Change Your Impact 2021 Program

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Increased sense of confidence and agency in a strategic role (Attitude).


Understanding various methods and styles of communication and advocacy (Knowledge).


Ability to source and implement strategies for advocacy (Skill).

What to Bring? -

A notebook,


A pen; and


An open mind.

Be sure to explore the resources sent out before each session.

Mentoring Program As part of the program we will endeavour to match you with a mentor during your participation of the Change Your Impact program. The mentors are community services industry leaders who will support and guide you through the knowledge and learning of the program and assist in finding ways to change your impact in your workplace. These meetings will take place between sessions and will provide you further opportunity to grow your professional development.

Peer Learning Group Each month you will meet with your peers to explore your own behaviours and habits and how to maximise those to be the most effective you that you can be. It is also an opportunity for you to continue to explore and question the information from the workshop sessions.

Peer Facilitator: Bridget Delaney

Bridget has had an eclectic career branching from circus to Centrelink with 11 years’ experience in creating development opportunities for individuals and organisations. Her passion lies in enabling others to hit their stride and creating their big ideas. She is currently exploring different ways to provide development opportunities within the community services industry while increasing her awareness and involvement in politics and advocacy.

Media and Politics


Political environment, the media and how that impacts the community services industry. This will be explored through answering the following questions:

How does the media use language to highlight issues? How does politics interact with the media? What is the purpose of Question Time? What power do community services have within the relationship between politics and the media?

Learning Outcomes

Understand the interactions between the media and politics. Identify the points of influence for community services within politics and the media. Define the role of Question Time in the daily running of the community services industry. Identify factors that may play into the political motivation of individual party members.

Presenter: Nic McBride

Nic McBride loves watching and interpreting the strategies that sit behind politics, influence and media narratives. Nic has worked in strategic communications for 23 years, starting her career in corporate Public Relations (PR) but eventually seeing the error of her ways and moving into not-for-profits and the community service industry via Cancer Council Tasmania and No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) Tasmania.



Strategic advocacy and how to target your message to the right people for the right purpose. This will be explored through answering the following questions:

What is the core of the 'change' and how can advocacy adapt? How can advocacy be targeted and to whom? How do we know which stakeholders to engage and how?

Learning Outcomes

Identify types of potential change and explain the appropriate style of advocacy that would match. Recognise the stakeholders involved with the advocacy issue and their role in creating change. Design a campaign around an advocacy issue.

Presenter: Dr Charlie Burton

Dr Charlie Burton has worked in policy, including as a researcher and political advisor, at state and federal levels for the last 20 years. They have a passion for social justice which has driven them to participate in campaigns on issues including the environment, poker machines and LGBTI issues.

Communicating with Intent


Communication styles, message delivery and adapting to difference people through conscious communication. This will be explored through answering the following questions:

What is your communication style? Why do our messages get received differently? How can you adapt to others communication style? How do we move through difficult communication?

Learning Outcomes

Ability to describe individual communication style preferences. Compare and adapt to differing communication styles. Recognise different communication techniques to move conversations forward.

Presenter: Simone Zell

Simone has worked for over 20 years as a practitioner, policy maker and manager. Her practice has spanned community and government agencies and includes policy, training and development in community services, leading collaborative projects in the Tasmanian youth sector and managing a State Government youth health service. She has a particular interest in putting strategic policy into practice, working collaboratively across sectors using creativity and kindness.

Hypothetical Workshop


Practice skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course to strategically lead a hypothetical situation as a group. This will be explored through answering the following questions:

What is the topic of advocacy and why is it important? Who needs to hear and how will those decisions be made? How do we ensure all stakeholders are on board?

Presenter: Frameworks for Change

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