Tel: Fax: Email: Postal:
071 657 8909 086 650 1282
P.O. Box 231, Krugersdorp, 1740 Physical: Plot 26, Swartkrans, R563, Krugersdorp Reg Nr : 2014/049651/07 Vat no : 4510249990
Accredited Education and training provider
Accreditation No: AGRI/c prov/0249/09 ETQA ID: 694
Poultry Production Course Name:
Poultry Production
Description: The training will consist of theoretical and practical training during stages of the growing periods, clean and disinfect poultry holdings and basic understanding of the poultry production industry. Target Group:
Farmers or farm workers that are farming poultry broilers.
Must have the following qualification levels or equivalent knowledge :
NQF 1 Literacy
NQF 1 Numeracy
NQF 1 Care of Commercial Layers
NQF 1 Produce Poultry Broilers
Course Duration:
4 days
Course Fee:
R 3,420.00 incl. VAT (training only) R 5,928.00 incl. VAT (training and accommodation)
Course Presenter:
Patrick Verster
Accreditation: * All our courses are SAQA accredited. To view the different NQF Levels, click on the column title. Background information of SAQA and NQF Levels is available under Terminology in the sub menu above. NQF Level
Clean and disinfect on poultry holdings
Demonstrate basic understanding of the poultry production industry
Content of Course: 1. Maintenance of Broiler Holdings
1.1 Construction of Broiler Holdings 1.2 Cleaning and Disinfecting of Broiler Holdings 2. Producing Poultry Broilers 2.1 Growing Periods 2.2 Care of Poultry Broilers 2.3 Feeding of Poultry Broilers 2.4 Vacination of Poultry Broilers 3. Marketing and Selling of Poultry Broilers 3.1 Basic Introduction to the Poultry Industry Capabilities:
When completing this course you will be able to maintain and run a poultry broiler business successfully.