‘24) & Aina C. (‘26)
The Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools (IASAS) sports competitions returned for season 3 sports from March 29 to April 2. The badminton and golf teams traveled to the International School of Bangkok (ISB), track athletes to Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) and the softball and baseball teams to Singapore American School (SAS).
The girls track and field team placed second overall in the IASAS tournament, losing to ISB. The throwing captain for this year was Mylie G. (‘23), while the jumps captain was Adele P. (‘23).
“I think that we did so well. We honestly weren’t expecting that much,” Adele said. “We knew we were going to place, but we didn’t know what we would get.” Despite this being Adele’s first year competing in T&F, she is proud of all the hard work and effort her team has put in leading up to the tournament and is excited to see them compete next year. “Everyone just had a lot of fun throughout the whole season.”
The softball team placed second, defending their position from the 2019 championships by scoring 10 runs. The team was led by co-captains Tia S. (‘23), Catrina Y. (‘23) and Candice H. (‘23).

“I loved the sportsmanship all the teams had and the chance to socialize with and meet the players of the other schools around us,” Tia said. “The team had a hard time adjusting to the massive change in the coaching staff, but it really brought the girls together as they supported and coached each other the entire season.” Although seven seniors are leaving, Tia is positive the team is ready for next year.
The boys track & field team placed first, beating ISB. The team was led by distance and sprint captain Justin M. (‘23) and hurdles and sprint captain Brian L. (‘23).

“My favorite part was setting two school records in the 4x100m and 4x400m relays because every member of our team worked so hard,” Justin said. On top of that, the team also broke two of the longest standing IASAS records in the triple jump and 4x800m relay. “I think that although the team is losing a lot of really strong seniors, there are underclassmen that are ready to step up and defend our gold.”