Taipei American School | 800 Chung Shan North Road, Section 6, Taipei, Taiwan | | VOLUME XXII, ISS. 03 | February 16, 2016
Taipei snow brings joy and tragedy By Bonna Yi
Taipei experienced its lowest temperature in 44 years and the second lowest ever at 4 degrees Celsius on January 24. For those in elevated regions such as Yangmingshan, Jianziliaoshan, Linkou, and Pingling, the cold weather has also brought a rare sight of snow. For many, the wondrous first sight of snow in 80 years was a once in a lifetime opportunity. However, the cold weather also brought another once in lifetime event for 52 people: death. According to most recent reports, 36 people died in Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuan, and 16 in Kaohsiung. Most of the deaths were related to hypothermia and cardiovascular diseases, as those inexperienced to the cold were caught off-guard. Across the world, the East Coast of the United States also recently experienced a massive snowstorm dubbed “Snowmageddon” and “Snowzilla.” It affected 85 million people, with the heaviest fall in West
Virginia (42 inches of snow recorded). In New York City, which saw its second heaviest snowfall (26.8 inches) since 1869, began a travel ban that shut down the city. Several drivers were stuck on snowbound highways in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia for up to 8 hours. Federal government offices and public schools in affected regions remain closed throughout Monday, January 25. At least 48 deaths throughout the affected regions have been reported since Friday, January 22, as result of car accidents, carbon monoxide poisoning, and heart attacks while shoveling snow. Despite it all, the snow storm has become an excuse for many to start organized snowball fights on streets— something, unfortunately, those in Taiwan could not do with their measly snowflakes. The menacing snow storm is reportedly heading towards the UK as of now. Hopefully the Brits will be prepared for the onslaught of snow, death and winter-time fun.
Snow in Taiwan: (left) Shantih Whiteford (10) and Rose Hsu (10) showing off their prized snowman, built on Yangmingshan [ROSE HSU], (right) Yangmingshan national park [BILLY H.C. KWOK]
Indirect cheating is still cheating By Jocelyn Chen
TAS’s most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes are ready for Valentine’s Day. Are you? Check to see who made the list on page 8!
Mr. Long, Dean of Students By Alex Dong Next fall, Mr. Long, TAS PE teacher, will be taking the newly created position of Upper School Dean of Students. His role will be to oversee all student activities which includes student clubs, Winter Frolic, and Prom. In addition, he will be helping to plan advisory group meetings in collaboration with the current class deans and helping to lead upper school character education. According to Mr. O’Rourke, “it is
a new title and it is sort of an evolution of the activity director position.” This position is not to be confused with the Associate Principals, in that it will not deal with the student discipline; instead, the Dean of Students will be an advocate for all upper school students. In short, if you don’t already know him, Mr. Long will be someone you want to get to know. With this new job, Mr. Long will be in charge of
many positive aspects for students. Mr. O’Rourke is extremely excited about this move and he said that Mr. Long is a “proven leader and a proven student advocate.” Although Mr. Long will be leaving his position as a 9th grade PE teacher, he does plan to continue coaching the girls’ soccer team at TAS. He is eager to take this job because he will be able to “work with a larger group of students.”
You have a first period Honors Biology test tomorrow. We all know it won’t be easy—for everyone—even if you’ve paid attention all unit long and taken good notes and studied for a reasonable amount of hours. You’re already expecting to stay up all night reviewing obscure diagrams of light dependent and independent systems of photosynthesis—ugh. There is, of course, another option: to get Mom to call in sick for you so you can skip first period and have a bit more time to study. After all, teachers are always going on about how TAS students don’t get healthy amounts of sleep—so really you’d just be seeking ‘health first.’ Yeah, nope. This seemingly harmless faked absence is just one of many subtleties that make up the cheating culture at TAS. Here, students are less likely to resort to old-school cheating methods, such as notes scrawled onto left hands, notorious “wandering eyes” at neighbors’ scantrons, or hidden cheat sheets. Instead, we fake absences, share test questions and necessary formulas, skip school the day before a big cram-worthy test, and so on.
Maybe one absence might slip by unnoticed, but absences are quite obvious once they fall into a pattern. Upper School English teacher Mr. Montgomery shared his experience with this form of cheating: “I once had a student who was absent for four consecutive assessments and those were the only four classes that that person missed.” Even just in this current semester, he has seen a suspicious trend in attendance: “I have had about as many kids absent the past 2 days (assessment days) as all the days combined since Winter Break (previous 12 days of class).” Another issue teachers face with cheating results in the familiar concept of “A day tests” and “B day tests.” Commonly, by word of mouth, students share information about what is covered on a test between days, and usually even between periods. Teachers frequently remind students not to share this information for two reasons. For one, it obviously only hurts the students who share because the students going into the test with preconceived knowledge have an unfair advantage, also preventing an accurate curve and bringing down the first students’ grades while boosting the continued on page 3
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