B a r r e l l i n g T i d e D i s t i l l e r y i s a n i n d e p e n d e n t l y o w n e d C r a f t D i s t i l l e r y l o c a t e d i n t h e h e a r t o f N o v a S c o t i a ' s b e a u t i f u l A n n a p o l i s V a l l e y . O v e r l o o k i n g a t i d a l r i v e r t h a t l e a d s t o t h e B a y o f F u n d y , o u r n a m e w a s i n s p i r e d b y t h e r i s e & f a l l o f t h e h i g h e s t t i d e s i n t h e w o r l d t h a t w e s e e h e r e t w i c e a d a y .
B a r r e l l i n g T i d e D i s t i l l e r y w a s b u i l t o n t h e p r i n c i p l e o f s u p p o r t i n g o u r l o c a l f a r m e r s a n d p r o d u c e r s , w i t h a s t r o n g c o m m i t m e n t t o u s i n g o n l y t h e f i n e s t l o c a l l y s o u r c e d i n g r e d i e n t s . W e h a n d c r a f t o u r a w a r d - w i n n i n g s p i r i t s & l i q u e u r s o n s i t e i n s m a l l b a t c h e s .
B u y a B o t t l e , S u p p o r t a F a r m
O p e n Y e a r R o u n d f o r T a s t i n g s & R e t a i l ( 9 0 2 ) 5 4 2 - 1 6 2 7 • B a r r e l l i n g T i d e D i s t i l l e r y . c o m
@ B a r r e l l i n g T i d e • 1 1 6 4 P a r k w a y D r , P o r t W i l l i a m s , N S
Tas T e of Nova s co T ia has bee N
i N spiri N g L oca L s
a ND visi T ors
T o e X p L ore o U r
provi N ce T hro U gh
foo D a ND D ri NK
si N ce 1989
Taste of Nova Scotia is home to a diverse collection of 200+ restaurants, producers, processors, and industry members. From chefs, farmers, and fishers to winemakers, brewers, distillers and artisans, our members are committed to offering exceptional, local culinary products and experiences.
Whether you’re looking to source local food and drink products where you shop, or you’re seeking out a new restaurant, the products and experiences found within the pages of this guide are waiting for you.
EaT. Dri N k. Explor E . let Taste of Nova Scotia be your guide.
The Taste of Nova Scotia Culinary Guide is made possible, in part, with funding support from the Nova Scotia Department of agriculture.
Cul INA ry Pr O du CT
From seafood and fresh produce to preserves, coffee and confectionery, look for these food and drink products at your local retailer or through direct order.
FOO d & d r IN k Ex PE r IENCE
From wineries, breweries, distilleries and cideries, to cheese shops, bakeries and u-picks, visit these locations for retail, tours, tastings and more.
Enjoy locally focused menus at chef-inspired fine dining, casual dining, wine bars, brewpubs, traditional eateries, international cuisine, cafés and more.
look for this logo to try an award-winning product or experience from one of the 2022 Taste of Nova Scotia award recipients.
Canada’s only winery, brewery, cidery, distillery and meadery trail. goodcheertrail.com
Dive into made-from-scratch
Nova Scotia seafood chowder. novascotiachowdertrail.com
in Nova Scotia lobster is always in season, from lobster dinners to lobster rolls. novascotialobstertrail.com
3 Tas T e of Nova s co T ia cUL i N ary Trai L s look F or T h ESE lo G o S T o Fi ND par T i C ipaT i NG T rail ST op lo C aT io NS . yo U r c UL i N ary a D ve NTU re s Tar T s h ere Ta STE o F No Va S Co T ia MEMBE r S ar E Co MM i TTED T o o FFE ri NG E xCE p T io N al, lo C al CU li N ar Y pro DUCTS a ND E xp E ri ENCES .
Land a cknowledgement
Taste of Nova Scotia acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of peace and Friendship.”
g uide Contributors
karen Fowler, Creative Director; alexa Cude, recipe & Cover photographer; The kilted Chef, Cover recipe; Nova Scotia Department of agriculture; The Well Creative Consultants; additional photo credits: Tourism Nova Scotia; aaron Mckenzie Fraser; acorn art & photography; adam hill; alexa Cude; Dean Casavechia; Davey & Sky; ian Selig; Jess Emin; phototype; Shannon Macintyre; Spencer VanDerStarren
Eat & Drink by rE gion halifax Metro 10 - 27 South Shore 28 - 41 Yarmouth & acadian Shores 42 - 49 Bay of Fundy & annapolis Valley 50 - 85 Northumberland Shore 86 - 99 Cape Breton island 100 - 105 Eastern Shore 106 - 109
Welcome 2 - 3 Taste of Nova Scotia awards 6 - 7 Map of Nova Scotia 8 - 9 Nova Scotia Culinary Tours 112
f E atur E s
r EC ip E s
The kilted Chef
Taste of Nova Scotia
HArb O ur Su NSET 40-41
w ITH Ir ON wO rk S
G INS & r uM bOAT r uM
ironworks Distillery
Comeau’s Sea Foods ltd.
l a Cuisine robicheau
Cur E d HAMI lTON ’S 78-79
rAIN b Ow Tr O u T w ITH
Cu CuM b E r & M ICr O Gr EEN
SAl Ad
Founders house Dining & Drinks
SPIC y T u NA PO k E b Owl 80-81
Gaspereau Vineyards
M uSH r OOM r ISOTTO 82-83
PAI r E d w ITH
Mercator Vineyards
w ITH STI ll FI r E d
Still Fired Distilleries
OySTE r S r OCk EFE llE r 94-95
PAI r E d w ITH
Jost Vineyards & Seagrape Café
PullE d PO rk NACHOS 96-97
The kilted Chef
r H ubArb GIN
Steinhart Distillery
tast E of noVa s Cotia n EWs LE tt E r
We believe in connecting over food and drink. To receive locally-inspired recipes, the latest food & drink news, and information about upcoming culinary events in Nova Scotia, sign up for our newsletter at tasteofnovascotia.com
tasteofnovascotia.com 5 C ont E nts
6 Pr O du CT OF THE yEA r
Cul INA ry AM
d O r
Fundy Gin, Still Fired Distilleries, Annapolis Royal
Rhubarb Restaurant, Indian Harbour
Hans Christian Jost, Former owner – Jost Vineyards/Gaspereau Vineyards/Tatamagouche Brewing Co.
tasteofnovascotia.com 7 a W ar D r EC ipi E nts Pr O du CE r OF THE yEA r Boxing Rock Brewing Company, Shelburne please join us in recognizing the 2022 Taste of Nova Scotia award recipients. We invite you to celebrate culinary excellence by nominating your favourite restaurant, product, server, producer and culinary ambassador for the 2023 Taste of Nova Scotia awards. N OMINATIONS OPEN June 1 - July 31, 2023 Visit tasteofnovascotia.com/awards #TasteAwards AwA rd FO r SE r VICE Rhys Harnish, Shore Club, Hubbards SCOT I A NOVA
8 Truro Oxford Parrsboro Springhill Amherst Windsor Kingston Annapolis Royal Kentville Wolfville Hantsport Chester Digby Liverpool Lunenburg Mahone Bay Bridgewater Shelburne Lockeport Seaside Adjunct Kejimkujik National Park of Canada Clark’s Harbour Yarmouth Kejimkujik National Park & National Historic Side of Canada St. Margaret’s Bay Halifax Dartmouth HALIFAX METRO 12 187 44 64 55 49 71 65 59 6 7 62 72 68 73 50 41 147 149 122 121 150 159 164 167 89 86 123 143 112 105 101 108 BAY OF FUNDY & ANNAPOLIS VALLEY YARMOUTH & ACADIAN SHORES SOUTH SHORE 157 151 Musquodoboit harbour 127 42 43 38, 45, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53, 56, 60, 63, 69 96 40 145 58 35 133 109 118 128 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97, 100, 102, 103, 106, 107, 113, 115, 117, 124, 126, 130, 135, 139, 140, 142, 148 39, 54, 61, 66, 67, 70 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37 74 76 78 81 82 80 75 79 57 2, 9, 11, 16, 18, 22, 25, 26, 30, 33 92 138 116 119 120 131 165 47 3 1 162 166 77 Bedford lower Sackville 125 95 104 136 129 132 98 134 114 99 110 Bridgetown Middleton Berwick We
the Mi’kmaq
23 146 111 141 189 186 144 137
are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral
unceded territory of
tasteofnovascotia.com 9 map Canso Port Hawkesbury North Sydney Sydney Glace Bay Louisbourg Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada Antigonish Trenton New Glasgow Stellarton Lake Ainslie Bird Islands Cape Breton NationalHighlands Park of Canada Chéticamp 180 182 185 155 161 160 163 173 174 176 179 175 177 183 184 178 CAPE BRETON ISLAND Sheet harbour Sherbrooke liscomb EASTERN SHORE NORTHUMBERLAND SHORE 172 169 171 158 188 181 REGIONS Halifax Metro SoutH SHore YarMoutH & acadian SHoreS nortHuMberland SHore cape breton iSland eaStern SHore baY of fundY & annapoliS ValleY 168 156 152 Baddeck pictou 170 153 154
HaLifax WatErfront
1. Acadian Maple Products
2. Acadian Seaplants
3. Afishionado Fishmongers
4. BULWARK Cider Muwin Estate Wines Ltd.
5. Chain Yard Urban Cidery
6. Chill Street Craft Beverage Co.
7. Clearwater Seafoods Retail Stores
8. Compass Distillers
9. Delectable Desserts
10. Earthli
11. Evan’s Fresh Seafoods & Restaurant
12. Fisherman’s Market International
13. Five Fishermen Restaurant
ha L ifa X me T ro
14. Garrison Brewing Company
15. Good Robot Brewing Co.
16. Gourmandises Avenue Chocolaterie
17. Harbour City Bar & Grill Hotel Halifax
18. Harvest And Wild
19. Heartwood Restaurant
20. Hop Scotch Dinner Club
21. Java Blend Coffee
22. Lake City Cider 23. Leo’s Donair 24. Lot Six Bar & Restaurant 25. Made with Local 26. Maritime Salt Makers of Canada 27. Morris East Restaurant
28. Obladee, A Wine Bar
29. Propeller Brewing Company
30. Rose & Kettle Tea Room at the Cole Harbour Heritage Farm Museum
31. Rum Runners Cake Factory
32. Stories Restaurant
33. The Canteen on Portland
34. The Carleton
35. The Orient Chinese Cuisine
36. The Press Gang Restaurant & Oyster Bar
37. Waterfront Warehouse Restaurant & Oyster House
Wat E rfronts · rE staurants · bust Ling n E ig H bour H oo D s
Ac AdiAn MAple pR od U ct S
13578 Peggys Cove Rd., Upper Tantallon 902-826-2312
Ac AdiAn Se Apl Ant S
30 Brown Ave., Dartmouth 902-468-2840
Afi S hion Ado fi S h M onge RS
275 Rocky Lake Dr., Unit 9, Bedford 902-403-1178 www.afishionado.ca
4 food & drink experience WiNErY/CiDErY
BU lWARK c ide R
MUW in e S tAte W ine S ltd.
1518 Dresden Row, Halifax: Cider House 7155 Hwy 12, New Ross: Winery 902-681-1545
acadian Maple is Nova Scotia’s largest maple syrup processor, with 40+ years in the business. We proudly partner with local harvesters who tap trees to bring you a true taste of Nova Scotia.
Enjoy our pure syrup over pancakes or in your coffee. Snack on our maple peanut brittle or maple caramel popcorn. Spread our maple blueberry jam on biscuits, or maple BBQ sauce on chicken. Sweet or savoury, we make maple everything!
Sip Maple Coffee at our café, or Sea Fever® Coffee Maple rum at our bar! our spirits and beer are handcrafted by authentic Seacoast Distillery & Brewery.
Shop our maple treats and Canadiana apparel at our retail store on Peggys Cove r oad, or shop online at www.acadianmaple.com
hana Tsunomata® is a line of premium quality cultivated sea vegetables. produced exclusively by acadian Seaplants at its cultivation facility in Nova Scotia, hana Tsunomata® offers a unique, contemporary feature to every dish.
Strikingly beautiful and vividly colourful, the h ana Tsunomata® bouquet is comprised of three natural colours — pink, green, and yellow.
popular in Japan since its introduction in the early 1990s, h ana Tsunomata’s® mild but distinctive flavour is suited to a wide range of cuisines in both cold and hot dishes.
h ana Tsunomata® is now available for distribution in North a merica.
afishionado Fishmongers is your community-minded provider of fresh and fresh-frozen seafood, dedicated to bringing low-impact fishing traditions to consumers. For us, knowing the story behind the fish we sell is paramount.
We follow ocean Wise recommendations, a classification that ensures responsibility to a fishery’s abundance and catch method. We build relationships with communitybased fishers and aquaculturalists, and we work to foster a fair, transparent, traceable, and sustainable exchange of seafood in the Maritimes.
Check out our subscription boxes, online shop, wholesale options, and more! Find a full list of our retailers in Nova Scotia on our website.
Afishionado Shop
275 r ocky l ake d r., unit 9, b edford Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Bulwark Craft Ciders/Muwin Estate Wines is an award-winning owner-operated craft cider and fruit wine producer. We operate two locations including the winery in New ross and the cider house in halifax.
awarded best product of the year 2016 in its category by the NSlC, Bulwark is one of the few cideries in Canada that handles everything in-house. apples brought to the cidery are juiced on site and slowly fermented, resulting in a natural cider that’s never made from concentrate. our portfolio consists of craft ciders, non-alcoholic ciders, fruit wines, and hard seltzers.
our 16-tap Bulwark taproom has something for everyone. While snacking on pizza and ever-evolving shareables, enjoy flights of craft cider and beer by our cozy fireplace or backyard patio.
12 2
culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
3 food & drink experience SEaFooD
1 food & drink experience SpECialTY Shop
6 food & drink experience
c h Ain YAR d U RBAn c ide RY
2606 Agricola St., Halifax 902-407-2244
c hill St R eet cRAft Beve RAge co.
200-269 Hwy 214, Elmsdale 902-259-2553
6124 Coburg Rd., Halifax 902-423-1377
7 food & drink experience SEaFooD
c le ARWAte R Se AfoodS
RetA il Sto R e S
757 Bedford Hwy, Bedford 902-443-0333
Halifax Stanfield International Airport, 902-873-4509 shop.clearwater.ca
co M pASS d i S tille RS
2533 Agricola St., Halifax 902-446-0234
Chain Yard Urban Cidery was the first cidery in halifax, opening in 2017 and dedicated to making approachable, unique, and traditional ciders made from 100 per cent Nova Scotia apples.
o ur ciders range from dry to sweet, easy drinking to complex and funky, and we’re always excited to use Nova Scotia ingredients in our ciders. We stay on top of cider trends and love to collaborate on products with local breweries, distilleries, kombucharies, and other cideries.
Stop by our taproom to enjoy tours, taster flights, or pints of our cider, plus other local and international ciders, along with Nova Scotia craft beer and wine. our taproom menu is always changing and serving yummy eats. Enjoy our sidewalk patio in the warmer months.
You’ll know you’re in for a unique experience as soon as you step into our store, located inside a Sobeys supermarket – the first cidery of its kind in North america! We offer a variety of beverages made on-site using local ingredients. our niche is in flavoured ciders, including Nova Scotia’s first winecider blends. We also offer ready-to-drink craft cocktails, as well as old-fashioned, non-alcoholic sodas – so feel free to bring the kiddos!
You can watch our production team through the glass walls while our friendly, knowledgeable staff pour you a free sample, or grab a tasting flight of your favourite flavours to sip on. o verall, we encourage you to step back, wind down, and remember what’s important in life – you know – chill out!
h alifax’s go-to live lobster destination since 1976. Clearwater’s retail shops are stocked year-round with fresh and frozen seafood, offering something to suit every seafood craving.
Clearwater will pack your order whether you’re travelling near or far; you can also shop online at shop.clearwater.ca and we’ll deliver delicious seafood directly to your door, throughout Canada and the United States.
Visit us on Facebook at facebook.com/ ClearwaterSeafoods
757 b edford Highway
d aily, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Halifax Stanfield International Airport
d aily, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Compass Distillers captures the true Nova Scotian experience in a bottle. This triplethreat boasts a cozy cocktail bar, modern production facility, and gorgeous topfloor airbnb – all within halifax’s vibrant North End.
Created using locally harvested grain and wild flower, their grain-to-glass approach has resulted in an award-winning lineup. in just under five years, Compass Distillers have cultivated an impressive 73 medals.
Some of their most notable awards include Best Canadian Contemporary Gin at the World Gin awards 2020, Best in Class Contemporary Gin at the Canadian artisan Spirits Competition 2021, and Gold Medal in the Gin Category at the london Spirits Competition 2020.
Visit their website or call the store for hours of operation and information.
Compass Distillers – True as North.
tasteofnovascotia.com 13 H a L ifax m E tro
5 food & drink experience
food & drink experience DiSTillErY 8
10 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
d electAB le d e SS e R t S
50 Eileen Stubbs Ave., Unit 112, Dartmouth 902-468-2700 www.delectabledesserts.ca
eAR thli
Halifax www.earthli.ca
11 restaurant
e vAn’S fR e S h Se AfoodS & Re S tAURAnt
2 Ochterloney St., Alderney Landing, Dartmouth 902-466-2118 www.evansfreshseafoods.com
12 food & drink experience SEaFooD Shop
i nte R n Ation A l 607 Bedford Hwy, Halifax 902-443-3474 www.fishermansmarket.ca
Delectable Desserts inc. is a specialty bakery located in Dartmouth. Familyowned and operated, we make everything from scratch (and with love) daily, using the finest quality locallysourced ingredients. our specialties include cheesecakes, mousse/truffle cakes, buttercream layer cakes, mini cakes, and more.
retail, wholesale, and catering options available. our desserts can be found on the menu of many food service operations throughout hrM or ordered through our website for your next celebration. Stop by our retail shop in Burnside to find a daily selection of mini cakes and breakfast goodies.
Celebrate. love. Delight.
We’re a 100 per cent Nova Scotian-owned producer of sustainably grown and zero waste packaged plant-based superfood products to promote a healthy lifestyle with a planet-friendly approach.
The world is discovering the many benefits of plant-based nutrition, and Earthli vegan proteins provide easier, tastier, and more sustainable options for earthlings everywhere!
For more information or to purchase, visit our website or online store.
located on the Dartmouth waterfront, Evan’s Seafoods offers local Nova Scotia seafood, displayed fresh and frozen, and also offers delicious fare for take out or eat in.
Evan’s kitchen is known for their glutenfree fish and chips, lobster rolls, seafood chowder, fish burgers, and fish tacos, to name a few. This family-run business sources local, always.
Take a stroll on the Dartmouth- halifax ferry, explore Downtown Dartmouth, and grab a bite at Evan’s. a great spot for local dishes and friendly faces.
Tuesday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Fisherman’s Market is your local, one-stop shop for your fresh fish and seafood needs. looking to send a present for that hard to shop for person? let us help by sending the gift of atlantic lobster.
Check out our selection of fresh, live seafood, and browse our deli for a lobster roll, shrimp roll, or one of our other treats. We also have catering available with a selection of platters featuring items from Fisherman’s own Seabright Smoke house. Stop in or give us a call, and one of our team members will be happy to assist.
Custom platters available by request; subject to availability and market pricing.
Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
NoVa SCoTia TraD TioN
9 food & drink experience BakErY
fi S he RMAn’S M ARK et
five fi S he RM en Re S tAURAnt
1740 Argyle St., Halifax 902-422-4421
14 food & drink experience
gARR i S on B R e W ing co M pAn Y
1149 Marginal Rd., Halifax 902-406-2174
15 food & drink experience
g ood Ro B ot B R e W ing co.
2736 Robie St., Halifax
14 Industrial Way, Elmsdale
g o URMAndi S e S Aven U e
c hocol Ate R ie
1249 Cole Harbour Rd., Dartmouth 902-406-2266
The 5 Fishermen is one of atlantic Canada’s finest seafood restaurants, with a storied history and reputation for premium food, wine, and cocktails, set in a relaxed environment.
let our team curate your evening as part of a social experience with great food as the centerpiece. Be delighted by some of our great shareables, signature seafood offerings, and premium quality items from the grill. Start your night with selections from our extensive wine list or enjoy a curated cocktail.
Whether having a seat at the bar, enjoying an evening with friends, or having an event in our private dining room, we are your choice for a fantastic social dining experience.
Please call or visit our website for hours of operation and reservations.
Get yourself a Garrison!
For over 25 years, Garrison has strived to create exceptional craft beer made with passion, hard work, and East Coast pride. o ur brews are premium, distinctive, and always full of flavour; all crafted in h alifax’s historic and vibrant Seaport District. From clean and crisp brews like Tall Ship East Coast ale, to boundary-pushing specialties like Bourbon Barrel- aged i mperial Stout, each Garrison flavour is distinctive in taste and experience.
Gather with friends and reconnect with family at the Garrison Seaport Taproom, or visit us at our funky o xford Taproom location in h alifax’s vibrant Quinpool district. Either way, you’ll enjoy a unique brewery experience and great local beer, wine, ciders & craft soda.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Welcome to Good robot, a brewery, brewpub, bar, and beer garden run by a pack of misfits with two locations: the North End of halifax (brewpub + beer garden) and Elmsdale (brewery + beer garden). o ur beverages are known to be eclectic, eccentric, and untrue to style, fraught with foraged materials, impulse decisions, and whimsy.
our GastroTurfs (beer gardens featuring a stroTurf at both robie St. and Elmsdale) bring all the flavours of summer to the familiar comfort of a putting green. Yearround, we host oddball events, brew with the community, sponsor festivals, facilitate charitable incentives, and make questionable marketing decisions. Want to sit your bum somewhere and let your freak flag fly? Well, matey, set sail for halifax’s most questionable brewing experience.
originally from France, Jean- pierre Gallois and Yseult Bertic have over 30 years of experience as professional chocolatiers/ pastry chefs. Since opening in 2003, they have been creating fine chocolates and truffles, decadent pastries, and macarons, along with artisan ice cream/sorbet.
They use only high-quality French chocolate couverture in their handmade delicacies and no preservatives or artificial flavours are used in their products – all are handmade. They also incorporate Nova Scotian ingredients like ice wine, fortified wine, berries, sea salt, maple syrup, honey, apples, seaweed, and more.
Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturdays at the wolfville Farmers’ Market, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Follow our Facebook page (Gourmandises Avenue Chocolaterie) for extended hours during holidays and summer months.
tasteofnovascotia.com 15 H a L ifax m E tro
food & drink experience ChoColaTiEr 16
sky Winery
Grab your passport, hit the trail and tap into something new on the Nova Scotia Good Cheer Trail. From stunning vineyards to flights of craft beer, there’s something for everyone on Canada’s first and only winery, brewery, cidery, distillery, and meadery trail.
What will you TAP INTO?
ENJoY ThrEE E aSY WaYS To CollECT YoUr STaMpS. piCk Up a paSSpor T FroM a Trail STop loC aTioN, DoWNloaD ThE TaSTE oF NoVa SCoTia MoBilE app To CollECT DiGiTal STaMpS, or ChECk- iN aT WWW.goodchee R tRAil .coM
Visit our Legendary Taproom in Shelburne or our Small Batch Brewery in Halifax, or pick up some Boxing Rock anywhere great Nova Scotia Craft Beer is sold! Visit boxingrock.ca or follow us on social: @boxingrock 218 Water St, Shelburne, NS & 2790 Windsor St, Halifax, NS
hARB o UR c it Y BAR & gR ill
hotel h A lifA x 1990 Barrington St., Halifax 902-492-6443 www.hotelhalifax.ca/restaurants-bars
culinary product
Cole Harbour
19 restaurant
h e AR t Wood Re S tAURAnt
6250 Quinpool Rd., Halifax 902-425-2808
20 restaurant
hop S cotch dinne R clUB
harvest & wil d
NOVA SCOTIA abovo u qu ad mala
harbour City Bar & Grill embodies what it means to dine like a true east coaster. our culinary team, led by executive chef andy Camm, works with local farmers and fishermen each season to create the freshest regional dishes, served alongside warm, impeccable, maritime hospitality.
our bar is stocked with Nova Scotia-made craft beer, wine, and spirits, and we offer a no corkage fee when you bring a bottle of Nova Scotia wine to complement your dining experience.
Whether it’s a seat at our bar, enjoying a cocktail, or a booth in our dining room, indulging in local fare and award-winning desserts, we invite you to find out why haligonians are making us a favourite culinary destination.
d aily, 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. / 5 p.m. – 11 p.m.
at harvest and Wild, our goal is to celebrate fresh local produce and traditional small batch cooking methods by creating products with delicious and exciting flavour profiles.
We make artisan chutneys, condiments, and spreads, designed to elevate your dishes and be the perfect partner for good quality meats, cheeses, fish, and produce.
We value community and the connection we have with where our food comes from, and that good food is meant to be shared.
For over 25 years, heartwood has been nourishing halifax with scrumptious vegetarian food. our carefully curated menu features ingredients that are locally sourced.
We’re especially proud of our heartwood bowls, steamed greens, bean burritos, and veggie burgers. heartwood was born from the desire to offer wholesome, sustainable food that everyone can enjoy. We’re proud to have remained true to our original inspirations.
We invite you to our quaint and cozy home at our original location, nestled among a bustling neighbourhood and university district on Quinpool road. You can also find us on the beautiful halifax Waterfront during the summer season.
d aily, 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
b runch Saturday & Sunday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Vagabond culinarians h op Scotch Dinner Club continue to live up to their name as they hold pop-up dinners, host private parties, and provide catering for hungry diners looking for a culinary experience a step above the rest. They remain steadfast in their mission to search for and showcase the diversity Nova Scotia producers and terroir have to offer.
h ere’s to hopping 2023 finds a permanent home for h op Scotch!
Contact us at hopscotchdinnerclub@ gmail.com
Please visit website for more information.
tasteofnovascotia.com 19 H a L ifax m E tro
restaurant CaSUal DiNiNG
Happy Hour offering every Thursday –Saturday, 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. SpECialTY proDUCTS
hARve S t And Wild
look for our products online and at leading independent retailers around Nova Scotia.
JAvA B lend coffee
6027 North St., Halifax
22 food & drink experience
lAK e c it Y c ide R
35 Portland St., Dartmouth 902-466-7818
23 culinary products SpECialTY proDUCTS
leo’S d on Ai R
1920 St. Margaret’s Bay Rd., Timberlea 902-876-8777
1685 Argyle St., Halifax 902-428-7428
Java Blend Coffee is a premium coffee roaster based in h alifax with a long history of providing high-quality coffee. We dedicate ourselves to sourcing the finest coffee beans from around the world and roasting them to perfection, producing rich and satisfying flavours that leave you wanting more.
o ur expert team is passionate about coffee and strives to provide you a top-notch coffee experience. We take pride in our commitment to quality and ethical sourcing.
o ur beans are grown on farms that meet high standards for specialty grade coffee, ensuring every cup you drink is not only delicious but also responsibly sourced. Whether you prefer light and fruity blends or fullbodied, bold roasts, Java Blend Coffee has something for everyone.
l ake City Cider is a fully operational cider production facility in downtown Dartmouth. Fresh pressed cider from the famous annapolis Valley is tankard into our facility. The juice is fermented, filtered, and bottled/canned on site.
i n our taproom, we have eight rotating cider taps. You can enjoy a cider flight, a pint, or one of our cider cocktails in our tasting room. packaged products are available to go in refillable growlers, bottles, and cans. We also have tons of l ake City clothing, glassware, and more.
l ake City Cider strives for continued innovation whilst providing service levels worthy of our family values, showcasing premium cider produced from the array of amazing Nova Scotian apples.
Visit our website to find out more about our free local delivery in the H r M as well as Canada wide shipping!
leo’s Donair began in 1981, when founder leo Toulany and his wife, Jean, began supplying ground beef to local businesses. a s the love of donair grew in our home province of Nova Scotia, so did the demand for supplying restaurants. Since then, leo has turned his small operation into the donair production it is today.
leo has taken great pride in providing quality donair along with other donair products, including loaves, burgers, sausages, finger appetizers, donair sauce, and spice. i t was hard not to feel proud when the province of Nova Scotia declared the donair as its official food in 2015. h e has perfected his product that is recognizable from the first bite.
To our loyal and valued customers, we thank you and look forward to continuing to serve you.
i nspired by the great bars of the world, lot Six Bar & r estaurant looks to elevate palates through fine food, drink, oysters, and service.
local ingredients will showcase the beauty of our province, and our collective travels and education will bring you on a journey.
located in the heart of downtown h alifax, we are ready to welcome you, whether it be for a cocktail from one of our award-winning bartenders or a fullcourse dining experience.
20 21 food & drink experience
restaurant CaSUal DiNiNG
24 lot Six BAR & Re S tAURAnt
wednesday – Sunday, 4 p.m. – late b runch Saturday & Sunday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. CiDErY
M Ade W ith loc Al
M AR iti M e SAlt
MAK e RS of cAnAdA
Dartmouth 902-402-2208
Mo RR i S eAS t Re S tAURAnt
1984 Vernon St., Halifax 620 Nine Mile Dr., Bedford 902-444-7663
oB l Adee, A Wine BAR
1600 Barrington St., Halifax 902-405-4505
Founded at a 5’ farmers market table, Made with local has been nourishing Canadian families with their delicious, nourishing real Food Bars since 2012.
available in six locally-inspired flavours, and handmade at their bakery in Windsor, Made with local’s bars are gluten free, sweetened only with Nova Scotian honey and feature other locallygrown ingredients like Terra Beata cranberries, Van Dyk’s blueberries and Noggins apples.
Made with local is a Certified B Corp, meaning their business practices have been rigorously 3rd party assessed to align with the highest standards of environmental and social sustainability.
You can find Made with local’s real Food Bars at over 3,000 stores across Canada, including Sobeys, loblaws, Shoppers Drug Mart, and ship via their online shop across Canada and the US.
our Nova Scotia sea salt is a delicious, food-grade finishing salt with all the ocean’s trace minerals. our philosophy is to be sustainable and local. From May to october, we filter and dry Nova Scotia atlantic water by the sun in our engineered solar salt houses to produce coarse, moist, crunchy crystals that add a clean taste and texture to food.
We offer natural or smoked sea salt and sea salt blends from locally foraged ingredients. We also produce liquid sea salt in a fine salt spray eight times the salt concentration of the ocean for roasted vegetables, popcorn, or fries.
you can find a list of our stockists on our website and Instagram
Morris East is a group of creative neighbourhood restaurants with two locations, one in downtown halifax and Bedford. our delicious gourmet pizzas are baked in fired ovens, which produce a delicious crust.
With a focus on seasonally fresh ingredients, regulars to our intimate eateries will note that the menu changes seasonally. pizzas with peach, prosciutto, and goat cheese one month, followed by pear, walnut, and crispy sage the next. We’re also a hot spot for seasonally inspired cocktails and great desserts like the salted caramel tart, which are perfect to enjoy on our lovely patios in summer. We offer a special lunch menu. Take out and gluten-free pizza crusts are also available.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Back in 2010, siblings heather and Christian rankin created obladee, a halifax wine bar – a neighbourhood spot with exceptional wine and food, and genuine service by a highly skilled team.
obladee offers an award-winning wine list that is hand-selected, off-beat, and everchanging, with memorable, regionallysourced food that changes with the seasons.
They host live music on Wednesday evenings and offer a wide array of wine education services, from tastings to in-depth courses. Their popular wine & cheese gift boxes make perfect gifts for family and friends – with delivery provided throughout the province!
Please visit website for updated hours of operation.
tasteofnovascotia.com 21 H a L ifax m E tro 28 restaurant WiNE Bar restaurant CaSUal D NiNG
27 26 25 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
Seasonal and Local
Our menu focuses on seasonal, locally-themed dishes that tempt serious gourmands and comfort foodies alike.
From fresh-baked biscuits to braised lamb shank, we're all about celebrating local food and drink.
Rhubarb Restaurant
8650 Peggys Cove Road, Indian Harbour
Taste of Nova Scotia Restaurant of the Year 2022
31 food & drink experience
SpECialTY Shop
pR opelle R B R e W ing co M pAn Y
2015 Gottingen St., Halifax
6128 Quinpool Rd., Halifax
617 Windmill Rd., Dartmouth 902-422-7767 www.drinkpropeller.ca
RoS e & Kettle t e A Roo M
At the cole hARB o UR h e R itAge fARM M US e UM
471 Poplar Dr., Cole Harbour 902-434-0222 coleharbourfarmmuseum.ca
R UM R U nne RS cAK e fActo RY
1479 Lower Water St., Bishop’s Landing, Halifax 902-421-6079
Sto R ie S Re S tAU RAnt
5184 Morris St., Halifax 902-444-4400
propeller Brewing Company has been h alifax’s North End craft brewery for over 25 years. propeller focuses on handcrafted, small-batch beer with time-honoured methods that produce distinct, full-bodied tastes and aromas.
Visit our tap rooms at Gottingen and Quinpool to sample our wide variety of beer. Enjoy our underground retro arcade at Gottingen – there’s always something fresh on tap. o ur range of propeller Craft Cocktails is a great complement to our beer, and for soda lovers, we have our refreshing Ginger Beer and r oot Beer.
propeller is available at NSlC stores in Nova Scotia, aNB l stores in New Brunswick, pEilCC stores on pEi , at the prop Shops and tap rooms, and in some of the greatest bars, restaurants, and kitchens on the East Coast.
Situated in the sunlit verandah of a 200-year-old farmhouse, the rose & kettle has been the heart of the Farm Museum for over 30 years.
inspired by classic English tearooms, Nova Scotia favourites, and our heritage grounds and gardens, our daily menu features fresh salads, delicious soups and sandwiches, freshly baked biscuits, and seasonally inspired desserts. our best-selling Cream Tea (scones with strawberry jam and cream) is a treat any time of day. You may also enjoy lunch at our farmyard picnic tables.
Savour a locally roasted, fresh ground coffee, or a thirst-quenching homemade lemonade, surrounded by 200 years of farming heritage. Explore our barns and buildings, meet our farm animals, tour our award-winning gardens, naturalized meadows, freshwater wetland, and more.
May 15 – October 15
wednesday – Sunday, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
on the halifax Boardwalk, rum runners Cake Factory celebrates the history of rum running in Nova Scotia. our specialty is rum cakes made in-house with local ingredients. We offer delicious rum cake slices smothered in our signature rum sauce.
Drop by to experience a taste of Nova Scotia history and have a slice, or buy an entire cake. We also have a selection of traditional rum running apparel, glassware, and novelties from this era of pirates and smuggling on the high seas.
When you step into our store and bakery you are transported back in time; you’ll have the opportunity to taste this delectable tradition for yourself.
Come join us for an unforgettable experience – check us out!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
East Coast cuisine meets historic downtown, off the lobby of halifax’s best small hotel. recommended in the 2022 edition of Where to Eat in Canada, Stories offers innovative seafood and game in intimate rooms.
Tucked under a canopy of mature elms, a hidden garden court is a refreshing escape from the busy downtown. Stories’ seafood selections from the dining room are seamless matches for thoughtful al fresco offerings of microbrews and wines by the glass.
private dining in the Dalhousie room available for up to 14 guests.
wednesday – Saturday, 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.
tasteofnovascotia.com 23 H a L ifax m E tro 29 food & drink experience BrEWErY
30 restaurant NoVa SCoTia TraD TioN
33 restaurant
t he cAnteen on p o R tl And
22 Portland St., Dartmouth 902-425-9272
The Canteen on portland is a lively neighbourhood restaurant in the heart of Downtown Dartmouth, serving up chef-inspired seasonal fare for lunch, brunch, and dinner.
at the helm in the kitchen is awardwinning chef and owner, renée l avallée. her unique menus are influenced by classic French, italian, and traditional Nova Scotian cuisine – with a little bit of renée’s magic thrown in. Signature items include The Canteen Burger and Seafood Chowder. The bar is well stocked with Nova Scotia wines, beers, and spirits.
r eservations are recommended. b ook online or by calling the restaurant. Follow The Canteen on social media at @thecanteenns
34 restaurant
t he cAR leton
1685 Argyle St., Halifax
35 restaurant
t he oR ient
c hine S e cU i S ine
227 Bedford Hwy, Halifax 902-443-3288
36 restaurant
t he pR e SS gAng Re S tAURAnt & oYS te R BAR
5218 Prince St., Halifax 902-423-8816 www.thepressgang.ca
WAte R fR ont WAR eho US e
Re S tAURA nt & oYS te R h o US e
1549 Lower Water St., Halifax 902-425-7610 www.waterfrontwarehouse.ca
Celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, The Carleton is one of halifax’s most popular downtown destinations.
Delivering fresh, locally inspired, elevated comfort food, and a top selection of Nova Scotia craft beers, wine, and spirits along with special culinary events, The Carleton was nominated for the 2023 ‘Community Engagement’ award by the restaurant a ssociation of Nova Scotia (raNS).
The Carleton is also widely known as one of Canada’s premier live music venues and is nominated for a 2023 East Coast Music award for ‘Venue of the Year’.
housed in halifax’s oldest commercial building, The Carleton was originally a residence built in 1760.
The orient Chinese Cuisine is an authentic Chinese restaurant featuring traditional and 21st century dishes. led by celebrated chef ivan Chan, The orient uses seasonal and local ingredients delivering unparalleled a sian flavours.
The restaurant offers a farm-to-table approach with daily specials and a regularly rotating menu. We encourage guests to come and enjoy the dishes that chef ivan so thoughtfully and passionately prepares every day.
With awards including a bronze medal at the 2017 Gold Medal plates, a Gold Medal at the 2020 Canada’s Great k itchen party, and numerous recognitions for the restaurant from Trip advisor, The orient is sure to leave you coming back for more.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
located in the heart of downtown halifax, The press Gang inhabits one of the city’s oldest historic stone structures, dating back to 1759.
Visit our famous oyster bar for a selection of maritime oysters, succulent appetizers, and an extensive list of fine wines, scotch, and world-class cocktails. Enjoy halifax’s finest musicians every Friday and Saturday night.
wednesday – Saturday, 5 p.m. – close
Closed Sunday
Please call or visit website for updated hours of operation.
Drop your anchor at the Waterfront Warehouse, halifax’s favourite seafood destination since 1996!
We offer a large variety of local oysters, premium atlantic hard-shell lobsters picked fresh from our two large lobster tanks, Digby scallops, crab, shrimp, and more. We have lots of selections for land lubbers too.
in years past, our building was used to repair tugboats, and our décor is inspired by its history and all things nautical. Conveniently located on the halifax waterfront, with a large outdoor patio with pergola, we’re the perfect location to watch the activity on the harbour.
d aily, 11:30 a.m. – late k itchen closes at 10 p.m.
Hours may change depending on the season, please visit our website.
tasteofnovascotia.com 25
NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
H a L ifax m E tro
i ng r ED i E nts
Serves 6 - 8
Pie dough
4 cups flour
2 cups shortening
1 tsp salt
1 1/4 cup cold water
Apple Pie
8 apples, peeled, cored, and sliced
1/2 cup butter
3 tbsp flour
1/4 cup apple cider
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Dir EC tions
Pie Dough
1. Dissolve the salt into the water and place in the freezer.
2. Place the flour in a large bowl and add the shortening; work the shortening into the flour with your fingers until you have pea-sized bits.
3. Move the dough to one side and pour in half of the water. Work the water into the dough with one hand while rotating the bowl counterclockwise with the other. The dough should come together but not be too wet. Add more water as needed.
4. Shape the dough into three equal portions and form into round discs. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
2. Place the butter into a heavy-bottom saucepan over low heat. Once melted, add the flour and make a paste, then add the remaining ingredients and stir until the sugars have melted.
3. Remove the pie from the fridge and pour the mixture over the apples.
4. Roll out your second portion of dough; cut into ten 1-inch wide strips. Place five of the strips vertically onto the pie. Fold back the 1st, 3rd, and 5th strips to the center, then place a strip horizontally across the center; bring the vertical strips back down. Fold the 2nd and 4th strip back to the middle and place your second strip across horizontally; then bring the 2nd and 4th strips back into place. Repeat process until the lattice covers the top of the pie. Trim any ends that are longer than the 1-inch crust and tuck everything in. Crimp the edges of the pie.
Apple Pie
1. Roll out one portion of pie dough on a floured surface. Place into a 9-inch pie plate and trim the edges, leaving a 1-inch overhang. Arrange the apples in the pie crust and place back into the fridge.
5. Pre-heat oven to 425F. Place the pie on a parchment lined baking sheet and put into the oven for 15 minutes. Afterward, lower the temperature to 350F and cook for an additional 45 minutes or until the apples are soft.
26 N ova sco T ia app L e pie
bLuE roCks
38. Beach Pea Kitchen & Bar
39. Betty’s At The Kitch
40. Bonny Lea Farm
41. Boulangerie la Vendéenne
so UT h shore
53. Lunenburg Rum Cakes
54. Mateus Bistro
55. Oak Island Resort & Conference Centre
56. Old Fish Factory Restaurant & Shipwright Brewing Company Wharfside
57. Peasant’s Pantry
58. Petite Rivière Vineyards
59. Rhubarb Restaurant
60. Salt Shaker Deli
61. Saltbox Brewery
62. Schoolhouse Gluten-Free Gourmet
63. Shipwright Brewing Company
64. Shore Club Lobster Suppers
65. Sou’Wester Gift Shop & Restaurant
66. Sunday Silence Coffee Co.
67. The Barn Coffee & Social House
68. The Quarterdeck Resort
69. The South Shore Fish Shack & Half Shell Oyster Bar
70. The Tea Brewery
71. Trellis Café
72. Van Dyk’s By Nature
73. White Point Beach Resort, Elliot’s Dining Room
29 f r E s H sE afoo D · Lig H t H ous E s · bL u E nos E ii
42. Boxing Rock Brewing Company
43. Capt. Kat’s Lobster Shack
Banker Bar & Grill
Helen B’s Preserves
Ironworks Distillery
Kiwi Café
Lane’s Privateer Inn
Laughing Whale Coffee Roasters
Lincoln Street Food
44. Cedar Bay Grilling Company 45. Dory Mates’ Seafood
46. Grand
38 restaurant
Be Ach pe A Kitchen & BAR
128 Montague St., Lunenburg
39 restaurant
Bett Y’S At t he Kitch
319 Main St., Mahone Bay 902-624-0797
40 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
Bonn Y le A fARM
41 food & drink experience BakErY
Bo U l Ange R ie l A v endéenne
500 Hwy 325, Blockhouse 902-531-3090
The Beach pea’s menu, designed by award-winning chef Martin ruiz Salvador, draws inspiration from the highest quality, locally-sourced ingredients. Breathtaking water views highlight a simple, elegant dining room that features a bright, airy, and inviting space perfect for intimate gatherings and meals with family and friends.
Come as you are and experience elegant, delicious dishes in our unique, summery atmosphere.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
if you were born and raised on the East Coast of Canada, you know that the heart of everything good and right in this world happens in the kitchen. The kitchen is where you’ll find the best parties, the best food, and the best conversations.
Betty’s at The kitch is a part of the kitch’inn Boutique inn and Wine Bar. We’re centered around Nova Scotia’s world-famous hospitality – that’s where our philosophy is based! We thrive on local ingredients, host weekly ceilidhs, and throw down the best lobster supper in the province.
a Betty!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Bonny lea Farm is located by the beautiful seaside village of Chester on Nova Scotia’s lighthouse route. We grow our herbs using organic growing methods to yield the healthiest and freshest produce for our line of uniquely flavoured oils and vinegars.
Some of our tempting vinegar selections for Taste of Nova Scotia include lemon & Garlic, Basil & red Wine, Tarragon & White Wine, Mediterranean, and Mexican hot. our delicious herbal-infused oils include Cajun Spice, italian Flavour, pesto Flavour, hot pepper, and rosemary & roasted Garlic.
Our products can be purchased at The Shop on Central, located at 227 Central St. in the village of Chester.
authentic, artisanal breads made with quality organic ingredients and a wide selection of pastries and viennoiseries are available at our retail store in Blockhouse, and other locations such as pete’s Frootique, italian Market, organic Earth Market, Noggins, rose Bay General Store, and several farmers’ markets (halifax Seaport and Brewery Markets, alderney landing Market, Wolfville, lunenburg, and Bridgewater).
our products can also be found in restaurants throughout the local area and hrM. our storefront and café offer sit-in and take out service, serving specialty coffees, teas, cold beverages and fresh from the oven pastries and breads. We also offer take & bake pizzas, ice cream, and more!
Supporting and working with local businesses, we also carry specialty cheeses, smoked meats, ground coffee, local unfiltered honey, and more.
Tuesday – Saturday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
43 restaurant
Boxing Roc K
B R e W ing co M pAn Y
218 Water St., Shelburne 902-875-2282
2790 Windsor St., Halifax 902-874-0064
cApt. K At’S
lo BS te R Sh Ac K
3723 Hwy 3, Barrington Passage 902-637-3728
44 culinary product
c edAR BAY gR illing co M pAn Y
d o RY M Ate S’ Se Afood Shop
11 Lincoln St., Lunenburg 902-521-7067
Boxing rock has been brewing legendary Nova Scotia craft beer on the South Shore since 2013. Shop in our retail store, enjoy beer samples on our sunny patio, or enjoy a session of Beer School to learn more about beer and brewing! We serve delicious food in our taproom, paired expertly with our delicious beer.
For Beer School bookings, food specials, special events, and more, please visit our website or check us out on Facebook.
at our halifax location you can see what’s bubbling in the small batch brewery, fill growlers, and shop in our retail store, colocated with local Source Market!
We say drink up!
Savour the best cuisine Sou’West Nova Scotia has to offer at Capt. kat’s lobster Shack. No visit to the lobster capital of Canada is complete without experiencing this establishment. Don’t be fooled by Capt. kat’s unassuming location. once you step aboard, you’ll be impressed with the atmosphere and tastefully decorated dining room, inspired by our local culture and traditions – complete with a live lobster tank.
our menu is influenced by the nearby atlantic ocean. it includes an extensive assortment of fresh lobster and seafood dishes, and includes many fresh Nova Scotia products. pair your meal with a Nova Scotia wine or beer, served with pride by our friendly crew.
Tuesday – Sunday, 11:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Closed Monday
Cedar Bay Grilling Company is a locally owned and operated company that produces frozen seafood products –most notably, Cedar planked atlantic Salmon, which offers consumers a unique dining experience at home, with a variety of delicious seasonings to choose from, including a pplewood, o range & Ginger, Sugar & Spice, h ickory Maple, and more.
Since 2009, Cedar Bay has won several prestigious awards in North america and the U. k .; most recently, they’ve won a Best New product award at the 2019 Canadian Grand prix awards. Cedar Bay continues to maintain aa certification with B r CGS through dedication to meeting high global standards in food safety, food quality, and regulatory compliance.
Cedar b ay seafood products can be found at retailers throughout Canada and the u.S.
Dory Mates’ Seafood Shop is a small family-run fish market located in the heart of historic lunenburg, Nova Scotia. We pride ourselves on offering the highest quality, seasonally available, fresh local seafood, as well as a wide selection of frozen or traditionally salted products and small goods.
i n addition, Dory Mates’ offers everchanging prepared foods, such as various fishcakes and fish curries upon availability.
We offer catering across the South Shore and weekly lobster dinners at the beautiful l ightship Brewery, located at the lunenburg harbourside. Drop by our food establishment at the brewery under the name of Boathouse Bites by Dory Mates’.
tasteofnovascotia.com 31 sout H s H or E
NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
42 food & drink
AwArd 2022 PrOduCEr OF THE yEAr
45 food & drink experience SEaFooD Shop
46 restaurant
gRAnd BAn K e R BAR & gR ill
82 Montague St., Lunenburg 902-634-3300
47 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
h elen B’S pR e S e Rve S
Blockhouse 902-531-3090
iR on Wo RKS d i S tille RY
2 Kempt St., Lunenburg 902-640-2424
Ki W i cAfé
19 Pleasant St., Chester 902-275-1492
Join the crew of the Grand Banker, located harbourside in historic downtown lunenburg. o ur fresh, local menu, large selection of local wines and craft brews on tap, including our own Shipwright Brewing Company onsite, and waterfront views ensure a true Nova Scotian experience.
Classics with a creative twist, such as Blue rocks Fish Cakes, adams & k nickle Scallops, Banker Size lobster roll, our legendary lobster burger The lunenburger, seafood chowder, and our acadian Cajun Seafood Stew, using only the best our land and sea have to offer!
our commitment to local artisans, farmers, and fishermen results in a memorable experience. The relaxed atmosphere and maritime hospitality makes Grand Banker an ideal port of call.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
h elen B’s preserves, now housed and made in Boulangerie la Vendéenne in Blockhouse, makes authentic products in celebration of the rich traditions and agricultural bounty of Nova Scotia.
o ur mission is to preserve the tradition of coming together over good food with friends and family. This is why we create our products with a passion for quality and local ingredients.
o ur ample selection of jams, pickles, and relish embrace the traditional flavours Nova Scotians have always loved, as well as unique, inspiring flavour combinations to intrigue your next dinner guests.
i ronworks is an artisan distillery, winner of multiple international awards, and the first of its kind in Nova Scotia, founded in 2008 and located in the heart of o ld Town lunenburg.
Distilling by hand, we use only fresh ingredients, sourced as locally as possible. From annapolis Valley apples, we create a lovely smooth sipping vodka – the only one of its kind in Canada, and rich fruit brandy, aged in h ungarian oak casks. The berries for our various liqueurs are all sourced locally, and our rum is made from Crosby’s Molasses – importers of quality molasses to the Maritimes for more than 140 years!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Welcome to k iwi Café, the place to meet and eat in the heart of the village of Chester, Nova Scotia. at k iwi Café, we’re seriously passionate about good food and good coffee. We offer international themes with interesting flavours and the freshest of local ingredients.
Enjoy delicious, homemade baked treats, wonderful soups and lunches, and our famous all-day breakfast. Drop into the k iwi pantry at 41a Queen Street for a selection of gourmet products, take home meals, and an excellent array of local and imported food for your grocery shopping.
With a sunny patio for Chester’s glorious summer and a wood stove for winter, we’re year-round warmth for a Nova Scotian- k iwi welcome!
d aily, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
32 48 49 food & drink experience DiSTillErY restaurant CaSUal DiNiNG
50 restaurant
lAne’S pR ivAtee R i nn
27 Bristol Ave., Liverpool 902-354-3456, tf: 1-800-794-3332
lAU ghing Wh Ale coffee RoAS te RS
263 Lincoln St., Lunenburg 902-527-3154
52 restaurant
lincoln St R eet food
200 Lincoln St., Lunenburg 902-640-3002
lU nen BUR g RUM c AK e S
Lunenburg 902-789-9064
Built in 1798, this converted privateer mansion had been operated by the l ane family for 57 years. The restaurant, pub, and stone patio overlook the Mersey r iver. i n the summer, the lobster boils and planked salmon supper on the lawn gives visitors a true Taste of Nova Scotia experience.
l ane’s privateer i nn specializes in seafood, chowder, sandwiches on freshly baked breads, steaks, desserts, and an extensive wine and cocktail list with ten NS craft beers on tap. Try a flight of NS appellation wine. Visit Snug h arbour Books and Café with an on-site bakery and espresso bar.
The l ane’s experience features 23 guestrooms with local artwork, live i rish music, patio parties with live music throughout the summer, wine tastings, and trivia events.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
all our coffees are organic & Fairtrade™ certified, purchased directly from farmers on four continents. a s members of Cooperative Coffees, we have long term, transparent relationships with our producer partners going on 20 years.
Following in lunenburg’s craft tradition, we carefully small-batch roast combining the best traditional techniques with low emission, heatrecycling technology.
We’re inspired by quality, fairness & playfulness with devotion to producing great coffee. We give back to our community in many ways, including as a Sustainability ally of Ecology action Centre, whose environmental efforts we’ve supported since 2007.
Sustainable, ethical & delicious – great coffee doing great things!
Our year-round Farmers’ Markets: Halifax: brewery (Saturday), Seaport (Saturday, Sunday) lunenburg: Thursday
Our lunenburg Coffee bar: Tuesday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
l incoln Street Food is a modern, coastal, neighbourhood kitchen serving market-inspired fresh food in a unique, fun, relaxed atmosphere. after 20 years in the business, owner and chef paolo Colbertaldo has developed long-term relationships with farmers and purveyors, and strives to support a healthier, local, sustainable food system.
The menu changes regularly, based on market and seasonal availability. The wine is well-priced and chosen from vineyards which opt for sustainable farming. o rganic, healthy ingredients are used in all the baking. Vegetarians and vegans will not be disappointed, nor will carnivores and pescetarians.
Please visit website for hours of operation.
Made from scratch in small batches, our rum cakes are sure to please. These moist cakes are doused in a rum simple syrup made with lunenburg’s i ronworks Distillery Bluenose r um and topped with pecans. From rum cakes to chocolate inspired by the streets of our town, our products offer a lunenburg experience you can savour at home.
We believe in supporting local and creating quality products. We foster our community and its history. We hope that our baked goods will not only be enjoyed as a treat, but a memory in the making with family and friends.
Bringing true lunenburg hospitality to you through traditional baking and a piece of history.
Please visit our website to place an order or find a local retailer.
tasteofnovascotia.com 33 sout H s H or E 51 culinary product CoFFEE roaSTEr
NoVa SCoTia TraD TioN
53 culinary product BakErY
Since 1936
The Original Nova Scotia Lobster Supper
Settle in for a traditional FEAST!
Fresh boiled lobster, fresh cultivated mussels, salads, homemade rolls, choice of dessert & coffee or tea
Open May 14 to Oct 7
Wed to Sun 4-7pm
Hubbards Beach, NS
Reservations Highly Recommended @
55 restaurant
M Ate US Bi S t R o
533 Main St., Mahone Bay
oAK iS l And Re S o R t
& confe R ence c ent R e
36 Treasure Dr., Western Shore 902-627-4331, tf: 1-800-565-5075
56 restaurant
ld fi S h fActo RY
57 restaurant
pe ASAnt’S pAnt RY
Mateus Bistro delivers tasty foods made home-style and simple. Charcoal smoked meats, fresh seafoods, and local produce help bring seasonal menus to the tables. Chef Matthew k rizan has grown this bistro to focus on an appreciation for food and where it comes from.
The Bistro is right in the heart of Mahone Bay, and in the summer, Friday is a grill menu where everything is charcoal grilled to order right on the patio. To complement the food, they boast a drink menu with dozens of Nova Scotian wines, beers, ciders, and spirits.
Open year-round.
Please call or visit website for more information.
o n the beautiful South Shore, discover a culinary treasure at o ak island r esort & Conference Centre.
Enjoy o ak & o ar Eatery or Three Sheets Bar + Social for your relaxed dining experience with spectacular views overlooking the many islands of Mahone Bay. Whether eating in or dining al fresco on our large outdoor patio, the food will always be delicious and our service will always be friendly; it’s the East Coast way.
Don’t forget to enjoy a glass of local wine from our extensive wine list or try one of our delicious cocktails.
Serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Times and availability may vary.
& Ship WR ight B R e W ing co M pA n Y Wh AR fS ide
68 Bluenose Dr., 2nd Floor, Lunenburg 902-634-3333 www.oldfishfactory.com
4491 Hwy 12, New Ross
an iconic lunenburg landmark with a stunning wharf side ocean view in the heart of all the action on our historic waterfront. The old Fish Factory is a favourite destination for locals and travellers alike for a truly Nova Scotian culinary experience with a twist, paired to perfection with an extensive selection of local wines, spirits, and craft beers, including our own award-winning Shipwright Brewing Company onsite.
our commitment to local farmers, fishermen, and artisans creates a unique and memorable experience, with a new story behind every plate and pint to be told. our crew can’t wait to welcome you on your next escape to savour lunenburg!
June – October
Please visit our website for updated hours of operation.
peasant’s pantry is a traditional italianstyle restaurant and deli with casual atmosphere and high standards for taste, quality, and consistency. Their menu and charcuterie is prepared from scratch with emphasis on local ingredients.
Visit peasant’s pantry to try one of their two-hand, two-napkin sandwiches, traditional Neapolitan style woodfired pizzas, and more.
Visit www.peasantspantry.ca for full menu and more details!
tasteofnovascotia.com 35 sout H s H or E
54 restaurant CaSUal DiN NG
59 restaurant
petite Riviè R e v ine YAR dS
1300 Italy Cross Rd., Crousetown 902-693-3033
8650 Peggys Cove Rd., Indian Harbour 902-821-3013
60 restaurant
SAlt Sh AK e R d eli
124 Montague St., Lunenburg 902-640-3434
food & drink experience
SAlt B ox B R e W e RY
363 Main St., Mahone Bay 902-624-0653
petite rivière Vineyards is an old-world French style winery located on the unique slopes of the South Shore’s drumlin hills. The winery is surrounded by lavender gardens and a stone terrace, with sweeping views of the vineyards. You would think you were in provence!
Enjoy wine and cider tastings, relax on the terrace, or indulge in our Ultimate Tour & Wine Tasting, which runs daily throughout the summer. The winery hosts various events throughout the year and is available for private events and weddings.
Find our award-winning wines at the NSlC, local farmers’ markets, and local restaurants.
May – d ecember
d aily, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
January – April
Thursday – Saturday, 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. or by appointment; call 902-693-3033
restaurant bakeshop
rhubarb restaurant indian harbour, ns
8650 peggy’s cove road
AwArd 2022 rESTAur ANT OF THE yEAr
o wner/operators Jim and Diane Buckle, Chef k irk Selbie, and the team at rhubarb care a lot about their food and their customers. The menu focuses on seasonal, locally-themed dishes that will tempt serious gourmands and comfort foodies alike, presented with unsurpassable service.
Whether you live in the neighbourhood or are visiting from away, come enjoy the creative cookery at rhubarb – minutes from peggys Cove and less than an hour from halifax.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Check out Salt Shaker Deli in lunenburg. Sit on our waterfront patio or indoor dining room, and enjoy our fresh, from scratch menu. items include our award-wining smoked seafood chowder, fishcakes, lobster rolls, mussels, and other local seafood items, as well as soups, salads, gourmet pizzas, sandwiches, pastas, and more! our casual and fun atmosphere is perfect for families and adults alike.
Check us out on the Food Network’s You Gotta Eat here!
No reservations.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
like the building of a historical Saltbox house, brewing small batches of quality beer is a deeply rooted expression of heritage and craftmanship found in Nova Scotia. in those days, most brewing and drinking was done in the home. The resurgence of craft brewing marks a renaissance of the kind of local brewing that took place before the industrial revolution – when making beer was a standard household chore as integral as baking bread.
at Saltbox Brewing Company, we celebrate the development of the skills and artistry required to create fresh, fullflavoured beer for consumption by the local community. our motto: “Think social and drink local.”
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
36 58 food & drink experience WiNErY
63 food & drink experience
Schoolho US e g lU ten- fR ee g o URM et
Martins Point 902-273-2482
Ship WR ight
B R e W ing co M pAn Y
82 Montague St., Lunenburg
64 restaurant
Sho R e c lUB lo BS te R SU ppe RS
250 Shore Club Rd., Hubbards 902-857-9555
So U ’We S te R g ift Shop & ReStAURAnt
178 Peggys Point Rd., Peggy’s Cove 902-823-2561
Schoolhouse Gluten-Free Gourmet runs a 100 per cent dedicated gluten-free kitchen in a 150-year-old converted schoolhouse on the South Shore of Nova Scotia.
Their small but mighty team takes great care to make gluten-free eats and treats (with dairy-free and vegan options, too) by hand in small batches, using 100 per cent natural quality ingredients.
From breads and buns, to cookies, cakes, muffins, dessert squares, granola, vegan donuts, and everything in between. You can purchase Schoolhouse goods directly from their online shop and have them shipped right to your door, or from select independent retailers, cafés, and restaurants in major cities and towns across Nova Scotia and the Maritimes. Visit schoolhouseglutenfreegourmet.com to learn more!
Crafted in historic lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Shipwright Brewing Company is lunenburg’s first craft brewery, a toast to the shipbuilding heritage and shipwrights themselves past and present, whose craft has helped shape our town into the special and unique place it still is today! Most of the historic homes in lunenburg were also built by shipwrights, including our building, built by Stephen Morash in 1876.
keeping tradition with the talented artisans of our town, we strive to offer a superior world-class product, crafted with pride and passion in small batches, focusing on quality each step of the way to create a brew that pairs perfectly with our picturesque surroundings! Cheers!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Celebrating 87 years of serving the public, the original Nova Scotia lobster Supper offers a unique dining experience.
as you enter past the crew cooking the lobster and mussels, and over the red carpet, you can settle in for a feast of fresh boiled lobster, fresh cultivated mussels, your choice of salads, homemade rolls, and your choice of dessert. Steak, chicken, and vegetarian options, as well as a children’s menu, are also available.
our goal is to serve the best lobster, in a unique setting, with friendly Nova Scotian hospitality.
Open May 14 (Mother’s d ay) – October 7 (Thanksgiving)
May, Saturday & Sunday
June – October, wednesday – Sunday, 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
The Sou’Wester Gift Shop & restaurant overlooks the famous lighthouse at peggys Cove and specializes in homestyle meals. We feature our very special seafood chowder, fish and chips, haddock dinners, and fresh-cooked lobster. Dessert specialties include homemade gingerbread.
During the off-season, we welcome you to try our hot cider — just the thing on a blustery winter’s day! or, join us for breakfast, hot off the grill, until noon each day.
Come take a stroll on the viewing platform, have a tasty meal, and enjoy Nova Scotia beauty at its very best!
Summer months, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Off-season, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (or sunset)
tasteofnovascotia.com 37 sout H s H or E
NoVa SCoTia TraD TioN
AwArd 2022 AwArd FOr SErVICE
62 culinary product BakErY & prEparED FooD
65 restaurant NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
67 restaurant
S U ndAY Silence coffee co.
Mahone Bay
sunday silence
Sunday Silence Coffee Co. is a local artisan and environmentally-friendly coffee roaster based in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Developed at The Barn Coffee & Social house, our goal has been to find and source the best coffee from around the world and have it roasted right here on the South Shore.
For us, the best moments of solitude and reflection have always been connected to great coffee. Whether we are in those moments of reflection or on the go, we want the coffee we drink to make us stop in our tracks.
Available locally at select retailers and at sundaysilencecoffee.com
t he BAR n coffee & Soci Al h o US e
458 Main St., Mahone Bay 902-531-2499
68 restaurant
t he Q UAR te R dec K
R e S o R t
7499 Rte 3, Summerville Centre Exit 21 off Hwy 103, Summerville Beach
902-947-2050, tf: 1-800-565-1119
69 restaurant
the So U th Sho R e
fi S h Sh Ac K
& hA lf Shell oYS te R BAR
108 Montague St., Lunenburg 902-634-3232
The Barn is a premium specialty coffeehouse serving their own line of exceptionally roasted coffees sourced from growers around the world. Mike and amelia Bishop opened The Barn in 2017 with the goal of creating a singularly comfortable, relaxing, and warm escape from the busyness of the world.
located in a uniquely restored heritage barn on Main Street in Mahone Bay, The Barn will transport you with a superb selection of classic old world and trending coffee, tea, and chocolate drinks that are second to none, along with a fantastic selection of in-house freshly made pastries, croissants, and other indulgences. Make yourself at home.
Open every day of the year, 8 a.m. –5 p.m., and additional hours as per social media.
a view you will always remember, a taste you will never forget. perched on a mile-long stretch of white sand, the Quarterdeck Grill has a reputation as the South Shore’s foremost destination for inspired beachside dining. o ur culinary team is committed to supporting local farmers, fishermen, and producers, creating a unique maritime experience!
a tastefully designed dining room provides a 180-degree view of Summerville Beach, and a chance to enjoy our exceptional wine list, Nova Scotia craft beer, and inspired cocktails.
r eservations highly recommended. Please visit website and Facebook page for hours of operation.
r estaurant & accommodations open year-round.
Come for the seafood, stay for the views. located in the heart of historic lunenburg, The South Shore Fish Shack features a simple menu of seaside favourites, sourced locally and classically prepared. h ere, the dishes are designed to let the fresh seafood shine, while you enjoy stunning harbour views from our patio.
at the neighbouring h alf Shell o yster Bar, the menu showcases fresh raw and cooked Nova Scotia seafood, along with a variety of options for all, in a completely open-air setting. The h alf Shell also offers local craft beers on tap, a creative cocktail list, and an extensive selection of wines by the glass.
May – October
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
38 66 culinary product CoFFEE roaSTEr
coffee co. artisan roaster & espresso
CaFé & BakErY
NoVa SCoTia
70 food & drink experience SpECialTY
t he t e A B R e W e RY
503 Main St., Mahone Bay 902-624-0566
71 tR elli S cAfé
22 Hwy 3, Hubbards
72 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
vAn dYK’S BY n At UR e
Queens County 902-542-4405
73 restaurant CaSUal
White p oint
Be Ach Re S o R t, e lliot’S d ining Roo M
75 White Point Beach Resort Rd., White Point 902-354-2711, tf: 1-800-565-5068
Tea blending has been our passion for over 20 years. We offer two collections – the Classic Collection and the Canada Collection, blended on-site. added to that are another 80 international teas. if you’re looking for teaware, we have the largest selection in atlantic Canada.
a gourmet market occupies a good portion of the shop where you can find a curated selection of specialty foods from local companies and from across Canada.
June – d ecember
Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday, 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Please visit our website for winter hours.
The Trellis Café is your local h ubbards restaurant offering a quintessential South Shore dining experience. From overflowing bowls of chowder to our signature desserts, The Trellis Café has established itself as a South Shore institution and landmark destination since opening its doors in 1985.
Every day begins with the aroma of bread baking and freshly-ground fair trade coffee brewing. Fresh fish arrives at our backdoor daily. o ur menus feature a variety of delicious seafood dishes, burgers, steak, pastas, soups, and salads. Weekend brunch is highlighted by our lobster and smoked salmon eggs benedict.
Come enjoy our sunny patio, complimentary wi-fi, and local artwork. live concerts on Friday and Saturday nights.
Please visit website for hours of operation.
Van Dyk’s by Nature 100% pure Wild Blueberry Juice, Dried Wild Blueberries and Wild Blueberry powder are made from oNlY Grade “a” Nova Scotian wild blueberries. They have No water, sugar, or preservatives added. These naturally delicious wild blueberry products provide health-conscious consumers with a versatile, convenient way to benefit from the remarkable health properties of wild blueberries year-round.
They are available at Sobeys, pharmasave, and at most independent health food stores in atlantic Canada.
r emember, Van Dyk’s 100% pure Wild Blueberry products are “Wildly Nutritious!”
Savour elevated Maritime favourites with stunning ocean views in Elliot’s Dining room or grab a pint and a bite while enjoying nightly live entertainment in Founder’s lounge. Delight in local seafood, craft beer, wine, and spirits, incredible sunsets, and expansive ocean views. Don’t forget to leave room for our scrumptious homemade desserts!
like the beautiful landscape just outside the dining room windows, our authentically Nova Scotian menu changes with the season. after dinner, take a stroll along the beach to reconnect, then relax and enjoy a good drink and warm conversation cozy by the fireplace. o ur dining room is open to guests and visitors year-round.
Please visit website for more information.
tasteofnovascotia.com 39 sout H s H or E
restaurant NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
h arbo U r sUN se T
T h i ro N wor K s g i N s & rU m b oaT rU m
i ngr ED i E nts
Serves 1
1 oz Ironworks Gin
3/4 oz Ironworks rum boat rum
3/4 oz lime juice
1/2 oz simple syrup
1/4 oz Ironworks Gin Noir
Orange wheel, to garnish
local blackberries, to garnish
Dir EC tions
1. Combine the gin, Rum Boat Rum, lime juice and simple syrup in a cocktail shaker with ice.
2. Shake until well chilled.
3. Strain into a rocks glass filled with crushed ice.
4. Slowly drizzle Gin Noir over the top.
5. Garnish with an orange wheel and blackberries.
2 Kempt St., Lunenburg
CapE forCHu
yarmo UT h & aca D ia N shores
74. Argyler Lodge and Restaurant
75. Comeau’s Sea Foods Ltd.
76. DEon Oyster Company
77. Dennis Point Café & Restaurant
78. IMO Foods Ltd.
79. La Cuisine Robicheau
80. Red Cap Restaurant & Motel
81. Rudder’s Seafood Restaurant & Brew Pub
82. Willy Krauch
43 a C a D ian C uisin E · star L ig H t r E s E r VE · pristin E W i LDE rn E ss
75 culinary product SEaFooD
AR gY le R lodge And Re S tAURAnt
52 Ye Olde Argyler Rd., Lower Argyle 902-643-2500, tf: 1-866-774-0400
co M e AU ’S Se A foodS ltd.
60 Saulnierville Wharf Rd., Saulnierville 902-769-2101
76 culinary product SEaFooD
deon oYS te R co M pAn Y
Lower Eel Brook 902-648-3472
d enni S p oint cAfé & R e S tAURAnt
214 Dennis Point Rd., Lower West Pubnico 902-762-1220
Watch the sunset and experience a gourmet getaway by the sea on our main deck overlooking lobster Bay.
We specialize in a chef-created, seasonal, locally-inspired menu that changes regularly depending on what is fresh from our garden, local farms, and sea. We grow most of our own herbs and produce onsite, and partner with local farmers and fisheries, all to provide you with the freshest and finest menu items possible.
Take in the spectacular sunset behind the surrounding islands from our airy wrap-around veranda while enjoying your favourite beverage. Seaside lobster boils will be available on Mondays, reservations required. Call our toll-free number to reserve.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Since 1946, Comeau’s Sea Foods has been a mainstay in the Canadian seafood industry. We are proud of our record as leaders in the harvesting, processing, and global distribution of fish and seafood products. Today, a variety of business activities serve loyal retail, food service, and industrial customers in the areas of harvesting, processing, bottling, and distribution of quality seafood products.
Fresh goods include scallops, herring, herring meal, and oil. Comeau’s also processes a full line of quality frozen herring fillets and scallops. our valueadded product lines include smoked salmon, smoked mackerel, baconwrapped scallops, seafood spreads, breaded scallops, fish cakes, and more.
DEon oyster Company, a family owned and operated business for more than 25 years, offers two unique brands of oysters.
The Eel lake oyster is nurtured by the brackish, tidal waters of Eel lake, a sheltered environment boasting a slightly lower salinity than the ocean. The Salt Bay oyster calls the same tides that fill up the world-famous Bay of Fundy home. our oysters are available throughout Canada and the United States. Try some of these tasty bivalves and surprise your family and friends with some of Nova Scotia’s finest! You’ll be shucking glad you did!
oysters available with free shipping throughout the atlantic provinces via our online store. if planning to stop by facility, call ahead to ensure contactless pick up.
located a stone’s throw from one of Nova Scotia’s most scenic fishing wharves, Dennis point Café & restaurant in lower West pubnico takes full advantage of the sea’s bounty. When it’s only a five minute walk from captain to kitchen, you know you’re getting the freshest seafood that the province has to offer!
Specializing in pan fried haddock, fish and chips, fish bits, and creamed lobster, we also offer a selection of non-seafood items that will appeal to the non-seafood lovers. Try Vernon’s burger, our selection of sandwiches, and homemade soup served with our famous house-made rolls. Whatever your choice, you will not be disappointed. after all, Dennis point is where “the fishermen bring their friends to eat.”
wednesday – Sunday, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Hours may change; please call to confirm.
tasteofnovascotia.com 45 yarmout H & a C a D ian s H or E s
77 restaurant NoVa SCoTia
Dennis Point Café & Restaurant
i M o foodS ltd.
26 Water St., Yarmouth
i M o Foods is a fish cannery located in Yarmouth that has been producing high quality, locally-sourced canned fish on the Yarmouth waterfront for more than 50 years. We produce canned herring, sardines, and mackerel, using freshly caught fish from the Bay of Fundy and the North atlantic.
i M o Foods produces for many different brands worldwide, but it is our own k Er SEN brand that is available at retailers throughout Nova Scotia. i M o Foods is proud to produce sustainable products. o ur smoked kippers are naturally smoked, with no chemicals or additives. i M o Foods products are rich in o mega-3.
Please visit www.kersen.ca for online sales.
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
culinary product
79 restaurant
lA cU i S ine Ro B iche AU
9651 Hwy 1, Saulnierville 902-769-2121
Red cAp Re S tAURAnt & Motel
1034 Rte 335, Middle West Pubnico 902-762-2112
81 restaurant
R U dde R ’S Se Afo od
Re S tAURA nt & B R e W pUB
96 Water St., Yarmouth 902-742-7311
82 culinary product SEaFooD
WillY K RAU ch
60 Saulnierville Wharf Rd., Saulnierville tf: 1-800-758-4412
at l a Cuisine r obicheau you get a true at-home feeling, just like going to grandma’s. We specialize in fresh local seafood, home-cooked meals, and traditional acadian dishes, with a spectacular view of the beautiful St. Mary’s Bay.
We’re best known for our signature seafood lasagna, haddock with creamed lobster, r obicheau’s Seafood Gratin, and coconut cream pie.
During the summer, our kitchen parties are a must see. please join us for a truly enjoyable evening for all.
Now offering luxury shipping container cabins located on-site. in summer 2023, we will also be offering oceanside dinners. Visit cabanedhorizon.com and searootsdining.ca for more information.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
The red Cap has been a favorite destination for locals of pubnico and visitors alike for more than 75 years.
Experience warm hospitality and home-cooked meals, like our traditional rappie pie, or chef-inspired cuisine, like our famous broiled haddock with lobster sauce. We partner with our local fishermen and farmers to bring you the freshest seafood, pork, beef, and produce.
No corkage fee everyday and we proudly serve local beer and wines.
We can accommodate larger groups in our private dining rooms, so think of us for your next special occasion! Visit us today to “taste the difference freshness makes.”
Please call for more information or reservations. Follow the r ed Cap r estaurant and Motel on Facebook and Instagram.
Soak up the ambience as you dine on fresh seafood and sip premium brewed beers while enjoying the Nova Scotia South Shore’s microbrewery restaurant.
Enjoy a customer favourite, r udder’s fish cakes, or lobster in the shell, on the large seasonal patio overlooking our private marina. We have live, local entertainment weekly.
o ur cold beer store is now open daily, which allows you to take home a 1.9 l growler jug of your favourite draft or lager.
present your copy of the 2023 Taste of Nova Scotia Culinary Guide and receive a complimentary 5 oz. sample of one of our handcrafted full-bodied craft ales.
d aily, 11 a.m.
Willy k rauch has developed a worldrenowned reputation for producing the finest smoked atlantic fish since 1956. Using traditional Danish smoking methodologies, this modest smokehouse developed a devoted following of visitors to Nova Scotia and locals alike who are passionate about smoked fish!
i n 2015, Comeau’s Sea Foods ltd. acquired the Willy k rauch brand as a way to preserve a long-standing tradition. Comeau’s shares a similar history to Willy k rauch, a family company rooted in community and committed to quality. o ur most popular products include cold-smoked atlantic salmon and hot-smoked mackerel.
tasteofnovascotia.com 47
80 restaurant CaSUal DiNiNG
NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN yarmout H & a C a D ian s H or E s
eas T coas T seafoo D graT i N
i ngr ED i E nts
Serves 2
6 Comeau sea scallops
2 tbsp sea salt butter
1 tsp fresh garlic, minced
1/4 cup local white wine
115 g lobster meat, diced
1 1/3 cup cream
70 g cold-water shrimp
4 slices bacon, pre-cooked and diced
3 sprigs spring parsley, finely chopped
1/8 cup breadcrumbs
1/4 cup local Gouda, shredded
1/3 cup mozzarella, shredded
Fresh cracked pepper, to taste
Dir EC tions
1. Combine sea salt butter and garlic in a pan over medium heat. Slow cook for approximately three minutes until ingredients become translucent.
2. Add local white wine and cook until mostly reduced.
3. Add lobster meat; let it lightly sizzle. Then, gradually add small amounts of cream to thicken the lobster sauce.
4. Once sauce is no longer runny and is an appropriate thickness, turn off the heat and add cold-water shrimp to the pan.
5. Slice sea scallops in half horizontally and add them, in a circular formation, to two oven-safe escargot dishes, followed by precooked bacon and Gouda cheese.
6. Broil dishes in oven until cheese is golden brown.
7. Remove dishes from oven and top with cooked lobster sauce.
8. Mix finely chopped fresh parsley with a dash of cracked pepper and breadcrumbs. Coat both dishes with this mixture.
9. Top with shredded mozzarella cheese and broil until golden and sizzling. Optional Serve with your favourite homemade rolls as a great dipping option!
LA CUISINE ROBICHEAU lacuisinerobicheau.ca 9651 Hwy 1, Saulnierville COMEAU’S SEA FOODS LTD. comeausea.com 60 Saulnierville Wharf Rd., Saulnierville
bLomiDon Look off
bay of f UNDy & a NN apo L is va LL ey
129. Petite Patrie Chocolate
130. Planters Ridge Winery
131. Raging Crow Distillery
132. Sable Shortbread Company
133. Schoolhouse Brewery
134. Scotian Gold
135. Sea Level Brewing Company
136. Shivani’s Kitchen
137. Spa Springs Mineral Water Company Ltd.
138. Still Fired Distilleries
139. Stirling Fruit Farms Ltd.
140. Tangled Garden
141. That Dutchman’s Cheese Farm
142. The Acadian Dining Room Restaurant at the Old Orchard Inn & Spa
143. The
51 Win E Country · farms & u - pi C ks · Wor LD ’s Hig HE st t i DE s 106. Fox Hill Cheese House 107. Gaspereau Vineyards 108. Gidney Fisheries Ltd. 109. Halls Harbour Lobster Pound and Restaurant 110. Hamilton’s Fish Farm 111. Haskap Highland Orchards Ltd. 112. Hole In The Wall Restaurant 113. Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-Op 114. Kellock’s Restaurant 115. Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards 116. Lost Bell Estate Winery 117. Luckett Vineyards 118. Maritime Express Cider Co. 119. Masstown Butcher 120. Masstown Creamery 121. Masstown Market 122. Meadowbrook Farm and Markets 123. Meander River Farm & Brewery 124. Mercator Vineyards 125. Millen Farms 126. Noggins Corner Farm Market
Nook and Cranny Brew Pub
Paddy’s Irish Brewpub & Rosie’s Family Restaurant 83. L’Acadie Vineyards 84. Agri-Growers Ltd. 85. Annapolis Cider Company 86. Avondale Sky Winery & Restaurant 87. Barrelling Tide Distillery 88. Benjamin Bridge 89. Bistro 22 90. Blomidon Estate Winery 91. Blomidon Inn 92. Casa Nova Fine Beverages 93. Church Brewing Company 94. Church Brewing Company 95. Cochrane Family Farm 96. Coldstream Clear 97. Country Magic/Nova-Agri 98. Cumin Kitchen & Drink 99. den Haan Greenhouses 100. Dickie Baxter Taproom & Bistro 101. Digby Pines Golf Resort & Spa 102. Domaine de Grand Pré 103. Domaine de Grand Pré – Le Caveau Restaurant 104. Dr. Kombu Brewing Company 105. Founders House Dining & Drinks
Flying Apron Inn & Cookery
144. The Long
145. The Union
146. The Whiskey
147. Valley
148. Wayfarers’ Ale
149. Wild Caraway Restaurant & Café
l’Ac Adie v ine YAR dS
310 Slayter Rd., Gaspereau 902-542-8463
Ag R i- gR oW e RS ltd.
42 Hwy 358, Port Williams 902-542-2263
food & drink experience
Ann Apoli S c ide R co M pAn Y
388 Main St., Wolfville 902-697-2707
86 food & drink experience
AvondAle S KY
Wine RY & Re S tAURA nt
80 Avondale Cross Rd., Newport Landing 902-253-2047
Taste the wines that brought international awareness of sparkling wines to Nova Scotia. awarded multiple times at prestigious competitions, including France’s Effervescents du Monde and london’s Decanter World Wine awards. Certified organic and vegan sparkling and still wines.
“ i invite you to visit our winery deeply rooted in warm rocky mineral-rich soil, an ancient seabed giving complex mineral and slight saline flavours. Tour our certified organic vineyard, taste and learn about our special organic and vegan wines” – Bruce Ewert, Winemaker, Founder, o wner.
Tasting appointments are highly recommended and will be given priority.
agri-Growers limited is comprised of eight farms, harvesting 4,500 acres and shipping 25 million pounds of mixed fresh vegetables and fruit out of Nova Scotia’s beautiful annapolis Valley.
Customer service is the number one priority as we strive to grow, pack, and ship a wide range of high-quality produce, including cut and peeled mini carrots, fresh carrots, onions, cabbage, turnip, parsnip, apples, beets, strawberries, broccoli, and cauliflower.
Please call or visit our website for more information.
Tap into the valley! The annapolis Cider Company is all about local – we get our apples from nearby orchards, have them pressed into juice just down the road, and ferment the juice into cider right on Main Street, Wolfville, in the heart of the annapolis Valley.
Visitors to the cidery can view the cidermaking process by peering directly into the cellar, while enjoying a selection of our ciders at the tasting bar.
The cidery is open seven days a week, offers tours, and has a spacious retail shop featuring a large selection of premium and specialty ciders.
w inter d aily, 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.
b eginning May 1
d aily, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
located on one of the oldest vineyards in the province, avondale Sky invites you to experience our tranquil sanctuary.
Gentle southern slopes and rolling hills nurture acres of vines against an everchanging tidal landscape. Enjoy a guided tour of our vineyard and learn how we harvest every grape by hand. Step inside “the church that walked on water” for a tasting of our award-winning wines. hungry? Dine on our patio overlooking the vines and indulge in locally sourced cuisine that highlights the very best of what’s in season.
“Today the great travelling church is one of the most tranquil and lovely wine tasting rooms in the world” – The Globe and Mail.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
84 culinary product
83 food & drink experience WiNErY
87 food & drink experience
BARR elling t ide d i S tille RY
1164 Parkway Dr., Port Williams 902-542-1627
bay of fun D y & annapo L is V a LLE y
food & drink experience
Ben JAM in B R idge
1966 White Rock Rd., Gaspereau 902-542-1560
89 restaurant
Bi S t R o 22
16 Inglis Pl., Truro 902-843-4123
Blo M idon eS tAte Wine RY
10318 Hwy 221, Canning 902-582-7565
Barrelling Tide Distillery is an independently owned craft distillery located on a tidal river in the annapolis Valley. Surrounded by rich valley farmlands, all our award-winning spirits and liqueurs are handcrafted in small batches on-site using produce and products from local farmers and producers.
We are open year-round and have a full retail area and tasting bar on site. We look forward to seeing you!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
b uy a bottle, support a farm!
Benjamin Bridge is Canada’s most acclaimed sparkling wine house, nestled in Nova Scotia’s picturesque Gaspereau Valley. its cool climate is moderated by the powerful Bay of Fundy – promoting natural acidities and a long ‘hang-time’ of the classic Champagne varietals, which are critical to producing sparkling wines of richness, structure, and finesse.
primarily a traditional method sparkling wine producer, Benjamin Bridge’s portfolio is also comprised of brisk, aromatic whites – wines that take full advantage of the same, unique climatic traits that produce world-class sparklings. Nova 7, coined “Nova Scotia’s iconic wine,” pioneered an effervescent, off-dry style in the province, crafted on a foundation of quintessential freshness.
w ine shop open daily; tours and tastings by appointment.
For more details, please visit our website.
Bistro 22 welcomes you to the heart of Nova Scotia! located in Truro’s downtown shopping district, we offer warm hospitality and an upscale-casual dining experience.
We are proud to serve some of Nova Scotia’s finest wines and beers, with a menu that highlights local, seasonal ingredients. our lunch menu features a variety of bistro dishes, and our dinner menu offers classic-inspired meals from land and sea. Be sure to check out our popular Saturday brunch.
Whether celebrating a special evening with family and friends, or taking a break from exploring Truro’s small shops, make Bistro 22 your next dining destination.
For daily specials, follow us on social media (@bistro22 and @bistro22chef ) or visit our website at bistro22.ca.
Tuesday & wednesday, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Thursday – Saturday, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m./ 5 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Blomidon Estate Winery is a boutique winery nestled on the shore of the Minas Basin, in the picturesque annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. our beautiful seaside setting offers a unique location for viticulture, as well as a scenic stopping point for our many visitors.
Visit our wine shop, where our helpful staff will guide you as you taste our 100% Nova Scotia award-winning wines. Enjoy the view while you relax on our sunny patio, sip on a glass of wine, and savour the moment with a selection of local cheeses and charcuterie.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
tasteofnovascotia.com 53
90 food & drink experience WiNErY
Blo M idon i nn
195 Main St., Wolfville 902-542-2291, tf: 1-800-565-2291 www.blomidon.ns.ca
cASA n ovA fine Beve RAge S
2635 Clementsvale Rd., Bear River East 902-467-0363
c h UR ch B R e W ing co M pAn Y
329 Main St., Wolfville 902-542-2337
c h UR ch B R e W ing
co M pAn Y
329 Main St., Wolfville 902-542-2337
Chef Donna Jackson and her culinary team invite you to join them at the Blomidon inn to enjoy Nova Scotia fare, fresh from the valley and sea. Complement your experience with an extensive wine list of local and imported wines, developed by owner/sommelier Michael l aceby. This wine list has received the award of Excellence from Wine Spectator Magazine since 1999.
a fantastic setting in a restored Sea Captain’s Mansion, the inn boasts multiple dining rooms, grand sitting rooms, and a large exterior terrace for the summer. The inn also features a wide range of uniquely and individually furnished accommodations. reservations are recommended.
wednesday – Sunday, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. b y reservation only.
Casa Nova Fine Beverages is a producer of award-winning wine, ciders, and cellos. our mandate is to promote and use fruit from Nova Scotia producers and we have an abundance to choose from!
Some of our products can be found in the NSlC, but many more, produced in small batches, can be found at our farm gate store or in local restaurants and pubs. We also produce a line of gourmet quality wine jelly, preserves, sweet, savoury, and hot sauces, and estate maple syrup; great condiments with which to stock your pantry!
We are open to the public daily from the end of May until the end of o ctober. During the rest of the year, we welcome people by appointment or come by chance.
Established in 2019, our brewery includes a 4-vessel 35 hectolitre brewing system and a separate 2-vessel 5 hectolitre pilot system that brews high quality beer with flavour, personality, and purpose. our beer is brewed with great attention to detail, with a focus on deep rooted brewing traditions for modern times, elevating the amazing food it pairs with. Congregation pilsner, Mayflower White ipa, illuminate pale ale, and Married To The Sea German porter make up our core beer styles.
Visit us and enjoy a flight or a full pint inside our year-round restaurant or picturesque patio, or take some to go from our on-site beer market. We invite you to come and congregate with us.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Church Brewing Company, housed in an old stone church on the Bay of Fundy, invites you to come congregate with us!
our carefully curated menu is sourced by using seasonal and local ingredients by the best of annapolis Valley’s farmers and producers. our fun and flavourful food is complemented by our high-quality beer, brewed with passion, personality, and purpose. We focus on deep-rooted brewing traditions that are elevated for modern times – the proof is in the taste!
Enjoy your dining experience on our picturesque patio, inside our restaurant (our sanctuary), or drop by our beer market for beer and merch to go. Come for the food and beer, stay for the atmosphere! it’s the place to see and be seen in Wolfville!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
54 92 93 91 94 restaurant CaSUal DiN NG restaurant F NE DiN NG food & drink experience WiNErY/CiDErY food & drink experience BrEWErY
95 food & drink experience
coch RAne fAM ilY fARM
5324 Hwy 289, Upper Stewiacke 902-671-2378
96 food & drink experience
coldS t R e AM c le AR
87 Main St. W., Stewiacke 902-639-1356
25 James St., Antigonish 902-867-0487
37 Logiealmond Close, Dartmouth 902-465-2143
97 food & drink experience
co U nt RY M Agic/ n ovA-Ag R i
1225 Middle Dyke Rd., Sheffield Mills 902-582-1445, U-Pick: 902-582-1482
98 restaurant
cUM in Kitchen & dR in K
21 Roy Ave., New Minas 902-713-5010
Cochrane Family Farm is a certified organic, family-owned and operated 30 acre farm, located in Upper Stewiacke on the banks of the Stewiacke river. We grow hand-tended, nutrient dense heirloom vegetables, herbs, and flowers without any chemical inputs, following a permaculture methodology.
We are a promoter of agritourism, offering many workshops, tours, and talks year-round.
We also have a storefront where you can purchase our vegetables, seeds, herbal teas, culinary spice blends, and other herbal products. We not only aim to offer our customers top quality food, but also to empower them to make healthier food choices.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Deep family history and an adventurous modern endeavour brings you Coldstream Clear.
The story begins with Simon Giffen, the first Giffen ancestor to arrive in Nova Scotia. he came to halifax from Northern ireland and practiced his trade as a successful distiller. little did Simon know, the distilling tradition would be revived nine generations later.
Today’s products include a variety of canned cocktails, as well as top quality vodkas, rums, liqueurs, rum cream and the newest, Coldstream Beer. all are made with the finest ingredients and with passion. Visitors can taste any products they wish and learn the fascinating process of creating world class spirits, canned cocktails & beer.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
The annapolis Valley has been our home for generations; with years of farming experience, we have learned what varieties to plant in our unique growing region. Every variety has its own characteristics influenced by many factors, including climate and soil conditions.
our primary crops include highbush blueberries (fresh market, processing, and u-pick), strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, onions, grape tomatoes and beans. The warm days and cool nights ensure our products deliver intense flavour profiles — from sweet berries to hardy vegetables.
our quality control and research programs explore new crops, new products, and improved processes as part of our commitment to continuous improvement, quality, and safe food choices to support our customer’s healthy lifestyle.
Blueberry and raspberry u-picks open seasonally.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
We are an urban café and eatery based on locally-sourced and supportive agriculture. We offer fresh and honest food prepared simply for dine in, take out, or take home.
our goal is to be sustainable while supporting all our local connections. The farmers, fishermen, and meat producers we work with are our friends and part of our amazing community.
Jason, Beatrice, kyla and amy want to welcome you to Cumin k itchen & Drink, a place to meet friends for coffee, have a meal, or stop by and pick up food for work or home.
tasteofnovascotia.com 55 bay of fun D y & annapo L is V a LLE y
57 2 4-8 min 3
Taste our wine, enjoy our food, and dream by the vines at our new inn.
Join us for an authentic experience of Nova Scotia hospitality! Enjoy a wine tasting and tour of our winemaking process, followed by a delicious, seasonally-inspired meal at Le Caveau and fall asleep in our new Inn, surrounded by the vines. Relax and let us take care of the details so you can savour every moment of this unforgettable culinary adventure.
99 culinary product
den hA An gR eenho US e S
394 Fitch Rd., Lawrencetown, Annapolis Co. 902-584-3667
100 restaurant
d ic K ie BA xte R
tApR oo M & Bi S t R o
9809 Main St., Canning 902-800-2889
101 restaurant
d ig BY pine S g olf
Re S o R t & SpA
103 Shore Rd., Digby 902-245-7712
the 19th hole clUB ho US e
A nd e Ate RY
111 Culloden Rd., Digby 902-245-7709
102 food & drink experience
d o MAine de gRAnd pR é
11611 Hwy 1, Grand Pré 902-542-1753, tf: 1-866-479-4637
Since 1963, our family business has focused on our passion for growing greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers for the atlantic Canadian market. located in the beautiful annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, we are dedicated to growing the highest quality, freshest, and safest product possible for our customers.
Throughout the years, den haan has been recognized for our innovative, environmentally sound, and highly efficient agricultural production practices.
our aromatic, juicy tomatoes and cool, crisp cucumbers would make the perfect addition to any recipe or on their own as a nutritious snack. Now available year-round, our delicious produce can be purchased throughout atlantic Canada at many local retailers and farm markets.
Welcome to the charming village of Canning! immerse yourself in the charm of a circa 1852 gem, converted into a modern-day culinary hotspot. our renowned chefs are serving an eclectic menu that will tantalize your taste buds with classic Maritime favourites and contemporary creations. You’ll be warmly welcomed by Nova Scotia’s famed hospitality, making your visit memorable.
our daily and ever-changing features ensure that there’s always something new and exciting to try; pairing them with our wide selection of local and international wines, craft beers, and cocktails will quench your thirst in style. located in the heart of wine country of the annapolis Valley, join us for an unforgettable culinary adventure. Come discover why Dickie Baxter Taproom & Bistro is the talk of the region!
Churchill’s restaurant and lounge o verlooking the annapolis Basin, Churchill’s restaurant bridges traditional and contemporary Nova Scotian cuisines. The menu is driven by locally sourced, seasonally inspired ingredients. Dine on world famous Digby scallops, atlantic lobster, classic favourites, or curated chef-inspired dishes.
our patisserie kitchen creates breads, pastries, and desserts daily from scratch, complementing the restaurant’s everchanging menus. a robust wine and beverage list featuring Nova Scotian wines, craft beers and spirits, pairs perfectly with the menu. Open year-round.
With views of the Stanley Thompson designed course, The 19th Hole Clubhouse and Eatery features a maritime-inspired menu, complemented by a selection of local craft beers, ciders, and wines. Dine inside the clubhouse or out on the patio. Seasonal, serving lunch and dinner.
Discover the magic of atlantic Canada’s oldest farm winery, Domaine de Grand pré.
Nestled in the heart of Nova Scotia wine country, this little slice of Europe will transport you to a world of refined taste and charm.
Take a leisurely stroll over the cobblestones to the expertly kept gardens and make your way to the tasting room, where you can indulge in a flight of wines, including one of the top Tidal Bays. You’ll taste the unique winemaking style of our expert team, which stays true to the grape.
Savour a delicious, locally-sourced meal at our on-site restaurant, le Caveau, or make it an unforgettable stay at our inn at Grand pré Winery, surrounded by our vines.
Please visit our website for vineyard tour hours and special events.
tasteofnovascotia.com 59 bay of fun D
annapo L is V a LLE y
y &
From our ocean to your plate – crack open your sense of adventure on the Nova Scotia Lobster Trail. Experience some of the freshest lobster our province has to offer, from lobster dinners to lobster rolls.
ENJoY ThrEE E aSY WaYS To CollECT YoUr STaMpS. piCk Up a paSSpor T FroM a Trail STop loC aTioN, DoWNloaD ThE TaSTE oF NoVa SCoTia MoBilE app
To CollECT DiGiTal STaMpS, or ChECk- iN aT
WWW. novAScotiAlo BSte R tRAil .coM
What will you crack open?
shore Club Lobster suppers
104 culinary product
d o MAine de gRAnd pR é –
le c Ave AU R e S tAURA nt
11611 Hwy 1, Grand Pré 902-542-7177, tf: 1-866-479-4637
B R e W ing co M pAn Y
836 Windsor Back Rd., Windsor 902-412-6764
fo U nde RS h o US e d ining & d R in KS
3816 Hwy 1, Annapolis Royal 902-532-0333
106 food & drink experience
fox h ill
c hee S e h o US e
1678 Church St., Port Williams 902-542-3599
Savour a delicious culinary experience at le Caveau restaurant, located at Domaine de Grand pré, Nova Scotia’s premier winery.
With a focus on locally sourced, seasonally inspired ingredients, chef Jason lynch and his team create an internationally influenced menu that reflects the vibrant community around them. indulge in a luxurious lunch or dinner in intimate surroundings, or unwind with a refreshing drink on the charming patio.
immerse yourself in the beauty of the vineyard and take in live music on Thursdays in July and august. Elevate your experience by staying overnight at our inn at the Winery. let le Caveau take you on a journey of delectable tastes and unforgettable moments.
Please visit our website for hours and special events.
Dr. kombu Brewing Company produces Sòlas kombucha, made and packaged in Windsor, Nova Scotia. Using traditional kombucha fermentation techniques and local ingredients when available, Sòlas is a truly artisanal local product distributed at mostly local and independent businesses across Nova Scotia.
Dr. kombu is also the producer of its 2023 launches: Black Cat Mead and Sòlas hard kombucha. Dr. kombu participates in numerous events, farmers’ markets, and charitable causes in Nova Scotia, including fermentation workshops.
our passion is locally sourced ingredients for dining, along with locally sourced beer, wine, cider, and spirits for our drinks. it’s about the astonishing quality we find in the annapolis Valley and throughout Nova Scotia. it’s about making sure you always feel welcome, with a creative taste of home served up with remarkable customer service in an absolutely beautiful setting near annapolis royal, Nova Scotia.
it’s about Elevated rural Dining – rooted in sea and soil.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
at Fox hill Cheese house, experience a local dairy store. our sixth-generation family farm provides milk from our own herd of holstein and Jersey cows to craft specialty cheese, natural yogurt, luscious gelato, and fresh, pasteurized, nonhomogenized milk in glass bottles!
at Fox hill, we are proud to plant the seed, grow the grass, milk the cows, and make specialty products for YoU. Sampling and cheese making viewing window at our port Williams location.
Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday, 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
May 1 – October 31, extended hours to 6 p.m.
105 restaurant FiNE DiNiNG
103 restaurant FiNE DiNiNG
107 food & drink experience
gAS pe R e AU v ine YAR dS
2239 White Rock Rd., Gaspereau 902-542-1455
108 culinary product SEaFooD
g idne Y
fi S he R ie S ltd.
136 Dakin Park Rd., Centreville 902-834-2775
109 restaurant NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
hAll S hARB o UR
lo BS te R p o U nd
A nd Re S tAURA nt
1157 West Halls Harbour Rd., Halls Harbour 902-679-5299
hAM ilton’S fi S h fARM
35 Devaney Marsh Right Of Way, Bridgetown 902-526-0350
Nestled in a century-old farm site’s iconic red barn, Gaspereau Vineyards was the first winery located in the Gaspereau Valley. k nown for outstanding rieslings and fruit forward, terroir driven white and red wines, the winery creates awardwinning, premium, small lot, and estategrown wines.
head winemaker Gina haverstock takes great care to transfer the essence of Nova Scotia’s terroir into remarkable wines of exceptional quality to suit the sophisticated palate and intimate occasions.
Just three kilometres from downtown Wolfville, visitors can enjoy wine tastings, and browse the broad selection of wines. Stop and enjoy a glass of wine on the open-air Vine Side patio.
Visit our website for news and specials. Follow us @gaspereauwine
Gidney Fisheries is a global exporter of high-pressure processed (hpp) raw frozen lobster products. our lobster products are free from additives and preservatives, and are frozen raw to preserve the natural flavours of the lobster meat.
our history of procuring and delivering exceptional quality dates back to 1892, when the Gidney family began exporting live lobster to Boston. o ver 125 years later, the Gidney family is still unwavering in our dedication to quality lobster and service.
Gidney Fisheries will continue to expand its global footprint within hpp frozen lobster through efficient logistics, offsite cold storage facilities across the globe, and growing business relationships.
Witness the highest tides in the world while savouring Bay of Fundy lobster and seafood in our harbourside restaurant.
located 20 minutes from kentville in one of the few authentic fishing villages on the Fundy coast, dining at h alls h arbour lobster pound is an interactive experience. o bserve as fishermen steam in to offload their bounty. Choose your lobster from the tank and deliver it to the chef for preparation in Bay of Fundy seawater.
Gain knowledge on the Fundy tides, the fishing and lobster export industry, and lobster biology from our friendly, experienced staff. Finish your stay with a stroll on the boardwalk and take in the sunsets.
Please visit website for hours of operation.
We are located in Centrelea, nestled between the shores of the annapolis river and the South Mountain. We are a familyowned business proudly producing high-quality, hand-raised rainbow trout grown at our 100 per cent land-based aquaculture facility, which is designed to minimize environmental impact.
land-based aquaculture is an accountable approach to fish production that helps to reduce pressure on oceans by containing fish waste and conserving wild fish stocks. at hamilton’s Fish Farm, we figure it’s time to ThiNk oUTSiDE ThE oCEaN.
Working closely with conservation programs, like o cean Wise, makes it easy for our consumers to know sustainable seafood is a priority here for the longterm health of our waterways on a local and global scale.
tasteofnovascotia.com 63 bay of
L is V a LLE y
fun D y & annapo
110 culinary product
112 restaurant
hASKAp h ighl And oR ch AR dS ltd.
189 Industrial Ave., Truro
h ole i n t he WAll Re S tAURAnt
23 Water St., Windsor 902-798-5999
113 food & drink experience
JUS t US! coffee
oAS te RS co - op
11865 Hwy 1, Grand Pré 902-542-7474
450 Main St., Wolfville
114 restaurant
Kelloc K’S Re S tAURAnt
160 Commercial St., Berwick 902-538-5525
haskap highland orchards ltd. is owned by local farmers who plant, grow, and nurture haskap berries – one of the world’s most powerful plant-based antioxidants.
a vibrant, sweet, tangy, and intense tasting berry that’s brimming with healthy vitamins and minerals. We are talking an exquisite blend of sweet blueberry, tangy raspberry, and rich blackcurrant flavours — with a deep purply-blue colour for added appeal!
all that nutritional goodness is yours to enjoy in haskap highland Juices, preserves, and Frozen Berries.
hole in The Wall is a small, upscale restaurant offering worldly fare with our own twist, using locally sourced ingredients.
We serve chef inspired dishes including gourmet thin crust artisanal pizza, high quality pasta, charcuterie, and delicious salads. We strive to offer gluten-friendly, vegan, and vegetarian options by making sure our menu has a variety of dishes and options to accommodate. We also offer a selection of quality wines, a variety of local craft beers, and other beverages.
our menu changes weekly while keeping our signature items available. on the third week of the month, we travel around the world, picking a different country each time and offering a menu inspired their local cuisine.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
a s a worker-owned co-op founded by and for people who love organic coffee, we’ve put people and the planet before profit® since 1995. our home is more than a roastery: we’re a point of exchange between the Global South and Global North. When you enjoy fresh-roasted fair trade Spp certified Just Us! coffee, you join in a circle of empowered partners who work towards positive social impact and community well-being.
in addition to our coffee, you can enjoy our seasonal menu of meals, snacks, and desserts with vegan and gluten-free options that are locally sourced and made by our kitchen team. after you finish your coffee, check out our café store for brew gear, coffee, tea, sugar, chocolate goods, and exclusive merch.
if you are looking to experience comfort food with an elegant flare and the nostalgic feeling of a Nova Scotian kitchen party with family and friends, kellock’s restaurant in Berwick, Nova Scotia is the place you don’t want to miss.
Continuing the tradition of hospitality in their 200-year-old heritage property, featuring a restaurant in the main house and accommodation in what was once the Carriage house, kellock’s is deeply rooted in the community they serve and the agriculturally rich local harvests that inspires their menu.
Dining room seats 35, plus 22 on the patio under the old maple trees during the warmer months.
111 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
115 food & drink experience
lightfoot & Wolfville
v ine YAR d S
11143 Evangeline Trail, Wolfville 902-542-7774
116 food & drink experience
loS t Bell eS tAte Wine RY
11 Dudley Park Ln., Falmouth 902-798-8311
117 food & drink experience
lU c K ett v ine YAR dS
1293 Grand Pré Rd., Wolfville 902-542-2600
118 food & drink experience
MAR iti M e expR e SS cide R co.
325 Main St., Kentville 902-681-5105
l ightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards is a family-owned and operated Demetercertified biodynamic farm and winery, located in the heart of Nova Scotia’s annapolis Valley.
With close proximity to the Bay of Fundy and the world’s highest tides, coastal breezes and excellent temperature moderation help create wines with great distinction.
The focus is on cool-climate wines rooted in a strong sense of place, including traditional method sparklings, Chardonnay, pinot Noir, and aromatic whites, such as r iesling.
o pened in 2017, the l ightfoot & Wolfville winery hospitality facility features a spectacular coastline view of Cape Blomidon, impressive modernbarn inspired architecture, a full-service event venue, and a farm-to-table restaurant, featuring ingredients sourced directly from the lightfoot family farm and gardens.
Visit us at lost Bell Estate Winery for wine tastings and vineyard tours in a beautiful setting steeped in history. Tour the site to discover the mystery of the lost Bell – a treasure crafted by the former acadian inhabitants of Sainte-Famille parish.
a s the legend goes, they melted their gold and cast it into a church bell. Under threat of expulsion from English soldiers, the acadians submerged the bell in one of the ponds on what is now our estate vineyard. To this day, the bell remains hidden, waiting to be discovered. Explore the vineyard and uncover the story of lost Bell for yourself.
luckett Vineyards captures the magic of Nova Scotia’s distinctive character through wines that are truly worth phoning home about. Maritime breezes, legendary ocean tides, and brilliant sunshine meet to create an outstanding hillside terroir overlooking the magnificent Gaspereau Valley.
This perfect combination helps us produce an impressive range of red, white, sparkling, and rosé wines that reflect the incredible terroir unique to Nova Scotia. Complement your wine with a delicious pairing from our restaurant, which serves locallyproduced food against the backdrop of one of the best views in Nova Scotia.
Opening summer 2023.
Please visit our website for up-todate hours of operation and special offerings.
Maritime Express Cider Co. offers a taproom and restaurant experience in a beautiful, iconic railway hotel.
our small batch ciders are crafted from a custom blend of 100 per cent annapolis Valley apples. First, we hand select the perfect mix of apples, ensuring that each batch is created with the highest quality fusion of sweet, sharp, and bitter. o ur selection is then locally-pressed, cold fermented underneath the taproom’s stone floors, and brought directly to our taps for your enjoyment.
The building where Maritime Express Cider Co. is located was once known as one of Canada’s most architecturally beautiful hotels. Enjoy our menu of elevated pub food while sampling our ciders or enjoying a locally made craft beer. in the summer we have a patio overlooking the town of kentville.
tasteofnovascotia.com 65 bay of
fun D y & annapo
is V a LLE y
stillfireddistilleries.com 2022 PRODUCT OF THE YEAR STILL FIRED DISTILLERIES Fundy Gin
119 food & drink experience
M ASS toW n B U tche R
10635 Hwy 2, Masstown 902-641-2101 masstownmarket.com/shop/butcher
120 food & drink experience
M ASS toW n cR e AM e RY
10635 Hwy 2, Masstown 902-641-2156 masstownmarket.com/shop/creamery
121 food & drink experience
M ASS toW n M ARK et
10622 Hwy 2, Masstown 902-662-2816
122 food & drink experience
M e AdoWBR oo K fARM And MARK et S
318 Pleasant Valley Rd., Somerset 902-538-1106
Alderney Landing, Dartmouth 902-464-2272
Great meals begin at Masstown Butcher! a whole animal butchery, with good old-fashioned counter service and knowledgeable staff, featuring custom cuts of locally farmed meats.
Make sure you leave time to browse the displays of unique kitchenware, sauces, and seasonings.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Masstown Creamery is a complete milk processing facility producing bottled milk, artisan cheese, butter, egg nog, and ice cream. Milk is delivered directly to the Creamery from local dairy farms.
The retail area has a large assortment of local and imported cheeses, along with jams, jellies, crackers, unique kitchenware, and more. Masstown Creamery’s cheesemongers can help you choose the right cheese pairing for any occasion.
The newly opened Creamery Café serves delightful meals and exquisite desserts, including Masstown Creamery ice cream, milkshakes, cheesecakes, and pastries.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation .
Masstown Market is a national awardwinning, family-owned business celebrating over 50 years of excellence in specialty food, gift, and garden retailing.
The market has built its reputation around great service and fresh, local foods, including fruits and vegetables, baked goods, delicatessen, and gourmet products, a café and dairy bar, an NSlC boutique, unique giftware, and a fully stocked garden centre.
Visit the lighthouse interpretive Centre and Fresh Fish Market. Enjoy delicious gluten-free fish and chips on the wharf from May to o ctober, or take home a ready-to-bake atlantic seafood pie.
Masstown Market: Close to home, far from ordinary.
d aily, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Meadowbrook Farm and Markets, located in the annapolis Valley, invites you to experience the taste of locally grown pork. The farm has transitioned throughout the years to meet consumer needs and life challenges, yet kept true to growing humanely raised, nutrientrich pork without antibiotics. The meat, raised on locally sourced and milled nutrient-balanced animal by-products free feed, is made into products without fillers, dyes, or MSG.
ham continues to be our signature product with Taste of Nova Scotia. Contact us for catering, wholesale, fundraising opportunities, and specialty orders.
Monday – wednesday & Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Thursday & Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Alderney l anding
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
tasteofnovascotia.com 67 bay of fun D y & annapo L is V a LLE y
BUTChEr Shop
BUTChEr Shop
FarM MarkET
124 food & drink experience
Me Ande R Rive R fARM & B R e W e RY
906 Woodville Rd., Ashdale, Hants County 902-757-3484
Me R c Ato R v ine YAR dS
88 Dyke Rd., Wolfville 902-542-7770
125 culinary product
Millen fARMS
80 Little Dyke Rd., Great Village 902-662-3848
n oggin S co R ne R fARM M ARK et
10009 Hwy 1, Greenwich 902-542-5515
6124 Coburg Rd., Halifax Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market, Halifax Santé Centre, Bedford www.nogginsfarm.ca
an adventure, or a wrong turn, leads you to Meander river Farm & Brewery. Nestled beside the twisting river it’s named after, the farm provides an agritourism experience like no other.
With 186 acres, the farm features a microbrewery, cidery, retail shop, hopyard, rows of lavender, lush gardens, hants County’s tallest waterfall, and seasonal livestock. The farm produces seasonal brews and ciders, and handmade products from farm resources.
You can find Meander river Farm & Brewery products at the farm. You can also find them on Facebook as Meander river Farm and on Twitter/instagram: @meanderriver
Open year-round. Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Mercator Vineyards is distinctive for its authentic heritage and welcoming in its relaxed and simple focus on old worldstyle wines. Named in celebration of the first agrarian settlements in the area, our vineyards overlook the historic acadian farmlands and the world’s highest tides. We’re devoted to growing exceptional grapes and making extraordinary, limitededition wines that express our terroir.
Enjoy a wine flight with small bites in our restored farmhouse, linger over a bottle of reserve wine and watch the eagles from the deck, or choose a selection of picnic pantry fixings and head out for a stroll through the vineyards.
immerse yourself in the timeless tranquility and warmth of our region and experience some of Nova Scotia’s finest, award-winning wines.
Follow us @mercatorwine.
Millen Farms, located in the Great Village area, is a family-owned sustainable farm. it has been in operation for over 40 years. The farm, which involves the whole family, is a Canada Gap certified farm. it includes 150+ acres of strawberries, 600+ acres of wild native lowbush blueberries, 25 acres of rutabaga and a few acres of onions.
at Millen Farms, we take pride in hand harvesting our fruit and vegetables for the best quality. Strawberries are picked fresh daily, morning and evening, and often shipped direct to the buyer from the field for freshness to the consumer. Wild blueberries are hand-raked, and rutabaga and onions are hand-harvested.
Welcome to Noggins Corner Farm! Set in the heart of the annapolis Valley, our farm has been family-owned and operated since 1760. We pride ourselves on growing delicious fruit, including Nova Scotia’s first apricots and nectarines. in the fall, enjoy a family-fun atmosphere with our 8 acre corn maze, tractor rides, and u-picks for apples, pumpkins, flowers, and herbs.
i f you can’t make it out to our farm, visit one of our market locations in the hr M. o ur friendly and knowledgeable staff will introduce you to our selection of local produce, meats, dairy, bakery items, and prepared foods! h ope to see you this season!
Please call or visit website for more information.
68 123 food & drink experience BrEWErY
126 food & drink experience FarM MarkET
bay of fun D y & annapo L is V a LLE y
127 restaurant pUB & EaTErY n oo K And cRAnn Y B R
e W pUB
128 restaurant
B R e W pUB & RoS ie’S fAM ilY ReStAURAnt
42 Aberdeen St., Kentville 902-678-3199
460 Main St., Wolfville 902-542-0059
129 food & drink experience
ChoColaTE MakEr/iCE CrEaMErY
petite pAt R ie chocol Ate
2 Webster St., Kentville 902-365-4004
130 food & drink experience WiNErY
pl Ante RS Ridge Wine RY
1441 Church St., Port Williams 902-542-2711
With Truro’s busiest patio, live entertainment, and 25 beer on tap, Nook and Cranny is the place to eat, drink, and enjoy local! o ffering a selection of local craft beer including the summer’s most popular Salty Dog Blueberry Wheat, made using local blueberry juice.
The diverse menu showcases local producers and popular dishes, such as our Cranberry Coconut chicken, classic fish & chips, burgers, kettle nachos, and many more seasonally-inspired dishes by our red Seal chefs.
Nook and Cranny has also just expanded to Tatamagouche and newly opened in pictou, featuring all the classics that the Nook offers with a new view.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Faith and Begorrah! We are an irish pub, family restaurant, cidery, and Nova Scotia’s pioneering oldest craft brewery!
in 1995, the only way we could enjoy a fresh craft beer was to brew it ourselves. We’ve been brewing and enjoying craft beer and cider with flavour and character ever since, showcasing a variety of beer styles and local cider with a focus on freshness. Beer and cider available to go!
Enjoy a selection of delicious food prepared by our culinary team. Specialties include scallops, haddock and mussel dishes, freshly made hamburgers, our house-smoked pulled pork sandwich, our craft sausages, and more!
Make your trip to kentville and Wolfville memorable and have an irish experience without going to the auld Sod.
petite patrie is an international awardwinning bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturer in downtown kentville. in our little factory, we make chocolate using the finest ethically traded and certified child labour-free cacao beans. our signature single origin dark chocolates are world class. We create a wide selection of dark, milk, and white chocolate bars, mouth-watering confections, and the most flavourful hot chocolate in Nova Scotia.
Enjoy espresso-based coffees, pastries, waffles, and more in our café. From april to october, try our ice cream bars dipped in our chocolate! afternoon teas and chocolate experiences are held at our event space. Group bookings and tours welcomed.
Veteran owned business.
at planters ridge Winery, we pay exceptional care to our grapes, growing varietals carefully selected to excel in our unique annapolis Valley terroir. Besides our wine portfolio, we’ve released a number of small-lot specialty products, including mead and cider.
our tasting room is a true Nova Scotia hidden gem, housed in a stunning 160-year-old timber framed barn. Tastings and scheduled tours are offered year-round, as well as wine by the glass and local food boards.
Join us on our patio in the summer, overlooking our view of the dykes, or by the warmth of our fireplace in the winter to enjoy award-winning, uncompromising Nova Scotia wine in a serene locale.
Taste the tradition and passion in every bottle.
tasteofnovascotia.com 69
Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Friday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. & EaTErY
pAddY’S iR i S h
d aily, 11 a.m
627 Prince St., Truro 902-895-0779
drink experience
R Aging cR oW
d i S tille RY
592 Hwy 311, North River 902-890-6460
SAB le S ho R t BR e Ad co M pAn Y
437 Main St., Kentville 902-365-5290
133 food & drink experience
Schoolho US e B R e W e RY
40 Water St., Windsor 902-472-4677
S coti An g old
2900 Lovett Rd., Coldbrook 902-679-2191
We’re a small-batch, hand-crafted distillery using locally sourced, all-natural ingredients. We’ve won multiple national awards for our spirits, including a Best in Class Gold Medal with Distinction for our Spruce Tip Gin and best New Whisky Spirit for our Can’t Call it B**bon. o ur spirits are all natural with no chemical additives.
We specialize in unique flavours such as Dill pickle Vodka, haskap Gin, honey liqueur, Blueberry liqueur, and our unique Cajun Chocolate liqueur. We also produce Nova Scotia’s only B**rbon and Teq**la. o ur signature Nazdrowka vodka is the only locally produced potato vodka with a smooth, silky feel and taste.
Please visit website or Facebook page for current information on hours of operation, drink recipes and product features.
Decadent. Delightful. Delicious.
We make amazing gourmet shortbread cookies by hand, from scratch, in small batches every single day. We carefully select only the best ingredients; we look for local, organic, fair trade, and all natural ingredients. We never add any artificial colours or flavours to our cookies. We create unique recipes for each one of our cookies and combine each cookie with its topping to create unique taste experiences to delight your taste buds.
There are always new and favourite flavours available at our bakery in kentville. Stop in for a cookie and a beverage, and take away some cookies too!
We can’t wait to see you and to Share the Joy with you!
located along the waterfront in the heart of downtown Windsor, Schoolhouse Brewery showcases their array of quality craft brews in a cheery, school-themed taproom.
The “Classroom Taproom” offers a full experience where you can enjoy a pint alongside something from the kitchen, try a sample flight of all the brews, or browse the unique merchandise in the Brewtique. Don’t forget to take some of your favourites home with you, and keep your eyes peeled for the yellow pencil taps at many other great watering holes around the province.
Schoolhouse Brewery: the beer with class!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Scotian Gold is a grower-owned tree fruit co-operative located in the heart of the a nnapolis Valley. Specializing in premium apples such as h oneycrisp, SweeTango, ambrosia, and Gala, Scotian Gold enjoys a unique microclimate ideal for apple production.
o ur fruit is grown by over 50 family farms across Nova Scotia. a s a cooperative, we consolidate, store, and pack these apples to ensure the best support for our growers and the highest quality to our customers. o ur controlled atmosphere storage allows us to provide fresh apples to Nova Scotians from September to June.
Scotian Gold apples can be found at all major retailers throughout the province!
70 134 culinary product FrUiT & VEGETaBlE
132 food &
SpECialTY Shop
131 food & drink experience DiSTillErY
S e A level BR e W ing co M pAn Y
9146 Hwy 221, Sheffield Mills 902-582-2337
136 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
ShivAni’S Kitchen
1989 Wentworth Rd., Newport Station 902-482-7714
137 culinary product SpECialTY BEVEraGE
SpA SpR ing S Mine RAl WAte R
co M pA n Y ltd.
1089 Hwy 362, Middleton 902-825-2133 www.spa-springs.com
food &
drink experience
Still fi R ed
i S tille R ie S
9548 Hwy 8, Annapolis Royal 902-880-1338
From our farm to your glass – Sea level Brewing and our farming family at Millstone h arvest Brewhouse are working together as Nova Scotia’s first estate brewery. Situated in the middle of our family farm, our new brewhouse is surrounded by the lush acreage on which we grow most of our malting barley, some hops, and other fruit inputs.
We offer a full sensory experience, much like at your local winery, where we offer tastings and brewery tours. Join us on our patio or in our taproom, and enjoy a pint or a sample tray of a selection of a dozen of our own hand-crafted beers and ciders.
Follow us @sealevelbrewing on social media.
Shivani’s k itchen makes it easy to experience the bold, authentic flavours of i ndia. Using a generations old family recipe, our spice blends and ready-touse sauces help create dishes like butter chicken, curry, and tikka.
Shivani’s k itchen recently entered the market of convenience meals. They use local ingredients from Nova Scotia to make the ethnic products. Every dish celebrates the flavours of i ndia.
Find all of our products in Sobeys, many small retail stores across atlantic Canada, and at www.shivaniskitchen.ca
From Shivani’s family to yours…
Spa Springs Mineral Water Company produces a portfolio of innovative and refreshing non-alcoholic, premium line of beverages that are available worldwide.
Canada Geese, the natural high calcium mineral water bottled at the source, is a healthy and refreshing beverage. With its balanced and harmonious taste, this gently sparkling water is perfect as a thirst-quencher or a companion to delicate food.
28 i CE TE a is made with the essences of black, green and white tea. i t’s enriched by high-quality ingredients and can be enjoyed all year long.
all beverages are available in many stores and restaurant locations, as well as directly from their facility. Spa Springs Mineral Water Company proudly collaborates in the role of co-packer with other local companies to aid them in bringing their products to market.
Please visit website for more information.
AwArd 2022 PrOduCT OF THE yEAr
We are an artisan craft distillery located in annapolis r oyal. We create premium small batch spirits from the first “legal” stills built and assembled in Nova Scotia.
We have our hands in every aspect of production, from fermentation to filtration, giving a whole new meaning to “hand-crafted.” We have produced numerous award-winning products.
o ur full line of products can be purchased at the distillery and across the road at the lequille Country Store. Select products can also be found at l iquid a ssets, Bishop’s Cellar, and select farmers’ markets around Nova Scotia.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
tasteofnovascotia.com 71
bay of fun D y & annapo
is V a LLE y
food & drink experience BrEWErY
Grab your spoon and hit the Nova Scotia Chowder Trail. Collect your stamps at trail stops while you enjoy made-from-scratch Nova Scotia seafood chowder featuring fresh local seafood – from Yarmouth to Neils Harbour and everywhere in between.
ENJoY ThrEE E aSY WaYS To CollECT YoUr STaMpS. piCk Up a paSSpor T FroM a Trail STop loC aTioN, DoWNloaD ThE TaSTE oF NoVa SCoTia MoBilE app
To CollECT DiGiTal STaMpS, or ChECk- iN aT WWW. novAScotiAchoWde R tRAil .coM
will you dive INTO?
La CuisinE robiCHEau
Sti R ling fRU it fARMS ltd.
10317 Hwy 1, Greenwich 902-542-3763
tAngled gAR den
11827 Hwy 1, Grand Pré 902-542-9811
The Stirling family name has been associated with apples and farming in Nova Scotia’s annapolis Valley since 1917. at our farm markets, we sell apples as well as other fruits and vegetables grown on our own farms.
We also carry a wide selection of locally produced jams, jellies, juices, honey, and maple products, many from fellow Taste of Nova Scotia members. We are proud to display the Taste of Nova Scotia logo on our own sweet apple cider.
Visit our farm markets in Bible h ill, Blue acres, Greenwich, and Moncton.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Tangled Garden is both a garden of delight and a working herb and fruit farm, described as a must-stop in The Garden lovers Guide To Canada. Fresh herbs are picked to make delicious jams, jellies, and innovative liqueurs.
peek into the kitchen where our jewellike savoury jellies are made daily with fresh picked herbs. Sample one of our fruit liqueurs, including Dazzling Damson plum with a shock of basil.
Meander through our garden and enjoy a rose petal ice cream as you stroll. This season, our charming Tea r oom is open by reservation only. Visit our website to book your picnic.
retail Shop
Seasonal, late April – december
Please call or visit the website for hours of operation.
Open Victoria day weekend, May 20 – November 1
139 food & drink experience FarM MarkET
140 food & drink experience SpECialTY Shop
142 restaurant
t h At d U tch MAn’S chee S e fARM
4595 Hwy 2, Economy 902-647-2751
the Ac AdiAn d ining Roo M Re S tAURAnt
At the old oRchARd inn & SpA
153 Greenwich Rd. S., Exit 11, Hwy 101, Wolfville 902-542-5751, tf: 1-800-561-8090 www.oldorchardinn.com
143 restaurant
t he flY ing ApR on i nn & coo K e RY
3 Summerville Wharf Rd. & Hwy 215, Summerville 902-633-2300, tf: 1-844-633-2300
144 restaurant CaSUal
t he long tAB le Soci Al c lUB
5611 Hwy 358, Canning 902-582-1393
a s Nova Scotia’s original artisan cheesemakers, we produce award winning Gouda and Dragon’s Breath Blue cheeses. Visitors can sample our cheeses (seasonally) and view the cheese production site through large viewing windows on cheese making days.
our shop features Dutch treats, giftware, and attic antiques. onsite, That Dutchman’s Farm, animal & Nature park (seasonal), is 80+ acres of woodland, trails and waterways with secluded animal enclosures. a hit for those young and old, the interactions with the animals and the natural beauty keep our visitors coming back.
our farm gives people a chance to taste great cheese, get outside, and experience life in a rural, naturalized and educational setting.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
The acadian Dining room restaurant & lounge offers special dining experiences, from the everyday to one of our Culinary Country Dining packages.
Enjoy the warmth of our massive open-hearth fireplace, the antiques and architecture reflecting the rich history and culture of the annapolis Valley. The view from our large windows highlights the stunning beauty of land meeting sea and centuries-old acadian dykes. Walk out to the patio sundeck and relax with a glass of wine.
Savour the incredible locally sourced, traditional Nova Scotia favourites; seasonal lobster, chowders, award-winning Digby scallops, and apple desserts from the bountiful annapolis Valley orchards.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Just an hour from h alifax, Chester, or the a nnapolis Valley, The Flying apron i nn & Cookery serves up honest, local, seasonal fare.
The menu changes weekly to feature the freshest local, sustainable ingredients with a curated drink menu showcasing Nova Scotia’s best wine, cider, and craft beer. Their amazing house-made desserts are not to be missed. With a beautiful patio overlooking the resident chickens, beehives, and gorgeous edibles, it’s a perfect culinary destination.
at this foodie haven, you can indulge your love of food even further by signing up for a cooking class in their stunning Cookery School. Turn your visit into a culinary getaway with a stay in their beautiful five-room inn.
Open year-round. Please visit website for hours of operation.
The long Table Social Club is an offthe-beaten-path hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With sweeping views of the Bay of Fundy, magical sunsets, and country charm, come experience delicious meals made with fresh local ingredients, wine, and craft beverages. Don’t miss our signature long Table k itchen parties with delicious food, drink, and live entertainment. Make your visit to Nova Scotia truly memorable – make memories and friends while you’re here!
Whether you would like to dine in, or you’re hiking the trails of Cape Split or Blomidon provincial parks or picnicking at the beach, we have delicious eat in and take out options. Check out our gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan menu options at our welcoming and accessible restaurant.
tasteofnovascotia.com 75 bay of fun D y & annapo L is V a LLE y
NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
141 food & drink experience ChEESE Shop
145 restaurant CaSUal
t he Union St R eet
183 Commercial St., Berwick 902-538-7787
Exploring the Intersection of Acadian, Cajun &French Cuisine
Voyagez au cœur des cuisines et des cultures
Acadiennes, Cajuns et Françaises
located in the heart of Nova Scotia’s richest agricultural area, The Union Street draws upon an amazing variety of annapolis Valley ingredients. We celebrate the best of local fishermen, artisanal cheese makers, producers, farmers, and musicians.
o ne of Nova Scotia’s premiere music venues, we are happy to host some of this country’s greatest singersongwriters on our stage.
ndulge in a glass of wine from a local winery, or a pint of craft beer. locally owned since 2000.
Sunday – Thursday, 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday & Saturday, 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
147 food & drink experience
t he Whi SK e Y t elle R
9 Church St., Annapolis Royal 902-532-0000
vAlle Y fl A xflo UR ltd.
188 Marshall St., Middleton 902-825-1528
148 food & drink experience
WAY fAR e RS’ Ale
1116 Kars St., Port Williams 902-542-7462
149 restaurant CaSUal
Wild cARAWAY Re S tAURAnt & cAfé
3721 Hwy 209, Advocate Harbour 902-392-2889
annapolis royal’s landmark pub. our wood-fire rotisserie showcases food at the center of Whiskey Teller’s open kitchen, shadowed by an intimate chef’s table where you can experience first-hand what’s happening right at the hearth.
We’re serving up all the classic and custom cocktails to wet your whistle and putting a spin on traditional pub grub. From a perfectly roasted chicken, to grilled ribs, or Whiskey Teller’s signature poutines, and more.
We’ve used pieces of the past in the redesign of this historic property. From our name to our décor and atmosphere, we intend to pay homage to those who came before us.
Drop by for a visit; stay for a chat. Valley Flaxflour is the only certified gluten-free flour mill in atlantic Canada.
our all-Canadian, non-GMo ingredients and mixes are milled and blended in an allergen-free facility, free of nuts, wheat, gluten, and other common allergens.
Traditional and historically important Canadian seeds and grains, including flax, gluten-free oats, buckwheat, and organic corn, are cold-milled and blended to make our versatile Valley k itchen Gluten-Free all- purpose Flour, Complete Bread Mix, award-winning pancake & Cookie Mix (Taste of Nova Scotia product of the Year 2016), allCanadian Breakfast Cereal, and Shake & Smoothie Booster antioxidant Blend.
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. weekends by appointment.
Wayfarers’ ale came together in 2012 as a group of local craft beer enthusiasts developing their own beers. after a lot of experimenting and tasting, they gravitated toward some interesting heritage beers that go well with food and friends.
The name Wayfarers’ is a tribute to an old custom in England where medieval travellers (wayfarers) would stop at local churches, knock on the door, and be given a small horn of ale and a piece of bread to help and refresh them along their way.
located at the wharf in port Williams, the brewery offers an amazing view of the ever-changing tides. Great food, terrific beer, and a fabulous view await you at Wayfarers’ ale.
Since 2009, the unique beaches, coves, marshes, woods, and streams of advocate harbour has sculpted our intimate cooking style here at Wild Caraway. We have sought to share our excitement of the area and the produce it provides. Sourcing only the best local and seasonal ingredients and imbuing them with our passion and enthusiasm, we hope to entertain, inform, and delight.
We have two ensuite guest rooms that allow for a peaceful getaway and are currently building 3 cottages that will be open sometime in July of 2023.
We are open Thursday – Monday from May until December, and have pop ups throughout the season.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
tasteofnovascotia.com 77 bay
of fun D y & annapo
SpECialTY Shop
146 restaurant pUB & EaTErY
i ng r ED i E nts
Serves 4
Crème Fraiche
500 ml 35% cream
160 ml buttermilk
1/4 lemon, juiced
Cured Trout
1 Hamilton’s Fish Farm
sustainable rainbow trout fillet
100 g rock salt
80 g white sugar
6 dill sprigs
2 g white peppercorns
1 g coriander seed
1/2 lemon, zested
Cucumber & Microgreen Salad
1 tbsp crème fraiche
1 tbsp smooth dijon
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp dill, chopped
1 tsp capers
2 baby cucumbers, sliced
1 shallot, sliced
Handful of local microgreens
1/4 lemon, zested
Sea salt
Dir EC tions
Crème Fraiche
1. The day before serving this dish, prepare the crème fraiche. Combine heavy cream, buttermilk, and lemon, and whisk together to combine.
2. Pour ingredients into a pyrex dish with a large surface area, cover with syran wrap and leave out at room temp for 12-16 hours. Place dish in fridge until fully chilled.
3. Once chilled, place in cheese cloth and hang for six hours, removing excess liquid.
Cured Trout
1. Toast the white pepper and coriander, then pulse gently.
2. Chop the dill and combine with spices, salt, and sugar. Mix well.
3. Remove skin from the trout. Put half the salt mixture on a pan; place the filet on top and then coat with the remaining mixture and let sit for one hour.
4. After an hour, rinse mixture off and pat dry. Slice thin and arrange on plates.
Cucumber Salad
1. Make dressing by combining mustard and crème fraiche. Whisk in olive oil and chopped dill.
2. Slice shallots into thin rings and separate, then soak in ice water for 4 minutes. Remove from ice water; move to paper towel and gently pat dry.
3. Slice cucumbers into rounds; season with sea salt and a heavy amount of the mustard cream dressing, then place on top of sliced trout.
4. Scatter capers on top, followed by the shallot.
5. Finish by adding microgreens and lemon zest. Add lemon juice, an extra splash of olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt. Goes great with fresh, crusty bread and glass of local rosé!
cU re D h ami LT o N ’s r ai N bow Tro UT wi T h cU c U mber & m icro g ree N s a L a D
FOUNDERS HOUSE DINING & DRINKS foundershousedining.com 3816 Hwy 1, Annapolis Royal
spicy TUN a po K e bow L
paire D wi T h gaspereaU ries L i N g
i ngr ED i E nts
Serves 4
1 cup sushi rice, cooked
2 1/2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1 1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
6 tbsp orange juice
4 tbsp green onion, thinly sliced
1 large lime, juiced
2 tsp soy sauce
1 1/2 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp fresh ginger, grated
1/2 tsp sriracha
1 lb sushi-grade local yellowfin
tuna, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 cup carrot, julienned
1 cup cucumber, chopped
1 cup radishes, thinly sliced
1 large avocado, diced
Sesame seeds, for garnish Sliced nori sheet, optional
Spicy Mayo
3 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp sriracha
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp local honey
Dir EC tions
1. Cook the rice however preferred –steamed, boiled, or rice cooker will all work. While the rice cooks, combine the vinegar, sugar, and salt in a small container and microwave for 30 seconds until sugar is dissolved.
2. Once the rice is cooked, pour the vinegar mix over the rice and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Let the rice cool at room temperature.
3. Mix all the ingredients for the tuna, except the tuna, in a medium bowl. Add the tuna and stir until well combined. Cover and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes, or up to one hour.
4. Divide the cooled rice between 4 bowls.
5. Top each bowl with 1/4 of the tuna mixture. Divide the veggies and arrange beside the tuna in clusters. Garnish with sesame seeds and nori.
6. Mix the ingredients for the spicy mayo together until smooth, then drizzle over the bowls. Serve with Gaspereau Vineyards’ Riesling.
Wine Pairing
Crisp and dry, Gaspereau Vineyards’ Riesling is a versatile, food-friendly wine!
2239 White Rock Rd., Gaspereau
m U shroom riso TT o
paire D wi T h mercaT or reserve mar QU e TT e
i ngr ED i E nts
Serves 4
1 cup Arborio rice
3 cups cremini mushrooms, thinly sliced
3 cups white mushrooms, thinly sliced
2 shallots, diced
2 tbsp olive oil, divided 1/4 cup local white wine
4 cups chicken stock, warmed
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp chives, finely chopped 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
Sea salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Dir EC tions
1. Warm chicken broth in a saucepan over low heat.
2. Add 1 tbsp olive oil to a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms; cook and stir until soft, about 3 minutes. Remove mushrooms and their liquid to a bowl and set aside.
3. Add remaining 1 tbsp olive oil to the pan. Stir in shallots and cook for 2-3 minutes.
4. Add rice; stir until rice is coated with oil and pale, golden in colour – about 2 minutes.
5. Add wine, stirring constantly until wine is fully absorbed. Add 1/2 cup warm broth to the rice and stir until the broth is absorbed. Continue adding broth a little at a time, stirring constantly, until the liquid is absorbed and the rice is tender yet firm to the bite –about 15-20 minutes.
6. Remove from heat. Stir in reserved mushrooms and their liquid, butter, and chives. Add Parmesan cheese, keeping some aside to top off the risotto when serving.
7. Season with salt and pepper and serve immediately. Serve with Mercator Reserve Marquette and a hearty main, like beef tenderloin, rack of lamb, or grilled vegetables.
Wine Pairing
Mercator Vineyards’ Reserve Marquette is a wine with depth and complexity, making it a great complement to this hearty mushroom risotto.
MERCATOR VINEYARDS mercatorwine.ca 88 Dyke Rd., Wolfville
coas Ta L cosmo
wi T h s T i LL fire D moo N shi N e & vo DK a
i ngr ED i E nts
Serves 1
1 oz Still Fired Vodka
1/2 oz Still Fired big buck
Cinnamon Moonshine
1/2 oz local cranberry juice
1/2 oz simple syrup
1 oz fresh lime juice
1/2 oz orange liqueur
lime peel, to garnish
Orange peel, to garnish
Dir EC tions
1. Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
2. Shake well and strain into a coupe glass.
3. Garnish with a twist of lime and orange peel, and enjoy!
9548 Hwy 8, Annapolis Royal
DISTILLERIES stillfireddistilleries.com
arisaig proVinCiaL park
N or T h U mber L a ND shore
150. Amherst Shore Country Inn
151. Bay Enterprises Limited
152. Big Cove Foods
153. Blue Lobster Public House
154. Bramble Hill Farm
155. Caldera Distilling Inc.
156. Chapel Cove Chocolate
157. Fox Harb’r Resort
158. Gabrieau’s Bistro
159. Jost Vineyards & Seagrape Café
160. Knoydart Cheese House & Farm
161. Mrs. MacGregor’s Shortbreads
162. Oxford Frozen Foods
163. Steinhart Distillery
164. Sugar Moon Farm
165. Tatamagouche Brewing Co.
166. Tatamagouche Ice Creamery
167. Tatamagouche Railway Dining Car
168. “The Original” Mr. Donair Tony’s Meats
169. The Pork Shop
170. Tidal Salt
87 Cottag E Country · E n DLE ss b E a CHE s · C oasta L V in E yar D s
151 food & drink experience
A M he RS t Sho R e co U nt RY i nn
5091 Hwy 366, Lorneville 902-661-4800, tf: 1-800-661-2724 www.ascinn.ns.ca
BAY e nte R pR i S e S li M ited
2642 Malagash Rd., Upper Malagash 902-893-0805
152 culinary product SpECialTY
Big cove foodS
120 Big Cove Rd., Sutherlands River 902-921-1600
BlU e lo BS te R pUB lic h o US e
230 Foord St., Stellarton 902-200-7888
Since 1980, the l aceby family has served regionally-inspired cuisine. Dinners are three course, prix fixe offerings, with everything made and baked in-house.
The menu changes daily to reflect what’s in season. in the summer and fall, tour our extensive on-site vegetable gardens, which supply much of the herbs and produce. The dining room overlooks the Northumberland Strait, featuring a commanding view of the sea.
Book early, as dining is by advance reservation only and is limited to one sitting. a pre-dinner cocktail hour is from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Choose from a range of locally-inspired cocktails. Dinner is served at 7:30 p.m. Craft beers, spirits, and Nova Scotia wines are available.
please call our toll-free number or visit the website for information on the dining room, four-star accommodations, and to make reservations.
. dinner service by reservation, Thursday – Sunday
“Sustainably grown and naturally delicious shellfish.” Bay Enterprises limited, founded in 1974, is owned by the purdy family, who began growing oysters in Malagash in 1867 and received their leases in 1899.
The purdy family believes in the sustainable production of oysters and quahogs using traditional and modern methods that protect the ecology of the area and provide a safe, nutritious, delicious product.
our Tatamagouche Bay, Tata, and Malagash oysters are available throughout Canada, internationally, and at the store in Malagash. Visit our information center and on-site gift shop.
Seasonal, June – december
Call ahead to order and arrange pickup time.
weekdays & Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Closed Sunday
Big Cove Foods is creating a world of cooking possibilities through our bold, inspirational spice blends that let you make anything you want – and make it amazing.
You don’t have to be a good cook to get delicious results. our carefully crafted spices give you a variety of flavour profiles right in your back pocket, guiding your dinners with you still in charge.
look for our products in Sobeys across atlantic Canada, online and at independent retail stores across Canada.
Experience the best of Nova Scotia’s local flavours at Blue lobster public house! home to the famous and award-winning Nova Scotia Spirit Co., Blue lobster Vodka Soda, and painted Boat Beer Co., join us to experience the full-service restaurant and our inviting indoor and outdoor beer garden.
our menu is chef-crafted and highlights the freshest local ingredients and maritime-favourite dishes, while lively East Coast music sets the perfect atmosphere. Don’t miss out on this ultimate culinary and cultural experience during your stay in Nova Scotia!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
88 150 restaurant FiNE DiN NG
SEaFooD Shop
153 restaurant
155 food & drink experience
B RAMB le h ill fARM
cAlde RA d i S tilling i nc.
65 River John Rd., River John 902-536-1845 caldera.ca
156 food & drink experience
c h Apel cove c hocol Ate
5343 Little Harbour Rd., New Glasgow 902-616-3435
fox hARB’R Re S o R t
1337 Fox Harbour Rd., Wallace 1-866-257-1801
Bramble hill Farm is a microgreen farm in Greenhill, pictou County. Growing year-round in sunshine and soil, Bramble hill Farm specializes in creating unique microgreen salad mixes that are sold at retailers in central and northern Nova Scotia.
Bramble hill is also excited to bring you their new Micro Garden kits; an innovative new product allowing you to grow your own microgreens at home. These kits have been created to help you sprout your green thumb and enjoy growing your own tiny garden greens on a windowsill. The kits come in seven varieties and are the perfect foodie gift!
Visit their website and Instagram for more information, including their online shop (free shipping), a list of retailers, recipe inspiration, and more.
We take the time to craft our products right, using traditional, non-GMo grains grown on our estate farm.
our award-winning hurricane 5 Whisky is shaped by the land and offers an approachable smoothness, unique character, and authenticity that embodies the spirit of the explorer, eye of the craftsman, and patience of the farmer. We believe in celebrating heritage that inspires conversation.
Join us for tours, tastings, and shopping at our distillery and estate farm, and enjoy a slower pace of life here on the North Shore of Nova Scotia.
Open June 16 – September 17
Sunday, wednesday, Thursday, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday & Saturday, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed Monday & Tuesday
Chocolate... just saying that is calming. We want to make life a little sweeter!
We are small batch chocolatiers who couldn’t resist making updated versions of chocolates from our youth – and more. We use FairTrade certified chocolate to make sweet memories come to life. We love making special occasion chocolates, like chocolate bars celebrating Scottish heritage, Maritime-themed products, special items for dietary restrictions, and chocolate creations for weddings, seasonal gifts, corporate events, and just plain enjoyment.
We make gifting easy. Whether staycationing or visiting from away, you’re welcome to visit our home-based production facility/shop in little harbour on the way to the beach. When you visit a chocolate shop you always get to try something great!
Check us out online or find our chocolate bars at selected retailers around Pictou County and Nova Scotia.
Floor-to-ceiling windows provide stunning views of the golf course, ocean, and the natural beauty surrounding Fox harb’r. With the largest wine selection in atlantic Canada, including two wines from our very own Fox harb’r Vineyard, our sommelier team are happy to expertly recommend a wine to enhance any meal. all this and more make up a five-star dining experience.
Experience seasonally-inspired menus, created from local quality ingredients, and produce grown directly on our property. regional recipes developed with Nova Scotian staples like Northumberland lobster, Malagash oysters, local cheese and produce are transformed into elegant meals. Topped with the most remarkable sunsets on the East Coast, you’re sure to have an amazing experience.
tasteofnovascotia.com 89
H or E
nort H umb E r L an D s
154 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCT
159 food & drink experience
gABR ie AU ’S Bi S t R o
350 Main St., Antigonish 902-863-1925
JoS t v ine YAR dS & Se Ag RApe cAfé
48 Vintage Ln., Malagash 1-800-565-4567
160 food & drink experience
KnoY dAR t c hee S e h o US e & fARM
7037 Rte 245, Merigomish 902-867-1305 or 902-318-1110
Nestled in Nova Scotia’s highland heart, we invite you to savour the cuisine of chef Mark Gabrieau. Drop by for an evening of gourmet dining & enjoy a glass of wine with one of our delicious salads, appetizers, or sushi. Choose an entrée featuring local meats or a variety of seafood, and finish with one of our decadent dessert creations.
our menus feature the best of local produce, including produce from our farm. recognized 22 years in Where to Eat in Canada, award of Excellence from Wine Spectator, and Taste of Nova Scotia prestige award 2013 restaurant of the Year – Chef inspired Fine Dining. Take out and delivery available.
Closed Monday (may open evenings July – October)
Tuesday, 2 p.m. – 9 p.m. wednesday – Friday, 12 p.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday, 3 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Closed Sunday & all holidays.
Tucked in the gentle hills and coastal inlets of the Northumberland Shore, Jost Vineyards is Nova Scotia’s largest winery and a pioneer of the local wine industry. For four decades our distinctive wines have won many national and international awards. Come for daily wine tastings, stroll along the vineyard trails, and shop the broad selection of wine and wine merchandise in our boutique.
From May to o ctober, Seagrape Café at Jost Vineyards offers fresh-daily, locally-inspired fare carefully selected to complement our wines. While you dine, enjoy the view of the vineyard from the comfort of the fireside lounge or openair patio.
Join us throughout 2023 as we celebrate our 40th birthday! Visit our website often for the latest events and specials.
Follow us @jostvineyards
k noydart Cheese house & Farm is owned and operated by the hunter Family.
o ur cheddar cheese is made using only grass-fed, certified organic milk from our farm overlooking the Northumberland Strait.
a number of herbs and spices are added to the young cheese, along with the ever popular aged and Dunmaglass (our signature farmhouse cheese), fresh curds, whole milk (pasteurized, but not homogenized), and cream are also available at many locations in the Maritimes.
Our cheese house on the farm is open daily.
Exquisite Cuisine & Exceptional Service, It’s Our Pride & Our Passion
161 food & drink experience
M RS. M AcgR ego R ’S Sho R t BR e AdS
59 Water St., Pictou
162 culinary product
oxfo R d fR ozen foodS
4881 Main St., Oxford 902-447-2100
163 food & drink experience
Steinh AR t d i S tille RY
5963 Hwy 245, Arisaig 902-863-5530
SU g AR Moon fARM
221 Alex MacDonald Rd., Earltown 902-657-3348, tf: 1-866-816-2753
Mrs. MacGregor’s has been delighting shortbread enthusiasts with our delicious shortbreads since 2004. Using a generations-old family recipe, our classic Scottish Shortbread is the heart of our other yummy shortbreads, such as Canadian Maple, l avender & lemon, and Chocolate.
Every cookie melts in your mouth. prepared in small batches, we bake with only the finest ingredients, from the creamy butter to the Belgian chocolate.
We were honoured when Canadian l iving magazine named our shortbread one of Canada’s best, and thrilled when k ing Charles iii and the Queen Consort became fans during their r oyal Visit! Drop by our shop and taste for yourself!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
The seed of our family-run business was planted in a small Nova Scotia town blessed with ideal conditions for growing wild blueberries. i n 1968, o xford Frozen Foods was a small company with plans to make this delicious fruit the natural pick of consumers around the world. Today, with eight manufacturing facilities and two large farming operations within atlantic Canada and the United States, we’re the industry leader.
We’ve grown to be more than the worlds largest provider of wild blueberries; we’re also one of North america’s largest producers of premium frozen carrots.
We became an industry leader by nurturing a reputation for quality and integrity. The o xford standard of excellence has led to long term, strategic alliances with suppliers and major customers around the world.
Steinhart Distillery is located along the Northumberland shores, overlooking arisaig wharf with a million-dollar view. Thomas Steinhart, master distiller, has made his passion for distilling a reality and shares this passion through tours, tastings, and cocktails. Distilling sessions are offered for those interested in trying their hand at the process.
Customers can enjoy a delicious local craft beer, wine, cider, spirits, or cocktails, with schnitzels and pasta dishes made from scratch on our new patio.
Victoria day – Thanksgiving daily, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Thanksgiving – Victoria day
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday, 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. for k insmen
Club radio bingo
Schnitzel Shack
Victoria day – Thanksgiving 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Come experience an authentic handcrafted maple adventure deep in the sugar woods on the North Shore of Nova Scotia. r ecipient of local and provincial awards, Sugar Moon Farm is considered a must-see destination in the province.
Visit our maple syrup farm and log restaurant year-round and indulge in maple. Discover the sweet, savoury, and smokey possibilities of maple. learn about maple syrup and taste the unique flavour profiles of the 2022 maple syrup season.
Visit sugarmoon.ca and sign up for our e-newsletter for updates on upcoming packages and events, such as Chef Night, an exclusive after-hours culinary experience featuring maple-inspired cuisine and exquisite wines with some of the region’s best chefs.
Open year-round. Please call or visit website for current hours of operation as they change seasonally.
we highly recommend reservations as we often cannot accommodate drop-ins.
tasteofnovascotia.com 91
SpECialTY Shop
restaurant NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
nort H umb E r L an D s H or E 164
165 food & drink experience
tAtAMAgo U che B R e W ing co.
235 Main St., Tatamagouche 902-657-4000
Tatamagouche Brewing Co. is a familyowned and operated craft brewery in the heart of Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia.
in 2014, we converted an old butcher shop into a community brewery and tap room, focusing on fresh approaches to craft beer, while honouring the traditions of beer from around the world.
Tatamagouche Brewing Co. is open seven days a week, year-round, serving pints for your enjoyment and sampling pleasure. We also sell all our beer to go, including brews that are exclusive to our store.
let’s raise a glass to pure Tatamagoodness!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
ce Creamery produces ultra-premium, handcrafted ice cream for sale through a retail store in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, as well as wholesale channels from its very own licensed and inspected dairy processing facilities – one of the smallest in Canada. ngredients are grown or produced in Nova Scotia wherever possible.
xperience che RY
The retail store in Tatamagouche, the home of Canada’s finest ice cream, is a destination on its own, as well as a perfect complement to the warm waters and beautiful beaches, golf courses, vineyards, and craft breweries that the BrEWErY
167 restaurant
NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
tAtAMAgo U che
R AilWAY d ining cAR
21 Station Rd., Tatamagouche
902-657-9091; tf: 1-888-RAILBED
168 culinary product
M R . d on Ai R ton Y’S Me At S
475 Landing Rd., Antigonish 902-863-1545 www.mrdonair.ca
169 food & drink experience BUTChEr Shop
t he p o RK Shop
3412 Hwy 326, Denmark 902-657-3406
2578 Westville Rd., New Glasgow 902-755-3260
Welcome aboard! The Dining Car at the Train Station i nn in Tatamagouche is a unique dining experience focusing on fresh, local ingredients. Carefully restored, the Dining Car offers the charm and nostalgia of years gone by.
o n-site accommodations and an eclectic gift shop make for a great day trip, or even a weekend stay. Join us on the platform for our live entertainment.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Mr. Donair created the first donair in halifax, Nova Scotia in the early ‘70s using an original recipe. it differs from the traditional gyro of Greece, or doner of Turkey, in its unique flavour combination of Canadian ground beef and Secret Sauce. Today, “The original” Mr. Donair recipe remains the same and is produced by Tony’s Meats in antigonish.
Mr. Donair has strong brand loyalty and is the #1 donair meat sold in both retail and food service markets in Canada. We are proud to offer our customers the most authentic, traditional, and highest quality donair selection on the market.
please contact us for more information about Mr. Donair products.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!
it’s not what we do, it’s how we do it!
o ver two decades of offering the finest pork products has earned us a world class reputation for quality. We produce over 70 products, including smoked chops, gluten-free sausages, roasts, spiced capicola steak, and more.
We sell local beef, chicken, pork, jams, honey, maple products, and cheese, as well as pasta and more. We also produce Bert’s international Sauce, great on pork, fish, and chicken. You can now visit us in two locations!
Please call or visit Facebook page for hours of operation.
Discover the taste of the atlantic o cean with Tidal Salt. our artisanal fleur de sel and flavoured sea salts are sourced from St. George’s Bay in Nova Scotia, capturing the crisp, clean waters of the atlantic in every jar. With a focus on authenticity and quality, our hand-processed salts are free from additives and chemicals, providing the best possible flavour for your dishes.
Experience the essence of Nova Scotia in your cooking by visiting our website, which hosts our online shop and a list of retailers across Canada carrying our products.
tasteofnovascotia.com 93
“ t he oR igin Al”
culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS t idAl SA
nort H umb E r L an D s H or E
oys T ers roc K efe LL er
D wi T h J os T T i D a L bay
i ngr ED i E nts
Serves 4
24 Nova Scotia oysters
3/4 cup local white wine
1 clove garlic, smashed
1 clove garlic, minced
5 black peppercorns
Pinch of sea salt
1/4 cup butter
1/2 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
300 g frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
1/2 cup Gruyere cheese, shredded
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
1/4 cup milk
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
2 tbsp Panko bread crumbs
1 lemon, cut in thin wedges
Dir EC tions
1. Rinse oysters under fresh cold water and place in a large stockpot – if any are open or cracked, discard them.
2. Pour in white wine and enough water to cover oysters. Add 1 smashed clove of garlic, peppercorns, and sea salt and bring to a boil. Once boiling, remove from heat, drain, and set aside to cool.
3. Preheat the oven to 425F.
4. Once oysters are cooled, break off and remove the top shell. Arrange oysters on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
5. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in chopped onion and minced garlic and cook until soft – about 2 minutes. Reduce heat to low; stir in spinach and cheeses.
6. Cook until cheese melts, stirring frequently, then stir in milk and season with salt and pepper. Spoon a dollop of sauce over each oyster, filling the shell, then sprinkle the top with bread crumbs.
7. Bake in the oven until golden and bubbly, approximately 8-10 minutes.
8. Serve with fresh lemon wedges and pair with a glass of Jost Vineyards Tidal Bay.
Wine Pairing
Jost Vineyards’ Tidal Bay is refreshing and balanced, making it the perfect complement for dishes made with Nova Scotia seafood.
JOST VINEYARDS & SEAGRAPE CAFÉ jostwine.ca 48 Vintage Ln., Malagash
p ULL e D por K N achos
i ng r ED i E nts
Serves 4 - 6
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 local pork tenderloin
3 tbsp k ilted Chef badass burger
booster seasoning
3 tbsp k ilted Chef Hot under The
k ilt Acadian Cajun seasoning
1/2 can bulwark Cider Original
2 cups bert’s bbQ Sauce
1 bag tortilla chips
1 red pepper, finely diced
1/4 red onion, finely diced
3 green onions, finely chopped
500 g local aged cheddar cheese, shredded
1/4 cup lime chipotle crema
lime Chipotle Crema
8 oz sour cream
1 lime, zested and juiced
2 adobo peppers, chopped
1/4 tsp salt
Dir EC tions
Lime Chipotle Crema
1. Zest the lime; squeeze the juice into a small bowl.
2. Add approximately 1 tsp of the lime zest and 1 tbsp of the lime juice to the sour cream, along with the adobo peppers and salt. Stir to combine and use immediately; can also refrigerate until ready to serve. The crema can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.
5. Preheat oven to 425F.
6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread half the tortilla chips on the baking sheet and top with half of the vegetables, half of the pulled pork, and half of the cheese.
7. Top with the remaining nachos, vegetables, pulled pork, and cheese. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown.
Pulled Pork Nachos
1. Trim the silver skin from the tenderloin.
2. Place the butter and olive oil into a cast iron pan over medium heat. Combine the Kilted Chef seasonings together and rub into the pork. Place pork in the pan and sear on all sides until golden.
3. Place the tenderloin into a slow cooker and add the Bulwark Cider. Cook on low for 6 hours.
4. Remove the tenderloin and use 2 forks to pull the meat. Add the Bert’s BBQ Sauce and mix well.
8. Remove from the oven and drizzle with the lime chipotle crema.
home T ow N swee T ie wi T h s T ei N har T rh U barb gi N
i ngr ED i E nts
Serves 1
1 1/2 oz Steinhart distillery
rhubarb Gin
1/2 oz non-alcoholic apple cider
1/2 oz lemon juice
1 oz tonic water
Ice Apple slices, to garnish
Dir EC tions
1. Fill a collins glass with ice.
2. Add rhubarb gin, apple cider, and lemon juice to glass.
3. Top with tonic water and enjoy!
5963 Hwy 245, Arisaig
spy VaLLEy
171. Chanterelle Restaurant, Inn & Cottages
172. Clove Hitch Bar & Bistro
173. Galloping Cows Fine Foods
174. Glenora Inn & Distillery
175. Governors Pub & Eatery
176. Inverary Resort
177. Kiju’s Restaurant Membertou Trade & Convention Centre
c ape b re To N i s L a ND
178. Miller’s Church Street Patio
179. Restaurant Avalon at Castle Rock Country Inn
180. The Chowder House
181. The Dancing Goat Café & Bakery
182. Victoria Co-operative Fisheries Ltd.
101 C E i L i DH s · Cabot t rai L · s ing LE m a Lt W H isky
c h Ante R elle Re S tAURAnt, i nn & cottAge S
48678 Cabot Trail, Baddeck (North River Bridge) 902-929-2263, tf: 1-866-277-0577
c love h itch BAR & Bi S t R o
8790 Rte 19, Port Hood 902-787-3035
173 food & drink experience
SpECialTY Shop
gAlloping coWS fine foodS
59 Justin Rd., Port Hood 902-787-3484
174 food & drink experience
g leno RA i nn & d i S tille RY
13727 Rte 19, Glenville 902-258-2662, tf: 1-800-839-0491
Calling all locavores… if you want to truly experience all that Cape Breton island has to offer, the bounty from our farms, fishers, and gardens is the place to start. Whenever possible, we source our ingredients within a 100km range of our location.
Chef Bettina showcases made-fromscratch dishes, changing with the season depending on what is fresh and, when possible, organic. handpicked additions are what make this experience extra special. The menu includes vegetarian, vegan, meat, and seafood dishes served along hand rolled pastas and housebaked breads, all complemented by our curated Nova Scotian wine list. our relaxed dining atmosphere is complete with panoramic mountain views from every table.
Seasonal May 5 – November 30 breakfast, 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. lunch, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. dinner, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. reservations required
a family-friendly, full-service restaurant serving locally-inspired food and drink in a fabulous location on r oute 19 in port h ood.
our menu has a variety of chef-inspired atlantic Canadian favourites, from upscale casual dishes to classic bistro fare.
Enjoy a satisfying meal from our modern dining room or deck on your travels; we would love to see you!
We host a variety of musical talent throughout the season. Follow us on i nstagram and Facebook for updates.
Open May – October Hours and days may vary.
Galloping Cows Fine Foods includes atlantic Canadian nutrients from local field-grown fruits and vegetables in each jar of jams and jellies produced and packaged in our federally certified facility. our chutneys, salsas, and beverages are great for entertaining at gatherings.
our products are more travelled than us: hollywood oscars (story best told by those who rocked the event), Golden Globes, and TiFF. inspired by and created from our ecosystem: raw beauty, untouched forests, and changing weather. Sustainable, vegan, gluten-free, and delicious.
Follow us: Facebook – @GallopingCowsFineFoods instagram – @GallopingCows TikTok – @GallopingCows
Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday, 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Visit gallopingcows.com for recipes, to place curbside orders, book pick-up time, or see our local retailers within 20-minute drive of our location.
Cradled in the picturesque hills of the Mabou h ighlands, our unsurpassed view is perfect for gourmet cuisine.
Savour the freshest of Nova Scotia and international cuisine in our pub and dining room, featured in Where to Eat in Canada. Celtic music and a dram of Canadian single malt whisky, Glen Breton r are, lay the groundwork for your unique Cape Breton experience.
Glenora i nn features 19 rooms and six highland chalets. You can also enjoy a guided tour of the distillery and private tastings.
Seasonal May – October
Tours, gift shop, and rooms. lunch and dinner menu. Call for reservations.
102 172 restaurant CaSUal DiNiNG
171 restaurant CaSUal DiNiNG
175 restaurant
g ove R no RS pUB & eAte RY
233 Esplanade St., Sydney 902-562-7646
176 restaurant CaSUal DiNiNG
i nve RARY Re S o R t
368 Shore Rd., Baddeck 902-295-3500, tf: 1-800-565-5660
177 restaurant
Ki JU ’S Re S tAURAnt
Me MB e R to U tRA de & convention c ent R e
50 Maillard St., Membertou
178 restaurant
M ille R’S ch UR ch
S t R eet pAtio
717 Reeves St., Port Hawkesbury
902-625-5250, tf: 1-888-662-7484
For more than two generations, this local family-owned eatery has been serving up fresh from the ocean seafood of the highest calibre, fresh atlantic Canadian lobster all year long, choice hand-cut steaks from the best butchers and has been creating appetizers and mains that are distinctively east coast.
This hot spot for locals and showcase for musicians features music just about every night of the week, with special Cape Breton ceilidhs (pronounced kaYlees) on Wednesdays and Saturdays. For local craft beer, a Cape Breton inspired menu, and warm, down-home hospitality, you can’t beat a visit to Governor’s pub!
Sydney Chamber of Commerce 2016 restaurant of the Year award and people’s Choice award Winner. 2018 raNS Cape Breton restaurant of the Year. daily, 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.
We at inverary resort are very proud to place fresh, local ingredients front and center during our menu designs.
our newly renovated lakeside restaurant has chefs who feature our bountiful Nova Scotia seafood – including lobster! Enjoy a casual and refined atmosphere, lakeside patio, local craft beer, wine and spirits, and watch the sparkling waters of the Bras d’or lakes!
also enjoy paddle boards, kayaks, pontoon boats, a roaring bonfire, and oatcake s’mores at our neighbouring l akeside adventure Centre!
Visit our website to view our menu and hours of operation.
We look forward to having you!
Open May – October
k iju’s r estaurant is located in the community of Membertou, a progressive urban Mi’kmaq community whose commitment to fostering longterm relationships with local artisans has helped make k iju’s a celebrated culinary destination in the heart of Cape Breton. k iju’s has been part of the culinary landscape for almost 20 years, featuring modern cuisine infused with indigenous flair.
The culinary team is overseen by executive chef Shaun Zwarun and restaurant chef Bob Bell.
The dining room features lots of natural light and a panoramic view of Sydney. The bar includes a wine list featuring Nova Scotia’s finest wines, spirits, and craft beers. Join us for fresh, local product and friendly, east coast hospitality.
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Cape Breton’s neighbourhood restaurant. adjoining Maritime inn, Miller’s and the Church Street patio offer a casual, relaxed atmosphere. our menu features a variety of local flavours.
Start with one of our delicious seafood appetizers, such as our homemade seafood chowder. We have many entrées to choose from, from BBQ ribs and steaks to seafood and pastas, or opt for our nightly feature, carefully chosen and prepared by our culinary team.
port hawkesbury is a perfect base from which to start your Cape Breton vacation, and Miller’s offers meals for every taste, along with professional, friendly service you will come to expect in Nova Scotia.
daily, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
tasteofnovascotia.com 103 C ap E br E ton is L an D
pUB & EaTErY
NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
902-492-9291 ext. 117 giftbaskets@tasteofnovascotia.com Local and worldwide shipping available give The gif T of LocaL shop.tasteofnovascotia.com For more information, including corporate gifting, contact us:
179 restaurant
ReStAURAnt AvAlon
At cAStle RocK coUntRY inn
39339 Cabot Trail, Ingonish Ferry 902-285-2700, tf: 1-888-884-7625 www.castlerockcountryinn.com
180 restaurant
NoVa SCoTia TraDiTioN
t he c hoW de R h o US e
90 Lighthouse Rd., Neils Harbour 902-336-2463
181 restaurant CaFé/BakErY
the dAncing g oAt cAfé & BAK e RY
6289 Cabot Trail, NE Margaree 902-248-2727
182 culinary product SEaFooD v icto
R i A co- o pe RAtive
fi S he R ie S ltd.
247 New Haven Rd., Neils Harbour 902-336-2541 www.victoriafish.com
Welcome to restaurant avalon, located at Castle rock Country inn, a four-star boutique hotel in ingonish Ferry. The view from our dining room is a fusion of Middle head peninsula, atlantic o cean and Cape Breton highlands. o ur menu is a fusion of east and west.
Executive chef k im isabella Magistro with chef k irk rasmussen continue to develop our menu using locally-sourced produce, lobster, mussels, seafood, and free-range poultry, beef, and lamb to create a fusion of recipes alongside our Cape Breton specialties.
Serving lunch and dinner daily. r eservations recommended by telephone.
The Chowder house is a hidden gem located in Neils harbour alongside a beautiful lighthouse overlooking the ocean. The Chowder house offers spectacular scenery and is a place where visitors and locals alike can dine on the freshest of seafood.
From the freshly caught local lobster, crab, and mussels, to steamy bowls of creamy chowder, we offer a treat for all. With the terrific service and friendly atmosphere, The Chowder house is the place to visit on your next trip around the Cabot Trail.
May – June
Thursday – Tuesday, 12 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
July – August
Thursday – Tuesday, 12 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.
Thursday – Tuesday, 12 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
The bustling roadside café, Dancing Goat Café and Bakery, is a favourite stop along the Cabot Trail for locals and visitors alike.
With delicious, sweet treats, fresh breads, artisanal sandwiches and soups, and lattes that would rival any top coffee house, the Dancing Goat is a culinary gem tucked in the hills of the Margaree Valley.
after lunch, be sure to buy a package of Goat Cakes (oatcakes) and a fair trade organic coffee for the road.
Please call for hours of operation.
Since 1955, Victoria Co-operative Fisheries has harvested and processed much of the East Coast’s freshest and tastiest seafood.
located in the pristine North of Smokey region of Cape Breton island, this forwardthinking co-op returns dividends to its members, while maintaining adequate reserves to ensure that the Co-operative is able to withstand the challenges of the continually evolving fishery and world markets.
Victoria Co-operative Fisheries purchases fish from over 125 fishing vessels in the local area and has a processing facility specializing in cooked and frozen lobster and snow crab.
tasteofnovascotia.com 105 C ap E br E ton is L an D
tayLor HE aD
183. Authentic Seacoast Company
184. Cornect Family Farm
185. Liscombe Lodge Resort and Conference Centre
186. Lupin Dining & Pantry
eas T er N shore
187. Rose & Rooster Café
188. Sober Island Brewing Company
189. Uprooted Market & Cafe
107 Wi LD i s L an D s · yE ar-roun D s urfing · o ut D oor aDVE ntur E
The Natural Mineral Water
183 food & drink experience
AUthentic Se AcoASt co M pAn Y
75 Ferry Rd., Guysborough 902-533-3904
184 culinary product SpECialTY proDUCTS
co R nect fAM ilY fARM
365 Cornect Rd., Denver, Guysborough Co. 902-833-2747
185 restaurant CaSUal
li S co MB e lodge
Re S o R t A nd confe R ence c ent R e
2884 Hwy 7, Liscomb Mills 902-779-2307
authentic Seacoast Company (aSC) is known for their award-winning spirits, craft beer, and organic fair-trade coffee, all of which is handcrafted in Guysborough, on Nova Scotia’s breathtaking Eastern Shore. Their portfolio includes ForTrESS® rum, SEa FEVEr® rum, GlYNNEVaN® Whisky, VirGa® Vodka, rarE BirD® Craft Beer and FUll STEaM® Coffee.
aSC offers accommodations as well. DesBarres Manor, a charming inn built in 1837, boasts a dining menu featuring local seafood, including freshly caught halibut from their chef and Chedabucto Bay scallops. Most popular recently are their Yurts in the Vineyard! This oceanside glamping experience is unforgettable. Bring some atlantic salmon to fire up on your BBQ! Book online seacoaststay.ca
aSC also owns acadian Maple products, Nova Scotia’s largest maple syrup processor. Shop online acadianmaple.com
Margaret Cornect is passionate about bees and has been keeping bees for over 29 years. What began with two hives placed on the family farm to pollinate their blueberry fields resulted in a successful pollination and a delicious byproduct: honey – minimally processed from the hive to your table.
Now, youngest son Benjamin looks after the 350 some beehives while Margaret continues to produce and market their honey products, including liquid and creamed honey, honeycomb (seasonal), honey butters, cranberry chutney, and gluten-free Bee Sting BBQ Sauce and Bee Sting honey Mustard. a s well, our flavoured honey, honeyliscious! Cinnamon and lemon Spreads.
Margaret can be found weekly at the antigonish Farmers’ Market, and products can be found at various retailers throughout Nova Scotia.
Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the riverside Dining room that seats 120, where traditional meals with special, homemade flavours are prepared for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The best seats in the house are by the windows, where you can share dinner with the birds and small animals who feast at the feeders on the river’s bank, just outside.
The casual dining menu features a wide variety of fresh from the wharf maritime seafood and the house specialty, planked salmon, which is prepared the traditional way – slowly cooked outdoors, in full view of waiting diners.
May 2023, weekends only
June – Mid-October, full time October – November, weekends only breakfast buffet daily, 7:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. lunch Menu daily, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. dinner Menu daily, 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.
like homemade
Available at retail stores and restaurants throughout Nova Scotia. www.spa - springs.com
186 restaurant
lU pin d ining & pAnt RY
1196 West Petpeswick Rd., Musquodoboit Harbour 902-981-6651
187 restaurant
RoS e & RooS te R cAfé
6502 Hwy 207, Grand Desert 902-827-1042 roseandrooster.com
188 food & drink experience
So B e R iS l And
B R e W ing co M pAn Y
22462 Hwy 7, Sheet Harbour 902-704-0660
189 restaurant CaFé
UpR ooted M ARK et & cAfe
7992 Hwy 7, Musquodoboit Harbour 902-889-9189
lupin is a small farm-to-table restaurant on the Eastern Shore, with chef kim Macpherson and her team giving you a dining experience highlighting dishes inspired by flavours of the Maritimes with italian and French influence.
Explore the gardens where our staff gather ingredients for our multiple-course tasting experience and à la carte menu. Taste the freshness of locally sourced food in every bite while soaking up the tranquil country scenery. Take home our house preserves, seasonally curated gift baskets, and products from our pantry, made seasonally in small batches.
Open Spring, Summer & Fall. Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
rose & rooster is a small café in the heart of Grand Desert on the picturesque Eastern Shore. We are a favourite with locals and visitors alike for breakfast and lunch throughout the week, and incredible brunch on weekends (burritos & benny!)
We serve Nova Scotia-roasted coffee and espresso, bake our bread and sweet treats in house, and make whatever we can from scratch, from fish cakes and brownies to burritos and lemon squares – even the pickles on the side of your plate! We also stock a wide selection of take-home meals and house-made preserves so you can take a little bit of rose & rooster with you.
Open daily
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Welcome to the Eastern Shore’s microbrewery! Sober island Brewing crafts English-style ales using local ingredients wherever possible. i nspired by o yster Stout, our flagship ale brewed with whole, fresh pristine Bay o ysters that give it a true taste of the sea.
Step into our taproom featuring live edge wooden benches and tables, made from local wood and beach stones. We offer a fully accessible and inclusive space to enjoy. Bring the whole family, including the dog, and sample a flight of our ales or a full pint. We also offer wine and cider for non-beer drinkers, and feature merchandise and products from other local producers.
Before leaving, grab cold beer to go for your next adventure. There’s lots to explore on the Eastern Shore!
Please call or visit website for hours of operation.
Come to Uprooted Market & Cafe for fresh handcrafted sandwiches, salads, and soups showcasing the best ingredients Nova Scotia has to offer. Try one of our famous breakfast sandwiches or stop in for lunch, available for both dine-in and take-out. We love great coffee and are proud to serve l aughing Whale Coffee roasters fairtrade and organic espresso and drip coffee.
Shop our market shelves, bursting with all things local including fresh seasonal produce, cheese, meat, ice cream, preserves, and lots more.
Join us on our sunny patio during the summer months or inside our cozy space year-round. located in Musquodoboit harbour, which is home to a stunning network of hiking trails and only 10 minutes from Martinique Beach, Nova Scotia’s longest white sand beach.
Please call or visit our website for hours of operation.
tasteofnovascotia.com 109 E ast E rn s H or E
Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash
Beet Greens
Hot Peppers (Greenhouse)
Sweet Peppers
Sweet Potatoes
Tomatoes (Greenhouse)
Seafood - SeaSonal
Jonah Crab
Shrimp (Inshore)
Striped Bass
Blueberries (Highbush & Wild)
Cucumbers (Greenhouse & Field Grown)
Summer Squash
Swiss Chard
Various Greens
year-round produce
Blueberries (Wild, Frozen)
Cabbage (Except June)
Dried Beans
Dried Herbs
Mesclun/Salad Greens
Brussels Sprouts
Cucumbers (Greenhouse & Field Grown)
Hot Peppers (Greenhouse)
Micro Greens
Sweet Peppers
Sweet Potatoes
Swiss Chard
Various Greens
Winter Squash
Artic Char
Rock Crab (Frozen)
Seaweed Salmon
Shrimp (Northern)
Snow Crab
In nova ScotI a, you can fInd an abundance of local product S year-round.
Beef Chicken Eggs Lamb Pork Turkey M eat/poultry Cheese Gelato
Cream Milk Yogurt da Iry
Seafood - year-round
To learn more about these and other great Nova Scotia products, visit TASTEOFNOVASCOTIA.COM, sign up for our newsletter and follow @TASTEOFNS on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
get ready to explore Nova s cotia like never before with a selection of unique culinary tours and excursions offered by these tour operators!
Ambassatours Gray Line
1751 l ower Water St., Halifax 902-420-1015
Enjoy Nova Scotian wines and live music on Wines on the Water, savour sights and flavours of the city on the Dinner Cruise & join us in the annapolis Valley on the Wine Enthusiast Tour. public and private tours offered June – o ctober.
Grape Escapes
Nova Scotia Wine Tours
1-855-850-9463 www.novascotiawinetours.com
providing a variety of informative and fun day tours to Nova Scotia’s unique wine country. leave the driving to us while you sip and taste your way through the annapolis Valley showcasing our world class wines, views, and cuisine. Join us year-round for public or private tours.
Taste Halifax Food & Beer Tours
www.halifaxfoodtours .com
o ffering food & beer tours around the city of h alifax and to peggys Cove. Choose from 3 itineraries: Eat h alifax Food Tour, peggys Cove Foodie adventure or Beer Bus. We drive while you eat & drink on a culinary adventure visiting restaurants, breweries, taprooms, shops, and historic neighbourhoods.
Wine & Beer Tours of Nova Scotia
1-800-979 -9342 www.wineandbeertoursnovascotia.com
We are passionate about sharing the distinctive wines, beers, ciders, spirits & cuisine that come from our region. From casual visits to craft breweries with fresh haddock dinners to exclusive lobster suppers paired with renowned Nova Scotian wines; we offer flexible tour options year-round to create your perfect experience.
Magic Winery Bus
Do You Believe in Magic? You’ll visit captivating wineries, learn from local winemakers, taste fabulous wines and discover the miraculous terroirs they call home with unmatched hospitality aboard our classic British double-decker bus or Tidal Bay Express coach! Departures June – october. all admissions booked online, in advance.
LoNg . Visit TasTeofNovascoTia .com for more information
Nova scoTia is home To aN abUNDaNce of cULiNary aDveNTUres To be
aLL year