Angling Report of the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association
Bridges Bros. – friendly service, helpful staff and top quality gear. Top quality brands include: • Sage • Scientific Anglers • Hardy
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Index Editorial ............................................................................. 2 Inland Fisheries Service ................................................... 3 Ministers Report on Inland Fisheries 2007/2008............ 3 From the Director............................................................ 5 New Season Focus .......................................................... 7 Hydro Tasmania Water Management Report ............. 11 Hydro Tasmania Develops Camp Strategy................... 11 MAST Report .................................................................. 19 Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) Report ................... 20 IFAC Report - Reflections Season 2007/2008............... 23 STLAA Reports............................................................... 24 STLAA Executive......................................................... 24 STLAA President’s Report ........................................... 25 Club Reports ................................................................. 27 Australian Polish Anglers Club ................................ 27 Bothwell Angling Club ............................................. 28 Bridgewater Anglers Association ............................. 30 Clarence Licensed Anglers Club .............................. 31 Huon Licensed Anglers Association......................... 34 Kingborough Anglers Association............................ 35 Lake Pedder Anglers Club ........................................ 37 Maydena Anglers Club ............................................. 39 New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association ............ 41 Tarraleah-Bronte Anglers Club................................. 42 Features & Special Reports............................................ 43 A Decade of Achievement ............................................ 43 Derwent River Opening Experience – 2007 ................. 50 What’s in a Name.......................................................... 51 Obituary – Jim Terry..................................................... 53 Derwent River – Season 2007-2008 ............................. 54 Windsor Corner............................................................. 56 20lb Tippet Wanted....................................................... 59 Oh for the Good Old Days ............................................ 60 Season 2007-2008 Photo Gallery.................................. 61 Our Angling History ....................................................... 75 Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association..... 75 A Life Time of Fishing ................................................. 79 The Arthur Lakes 1927-1960........................................ 82 Around Great Lake by Boat.......................................... 86 Early Days in Tasmania ................................................ 89 Early Days of the Hatcheries ........................................ 90
Trout 2008 Tasmanian Angling Report of the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association is published annually by the association and it’s affiliated Clubs.
Cover Photo: Beautiful shape & markings of a superbly conditioned Arthurs Lake Brown Trout. Photo – Norm Cribbin
Report Committee: Terry Byard Bridgewater Anglers Ph 0429 977 185 Bill Cornelius Lake Pedder Anglers Ph 0429 851 875 Norm Cribbin Clarence Licensed Anglers Ph 0408 144 587 Louis Molnar Bridgewater Anglers Ass. Ph 0419 309 932
Underlying these four areas are the following principles:
eason 2007-2008 has seen our fisheries challenged by yet another difficulty, prolonged below average rainfall, falling lake and river levels. In some instances some of the smaller creeks that once held lovely little speckled Brown trout, are now just dry ditches.
1. Respect the rights & enjoyment of others. 2. Respect the rights of all property owners, public or private. 3. Demonstrate respect for the environment. 4. Keep only what you can use. 5. Respect your quarry. 6. Know the regulations. 7. Take out what you take in. 8. Light no fires. 9. Use established roads and tracks. 10. Respect indigenous sites and values. 11. Seek and share knowledge. 12. Report illegal activities. 13. Safety is paramount.
Whether you believe it is a result of human induced global warming or just long term seasonal variation, the impact is being felt right across the fishery. Boat ramps are being sign posted as closed. Boaters are finding rocks in lakes that they never knew were there; usually it is the prop that finds them first. Water temperatures are increasing along with increased instance of algae outbreaks. Wading is now along muddy banks well away from any stream or lake side vegetation.
The input to this, the seventh Angling Report I have been involved in, has been outstanding and I must once again commend all those who have contributed articles, photographs, comments and critic.
As anglers we have, at the moment, a slowly decreasing area available for angling, whilst the uptake of angling is making a resurgence. It is therefore timely that Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) has recently released a “Code of Practise�.
A special thanks must go to the Report Committee and Club Delegates who have spent many hours arranging advertising sponsors, following up on reports and collecting the articles that appear with Trout 2008.
AAT represents the interests of all freshwater anglers in Tasmania. The Code of Practice is voluntary and so AAT asks for your support in applying its principles when you fish.
As in past years I would ask you to support our advertising sponsors. Without their support it would not be possible to publish this annual report. So next time you are making use of any of our sponsors services, take time to thank them for their support.
In brief there are four main areas of responsibility: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Care of the fishery Protection of the environment Respect & care for all fish & wildlife Valuing the rights of others
Norm Cribbin
Inland Fisheries Service Ministers Report on Inland Fisheries 2007/2008
am pleased to report on progress made in the development of the fishery over the past 12 months and the significant achievements of the Inland Fisheries Service, which has been supported by the Inland Fisheries Advisory Council (IFAC) and the peak recreational anglers body, Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT).
irrigation schemes that proposed the diversion of water, increasing existing water storage and new dam construction. It is likely that some of these will result in opportunities for inland fisheries, as was the case with the construction last year of the Meander Dam.
The Inland Fisheries Service articulated its vision for the State’s recreational fishery in the development of a ten-year State Plan (the Draft Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2007-17). The Service consulted closely with IFAC and AAT in the development of the draft Plan, which was released for public comment in November with a round of regional public forums. There was unilateral support for the Plan and the strategic approach being taken by the Service.
The newly created Huntsman Lake, built by the State government, is set to provide a first class brown trout fishery in the north of the State from the start of the 2008-09 season. The recreational plan for the Lake, which included the designation of the fishery for artificial fishing methods only, was developed by the management committee with input from recreational stakeholder groups.
In Tasmania, the continued low rainfall has had a major impact on the State’s lakes and rivers and towards the end of last season Hydro storages were at an all time low in some waters. Despite this, the premium highland waters such as Arthurs Lake, Great Lake and Woods Lake fished extremely well throughout the season and were the most popular fisheries in the State.
Several improvements to inland fisheries resulted from infrastructure development and angler access projects completed this year. One was the opening of the northern access to Lake Echo for boating anglers with the construction of a road and boat ramp. Others, under the Angler Access program, which is an initiative strongly supported by AAT, resulted in signage at major waters throughout the State, as well as improved access, infrastructure, signage and information for Brumbys Creek and Penstock Lagoon. Smaller projects were also implemented, one resulting in an increase in the facilities offered to anglers with a disability and another upgrading the carpark at Four Springs Lake. These on-the-ground improvements have resulted in an advancement of the fishery as a whole.
The Government responded to the need for drought proofing the State with the development of plans for several
In addition, a significant capital investment was made by the Service in the construction of the new recirculating
A key challenge facing the Service is the issue of freshwater resource management. This problem, which emerged fully over the past year, is being experienced throughout the country and addressed at a national level.
hatchery facility at New Norfolk, which was completed in August 2007. This development was in support of the core business of the Service in maintaining the wild trout fishery, for which Tasmania is world-renowned and involves the harvesting, rearing and stocking of wild trout. The new hatchery facility will result in an increased capacity of the Service to grow juvenile fish and ultimately, improve stocking effectiveness. Finally, I wish to commend the Service for its work in developing partnerships with other government agencies, industry bodies and community groups which are involved in the management and use of the State’s freshwater resource. The Service recognises that the future of the fishery is only assured through collaboration and a shared commitment to benefiting the Tasmanian community. I look forward to reporting on the successful achievements at our inland fisheries again next year.
David Llewellyn Minister for Primary Industries & Water
From the Director
completed. The project involved the construction of a 3.5 km road and a new concrete boat ramp, opening up the northern end of the lake to boating. Newly directional signage was also installed to assist angler access to the boat ramp.
he Service continued its core business activities aimed at maintaining, protecting and developing the recreational fishery. The focus has become increasingly strategic with targeted stocking and infrastructure developments at particular waters so as to increase overall angler satisfaction.
The first of several river access projects was completed at Brumbys Creek, involving the installation of stiles, signage and footbridges, and a brochure providing anglers with a detailed map and angling notes for the area. Further improvements were also made at Penstock Lagoon, including a new access road, designated camping areas, an upgrade to the boat ramp, provision of navigational markers, and the development of an interpretive brochure and signage. The car park at Four Springs Lake was extended to cater for the lake’s angling popularity and paths and angling platforms for anglers with a disability, were built at Risdon Brook Dam, Windsor Corner on the River Derwent and on the Plenty River adjacent to the Salmon Ponds.
This strategic approach was progressed this year in the development of the draft Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2007-17, which was released for public comment in November. The Plan focused on key management goals and strategies and will provide a blueprint for future management decisions over the next ten years. Regional public forums were held to promote stakeholder interest and feedback on the draft. The Service completed the construction of its new recirculating hatchery at the New Norfolk headquarters and the facility was officially opened on 24 August 2008. The hatchery is designed to boost the Salmon Ponds fish production and to enable increased fish growth rates, resulting in improved stocking effectiveness. It was tested successfully with the season’s egg harvest and resulted in an increased supply of healthy juvenile wild brown, rainbow and brook trout.
A new fishery was created at Huntsman Lake this year with the State Government’s construction of the Meander Dam. The Service was consulted in the development of the recreational plan for the new Lake and seed-stocked the water with 1,000 adult brown trout from Great Lake just prior to their 2008 spawning. Legislation was prepared governing the fishing regulations at the Lake, which has been designated as a brown trout water and for fishing with artificial methods.
Several projects were undertaken this year to improve fishing related infrastructure at waters around the State, largely promoting angler access. Directional signage was installed at major lakes and angling destinations, providing information on the location, access, camping facilities and boat ramps.
The Service sold 27,861 angling licences and 641 whitebait licences this year compared with the same totals last season of 28,867 and 1106, respectively. The most significant decrease was in
A much-awaited project to improve accessibility at Lake Echo was
are an important attraction at popular ‘family waters’. Adult brown trout were also transferred from Great Lake to supplement fisheries with low or no natural spawning and/or to sustain quality angling.
Tasmanian resident adult licence sales which were down by 828 licences and there was a smaller drop in Juvenile and Pensioner licences, while Senior licence sales continued to increase. Amongst the short-term licence sales, both the one month and one day licence sales increased, while the sales of one week licences dropped slightly.
The harvest of eggs from spawning wild trout, hatchery rearing and the release of juvenile stock throughout the Fishery, is the mainstay of the Service’s stocking program. The capacity and effectiveness of this program was boosted during the year with the modernised hatchery facility at New Norfolk coming on line. Most of the 80,000 brown trout fingerlings produced from the new hatchery in its first year of operation, were stocked into fisheries that do not have viable natural recruitment.
The Service ran the Fish4Cash promotion in 2007-08 to stimulate interest in freshwater fishing and encourage the sale of angling licences. This involved the release of six tagged fish into six different waters over the first six months of the season, being Bradys Lake, Brushy Lagoon, Meadowbank Lake, Lake Burbury, Lake Barrington and Great Lake. Each fish was worth $1000 cash when caught. The Service paid three anglers in cash on the return of the tag and licence details but the fish in Burbury, Barrington and Great Lake remained uncaught.
Work to protect the values of the fishery continued with the control of carp at lakes Sorell and Crescent and the development of strategies to prevent the introduction of the pest freshwater alga, Didymo (Didymosphenia Geminata) or Rock Snot from overseas. The Service has worked closely with the Department of Primary Industry and Water and Hydro Tasmania over the past year on an interagency Didymo Working Group, and in conjunction with Anglers Alliance Tasmania, developed and implemented an awareness campaign aimed at travelling anglers. Magazine advertising, posters, a brochure, sticker and luggage tag as well as website information have helped broadcast the message to declare used fishing gear on entry to Australia and to always ‘Check Clean Dry’ fishing equipment.
The highlands’ cluster of premium waters remained amongst the most popular trout waters in Tasmania during the 2007-08 season despite the problem of low water levels at Arthurs Lake, Great Lake and Woods Lake due to continuing drought conditions. Other lowland waters such as Tooms Lake, Lake Leake and Craigbourne Dam were more affected, particularly towards the end of the season. The Service continued its negotiations with Hydro Tasmania regarding lake levels and investigating options to overcome the impact of low lake levels on recreational anglers. The Service continued to stock selected waters around the State with adult fish, whether adult transfers of wild fish or domestic stock. Saltas, Sevrup and Springfield hatcheries donated trophysized Atlantic salmon and large domestic rainbows. These fish offer anglers the opportunity to catch a trophy fish and
Much of the work undertaken by the Service, particularly the projects resulting in improvements in infrastructure and access, were achieved through partnerships with other government agencies, industry bodies and community groups. In particular,
Anglers Alliance Tasmania which is the peak body representing all recreational anglers, as well as the angling associations and individual clubs, have provided invaluable support over the year and greatly assisted the Service in achieving significant improvements to the fishery.
angling community, I look forward to building on the past year’s success in managing and improving Tasmania’s inland fishery.
With the continued support of our stakeholders, industry partners and the
John Diggle Director of Inland Fisheries
New Season Focus he release of the State Plan - The Service outlined its vision for the fishery in the draft Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2007-17 (State Plan), which was released for public comment last season (copies are available from the IFS website).
lakes. Still other regulations have been introduced to assist in the development of certain fisheries such as opening some estuaries for all year fishing for sea run brown trout and designating some river sections as wild rainbow river fisheries. Refer to the next section on New Angling Regulations for more detail.
The plan focused primarily on key management goals and strategies and is providing a blueprint for future management decisions over the next ten years. Although much of the direction and many of the strategies were already being implemented by the Service, some other recommendations have been acted upon since its release. The final version of the State Plan will be released during 2008.
Waters of interest - The highlands’ cluster of premium waters, which include Arthurs Lake, Woods Lake, Great Lake, and Penstock and Little Pine lagoons, remain amongst the most popular trout waters in Tasmania. However, there are a number of other waters that will be of interest to anglers over the coming season. The first deserving of mention is the new Huntsman Lake, constructed by the State Government on the site of the Meander Dam. This water was stocked with 1,000 adult brown trout just prior to their 2008 spawning. With its ample spawning creeks and good food base, it is set to become one of the State’s premium wild trout fisheries.
Regulation changes - Several of the recommendations within the State Plan are reflected in changes to the regulations this season. Most are designed to increase the sustainability of the fishery – to protect the benefits to anglers now and in future years. For instance, a reduced bag limit has been introduced for rivers that are known to be under pressure. This is also the case for still waters that have received highly valued trophy fish or significant angling pressure in recent times, including Woods Lake and the Bradys chain of
The Service is promoting Huntsman Lake, together with Four Springs Lake and Brushy Lagoon, as a northern cluster for popular fishing. These waters have already been the focus of intensive stocking, including adult transfers from Great Lake in preparation for the 2008-
production capacity and growth rates, and will improve stocking effectiveness. The hatchery was tested successfully with last season’s egg harvest. It resulted in an increased supply of healthy juvenile wild brown, rainbow and brook trout. Most of the 80,000 brown trout fingerlings were stocked into fisheries that do not have viable natural recruitment such as Blackmans Lagoon, Big Lagoon (Bruny Is) and Four Springs Lake.
09 season opening, and this will continue throughout the season. In the Central Highlands, Lake Echo should receive increased angler attention due to the completion of a project to improve accessibility to the fishery, which has been under-utilised to date. A 3.5 km road and a new concrete boat ramp have been constructed, opening up the northern end of the lake to boating. Newly installed directional signage will enable boating anglers to locate the northern access with surety. The boat ramp is designed for most water levels and has a sheltered aspect. These significant improvements will enable anglers to capitalise on the fishery’s natural premium characteristics over the coming season.
Wild rainbow trout from the previous season’s spawning were on-grown at the Salmon Ponds hatchery and resulted in over 120,000 fingerlings being stocked into Great Lake, Dee Lagoon and Bronte Lagoon last season. Brook trout, also grown at the Salmon Ponds during the previous season, were stocked as yearlings into Lake Leake and Bradys Lake.
The easily accessed waters in the Bronte-Bradys chain are also worthy of interest this season. Bronte Lagoon fished extremely well towards the end of last season and has consistently been a top ranking water. The other waters in this system have a variety of fish species on offer and have been stocked extensively with rainbow, brook and brown trout fingerlings over recent years. As well, 3,000 adult browns and 800 large Atlantic salmon were stocked in preparation for the 2008-09 season. Anglers are encouraged to take up the ‘Bradys challenge’ and bag a range of fish species and sizes at these waters this season.
The Service is trialling the production of triploid trout from harvested wild eggs as a further management tool at selected fisheries. This stock will be released into waters where there are no natural spawning creeks. Being sterile, triploid trout do not expend energy in egg production or spawning, and instead invest their energy directly in body growth. These fish have the potential to grow to a large size in less time than their diploid counterparts. More precise details on stocking during 2007-08 are provided in Table 3 on page 40, and comprehensive stocking information is available on the Service website.
Hatchery production and juvenile stocking program - Supplementing wild fisheries through stocking of juvenile fish raised at the new Service hatchery, is a key management tool to maintain and develop the fishery. The Service recently invested significant capital in the construction of a new recirculating hatchery at the New Norfolk headquarters, which was completed last season. This has increased fish
Adult stocking program - The Service continued its stocking of adult brown trout (transfers from Great Lake) in 2008 to supplement fisheries with low or no natural spawning and/or to sustain quality angling. Prior to the start of the 2008-09 season, the Service stocked
availability of donated stock. This stocking is aimed at providing anglers with the opportunity to catch a trophy fish.
several key waters with 7,500 adult brown trout. The receiving waters included Bradys Lake, Huntsman Lake, Four Springs Lake, Brushy Lagoon, Penstock Lagoon, Lake Botsford and Curries River Reservoir.
Free entry to the Salmon Ponds - The Salmon Ponds at Plenty, which is located approximately 10 minutes drive from New Norfolk, is the birthplace of trout in the Southern Hemisphere. The wild Tasmanian brown trout originated from live eggs, which were shipped from England and hatched at the Ponds in 1864. Their offspring are the icon of Tasmania’s world-renowned wild trout fishery. Visitors are welcome at the Ponds throughout the year, and can learn about the unique history of angling at the Tasmanian Trout Fishing Museum and Anglers Hall of Fame. There are also all species of salmonids on display in the still operating heritage ponds. This year, the Salmon Ponds is offering free entry to all full season licence holders.
During 2007 a total of 6,809 adult brown trout were transferred from Liawenee Canal, Great Lake. In addition, a few trophy-sized specimens from Lake Crescent were liberated at Camerons Lagoon and Lake Botsford but the largest numbers transferred were at Four Springs Lake and Bradys Lake. The Flowerdale and Inglis rivers were stocked for the first time last season with adult brown trout, in an initiative to revive these North West Coast river fisheries. The 500 fish for the Flowerdale River were tagged in order to monitor the success of the program. As normal, the waters in the Nineteen Lagoons area of the Western Lakes received their quota of adult transfers as did Penstock Lagoon and some smaller waters of the Central Highlands. For the second year, Brumbys Creek received adult brown trout to assist with the Trout Expo at Cressy in August. Domestic rainbow trout purchased from commercial hatcheries were used to stock Lake Echo, Bradys Lake, Dee Lagoon, Curries River Dam and Brushy Lagoon.
Infrastructure development projects The Service has continued to invest funds from angler licence fees into infrastructure and other projects to enhance the angling experience in Tasmania. Many of these projects have been developed through partnerships with other government agencies such as Hydro Tasmania and Marine and Safety Tasmania, and community organisations such as Anglers Alliance Tasmania, and would not have been possible without their financial and ongoing support.
Last season, a total of 1,521 trophy-sized Atlantic salmon, ex-brood stock donated by Saltas, were released by the Service into the popular waters of Bradys Lake, Brushy Lagoon, Lake Barrington and Meadowbank Lake. Meadowbank Lake, Bradys Lake and Brushy Lagoon also received 1,528 rainbow trout, donated by Springfield Fisheries, that averaged 4 kg.
The Service has focused on improving angler access in a variety of ways. Directional signage has been installed at all major lakes and angling destinations, providing information on location access, camping facilities and boat ramps. Access signs and brochures are being developed for popular waters to provide interpretive signage and angling information, including maps, regulations and recreational use guidelines.
The Service will continue its focus on managing selected waters as family fisheries with the periodic stocking of large Atlantic salmon subject to the
The first of several river access projects was completed at Brumbys Creek last season. It required negotiating increased access for anglers as well as the installation of stiles, signage and footbridges, and a brochure providing anglers with a detailed map and angling notes for the area. Similar access projects are planned for the Huon, Derwent, Tyenna, Macquarie, Meander and Leven rivers. Due to the popularity of the Four Springs Lake, the Service has completed extensions to the car park to accommodate more anglers, boats and trailers. This will ease congestion particularly early in the season. Under Hydro Tasmania’s recreational plan for Penstock Lagoon, a new access road has been constructed enabling the closure of tracks that were becoming degraded and affecting water quality. Other improvements include designated camping areas, an upgrade to the boat ramp, provision of navigational markers, and the development of an interpretive brochure and signage.
Photo courtesy of Barry Biggs, NIW A.
Magazine advertising, posters, a brochure, sticker and luggage tag as well as website information have helped broadcast the message to declare used fishing gear on entry to Australia and to always ‘Check Clean Dry’ fishing equipment.
Facilities for anglers with a disability, such as paths and angling platforms, have been built at Risdon Brook Dam, Windsor Corner on the River Derwent and the Plenty River adjacent to the Salmon Ponds, over the last season. Projects to protect the fishery include the erection of fencing to keep stock out of sensitive marshland at Lake Crescent and Clean Up Australia Day activities around the State to reduce litter at particular fishing locations. An awareness campaign was developed to help prevent the introduction of didymo (a pest alga which has invaded waterways in the South Island of New Zealand) to Tasmanian waterways by targeting travelling anglers.
Hydro Tasmania Water Management Report Hydro Tasmania Develops Camp Strategy
ver the past year Hydro Tasmania has been developing a camping strategy for the Upper Derwent region covering camp sites at Tungatinah, Brady’s lake and Lake Binney.
Camping - The Central Highlands – Discussion Paper Preface This discussion paper provides information on the results of research and stakeholder discussions and in doing so provides information on:
Hydro Tasmania Land Management Officer, Mike Bidwell said this strategy has been developed in conjunction with the Inland Fisheries Service, Angling Alliance Tasmania, Central Highlands Council and Trout Guides and Lodges Tasmania.
• • •
“The aim of the strategy is to assess the current camping grounds and identify future requirements for camping in the area,” Mr Bidwell said.
• •
“We also plan to initiate a collaborative approach to the management of issues such as vandalism and we urge the local community and fishing groups to participate in reducing these very dangerous activities which have a significant impact on the community by reporting any offences to local authorities. By working together we can ensure safe and well-maintained campsite for all users.”
Consultation undertaken in the development of this discussion paper, Central Highland visitors; Current issues relating to the use of camp grounds in the Central Highlands, Priority camp grounds for management, Case Studies for Camp Ground Management – Jonah and Pump House Bay, Options for managing Jonah and Pump House Bay Camp Grounds.
The paper is not intended to provide the answers and solutions to camp ground management but to motivate discussions on possible solutions for the on-going maintenance and management of camp grounds through collaborative arrangements between state and local government agencies and recreational user groups and associations. Although the paper is specifically targeted at camp grounds in the Upper Derwent, the case study utilises two sites on the Central Plateau and is provided to identify specific management issues that occur within well serviced and managed camp grounds.
There has been some concern within the angling community that Hydro Tasmania plans to close the camp grounds around the lakes. “The reality is quite to the contrary, we are planning to better develop camp grounds in appropriate areas that best cater for campers,” Mr Bidwell said. Hydro Tasmania has commended the work of volunteers who recently cleaned up the campsites at Bronte Lagoon and Brady’s Lake in preparation for the opening of the trout season.
Essentially, the paper is a starting point for engaging in dialogue with the wider community in understanding issues relating to camp ground management
permitted also exist including many sites where camping is not permitted.
and to identify approaches to address those problems. Information gathered during consultation with the wider community will be utilised in developing a Camp Ground Strategy for the Upper Derwent ensuring sustainable use and management into the future.
There is a diverse group of government agencies who benefit from and have a role in the management of the Highlands waters. Hydro Tasmania and the Inland Fisheries Service are key players in ensuring the sustainability of the lakes for their respective businesses. A shared focus of these agencies is the management of water quality and to some degree quantity and while Hydro Tasmania is responsible for the land around the lakes Inland Fisheries have been working closely with Hydro Tasmania to develop solutions for managing activities such as camping around the states inland waters with the Penstock Lagoon Management Plan being implemented in a way that reflects a shared management response for angling and its associated activities.
Comments are to be sent to Michael Bidwell Convenor Recreational Lakes Committee 4 Elizabeth Street Hobart 7001 or email Introduction The Central Highlands a historically important destination for recreation pursuits with the focus of recreation activity concentrated on land around the lakes and lagoons of the Highlands. Recreational activities identified as occurring include canoeing, sight seeing, painting, bird watching and kayaking but the most prominent recreational activity is that of angling. There has been a steady increase in angling on the Central Highland lakes and lagoons over the last ten years. This increase is due to the stocking programs undertaken by the Inland Fisheries Service and the closeness of the central highland lakes to the urban population. This is particularly true for the upper Derwent chain of lakes and lagoons where the Inland Fisheries Services introduction of the popular waters program has not only led to satisfaction of anglers but also increased participation rates.
It has come apparent to government agencies and recreational groups and associations that management of inland waters requires a multi-facet approach to ensure a sustainable future including the involvement of the wider community. Recently, there has been the development of the Recreational Lakes Committee a multi-agency committee with representation from Hydro Tasmania, Inland Fisheries Service, Marine and Safety Tasmania, Sport and Recreation Tasmania, Tourism Tasmania, Parks and Wildlife Service, Angling Alliance Tasmania and the Central Highlands Council. The purpose of this group is to identify and develop practical solutions to the management of issues associated with recreation, particularly angling due to its prominence in the Highlands.
An activity associated with many recreational pursuits in the Highlands is camping; camping is undertaken by locals and regional visitors to the Highlands and is fast becoming an activity of interstate and international visitors. There are many camp grounds in the Highlands ranging from serviced commercial sites through to serviced sites on crown land. A number of non serviced sites where camping is
Currently, camp ground management is a priority for the Recreational Lakes Committee particularly camp grounds in the upper Derwent where the increase in
are visiting friends or relatives in Tasmania (VFR) and touring visitors who are travelling the state in a range of mobile accommodation.
shack site development, the location of lakes to major touring routes, their closeness to urban population centres and their ability to provide good fishing has seen an increase in use over past years. Waters of the upper Derwent also provide a significant opportunity to promote the sustainable management practices of the partner agencies and to develop and promote user behaviours that aim to foster sustainable use of inland waters across Tasmania.
Locals if not residing in a shack and regional campers generally utilise sites where there has been a historical use by friends and family groups. It is not uncommon for families and friends to use camping locations every year and at specific times of the year. The South East Tasmania Coastal Camping Strategy found that seventy nine percent of users of camp grounds on the eastern coast of Tasmania were regional and local users. Interstate and international travellers visiting friends and relatives will be more likely to utilise camp grounds along with local and regional campers. Travellers in caravan’s, motor homes, or other mobile accommodation tend to choose locations as overnight stays along major touring routes such as the Rivers Run.
Research & Consultation Undertaken in Developing this Discussion Paper The development of this paper has involved discussions with government agencies through the Recreational Lakes Committee, interest groups and recreational user groups including individual members of the public. Researching other Camping Strategies has also provided direction for the development of this discussion paper. The consultation process in developing this discussion paper has included the following tasks; •
Touring visitors in mobile accommodation are said to experience a “Freedom of Camping” a term used where campers are not restricted to serviced sites due to their ability to be self sufficient. This means that camping locations are generally wayside areas or sites that are not formally recognised as camping sites. Tourism Tasmania visitor information participation trends in camping identify that camping in commercial visitor parks is on the decline while camping not in caravan parks is on the increase. This is also a similar scenario for those visitors camping in tents where commercial sites are being less utilised with an increase in the use of serviced sites on crown land.
Discussions with members of the Recreational Lakes Committee on the need for a camping strategy in the Central Highlands, specifically the Upper Derwent; Discussions with Trout Guides and Lodges Tasmania, natural resource managers, user groups and individuals.
Central Highland Visitors Visitors to the Central Highland include local, regional, interstate and international travellers; local visitors for the purpose of this paper are those who utilise the lakes and reside in shack developments, regional users are those venturing from urban centres or outside of the Central Highlands local government area. Interstate and international visitors fall into two categories, firstly, those travellers who
Essentially the focus of the Recreational Lakes Committee and this discussion paper is on management issues relating to non-commercial camp grounds and the use of those camp grounds by local,
required where camper waste can be deposited. The recent closure of transfer stations in the Highlands has shown the impact of not having appropriate sites for waste management, with trailer loads of rubbish being cleaned up by volunteer groups around the Bronte Park area. It is essential that the waste transfer stations recently closed are assessed against transfer station requirements and to discuss the options for a multi-agency management approach to assist in their re-opening and on-going maintenance and management.
regional, interstate and international visitors. All the issues have the ability to impact on the sustainability of inland waters and if not addressed reflect poorly on the ability for agencies responsible for management to be seen as an effective manager. Solutions need to be developed user behaviours are required to be changed and collaborative actions are required to ensure the sustainability of the Highland lakes and lagoons into the future. Camping the Central Highlands– Current Issues There is a need to identify the current situation and issues relating to camp grounds before a movement can be made to remedying the situation. Issues currently experienced at camp grounds in the Central Highlands constant across all sites, however, it needs to be noted that individual sites may experience issues that are specific to that location. A list of broad issues is provided below: • • • • • •
Volunteer, user group and agency clean up programs could be better coordinated to maximize resources in managing waste. Member agencies of the Recreational Lakes Committee already participate in the Business Clean up Australia Day Program and focused on the Central Highlands in 2007. The Tasmanian Trout Guides Association also conduct clean up day projects as do a number of community and user groups throughout the Central Highlands.
Camper waste management, Environmental, natural resource and cultural values management, Inappropriate and irresponsible fires Infrastructure development, design, maintenance and management, Signage, interpretive and directional, On-going resources and funding.
There also needs to be a set of guiding principles for campers to facilitate better waste management. An Angler Code of Conduct is currently being developed by Anglers Alliance Tasmania with a similar code being developed by Trout Guides and Lodges Tasmania that aim to encourage sustainable use of the states inland waters.
Camper Waste Management Waste management is a significant issue and the need to ensure an integrated approach amongst all land managers is essential to ensure its effective management. It is agreed by the Recreational Lakes Committee that interagency management of waste is required and that the responsibility of waste management should be a collaborative approach by all land and resource managers and user groups.
Camper Impacts – Environmental, Natural Resource and Heritage Values The expansion of camp sites has the ability to lead to the damage of flora and fauna, inappropriate track development and associated vegetation clearing, damage to cultural and environmental values, impacts on threatened species, inappropriate accesses and parking of vehicles. Camp site expansion can occur at pre-existing sites or new sites where camping is undertaken on land not
Waste management requires an attack from many fronts; sufficient sites are
the management of these fires. This information should identify that fires need to have good clearance from vegetation and that clearing of fuel from around fire places is required including the need to totally extinguish fires when not in use. In all circumstances campers should be instructed that fires are not to be used to burn waste.
formally identified for camping. Expansion of sites can also impact on adjacent land where access is increased due to the opening up of areas of new tracks and camping sites. Managing camp ground expansion requires a number of actions to address the problem. Firstly, there is a need to provide well communicated information to the users of sites on the importance of the area where camping is taking place. Information at camp grounds needs to identify both the environmental and cultural values at sites and clearly identify appropriate behaviours by users of the site to minimize their impact on important values. Signage should be placed in high prominence at sites and identify the requirements of all visitors to the rules and regulations associated with camping. Secondly, well designed sites that take into account the experiences being sought after by users also needs to be developed. Expansion of sites is often associated with campers wanting better access too and views of the water and any design needs to consider this to minimize the need for clearing of vegetation in the future. Inappropriate and Irresponsible Fires It is essential that camp ground fires be appropriate and that responsible management of camp fires is developed through communicating good camp fire management behaviours to the camping public. Fires are to be discouraged and the use of gas or other forms of cooking and heating encouraged. Information relating to camp ground fires need to identify that; fires are only to be used for cooking and warmth and are to be restricted to formally designed fire pits. It is inevitable that some campers will ignore the rules and develop fires where they wish and there maybe a need to provide further information to facilitate
on these values. The current code of conduct being developed by Angling Alliance Tasmania and Trout Guides and Lodges Tasmania should also be incorporated into interpretive signage. There should also be information provided on the location of services such as waste depositories and toilets. Currently, Hydro Tasmania in conjunction with the Tasmanian Sport Fishing Tourism and Marketing Plan and the Inland Fisheries Service are developing signage programs for inland waters and the upper Derwent chain of waters is a focus for incorporating signage as part of that program.
Camp Ground Maintenance and Management Covering all the issues identified here a greater presence by an authority; a care taker or camp ground monitor could facilitate communicating camp ground etiquette to all users. This could be achieved by use of a number of methods but would require a multi-agency and community group approach to make it effective. Hydro Tasmania staff in the upper Derwent already indicated that they would be happy to discuss issues with campers on Hydro Tasmania managed waters and land during carrying out routine operations. Inland Fisheries already have inspectors who could play a role in disseminating information on good camper behaviour. Trout Guides Tasmania have also indicated that they would be happy to be involved in a program that encourages better behaviour amongst user groups of the highland lakes. Further discussions need to be developed with these groups to identify a program to increase a management presence at camp grounds.
On-going Resources and Funding The on-going management and maintenance of camp grounds is an ever burdening problem for those agencies which allow camping on their land but do not have camping ground management as a core responsibility of their business. Camping on Hydro Tasmania land has historically been practiced, however, the organisation is not in a position to provide the services required to ensure effective management and maintenance of these sites. The increase in recreational use and the promotion of the upper Derwent sites in regard to freedom of camping and the lack of funding and therefore maintenance undertaken at these sites has the ability to not only reflect poorly on the management agencies but also the state of Tasmania as a place that is clean and green.
Signage, Interpretive and Directional Underpinning all the issues identified above is the inclusion of effective signage that both directs and provides interpretation in the use of camp grounds. Any signage needs to be in the most prominent position on site to effectively communicate any messages whether directional or interpretive. Directional signage should utilise international symbols to allow for messages to be communicated to all visitors to the Highlands. Where possible signage should incorporate messages from all management agencies and displayed on a single signage panel.
It is clear that any improved maintenance of these sites requires a multi-agency approach to integrate and coordinate both resources and funding. Investigations of funding opportunities need to be explored. The success of the Brumby’s Creek Project is proof of what can be achieved with input from a range of agencies on managing recreational use and the ability for collaborative
Interpretive signage at each site needs to provide information on the environmental and cultural values of the site and the behaviours required by campers to try and minimise the impact
competition with them. There also needs to be a determination of sites for free camping so to ensure that this activity does not impact on environmental and cultural values. Finally, camp grounds for priority management should be assessed against the location of services to support this activity, including access, infrastructure and commercial centres.
approaches to attract external funding. Recently, the Federal Government indicated that funding for natural resource management will be provided where recreational use has an impact on the sustainability of natural resources. There is an opportunity that the development of a camping strategy for the Highlands could be considered for funding under these new funding arrangements.
There are eight sites in the Upper Derwent that need to be focused on as a priority for management. These sites are promoted as part of the Inland Fisheries Service popular waters program and there has been a steady increase in angling these waters over the past four years and they include;
Camp Ground Management – A Priority Approach Management of camp grounds in the Central Highlands requires a priority approach to ensure that the sites of most importance are being managed for a sustainable future. The question here is what camp grounds are important, what is that importance and what is required at those camp grounds to facilitate their sustainable management.
• • • • •
A priority list of camp grounds in the Central Highlands based on importance needs to take into account the views and opinions of all stakeholders. As discussed the focus of interstate and international tourists to Tasmania is along major touring routes. It is essential that sites along touring routes be maintained at the highest standard for their presentation is a reflection of the states ability to be promoted as a clean and green tourism destination. Sites that are close to urban centres are also important for they are easily accessible to a larger population of anglers.
Dee Lagoon, Brady’s Lake Bronte Lagoon, Lake Binney, Tungatinah Lagoon,
It is also important to concentrate on those sites that already provide a high level of service to the camping public and although they are not on touring routes they do provide opportunities for camping experiences to interstate and international visitors. There are two priority camp grounds that require a management approach to ensure the sustainability of camping at these sites into the future. These sites are Jonah and Pump House Bay Camp Grounds. Both of these sites are important assets for camping on the Central Plateau and a number of management issues are currently being experienced that need to be addressed as a priority.
Any priority of camp grounds also needs to consider the pre-existing sites being used and to assess the viability of these sites in the long term. The provision of land for camping requires a holistic view of all opportunities for camping the Upper Derwent this includes commercial sites where camping on crown land should supplement camping at commercial sites rather than be in
Both Jonah and Pump House Bay sites are managed by the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service, one at Jonah bay the other at Pump House Bay. Recently, a review of camp ground management undertaken by the Parks and Wildlife Service has identified that budget
paper and other essentials for the site. The community groups may collect fees for the site which could be used for other community group projects and activities. Community involvement would form the basis of a camp ground caretaker program increasing a management presence on site which has the ability to curb some of the anti-social behaviours that may occur and pass on information to users on appropriate behaviours.
constraints on the service requires them to refocus their activities on sites that fall in National Parks and pull away from sites that are not core management responsibilities. This approach requires action to ensure the long term viability of these camp grounds in the future and a number of options are to be investigated. Management Options for Jonah and Pump House Bay Camp Grounds A number of management options are being investigated to ensure the sustainable management and use of Jonah Bay and Pump House Bay Camp Grounds into the future. These options are not an exhaustive list but a starting point for discussion in identifying the best option for the management of these two sites.
Pre-Existing Management Structures There are a number of management structures currently in place that could be utilised for the management of Jonah and Pump House Bay camp grounds. Private commercial interests may well be placed to lease the camp grounds as an appendage to their pre-existing commercial visitor accommodation businesses. The management of the camp grounds could form the impetus for the beginnings of a new commercial enterprise for camping in the Highlands or supplement another business enterprise in the Highlands.
Community Camp Ground Management The North East Coast Camping Strategy identifies the involvement of community group and individuals in managing camp grounds as an option worth considering. Community groups in the Central Highlands could have the ability to undertake the management activities required at these sites on a roster system. It could be that the tangibles required for the site are funded by the land manager while the activities associated with placing these tangibles on site is that of the community group. Tangibles may include the provision of fire wood, toilet
Conclusion Camping in the Highlands is fast becoming a major activity for not only local and regional visitors but also interstate and international visitors. This increase in visitor numbers poses a number of management issues that require coordinated solutions for their management.
MAST Report
nce again water levels in Great Lake and in Arthurs Lake were low through much of the year and it was necessary, on occasion, to close the four main ramps on Great Lake and two of the ramps on Arthurs Lake. This left only the new ramp and access road constructed at Boundary Bay on the western side of Great Lake and Pumphouse and the Dam on Arthurs Lake to provide access for boaters. Unfortunately it seems likely that lake levels in both Arthurs and Great Lake will rise only slowly this year. However, it is understood that over the longer term lake levels will return to more normal levels which will be a great relief to all those who have a stake in these magnificent waterways. In order to ensure that boaters still have access MAST, in conjunction with the Inland Fisheries Service and Hydro Tasmania., has constructed a new boat ramp on the western shore of Lake Echo and upgraded another as well as providing a new access at Pumphouse on Arthurs Lake. These upgraded facilities have been specifically designed to accommodate the current low lake levels. Last summer MAST provided a walkway at Strathgordon and also a pontoon at Lake Barrington (with help from Hydro Tasmania) to help provide a safe access at these popular facilities.
MAST has continued with education nights around the State and in particular has held safety and flare demonstrations at a wide range of centres which have been very successful and well attended by both fresh and saltwater anglers. MAST is happy to conduct displays for clubs if you would like us to attend one of your regular meetings.
MAST has recently received proposals for a number of enhanced facilities from the 2009 Recreational Boating Facilities Fund so there will be more expenditure on Highland facilities in the coming year.
Colin Finch – August 2008
Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) Report
All Tasmanians should pay close attention to our State Governments plans to “Drought Proof Tasmania.” AAT has not made any decision as the whether these plans are good or bad for the environment but clearly they are weighted for the agricultural industry and it is noteworthy that the board charged with implementing these plans has no environmental representation.
eason 2007-08 has been another busy year for your peak fresh water angling body as we have worked closely with our partners, particularly the IFS and Hydro Tasmania. Relations and cooperation have never been so good and the Committee of AAT thanks all its partners for their assistance and understanding throughout the year. As all anglers are aware, this has been yet another year of below average rainfall placing great strains on our angling resources and we congratulate the IFS and Hydro for their work which has enabled continued good fishing despite the prevailing circumstances.
Agriculture have a right to be considered in water management plans, as do all Tasmanian’s, but not a sole right and the past practices of all users must be modified to manage the difficulties caused by drought and climatic changes. It is incumbent on all users of Tasmania’s fresh flowing waters to understand that climate and rainfall patterns are changing and therefore past behaviour is no longer acceptable. In the case of the Interlaken Lakes it must be understood that these were once pristine alpine lakes belonging to all Tasmanian’s and not artificial reservoirs to be used by an environmentally unsympathetic few as they think fit.
AAT waged an extended battle to save Lakes Crescent and Sorell from further degradation by irrigators and whilst we do not claim sole credit for the Australian Government’s decision to disallow further draw downs for irrigation purposes there is no doubt that our arguments were closely listened to. The STLAA assisted greatly in ensuring that anglers had a voice and past President Terry Byard worked particularly hard for the good of all anglers.
AAT meetings throughout the year have been productive and held in excellent spirit. It is particularly pleasing to see a number of individual Clubs coming to our general committee meetings and contributing productively. It is hoped that this will continue and influence other clubs to also take part in shaping Tasmania’s recreational fishery. AAT is not yet three years old but has been able to form a solid base from which constitutional change can be made into the future.
Terry has been a tower of strength to AAT from the beginning and having stepped down from the Presidency of the STLAA, we are pleased that he has decided to continue his contributions to the peak Association. All anglers owe Terry a vote of thanks for his years of untiring service as STLAA President on behalf of Tasmania’s recreational fishers. Thanks should also go to the AAT Committee who has kept things moving through monthly meetings to ensure that there is continued progress in our angling resource.
Implementation of Tasmania’s Recreational Fishing Development Plan continues improving access, interpretation and signage and anglers
will notice further major improvements over the current season. Access plans for Penstock and Brumbys Creek have been completed and the “signs and Brochures” project are also nearing completion. • This programme has provided some one hundred signs around forty waters and informational brochure for around seventeen of these. These brochures will soon be posted on our web site for free down loading. •
Many would have noticed that Helene Stewart has been an understudy Executive Officer during past months and I will be handing over to her completely in the near future. All anglers will find Helene very approachable and professional in every way. I will continue as a Committee member and manage the Recreational Fishing Development Plan. There are many other past and ongoing items of interest which are outlined as follows: • • • •
• • •
The ongoing Didymo awareness programme continues. The Junior Angling Programme now well underway. The three River Access programmes are now in the process of implementation. Implementation of the “Sport Fishing Marketing Plan” has commenced and is expect a new web site “Fishing Tasmania” to soon appear complete with a chat section. A new code of practice for recreational anglers is now up on the web site. A new and complete contact list for all clubs has now been completed. During the year Louis Molnar resigned his executive Committee position due to work pressures and we thank him for his input during the
formation of AAT. Roger Butler was appointed to the treasures position and has done a wonderful job in ensuring complete control and reporting on our very considerable funds. The year marked the formation of the “Recreational Lakes Committee:” which brings together all those with an interest in the Central Plateau with the aim of ensuring that decisions affecting residents and users are not made in isolation by any one organization. AT assisted in negotiating access to the new Lake Huntsman with the State Rivers and Water Supply resulting in top class facilities for anglers. There has been criticism from some quarters concerning the designation of this lake as “artificial lure only.” However it should be understood that it became clear during negotiations that it was artificial lure fishing or no fishing at all. Our thanks and congratulations to State Rivers in creating such terrific infrastructure for all recreational users. AAT has negotiated with local insurance broking group OAMPS to extend our public risk policy to cover other angling clubs. The policy is not only very competitive but also has increased cover when compared to others. We encourage any club to enquire about this policy whether affiliated with the STLAA or not. The AAT web site is continually changing and will remain as our main source of communication. We recommend that clubs refer to the site often and send Helene any items of news that may be of general interest for posting. Our second site “Fishing Tasmania” will in the future provide different information plus advantages for anglers, leaving the AAT site to handle our business and administration information.
We remind all anglers that AAT exists to represent your interests and we welcome your input and comments. We particularly encourage all clubs to attend out quarterly meetings so that you can observe how we operate; it is not a condition of these meetings that you have to be a committee member in order to contribute to the debates.
It is interesting to note that all but two Clubs out of some 50 now have communication contact through email which is a huge change in the last twelve months. It has been a big job getting a full communication list together as well as a record of club office holders and we ask for your continued cooperation in supplying details of any changes as they occur so that we can keep you up to date.
Richard C. Dax (Consultant Executive Officer)
IFAC Report - Reflections Season 2007/2008
plans to develop a number of irrigation schemes around the state. The plans involve diverting water from Poatina and the South Esk south to the central midlands, increasing water storage and increasing irrigation opportunities in the North East and dams to store and release water into the Clyde and Ouse catchments.
he Council has held four meetings during the year commencing with a day and a half workshop conducted at New Norfolk to discuss the draft Recreational Fisheries Management Plan. The workshop provided an opportunity for IFS staff to outline their plans, priorities and visions for the management of Inland Fisheries. It also provided an opportunity for members of the Advisory Council to have input into aspects of the plan. The outcome of the workshop was support and endorsement of the plan, the need to communicate the plan and to invite input from anglers throughout the state.
Discussion on the government's plans continued at our June meeting with a detailed briefing by Alan Harradine who gave more detail of the government's plans. The briefing outlined further plans to utilise water from the Mersey through the Australian Pulp and Paper pipeline, expansion of the Meander Dam irrigation scheme, and schemes involving the Great Forrester, St Paul’s and upper Macquarie Rivers. Consideration was also given to the management of the state's bream fishery.
Three regional meetings were held in Hobart Launceston and in Burnie in November which members of IFAC attended. Although the numbers of anglers attending was disappointing it was heartening that there was universal support for the plan.
The 2008/09 season will present a number of challenges for the Inland Fisheries Service with reports at the beginning of the season showing that Hydro storages are lower that at the same time last year. The government's plans to drought proof Tasmania will present the possibility of increased fishing opportunities through the development of new waters, but at the same time presents challenges in managing the existing water resources. Increasing fuel prices have the potential of impacting on licence sales and as a result on the income and resources available to the Inland Fisheries Service.
Our second meeting was held in November where the main issues discussed were priorities of the Recreational Fisheries Management Plan and water management. One of the main themes of discussion centred around water resources and water management. One of the threats identified at the workshop was water management and water quality in view of the low rainfall in recent years which has had a major impact on lake and river levels. Members also requested further information about the State Governments plans for drought proofing the state and its impacts on the state's lakes and rivers.
John Cleary - Chairman Inland Fisheries Advisory Council
Minister Llewellyn attended our March meeting and outlined the government's
STLAA Reports STLAA Executive OFFICE BEARERS 2007-2008 POSTAL ADDRESS: GPO Box 159 Hobart 7001 PATRON: Mr Bob Ward PRESIDENT: Mr Terry Byard VICE PRESIDENT: Mr Norm Cribbin SECRETARY: Mr Louis Molnar HONORARY TREASURER: Mr Neil Pinkard HONORARY HISTORIAN: Mr Ray Aitchison AAT DELEGATES: Mr Terry Byard & Mr Louis Molnar EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Messers Terry Byard, Louis Molnar, Neil Pinkard, Norm Cribbin and Don Emery CLUB DELEGATES: Australian Polish Tom Hazi, Bob Ilic Bothwell Anglers Shane Jones, James Whittaker Bridgewater Anglers Bernard Creed Clarence Licensed Anglers Norm Cribbin, Neil Pinkard Huon Anglers Rob Chandler, David Roberts Kingborough Anglers Association Tom Kruiswijk, Ivan Brinklow Lake Pedder Anglers Laurie Harrison Maydena Anglers Club Bill Cornelius, Don Emery New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Duncan Hughes, Justin Causby Tarraleah/Bronte Anglers Jenny Beard, Anthony Jones LIFE MEMBERS: E.T. Smith A. Maclaine Mrs J. Walker C. Smith R. Cairns K. Morley
1970 1979 1981 1983 1983 1983
D. Lynch R. Ryder C. Bourke L. Ward B. Creed P. Lowe
1983 1983 1985 1987 1992 1992
R. Aitchison K. Jones D. Cranfield R. Bradshaw T. Byard
1995 1999 1999 2002 2004
ANGLING CERTIFICATE AWARDS: R. Bradshaw P. Woods L. Datlen K. Hanson W. Knight N. Cribbin B. Sherriff D. Triffitt T. Sutton W. Seabrook N. Pinkard F. Johnson
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002
J. Bluett B. Jordan E. Aitchison K. Walker B. Johnston M. Sherriff R. Walker D. Cranfield D. Driver P. Richards K. Russell M. Russell
2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005
H. Chivers M. Pinkard R. Aitchison A. Smith S. Page B.Page D. Goss S. Granger B. Andrew J. Barratt B. Barratt
2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008
STLAA President’s Report
The Association has had another successful year with good attendances and participation at our social events and monthly meetings. I am pleased to report that during the year we promoted discussion to establish whether the STLAA was fulfilling club expectations in managing the affairs of the Association. This was achieved through Executive Sub- Committee discussions, a series of club visits by the President and/or Secretary and by devoting the May Delegates meeting to the discussion of items arising from the club visits program. The outcomes of this process have resulted in a 50% reduction of club capitation fees for a trial period of three years, the abolition of junior membership fees and an overall consensus that the Association is meeting its aims and goals.
ell another angling year has rolled around and this year's report from me will be my last as President of the Association. After 10 years in this role I have decided that it is time to pass on the reins and have a rest from this position. My time as President has been very rewarding and I consider that I leave this role with the organisation in good shape for the run up to our centenary celebrations in four years time. During my Presidency, the Association has achieved much and I believe that we have made a real difference on many angling issues as a result of our contribution. Internally, we have seen the Association's Constitution computerised to disc for ease of management; a new award system established to compliment Life Membership arrangements, an Executive Sub-committee system established to streamline general meetings, provision of public liability insurance cover for clubs and our social program extended to include the ever popular family BBQ day.
Whilst the Association strongly endorsed the recent decision of federal Minister Garrett to block further irrigation releases from Lakes Sorell and Crescent, there are no real winners in this sorry saga. These lakes are now no longer suitable for angling and they are in their worst environmental condition since they were stocked with trout back in late 1800's. Unless there is a dramatic change in the current weather cycle, these once iconic lakes may become just a memory. Nevertheless, we wait in hope for this position to improve.
Of course, this would not have been possible without the great support that I have had from both present and past Executive Committee members and Delegates, and our member clubs. Thank you one and all. I believe that we are indeed fortunate to have such a great spirit within our Association, particularly considering the difficulties which are apparent elsewhere within club and Association structures. I urge our membership to keep working together for what will probably be difficult times ahead as the impact of climate change continues to affect water levels and rising fuel costs add an increasing burden to the pursuit of our treasured recreation.
The new peak body Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) continues to make great strides in implementing its agenda of improving angler access and facilities, the rolling out of uniform and improved angler information signposting across the State and the development of its recreational fishing and angler marketing plan. AAT has been able to attract major funding grants for these reforms and the STLAA is very happy to support AAT's
inception, Stormy Australia, J Boag & Sons, Spot on Fishing Connection and Bridges Bros. have been great supporters of our social events and activities program. Advertisers have also played a key role in making Trout possible. To all these groups I say thanks for without your generous support much of our activity would not be possible. I also say thanks to our Patron Mr Bob Ward and our Historian Ray Aitchison for their great support over the years. Thanks also to club Delegates for your ongoing participation and to the members of our Executive Sub-Committee for your commitment to the Association.
agenda. As outgoing President I wish AAT every success in its future endeavours. I would like to thank the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) for its support of the STLAA and its activities. The STLAA has strongly endorsed the work of the IFS and its predecessor organisation since fisheries management came under the control of government in the 1950's and over this time, our Association has developed a friendly and supportive relationship which continues today. I know that this will continue into the future. I would particularly like to thank our sponsors, many of whom who have been supporting the Association for the majority of time I have been President. Hydro Tasmania has kindly supported our local publication, Trout, since its
I wish all members and their families the very best times ahead and once again acknowledge your support and encouragement over the last ten years. Terry Byard – President
President: Bob Ilic Secretary: Kristel Banasik Treasurer: Rodney Haigh Postal Address: 486 Lachlan Rd Lachlan 7140 Contact: Ph 6261 3711 Meetings: 2nd Wednesday Monthly
Club Reports Australian Polish Anglers Club •
ur club has had another successful season even though membership was slightly down from last year. We held seven competitions throughout the season and for the first time Wayatinah lagoon was included. We also travelled to Slopen Main for our yearly taste of salt water. This once again proved very popular with members and their families.
• Our Christmas BBQ was held at Tolosa Park and was well attended by members and their families. •
Our first competition was held on the Derwent River and sponsored by T & M Mechanical Services. Forty seven fish were caught with the heaviest being 2.240kg. The second competition sponsored by Cooper’s Hardware was also on the Derwent River. Eighty four fish were caught the heaviest being 1.620 kg. John Spaulding Electrical sponsored our Lake Binney comp with one hundred and nine fish caught. 1.105 kg being the heaviest. New Norfolk Drycleaners sponsored our Wayatinah Lagoon comp. We had a very poor member turnout but the fish were more than eager to meet the four anglers that turned up. Fifty eight fish were caught the heaviest being 1.815 kg.
The Arthurs Lake comp was sponsored by Derwent Valley Diesel & Hydraulics. Two hundred fish weighed in with the heaviest being 1.145 kg. Mick Clarke Lures sponsored our Lake Echo comp. Sixty three fish were weighed in, the heaviest being 1.320 kg. New Norfolk Marine Services sponsored our last competition for the season. This was also poorly attended. Eight fish were weighed in. The heaviest being 1.060 kg.
Our yearly stats are: 569 fish weighed in with a season average of 524 grams. Many thanks to our great sponsors who have looked after us over the season. Our members appreciate all they have done for them. Last but certainly not least I must thank our hard working committee members. Without these people the club would not be in the position we are in today. From working at the weigh-ins and BBQ’s to catering for the S.T.L.A.A. annual dinner at the Polish club they have again done a great job. Bob Ilic - President
President: Leanne Datlen Secretary: Pam Jones Treasurer: Felicity Jones P.O. Box 44 Bothwell 7030 Ph 03 6259 8373
Bothwell Angling Club
members and was enjoyed by all our official guests, members and their families.
nother season has come to an end, this has happened quickly without all the extra camping and fishing trips which I hoped would happen.
We have had our usual competition weekends, most of these have had good nominations with some good sizes catches. We also held our annual Fun Fish on the 2nd of February at Arthurs Lake. The family barbecue, weigh-in and drawing of the raffle and nomination prize ended this enjoyable day at Jonah Bay. With some great sponsorship everyone went home with something and listening to the 'should have seen the one that got away' stories it seemed like everyone enjoyed the day, even though not a lot of fished were weighed in.
Firstly I would sincerely like to thank all our Executive office bearers, patron, delegates, weigh in stewards and all those who have attended meetings, competitions and helped out in many different ways when needed. We welcomed onto our committee 2 of our younger members with Felicity Jones taking on the role of Treasurer and James Whittaker as a delegate. Pam Jones remained as our Secretary (a job that not many will take on), Shayne Jones as delegate, Mark Whittaker as proxy and Andre Datlen as Vice President. A club is not a club without support such as this.
The club after trying bi-monthly meeting last season has reverted to monthly
Bothwell Anglers Fun Fish – Jonah Bay, Arthurs Lake meetings but like many other clubs it would be good to see more member faces at these meetings to either put their ideas to the club or find out what is
Our Annual Dinner and Presentation Evening was held last July with an enjoyable night had by all. Our dinner was again catered by our local C.W.A.
A very special thank you must go to all our sponsors, without their continued support, some over many years our events such as our presentation dipper would not be the success that it is. A list of these sponsors goes to all members and their support is greatly appreciated. A thankyou also goes to all property owners who allow anglers to access some of the best fishing in the world. Thank you to the Central Highlands Council for the use of the hall, club rooms and in kind support such as photocopying.
happening at club and STLAA. level. It was also great to have Terry attend one of our meetings. The club was represented at the Anglers Alliance Tasmania Inc. meeting at New Norfolk. We have also put the clubs views forward on some surveys, drafts and management plans.
Bothwell Anglers at the Spring Festival Andre – Cooking at the Fun Fish Event Our membership has remained stable over the past couple of seasons this includes a large number of juniors and with low water levels 15 more fish were weighed in by our .members than last season. Congratulations to all our trophy winners, these will be announced at our Dinner and good luck for the coming season.
In September our club was asked to be involved in a Spring festival at our local school, our Secretary and myself decided to take some stickers, lure pamphlets, fishing rods and targets and have plug casting. This proved very interesting as there was more than one school attending with students of all ages, we had fun but we did get some tangles! One of our members also held some fundraising with chook raffles at our local hotel; these were very popular and were in great demand. We also donated a book for ANZAC Day, this is laid at the local cenotaph and then goes to the Bothwel1 Area School library.
Tight Lines Leanne Datlen
President: David Goss Secretary: Gary Chaffey Treasurer: Royce Jessup STLAA Delegates – Bernard Creed Meetings: Last Tuesday of each month except January & June -
Bridgewater Anglers Association
level & spasmodic Mayfly hatches. Last year I learnt some snail fly fishing techniques in NZ which was put to good use even in bright sunlight on Arthurs this season. The Didymo (rock snot) build up in the Tekapo River & Lake Benmore since I visited & fished with NZ friends, only 2 years ago was extreme. We must do all we can to stop this invasive weed reaching Tasmania.
he Tasmanian Governments Sport & Recreation grant of $4900 towards the clubs Lake Sorell shack to finish off the internal toilet and fit an additional 7000 litre water tank has made our 20 bed 3 unit shack very family friendly. The shack has become a great social facility for the senior weekend. Regulars at our annual working bees enjoyed the facility, soup & BBQ provided by Alistair Creed this year.
After approx 20 years of membership, 10 years on general committee I will be stepping down as President after 4 years, but hope to still continue an active role in the club. In the future, club members should instigate 3 year terms for office bearers to share the workload & provide fresh ideas & input.
Although the problems with Lakes Sorell & Crescent & Lagoon of Islands continue, the shack is still within an hour of prime fishing Penstock, Great Lake, Arthurs & Woods Lake, Macquarie River & some smaller waters. The club again this year conducted 10 General meetings, with some interesting guest speakers, 5 committee meetings, 13 field competitions & events at Derwent River, Arthurs Lake & surrounding waters, Western Lakes, Bronte area & Cremorne. 192 trout weighing 126.5 kg were recorded (average 660gm). Also Bunnings fund raising BBQ & shack working bees and Community Service Derwent River Bridgewater bridge area clean up.
Royce Jessup has co-ordinated a club website with the assistance of Job Futures Tasmania Bridgewater.
Thank you to Secretary Gary Chaffey, Treasurer Royce Jessup, committee & the handful of regular supporters. A junior program could be pursued to encourage future members & hand down experience of senior members. Continued joint activities with Tasmanian, mainland & overseas angling clubs should be considered.
Bridgewater Anglers are strongly involved with STLAA, AAT & IFS and have attended meetings on angler’s access water plans & management plans. The ongoing drought conditions effecting lake water impoundments continues & all anglers need to appreciate the needs of other stakeholders.
I have trout fished Tasmanian waters since 1951 & the world & Australian populations have increased 3 fold in my lifetime. We must adapt to changes to survive, promote & protect our marvellous Tasmanian inland fishery.
My fly fishing experience this year was one of the best in terms of numbers & quality of brown trout from Arthurs Lake not withstanding the low water
David Goss President
President: Norm Cribbin Secretary: Neil Pinkard Treasurer: Warwick Bonney Postal Address: PO Box 281 Rosny Park 7018 Contact: 0408 144 587 Email:
Clarence Licensed Anglers Club
eason 2007-2008 has once again been a very active season for the Clarence Anglers Club. The opening of the season was commenced with our traditional Club day at Pawleena Dam. This was then followed up during the season with a further 17 club events. Attendance at field trips in terms of numbers was similar to past years. Whilst numbers were similar the make of the members had changed, with many new enthusiast members attending. The Club should look forward to season 2008-2009 field trips. Many of the past season’s field trip regulars will be back from their varied travel destinations, so I predict numbers will be well up on the past 2 seasons.
active participation at events such as the Free Fish Day and the Liawenee Open Days has resulted in non Club anglers seeing the benefits of joining a Club. The Club welcomes the new Members and hope that they enjoy the benefits of being part of an organised angling club. On the fisheries management side of things the Club has been very active with the positions of STLAA Treasurer, Vice President and Delegate to the Executive and AAT Delegate all coming from within the Clubs membership. These roles impact on the individuals angling time personally but without their efforts our fishery would be worse off. In addition many Members have taken time out to complete surveys and respond to various fisheries and related issues that have occurred during the past season.
This past season the weather was generally kind to the Club. We did not suffer from rained out or snow cover trips as in season 2006-2007. However season 2007-2008 was not the perfect red letter season either. Many if not all of our waters suffered from low water levels. This made launching boats at our regular field trip destinations increasingly difficult. It appears that the coming season will also yield many waters that will be at record low levels.
The Club has continued with two very popular competitions this season, these being the Consistent Angler Award and the One Fly/Lure Shield. The One Fly/Lure competition this year was held in conjunction with the club field trip to Arthurs Lake. This change of venue proved to be very popular and good fish were weighed in. Thanks must go to the dedicated members that form the Club Committee. Without their help and support it would not be possible to organise the number of events that are available to the Members of the Clarence Anglers throughout the season. Special thanks must also go to the many members that have worked behind the scenes to assist the Club in many small ways. As in past years the Club hosted a stall at the IFS Liawenee Open Weekend as part of the Clubs major fund raising
Membership has remained stable through out the season. The Clubs efforts in recruiting new members through
making hot Milo for customers, just ask Warwick. The Club progressed with developing the Arthurs Lake block. The block has now been cleared, levelled and capped off with crushed blue stone. The next step will be to decide on the size and type of shack to be built and how the Club will fund the construction phase.
activities. This year the Open Days were well attended by Anglers and General Public alike. It was estimated that approximately 4000 people attended over the two days.
At the STLAA Annual Dinner two members were presented with Service to Angling Certificates. Congratulations to Stephen Granger and Bruce Andrew. Both are worthy recipients of the award, having done much for the Club and angling generally. Thankyou to Bruce Andrew, Charlie Harris and Lionel Lewis for crafting this year’s fund raising prizes. Bruce created the beautiful Huon Pine occasional table and Fly Boxes; Charlie the ever popular Fly Tying Station and Lionel the elegant Weather Station. Thankyou also to the fly tier’s, especially Alex Smith, for populating the fly boxes.
Junior development received a significant boost this year with support from Catch Sport & Leisure. Catch has a “Catch Cubs” program to introduced juniors to the joys of angling. As a club we have attended two “Catch Cub” activities and this will inevitably result in new junior members for the club. In closing I would like to that the following suppliers for their support of the Clarence Anglers throughout Season 2006-2007: • • • • • • •
Thankyou to Tim Holloway, Greg & Dylan Brown, Warwick Bonney, Les Hay, Vince Coyte, Neil Pinkard and Alex Smith who assisted during the weekend. Also thanks to David Riley for the donation of a microwave oven. The oven proved to be indispensable, when
• •
Spot On – The Fishing Connection Eastern Shore Fishing & Tackle Rod & Range Sports Glenorchy Bridges Bros. Catch Sport & Leisure Mastercast McPherson Auto & Marine Trimmers Pro-Angler Freeotoole Web Design
Norm Cribbin - President
Season Statistics from the Log Book Season Awards Trophy
Heaviest Fish for Season - Senior (Trout) Heaviest Fish Field Trip
Bradys Lake
David Driver
2.39 kg
Woods Lake
Alex Smith
1.97 kg
Club Member Award "ACE" Award
One Fly Perpetual Trophy One Lure Perpetual Trophy Heaviest Atlantic Salmon for Season
Arthurs Lake
Neil Pinkard Andrew Simmons Norm Cribbin
0.68 kg
Arthurs Lake
Bruce Andrew
0.59 kg
Lake Meadowbank
Damien Granger
Atlantic Salmon
1.30 kg
(AC Walker Memorial Trophy)
Field Trip Awards Date
22-Sep-07 13-Oct-07 25-Oct-07 11-Nov-07 18-Nov-07 24-Nov-07 07-Decv-07 26-Jan-08 08-Feb-08 10-Mar-08 24-Apr-08 07-June-08
Derwent River Lake Meadowbank Lake St Clair/LKW Pawleena Dam Huon River Arthurs Lake Arthurs Lake Lake Burbury Bronte Lagoon Arthurs Lake Woods Lake Lake Meadowbank
Bert Thunig Greg Brown Norm Cribbin Charlie Harris Norm Cribbin Norm Cribbin Norm Cribbin Neil Pinkard Vince Coyte Rick Franklin Alex Smith -
Brown Brown Brown Rainbow Brown Brown Brown Rainbow Rainbow Brown Brown -
Bait Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Lure Fly -
1.34 kg 0.55 kg 0.68 kg 1.69 kg 0.15 kg 1.34 kg 0.94 kg 0.92 kg 1.27 kg 1.07 kg 1.97 kg -
President: Leigh Martin Secretary: Patricia Woolley Postal Address: 29 Tunbridge Rd Glen Huon Contact: Ph 0428 660 130 Meetings: Monthly
Huon Licensed Anglers Association
The club also held its second casting competition recently. Once again it proved to be a very popular and fun day. The day was again held at member Rob Chandler’s lovely property in Crabtree. It involved fly casting and lure casting at targets to test our skills and casting accuracy. Or at least what we thought were skills.
ts that time of year again, the annual dinner is not far away and the new trout season is fast approaching. I am very much looking forward to that - as I will actually be able to get some fishing done this year. Which will be a nice change. Let’s keep that rain coming for some higher lake levels. Something a little different for our club this year, we voted and have allowed Atlantic Salmon to be weighed in during the year. We will be just having one separate competition/award at this stage for Salmon and that is for the closest to the average weight of all Salmon weighed in. This year 126 Atlantic Salmon were weighed in. All of those (as far as I know) coming from the Huon River (and some surrounding rivers).
Again quite a few club members tried their hand at fly casting doing quite well. Proving that is not nearly as hard as you think to get started in fly fishing. The lure casting also proved to be harder than you think. Next year we may have to look into getting some bigger targets swimming pool size! A HUGE thankyou must go to our sponsors who helped make it a great day (and a great year for our club), Rod and Range of Glenorchy, Mike Tennar of Rod and Fly of Mountain River, Aurora Energy and Griggs Butchers of Huonville.
The average weight of those was a quite hefty 2.083kg. Comparing to our trout weighed in – 228 with an average weight of 0.862kg. We again held weekends away (Arthurs Lake, Lake Burbury and Lake Pedder).
Thankyou Leigh Martin - President.
Our shack again was well used this year, a number of new members joining to take advantage of our great facilities. Thanks to all involved in shack maintenance this year and our recent working bee. The shack is looking smarter than ever and it even has a second toilet now!
President: Graham Davis Secretary: Wayne Seabrook Postal Address: GPO Box 242 Kingston 7050 Contact: Ph 62 672 556 Meetings: Last Thursday of month.
Kingborough Anglers Association •
t gives me great pleasure to report that this has been another extremely successful year for the club. Our membership has continued to grow steadily, our field days and meetings have been well attended and a great deal of work has been done on our club shack in order to improve it as an asset for the membership.
• • • • • • •
We were fortunate enough to be awarded the Bridges Brothers trophy this year for our efforts and would like to thank Bridges Brothers for continuing to support this award.
E.C. Lowe, Bronte Lagoon – Tom Kruiswyck Dee Lagoon – Ivan Brinklow President’s Points award – Tom Kruiswyck Tupp’s Trophy – Derek Reardon Mick Flemming Trophy (overall aggregate) – Graham Davis Masters Trophy – Graham Davis David Scholes Trophy – Greg Atkins President’s shield – Tom Kruiswyck
The shack at Bronte Lagoon has been completely refitted with a new and expanded deck, which looks fantastic. This could not have happened without a great deal of effort by a band of committed members and I would like to thank all those involved in this project and the annual working bee. Our club auction and dinner, run by Frank Hussey was well attended as always. It also raised valuable funds for the club. Thanks to Frank, others who helped and especially to our generous sponsors for making the night possible.
We are still looking for new members, so if you are looking to have like minded people to fish with, would like to learn fly fishing or have access to a great shack in the highlands then come along to a meeting at the Welcome Inn on the last Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm.
Our field day competitions were a great deal of fun as always and the competition was one of the closest for a number of years. Congratulations to all the winners. • John Barwick Ice Breaker, Bronte Lagoon – Steve Paul • Bronte Area – Peter Thompson • Woods Lake – James McIlhenny • Lake Pedder – Peter Thompson • Arthurs Lake – Nick Atkinson
No means least, the fishing. Congratulations to David Drysdale on winning the overall (Mick Fleming) trophy for the season and the masters trophy. It’s amazing how young children can get you out fishing more. David also led a Kingborough team to victory in the Bronte One fly to cap off a great season. Graham Davis - President
President: Laurie Harrison Treasurer: Don Camm Postal Address: 63 Giblin St Lenah Valley 7008 Contact: 6278 1454 Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of month
Lake Pedder Anglers Club
The committee is especially mindful of junior fisherman, providing many prizes aimed at the junior level and ensuring that all juniors receive a prize with this year being no exception all juniors who came to the completion wether entering or not were treated to some Tassie Devil Lures this encouraging them to want to have a fish and there were a number who were successful.
eason 2007/2008 has been another successful year for the club. The results from the back to Pedder competition shows Lake Pedder to be a great fishery, with the average weight of fish caught up once again. The condition of the fish caught during the competition is notably very good. A good number of fish were caught, even though the competitor numbers were down on previous years.
Over this past year we have undergone a number of changes but we hope that we can still deliver a great competition as we have done in the past and I have no worries about the commitment of the new team that this will be a great success. I would like to take this time to personally name and thank the following members of our club for their dedication over the past years Don Camm, Mick Corner, Bill Cornelius, and Don Emery thanks guys for without your help over the past years the club may have folded.
The Back to Pedder Competition represents the most notable achievement of the club. Prizes in excess of $10,000 were given away to all comers, not just members of the club but with the most notable of first and second prizes going to Camp Quality children so that brought a tear to the eye’s of Mandy and Laurie Harrison the organizers for the Camp Quality families for the weekend so well done to those youngsters and we hope that you will be back in 2009.
I would like to welcome the new committee and hope that they too will enjoy their stay both with the club and also the committee has it can be very rewarding so welcome one and all and I look forward to working with you all.
The competition is again planned again for 2009 over the Australia Day long weekend. The sponsors of the prizes must be thanked for their great prizes as this makes it a great incentive that draws a large number of competitors to the competition. I would like to specially thank the following sponsors Hydro Tasmania, Wigston Lures, Diawa and Spot on Fishing, Mike Stevens, Hubie’s Hideaway, Lake Pedder Chalet, and Vic Causby, along with all the other sponsors both big and small so once again a big thank you.
Laurie Harrison President Lake Pedder Anglers Club
Phone: 03 6289 11143 Mobile: 0438 725 562
President: Don Emery Secretary – Carolyne Mapley Postal Address: C/O Post Office Maydena 7140 Contact: 6288 2234 or 6254 1374
Maydena Anglers Club
eason 2007/08 has not been a successful one for the club as it has been necessary for the club to go into recess for the last 3 months.
Barratt were awarded “Service to Angling Certificates” by the STLAA at their AGM and Annual Dinner in June. I would personally like to thank John and Betty for their great support of the club over many years.
It is proposed that a meeting be held in August 2008 to see if a way forward for the club can be identified. It is hoped that some new members can be found to ensure that the club survives.
In closing I would like to also thank our committee for their support during the 2007-2008 angling season.
On a happier note, it gives me great pleasure to report that John and Betty
Don Emery – President
W igstons
W ayne & Sue Perkins
6 3 H ig h S tre e t N e w N o rfo lk T as 7 1 4 0 Ph /F a x (0 3 ) 6 2 6 1 2 7 3 3 M o b ile 0 4 0 7 8 3 6 3 2 9
Great Lake Hotel
• • •
Situated on the shores of the Great Lake in the heart of Tasmania’s premier trout fishing territory. Ideally situated to take advantage of the famous Western Lakes polaroiding fishery. Fish Tasmania’s world famous mayfly waters just 10 minutes away or pursue tailing trout in shallow water at your doorstep Warm country style hotel offers a range of affordable accommodation including ensuite and family rooms, fisherman’s cabins, powered caravan sites and camping facilities. Enjoy lake views and large open log fires while enjoying hearty lunches and dinners 7 days a week including a select menu available all day everyday. Central to the North and South of the state. Ask us about your conference, meeting and function needs.
Discover an oasis in the middle of paradise. Present this advertisement and receive a ½ price meal. (Limit - 1 meal per person per day)
New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association
President: Tim Lowe Secretary: Elaine Aitchison Treasurer: Ray Aitchison Post: 14 Warner Ave. New Norfolk 7140 Contact: Elaine Aitchison – Phone 6261 4083 Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month at the IFS Offices
season and our Christmas BBQ was a big success with families with the surprise visit of Santa Claus a big hit with the kids.
s another fishing season has past us by I hope all you anglers out there have had a wonderful time chasing our beloved wily Tasmanian trout around our various waters across the state.
The club has two big events coming up in the new season, the first being a Derwent River Intra-club competition during opening weekend involving all the clubs within the STLAA with great prizes on offer thanks to a generous sponsorship from Norske Skog.
Well what a big season it has been for our club with the Windsor’s Corner project completed after many months of hard work thanks to the help of Greening Australia & Mission Australia. With their contributions to this project, the NNLAA were able to make this once eye sore of the Derwent River into an absolutely beautiful place to stop and either just take in the view or enjoy a spot of fishing from the transformed river bank. The club would also like to thank all the businesses who also generously donated materials and their time to this project.
The second event is the organisation of a junior angling pond thanks to Bushy Park Estates allowing us access to a dam on their property at Bushy Park. There will be more information about these events published in the local Derwent Valley Gazette when these events are finalised. During the season the club held 9 rostered competitions with 151 senior & 39 junior entries weighing in a total of 292 fish with a total weight of 175.265kg with an average weight of 600g. The number of anglers entering the rostered competitions was up on last year as well as the number of fish caught but the average weight slightly down compared to last season but overall a good result for the club and its members. Some impressive fish were also weighed in by members during the season through our monthly competitions including 3 fish over 4kg, 7 over 3kg & 9 over 2kg a good effort by these members.
Once again the club held a junior plug casting competition during the Derwent Valley Autumn Festival with over a hundred kids having a go at casting at the targets. Some casting a rod for the very first time and having a ball doing it. The club gave out free junior memberships to all the kids who had a go at the casting competition to try and get more juniors involved with the club as they are the future of the club and the angling community in general. The club wishes to thank the members who have given up their time to help out with the various club activities during the season such as the junior plug casting competition, the cleaning up of the Millbrook Rise boat ramp and Windsor’s Corner site as well as conducting the weigh-in at the Eddie Wigston Memorial Trout Fishing Competition.
I must thank the NNLAA committee for another good season support and organisation which helps make my job that little bit easier. I am looking forward to another big season coming up with our two big projects to organise.
Meetings have once again been well attended by our committee members this
Tim Lowe - President
President: John Jago - Secretary: Anne-Maree Donoghue Treasurer: Peter Cornish Postal Address: C/O P.O. Bronte Park Tas 7140 Contact: Phone 6289 3333 Meetings: Bi-Monthly
Tarraleah-Bronte Anglers Club
followed the official opening and it was both interesting and educational.
eason 2007-08 started off with a bang on opening weekend there were anglers everywhere. Around the Bronte and Brady's chain there were a few good fish caught. The good fishing continued for a few weeks after opening as well. Then the weather decided to chopped and change. It warmed up and with water levels fluctuating the fishing slowly died off. There were a couple of exceptions in the area, Lake St Clair and Lake Echo. Both of which continued to fish reasonably well.
In November 2007 we held our Trophy Luncheon at Bronte Park Chalet which, as always, was well attended. Our guest speakers were Neil Morrow and Richard Dax, thank you both for your input. Well done and thanks to our Trophy and Raffle donors, these included Spot On Fishing Connection and the Bronte Park Chalet. A good time was had by all. In January 2008 we had another attempt at having a “Kids Day”. The weather was better at Pine Tier Lagoon than last year. We had plenty of adults in attendance, but only 6 juniors. Sadly no fish were caught. It appears that our main problem is that our club membership is widely scattered and there is just not many juniors in our area that can easily attend.
Since the Brown trout season finished in April, the IFS been restocking the Bronte and Bradys’ chain for the coming season. Also when you renew your angling license, read the booklet that comes with your license. There has been a few changes to the number of fish you can catch and sizes in some lakes. At the beginning of the season Bushwatch, IFS, Police, Fire and Club members made a garbage cleanup around the Central highland lakes. The amount of rubbish was enormous! Again in February myself and Grand daughter Paige Henricks did a further days cleanup around Binney and Bradys lakes. The southern boat ramp where anglers unload their boats and then leave rubbish for someone else to pick up is getting out of hand.
In closing I would ask anglers to weigh more fish in or our competition days are not going to keep working. Good luck for the new season. John Jago –President
On the club scene I would like to thank our Secretary Anne-Maree Donoghue, Treasurer Peter Cornish and STLAA delegates Jenny Beard and Tony Jones for their work through out the season. In August 2007, Peter Cornish and I represented the Tarraleah-Bronte Club at the opening of the new IFS Hatchery at New Norfolk. A tour of the hatchery
Features & Special Reports A Decade of Achievement for STLAA President Terry Byard by Trevor Sutton t is with a great sense of pride that I have the pleasure to look closely at the performance of a man who has devoted a great deal of time and effort into improving trout fishing in Tasmania.
1997 • Involved with STLAA stand for City Heart promotion in CBD/Annual Boat, Caravan & Leisure Show on Castray Esplanade
Since meeting him some 25 years ago at a friend’s shack on the Canal at Lake Sorell I was impressed with his philosophy and willingness to share knowledge of the fishery and a strong desire to give something back.
1998 • Accepted nomination as PresidentStarted marketing angling to promote the healthy recreational activity and to encourage greater club membership. • Improved networking within STLAA and across club boundaries. • Inaugural STLAA meetings held at a number of clubs. • Agreement of clubs and STLAA to take out Public liability Insurance for members.
Terry Byard steps down having left a quite significant legacy of weaving the STLAA through a challenging period of change.
1999 • STLAA participation in Clean Up Australia Day at Lake Crescent with anglers from as far away as George Town. • STLAA constitution amended to improve payment system for club capitation fees and public liability insurance levies. 2000 • Introduced Family-BBQ day at Tolosa Park. • STLAA Executive Sub-Committee established to better manage association business and to free up General Meetings from becoming ‘bogged’ down with administration matters. • Adoption of special project to restore Hazelwood’s Lagoon wetland near Clyde River at Lake Crescent.
After 10 years at the helm of the STLAA, Terry Byard can look back with pride on a successful period that has seen the umbrella organisation for southern fishing clubs consolidate into a strong voice for freshwater angler’s state wide.
participants with the STLAA building on its aim to engender better relationships with clubs.
2001 • Creation of Focus Group to prepare strategies aimed at providing longterm protection for Lakes Sorell and Crescent.
2008 • STLAA reviews its aims and goals in collaboration with member clubs. Adult capitation fees reduced by 50% and junior fees abandoned.
2002 • Historic meeting at New Norfolk with Clyde River Trust to discuss water. management issues. • State government announces Consultative Group to develop water management plans for Lakes Sorell and Crescent. STLAA invited to provide 2 Representatives to the consultative group.
Terry learnt his fishing techniques in the rivers and creeks around Devonport. At the age of 10 he ‘drowned a worm’ like many other youngsters while on family outings on the Don, Rubicon and Coiler Rivers. A little older when he was able get a set of wheels, he and a mate set off for the lake country to try their luck. “My first ever fishing expedition was to Great Lake and involved taking a flat bottomed wooden dinghy, upside down on an old box trailer minus a motor.”
2003 • STLAA undertakes production of its own version of “Trout” following the demise of the state wide magazine. 2004 • The Association participates in the re-opening of Lake Crescent after 9 years closure by holding a special promotion and sausage sizzle.
“We had heard that all the angler needed to do was row around and drag a lure. Our plan was to circumnavigate Great Lake. We had never seen it, and all we had were paddles!”
2005 • Water management plans are finally approved for Lake Sorell and Lake Crescent after two years of stakeholder consultation.
“In those days the road up from Devonport was extremely rough and corrugated up through Golden Valley, at the back of Quamby Bluff up onto the top and down through the Haulage.”
2006 • STLAA plays a key role in the formation of new peak angling body Anglers Alliance following demise of FACT. • Farm Dam project set up with member clubs to further encourage junior development • Highly successful State wide Fly Casting Championship held at Salmon Ponds.
“We made it up somehow near the Haulage, pulled up to check the load and found one of the paddles had come off the trailer. Out thoughts then turned to how we could manage to row a boat with a single paddle around Great Lake.” “While discussing our dilemma a motorist turned up and yelled out to us,’ you haven’t lost a paddle?’ So we were saved from a potentially doomed fishing trip.”
2007 • Another successful Casting Competition at the Salmon Ponds expanded to include plug casting. 70
“My interest in Lake Sorell and Lake Crescent grew so much so that I acquired a block and built a shack. With the desire to contribute to the fishery, I became a delegate to FACT, then later Vice President for a number of years. When the position of STLAA Treasurer became vacant I was encouraged to nominate and was successful.”
“At Great Lake we launched the boat at Canal Bay, rowing it around eventually catching a trout trolling. We found it a bit too tough, however another angler nearby was pulling up camp and called out that he was on his way to try Woods Lake and would we like to come. All we had to do was follow his old Landrover.” “I still have this vision of us cruising down from Miena towards The Steppes on a rough gravel road tyring to keep up with him in the dust. We managed to get the marshes that run right down to Woods Lake and in those days it was unfenced. While we lost our guiding Landrover, we made our way down through tall grass running into a log about a metre high and coming to a rapid halt.”
“On Bernard Creed’s retirement as President of the STLAA a few years later, I saw an opportunity to really play a pivotal role in the future of the Association. I felt it needed to have more influence at a time when significant change was in the air. As President I could direct the Association a bit more, and felt there was scope for the organisation to have more of an impact in the way it contributes to fisheries management.”
“After rowing halfway around Woods Lake for no reward, we packed up and headed back to Great Lake to continue our adventure.”
“In the early days of my Presidency and the later stages of Bernard’s Presidency the situation was fairly dynamic. This was the beginning of the era where the State Government said ‘we can’t talk with everyone, the anglers need to get themselves organised so that we can deal with one or two groups.’
Terry Byard has always had a very strong feeling towards angling. When asked how he became involved with the STLAA, he says that he had a desire to make a contribution. “I felt it was important to be a member of fishing club. After moving to Hobart in 1972 after three years in the Army, I was introduced to the Bridgewater Anglers Association through a fishing colleague David Tadd. Eventually joining the Club and getting to know Bernard Creed.”
“There was also the review of Inland Fisheries with a lot of angst by fishermen as a result of the strong ownership of the fishery by anglers.” According to Terry this culture of ownership that developed in the early days resulted in a reluctance to accept change and at the same time a barrier to some major issues.
“We spent some time together fishing and Bernard had his shack built on Lake Crescent. While sitting on his verandah one Sunday morning enjoying the coffee and his company after a full days fishing the previous day, I decided I needed to get a piece of the action so to speak.”
“With the emergence of FACT and the World Heritage Plan we had opportunities to venture forth and get more out of the fishery. This was at a time when costs were increasing, but it was also a time where there had to be a
folded. I was floored when some 30 odd people attended the final special meeting and they managed to get only two nominations from the floor for key positions. There was no alternative under their constitution but to wind up the association.
cost benefit- the IFS were required to plough more into the budget.” “The Government wanted more out of angling from a State point of view, even looking to tourism and niche type opportunities to help with management and funding. All the while the Government attitude was that the fishery should fund itself.”
The STLAA has had good support of the clubs, managed without getting sidelined on divisive single issues and maintained a good outward focus on the fishery as a whole.
“So when we had issues like helicopter access, and I was not an advocate of access into the heart of the Western Lakes, or issues like developments on the fringes to create niche opportunities that would really add to our overall fishery, we simply couldn’t shake the shackles from the past.”
I saw the opportunity to get the STLAA to step away from the traditional path. It was also partly a reflection of community organisations and interest groups that have to adapt, change or fail. Recognising that the STLAA was facing change, we didn’t want it to fail, so we had to adapt.”
“This was where the culture of ownership got out of whack! Some people were saying that if people wanted to go to these areas, let them walk and do what others had been doing for the past 50 years.”
So what have been the most significant achievements of the STLAA over the past ten years? “Without strong angler input the Water Management plans for Lake Sorell, Lake Crescent and the Clyde River would have been quite different. If anglers hadn’t been there to back up the IFS, it would have been more difficult to get a balanced outcome. But I don’t say that was our biggest achievement because the Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett said to the Tasmanian Government you’re not going to get any water, but more so we were able to instil into the process the need for a balanced approach in maintaining the catchment.”
Of course we all have to realise that the world has moved on- niche tourism operators are a big part of the prosperity of most Australian States. We only have to look at Queensland. What would happen if we took away the many tourist offerings with major environmental significance, particularly the underwater charters, dive charters, Barrier Reef trips? “They have been able to blend, preserve and protect the true value of their tourist assets, while fiddling on the edges to give some encouragement to entrepreneurial opportunities who in turn contribute to the buoyancy of the industry.”
“This plan recognised there would have to be compromise on all sides. It was not possible to meet all expectations of the stakeholders because that ultimately could only be achieved to the detriment of other groups.”
I am quite proud of what we have achieved in the STLAA. Sadly we have seen what’s happened with the NTFA. It was approximately 110 years old when it
“This also showed that this was not about fishing. Anglers have a strong desire to approach their sport or recreation in a holistic way. So it’s not just about the number of fish, what waters can be fished, it’s also about what supports the fishery, the major environmental elements.
Tasmanian freshwater fishery, and we have made a difference. We have a good committee structure and my hope for the STLAA is that we maintain the networking and keep the inter-club communications very much alive.” On behalf of anglers state wide, congratulations Terry on a job well done!
“I am very pleased that I have had the opportunity to contribute to the
26 The Avenue - New Norfolk Ph 03 62612244 Fax 03 62612255
• Trophies and Awards • Plaques • Medals & Ribbons • Plastic signage • Printed plaques • Plastic signage • Name Badges • Computer engraving (Free engraving on our trophies) • Sublimation printing available. • Personalised printed coffee mugs, Mouse pads, Stubby holders, Name badges, Luggage tags, Polo tops and TShirts, Jigsaw puzzles. • Have your photos or club logo printed onto any of the above products with no minimum order.
Derwent River Opening Experience – 2007 by Bernard Creed
he 2007 season opening was one to remember (in our opinion) for myself and two of my sons. It has become somewhat of a custom for us to start on the Derwent River as we live close by and get a little competitive on that much anticipated first weekend in August.
procedure was repeated. I sat in the boat in total shock and meekly asked if it would be OK if I had a cast or two. In three casts he had caught three fish which were all in excellent condition and later weighed in at just over 4.5kg cleaned. After the adrenalin had subsided a bit, we dropped into a normal rhythm and fished on in high spirits until lunchtime after which I hooked and landed another nice fish. All went quiet for half an hour or so and I looked around to find my partner fast asleep, rod in hand sitting up on the boat seat. It was time to go as he had to work again that night and I was to meet Son Number One at the boat ramp (with his boat – I was having an easy day) at 2.30pm. We loaded one boat, launched another and with first son heading home to bed number one son and myself headed up river. After an enjoyable afternoon we headed to the club weigh-in and barbecue at 5.00pm with the tally now at nine good fish, (first son – 3, number one son – 1 and 5 for me).
Both sons had to work on opening day so we had to fit in what fishing we could around their work which took a bit of juggling. One started work at midnight so I had his boat ready when he came home about 8.45am and we were on the water a little after 9.00am. We have a few favourite spots above Bridgewater and after a slow start I hooked a good fish which was duly landed but only after various threats that it was his boat and that he should catch the first fish and constant reminders of the one I had knocked off (his line) with the net on a trip late in the previous season.
The weather on Sunday morning was fine again as number one son and myself headed up river again. With a nice packed lunch and a laid back day we were able to land another five fish and headed back for the 3.00pm weigh-in. For the weekend we landed fourteen good fish ranging in weight from .9 to 1.8kg and it will go down as one of our best opening weekends on the Derwent River. Overall totals were; First son – 3 fish 4.5kg, number 1 son – 2 fish 2.9kg with mine – 9 fish at 14.9kg.
While I was removing the fish from the net, came the cry of “Got one” so I hurriedly removed my fish from the net and landed his which turned out to be a lovely fish around 1.5kg. I removed the lure from the fish and he cast again and then it came again “Got One” and I was able to net another fish almost identical to the first. I again handed him his lure and was stowing the fish when it came again “Got another one” and the
The 2008 opening is now high on our agenda, much anticipated and the topic of discussion when we get together. We are prepared and ready.
What’s in a Name by Ray Aitchison
Silver Plains - Mr. Brent said that he could remember reading in a book of the history of the lake country that this name was given by a Naval Lieutenant who led an exploration party in the early days. The acres of tussocks appeared silver in the sunlight.
p until about fifteen years ago Lake Sorell would have been our most consistent and prolific trout fishing water. All forms of angling (artificial) was practiced with much success. In 1977 the Lands Department provided the following derivations of names of features at Lakes Sorell and Crescent to Mrs. Jean Walker who was at that time Honorary Historian for our Association.
Grassy Point - By whom the name was given is unknown but it is very descriptive, being treeless as well.
Lakes Sorell and Crescent. - These are shown as one lake on early maps. G. W. Evans’ map of 1821 shows it as Boundary Lake, and it was also referred to as Beaumont’s Lake in the early days. J. Arrowsmith’s and T. Scott’s maps dated 1830 are the first to show the lakes separately named.
Kemps Bay - Anthony Fenn Kemp and George Kemp had a number of land grants on the south-western side of Lake Sorell.
The were possibly named by either of these gentlemen, ‘Sorell’ certainly in honour of the Governor, Crescent not known, but probably because of its shape when viewed from a high point.
Kermodes Bay - Robert Quayle Kermode was the original grantee of 657 acres of land west of here, he also leased land in the area.
Duck Bay - Precise origin also unknown, very popular duck shooting spot in the early days.
Point of Chillon - Known as such since at least the 1920’s. It is not known who was responsible but it was given due to its similarity to a point on Lake Geneva in Switzerland on which stands the Chateau Chillon.
Much of the following information was supplied by Mr. Jack Brent and Mr. R. A. Terry who fished the lakes over many years; it tallies with what has been previously recorded in the Lands Department.
Dago Point - Derived from parties of Italians who fished here in the early days of the Hydro Electricity Commission.
Robertson’s Bay - Survey diagram 2/610 by Somerset dated 1839 is of 1,000 acres purchased by William Robertson on this Bay. Mr. Brent knew a shepherd Robertson in this area, no doubt a descendant of William.
Meaghers Point - The cottage of Thomas Francis Meagher, the Irish exile in 1848, was on this Bay, only a couple of heaps of rubble remain.
The Shepherds Shore - Mr. Brent said that there were five or six shepherds on the Western Side of Lake Sorell in his younger days.
Diamond Beach - Multi coloured specks of gravel really sparkled in the sunlight, people used to collect them by the bucket full.
St Georges Island - Origin not known but shown on map of 1860.
Dogs Head Point - Named from the shape of the feature – Shown on the 1917 chart, was previously named Point Frankland.
Triffitts Point - Not known who applied the name but it was after Maurice ‘Mousy’ Triffitt, a shepherd who was also employed by the Clyde Water Trust.
Powells Bay - John Oseland Powell purchased 350 acres near here, shown on 1905 map. T. S. and A. F. Powell also leased land in the area until the 1930’s. Blowfly Island - Name given by Arthur Lave in the 1920’s. George Murdoch was left on this Island all day to shoot ducks and when picked up he said that the only thing he saw move was a blow fly. This story was confirmed.
Table Mountain Shore - Under Table Mountain, known as such for many many years, Morrisons Boathouse - Mr. Askin Morrison of St Peters Pass, north of Oatlands, built the boathouse.
Murdochs Point - Named after George Murdoch, a Solicitor in the Hobart firm of Murdoch, Cuthbert and Clark.
Coopers Hut - Location not known, but a shepherd named Cooper worked in the same area as Robertson.
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Obituary – Jim Terry by Ray Aitchison
the years. He was asked to act as a fishing guide for important visitors, including Prince Charles.
he name, Jim Terry, first appears on the membership list for the New Norfolk Licensed Association in the 1950-51 season.
Jim was awarded the Royal Humane Society’s Bronze Medal and later the George Medal for bravery after risking his life in the 1960 flood by saving a family, stranded on their roof top, in his three metre wooden dinghy.
He was elected to the Committee in 1955-6 and was a Club delegate to the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association from that date for the next 16 years.
He was awarded Life Membership to the New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association in 1986-87 for his services to the Club.
Over the 25 years from 1955 to 1980 Jim served the Club for 19 years, including two periods as President for two years each time. He was a major participant on the Cormorant Eradication Committee during the 1950’s.
Jim and wife moved from Hayes in 1998, taking up residence at Berriedale and he eventually moved into the Vaucluse Gardens rest home but after a battle with bone cancer he passed away on January the 6th, 2008 aged 80 years.
A very competent fly fisherman, he performed very well in the fly casting competitions, gaining many placing’s over an extended period. He also won his share of fishing competitions over
Derwent River – Season 2007-2008 by Justin Causby
demanded they both be released as it really wasn’t fair. We landed several very well conditioned trout with most of them spewing bait as they hit the boat floor. This I thought was surprising as while they were feeding they did not seem to be going that hard. Once again reaffirming the belief of large amounts of bait in the Derwent over the spawning season.
uch like every other season, the first Saturday of August 2007 was eagerly awaited by myself and fishing partner, Tim Lowe. And just the same as the past 5 or 6 years it was no longer a question of where we would fish on opening day, just what we would hit the water. It had become the norm to be launching the tinnie just before day break at the Bridgewater Ramp. This season had that little bit more excitement with the lack of winter rain, much to the detriment of the highland lake levels, hinting at perhaps a cracker start to the year. We were not to be disappointed with the water quite clear and an abundance of baitfish still high in the system. It was as if they had not left at all this winter with little rain and subsequent floods to push them back down stream.
The New Norfolk Anglers Club fished the Derwent on the first weekend and some exceptional fish were taken. Many landed trout in the 1.8 – 2.3kg category and they were in top nick. Soft Plastics were proving popular particularly for the bigger fish. Trolling anglers taking good bags on Tassie Devils around Norske Skog.
With the first sign of daylight and very little wind to speak of, the trout could be stalked along the channel edges and reeds chasing bait freely. We choose to fly fish with the calm conditions some what surprising for and August morning on the open stretch above the Bridgwater Bridge. The fishing continued much the same way for the first two weeks and then the rain fell. The entire state was in flood basically with the Huon River peaking at 3.9m. The Derwent also broke its banks in several places. At New Norfolk the Esplanade and been inundated to close to its highest levels since the big flood of the 60’s. The road was closed either side of New Norfolk in several places and the volume of water looked to shut down the fishing for several weeks.
We targeted several trout with a couple of hefty browns spotted. The fish were however not all that consistent, perhaps a little disinterested with the bait present over the length of the off season. Those trout that did feed consistently were hard up against the reeds where deeper water past close by. The first fish of the day, turned out to be two. Not surprising when the flathead are on the bite but to take two trout in the one cast was really quite an achievement from Tim. After doing my best to knock one off with the net I
The young bait fishers in the New Norfolk Township capitalised on the
dirty water and landed several exceptional trout on grubs and worms. Fish in the 3kg plus range were not uncommon. Just two weeks after the flood the fishing had recovered very quickly. Again the New Norfolk club was taking some good sized trout in their competitions. Several trout around 2.4kg were landed in the second comp. Even larger fish were being caught with the dead of night giving up some big trout to drifting baits around Bridgewater.
anglers took the opportunity to basically catch the fish as they came out of the tank. The IFS will implement new guidelines and bag limits to all waters receiving Atlantic Salmon and trophy trout next season in a move that most see as another step in the right direction. The trophy sized rainbow certainly drew a crowd over the weeks that followed their release with most anglers that visited taking home a fish or two. Trout continued to feed on whitebait right through the season. Trout could be seen hunting bait along the willows above New Norfolk right throughout the day. Most were small but took well especially at high tide. An afternoon drifting the banks in January saw dozens of trout fall to small Tassie Devils with colour 54 doing the most damage..
The first three months of the season were regarded by most as the best for several years with a very good average size being reported by all. Atlantic Salmon were prevalent around New Norfolk with plenty of specimens taken of the first part of the season. It was thought many of these may have washed over the Meadowbank Dam in the large flood of August. Most were around the 1.5 – 2.5kg mark but a few very hefty fish were caught at 5kg.
The Bream comps were again extremely successful with the big mainland teams making the trip over to land our large fish. While they have hurt several of my favourite spots there are still a couple of places they haven’t got to yet. In the final month of the trout season several fish were reported along the Norske Skog stretch working their way upstream. With the continuing low rain falls it looks likely that the baitfish will hold in the Derwent once again and provide another perfect opening to the 2008/2009 trout season.
Whilst not the river proper, further upstream at Meadowbank Dam, the IFS stocked the water with some very big rainbow trout averaging 3.5kg. This was to really inject some interest into this underrated fishery. Several unsporting
I know where I will be on the first Saturday of August for perhaps the next few years at least.
Windsor Corner by New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association
Griggs as Project Manager and Ray Aitchison as Coordinator.
n Tuesday, February the 5th, the Mayor of the Derwent Valley Council, Mr. Tony Nicholson, officially declared the Windsor Corner Rehabilitation and Angler Access Improvement Project site at Hayes open.
At this stage there was heaps of rubble and general rubbish on the site with most covered by blackberries up to 2.4 metres high as well as many willow trees. The group enthusiastically attacked the blackberries and they were rapidly reduced by using a slash and burn technique.
In August, 2006 the New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association was made aware that funds were available from the Commonwealth Governments Recreational Community Fishing Grants Programme for developments.
Early in September when the blackberries had been cleared Mike Faletic removed a large poplar and a large willow tree. A twenty ton excavator and two trucks with trailers were on the job for a day and with the help of three more trucks late in the afternoon about five hundred tonnes of rubbish was removed from the site including the remaining willows that were cut down by Angling Club members. Gratitude is owed to Malcolm Hills of MSD Construction and the Derwent Valley Council for this work.
On October the 2nd 2006, the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association President, Terry Byard, Greening Australia Project Manager, Anna Atherton-Griggs, Natural Resource Management Officer, Steve Joyce and New Norfolk Anglers Club representative, Ray Aitchison, visited several riverside areas before eventually selecting the Windsor Corner site for development. Greening Australia agreed to manage the project and sponsored the Anglers Club and an application for funding was submitted in January, 2006. In April, Senator Eric Abetz notified the Anglers Club that the application had been successful.
A pine log barrier was installed to distinguish the car park, some native shrubs and grasses were planted and pine bark, about 130 cubic metres, donated by Norske Skog, was spread. A concrete path to suit wheelchair access was laid to picnic tables positioned and a fishing platform erected. The purpose made steel tables were positioned on the day before the opening.
An on site meeting was held on the 20th of July with all stake holders attending and an overview of the project was explained. Soon after this meeting Mission Australia, who was looking for Work for the Dole Project, approached the Anglers Club and consequently the Club agreed to sponsor such a project.
Whilst the New Norfolk Club Members didn’t do the majority of the work at the site numerous trips were made to supply all protective clothing for the work for the dole gang including hats, gloves, shirts, jackets, boots and trousers, plus sun crème. A portable toilet had to be taken to the area each week for the first two months, a container was supplied as
On August the 13th a group commenced work at the site under the supervision of Geoff Williams with Anna Atherton-
Windsor Corner in 2006
Windsor Corner in 2008
Those who were thanked for their contributions towards the project were Greening Australia, Mission Australia, New Norfolk Angling Club, MSD Construction, Hayes Neighbourhood Watch, Norske Skog, Derwent Valley Concrete, Gretna Fire Brigade, Timber Industries, Derwent Valley Council, Inland Fisheries Service and Mr. Llewellyn’s Office.
a site shed, building and concreting materials were needed almost weekly, four barbeques were supplied and cooked by members, rubbish removal organised. A bobcat was hired for a day and driven by a member to spread pine bark and the hire included arranging transport and refilling the diesel tank. So overall many, many hours were spent in travelling to Hobart and the site and organising the needs of the workforce.
Also amongst the forty who attended the opening was Tim Morris M.H.A., Mission Australia C.E.O., Chris Lowater, Inland Fisheries Director, John Diggle, representatives for Dick Adams, Eric Abetz, Gretna Fire Brigade, Derwent Valley Council, Natural Resource Management and the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association.
At the opening Ray Aitchison spoke about the history and some of the events during the project, Jonathon Duddles, C.E.O. of Greening Australia, gave a brief overview of this and other River Recovery Programs while Tony Nicholson congratulated all involved in the project and expressed appreciation for community work such as this. Special thanks were passed to Geoff Williams and his group of workers of which there were nineteen different participants for varying periods.
Deputy Mayor, Scott Shaw, gave the path, picnic tables and platform his seal of approval after travelling down to the river in his wheel chair.
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20lb Tippet Wanted by Bob Ward
ust a few weeks ago I received an invitation to visit a Salmon hatchery, which I readily accepted, it was a really great experience and the modern technology used in the huge complex was truly amazing. We should bevery proud of the achievements and advancement of our Salmon farmers, who are world class operators.
and told me I had hooked a 20 pounder. I thought I was in a time warp and had revisited Lake Pedder. Then horror of horrors I remembered I had not changed my tippet. In this day and age my usual 4lb tippet seemed to be all that I needed. So what to do? I decide the only thing to do was hang on and chase the fish. Well I am sure this fish knew what it was doing because it took me right around this pond. On the second circuit I fully realised that the fish was playing me not visa-versa, and it was winning.
And you can understand my eagerness when given the opportunity to have a cast or two in the settling pond near the outflow of the hatchery. In which I was assured a few decent Salmon lived. On this occasion I had the pond to myself, so I looked for a bit of surface activity to ascertain what fly would be suitable, but there was not a sign of a fish anywhere. As a matter of fact this seems to be the norm with my fishing lately.
My excited audience informed me that I had been staggering around for 10 minutes and they reckoned that 30 minutes would just about end the marathon. Well I had news for them. Knowing full well that if I was lucky enough to land the fish, I still had to return it to the water. I there and then declared the fish the winner and gave it a present of my old Pedder Parrot, much to the disappointment of my vocal audience.
So in desperation I looked through the old fly box and an old “Pedder Parrot� that had seen better days appeared. So on it went with a very attentive audience giving a lot of advice. I had a couple of casts onto the pond, the second cast I let sink for a while and then a couple of energetic tugs on my fly line, and all of a sudden it happened!
It was great while it lasted and a great day was had by all. So roll on next year, and I must look for some 20lb tippet.
I thought I had been hit by an express train. All I could do was stand and watch as this huge Salmon carried out some aerial expertise right in front of eyes. The audience was suitably impressed
Oh for the Good Old Days by Anonymous
he photo below was submitted by Bill Cornelius who was reflecting on Lake Pedder in its heyday.
23 fish were caught and on the last run to the middle of the inlet before heading home, Kevin got snagged or so he thought. Bill backed up to the snag only to find it running away from the boat. Eventually the fish was landed making Kevin's bag of 12 fish - the "snag" weighing in at 10 lb 6 oz.
Bill's brother-in-law Kevin and his uncle Ivan were in Tasmania from Victoria for a wedding. As they had a day spare, Bill decided to take them to Lake Pedder for a day's trolling.
Kevin reckons it was his best day's fishing ever.
Kevin was into a fish straight away and on every circuit of Huon Inlet they caught at least one fish.
Oh for the good old days eh!
Lake Pedder in “The Good Old Days�
Season 2007-2008 Photo Gallery
Keith Jones - Fun Fish
Steven Jones & Speck - Great Lake
Laura - Fun Fish
Jake Datlen - Woods Lake
Darren Turner at Meadowbank Dam
Justin Causby with a healthy Brown from Meadowbank Dam
Josh Turner - Great Lake
James Whittaker - Woods Lake
Shane Jones – Woods Lake
Steven Jones - Derwent River
Andrew Simmons – A different catch from Arthurs Lake Alex Smith – Woods Lake
Brett Whittaker - Woods Lake
Bert Thunig – Derwent River
Steven & Shayne Jones - Great Lake
A great shot of Sam & James at Pedder
Emma Datlen - Fun Fish
Steven, Shayne, Felicity Jones & James Whittaker - Great Lake
Felicity Jones - Woods Lake
Jake Herbert & Steven Jones - Clyde River
Holly Lowe – 1st Trout – Derwent River Pam Jones – Derwent River
Bernard Creed – Derwent River
Norm Cribbin – Arthurs Lake
Bradley Harrison – Lake Meadowbank
Greg Brown – Arthurs lake
Felicity Jones - Derwent River
Vince Coyte – Arthurs Lake
Alistair Creed - Woods Lake
Laurie Harrison – Lake Meadowbank
John Spaulding – Derwent River
Jack Gordon – Derwent River
Adam Rice – Derwent River James Tassel – Derwent River
James Whittaker - Derwent River
Sam Williams $3000 winner with this fish – Lake Pedder Competition
Marcus Windsor – Derwent River
James Amos - Ian Wigston Memorial
Charlie Harris – Arthurs Lake
Brett Heawood with daughter Madeline
Rick Franklin – Arthurs Lake
Mark Jones – Arthurs Lake
The Australian Polish Anglers who took out the team prize – Derwent River
Warwick Bonney – Arthurs Lake
Charlie Harris – Lake Burbury
Neil Pinkard – Lake St Clair
Our Angling History Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association by Ray Aitchison - Honorary Historian
possible to establish a Branch in the Derwent Valley.
lthough the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association (STLAA) was founded in 1912 a Hobart based anglers club is reported to have existed from 1898 until 1904. The Southern Tasmanian Anglers Association was formed in 1903 and reportedly existed for 2 years after the STLAA. was formed. I feel that this may be debatable as the Secretary of that organisation called the meeting to form the STLAA. and was elected as the first Secretary of the latter Association.
Again in the “Mercury” of the 5th of August, 1927, covering the 15th Annual General Meeting it was reported “that endeavours are to be made this season to form Branches in the Huon and New Norfolk districts. Between August and October of 1927 (possibly earlier) a Branch was formed at Geeveston, this was followed by the formation of the New Norfolk Branch on October the 8th. A branch was formed at Cygnet between 1929 and 1931 but went into recess at the start of the Second World War. The Geeveston Branch went into recess in 1943, was reformed in 1957 before finally closing in 1973. The Bridgewater Branch went into recess during the early 1930’s but was reformed in 1936 and still operates.
Initially the Association’s role was different from that of today as it consisted of members, just like a club, and carried out hands on work in fisheries management including constructing and managing a hatchery at Mountain Creek, Lake Sorell, a caretaker was employed to run this hatchery during spawning seasons.
A Branch was formed at Richmond in the early 1930’s and operated for a few tears before going into recess, it was reformed in 1952 and operated until 1971 before again going into recess.
By 1918 Bridgewater was the only Branch of the Association and the Association, as well as running the Interlaken hatchery, imported and reared sea trout ova from England for several years, these were released into local waters. In an extract from the “Mercury” of the 26th of July, 1923, covering the 11th Annual General Meeting of the STLAA, the Secretary, Mr. Harold Cramp, said that there were prospects of forming branches of the Association in the Midlands, New Norfolk and Geeveston.
A Branch was formed at Oatlands in 1931, went into recess in 1931, was reformed again in 1949 but like Richmond finally went into recess in 1971. The Lyell Branch, based at Queenstown, came under the Southern banner from 1933 until 1945 when due to boundary changes it was put into the Northern region before being again reallocated, this time to the North West Fisheries Association. A Branch was formed at Huonville in 1949 and continues to function.
An extract from the “Mercury” on the 1st of August, 1925, covering the 13th Annual General Meeting states that “thanks “ was extended to donors of trophies and to the Fisheries Commissioners and in conclusion the hope was expressed that it might be
Probably the most unusual Branch of the STLAA has been the Highlands Anglers
The Butlers Gorge Branch reported another good season with their heaviest fish being a seven and a half pound trout from Tungatinah Lagoon, caught by T. Fogarty. The report states that even at that time seventy five percent of the fish being caught at Lake King William were undersize. Interestingly the Branch closed the season with a bank balance of two shillings and four pence (twenty three cents).
Association which was formed at a meeting at Tarraleah on the 31st of October, 1951, forty anglers from Tarraleah, Butlers Gorge and Bronte Park attended. R. Franks was elected President with P. McCarthy as Secretary, initially membership exceeded fifty and badges were ordered from Melbourne. Due to it being mid season it was decided to hold off the affiliation with the STLAA until the 1952-53 season. Competitions were held during the 195152 season with Harry Slater catching the heaviest fish with a six pound one ounce trout from Lake King William.
The Bronte Park Branch reported fish of nine pounds twelve ounces by J. Harriss and nine pounds ten ounces caught by L. Johnson. The Branch purchased a hut from the Hydro Electric Commission for the purpose of converting to a shack to hire to visiting anglers.
At the 1951-52 Annual General Meeting it was resolved to allow the establishment of self contained subBranches of the Highlands Association and consequently Branches were formed at Bronte Park and Butlers Gorge with the Central Committee on which the Branches were represented being based at Tarraleah. L. Johnson was elected President and L. Lewis Secretary.
Another Johnson, this time Master A., won the prize for the heaviest fish for the 1954-55 season with a brown trout of eleven pounds five ounces, once again from Lake Echo. By now the Bronte group had completed two shacks in the Bradys Lake area for use by visiting anglers.
The Bronte Park sub-Branch reported a successful season with many fish caught, especially from Lakes Flora and Echo, several field days were held. The Butlers Gorge sub-Branch was also active and they erected an anglers hut near the Clark dam which was available to visiting anglers. One hundred attended their wind up social.
With most of the construction work completed Butlers Gorge was downsizing and many Branch members had moved from the area and the Branch was preparing to close, it adopted the name Butlers Gorge/Tarraleah. By 1955-56 the name Butler’s Gorge had been dropped and the Branch was known as the Tarraleah sub-Branch, its report was the final report of the Highlands Anglers Association.
The Highlands Association membership was one hundred and six; the best fish for the season was an eight and three quarter pound brown trout caught at Lake Echo by Michael Johnson on a spinner. During the 1953-54 season membership dropped to eighty seven with the heaviest fish for the season being a ten pound five ounce brown trout caught by the President, L. Johnson, again from Lake Echo on a spinner.
A Branch of the STLAA was formed at Tarraleah in 1961 but went into recess within a couple of years, this Branch was re-established again in 1969 after six years inactivity, it changed its name from Tarraleah to Tarraleah/Bronte in 1992 but even though it has in excess of
A Club was formed at Claremont in 1984 and operated until 1999. The Strathgordon Licensed Anglers Club affiliated with the Association for the 1986-97 season and then withdrew before re-affiliating as the Lake Pedder Anglers Club in 1995.
sixty members it went into recess again on the 26th of July, 2008, due to lack of Office Bearers. The Bothwell Branch was formed in 1954 and one at Maydena in 1956, this Branch went into recess in 1974 before reforming in 1984, at present it is struggling for members.
The Coal River Licensed Anglers Club was formed in the Richmond-Campania area in 1987 but went into recess in 1994 due to lack of Office Bearers even though the membership was nearly 50.
The Glenorchy RSL and Citizens Branch was formed in 1958 and apart from two seasons, 1975 to 1977, it remained with the Association until disaffiliating in 2002.
The most recent affiliate, in 2000, was the long running Polish Angling Club which now operates under the name, Australian-Polish Anglers Club.
A Branch was formed at Wayatinah in 1959 but went into recess in 1970. Over the years the Hydro Electric Commission staff have been well represented to the Inland Fisheries Commission with STLAA Branches at Butler’s Gorge, Bronte Park, Wayatinah, Tarraleah and Strathgordon (Lake Pedder) in the South of the State.
Currently the STLAA consists of the following Clubs, Australian-Polish, Bothwell, Bridgewater, Clarence, Huon, Kingborough, Lake Pedder, Maydena, New Norfolk and hopefully TarraleahBronte.
Branches were formed at Bellerive (Clarence) and Kingston (Kingborough) in 1964. With structural changes within the STLAA and it no longer representing individual anglers after 1965 Hobart members formed a Branch that year but after some disagreements within the Association the Branch dropped out in 1975. A Branch was started at Hamilton in 1966 but only survived for three years. After the STLAA became incorporated the Branches were known as affiliated clubs.
A Life Time of Fishing by Lionel Lewis
blackfish and eels. Blackfish, weighing up to three pounds, frequented the dark snaggy corners which were havens for fish with lots of submerged logs and debris, so some considerable skill was required to avoid losing too many hooks and sinkers. A fire would be lit near the edge at dark. It was believed to attract the eels and also to shed some flickering light on the floaters which we watched closely. When they 'bobbed' or were drawn away we would grab the rod and, with a mighty pull, out on to the river bank would come a blackfish, eel or a great prize, a trout of one to two pounds' weight.
n 1927 at the age of five, I started my 1fishing in the Stoneyhurst Creek which flowed into the Jordan River. This creek contained jollytails and mountain trout (native Galaxias), some of quite good size. We children fished for these with a wattle or willow rod rigged with waxed cotton and usually a bent pin for a hook. Great fun! And we thought good eating, too. This creek also was home to lobsters, not of great size, which we tried to lure out from their hiding places with pieces of rabbit on a string. I then progressed to more 'grown up' fishing in the Jordan River with my father who would dig up some worms or cut some grubs out of the plentiful wattle trees. Then, with our Currajong bush rods, rigged with a fixed length of strong line complete with a floater (of white, painted cork) with lead sinker and hook, away to the river we would go.
We would sometimes make up a 'bob" which was made up of a mass of worms threaded on black cotton and attached to a bush rod line. No hooks were used. This was allowed to sink to the bottom and was then slowly drawn along. When the weight of an eel was felt, one pulled up and out in one smooth motion with, hopefully, the eel still attached to the 'bob'. This was only effective on eels, especially about the months of OctoberNovember when the eels were moving in the river.
The Jordan River then flowed all year and was a typical lowland stream with short runs and many deep pools which were known to us as The Mill Dam and Gunn's Hole. The Mill Dam Pool was, in the mid 1800's, the source of a water race which flowed for about one mile around the contours parallel to the river to a flour mill sited on Gunn's property, “Incercarron�, where, after driving the mill water wheel, it was discharged back into the Jordan at Gunn's Hole. At the time of which I am writing, pieces of mill machinery and the mill foundations were lying around or visible.
My mother was a great fish cook, often using what was called a sousing which transformed the tench and perch into a very palatable meal. She would also cook for me eels which I had skinned, gutted and stitched a seasoning into the gut cavity and then forming them into a coil. These were a very tasty dish. I spent many happy days along the Jordan River with this type of fishing.
The river was full of red fin perch, tench, eels, blackfish, sandies and trout. The perch, tench and sandies (freshwater flathead) were easily caught on worms during the day time, but my father often took us for evening fishing to one of these favourite deep pools where wattle grubs were used to attract trout,
About 1932 Dad had made a two-piece, 10 feet, greenheart rod, very heavy by today's standards, with which he commenced his serious trout fishing days in the Jordan River using flies and
along the body of the prettyfish, and was a very effective lure. Many resident and sea run brownies of up to seven pound weight being caught.
small minnow type spinners. I was also outfitted with a tubular steel rod complete with a bakelite reel and line of which I was immensely proud, but which, by today's standards, would be described as a 'yard of pump water'.
In 1935 my father bought a fourteen feet clinker dinghy for which he built a launching ramp at Lon Neilsen's at the Bridgewater Bridge. In that year I commenced study at the Hobart Technical School and boarded with friends of Dad's, Clarrie and Mrs Amott. Clarrie was a very clever gunsmith and angling requisite manufacturer known widely for his Amott spinners which were so deadly on river and lake. Clarrie also made and repaired rods and competed with Miss Allison Read (whose father was Curator at the Hobart Zoo) in supplying wet and dry flies to Tasmanian anglers and the several Hobart sports store outlets, Bridges Brothers, Charles Davis, Keith Moore, also Canes where the sports department was presided over by Basil Osborne, later Sir Basil Osborne and Lord Mayor of Hobart.
The trout in the slow flowing Jordan River were very shy and one had to remain hidden by bushes before trying to present any fly to a feeding fish. The preferred mode of fishing being what we called 'dibbing', nowadays referred to as 'dapping' where the fly and or the grasshopper was dangled down on to the water's surface and dibbed along. On finding a trout or blackfish rising to take the lure one dropped the rod tip until the fish headed downward and then the strike was made. One day when Dad and I were trying our luck I came along and saw Father lying prone on the bank and intent on dibbing his fly to a fish. I crept up behind him and touched him on the rump with the tip of my rod. He nearly jumped into the river with fright, as he thought it was a Jersey bull which lived along the river marsh. Needless to say I was not popular for some time.
This was the era of the American Pflueger level wind reels and split cane casting rods. We made up our trace with catgut and swivels. The catgut required soaking and carrying in a wet rag cast box. In spite of the swivels, the braided thread lines used to twist up and cause 'over runs in the Pflueger reels. To those of us who were friends of Clarrie Amott or otherwise 'in the know', would request spinners of opposite rotation so that on the line showing signs of 'coiling' an opposite rotation spinner could be attached and thus untwist the line. The Amott "Derwent' was a green backed silver bellied spinner with four silver bands or bars across the back. They were really an imitation of the 'prettyfish' and, together with another model, the 'Carl Skinner', accounted for many fine resident and sea runners in the Derwent and Huon Rivers. Carl Skinner was a
The largest trout which I remember catching in the Jordan River was two and a half pounds' weight, but my' father's diary records that in January 1941 a neighbour and fishing friend, Bill Roberts, landed a beautiful five pound red spotted brownie dibbing with a grasshopper. My father, with the greenheart rod, now fitted with a bronze Mallock reel, commenced weekend fishing in the Derwent River at Bridgewater with his friend Artie Johnston. They used eel skin, Archer-type spinners and also a prettyfish 'drag', the prettyfish being fitted into a metal winged crocodile. This had several sets of triangle hooks, set
Another incident on the Derwent involved my father's fourteen feet double- ended clinker dinghy. Dad, Bill Roberts and I had been fishing until dark, down by Cramp's tin hut, near the outlet of the Jordan. Coming up river in the pitch dark, Bill and I were lustily plying the oars with Dad on the tiller when ‘CRASH! BANG!' we ran full tilt and fair and square into a channel marker pile. Of course, Bill and I pitched forward with oars everywhere, but we were lucky; the sturdy dinghy survived the shock and we didn’t lose an oar. We didn't give Father any points as a coxswain.
well known and respected Huon angler who had lost one arm, but could scull his dinghy and cast very effectively. We were all members of the Bridgewater Anglers' Club, an associate of the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers' Association. Club and inter-club competitions were held regularly. A well known and long serving president of the Bridgewater club was Mr Frank Johnson, then the Warden of Kempton. My father also became a president and life member; while the well known and respected Bridgewater personality, Mr Merv Wood, was its long time honorary secretary and a life member of the STLAA.
We caught many beautiful sea runners and resident brownies up to seven pounds in weight, but much larger fish were landed by night fishermen on the bridge and abutments fishing a 'prettyfish' drag during the night hours.
I well remember the first trout I caught at Bridgewater. It was on my new short casting rod fitted with an Akron Pflueger reel. The sea runner of about three pounds struck savagely and, just as I was gaining line, the new reel fell off into the floor boards of the dinghy. I then played and landed the fish by hand lining as in wet fly fishing while Harry Barham, my fishing mate, reeled in the slack line.
Of course there was always a prolific 'whitebait run' up the Derwent with consequent excellent boat and shore fishing. Well known fly fishermen were Jack Hammond and friends who had a shack near Masons Point while the Cramp brothers had a shack situated on Greenpoint.
As a junior member I was lucky enough to win quite a few competition trophies for which I competed with Gavin Briggs, another young Bridgewater angler.
The Arthur Lakes 1927-1960 by Lionel Lewis
the Sand and Blue Lakes there were low earth filled levees where sluice gates regulated the water flows.
n parallel with these early days on the Jordan and Derwent Rivers, we also fished the Penstock Lagoon where beautiful red fleshed brownies were taken and Arthur Lakes where the Sand and Blue Lakes were conjoined by a large swampy area, interwoven with quite deep streams lined with clumps of tea tree. This was known as the Morass.
One of the early day fly fishermen was Mr Askin Morrison of St Peters Pass. He mainly fished the fast flowing river between the Blue and Woods Lakes. In those days car tyres were not as reliable as today's; consequently, punctures were frequent. Also, on the Morris, broken spring leaves were not unusual, but my father, being a rigger/linesman and a very resourceful fellow, always went well equipped to cope with such breakdowns. As an added insurance, Dad's mate, Harry Barham, who owned a marvellous vehicle, a 1928 Chev National, usually accompanied us on these trips.
In 1927 my father purchased a bullnosed Morris Cowley car in which loaded to the gunwales, we set off from Broadmarsh up past Elderslie to the Pelham Tiers, through Hollow Tree to Bothwell where a stop was made to purchase any forgotten items and to top up with 'benzine' at the last bowser. It was then off again up the unsealed Lake Highway for a stop at Tea Tree Creek where we always had morning tea and allowed the overloaded Morris to cool down. If the weather was hot and fine the side curtains would be down.
Along with a few other anglers, we used the old camp huts until, in 1933, some vandals burnt them down. From here we walked many miles around the Blue Lake and down the Morass on the Mount Penny side to a large open strip of water which we named 'The Strip’. Dad and his mates fished these waters with their spinners. In the lake the fish averaged one and a half to three pounds while 'The Strip' and streams coming from the Sand Lake always held large fish from three to ten pounds which made for marvellous days and heavy bags to carry back to the camp.
Away again and Father, with felt hat clamped on tightly and shirt sleeves rolled up, would fling the Morris at the redoubtable Bakers Tier up which we ground in low gear with the engine always boiling when the plateau was reached. A brief stop was made to say hello to the Wilson’s at the Steppes, then we turned on to the very rough track of six miles, past Glovers and Brazendales, to the old camp situated on the river below the Blue Lake outlet gates where, for a few years, we camped in these old huts which, together with an old store and stables, were relics of the failed project of building a dam to raise the level of the Arthur Lakes, the water flow from which was regulated by Launceston City Council officers. This, then, flowed via Woods Lake to the Lake, Macquarie and South Esk Rivers to Duck Reach Power Station. At both
From the camp area the track wound northwards via a causeway and wooden bridge over the Swamp outlet stream and on to the top end of the Blue Lake, then around past Tumbledown Creek to where a shepherd, Harry Neal and family, lived. After the loss of the old camp my father bought a large 12' x 10'
all by oar power. My father, Harry Barham, Merv Wood and Bill Roberts also found a way down from the bridge through the various streams pulling the dinghy across through marshy sections until they reached 'The Strip' where many of those whopper brownies fell victims to our Amott spinners.
tent and our camp was set up on the edge of the timber near this causeway. Dad, from his earlier camping experiences and army training, had the camp site very well organised and comfortable. All the tent poles, pegs and bush tables were stashed away in the adjacent bush ready for our next trip. In these early days my mother, sister and I did not always walk the long trips with the men but fished around the bridge with worms and frogs, always catching a few fish each trip.
It wasn't long before we realised that although we could cast our spinners into quite small patches of clear water that many more fish must inhabit the weedy verges and that wet fly fishing must be the answer.
In 1936 a Mr George Hazelwood of Tunbridge took up a ninety-nine year lease around the lakes and Mount Penny area. He built a wool shed, stock yards and re-erected a house brought from Waddamana. We became good friends with the Hazelwoods and, in 1938, my father reached an agreement with George to erect a small shack behind the wool shed. So after much planning, precutting and fabrication, the great day came in October 1938 when all the material was loaded onto Harry Barham's lorry. Dad had preset the foundations and laid the bottom plates. So with literally all hands and the cook, the framework was erected, vertical boarded and roofed in three days. The weather was fine but very cold and frosty. I remember spending two freezing nights dossed down in the wool shed next to a bawling calf. On subsequent weekends the shack was lined; fire place. tin chimney and porch ""ere attached. From then on and until the lake was about to be raised in 1963. this lovely warm shack gave us a great base to which we returned from a day's fishing or duck shooting.
So my father bought an English Bartlett fly rod and visited his friend, Clarrie Amott, to discuss and buy some suitable wet flies which could not only attract these large brownies, but also be effective in the weedy conditions. Clarrie produced a bushy tadpole type fly, tied with pliable hen hackles which proved to be irresistible to these some what uneducated trout and also negotiated weedy areas very well. We used the early Polaroid glasses and could often see not only the bow wave as the giant brownies came out but their white mouth linings as they engulfed the tadpole fly. Action was then engaged and if pressure to keep the fish on the surface was not successful, then they would go deep and swim along under the rotten weed beds, thus breaking the cast or pulling the fly from their mouths. Some years later, Dad and I built an 8' 6" plywood dinghy which proved ideal for negotiating the streams into the Swamp and fishing hitherto inaccessible spots. In retrospect, I believe we were taking many risks in this small craft.
To really complete the job, the fourteen feet dinghy was brought up from Bridgewater. From then on we were really able to fish the Blue Lake and often, in fine weather, circumnavigate it
However, we were always very careful and only once did Father and Merv Wood swamp - luckily in only three feet of water.
and Ted Reading in to experience this phenomenal fishing. The largest brownie caught, I believe, was twelve pounds' weight, caught by Robin Terry.
Merv, telling me of this mishap, said, 'George and I had the dinghy loaded up with tucker and gear for a day in the Swamp. Consequently there was not much freeboard. As we were negotiating a narrow passage way under and through the tea tree, George and I both pulled on branches on the same side. It was too much for the small craft. The bow dipped. In came the water and down we went sitting on the thwarts. We carefully felt for our rods and gear and placed them on the bank of the stream. Then we stepped out. Up came the dinghy. Needless to say we were wet through but very thankful that all turned out so well. Merv also told me another tale of the Swamp. 'One hot day your father and I were well out in the Swamp when swimming leisurely along came a rather large black and shiny tiger snake. George picked up his fly rod and said, "I'll have that joker" and forthwith cast his fly over the snake, foul hooking it. After much thrashing about by the snake and laughter from George, I could see the victim getting too close to the boat for comfort, me being sitting down. So I said, "Bloody oath, George, you'll have him in the bloody boat. Let the bugger go !" This he did rather reluctantly by cutting the cast, much to my relief.
On one day in the summer of 1954, the day before the opening of the deer season, I drove around the northern edge of the Swamp, known to us as Guy Triffett's Duckhide Bay. On wading out I could see several large fish working. Casting from behind a 'weed island', I was immediately taken. During the ensuing battle several of the other fish swam near to see what the commotion was about before making off. Finally, a fine five and a half pound hen fish came to net. Thinking to allow the other fish to settle down and resume feeding, I sat on Guy's duckhide in the bright sunshine and enjoyed m sandwiches. After about an hour, some fifty yards away, I could see two nice brownies working the edge, and after some careful stalking, and luck presentation of Clarrie Amott's tadpole fly, I hooked into and landed a nice six and a half pounds' fish, and, shortly afterwards, its mate of six pounds' weight.
This small plywood dinghy was in use each year for fly fishing and duck shooting at Arthur Lakes until 1963. It is stilt in good order and I use it today as a one man dinghy in and around the Cow Paddock area. NB With adequate flotation installed! During these early years at Arthur Lakes very few anglers other than our friends knew of or fished the Morass. Dad, however, brought some well known fly fishermen, Red Terry, Lou Benjamin,
Feeling very pleased with my day, I set off back to Tom Jenkins' place. He was then living at Glovers near the Lagoon
of Islands. There, Mrs Tom Jenkins cooked the six and a half pounder for tea for the party who were gathered there for the opening of the deer season next morning. I didn't see any snakes on this day, but after the great fish meal, I was sitting out on the porch with Jimmy Jenkins and asked him if he had killed any lately. Oh' he said, 'I shot eight on Monday; and there's one living under this porch here. I'll get it soon'. I told Jimmy I'd get off to bed!
So the Blue Lake and Morass were fished each year up until the new dam was completed in 1964, prior to which, with HEC assistance, I moved our shack to Tea Tree Bay onto Graham Brazendale's property. Sadly, in 1962 my father passed away, but I believe it was a blessing that he did not live to witness the drowning of his beloved Morass on which he had spent so many happy days and which he knew so well.
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Around Great Lake by Boat by Hector Vincent Jones (1907-1991) The date and day in mid-September having been arranged, the chairman duly picked up a staff member at Plenty Hatchery, together with equipment and gear consisting of two hoop-nets, four buckets (enamel), one dish (also enamel), one measuring mug, six stripping towels, waterproof waders and clothing plus four packing boxes fitted with sufficient trays and cloths to pack 400,000 green ova.
The following article was first published in the 1978 Annual Report and again in 1987. The wording and phrases have not been changed from the original material. The second article was only published in a little booklet that was produced by his friends. The final article was previously published in the1983 Annual Report.
rior to 1928, Lake Leake was the main source of supply for rainbow trout ova for hatchery stock. In September, 1927, at the peak of the rainbow trout spawning season at Great Lake, the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Commissioners decided to carry out an inspection of the natural streams flowing into Great Lake. The purpose of the inspection was to check the numbers of rainbow trout spawners in the streams and, if possible, catch the fish and collect ova for Plenty Hatchery.
The journey to Great Lake was made via Hollow-Tree to Bothwell, the trip taking three hours or more, the roads being very rough, particularly in the highlands section. Having arrived at Great Lake, accommodation at Miena Accommodation House was arranged, and Reg Lewis contacted and details for the proposed inspection discussed for a start early next morning. By this time the day had proved a fairly long one and the chairman decided to stay overnight and return to Hobart next morning.
Anglers who visited or fished Great Lake around this period would know the only means of carrying out this proposed inspection would be either on foot, horse back or by boat.
Owing to exposure to the prevailing weather at Miena dam, the launch was moored in Dud Bay at the head of Swan Bay. As the road round Swan Bay only went as far as Murderer’s Hill Hut, it would be necessary to walk the three miles or more so to where the launch was moored and bring it to Miena, hoping that the weather in front of the dam would be suitable to allow the gear etc., to be loaded in readiness for the trip round Great Lake.
As it was intended to try and collect ova, the only suitable means of transport would be by boat. Having decided on this, Messrs. Ken and Reg Lewis, who had a fairly large motor launch on Great Lake, were approached and agreed to make their boat available with Reg to operate it and assist in any other way possible. As the Commissioners did not, at this time, have a motor vehicle, further transport problems arose. These were finally settled when the Commission’s chairman, as he often did, offered to make his motor car (Dodge Four Tourer) and trailer plus his personal services available.
The next day proved fine after a very heavy frost. It was necessary to reach the launch, which was duly brought to Miena and the gear, etc., loaded without difficulty.
results as Split Rock Creek, with most fish being sighted in the lower and middle areas. The fish proved harder to net.
The Lake was fairly calm and the trip from Miena to Canal Bay proved very pleasant with plenty of nip in the air. The first stream inspected was Split Rock Creek, which divides into two creeks some distance upstream from the lake. A few tatty rainbow trout were observed at the mouth of the creek, indicating that some fish had already spawned and returned to the Lake. After safely mooring the launch and rowing ashore in the dinghy, with nets, etc., the long walk up the creek commenced.
As nightfall was closing in, it was decided to head for the old accommodation house at the northern end of the lake and camp for the night. However, before leaving Brandon’s Creek, moss was gathered from a nearby moss bed while Reg paid full attention to the direction of the boat, the ova collected from both creeks was packed on moss in the trays and placed in the packing boxes. This proved a very hard and cold job as there was every indication of a much heavier frost settling down. The air was so cold the small cheese cloth squares on which the eggs were placed, froze before they could be straightened out.
With the exception of some spent fish, very few fish were encountered in the lower reaches of the creek. In the vicinity of where the creek divides and suitable spawning gravel was evident, pairs of fish could be observed intent on depositing their eggs in the gravel. Catching them to obtain eggs proved another matter, as once one pair was disturbed the whole creek for some distance appeared to erupt. However, by placing a few large stones in shallow sections to prevent a down or upstream rush, and learning not to break one’s foot in a rabbit burrow, quite a number of fish were netted and stripped of their eggs.
Reg soon had a fire going and after a good meal, the blankets in front of the fire was a welcome place after a long and hard day in the field. The overnight forecast proved correct. The day started with a much heavier frost followed by a fine but very cold day. Little Lake was frozen for some distance out from the shore, making it very difficult to reach the launch moored off shore.
As it is necessary to fertilise the eggs soon after stripping, difficulty was experienced in netting sufficient numbers of male fish at the right time. Male fish, being more vigorous than the females, proved harder to net. It was very evident that after spawning, a lot of these fish would be stranded in the creek. The gravel thrown up into reeds in the shallow areas would prevent any down stream movement until further flooding occurred. In the meantime, they ran the risk of attacks from crows, water rats and poachers.
The streams visited on the second day included Pine, Doctor’s Halfmoon Bay, and Britton’s Creeks. Pine Creek was carrying more water than the two inspected the previous day, making it impossible to net fish in the lower area. Further upstream proved more fruitful with some eggs being collected. Doctor’s Creek showed some spawners spread over a fairly rough and long distance. No eggs collected.
Brandon’s Creek was the next stream inspected. It yielded much the same
Halfmoon Creek flows through a long marsh with deep, wide pools. These
would allow them to return safely to the lake.
pools contained many tatty fish, some showing signs of fungus. The upper areas carried more fish round five and six pounds in weight with some heavier fish. The width and depth of the stream made the use of hoop nets impossible. No eggs collected.
Owing to the time spent at Howell’s Neck Creek it was decided to miss Tod’s Corner Creek, Reg being anxious to make Miena before nightfall. As the boat moved out into open water it became evident that some difficulty would be experienced in unloading the heavy packing boxes at Miena. However, after some anxious moments, plus a good wetting, the gear and packing boxes were off-loaded and made safe on the shore.
Britton’s Creek proved disappointing with very few fish and rather difficult to inspect. As all creeks inspected during the day involved long and rough walking, it was pleasing to return to the old accommodation house to spend the second night in a manner similar to the previous one.
It was quite dark when the trip to Dud Bay commenced. After mooring the launch and making the dinghy safe above high water, the long walk to the accommodation was undertaken.
Weather conditions on the third morning were different to the previous two. No frost, with a cold north-westerly wind blowing. Reg was a little concerned about the weather and suggested breaking camp and heading south. Sandbanks Creek was inspected and some eggs collected from in the lower section of the stream. However, while many fish occupied the available gravel on the upper reaches, the banks of the creek were so undermined as to render netting impossible. It was evident that stranding could occur in this creek.
The successful off-loading of the gear and packing boxes had been observed from the accommodation house and the hot meal and fire were very welcome on arrival. After thawing out, a phone call (with great difficulty, owing to a noisy line being further weakened by a number of different parties listening in) was made to the chairman in Hobart. He advised that after first visiting the firm’s business in the morning, he would leave for Miena.
Howell’s Neck Creek proved to be the worst stream inspected. There was evidence of heavy flooding and quick run off, leaving blocks consisting off debris and timber in many parts of the creek. The mouth or entrance of the creek was shallow and the water spread over a wide area. Fish were stranded behind the blocks of debris and remains of many others were scattered over the wide flat areas. Some eggs were stripped from the fish stranded in the holes. However, time and distance made it impossible to return these fish to the lake. It was considered best to return them to the holes from which they were taken, with the hope that further flooding
He duly arrived early in the afternoon. After hooking up the trailer which had been kept at Miena and was already loaded and partaking of a late lunch, the return journey to Plenty was made, arriving after dark. The chairman was anxious to see how the ova collected had stood up to the rough journey from Miena to Plenty. One packing tray was opened and it was observed that heavy mortality had taken place due to the rough journey and
movement after being packed in moss for three days. Some of the ova was placed in one hatching tray and after a few minutes it was very evident that the water temperature in the hatching troughs and the temperature in the packing boxes needed to be adjusted as near as possible before all the ova was unpacked.
The chairman left to return to Hobart, leaving at Plenty a much more wise staff member as the result of the first and most rewarding trip round Great Lake by boat. The knowledge gained on this trip proved to be most helpful on similar work at later dates.
Early Days in Tasmania by Hector Vincent Jones (1907-1991)
In the hatchery we used gravel hatching races in which eggs were protected by huge slabs of slate. Young fish moved down the races into a long rearing pond, 100 yards by 30 yards, and a foot deep.
y grandfather was assistant to William Ramsbottom, the Superintendent of the Hatchery in April, 1864, when the first trout and salmon were hatched on the River Plenty. Some parts of the old hatchery still remain, including the original gravel races.
We had problems with water rats, platypus (which could play havoc in the spawning redds), cormorants, black ducks and eels devouring our fish in the races and ponds. We protected them as best we could with wires stretched above at 18 inch intervals, and a couple of old muzzle loaders.
After Ramsbottom’s death in 1868, my grandfather and an uncle carried on the hatchery, and then, in 1892, my father Michael or “Old Mick” as he was called, was appointed Bailiff and Caretaker of the Hatchery and Breeding Ponds at Plenty. His remuneration was five shillings per day.
Out ripe strippable fish we got from rills built into the brood fish ponds, and we would simply wait until the run. Later we trapped fish in the river.
My eldest brother, Frank, and Mother, and all the rest of us helped out, even as kids, until 1925 when father died, after 35 years as Caretaker. He was killed in an accident during one of the first attempts to transport fish by motor vehicle – some quinnat salmon being taken in to the Dee River.
The hatcheries then expanded into the north of the State at about the turn of the century, and we set up a trap at Lake Sorell. Eggs of brown trout from Lake Sorell, and rainbows from Lake Leake were sent via the Derwent Valley Express, then horse and cart, to add to the supply. The Commission bought its first car in 1927, a Dodge single seater with a tray body, and this allowed us to go further out to the Great Lake. This was no place for the novice to go boating, and we had Sgt. Tom Challenger of the Police as supervisor, and teacher.
The Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Commission appointed Mother as Caretaker, with me to do the work, until 1926 when I became Caretaker and Bailiff. Frank returned to help with field work a couple of years later. Following my retirement in 1971, Frank’s son Scotty took over, meaning that the family had been continuously associated with the Plenty Hatchery for 113 years.
I recall one morning when we had been staying at the accommodation house, and had enjoyed a heavy breakfast. There was a heavy blow on, and a good sea running, and we had to travel nine miles up the lake, keeping away from the broken water along the shore. With the rough seas and our breakfast, we were taken rather short, and were forced to use the stripping buckets in a way they were never treated previously.
In 1928 we used the fish run on the Liawenee Canal, riding the twenty miles on horseback. We persuaded the H. E. C. to turn off the water gates, and we collected eggs from the very large numbers of ripe fish that were stranded. Unfortunately, the crows cleaned up. Later we collected as many as four million rainbow and three million brown trout eggs out of the Canal in a single year.
Early Days of the Hatcheries by Hector Vincent Jones (1907-1991)
The preparation would consist of arranging the required number of five gallon cans on the bank of the Plenty River, (note, the access road to the Salmon Ponds in the early days followed the Plenty River from the railway station and there was no regular vehicle access to the hatchery), hence the need to prepare the cans on the bank of the river where water was readily available. Each can was filled within a few inches of the top, so that sufficient space was left for aeration. The fry were then carefully measured into each can, the number per can depending on the distance to be transported plus weather conditions and water temperature, the number varying between 200 and 5,000.
hen a number of anglers get together. One often hears the comment “river fishing has steadily declined since hatcheries stopped operating”, “stream fishing will be no good until Authorities restock with hatchery reared fish”. The comments mostly come from older anglers who have vivid memories of the days when one could take a bag of selected fish. I personally have such memories and often reflect on the years when regular stocking was the order of the day before the present policy of not restocking waters which have adequate spawning grounds. Having written articles for the Annual Report over the past several years, I thought something about the early years of stocking with hatchery reared fish together with my involvement and experiences, might be of interest for the 1983 Report.
All fry released in local rivers and tributaries with reasonable distance of the Plenty Hatchery were transported by horse and cart, the cart having a specially built body to provide space for a given number of five gallon cans. As weather and temperature were most important when transporting fish, all liberations, where possible were made early in the day.
My involvement commenced over sixty years ago, when as a lad still at school, I was often called on to assist Father prepare a consignment of fry for releasing.
It may be of interest to mention here, that prior to hatcheries being established
at Ulverstone and Wynyard on the North-West coast, many thousands of trout fry were sent from Plenty Hatchery to centres between Bridgewater and Launceston and Launceston and Wynyard by the Tasmanian Government Railways.
Fisheries’ Association for a number of years, also a keen angler, would prepare the lists of proposed rivers and streams to be stocked in the North and NorthWest areas of the State, together with the names of the nearest railway stations and persons who would receive and release the fry.
The late Mr. C. H. Harrison, who was Secretary of the Northern Tasmanian
The number of fry to be released would vary between 500,000 and 800,000, but depended a great deal on the spawning run of adult fish and the numbers of ova kept back for hatching after supplying eyed ova to Acclimatisation Societies on the Mainland and also New Zealand.
train at Bridgewater Junction and off loaded at the railway station as per consignment notes. It is also of interest to note, that the cans of fry plus the returned cans were carried free of charge by the Railway Department.
To enable the liberation and distribution of the whole stock of fry to be carried out as soon as possible, as many as thirty or forty, five gallon cans were despatched in one consignment.
The officers of the Department were in most cases very co-operative, although it was no mean task to unload and reload some twenty or thirty cans, each weighing approximately 23 kg. They would also arrange for the cans of fry to be placed in a cool place until collected by the consignee. As there were no private telephones at Plenty in those
The consignments going North were mostly consigned on the late afternoon train from Plenty. The cans were transferred to the North bound night
days, we relied a great deal on the railway officers to pass on information, if there was any change in the train timetable on which the fry were being despatched.
carry the cans, they were carried by pack-horse provided by the late Bill Belcher, who was employed as Park Ranger. Fry were also despatched by railway to Westerway for release in Jones’ Rivulet at Ellendale. Fry were also consigned to National Park, Tyenna and Fitzgerald for releasing in the Tyenna River and Russell Falls Rivulet.
Some names that come to mind of railway stations to which fry were consigned are Brighton, Kempton, Apsley, Tea Tree, Campania, Colebrook, York Plains, Antil Ponds, Campbell Town, Western Junction, Longford, Kimberley, Railton, Sheffield, Ulverstone and Wynyard. These names readily give the key to the names of rivers and streams in which fry were to be released.
Transporting became much quicker and easier after the Commission of the day purchased its own motor vehicle. However, the cans still had to be carried through scrub and over rough tracks to the streams. To make sure the fry got off to a good start after planting, they were released before all the food- sack had been absorbed. To do this it required a well planned list of liberations and working long hours to allow the whole stock to be released as soon as possible. It was also necessary to plant the fry in small numbers at as many points as possible, as fry with some food-sack attached, tended to settle and not disperse for several days. Where a small permanent creek or stream was available, it got preference over planting directly into the main or larger river rivulets.
It is also of interest to mention here that in most cases when the fry reached the railway station, they were collected, liberated and the empty cans promptly returned by the consignee who mostly was a keen angler.
In the days of the horse and cart and prior to roads being sealed, very little trouble was experienced in aerating the water in the cans. However, with the change in policy of rearing more fry to fingerling and yearling fish, plus the sealing of more and more roads, many changes were necessary in the method of transport and aeration of water in later years.
I can recall when fry were taken to National Park by rail and the carried in back-pack cans up Mount Field and released into some of the many small lakes in the National Park. I personally made several such trips, but I did not
Don’t let safety be the one that got away.
As well as being valuable sources of sustainable energy, our lakes also provide excellent fishing, along with other recreational water activities. While we want to share them with you, we would like to remind you that safety on the water
should be your first priority, just as creating clean, renewable energy is ours.