The Blue & Gold: Volume XXII, Issue 2

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Taipei American School | 800 Chung Shan North Road, Section 6, Taipei, Taiwan | | VOLUME XXII, ISS. 02 | December 1, 2015

Finding new platforms for ideas By Jocelyn Chen This coming December 5th, we can anticipate an engaging speaker series in the Small Theatre for the second annual TEDx at Taipei American School event. Themed “To be continued…,” the series will feature 6 student speakers and 2 guest speakers. They will be sharing their concepts that relate to “the future” or that can be “continued,” according to Lead Organizer Angie Wijaya (12). “To be continued” can also be seen as a reference to this year being a continuation of last year’s event. The themes by TEDx this year and last (“Unbounded”) could be described as extremely broad, which opens up the realm of discussion. Angie said, “The themes are open-ended so that a variety of people can talk about them, whether they want to talk about science or selfgrowth--they can apply it to the theme.” Felicity Lin (11), Head of Marketing, said, “You’ll be able to expect a lot of different topics, but they’ll all draw back to the theme of something to be continued.” In comparison to last year’s event, this year’s will be more student speakerbased. “When we think of ‘TEDx Taipei

American School,’ what’s special about it is that it’s at our school,” said Angie. “We wanted to showcase more of the voices in our community.” The 6 student speakers presenting in December have been selected by the TEDx team and worked with the team all throughout November crafting their ideas and thoughts into presentable forms. Their speeches have been shaped to appeal to our school audience and to be more interactive. With just a few days before the event, Angie and Felicity urge all TAS students and teachers to join. Angie said, “Come and see people that you see every day talk about interesting things, or things you may have never thought about—things that could make you think differently.” TEDx is all about the sharing of different ideas, which Felicity says makes the event “worth going to, because not only do you receive knowledge from others, but you can also share the ideas with those around you. TEDx inspires ideas worth spreading.”

Calling all participants: Lead Organizer Angie Wijaya (12) has high hopes for this year’s TEDxTAS.

Tickets (free) are now available for reservation! For tickets and more info about the TEDx team and event, visit

The last inning for IASAS softball By Emily Yang

Out!: Decisions from IASAS committee make this year’s IASAS softball the last.

Since last year, the IASAS schools have been discussing a change from the slow-pitch softball program to baseball for boys and fast-pitch softball for girls. This year, they finally set the decision in stone and declared next school year’s IASAS baseball and fast-pitch softball. Unlike TAS, Singapore American School and International School Bangkok have long had progressive baseball and fastpitch programs and backed IASAS on the call. Due to several concerns, TAS has

decided to pull out from the IASAS tournament in 2017. “There are a number of variables that are specific to our institution that don’t exist at others,” said Mr. Mueller, Director of Health, PE, and Sports from K-12. “Facilities, space, budget, and most importantly, the safety and well-being of our students. Making sure that the transition from softball to baseball and fast-pitch goes smoothly and we don’t increase the risk of injury.” When the pitches no longer sail in a slow arc at the batter, a wild pitch could

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result in a strike to the head or the body. The pitching mechanics between slowpitch softball, baseball, and fast-pitch are completely different as well, which means that pitchers would be especially subject to injuries. “You can tear your rotator cuff, or shred your labrum,” said Mr. Mueller. “You can do a lot of things to your upper body if you haven’t taken the time necessary to learn certain techniques.” Another problem is that one can’t just start baseball or fast-pitch late in the game. “I grew up playing baseball since first, second grade, and people here, from what I know, don’t really do that,” said Paul Imbrogulio (11), a returning player of the Varsity Boys’ Softball team. “It’s not like softball where you can just pick up the game. It’s something you need to play for a long time to be capable and to just be safe about it too.” As a result, the Athletics Department plans to build the Middle School baseball and fast-pitch softball program first and expand into Upper School later. The year off of the tournament will be necessary to slowly build a baseball/fast-pitch culture as well as build infrastructure. Naturally, this decision was met with outrage from the softball players— especially next year’s seniors. “When

I first heard about it, it sounded pretty cool,” said Paul. “But then I was informed that we wouldn’t be going our senior year, and now I am, I think, rightfully [angry].” Some don’t see any reason for pulling out. “Regarding safety concerns, every sport has its risks,” said Annie Yu (11). “The risk of fast-pitch softball is one that parents and students are all willing to take, so why stop us? If safety concerns are the real issue, then why not cancel something like IASAS rugby, too?” “If we can feel the team and if we can be decent, then I don’t see why we couldn’t go,” said Paul. “We’ll make the decision next year is what I thought would be smarter instead of just going like, ‘Okay, we decided we’re not going in 2017, 2 years from now.’ Unfortunately, TAS itself can do little about the decision the IASAS committee has made, and pulling out of next year’s tournament is the Athletics Department’s attempt to help the proper development of the program without endangering students. Whether they like it or not, softball players will have to make a choice between attending transitional practices next year and playing another sport. In the meantime, they will have to make the best of their upcoming, last ever slowpitch softball IASAS.

TAS Blue and Gold


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TAS Blue and Gold


Shooting hoops with robots By Vivian Kuo & Caroline Chou

“Robotics first; life can wait,” said Kevin Chou (11). Kevin, along with a group of dedicated robotics aficionados, is currently preparing for the annual Formosa VEX competition that will be held December 5, 2015. Every year, TAS has the honor of hosting this competition that brings Taiwan’s robot enthusiasts together. Each competition has a different set of rules, and this year’s theme is “Nothing but Net.” The goal of this competition is to create an exhilarating game of basketball played by the robots. The objective of the game is to acquire a higher score than the opposing team by dropping balls into the goal. There are two types of balls: bonus balls (located in the arena) and regular balls (constantly loaded outside of the arena.) The robots are crafted carefully to exceed maximum performance in each arena. Like the NBA with myriads of teams, the amount of participants in the competition has also increased significantly over the years. There are 37 teams total competing for this continued on page 2

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