Angling Report of the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association
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Index Editorial ............................................................................. 2 Inland Fisheries Service ................................................... 3 Minister’s Report on Inland Fisheries 2011/2012 .......... 3 From the Director - The State of the Fishery .................. 5 Hydro Tasmania Report ................................................. 10 Mersey-Forth Water Management Review ................... 10 MAST Report .................................................................. 13 Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) ............................... 15 Chairman’s Review 2012 .............................................. 15 Inland Fisheries Advisory Council Report (IFAC) ...... 17 STLAA Reports ............................................................... 20 STLAA Executive ......................................................... 20 STLAA President’s Report - 2012 ................................ 21 Club Reports ................................................................. 24 Australian Polish Anglers Club ................................ 24 Bothwell Angling Club ............................................. 26 Bridgewater Anglers Association ............................. 28 Clarence Licensed Anglers Club............................... 31 Huon Licensed Anglers Association ......................... 32 Kingborough Anglers Association ............................ 35 Lake Pedder Anglers Club ........................................ 36 New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association ............ 38 Features & Special Reports ............................................ 40 Fish In Space – Odd behaviour of fishes in space ........ 40 Environmental Weeds around our Highland Lakes ...... 45 Fishing the River Derwent ............................................ 47 My Trip up the Birdsville Track ................................... 49 The Early Commissions ................................................ 51 Diary Extracts ............................................................... 53 Obituaries ........................................................................ 56 Season 2011-2012 Photo Gallery.................................... 57 Historical Images ............................................................ 74 The Machinery and People of H.E.C. ........................... 74
Trout 2012 Tasmanian Angling Report of the Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association is published annually by the Association and its affiliated Clubs.
Cover Photo: Spring rains at Arthurs Lake Photo – Clarence Anglers
Report Committee: Warwick Bonney Clarence Anglers Ph 0439 379 093 Terry Byard Bridgewater Anglers Ph 0429 977 185 Norm Cribbin Clarence Anglers Ph 0408 144 587 Laurie Harrison Lake Pedder Anglers Ph 0428 626 370 Neil Pinkard Clarence Anglers Ph 0427 342 245
Editorial ishing Tasmania’s highland lakes for trout is something I thoroughly enjoyed as a child. I have fond memories of camping trips to Arthurs Lake with my father, brothers, grandfather and uncle. Mum and my sisters would tag along on occasion too.
I would like to thank Norm Cribbin for his dedication to the Trout book for the last 10 years and his assistance with the editor’s role this year. I know last year he stepped down to allow someone else to infuse new ideas but as you will see, Norm’s influence remains strong.
Being a father myself I now have the opportunity to take my own son fishing. He recently caught his first fish, an Atlantic salmon in Lake Meadowbank. Not the best fish, and he did need some help winding it in, but his first and the excitement on his face is a sight I’ll never forget.
I would also like to thank the book committee and all the members who have contributed articles, reports and photos to this publication, without your support and the continued backing of the sponsors, Trout could not happen. I hope the next season brings all you hope to achieve with your fishing and is the beginning of the next 100 years of history for the STLAA.
Arranging the photos and reading the articles in Trout has opened my eyes to how much enjoyment others gain from this pastime. 2012 marks 100 years for the STLAA, an association made up of like-minded people with a passion for fishing.
Warwick Bonney - Editor
Inland Fisheries Service Minister’s Report on Inland Fisheries 2011/2012
s the Minister responsible for Inland Fisheries I am very pleased to provide my report to the Southern Tasmania Licensed Anglers Association (STLAA) on the 2011/2012 season.
relationships with other key stakeholders in the future. The outlook for the State's recreational inland fisheries continued to improve throughout last season with another year of good rainfall further rejuvenating fisheries that suffered in drought to 2009. Continued efforts of the IFS stocking program have markedly improved the performance of popular fisheries like Craigbourne Dam, Tooms Lake and Lake Dulverton from the near collapse suffered under the drought. The stocking program is continuing to address the issues of recovering fisheries as well as sustaining the performance of waters that are under pressure and are solely reliant on stocking for sustainability. The increasing popularity of Penstock Lagoon and Four Springs Lake, two fisheries that are reliant on stocking, has meant that stock rates will need to be continually evaluated and the IFS is committed to maintain the performance of these and other key fisheries.
The management and staff of the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) continue to work hard to protect and develop the State's inland fisheries. Through the current challenging economic environment the Service continues to deliver positive outcomes for anglers with improved access, control of pest fish species, stocking of inland waters and protection of native species and aquatic ecosystems. Following a review of the role of the Inland Fisheries Advisory Council (IFAC) I appointed a new advisory council from the 29 October 2011 for a term of four years. The appointments were skills as well as interest based. The new IFAC has played a more direct advisory-management role in the operation of the IFS. The work of the previous Council members under the Chair of John Cleary is acknowledged and they are thanked for their efforts and advice.
My clear focus as Minister is to ensure the Inland Fisheries Service continues to invest anglers licence fees to enhancing the value of fisheries by improving access through the development, upgrade and maintenance of infrastructure. This year priority road projects have included continued maintenance and upgrading of Woods Lake Road and additional grading and resurfacing of the road to the Large Bay boat ramp at Lake Echo. Other projects have been resurfacing the car park and access roads at Little Pine Lagoon dam wall and Camerons Lagoon and upgrading vehicle access at the Ladies
The new IFAC recognises stakeholder management as a key priority for the IFS. Many of its resources and management, such as water and marketing are shared across different entities with other expertise available elsewhere that complements the IFS' effort in developing and maintaining a world class fishery. To this end Memorandums of Understanding with Hydro Tasmania and Tourism Tasmania have been finalised in the past few months. I look forward to further formal
Walk at Penstock Lagoon. Boat ramps and boating infrastructure are also a priority for the IFS in partnership with Hydro and MAST. Through these partnerships there have been vast improvements made to launching facilities at Woods Lake, Bronte Lagoon, Lake Mackintosh, Little Pine Lagoon and Four Springs Lake.
carp from the lake before they are able to spawn. Despite the ideal spawning conditions over the past three years, extensive monitoring in Lake Crescent again failed to find any sign of carp, giving more weight of evidence that they appear to have been eradicated from this lake. I am pleased to say that the coming season is looking to be another great one for angling in Tasmania. The IFS continues to provide infrastructure, access, fish stocking and sound management of the resources that make up Tasmania's world class trout fishery and the unique environment it depends on.
Carp removal from one of Tasmania's most productive waters, Lake Sorell, continues to be a key issue for the IFS. The successful application for additional funding from the Federal Government's Caring for Our Country (CFOC) program resulted in a matching of $400,000 from the State Government this year. This funding support enabled the Carp Management Program (CMP) to focus on containment, spawning sabotage and the removal of juvenile carp in Lake Sorell. Over the past year only one adult carp, a female and 6,533 sub adult carp were captured and removed from Lake Sorell. This brings the total number of carp that have been removed from this water to 32,736. Lake Sorell will remain closed to fishing as efforts continue to remove the juvenile
Bryan Green MP Minister for Primary Industries & Water
From the Director - The State of the Fishery
he Tasmanian trout fishery has benefited significantly from the continued rain and sustained water levels for the last three seasons. Higher water levels and the persistent inundation of fresh ground improved the health of fisheries throughout the State.
ensure the maintenance of water levels at Arthurs and Woods lakes during periods of scarcity in future. The Memorandum of Understanding for lake levels is aimed at balancing the water needs for environmental protection and angling with its use for electricity generation and irrigation.
There were several fisheries in the South East – Craigbourne Dam, Tooms Lake, Lake Dulverton, Lake Crescent and Lake Leake – which showed a continued recovery this year. The Service continued its focus of rejuvenating these fisheries through an intensive stocking program which begun in 2009, when these lakes first started to refill with water. As a result, these fisheries have provided an important alternative to the highland lakes this year, expanding the diversity of fisheries on offer and providing more options for productive angling around the State.
Regulation review A review of the Inland Fisheries regulations was undertaken during the year to remove redundant, confusing and unnecessary legislation, and to amend rules and regulations for the benefit of anglers and fishery management. Many of these changes to the regulations are merely administrative, while other changes are quite specific, affecting how and when anglers fish. The latter have arisen largely as a result of fishery management plans and recommendations, requests from other land managers and feedback from anglers.
The bigger range of quality angling options also helped to relieve the pressure experienced in recent years at some of the premium highland waters, including Penstock, Little Pine and Bronte lagoons. Three other premium wild trout fisheries – Arthurs, Great and Woods lakes – benefited directly from higher lake levels. They remained the most popular waters in terms of angler numbers again this year. Craigbourne Dam is a great example of a fishery that has recovered well through good environmental conditions and stocking efforts by the IFS, lifting in popularity from outside of the top 20 most fished lakes in 2008/09 to the fifth most popular lake for the 2011/12 season.
For example, Huntsman Lake has been nominated as a ‘winter water’ to replace Lake Gordon, the opening hours at Craigbourne Dam and Brushy Lagoon have been restricted to daylight hours, and the boundary for the brown trout water on the River Derwent has been shifted downstream to the Bridgewater Bridge. These and a host of other changes came into effect at the start of the season and are in the 2011-12 Fishing Code. Two pieces of amendment legislation were completed during 2011-12; Inland Fisheries (Recreational Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2012 and Inland Fisheries (Seasons and Waters) Amendment Order (No. 2) 2011.
The importance of avoiding the dangers of continued low water levels at these fisheries was acknowledged this year through the signing of an agreement by Hydro Tasmania. This will help to
The Regulation change is an adjustment of the daily bag limit of whitebait from
one to two kilograms was completed allowing from the 2012 season on for fishers to take double what they have previously on a daily basis. The Order is in respect to setting a season for the taking of indigenous fish in accordance with the Brown Trout Season, specifically for river blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus) and eels (Anguilla spp.)
safe launching and retrieval of boats in southerly and westerly winds has been constructed at Lake Mackintosh approximately 200m north of the concrete ramp and further improvements have been made to the ramp at Little Pine Lagoon. Westbury Anglers Club, with support from Meander Valley Council, undertook to upgrade the existing jetty at Four Springs Lake to disabled access standard which included re-decking of the entire structure. The Club also installed picnic tables donated by Forestry Tasmania at both Four Springs and Brushy Lagoon.
Infrastructure improvements The Inland Fisheries Service continues to invest anglers licence fees in enhancing the value of fisheries by improving access through the development, upgrade and maintenance of infrastructure. This work often involves cooperation and additional funding or support from other government organisations including Hydro Tasmania, Forestry Tasmania, PWS and Marine and Safety Tasmania, Local Government, corporations, angling clubs and individual landowners.
River Angler Access The Tyenna River Anglers Access project was completed during the 201112 season. The completion of this project was a landmark in that over 150 km of rivers in Tasmania have now received the Anglers Access treatment. The Macquarie River project was improved with an additional 12 kilometres of access completed. A new project has been funded for the Mersey River for 2012-13 and the Derwent River will be undertaken after that. This river access work, begun in 2007 and jointly funded by Anglers Alliance Tasmania and the Service continues to deliver significant benefits to anglers, opening up stretches of premium water that was previously difficult to access across private and crown land.
This year priority road projects have included continued maintenance and upgrading of Woods Lake Road and additional grading and resurfacing of the road to the Large Bay boat ramp at Lake Echo. Other projects have been resurfacing the car park and access roads at Little Pine Lagoon dam wall and Camerons Lagoon and upgrading vehicle access at the Ladies Walk at Penstock Lagoon. Boat ramps and boating infrastructure are a key focus of the Service in partnership with Hydro and MAST. This year a 35 metre break wall incorporating approximately 1000 tonnes of rock was constructed at Woods Lake boat ramp to provide protection from southerly and south westerly winds. At Four Springs Lake the boat ramp has been doubled in width and a new jetty constructed. A dual lane ramp, car parking and turning circle and a floating pontoon system has been completed at Bronte Lagoon. A subsidiary gravel boat ramp providing
Hatchery and stocking 2012 is the fifth year of operation of the IFS hatchery at New Norfolk. The stocking planned for the 2011-12 season was undertaken in accordance with the Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fisheries Management Plan 2008-18. It is this planning that determines production of the IFS New Norfolk hatchery. The ability of the IFS to fulfil stocking requirements is dependent on the number of fish successfully raised at
the IFS hatcheries at New Norfolk and the Salmon Ponds as well as on domestic fish stocks donated by various commercial hatcheries.
$1,631,213, up 7.14% on the previous year. The increase in sales was reflected across all angling licence types with the greatest increase in Pensioner and Senior licences increasing by 3.87% and 10.54% respectively. The sale of whitebait licences increased from 872 in 2009-2010 to 953 in 2011-12.
The IFS collected 1,000,000 brown trout ova and 1,000,000 rainbow trout ova from wild fish trapped in Liawenee Canal, Great Lake. A further 100,000 brook trout eyed ova from Petuna Aquaculture and 80,000 tiger trout (brown and brook trout cross) were collected from Salmon Ponds stock.
The IFS again hosted the Trout Weekend at Liawenee in May 2012 with the support of angling clubs, Fishcare Volunteers and local fishing businesses and community interest groups. It also supported a range of angling clubs and community events during the year, a number of which targeted junior anglers, through the stocking of certain waters and the provision of promotional material.
The IFS grows trout to various size classes for stocking into the State’s inland waters to support the recreational fishery. The specific fish stocking size is determined on the characteristics of the water in which the stock are to be released.
Production of juvenile fish from wild trout ova collected by the IFS continued to improve in 2011-12. The new hatchery allowed the growth of a greater number of fish to a larger size class, which is a strategy designed to increase the survivability of stocked fish and the proportion reaching catchable size.
Inland Fisheries Officers continued to work very effectively with Tasmania Police and the Parks and Wildlife Service to patrol remote areas and apprehend offenders regarding illegal fishing activities. Of particular note were the successful prosecutions of offenders for illegal whitebait fishing in the North West, including a number of repeat offenders.
During 2011-12, the IFS distributed 345,590 rainbow trout, 136,469 brown trout, 51,210 brook trout and 11,471 Atlantic salmon into public waters. The majority of these fish were produced at the IFS New Norfolk hatchery but some were donated by various commercial hatcheries such as Springfield Fisheries, Petuna Aquaculture, Tassal and SALTAS and also from the University of Tasmania. Adult wild fish stocks were harvested from natural sources at Hydro Creek (Arthurs Lake), Mountain Creek (Lake Sorell), and Liawenee Canal (Great Lake).
During the year, 10 defendants were successfully prosecuted in the Magistrates Court for 17 offences, with fines and special penalties amounting to $14,120. There were 75 infringement notices issued (comprising of 82 offences) amounting to fines of $14,885. Thirty five infringement notices endorsed as conditional cautions were issued (comprising of 35 offences) and three formal cautions issued for five offences. A total of 38 fisheries and 22 MAST verbal cautions were issued for fisheries and MAST offences. Officers inspected 3,563 angling licences and 128 whitebait licences. Total fines from all sources amounted to $29,005.
Licensing and marketing Angling licence sales for the 2011-12 increased by 4.64% to 29,749 surpassing 2009-10 decade high of 29,010. Revenue from angling licence sales was
Under the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 a person upon conviction may be disqualified from holding a recreational licence for a period of up to five years. There are currently eight persons disqualified from holding a recreational whitebait licence for 36 years with a total of 26 years disqualification yet to complete.
female had the potential to lay up to a million eggs. The 12 kilometres of barrier netting that was blocking access to spawning sites around the lake was maintained and repaired as required. Since the start of the program in 1995, a total of 7,797 carp have been removed from Lake Crescent and no new carp have been captured since December 2007. Despite the ideal spawning conditions over the past three years, extensive monitoring in the lake once again failed to find any sign of carp in this lake. Hence, carp appear to have been eradicated from Lake Crescent.
Carp Program A successful application for additional funding from the Federal Government’s Caring for Our Country (CFOC) program resulted in a matching of the State Governments $400,000 from the State Government this year which enabled the Carp Management Program (CMP) to focus on containment, spawning sabotage and the removal of juvenile carp in Lake Sorell. The lake remained closed to the public to assist the program while it increased the fishing pressure, installed additional barrier netting and traps to prevent further spawning, and flood-proofing Lake Sorell to prevent the reintroduction of carp into Lake Crescent.
Through a two day workshop that involved the CFOC stakeholder group an annual review of the CMP was also undertaken with a number of recommendations being presented to the Minister and an operational plan for 2012/13 was developed. The CMP had published and presented “A manual for carp control: The Tasmanian model” at the final workshop held under this round of the Invasive Animal Cooperative Research Centre (IACRC) in Melbourne in June.
Despite high water levels throughout the year which creates a stimulus for maturing carp to seek out spawning sites in the marshes of Lake Sorell only one adult female carp was captured and no spawning was observed and no recruitment has been detected. Effort was concentrated during the warmer months to prevent the carp from spawning and daily monitoring was undertaken. Additional fishing pressure was provided by eel fishermen using fyke nets to harvest eel, while the juvenile carp were still susceptible to this fishing technique.
Fishery Investigation and Assessment A survey of the three lakes (Bradys, Binney and Tungatinah) was undertaken during June 2011 following concerns about the performance of these fisheries. This survey is reported in the IFS Annual Report for 2010-11. During 2011-12 these survey results were analysed and reported in an internal technical report, Fisheries Performance Assessment, Technical Report, Bradys Lake System 2011. The investigation showed that there were low numbers of trout in this system. Stocking strategies will continue to be adjusted to achieve better catch rates and overall harvests over the coming seasons.
Over the past year only 1 adult carp, a female and 6,533 sub adult carp were captured and removed from Lake Sorell. This brings the total number of carp that have been removed from this water to 32,736. The lone mature 2.6 kilogram
Results from the Angler Postal Survey show that the top ten still waters fished in 2011-12 (in descending order) were
The state of Tasmania’s trout fishery is as good a condition has it has been in twenty or more years. Trout fishing has seen resurgence in Tasmania in over the last season and there is no reason that this increase in popularity cannot continue with the management and marketing strategies that have been put in place.
Arthurs Lake, Great Lake, Woods Lake, Little Pine Lagoon, Craigbourne Dam, Penstock Lagoon, Four Springs Lake, Lake Barrington, Bronte Lagoon and Bradys Lake. The most popular rivers were the River Derwent, South Esk, Brumbys Creek, Mersey River, Meander River, Macquarie River, River Leven, Tyenna River, Huon River and St Patricks River. Creel survey results show that inspectors checked over 3,500 anglers for a total of 2,161 angler days at 56 different waters throughout the State. Of those interviewed, 32% of anglers were bait fishing, 31% spinning, 23% trolling and 14% fly fishing, noting that some anglers use more than one method of fishing.
John Diggle Director of Inland Fisheries
Hydro Tasmania Report Mersey-Forth Water Management Review by Simon Gartenstein
ydro Tasmania is currently undertaking a Water Management Review in the Mersey-Forth catchments. The review was initiated in 2011 and is a multi-year project comprising four main stages: information review, stakeholder consultation, social and technical studies, and program development and implementation. The review aims to assess current water and land management activities with regards to social, cultural and environmental expectations of the community.
Mersey-Forth Water Management Review Stakeholder Consultation Report. This feedback assisted Hydro Tasmania in the identification of a number of “technical and social studies” which are detailed in the report. The studies will investigate the issues raised during the consultation process and assess mitigation opportunities and management options. The studies are as follows: •
Maintaining and Improving Recreational Management
The stakeholder consultation stage was instigated with a survey that was sent to over 753 stakeholders with 153 completed surveys returned (20% response rate). Stakeholders were asked to provide values, issues and management options for waterways influenced by Hydro Tasmania’s operations in the Mersey-Forth catchments. A number of these surveys were completed by recreational anglers and representatives from angling groups including Anglers Alliance Tasmania, North West Fly Fishers Association, Fly Fishers Club, Devonport Anglers Club, Devonport Fly Fishing Club, Ulverstone Angers Club and Trout Territory. The value that received the highest response from stakeholders, for all Mersey-Forth waterways, was fishing. Rowing, canoeing and skiing and aquatic ecosystems also received high responses. The major issues identified included water quality, rubbish management and flora and fauna. Hydro Tasmania has met with a number of stakeholders to further clarify the issues that emerged from the survey.
Fish Migration
Wilmot River Condition Assessment
Recreational Releases
Flow and Water Level Information
Water Level Management at Lake Gairdner
Mersey River Water Quality
Pests and Pathogens Management
Dissemination of Flow and Water Level Information
Lake Barrington Erosion
Lake Rehabilitation at Lake Mackenzie
Sign Improvement
Mersey-Forth Aboriginal Heritage Study
Mersey and Forth River Flood Evacuation Plans
The above studies have commenced but are still in the preliminary stages. Representatives from the angling community have already been involved in a number of project discussions on the above studies and will continue to be
Valuable feedback provided by anglers and other stakeholders has been incorporated into the development of the
involved. Most of the studies will be completed over the next one to three years depending on the complexity of the issues to be addressed.
water management in this catchment area. Updates on the status of the studies will be provided through stakeholder participation processes, via newsletters and on Hydro Tasmania’s website at Reports and other project information can be accessed from this website.
Hydro Tasmania, in collaboration with stakeholders, will continue to investigate issues, mitigation opportunities and management options, with the goal of working towards the development of a program of commitments to improve management in the Mersey-Forth catchments. The views of stakeholders will help to form the basis of the future
For further information please contact Simon Gartenstein, Environmental Scientist,
Mersey River downstream of Rowallan Dam and the waters of Lake Rowallan
Lake Parangana situated on the Mersey River below Lake Rowallan
MAST Report
nglers are heading to their favourite destination with the trout season now open after a few months lay off. Anglers no doubt used this time to update their gear, service their motors and generally get prepared for the season ahead in anticipation of some great catches.
provide a concrete ramp at Woods Lake in the near future. • A major project has been completed at Bronte Lagoon with a walkway and double lane ramp. Given the popularity of this fishery the work has been most welcomed.
I was privileged this year to attend for the first time the ever successful IFS open weekend at Liawenee in May. Together with Ian Ross, we met many anglers and were able to answer many questions in relation to MAST and boating safety. This is a great event and very popular amongst anglers from all over the state and I look forward to meeting you all up there again next year. MAST, IFS and Hydro have been working together for a number of years and in 2010 developed the Inland Waters Infrastructure Plan which will have huge benefits for anglers for years to come. An update of key projects follows:• It was reported last year that a Naval Architect was working on a design for a pontoon at the Dam Wall ramp at Arthurs Lake. Unfortunately due to high lake levels this work was placed on hold for some time but I am happy to report the design is now almost completed. • The new ramp and walkway at Four Springs is now complete and, from all reports, the facility is working better than expected with a large number of people fishing the lake. • The breakwater at Woods Lake was completed in time for the fly fishing Championships earlier this year. This facility now makes it easier and safer for launching and has been well received by anglers. MAST, IFS and Hydro are also working together to
On safety issues, MAST is still concerned with the number of people fishing inland on boats that are not wearing life jackets and exceeding 5 knots in certain areas. Over the recent
opening weekend IFS wrote a number of infringements for the non-wearing of life jackets. MAST reminds all inland anglers to wear their jackets when under power. You may recall a couple rescued in Arthurs Lake recently plus the two rescued on Great Lake around twelve months ago. All will attest they are still here today because they were wearing life jackets. Remember, the lakes are cold, particularly early in the season. Cold water immersion can be fatal. However with a life jacket on your chances of survival are far greater.
( as if contains useful educational material including MAST TV. Remember, if you have not been out this year check your safety gear and ensure your inflatable has been serviced. MAST statistics reveal an overwhelming number of people own inflatables but an underwhelming number have them regularly serviced. MAST intends working closely with IFS this coming season to see that boaters are compliant. We look forward to seeing you on the water and I take this opportunity in wishing all anglers the very best for the season.
Speeding craft have been reported at a number of lakes and lagoons. MAST receives many complaints about boats exceeding 5 knots at Four Springs and also Penstock. Remember the rules and of course spare a thought for those fishing from the bank or a boat.
The MAST website continues to be a useful resource and we urge all anglers to visit our website regularly
Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) Chairman’s Review 2012 n line with AAT’s aim of focusing on the fishery and anglers concerns, two major projects have been running this year. The first is the continuation of the highly successful Anglers Access projects and the second is the exciting lakes Webcam projects.
generosity the project would have been prohibitively expensive and beyond our reach. One of the interesting asides to the installation of these cameras is that the Bureau of Meteorology has taken a very keen interest. This is because they will be able to see live cloud formations and images, which they have never been able to do before. This will result in better forecasts for both anglers and general public.
Anglers Access to the Meander and Tyenna Rivers along with signage to many lakes has been completed by Neil Morrow’s great IFS team and these projects conclude the funding sourced from the Australian Tourism Development Program. AAT was successful in sourcing new funding from the Tasmanian Community Fund with a grant of $66,000, ($101,000 in total with other funding and in kind support) to continue the Anglers Access program on the Mersey River. The IFS is in the process of negotiating foot access to Lake Fergus.
Contact with the Minister Bryan Green has been kept up and meetings have discussed possible projects, and while he is keen to undertake a major project such as Shannon Lagoon turbidity problem, the lack of Government funds is a problem. The Red Jelly marketing program has been concluded with the recovery of $21,000 that was being held by Red Jelly and a return of $16,000 on the Fishing Tasmania magazine sales.
The indefatigable Malcolm Crosse has built and is about to commence installation of six more webcams at –
Irrigation works have continued to be monitored and letters have been written to both State and Commonwealth Ministers on contentious issues, including the South Esk, where the cease to take flow of 40ML/day recommended to the Tasmanian Planning Commission for approval is considerably less than the DIPWE Draft recommendation of 100160 ML/day.
Penstock Lagoon Little Pine Lagoon Bronte Lagoon Great Lake Lake Augusta Lake Burbury A prototype camera was set up for the IFS Trout Weekend to iron out any bugs prior to installation of the remaining cameras; this camera will be re-used at Little Pine Lagoon. AAT will fund approx. half of the webcam costs (approx. $12,000) with the remainder and running costs being provided by sponsors. Malcolm Crosse has given untold hours of his considerable communications experience to make this project a reality, and without his
AAT has worked in conjunction with IFS to manage issues on inland waters as they have arisen or requested by concerned anglers. An ongoing concern is the effect on the aquatic environment of high emission outboards such as 2 stroke engines on smaller waters with little through flow. The AAT have done a paper on the issue and the IFS and Hydro Tasmania continue to look at
what reasonable measures can be taken to lessen the impact in the long term.
AAT has registered as a non-profit organisation with Donortec and is eligible for free or low cost computers, hardware and software for clubs and associations under the AAT banner. Both North and South groups have purchased computers and everyone is encouraged to upgrade their old clunkers and/or software.
AAT has worked closely with MAST on a number of access and safety issues on the lakes and has received funding approval for boat access to Lake Paloona on which AAT and IFS have successfully lobbied Hydro Tasmania to open to controlled boating. IFS and AAT are currently working to find a suitable access point for trailer boats.
We encourage any angler who would like to have input into any fresh water angling issue to contact AAT. All members' contact numbers are on AAT’s website or by snail mail to:
The AAT website has been completely updated, has a new fresh look and is of a format can be more easily updated. It carries all Anglers Access brochures and the lake webcams will all be accessed from here.
GPO Box 963, Hobart, TAS 7001
Initially access to the cameras will be free, but in the future a small charge may be imposed. It would be a small annual charge to fund insurance, running costs and development.
Mike Stevens Chairman AAT
Inland Fisheries Advisory Council Report (IFAC)
s newly appointed Chairperson of the Inland Fisheries Advisory Council I am pleased to be able to provide the following update on the activities of the Council over the past eight months. It was also a pleasure for me to attend and address the STLAA during the year and hear about your
clubs and gain an understanding of your issues of importance. The Minister of Inland Fisheries appointed the new advisory council from the 29 October 2011 for a term of four years. The appointments are skills as well as interest based and the new members are listed below:
Representation and role
Sue Baker
Dr Karen Richards
Representing conservation interests
Michael Stevens
Representing freshwater angling associations
Gary France
Representing tourism interests
Phillip Cooper
Representing freshwater commercial interests
Dr Christine Mucha
Ministerial appointment
John Diggle
Director of Inland Fisheries
The Minister’s adviser Pam Voss is a regular guest at Council meetings and the Minister, Bryan Green attended Council’s June meeting and outlined his vision for the Inland Fisheries Service. Both IFAC and the IFS report to the Minister on Inland Fishery matters, on a quarterly basis.
formed with IFAC members and IFS staff working closely together on strategic priorities. A significant focus for the Council over the past eight months, has been to assist the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) commence a review its Governance structures and develop Strategic Business and Marketing Plans for its business.
The new Council held its first meeting in November 2011 and has met each month since then, both formally for IFAC meetings and informally for workshops with IFS staff and committee meetings. Setting up meeting and reporting structures for the Council took up some time in the first couple of months as well as developing a mutual understanding of the separate roles and responsibilities of IFAC and the Inland Fisheries Service. A major advantage of the new Council is the skill-set of the members and given the limited resources of the IFS, working parties and committees have been
A new five-year Strategic Plan has been developed for the IFS that outlines the priorities for the medium term with the aim of achieving both its legislated responsibilities and the Minister’s vision of a ‘vibrant’ inland fishery. This plan was developed through a series of facilitated workshops attended by IFAC members and IFS senior staff and outlines the shared vision of the IFS and IFAC. It is a dynamic document that will be constantly reviewed and adjusted as we move forward.
Securing the financial future of the IFS has been a priority for the Council given the decreasing ‘real’ value of the fixed funding provided by the State Government. The long-term financial future of the IFS relies on it becoming self-funded and our strategic focus to achieve this is to increase participation in the fishery. From the data available, the participation of Southern area Tasmanians in the Inland Fishery relative to total population is low compared to Northern Tasmania and improving this is a task for the IFS working with AAT and local clubs as part of the IFS Marketing Plan.
participation of both Tasmanians and visitors in the Inland Fishery. Managing the fish and the ecosystems are of course the primary role of the IFS and as fishery habitats constantly change in response to environmental and human factors, our key priority is ensuring the IFS maintains and develops a robust, quality fishery and broad range of experiences for the benefit of responsible Anglers into the future. Of high importance is maintaining improvements to access and infrastructure of existing facilities as well as the development of new fisheries, and while Angler numbers are currently strong, improving the Angler experience should increase participation over time, and ensure the long-term future of the IFS.
A component of the IFS’s strategic plan is engagement with key Stakeholders such as Hydro Tasmania, Tourism Tasmania, Anglers Alliance, MAST plus many others. A formal engagement strategy with stakeholders is imperative for the IFS given the shared nature of the inland fishery waters and the IFS’s limited resources. To this end, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements have been developed and signed between the IFS and Hydro Tasmania and the IFS and Tourism Tasmania. These MOU’s outline how the organisation will work together to achieve common goals.
In conclusion, IFAC has achieved a considerable amount in its first months of office, with all members eager to contribute and address the challenges. The role of IFAC is advisory not directive and as such we work closely with the IFS and the Minister to utilize the skills of IFAC members to the benefit of the Inland Fisheries Service. Of particular interest to Clubs will be the Council’s plans to post an IFAC information section on the IFS website within the next year in order to keep Anglers informed about its activities and plans. IFAC welcomes feedback on matters of mutual interest either directly or through AAT as the representative body.
This spirit of co-operation between the IFS and its key stakeholders is indicative of a future of collaboration that will help ensure the IFS achieves its legislated responsibilities and its strategic priorities. A key outcome of the Strategic Plan and the subsequent MOU with Tourism has been Tourism’s assistance in developing a Marketing Plan. A sub-committee has been formed with IFAC members with expertise in this area and IFS staff. The Marketing Plan will include strategies to increase
Yours sincerely, Sue Baker Chairperson Inland Fisheries Advisory Council
Did you know that we stock: A wide range of grocery items, confectionary Hot: Fish & Chips, Pies and Cappuccino Fresh: milk, bread, vegetables, meat, small goods and eggs Frozen: vegetables, ice cream, icy poles, bags of ice Daily newspapers & a good range of magazines We are a community postal agency with daily deliveries! Fuel: LPG, Diesel and Unleaded petrol.
Specialized Equipment: We stock TFO (Temple Fork Outfitters) Fly Rods We stock ammunition and other hunting equipment. We stock Columbia, Ridgeline and Stoney Creek outdoor clothing! Of course we also stock a wide range of essentials: rods, reels, fishing tackle, fishing accessories and IFS Angling Licenses. Boat hire can be arranged by us, as well as guiding services
381 Marlborough Rd BRONTE PARK TAS 7140 PH 03 6289 1129 FAX 03 6289 3217
STLAA Reports STLAA Executive OFFICE BEARERS 2011-2012 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 697 Moonah 7009 PATRON: Mr Bob Ward PRESIDENT: Mr Norm Cribbin VICE PRESIDENT: Mr Laurie Harrison SECRETARY: Mr Neil Pinkard HONORARY TREASURER: Ms Kathryn Kuster HONORARY HISTORIAN: Mr Ray Aitchison AAT DELEGATES: Mr Norm Cribbin, Mr Terry Byard EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Mr Norm Cribbin, Ms Kathryn Kuster, Mr Neil Pinkard, Mr Laurie Harrison and Mr Don Emery CLUB DELEGATES: Australian Polish Anglers Bothwell Anglers Bridgewater Anglers Bronte/Brady Anglers Clarence Anglers Huon Anglers Kingborough Anglers Lake Pedder Anglers Maydena Anglers New Norfolk Anglers E.T. Smith A. Maclaine C. Smith R. Cairns R. Ryder L. Ward
1970 1979 1983 1983 1983 1987
Kathryn Kuster, Brett Whittaker Don Emery Terry Byard Mel Temple, Kim Cooper Neil Pinkard, Charlie Harris Rob Chandler, David Roberts (dec.) John Francis, Steve Long Matthew Mallinson, John Groves David Dicks, Matt Dayton Tim Lowe, Justin Causby LIFE MEMBERS: B. Creed 1992 T. Byard 2004 P. Lowe 1992 L. Harrison 2009 R. Aitchison 1995 K. Hansson 2009 K. Jones 1999 P. Wood 2010 D. Cranfield 1999 D. Triffitt 2011 R. Bradshaw 2002 N. Cribbin 2012
CERTIFICATE FOR SERVICES TO ANGLING AWARDS: R. Bradshaw P. Wood L. Datlen K. Hanson W. Knight N. Cribbin B. Sherriff D. Triffitt T. Sutton W. Seabrook N. Pinkard F. Johnson J. Bluett B. Jordan E. Aitchison K. Walker
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004
B. Johnston M. Sherriff R. Walker D. Cranfield D. Driver P. Richards K. Russell M. Russell H. Chivers M. Pinkard R. Aitchison A. Smith S. Page B. Page D. Goss S. Granger
2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008
J. Barrett B. Andrew M. Harrison C. Harris J. Groves K. Cooper J. Causby S. Mallinson T. Gourlay J. Steele N. Bester C. Pearce J. McIlhenny M. Mallinson
2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012
STLAA President’s Report - 2012
t is with much pleasure that I present the President’s Report for the 2011/12 angling season.
use the junior angling pond facilities. To quote NNLAA President Marty Evans: “This should be a great event with lots of fat fish to keep the young anglers entertained and an opportunity for the senior anglers to catch up and share stories over time.”
The Association is currently in its 100th year, heading up to our centenary in November of this year. This is a significant milestone which is not readily achieved by many organizations. All past and present Clubs and respective members should be proud of this achievement. The official celebrations will be held on 24th November 2012 at the Salmon Ponds. One highlight of the celebrations will be the launching of the book “Changing Times – A History of the STLAA 1912-2012” detailing 100 years of the Association and affiliated Clubs.
On the angling front, it was pleasing to see water levels at Arthurs Lakes continue to remain high and those at Great Lake rise moderately. Field trip reports from Clubs throughout the past season have indicated improved catches, however at times the trout proved to be difficult to tempt. Successful anglers used the various angling methods, such as Bait, Artificial Lure and Fly to ensure consistent catches. I suspect if salmonids were as easy to catch as some saltwater species many of us would not take up the challenge of freshwater angling.
The past year has seen the member ranks of the Association increase yet again with the following clubs reporting good numbers of new members, well done Lake Pedder, Bridgewater, New Norfolk and Clarence. Currently the Association has 10 affiliated clubs with a combined membership of about 610 adults and 150 juniors. This is a significant collective voice for anglers in the south and ensures that anglers are regarded as major stakeholders in matters relating to tourism, recreation, water & land management and the environment.
Many clubs commented on the reduced number of Mayfly hatches this season but this appears to have been countered by a better than average Jassid ‘Fall’. It is hoped that with the continued high water levels in many of our lakes and rivers, insect hatches in the coming season will continue to improve. Stocking of water such as Craigbourne Dam and Lake Meadowbank with large ex-brood stock Atlantics and Rainbows has again been popular with many anglers. Anglers in most cases after an enjoyable day’s fishing have departed with a sizeable fish or two. Sadly catches exceeding the allowable bag limits continue to be reported. It is important that bag limits are adhered to. They have been set at sustainable levels to protect the fishery and ensure all anglers have the opportunity to share in the experience of catching a large fish.
The Association once again held a Family Day BBQ however numbers over the years have steadily been decreasing and as a result the event was in danger of being dropped. Recently the situation was reviewed by the Executive and Delegates and I am pleased to report that the event will continue in a new format at the junior angling pond facility located at the Bushy Park Estate. Thank you to New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association (NNLAA) for the offer to
I would like to thank the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) for its support of the STLAA and its activities. The Association continues to endorse the work of the IFS and our two organizations maintain a friendly and supportive relationship. Recently the Association and the IFS worked together to restore the toilet facilities at Craigbourne Dam. I am pleased to report that the restored toilet facilities continue to be free of vandalism and when last inspected (June 2012) were in an acceptable state of repair and cleanliness.
In closing I would like to warmly thank the Association's Secretary, Neil Pinkard, for his dedication and diligence in dealing with the variety of Association matters that have arisen throughout the past 12 months. I also thank our Vice President, Laurie Harrison, who has ably stepped in to chair meetings when work has kept me from attending to STLAA duties. Thanks must also go to Katherine Kuster, the Association's newest Treasurer for ensuring we are always on a sound financial footing and to Terry Byard, our AAT Delegate. Special thanks also go to our Patron, Bob Ward, and the STLAA Historian, Ray Aitchison, for their continued commitment and efforts. Last, but not least, thank you to the executive committee and delegates who attend the Association meetings and provide the invaluable conduit between the Association and their Club.
The Association continues to provide angler feedback to the IFS on a diverse range of angling topics and the proposed changes at Penstock Lagoon in relation to boating and water quality certainly provided the IFS with much angler feedback. Indications are that many points raised by anglers and the Association will be incorporated in to future management plans for this water.
I wish all members and their family's great outings and tight lines for the season ahead. Norm Cribbin – STLAA President
President: Luke Stefankowski Secretary: Alice Banasik Treasurer: Anthony Young Postal Address: 51 Jetty Road, Old Beach, 7017 Meetings: 2nd Wednesday Monthly
Club Reports Australian Polish Anglers Club
o sum up the season, I must say it has been rather up and down. The Derwent River was quite cold and produced few fish. Lake Binney has gusty weather, but a recent release of rainbow trout provided excellent sport and a large number of 1kg plus fish. Wayatinah Lagoon, once again the weather was terrible and the shore based anglers seemed to be most successful. Arthurs Lake saw a large turnout and some big bags of fish. At Tooms Lake at 40 degrees plus, the fish were extremely hard to find and the windy weather was not to enticing on the water
new memberships, remember, any entry can win these days! This year the Australian – Polish fishing club will celebrate its 40th anniversary. A formal function will be held later in the year at the Polish club to celebrate. If you are or know anybody who would be interested in attending, please let myself or Alice know. Once again, thanks to the Sponsors for all their support over the year and please remember to support them in return Thanks to all for providing salads and desserts
Lake Echo saw another good turnout, but once again, the fish were not really on the bite.
Special thanks to Bob Ilic for catering the BBQ today Special thanks to Tony Blackwell for the time and effort he commits every year
The season ended with a trip to Pedder, with a reasonable number of people turning out for the last trip of the season, and the best place to be was by the fire. No one ventured on the water Saturday, and unfortunately, the Surf Ski’s were all at home.
and A special thanks to Alice and the rest of the committee for putting the time in month after month, and even year after year.
On a personal note, I think it’s great to see more families attending the trips (especially over the summer months) and I hope to see some members drag along some friends next season to the comps, and possibly encourage some
Thanks again Luke Stefankowski - President
Honour Roll: Heaviest Overall: Kristal Banasik, 1955g, Lake Binney Ladies Heaviest: Kristal Banasik, 1955g, Lake Binney Junior Heaviest: Luke Chivers, 1250g, Lake Binney Most Consistent: Adrian Kniaz
Statistics for Season 2011 – 12 Location Derwent River Lake Binney Wayatinah Lagoon Arthurs Lake Tooms Lake Lake Echo Lake Pedder Total
Bag Weight Number 8.21 kg 14 92.06 kg 108 7.56 kg 20 53.93 kg 113 2.09 kg 5 16.12 kg 40 10.85 kg 17 190.83 kg 317
Average 586g 852g 378g 477g 418g 403g 638g 602g
Heaviest 840g 1955g 655g 1025g 780g 740g 1360g 1955g
Members 14 25 14 21 15 18 10 117
Highland Cabins and Cottages at Bronte Park Cnr Bronte Heights and Marlborough Highway, Bronte Park Tas 7140 Ph (03) 6289 1029 Email:
Relax …. in affordable, modern, self-contained accommodation just 3.2 kms from the exact centre of Tasmania.. Close to eleven trout fishing lakes….Enjoy … a Four Star AAA Rated home-awayfrom- home experience ….Unwind …. In Studio Apartments, Spa Cabins, Family Cottages, ...or our exclusive fly-fishing only LakeSide Lodge. “We strive to deliver the very best in quality, service and guest satisfaction”
President: Leanne Datlen Secretary: Pam Jones Treasurer: Jodi Fenton/Shane Bryant P.O. Box 51 Bothwell 7030
Bothwell Angling Club
hope that all of you had some good trips and even better catches in the 2011/12 season.
a lovely meal. It was pleasing to see 14 of our junior members weigh fish in. Again this evening would not be possible with member involvement, Central Highlands Council Support and our Trophy sponsors. Some of our members also attended and represented the club at the S.T.L.A.A. dinner.
I would sincerely like to thank all our Executive office bearers, patron, delegates, weigh in stewards and all those who have attended meetings, competitions and helped our club in many different ways when needed. A very special thank you goes to the members who have put their hand up to go onto the committee or help in other ways as this has ensured the continuation of the club. We welcome onto the committee, Emma Datlen as Secretary, David Dyson as Treasurer and James Whittaker as Vice President. A special thank you goes to Pam Jones who has held the position of Secretary for 6 years and prior to this held the position of Treasurer for 5 years, Lance Devince as Vice President, Jodie Fenton as Treasurer and Don Emery as S.T.L.A.A. Delegate, a position he has held for 3 years. We thank them for their time and support that they have given to the Club. It is greatly appreciated.
We have had our usual competition weekends, with 34.965kg of fish weighed in (comps only). This was over 47 fish making the average weight 743g. Most of these weekends have had good nominations with some good size catches. We also held our annual Fun Fish, which was open to all waters. We had 20 adults & 6 juniors nominate with the family barbecue, weigh-in and drawing of the raffle and nomination prize ending this enjoyable day at the Bothwell Football ground. We also had nine members represent the club in the Derwent Intra Club Challenge, they had no luck fish wise but some were lucky in the fisherman’s pie. The Club’s monthly meetings are held on every second Thursday and it would be good to see some new faces even if you can only attend some of the meetings, either to put forward your ideas to the Club or find out what is happening at club and S.T.L.A.A. level. New members are welcome.
We have a large membership base, large sponsorship support, local Council support, a large junior involvement and, being affiliated since the early 60’s, we are the 2nd oldest continuously affiliated club in Southern Tasmania, so hopefully members will continue to be involved with THEIR Club. Once again thank you to those members for putting your hand up to help in many different aspects of the club and all members should thank these people when they see them as without them we would not have a club.
The Club again donated a book for Anzac Day, this is laid at the local cenotaph and then goes to the Bothwell Area School library. A very special thank you must go to all our sponsors, for without their continued support, some over many years, our events such as our presentation dinner and fun fish would not be the success that it is. A list of these sponsors goes to all members and their support is greatly
Our Annual Dinner and Presentation Evening was held in July with adult and junior members, their families and official guests enjoying a good night and
appreciated. Thank you to the Central Highlands Council for the use of the hall, club rooms and in kind support such as photocopying. A thank you also goes to all property owners who allow anglers to access some of the best fishing in the world.
Congratulations to all our trophy winners, these members were presented with their trophies at our Dinner and good luck to everyone for the coming season. Tight Lines, Leanne Datlen - President
39 MAIN RD, HUONVILLE, TASMANIA PH 03 6264 1153 FAX 03 6264 2388
President: Alistair Creed Secretary: Gary Chaffey Treasurer: Bernard Creed STLAA Delegates – Terry Byard Meetings: Last Tuesday of each month except January & June
Bridgewater Anglers Association
eason 2011/12 started very well for the Association with an enjoyable AGM, trophy presentation and dinner at the Brighton Bowls Club followed by our usual "Clean-up" at Bridgewater.
doing the weigh-in and having the Saturday night barbecue at their Arthurs Lake shack. The next competition was held at Craigbourne Dam in November followed later that month by a very wet but enjoyable trip to Corinna which proved quite an adventure for some Members with a boat over-turning at its overnight mooring which resulted in a chilly dip during retrieval.
Last season's fishing started well also with good numbers of members turning up for the opening weekend competition on the Derwent River. Most we able to land a fish or two on opening weekend but we missed out again in the “Combined Competition”. “Beaten by a nose”, by the New Norfolk Branch. Members who fished from boats accounted for most fish over the weekend. Opening day finished with a Barbecue at weigh-in at the Granton Park and Members travelled to New Norfolk on Sunday and enjoyed the fellowship of members from other branches.
Despite the weather the annual Christmas barbecue saw a good roll-up of Members and everyone had a good feed and enjoyed the seasonal spirit. In January of this year the next competition was held at Woods Lake. The weather was kind but the fish were hard to find with the result being a surprising dead heat. Another competition was held at Tooms Lake in late March which was the ANSA challenge and resulted in Bridgewater keeping the trophy. Thanks to Gary Chaffey for the use of his camp for the weigh-in and get -together on the Saturday night.
The combined competition with New Norfolk Branch was successful but it was disappointing that only a handful of Bridgewater Members bothered to travel to New Norfolk on Sunday for the weigh-in and barbecue. We were once again beaten by New Norfolk. Our thanks go to the New Norfolk anglers for supplying and hosting the weigh in and barbecue on Sunday afternoon.
The final competition due to be held on the closing weekend of the season in the Bronte area was not held because of the lack of suitable accommodation.
A competition was held at Tooms Lake in late September and although not many fish were landed a good time was enjoyed by all attending. The Huon River competition in October saw poor weather, low attendance and only one fish landed.
The rostered working bee at the shack was held in May with all maintenance jobs completed and a very nice baked meal consumed on the Saturday night by some sixteen Members. Thanks to all the cooks and Cheryl for the beautiful dumplings. Special thanks to Bob Ward and John Bluett for their efforts with the painting prior to the working bee.
This was followed by the open waters event on "Show Weekend" with fish coming from Woods Lake, Arthurs Lake, Great Lake, Penstock Lagoon and the winner came from Lake Crescent. Thanks to Gary and Cheryl Williams for
Overall, General Meetings were fairly well attended with just a few guest speakers. Thanks to Tom Crawford for filling in at late notice and to Gary Chaffey for the videos.
Before closing I would like to thank Gary Chaffey for his excellent ongoing work as secretary, out-going Treasurer Bernard Creed and all Committee and Members for their assistance and support during the year. The Association would not exist without you.
The Association was once again well represented at STLAA meetings by Terry Byard and Bob Ward with assistance from Peter Wood and Bernard Creed.
Please accept my best wishes for a successful, safe and enjoyable 2012/13 season. Tight Lines! Alistair Creed - President
President: Leigh Garth Secretary: Neil Pinkard Treasurer: Gary Davy Postal Address: PO Box 291 Rosny Park 7018 Contact: 0408 144 587 Email:
Clarence Licensed Anglers Club
n the last 12 months we have held 15 field events at various waters around the state. This included an annual partners’ weekend at National Park. Our field events have seen a good level of member participation.
Clarence Anglers was also the winner of the STLAA Bridges Bros Trophy for 2012. Progress on our shack at Arthurs Lake is being made by members recently commencing the frame up. Due to securing a monthly 2-day slot conducting fundraising BBQ’s at Rays Outdoors in Derwent Park, we hope to progress quickly to a completed building project.
Our field events included a dual water event in Jan 12 at Lake Pedder and Lake Burbury, and an annual One Lure or One Fly competition on Arthurs Lake. We have changed the “Consistent Angler” schedule to include points that can be awarded at field events that accommodate all methods of fishing, and a weigh-in of 3 fish. This will provide for a uniform competition, to enable all members to have the same opportunity to be in the running for the Consistent Angler award and encourage greater participation.
Our social events this year included a Christmas Buffet held at the Geilston Bay Boat Club, and our July Trophy night was held at the Black Buffalo Hotel. Our Club has experienced substantial member growth and this can be contributed to our website and the club member activities in promoting the Club. In stepping down as President, I wish to extend my gratitude to club members and Committee who assisted me in this role during the last 2 years.
Clarence Anglers held their annual stall for food/drinks and raffle at the Liawenee Open weekend in May 12. Thank you to club members who gave their time and effort in making the Liawenee stall a success.
Tight Lines! Leigh Garth - President
President: Rob Chandler Secretary: Patricia Woolley Treasurer: Cheryl Page Postal Address: PO Box 16, Huonville 7109 Contact: Ph 6260 130 Meetings: Bi-Monthly
Huon Licensed Anglers Association
s part of the process to prepare for the STLAA one hundredth anniversary I have spent time examining the minutes of meetings back to our affiliation in 1949. One interesting point to emerge was the repeated concerns regarding poaching activities and the quality of the fishing. While we often refer to the good old days, make no mistake the quality of fishing is cyclic and last season was no different!
spawning and hard to tempt with lures. Periodic rains through late winter and spring made for challenging conditions on the Huon. Those who could pick the right time were rewarded. Some nice trout were weighed in including a surprising number of Brook trout that had escaped from a local hatchery. The Atlantic salmon were generally smaller than last season, not many trophy size fish were caught. Total Atlantic salmon caught for the season was 98 (100 last season) weighing 128 kg. I know more salmon were caught but not weighed in. Our only salmon prize for the nearest to average weight fish of 1306 g. was won by Larry Paul.
Membership: This year saw our membership decrease slightly to forty adults, down from fifty one last year. Junior member numbers were up by one to twenty three. The Club Membership Fees for 2011/12 were: Adults $25, Aged Pensioners $20, Juniors $5, the nomination Fee was $20. These fees remain the same for this season.
Total trout caught for the season was 293 (93 more than last year) weighing 202kg. The average weight was 690gms. This figure would have been higher were it not for the 300 mm limit we urge adult members to follow in the Huon. Some members practice catch and release with trout, particularly when the salmon are plentiful. The heaviest trout, weighing 4919 gms, was caught by Larry Paul who also won the most trout prize with seventy eight weighed in. Tony Lovell won the closest to average weight prize with a fish of 690 grams.
It is with great sadness that I report the recent passing of David Roberts. David’s family were involved with the Huon Anglers Club prior to affiliation with the STLAA in 1949. His father Gordon was a 1949 founding member and David has been a club member most of his life. David was our Club Patron and a STLAA delegate since 2003. He recently introduced three of his grandchildren to trout fishing, who are now junior members. His contribution, friendship and knowledge will be sadly missed.
One event that features highly on the Huon members’ calendar is the Lake Burbury competition organised by the Queenstown Anglers Club. While fewer members than previous years attended those that did were well rewarded. Stacey and Lenny Woolley weighed in ten fish, Mark and Carol Woolley landed seventeen while Roger and Patricia Woolley accounted for twenty nine fish between them.
The Season: Pre-season excitement and anticipation soon gave way to the reality that the condition of fish in the highlands was below normal. Our members put most effort in at Arthur’s and the Great Lake where the fish were slow to recover from
Thanks to Barry Page for continuing his good work as weigh-master.
We again had our Annual General Dinner at the Glen Huon Hall in July this year. I take this opportunity to thank the Social Committee for their efforts, and particularly Andrew Duncombe and Pam Ferrier for bringing the Ice Cream Van along. Special thanks to our sponsors Griggs Butchery who provided the meat for our dinner and Social weekends and Rod and Range who assist throughout the year with prizes for our raffles and the casting competition.
The Casting Competition was held at the Chandler’s Crabtree property in June 2012 under perfect conditions for casting. This year the juniors and amateurs were given an advantage of extra casting attempts and included in the open division. In the fly casting competition Larry Paul came first on a count back, Rob Chandler was second and Thomas Murtagh, a junior member came third. Thomas Murtagh finished first in the plug casting, a great effort for a five year old junior member. The second prize was shared by Barry Page, Stacey Woolley, Rhys Murtagh and Larry Paul. With so many coming second no third prize was offered.
I would also like to thank the members who attended our shack working bees and particularly acknowledge the efforts of our Secretary, Patricia Woolley and Treasurer, Cheryl Page. Rob Chandler - President
Junior Prizes: Heaviest Trout for a Junior – Codie Harris.... Brown trout 2758 g. Most trout caught – Haley Woolley.....10
Ladies Prizes: Heaviest Trout: Patricia Woolley - Brown Trout 1098 g. Most fish caught: Carol Woolley - 23
Monthly Prizes (based on a mystery weight): Month August September October November December January February March April
Mystery weight (g.) 562 429 460 252 650 925 785 615 680
Actual weight (g.) 557 431 460 260 601 877 736 613 687
Winner Jack Mayne (junior member) Larry Paul & Rob Chandler Phillip Griggs Lenny Woolley Shaun Woolley Thomas Lovell (junior member) Rhys Murtagh (junior member) Carol Woolley Doug Lovell
Social Weekend details (a name is drawn from all who weigh in fish): Month August September November* February April
Members weighing fish 6 6 11 5 2 (lousy weather!)
Total fish weighed 24 16 60 27 6
Draw prize Cara Griggs Larry Paul Cara Griggs Deanne Murtagh Matthew Paul
President: Glenn Szalman Secretary: James McIlhenny Treasurer: G Atkins Postal Address: PO Box 242 Kingston 7051 Meetings: Last Thursday of month.
Kingborough Anglers Association nother season is upon us and it’s time to reflect on last season to see if we can learn from anything. As a Club I believe that we are in a very strong position both financially and from a membership perspective – both number and quality of members. In my time as president we have had a lot of new members join the Club, which has been very encouraging.
Once again Frank Hussey’s effort in organizing our fundraising and presentation night has been outstanding. Without this night our Club would really struggle financially without putting our fees up.
With all our money in the bank the decision to do some extension work at the shack is great and will improve conditions for club weekends when many members attend, and the shack can be a little crowded.
The season saw lots of people attend the competitions with not just the usual faces but some new ones as well. Plenty of fish were caught with one competition seeing 2 anglers weighing in 17 fish each. A new competition on the Derwent was added – it was great to see it so well attended, and that most gathered for the lunchtime BBQ.
Our presentation night/auction night was once again a success with a few different people picking up well deserved trophies. The competitions are great events and are not really about who is going to catch the most fish but more about getting up to the shack and having a few drinks and spending time with likeminded people.
The Club has updated its constitution which was an arduous task for everyone involved but in the end I believe it is for the betterment of the club and I would like to thank James McIllheny and Rod Miller very much for their efforts.
I would like to thank all those people who have helped with the running of the club whether it be buying the sausages for the club bbq’s or coming along to the working bee and chopping wood. This is what a Club really needs to run well.
Being President is a job I was nervous about doing, but with the expert help from James McIllhenny and Greg Atkins I was able to survive. They are a large part of why over the past 2 years the Club has prospered.
Best of luck for the coming season Glenn Szalman – President
Lake Pedder Anglers Club
President: Matthew Mallinson Vice President: John Groves Treasurer: Tracy Gourlay Secretary: Sharon Mallinson Postal: C/- 34 Ferntree Gully Rd, Eaglehawk Neck 7179 Meetings: Bi-Monthly
he 2011/12 year has been hugely successful for the Club. Two fantastic competitions were held at Lake Pedder and our membership has remained stable. With the Lake Pedder Chalet reopening members were asking for more events to be held at Lake Pedder. The Committee has planned for this in 2013 with three events to be held. Information about club events can be found on our website and on the STLAA Calendar. Club members have been working very hard on setting up a club pond and events will be planned there for 2013
for members and the public, we would love to hear from them. Aiming to improve safety on the Lake navigational beacons and solar lights have been placed by the Club at boat ramps on the northern end of Lake Pedder using MAST grant money. The Club has undertaken works to repair club icon Trevor the Trout who will be placed back at Strathgordon before the end of the year. At the June STLAA Annual Dinner, Carol Pearce and Matthew Mallinson were awarded Service to Angling Certificates by the STLAA. The Club continued to fundraise at our Back to Pedder event through the charity auction on the Saturday night and donated money to three charities.
The Lake fished very well over the 2011/12 season. It must be noted that Lake Pedder is open year round so we are lucky and able to continue fishing through the off season each year. Fish size seems to have increased over the past 2 years and fish are being weighed in at club competitions up to 2kg. A lot of people have been reporting good days on the lake in all conditions, with too many areas to be named that are fishing well.
There have been increasing numbers of club members assisting at club events, thank you for this, the Committee really appreciates your help. I would like to thank the Committee and those club members that continue to support the Club and Committee for working to make this Club such a great club to be part of. New ideas have been put forward and there have been some changes made to strengthen what was already in existence at the Club. We look forward to enjoying time with members at Club events.
The Club has placed our memorabilia and records on display in the fisherman’s bar at Lake Pedder Chalet and is continuing to source items relevant to the Club. Two trout that were caught in the early days of Lake Pedder have been kindly donated back to the Club and are on display. If anyone else knows the whereabouts of Pedder or Gordon trout that owners would consider displaying
All the best for the new season Matthew Mallinson and John Groves
Bothwell Garage Open 6.00 am – 8.00 pm 7 Days Reg. Fire-arms Dealer Permits & Ammo Fishing Licences Bait & Tackle BBQ Gas, Groceries, Videos Auto Parts Newspapers & magazines EFPOS & lots more Proprietors: Geoff & Julie Herbert
Telephone: 6259 5599 Fax: 6259 4051
New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association
nother season completed, it seems just like yesterday it began, and what a season it was. The eagerly awaited start to the 2011/2012 season saw the reinstatement of the Derwent River Interclub Challenge, and event hosted by NNLAA, close on 100 anglers (adults and juniors) from 8 different clubs descended on the Derwent River to tangle with the mighty sea run trout, resident trout and the 20 tagged IFS fish.
President: Martyn Evans Secretary: Justin Causby Patron: David Triffitt Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month at the IFS Offices
new season’s sponsors, Wigston Sports, Wigston Lures, BWS, New Norfolk Hotel and Eco Gear Lures. It was great to see the young and not so young anglers receiving these awards on a monthly basis and the smiles on their faces when receiving them. Our Club's success stems from the building of partnerships. One such partnership is the Junior Angling Pond at Bushy Park Estate. This facility has seen a transformation from an unused pond to now an asset to valuable to put a price on. Over the season there were 5 junior angling days conducted where our junior anglers were assisted in the ways of angling, ways of caring for fish, catch and release, knot tying, fish fighting etc. This is a great education tool and wouldn't be possible without our partnerships with Bushy Park Estate, Inland Fisheries and Tassal for availing many quality fish for the angling days. On top of this the many man-hours from our committee members and volunteers, the pond now has seating installed around the perimeter kindly donated by Derwent Valley Council through the community grants program, erected by Mitre 10 Timber Yard and also kind donations from Greenwood Pines for the tables and chairs also situated at the pond. The Club is in negotiations presently with Norske Skog to build a BBQ rotunda area on site in consultation with Bushy Park Estates.
The fish were mostly accommodating with most anglers snaring their prize, whether by fish or the very attractive fisherman’s pie draw. The Derwent Interclub Challenge is run as a not for profit and the Club had the opportunity to be able to send Camp Quality a cheque for $377.26 after costs. A huge thank you to all sponsors and volunteers who made the day a great success. As the season progressed, so did membership, to at the point it is one of the highest in the STLAA which in turn has seen dramatic increases in monthly competition entries, up from 130 in 2010/2011 season to 208 in 2011/2012 season. Fish capture numbers increased from 188 in 2010/2011 at an average of .712 kg to 455 fish in 2011/2012 at an average of .744kg. It is pleasing on a club front to see that all things are up, members up, fish numbers up and size up. "We all know size matters". On a financial front NNLAA sits in a comfortable position which is highlighted in the Treasurer's report. These successes can be attributed in part to our progressive and active Committee that have put forward some new and innovative ideas prior to the season starting. One such initiative was the awarding of prizes on competition days. These prizes were kindly donated by our
NNLAA has this year offered the use of the pond for the 2012 STLAA Family BBQ in November, which celebrates 100 years of the STLAA. This event should be a great event with lots of fat fish to keep the young anglers entertained and an opportunity for the senior anglers to catch up and share stories over time.
This season our anglers have been blessed by high lake levels and constant river flows, the results speak for themselves with 7 of the top 10 fish coming from the Tyenna River. A big thank you must go to the IFS and landowners in relation to the Tyenna River for their Anglers Access Program, making it accessible to all and sundry. How lucky we are, the mighty Derwent River continues to go from strength to strength with some of the State's best fishing happening right on our doorstep, with Sea Runners and resident trout to 4kg, Bream to 44 cm, Australian Salmon, Flathead, Cod and Couta and that's before you pass the Bridgewater Bridge. And then you have Kingfish,
Snapper and Tuna towards the mouth of the estuary, with this the opportunity abounds to take advantage of such a great fishery. In closing I'd like to thank all our members, partners, sponsors and families that have made this a great season. Remember this, give a kid a fish, feed him for a day, teach a kid to fish and have a fishing buddy for life. Fishing is Awesome! Martyn Evans - President
Features & Special Reports Fish In Space – Odd behaviour of fishes in space I was put onto this interesting website by Rob Chandler of the Huon Anglers. It has many interesting articles on fish. I selected this article to share as it has some interesting observations not normally associated with fish. The article is by Stéphan G. Reebs - Université de Moncton, Canada 2009. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did, Norm Cribbin.
s far as I know, the first time fish behaviour was observed in the zero-gravity environment of outer space was in 1973, when a couple of mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, were flown in a plastic bag aquarium aboard Skylab. The crew regularly checked how their charges were doing, and they actually filmed the fish’s behaviour on day 3 and day 22 of the mission. On day 3, both fish incessantly “dove” – pitched downward – and thus swam in tight circles, as if stuck to the hands of a clock, a behaviour for which the name “looping” was coined. The frequency of looping decreased steadily on subsequent days, until it eventually disappeared. When the fish were filmed again on day 22, they both swam normally with their backs turned towards the cabin’s light source (this is a behaviour known as the “dorsal light response” – more on that later). However, episodes of looping could still be triggered by gently shaking the bag aquarium. Fifty eggs at an advanced stage of development had also been taken on board, and 48 of them hatched during the flight. The hatchlings swam normally.
The dorsal light response was already well known from earthbound observations. Two mechanisms allow a fish to figure out which way is down (or up) on earth. In the first one, minuscule corpuscles in the inner ear are pulled down by gravity until they set off sensory cells. Depending on the direction of gravity, different cells are stimulated; enabling the fish to know which way is down. This is called the “vestibular righting response”, and fishes share this mechanism with land vertebrates, including humans. The second mechanism is simple: the direction where light comes from is interpreted as “up”. This is reflected by the tendency of fish to turn their backs towards a light (hence the moniker “dorsal light response”). For fish, light is a good directional cue because in an aquatic environment light usually comes from above and only from above. In terrestrial habitats the ground can reflect light back up, but in any moderately deep body of water no light ever comes from below. One can demonstrate the dorsal light response by placing a fish in a vertical tube so narrow that the fish has no choice but to take a head-down posture. Then a single light is turned on, on the left hand side for example. If the dorsal light response is well established in that species and in that individual (the phenomenon, though widespread, is not universal), the fish will swivel inside the tube until its back is turned to the light.
In a follow-up study, 21-day-old mummichogs were flown on Skylab again, and this time astronauts (on day 9) reported a lack of dorsal light response. Other work with carp flown on the space shuttle Endeavour in September 1992 showed a disruption of the dorsal light response for the first 3 days but a gradual recovery thereafter.
Another way to demonstrate the dorsal light response is to look head on at a fish in an ordinary aquarium, again with the only light coming horizontally from the side. Rather than staying perfectly vertical, the fish will slant its back slightly towards the light. The degree of slant can be taken as a measure of the relative importance of light versus gravity as a cue for the fish to determine which way is up. The more slant there is, the more important light is relative to gravity. If gravity is paramount, the body will remain perfectly vertical. If light is paramount, the fish will swim “on its side”, with its back exactly towards the light. In that respect, it is worth noting that in Skylab, where there was no gravity, all fish turned their back completely to the light (except, in some cases, during the first few days of the mission). Light was the only cue they had to figure out which way was “up”.
looping, raising a fish in conditions of higher than normal gravity (this is done by putting an aquarium in a huge centrifuge and letting it turn for weeks on end) induces looping once the fish is brought back to normal conditions. There is no convincing explanation for why fishes loop or spin. Motion sickness in fishes Many astronauts become motion sick during the first 2-3 days of a space mission. On earth, motion sickness consists of a malaise (often leading to vomiting) felt when the body is suddenly accelerated or decelerated or when it changes its direction of movement, especially when information coming from the eyes suggests to the brain that no such motion should take place. Sea sickness is a typical example. In the case of astronauts, the symptoms are the same, but the cause is different: the problem arise because of movements performed in weightlessness. In this case the illness is called “space motion sickness”. Astronauts eventually adjust and get better after a few days. However, after landing on earth they often go through another bout of sensory-motor disorders, again for a few days.
Looping behaviour was also known before 1975, though not really because of earthbound observations. Instead, it had been witnessed in goldfish taken for a ride on parabolic flights in 1969 and 1972. A parabolic flight is achieved when a plane climbs at a relatively steep angle to a high altitude and then briefly levels off before diving down. The manoeuvre (which, if it could be seen from the side, would describe the general shape of a parabola) creates an upward centrifugal force that completely counteracts gravity (the counteracting is made easy by the fact that gravity at high altitude is weaker). The zero-gravity phase lasts for less than a minute. All goldfish taken on such flights had looped without fail during the zero-gravity phase. Some fish had also performed spinning movements, like corkscrews.
Fish have not been reported to vomit in space or during parabolic flights. However, the occurrence of looping – a quantifiable behaviour easily witnessed – follows a similar timeline to that of space motion sickness. Therefore it is thought that fish could serve as an animal model to study space motion sickness and possibly find ways to alleviate it. Note in passing that people – back on earth – who regularly move fish in transport tanks do sometimes see their fish vomiting while in transit, especially
In the same way that a transfer from normal gravity to zero gravity induces
when the tanks are roughly shaken. This seems to be a case of motion sickness. Fish vomiting in transit form the basis of claims to the effect that even fish can get seasick. A more accurate statement would be that even fish can get motion sick.
team posited that non-loopers were particularly predisposed towards using light as a cue for maintaining position. Indeed, when submitted to visual tests, the non-loopers scored particularly well. (One such test consists of placing a fish in a circular tank with rotating walls.
The first vertebrate mating in space
The walls are painted with vertical stripes. When the walls rotate, the fish have a tendency to follow the stripes and thus swim around the tank – this is the so-called “optomotor response�, often explained with the argument that trying to stay at a constant distance from a landmark may be a way to maintain position in a current. Fish with good vision keep swimming around the tank even when the walls rotate very quickly, whereas fish with poorer vision soon see the rotating stripes as a blur and stop moving.)
In the 1990s, a team of Japanese scientists headed by Kenichi Ijiri explored the possibility of sending more fish in space, this time aboard the space shuttle Columbia. The idea was to see if fish could be induced to mate successfully in the absence of gravity (and, by the same token, to provide the first example of a successful vertebrate mating in space). The fish species they chose was the medaka (Oryzias latipes), a tough, prolific breeder and a very popular pet fish in Japan. As a preliminary step, the scientists observed the behaviour of medaka during parabolic flights. What they saw was some good old looping. This was not surprising (up to then all fish species had looped in zero or near-zero gravity) but still it was disheartening because it is hard to imagine two fish courting and mating successfully while looping. Even if the medaka were to settle down after a few days, as the mummichogs had done aboard Skylab, they might still not mate because of the general exhaustion and lack of eating resulting from all the looping. But the scientists persevered: they took a great number of medaka on parabolic flights until they found some that did not loop. Then back in the lab they bred those few individuals to create a strain of non-loopers from which they could select the future medakaastronauts.
When medaka are in the mood, they can mate and produce eggs every day. The Japanese researchers selected two nonlooping males and two non-looping females who were particularly assiduous at breeding. These were placed in a special enclosed aquarium that was loaded on board the space shuttle Columbia some 30 hours before its launch in July 1994. Lift-off took place without a hitch and already 24 h into the mission a few eggs could be seen inside the aquarium (the aquarium had been built so that a current would sweep any free-floating eggs into a small compartment where a mesh protected the eggs against any cannibalistic attack by the adults). On the third day, a male and a female were caught on video in the typical medaka mating posture, the male clasping the female with his fins. The scene was repeated many times during the whole mission, and eggs were steadily produced. On the 12th day of the 15-day mission, the first egg hatched normally. By the time the shuttle landed, the aquarium contained 11 fry and 27 embryonated eggs. All of these eggs
Interestingly, these fish refrained from looping only when there was light. If kept in the dark during parabolic flights, all medaka looped (the scientists observed the fish under infrared light and with infrared goggles). Ijiri and his
hatched successfully within three days of the landing.
These space-born fry grew up normally and went on mating with one another on earth, and their successive generations have been distributed to elementary schools and school children throughout Japan.
Interestingly, for some time after the landing the four adult medaka looked awkward and seemed to have trouble swimming. It took them three days before they returned to normal. All fry, however, swam without any problem.
26 The Avenue - New Norfolk Ph 03 62612244 Fax 03 62612255
Trophies and Awards Plaques Medals & Ribbons Plastic signage Printed plaques Plastic signage Name Badges Computer engraving (Free engraving on our trophies) Sublimation printing available. Personalised printed coffee mugs, Mouse pads, Stubby holders, Name badges, Luggage tags, Polo tops and TShirts, Jigsaw puzzles. Have your photos or club logo printed onto any of the above products with no minimum order.
Environmental Weeds around our Highland Lakes
he Derwent Catchment Natural Resource Management Committee and the Southern Highlands Progress Association have been working hard at facilitating a collaborative approach to multi land tenure weed control in the Central Highlands of Tasmania. We have been working in partnership with Transend, Aurora, Crown Land Services, the Parks and Wildlife Service, Central Highlands Council, Inland Fisheries and (not to forget) the biggest land owner of all, Hydro Tasmania. The areas where weed control works will be occurring this spring / summer are at Bronte & Dee Lagoons, Bradys & Great Lake, Lake Sorrel & Crescent. A combination of contractors spraying, cutting and painting and volunteer weed working bees, should start to see a reduction in plants such as English Broom, Gorse and Ragwort.
by boat, four wheel drive or perhaps horseback (Howels Neck area). So if you are an individual or a group that is interested in adopting a section of shoreline and putting in a Saturday or Sunday from 2nd of February to 27th March 2013, please get in contract with Kathy Hean 0427 596 103 or Steven Joyce 6286 3211.
We have also enlisted the assistance of moths and grubs (biological control). These are being released on ragwort rosettes at a site in Cramps Bay. So all you fly tiers, watch out for hatches there. What the Derwent Catchment Committee and the Southern Highlands Progress Association are looking for are interested persons or groups to adopt a 4 or 5km section of the eastern shore of the Great Lake. This is to kick start a combined contractor / volunteer Ragwort control program. Logistics for this program are being worked upon now. It is envisaged that Hydro Tasmania contractors will work on a number of dense infestations, while volunteers walk a section of shore pulling flowering plants and treating next years rosettes with herbicide. It is just not the walking we have to consider, there is also areas that are best accessed
Weed working bees at Bradys Lake by the SHPA have seen some great outcomes controlling the English broom. Follow up working bees are planned for this spring and summer. The photo below depicts the annual display lupins put on when in flower along the dam wall and amongst the shacks at Bradys Lake.
During summer 2011-12 Dee Lagoon had $10,000 spent on contractors weed spraying as well as hosting two volunteer weed working bees. It is going to need a lot more money and effort put in again this year. Please help. Come along to a weed working bee at the Great Lake, Swan Bay.
It is going to take another year or so before we get to Thiessen Crescent, however if you want to control the broom on your block, please get in contact with us.
English broom control started at Dud Bay in Dec 2011. Norske Skog are contributing to the program at Dud Bay, by providing 4 staff for two days to cut and paint hand lines to provide easier access for spray contractors. Contractors will also start at the Beaumont memorial near the Miena dam and work towards Haddens Bay.
The orange hawkweed program will continue at Thiessen Crescent and at the old Shannon Power Station Site as well as expand to include new sites at Butlers George, the Flintstone Waste Water Treatment Plant and Poatina Main Road.
Now catering for all your Trout fishing needs with large range of Berkley soft plastics, jig heads and braid. Carbon rods & Pflueger reels. Member Huon Anglers Club. Easy trailer boat parking. On the foreshore at Franklin.
Fishing the River Derwent by James McIlhenny
his is about my experiences fishing the River Derwent on a regular basis over the past few years. I will provide an introduction as to what you might catch, what gear to use, techniques, best times to go and where to go.
Many of the salt water species are juveniles but larger specimens can be found. The variety of salt water species found also depends on the time of year with fish like mullet more common in winter and Australian salmon more common in summer.
What to expect
Sea run trout are also seasonal with winter and spring being the peak times. For bream it seems like autumn is the best time of year for consistent catches as they seem to spread throughout the estuary. At other times of the year they congregate for spawning.
You can expect to catch a real smorgasbord of fish in the Derwent. I have caught; bream, sea run and resident trout, flathead, mullet, Australian salmon, Atlantic salmon, mackerel, couta, cod, snotty trevally and pike. While you can catch a variety of fish it is probably best that you do not turn them into a smorgasbord on the table.
See the Derwent Estuary Program website for seafood safety information.
When to go I have found the best times to fish are within an hour or so either side of the high tide. If this coincides with early morning or around sunset then even better however tide level, particularly in the lower sections, seems more important than the time of day. The tide range in the Derwent is about 1.5m. A really high tide is around 1.5m and a very low tide is less than 0.5m. Any tide height over 1.0m is a good time to fish from the shore.
Obviously most of the salt water species will be lower in the estuary but some can be found as far up as Austin’s Ferry or Granton depending on freshwater flows in the River. Bream and trout can be found throughout the estuary and further upstream to New Norfolk and beyond.
A useful tide curve for the Derwent can be found on the “willyweather” web site.
moving or not getting strikes it generally means that they are not there.
What to use / technique The gear that you use to catch trout in the freshwater rivers and lakes is suitable for fishing in the Derwent. I generally use a 5 or 6 weight fly rod or a light spinning rod with 6lb tippet.
Where to go In the lower estuary I much prefer shore fishing to boat fishing as most of the shoreline in this area is easily accessible. It is also relatively easy to wade along the edges. The edges are fairly shallow and you can keep your lure in the likely spots for longer. The best spots are around the rocky points, structure, small reefs that run out into the river and mussel or oyster beds. In the upper estuary past Bridgewater a lot of the shore is not accessible by wading and a boat is the best option.
Baitfish are abundant in the Derwent so I usually use a weighted wet fly such as a black beadhead fly or a whitebait pattern. When spinning for bream I mostly use a 7cm stick minno shallow diving floating lure or if targeting trout a 3in Gulp smelt soft plastic on a small jig head. Hard bodied lures and soft plastics seem to consistently out fish the fly in the Derwent. I tend to catch more bream on hard bodies and more trout on soft plastics. I have even caught the occasional fish on a popper.
If there is a strong westerly wind the western shore is more sheltered but I have caught fish in surf like conditions in Rose Bay. Sight fishing for bream and trout is possible as they will feed close to the edge at high tide. Bream can be found tailing in some areas. The best spots for sight fishing are along the base of cliffs such as on the northern side of Cornelian Bay below the cemetery. Trout in particular like to cruise along the edge; the point at the end is a hot spot for bream as there is an extensive reef covered with mussels. It is also very sheltered from the westerly winds. Wading along the base of the cliff is possible at high tide, the water gets to about 1m deep, watch out for slippery rocks.
A fine Derwent Mullet I fish a small floating hard bodied lure for bream slowly with lots of stops and starts. Bream will often give the lure a couple of taps before they grab it so if I feel the taps I stop the retrieve and let it float towards the surface. The strike often occurs as it floats up. I generally keep moving along a shore until I find fish. If you are not seeing fish
Good luck.
My Trip up the Birdsville Track by Bob Ward
n my latest trip to the outback in June of this year, I undertook my third attempt to travel up the Birdsville Track to Birdsville. The desire to complete this journey resulted from reading the story of Tom Kruse, the mailman who pioneered the track and became a legend in his own right.
Birdsville track is roughly 600kms long and is quite rough with lots of creeks and sand dunes to negotiate. About half way up the track there is a huge cattle station called Mungeranie where our group stayed for a few days.
This attempt was undertaken by joining an “off road” 4WD tour group at Port Augusta in South Australia. The tour plan was to travel to Marree which is the starting point of the track, on up to Birdsville and then home via White Cliffs, Broken Hill and then back to Port Augusta. My previous efforts had all been spoilt by rain which subsequently brought about the closing of the track on each occasion. Even though there had been rain this time, the roads department had decided to leave the track open – my luck had changed.
During this stop over, we had quite an adventure with the Flying Doctor Service – of an evening it was necessary to have a campfire as the temperature drops sharply as soon as the sun departs. On this particular evening it was also very dark. So whilst we were standing around our campfire having a few drinks, we were joined by the station owner and his wife, a very nice couple.
Our first objective was to get to Marree the setting off point, which also was the home of the late Tom Kruse, postman and provision carrier. Interestingly, his old “Blitz” truck which replaced the early camel trains on the supply route, still stands in the main street. Marree was also the end of the line for the original Ghan railway which ran from Port Augusta to Marree. This line disappeared many years ago and is far removed from today’s Ghan line. The
It was during our fireside chat when the station owner suddenly collapsed which caused quite a stir amongst the group. It was up to some of us to carry the
unconscious man over to station homestead where his unflappable wife made urgent contact with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Under guidance from the Doctor several assessments were undertaken but he remained unconscious whereby a decision was made to activate the Flying Doctor. Whilst waiting for the plane to arrive, our group was put to urgent work – to ensure the runway was clear so the plane could land. This was quite a task given that the strip was littered with grazing kangaroos, feral pigs, wild goats and station cattle which just wanted to lie back down as soon as we could get them up. With the help of a couple of station vehicles and some drums of burning diesel, we were able to provide some guiding lights for the plane to land. This was quite a feat given that we accomplished it all in pitch black dark.
there were no windows, one would not have known that you were underground. Whilst passing through Broken Hill I was able to tour a Gallery which was dedicated to Pro Hart and contained many of his works. I was very interested in this as I had been introduced to him many years ago through family connections. From Broken Hill we followed the original Ghan rail line back to Port Augusta, passing many deserted and derelict homes and towns along the way. Port Augusta brought an end to my memorable trip to Birdsville.
A few days later we heard from a passing road train driver that the station owner was recovering in hospital from a heart attack and pneumonia which was a good outcome to this episode. Some other highlights from driving the track were the endless miles of Mitchell grass interspersed with masses of desert wildflowers. We passed many old deserted homesteads which remind travellers of times gone by. We also had to contend with lots of muddy track and water courtesy of the recent floods which had inundated much of the region – but we got through and so I at last accomplished something that I had wanted to achieve for a long time. From Birdsville we travelled through White Cliffs and Broken Hill on our way back to Port Augusta. At White Cliffs our group stayed overnight in underground accommodation which was quite interesting. Apart from the fact that
The Early Commissions by Ray Aitchison
ot many present day anglers would know that prior to 1925 the Fisheries Commissioners, or Board, had control of all fisheries in Tasmania, this included policing salt water fishing and this article demonstrates some of the problems that occurred. The Tasmanian Government felt that a proper authority should do its utmost to have salmon introduced to the State. On October 21st, 1861, a group of Honorary Commissioners were appointed and were to be known as the “Tasmanian Salmon Commission”. Between 1861 and 1885 these early Commissioners included, Dr. Robert Officer, Morton Allport, Robert Read, Captain Langdon, Matthew Seal, A. G. Webster, Harwicke Weedon, Ebenezer Shoobridge, William Archer, J. Buckland, H. Butler, W. Jamieson, R. Johnston, W. Tarleton, J. Agnew, T. Giblin, A. Riddock, B. Shaw C. Beddome and J. Swan. A Royal Commission into the fishery in 1883 recommended that all matters concerning sea and inland fisheries be controlled by a Central Board working under the Governor in Council A new Fisheries Board was formed in 1885 and Saville Kent was appointed as Superintendent and Inspector for three years. He was to manage both the sea and freshwater fisheries. Animosity developed between the Salmon Commissioners and Kent and his contract was terminated in 1887. In 1894 a Bill was passed by Parliament to set up a body, of not more than 25 people, selected on a State wide basis to administer the Fishery of the State. Its initial income was the 56 pounds raised from license sales.
A Royal Commission was conducted into the Resources of Tasmanian Deep Sea Fisheries in 1916. It recommended that the Sea and Freshwater Fisheries management be separated but this didn’t eventuate until an Act of Parliament was passed at the end of 1925. In May, 1916, a fishing boat, the “Ella”, was impounded by the Fisheries Board after its occupants were observed as being cray fishing with pots on the East Coast. At this time this was illegal. In May, 1917, the fishing boat “Volito”, which was hired by two fishermen, was forfeited to the Fisheries Board after they were caught cray fishing with pots near Schouten Island. In the same area, two days later, another boat, the “Holly”, was also confiscated when the owners were also caught poaching cray fish nearby. The “Holly was released back to the owner after a surety of 50 pounds was agreed to. The hirers of the “Volito” were fined 150 pounds and the boat was returned to its owner. On the 3rd of October, 1920, while enforcing fishing regulations near St Helens, a police trooper shot and killed a fishing boat master who was poaching crayfish. The trooper discharged a rifle, firing seven shots, in an effort to prevent the escape of two men in a motor boat after he had initially caught them pulling pots. The two men crouched on the bottom of the boat while attempting to escape but one was killed when he was hit in the back of the head by a bullet. The survivor, who was arrested, told the court that they had caught one hundred and forty three dozen crayfish in three days using twenty pots off St Helens, forty dozen of the crayfish were later found to be undersize. On the morning of the shooting between eight and nine dozen crayfish had been caught in four
pots pulled near Sloop Rock before the man was killed. The fishing ketch, “Myrtle Burgess”, one of three family boats being used off St Helens was seized. The “Myrtle Burgess” was eventually taken to Hobart and guarded by the police. It was owned by former Tasmanians who were living in Melbourne and had openly boasted of poaching crayfish in Tasmanian waters for many years. The boat’s log revealed that over the past 8 years the owners had caught 144,000 crayfish on Tasmania’s East Coast. The boat was handed back to the family by the Government on a payment of 300 pounds plus 100 pounds for expenses incurred; ironically, the Police Dept. had to pay 150 pounds for expenses. The widow of the dead fisherman requested 3,000 pounds with 100 pounds for funeral expenses but this claim was later dropped. At an April meeting of the Fisheries Board the Government were accused of being weak kneed and interfering with Fisheries Regulations by overriding the Commissioners. The Commissioners refused requests for the use of pots to be legalized as they felt that their use meant the depletion of the crayfish beds. In 1921 another boat, the “Myra” was confiscated when two men were apprehended poaching in Cornelian Bay. The Water Bailiff and Police Officer were threatened with firearms, there was considerable debate over whether the guns being loaded or not. The press did not follow up this story. In July, 1921, there was a newspaper article stating that the Commission of Fisheries was likely to be abolished and replaced by a Chief of Fisheries who would be empowered with all the powers of the Commission. The cost of this was estimated at 2,000 pounds per year. It was reported “that this proposal synchronized with the “Myrtle Burgess” episode and in an efforts by supporters
to get cray pots legalized. The Victorian fishermen having cleared out their own coasts, descended on those of Tasmania, and the Commissioners rightly dealt with the matter with a firm hand. Once the Commission was disposed of, interested persons would by persistent lobbying endeavour to gain their desires by political means,” In 1921 there was considerable unrest amongst sea fishermen who resented being controlled by the Commissioners most of whom were strictly trout fishermen. In 1924 some regulations were declared invalid as they had not been passed by the majority of the Commissioners (25). Instead the regulations had been agreed to by as few as five Commissioners. On the sea fishery scene there were still concerns regarding the poaching of crayfish by Victorian fishermen with a high percentage of the poached fish being undersize. In 1925 two fisheries boards were appointed, one, the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Commission, to control freshwater fishing and the other with control over the sea fisheries. The SFFC consisted of 15 members and a Secretary, of these 7 and the Secretary were members of the STLAA. This Commission operated for 10 years before being reconstituted and from 1936 to 1959 there were 11 members, 4 from the South and 4 from the North and North West as well as a representative each of the NTFA, NWFA and STLAA. Dr. Terence Butler was the STLAA representative while Edwin Andrewartha, Harold Cramp (Chairman), Olaf Hedburg, Thomas Stump and the Secretary, John Edwards, were also members of the STLAA. Ray Aitchison - Historian
Diary Extracts Compiled by Ray Aitchison Extracts from James Wilson’s Diary, 1888-1889
present, without waterproof waders, and there will be more chance of success when the Shannon River rises – bye and bye.
James Wilson was the Chief Constable at The Steppes from 1863 to 1894 when the Police station closed. He had 2 or 3 deputies for carrying out policing duties. 7th March, 1888 – Visited Barren Creek, Great Lake and met His Excellency the Governor and party, who had had considerable success fishing, having caught 46 trout, all beautiful fish, the largest weighing 11 lbs.
17th July – At Great Lake procuring specimens of trout for the Fisheries Board for exhibition in Melbourne. Caught then ranging from 12 to 25 lbs each. The latter being a splendid specimen, and before spawning would have weighed about 28 lbs. Packed 8 fish and sent them to Bothwell to be forwarded to the Inspector of Police.
8th March – His Excellency the Governor and party called on their return from Great Lake, much pleased with their trip which they proposed to make an annual affair.
5th February, 1889 – Visited the Great Lake and Shannon River and found party having great success in fishing. One trout caught weighing 10 lbs and many others 4 and 5 lbs.
26th April – Sir Thomas Brady and party arrived here and stayed the night, en route to the Great Lake to procure some of our larger trout for the Melbourne Exhibition, and other scientific purposes.
22nd March – His Excellency the Governor and party passed down from Great Lake today, after a most successful weeks fishing having caught trout amounting to 250 lbs. The largest weighing 16 ¼ lbs.
28th April – Visited St Patricks Plains, Barren Creek, Great Lake and Swan Bay police station and met His Excellency the Governor and party netting for trout in the bay. Their success was but very moderate considering the appliances at work as they only caught about 60 trout, the largest weighing 15 lbs. Several of them were splendid specimens and much admired by Sir Thomas Brady.
Extract from a tape of Hector Jones talking to Don Gilmour. Hector talking about Commissioners using their cars for Commission work. “Poor old Harry Cramp run his car more for the Fisheries than he did for himself, it was one of those high clearance Dodge vehicles and we was going up, it was on the Tunbridge Interlaken road – we must have been trying to get the Dogshead Creek or something – it happened while we were in there – a huge damn great tree came down you see – we had to come over it or go down through Tunbridge – the road you can imagine its narrow and what it would be like – Well, you don’t find it now but in those days you could pull up with a lorry, there was
15th May – Proceeded to Great Lake to try and procure some large trout for the Fisheries Board as specimens for Exhibition in Melbourne. Authorised to take them by any means whatever, even by hook or crook. 18th May – At Great Lake trying to procure some trout for the Fisheries Board. Caught one or two, but too small for specimens for Exhibition or for the Museum. Can do nothing more at
wood everywhere, even when we had our lorries going up there, Thora can tell you, she done her knee on one occasion, helping me get some wood – just pull the lorry up here – it was everywhere you see, all fallen down – well it was too big a tree to chop through with the little axe that Harry had and we couldn’t go around it you know, you couldn’t cut around the head of it or anything – but what should we do? – we built a ramp on either side of it with this old dead wood – we had to build it so that when he got on the top she wouldn’t bottom, but she had such high clearance.”
everyone that interviewed him seemed to be carrying little pieces of fluff from their work. Anyway he got the job and he carried the same interest and observation into his angling. I met him one morning: one very cold frosty morning at the opening of the season. He was fishing on the causeway up at Bridgewater. And of course I had long learned never to ask an angler how he was doing because he would tailor his story to suit the circumstances. So I talked to Dicky on the causeway and was about to move on when he said, “My word I got a beauty a little bit earlier”. So not showing very much interest I said, “I don’t think there is very much about, Dick”. “Oh” he said, “I got a beauty, a three pounder, as silver as a two bob piece, a sea-run fish”. “Where is it I asked?” He replied, “I haven’t got it here I put it under the front seat of the car to keep it away from the sun.”
Extracts from a talk by George Cramp A. “The huge rainbow caught by Vic Batchelor at the outlet to the Waddamana power station was a magnificent fish weighing in excess of 17 pounds – one for the record books. The fish was taken on a Father Murphy spinner made by Clarrie Amott.
So I bid him goodbye and walked along the shore but as soon as I got out of sight I doubled back and went up to his car and lifted the front seat and just as I expected there was a fish there that would barely make size, barely the limit for keeping. So much for Dicky’s three pounder, as silver as a new two bob piece.
And there’s a funny story associated with this fish. Upon arriving at the spot about lunch time Vic told his wife that he would go down to the river and catch a couple before they had something to eat. Of course when he hooked the huge trout in the swift current the battle was difficult and lengthy and when he returned triumphant with his catch Mrs. Batchelor wouldn’t speak to him because he was late for dinner.”
Well, knowing that Dicky always examined the contents of a trout very carefully I looked around for something I could introduce into its stomach. There was nothing about but I did see in a crack in the rocks a large cut glass bottle stopper and I thought, this will do. Well the fish was so small I had to get a stick to poke the bottle stopper down into its stomach. I put it back under the seat and went on my way.
B. “I was thinking this morning of old Dicky Olds. He was a little cockney and Hobart’s leading furrier and one day he told me how he became a furrier. During the great depression in 1929 he went to a furrier’s shop seeking a job and eventually got one. He had gone into a place with little dabs of fur stuck on his coat because he had noticed that
I left it to Thursday afternoon before contacting him; I might mention that it was Saturday when the season opened. So, on the Thursday night I rang up and
told Dicky about my experiences after I had left him: about the fish that I had caught and was surprised to find that their stomachs were full of whitebait, I hardly got my story out before Dicky interrupted and said, “Wait until I tell you about the fish I caught, you won’t believe this but inside it was a plurry big cut glass bottle stopper”. I started to laugh and he replied, “Oh, it’s true” and he called his wife to the phone and said, “Tell Mr. Cramp what was inside the fish I caught.” So she started to tell me and she said, “He was cleaning the fish on the sink and throwing the insides into the bucket and I heard something go clunk and I thought that he had dropped his knife, but no he fished out this cut glass bottle stopper”.
listened intently to the talk of the mighty battle and by the end of the evening Charlie had to agree with his sympathetic audience that the fish could have been anything between 10 and 15 pounds. But this was not the end of the story, the next week I heard the barman confide to a visitor from the mainland that the previous week Charlie had caught a 10 pound trout and lost one twice as big. So, there you are.” D. “Hilmer Hedburg and one of his friends had a new chum out on the Great Lake and they had been trolling all the afternoon and caught a number of fish but the new chum had not caught a single fish. So Hilmer jokingly said to his friend “Shall we let him know the secret” and his friend not knowing not knowing what Hilmer was talking about replied, “We might as well”. Hilmer picked up the new chum’s spinner, took out the oil can that he used for the outboard motor and squirted a bit on the lure, rubbed it in with his finger, spat on it and then threw it over board and instantly the new chum caught the largest rainbow of the day’s outing. When they went ashore he begged for some of the “catchem oil” from Hilmer and he carried it around, rubbing it on his spinners every time he went fishing. I suppose he eventually woke up to the prank when he became more experienced.”
And then Dick took over the phone and he said, “Well, it’s what I always claimed George, a fish will take anything that moves and that why he took the cut glass bottle stopper. And what he takes once, he’ll take again, So, I’ve mounted three hooks on it and I’m going to try it next Saturday.” Swish, clonk and wind in, swish, clonk and wind in. I can just imagine how it went and I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I’d introduced the cut glass bottle stopper into the stomach of his undersize fish.” C. “Anglers love tales about big fish and over my many years of angling I have heard some good ones. Probably the most humorous involved a club member we will call ‘Old Charlie’ so as not to embarrass anyone. Well, Charlie came into the pub one evening looking a bit upset and he told me that he had hooked a nice trout in the Derwent near Bridgewater but lost it at the net. He estimated the weight at about 6 pounds.
Extract from a tape of Arthur Fleming talking to Don Gilmour. Arthur talking about the Great Lake “Before the dam was built the reef from Miena to the Beehives was quite shallow – you couldn’t get a boat through there until they cleared a channel and they had a peg on either side so you could take a boat through – a small boat- but until the
Anyway he called in at the pub on his way home to drown his sorrows, so he had one drink then another. His friends
dam went in you couldn’t get a motor boat over there. It was about 2 chains from the foot of the Beehives out to the water’s edge, there was a tea tree scrub there – Swan Bay was shallow, more of a swamp than a lake really – a lot of sphagnum moss banks and Richea Scoparia, or rice bush as they call it, over on the West side with more open water as you came down towards the Beehives – there used to be a lot of swans there, that’s why they called it Swan Bay, they disappeared later when the dam went in – and that’s where Tom Early’s original house was, right around in the Western corner of Swan Bay – where to road goes to Marlborough – the Marlborough Highway you know – just down from there – on the Eastern side of Murderer’s Hut – the lake went fairly well down there, a fairly flat bottom – they shifted Tom Early’s house – it was
pulled down – they put in a saw pit at Wihareja and sawed the timber for the new Police Station and that was put up on the Western side of Hadden’s Bay – under what they call the Old Man’s Head – and then later it was pulled down and shifted down near the Shannon River so that the policemen would be near the river – Tod’s Corner got its name from Tod who was a shepherd for McLannigan – his hut was just in front of where Shoobridge’s shack was – there was an old track through there to Howell’s Neck and the Sandbanks – Shoobridges built their shack in about 1918 or 1919 – Tod’s Corner was a swampy place – a creek used to run out of it into the lake. This extract was compiled by Ray Aitchison, STLAA Historian, from tapes given to him by Don Gilmour.
Obituaries KEN MORLEY 22/5/1930 – 27/9/2012
There is no record of when Ken first joined the New Norfolk Anglers but his father, Charlie, also an STLAA Life Member, was Club President during the 1950’s.
Passed away 12/07/2012 It is with great sadness that we note the passing of David Roberts. David’s family was involved with the Huon Anglers Club prior to affiliation with the STLAA in 1949. His father Gordon was a 1949 founding member.
Ken served on the New Norfolk committee for a total of 23 years between 1973 and 1999 including 5 years as President, 6 years as Treasurer during which time the Club was put in an excellent financial position. He was a Club delegate to the STLAA for 5 years.
David was an active member of the Huon Club for most of his life, and in recent years encouraged development of facilities for junior anglers.
Ken participated in many Club and Association working bees. For his services to his Club and angling in general Ken was honoured with Life Membership to the STLAA and the New Norfolk Club in 1983. For many years Ken did not enjoy good health and he passed away on 27 September.
Additionally, David was the Club’s Patron and had been one of their delegates to the STLAA since 2003. He recently introduced three of his grandchildren to trout fishing, who are now junior members of the Huon Club.
He leaves a wife, Barbara, also a Life Member of New Norfolk, and a son.
Season 2011-2012 Photo Gallery
Adrian Slater – Lake Catagunya
Garry & Jenny Chaffey - Pieman River Alex Smith – Craigbourne Dam
Tristan Coyte – First fish of the season
Bert Thunig - Arthurs Lake
Gerry Fitzgibbon – Tyenna River
Barry Page
Stephen Granger
Rhys Murtagh Rob Chandler
Robin Henzler - Swan Bay, Great Lake
Thomas Murtagh
Stacey Woolley Rod Miller installing marker buoys on Bronte Lagoon
Harry Corner, Back to Pedder Tyson Glowacki
Josh Cahalan
Lachlan Mallinson – Lake Pedder
Lex Wilson Laurie Harrison doing some pruning‌
Sally Gregory with Rainbow from Craigbourne Dam
Garry Williams and Gary Chaffey - Craigbourne Dam
Laurie Harrison with a rather slender Atlantic Salmon
Lex Wilson, New Norfolk Licensed Anglers Association Annual Dinner
Justin Causby - Meadowbank Brown
Peter Wood and Bob Ward - Pieman River
Matching the hatch‌
Santa with Mavis Russell
Alexander Jones - New Norfolk Junior Fishing Pond
Campbell Evans - New Norfolk Junior Fishing Pond
Paul Millhouse – Tooms Lake
Kim Cooper and Peter Reid - Back to Pedder
Daphne Harrison - Great Lake
Derwent Sea-runner
Great Lake
Great Lake
Toby Causby
Campbell Evans and his boat - Back to Pedder
A cold start to the day‌
Great Lake
Tim Lowe - Arthurs Lake
Historical Images The Machinery and People of H.E.C.
Moving the site shed
Transport to site
Early crawler tractor in action
Wayatinah Village fire truck – HEC 22-4
Cleveland tractors
OOPS! The difficulties of moving heavy plant equipment.
03 6214 9999 Fax: 03 6228 2353 6 Effingham St, Moonah 7009
Back to Pedder 2013 Australia Day long weekend Thursday January 24 - Monday January 28 2013 Bring the family along to Lake Pedder Home of Tasmania’s largest Trout Fishing Competition Join us for a few days of fishing, fun and laughter A legendary competition in its 33rd year
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We’d like to thank our sponsors:
Accommodation Lake Pedder Chalet (Booking essential) Accommodation and Licenced Restaurant Phone 03 6280 1166 Camping is available in the Southwest National Park at Teds Beach and Scott's Peak. Campers showers available at Lake Pedder Chalet.